#Yeardley Love
Jimmy Can’t Swim is Back!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so obliviously describing assaulting their girlfriend as if it was just like any mundane argument before. I think Jimmy is spot on when he says this guy probably thought this interrogation wasn’t anything more serious than being called to the principal’s office.
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bwdeckert · 10 months
All-Name Teams #31
Featuring names from across the world of sports • In the name of love — what more in the name of love? —Pride: In The Name Of Love — song by U2 • Deny thy father and refuse thy name … ’Tis but thy name that is my enemy … O, be some other name … What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. … doff thy name and, for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all…
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bwdeck · 10 months
All-Name Teams #31
Featuring names from across the world of sports • In the name of love — what more in the name of love? —Pride: In The Name Of Love — song by U2 • Deny thy father and refuse thy name … ’Tis but thy name that is my enemy … O, be some other name … What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. … doff thy name and, for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all…
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deatherella · 5 months
Delilah's Days 29
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Delilah's house is really full. Over twenty people if I remember right, it takes me a few hours just to get through a day or two. Delilah just loves her new Cow Plant. The tots are liking the spin toys, too. Despite all the small ones at home, Delilah finds plenty of time to visit her "friends." All the kids love Don's career reward. They, and their friends, gather round and listen to whomever is on it. Sometimes, they auto "practice" instead of "play."
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Delilah quick ran out to the mailbox to pay the bills laying on a desk, but that repo-man took the toybox! Only my Sims' kids can get abducted during the day. Haven't they learned that autonomously using the telescope is never a good idea???? Gordon must have been slacking because the pan on the stove went up in flame. I hear alarms ringing away and there's no one near the kitchen. Poor little ZeeDee - she could've went up in flames so easily with all those fumes rolling off her.
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Four of the children became teens this week, two became children, and Yeardley popped up a toddler on his own. I want to lower the number of Sims in the household so it doesn't take me so long to get through the days, so I'm aging up the kids that are over half past the aging meters. Yeardley aged on his own, though.
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enbyleighlines · 6 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 22
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It's time for part 2 at long last! Though, I can't help but feel like "intermission" is a more apt name for this section, since it's far shorter than the 3 other parts. But name aside, I am happy to see some familiar faces.
Elincia's struggle to gain respect and recognition from the nobles is so frustrating to watch. I do not blame Ike and company from nope-ing out of that situation. Even so, while their intention was to help Elincia, instead they've essentially abandoned her. Thankfully, Elincia has plenty of friends who are there to support her, such as Marcie.
I didn't use her in PoR, but I think I might use her in RD, depending on her growths. Historically, I have a hard time keeping pegasus knights alive, but I love Marcia as a character too much to not at least try to keep her on the team.
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Can Haar actually talk to his wyvern, or is he being funny here? Can all dracoknights talk to their wyverns? Why is this aspect of the game never explored? We really never learn much of anything about wyverns and pegasi. How are they chosen? Also, we learned from PoR that pegasi can live a long, long time. Is the same true for wyverns?
Anyway, I breezed through this map with ease. Elincia is basically invincible during the prologue, and Marcia didn't deal much damage, but she dodged nearly every attack aimed at her.
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*Gagging noises*
I can only imagine what Ike would say if he was around to hear that. Yeardley, you are very, very lucky he wasn't.
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It's the lesbians!! Poor Nephenee took such a rough beating here, but I was determined to get her to talk to Heather as soon as possible. I took my time on this map, mainly because I wanted to get Neph as much exp as possible. Also, I love those cows up on the righthand side of the above pic.
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It's Ludveck time! I'm sad we don't get to brutally murder him the way we did Jarod, but whatever. Also, because of Jello's playthru, I couldn't help but read all his lines with a Southern gentleman accent. It just fits him so well. I hate seeing him flirt with Lucia here, especially knowing what will happen later.
Though, I do have to wonder why Lucia thought this plan wouldn't rouse suspicion. She brought several laguz (of different types, no less) to Ludveck's territory for the sake of sampling their berries? Yeah, sure, nothing suspicious about that.
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I also have to wonder why Ludveck is keeping confidential documents in a random cave outside of his manor. Surely his manor would be better guarded?
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Oh, Elincia...
I really feel for her here. She's just been put into this impossible situation. But I suppose that's what makes her character arc so compelling.
