#Yoyo ceramic
fibceramic · 2 years
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Mini Cute Ceramic Bathtub Cup Soap Dish
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hekissesme · 6 months
Nothing could've prepared me for the man Jeremy is, okay? NOTHING, with his fucking yoyo and his cardboard dog and beginner to ceramics class. Okay. No warning would've worked
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saywhatyouwillbut · 5 months
jeremy knox loser manic pixie rich girl of all time. regularly wakes up way too early. besties with his butler and a lesbian couple. waits for jean at the airport while failing to work a yoyo he probably bought on a whim. has familial issues he absolutely will not get into. bullies his crush into taking an honest-to-god ceramics class with him. gets his entire head bleached at the salon even though frosted tips would've been easier to maintain.
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drewminyart · 5 months
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a still life of jean‘s dresser in his second year of living with cat and laila
- a mug made in their shared ceramics class and gifted by jeremy
- an origami fox courtesy of renee
- a collection of shells from cat
- a camera gifted by laila
- jeremy‘s yoyo
- daffodils (from jeremy)
- a friendship bracelet (laila)
- handwritten notes (cat, laila, jeremy)
- photos of jeremy and renee
(i firmly believe that once the others cotton on to how much jean likes to have handwritten notes/keepsakes they start leaving them for him all over the house)
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sariahsue · 2 years
Marinette’s Three Rules for Preventing the Apocalypse
Set shortly after the events of Chat Blanc, Marinette uses her knowledge of what happened that day to create three rules to prevent disaster. What happens when she can't keep them all?
Prologue - The First Rule
Marinette's nightmares were always bleached white.
The akuma alert blared in her ear, and Marinette bolted upright in bed, heart pounding, blankets twisted around her legs. It had only been another nightmare, but one that could still come true one day.
She rubbed at her eyes to wake herself up and squinted at the bright phone screen to focus on reading the meager scraps of information, while she tried to control her breathing. Someone had been akumatized because of a late-night ticket mixup. The Gare du Nord metro station was currently flooding with water. Lovely.
A trickle of anxiety bubbled through her chest, and she rubbed at the spot to soothe it. The dream hadn't been real. She wasn't going to let it ever become real. She had her rules.
The flit of red in the corner of her eye told her Tikki was waiting for her by the skylight. "Ready?" the kwami asked, far too perky for Marinette's mood. She transformed and took off across the city without a word.
It was close to midnight. Traffic was calm. The sidewalks were quiet. And the stillness of the air and the familiar rhythm of her swinging did nothing to calm her nerves.
"Rule number one," she repeated to herself. It was something she'd done every time she'd gotten anxious over the past month since the Chat Blanc… incident. "Don't fall in love with Chat Noir."
She stopped on the roof of a highrise only long enough to check her coordinates. She was still going in the right direction.
"Rule number two," she said as she jumped off the edge of the building and swung away. "Don't let Adrien find out my identity." It was her least favorite rule, but Bunnyx had been clear on that one. It somehow contributed to Hawk Moth finding out and using it against them. She refused to believe that he was the type to spread her secret around, and the distance she felt between them ached. Another phantom wound that pressed on her.
"Evening, Milady." Chat Noir called from ahead of her. He'd stopped on the top of a burned out street light. Moonlight shone on him from behind, giving his outline an eerie, pale glow. His face was hidden in shadow.
Number three, Ladybug recited to herself, like a desperate prayer. Never, no matter what, let Chat Noir get akumatized. 
"You okay?" he asked as she swung past him, eyes ahead of her.
"Fine," she said. That had probably sounded terse and definitely NOT fine, so she quickly added, "Just tired. I want to go back to bed."
"Hawk Moth must think we're all caught up on our beauty sleep. I think I agree with him there."
"He's right about one of us," Ladybug corrected.
Footsteps on ceramic tiles thundered behind her as he ran to catch up with her. "Me-ouch. You wound me, Milady."
"I never said which one of us, Chaton!" She slowed so they reached the edge of the roof together and leapt into the darkness as one. They were almost at the street when Chat Noir caught her around the waist and she threw out her yoyo, swinging them in a deep arc and catapulting them into the open sky.
Try as she might to deny it, seeing Chat Noir, feeling him solidly next to her, letting his gentle smile and warm laughter fill up every space inside her was the best antidote for her anxiety. By the time they reached the station, the knots inside her chest had loosened.
"Ready?" he asked.
They stood on top of the theater next door. The wide roof of the metro station was dark. All the rails leading inside were empty and submerged. The water spilled out into the surrounding streets, leaving floating cars and flickering street lights. The flood covered first floor windows. No people in sight, but no akuma either. That probably wasn't good.
She flipped open her yoyo and pulled out a piece of cheese and a macaron. "Readier than you are," she said, popping the cookie into her mouth before handing the cheese over to him. Her suit transformed, giving her long flippers. "I've got more. We'll replenish your stock after we're done here."
"Great. Can't wait." He held the cheese up to her in a mocking toast before swallowing it with a grimace.
"I hope the lights don't go out completely," she said as they flickered again.
"You'll always have me if they do."
"My helpful kitten. What would I do without you?"
"Probably cry because you miss me so much."
She cannonballed into the water to avoid answering that one. It was warmer than she was expecting, almost pleasant, but it was murky and difficult to see through. When Chat Noir grabbed her hand and led them through the metro's main door, she followed willingly.
Even with her limited sight, she knew the instant they were fully inside. The atmosphere changed immediately. Everything felt too open and exposed. Chat Noir guided her around the tall ceiling's support beams and over ticket counters. Something brushed her leg and she jumped, a stream of bubbles leaving her mouth, and reached for her yoyo. "What is that?"
He tugged on her hand to get her attention, then pointed to the surface.
"What was it?" she asked, wiping water out of her eyes. It didn't make much difference. Only dim light filtered through the upper windows.
"People," he said. "They're all statues. I don't like this akuma." The weight of the water flattened his hair.
"Do you think it's still on the platform?"
"I didn't see anything." He floated closer to her. Their hands brushed as they tread water. "But I saw a sign for the underground lines. I think we should look down there next."
She nodded, took a deep breath, and slipped back beneath the surface. He wasted no time in grabbing her hand again and leading her down. With a few more kicks of their flippers, she saw the dull glow of a red arrow pointing to the lower levels. At the bottom of the wide stairs, the cement roof had collapsed in. Slices of harsh fluorescent lights flashed through the rubble, along with some air bubbles. All good signs. The akuma had probably barricaded itself down here.
Chat Noir let go of her wrist so he could point at his left hand, one shoulder raised in question.
He was right. They probably couldn't get through without his Cataclysm, though she didn't much like the idea of his timer running down under water. They weren't far from the surface, though. He would easily be able to recharge and come back to join her.
No sooner had she nodded her approval than the rubble crumbled to dust, leaving a cloudy slurry for them to swim through.
The hallway lights were submerged completely but still flickered bravely, giving her glimpses of dozens of statues all running for the exit, frozen in stone terror.
Echoes of her nightmare whispered in the back of her mind. And even though she didn't need him to guide her, Ladybug reached for Chat Noir's hand as they swam above the silent crowd, just to have the constant physical reminder that he was there with her. And that he wasn't going to leave her.
The akuma wasn't hard to find.
The first things Ladybug could make out were the glowing red eyes, then the matching red hair that fanned around her in the water. At least they wouldn't lose sight of her easily.
She seemed more fish than human, with oversized webbed hands and feet, and long teeth that glinted hungrily.
One of her hands was clenched tightly around something, and when she pointed at the ticket counter, it was blasted into a hundred pieces. Chat Noir yelled and pushed Ladybug against the nearest wall, shielding her as plastic and stone torpedoes hurdled past them, lines of bubbles streaming after them. Over his shoulder, Ladybug could see the statues of cowering workers.
The akumatized woman turned and saw them. "You two have an appointment with Hawk Moth!" She raised her fist. Ladybug saw it held a small piece of paper. "And I'm going to make sure you aren't late!"
Ladybug and Chat Noir dove in opposite directions as the ceiling above them crumbled, blinding them with dust and bubbles.
Water rippled around her, giving her just enough warning to dodge out of the way of the hand shooting toward her earrings. She spun in the water, giving a good kick to the akuma's side as she propelled herself toward clearer water. Chat Noir was there waiting for her, weapon drawn. He put a finger to his lips and drifted forward.
"Wait," Ladybug whispered, bubbles hissing through her teeth.
Chat Noir turned, but his momentum in the water pulled him away from her.
She pointed at the ring finger of her right hand. He only had two minutes left on his timer. Then she pointed upward.
He shook his head and held up his staff. "I have enough-"
Ladybug swam forward and pushed him toward the exit just as the woman jetted toward them.
