#Yeji Yun
leitoracomcompanhia · 4 months
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"Todo o meu ser se retesou e crispei a mão que segurava o revólver. O gatilho cedeu, toquei na superfície lisa da coronha e foi aí, com um barulho ao mesmo tempo seco e ensurdecedor, que tudo principiou."
Albert Camus, "O Estrangeiro"; ilustração de Yeji Yun.
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sqewed0722 · 1 month
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I’m trying to binge-watch the Kdrama “Missing Crown Prince” starring Suho and Hong Ye Ji (whom I remember from “Love Song for Illusion”). Unfortunately, though I love Hong Ye Ji’s character, Lady Choi Myeung Yun, Suho’s character Crown Prince Yi Geon doesn’t do much for me. I find him bland and I can’t seem to resonate with him emotionally.
While his plight as the wronged crown prince has been fodder for many a Kdrama in the past, I think other dramas developed the plot and character better. Suho is doing a decent job (not Lee Sun Kyun levels by any means but good enough for a light drama like this one) as an actor so maybe it’s the way his character was written. I feel like Yi Geon’s emotional arc is always just on the brink of reaching its climax but not really getting enough energy so it always falls short.
I liked Hong Ye Ji when I first saw her in “Love Song for Illusion” (though I dropped this drama when I decided to go for “Captivating The King”, which seemed like a better version of its plot). She plays the part of a strong female lead very well. However, I felt like her character Myeung Yun faltered midway in the drama because they suddenly took her out of the scenes to make way for Grand Prince Do Seong’s arc. She became confined in their mansion with nothing better to do but sit there and worry about what’s happening to her father and the mysterious scholar she saved.
I wasn’t into the romance either. I felt like Yi Geon and Myeung Yun were being forced into a romantic setup by the drama just because they were the leads. I actually felt like Myeung Yun seemed to have more substantial encounters with Do Seong than with Yi Geon, even though she nurses Yi Geon’s injuries a couple of times.
Grand Prince Do Seong (played by Kim Min-kyu) is cute and he has a great hyung-nim/dong saeng vibe with Yi Geon, but his serious moments lacked the gravitas to convince me to take him seriously. He just looked too much like a lost little boy.
In any case, this drama is okay if all you want is something to pass the time.
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yourdailymag · 7 months
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ITZY | 'Kill My Doubt' & 'Bet On Me' Teaser Posters
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baekjln · 4 days
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Kyung-Gu (65): Dueño de múltiples empresas y negocios en el país, Kyung-Gu es un hombre serio y con porte elegante, no suele demostrar mucho cariño con palabras pero siempre ha sido un buen padre y esposo, no estuvo mucho en casa cuando sus hijos eran pequeños pero se aseguró de proveer y que no les faltara nada.
Se-Jung (60): Se quedó en casa a cuidar de su familia, la madre más dedicada que conoce Jin, una mujer de muchos valores y la amabilidad hecha persona. Jin le tiene mucho respeto y cariño a su madre, quien los crió a todos y les dio mucho amor creciendo.
Min-Ho (38): Primer hijo, a cargo de algunas empresas familiares. Su relación con Jin es buena, pero no son tan cercanos como solían serlo hace años, de igual manera, no se ven tan seguido.
Tae-hyung (34): Probablemente con quien tiene peor relación de sus hermanos, sus personalidades naturalmente chocan y parece que no pueden llegar a ningún acuerdo, sólo se hablan cuando es necesario. No se tienen ningún sentimiento negativo, simplemente la manera en la que son no llegan a permitir una buena convivencia.
Jin (29): Abogado y viudo. Después de la muerte de su esposa, entró en una depresión que le duró años, hasta que pudo salir, mucho de ello se debe al gran apoyo que fueron sus mismos familiares y cercanas amistades, que en su peor momento no dejaron que se quedara en el hoyo donde él mismo se había metido.
Min-Ji (24): Ex esposa. El primer amor de Jin, con quien se casó y en su momento planeó pasar su vida entera con ella, lastimosamente, al estar tratando un caso de personas sumamente peligrosas, terminó en que se deshicieran de ella para evitar que Jin siguiera con el caso que les traería problemas.