Aaaand that's the first half of part 2 of Radiant Dawn completed. I can't believe it's almost over.
But I'm excited, too. I am missing the Greil Mercs so badly.
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Thank you @countesspetofi for tagging me to share my 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms!
(Cuz adhd im just gonna not rank, just a random assortment of my obsessions)
Pam Poovey (Archer)
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Pam saved me from a bad relationship so ill always love her. Im basically Pam irl but classier and not as physically tough (also shes literally fucked everything and everyone on the show minus ray, not for not trying, so shes cooler than me). She says the most inappropriate things (as above) but she tells it like it is
Jane (from Daria)
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Jane was so cool. Jane is more who i am as an adult vs as a teen, as a teen i was all sourpuss daria wishing i was quinn. She has some of the best lines in the show, she always rebelled against authority, and was just a bamf. I love her
Lisa Simpson (the Simpsons)
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Cant tell im an animation geek? While simpson finally lost me in s33 but Lisa raised me. Im not sure i could ever meet Yeardley Smith, id prbly snot cry
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I love him. Hes a damaged hottie whos a murder and a softie (much like Guillermo). I cried when he was in the blanket for. Taika seems to be immensely annoying as a person rn (blackfish wife and not apologizing for terf ass shit from 2013-14) but ill always love his acting in this. Thanks Kayvan for teaching me to separate the character from the actor
Miss Fisher (Miss Fisher)
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I dunno why i took so damn long to watch this show given i love feminists, 1920s, and sassiness. She is the og bamf. And id kill for any part of her wardrobe
Val (Uncle)
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Val is so awesome (nvm gorgeous con o neill with his titties out owning a male strip club and being a good dad). Val isnt a main character and you can tell by the end they were figuring reasons to keep him (Val identifies as male) around. His relationship with Andy is really great too. Starts out pure hatred, for bothering his daughter (Andy’s ex). Ends with them being good buds
Laszlo Cravensworth (WWDITS)
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Much like ofmd this list could be pure wwdits if not per fandom. Im going with Laszlo. Id fuck him today. Id also fuck matt berry today good god that man is sexy af. Believe it or not pre wwdits i hadnt really heard of him (i hate it and im american so most of it passed me by). Hes a good dad, unlike nandor he found a way to grow even if small. Hes a loving husband, and beyond that he doesnt give a fuck about anyone. Just fucking and sucking, loving his wife and his son
Franklin Sherman (The Critic) (shame on tumblr having no gif)
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Franklin is what u get when u mash Frank Reynolds with Pam Poovey. The Critic was a brief but shining star and its Simpsons crossover gave us some great lines. Franklin was rich as piss, former govenor of new york, and completely well despite being a weirdo (theyd tell ppl he had a stroke to explain his personality like nandor). I love Franklin
Peter (The Great)
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I call The Great straight Ofmd. Same loose history as ofmd about Catherine the Great. Irl she killed Peter. In the show she imprisons him. He starts as an enemy and does shit as dumb as Nandor (kills her lover cuz she actually loved him despite peter fucking everything). BUT then he takes a Laszlo turn: hes deeply excited to be a dad and is actually a good dad to the point other rich ppl are like ew wtf? Hes also extremely wtf?
Roger Smith (American Dad)
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Wonder why Guillermo doesnt bother me? Been watching this dude since 2005. Hes an alien the smiths take in while playing every gender and sexuality he can think of (to the point the world falls apart without him unless the illuminati have killed him). Hes also a serial killer, commits many acts of violence, says he hates sex back home on his planet cuz its ‘all consensual.’ Hes also fucked and been many celebrities real and imagined
I dont think i got 10 active mutuals on here but ill try a few: @hotdiggitydollie @pundromeda @liliam4066 @cookinguptales @mulderscully @ritahayworrth @elite-earthbender
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-Do you have a fav fanfic? (From any fandom?)
Not sure if this is talking about mine or someone else's, but "Thing With Feathers" by FeatherLumina is a Crisis Core story I've been pretty fond of in the past. It's about Genesis Rhapsodos and his buddies. It has a lot of suffering and hugging in it.
-What are your fav personal headcanons?
