asktherockers · 6 years
As the other Rockers blog (I think we rp'd for a bit!) I was surprised to see a notification from you! You've improved so much! I know we didn't talk much but I hope you're doing well ^^ -namelesspinkguitarist
sorry for the late reply!! thank you!! we did rp and honestly its such a fond memory and i actually spent so much time trying to remember your url LOL
i am doing well! i hope ur doing well too!))
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asktherockers · 6 years
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hair and accessories
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asktherockers · 6 years
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i dare you two to do a... clothes/hair swap!
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J: Hey, you look pretty good with brown hair.
A: tH- T- TH- T HA NK  YO U !! !
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asktherockers · 6 years
What do you guys think of The Tiny Ghosts?
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A: They actually live in our kitchen. They’re music is actually pretty good!
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asktherockers · 6 years
i dare you two to do a... clothes/hair swap!
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J: Hey, you look pretty good with brown hair.
A: tH- T- TH- T HA NK  YO U !! !
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asktherockers · 6 years
You two should kiss. y'know, just to break the tension.
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J: Uh, are you oka—
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asktherockers · 6 years
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so i owned a rockers askblog like this back in 2014 (i accidentally deleted it) and i found a few posts from it... im proud my art has gotten a lot better after 4 years but looking at these make me feel Yikes,,..,
im going to reblog them and u guys tell me what u think about the comparison!
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asktherockers · 6 years
hi JJ:) let me see your ears.
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JJ: what were you expecting? ..did you think I was an elf or something?;;
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asktherockers · 6 years
Did you ever dye your hair Student?
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AJ: Haven’t you been to any of our concerts?? My hair has been different colours many times!
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asktherockers · 6 years
Hi AG :) You looks so cute! Are you female?
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asktherockers · 6 years
WHAT TIME IS IT (to both rockers)
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different humour
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asktherockers · 6 years
JJ and AJ!! Hello!! What are your pronouns!!
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AJ: JJ uses he, but i think that’s already obvious, so...
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asktherockers · 6 years
are yall born to be mild or born to be wild?
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JJ: even when you say that, you’re still pretty mild arent’cha..
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asktherockers · 6 years
sorry for the lack of posts! ill try to get some out tonight!))
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asktherockers · 6 years
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AJ: He dyes it like, almost everyday. Even if he’s not planning on leaving the house...
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asktherockers · 6 years
tfw megamix glitched out again
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asktherockers · 6 years
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the blog now live! go on and ask the megamix rejects the greatest guitar duo, the rockers!
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