thesouppond · 8 months
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Tagged by: @sir2dtrash
Last Song: Cinnamon - JOME (Imagining happy warm lives for my OTPs lol)
Currently Watching: Uhhhh I should be watching more stuff but atm its mostly just doing binge of Therm's youtube videos.
Three Ships: Kazu/Val/entina (Shogun Sniper) - Gen:Lock, uhhh for the sake of not throwing 3 GL ships in here lol, we'll go Gale/Astarion (Bloodweave) - BG3, and token straight ship Gajeel/Levy (Gajevy) - Fairy Tail.
Favourite Colour: Green. Particularly fond of soft sage greens and deep misty forest emeralds and mosses.
Currently Consuming: Literally? A strawberry and some Yakult. Figuratively? Reading The Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga.
First Ship: Uhhh either Robin/Starfire (RobStar) - the OG animated Teen titans, Musa/Riven (Rivusa) - the original Winx run, or Jasmine/Lief (Jaslief) - Deltora Quest. All of these obsessions happened when I was around 9-12 and I cannot for the life of me recall which came first akdsjfhl
Relationship Status: 2 years into a relationship idk how I got here man, it just happened.
Last Movie: Escaflowne (2000). Not really my thing tho I think. Someone needs to sit me down for another movie I procrastinate watching them otherwise.
Currently Working On: GEN:LOCK RELOADED BABEYYYY. Slowly inching my way through the last prologue of my fancomic before the main story kicks in and kicks everyone's asses. I apologise in advance. Also working on a Lux (LOL) cosplay for a group I got roped into to make cosplay friends in my area whoops, and like at least 2 other art things. We love starting multiple projects at once and being stressed out by it. Wew.
Tagging: @modkatisbacc, @uptosometrixx, @autisticblueteam, @gen-incorrect, @nitw (Hi I know we're not technically moots but you seem cool hope this isn't imposing) I don't know enough people on here to tag more but feel free to say I tagged you if you wanna become moots too! Always happy for new friends, especially if you're down to listen to me ramble about my ideas :P
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ren-c-leyn · 3 years
Hello! My name is Zac, I've been trying to be more active in the writeblr community as of late and I came across your blog through my "interact if you're a writeblr" post! It's nice to meet you 😊
I read your intro post and all of your WIPs sound so cool, but the one that really got my attention was The Plight of a Sparrow. I was wondering where you got the idea and what made you start writing it?
Hey, Zac! I'm happy you decided to stop by. I'm Ren, it's nice to meet you! I hope you're having fun getting in touch with the rest of the writeblr community so far. ^^ And thank you <3 I'm really quite proud of The Plight of a Sparrow series so far. The funny thing of it is, it wasn't supposed to be a full blown WIP. It was originally just a test to work out the problem with my writing method and try to figure out why I couldn't complete any of the projects I started.
You see, I had several projects just completely and flat out collapse before I started it, so I went through what went wrong with each of them, and realized I did little plotting and zero world building for any of them. So, with The Plight of a Sparrow, I tried something different. I honestly did not expect to finish book one, since I didn't really think it'd work, little alone rewrite it in a different POV, write book 2 four times, and then be brainstorming book three, but here we are.
At the time, I was watching several isekai animes, it's a genre where the protagonist somehow ends up in another world and usually goes on a hero's quest of some kind. I also has recently finished watching sword art online and started Log Horizon. So, they were pretty fresh on my mind, and I've always been a high fantasy and rpg fan, so that's always on my brain. They kinda stewed together until I had this idea of 'wouldn't it be interesting if someone got stuck in their favorite video game... but wasn't the main character of that game?'
From there, I started with world building this rpg video game kinda world. It's still not a completed world, a lot of things about it are being made up as I write, but I made sure I had the peoples of the world figure out, what the major conflict/premise of this world was, are gods real, how much do they interfere with people, some interesting places, a little lore, and the best part of it is is as I figured out what the plot was, I realized how important all of those locations and little cultural quirks I made up were. And it's a lesson I've taken with me to the other projects on my list.
If you'd like to learn more about it, or any of the other WIPs on my list, they're all tagged under their working titles. A search of them on my blog, and you should be able to pull them all up. The Plight of a Sparrow has the most content, including some character introductions, as it's both my oldest WIP and the most popular. And if you have questions about any of them, the characters, my writing process in general, ect. the ask box is always open and I love talking about writing, but never know where to start.
Thank you for stopping in, I hope you have a lovely day/evening!
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spideymybucky · 6 years
A thing for Co-stars
Pairing: Tom x reader ,Zendaya x Tom 
Warnings: fluff and angst, just cuteness!!!!
Word count: 1.4+
A/N: Well, thanks for reading and this came to me because idk. Things happen and my brain is weird. Y’all like it? Would you like more? My request are open cause im bored, so blow me up babes! 
Tom Holland wasn’t expecting any of this to happen. He wasn’t expecting his life to turn into a whirl wind of events, red carpets, paparazzis, or just being put into the spotlight so fast. He  also wasn’t expecting to fall in love with (Y/n) (Y/l/n), while being in a ‘relationship’. He felt as if everything was sleeping right out of his hands.
He sat on the white high chair with Clair, the make up artist, retouching his foundation. He looked at his phone, reading the article published by one of the gossip sites. Tom Holland and Zendaya called it quits? Read the headline. He bit his lip as he scanned over it. It seems as if  Tom Holland, Spiderman himself, might have cheated on Zendaya with his new co-star (Y/n) (Y/l/n). Talk about drama. They were seen walking out of a restaurant together. An insider said “Tom has never felt this way before. He truly is broken, he doesn’t know who to choose.”
He threw his phone on the counter and sighed. He wasn’t ready for this side of fame. Nothing was supposed to come out of to co-stars eating together. His gut said it was a bad idea, even (Y/n) said that, but he ignored every sign and insisted. He just wanted a bit of time with her.
“Mate, stop stressing about it. I already sent a statement to PR and they’re gonna deal with it.” Harrisons stated. He nodded and looked at the mirror.
“Well, love, you’re all done here. Tell (y/n), if she needs a retouch to come to me. Sara’s gone for the day, you know an emergency or something.” Her crooked smile was something that made every ones day. She was like a mother hen to all the actors.
“Sure, Clair.” He answered smiling. Harrison followed him to the set. It wasn’t a big production, but it was highly anticipated for its cast. He read his scene, taking notes from Guillermo, the director until he had to leave. He looked around, not seeing much of the cast here. He was sure the he had scenes with her, but she was nowhere to be seen.
“(Y/n)’s gonna be late, so we’re gonna shoot the shot/reverse shots first without her and continue with the 23rd scene followed by the 2 and 4 scene, ok?” Guillermos’ thick latin accent  noticeable more then ever. The crew members nodded and started arranging the set. All the house scenes were to be done this after none, and later they had to fly to Thailand to continue.
Filming continued for the next few hours, it was hard doing everything alone. He didn’t have his co-stars input or how he should act. Guillermo called it quits, unsatisfied with the 23 scene after two hours. He wasn’t angry, just annoyed by waste of time. He looked down at his clock and it was 8:30 pm. He sat on his designated chair with a snack on his hand, and looked through his phone. More articles were being released, his name was trending and it annoyed him.
“Well, if it isn’t my cheating boyfriend.” A feminine tone came from behind him. He turned around and saw Zendaya smiling.
“Hey, Z, What’ya doing here?” Tom spoke with his mouth full of bread.
“Gross, Holland.” Daya, scrunched her nose in disgust. He laughed and swallowed, almost choking.
“Sorry, sorry. Forgot how lady-like you are.” Zendaya rolled her eyes and sat next to him.
“Well, Tommy boy I’m here to relive you of your guilt.” Tom looked confused at Zendaya.
“What are you talking about, Z?” He asked confused out of his mind.
“I talked to your manager and we’ve decided to release a statement about our break up, and how its been a year and a half or something like that since then.” She showed him everything, how it was going to go down and it was going to be posted on both their instagrams. He looked at her with hopeful eyes, feeling better than ever. It was a weight lifted of his shoulders.
“Z, you didn’t have to do that. I know how private you are in all of this. I-Thank you.” Tom mumble out as he engulfed her into a hug. A high pitched laughter interrupted their hug, as Tom pushed Zendaya a way. He looked at the door to find (Y/n) laughing at her phone. She looked up and caught Tom’s honey-brown eyes. She then averted them and saw Zendaya next to him, her eyes wide with intrigue.
“I’m guessing thats her.” Zendaya mumbled, slightly showing Tom. He nodded and sighed.
“Yeah” he whispered out.
“You sure do have a thing for co-stars, don’t you?” Zendaya humorously said. He glared at her.  Why is he so unlucky? He thought. (Y/n) stood in front of them with a tight lip smile. Her eyes roamed from Zendaya to Tom. They looked close, like any couple would, and happy.
“Hey, Uh…” She whispered out, scared her voice would betray her.
“Hey, I’m Zendaya but my friends call me Daya or Z, or ya’know, you can call me Zendaya. Its up to you. ” With her hand out, (Y/n) grabbed and shook it. Dayas’ big smile plastered on her face as (Y/n) was to scared.
“Yeah, I know. I’m a big fan of your work. I’m (Y/n).”
“Thanks, boo. Me too, I’m a fan. I loved you in Captive.” Her warm smile made (Y/n) guilt grow. She nodded, forcing herself to smile and act as if nothing happened that night-which nothing did, except some glances here and there.
“I just wanted to clear the air and say nothing happened that night. Tom and I were just having dinner, after a long day and Paparazzi were there. I should’ve known it was to risky, I didn’t want to cause any problems. You and Tom make such-” Zendaya burst out laughing, making (Y/n)s’ rant cut short. Tom smiled lightly and nudged Z.
“No no no no, we aren’t-I mean we were but now- its”
“What Tom’s trying to say is that we aren’t together.” She motioned at both of them. “We were an item but its over now, he’s just one of my best friends.”
“Oh, ok.” She sighed in relief and smiled at them. “I should get going, Guille’s kind of mad at me.” She slowly hugged Zendaya and smiled at Tom before retrieving. Tom looked at her go, slipping away from him again and he sighed. Why was he such a dork? Can’t he just talk to her and not make it awkward?
Zendaya on the other hand looked at both of them. (Y/n) was stealing glances at Tom, every no and then. Her eyes full of love and hope, but with every small glance a bit of hope decade. Thomas, on the other hand, was trying his hardest to push down his feelings and ignore (Y/n). He acted as if nothing happened, with a broody look on his face. He was stealing glances too, both of them oblivious.
“You shouldn’t just stay there staring at her. Go on and ask her out before that wannabe Zac Efron does.” Zendaya winked at him. She grabbed her coat and slipped it on. Tom stood up next to her, falling a few feet short.
“Yeah, I know. I know.” He said hugging her.
“Get on it Thomas, cause she’s gorgeous and if I were her I wouldn’t wait for you to get your shit together.” She smiled and waved at him, leaving him speechless.
She was right, though. He had to talk to her, tell her how he felt and how everything went down that night. He didn’t mean to make her feel uncomfortable or put her in any kind of situation where she was affected. He needed to do it before anyone else got to her. She was gorgeous and talented, how can someone not like her? Licking his lips he stood up and walked to her.
(Y/n) looked at him and smiled. She set better after what Zendaya said. He was free, no relationship attached to him, and that made her revaluate her relationship with him. She was attracted to his innocent smile, his puppy dog eyes and his wild curly hair. She could see herself with him, talking for hours and just laughing at everything. The hardest part about everything is envisioning a future together, and thats what both of them did.
“Hey…” He mumbled out. She smiled at him, making him slightly dizzy and out of breath.
“Hey.” She whispered out before looking up straight into his eyes.
Right there and then they both knew, everything was going to be ok.
@run-girl-on-fire-run @savvythedork @iwokeupinabadmood @thechickvic @its-shaula-wii @unicorngummybears @hahajalen1 @melaerica @phenominiallfabiola @takeabreathandbeanxious @kealohilani-tepise @she-had-theworld  @schischi  @h0tshotholland @profangirllex @richiethotzierz@bellagrayson-wayne @chonisberonica @rockyrocket15 @mariejoycarter @charlsxblog @alainabooks143 @mercurys-rhapsody @its-a-mess-here @omg-i-am-lord-voldemort @bartonsbowandarrow @andreuskystuff@avatheexceed @imma-witch-bitch @chewymoustachio @rachelscosplay @au-shay-lia @fuckingpasssword @andreuskystuff @liveanddiehere @loxbbg​@beckastark @babymadz@shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @spideymood @spider-scrub acceptance07  @emmaewatson
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formerprincess · 5 years
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 53
Chapters: 53/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Nolan (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates, Top Theo Raeken, Bottom Theo Raeken, Top Liam, Bottom Liam Dunbar Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Liam feels sad at their current situation and is in desperate need of some good news. And then a mysterious letter arrives...