Hoo boy. I have a billion of those and I'm not sure how interesting they are. Well, I like my version of Jeritza. In the game, he's all quiet and ominous, but my version of him, while still mysterious, is a chatty weirdo with a thick cowboy accent. I'm pretty fond of him. I like to take characters I don't know a lot about besides "they're a bad guy soldier" and change them into nerdy hermits. I've done that twice. (Yeardley is an example.) Also, as I've mentioned recently in a comment, I headcanon Rufus Blaiddyd as Yuri's father.
-Self love! Rec one of your own works! Art or fic!
Hmm. Only three of my stories are on the interweb, and one's unfinished, so I guess I'll say "My Sister for a Horse," a story I wrote for Siblings Week about Marcia and Makalov. And Naesala. >:) (But of course, you've read that.)
As for art... It really depends on what you're into. There are multiple pictures I rather like from the expression challenge, for example, George, Kylo, and the insane Jarod you asked for. Also the Caspar picture. I still like my first ever one on here, too, which is of the Black Knight.
Thanks for the ask, Velloo! <3
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weepingpiratepoetry · 2 years
Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible
But sometimes, awesome can use a bit of assistance in the dating department. Errors in procedure can also lead to errors in the results. Let the Lord lead you! But once you both made the effort to put on nice clothes, commute, and pay for drinks, the least you can do is let them know it’s not a good match and that you wish them the best. For just about every type you can imagine. This guide can help you figure it out. Everything from biting ice cream to not tipping 15%, your preferences help guide your online dating for free. The Sister Cleophas Costello Lecture is free and open to the public. Loyola University Maryland will hold the 31st annual Sister Cleophas Costello Lecture with speaker Sharon Donnelly Love, co-founder and spokesperson of the One Love Foundation, which works to empower young people to identify healthy and unhealthy relationships and prevent dating and domestic violence. Previous Sister Cleophas Costello lecturers have included authors Amy Tan, Mary Higgins Clark, and Piper Kerman, poet Maya Angelou, Olympian Gabby Douglas, activist Elizabeth Smart, activist Tarana Burke, and Paralympian McKenzie Coan, ’18.
One Love films have also been shown in undergraduate and graduate counseling courses at Loyola. Love has reached groups of students at every age level, professionals in the relationship violence arena and politicians on both a local and national level. “I didn’t know then what I know now, that relationship abuse is a public health epidemic and that young women in Yeardley’s age group are at three times greater risk than any other demographic,” Love said. HG: Would you say that you are more interested in a serious or a casual relationship post-pandemic? נערות ליווי באילת The original OP then replied to the tweet, and it isn’t surprising that he seemed even more confused than before. Then try to start a conversation about that. Find men and women in your local area today and start dating. Doing this whenever you start to feel negative emotions about your ex and his new partner will help you accept what's going on-and it may even help you move on, too. You may feel like you are alone, but once you get out there you will notice that there are a lot of people your age dating online.
I have met some great people on this website. We lied. Actually, sending an unsolicited picture of your genitals to a person you haven’t met is unacceptable. We’re talking about people you haven’t met in person yet. “We think of Preferred as being an accelerator for the people who are highly motivated to move quickly and find the people who are most compatible for them,” says Tim. This means they don’t want to talk to you, so move on. But if someone didn’t specify that they want to connect outside the app, don’t do it. More importantly TGD not simply a dating site for transgender women and men and those that want to meet them. We're leaning more toward Glake. Such goals are often treated as incidental in traditional explanations, but I believe they are just as important as more conventional goals. As of 2022, J4L numbers more than 15 million ladies and guys, while more than 10,000 users actively communicate on the site every day. If you’re the one who feels uncomfortable, make sure to read up on tips to help you stay safe while online dating.
You can read what research suggests are the best profile pictures. The study reconstructed changes in the magnetic field of the earth as recorded in 21 destruction layers in 17 archeological sites throughout Israel, constructing a variation curve of field intensity over time that can be used as a scientific dating tool. What’s cool about the tool is that it was designed so that even users with no coding skills can use it. You’ll be surprised to know how this can be an exciting topic as you both look forward to where you’ll be dining in on your next date! Worst case, they don’t feel the same, and you’ll get your answer right away instead of having to wonder for the rest of the week. Find a Slavic woman of your dreams on Amour Feel! If that isn’t funny enough, it seems like this man was on a search to find out who this Jungkook is after not getting answers from ARMYs fast enough. Netflix has taken the concept of fast engagements to the next level. 2001. Radiocarbon dates of Old and Middle Kingdom monuments in Egypt. To specify dates over periods longer than 52 years, Mesoamericans used the Long Count calendar.