Nari (25): La hermana con la que es más cercano de todos, Nari es carismática y con una amabilidad característica, es quien más le apoyó después de la muerte de su esposa y desde entonces, a pesar de estar en lugares muy distintos, se mantienen en contacto constante.
Ye-Ji (22): Su hermana bebé. A pesar de que Yeji haya crecido, no puede dejar de verla como una pequeña, que a ella no le molesta el trato que le da, le gusta ser consentida y agradece la figura protectora que le ofrecía Jin.
Hyun-Jin (10): El deportista de la familia, el niño más activo que conoce, practica demasiados deportes como para llevarle la cuenta, asistiendo a múltiples clases a la semana, sin parar. Es agradable y se lleva bien con Jin, no son tan cercanos ya que el mayor no es muy deportista por su parte.
Soo-Yun (5): Una pequeña diva. Jin sigue diciendo que deben corregir las actitudes que la pequeña está tomando, pero lastimosamente le dejan hacer lo que quiera. Jin no aprecia las personas que carecen de humildad por lo que a pesar de ser pequeña, trata de evitar iniciar conversaciones con ella.
Ji-Won (3): Siempre hay un ipad kid en la familia y Jiwon es el de los Baek, se la pasa en su tableta jugando y viendo vídeos, pero a pesar de eso, se lleva muy bien con Jin, siempre le quiere enseñar sus cosas favoritas y el mayor está más que encantado en acompapñarle.
Hye-Jin (1): La nueva adición a la familia, Jin no ha podido convivir mucho con la pequeña desde que entró a la academia pero sus familiares se aseguran de enseñarle a la pequeña por videollamada y mandarle suficientes fotos para que vaya viendo su crecimiento.
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jihyology · 2 years
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PERMANENT FAKES,, hwang yeji.
WARNINGS: implications of hickeys, y/n spits out their drink, fake tattoos, yuna is scheming, somewhat suggestive?
requested by 🍜 anon! i made it somewhat suggestive to an extent, as I’ve never written smut before, I’m sorry about that! I hope you like it!!
“right, y/n, I have a question,” yuna sighed, her eyes looking to you, the sandwich she was previously biting down on now replaced with the inside of her cheek. she sat adjacent to you, ryujin to her right, and chaeryeongs empty seat to her left.
your eyebrows raised with question, and your mouth continued with its eating. after a second, you swallowed your food, reaching along the table to get your drink, while your throat constricted into a small cough.
“go ahead, yuns,” you hummed, as your hands went to work on unscrewing the cap of your bottle. yeji sat beside you, to your right, curiously cupping her hand on her jaw.
yunas eyes caught yours before flickering along to a spot on your neck, placed just beneath your jaw.
ryujin blinked, her eyebrows drawing together in question.
“why do you have a false tattoo on your neck?-“ she paused, tapping onto a mirror of the spot on her own neck. “-I mean, you always have one, and it changes like every week.” her lips drew together a tad, and her words sparked a gleam of interest in the girl beside hers eye.
yeji stilled the tapping on her cheek, and yuna noticed the newfound contrast it had to her unusually pale face. your body froze, going limp for a second long enough for your nose to bump the rim of your drink; and for a barricade to form inside your throat, mid swallow, diverting the liquid into the wrong tube.
sparks of your drink spat from any side of your mouth it could, and the occupants of the table jolted in shock. yeji regained her motion, pulling one of her hands to tug the bottle from your mouth, and the other to pat your back. ryujins mouth pinched together, and her cheeks puffed with concealed laughs.
yunas mouth was open in shock, but her nose flared in amusement, and her chest jolted with silent, stunned, giggles. within the chaos, you, nor anyone else, had noticed chaeryeongs figure approaching the table, her hand buried within tissue. only when she placed her unoccupied hand softly on yejis shoulder did anyone notice her.
