#ZEL pokemon reborn
jazz-kitty · 9 months
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zel doodles
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gree-gon · 2 years
i heard send in headcanons so i am summoned (srry i have like one brain cell for my fav characters)
one of my favs is meteor gaming nights. blake and terra pull ZEL, ace, and taka into gaming with them. taka and eve are decent, zero is Really good, terra goes out of her way to sabotage ace (who is terrible at video games) at any opportunity. usually blake and terra and zero dominate but sometimes lumi will just absolutely wash blake. nobody can explain why but they all secretly enjoy seeing it.
another one is that ace would rlly get along with the orphanage kiddos, and is just Really good with kids as a whole. i imagine they'd get along a ton w/ noel esp, since they both have the "overshadowed and dismissed by a family member" in common, and they'd love performing tricks for the kiddos to make them laugh. shelly and ace friendship my beloved too. (also allsuits ace having a multicolored suit w/ timeskip noel...)
i love thinking abt characters that would nickname their mons-- i imagine nicknames are more common in-world than they're made out to be. some characters i can see nicknaming their team-- cain, lumi, julia, ace, titania (literary references, hehe), laura, hardy, fern (wouldn't call them that in front of other people because he has a Reputation, but deffo has like. carefully handpicked names), florinia starts to do it for a few mons post-lati-- stuff like that
aya and ace get along well during the (really long) time that she's kidnapped by meteor and grow pretty close even after that. they'd have treated her courteously while she was prisoner and made sure she was treated well and taken care of. she'd likely have found them as endearing as she Could find an enemy bc she can't help having the slightest soft spot for them because they remind her of cain and she misses him a lot even though of course she'd never admit that? ace's best friend is taka-- who also falls into bad habits of deprecating himself as much as they try to uplift him just as aya tends to do to herself-- so sometimes they just sit with her quietly and let her talk about anything and try to uplift her in the same way-- she puffs up at this at first because why would she open up to someone she barely knows, especially an enemy? but they treat her kindly and are patient and always meet her with a smile whenever they see each other-- she's spent too much time around sirius, who's eternally sharp and sour, and being around them who just unconsciously reminds her of home is a comfort.
not really a headcanon but i love imagining charas in flower crowns and their reactions to them bc they're adorable.
sorry for long post i'm a disaster and headcanons are like. a floodgate for me i have So Many
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i drew one of my favs of these cuz oh my god- all of these are so good
i can definitely see ace being good with kids, and them connecting with noel- and omg also aya during that time is canon you cant change my mind
also NICKNAMES FOR PKM OH MY GOD UR SO REAL- i think about this constantly bcuz terra (although her names are- quirky as they say) and luna has nicknames for theirs and i love that sm
also yes. flower crowns.
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raine-dance · 1 year
I love writing Reborn fanfic where I get to write a bit about ZEL. As a system, and understanding plural dynamics, being able to write ZEL leads to lines like "Zero seemed like the type who would only know these words because he shared a brain with Eve," and I stand by that statement.
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crimsoncrim · 1 year
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happy new year from one of the last timezones to hit it oops <3 last art of 2022! so i offer a terrible meme
they all love and support him very much
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ghostchanuwu · 2 years
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Day 12 PULSE
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yourfaveisafictive · 2 years
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Your fave is a fictive: ZEL from Pokemon Reborn
(request by @anendoandfriendo​)
[ Image ID: a pastel horizontal striped flag ranging from green to pink from top to bottom with a picture of ZEL from Pokemon Reborn imposed over it /end ID ]
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captainm0m0 · 2 years
me: ok i know how i'm gonna get around florinia's bulk. castform gets sunny day and weather ball, i can just roast her pokemon-
castform: is glitched to hell and back
me: ...welp.
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cyaniiiide · 2 years
[Pokemon Reborn] Replay Thoughts
I love this game so, so much. (Spoilers for Pokemon Reborn below so be warned!!)
