#Your Honour I'm a lawyer and I declare them Family
rahabs · 3 months
Anyway, I am quite wrecked over the fact that, during "Whatever it Takes", Carmilla looks very deliberately at Zestial when she says "I'll keep you safe." Like, until then it's been clear she's addressing her daughters, she looks at them as she sings, she holds them, but at that particular moment she looks up almost beseechingly and it is so interesting to me that the implication is that that particular "I'll keep you safe" was addressed to Zestial himself, and judging by the deliberate way they animated him to react, it was meant to be taken that way.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
With no respect to anyone. I am serious. Fuck.
What else am I meant to say here? My client is. And say it with my jury. Fucked.
Let's see, DNA, eight witnesses and CCTV of them actively being at the location as well as holding and being at the scene of the crime. What in earth shall I bring out this time. I a nobody nobody has ever heard of and is in no way a legal representative.
M'kay, CCTV. Why the fuck is the time stamps so off? Your honour. This is about. Ten minutes of work. I took the timestamps and placed the video tapes where they should be on a timeline. And following the rainbow. My client exits the store here. At the start of the film, taking a deep breath. Prior to this, and I checked with the same witnesses, my client did something mildly embarrassing. For their sake, I will not explain but I believe you'll have it in your left pocket your honour.
Next, knife picking. The murder weapon was and I quote "thrown into the wall" something considered irrelevant, except that there's a boot that shows up on the most unused CCTV cam lining then up.
Few questions. Y'all saw that shadow thing? Looks like a person. As mentioned. My client is friends with the dead person but they told me they were gonna resolve it today. Talk it out. This is repeated across their friend group your honour. I have asked including their mother. A random Tibbit I learnt today.
Next, back door closed to which there's no cameras that way. Though a car is seen driving away, considered irrelevant despite it being the only car nearby the scene. My client sees a knife. Pulls it out and enters the back after several minutes of waiting. Police find em and. Ah gee your honour that seems to line up quite neatly into a single case. Problem my opposition states none of the questions I ask now.
Who was that person?
Where'd the car and person go?
Who called the police?
Give me one answer why those questions are irrelevant.
I'm serious. Go on. Try.
Ba bow! As they were the only person visible during the case, that person's neutral stance is yet to be found.
Ba bow! Someone called them, my client did not.
Ba bow! That car is registered under a broad thingy, again not a lawyer, but why on earth would a car be registered under something I'm told takes months of work?
Relevancy? Your honour, a possible witness who was near the body could exist. Someone called the police on a burner phone and my client does not buy burner phones for travel. They weren't even planning on for months! So tell me your honour how we can miss such possibly case changing information and declare my client as guilty? What if there were someone else-
Pardon? I am sorry. But I don't speak fancy talk.
James Mathew Earl. A commoners name, third generation. Mildly successful lawyers with you taking judge. Your... Family member. meanwhile, well they told me tell me how you take bribes. Supposedly of course.
Speaking of which. Whoops. Here's hundreds of copies of not bribes I found in the public domain. Most certainly you receiving forty five thousand before this has nothing to do with this specific case.
I am most certain these hacked phone texts, emails and a fax machine for some bizarre reason state such odd things. Jury, please read. So tell me judge. Wanna talk about irrelevance? Please. Let's bring up that waved away case about Jenifer Lawrence.
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griefpersevering · 1 year
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the ripples they cause
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Chapter Twenty-Six: Did You Fall For A Shooting Star?
Happy tuesday, everyone!! I'm sorry this chapter is a week late again - this chapter really kicked my ass! But I'm doing camp nano in April so I should finish this fic and then be able to upload 2 chapters a week to make up for it <33
This chapter was one of the first scenes I had in mind when I came up with the idea of the fic, so it was really special (and really hard XD) to write!! I hope you enjoy it :D
Sneak Peek:
They schedule the wedding for Saturday.
It's a quick turnaround, especially while dealing with one of the biggest court cases of the decade, so they end up scrambling to sort everything out before the big day. Matt has never dreamed of a big wedding — never even thought he'd come this far — but even a smaller event involves more event planning than he'd expected.