“here you go,” she quietly spoke, her face painted in concern. the hwang woman softly smiled in thanks, unravelling the papers from chaeryeongs palm.
the darker haired girl let a small smile of dismissal, but her eyes soon travelled when yeji moved your head to face her.
your mouth was open, and your cheeks tuned themselves to portray your embarrassment. yeji took no notice, tearing the tissues and handing some to both yuna and ryujin, who quickly muttered their appreciation. the two girls shared a look, and enthusiastically pulled chaeryeong to tell her what had happened.
happily noticing the attention wasn’t on you, yeji tore some more paper from the remaining bunch. her left palm cupped your jaw, pulling it up to meet her face from where you had kept it tilted downwards. she smiled, some of the tissue weaved within her middle, pointer, and ring fingers. her hand moved to the hair that was covering your face, and brushed it behind your ears.
you didn’t speak, and your eyes silently watched yejis movements. she hummed, readjusting the tissues and softly patting the liquid from the places surrounding your mouth. her touch was feather-light, not needing to do much as the drinks remnants bled into the paper.
“what do you wanna tell them? as fun as it would be to watch their faces when they find out, I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable telling them,” you moved to disagree with her, ready to tell her it was fine, but she swiftly manoeuvred her thumb to guard your lips.
“and don’t tell me that you were ‘unaffected’ by the question, as harmless as yuna meant it to be.” she smiled, her head tilting and bobbing as she teased. you huffed at your best friend, grumbling to yourself.
yeji couldn’t catch a word that you said, her concentration mostly on wiping your lips. you were glad of that, though.
you were tearing your mind to pieces, weighing any pro and con you could latch onto. you deliberated for a few moments, and a few questions couldn’t help but stay in the spotlight of your mind.
“if I decide I do want to tell them…” you strained out to the girl, sighing to yourself in contemplation. your sudden outburst made yeji blink, but she quickly paid attention to your words.
“then what would I tell them? I mean, we haven’t exactly spoken…” you paused between words, before wiping your eyes with your fingers. “we haven’t spoken about where we’d want this, whatever it is, to go. or, if we’d want it to go anywhere.” your eyes saddened by the end of your statement, and you slightly scolded yourself for losing the confidence you had at the start of your speech.
yeji smiled, and her hand found its way to yours. you watched her in anticipation, and your already leaping heart pumped faster at the sight of her stretched lips.
the hwang moved her hand from your jaw, and placed it on the side of your neck; her other had also moved a little, as it was now cupping your jaw.
you were aware of three sets of eyes now watching your moves, and you were sure yeji was too; but you had a hint that she honestly did not care. your breaths became shallow, and your throat thickened, ready and willing for anything she’ll say.
but, she doesn’t say anything.
instead, she leans in. her arms softly pull you to meet her, but she pauses for a moment, waiting for your call. when she saw your nod of consent, her smile widened further and she couldn’t help but kiss you.
once her lips latch onto yours, you’re free of everything for a moment, and you savour it.
you hear a few gasps from beside you, but you pay no mind. it was obviously going to be a shock for them, so it wasn’t unexpected.
but what was a shock, was yunas outburst.
“finally, you guys! I knew as soon as I mentioned the tattoo you’d have a breakthrough,” she sighed dramatically, a smirk tugging at her lips. ryujin looked at the girl weirdly, a common look between her and chaeryeong.
“huh? so you know what the tattoo is for?” chaeryeong asked, glancing to the spot on your neck. yejis head hovered on the top of your shoulder, a small bashful grin on her face.
“I do, but I think I’ll let yeji take care of that one,” she winked at the mentioned girl, and you let out a small laugh.
chaeryeong and ryujin stared at yeji intently, genuinely curious about her explanation.
yeji smirked, a sudden confidence washing over her.
“let’s just say, actions speak louder than words” she winked, leaning along your figure to plant a kiss over the fake-tattoo.
