#Yusuke Narita
jinsei-pika-pika · 8 months
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yusuke narita & michiko kitamura & chikachi suzuki
下着だけで十分? 成田悠輔 × 北村道子 × 鈴木親が考える「100年後の服」
photography: chikashi suzuki text: sogo hiraiwa
portraits/ ファッションは芸術か、あるいはビジネスか。答えはもちろん、そのどちらでもある。では、相反するかに見えるその両側面はいかにして重なり合っているのか。この日初顔合わせとなった経済学者の成田悠輔、スタイリストの北村道子、フォトグラファーの鈴木親による座談会は、そんな「ファッションの複雑なおもしろさ」についての話題から幕をあけた。ここに紹介するのは、2時間以上にわたる白熱したおしゃべりのほんの一部である。3人寄ればナントヤラ。
jun 24, 2023 6:00 pm
成田悠輔(以下、成田):ファッションは外見であると同時に内面。ビジネスであり、文化・芸術でもあり、自己表現でもある。いくつもの異質な要素が織り重なっていて、定義が難しいですよね。というか、その定義できなさや不純さこそがファッションの面白いところなんじゃないでしょうか。お高くとまった芸術のような雰囲気を醸し出しながらも、それを徹底できない構造がはじめから埋め込まれている。かといってビジネスとしてスケールさせられるかというと、そもそも単価が十万円単位で人口の数%くらいしかターゲットにしていないとなると難しいですよね。さらに、100年以上前に生まれた老舗ブランドが今でも業界のトップに君臨し続けているのとかもずっと不思議に思っていました。規制があるわけでもないのに、Alexander McQueen (アレキサンダー・マックイーン)や Martin Margiela (マルタン・マルジェラ)のような突出した才能でも下剋上できないのはなぜなのか。
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北村道子(以下、北村):ないない。75年間生きてきて、いつも意識しているのは自分自身ですよ。自分自身を知ることによって世界を見ることができる。そういう考え方。だからファッションも私にとっては全然どうでもいいことなんだよね。 基本的にファッションは概念じゃないですか。でも、自分自身は概念じゃなくて確固たるものだから。
成田:ほとんどの人にとってファッションが概念というのは、そのとおりですね。特にハイブランドの場合は、どこまでいっても人類の数パーセントにしか関係ないものなわけで。CHANEL (シャネル)にしても Hermès (エルメス)にしても、誰でも名前は知っているけど、その服を一生に一度でも着る人は人口のごくわずか。ハイファッションは「存在しているようで存在していない産業」だと思うんです。
鈴木:実際、ハイブランドがいちばん大事にしているのはオートクチュールの顧客層ですからね。CHANEL とか Dior (ディオール) の本社にはオートクチュール用の部屋があって、上顧客はそこで服を買っているし、ファッションショーにしても、本当に大事なゲストはまずオートクチュールに招待するんです。見栄えだけでいうと、プレタポルテのショーのほうが派手ですよね。報道もされるし。でも、本当に大事にしたい上顧客はオートクチュールのショーに呼ぶんです。Martin Margiela (マルタン・マルジェラ) がうまくいったのも、オートクチュールをつくっていたこととは無関係ではなくて。彼はアンチファッション的なことも部分的に試みつつも、ファッションに対するリスペクトがあり、守るべき慣習はしっかりと守っていました。
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鈴木: Hermès も CHANEL も、ぼくらがコンビニに寄るみたいに来る人っていますからね。忘れられないんですけど、90年代の終わりパリに住んでいたときに、母親に買い物を頼まれて Hermès のお店に行ったら、おっちゃんが海パンを持って入ってきて「直してくれ」って注文するんですよ(笑)。萬屋みたいな感覚ですよね。普通の服を買う感じでそういうメゾンの服を買う層の存在は報道にも載らないですし、ファッションの分かりにくい側面だと思います。
北村:私たちが普段見ているファッションブランドのイメージはマーケティングに過ぎないんですよ。アラブの富豪とか本当の金持ちは、わかりやすいブランド(ロゴ)が要らないから。いちばん上にあるのは金(ゴールド)の世界ですよ。彼らは Louis Vuitton (ルイ・ヴィトン) 社に頼んで「俺用の飛行機つくってくんない?」って、そういう感じだと思うよ。 モナコあたりに行くと、どのヨットにも Vuitton のマークが付いている。だから100万、200万というレベルじゃないわけですよ。若いころにそういう光景を目の当たりにして、これは日本にはない世界だなと思った。白いポロシャツに白いパンツを���いてやっているだけなんだけど、本当に綺麗なんです。
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北村:私が面白いなと思って見ているのはリアルクローズ。THE NORTH FACE (ザ・ノース・フェイス)とか Nike(ナイキ) みたいなスポーツブランドがハイブランドを超えていくと思う。いや、もう超えているかもしれない。