Liam was having a headache. He had sat down at the dining table to get some reading done for his classes and he finished a large part but now his eyes were burning, too tired from the small font and the bright color of his highlighter. He groaned and rubbed his eyes. When a can of Coke was placed next to him, he jumped.  “You look like you’re about to pass out. I’ve never seen you so pale,” Brett explained his action. “Drink.” Liam blinked against the dots dancing in front of his eyes from rubbing them too hard and opened the can to take a sip. “Just having a headache,” he murmured once he swallowed.  “You’re all at sea, don’t even try to deny it. Sleeping on that couch is killing you.” Brett pulled a chair towards him and straddled it reversed. He braced his arms on the backrest and watched Liam.  “The couch is not the problem. It’s just a bit much lately.” Liam was trying to take Mason’s words to heart and be more open about how he felt and such.  “Don’t tell me. It fucking sucks. I’d love to be alone with Nolan for a little while so we can sort out if we are together or not but we just don’t have the opportunity when we’re home. We both don’t want to do it somewhere else, it’s a private matter.” "I feel you, Brett, I feel you.” Liam yawned and sipped his Coke.  Brett narrowed his eyes. “You’re still looking pale as fuck. Theo kills me if you faint right now. Go and lay down.” “I am fine,” Liam affirmed. “Just tired. The Coke needs a few moments to work but it will help.” He drank another sip. 
His phone beeped and he grabbed it to check the message he received. Lana had sent him a picture of Landon and Zack smiling brightly in the camera, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders. Since the two boys met they had become best friends and were inseparable. It was great to see Landon having a great best friend by his side and be the happy child he should be. The young Alpha smiled and turned the phone to show Brett the picture. Brett smiled as well. He was just as glad his cousin and his aunt were happy and didn’t live in an oppressive pack anymore.  "I’m happy I didn’t bring him back to Seattle. To think where a child would sleep currently, what a nightmare,” Liam muttered and placed his phone on the table again. “Everything happens for a reason. At the lake, he is happy at least. Although he keeps asking when we move again and he can come to visit me.” “You miss him, hm?” Brett put his chin on his arms and studied Liam. Liam hummed. “Yeah.”
He leaned his head against his chair and sipped his Coke again. His head still hurt. From the look Brett was giving him, he seemingly still looked as if he was about to pass out. “I’m fine,” he growled. Brett just scoffed.  Theo came home at that moment, alongside Sadie and Maya, and Brett pointed at Liam. “Great timing, now you can make sure your boyfriend is not falling off his chair.” “Why would he fall off his chair?” Theo questioned and put his bag down.  Maya glanced at Liam. “Jeez, you’re white as a wall, what’s up with you?” “I am fine!” Liam hated the scrutinizing looks from his Betas. “It’s just a headache. I already have something to drink.” He raised his can.  Theo came over and gently grabbed Liam’s chin. “She’s right, you are pale. Sure it’s just a headache?” “Yeah. Why do you worry?” “Because you are the love of my life,” Theo replied and kissed Liam softly.  It was a really sweet gesture and it gave Liam a kick to know they could have those little moments despite the chaos their life currently was. “I love you too,” he muttered against Theo’s lips. The older smiled.  “I know,” he answered and nudged Liam’s nose with his. 
****** The referee ended the game and Liam pulled off his helmet, let it dangle from his fingers. A curse fell from his lips and he huffed loudly. They had lost. Despite being positive and having faith in his team, the other team had been better and beat them fair and square. It sucked. “Chin, up, Liam! It was a good game,” Rod called over to his captain.  Liam scoffed. “We were not good enough,” he stated heatedly.  “No, hey, you did very well, the others were simply better today. Doesn’t mean you were not good.” “It’s just...” Liam ran a hand through his sweaty hair and looked at his lacrosse coach. “I really hoped we would have this one in the bag, you know? Something positive as a sign life’s on it’s way up again. But I guess karma just hates my ass or something.” “I can tell you are frustrated but don’t give up hope, okay? Good things happen to good people.” Rod gave him a friendly pat on the back.  “At this point, I’m in the need for a miracle. But miracles only happen in Hollywood movies and internet stories. My life is neither a movie nor a fanfiction, so I can’t really hope on a miracle.” Liam made a face.  “I wouldn’t say that. Good things happen to those who deserve it and I would testify you’re one of those people.” “Hm.” Liam stubbornly shook his head. He really could not believe this anymore. “That’s some Disney crap right there and I’m everything but a Disney Prince.” “I wouldn’t say that. You’re my Disney Prince.” Theo had appeared next to Liam. The young Alpha glared at him. “Stop making fun of me!” “I’m not making fun of you. Just trying to make you feel better.” He pulled Liam in a hug. “Sorry that you lost.” Liam grumbled but briefly hugged Theo back. It wasn’t his boyfriend’s fault that yet another thing failed. “I need to hit the showers. See you in a bit.” 
He stepped back and made his way to the locker room. On his way, he slung his arms around Sadie’s and Caden’s shoulders. Both looked as done as Liam felt.  “Losing sucks!” Sadie complained loudly.  “Tell me about it.” Caden was just as frustrated and disappointed as the other two. “I was so confident we would win this time. I don’t know what happened.” “Fate hates me and I was on the field with you, that’s what happened,” Liam grumbled with a stormy look on his face.  Sadie stopped walking and pushed her palm against his chest. “Okay, first of all, you are a great guy, I can’t see how anyone would hate you. Second of all, if fate hates anybody, it’s all of us because we all played.” Liam just gave her a tired look. “Leave it, Sads, I’m really not in the mood for another pep talk.” And he just dragged Caden in the locker room with him, Sadie’s indignant huff behind him ignored. 
****** “Am I feeling sorry for myself?” Liam asked. He sat on the ground and leaned against the wall of Isaac’s apartment outside on the balcony.  “Yeah,” Isaac agreed and took a sip from his beer. He sat next to Liam and had his legs stretched out in front of him. “But that is allowed. Your currently not the luckiest guy.” “I feel like I should do more, you know?” Liam sipped on his own beer. It was just slightly laced with wolfsbane, nearly not enough to get him drunk but it was more the sentiment. “To help my pack gain money and find a new home.” “What else do you want to do? Liam, you are doing everything you can. It is freaking hard to go on when you hit rock bottom, take it from someone who knows that more than well, and sometimes the only success you have is not giving up. You’re not giving up. That’s what matters.” “I’m still unemployed and my boyfriend works his ass off in a sleazy Diner.” Isaac sighed and pointed his bottle at Liam. “You know when things go south? When one of you starts turning tricks. Theo’s job is not good, we both agree on that one, but he’s also not seeling his ass. Neither are you or any of your Betas. And you’re all alive. As someone from Beacon Hills, that should put you in a positive mood.” “Oh, so the newest standard for how bad things are is prostitution? That’s constructive, Zac.”  He sipped his beer again and ignored the look Isaac gave him.  “Look, Liam, you asked if you feel sorry for yourself. Yes, you all do. It is actually important that you do. Because this is grief and grief has several stages. It’s not always caused by someone dying but by traumatic experiences. Only if you grief properly, you can heal. So, feel sorry for yourself, but then pick yourself up when time’s right and tackle life.” “I am drinking beer in the middle of the day. I’m not sure if this counts as picking myself up.” But it had been one of those days, one of the worst. He had lost an argument in class, had gotten in a discussion with one of his Professors, spilled coffee over himself, and had gotten yet another decline from a job he had applied to. Isaac had taken one look at Liam when the younger dragged himself back to the apartment and fell on the couch before he had offered the beer to Liam.  “Hm, some days this is allowed.” Isaac drank again. He swallowed and was quiet for a while. “When I was in France, I felt lost. Not only because I had never been to France before but because of everything that happened. It was never real grief though, always simmering underneath. I thought that was how it would be. I wasn’t and I’m still not overly good with feelings so it kind of worked for me. And then one day it hit me. I woke up and I couldn’t go on. Getting out of bed was hard. How I managed it in the end, I had no idea. All I could think about was Allison, the remaining pack in Beacon Hills, how it would never be the same, how I would never see her again. It crashed over me like an avalanche and there was nothing I could do about it. I hit rock bottom. That night, I got so fucking drunk, I have no idea what happened. The last thing I know was that I grabbed my bottle of I think it was wolfsbane-vodka and staggered through the streets bawling my eyes out. Next morning I woke up in a park. I was reeking like a tavern, my clothes were dirty, and my head hurt, but despite all this, I felt better. Not because of the alcohol but because for one night, I let go and allowed myself to break down. It took a while longer after that but I continuously got better.”
Liam tilted his face towards the sun and closed his eyes. “Basically, your advice is to get wasted and cry my eyes out before sleeping in a park.” Isaac sighed deeply. “Seriously, comments like that make me see that you’re Theo’s boyfriend. Same cynicism.” “Well, his cynicism as you called it, is one of the things I felt drawn to.” Liam snickered. “That and his abs. And his ass. And his spirit. How great he was in fights. How he managed to get under my skin. Did I already mention his ass?” Liam sighed internally. Speaking of all the qualities his boyfriend possessed reminded him how long it was since Theo and he had been alone for a while. A shame. The twenty-year-old sighed and got to his feet. “I will go for a run now. And then I’ll take a shower, preferably a cold one. Mason and Maya declared themselves in charge for dinner tonight.” “As long as Theo doesn’t bring what he calls food from his workplace again, I’m fine with everything.” “It’s funny how everybody hates their food and they still make money with it.” Liam snickered when he slipped inside the apartment to change into workout clothes. He really hoped his run would help him feel a little bit better about himself.
Turned out, the run didn’t really help to lift Liam’s spirits but when he returned back to the apartment he found Theo sitting in one of the leather seats in the entrance hall. “Hey,” the older greeted when he spotted Liam.  “Hey. What are you doing down here?” Liam asked curiously.  Theo shrugged. “Needed to get out of the apartment for a while. Gotten a little crowded.” Oh, how Liam could understand that. “We really need a new place to stay.” “We do,” Theo agreed and held out a chocolate bar for Liam. “Here, got this for you.” “Why does everybody feel the need to give me food or drinks recently? Do I look like I need feeding?” “It’s with coconut. You like coconut and chocolate makes people happy. Is not much but maybe it helps you a little bit.” “Aw.” Liam doubted it would help but Theo had tried and therefore, Liam leaned down and kissed his mate. “I love you.” “I love you too. Are you going to the apartment?” “Yeah, I need a shower.” Liam avoided sniffing at himself, what he already smelled was enough. Theo got to his feet and slung his arm around Liam’s shoulders. “I’ll accompany you.” “If you’d rather stay down here, it’s fine, you know?” “No, I had a little break, that’s enough. I love the pack, is not like I want to avoid them.”
The couple stepped into an elevator and Theo pressed the button for Isaac's floor. His other arm stayed around Liam’s shoulders and his thumb stroked the naked skin on Liam’s shoulder. Liam dressed in a tank top helped him immensely with that.  “I got another negative answer for a job,” Liam filled his mate in while they rode the elevator up. “They really don’t know what they’re missing. Their loss. You will find a job where people appreciate you and want to work with you. Meanwhile, we all appreciate you, Alpha.” “Thanks, T.” Liam pecked Theo’s cheek and wrapped his arms around the older man’s waist. “You know this means a lot to me, yeah? That you always support me and try to make me feel better.” “Well, doesn’t take a mindreader to see you’re not happy. Can’t blame you and I want to help you. What happened wasn’t your fault, Liam.” “I know that.” Liam squeezed Theo shortly then he let him go and pushed his hands in the pockets of his running shorts. “I’m just so fucking pissed. The hyenas destroyed our home and now they’re gone. If they had come to fight at least, I could have ripped them apart, but I was left with nothing. Fucking cowards.” “I’m pretty sure every single member of this pack, even Tim and Corey, are ready to rip those bastards apart. If they ever step foot in Seattle again, they’re history.” There laid the problem. The cowardy shifters had run away after they caused havoc with no intention to fight the pack. Liam didn’t think they would ever come back to Seattle. 
They arrived at their floor and made their way to the apartment. Once they stepped in, both Alphas were happily greeted by most of their pack. “Hey, guys.” Liam waved at his Betas. “I need a shower. Mase, Maya, after that, I can help you with dinner.” “Na, we’re fine. Take a shower and just relax or do your homework or whatever it is you want to do. We got it covered,” Mason called after him while Liam grabbed his spare clothes and then disappeared in the bathroom.  It was an actual miracle how so many people could live together and yet have such a clean bathroom. Then again, no matter how chaotic some of the pack members were, no one wanted a dirty bathroom so they all had an unspoken agreement to keep it clean. That and the kitchen, also that was more Liam’s rule than anything else. Theo found it highly amusing that Liam always kept the kitchen clean but was hopelessly chaotic when it came to everything else. Liam always defended himself in saying being chaotic wasn’t the same as being dirty. It was one of those talks where they both said the same thing but with different words and Theo got his amusement out of it by pretending he was not understanding what Liam was expressing. He was an asshole and Liam loved every part of him and would never let him go. 
Liam stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He only used a little bit of the warm water and used mostly cold water. Somehow Liam liked cold showers, especially during the summer. Mason once had the misfortune to use the shower after Liam and had shrieked at the temperature of the water when he just turned it on. Corey had doubled over with laughter when his husband literally jumped out of the shower and yelled profanities in Liam’s direction. It had been funny but then again proved how used they all had gotten to the house. The Alpha couple had their own bathroom and Theo was used to Liam’s cold showers. Now that they all had to share one bathroom, problems were bound to arise. Even though Liam was quite proud of how his pack handled them and that there were not many fights involving the bathroom use. 
