#Your honor there giving eachother makeovers
emily-or-whatever · 3 months
Sometimes I get home from work early. Instead of 6-7am I'll be in the door before 4am. However because my schedule is bipolar and is not at all linear I see some things that I think I have sibling bullying rights too.
Listen Haley. It's awkward enough coming home and seeing Alex leaving your room into a wild gunman stand off with me in the living room. I dont know what's going on. I dont NEED to know what's going on just please for the love of God use the color wheel in my bedroom lavender is NOT his shade in nail polish.
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No hard feelings Alex. I just feel the need to pick on Haley.
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walmart-icarus · 5 months
Girls Night
In honor of @theforgottenages for being a genius for ideas and broke me out of writing block this ones for you bbg
wedensays are the best days of the week
because you and paul have a girls night once every two weeks
you get to give makeovers
tell him who you're crushing on
go shopping
doing skincare while watching soap operas
if this were a holiday, it would be your favorite
The night started and you guys were getting ready
rings, earrings
and the best part was makeup
go crazy w that shit
the plan was to go out for a while and then stay up all day gossiping
"What are you guys doing????"
Dwayne was just standing there
with the most confused look on his face
"....you don't like Paul's smokey eyeshadow?"
you knew that wasn't what he was talking about
you just wanted to fuck with him
"We're having a girls night, Dwayne"
dammit Paul
cant we have fun on this day?
Dwayne looked...weird?
you couldn't read his face well
good thing Paulie can >:)
"Dwayne...are you jealous?"
turns out he never had a girls night out
"y/n I don't think this is necessary"
"shut up Dwayne your eyeliner looks gorgeous now stop moving"
he insists he doesn't look good in pink
but he does
and out you guys go
you stop by bars
so many goddamn rides
food trucks
food people even
after a while
and after Paul got WAY too drunk
it was time for the second part of girls night
trying out the clothes you guys bought eachother
bags and bags of clothing to try on
im talking crop tops
mini skirts
and so many platform shoes oh my god
rip to Max's credit card I guess
"Paul I cannot wear this in public"
you weren't sure that a t-shirt with "I <3 men's tits" was business casual
"C'monnn y/n its part of the fashionnn"
jeez this guy is out of wack
but now its time to calm down and gossip with facemasks
after talking for A WHILE about famous actor gossip
"hey y/n? I really like girls night"
i just had the worst fucking day of my life so I might be a little dry today and it might have affected my writing I'm sorry
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starhairspinel · 4 years
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The sandy dunes of the desert are large and unforgiving, the wavy heat from the sun bouncing off the sand have made these lands unbearable to to the mortal man, but I am no mortal man, not even a man, I am Spinel, and I'm here with one of my closest friends, Amethyst, to travel across the scorching and arid desert and retrieve the gypsum and/or baryte cluster known as the desert rose, and end it's tyranny in this land. I stand over a particularly large dune and take off my goggles and lower my scarf to look at-
Are you really gonna narrate like that the whole time?
Ugh, no. 'course not...
Look, you owe me after that empire city mission!
I already said I'm sorry for not wanting to go into a sewer, dude!
An apology won't suffice, DUDE. Unleeeeess you wanna do a makeover session instead? Paint some nails? Put on some makeup while gossiping about the latest celebrity drama?
Exactly. Now if you'll excuse me-
Yo! Is that the place we have to go to?
Sure seems like it, giant sand castle, some red-brownish accents, banners with rose thingies on them at the front. Must be it.
Ah-hem. Where was I? Oh yeah. I take off my goggles and lower my scarf to look at a castle made of sand in the distance, the castle was large and intricate, accented with dirty shades of rusty reds and dirt browns that didn't look too tacky from the color of the sad, banners hung from the front with symbols on them resembling a brownish rose, perhaps paying tribute to the cluster of crystals we're looking for. I take a deep sigh and tell- AMETHYST!
Last one there's a rotten egg!
