#Yey Mario kart
suwawa-sana · 4 months
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I was rlly excited for the Mario kart tournament so I drew this and it got cancelled so I’m like 😢 but I’ll patiently wait until it comes back (who knows when)
(Tbh this anycolor attacking got me like 😡 I hope they change for the better)
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dynamic-k · 11 days
How are you doing?
Sleepy, but pretty good. Laid in bed for hours and could not fall asleep at alllllllllllllll. I think I finally drifted off to dreamland somewhere around 4:00am. Maybe 3:30.
Woke up at 6:00am, got out of bed at 7:30am, took a shower, so that helped.
I've had two coffees, so not actually feeling the tiredness so much. I worked on Spark AU chapter five, and I worked on a future scene for Spark AU (maybe ch. 8?) I can't talk about yet-
Exchanged sillies with siblings, snuggled with my five-year-old sister, Aravis, and blasted "Orion's Return" on my speaker to the entire household because the Hearts of Titan fandom has a grip on my soul and won't let go.
I wanna make a fanfic about Kory's cat, Cornchip. XD
And also Orion whump. He's the "Second" of the Hearts of Titan fandom. Angsty potential, trauma boi. I loves him.
Allergies have been acting up a little bit, because that does happen around summertime, regrettably. Summer is my all-time favorite season though, and I'm not letting the mild sniffles allergies take my happiness away-
ò w ó
I wrote some good ol' torture scenes, as one does, because why not. Yes, there is a pun right in the middle of said torture scene, leemee 'lone-
Put a bun in my hair all by myself and definitely absolutely didn't cheat by ponytailing it first-
Wore mismatched socks yesterday because silly, but today I match. They both are purple, so yey.
Played Mario Kart last night at 11:00pm with my Mom and I won both times because I'm good at steering apparently. We play the old, Super Nintendo version, not any of the newer deluxe ones. :3
I think that might be the gist of everything...
Thank you for the ask! :D
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kikiaskingblog · 2 years
Gonna play Mario Kart 8 w/my avatar in purple for Spirit Day 💜- Gary/Jules
Yey! :3
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veronicassadboi · 5 years
Yey i adore your prompts. I was hoping maybe you will find this interesting to write. Core 4's iner thougts about moving to college and missing each other! Love you ❤❤
I loved this prompt so much and I really hope I did it justice.
Core Fours inner thoughts about moving to college and missing each other.
Note: I’m not from America, so I don’t know anything about the Colleges or systems so hence why they’re barely mentioned. I also don’t know what Ras has in store for them so not canon-compliant, obviously. -----
It was the time they were counting down to, though now with it only being days away, they all wished there was a pause in time. Riverdale was their home, their life and soul, and they, the very soul that kept Riverdale going. A cycle, it was. It made them understand why their parents never left, or, on the other hand, always returned home.
Archie Andrews laid on the sheets on top of his bed, staring at the ceiling. He laughs silently to himself as he can hear his best friend’s voice in his head. “Don’t act so melancholy,” Jughead would say. “It doesn’t suit you.”
It had been a long time since Jughead had crashed on his floor. Some of his best memories were sleepovers with Jug playing Mario Kart. Archie tosses the football in the air, catching before it hits his chest. He knows he’s told Jughead a million times that the house wasn't the same when he moved out at sixteen. He knows he’s told him, but he hopes Jughead realised how big a piece he was in his life. He was his brother, nothing that had happened in the past was going to change that for Archie. But his heart beats a little faster when he wonders if what happened between them changed things for Jughead.
Archie sits up, pats the photo of his dad on the side table, taking a mental note that he has to take that one with him to Chicago. There’s a brand new watch next to it that’s dear to his heart. He was told specifically not to look at it as a peace offering; he does. But he loves it either way. The inside is engraved with a; “Good luck, Archiekins.” A nod to their beginning. A physical token of their end that he will take all the way to Chicago. To remind him of Veronica that he loved with his whole heart. He hopes that when he leaves, she knows that he loved her. Just as he never meant for things to change between him and Jughead.