Liam finished his shower lost in thoughts. He knew Isaac had no problem with them staying here but they could not live like that much longer. And maybe Nolan’s mom was right and they had to accept living together was not an option at the moment. Maybe they got lucky and could get dorm rooms in close vicinity.
He got dressed and then dried his hair with a towel before he exited the bathroom again and made his way into the kitchen. Most of the pack was gathered there and currently wrapped in a discussion.  Isaac was currently speaking. “Of course, there will be insurance but since Mike brought the house with his parent’s money, the insurance money will go to his parents as well. We already covered that. I can’t think of any way you will get access to that money, especially since Mike’s bank account is still frozen by his parents.” “But can’t we like lie or something?” Corey inquired.  Theo snorted. “I’m pretty sure that would be insurance fraud. Technically, Mike’s parents bought the house. It’s only fair in terms of law they get the insurance money.” “You care about law and Mike’s parents getting what’s fair?” Mason could not believe his ears.  Theo shrugged. “I can scam people but insurance fraud is not my strength. Besides, what is this? Ocean’s Eleven? Are you already planning a heist?” Liam cut in before Mason could even start to delve into that fantasy. “We are not getting money by any criminal action. Also, not by prostitution.” His Betas stared at him dumbfounded. “When was prostitution ever on the table?” Maya asked hesitantly.  “I mean,” Sadie played with the tips of her ponytail. “People surely would pay money for you, Liam, but when was this considered?” Theo flashed his eyes. “It wasn’t! That’s not even on the table! Like ever!” “Yeah, that’s what I said.” Liam gently reached out and ran his fingers over Theo’s hand.”Calm down.” “Sorry but my wolf goes crazy just even imagining somebody else touching my mate like that. No! Nope! Not going there!” He vehemently shook his head. 
There was a knock on the door and Ever waved her hand to telekinetically open it. Caden strolled in, followed by Lori and Brett. All three were happily greeted by everyone else. Even though some of the Betas slept at Caden’s dorm room, it was nice to have everyone gather at Isaac’s apartment and be together for a few hours per day.  Lori carried the mail she had gotten from the house and sorted through it while he stepped into the kitchen. “Most is just flyers and ads but there is one letter for you, Liam. Looks important.” She handed the cream-colored envelope over and Liam frowned. He didn’t expect any letters and he surely did not expect such expensive looking letters. There was a blue logo with silver writing on the left upper corner of the envelope. “Ebstein and McArvey? Sounds like lawyers. No idea who they are.” Mike looked up from his phone. “They are lawyers. High-profile ones. My parents’ company used to work with them.” Liam visibly paled at that and Theo gave him a sharp look. “What did you do that requires a lawyer?” He asked suspiciously.  Liam shook his head. “I didn’t do anything!” He glanced at Mason. “What we did at the junkyard was legal, right?”  “Of course it was,” Mason hurried to confirm. He paused, then he added: “Also, those guys won’t hire a lawyer, they would send somebody.” Corey sighed. “That was the most unsettling sentence you said in a long time.” He shook his head when Mason glared at him. “Way to go, baby, way to go.”
Liam meanwhile opened the letter with shaking hands. He had done nothing wrong, why would a lawyer write a letter to him? He had tried to be good so badly, had done his best to not turn into the Liam he once was, the one destroying things in his rage, and now such a letter. It scared the shit out of him and his heart beat furiously against his ribcage. What if he was getting sued? How was he supposed to handle this financially?  Inside the envelope was a letter written on the same paper as the envelope itself and with the law firm’s logo right on top of the page.  “Do you want one of us to read it?” Ever offered empathetically when she saw how bad Liam was shaking. Brett reached out and put a hand on Liam’s shoulder, gave it a squeeze.  “No, it’s fine. I’ll just read it aloud.” Liam grimaced. He felt like he was going to throw up at any moment. He took a shaky breath and unfolded the letter completely. Then he began to read:
“Dear Mr. Dunbar,
we are contacting you on behalf of one of our clients. Our client tasked us with organizing a meeting between him and you in our office here in Washington D.C. to discuss some business matters. Please understand that for now, we will honor our client’s privacy and you can only contact us but be assured all correspondence will be forwarded to the client. 
Accommodation and travel costs will be taken care of; if you confirm the meeting a train ticket and a booking confirmation for a hotel will be sent to you immediately. 
Since this is a business meeting and you haven’t reached the age of twenty-one yet, we also invited your mother Ilona to the meeting. Her hotel and travel costs will also be taken care of.
To confirm the meeting, please send me an email with your phone number in case of any questions. For further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. 
Kind regards,
Cordelia Apscort Personal Assistant George Ebstein [email protected]
Then came the date when the meeting should take place, her phone number, and the address. Liam blinked. What? “That is a trap! I know a trap when I see one!” Sadie pointed at the letter. “Surely, those hyenas are behind that. They want to lure you in and then attack! It has to be a trap!” “Why does it have to?” Maya asked. “The law firm exists, it could also be legit. I don’t think those cowards would go such lengths to lure Liam out of town.” “Liam, do you know anybody who could work with this law firm?” Isaac questioned. Liam shrugged his shoulders.  “I’m drawing a blank here. I also don’t know what business anyone could talk about with me. Theo’s majoring in business, not me. But it also doesn’t feel like a trap to me. I’m confused. That doesn’t make any sense.”
It sparked a vivid argument between the whole pack about the letter and what it could mean, if it was a scheme to hurt Liam, what he should do about it.  “Can I say something?” Mike suddenly questioned. Liam glanced at him and gave a curt nod. “Those lawyers are great at what they do and they are expensive as hell. Their clients are rich, companies making millions per year, CEOS, stockbrokers, you get the idea. I don’t think those hyenas are rich enough to actually get these lawyers to set up a trap. Even if they had the money, I don’t think the law firm would put their reputation on the line like that. It doesn’t make sense to me.” “I hear what you’re saying and I concede it is logical but I also don’t know anybody rich enough to hire them. I just don’t. So either this is a trap or somebody is actually suing me for something.” Liam put his elbows on the counter and buried his face in his hands. “Maybe I’m going to jail.” “If you were going to jail the police would have shown up here. Also, there would have been a trial. You’re not going to jail.” Bless Theo and his logical mind. 
Liam peeked between his fingers. Then he pushed himself up. “Where’s my phone?” “On the table.” Tim hurried over to the dining table and gathered the device before bringing it to Liam. “What are you doing?” “Calling my mom. They invited her too, after all,” Liam explained and dialed Ilona’s number. It took five rings and she picked up. “Liam, sweetie, I was about to call you.” “Is it because of the letter from those lawyers.” Liam was not even asking. He didn’t have to. “Yes. What is going on, baby?” “I have absolutely no idea. I got this letter today and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I hoped you could help me figure it out.” “Sorry, Liam, I’m afraid I can’t help you with this. They mention a business meeting but I have no idea what this could entail.” “Huh.” Liam worried his lower lip. So far, they knew absolutely nothing and it was hard making a decision. Sure, he was curious, but he had also paid for curiosity in the past and it had made him wary. “Only one way to find it out, I guess.” “You’re actually considering this?” Ilona and Theo asked at the same time. Theo was shocked, Ilona merely surprised.  “Yeah, I mean, what else can I do? To find out what this is about, I have to travel to D.C. and attend the meeting.” Theo raised both shoulders. “Okay, I’m coming with you then.” “No, you’re staying here,” Liam stated. Instantly their mating bond tensed and Theo got a stormy look on his face.  “The fuck I’m staying.” Liam ignored his boyfriend for now. “Mom, what do you think?” “I think given what you’re usually against it is risky. But I will also be the first person to support you and accompany you to a real business meeting. It could go both ways, but I will be there, baby.” “Great. I will call you later, okay? For now, I have to settle this because Dore looks seconds away from sending me to Eichen House. Love you.” He hung up and returned Theo’s stormy glare with a raised eyebrow of his own. “What?” “If you believe I’m letting you travel to D.C. alone, then yes, you belong to Eichen House.” Theo snapped. “I’m totally on Theo’s side this time,” Mason declared. 
Liam pushed away from the counter and wandered into the living room area. He turned around again to face his pack. “It could be a trap aimed at making us split up. If one part of the pack comes with me, the hyenas could attack the other part staying here. You’re stronger if you all stay together.” “And if they attack you?” Nolan questioned. “I’m the Alpha, that is a risk I have to take.” He saw how absolutely not okay his friends were with this and hurried to explain his reasons. “Look, you are right, I could walk right into a trap and a potentially deadly fight. But it could also leave my pack in danger if we split. I’m the Alpha and maybe because of the Alpha spark, those thoughts pop into my head. I can’t shake them. Try to see things from my perspective, okay? How am I supposed to decide who comes with me? Do I take the strongest Betas and leave the others behind? This is not me rating you, you all have your strengths and weaknesses, but what am I supposed to do? Do I take Sadie and Mike, the strongest ones? Do I take Ever who can cast spells and make everything go up in flames or do I let her stay in Seattle for protection and defense? Do I take Theo, so if something happens this pack has no Alpha anymore? I’m aware you all are confident and can survive on your own, this is not what this is about. And then, of course, is always the possibility of this being really just a business meeting.I’m sure the lawyers will love me walking in there accompanied by a hunter carrying several weapons with him.” All his reasoning proved popular with his friends and they nodded hesitantly. “But can’t you at least call some from the lake? Not to accompany you but to be around when shit hist the fan? Backup? You and your mom all alone in D.C. make me anxious,” Theo pleaded. It was strange to see and hear him do so but Liam got it. Still, he wasn’t sure if he should. "I don’t want to put them in danger.” “I swear to god, Liam Emerson!” Theo threw his hands up in frustration.  “Maybe you should talk about this later, when your emotions are not running so high and everything has settled a little bit,” Caden suddenly suggested. “And, this could always be something entirely normal. A business opportunity. Maybe a sponsor. Liam, didn’t you say yourself you needed a miracle?” “Miracles don’t happen in real life, Caden.” Liam scrunched his nose. 
****** In the end, Liam had confirmed the meeting and traveled to D.C. on his own. He would meet Ilona at the hotel and they would spend a pleasant evening, grab a bite to eat and then talk some before they would have the meeting the other day. If he was honest, Liam was anxious. He still suspected to get sued but for the life of him could not recall something he did recently that was worthy of suing him for. 
His farewell to his Betas had been kind of hard. It was strange to leave them, even for one night. Theo had hugged Liam especially tight and didn't let go for a while. “Please, come home to me,” he had whispered in his Alpha’s ear and Liam had hugged him tighter. They had kissed after that and then Liam had to go on the train. The whole ride he had spent running his fingers over the bracelet around his wrist or play with his pendant. He would return to Seattle tomorrow, it was plain ridiculous to act like that and yet Liam could not help himself. The last couple of weeks had been an emotional rollercoaster and their situation was still not getting better. And now he was on a way to a mysterious meeting. What happened to his normal werwolf college life from a year ago?
When he arrived at the hotel in D.C. Liam was surprised by how nice yet humble it looked. He had expected a luxurious hotel, given the law firm’s reputation, and he would have felt way out of place. But this one was a nice white building and the hotel colors were white and dark blue. Upon entering a friendly receptionist beamed at Liam and kindly asked for his name. While she searched on her computer, the young Alpha looked around. White marble floors and dark blue walls, a little seating area with grey armchairs and a round table. He liked it.  “There you go, your room is 523 on the fifth floor. Just take the elevator and then to the right.” She handed him his key card and Liam smiled gratefully.  “Thank you. Uhm, did my mother already check-in? Ilona Geyer?” She checked with her computer. “She did indeed. Her room is 516 on the same floor as yours. Enjoy your stay.” With a small nod and a wave, Liam grabbed his bag and then ventured for the elevator. He only wanted to put his bag in his room, shoot the pack a quick text and some pictures of the room, and then go visit his mother. He had missed her and needed to see her. 
The elevator didn’t take long and soon enough Liam found himself in front of his room. It occurred to him how he spent more times in hotels in the last year than in any other year before. Huh, how about that? But there was not much he could do about it and the aspect of sleeping in a real bed again, excited him. Sure, not sleeping next to Theo would be awful but he would manage this for one night if it meant a real mattress and not a couch.  “Oh, this is pretty,” escaped him when he unlocked the door and stepped in. Dark blue carpet and walls, highlighted with some white and stone gray. His way into the room led him past the little bathroom, completely kept in white and just with blue towels, and then right in front of the bed. Two chairs stood in front of the window, a highly polished desk, and the kingsize bed held the same colors as the company logo. Liam pulled out his phone and filmed a 360 of the room before he sent the video to his Betas alongside a small message. Soon enough his phone dinged with messages where his family gushed how pretty this room was. With a smile, Liam pocketed his phone again, grabbed his keycard and then made his way towards his mother’s room. 
Ilona opened after the second knock. It took her one look at her son and her warm smiled turned sad. “Oh my baby, the last weeks have been hard for you, hm?” She could always see right through him and with his mother in front of him, Liam broke down. He stepped closer and hugged her while he burrowed his face against her shoulder and began to cry. He had been shaken so badly by almost getting killed, becoming homeless, and with his mother around he could finally let loose.  Ilona embraced him after she tossed the door shut. Her hands ran over his back. “It’s okay, baby, I know how tiring always being strong can be. Let it all out. I’m here.” She held him and never wavered, gave her son the shoulder to cry on he needed. Yes, his pack had been there, but they all had to work through the trauma of their house exploding, so Liam had kept back. He was the Alpha, even if he promised Mason to be more open. More open and completely open were two different things. 