"Go!" Ladybug dove to avoid a blast from the paper. She was close enough to see it was a ticket.
"Get charged up. I'll hold her off!"
Another shrill beep let him know he only had one minute left, so Chat Noir kicked and disappeared back down the hallway, leaving Ladybug to turn her attention back to the fight. It wasn't time yet to use her Lucky Charm. She had to wait until she had Chat's cover to set up a plan to use it, so for now, she would stall until he got back.
Ladybug's attacks were met with glancing blows from wide fins. The woman's whirlpool kicks were easy to evade with the water powerup.
The water powerup! Chat didn't have another one! And she didn't want him to risk coming back down without it. He was reckless enough to do something like that.
The akuma snarled when she found Ladybug ducking behind an overturned table. She hissed her disapproval, then leveled the ticket at Ladybug's face.
Ladybug had just enough time to knock the woman's hand toward the ceiling. The initial impact of the blast sent a shockwave through the water. Metal and stone cracked and crumbled immediately after. One chunk caught Ladybug on the shoulder, but the suit protected her, and it bounced off. The woman wasn't as lucky. She roared in pain and frustration and headed deeper into the subway, following a line of tracks into the darkness. Ladybug took off toward the surface, following after her partner.
His timer had probably run out already. She hoped he was waiting for her already transformed, and not waiting so he could give Plagg the cheese instead of eating himself. Still, she should close her eyes when she surfaced, just in case.
The walls and ceilings were pockmarked all down the corridor. Several more lights had become flooded and given out since she'd been through here, minutes before. Doors hung from hinges, the rooms behind them even darker and gloomier than the hallway. She thought she saw a shadowy something move behind one of the crooked doors, and she swam faster.
She knew she was out of the hallway when the light became more diffuse and the ripples she made stopped bouncing off the walls back toward her. The water splashed as she broke through the surface, and she kept her eyes closed. "Chat, I have another powerup for you," she called, turning her head to better hear which direction he was in. "The woman slithered off, but she'll probably want to stay in the water, so… Chat?"
Her hand was halfway to her yoyo, ready to grab a wedge of cheese, but he made no answer. "Chat Noir?" Her voice echoed off the ceiling and the slowly rippling water. It was met with only silence. Her breath caught in her throat. Why wasn't he answering? "I'm opening my eyes."
In the dim light of the flooded station, she could see that she was alone. Her body felt heavy in the water. He wasn't there. He wouldn't have left her during a fight, not unless there was an emergency. And he would have told her what had happened–
Unless he couldn't.
Unless his timer—
Ladybug dove back under the water, flipping open her yoyo and using it as a flashlight to guide her way. Where is he? WHERE IS HE? 
The panicked plea flooded her thoughts, filling every crack, as she desperately searched the platform.
He hadn't made it to the surface. Dread settled over her, threatening to send her panic over the edge. Without stopping to think about what she was doing, she pushed herself back toward the stairs, into the dark.
She'd missed him. He needed her and she'd swum right past him! How could she!
He hasn't come up yet! Where is he?! 
Lights flickered. Ladybug checked every door, eyes wide open, searching for the faintest flutter of movement, any shadow that was the wrong color.
In the watery, flickering light of the hallway, she tried to think this through. His timer had definitely run out by now. If he was untransformed somewhere down here, he wouldn't be able to breathe or get himself to safety. And she wouldn't be able to keep her eyes closed if she wanted to get him to the surface quickly.
A flash of white caught her attention, but it was just the fluttering of paper tickets. She swam faster, the beam of light from her yoyo casting harsh shadows in the jagged holes the akuma had left behind.
Finding out his identity wasn't against her rules. Keeping her eyes open would almost certainly mean she would see his unmasked face, and maybe tell her who he really was.
But the alternative wasn't an option.
She slowed in the middle of the hallway, drifting past doors and broken tiles. A stripe of red kicked out behind one of those doors. Ladybug twisted and sped toward it, heart hammering in her throat, and grabbed a pale hand.
The hand gripped her back and started pulling her up.
Ladybug's head broke the surface, and scraped against a rough ceiling. "Ow!"
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Her yoyo was still under the surface, making the water around them glow, casting weak shadows from below. But she could see his face clearly enough.
"Adrien," she said breathlessly.
Water had plastered his hair to his head, and he was shivering in the cold water without his suit, and so much was wrong - how could Chat Noir be Adrien?! - but despite everything, he still smiled at her.
"Sorry," he said. His legs brushed hers as they tread water.
"It's fine," she said, she lied. The response was automatic. Her whole body felt stiff and unreal. Nothing was fine. Chat Noir was Adrien and Adrien could have drowned and she needed to get out of this small room and fight an akuma before she hyperventilated.
She thrust the yoyo at his face. "Use this. To breathe."
He took it wordlessly and started to dip back under the surface.
"Wait!" She grabbed his arm, and he popped up out of the water so fast that they knocked their foreheads together.
"Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing the spot.
"Powerup's in there. There's a powerup in there for you."
"I'll be back quick, I promise." He gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks for the save, Milady." And he disappeared back under the surface and took the light with him, like he hadn't just shattered her understanding of reality. She stayed there for a few more seconds before she shook herself and started groping for the door in the darkness.
The water didn't help clear her mind. It left her feeling as murky and blind physically as she did mentally. It pushed on her. Muffled her senses. Left her disoriented. Weightless and untethered.
The faint flickering light from the hallway was enough to guide her out, but navigating her path wasn't as easy as it had been the first time with her partner by her side.
The atrium the akuma had been destroying when they arrived was quiet. Statues, and pieces of statues, littered the floor. The train tracks she'd disappeared down faded into the black. Ladybug knew she would have to think of a plan to win the fight, but her mind kept spinning back to Chat Noir and Adrien and her rules.
The first rule was definitely broken. If she loved Adrien, that meant she'd been in love with Chat Noir the whole time. Her feelings for Adrien would somehow lead to the end of the world.
She didn't want to believe it. Wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen the destruction for herself.
His voice was jarring in the quiet. Adrien's voice. Chat Noir's voice.
It was louder and more energetic than when they were at school, and her heart clenched when she heard it. She'd been so close to him. Why hadn't she figured it out?
"Where'd the akuma go?" he asked. He stopped next to her and rested a hand on her elbow, like he was trying to steady her. His gaze was searching. When she didn't respond to the question he said gently, "Sorry. Akuma, or do you need a minute?"
"Akuma," she said abruptly. She didn't need more time to think. She was thinking too much. And only two things were important. Save Paris. And don't break any more rules. Everything else could wait. "This way."
The water in the tunnel was moving, pulling them toward the fight faster than she was ready.
"What's the plan?" Chat Noir asked. He kept one hand on her shoulder, guiding her in the dark. It had been his idea to keep the lights out, so they could stay hidden as long as possible.
"I have a plan." There was definitely no plan.
The hand on her shoulder gave a brief squeeze. "Does this plan include calling Lucky Charm?"
"Of course." It did now. That would be a smart thing to do.
"Could I suggest cleansing everything first?"
Ladybug put a hand to the wall to steady herself against the current. It was gaining speed. "Why would that help?"
"Is it a bad time to make a fish out of water joke?"
A lock of hair slipped out of her pigtail and fluttered in front of her eyes, barely visible in the gloom. She tucked it behind her ear. "It's never a good time for bad jokes." The strands floated free again, pulled in front her her by the intensifying current.
"All my jokes are great," he said, giving her a gentle hip check. "You just have a bad sense of humor." He was so close to her.
"One of us does, but thank you for the input." And for trying to make me feel normal.
"What's that sound?" He turned away from her, facing down the tunnel.
"I don't-" And then she heard it too: rushing water. She had just enough time to throw her arms around him before they were dragged down into the darkness.
They tumbled together, slamming into walls and pillars. Ladybug gripped him even more tightly, desperate for something to hold onto. They scraped against the subway tracks.
After a few seconds, the tunnel started to rise and opened up above the ground. The tracks dropped out from below them. In the distance, skyscrapers stood like broken teeth, distorted through the surface of the water.
The current was pulling them to the center of a lake, with a large column of water erupting from the middle. It swelled with all the floodwater from the subway and debris it was pulling in.
The akuma floated in the center, glowing and clearly visible in the darkness.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir!" she bellowed once she saw them. Her voice carried through the water, reverberating like ripples.
Chat Noir grabbed his baton and buried it into the lake bottom, using it to anchor both of them. Ladybug slipped, her arms leaving his shoulders only to fasten securely around his waist. His knees knocked into her stomach as they drifted in the pull of the water.
"Give me your miraculous! Or this water will flood all of Paris, starting with City Hall!"