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The Tragic Story Of Yeardley Love, The UVA Lacrosse Player Murdered By Her Ex-Boyfriend Are you interested in this story? Download the Balanced News Summary app to read more! Link in our bio. For breaking news and updates follow @balancednewssummaryapp or visit our website https://balancednewssummary.com/ #BalancedNewsSummary #Breakingnews #Cybernews #Dailyknowledge #Didyouknowthat #Educateyourself #Informative #Instanews #Mindblowingfacts #Mysteriousfacts #Questioneverything #Questionoftheday #Realfacts #Realnews #Reporters #Tech #Themoreyouknow #Truthmatters #Unbelievablefacts #Worldfacts #Worldnews #Worldwidenews
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blogger360ncislarules · 6 months
Things are looking UP in 2024 on UPtv!
The channel will premiere new movies on Sunday nights in 2024 and the Hudson and Rex series (that was exclusive to UP's streamer, UP Faith & Family), will air Thursdays on the network.
See all of the details below via UPtv...
Hudson & Rex — Premieres Thursday, January 4 at 8 p.m ET
Hudson & Rex features dedicated Detective Charlie Hudson and his extraordinary German Shepherd partner Rex as they resolve complex cases each week with the help of Dr. Sarah Truong, techie Jesse Mills and Superintendent Joe Donovan in the seaside metropolis of St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Stars: John Reardon, Myko Nguyen
Love at the Ranch — Premieres Sunday, January 7 at 7 p.m ET
Sparks fly between a big-city reporter and a ranch owner as she researches the life of a romance novelist.
Stars: Laura Mitchell, Jon Cor
The Love Map — Premieres Sunday, January 14 at 7 p.m ET
A journalist on the verge of launching a dating app is tasked with writing a map of the most romantic places in Florida. The only problem is that she has to team up with a tour guide whose tastes are diametrically opposed to hers.
Stars: Ashley Bratcher, Reed Favero
A Slice of Chicago Romance — Premieres Sunday, January 21 at 7 p.m ET
In Evanstown, a suburb of Chicago, two pizza places have competed for the town's business for years but when a new pizza chain moves into town, the new bosses struggle to continue the rivalry after they begin to fall for one another.
Stars: Megan Elizabeth Barker, Tyler Courtad
For the Love of Chocolate — Premieres Sunday, January 28 at 7 p.m ET
Preparing for the annual Masters of Chocolate Festival, Aria's plans get rattled when she loses her partner shortly before the competition. However, a dashing single father soon steps in to help Aria find the winning ingredient.
Stars: Rhiannon Fish, Jesse Hutch
Baked with a Kiss — Premieres Sunday, February 4 at 7 p.m ET
Peyton Hilliard's pastry shop, Peyton's Pastries, has a reputation for making dreams come true. With names like Best Day Ever, Big Promotion, and Bun in the Oven, her desserts often deliver on what they promise. Folks say if you go to Peyton's shop and tell her your problems or your dreams, she always has the best advice and the perfect treat to make things right. Archer Brooks is one of Peyton's most difficult clients, but she can't afford to offend him, because he runs one of the largest event planning companies in town. To try and get on his good side, Peyton gives him a pie she tells him she baked "just for him." This one is called Sweet Success, but in the craziness of the moment, Peyton accidentally gives Archer her special, souped up True Love pie instead. Peyton is totally confused when a very different Archer walks through her bakery door the next day. He's so kind and complimentary. It's only when Archer asks for another slice of her delicious honey lavender pie that Peyton realizes her mistake. Meanwhile, Peyton has been vying, along with several other bakeries in town, to provide pastries for the Starlight Ball, a massive gala attended by the city's elite. Archer is on the planning committee and tells Peyton that she's pretty much in for the gig. This is exactly what Peyton hoped for, but she can't help but wonder if this great opportunity and her newfound relationship with Archer will succeed.
