#You Better Think Twice (Georgi Smith)
[ Closed Starter For @southxparkxafterxdark ]
Taking a deep inhale of the salt water he was in, Firkle slowly let his eyes flutter open. Sitting up slowly, he felt his stomach in relief, finding it had shrunk back to it’s normal size. He’d been a damn blimp with the twins, but he still felt what he knew to be ‘love’ for them.
It was odd to him to feel anything at all towards another human that wasn’t contempt, but he would do anything for his kids, and for his husband, and several of his lovers.
As he shook his head out, hair flopping into his face, he glanced towards the mirror and finally called out for Georgi. In mere seconds, they were there, helping him out of the bathtub and hugging him close. They needed to clothe him, and he needed to rinse the saltwater off, but that could wait for five minutes.
“I hate when you do this...” Georgi murmured into his skin, desperately trying not to kiss it.
“I know... But it was for my kids...” Firkle replied softly, finally able to take a shower with Georgi’s help.
Once that was finished, and he was able to stumble to his room to get dressed, Firkle grabbed his phone off his desk and made his way out the door. His boots made him wobble just a little, long and climbing up his thighs, but he’d wanted to wear the pair that Michael got him. He tugged at his crop top a little, trying to adjust it for the ribbons on his sides.
Snow crunched underneath the skeletal heels of his boots, and as he looked up at the sky, he watched more white falling to the ground. It rested in his hair and on his eyelashes, and he smiled slightly. It was good to be back. The smile faded quickly, and he hummed a little to himself as he let himself into Michael’s house silently. Even Royce didn’t notice the door opening and closing behind him, or the ghost of a man going up the stairs.
Opening the door to their bedroom, he realized belatedly that it was odd to think of it as ‘theirs’, but in a good way. Stepping inside, he found the sight before him made his heart leap in his chest. Michael, possibly asleep, with a baby in each arm and a little gremlin on each baby. Without another thought, he crossed the room, crawling onto his lap and straddling his hips. Leaning down, he kissed his way up his chest to his lips.
“I’m home, Animus.”
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[ @southxparkxafterxdark || Continued From Here || Michael and Mike ]
[ Firkle (and Larry) ]
Between getting shoved between and then away from the pair, Firkle had ended up on his ass on the concrete. There was something about the look of the two of them, locked like that, bloody and feral that had him gulping.
No. This was not the time to be considering a playdate.
As if he didn't know what he was doing, though. Baiting Mike into a fight right now hadn't been the revenge plot he'd wanted until he'd realized just how hungry the elder vampire was. That was going to be perfect. Put him through it again! With any luck, it would be two birds, one stone, too. He’d actually kill Firkle and Edgar could bring him back, untouched by this vampire bullshit.
Except Michael had to go and get involved. A little chirp left him, something he couldn't help, an almost chittering sound as he scooted back a little bit. There were a few right ways to handle this situation, but he didn't know what they were. Luckily, he knew someone that knew someone that might.
[Text To: Heather 12:12:03] Mike's losing his shit and it's not fun anymore. Guess someone's hungry?
[Text To: Alessa 12:12:55] I'll text Larry.
Larry would be on his way in a matter of seconds, but that didn't mean he'd be there fast enough to stop any serious damage. And Georgi hadn't had enough information to tell him exactly what was happening, either.
Oh, how he hated vague warnings.
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muse and snack tagged by @squealformepiggy
Tagging: Anyone that wants to
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Out Of The Frying Pan - CLOSED
[ @nxwkid || Continued From Here ]
"...Did you, now?"
The goth standing at the doorway arched a well-groomed eyebrow, head tilting to the side. The large t-shirt he wore hung off of one slim shoulder, notably a Siouxsie Sioux band shit with a few bleach stains, and beyond that it was hard to tell if he was wearing anything else. He absently drug a hand over his stomach, pausing to glance behind himself. No Georgi in sight...
"I could... Do you want to come in?" Asking Firkle Smith for help was a lot like asking a shark to staunch a wound for you, but it didn't seem like this kid knew any better.