Archie stands at his window, looking out of smudge, fingerprint marked glass through to Betty Cooper’s window. Looking down at his phone, he sends a message; - Are you awake?
Within seconds, she’s standing her own window, a smile that he can feel even from all the way over there. - Are you okay?
Archie smiles to her, giving her a thumbs up. - I’m a bit scared to move out of Riverdale.
He sighs as he confesses this to her. He had convinced her that Chicago was going to be amazing and she didn’t have to worry about anything, and if she did, his mom would fix it all.
Betty shows him an obvious frown from her room. - Don’t worry, Arch. I’ll be there to hold your hand.
Betty Cooper tightens her ponytail as she rummages through her bags. She knows she put it somewhere, her chest starts to feel tight. There was no way in hell she was going to survive a day knowing she had lost Jughead Jones’s beanie.
Betty gets down on her hands and knees and starts tipping out the contents onto the floor, Archie may be the physical protection she needs, but in her heart, maybe a bit of good old fashioned good luck charms might help her through the move. And if it was good enough for Juggie, it was good enough for her.
There’s a sigh of relief when she finds it under a stack of photos V swore she needed and if she dared throw any out, she would be making the flight from New York to haunt her. She puts it on over her ponytail and lies back on her carpet, closing her eyes.
She knows how big a deal it was for Jughead to give it to her. She wonders just how long he spent stressing about whether or not he should give it. It meant a lot to her. Just because they didn’t work out, it didn’t mean he wasn’t her best friend. Jughead knows her better than anyone. He taught her so much and was there for her when she needed him. But their differences were huge and their hearts were lost when they shouldn’t have been. Growing apart was the biggest thing Betty had ever gone through and it hurt her just to think about it.
Jughead had taken it a lot smoother than she thought he would. She guesses that’s the benefit of growing apart, it’s not as painful. But explaining to V that her and Archie just got each other was a lot harder to put into words than she thought.
Betty looks at a photo that Veronica had given her in the stack. The two of them in Vixens uniform with V’s lips on B’s cheeks. It was just as well they promised that no boy would come between them. Or Chicago would be a lot lonelier without Veronica around to call.
For a place that she never wanted to come to in the first place, Veronica Lodge finds it too hard to leave. She had thought her mom would be a lot more despondent, but Hermione had shrugged it off; she would be able to visit New York as often as she wanted after all.
Veronica sits in a black SS Camaro which is too heavy to drive but she managed it to Pop’s at least. She looks over at the Nancy Drew Detectives Handbook and smiles. It was a piece of Betty that she would treasure forever. She picks it up to trace over the words Betty had written inside. “I hope those little town blues melt away when you wake up in the city that doesn’t sleep. Forever, the B to your V.” She quickly wipes away tears.
Veronica never expected to become so attached to this place. Daddy had said that they wouldn’t have to stay long when he sent her and Hermione to lay down their roots, and truly, three years wasn’t long at all. She sat in the car outside the very place that began their friendship. The first time they all met together was a late night at Pop’s. She locked eyes with Jughead Jones who was all mystery but he was all sardonic humour and narcissism and she had enough of that in herself, let alone hanging out with someone who was just as bad. Betty Cooper was her best friend and she enjoyed seeing her best friend happy with Jughead. But slowly cracks started showing and Betty was wet tears on Veronica’s shoulders. But Jughead was word purging to Veronica over chocolate shakes when she should have been working, late night heart to hearts on the way home. At some point, they realised they understood each other. Ever since she moved, that’s all she ever wanted.
Veronica had never had friends that took her for who she is. Never had anyone genuinely care for her, love her, joke with her in a booth at Pop’s or do the craziest things imaginable just because she simply asked. She never had friends like Archie, Betty and Jughead. She looks into the window, seeing the three of them sitting in a booth waiting for her.