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jihyoruri · 8 months
i was wondered how cib!yn would react if yunjin or chaewon lost interest or became distant but she’s so oblivious 😭 she either wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t gaf
- 👟
she wouldn’t give a single fuck 😭 that girl has lines and lines and more lines of people waiting on her even has some of her close friends waiting on her (cough cough yeji) and doesn’t even pay attention to them
cib!yn is emotionally unavailable that girl will intentionally ignore the signs (but she actually is oblivious with chae and yun) but yeah this girl ain’t all sunshines and rainbows like she makes herself out to be
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celestekrp · 5 months
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+ !! congratulations! your application has been accepted, welcome to cheonsangui university! we have sent an acceptance letter to your inbox. make sure to accept it before your spot opens up!
akane sato / scarah screams (miyawaki sakura) . merfolk . bang yeonji / catty noir (kim chaewon) . ghost . han lucie / isi dawndancer (kim doyeon) . human . kim geon / torelai stripe (do hanse) . werecat . kim jiho / moanica d'kay (yang jungwon) . vampire . na kinam / clawd wolf (lee heeseung) . werecat . eun beomseok (jay/jongsung park) . human . seong minjun (choi yeonjun) . vampire . shin wonhak / heath burns (jung sungchan) . werewolf . wong caishen / venus mcflytrap (wong kunhang / hendery) . fae . xiao yuxin (xiao dejun / xiaojun) . vampire . yoo joonghyuk / kieran valentine (lee minho / lee know) . vampire . yun dohwa / cleo de nile (hwang yeji) . vampire .
* note: we will send invite links on february 1st, when we open!
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+ !! congratulations! you're almost there! you have been given an offer to study at cheonsangui university, but don't worry if you're still thinking it over! you still have 48 hours to make a decision!
* due on 30.01 11:59PM EST jeon jungkook (bts) . koga yudai / k (&team) . lee felix (stray kids) . child of the fae school board . park sunghoon (enhypen) . yu jimin / karina (aespa) . child of the fae school board .
* due on 31.01 11:59PM EST kim taehyung / v (bts) liu yangyang (wayv) huh yunjin (le sserafim)
these face claims and roles / skeletons will be reserved for the next 48 hours. we can't wait to see you !
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chwenotchoi · 1 year
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[ kim tae-ri, cis female, she/her ] - was that CHOI HYE-JIN i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the TWENTY SEVEN year old who has been in nightrest for A MONTH and works as a/an HOSTESS has a reputation of being CHARMING, but also DECEITFUL. they reside in ASHMORE & people in town usually associate them with RED LIPSTICK, BLACK CATS, and WILTED ROSES. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next.
*taps into the mic* hello, hello. is this thing on?
hi! i'm dee, your new (favorite) provider of all-things angsty! i am so excited to be here and to write with all of you :--) without further ado, let me write a very... brief introduction for my baby, hye-jin! <3
tw: abandonment, murder, sexual harassment, all things illegal
full name: choi hye-jin nickname/s: jinnie, yeji birth date: october 5, 1995 age: 27 years old birth place: daegu, south korea marital status: single blood type: o zodiac sign: libra mbti personality type: entj
choi hye-jin is the eldest daughter of a notorious criminal (choi duri) and a well-known businesswoman (song eun-jung) in daegu. her mother's family, of course, did not approve of this. it resulted for them to use their influence to get rid of hye-jin and her father. luckily, the two managed to escape with the help of the gang he's involved with.
hye-jin and her father lived in incheon. this is also where he met park do-yun, the only daughter of the gang leader in the said city. he loved her dearly, and eventually had a son when hye-jin was 9 years old. right after giving birth, do-yun did not survive as she lost a huge amount of blood during labor.
this leads to duri losing the love of his life, as well as his mind. he did all things to distract himself from being reminded that do-yun passed away. he was never home, leaving hye-jin to take care of the boy while their father did whatever he wanted outdoors. this went on for years!
aside from becoming the gang's greatest member, he would also cause trouble from left to right. his gang is there to back him up of course, but there are also times where in a young hye-jin would be the one to help him clean up his mess.
when she was 15, she had a fight with her dad who came home drunk and angry. he was screaming at her, blaming her for every miserable thing that had happened in his life. from being exiled in his hometown to losing the love of his life. hye-jin never understood why she was the one to blame, especially when she was just at home, taking care of her step-brother and providing everything that she can. she worked different jobs while studying, since their father barely gave anything to support them.
as expected, hye-jin eventually got involved with her father's line of work. it pays good money, and she would do anything to survive. from scamming to injuring people, you can count on her. just make sure you have the means to pay for her services.