That was Firkle's preferred style of victim.
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LIKE/REBLOG for a Zombie!Firkle AU with Georgi and Firkle!
Between his general sickliness and their parents’ abuse, Firkle died in their basement shortly after the end of their year at Kindergarten. Georgi refused to go on without him, and as they’d already started seeking out dark magic with the Vampire Society, they figured Necromancy wouldn’t stain their soul anymore than it already was. 
Keeping with Firkle’s allergies and other illnesses, the two kept his death a secret for years that he had died and was resurrected. He actively sought out not to get cut or otherwise punctured, due to the grave dirt filling his body. His skin doesn’t puncture as easily as it once did, but keeping the dirt inside is integral to sustaining his life.
The demon that Georgi made a pact with in order to necromance their brother is named Nor’Thollia, and she oversees Firkle’s maintanance and pretends to be a doctor as well as caretaker to the twins. Their parents were sacrificed in order to bring Firkle back, and the story is that they are abroad and have been that way for years.
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The Dark Vassal
"Dark, dark! The horror of darkness, like a shroud, wraps me and bears me on through mist and cloud." - Sophocles
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Name: George Victor Smith
Nicknames: Georgie, Firkle, Firk, Firkadirk
Faceclaim: Ash Stymest
Age: 19
Gender: Transmale
Sexuality: Homosexual Demiromantic Polyagmous
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 99lbs
Birthday: November 1st
Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Technically Unemployed; Drummer in a band; Taxidermist; Occasional Whore
+ Articulate, Captivating, Discreet, Forceful, Imaginative, Original, Precise, Punctual, Resourceful, Self-Reliant, Sexy, Thorough, Well-Read
/ Aggressive, Artful, Competitive, Dominating, Idiosyncratic, Intense, Outspoken, Religious, Sarcastic, Sensual, Solitary, Uninhibited
- Abrasive, Argumentative, Blunt, Calculating, Cold, Devious, Dishonest, Disloyal, Dogmatic, Envious, Fanatical, Frightening, Gloomy, Hateful, Hedonistic, Insensitive, Loquacious, Melancholic, Nihilistic, Opinionated, Possessive, Ritualistic, Self-Indulgent, Superstitious, Unhealthy
Addictions - Firkle is addicted to drugs, ranging from cough syrup to heavy painkillers. His favorite is Dilaudid, because it’s somewhat less nasty than actual heroin. He’ll try anything at least once, and if he doesn’t remember trying it, he’ll do it again. Most often he can be found getting high when he’s trying to deal with people outside of those he actually likes spending time with. When he goes to parties, it isn’t to be around people, but rather to partake in the drugs, alcohol, and occasional vaguely anonymous sex provided. Cigarettes, booze, and sex are also on the list, and he’s always willing to work out what he has to do to get any of his addictions. When not on missions from Cthulhu or working his own angles on things, he can almost always be persuaded into getting fucked up.
Cultism - Still a very loyal and large piece of the Cult of Cthulhu, he longs to bring the world into darkness even though he watched Cartman ride his god like a pony. He worked so hard and so diligently to rebuild what was left of the cult that he was given his familiar, Edgar, as a conduit to help them converse. Firkle has been chosen to deliver the world a vessel, a piece, of Cthulhu so that he can get a foothold on Earth once more. 
Power - Any and all ways to taste power are ones that Firkle will chase. In no situation will he permit himself to be powerless, even if he has to cheat. He’s very smart and has a habit of using that to his advantage whenever possible. He has no loyalty beyond what he feels to Cthulhu, and will betray anyone for a little taste of power.
Taxidermy - It’s no secret that Firkle loves to kill. Animals, people, insects, anything he can get his hands and a knife on. He pins bugs, and will turn most other ventures into taxidermy projects. He even has a life-sized hand-horse he is working on, killing people and taking their hands so that he can make a thoroughbred out of them, based on the horse made from Barbie hands.