Betty and Archie going to Chicago made tears fall too often lately. Why did everyone have to leave?
Jughead Jones runs fingers through his hair. Life without the weight of his beanie was both liberating and daunting, but College demanded a new person of him, and where better start than getting rid of the one thing that kept him grounded. The safety net of a damn hat.
Southside was the dark, deep abyss that the Northerners refused to see, but roots ran deep and Jughead knew there was always a little Southside in all parts of Riverdale, if people just chose to look.
Dawn was always prettier on the Southside, Jughead had grown up seeing that slice of beauty that shone over Southside only in the mornings. It’s amazing what was found in the depths of Southside to those who chose to see. It was small and insignificant, that small piece of home, but it was something he was going to hold on to.
Jughead stands outside of Sweetpea’s trailer. It was somewhat dramatic, but when he left, he wanted to do it from where his roots ran deepest - from the Southside. A full circle, he thought. A little more him than anywhere else. He stubs out a cigarette with his boot and looks at his phone to see the time. A photo of the four of them is on his screen, a little something Veronica made him do. As if she was scared he’d take off and forget everything. He laughs to himself, because no matter how much they whispered in her room at the Pembrooke about forgetting everything, there was no way that his mind would allow such a crime.
Archie’s grin is so bright in the photo, that Jughead can almost hear the skip in his best friend’s step, the feel of his hand on Jughead’s shoulder, bringing him in for a hug. The caring tone in his voice telling Jughead that he can achieve anything.
Betty’s eyes hold the entire sun in them, with her arms wrapped around Veronica. He hadn’t seen that Betty in years. Jughead thinks of all the things he couldn’t give her, and everything Archie gave her was evident even in a photo taken on an old iPhone with a cracked screen.
He wonders if one day, they’ll get that white picket fence. Archie always said he wanted to do up the old family home and he wanted Jughead to be his neighbour. He always humoured Archie, because Archie’s dream was always to return home.
An old SS Camaro rolls through Sunnyside with a raven haired girl steering it who can barely see over the wheel. She pulls up beside him, one eyebrow cocked and an exasperated sigh. “I will not be driving this when we get to New York, just so you know.”
Jughead chuckles, chucking his lone bag of valuables into the backseat. “Not your kind of whip, eh Princess?”
He takes off a leather jacket that has protected him for so long, leaving it on Sweetpea’s doorstep - Jughead knows his friend wouldn’t be happy with him leaving it behind, but he thought it was the right thing to do.
Before hopping in the car, he picks up a hard hat from the ground and puts it on his head. Veronica gives him an incredulous look, a slight smirk. “What’s with the hat?”
Jughead takes a deep breath followed with a sigh of relief. He takes off the hard hat, looking at a messy scrawl on the inside of the its peak. “Andrews and son hard hat, my slice of paradise from Archie.”
Veronica doesn’t see the writing, Jughead doesn’t indulge her, not yet. Not on their way to New York but he reads it over and over to himself.
“A little something to remind you of dad since you were his son too. Another hat to replace your old one. It’ll probably protect you better too.”
Send me a Jeronica centric ft Barchie prompt and I’ll write you a >1000 word Drabble!
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marioshi64 · 6 years
Missing Stages in Smash Ultimate (so far)
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Planet Zebes from Smash 64: probably for the best, Brinstar from Melee and Norfair are superior versions of this... still sad that this is the only stage missing from Smash 64.
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Mushroom Kingdom (Melee)  Although this version isn’t in, the one from 64 is and I loved that one waaaay more.
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Mute City from Melee: although technically the stage horizontally is in Big Blue, this version has been replaced by Port Town Aero Drive from Brawl.
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Poke Floats need no introduction.  I really hope they make like a new version with new Pokemon: but I could see how it’d be hard to implement, especially with the newly announced stage morph.
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Icicle Mountain - No one will miss this one, but honestly I think an 8-Bit version of the original Ice Climbers would work better.