Ladybug was not in the mood for this right now. Hawk Moth was just going to have to find another time, because she was not going to deal with this. His crisis could get in line right after her own.
She called for Lucky Charm, snatching a red and black Jumbo Sticky Hand as it almost floated past her. The gears started spinning. Using it to wrap her up? To slingshot herself to where was suspended in the middle of the column?
The baton shifted in the dirt as the water eroded the anchor they had, and she remembered his suggestion. It was time to take away the akuma's main advantage. Ladybug threw the yoyo as hard as she could and watched as it broke the surface above them. Within seconds, red swarms of magic had returned the world to normal, except for a flailing akuma, who was pushing herself to her feet, getting ready to charge on legs that looked a lot less floppy than Ladybug was expecting.
"Not tonight," she muttered. She gripped one end of the Sticky Hand and threw the other as hard as she could. Her aim was true, and the train ticket stuck fast, and her plan worked perfectly. Within seconds, the butterfly had been free and cleansed, and a woman in a wrinkled red blouse was kneeling in the middle of an abandoned lot.
"I'll take care of her until the police come," Chat Noir said. He wrenched the baton out of the dirt and brushed it off. "You go get charged up."
There wasn't much around that she could hide behind, so she followed the tracks back to the tunnel. Instead of calling off her transformation, she waited it out, watching Chat Noir and the woman from the shadows. Street lights gave her enough illumination to see the gentle way he held her hand, and how she uncurled as he eased whatever pain she'd recently experienced with his Adrien compassion.
Master Fu had been right in choosing him. Adrien had a good heart. And she loved him for it.
The first rule was broken. Had been broken this whole time. She loved him so much.
And that meant the other two rules were even more important if she wanted to prevent a disaster. Adrien couldn't know her identity, even though she was sure Chat Noir would never betray her like that. He understood how important the secret was more than anyone else.
The flash of pink light illuminated the walls around her, temporarily blinding her. Tikki was the first thing she saw.
Marinette fished a cookie out of her pocket. "He's Adrien," she said simply. "Chat Noir is Adrien."
Tikki took the cookie and nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."
"I know," Marinette whispered, eyes back on him already.
He and the woman were sitting in the dirt. When she'd first appeared, she'd looked defeated in every way, weighed down with so much anguish that she couldn't stand. After a few minutes of talking to Chat Noir, she sat up straight, leaning back casually as he pointed out faint constellations above them.
"What are you going to do?" Tikki asked after she was done eating.
It was a question she'd been avoiding asking herself. She knew what she had to do, but she didn't want to, for herself and for him. But they were heroes, and sometimes that meant that other people came first, even at her own expense.
She transformed back. Her feet were heavy as she walked back to the pair.
Hawk Moth must have manipulated Adrien somehow. He must have tricked him. Or sent a powerful akuma that could read minds. There was no other explanation. But it didn't change what she had to do. Their love ended the world. She couldn't let that happen.
"So Eléa here-" He nodded toward the woman sitting next to him. "-and I have been chatting. Did you know that Pisces is a constellation and used to be a name for the formal classification for fish?"
"Used to be?" Ladybug settled down on the dirt next to him and watched him out of the corner of her eye, finding Adrien's familiar profile in every plane of Chat Noir's face.
"It's an unofficial superclass now," Eléa finished.
"She was on her way to her new job at the Nausicaá Centre National de la Mer."
"Probably not," Eléa said dully.
"There was an akuma attack at the train station," he told her. "Of course you couldn't get there for an early morning interview."
Eléa poked her toes into a pile of dirt and didn't answer.
"They don't usually publish the civilian's name or the reasons," Ladybug said. "No one will know it was you if you don't tell them. I'm sure they'll reschedule."
"An accomplished scientist like yourself will be a great addition to the best aquarium in Europe," Chat Noir said.
Both women smiled at him.
Ladybug had always loved that about Chat Noir: how gently he dealt with the akuma victims, never blaming them for being so upset, always letting them know it wasn't their fault, and that there was still hope for everything to turn out for the best.
They sat in silence until blue lights flashed on the buildings around them, and the police stepped out of their vehicles.
"Thank you both," Eléa said as she stood and dusted herself off.
"Of course," Ladybug said.
"Always an honor to help," Chat Noir added. "Good luck with your interview, though I know you don't need it."
Eléa gave each of them a quick hug before letting herself be led to the waiting ambulance.
"So, do we need to talk?" he asked as they watched her go.
Ladybug swallowed hard against the lump in her throat, but it didn't budge. She tried once more, then gave up. "Yeah, we do."
Doors slammed, engines revved, and Ladybug and Chat Noir were suddenly alone in the dark in the middle of an abandoned lot. What a depressing place for an even worse conversation.
"Do you want to go somewhere else, or?" he asked.
She grabbed his wrist before he could leap away from her. If only she could keep him here forever in this moment, before she had to ruin everything. Before she had to hurt him.
"So…" he began. "My identity."
"Your identity," she whispered back. Her eyes found his and then skittered away.
"Does this change things between us?" he asked. His breathing picked up its pace. His hand twitched under her grip.
She hated rule number two. She wanted him to know who she was. She wanted to be able to love him freely. This was going to hurt them both so much.
"Yes," she said. The least she could do was look him in the eye when she ruined their relationship. She should do that much for him. So she dropped his wrist and squared her shoulders and held her head high, willing herself not to cry and make this even harder for him. "But not in the way you want."
His disappointment was a subtle thing. A slight drop of his shoulders as he let out a small breath. The curl of his fingers where they hung at his sides. A barely perceptible tightness around his eyes when he gave her a smile.
"I guess that was too much to hope for."
It wasn't. It really, really wasn't.
"You can't wait for me," she said. "You have to move on."
The step back he took was not subtle. "What?"
"I mean it," she said. "I'm sorry, but we're not–"
"Ladybug, I don't think I can."
Her treacherous heart thundered. If Chat Noir had said that an hour ago, she would have turned away with a grimace. But now that it was also Adrien declaring his love for her, she wanted to pull him in and kiss him and never let him go.
All she could do was clasp her hands tightly and lie to him. "I want you to move on." Her eyes dropped to his shoulder. She couldn't face him for her final blow. "I'm not going to return your feelings, and it's not fair for either of us."
At least the last part was true. There was nothing fair about this situation. The best she could do now, even though she hated it, was to let him go. Maybe he could be happy and loved by someone else. She had to be strong for both of them. For Paris.
After Chat Noir had been quiet for several seconds, she chanced a peek at his face. His eyes were fixed on her wringing hands, so she unclenched them and slowly moved them against her sides.
"I'm sorry," she said helplessly. Rule number one said they couldn't be together, but rule three said she couldn't let him get upset enough to be akumatized either.
"It's okay," he said tonelessly. "You can't change how you feel."
The denial she wanted to shout at him pushed against her lips, but she held it back. This wasn't a new wound, so maybe it was better this way.
"Chat?" She stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder, pressing gently, trying to convey comfort and care only, and not all the love she had for him. It was a fine line she couldn't afford to cross.
"I'm okay," he said, passing a hand over his eyes quickly. He cleared his throat and said, "I'm okay," more firmly.
He stepped out from under her hand. It hung between them for a second, before she thought to lower it.
"I-" she started. What was there to say? There was no way for her to make it better. Empty apologies weren't going to help him, and she couldn't make him any hollow promises.
A cold breeze blew the loose lock of her hair into her eyes, and he reached up to tuck it behind her ear. The move was filled with such tenderness she thought her heart would break, and then he stepped back and smiled at her, as hollow and empty and broken as everything she couldn't say to him.
"I'll see you at patrol?" He flashed her a quick thumbs up.
"Sure. See you."
Like nothing had happened. Like it was just a normal goodbye between two friends.
Ladybug was the first to turn and leave. Chat Noir didn't follow her. The way back home was long and lonely.
Every muscle in her body was sore by the time Marinette got back to bed. She'd pushed herself to the edge to outrun the disaster she'd left behind, and it hadn't been enough. She handed Tikki a cookie and said she was going to sleep and laid very still until her kwami's soft snuffles let Marinette know she was asleep.
And finally she was alone with her thoughts. All of Paris was finally still, but Marinette felt like she was in freefall. She would see Adrien in a few hours at school. Would he be too upset to go? Would he think it was just another rejection like all the others and not take her seriously? A piece of her hoped he would, that there might be something salvageable between them, but the flash of white when she closed her eyes pushed that feeling down.
After a few more minutes of tossing and turning, she gave up on her bed and headed out to her balcony. A drizzle had started, but Marinette didn't mind. They were a pair, the city and her.
The streets were empty. Street lights were dampened. Sounds of life were all muffled. Not even the moon was visible.
