#Yuri gagarin
yuribracket · 6 months
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"I don't see any god up here. But from here the Earth is beautiful, without borders or divisions."
The first words of a human in space.
Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, April 12, 1961.
Thanks to Clara Statello
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sovietpostcards · 5 months
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"To Space" by Nikolai Surin (1961)
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thererisesaredstar · 2 months
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Yuri Gagarin on vacation in the Crimean peninsula (1961)
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elbiotipo · 2 months
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The Milky Way shines behind Yuri Gagarin's bust in Barskoon valley, Kyrgyzstan. Photo by Soumyadeep Mukherjee.
(source with more pictures)
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humanoidhistory · 6 months
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On this day in 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.
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sovtime · 6 months
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12 апреля 1961 года советский космонавт Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин совершил первый полет в космос.
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thecatcherintherye · 4 months
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this is from months ago and yet i still think about it everyday
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lonestarflight · 8 months
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"Dr. George M. Low, acting administrator of NASA, presented to the USSR on January 21, 1971, a plaque in memory of Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin who made the first flight into space on April 12, 1961. Accepting the plaque at the Moscow ceremony was Soviet Gen. Kuznetsov, commander of the USSR's Star City space base, where cosmonauts have been training since 1960. Gagarin, who made history with his 1 hour and 48 minute flight, lost his life in a training accident on March 27, 1968."
Date: January 21, 1971
NASA ID: S70-56914
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degeneratedworker · 1 year
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“No God here!” USSR 1975
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thatsrightice · 5 months
The story of these two men is my Roman Empire.
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Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov were highly decorated Cosmonauts, both of which made firsts in the history of space flight.
Yuri Gagarin famously became the first man in space on April 12, 1961.
Vladimir Komarov piloted Voshkod 1 on October 12, 1964 on the first space mission to carry multiple crew members. He flew again aboard Soyuz 1 on April 23, 1967, becoming the first Russian man to make two spaceflights.
Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov were close.
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The Soyuz 1 was described as being “a piece of shit” and a “devil ship” as issues plagued the spacecraft throughout development and failed testing. Yuri had done everything he could to get the launch postponed, including writing a ten-page memo detailing the 203 structural problems he had discovered during inspection of the Soyuz 1. Any person who had laid eyes on the memo would be fired or demoted.
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Komarov knew of these issues, but refused to step down from the missions. In March of 1987 he met with Venyamin Russayev, a then-recently-demoted KGB agent who had been assigned to "mind" Yuri Gagarin.
He met with Russayev and said, "I'm not going to make it back from this flight." Russayev asked, “Why not refuse?” Komarov answered: "If I don't make this flight, they'll send the backup pilot instead." That was Yuri Gagarin. Komarov couldn't do that to his friend. "That's Yura. And he'll die instead of me. We've got to take care of him." Komarov then burst into tears.
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Yuri, nicknamed Yura by friends and family, showed up on the day of the launch “demanding to be put into a space suit,” "demanding this and this and this...", doing anything and everything he could to be the one on that spacecraft instead of Vladimir. Unfortunately, his attempts were be futile.
Soyuz 1 would launch on April 23, 1967 and faced serious issues throughout the flight. The parachutes failed to deploy during reentry and the spacecraft burned up while Vladimir screamed and cried and cursed out those responsible.
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Yuri Gagarin was grounded from future space flights and denied permission to pilot military jets. This was devastating for the already deeply depressed man and everyone knew it. Even his favorite hairdresser said that “Yuri couldn't live without flying. It was his whole life. A man can't live without his trade. He can't survive.”
He eventually convinced them to let him fly, but on March 28, 1968, less than a year since Komarov’s accident, he was tragically killed during a routine-training flight aboard a MiG-15. The cause of the accident is unclear, though many speculate that the accident was an assassination on the cosmonaut as he had a falling out with several high-ranking officials following the death of his close friend.
Both Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov’s names are featured on the memorial for fallen US Astronauts and USSR Cosmonauts left on the moon by the Apollo 11 crew.
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omega-red · 4 months
all of my saved yuri gagarin photos
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cosmonautroger · 2 months
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Yuri Gagarin
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sovietpostcards · 6 months
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"Having orbited the Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. Humans, let us preserve and increase the beauty, not destroy it!"
― Yuri Gagarin
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thererisesaredstar · 29 days
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"After flying around the Earth in a spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we must preserve this beauty, and not destroy it." - Yuri Gagarin (1961)
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phantomrin · 6 months
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Товарищей с Днём космонавтики! Отдельные поздравления всем причастным!
Congratulating all friends - especially those involved - with the Cosmonautics Day!
On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin - the USSR cosmonaut, the "Hero of Soviet Union" - became the first man to enter space on "Vostok-1" spaceship.
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