"That's the invites sorted," Karen declares, barging through their front door on Wednesday evening. "Friends, family, and colleagues for both the lawyer and superhero sides of your lives."
Matt cracks his back on the dining room chair. He hasn't moved for a few hours, and the wood is digging into his spine. "I've sent the request to the court, and I've collected and sorted all the evidence we do have in case they deny it."
"Theo's offered to let us use the shop to host the reception," Foggy adds from where he's lying on the sofa. "Catering and a venue in one, for free! But perhaps not the most glamourous place."
"Is anything in our lives glamourous?" Matt snorts.
"No," he concedes, "but I know you're only really saying yes because you love mom's turkey sandwiches."
"Well, there is one Nelson's Meat that I love more than any other—"
"Woah!" Karen flaps her hands about aggressively, backing up into the hallway. "I'm gonna stop you right there before I learn more about your sex life than I need to."
"Oh, please," Foggy says. "You've seen us—"
"And I wish I hadn't!" she interrupts, her voice going up a pitch. "You two are menaces, do you know that?"
"You wouldn't be friends with us otherwise," points out Matt.
Karen sighs. "You'll be out a maid of honour if you mentally scar me more than you already have."
The reminder of the wedding sends Foggy's pulse haywire again. He's as excited as Matt is, but the stress of trying to sort out their dream day in less than a week is keeping him up at night. But, as Karen keeps reminding them, they've waited too long to waste time now.
The wedding ceremony itself was the first thing they organised. Matt visited Maggie the morning after he proposed, and over the same latte Father Lantom used to make him, she offered to officiate in a heartbeat. It's unusual for a Catholic ceremony, but as long as it's legal, Matt isn't fussed. Nothing in his life has ever been done by the book, so there's no point in starting now.
Unfortunately, her offer has an expiry date. She's moving to Idaho on Monday to help another church, hence the rush to get everything ready for the big day.
"What's left to sort out?" Foggy asks.
There's the sound of crinkling paper as Karen smooths out the list that hasn't left her person since the proposal. "A photographer, entertainment, suits, decoration, a best man and/or bridesmaids, a cake, flowers, wedding vows, and arguably the most important thing: rings."
Matt groans. "Not much then."
"I already have a ring!" Foggy protests.
There's a slight pause before Karen says, very slowly, "Yeah, but both of you need a ring for a wedding."
"I know that," he grumbles. He extracts himself from the layer of blankets and pillows he's covered himself in on the sofa and disappears into the kitchen, rummaging around in the pan cupboard for a minute before exclaiming, "Aha!" and striding back into the living room.
"You're both idiots," says Karen fondly.
Foggy perches on the chair next to Matt, gently opening up his hand and pressing a ring box into it. "I wasn't sure if you were ever going to get round to actually proposing, so I thought it would be best to have a back up plan in case you chickened out."
Matt carefully opens the lid and brushes his fingers over the ring. It's almost identical to the one he bought Foggy; a simple band, maybe a little wider than the one he picked out.
"May I?" Foggy asks. Matt nods. It's a good thing he's wearing his glasses because his eyes are watering already, and Karen will never let him live it down if he cries.
Foggy slides the ring onto his left hand. It fits perfectly. They stay with their hands intertwined for a minute, and then Matt leans in for a slow, passionate kiss.
Even now, when Matt has been allowed to kiss Foggy for nearly a year, openly showing the overwhelming love he treasures for his fiance feels illegal. Holding hands or wrapping his arms around his waist holds the same thrill that leaping across rooftops does, but multiplied tenfold.
He wraps his hand around the back of Foggy's neck and pulls him closer. Maybe one day, he'll have to let Daredevil rest. There'll be an injury that slows him down, or in a perfect world, there won't be a need for him anymore.
But Matt will be fine with that. He'll always have Foggy, in sickness and in health, and really, what else does he need but their love?
Karen coughs loudly and they separate, Matt's cheeks flushing red as Foggy tries to catch his breath.
"Honeymoon," she says, scribbling it down on her list. "We nearly forgot about the honeymoon."
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