A small flicker of movement caught her attention, a shadow darker than the others that moved across the rooftops, and a flash of golden hair.
"Chat Noir," she called out before she could tell herself this was a terrible idea.
The shadow stopped and turned toward her.
Hadn't he gone home yet? Had it taken him all this time to come back, or was he just wandering aimlessly? "What are you doing out?" she asked.
He made the jump to her balcony in three short leaps, with none of the theatrics she had come to associate with him.
"Akuma," he said briefly once he'd landed next to her. "But it's gone now," he added as an afterthought. "So you don't need to worry." He stared at her chrysanthemums before sliding down the railing.
She'd never seen him look so defeated in her life. He was a crumpled heap at her feet, hair and ears flat, tail and limbs all limp. It was a bad idea to offer him comfort. It was a bad idea to kneel next to him and wrap her arms around him. But bad ideas were all she had tonight, and she couldn't turn him away when he was upset and it was her fault, no matter what her rules said.
"You don't have to talk about it." Water soaked through to her knees quickly. His leather-clad shoulder against her cheek was hard and cold. "But I'll stay here with you as long as you need me to."
Eyes closed, she felt him nod.
"Why?" His question was only a whisper louder than the rain.
The apology she wanted to give him burned in her stomach. Marinette couldn't give him that without suspicion. "Because you do so much for me - for the city! - that I want to help you too."
"I shouldn't be here." He tried to stand, but Marinette refused to let him rise. "I can't burden a citizen with my problems."
"That's not true," she said. There were a hundred reasons why, but 99 of them were only Ladybug's. "We're friends. That means I care about you and I'm here for you."
And she wanted to know when he was upset. If there was anything she knew about her Chaton, it was that he often stuffed his feelings when they were anything other than glowing. He would hide how hurt he was from Ladybug so she wouldn't have to suffer along with him. Marinette wasn't going to let him do that this time.
Rain pattered around them, making her flowers' petals tremble and plastering her hair to her face.
"Promise me something?" she asked after a few minutes.
"Come over whenever you're upset. I don't care if it's personal stuff or superhero stuff. When you feel like you don't have anyone else, remember you have me and come visit." Because she could be with him this way even if she couldn't be with him the way they both wanted. Because he deserved better. Because she loved him.
He rested his head against hers. "I will."
A/N: Welcome to my contribution to this year’s Big Bang! Thanks for setting it up @mlbigbang. And thanks to @khanofallorcs for beta’ing! There will be artwork for the upcoming chapters, so stay tuned for that! I’ll link and reblog when they’re posted!
There will be seven chapters total, and this one’s the longest one. :)
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boltedgarlic · 4 months
you’ll have to use the search function unfortunately :( i am no longer linking all my tags. if you’re on desktop, my theme should have a search bar!
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updated: 09/13/2024
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a-drop-a-week · 6 years
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Summer festival - Games
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH26
Ahhh! If you’ve read the original, this chapter reads the same up until the end. Lila has a few more tricks up her sleeve this time ;) You can see Emerald Shell in all of his glory here!
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Chapter 26: Skyscraper
Ladybug raced up the hall, colliding with Chat Noir as she rounded the corner. They blinked at each other, rubbing the sore spots on their heads.
“There’s an akuma loose in the museum,” Chat Noir said.
“I know. Let’s find it before it can akumatize someone.” Ladybug nodded.
“Ladybug! Chat Noir!” Eliott waved from the end of the hall. “I think my friend Marinette is in trouble. She’s had a rough day, and I just saw an akuma floating toward the Greek and Roman hall.”
“Don’t worry about your friend. We’ll take care of it, just get to safety.” Ladybug ordered.
Civilians fled across the lobby, piling out of the entrance as cherubs darted from the ceiling.
“We’re too late,” Ladybug said, yanking Chat Noir to the ground as a headless figure with wings flew at them.
“Looks like Nike is taking a victory lap.” Chat Noir commented.
“Diana too.” Ladybug pointed to the young woman petting a deer. “The akuma must be bringing the art to life. We better hurry and capture it before Paris gets flooded with monsters.”
“And naked people.” Chat Noir shuddered at the thought.
They raced past men and women in period clothes, men and women hardly wearing any clothes. Most were seemingly harmless until they reached Gericault’s Charging Chasseur, and Ladybug stopped Chat Noir just short of his sword. Behind him were several archangels with spears flanked by other monsters.
“How many can you take?” Ladybug asked, brandishing her yoyo.
Chat Noir readied his staff with a wince. “Five, maybe ten.”
Strikes came from all directions, and any attempts to dodge into the air were thwarted by flying creatures and projectiles. They were outnumbered, and there was no sign of the akuma anywhere. Ladybug flipped back several paces until she found herself back-to-back with Chat Noir.
“Lucky Charm!” She caught a ceramic turtle as it materialized.
“Oh great, maybe we can find the akuma, and he can bring your new pet to life.” Chat Noir grunted.
“I think it wants me to go to Master Fu,” she said, palming the figurine. “Can you manage alone for a bit?”
“I can try to give them the runaround, but don’t take your time.” Chat Noir vaulted over the horde, landing on the other side of the hall. “Is that all you chumps got? I’m falling asleep.”
Ladybug slipped out as they took the bait, swinging to Master Fu’s as fast as her yoyo would carry her.
“Master, there’s an akuma at the Louvre that’s bringing all of the artwork to life, and the lucky charm told me to come here.” She explained in a rush.
“Very well.” Master Fu stood to retrieve the Miracle Box, but Ladybug held up a hand.
“Actually, Master, I was thinking we could use yours—if that’s okay!” She pressed her palms together.
Master Fu smiled, removing his bracelet. “Do you have someone you can trust?”
“I have someone in mind.” She nodded. She only hoped she could find him.
“Good luck.”
Back at the museum, Nino bravely tussled with an Egyptian mummy, and her heart sank. Griping the box in her hand a little tighter, she started up the hall in search of another boy. Of course, it was possible that he’d already evacuated, but if luck was on her side, she’d find him.
A high-pitched scream drew Ladybug around the corner. Macy cowered on the floor while Martin shielded her from an angel with his textbook.
“Run, Macy!”
“Not without you!” she cried.
“I’ll hold him off. Go find Marinette; I’m right behind you!” He ordered.
Macy eyed him hesitantly before scrambling from the exhibit.
Ladybug held up the box in her hand, flicking her gaze between it and the boy fighting with a textbook. Her friends came to look for her after she left. Even with a museum filled with monsters and gods, they weren’t abandoning her. Maybe the Miraculous wasn’t intended for who she originally thought.
With a flick of her wrist, she hooked her yoyo around Martin’s chest and pulled him out of the way of a lethal strike just in time.
“Ladybug!” he gasped. “Have you seen my friend Marinette? We’re worried that she might have been akumatized.”
“Your friend is safe, but I need your help,” she said.
“My help?” Martin’s eyebrows raised.
“Martin Michel, this is the Miraculous of the turtle which grants the power of protection. You will use it for the greater good and return it to me at the end of the mission.” She held out the box to him, and he stared with wide eyes.
“You’re giving me a Miraculous? But I’m not really built to be a hero.” He flexed his scrawny arms.
“It takes more than muscles to be a hero, and you’ve already proven your strength in here.” Ladybug tapped his chest. “You are the perfect fit.”
Martin took the box with a gulp, wincing against the flashing light as he opened it.
“Greetings! My name is Wayzz, and I am your kwami.” The small turtle held his arms out.
“So, do all Miraculouses come with a magical fairy creature?” Martin tilted his head to the side.
“The kwamis power the Miraculous. The turtle can create a shelter for a brief period of time, but once you activate your power, you only have a few minutes before you change back.” Ladybug explained.
“To transform, all you have to say is, ‘Wayzz, transform me!’”
“Okay.” Martin slipped on the bracelet. “Wayzz, transform me!”
When his transformation finished, Ladybug ushered him along.
“Come on. Chat Noir needs our help.”
Across the museum, Chat Noir raced down the hall pursued by several horses. He turned the corner into another room, but after shrieks from several women, he turned tail and ran the other way, covering his eyes and spouting apologies. When he lowered them, Ladybug and their new ally fell in line beside him.
“Been keeping them busy?” Ladybug asked.
“I thought angels were supposed to be good guys,” Chat Noir said.
“We need to find the akuma,” Ladybug said. They turned the next hall to find a woman sitting calmly on a bench.
“No way!” Chat Noir gasped.
“Mona Lisa?” Martin blinked.
“Have you seen the person who did this to you?” Ladybug asked. Mona Lisa smiled politely, pointing to the other end of the hall. “Thanks!”
“So, who is our new friend?” Chat Noir gestured to Martin as they ran.
