#cw taxidermy of animals
canisalbus · 12 days
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gerardtweets · 2 years
whats ur favorite bird?
anon you have just opened pandora’s box
My favorite particular bird is the Pfeilstorch! This is a piece of taxidermy from the early 1800s currently on display at the University of Rostock in Germany.
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In the early 1800s, natural historians and biologists did not know where birds went for the winter. They just disappeared. Some people thought they hibernated like bears, or turned into fish (!!) or flew to the moon (!!)
Cut to 1822 when a this bird was found in Germany. It was still alive, walking around with this spear in its neck. The spear was made from wood that only grows in central Africa. The German biologists determined that the bird had been speared in central Africa and then flew north to Germany. This was how they figured out that birds migrate with the changing seasons.
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hmtaxidermy · 7 months
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Shoutout to this massive buck that had a third antler growing in
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shiftythrifting · 7 months
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Some gems from Hemswell today!
1 and 2 - very cool vintage children's rides, the sort of thing I'd buy in a heartbeat if I was rich. My mum said they're older than her (she was born in 1969)
3 and 4 - strange animal foot stools (?)
5 - a definitely cursed glass clown
6 - obligatory uncomfortable dolls
7 - a corner of taxidermy featuring an actual lion. There were also some taxidermy moles made to look like axe murderers in one of the cabinets (not pictured)
8 - HER
9 - a gorgeous lithograph I would kill for. Unfortunately it was £75 and neither me nor my mum could afford it 😔
10 - potentially one of the best, and weirdest things I've ever seen: a rocking horse tricycle. Definitely adult sized too. Another thing I'd buy in a heartbeat if I was a millionaire
All at Hemswell antique centres, UK
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Feral kitten mounted for my personal collection. I think this was sort of a breakthrough piece for me, it's (in my opinion, at least) the best of my mammals so far.
It's always sad to see dead kittens that could have been in a shelter instead, but it's better than having them in the bush eating native birds. Unsure of the exact cause of death, but there was lots of bruising around the head, and the back of her skull was shattered :(
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punk0possum · 10 months
Handmade pins
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getmotherd · 5 months
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i was gifted this gorgeous tawny owl about a month ago. he was sadly a roadkill victim. i hope to mount him once i have more experience.
this species is legal for me to keep with the correct paperwork which i have gotten.
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pink-evilette · 3 months
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♡ the girlbloggers live here ♡
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canisalbus · 2 months
WOAH can we see the skull if thats ok?? that sounds so cool (also only 20€????)
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Also since it's hollow you can stick led lights in there for this sort of effect (pardon the mushy quality):
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dreveel · 2 months
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Ram Skull Lamp; {Credit}
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hmtaxidermy · 6 months
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First mount of 2024!
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haunted-remains · 2 months
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Found this beautiful rabbit on the road last night, she must've been hit minutes before I drove by because she was still completely floppy and warm. Zero damage on the outside! I'm halfway through skinning her and so far I've found a puncture in her ribcage and a broken back leg, which I could feel from the outside, 3rd photo is her leg because I think it's really interesting!
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anonymocha · 3 months
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quite old art but here is a toxic oc x canon yuri idea that i scrapped. about an immortal greenland shark-inspired taxidermist arcanist and their obsession towards Eternity
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their design and i2 skin! she/they btw. Meg is a reference to megalodon 🦈 the teeth on their necklace comes from their mother, who is a mortal. um…. they dug her grave but we don’t need to talk about that today
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I intended to make it look like Eternity is in a glass case using the archways. “i want to make sure that she lasts forever”-core because Meg has both mommy issues and attachment issues ❤️
don’t think i will be drawing or writing them again unless the brainrot takes over once more
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finally got photos of this gorgeous boy! found him a few days ago while bf and I were on a walk in the woods near our place ^^ in his little peroxide bath after a soak and a scrub
couldnt find his other antler, but now he's a trans allegory and that's even better
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A juvenile red-billed seagull. It was found dead by my dad, in a carpark near the beach in the early morning. No obvious signs of the cause of death, absolutely no wounds, broken bones, etc.
I wonder if it was something it ate?
As a native/protected species, I will need to apply for a permit before doing anything with this one. But it might be for sale eventually.
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getmotherd · 2 months
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some roadkill i picked up recently
european badger (meles meles) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus)
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