It took a while until Liam calmed down and pulled away. He wiped his eyes. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I now understand what you’ve been through after the divorce and what you did for me. I can never repay you that” “Liam.” She stroked his hair. “Never say sorry for crying and showing your feelings. It makes part of who you are, you don’t have to hide. And what I did back then was something I should have done years earlier. But I did it and I did what I had to do for my family, just like you did what you had to do for your family. You don’t have to repay me anything, just seeing the man you are today, is reward enough.” They settled in the chairs in front of the window. Liam inhaled and exhaled deeply. “It just feels like nothing is going my way right now. I can’t get a job and I don’t know why. Theo is helping me but he is also driving me crazy. The others have days when they are just hopeless because we have no money. I don’t know what to do.” “Are you and Theo fighting?” “No. We did that too but he is doing his best he can to make me feel better. He just has this job in this dirty Diner and it makes me cringe every time I think about it. We rarely talk about this topic cause when we do, we fight.” “You don’t want him working there?” “It’s in a bad neighborhood. He can heal faster but I don’t want to have him around drug deals and robberies.” “And you have told him that?” Ilona nodded.  “He is stubborn. No matter what I say, he will continue working there.” Ilona smiled softly. “Maybe that is his way of taking care of you. He’s putting himself in danger so you don’t have to. It’s is debatable if this is a good way but maybe you can see it from his perspective?” Liam groaned. “I’d rather have him somewhere safe,” he sulked. Ilona reached over and patted his hand. “I know you two will find a compromise you both can love with and not fight about.” “Hm, maybe this business meeting turns out real and I get a good opportunity. Who knows?” “Still no idea what this could be about?” Ilona frowned. Liam shook his head. “Your father and I racked our brains but we could not come up with anything. “ “Guess we have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure. Hey, mom, if things go south tomorrow, just know I will get you out, okay? Nothing will happen to you.” His mother took Liam’s hand in hers. “I have no doubt in you wanting to protect me. But I need you to know I can take care of myself. It is my job to protect you.” “But I have the claws and the fangs,” Liam argued back.  “And I am a mother protecting her son. You don’t know what we can do in those situations. Don’t test me, sweetie.” Liam chuckled. His mom was as crazy as him because she was absolutely sincere about what she was saying. He got that from her. 
“Now, come on, let’s grab something to eat. I’m paying. You keep your money together so don’t even start arguing with your mother, Liam.”
****** The hotel bed was comfy but Liam could not fall asleep. He missed the warm body of his mate next to him, the way Theo’s arms wrapped around him, he missed Theo’heartbeat lulling him to sleep and he missed running his fingers through Theo’s hair. It simply wasn’t the same when the older was not around and now they were miles apart. 
His phone chimed with an incoming text and Liam reached over to grab it. Theo had messaged him asking if he was still awake and just after Liam replied that yes, he was awake, his phone light up with an upcoming video chat. He accepted and Theo smiled at him.  “Hey, baby.” “Hey.” Liam propped himself up on his pillow and waved softly. “Can’t sleep either?” “No, you’re missing.” Theo sat outside on the balcony, the apartment behind him dark. The other seemed to be already sleeping.  “I miss you too.” Liam didn’t know how he could express how much he did.  “Did you have a nice evening with your mom?” “Yeah, we found a great seafood restaurant, she paid. Would not even let me pay the dessert. Stubborn woman.” “Pot, kettle, you know?” Theo smirked. Then he suddenly turned solemn. “Hey, I know we had our difficulties lately. The situation isn’t easy by any means and I know you don’t like my workplace. I didn’t make things easier for you, even though I certainly tried to. Do you think we could mend that went you get back home? Maybe go on a date or just spend more time together without arguing? I really miss that with you.” Theo had perfectly summarized the feelings Liam had too and he smiled sadly. “I feel the same way. Yes, I’d love to implement date night again. It will be good for both of us. And Theo?” “Hm?” “I know you’re trying. I’m trying too.” His mate smiled lovingly at him. “I know you do. Lee, I cannot tell you enough how much I love you. You are wonderful and I will do everything I can to fight for us and make you smile again.” “I love you so much. Just stay with me and we will find a way to make it all work and be happy again. I just could never be happy without you.” The look Theo gave him was full of love and promise. They would make it work.  “If someone can, then we, Lee.” “Yeah.” They just smiled at each other before Theo yawned. “Sorry.” “Nah, it’s okay. It’s late, you should go to sleep. I know you have an early shift tomorrow morning.” “You know my schedule better than I do.” “Yeah, because I need to know when to send the guardian angel watching over you.” “Aww.” Theo scrunched his nose. “Sap.” “Go to sleep, asshole.” Liam grinned and flipped the camera off. Theo blew him a kiss and Liam rolled his eyes but then blew a kiss on his own. “And now it’s getting corny and I’m saying bye now.” They probably hung up simultaneously and Liam put the phone on the nightstand before he snuggled in bed once more. 
****** Liam was surprised that it was possible but his anxiety over this meeting had doubled in the morning and now increased tenfold. His mom and he had arrived at the office and the receptionist had led them into a conference room before she told them to wait. And now they sat here and waited for the inevitable. He was far too nervous to look around and take everything, too busy to play with his fingers and not vibrate out of his chair because he was shaking so hard. Ilona squeezed his leg in silent support and gave him a soft smile but that didn’t help. 
And then the door opened and two men stepped in. One wore a tailored dark blue suit and held himself incredible straight, the other wore jeans and a sports jacket over a simple shirt. The one in the suit looked in his mid-fifties, the other man was a bit younger than Ilona. Both greeted Liam and his mother with a handshake.  “Thank you so much for coming, Mr. Dunbar. Mrs. Geyer, thank you for also accepting the invite. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Chadwick Aurel, this is my lawyer Mr. Ebstein,” the younger man introduced himself and suit guy who nodded with a smile.  “Nice to meet you. Uhm, could you call me Liam? Mr. Dunbar doesn’t sound like me at all.” Liam didn’t want to feel any more uncomfortable than he already was.  “Sure, no problem. Liam, it is. Please, have a seat and let us talk. I am sure you’re curious about why you were invited here.” “Curious is an understatement,” Liam confessed when he sat down again. Chadwick laughed.  “I guess we better get to the point then.”
He sat next to Liam and turned his chair so they were face to face. Mr. Ebstein had grabbed his briefcase and opened it to pull out a notepad and a pen. He gave Mr. Aurel a nod and then the man continued: “Liam, this is actually about your grandfather but since the man died it now comes to you. Do you know my company Aurel Tech?”  Liam shook his head and Ilona did too. “Aurel Tech is a large company operating internationally, founded by my father decades ago. My father and your grandfather were friends in college, back then when my father just had this idea of his own company. He had the dream and he worked forward to it but he was missing the money to fulfill his dream. It was your grandfather who helped him out and lent him the missing amount. It wasn’t too much around this time but my father was a humble man and he appreciated every penny. He was so overwhelmed by your grandfather’s gesture he promised he would pay your grandfather back after he made his own money with his own company. Your grandfather was a remarkable man himself and he replied that he knew his friend would pay him back but should first and foremost focus on his success.” Chadwick smiled softly. “My father was also stubborn and when he owed someone something, he was serious about it. To make sure the debt was not forgotten, he marked your grandfather down with 3 percent shares of certain parts of this company.”
“This is all nice,” Ilona said softly, “But why is this important for Liam? His grandfather was an amazing man, yes, but why is this so important right now?” “The company grew over the years and gained more and more reputation and clients. We cover several fields in the technology world today which we are very proud of. My father retired and I took over ten years ago. The reason why we invited you here now is that in his will Liam’s grandfather made Liam sole heir to his belongings and his money. Our company recently accepted a merge from one of our branches and another company. The shares your grandfather held were also affected by it. That means the money from the fusion would originally belong to your grandfather but since he is dead and you’re the heir, it’s your money now.” “We talked to your grandfather’s lawyer and he confirmed with his passing, you inherited the hold on that 3 percent,” Mr. Ebstein chimed in. “It’s even written down in the documents that your grandfather and Mr. Aurel Sr. had made. It’s all perfectly legal.” “Hold up. I didn’t do anything and yet I get money because my grandfather was a nice man?” Liam summed it up and he still could not really believe it. The lawyer’s thin lip twitched in a smile.  “That’s how the economy works.” “Okay.” Liam raised both eyebrows. He had never really liked economics in school. “How much are we talking about? Hundred dollars?” Mr. Aurel and Mr. Ebstein laughed wholeheartedly. “The amount we’re talking about is 7.2 million dollars.”  Liam felt his mother grab his arm tightly. “How much??” Mother and son asked at the same time, completely shocked by this total. “No, no, that can’t be right. There has to be a mistake. Are you sure you didn’t forget a decimal place or something?” Liam could not believe it.  “Young man, the company has the best accountants. No way is there a mistake,” Mr. Ebstein chortled.  “Still, this can’t be right.” Liam shook his head. “You can’t give me millions of dollars.” Chadwick braced his arms on his knees and leaned forward. “Liam, I can understand this is a surprise but it’s just the money you deserve. My father had the highest opinion about your grandfather and I met him when I was younger. He talked about you, you know? Said how proud he was of you. What your grandfather did in college helped my father build a life, a fortune. He never got the chance to pay his friend back because your grandfather died years ago and my father last year but this is exactly what both would have wanted.” He smiled warmly. “We’ll give you time to talk about this with your mother. We invited you here, Mrs. Geyer, because Liam is not twenty-one yet. We would need your signature that he is allowed to accept the money.” “Sure, yeah.” Ilona nodded and gently rubbed Liam’s back while the lawyer and CEO left the room.
Liam hung his head and ran both hands down his face. “This is insane!” Ilona still tried to calm her son. “It is but, baby, aren’t you a little bit proud?” “Proud? Proud??” Liam jumped to his feet and stared at his mother like she had grown a second head. “Are you insane? I don’t deserve this money!”  He began pacing back and forth on one side of the table. “I can’t have 7 million dollars in my bank account. I..No, just no! I don’t deserve to have this much money.” “Why not?” Ilona questioned and straightened a wrinkle in her dress.  “I am a boy from a small town in California, I am a college student living in Seattle. How exactly am I fit for such an absurd amount of money?” Ilona stood up and walked over to her son. Liam was busy freaking out and pacing back and forth. He only had to stop when his mother put both hands on his biceps and gave him an open look.  “Liam. You and your pack are homeless. You are homeless because some people decided they didn’t like their stand in the world and had to destroy your home. You had people trying to kill you, simply for who you are and your place in this world. You saw your friends dying and yes, they came back, but you saw what you saw. You had somebody hurt you when you were the most defenseless, a child. You’re saying you don’t deserve this money because you did not do manual labor every single day? It is right, you didn’t do manual labor but, baby, you worked for it. And if this is life’s way of paying you back, I cannot think of anybody more deserving than you.” Ilona’s voice was calm but firm.
Liam could still not be convinced. “Other people have it worse than me and they don’t get this kind of compensation.” “Other people don’t have Theo either.” “What does that have to do with anything?” “It is a perfect example. You cannot always compare what you have and what others don’t have. Other people don’t have Theo but that doesn’t stop you from being happy with him. If you would want everybody to have what you have, you would need to share Theo with everyone and I’m sure you won’t like that.” Liam shook his head. “But Theo is not 7.2 million dollars. What am I supposed to do with this money? How can you trust me to be responsible for it?” Ilona laughed and shook her head. “Another reason you deserve this money is that you’re so adamant you don’t deserve it. Sweetie, I raised you. I raised a humble, responsible young man. You’re not a little kid running loose in the candy store with 20 dollars to spare. I know you can have this money transferred to you and you would buy some things right now but even if I called you in a year, you would still have some of it saved. The same in two years. Three years. For your kids, if you ever want to have any.” “But don’t you think this is unreal? Things like this only happen in Hollywood movies.” Liam was skeptical. “This is probably just a dream and I will wake up and we go here and I will get sued.” “Liam Emerson, stop that! Those things sometimes happen in real life. There is this family that one the lottery thrice. The guy who held shares on Facebook and became rich overnight. The internet loves story like this and while a lot is fake, some people get insanely lucky. You deserve to be one of them and if your grandfather was here right now, he would tell you the same. He always said you’ll get everything he owns. This is his legacy, Liam. You said he was your guardian angel once and maybe your guardian angel saw how much you were struggling and sent you this. I certainly know nobody better for that money than you and I will be gladly put my signature on the line so you can claim it.”
She smiled and reached up to wipe Liam’s tears away. He had not noticed he had been crying and now he let out a watery laugh. “This is insane. I always said miracles don’t happen.” He glanced at the sky. “Grandpa, you really pulled a number here.” His mother had known exactly what to say to make Liam realize what he could do with the money. it was a lot and made his head spin but he was homeless and he and his pack needed money. Maybe this was a miracle. Ilona laughed and hugged her son, kissed his cheek. “He would be so proud of you. I certainly am. But, honey, listen, we don't have to tell anybody about this. I mean, your father will ask what this meeting was about, so will your pack, but it is your decision who knows.” He snickered. “You can tell dad, it’s okay. I will tell the pack, of course. This is huge, I cannot hide it. But nobody else. Certainly not my aunts and uncles.” “God no.” Ilona grimaced and shook her head. “Only the people you trust.”