“Uh,” he drawled. “You can call me Emerald Shell.”
“Welcome to the team,” Chat Noir said, offering him a hand to shake, but they skidded to a stop in the main lobby where Macy cowered beneath a sword-wielding warrior.
“Macy!” Emerald Shell gasped. He rushed in to block a hit with his shield.
Chat Noir’s stampede caught up to them, blocking all possible exits.
“You got a plan?” Chat Noir asked.
Ladybug summoned another lucky charm.
“Rubber cement?” She pursed her lips, surveying the scene. “Emerald Shell, get Macy out of here. Chat Noir, with me.”
Emerald Shell scooped Macy up and carried her to safety as Ladybug formulated a plan. Rubber cement. What was she supposed to do against an army of paintings with rubber cement? A camera bulb flashed and a pack of dogs raced by. A pale figure with a photo lens covering one eye, surveyed the chaos with a smirk.
“There! I’m betting the akuma is in the camera lens.” Ladybug pointed.
“You’re too late, Ladybug. I am Flash Photo, and soon I’ll have brought all of the artwork to life! You’re outnumbered.”
Ladybug flicked her gaze between the akuma, the rubber cement, Chat Noir, and Emerald Shell as he landed to her left.
“Cover me, and get ready to use your powers when I tell you.” She crouched down, slathering a tile with the glue as Chat Noir fenced two swordsmen. “Help me drive him back.”
“Got it!” Emerald Shell nodded.
He and Ladybug charged at Flash Photo, taking turns throwing kicks and punches. Emerald Shell deflected spears from other paintings with his shield until Ladybug got Flash Photo right where they wanted.
“No!” Flash Photo gasped, tugging his stuck feet in horror.
“Chat Noir!” Ladybug called. He vaulted over to join them, deflecting another spear. “Now, Emerald!”
A green barrier encased them, blocking the chaos outside and leaving Flash Photo stuck and alone. Chat Noir paced over with his Cataclysm, touching the camera lens lightly. It crumbled to dust, revealing the black butterfly inside. Ladybug captured the akuma, tossing her lucky charm to send all of the art back to their rightful homes. Emerald Shell lowered his shield, and the barrier faded.
Ladybug knelt beside the man, offering his camera with a smile. “There’s a lot of cool art here, but museum rules say no flash photography,” she said. “Besides, art is best appreciated through your own eyes, not through the lens of a camera.”
“Thanks, Ladybug…” He rubbed the back of his neck with a guilty wince before standing up and slumping off.
“Pound it!” The three heroes said in unison.
“See you later, Bug, new turtle friend.” Chat Noir waved before vaulting off.
Emerald Shell examined his suit with a smile. “I wish Marinette could see me. She’d be really proud.”
“Your identity must remain a secret, even from your friends.” Ladybug reminded him. “But I’m sure she’s proud of you anyway. Superpowers or not.”
He smiled at that, letting his transformation drop and removing the bracelet. “Thanks, Ladybug.”
“I’m sure you’ll find her. She’s probably around here somewhere,” Ladybug said. She tossed her yoyo and gave a small wave. “Bug out!”
♪♫♪ 1000 Doves ♪♫♪
Martin walked the halls, hands in his pockets. Marinette was still nowhere in sight, and he hadn’t run into Eliott or Lisette either. Ladybug’s magic restored everything, so they were probably still searching a different part of the museum. He was just relieved that Marinette wasn’t the victim this time, but it did beg the question that if she wasn’t the akuma, where was she?
“Martin!” His heart skipped as Macy trotted after him. She pulled him into a crushing hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay! I was worried that monster got you.”
“Can’t breathe,” he croaked, and Macy let go. “I’m fine. Ladybug saved me.”
“Ladybug and her new partner! He saved me by the entrance,” Macy said with a giddy grin. “He’s kind of cute. I hope she uses him again.”
Martin faltered, cheeks burning hot. Even if he told Macy the truth, she probably wouldn’t believe him. Still, if she thought Emerald Shell was cute, there was hope she’d think the same about him someday.
“Uh, let’s keep looking for Marinette,” he said.
“You’re right, sorry! Let’s go.” Macy linked her arm through his, and they continued on together.
Maybe someday she’d see him as more than a friend. He could hope anyway.
♪♫♪ I Did Something Bad ♪♫♪
Her friends slammed into her side, squishing her between their bodies.
“We were so worried!” Macy said.
“Yeah, when we saw there was an akuma, we thought that it was you.” Eliott nuzzled her hair.
“Well, it almost was me.” Marinette admitted, lowering her gaze. “Adrien talked me out of it.”
“Oh, Marinette.” Macy frowned. “You know you can always talk to us if you’re feeling stressed.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to face everything alone. We’re here to help you.” Martin offered her neatly repacked lunch bag.
“You’ve helped all of us in so many ways, Marinette. If you ever need us, we’re right here.” Lisette added.
“Thank you. I needed that reminder today.” Marinette rubbed her cheek as a tear slid down it, snuggling into their embrace.
“Oh! Speaking of Adrien!” Macy shot up. “His school is about to leave, but he said he would wait at the bottom of the stairs in the lobby for you.”
“Oh, uh.” Marinette winced guiltily, but they all nudged her on.
“Go, Cinderella, before the clock strikes midnight. We’ll meet you at the bus.” Eliott urged, wrapping his arm around Lisette.
Marinette smiled before jogging up the hall. Adrien might not have been the partner she needed to defeat the akuma, but he was the partner Marinette needed to overcome her own demons. Confessing her love while fighting off akumatization wasn’t how she pictured telling Adrien, but now that her feelings were out there, a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Adrien would always be by her side, and Lila would never come between them.
When she reached the top of the stairs, she caught sight of that signature silky, blond hair, a smile curling over her lips. She always thought that once they started dating, she’d get over how dreamy he was, but he really was more handsome than any of the Greek gods depicted in the museum. He turned to her as she skipped down the stairs, eyes softening in the way that made her heart melt.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, touching her lips to his. He lifted her up, spinning around in a circle with a laugh. Setting her down, he nuzzled her cheek with his nose.
“Well, aren’t you two sweet?”
They stopped cold in their tracks. A set of green eyes taunted them from the top of the stairs, sinister and calculating. Adrien pulled Marinette closer.
“Ya know, you two could have just gone along quietly, but you had to do things the hard way,” Lila said, descending the stairs slowly. “Your efforts to expose me have been cute, but I’m going to put an end to this little charade once-and-for-all.”
“Look, Adrien and I don’t care anymore, Lila. Just leave us alone, and we’ll leave you alone,” Marinette said.
“Oh, I’m afraid it’s too late for that, Marinette. You started this war, now I’m going to end it. No one will ever talk to you again when I’m through with you.” Lila paused on the last step. “I warned you not to mess with me, and now you get to pay the price.”
In one fluid motion, she twirled around on one foot and collapsed onto the floor. Her wails echoed through the lobby, every head turning toward them. Lila clutched her ankle as their classmates circled in.
“What happened?” Alya pushed to the front of the group.
“Marinette pushed me down the stairs!” Lila screeched, clutching her foot. “Ow!”
“What?” Marinette, Adrien, and Alya said in unison.
All eyes turned to Marinette mixed with confusion and anger. Marinette glared at Lila, grinding her teeth until they hurt. That stupid, evil wench! There was no way everyone believed her this time.
“That’s not what happened,” Adrien said. “Marinette never touched Lila.”
Alya turned to Marinette, crossing her arms over her chest. “Care to explain?”
“She’s lying. I was at the bottom of the stairs with Adrien. She fell down on purpose,” Marinette said.
“Oh really?” Alya asked.
“Yes!” Marinette shot back. “Why would I push her?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.” Alya shrugged.
She and Marinette glared through each other until Nino stepped in, holding up defensive hands.
“Let’s not get carried away. Lila is hurt. We should get her to the bus,” he said.
“Please, she’s fine.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “The only thing wrong with her is her habit of bending the truth.”
“I dunno. She seems really hurt,” Rose said as Lila let out a pathetic whimper.
“Why would she pretend to fall down the stairs?” Max asked.
“Because she’s crazy!” Marinette blurted before she could think better of it.
Her old classmates eyed her with puzzled gapes, and Marinette’s world rocked beneath her feet. Lila was doing it all over again. The trust her old friends once had for her was shattering, and the skeptical whispers were already starting.
Marinette’s hands balled into fists at her sides. How could they be so blind? This was exactly why she left in the first place! If she had stayed at Franscoise-Dupont, Lila would have pulled a scheme like this on her eventually. Marinette should have exposed her when she had the chance!
Kim pursed his lips and turned to Alix. “Isn’t there a security camera or something we can check?”