the gang's leader eventually saw the potential in hye-jin. he made sure hye-jin had everything she could need, in exchange of her loyalty to him. this was a deal that she could never say no to. so whatever it is that he wanted her to do, she's got it covered.
this includes getting rid of duri. who has been stealing money from the gang and cause nothing but trouble lately. but since hye-jin is known for getting the job done efficiently, she was the one assigned to execute choi duri.
definitely, it was a difficult job for the girl. she was barely 18 and that is her father. but she would rather have him dead rather than penniless and hungry. she was offered a huge amount of money for this. which is honestly more than enough to support her and her younger brother. the gang's leader keeps his word. and he also assured her that they will be moving somewhere far away once she gets it done.
and so she did. the next thing she knows is that she was watching her father bleed to death. other members of the gang took care of the body, while she was packing her things. what she did not know about the whole deal is that her younger brother will not be joining her.
she moved to a different continent at the age of 19. of course, still supported and funded by the leader of the gang she's in. she was able to get into college and live a pretty normal life. she just wished that she can still take care and see her younger brother.
but every now and then, she is still assigned to do things for him. she would spy on people, steal expensive jewelry, and even kill whoever did the gang leader wrong. all that tasks done without any traces that would lead to her.
she is definitely a pro at all things illegal. with her very innocent looks, everyone would not believe that she can do such thing. and everyone will always pick her side because... she mastered the look of being helpless too. a true cunning queen!
she also completed her degree in culinary! she can cook, she can kill. A GIRLBOSS!
eventually, she worked at a well-known hotel. her skills and dedication made it easy for her to become a head chef in three years. she took her time, but as she was about to get promoted, one of the executives of the said hotel sexually harassed her after work. knowing hye-jin's skills in that department... she had this man dead too.
she made sure that it looked like it was suicide. luckily, there were no security cameras on where it happened, and she knew the hotel like the back of her hand. she just cleaned up her mess, neat enough to ensure that the man looked like he killed himself. the next day, hye-jin came to work early and acted as if she discovered the body. this was so well-orchestrated. this lead to her resignation and eventually moved to the small town of nightrest.
she wanted to live a more lowkey life now, so she works as a very friendly hostess at spirits!
personality wise, hye-jin is can be a little snobbish. she's literally a black cat personified. but if you get on her good sides... you're lucky.
she also lives in ashmore because her bank account never runs out of money (thanks to her work and her illegal sidelines hehe)
i think that's about it! i'm pretty open for any sort of plot with her since she's new around town! let me know what you think :) tnx 4 having me here <3
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anomalyhqs · 7 months
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*denotes number of extensions. all reservations expire at 10pm kst on the dates listed!
( 412 ) — johnny suh, nct +  animation  + house pulgasari’s yang member expiring on 18 november
( 101 ) — kim hyungseo ( bibi ), soloist + shadow mimicry + the curious currents' production team expiring on 19 november
( 110 ) — fukutomi tsuki, billie + literary manipulation + the curious currents' columnist expiring on 19 november*
( 420 ) — choi san, ateez & hwang yeji, itzy + yin and yang manipulation expiring on 19 november*
( 245 ) — kim chaehyun, kep1er + sound conversion + together for daehan's student representative expiring on 20 november
XIE HUITIAN ( dong sicheng ), cryokinesis as yellow hall's resident advisor — accepted!
LEE HANBI ( kim minjeong ), pyrokinesis as evolution! movement's vice presidential candidate — accepted!
PARK JAEHYUN ( kim hanbin ), superstrength as house gangcheori's captain — accepted!
BAE SUMI ( cho miyeon ), shadow marionette as red hall's resident advisor — accepted!
SUN YUHUI ( xiao dejun ), wing manifestation as together for daehan's student representative — accepted!
MAY SAILEE ( chittaphon leechaiyapornkul ), blood manipulation as house pulgasari's vice captain — accepted!
YUN HAEA ( jung eunbi ), dream manipulation — accepted!
XIE ZIYING ( song yuqi ), blood empowerment as evolution! movement's treasurer — accepted!