成田:大勢の心を動かしているという基準でいえば、ハイブランドよりも Nike とかスポーツブランドのほうが全然上ですもんね。
北村:そう。要は「プレーをする」ということですよ。今のパリコレを見ていても、全然プレーがない。止まってる「点」の世界。動くっていうのはアクションだから、パワーなんだよね。邪魔なものはいらない。デカルトじゃないけども、否定から入ってく。無駄をどんどん削ぎ落としていく。スポーツは基本的にそういうもの。だから、あんなに重かった Nike の靴が今ではすごく軽いじゃないですか。スポーツブランドはものすごく進歩しているんです。ハイブランドは今むしろコラボしているでしょう、スポーツブランドと。でもおもしろいとは思わない。私がデザイナーだったらまだ行ったことのない国に行って、そこで暮らす12歳の子どもとコラボしますね。
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北村:私は SF ファンなんですけど、映画『ブレードランナー』に出てくるレプリカントの服が最高のファッションだと思っているんです。
成田:ロバートの秋山さんが「YOKO FUCHIGAMI」っていう架空のファッションデザイナーをパロディで演じているんですけど、彼女の決まり文句は「一番のおしゃれは裸」っていう——。
北村:うん、それわかります。Margiela はコレクションのときにモデルに必ず肌色の下着を着せていて、それが素晴らしかったんですよ。私はそこに痺れた。だから当時、親くんと Margiela の服を撮影するときはよく「下着だけでいいんじゃない」って言ってたよね?
北村: Margiela はトップスからブーツまでナチュラルカラーを使うことが多くて、それが最高にセクシーだった。それが人間の未来の姿なんだと私は思います。ところで、成田さん声がいいね。なんていうか、質感がある。大学教授にしておくのはもったいないよ。声を生かして、政治をやってみるのもいいんじゃない?
yusuke narita & michiko kitamura & chikachi suzuki
photography: chikashi suzuki text: sogo hiraiwa
プロフィール 成田悠輔 (なりた・ゆうすけ)
経済学者、データ科学者、起業家。専門は、データ・アルゴリズム・数学・ポエムを使ったビジネスと公共政策の想像とデザイン。ウェブビジネスから教育・医療政策まで幅広い社会課題解決に取り組み、多分野の学術誌・学会に査読付学術論文を出版、ZOZO など多くの企業や自治体と共同研究・事業を行う。報道・討論・お笑い・アートなど様々なテレビや YouTube 番組の企画や出演にも携わる。イェール大学助教授、半熟仮想(株)代表。著書に『22世紀の民主主義:選挙はアルゴリズムになり、政治家はネコになる』、絵本の翻訳に『挫折しそうなときは、左折しよう』、ハイファッションに関するエッセイに HIGHSNOBIETY JAPAN ISSUE09+ YUSUKE NARITA など。
1949年、石川県生まれ。サハラ砂漠やアメリカ大陸、フランスなどを放浪ののち、30歳頃から、映画、 広告、雑誌等さまざまな媒体で衣裳を務める。映画衣裳のデビューは85年、『それから』(森田芳光監督)。07年に『スキヤキ・ウエスタン ジャンゴ』(三池崇史監督)で第62回毎日映画コンクール技術賞を受賞した。著書に『Tribe』(朝日出版社)、『COCUE』(コキュ)、『衣裳術 2』『衣裳術《新装版》』『衣裳術3』(リトルモア)がある。
鈴木親 (すずき・ちかし)
1972年生まれ。96年渡仏し、雑誌『Purple』で写真家としてのキャリアをスタート。『Purple』(仏)、『i-D』(英)、『Dazed & Confused』(英)、『CODE』(オランダ)、『Hobo』(カナダ)、『IANN』(韓)、『honeyee.com』(日)、『GQ』(日)、『commons&sense』(日)、『Libertine / DUNE』など国内外の雑誌で活動。Issey Miyake、United Bamboo、Toga などのワールドキャンペーンを手掛ける。主な作品集に『shapes of blooming』(treesaresospecial刊/2005年)、『Driving with Rinko Kikuchi』(THE international刊/08年)、『CITE』(G/P gallery刊、09年)など。
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grayrea · 1 year
More context from on the joke from actual Japanese
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yyh4ever · 6 months
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Netflix Japan is holding many events and lotteries to celebrate the Yu Yu Hakusho Live Action. Don't forget to follow Netflix Japan X Official Account.