Stars: Ansley Gordon, Jonathan Stoddard
Love by Design — Premieres Sunday, February 11 at 7 p.m ET
Broken-hearted, out-of-work Brooke Yeardley makes her 30th birthday wish on the vision board she made as a hopeful teen. Miraculously her wishes start coming true - from launching her own design business to meeting the man on her vision board - but while life has a way of working out, Brooke learns that it doesn't always work out the way that you expect.
Stars: Jackie Moore, Joey Lawrence
Romance in Hawaii — Premieres Sunday, February 18 at 7 p.m ET
Leah, a successful but dissatisfied executive, discovers the missing passion from her life when she starts taking hula dance lessons from handsome local Ikaika.
Stars: Kelley Jackle, Cedric Jonathan
The Soulmate Search — Premieres Sunday, February 25 at 7 p.m ET
When Lindsay gets the chance to sign up to the notoriously exclusive dating service Eternity, she clashes with Will, her first date. They mutually agree this dating service has been a complete bust and make a deal to get their money back.
Stars: Alexandra Harris, Jonathan Stoddard
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lolexjpg · 1 year
love that me and yeardley independently came up with the same lie to tell people how we met
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sportofusalacrosse · 1 year
Top lacrosse video today: College Athlete Avoids Severe Consequences for Bare-Handed Murder | Yeardley Love Case Analysis
Top lacrosse news
„Academy of the New Church to face St. Paul’s (MD) in FCA Lacrosse Invitational for Kelly Benefits on March 17 at USA Lacrosse’s Tierney Field” – phillylacrosse
„.@BerwynClub boys’ recruit: Exeter 2023 MF Karstien commits to Iona” – phillylacrosse
„Berwyn Sports Club (@BerwynClub) has opened doors for sports training, activity for all ages and abilities” – phillylacrosse
„.@BerwynClub boys’ recruit: Conwell-Egan 2023 goalie Conaway commits to Chestnut Hill” – phillylacrosse
„Important Division 1 Men’s Lacrosse February Matchups” – laxallstars
Best tweets – 2023.01.19.
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abcnewspr · 2 years
From Executive Producer Colin Kaepernick, ‘Killing County’ Tells the Story of a Deadly Shooting That Makes One Family Question Everything They Know About the California Town of Bakersfield 
’Death in the Dorms’ Tells the Stories of Six College Students Whose Lives Were Cut Short and ‘Web of Death’ Follows a Group of Amateur Online Sleuths As They Crack Murder Cases Using Digital Technology 
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ABC News* 
ABC News Studios builds on its slate of compelling true-crime docu-series with the announcement of three narrative non-fiction titles premiering Thursdays in January 2023, streaming exclusively on Hulu. “Death in the Dorms,” “Web of Death” and “Killing County” follow a notable lineup by ABC News Studios on Hulu, including the hard-hitting investigative news magazine “IMPACT,” by legacy ABC News program “Nightline”; behind the scenes of the sneaker industry in the upcoming series “Grails: When Sneakers Change the Game,” directed and produced by ESPN’s Hannah Storm; and the galvanizing look at the life and career of actor, model and icon Brooke Shields in the documentary “Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields,” set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January. 
On Thursday, Jan. 5, “Death in the Dorms” debuts, which tells the tragic stories of six college students whose lives were cut short by violent crime. Episodes of “Web of Death” start streaming Thursday, Jan. 19, and follow the investigations of amateur web sleuths as they use the power of digital technology and social media to solve puzzling murder cases. Finally, a deadly shooting at a local hotel causes one family to question everything they know about their community in the deeply personal and revealing series, “Killing County.” The series exposes the hard truths about the local police in Bakersfield, California, a law-and-order town where many residents trust and admire law enforcement. “Killing County” is executive produced by Colin Kaepernick and begins streaming Thursday, Jan. 26. 
“DEATH IN THE DORMS” (Thursday, Jan. 5) 
The six-episode anthology docu-series, “Death in the Dorms,” tells the unimaginable true stories of six college students whose lives tragically ended in murder: UCLA student Andrea DelVesco, University of Florida first-year student Christian Aguilar, University of Virginia lacrosse player Yeardley Love, Baruch College first-year student  Michael Deng, University of South Carolina senior Samantha Josephson, and Western Kentucky University first-year student Katie Autry.  
Through emotional testimony from family and friends and interviews with key law enforcement, each episode focuses on the life of one bright young student, diving into their lost potential, their loved ones’ grief, and the fight to bring their killers to justice.  