Witchcraft - Firkle specializes in necromancy and water magic, including things to do with blood. He is not afraid to perform blood sacrifices and will go to the ends of his abilities in order to properly prepare and execute a spell he is intent on. He has several shrines around town that are fairly well hidden, one in a catacomb system beneath the cemetery and several in the woods past Stark’s Pond.
When Firkle was born, he was incredibly underdeveloped. Georgi had taken most of the nutrients in the womb, so he had ended up just being smaller. They say he came out holding onto their ankle, and he never stopped being clingy with them. Having to stay in the hospital for a while to finish growing under supervised care was great for his parents, who didn’t want him, but Georgi was endlessly upset.
As they grew, Firkle showed signs of sociopathy, only caring about himself and Georgi. In Kindergarten, he met the goth kids when he released several millipedes into a girl’s locker and let loose a whole host of bugs from his backpack. Georgi joined the vamp kids and while Firkle disapproved, he wouldn’t let anyone give her shit for it.
Once he hit middle school, he stopped going to class. He’d follow his friends to theirs at the high school, or hang out with Karen in her classes. This trend continued until Karen graduated, and then he just dropped out of school by not showing up. 
His taxidermy took up a lot of his time, and he can do just about any animal. He kills for fun, no matter what it is, and has some giant tubs of acid in the shed in his backyard. Georgi doesn’t question him, just as loyal and loving to their brother as he is to them.
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A Veined or Coconut Octopus, Edgar is Firkle’s familiar, as well as his “translator” for Cthulhu. They speak directly to Him in dreams, or during forced dreamstates at Firkle’s altars. Edgar is whiny, loud and dramatic, loves trash TV and eats his feelings. He eats enough for both himself and Firkle, who prefers it that way. While he can be obnoxious to Firkle, they are incredibly close. The only way to figure out if Firkle is actually dead is to check to see if Edgar is alive. However, if Edgar dies, Firkle will also die.
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Georgi is Firkle’s twin, and the one living, breathing human being that he loves and is loyal to to a fault. He refuses to let anything bad happen to them, and hates that they became a vamp kid. He has to put up with vamp kid meetings at his house, and knows that they are close to Mike. They are a feminine-presenting nonbinary person.
Firkle is a sociopath and doesn’t bother to hide it. He is manipulative and cruel and only cares about himself. Any kindness he shows others is usually fake and only to get his way, unless it comes to his twin sibling, Georgi. They are nonbinary and he will protect them with his life.
Firkle’s drug of choice is Dilaudid if he needs to calm down, and cough syrup when he’s too depressed to move.
He does have depression and is actively suicidal all the time. However, it’s a passive thought and he doesn’t do anything about it.
He has scars and tattoos and piercings, and loves every one of them. Corset piercings are a favorite of his.
While he has an ED, he doesn’t really have to worry about it, as Edgar eats enough for both of them.
He was an unplanned twin that was supposed to be parasitic but still came out under developed. His parents despise him.
He mostly smokes Pal Mals, not because he likes them so much as they were all he could get as a kid and he just kept on smoking them.
He dropped out of high school but technically not legally. He just stopped going at all and nobody really did anything about it.
Firkle Headcanons Masterlist
We Put Him Down In A Shallow Grave (Firkle Smith)
I’m A Murder Tramp Birthday Boy (Firkle Musings)
I Like Spiders Loss And Rain (Firkle Aesthetic)
Nestled Tightly In That Womb Beneath The Dirt (Firkle Closet)
The Path Into This Heart Is Littered With Corpses And Strewn With Body Parts (Firkle Headcanons)
I Want Death For My Birthday (Firkle Journal Entries)
Close Our Eyes To The Octopus Ride (Edgar)
You And I Are Like Siamese Twins (Georgi and Firkle)
Knives Shoved So Far Up His Ass He Has A Sharp Tongue (Knives)
Death Is A Beginning Not An End (Taxidermy)
If There Is Magic On This Planet It Is Contained In Water (Witchcraft)
Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn (Cult of Cthulhu)
Incarcerated Firkle AU - I Know They'll Come Up What I'm Owed Guilty As Charged (Firkle - Incarcerated AU) - Firkle went to Juvie at six years old for a triple homicide he only had a small hand in. Taking the blame to save Michael, he eventually did come to blame him a little bit. Scorn kept him company as he sat in solitary confinement for twelve years. The guards forgot about him so frequently that his hair grew out six feet while he was there. If it weren’t for Edgar keeping him alive, he likely would have died. Due to a clerical error, he aged out and didn’t go to prison, instead returning to South Park on his 18th birthday. They gave him a bus ticket and his belongings when he was first brought there, some spare clothes, and sent him on his way. Nobody was informed of his return, including him.