December 13, 2023 (Eve of the World Premiere)
Live Streaming of the Premier Event
As I posted before, a Yu Yu Hakusho Event featuring the cast and screening of the first episode will take place in Tokyo, on the Evening of December 13. Fortunately, for those who didn't win tickets, they will be broadcasting it live on YouTube, X, and TikTok. It starts at 18h30 (JST).
Nobuyuki Sakuma and Suzu Yamanouchi will be live broadcasting the entire event on the eve of the global distribution!
Navigator: Nobuyuki Sakuma, Suzu Yamanouchi
MC: Akihisa Shoguchi
Reporter: Hisanori Yoshida
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Speakers (cast and director): Takumi Kitamura, Jun Shison, Kanata Hongo, Shuhei Uesugi, Sei Shiraishi, Kotone Furukawa, Ai Mikami, Hiroya Shimizu, Keita Machida, Meiko Kaji, Kenichi Takito, Go Ayano, Director Sho Tsukikawa. Good news is that Kotone Furukawa (Botan) has been confirmed on stage too.
Win a trip around the world 🌏
Reply the campaign post that will be posted on Netflix Japan X account at 19:00 (JST) on December 13 with the hashtag #世界一周霊丸 (around the world spirit gun).
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The prize is a 16-day trip around the world (4 nights in each city+breakfast): departing from Tokyo (Narita or Haneda Airport) - New York - Rio de Janeiro - London - Bangkok - back to Tokyo (Narita or Haneda Airport).
Unfortunately, according to the rules, this lottery is only for residents of Japan. I wish they were advertising and working together with other Netflix around the world, like they've been doing with One Piece.
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Edit: Takumi Kitamura (Yusuke Urameshi) shot a spirit gun during the live action premier that traversed the world in real time.
December 14, 2013 (Day of World Premier on Netflix)
Binge-watching the 5 episodes
Starting at 19:00 (JST) on Thursday, December 14, a Watch Party to watch all 5 episodes at once will be held on X.
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All you have to do is add the hashtag #幽遊白書一気見 (yu yu hakusho binge-watching) to your posts when writing your impressions about the series. Many original goods such as posters and special boxes will be given to a total of 100 people by lottery.
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Yu Yu Hakusho Ad-Truck Campaign until December 17
All you have to do is find an ad-truck! 🚛
120 people will be randomly selected to win a gift code for 3 months of Netflix. How to apply:
❶ Follow @NetflixJP
❷ Post a photo or video of one of the 12 character trucks with the hashtag #幽白トラック (Yuhaku Truck) until December 17, 23h59 (JST).
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Departing from Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka and Hakata on December 4, the trucks will be touring around various places until December 10, then they will be heading to Tokyo on December 11. They are scheduled to run around Shibuya from December 13 to 14, and within Tokyo from December 15 to 17.
Sapporo: Kazuma Kuwabara/Koenma/Toguro Brother
Nagoya: Kurama/Toguro Brother/Genkai
Osaka: Yusuke Urameshi/Keiko Yukimura/Botan
Hakata (Fukuoka): Hiei/Sakyo/Yukina
Infiltrating the filming location of Yu Yu Hakusho Cast
Special photos of the cast taken by Maciej Kucia (AVGVST) will be released on December 14.
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The main cast of the live-action will be on the special edition cover of the famous anan magazine. There's going to be a 16-page special feature about the live action, including exclusive photos and interviews with the cast and staff.
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In solo interviews and roundtable discussions with the four main cast members, they were asked about their thoughts and feelings when they were chosen to appear in the series, behind-the-scenes stories of shooting, and their thoughts to take on the challenge of a work that has been loved for many years.