“Death in the Dorms” is produced by ABC News Studios in association with The Intellectual Property Corporation (a part of Sony Pictures Television), and Yes, Like The River. ABC News Studios’ Carrie Cook is executive producer, and David Sloan is senior executive producer. Yes, Like The River’s Nile Cappello, The Intellectual Property Corporation’s Eli Holzman and Aaron Saidman, and Myles Reiff are executive producers. 
“WEB OF DEATH” (Thursday, Jan. 19) 
“Web of Death,” a six-episode docu-series, follows the investigations of online sleuths as they use digital footprints, DNA databases and the power of social media to solve gruesome, mysterious and bizarre murder cases.  
Each episode chronicles a new investigation, focusing on one amateur detective and one case ― from identifying a skull found inside a bucket of cement at a truck stop to a Jane Doe in a California orchard to tracking down a lottery winner who suddenly disappeared to more personal tragedies like a father’s search for his teenage daughter’s shooter. The program highlights the incredible persistence, attention to detail and vast networks that help these web sleuths find answers others could not.  
“Web of Death” is produced by ABC News Studios in association with Blink Films. ABC News Studios’ Beth Hoppe and Blink Films’ Justine Kershaw and Lucie Ridout are executive producers.   
“KILLING COUNTY” (Thursday, Jan. 26) 
“Killing County” takes a look at Bakersfield, a big city with the soul of a small town deep in California’s heartland, where things are not always what they seem. A deadly hotel shooting makes the Ramirez family question everything they know about their town. Desperate to find out what really happened to their loved one, they soon learn they are not alone in their tragedy and fight for the truth. The three-part series is a story of twists and turns, alleged corruption and cover-up. Raising the question: who do you turn to when the ones who are supposed to serve and protect you are the ones you can’t trust?  
“Killing County” is produced by ABC News Studios in association with Kaepernick Media. ABC News Studios’ Robe Imbriano and Kaepernick Media’s Colin Kaepernick are executive producers. André Holland narrates the series.   
About ABC News Studios 
ABC News Studios, inspired by ABC News’ trusted reporting, is a premium, narrative non-fiction original production house and commissioning partner of series and specials. ABC News Studios champions untold and authentic stories driving the cultural zeitgeist spanning true-crime, investigations, pop culture, and news-adjacent stories. Its subsidiary, ABC News Films, acquires and produces feature documentary films. 
*COPYRIGHT ©2022 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.  
-- ABC --
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inmycity · 2 years
MURDERED: Yeardley Love
When 22-year-old Yeardley Love is found murdered in her apartment just a few weeks before graduating college, her friends all point police to one man: George Huguely, her ex-boyfriend. It doesn’t take long for investigators to uncover a disturbing history of domestic abuse, but despite multiple people knowing just how violent George could get, no one spoke up to get the help Yeardley…
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deatherella · 6 months
Delilah's Days 27
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Baby Y - Yeardley has joined the family. The family keeps growing up and out.
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A Sunday Portrait. Extreme cuteness on the way . . .
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Delilah has finished all the hair colors, now. Thinking about skintones next.
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But first! A little gift from a zombie. Everyone in the family is alive and well, so we're just going to keep going and see if Delilah can't finish the whole list of daddy candidates for the challenge. Might use the Garden Club guys for the skintones since you get extra points for having all them.
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Two of the boys aged.
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London has gone off to university. Tippi got her A+. Better pics of the boys. Poor Storm, I wonder if he's working off broken face templates. Hopefully, when he grows up those funky parts will go away. I could just face it and admit he has a face only a mother could love.
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gkdhaka · 2 years
'The Simpsons' star Yeardley Smith shares screen-worthy love story, after marrying man hired to protect her at a show event
‘The Simpsons’ star Yeardley Smith shares screen-worthy love story, after marrying man hired to protect her at a show event
Yeardley Smith, best know as the voice of The Simpsons‘ Lisa, has married her love Dan Grice — and the story behind it is one that would make the likes of the late Nora Ephron fire up their laptop. Smith explained to the Hollywood Reporter in an interview published Wednesday that the pair met when he served as her personal bodyguard in 2014 as she visited Springfield, Ore. After having dealt with…
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