Vampire Firkle AU - Eat The Children Raw (Firkle - Vampire AU) - Like a typical Saturday night, Firkle found himself in a motel room with a stranger. They did some drugs, had sex, and then Firkle’s memory checked out. The next thing he knew, he woke up with a savage blood lust that surprised even him. Six people fell victim to his starvation before he saw fit to seek out Mike, in hopes that he would be able to help him. Firkle cannot eat human food, though he can stomach most drinks.
Land Of Zaron AU - The Boys Are Singing “Cut Cut Cut” (Firkle - Land Of Zaron AU) - Firkle is a Viking prince, and made to become the leader of them once Michael has passed. However, while he doesn’t wish death on him, he isn’t particularly concerned with his safety, either. He was brought to the Viking country as a young child, and may or may not be some kind of mercreature.
Superhero AU - Separate The Skin From Bone (Firkle - Superhero AU) - Firkle became a superhero not by choice, but by accident. Chosen by a man giving away artifacts that could turn you into a hero, he gained the power of destruction and decay, and uses it in the same way one might expect. He can only use his powers with his cat-o-nine-tails weapon, however, and only when transformed. He sees this as a “faggy” responsibility, but is still called to do something from time to time.
North Park AU - It’s The Art Of Superstition (Firkle - North Park AU) - Raised in a perpetual Hell-hole, there are few bastions of sanity for people not seeking to be swallowed up by the turbulent sky. Firkle has been following Michael and the other goths for a long time, if not more in the background. He doesn’t know how people work, and it gives him a lot of anxiety. He is close to someone named Anton, who nobody he knows has ever met. Most of them are convinced that Anton is some kind of imaginary friend or hallucination or something. Firkle doesn’t talk about him much.
Death!Proof AU - Relax God Is In Control (Firkle - Deathproof AU) - Firkle was the sole survivor of a violent bus crash, a sinkhole at a football game, and a car accident, all within two and a half months of each other. For some reason, he was unable to die, even when Death itself tried to take him. His deal with his deity shielded him from dying almost entirely, though it did not stop his body from being broken. 
Cryptid!Firkle AU - Tonight I'm Calling Out Your Name A Light Across The River (Cryptid!Firkle AU) - Being born into the woods near South Park, Firkle is a creature that kills indiscriminately, violently, and on sight. Well, only if he is spotted or he otherwise catches someone. He will say their name, call it out, whisper it, and the closer the voice sounds, the further away he is. The further away it sounds, the closer he is. If he is spotted in the trees he will kill you, he does not like to be seen. His eyes shine in the dark, an odd purple color. Nobody knows what he looks like because there has never been a survivor that escaped. Even if they outran him at first, he is faster than most humans and will catch them in the end.
Arborless Verse - I Know Now You Can nly Hurt Me 'Cause I Let You Get To Know Me So Well (Arborless Firkle) - Firkle is the husband of Pete, and often treated poorly and like a weapon and breeding machine. He and Pete had Ares, who is one of the few people he is allowed to communicate with. He is a killer at heart and all he knows is what Pete allows him to know.
Mindless Verse - All This Pressure And All This Pain And All These Sings Swim Through My Veins (Mindless Verse) - Firkle ran from Michael when he found out he was pregnant and took their twins with him. He has not returned, though he has thought about it. He spends a lot of his time fighting and killing to take care of his daughters. They are more or less safe from abuse because he has a reputation.