In addition to the four guys, anan also interviewed Go Ayano and Kenichi Takito, who play the Toguro Brothers, the biggest enemies who have many fans from the original work. They talk about the difficulties and joys of playing characters that required highly difficult acting as they filmed using CG.
In an interview with director Sho Tsukikawa , he was asked about his thoughts on producing "Yu Yu Hakusho" in this era.
Here's a sneak peek of the guys during the magazine cover shot.
It's so cute when they all start chanting: "Yu Yu Hakusho". At the end, Kanata Hongo says Hiei's famous line: do not underestimate the power of the evil eye.
Edit: Netflix Japan released special photos of the actors:
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Yusuke Vs Younger Toguro Mural Showdown
"The showdown between Yusuke and Younger Toguro will break out in Shibuya!? Witness the spirit gun!"
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I am curious to see that. From what we've seen from the trailer, Yusuke VS Toguro will be an epic confrontation!
Edit: The mural is at the Shibuya Crossing. They used blue lights to simulate Yusuke's spirit gun, and on the other side there's Toguro taking it!
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Something else will happen in Shibuya?
Something will happen on the day of the live action premier...?
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I am super curious. From this image, we can understand that all the ad-trucks that departed from Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka and Hakata will be arriving in Shibuya on the 14th, but what will happen? Some kind of big announcement? 😱
Edit: It was just a big promo at the Shibuya Crossing!
Source: Netflix Japan
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thistledropkick · 6 months
Narita doesn't have social media, but he did talk to Tokyo Sports about his defection to the House of Torture. Tokyo Sports is, generally-speaking, a kayfabe newspaper regarding their pro wrestling coverage, so all the interviews and quotes from the article are in-character. The original article was written by Yusuke Okamoto. I've translated an excerpt below:
According to Narita's response when we asked him for a comment, it wasn't H.O.T. who reached out to him, but rather, Narita who directly reached out to H.O.T. "Between Strong Style and the Reiwa Three Musketeers, I was surrounded on all sides by guys who were nothing but trash. I keenly felt that I needed to find worthy partners to join up with. When a wrestler like myself has his gaze aimed at reaching the top, it's only natural that I'd be drawn towards an orthodox wrestling style like this," Narita explained to us.
Evil also said that he'd been keeping an eye on Narita's potential. "I guess he finally decided to wrestle in an orthodox style. I had a feeling he was similar to us from the very start. I looked at the first letter of each word in 'Son of Strong Style' (Narita's nickname) and realized 'That guy's sending us an SOS,'" Evil told us, explaining why he welcomed a sixth member into his group.
H.O.T. had previously succeeded in expanding their group by welcoming Kanemaru as a new member in September. "It's only natural, isn't it? Since we're the top team, of course we're going to get even more friends to join us," Kanemaru said, with a fierce grin.
Since Narita joined, H.O.T. have been attacking Umino daily. To his former sworn companion, Narita said decisively, "From your entrance to your appearance to your techniques, everything about you is a copy of someone else, nothing is original at all. I'd decided (to betray you) since the beginning, but standing next to a copy wrestler like you was so embarrassing. It was your negative influence that caused the company to start talking about the Reiwa Three Musketeers. You're such a damn nuisance, seriously." Between these outrageous words and the evil deeds Narita commits in the ring, it seems that every trace of his old self has completely disappeared...
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journalofanobody · 1 year
A Yale professor suggested that Japan's old people should kill themselves in a mass suicide, and it made him a celebrity
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By Joshua Zitser, Insider, https://www.businessinsider.com/
A Yale professor said in an interview that mass suicide could solve Japan's aging population issue.
His controversial opinions have made him popular with Japan's youth, per The New York Times.
Yusuke Narita now has a large social media following and even appeared in an energy drink advert.
A Yale professor who suggested that mass suicide could be the solution to Japan's aging population has gained celebrity status among the country's youth, even appearing in an advertisement for energy drinks, The New York Times reported.
Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics at Yale University, has argued for the controversial solution to Japan's aging population in several public appearances and interviews, The Times reported.
Japan has the highest proportion of elderly citizens of any country in the world, and the percentage of the population aged over 65 has steadily increased since the 1950s.