They hugged again and the door opened. Chadwick peeked inside. “Have you come to a decision?” Liam moved away from his mother and nodded happily. “Yeah. I’ll accept the money.” “Wonderful.” Chadwick clapped his hands once. “We will contact your bank to inform them the transaction is correctly and soon you will find the money in your account. Mr. Ebstein’s assistant already got the papers next door, you just need to sign. Would you like a glass of champagne to celebrate? Just one, I know you’re not twenty-one yet.” “No champagne, thanks,” Liam declined. He was about to follow Chadwick when he suddenly got an idea. “How long will it take for the money to be transferred?” The CEO gave him an amused and somewhat curious look. “Is there already something you’re planning to buy?” “Yes.” Liam nodded. “There is something I need to buy immediately.” “We will try to get the money transferred as fast as possible but that shouldn’t be a problem.” “Okay, good. Thanks.” And for the first time in weeks, Liam could smile without much trouble. 
Liam's becoming self-aware, how about that? I have to admit, it was interesting to write the usual so optimistic Alpha puppy as hopeless and somber. It was certainly a change. The pack deserved some good news. That certainly was something, huh? I admit I am anxious about what you will say about this chapter. Took my sweet time with that because I had to find another job and all the stress blocked my creativity but today felt like a good day to finish the chapter. But I'm always anxious at uploading a chapter after a break. I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think. Have a great day! ♥
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sagegothel · 6 years
F the Prom → Sia
TAGGING → Tia La Bouff (@tiaisms) & Sage Gothel
TIMELINE → Saturday, May 18
SETTING → Charming Dance Hall, Streets of Walt, 1151 Wiizard Way
SUMMARY → Tia and Sage both have crappy nights at prom. In the end, they decide to get pizza and plan a summer roadtrip (including that info here because we didn’t write it lol)
Sage was totally not having a good time at prom this year. She’s volunteered to be a chaperone because she finally had a boyfriend now and being dates with like, Lux or whoever again was so not okay, although that hadn’t stopped Vivi from asking Wayland to go with her again. But whatever; Sage had figured she’d get to hang with Izzie and Tia and like, pass her crown on to a new cheerleader who won queen this year while she waited for a chance to borrow Wayland for the dance they hadn’t gotten last year when she’d been prom queen instead. And to hurry it up a little, she was maybe kind of scoping out cute high school boys to set Vivi up with instead, since she was like, super pretty and really couldn’t keep borrowing Wayland from her forever. She’d just spotted a medium key hottie she didn’t know when Tia crossed her line of vision, though, and she waved excitedly. “Hi bestie!” Sage squeed, reaching out to hug her without even noticing the expression on her face. “Do you think that boy over there is shorter than Vivi or not? I like, can’t tell from here.”
Tia only just barely spared a glance at the boy Sage was gesturing to as she tried her best to keep her composure up for a few minutes longer. "He looks shorter than us. Can we get out of here?" She asked in a rush, silently praying to God and anyone else who was possibly listening that Sage would just be a good minion and not question her until they were at least out of the range of a building filled with a bunch of nosy annoying high schoolers. Tia was so upset about her latest and quite possibly final break up with Kai, she really doubted her ability to be able to say much else without it possibly escalating into actual screaming.
Sage ‘s eyes went wide, surprised by Tia’s response, but she didn’t question it. She was best friends with like, the two smartest people on the planet; if they said something they were usually right about it, and Sage was super glad to have them to help her out when she didn’t get stuff. “Oh, um, sure!” she replied, casting a quick glance around to make sure Vivi hadn’t like, snuck Wayland off to do anything weird to him before she looped her arm through Tia’s and let her lead the way. “Is Kai stuck doing like boring radio stuff?” she asked as they walked. She totally wished she was hanging out with her own boyfriend; she was a little curious about why Tia wasn’t with hers, but she could like, need underwear help or something else that was a bff job instead.
Tia waited to answer Sage's question until they were all the way out of the building and then Tia turned around and flung herself into Sage's arms. "Kai's leaving again so we broke up." She sobbed, finally bursting into tears as she buried her face into her best friend's shoulder, completely ignoring the fact that Sage probably wouldn't appreciate the eyeliner, mascara and deep purple lipgloss smeared on her dress.
Sage had thought maybe Tia just didn’t hear her question at first, but her starting to cry as soon as they were outside was a definite clue that Sage had been wrong. “Oh-em-gee, no!” Sage replied instantly, wrapping her arms tightly around Tia, shock preventing her from saying anything useful as she tried to rub soothing circles on Tia’s back instead. Her best friend was all soggy and sad, and Sage hated when the people she loved the most were sad - but how did she fix it? “He can’t! We’ll like, build a dungeon and lock him up there so he can’t leave you. Like, why would he want to anyway? You’re so much better than the stinky old world anyway!”
Tia started crying even harder the more Sage talked to her. "Yes, he can! I told him to go! It's a really good thing for him and I can't make him not go do that!" She cried out before pulling out of the hug and dragging Sage further down the street towards their cottage. "He's going to do some youtube red show and he wants to go so so bad. It would be absolutely awful of me to keep him here."
Sage pouted slightly. She’d totally trusted Kai not to make Tia sad ever again, and they’d seemed super duper happy for like, almost a whole year now. Seeing Tia so crushed that he was going away again made Sage wish they’d found her a totally new boy instead, and maybe later when Tia wasn’t so super sad she’d suggest some of the ones she’d been looking at for Vivi. Right now, though, she didn’t know whether they were supposed to be mad at Kai or not, and she wished Tia had given her more indication of whether she should be saying totally bad stuff about him to cheer her up or not. She settled for a middle ground as they got closer to their cottage, asking, “Did he like... ask you to go with him? You’d be like, such a cute internet famous girlfriend! Like Vanna White but like eight zillion times prettier?” She chews on her lip, hating the words even as she said them. Leaving would be stinky, right? Tia would totally miss her and Izzie more than she would miss Kai, she had to.
Tia stared blankly at Sage for a few seconds before realizing that her bestie was serious. "Of course not. I don't want to go with him. For starters, I can't swim so if I fell off the boat like that girl in the Zac Efron movie about ghosts, I'd be dead super fast. But mostly. As much as I love Kai and all, but I'd be such a wreck without Wes, you and Izzie around. That's part of why I made this one the forever break up. He'll always want to go somewhere new, while I'm happy where I am and I hate being left behind. How would that ever work in the long run?"
Sage nodded her head. "That's super fair; before I got to Walt, like, the deepest thing I ever went swimming in was a bath tub. And there were no sharks or seaweed or like, drowny stuff in those," Sage said, wrinkling her nose up. How could Kai like all of that stuff more than he liked Tia? It just didn't make sense to Sage, but if he was really gonezo then she wouldn't have to make sure everyone blacklisted him or anything. "I'm so sorry, T, but that sounds super smart and grown up of you. There are so many cute boys in this world that would pick you over the stinky old ocean every time, and we'll totes find them for you when you're un-sad enough." Sage reached out to squeeze Tia's hand, adding, "And hopefully his show will get like, 30 seasons so he can't come back and try to make your life all confusing again every time you start to be okay without him."
Tia let out part of a giggle despite her sadness thanks to Sage's reaction. "I just don't like messing my hair up and pool water makes blonde hair green and dulls highlights, so I never bothered." Once the girls arrived at their cottage, Tia unlocked the door and headed straight for her room, throwing herself onto the bed with only minimal regard to where Sage would fit next to her voluminous gown. "I knoooooooow there are. But Kai was the best of them! What if when I'm unsad I can't find anyone I liked even half as much. Walt is only so big and I already know most of the boys our age!" Tia frowned even harder at the idea that Kai ever coming back would make her life all confusing. Looking up from her pillow to glare at Sage, Tia snapped, "I could be perfectly okay with him if he ever came back after his show. I said this break up was for good and I mean what I say."
Sage didn't want to give Tia too much space in case she needed someone to hug her or play with her hair, so she leaned against the side of her bed, tentatively perched there while Tia sprawled. "I mean, we could like, go on a road trip? Walt doesn't have all the boys in the world," Sage said thoughtfully, although the whole world was like... kind of big and scary. She'd never really been anywhere but her own home and Tia's and Walt. She didn't know where to start to look, but Izzie would know, and the two of them could help Tia together. Right now, though, helping her was something Sage had to do all by herself, until Tia was ready to tell other people about her super awful prom night and her new super single status. "Yeah, but like, he might scare off your new boys if he like, tries to win you back, even if you don't want him! It seems like, super complicated to have exes around, but I can be your body guard or something." Sage reached out tentatively to squeeze Tia's shoulder. "Whatever happens, we'll totes get you through this together. But what do you want to do like... right now? Can I get you pizza?"
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Who’d You Rather - Niall Horan
Paring: Niall x OC Female Character (I still describe it as an imagine, but sorry I just can’t write Y/N, so here’s Myra McCoy instead)
Idea: Myra McCoy, and actress who appear on Ellen’s show, and in a game of ‘Who’d You Rather’she manages to pick out Niall and pick him over and over again, Niall who have a secret celebrity crush on the same girl is made aware of it through Harry, and things seem to unfold from there
Word Count: 7480
A/N: So I saw Ellen’s thing ‘Who’d You Rather’ and then the idea stuck, so I saw all of the ones there was, and the idea kind of just developed, into a 7+k mess of emotions . And it’s tagged as an imagine, but it is an OC character, because I just can’t write Y/N, so here’s Myra McCoy instead, hope you like her as much as I liked creating her. 
‘Niall, have you seen this??’ Niall’s phone buzzed with a message from Harry, and knowing him the next text could either be a new joke he had found that he thought was simply too good not to share, or it was something actually interested. Apparently it was one of the better days, as this time it seemed to be something actually interested.
The link he sent was YouTube link, more specifically a video with the title ‘Myra McCoy plays Who’d you rather’. After reading the title of the link, Niall went to revaluate whether or not this was actually one of the better days.
‘Why are you sending me this again?’ Niall sent back.
There didn’t go long before the next buzz came. ‘Just watch it! Promise you won’t be disappointing’ He had written.
Okay, so maybe Harry’s ulterior motive hadn’t been to make Niall jealous while he was sitting in the studio recording songs he had already written, meaning he shouldn’t be full of a lot of emotions that he could potentially have used when he was writing the songs. Off course, Niall had a hard time that Harry would even have an ulterior motive that would cause him harm, god knows that Harry wasn’t that kind of a person, wasn’t even close to anyone who would be that kind of person. Yet it was a bit weird with Harry sending him videos of his celebrity crush, no scratch that, his crush picking a ton of guys over him, but deciding to trust Harry’s better ulterior motive, he clicked play on the video. Who knows, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
“So, Myra McCoy is on the show, and she is single and ready to mingle, isn’t that right?” Ellen said with a big smile as she looked over to Myra.
“Uhm, well yes, partly” Myra spoke slightly shyly.
Niall knew for a fact, perhaps for a bit too much researching that Myra’s dating life was not something she talked much about, but one thing he had definitely cleared out, she was in fact single.
“I heard a clear yes” Ellen simply said with a laugh “And that is why we’re gonna play a game of ‘Who’d You Rather?” Ellen said as the montage played.
“Okay, well this looks like it’s could be interesting” Myra laughed as she looked in the screen with the many hearts showing up.
Niall’s heart felt like it was swelling a bit just by the sound of that laughter.
“So yeah, as you’re an absolute sweetheart, clearly seen in our game of never have I ever, we thought we’d give it a go about finding the perfect man for you.” Ellen explained.
“Wait, so do you then hand out contact information’s in the end, or how is this going to work?” Myra inquired Ellen, now a little bit curious.
“Well, no, but as I am widely famous, the power of this game will magically make that other person tweet you on twitter or reach out to you, and you’ll live happily ever after” Ellen said with a smile. Myra just laughed and nodded as if that sounded fully legit.
“Okay, so it’s simple, we’re just going to show you two options of two different celebrities gentlemen, and then you’re just going to chose, until we finally narrows it’s down. Let’s start with these two gentlemens first shall we.
Henry Cavil & George Clooney’s face appeared on the screen
“I think I’m gonna go with Henry Cavil” Myra said sure in herself, the age difference was a clear factor, but she couldn’t deny the look of him in Man of Steel either.
“Okay, well, then Henry Cavil and Chris Evans”
“First of all, it is not fair putting him shirtless up there” Myra said pointing at Chris Evans “And certainly not fair showing him from the Avengers movies” Myra almost moaned.
“So it’s a clear Chris Evans here I see” Ellen laughed as she looked at Myra’s face.
“Yeah it has to be, Cap just goes right to my heart man” Myra laughed.
“Tell us Myra, is there something you haven’t told us about your thoughts about superheroes?” Ellen asked smugly. “I mean we know you played alongside some of them in Guardians of the Galaxy, was there some unresolved stuff there or?”
Maybe, just maybe, that had been one of the reasons why Niall had always been up for a Marvel movie marathon with Zayn, when that was something they still did regularly. Nonetheless, the movies was good, the fact that Myra had been in them and was awesome, and pretty good looking for an alien, was minor details to his love for the universe so much.