He does not exist in the Warlord Verse.
@vos-estis-sal-tarrae​ - Damien - Let’s Get Wasted Til 666 In The Morning (Firkle and Damien - Vos-Estis-Sal-Tarae)
@butyoudidntbreakme​ - Mole - The Worms Crawl In The Worms Crawl Out (Firkle and Mole - Butyoudidntbreakme)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex - Mighty Mouse Is On The Way (Firkle and Alex - Nxwkid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - Your Idle Screams Bring You Nothing But Doubt (Firkle and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - She Was Having Black Coffee And A Cigarette (Firkle and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Mike - I Said From Hell They Came (Firkle and Mike - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Mia - It's Not A Thirst But A Hunger Inside (Firkle and Mia - SouthxParkxAfterxDark
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Vic - Composed With Hate I'm Filthy Wretched And Foul (Firkle and Vic - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Annie - Speak Softly And Be A Big Bitch (Firkle and Annie - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Miles -  Can't You See Me? You And I We Are The Same (Firkle and Miles - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Ella  - You Wanna Know That It Doesn’t Hurt Me (Firkle and Ella - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ -  Ryan - Nobody Loves You When Your Skin Is So Pale (Firkle and Ryan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Count Ravyncrowe - V Is For Vampire B Is For Blood (Firkle and Ravyncrowe - ThroughxThexMist
)@throughxthexmist​ - Vladimir - The Light Of Day Can Keep You Up All Night (Clyde and Vladimir - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Stan - It's Your Life But Their Way Follow Me It's All The Same (Firkle and Stan - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Craig - I Can Tell You Want Some Company (Firkle and Craig - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - It's My Move My Say I Think I Like It This Way (Firkle and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
@counterunit​ - Tachanka - If You Want It You Got It (Firkle and Tachanka - Counterunit)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael -  Maybe This Is Danger And He Just Don't Know (Michael x Firkle - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@counterunit​ - Tachanka - Will Death Be Our Last Kiss My Love? (Tachanka x Firkle - CounterUnit)
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Am I dead? (squealittlepiggy- Georgie )
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...Do you want to be?
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(( It’s been sooooo long since I drew Firkle, and this is the first time that I’ve actually ever drawn Georgi! Honestly, I really love how this came out, and drawing them was super fun~ 
I plan on drawing all of my SP muses separately and putting them all on a height chart for fun, but it’ll be slow. Also, I can’t use these. xD
Firkle and Georgi are actually the same height, but Firkle’s shoes are too tall lol. Which is also why I won’t be using these in the height chart. 
I dunno if I’ll do actual references for anyone, but we’ll see. I know I want to doodle Firkle’s tattoos and the other piercings you can’t see here.
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[ Closed Starter For @southxparkxafterxdark ]
It had taken all day to peel away the skin on that particular hand, due to the old, wrinkled nature of the thing. Still, that old man had been giving to his last breath. If Firkle hadn’t have been the reason for his death, he might have mourned him. But, these things weren’t on his mind.
No, he was done staring at this for a while. What he needed now was a smoke, maybe some Dilaudid, and to see if Michael was busy.
Carefully removing the butcher’s apron from his nude body, Firkle wiped his feet on the plastic tarp on the floor. The next step was the bathroom attached to this bedroom, where he took a cursory shower to get most of the obvious gore off of his body. It was the crud under his nails that got the most attention, because his hair was fine and he wasn’t as coated as he usually was.
That came from butchering most of Sal last night.
With a yawn, he killed the water and grabbed his fluffy, black towel from the hook on the back of the door. Toweling off, he pulled on the boxer briefs by the door, grabbing his t-shirt but not bothering to put it on.
That was, until he opened the door and found himself accosted by one of those stupid fucking vampire pussies. The one in particular, whose name he didn’t care to recall, shrieked upon nearly running him over, and disappeared into the throng of chatting bodies. 
Narrowing his eyes, Firkle sought out the nearest person that would listen; Mike, Larry, or Georgi. For once in their life, Georgi might get berated for this shit.