Last month, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said the country was on the verge of a crisis.
In an interview with an online Japanese news program in December 2021, Narita said a "pretty clear solution" would be the introduction of mass suicide, or mass "seppuku" of the elderly.
Seppuku refers to the ritual suicide of samurai, which historically involved self-disembowelment.
When pressed by a teenager on his mass seppuku theory last year, Narita referred to a scene in the 2019 horror film "Midsommar" in which an elderly person is sent to die by suicide by jumping off a cliff, according to The Times.
"Whether that's a good thing or not, that's a more difficult question to answer," Narita said, per the newspaper. "So if you think that's good, then maybe you can work hard toward creating a society like that."
He has also discussed euthanasia, a politically contentious debate in Japan, saying that making assisted suicide mandatory in the future will "come up in discussion," The Times reported.
In speaking of euthanasia, Narita has sometimes mentioned his mother, who had an aneurysm when she was 19, describing how caring for her costs him 100,000 yen ($755) a month, per the newspaper.
The controversial positions have worried some Japanese policymakers, with critics concerned that it could lead to the kind of public feeling that resulted in a 1948 eugenics law, The Times reported.
The Eugenic Protection Law allowed for voluntary and involuntary sterilizations of people with hereditary diseases, mental illnesses, and intellectual disabilities.
Despite his detractors, Narita has gained a large following in Japan among young people who feel like the older generations are stunting their economic progress. 
He has more than 550,000 followers on Twitter, regularly appears on online Japanese shows, has been on magazine covers, and appeared in an advertisement for energy drinks, The Times said.
Speaking to The Times, Narita said his comments have largely been taken out of context, and his focus is on the dominance of "tycoons" in Japan.
He also told the newspaper that using the terms "mass suicide" and "mass seppuku" was intended only as "abstract metaphors," adding that he has since stopped using those phrases.
Narita did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
This isn’t satire
“I feel like the only solution is pretty clear,' he said at the time. 'In the end, isn't it mass suicide and mass 'seppuku' of the elderly?”
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othersidesofnobody · 1 year
From Fox News - Yale professor suggests 'mass suicide' to solve Japan's aging population: 'I'd like a second opinion'
Yale professor suggests 'mass suicide' to solve Japan's aging population: 'I'd like a second opinion'
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martinwilliammichael · 6 months
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wotakugo · 9 months
The Dark Gathering anime has released a new trailer and visual, as the series will enter its second cour on October 1. The first cour will end after the release of episode 12 on September 25. Studio OLM is animating the series under the direction of Hiroshi Ikehata.[wpcc-iframe data-lazyloaded="1" data-ezsrc="about:blank" title="TVアニメ『ダークギャザリング』PV第4弾" width="1170" height="658" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0mGKNeny9SE?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen class="ezlazyload"][wpcc-iframe title="TVアニメ『ダークギャザリング』PV第4弾" width="1170" height="658" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0mGKNeny9SE?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen]Dark Gathering anime – Second Cour TrailerShigeru Murakoshi is in charge of the series composition for Dark Gathering, Shinya Segawa is the character designer. KOHTA YAMAMOTO, Shun Narita, and Yusuke Ceo (Starving Trancer / Xceon) are working on the music. The opening theme song is “Yuyo” by luz and the ending theme is “Haiiro” by Kana Hanazawa, who voices Eiko Hozuki in the series. The cast for the anime includes:Nobunaga Shimazaki as Keitarоo GentоogaYu Sasahara as Yayoi HоzukiKana Hanazawa as Eiko HozukiRina Kawaguchi as Ai KamiyoDark Gathering – Second Cour VisualHIDIVE is streaming the anime and describes the plot as:After a devastating encounter with a restless spirit, ghost-fearing psychic Keitaro Gentoga became a shut-in to avoid additional spectral catastrophes. But no man is a haunted island, and Keitaro eventually reintegrates with society by getting a part-time job as a tutor to the child prodigy Yayoi Houzuki. Yayoi isn’t just an academic genius, though. She’s a talented psychic medium hell-bent on finding the malevolent spirit behind her mother’s disappearance, and she’s gravely determined to drag Keitaro into her terrifying world of grotesque supernatural phenomenon.The anime is based on a manga series by Kondo Kenichi, which Shueisha’s Jump SQ manga magazine has been serializing since March 2019.Source: Official Website©Kenichi Kondo/Shueisha, Dark Gathering Production CommitteeAfter AnimeCorner