“Not for this stairwell.” Alix shook her head. “Trust me, I grind down these rails all the time because my dad can’t see me. It’s a total blind spot.”
“So, it’s Lila’s word versus yours, Marinette,” Alya said her name with a vitriol that made her skin crawl. “What do you have to say?”
“I-” Marinette glanced at each of their faces, stomach churning in knots.
“Why would you do this to me, Marinette?” Lila whimpered. “What have I ever done to you?”
Marinette bit her tongue hard, so Adrien spoke up.
“If you won’t believe Marinette, then believe me. She didn’t touch Lila,” he said.
“Of course you’re going to side with Marinette. That doesn’t prove anything.” Alya rolled her eyes.
“But it’s the truth!” Adrien shot back.
“I’m not really sure you two know what that word means anymore,” Alya said.
“Al.” Nino stepped in. “Enough. Let’s just get Lila back to the bus, okay? We can figure out what happened later.”
Alya shot Marinette and Adrien one final glare before stooping to help Lila up. Kim and Ivan helped her hobble to the main entrance, the rest of their classmates trailing slowly behind. Alix hung back, casting Marinette an apologetic wince.
“Sorry. I wish there was a way we could prove what really happened,” she said. “For what it’s worth, I know you never would.”
“Thanks, Alix,” Marinette said.
Alix flashed her a quick smile, then retreated after the rest of the class.
Adrien gave her hand a squeeze. “I better go too. We’ll deal with all of this later. I won’t let her get away with this, I promise.” He planted a quick kiss on her cheek and followed after Alix.
Marinette stood at the base of the stairs, nails digging into her palms until they broke the skin.
If you leave her like this, she’ll never stop.
But why did Marinette have to be the one to stop her?
She’s using all of the people you care about. Doesn’t that make your blood boil?
Of course, it did! Lila didn’t even care about them. All she wanted was attention! These were her friends, the people she loved and fought for. The ones who lifted her up when she was down. The people she grew up with, and Lila was taking them all away!
So, what’s our plan to destroy her?
Marinette made her way across town, her face a stoic mask concealing the rage burning underneath. Lila wanted her to fight back? Well, she was about to get a full storm.
“Dupain-Cheng?” Chloe quirked a brow when she opened the door to her suite.
“I changed my mind. I want to help you take down Lila.”
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virgilortiz · 4 years
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🦾👽🤘🏿Kudos to @aoc for her brilliant defense of women🙌🏾. Has anyone checked on yoyo🤷🏻‍♂️😂 This piece from The Vagabond series (09) reminded me of her and the ass whoopin she delivered💥👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💥#womenempowerment #indigenous #ceramics #sculpture #MadeInNativeAmerica® https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBKnS-j2Gz/?igshid=16o3ul3drcsj0
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fibceramic · 2 years
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writingonthemoon · 5 years
Secret Santa | Forever and Always
This is an all too late present for the marvellous @davey-in-a-minivan It was so much fun to write and I hope it will be at least half that much fun to read.
If a summer day could hold an omen of doom, it would be a mystery as to what the sun was hiding.  The grassy fields with their patches of vibrant green encircled with a ring of mushrooms held secrets none would want to dig up.  Broken ceramics and clean swipes through layers of dust were a puzzle none wanted to solve.  The dark shadows of the forest lured unsuspecting passersby into a maze of questions that go unanswered and paths that will never be found again.  Abandoned items on sides of roads drew the eye of only those who were unaccustomed to the markers of unpleasant events.
     Detectives were almost solely acquainted with that sort of unknown misery.  Whether it be a missing victim or a missing suspect, there was always a search for answers most people wouldn't want to know.  The searches could go on for days, weeks, or even months.  There were so many different tasks to complete and leads to follow through on, it was almost impossible for a single person to finish a case.  That's why most detectives have a partner, even the amateurs.  And Hugo Jackson had the perfect partner in Winnie Foster.
     Quiet days were Winnie's most and least favourite.  When there were no mysteries to solve, there was no point to the day, in her words.  Due to her philosophy, she was often times extremely bored.  To cure herself from a day of nothing, she got into more trouble than she should and often times, Hugo had to bail her out of whatever situation she'd gotten herself into.
     Usually the trouble was small, like swiping some tiny trinket from a store or setting an animal free that decides to chase her.  It was very easy to smooth it all over with a simple apology and perhaps a fruit basket.  That was when they were kids, back when their cases were the missing yoyo or pet rabbit.  As they grew up, everything got more serious.  Yoyos escalated to food which was soon heirlooms and money.  They were always the ones finding where they were needed.  Soon the trouble would find the two and that was much more serious.
     Winnie, at seventeen years old, had solved her fair share of missing persons cases.  Granted they were missing dolls and were just misplaced in her room, but she still counted them.  Hugo, at twenty-one, had read all the old local cold cases and come up with answers before the day was up.  As a team, the only thing they were waiting on was a chance to prove themselves to the adults, show that they could compete on the same level as the professionals.  Their wish came true all too soon.
It was another quiet day and Hugo was dragging Winnie on a picnic so she wouldn't get on the bad side of the Johnstons. Again. His plan was going quite well too. She was skipping up ahead of her friend, going on about what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go. Hugo was listening on, admiring her carefree expression grin and light laugh as she hopped over a puddle from the day prior.
She stopped suddenly, teetering on her toes as she stared into a ditch, "Hugo," she choked out, "Hugo, come here. Please." He rushed up beside her and the basket slipped from his hands. All the wind had been knocked from his lungs and he was left frozen in shock.
The dirt shifted beneath his feet and stuck to the knees of his pants, "Commissioner Joe." Tears started to form in his eyes and Winnie fell beside him, holding him in her arms.
The man in question was all too recognizable. His hat was lying in the mud beside him and he was smeared with dirt. Tears in his suit made a scuffle evident and there was a large gash on his forehead. The worst part was the dark stain on his waistcoat and the small hole in the centre of it.
Winnie's voice was broken as she spoke softly, "What are we going to do, Hugo?"
"We're going to find who did this." He squeezed Winnie's hand tightly, "We're going to find them and bring them to justice."
The first stop was the police station. While the two knew they would be trying to solve the care without their help, it was still necessary to report it so it was less likely they would be thought suspect. As if it would happen, but it was a step they had to take. The entire precinct was devastated with the news, but the duo had no time to mourn with the others. They were on a mission.
The library's archives was the next stop. Somewhere, in one of the papers, there must be some clue to who murdered Joe. Someone he arrested previously or gotten on the wrong side of. And there were a lot of names. The commissioner was top of the line in his early days as a detective and after only a few years he reduced from by half. It was a long list of enemies he had made and it took all night until they had compiled the full list. And it was going to take much longer to get rid of a few names, nevermind all but one.
The sun was peeking in through the windows, the rays visible through the dusty air. The librarian was kind enough to let the two stay through the night. The two had slept an hour at most, using the newspapers as pillows and huddling beside one another in place of a blanket.
"Maybe it was someone who was just let out." Winnie looked up from the files before the two, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "They served their time and are out of prison now. Whomever it was, they wanted revenge or something."
Hugo looked at Winnie for a moment, taking in her idea. "Coffee." He nodded slowly while looking around, still a little dazed, "We need coffee. I'll start cross-referencing the names we've collected with recent news articles. Anybody mentioned is who we investigate." He jumped up out of his seat and went to collect more archived stories.
Winnie's eyes followed him on his path through the aisles until she could no longer see him. He was holding up more than she thought he would. It was too much for his own good. He needed to cry, grieve, and let everything out. She knew he wouldn't though, not until there was justice. Commissioner Joe was like a father to Hugo and for him to see the man so lifeless and cold... Winnie could tell it broke his soul.
She couldn't help but think about the sight as she walked through the streets later that afternoon. The town was so caught up with the news, mourners and those disappointed alike were continuously interrupting Winnie's path. The image was haunting and omnipresent in her mind. The pale skin was haunting and the sun made it so much worse than anything they had seen before. Once crimson blood was dark and flakey and the paths the streams tapered and bulged, which could only mean he was still struggling when he was bludgeoned. The eyes were so glassy and empty and it looked as if he could've been crying. Someone close to him must've done it. Betrayal both ways.
"Winnie!" She focused back in on her surroundings at the sound of Hugo's voice. He was running towards her, his bag bouncing on his hip and a paper waving around in his hand. There was a grin on his face and Winnie lit up because of it, "Winnie, Winnie, Winnie, Winnie, Winnie." He stutter-stepped to a halt in front of her. "I think I know who it was."
"Already?" He nodded vigorously and took a cup from her, sipping at the burning coffee, "Who, who, who?" She jumped up and down in excitement. While it was such a tragedy that they were solving the murder of family, it was amazing they narrowed it down so soon. Of course they had, though. Hugo was working the case a d he was the best in the business. At least, Winnie always called him that.