KYUNG SEOYOUNG ( go younjung ), weather manipulation as yellow hall's resident advisor — accepted!
IM HANEUL ( nam yoonsu ), transcendent speed as house gangcheori's vice captain — accepted!
CHEONG NAYEON ( kim yoojung ), metal manipulation as yellow hall's secretary — accepted!
KAMIYA NANA ( minatozaki sana ), force field generation as house haetae's captain — accepted!
XU LUO ( liu yangyang ), mediumship as the curious currents' podcaster — accepted!
CHO MINJU ( krystal jung ), psychometry as red hall's president — accepted!
KIM HYEJIN ( park chaeyoung ), diamond mimicry as house gangcheori's yang member — accepted!
CHOI SERA ( kim jennie ), energy drain as the curious currents' editor — accepted!
RYDER HAN ( byun baekhyun ), power negation as house pulgasari's captain — accepted!
LEE SANGHYUN ( cho seungyoun ), heat vision as together for daehan's vice presidential candidate — accepted!
ONG DANBI ( lee saerom ), invisibility as together for daehan's treasurer — accepted!
RAFAEL DA CUNHA ( hashizume mika ), adoptive muscle memory — accepted!
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leitoracomcompanhia · 4 months
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O cortejo
"Tudo isto, o sol, o cheiro de borracha e de óleo do automóvel, o do verniz e o do incenso, o cansaço de uma noite de insônia, me perturbava o olhar e as ideias. "
Albert Camus, "O Estrangeiro"; ilustração de Yeji Yun.
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woniessz · 11 months
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gaenarirp · 8 months
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[ 932 ] park sunghoon, enhypen
[ 867 ] park sooyoung (joy), red velvet
[ 867 ] lee felix, stray kids // mauve
[ ---- ] shin ryujin as kang jiyeon, accepted
[ 777 ] choi beomgyu as shin saja, accepted
[ 420 ] solomon park as nam insu, sandcastle, train crew, accepted
[ 134 ] jo serim as song jia, accepted
[ 000 ] kim yooyeon as kwon somin, accepted
[ 111 ] qiu tian as qiu lu, train crew, accepted
[ 332 ] lee gahyeon as jung eunbi, accepted
[ 729 ] jung soojung as nam bora, accepted
[ 777 ] hwang yeji as chu gayul, accepted
[ 017 ] kim seonwoo as chu garam, accepted
[ 376 ] park chaewon as lee subin, under review
[ ---- ] lee minhyuk as lee hyunbin, chiffon, under review
[ 845 ] hwang hyunjin as oh minhyun, train crew, under review
[ 333 ] cha eunwoo as kim seohan, under review
[ 325 ] bang chan as yun daeseong, shamrock, under review
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solplparty · 2 years
TXT (투모로우바이투게더) 'Good Boy Gone Bad [Japanese Ver.]' Official MV https://youtu.be/EgBg5kIeN30 TXT (투모로우바이투게더) 'Good Boy Gone Bad [Japanese Ver.]' Official MV Credits: Director: 2ee hyein ( 2eehyein film ) Executive Producer : Koo soyoung ( liminal ) Producer : Kim joo hun ( liminal ) , Na hanul , Joung yu seok Assistant Director: Yoon seoyoung 2nd Assistant Director : Choe seou , Lee heeyoung Production Assistant : Park chan hyck , Kim yongbae , Park chanyoung , Youn donghwan , Shin dongeun , Kim wonhee , Kim jiho D.O.P : Lee jinhyuk B Camera Operator: Koo bon seung (koostavv) Focus Puller : Hong kang 2nd A.C : Ryu seunggyu, Jung hanwool DIT : Lim jiwon 3rd A.C : Hong kyungui, Heo jun Camcorder : Choe seou Grip (day 1 ) : Lee se jin Grip (day 2) : Yu kanghyun , Jo junhwan Gaffer: Jung joong hyuk Lighting Crew: kim hyun suk , Baek min hyeok , Chung hwayong , Sin dong yun , Cho juhan Art director : Jeon minkyu Art Team Leader : Kim yesol Art Team : Kim youngmi , Park jiwoo , Park inbeom , Kim hantae , Oh shinyoung Special effects: Min chang gi , Ko doohyun , Park gun woo ( SF Special effects ) Action Team : Jeong dong hyeok , Kim tae won , Kim chan min , Baek seungyeop , Lee sang min ( Born stunt ) Model : Han yeji Extra : Clover Agency Edit : 2ee Hyein (2eehyein film) 2D : Jo gangho DI : LUCID COLOUR Colorist : Yeom jiyun DI Crew : Na somi , Bae surgeon , Lee mirim , Seo jiwon , Choi eunseo , Ko hyeonsong DI Producer : Kim onew 3D VFX : BREEZETREE VFX Supervisor : Kim jiun Compositor : Kang min yeong Animator : Kim eun jung Matchmove : 75mm Studio & BREEZETREE Connect with TOMORROW X TOGETHER: https://ibighit.com/txt https://twitter.com/TXT_bighit https://twitter.com/TXT_members https://www.facebook.com/TXT.bighit https://www.instagram.com/txt_bighit https://channels.vlive.tv/BA18A3 https://www.tiktok.com/@txt.bighitent https://weverse.io/txt https://www.weibo.com/TXTbighit http://i.youku.com/txtbighit #GOOD_BOY_GONE_BAD_JP #투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT HYBE LABELS
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mochiwritesstuff · 2 years
who are your biases? from each group
I put my bias first and bias wreckers in ()
Stray Kids: Chan and Seungmin (all but Changbin and Minho are bias wreckers for me lmao)
ATEEZ: Min-gi and Hongjoong (Woosan and Yun-ho are my bias wreckers)
ITZY: Yeji (Chaeryoung)
TXT: Heuning Kai (Yeonjun, Beomgyu)
Enhypen: Ni-ki (Jake, Sunghoon, Jungwon)
Mamamoo: HwaSa (Moonbyul, Solar)
Blackpink: Lisa (Jisoo, Rosé)
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wannaberp · 2 years
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[ 6789 ] hwang yeji • itzy EXTENDED !
[ 0006 ] jang wonyoung • ive
[ 0000 ] huening kai • txt
[ 5269 ] choi san • ateez EXTENDED !
[ 2754 ] kim minjeong (winter) • aespa
[ 0525 ] lee luda • wjsn
[ 0707 ] seo changbin • stray kids EXTENDED !
[ 1415 ] park chaeyoung (rosé) • blackpink
[ 4545 ] yang jeongin (i.n) • stray kids
[ 2324 ] choi beomgyu • txt • kang yun; pending acceptance
[ 2401 ] choi soobin • txt • seong suho; pending acceptance
[ 0001 ] choi yeonjun • txt • na ryeon; pending acceptance
[ 6266 ] han hyunmin • model & actor • kwon ayemi; pending acceptance
[ 0103 ] han jisung (han) • stray kids • jin junseo; pending acceptance
[ 6789 ] heo yunjin • lesseraffim • shin eunae; pending acceptance
[ 0070 ] hwang hyunjin • stray kids • moon jinyoung; pending acceptance
[ 1989 ] kang mina • actress • kang yubin; pending acceptance
[ –––– ] kim doah • fanatics • im soojung; pending acceptance
[ 1117 ] kim hongjoong • ateez • choi moonsik; pending acceptance
[ 0202 ] kim gaeul • ive • song chaeyeon; pending acceptance
[ 3393 ] kim seonwoo (sunoo) • enhypen • yeom sarang; pending acceptance
[ 2010 ] kim seungmin • stray kids • baek seonghan; pending acceptance
[ 0915 ] lee felix • stray kids • kim alex; pending acceptance
[ 0820 ] lee minho (lee know) • stray kids • kang jihoon; pending acceptance
[ 1234 ] park sunghoon • enhypen • shin junghwan; pending acceptance
[ 5432 ] yoo jimin (karina) • aespa • park minah; pending acceptance
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illustration-alcove · 3 years
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Yeji Yun’s illustrations for the KinderGuides edition of Homer’s The Odyssey.
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