COME OOOOON! Siiiiiigh.... I take a deep sigh and turn around to tell Amethyst only to find that she was already sliding down the dune we were on, we're good friends, I promise, but especially after the rat mission I've been on rocky terms with her. I follow Amethyst down to the sand castle and we stand before it, this is very clearly some kind of man-made structure made to honor the desert rose. Perhaps they thought the rose was a gift from their gods and said their prayers to it.
You really think so?
Pretty sure, yeah.
Man, that kinda makes me feel bad for taking this thing. People actually put effort into this? I don't wanna ruin that, it would make them feel useless.
It wouldn't be the first time.
Hm, true.
Let's go, in n' out, simple as that! Atleast, I HOPE so, unless you wanna sit this one out AGAIN.
Dude that was ONE time, get over yourself! Geez...
Amethyst goes into the castle, I follow shortly. A quick look and it appears that nobody has been in here for years, the torches along the walls have long burned out, lucky for us, I can use my gem as a flashlight!
Thank you! We go deeper into the hall entering the castle, the halls were getting tighter and tighter as we go deeper and deeper, almost as if we were breathing down eachother's necks-
It's not that bad, is it?
Well- uh- I mean... I'm being dramatic, okay? Er... I mean-! We have escaped the halls and enter the shrine, thing, of the desert rose! The sun was shining and the sand walls glistened like the glittery parts of birthday cards you buy at the store!
Pffft- that's the best you can come up with?
... in the middle of this place was a large stairway leading to the cluster we were looking for, we were in aw of it's- aaaaaaand Amethyst decided to skip right to the stair climbing, alright, it's fine. I also climb the stairs.
By which you mean "stretch your legs to go right to the top of it"
Shut up. *Cough* We looked at the gypsum cluster they called the desert rose, it was magnificent.
As "magnificent" you can get with a weird looking rock that barely looks like a flower and is covered in sand.
I carefully pick up the desert rose and quickly look around the premises waiting for a booby trap... Waiting for a booby trap... Aaaany second now... Weird, I would've thought they'd make sure someone doesn't steal this thing. Or atleast have this thing fight back in some way... Any way... Give us a challenge, darn it!
... Wanna sit down and talk for a bit, dude?
... Are you really that upset about our last mission?
No- Well- maybe? Yes? I just... I dunno... I haven't been feeling that good since then.
Is it because I didn't help you down there?
YES! I mean, kind of, there were so many things awful about, like rats... And rats eating gem moss that probably didn't even feed them properly... And rats trying to kill me after taking away their gem moss... And rats... And sewers.
That's rough buddy, I probably shouldn't have dipped out like that.
And WHY exactly did you dip out?
I... I'm not gonna lie, I just wasn't feelin' it. I know it's a dumb reason especially since it hurt you alot but that's it, I'm sorry...
It's- it's fine. I understand. I feel like things haven't been going that good, you know? Everyone's been doing their own thing and they don't seem to really care about how badly that mission went and it makes me feel like I'm getting mad for no reason.
What? Of course you got mad for a reason! You literally went through a gross sewer full of rats which you hate for reason- geez now I feel really bad...
Nononono! Making you feel bad for that is the LAST thing I want! You don't have to say sorry for anything, it's done, it's over, we should just bubble this thing, send it away and go back to the temple, watch Indiana Jones and pretend this mission was way cooler than it actually is.
Mmm... I dunno... It doesn't really feel right...
What else are we supposed to do?
Uhh... Raid an abandoned grocery store in the dead of night?
... yeah, yeah that sounds fun!
That's the spirit! Come on, let's get outta here!
Yeah! ... I wonder what this desert rose was even supposed to do?
Who knows and who cares?
Heh, right. Let's get out of here ~in style~!
Heck yeah!
Ahem. And so, me and Amethyst walk out of the castle after their adventure in retrieving the desert rose. The desert seems a little brighter, a little warmer, but in a way that feels comforting, like a warm hug from a friend made of fire. I put my goggles back on, raise my cape, and the two of us disappear into the sunset.
Now that's a good one.
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