Fortunately for them, it was Mike that Firkle caught sight of first, mostly due to his height. It was hard mistaking his head for anyone else’s, either, and as Firkle slipped the ‘Suicidal Twin Kills Sister By Mistake’ t-shirt over his head, he made a beeline for the vampire.
“Mike. I’m going to ask you in the kindest way I can.” Firkle snagged Mike by the hair, yanking on it to get his attention, “What. The. Actual. Fuck?”
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[ BAR ] for pete , from jager <3
Honestly, what was he even doing here?
Georgi had been kind enough to help him with this stupid endeavor to end the lonely streak he’d been suffering the past few months. They had all but poured over every person that responded to Pete’s Grindr profile, had helped him to choose someone.
Walking into the bar, Pete tapped his way through the door, the two mice hiding in his hoodie helping to guide him to the right table.
“Uh... Jager, yes?” Flipping his hair back, Pete licked at his lips, hoping that his eyeliner was as on point as he felt it was. Georgi had never done him wrong before. Firkle’s twin sibling was a good person.
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The “Good” Twin
“We are only falsehood, duplicity, contradiction; we both conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselves.” - Blaise Pascal
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Name: Georgina Victoria Smith
Nicknames: Georgi, Fang (Vampire Name)
Faceclaim: Lucy Hale
Age: 18
Gender: Nonbinary AFAB (She/Them Pronouns)
Sexuality: Pansexual Panromantic Monogamous
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 107lbs
Birthday: November 1st
Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: College Student (Online), Barista at Tweak’s Coffee
+ Resourceful, Powerful, Brave, Passionate, Friendly, Loyal, Active, Alert, Amiable, Brilliant, Capable, Caring, Clean, Clever, Confident, Decisive, Discreet, Educated, Efficient, Energetic, Flexible, Freethinking, Gentle, Good-Natured, Hardworking, Helpful, Honest, Idealistic, Innovative, Intelligent, Lovable, Meticulous, Optimistic, Playful, Reflective, Romantic, Strong, Studious, Sweet, Thorough, Tolerant, Understanding
/ Ambitious, Amusing, Artful, Breezy, Competitive, Confidential, Cute, Determined, Driving, Effeminate, Emotional, Familial, Intense, Irreligious, Maternal, Preoccupied, Questioning, Reserved, Smooth, Soft, Undemanding, Unpredictable
- Distrusting, Jealous, Manipulative, Violent, Abrupt, Artificial, Blunt, Childish, Clumsy, Delicate, Devious, Disruptive, Escapist, Fanatical, Fawning, Fickle, Frightening, Gloomy, Hesitant, Hostile, Impatient, Indulgent, Insulting, Melancholic, Naïve, Odd, Paranoid, Pedantic, Possessive, Quirky, Resentful, Rowdy, Secretive, Silly, Sly, Thievish, Uncritical, Vague, Venomous
Firkle - Georgi would do anything to keep him safe, including going down for his problems on their own. Some of Georgi’s friendship with the Society was started as a way to extend protection to him.
South Park Vampire Society - Much like their loyalty to Firkle, Georgi is endlessly loyal to the society, and also to Mike. They loves her found family just as much as Firkle, though they are not as openly willing to touch them.
Georgi had been the baby that their parents had planned for, and the one that the Smiths had actually wanted. The parents were happy when Firkle had to stay in the hospital to finish growing, as Georgi was fully developed, while their brother was not. It was the most stressful time of their young life, and they only calmed down once Firkle was returned to them.
Growing with Firkle, being as entwined with him as they were up until they were, Georgi saw the pain he endured by not hiding himself, and was implored not to make his mistakes. It was more important to Firkle to keep Georgi safe than himself, and despite Georgi's complaints, they did listen. 
Joining with the vamp kids in Kindergarten for safety (and due to similar interests), Georgi befriended as many of the core members as quickly as possible. Firkle disapproved, but there was truly no better place for them to hide.
Throughout school, Georgi kept their head up, their grades impeccable. They participated in volunteer work, and managed to keep up appearances despite what was going on behind the scenes.