“Haha, no, it’s just Captain America for me, though Man of Steel certainly showed he had lifted some steel as well! Myra laughed as they moved on to the next one.
Zac Efron appeared besides Chris Evans, now both shirtless.
“Now Zach does have a girlfriend, but none of that matters here, because as I said, I rule, my studio and all” Ellen commented making Myra laugh again.
“Well, I still have to go with my heart on this one, and my heart screams that I’m loyal to SHIELD and Captain America”
“Chris Evans we go again then” Ellen comments before the screen changes again, this time not showing a shirtless gentlemen, instead a very clothed one, by the name of Niall Horan.
Niall immediately perked up and turned up the volume so that he could hear a bit better, cause now he was very much aware why Harry had sent the link. Though he feared that maybe he would only make a brief appearance, knowing the option of the men out there, he wouldn’t judge.
“Now here’s someone who we also know is completely single! So that’s gotta be a plus” Ellen comments with a smile, however as Myra is silent on the matter and simply staring at the two, she decides to continue. “However, he doesn’t carry a shield, not does he wear a blue, red and white spangled suit”
Yeah just comparing him to Captain America would already be enough, knowing the inner geek that Myra didn’t hide.
“He could wear a green white and orange spangled suit though” Myra comments as she brings up a finger to bite on.
Niall tensed up by the sight of the finger nearing her mouth, just as he had… well, compared him to his own kind of superhero.
“It sounds like you might be leaning towards the Irish then” Ellen asks grabbing Myra’s eyes.
And Niall was grabbed completely by his little screen now, incredible happy that Greg made him wait around a bit before he had to redo some of his vocals in one of the songs.
“Yeah, sorry cap, but I think I’m gonna go with Niall” She said shyly before moving her legs up under herself.
Niall let out a small sigh, suddenly smiling widely.
“I see you’re getting comfortable now” Ellen laughs pointing out how she lost one of her heels.
“Well comfortableness always overrule fanciness, that’s been my rule through my whole career, except, there are certain exceptions, feeling really sexy in your own body once in a while is worth a loss of some comfortableness, as long as I can still go back to my couch and sweats in the evening.” Myra explains.
And another reason why she endeared him so much.
“Sounds like that could get it’s own what’d you rather program” Ellen comments before moving on to the next picture, showing Drake besides Niall.
“Niall” Myra spoke clearly, no doubt or shyness about it anymore.
The lack of shyness and the security of her voice did something entirely else to him.
“Ah, I’m getting a sense that maybe it’s the Americans you just overrule, well if it’s because you’ve gotten bored of the Americans gentlemen, how about an English one now then” Ellen commented as Ed Sheeran appeared besides Niall.
“Oh, well Ed’s a friend of mine actually, so as much as it’s a bit tougher, then I’m still going with Niall” Myra laughed before the screens shifted to show Nick Jonas shirtless.
Niall, knowing very well that she was a friend of Ed, he had heard about her through him once as well, heard stories about the charm that wasn’t just for TV host, but an actual charm and kindness that caught Ed. And likewise as it had been with Harry, knowing that Ed thought she was worth having as a close friend, that meant more to him than her reaching the top twenty of sexiest females. Though as Louis have made fun of multiple times, that did mean something to him too.
“I mean, as much as I could look at that a bit longer, then I still go with Niall” Myra stated.
“You’re seeming often sure in Niall it seems” Ellen comments “Might this be your final boy?” She jokes as the screen reveals Ryan Gosling.
Don’t joke around with it Ellen Niall kept thinking, because my god that would be something.
“Our La La Land charmer, he’s sure to be able to sing you off your feet” Ellen comments.
“Well if we’re taking singing into account too, then it gotta go to Niall again” Myra laughs as the screen shifts again, this time to show Prince Harry.
Not only had she compared him to a superhero, and well chosen him over multiple good looking and just generally good men, she had complimented his singing too.
“Niall. Again” She adds with a giggle.
“So you’re now turning down royalty status for him too” Ellen laughs as the screen reveals Dev Patel.
“Oh, this one is actually a bit hard” Myra states as she starts biting her finger again. “I always kinda had a thing for Dev, I mean after watching Lion it was hard not to” Myra commented.
“Then go pick Dev, he was just declared 2017’s sexiest man alive” Ellen commented, as if it was obvious.
“I know… But no, I’m sticking with Niall” Myra said meeting Ellen’s, who actually seemed to be genially surprised. Myra looked back to the screen expecting there to show up another one, but instead Niall Horan simply filled the screen alone.
“Well then there you go, seems like your perfect match is Niall Horan, unless off course you wanna go back to one of the superheroes?” Ellen tempted.
“Well isn’t he kinda a superhero, I mean, I’ve heard the stories of how that band saved people through music” Myra added with a sly smile.
How she warmed his heart.
“Already defending him I see, maybe it really is a perfect match” Ellen laughed, Myra just shrugged her shoulders before placing her feet on the floor again.
“I mean, I can’t deny it, he’s a handsome looking fella, I’m quite pleased with this” She said as she beamed with a big smile.
She wasn’t the only one.
“Well thank you again Myra McCoy for joining us, and good luck on the new movie out the first of next month” Ellen spoke to Myra before turning to the camera “And we will be right back”
The screen went still, and for a moment so did Niall. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself after that, seeing it certainly made his day feel better. But, well, what was there more to it than that. He could watch that and think to a hypothetical world where Myra McCoy, the brilliant, charming, wonderful women, would choose him over royalty and men who could grow proper stomach hair, and he could smile about it. But that was it wasn’t it.
He pictured himself in the opposite situation, if he had been there and forced to pick between women like that, and well then ended up with a final one, having them contact you, it wouldn’t be, well it wouldn’t be something that people just did. Surely.
Niall closed down the link before returning to the chat with Harry,
‘And here I thought it was a new knock knock joke you were going to send me :D’ It didn’t take long before Harry got back to him.
‘You appreciate them better than Grimmy does, so off course I’m gonna update you on it. But how about it! Did I just possibly set up your new date’
‘Ha, I wish’ Niall wrote back.
‘What do you mean you wish, did you not see the interview!’
‘Yeah, but you know those interviews, how many times haven’t you said your crush would be Frankie Sandford, and it’s not like you would date her!’
‘First of all, she’s married, Myra isn’t, she’s very single, and so are you, and we both know she’s not your celebrity crush, she’s your real crush. AND she didn’t say you were her celebrity crush, she literally picked you over like 7 other guys’ Harry wrote back. Niall read it over once again, knowing very well that he did have a point. Yet still. Well, he still wasn’t sure.
‘Still man, that would be weird wouldn’t it?’
‘Dude, Twitter is amazing for that’
‘I don’t know. Anyway, Greg’s here, gotta go’ Niall wrote, trying to get out of the conversation.
‘Liar’ Harry just wrote back, knowing very well that move.
Not long after, Greg however did come back to request Niall back in the booth, so he could rub that in Harry’s face when he got out again. However the recording went so well that they ended up taking another verse, and then a course too, and while they were at it they could take some of the background vocal too, until they managed to almost finish the song, before they finished for the day.
When he got out again, he reached for his phone out of reflex and scrolled down the notification, only to see Harry had send him another text, with another link it seemed.
‘Told you so http://bit.ly/2rbFeDa’ He clicked the link, only to get directed to one of Harry’s tweet.
‘@McMyra I should say from @NiallOfficial he loved you on Ellen, and he’d love it even more if you went on a date with him’
Niall huffed out a breath, not sure what to do about it, and immediately going into damage control of what he could do, besides giving Harry a kick in the shin, or depending how bad it went, in the nutters, the next time he saw him, but then he scrolled down to the response linked under it.
‘@Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial well tell him to use his #SlowHands to write to me then ;)’
It took him a minute to process the tweet, as it was not only a tweet from Myra McCoy, but also a tweet including a title to one of his songs. One thing was her complimenting his singing, by now there was a couple of people who had heard that because of the One Direction, however, his own songs was a different matter, something he still felt unsure people would even listen to. Off course he knew that the response so far had been great, but that was one thing, knowing, well, knowing that she had heard it was another thing, or at least, this felt like something else. So yeah, what was stopping him.
‘I hate you’ He texted back to Harry, knowing very well that he might have to actual thank him now the next he saw him. I went back into twitter and clicked on the tweet, and the little arrow to respond to the tweet.
‘@McMyra Ignore Harry, he’s a jerk, but he is right though, loved you on Ellen’ He decided to send, it was casual, true because Harry was being a jerk, a right one, but that was besides the point. He sat with his phone a bit, wondering if the response would come or not, though chances was she wasn’t, the previous tweet had been 15 minutes ago, so she’d properly put the phone down now. However he looked down his phone as it vibrated, only to see a nocification, new tweet from @McMyra, he quickly opened it.
‘@NiallOfficial So Ellen was, scarily enough right it seemed, you did reach out to me on Twitter, or Harry did, does it then still count?’
‘@McMyra Totally counts.’
‘@NiallOfficial Perfect. So about that date then?’
Shit. Now he definitely needed to thank Harry.
‘@McMyra Well when are you in #ThisTown and got time’
@NiallOfficial Nice self-promoting there’
‘@McMyra well you can (thank for that btw) but I can’t promote myself a bit?’
‘@NiallOfficial absolutely not, now it just seems self-centred (And you’re welcome, love the song <3)’
‘@McMyra well that’s a bit rude innit (Thank you, I could give you a life performance at one point if you want)’
‘@NiallOfficial it seems you’re the one being rude now (Maybe that could be arranged, you almost owe me after turning down royalty for you)’
Niall was in mid typing to reply to the tweet when he received a new notification, that @McMyra had sent him a dm. He closed down the tweet before opening the DM.
‘If by this town you meet LA, then that won’t happen until a movie premiere in two weeks, but with a live performance in wait it would be’
‘worth it’
‘Sorry, I hate the 140 limit line’
He couldn’t help but laugh over the common problem before typing a response.
‘Usual solution is to loose the commas or to add in slang or btw, nvm, stuff like that’
‘Yeah well I was an English mayor before I turned to acting, so it’s very much against my nature’
‘Being an English major, I can also tell you that it’s called an acronym’ She responded again, he was about to thank her for new knowledge, when he realised the opportunity at hand to do something else. Weighing his option and what really I had to loose for a moment, I decided for it before writing back.
‘Well hey, if it bothers you that much to use acronyms (thanks for that btw(Though apparently I can’t stop) you can always write to me on my number’ I suggested before typing it in.
‘Well if you’re offering’ She simply said. It took a while before I got another notification on my phone, this time from my messages, of an unknown number writing.
‘Hi’ She wrote, quickly followed by
‘And now I feel like I don’t have stuff over 140 signs to say’ I couldn’t help but laugh a bit, but was quickly interrupted by Greg entered the room again asking me if I was ready to listen through it all. I replied I was, and I would be there in a moment.
‘It’s alright, I actually need to go now, my producer just called me in to listen through some of the final touches for my album. But hey, I’ll text you when I’m out, and we can talk about stuff that’ll fill more than 140 signs, perhaps also what to do when you come to LA’ I wrote before getting up to walk back towards the mixing table. However by my phone giving off a final buzz I took it out before entering the room with the rest.
‘I’ll forgive you for leaving me alone on a bad hotel couch if you send me a snippet of the song ;)’
‘As much as I wouldn’t want you mad at me, if I did that, it would be a surprise at the live preview of it would it now :D’ I responded, before entering the room to see a smirking Julian.
“What?” I asked while laughing, “What’s so funny”
“You, clearly forgetting I have a twitter” Oh, right “So, now I’m just wondering what you might be smiling so widely about”
“The fact that I have a really good song here, that’s what” I just commented before playing the result of the final touches.
“Sure” Julian simply said before returning back to the music as well.
It continued like that, almost nearing 2 weeks of it, just the two of them texting back and forth. Often however, just under 140 signs, as they both had busy schedule, with Myra having a movie out that she needed to do interview and premieres for, and Niall doing the final touches for his album while also promoting for it didn’t leave a lot of space for other stuff. Other stuff longer than that if they had time and had something wanting to tell the others, there was always funny stories when you had busy schedules. Nevertheless, they maintained a connection, and though it was rarely mentioned, it seemed that there was still a date in the near future that they could both look forward to.
Another thing that had happened through those 2 weeks, was other people starting to notice it, this was something Myra experienced in a interview with James Cordon on his Late Late show.
“So Myra, beyond being busy with promoting for ‘Sudden Vengeance’”
“Which is out in American cinemas on Friday” Myra added in looking right into the camera causing James to give one of his booming laughs.
“Yeah, and it’s definitely worth a watch. But no, what I meant to say is that besides being busy with the movie, you seem to have made a new friend, not just that, but a friend that’s one of my friends too” James says, seeming rather pleased with the situation. Myra off course knew who he was talking about, before he mentioned the connection with James too, as it hadn’t been the first time Niall had been mentioned in interviews. That was a thing she had to get use to though, I mean she had gotten linked to other celebrities before, but Niall Horan from One Direction seemed to be a whole thing for themselves, as she had never had it mentioned as many times before as she the twitter feud between her and Niall had been mentioned.
“Yeah, yeah I have made a friend” Myra just said with a smile, off course she knew that James wasn’t going to leave it like that, no one who had interviewed her about it had yet.