"Pragman. William Pragman." The paper Hugo was holding was presented to Winnie in a flash, the headline practically screaming their answer at them.
"'Corruption in Cops—Detective Arrested By Own Partner.'" Winnie read out, bouncing on her toes and tapping her nails on her cup.
"Pragman was the commissioner's partner back when he was just a detective. He was double crossing the police and taking part in backhanded underground dealings. Smuggling, fraud, gangs, all of it. Everything was kept quiet as long as he got his cut." Hugo was so excited about everything he was saying. This sort of stuff was always what the two wanted to deal in and now that it was finally happening, they couldn't help but be happy, "He wanted Joe to join him, get involved with all the criminals and start breaking the laws he upheld with honor. Obviously Joe didn't because he.. he wouldn't," Hugo started choking up a little, "and he collected as much evidence as he could before Pragman came for him. He made the arrest and got honors, a promotion, everything."
"And Pragman got locked up." Winnie finished what Hugo was saying, "That must mean that he's been planning things, waiting until he got the opportunity to exact his revenge. Was there anyone else involved that's still alive? Because if he's starting with Joe, there's someone else he's more interested in."
It took only a moment before the name came to their minds, "Ex-Commissioner Manfred." It was an unplanned synchronization of words. Hugo continued, "He was there at the time of the arrest. That must be who he's going for next."
"We have to go tell the police."
Hugo shook his head, "There's no time. Look, the sun is going to set soon. By the time they get any team together, he'll already be dead. We just have to do it ourselves." Winnie nodded and they ran off toward the Manfred home with almost no plan in mind but knowing they must do something.
It was dark when they arrived. Nothing seemed spread out until you needed to be somewhere fast. A small plan of informing Manfred and moving him to the precinct was created in a rush, but there was no time to get any more details in there. Winnie went to knock on the door with Hugo following closely behind. Before her knuckles hit the board, the sounds of voices inside stopped her. They were too serious for them to not be too late.
"What do we do now?" Winnie whispered.
"Get in, get Pragman, get out. There's not much else at this point." Hugo's bravery and determination shocked Winnie. She was always the one who took the lead on things like this and to see Hugo step up was.. different.
The voices were too deep into the house for them to be in the front room and the two slipped in. All clear, but the broken glass and mess upon the ground wasn't reassuring. Pragman had one goal and he was going to complete it if it killed him. Hugo and Winnie, to their dismay, split up to locate the two. The both of them were armed, but to varying degrees. Winnie had the knife from her father, a present planned for her sixteenth. Hugo instead picked up a rolling pin from the kitchen.
Winnie hated the all too silent air in the house. She couldn't hear anything, but she didn't want to consider the idea they were too late. Each room she checked was clear, empty, untouched. But there was still one last room and she had a bad feeling about it. The door was ajar and a low light came from inside. As Winnie creeped forward, her stomach grew queasy. Once she made it to the opening, she peered in and got a look at the room. It was free of people except Manfred tied up and gagged. Without thinking much about what she was doing, she ran in and started to cut the ropes. Manfred struggled, though, muffled sounds making their way out. She wasn't sure why he was doing that until she heard the door click shut.
It was a moment until she was knocked to the ground, her knife flying across the room. Immediately, whomever it was, the bound her wrists and ankles to keep her from fighting. Winnie flipped herself over and came face to face with the man in handcuffs.
"Pragman." Winnie spat in his face, wriggling away into the corner. Her knife met her hands and she began trying to cut her bonds, "You're free, why ruin it by commiting such heinous crimes?"
"Because they deserve it!" His hair was wild and he eyes wilder. His voice was old and shifting, like him and his glitchy movement on his feet. The pitch changed as he spoke to himself, as if there were another in his mind, "The media got it wrong. Joe was corrupt." There was a gun gleaming in the low candle light. It was waving in the air with such little care that Winnie started cutting faster, "They all were. And it began with Frank Manfred." Pragman pointed it at the man, "He's the reason all this happened. I was just playing the game, and I was winning too. Nobody liked that."
Winnie caught the door opening in her peripheral and Hugo's wide eyes met hers briefly. Pragman went to look around the room when Winnie spoke up, thinking on her feet, "What was the game?" His head snapped over and he swiftly approached her, "You said you were winning the game," she shrugged nonchalantly, trying not to show her dear, "and I want to play."
"The game?" He threw his head back and laughed, "It was evil. Lying, stealing, betrayal, murder. I knew the ins and outs of it all. Joe and I were a team before, he was piggybacking on my knowledge. We were partners in crime. I needed to go solo, so I left him in the dust. I reinvented the entire thing, changed it all. Nobody was having fun, though, and they wanted me out."
"Why did you let them?" Winnie was keeping the man distracted as Hugo snuck in and crept up to them, "If you were winning, you were able to do whatever you wanted. So why did you let them kick you out?"
"I— I didn't let them kick me out! I'm still in it! I'm still playing! Still winning! And I will win," he cocked the gun and aimed it at Winnie, "no matter who gets in my way."
"You better rethink that." A crack sounded through the room and Pragman crumpled to the ground, a half of the rolling pin clattering on the wooden floorboards.
Hugo fell down beside Winnie and hugged her close, tears of relief flooding his eyes. "Oh my God, Winnie. What were your thinking? He could've killed you. He was going to kill you!" He held her by the shoulders and shook some sense into her.
"No, he wasn't. I knew you would save me," She craned her neck and kissed his cheek, "because we're partners and we always have each other's backs." The blade of her knife finally cut through the layers of rope and she rubbed her wrists to get circulation back.
Hugo kissed her fiery hair before going to untie her ankles, "That was still a dumb thing to do."
"You know that's how we work. You do smart stuff, I do cool stuff and everything works out in the end." Once she was free, she picked up the knife and cut the bonds on the ex-commissioner while Hugo tied up Pragman.
Winnie had Hugo's jacket draped over her shoulders while he spoke with the police. He had called them when he cleared his zone and Winnie wasn't even surprised. It was the smart thing to do and he always did the smart thing. Pragman was in handcuffs once again and he wouldn't be getting out of them anytime soon.
"Are you ready to go home, Winnie?" She looked up and saw Hugo softly smiling down at her. The moon was behind him, creating a halo around his head. She mirrored his expression and nodded, standing up and moving to give him is jacket back. "No, no. Keep it. I'm fine." Winnie gave the boy a look, but he assured her with a nod.
The two were in no rush to return to their homes. Everything they had seen and done in the past two days needed a few moments to be processed. Their stroll was silent and their fingers were intertwined in a show of comfort. They passed Joe's old house and a shrine was constructed in front of the fence. Candles were lit and photos moved gently in the breeze.
"They offered me a position." Hugo broke the silence, pulling Winnie's gaze from the sad memories, "Detective Hugo Jackson. I'd rank higher than some others that work in the precinct. There would be a future for me. It could go work in the city too, if I got good enough."
"Did you take it?" Winnie didn't want to admit she was hoping be would say no. In thinking about what Pragman had said, she trusted the force less and less, even if he was lying. She didn't want Hugo to get caught in all the dirty dealings and shady characters that would be there.
He shook his head lightly, "No," he grinned at the girl beside him, "I could never replace my partner." He bumped her shoulder a little and he laughed.
Winnie giggled, "Partners in crime."
"Partners in crime solving." Hugo pointed out, earning another laugh from Winnie. He loved her little laugh.
"Partners in crime solving." She repeated, "Forever and always?" She offered a pinky to the boy so they could promise.
"Forever and always." He linked pinkies with her and she leaned her head on his shoulder as the two walked on through the quiet streets. Whatever came the next day would come. The couple would let themselves grieve together and find their happiness again. But for a few more hours, they would be kids and forget the rest of the world. Let themselves live in a forever and always for just a little longer.
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m4g0rtz · 6 years
21 Questions
I was tagged by: @julcheninred @dewitty1 and @bixgirl1 Thank you guys! You put the biggest smile on my face.😊
Rules: Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: My screen name was actually a nickname given to me as a joke by a friend in college. The numbers are meant to be read like you would leetspeak. Yeah, I'm that old and my friends and I are that ridiculous. So if you wanted to pronounce it, you'd say magortz. Kinda rhymes with Hogwarts now that I think about it. If you wanted to make a nickname out if my screen name, I'd be cool with Mags.
Height: 5'6"
Last movie I saw: In the theater? Wreck it Ralph 2. At home? Lego Batman. Coincidentally, this would also be my answer if one of these questions had been whether I have any children.
Last thing I googled: Marlon Teixeira. Someone on here mentioned him in a post recently and I needed to remember...things. lol
Favorite musician: YoYo Ma or Itzhak Perlman.