Once they graduated, they got a job at Tweak's coffee shop as a barista, working the front for Tweek who preferred working behind the scenes. They keep their head down and play stupid when it comes to Firkle's work, and help him open an Etsy store eventually.
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A Veined or Coconut Octopus, Edgar is Firkle’s familiar. While he is not directly connected to Georgi, they do take care of him when Firkle isn’t around. Georgi and Edgar will watch trash TV together and she feeds him extra snacks. He has decided that he must eat their feelings, AKA those on the TV with their drama. He loves Georgi and trusts them a lot, and will call for them first if something goes wrong. Michael is next on the list.
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Firkle is Georgi's twin, and the only person on this planet that they would drop everything for and stop the earth for. While they know that Firkle dislikes them being a Vamp, they are the only exception to Firkle's wrath. They are allowed to have vamp kid meetings in the house only because Firkle loves them so deeply. Firkle is a transman, and Geori supports him in his transition.
Georgi is very good at behaving like a normal person, and can play the part of a sweet, innocent member of the Society. However, Georgi is just as sociopathic as Firkle is. 
Georgi loves to take photos and paints the subject matter. A lot of the time, it involves people that they likes/cares about.
While Firkle tries to keep them as innocent as possible, they are both aware that Georgi is just as “ruined” as Firkle is. Their hands are clean, however.
Firkle sees Georgi in a similar way to Alessa with Sharon in Silent Hill. Georgi is the good parts of him, the parts that won’t be hurt, the parts that he could save. Georgi is the good twin, while he is the evil twin. The pair of them buy into this more than they let on.
Georgi is the favorite and was the only planned child. Due to their parents not being able to stand Firkle, but Georgi’s love for him, their parents simply pay for the kids to live in the house. Georgi is given the money to pay for things and buy food, though the parents make requests that no money is “wasted” on Firkle.
Georgi is very close with the Vampire Society, and loves her friends to pieces. Sometimes, meetings are even held at their house, because they have a lot of space and it’s only them and Firkle living there.
Georgi can speak Romanian, Polish, Czech and English fluently, and is working on learning Russian. 
Georgi doesn’t do a lot of witchcraft but will help Firkle with his if he needs it.
Headcanons Masterlist
You Better Think Twice (Georgi Smith)
I Love Life But Life Has A Boyfriend (Georgi Musings)
Am I Original? (Georgi Aesthetic)
I’d Go Clubbing In My Collar (Georgi Closet)
Shine Razor Eyes In Delight (Georgi Headcanons)
Do You Feel That I Am In Your Soul? (Georgi Journal Entries)
You And I Are Like Siamese Twins (Georgi and Firkle)
Land Of Zaron AU - We Shall Reunite Someday (Georgi - Land Of Zaron AU) - While they were separated as young children, Georgi knows that their brother is out there. They long to be reunited, and this need for family drove her to the vampire Society. There, they found togetherness, family, and love, and they have not left. Being turned helped to give them purpose, though there are questions about how they behave when around and in water.
Superhero AU - No Need To Work It Out It’s So Familiar (Georgi - Superhero AU) - It didn’t take long for the Society to become a villainous organization by Mysterion’s standards, and Georgi was involved in this, as well. They see the superheroes as a problem that needs eradicated, though they have their suspicions about their brother.
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Mike - My Or May We Be This Way Forever (Georgi and Mike - Southxparkxafterxdark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Mia - Now I’m Stealing Her Body And Taking It Home (Georgi and Mia - Southxparkxafterxdark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Vic - I Am The Beginning And The End (Georgi and Vic - Southxparkxafterxdark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - Oh Lately It’s So Quiet In This Place (Georgi and Michael - Southxparkxafterxdark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - It’s Just Your Song To Say Goodbye (Georgi and Henrietta - Southxparkxafterxdark)
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Does anyone know if Firkle is alright? He’s been playing Let’s Go To Bed by The Cure for the last eight hours on repeat while refusing to come out of the basement.
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