I first started it back when I was in high school, and now, I've probably replayed it, like, 5 or 6 times by now? It's not a short game haha, but I love the story-based plot + the Pokemon gameplay formula itself is just so hard to beat. I've always wished the main series were more difficult and had a better story and characters, so this game is honestly perfect. <3
Plus, my shitty computers through the years have been able to run it perfectly. xD
Reborn recently released E19. I used an old save file which had finished E18 to play through the new content first a couple months ago. I had missed a couple of Anna points here and there, so I got the Lin ending. Which, I enjoyed a lot! Idk how the Anna ending stacks up since I haven't played through it in comparison. Anna is one of my least favorite characters... though I still like them all.
I started a new playthrough a couple of days ago out of boredom + to see what changes E19 brought.
Some thoughts so far in no particular order (just completed the Beryl Bridge scene):
A lot the main cast appears earlier in smaller one-off scenes in the game, so that's nice to see. I wonder what someone going into the game blind would think -- most of the time they say something cryptic and/or depressing and leave (except for Taka who is the best. And maybe some other characters I'm forgetting lol). I think it's nice to have more points of comparison with them at the start of the game to the end, though.
I liked the additional Corey scenes in particular. It really shows how he helps the community, as how torn he must've felt -- seeing the destruction Meteor causes, trying to help out where he can, and yet still loathing himself for continuing to work for the team. The extra dialogue between Corey and Lin, and Corey and Heather, as well as in Beryl Bridge scene also help to show how trapped he felt (and was), and why he chose to jump.
So far I'm not really sure what to think of Ace -- I think they have an interesting design, but I don't know a lot about them yet other that they like wordplay, and they don't like infighting. xD
Fern is significantly less of an asshole. I remember his dialogue in the old Beryl Bridge scene was way worse. It's still pretty bad, especially when "wow, what a moron" is what you hear right after Corey's heartbreaking monologue, but he at least acknowledges that he must seem rather callous, and from his point of view, yeah, I guess Corey was just "the enemy." His other scenes are also toned down a bit (granted, I didn't fall through the Nuzleaf pit so idk about that) but in the jungle, he at least tried to be reassuring lol.
Zel ordering Lin around like that... at this point in the story, is Lin still lower ranked?
Julia's fight was toned down a bit too. At least, there were fewer exploding Voltorbs than I remember. xD
Heather's characterization is also much better: in my first playthroughs I just remember her as "bratty and we spend half the game saving her" but here, she comes across as friendly, well-intentioned, stubborn, and very childish (which she is a child, so that's fine haha).
Corey's battle is also a lot easier than I remember.
I really, really like the new additions to the game with the Remote PC, early Itemfinder, and Magnetic Lure.
The updated areas of the game (Obsidia Slums, Rhinoceriousexpyaladocious Jungle, Obsidia Park, and some others I'm probably forgetting) all look great.
Victoria's dialogue in the slums in the little different (I think?) IIRC in the original she fights you because the slums are dangerous and she wants you to prove that you can make it through. Here it's more about training, though it might also be because she just wants to take her mind off things.
I got normal/flying from the type quiz which is kind of boring, but I'll take it. xD I like flying types anyways. I wonder if this quiz'll affect anything in the future.
The Underroot + Rhinendocrinesystem Jungle are also way more fun to explore than I last remember. I forget if we were forced into falling down the Nuzleaf trap to progress the story or not in the original.
Amaria's monologue to Corey is a lot more heartbreaking when I remember what she's going through, and how she probably tells herself the same thing every day...
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fangaminghell · 1 year
Pick three people from Team Meteor the Reborn trio despises so much and why?
Ooooooh this is a good one. And hard since a good chunk of them are friends with the trio now.
Leo: Puppet Lin, Sigmund and Sirius. Puppet Lin caused just. Shit ton of trauma for him,being the cause of death for Taka, which we all know fucked him up really bad. Thigh u guess you can say that hatred stems from fear. Leo despises Sigmund from the minute he realized what he was doing to those kids, seeing what he was doing. Sad backstory be damned- and he does empathize a little- this fucking bastard has ruined so many lives. This applies to Sirius as well. He's very glad that Saphira pushed him in that lava. Solaris didn't make the list only because Leo had told Taka he doesn't hate him. He's....torn on that, now, the more he learns about him. Still,he doesn't bring himself to hate Solaris....much. He still very much doesn't like him.