Song stuck in my head: Open Mike Eagle, (How Could Anybody) Feel at Home
Other blogs: Nope. This is the only one I got!
Do I get asks: Nope! My blog is so tiny. So if you're reading this: Thank you! 💖 I think you're awesome! No, Seriously.
Following: 128
Amount of sleep: Never enough. Always interrupted. If you see me on here at 3am, I can guarantee you I'm not happy about it. I'm lucky to get 6 hours of sleep a night. Last night it was 3.
Lucky number: Don't have one.
What I'm wearing: jeans, t-shirt, flats, and a hat. Always a hat cause I have curly hair and never enough time in the morning to wash it, style it and then wait 3 hours for it to dry. Yeah, definitely hat.
Dream job: full time potter/ceramics teacher, preferably college level. Someone bring me some clay!!! 👏👏
Dream Trip: I've been there three times already and all I want to do is go back: Tokyo. Until I went there, I didn't know it was possible to be homesick for a place where you've never lived.
Favorite food: sushi. Alllll the sushi.
Play any instruments: Violin, although it's been forever since I've played regularly. Also the tiniest bit of piano.
Languages: German in highschool and college, although I was never fluent and am totally out of practice now.
Favorite songs: Making this list was painful. There are SOOO many more.
Adagio for Strings, Samuel Barber
Enjoy the Silence, Depeche Mode
Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, U2
Your Heart is an Empty Room, Death Cab for Cutie
Neighborhood #3 (Power Out), Arcade Fire
All the Love in the World, Nine Inch Nails
Speed Trials, Elliot Smith
Burden in My Hand, Soundgarden
The Laws Have Changed, The New Pornographers
Waitin' for a Superman, The Flaming Lips
Wait for it, Hamilton Cast Recording
Clair de Lune, Debussy
mrs. jesus, Tori Amos
Animal, Mike Snow
Kissing the Lipless, The Shins
Random fact: I played at the Sydney Opera House when I was 16.
Describe yourself as asthetic things: A beam of light breaking through the branches of a tree deep in the forest. That first sip of a really cold beer when you are desperately thirsty. A freshly sharpened color pencil in the exact color you need. The weight and feel of your favorite mug as it rests in your hand, filled to the rim with hot tea (or coffee, or cocoa, whatever hot drink you prefer). The smell of a damp old cellar filled with things you haven't looked at in 20 years that remind you of your favorite times and people. Sitting on a couch with a glass of wine, listening to the ear-pearcing shreaks of children in the background, while you watch all of your fucks fly out the window.
I'm pretty sure everyone has been tagged in this already, so I will say this: If you are reading this, especially if you follow me, and you haven't done this yet, I tag you.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Xiamen Yoyo Ceramic Trading Co., Ltd.
86-592-2055232 0086 15859242972
Room 609, Building 1, 189 Lianyue Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China
As a professional supplier on ceramic & porcelain with over 8 years experience, we have strict & effective QC system, and have the strong development capacity on new products.Our production lines include:1). Daily ceramics: ceramic mugs, ceramic cups, porcelain mugs, porcelain cups, tea sets, tea pots, bowl, plate, kitchenware, jars, canisters, pots etc.2). Decorative ceramic: money box, figurine, photo frame, vases, soap dishes, candle holder, oil burners, etc3). Garden ware: flower pot, planter, etc4). DIY & Bisque: almost the full range of the ceramic craftsProduct finish can be:1). Glazing w/hand painted or decal finish2). Chrome plating finish3). Crystal finish4). In-kiln-changed finishedWe always try best to offer our customers the 100% high quality products with the competitive price. All our products can well match the relevant standards/requirement of US & Europe.Any sourcing requirement, good idea, design or sample, please don’t hesitate to contact us.Looking forward to the long-term & excellent coorperation with you.
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mayahe12 · 3 years
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Shenzhen Mayahe Co., Ltd synergize products which are basically use in grooming and beauty in day to day life and also provide comfort to the user. We deal with products like Shaver, Hair Clipper, Soap Dispenser, Neck Massager, Mini USB portable fan, Mini Humidifier, Mini Aroma diffuser. OUR PRESENCE AROUND GLOBE
Our products are widely exported to United States, Europe, South-east Asia, Middle East etc.  You will find excellent products and partner here with us ! OUR PRODUCTS & FEATURES
SHOP EXCLUSIVE GROOMING PRODUCTS AT MAYAHE 3000MAH MINI POWER BANK ONE OR TWO HEADS FANX2 Portable mini power bank fan. It is easy to carry and can be fixanywhere in car or small spaces. With 3000 mAh battery it can be use for long hours. It comes inBlack, White, Green, Yellow and Pink color. AIR PLUS HAIR DRYER C1803
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Sharp X hair clipper C1702
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The new Clipper from Mayahe, provides a salon-style hair, always. It comes with stainless-blade, skin-friendly blades, which are incredibly long-lasting.  . It is convenient to handle and easy to operate. Use Sharp 3S hair clipper for the best experience. New Mini Clip Table Fan J02
It comes with white, light pink and light blue colour. This can be easily taken from one room to another without any hassle. It has outstanding performance compared to other regular portable fans. So adorn your home with Mayahe Fans today. Foldable Bladeless Air Multiplier Neck Fan X3
It is a foldable Bladeless Design: Hanging around your neck, free-your-hands-anywhere, it comes with the construction of lightweight. Fan is equipped with an in-built rechargeable 3000 mAh battery capacity. Stay Cool Anywhere, Anytime whenever and wherever you need it. Yoyo hair clipper C1701 It is a best home hair styling clip. Trim-n-Flow technology for continuous cutting and Self-sharpening stainless steel blades that are incredibly long-lasting. It is designed to be comfortable to use, convenient to handle and easy to operate. Get an easy haircut, quick and easily so you can finish your style in one go. Traveller’s men's shaver S1602 Travellers men's shaver S1602 is a waterproof electric shaver and dry rotary shaver for men. Designed to create crisp, defined lines and finishingtouches. For a gentle shave and smooth skin feeling and incredible performance: shave with Traveller’s men's shaver. Touchless soap dispenser D1901 It is built and designed to maintain hygiene, completely contactless, automatic and super saver in soap consumption makes it the preferred choice. Its 280 ml soap capacity makes it a perfect product for your hand washing needs in homes and offices. This is an eco friendly and hygienic way of hand washing. Touchless Coco soap dispenser D 1902 Coco soap dispenser is a Foaming Soap Dispenser and a futuristic product designed for washing hands. The dispenser has a capacity of 330 ml.Here put your hand under the sensor, then the high-efficiency pump will dispense soap automatically in just 0.25 seconds, which ensures no germs or smudges left on your hands, So, isn’t it an easy hand cleaning tool? Steel 3S Men's shaver S1601 Our floating shaving system gives you a smooth shaved look in no time with the intelligent anti clip system and a multifunctional indicator. It is designed to give you the smoothest shaving experience with fewer nicks and cuts. Guaranteed to leave your skin feeling super soft. Gentleman 3S Men's shaver S1604 Gentleman 3S Men's shaver S1604 is a waterproof electric shaver and dry rotary shaver for men.Designed to create crisp, defined lines and finishing touches.For a gentle shave and smooth skin feeling and incredible performance: Shave with Mayahe Gentleman 3S shaver. Gentleman 5S Men's shaver S 1603 For smooth, even and comfortable results use gentleman 5S Men's shaver that fits naturally in your hand for maximum comfort and control which gives comfort with five ultra-sharp and ultra-thin blades to cut more cleanly and efficiently at the root. So go for this premium shaving machine. Good Price Mini USB Fan K1 for Mobile Phone Good Price Mini USB Fan K1 for Mobile Phone is versatile and portable, making it a well-rounded option for any scenario.This fan is the perfect solution when you need cool air blowing on your face while on your smartphone. MAYAHE IS NOT A BUSINESS BUT A SERVICE OF HAPPY BANDWIDTH
Our aim is to create awareness about personal grooming and care. Now a days as we all suffering from pandemic as a result we are more aware and active about health but as far as health is concern it is not only about the good diet and fitness but also it demand utmost care and grooming of body. Mayahe continuously launching new products of personal grooming and care and delivering at your door so that you can be safe and healthy enough to fight pandemic.
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youchibearing · 4 years
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High Speed Dry Lube SR188ZZ V Groove Hybrid Ceramic Bearings For YoYo https://www.instagram.com/p/CE21H_5FMlu/?igshid=1px3nbqluexdx
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a-drop-a-week · 7 years
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‘Are you the Easter Bunny? Do you have more chocolate eggs?’
Featuring @yoyothericecorpse‘s bun
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