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korrektheiten · 1 year
„Achtung, Reichelt!“: Einwanderung zerstört Identität
PI schreibt: »Warum erklärt Kanzler Olaf Scholz eigentlich die Migrations-Krise nicht zur Chefsache? Ein spannendes Gespräch zwischen der niederländischen Publizistin Eva Vlaardingerbroek und Ex-BILD-Chef Julian Reichelt über die Politik der offenen Grenzen. Weiteres Thema in der neuen Folge von „Achtung, Reichelt!“: Was hat es mit dem Vorschlag von Yusuke Narita – japanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler von der berühmten (und […] http://dlvr.it/SjzTf1 «
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2023/02/23 English
BGM: Hiroshi Fujiwara - Natural Born Dub
Today I worked early. This morning I enjoyed Hiroshi Fujiwara's album ”Hiroshi Fujiwara In Dub Conference”. It has powerful, but elegant beats and sensitive piano tones so was impressed me a lot. It was when I was a college student that I met this album. At that time, I thought this one was a kind of Japanese city pop called "Shibuya-Kei". In other words, it was a symbol of sophisticated and beautiful urban life. As I wrote before, that city life would be so far apart from this ultra countryside life in Shiso city I lived, therefore it could give me an entertaining life and never was boring. Now I have a different thought. Even though living in Shiso, I can enjoy Hiroshi Fujiwara's music's universal beauty, and also Shiso city has a lot of cheerful friends so I can enjoy funny life with them. I certainly feel that every day.
As I wrote this, at the period of trying to pass the exam of university, I never imagined that I would go to Tokyo, especially brilliant Waseda university. But my elder brother, who already had lived in Tokyo, recommended me that "ho about coming to Tokyo?" so I just thought it would be pleasant to learn how Tokyo was, and tried Waseda. It was a kind of memorial event for me, but I passed so started my campus life. People might see that it is jearous, but all I just can say is that there was no pleasant memories in that life. At the life in Tokyo, I was always confused by the comlicated subway system, the communication with the person next to my room, and also I had to do a lot of systematic things to learn in my campus. So it was a miracle that I could graduate there for just 4 years. Even from now, it was just like a dream or delusion far from here. It was really a hard period.
But one of the things I could received from that Waseda life was that I could touch and learn the internet by using computers the university had. I have been a fan of Motoharu Sano, a Japanese popular rock star, and learned that he had started communicating with fans rapidly. That was the reason I got a mail address from the university and started using the internet… and about 30 years passed! I have experienced some battles and flamings online, and also been criticized by anonimous users. Me, once I was into the idea of how I should "sell" my name, so I might be a scandalous person like Yusuke Narita... Oh my! Today is a day for old tales. Anyway, I was just a foolish "wasedaman" who has never sang the school anthem, but I admit that what I learned from Waseda has been still a part of me.
This evening, I read Robert Harris's book "Aphorism" to the presentation I will do the next month. Aphorism means short phrases which supports someone's life and thought. Just like The Beatles' phrase "Let It Be". My favorite aphorism is the one in this book. "Life is God's Novel. Let Him Write it". Looking back to my life, as the event of entering Waseda I wrote above tells me, everything has been decided beyond my ability. Even my work has been the one the doctor had recommended me that "try to return to the society for half a year", and also I quit alcohol because of headache. I met precious friends, and that let me keep on learning English. I was always "blown" by the wind. How God would write the story about myself? I hope he would write how I could the next soul mate.
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meret118 · 1 year
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ferrolano-blog · 1 year
Un profesor de Yale insinuó que las personas mayores en Japón debían optar por el suicidio masivo. ¿Qué quería decir? ¿Eutanasia voluntaria para los mayores... o eutanasia obligatoria?
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concord28 · 1 year
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timdcook4 · 1 year
State-Mandated Suicide Proposed for Elderly Population; Hearing Reveals Weaponization of Government
State-Mandated Suicide Proposed for Elderly Population; Hearing Reveals Weaponization of Government https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/state-mandated-suicide-proposed-for-elderly-population-hearing-reveals-weaponization-of-government_5054931.html?utm_source=andshare
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