Suraya: Suraya and Blair are going to be hard, because they interact with Team meteor the least. That being said: Sigmund, Solaris and Sirius. Triple S, heh. Sigmund and Sirius are the same as Leo, but for Solaris, Suraya has a bone to pick. I feel like she just feels so....frustrated. " preserve history?" Has he not thought, once, that maybe sharing said history is the best eG to preserve? Of course, that topic is nuanced and she understands that sharing doesn't always mean history will stay preserved, but it's fucking better than literally doing terrorism and ruining lives. I think some of that anger comes from her own family too. Not her parents, I genuinely think they are the exception here, but I can see her family kinda having a similar mindset. Not as extreme, but similar, and it kinda pisses her off.
Blair: At one point, Blair pretty much despised everyone on team Meteor. If you were to ask Blair very early onto pokemon Reborn, xe would kill them all. But now things have settled. Xyr literally became friends with one of them, whom they thought was the most annoying motherfucker on earth. So right now? Sigmund, Solaris and ZEL. Sigmund xe despised the most for all that bullshit he put xem through as a child ( with potential transphobia since I'm pretty sure xe knew we were nonbinary before were even in the orphanage). Solaris was the head of Team Meteor, meaning he called all the shots, meaning he was the one that called interesting action the destruction of his home area, resulting in xyr parents and older sister's deaths( either him or Sirius). So yeah. Hate him with the core of xyr being. Okay so. If we want to be technical, Zero and Bennet were both the catalyst for Suraya's "death". But again,Blair had the time to heal and somewhat forgive them, but that anger still resides. So I think he would hate ZEL, but mostly for how they came to be in the first place. The taking away of bodily autonomy, being forced to do something some parts didn't even want to do....yeah. Blair hates ZEL cause they represent the cruelty of Team Meteor. Of so called "family". Zero xe don't hate as much,not anymore. I think Blair thinks that he needs to heal as much as xe do.
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lillietea · 3 years
here, have some of the somewhat good Pokemon Reborn fanart that I did (and yea, I suck at backgrounds, I know.)
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jazz-kitty · 2 years
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day 9 - meteor
free money glitch
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gree-gon · 1 year
new Reborn oc just dropped ‼️🦈
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Mako! I'm already insane about her.
General story: Mako and her younger brother Finley got taken in by Team Meteor after fleeing their home where they were awarded a place to stay in exchange for the two of them working for them. Mako is a skilled battler, her brother not so much, so he helps ZEL with smaller devices as he's good with tech as an electric trainer.
Personality: Mako is laidback and has a bit of sass. She doesn't really care for Team Meteor's ambitions and doesn't put much effort into her duties. Outside of work, she's pretty chill and is good with children. They get along with Blake, Ace and Eclipse.
Motives/Goals: All they want is to live a calm, quiet life with her brother, so they're not fond of doing work, especially the type of work Meteor does. They do not agree with their actions, but it's difficult for them to leave.
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(concept sketches with left hand)
They adore the ocean and water pokemon, which makes them not be able to stand what Meteor is doing in the WTC. They sabotage the pulse and get caught. The higher ups decide to take her younger brother as a hostage to get her to listen, and they're put in a critical spot, a complete shift from laidback to serious, almost desperate.
I have some more thoughts but this post is already getting p long oops-
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static-head · 3 years
Oh wow, they're putting Pokemons in machines to make them stronger and do their bidding.
This reminds me of a nightmare i had once
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
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"you and i can work our own magic trick here, little heroes.... and the trick-- is that we make you disappear!" rhodochrine’s PULSE tangrowth scene as an omori-styled boss battle!
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redcallisto · 4 years
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Illegal for Taka to not have a cramorant Also, Zero would be so fed up with it lmao
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yourfaveisafictive · 2 years
Florinia, Cain, and Aya, Fern, and ZEL from Pokemon Reborn?
Of course we got hyperfixated on it and we got four folks pur of dormancy, and (technically) three new splits. XD
We know that feel very well /lh Enjoy (: -- Mod Carcass
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