“So, how did all of this happen again? I heard you were on the Ellen show’s Who’d Your Rather” James started.
“I was yeah, went to do some promo on Ellen, lovely show”
“Well you’re not promoting her show” James laughed.
“True, she don’t need promoting” Myra laughed, but as she noticed James discomfort. “Off course neither does yours!” She laughed as she leaned forward to place a hand on James leg. “But yeah, at the show, she have this little game, called ‘Who’d you rather’ where she features a lot of men that she then tells you to choose between them” Myra explains.
“Based on who you want to date right?” James fills in, Myra smiles while looking down a bit, because off course he had to highlight that feature.
“Yes” She looks up at James again “based on who you’d rather date. And Niall happened to be on the list, and yeah, I chose Niall” Myra said with a smile.
“And now, after that, the two of you have been communicating over Twitter it seems” James commented while showing one of the tweets where some flirting between the two of you had quite obviously been going on. “But, from what I’ve heard you guys have been talking off Twitter as well. And now, I can’t help but ask, did you ever get that private concert he talked about?” James ask with a big smile, and I could see my co-star sitting beside starting to laugh as well.
“I haven’t yet no, still waiting for that one” Myra simply said with a smile on her face, knowing that until they both had time, they might have to wait a bit longer for that one.
“So, you haven’t told me about the date you went on with Myra McCoy yet?” Harry asked as he settled down in the couch beside Niall.
“What date?” Niall just laughed as he turned on the telly for the golf competition.
“The date that you should have had with Myra McCoy by now, thanks to my glorious skills” Harry commented while leaning forward, seeming to obviously care a lot more about this than what channel the golf he came over to watch was on. I turned to look at him, surprised that he actually seemed to care.
“Well, we’re both very busy with our schedules, so off course it couldn’t happen right away”
“Right away? It’s been like 2 weeks, and you’re literally in the same city! She was at the James Cordon show yesterday, and she’s going to be at the movie premiere for her movie tomorrow- I know!” Harry suddenly exclaimed, “You could surprise her at the movie premiere tomorrow! It would be easy to get in for you, and it would totally surprise you” Harry spoke with lights in his eyes.
“Okay, calm down there!” Niall said as he went to turn and look at Harry, except as he turned the channel again, it didn’t land on golf but the rerun of yesterday’s Late Late Show with James Cordon.
“Talking about the sun” Harry said as he pointed at the screen where Myra appeared on the sofa with her co-star Niall had heard some good stuff about as well.
“Yeah, I have made a friend” Myra spoke on the telly, as a picture of Niall appeared on the screen behind them.
Harry looked over to me again as they started talking about how her and Niall had started talking and so, until James asked whether or not she had gotten that private concert yet.
“I haven’t yet no, still waiting for that one” Myra said with a smile before they started talking about the movie.
“Do I need to keep bugging you with this, or are you finally going to do something about a girl who clearly likes you and wants to go out with you” Harry commented.
“Okay, so say, what would I have to do to get into that movie premiere?” Niall asked, knowing very well that he had a good suit somewhere, so the only thing he was missing, was access to the movie premiere.
“I have an idea” Harry said, before he reached down his pants to reach for his phone, “But I think I know someone who might actually be at the premiere tomorrow, so maybe they can get you through” Harry took the call while Niall looked back to the TV to see Myra appear on the telly. It was here he couldn’t help but think of how exciting it would be to actually see her tomorrow, after 2 weeks of chatting, maybe he would finally be able to actually see her.
“Got it” Niall was brought back to reality as Harry got back to him. “A mate of mine Alex is in the supporting cast, he’d said he’d bring the word forward that you would be joining the task, and I made sure that Myra would not know” Harry said with a laugh.
“You ready” Alan asked giving Myra a last glance to see her nodding before he pulled the door aside for Myra to exit the car to walk on the red carpet that matched so wonderfully with her blood red look, and to be met with flashes she had almost forgotten how much hurt her eyes. But it was alright she felt, this wasn’t bright flashes she didn’t expect and hated, no these flashes was like applauding in her ears, applauding she felt she truly deserved after all the hard work she knew she had put into this movie, and how it was work she was proud off. And the better thing than the applaud of the flashes was the roar of voices she heard at her arrival from the people who really mattered, the fans standing by the side line waving and smiling at her. She waved back and walked over and talked with and signed stuff to as many as she could before she was pulled away to the not just flashes, but now microphones as well.
The interview was always interesting, I mean that was no news, but there seemed to be something exceptionally ruthless about some of the interviewers. She didn’t mean the ones only focusing on what she wore and how she wore it on her particular form and not the movie and the hard work she had done, no the particular ruthless ones were the one trying to undermine her character she had worked so hard on. One particular interviewer seemed to be interested in how some of the public, meaning the station the interviewer worked for, seemed to think that Myra’s character was an weak female character that seemed to allowed herself to be stepped on, making Myra think that clearly the interviewer hadn’t seen the movie at all!
But Myra pulled through it with a smile and what she hoped was a gentle tone as she explained her character and her depths, and not the irritating tone she had hoped to sneer at the interviewer to shut her up. And one of the better things she had found she loved about the ‘interesting’ interviews on the red carpet, was that they were always so lovely short.
It was when she had moved on from her fifth interviewer, and had to pose facing her better left to the paparazzi’s for about the 15’th time, that things seemed to change.
The first time she heard someone yell the name that had grown relatively familiar to her over the last couple of days, she thought it was one of the many ways a paparazzi wanted to get a reaction out of her, but it was a trick she had only grown too familiar with, with her many encounters with the paparazzi’s. However, soon, multiple people starting shouting the name so eagerly in the other end of the red carpet, that it almost couldn’t mean anything else but…
Myra couldn’t help but turn and look as her curiosity had been raised with the eager shouting, and true enough, if it wasn’t that blond, now almost brunette haired guy she had starred at rather longingly on Ellen, and perhaps a couple of other times as well, that had just gotten out of a car, and was dressed rather handsomely. Quickly however, Myra realised the surroundings she was in. And how here a glance that lasted more than a couple of seconds could be caught and over analysed easily with this many flashes, that suddenly didn’t resemble an applause anymore, as much as an extensive clicking of insects wanting to suck up any kind of information’s they could focus their lenses on. So she turned her head back to face them her left side, and what she hoped was the same smirk she had worn beforehand, and not the genuine smile she had caught herself having just a glimpse of a moment ago.
However, by the sound of how Niall’s name wasn’t just mentioned in his end, but was now thrown at Myra as well, the damage was properly done. And if she moved through the flashes and interviews just a bit quicker knowing what might await her when she was inside, well then she dearly hoped her manager wouldn’t figure it out.
And finally it seemed that she did reach an end, and she entered the theatre where her co-stars and the other she had worked with during the film, as well as their nearest one was gathered in the large hall had gathered up. Here she was greeted with genuine smiles and hugs that made her feel a lot prouder about the movie than what she had encountered outside. However certain co-stars that she greeted seemed to be especially pleased to see her, in an almost suspicious way, and knowing what kind of bunch Alex and Jennifer were, she was most likely right that something was going on. To her impatient curiosity, it seemed lucky that she was about to find out just why that had been, as suddenly both Jennifer and Alex noticed something behind Myra, that lead to them leaving her in her own company, except not really it seemed.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and was ready to greet another one of the co-stars, however the face she met wasn’t one of her co-stars, though perhaps his face made her lighten up more than any of the others in the room would have.
“Hi” Niall says almost out of breath with a wide smile as their eyes meet.
“Hey” Myra caught herself saying almost as breathless back. For a moment they don’t seem to be able to say anything, over or under 140 characters, apparently smiling at each other suffices both of them, that is until the silence is broken, not by them though. Both Myra and Niall turns over to the doors of cinema as they are opened and people are starting to be ushered into their seats.
Myra turns around to see Niall feeling incredibly left out and unsure what to do as all the actors and the directors starts walking excitedly towards the doors. In a glimpse of a moment, Myra grasps out for Nialls hand as she pulls him with the crowd.
“Didn’t expect to see you here” Myra says as they’re so close and surrounded by chatty people that the silence between them felt too weird.
“Well, it was a bit of a spur of a moment thing as well” Niall said with a smile as he met her eyes. “But, I was told by an idiot friend of mine, that maybe I should get my arse out of the gutter, and actually do something, now that a certain someone was actually in the same city as me for once” He explained again as they entered the big IMAX theatre. Just as Myra was about to answer, the person following people to their designated seats broke Myra out of their conversation by pointing her to her seat.
“Oh, uhm, actually I think I’m going to find another seat with him” Myra said after a short hesitation before standing aside so that Niall was in view.
“Mr. Horan” The man in front of them asked, Niall simply nodded.
“Well, Ms. McCoy you and Mr Horan are already seated besides each other” The man explained before pointing them on their way. Myra looked confused for a moment before Niall leaned in to whisper “My idiot friend of mine might also have pulled me a few strings, as he seems to have connection the strangest places”
“Those connections wouldn’t by any chance have been someone by the name of Alex Nelson and Jennifer Moore would it?” Myra asked curiously as they received the free snacks that usually followed with a premiere like this before they walked between their rows to walk to their center seats.
“Well, I heard an Alex being mentioned, didn’t know about a Jennifer before now though” Niall chuckled, quickly joined by Myra who muttered a silent ‘Should have figured’ as well before they sat down in their seats.
“But I never gathered” Niall said with a small hesitation as Myra met his eyes with her auburn ones. “Was it a good surprise?”
He was met by a sly smile as Myra popped one of the popcorns in her mouth before leaning in and whispering “Very good” just as the cinema darkened. As the director of the movie walked out on the floor in front of the screens to cheers and started to introduce the movie, Myra found Niall’s hand in the dark and held it, and if blue eyes sought out hers in the dark, she didn’t pretend to notice.
Myra character appeared sobbing on the screen as she ran past a corner and landed unto the floor of the bedroom of the flat, cornered from the man hastily following after her. She turned around to face and meet the eyes of the man she had through the movie seen to have loved dearly, even through all his mistakes. She quickly put her hand around her bag and pulled up the gun she had stuffed in her back pocket before raising it and aiming it at the man, as his eyes showed a wildness that yet seemed to contain some of the gentleness of the character that had been show in the start of the movie.
“Please… Please don’t make me do this” Myra character sobbed uncontrollable as she raised her other hand to hold the gun more steadily. However, it seemed all the gentleness the eyes had to offer before, had disappeared as he took one more step towards her, before a loud bang was heard, as the screen went pitch black.
Then the end titles started rolling and the whole theatre erupted in cheers. Myra could feel a couple of people reaching out to pat her on her back for good work, but in that moment all that mattered was Niall whispering in her ear “You were amazing!” As he squeezed her hand tight, the same hand he hadn’t released his hold on ever since Myra’s grabbed his hand at the start of the movie, before placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. A slight tint of rose appeared on her cheeks, a colour that hadn’t been caused by any of the makeup she had sat through for hours. She looked over and had wanted to kiss him back, but preferably not on his cheek when she was roused up together with her other co-stars to be shown down on the floor together with the director, away from the steady warmth from a hand that had ended up warming more than just her hand.
When she reached the floor she was greeted by cheers and more claps on the back by her fellow co-stars, all of which she congratulated back, until she reached Alex who she grabbed gently around the neck and gave a soft squeeze making him jump a bit as he was oh so very ticklish.
“Why ever do I deserve that” Alex laughed, but before Myra could sneer back he shot in “Since I saw the very obvious hand holding, so I would think a hug or a kiss would have been more in order” he laughed again. “Or perhaps, you should save the kissing for someone else” He chuckled which ended up with him receiving a bit harder squeeze in the same spot as before as they were ordered into a line so that they could all bow. As she got up again her eyes immediately sought out a certain blond fella in the audience, who seemed to be the one applauding the most eagerly.
After having to bow three more times to please the large audience, they’re finally ushered back into the hall where Myra received more claps on her back and general compliments on her acting, from people who unlike the stupid reporter from before actually seemed to understand the depths of her character, which she appreciated dearly.
Once again however she turned around to meet the man she had left in their seats when the group of the actors had been ushered out of the cinema.
“I know I already said it, but you did amazing in there” Niall spoke with a large grin “Absolutely stunned be away”
“I recon you might be biased in your opinion based on your motives” Myra just responded with a sly grin.
“My motives huh?” Niall remarked with a grin of his own. “I thought me coming here showed my motives pretty clearly”
“Yeah, how so” Myra said while moving just a bit closer.
“Get a room you two” A women sniggered as she walked by, catching Myra with a blush as she took a step back and glared after the women who waked past.
“I’m I right in guessing that was a certain Jennifer Moore” Niall commented.
“Yeah, that’s the wicked witch of the moors alright” Myra sneered not noticing the considerable larger distance between them. It looked like Niall however had noticed it, but wasn’t sure how to address it, and it seemed like he never got to as large announcement of an after party at a venue away was starting now, and slowly people started to thin out. Niall knowing well from his own times how important, or at least enjoyable the after party is turned to see Myra who hadn’t moved out of her spot to follow the rest.
“So, how wild are movie premieres after parties then?” Niall asked as he looked around of the thinning crowd, certainly suggesting that it was a popular choice to go to the party.
“Well, I won’t know for tonight sadly” Myra said as she turned to look at the thinning crowd as well.
