blueberry-tenya · 12 days
So I was thinking: If the Romeo & Juliet Theory turns out to be correct, then that means Noa and Mae will die together (Ironic because this is exactly what Proximus told them would happen). And since Noa was compared to Cornelius in one of the interviews, I think they could do a callback to the ending of Escape from the planet of the apes with Noa dying and Mae being fatally wounded and crawling to lie with him before dying too.
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 months
Animated Sequel Finals: Cinderella III: A Twist In Time v The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
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djarinvettel · 13 days
the duality of wanting zira and cornelius to show up at some point in the new ape films vs knowing the trauma they’ll go through this time round will be very painful to watch
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rainbowpopeworld · 10 months
Crowley is right (and needs to help dismantle things)
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I know Crowley wants to fuck off to Alpha Centauri, but also he knows what’s up and that it can’t just be “fixed”
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intctheunkncxn · 1 year
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I've been exiled, persecuted, left alone with no defense. When I think of what that brute did, I get a little tense!
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cuntycrowley · 9 months
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they are making me ILL
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mask-of-prime · 8 months
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VG: Something in the Water - PART 1
One month into Simba’s Reign… In the long-abandoned Lion Guard Lair, Rafiki was refining an old painting of his just before being called over by Simba for a very important ceremony. In the rush to get ready, he had forgotten his Bakora Staff, and therefore without the pigment he needed for the ritual.
The rattling sound of the gourds roused a certain toddler’s attention.
The toddler, along with her brothers, mother, and close pridesisters, had been residing in the space as an exclusive hideout ever since Scar's Reign. It had been and idea of her mother's as a way to feel superior to the lionesses who resided in the main den above.
Vitani squirmed and mewed nonstop in the arms of a younger Zira. Zira, deep in a talk with a fellow close lioness of hers, ignored the infant cub's mews for a good while. Eventually, Zira gave into Vitani's squirms, and let her free. If it meant Vitani would stop disrupting her important conversation...
The toddler waddled over towards the wall. Not knowing her small size, Vitani tried to reach for the pretty gourds with her paw, but missed. Instead, the entire staff slid down the wall.
Suddenly, something on the wall began to glow. Vitani looked to see that the painting on the wall had come to life.
The animation showed four creatures flying away from a roaring creature. The roaring creature seemed to resemble someone she vaguely remembered. A scary lion who was unsettlingly quiet, or frighteningly loud. The lion that Mother said was gone, now.
The toddler watched the pretty moving painting play over and over again in absolute awe, babbling in entertainment.
Vitani’s vocalizations got Zira’s attention. The mother looked up to see her daughter watching Scar lose his Roar, over and over again.
Taking offense to the visual of one of Scar’s humiliating failures that Rafiki dared depict, Zira pulled her cub away. She would not let her children watch these lies. She ripped Vitani away from her focus, grabbing her by the scruff, with just enough room in her mouth to still be able to speak.
"Put me back..." Vitani quietly and feebly protested, a slight speech impediment from few teeth growing in.
"We don't go over there." she deadpans, "We don't look at that monkey's propaganda..." ____
24 lion years later, present day... Zira's words echoed in Vitani's mind was lost in thought, staring into Rafiki's cave paintings. She had looked the frescoes of Scar's loss of the Roar many times before, swearing every time that she had seen them much longer ago, long before volunteering to lead her very own Guard.
She gave this painting in particular another look today due to a dream featuring the image, a dream she'd jolted awake from. Last night, her subconscious had given her more clarity on this mystery: She must've seen it before...
She sighed, still not quite knowing. Hearing Zira's voice for the first time in a year after her passing viscerally stuck with Vitani the past few hours she'd been up. She was awake hours before the rest of the Pride, admittedly rather shaken up from the ordeal.
Thunder roared outside the cave, drawing Vitani's attention away from the wall. She sighed again and promptly made her way out into the pouring rain. ____
Hours later, Tiifu hummed as she made feline stretches, hoping to spot a heavily sleeping Vitani next to her.
No luck. Again...
Tiifu huffed, perplexed. Vitani had been getting up early for weeks, now. Instances of this had been happening since the recent enemy of the Pridelands, Ngurumo, lost his life in a fatal fall. This time Vitani was gone.
Looking all around the Ponya, then the remaining sections of the Lair -- careful not to wake the rest of the Guard -- Tiifu went up Pride Rock and searched the Royal Den, until she spotted Vitani outside on the lintel. She was soaking wet and seemingly in a daze. She also seemed to be talking skyward, as if in full conversation with someone.
"Vitani..." Tiifu called.
The Fiercest heard her, but she took a long time to turn around, struggling to get out of her trance.
"What are you doing...?" the spotted lioness scrunched her face.
"I don't know, really, just... wonder if she's out there..." Vitani trailed off, "Ridiculous, I know. But... I sometimes wonder if she's trying to talk to me..."