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Rumble Falls, aka Jungle Climbers.  Not much to say about this one.
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Rainbow Road we got 2 Mario Kart stages already and 7 wasn’t a really noteworthy one.  I do love this iteration of Rainbow Road though.
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Pac Maze Okay I’ll be legit peeved is this one doesn’t come back.  Only because it’s more fitting than Pac-Land as Pac’s home turf.
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Wooly World  I’m betting it’ll be replaced by a stage from the NEW Yoshi game.
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Jungle Hijinx Okay I might be wrong about this one.  I swear I saw this one in a direct, but I can’t find it.  It’s not on the website...
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Pyrosphere Now that Ridley is a character (YEI BOIIIIII) no need for this one.  Let’s just forget the game it came from even existed alright?
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Orbital Gate Assault I legit forgot this stage existed.
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Last but not least Miiverse. Obvious but still sad cuz I loved seeing posts during fights.  Maybe Sakurai will implement something similar in the future.
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mcmerlinpotter · 7 years
10 good things that happened in 2016
I was tagged by @theastronomicalwitch 😁((yey I got round to it)) 1. I started thinking about a possible future for myself, for the first time in like ever. (Not even a slight exaggeration- wish it was but alas I’ve been terribly unprepared for this continuing life business) [It’s a near impossible future plan but you never know...] 2. I finished counselling for now (like two or three lots) and started seeing a mentor who will hopefully help me to get myself to a point where I can actually start acting on future plans/any plans. (Basically getting me out of the house more and around people but in a way that I feel supported?? Idk) 3. My friends baby was Christened and turned one in 2016. That was nice to be a part of. Seeing him starting to walk was good too. 4. I went to a bunch of concerts as well as the theatre, most of which had me nervous and uncomfortable but I went and I managed to enjoy them for the most part. Bryan Adams, The Corrs, McFly, Busted and Adam Lambert. Chicago, Cats, American Idiot. 5. A lot of big birthdays (me, my twin and my cousin turned 21. My mum, her twin and my dad turned 50 and my cousin turned 18) in the last year so I got to see a lot of my family which was good, if a little overwhelming at times. I love spending time with my cousins. 6. I went away for a weekend or two (as well as a few days out) with my friends with only mild anxiety and mood issues. I was worried about it but ended up enjoying myself. 7. I ordered my own food in a restaurant more than once and ate it with little or no panicking afterwards (think it was only twice but still- I did it and it counts) 8. I stopped eating meat in like February/April and pretty much stuck to it. Idk if that classes as a good thing but I'm less likely to panic that I'll get food poisoning so it's not all bad I guess. 9. Pretty sure early 2016 was the start of my love of Asian dramas, Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese (Thank you Netflix). And more recently my love of Kpop. Ngl that's been pretty great for me. ((Good Morning Call and Dramaworld should have their own number as should GOT7 and Mamamoo but they fit here)) 10. Honestly the best things I can think of are just times I was genuinely comfortable around my friends, so spending time with them on good days not in public. Like watching documentaries on a big chair that spins, playing monopoly or scrabble, trying to sing along to Anastasia with pizza in our mouths, aggressively playing mario kart, laying under covers watching anime or films, cuddling with dogs and quoting to each other from 'our films'. It's those little things that make up most of my good memories from the last year. Felt like I was grasping at straws a bit here, it was harder than it looked, but I've done it. Tagging: @followmeunderthewater @agentsirpercival @loveismygoal Something to do if you feel like it x
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riadiz · 7 years
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Yey! Final local race! ❤️ 5th on Formula SL novice/expert round 6 Thank you Abba for keeping me safe! Thank you mom and family for support! 😘mwah! Thank you Kart Plaza for sponsoring my kart. Thank you to my mechanics kuya Burong and kuya Mario and assistants! Thank you to the marshalls for the safety advices. 🙏🏻 . Had so much to learn but had fun! ❤️ (at Carmona Racing Circuit)
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