“Oh, you’re not going? How come?” Niall asked, fearing that for Myra it had been doomed to be a short night anyway, hinting that this might be the last of their night together.
“Well you see, it just so happens that tonight will be one of the few nights I’ll be in LA before we go to the world tour premiere. Therefore also one of the few nights that this artist who had kind of promised me a private concert after this whole twitter thing, would be able to do it.” She said with a small smile as she turned to face Niall, who quickly caught up on where she was going with it, and eased as a smile spread on his face as well.  
“Well, this artist is certainly very lucky to be able to spend a night with you” Niall smirked.
“Yeah, he certainly is” Myra responded with a teeth showing smile, as the temptations of the night ahead seemed suddenly a lot more pleasing than getting drunk with her co-stars at a 5 star venue with a free bar, and then that was saying something.
The sunshine sprayed Myra’s bedroom of her LA apartment with sunshine, and woke up Myra the way only an LA sunrise can. However, this morning in particular seemed to be a bit different from some of those other mornings that same sun had woken her up, as this time the warmth that affected her most was that of a body lying pressed up against her. Hazy memories of last night came floating back to her, of new songs played on Myra’s guitar in candlelight’s “Because atmosphere okay”, and talks long into the night, that turned into lazy make out sessions into the night, that didn’t reach much further because both was tired after busy schedules for far too long. As the memories filled her still sleep fogged brain, she turned around to face the body mass who had occupied her bed and had hold her tight, and she started tracing freckles, birthmarks, and laugh lines that scattered the face who’s nose started twitching, hinting that she was soon to not be the only awoke one.
“It tickles” A groggy Irish voice mumbled into the many pillows which was one of the luxuries Myra allowed herself to have.
“Your beard is really what’s tickling me, so I should be the one complaining” Myra sniggered, which received a rough chuckle for the man above her as he stretched his hands so that they held Myra again.
“Don’t blame my beard for your sensitive fingers” Niall just muttered as he buried his face into the soft neck of the women lying so softly next to him in the rising sun.
“Well I’m sorry I haven’t spent the last 5 years playing guitar non-stop, causing my fingers to grow rough and hard, which I should say causes tickling even easier!” Myra just commented as she fell into the embrace but kept stroking her fingers along the skin of the man, moving from his face to his forearms as she made herself comfortable.  
“You’re saying that this tickles then?” Niall asked as he moved his fingers to stroke her gently down the sides where her t-shirt had ridden up.
“Nope” the women said through her teeth as she tensed up.
“Liar” muttered Niall as he started tickling her for real, which ended up with the covers flying off as Myra’s legs started kicking around rapidly while laugh broke past her lips.
Niall who was now definitely awake decided earnestly that this was the best morning by far he had had in a long time. Worst of all though was that he just might actually have to send flowers to Harry or something now, as he was sort of the reason why his smile didn’t falter that whole morning.
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punionrings · 7 years
i saw wonder woman, here’s my review:
short review: 5/10, not bad, but not really original and extremely overhyped
much, much, longer review (with spoilers):
okay honestly I don’t like superhero movies to begin with. but my bf convinced me to go cuz he likes going to the movies and I.... do not. i hate going to the movie theater.
but we went. and the longer the movie went on the less impressed i was. i really did like the beginning on the amazon island, i thought was pretty cool. but slowly, i was realizing two things:
1. i was going to guess every plot device and twist of this movie very, very quickly
2. things were going to happen and not be explained at all.
as soon as it was brought up that the amazons are the protectors of the good of man, but they don’t bear children, it made me think... do the amazons age? how quickly does diana age? do we assume that between the time of the ancient greeks and world war i, diana ages MAYBE 25 years or so? there’s definitely amazons that die during the beach scene, but do they die of natural causes? if they don’t bear children, and they DO age, what happens if they all die off before ares does return??
and diana is built up to be an intelligent, well-read young woman. so why can’t she figure out that she is not actually an amazon like everyone else is? her mom flat out tells her she isn’t before she leaves. why isn’t she demanding answers about why she is different then?? like she gets the “made from clay” thing but it becomes obvious VERY QUICKLY that something is amiss. as soon as her mom brings up the sword being the god-killer and she said “diana wasn’t meant to wield it,” i immediately thought “it’s because that sword isn’t the special tool, is it.....”
and why the secrecy? doesn’t the queen of the amazons, the leader of the race of women literally made to defeat the evil ares, WANT the actual god-killer (diana) to be well trained enough for the inevitable day that ares does come back? why would she defy zeus’s wishes by not training her to the best of her ability? and diana does that force-blast thing during the training scene. is that an amazon thing or just something diana can do? and she doesn’t even question it? WHY NOOOT?
also: the barrier around the island. is it supposed to be impenetrable? if so, how could steve/the germans get through out of nowhere? if not, how did NOTHING get through over the course of several millennia??
okay but the beach battle scene is cool. got that.
so steve shows up. there’s a dick joke. i roll my eyes and pray the rest of the movie doesn’t have the same “haha diana doesn’t understand relationships or males, haha THAT’S FUNNY!!!” humor. but i was sadly disappointed by the end of the movie. for being hyped as a female-positive movie, they really built up the “diana-is-a-silly-naive-girl” thing, and it got annoying very quickly.
so then diana’s ready to leave the island. she sneaks into the tower with the weapons and shit in them. but... she does that long jump thing to jump to the tower? how did she know she could do that? again, is that something all amazons can do or did she literally take a leap of faith after trying ONCE right before she tried??
okay, so... she leaves with steve. i thought the boat scene was nice. it sets steve up so that he isn’t inherently interested in wooing diana. in fact, it really builds it up that steve wants to respect her boundaries as she has lived a sheltered life and doesn’t really understand modern living or relationships. so this leads me to think, hey, maybe they can have a nice respectful platonic, comradeship-like relationship? where there’s no forced love interest and they can work together without having to be together??
anyways i wanna switch gears to the chemist lady. with all the hype and buildup through the whole movie, i honestly thought she was going to be the perfect foil to diana. but... the movie does nothing with her? her character goes LITERALLY NOWHERE. with the german general whose name i cannot even remember being built up as the Big Bad, i honestly thought SHE was going to be the actual villain toward the end of the movie? but you could replace her character with Background Scientist #3 and it would’ve had the same effect?
she’s the perfect foil to diana, being that she is a female in a position of power on the opposite side of the army, but doing the “bad” thing to diana’s “good” thing. she could have easily been ares in a new form and be using the general as a puppet to engineer her ideas and implement them in the war. and what was with the hulk-out gas shit? that would’ve made PERFECT sense if she was actually ares and she was using Big Bad General as her puppet, but that NEVER GETS EXPLAINED. if she was ares, she could’ve had a whole hulked-out army of germans snorting this weird gas for a climactic finish to the movie. but it just.... never gets explained. why did this gas exist?!?!?!
but... she’s not ares. she barely has a name. at the end of the movie, diana has the chance to kill her, and just has that realization that, hey, everyone chooses to be good or evil? so she just lets her go free?  then WHY BUILD HER TO BE SO BAD???
here’s what i would have rather happened with the doctor: she comes from a troubled life from some poor eastern european country, but works hard and rises above her station as a woman during this time and becomes a well-known and successful scientist. so she is put in a position of power by the german army, who respect her work instead of scorning her for being an intelligent woman. so she’s “evil” through the whole movie, but at the climax when diana realizes humanity can choose between doing good or doing evil, why not show the doctor doing something inherently good, like saving the german soldiers lives from the fire or something, to let diana see that even this wicked woman is trying to do something that she can consider good?
also, sidenote here: by not doing that, i felt like it actually made the germans more sympathetic? because here we have the british army not listening to anything diana tells them, even though she is obviously very intelligent and knows what she’s talking about. but then we have the Big Bad Germans, who have a woman in a high position of power building weapons for them, and not a single one degrades her because she is a woman. like..... what? that’s the OPPOSITE message you want to be sending, isn’t it???
also, her mask was cool but pointless. she could’ve earned the scars from like..... physical abuse, or as war injuries, but they are never explained and neither is the mask. it would’ve made a perfect symbol at the end of her shedding her “evil” mask, by doing something good and THEN the mask falls off?
i don’t know where we are at this point in the movie so i’ll just continue with random thoughts. i thought steve’s companions were actually kind of cool and an interesting twist on the “rag-tag team of bumbling soldiers” trope, and i wish they developed their plights more. like with ptsd, leaving your dreams behind to fight in a war you don’t want to be in, being in a strange land after being kicked out of your homeland, etc. i feel like at the end of the movie their parts were kind of... neutered? like i wish we had some resolution to see what happened to them all? did charlie ever get help or find happiness? did sammy ever really become an actor? did chief ever go back to america? but instead they all kind of just stand around with diana at the end celebration scene, their interesting plots not being developed any further.
i thought the no-mans land/village fight scene was also cool, with steve and the steve gang helping diana fight off the siege army. sidenote: i thought it would’ve been a perfect moment after the fight was over and she’s standing on the church, to throw in an eponymous moment, maybe with one of the villagers going “oh my gosh, she’s... a wonder of a woman! a wonder woman!” and they just keep calling her that. what a missed opportunity.
the village scene was cute up until steve and diana kiss, then i wanted to vomit because i knew they were not going to stick with the platonic-comrade relationship and switch it to a forced romantic one instead.  also, when they cut away from them kissing, t9o the outside of the inn with just their bedroom light on, was it subtly implying that they were banging afterwards? i wasn’t entirely sure, but either way, I REALLY HOPE NOT.
anyways....... the gala event was interesting, i guess? it let steve’s “spy” side kind of show through, and it actually made me jump from “i can’t believe they got troy from high school musical to play this role” to “wow zac efron is actually a pretty good actor.” and it had yet another scene where the chemist lady could be a good foil to diana’s character, what with the male-and-female duos being swapped for a moment, but hooray, missed opportunities everywhere.
okay so i’m just gonna jump to the film climax. it’s here that the movie went from “pretty good” to “mediocre” for me
okay so....... i wasn’t expecting the ares twist, but only because of how fucking stupid it was. casting david thewlis as ares is possibly the most ridiculous choice of casting i’ve ever seen. if ares and diana are the children of ZEUS, and diana is built up through the movie to be this beautiful, other-worldly looking woman, why not build ares to be the same? a thinner, taller, gaunt-er(?) actor would’ve been perfect.  someone like benedict cumberbatch would have been a good role, seeing as how he’s tall, thin, old enough to be playing the part of a general but not so “plain” looking to be silly looking overall? and also, an actor without a mustache. the mustache really threw me off for some reason, it just looked ridiculous. are greek gods literally ever portrayed with mustaches, or was that just the “form” he took? it was just.... Dumb. but we pretty much got the British Grandpa look for the big bad, and it was just really weird.
but when remus lupin reveals himself as ares, i was actually expecting the twist to be “ares raped diana’s mom so that’s why she has god powers,” which to me would’ve explained why diana’s mom was so hell-bent on protecting her from him. but... they didn’t. it wasn’t that big of a deal but the real reveal was extremely lackluster to me.
also, i just did not get ares’ motives. if he’s not the god of war, but the god of truth, then why didn’t the gods believe him when he told them that humans would eventually fuck up the earth? did zeus put the amazons in charge of keeping him in line because he wanted humans to fuck up the earth? and why did ares care so much to make the world better if he obviously was slighted by the rest of the gods and vindicated for his beliefs? what does he fucking care that the world is going to shit?? he’s a GOD. he can fuck off to whatever plane of existence he damn well pleases and just ignore humanity until the end of time.
oh and let’s not forget that steve did tell diana that he loves her. i fucking saw it coming a mile away. i knew as soon as they did the explosion deafness that that would happen. as soon as steve’s motive to sacrifice himself was apparent i fucking knew they were gonna really shove that love plot down our throats.
okay, also, on the topic of explosion deafness: thank fucking christ there’s a blockbuster movie that actually uses that accurately? but it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!! like why make it work in ONE scene but not the rest ????!?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay so.... end of the movie, it’s the present day. bruce wayne finds the film slide of diana + The Boys, somehow, because he’s the batman™ and whatever, he has the money to do that. but at the end of the movie, two questions really bug me:
1. WHY DOES DIANA WORK AT THE LOUVRE MUSEUM?? like, a history museum would make sense. she could be an expert on like, ancient greece? but why the louvre????
2. how “old” is diana at this point? does she use a secret identity when fighting crime, or do the people she work with just know like, “yeah that’s diana, she’s like hundreds of years old, she doesn’t age very quickly, and she has superpowers and fights crime in her spare time.” does she use diana prince as a “normal” persona and fights crime “in disguise”? it’s kind of ambiguous and i feel like will be really important later on in the justice league movie? but it’s just never brought up and it really bugged me.
anyways...... i thought it was alright. if you enjoyed this movie, that’s cool. but what i thought i was walking into was a great kick-ass girl power movie that broke the typical gender stereotypes in superhero movies, but what i got was genderswapped captain america. i thought gal gadot was a pretty good pick for the lead, but one reddit comment summed up her acting to me perfectly:
“Gal Gadot had two facial expressions as Diana Prince: Confused puppy-dog look, and “Confident Warrior” look.”
anyways if you like superhero movies you’ll probably like it. don’t let me stop you from enjoying it, but it definitely did not meet my (probably ridiculously) high expectations.
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