"My mother."
"Oh..." Tiifu looked at her love, "Have you ever done this before? Talking to her? Do you know if she might even be up there?"
Tiifu bit her lip awkwardly, she wasn't trying to say Zira didn't belong in the stars and the clouds, but what she got to know about Vitani's mother, the little time they had coexisting in one place, chances looked pretty slim. She didn't like Zira, from what she saw from her. But she knew Vitani lived with her, and likely knew more about her, being her child.
"Wouldn't hurt to try, I guess..." Vitani stared onward.
"You know, I didn't think you'd be one to really talk to the sky, I never see you do it. Usually a leader can talk to the Lions of the Past if they have the Roar..."
Oh, she had no idea. Vitani thought to herself. She hadn't yet told anyone she did have an advisor in the form of Nuka. She feared revealing sacred knowledge would revoke her privilege to speak to spirits -- let alone one of fire who's in purgatory. But she internally digressed, and suddenly shrugged.
"I don't know," she answered aloud to Tiifu, "It just feels like she's here every time it rains. Like she's fighting for revenge, even in death..."
"Vitani, you lost her in the rain. This time of year, too. Rain is thought to bring back pain from old injuries, y'know... Maybe it's doing that to you, but like, emotional pain."
"It has been a year, hasn't it?"
"Think so. I remember the trees losing their leaves like this, and the air smelling kinda moldy, too."
"But it hasn't rained this much. This is weird." Vitani fretted, "Hasn't stopped since I made that raincloud to put out those fires..."
"I mean, the Pridelands hasn't got a good rain like this for years, not even when Simba was king. What's wrong with quenching the earth a little with your Roar?"
"Well, this might be too much rain. As much as I like the rain, I'm starting to see why Kion never made the clouds do that again out of fear of breaking the Circle of Life. Sinkholes, mudslides, and mosquito overpopulations have been crazier than they need to be."
Tiifu was blown away. In all this time she knew Vitani, she remembered a time when she saw the leader treat non-lion animals as something other than alive, but now she spoke like Kion, with regard over the Circle of Life, something she almost never talked about. Vitani was growing, and Tiifu could see it.
The spotted lioness brushed her cheek on Vitani's shoulder, "All storms eventually have to pass, Vitani. I'm sure it'll stop soon."
She wasn't only referring to the literal weather, but Vitani's mood.
Vitani sighed, "We'll see..."
"...and while the storm is still going, we should head inside. Might catch something out here."
Vitani gave the clouds one last glance as she turned to follow Tiifu.  ____
The pride had spent yet another night cooped up in the den.
Vitani stealthily padded her way through the Lion Guard Lair. Sporting a subtly energetic demeanor. She entered the Ponya and happened upon a curled up Tiifu. She lightly tapped her arm and head.
Stirring, the straw-colored lioness groggily awakened, only to have a boost of energy shoot right through her as she was jumpscared by Vitani staring directly at her, their faces close together.
"The rain stopped."
Tiifu followed Vitani's lead out the den, the latter seemed unable to contain an eager smile. Tiifu gasped at what she saw.
"A rainbow! Oh, how pretty!"
Vitani smiled all the way, happy to please Tiifu with the things she loved. She knew Tiifu was all about beautiful mornings, vivid cloud colors, things like that.
The two found a ledge on the side of Pride Rock to sit and gaze at the rainbow on the other side of the sunrise.
"Didn't know these happened after rain. I've heard about them, but I've never actually seen them."
"Really?" Tiifu looked up at her.
"Didn't rain much in the Outlands. There's like, always an awful drought there."
Tiifu nodded. Vitani never saw much hope in dark times, if she's never seen a rainbow...
She then pressed her head against Vitani's neck, "There's a rainbow at the end of every storm, Vitani..."
Tiifu, again, meant more than what literally happened before them. Vitani admittedly took a bit, but it eventually dawned on her.
Out of nowhere, feeling a sudden urge to express affection, Tiifu began to groom Vitani’s jaw. Vitani still hadn’t gotten used to the sensation of grooming, at least, nothing as gentle and organized like Tiifu’s. Tiifu did not form a wall around Vitani, nor press down on her. There was pressure in her licks, but in a massaging manner, and she seemed to be careful not to let her comb-like hairs in deep enough to scratch Vitani's skin. Vitani never truly groomed for years since no one had ever reminded her to do so, growing up in a conquest-oriented pride, and the only kind she ever knew was a tedious burden to endure. Her fur only started looking cleaner and feeling less dry and itchy once the Pridelander lionesses were all over her. It's like they had some sort of radar when someone had the slightest case of bedhead. But, anywho, it was time to tilt her head a little. Tiifu needed to reach the other side of her neck.
They continued to gaze at the rainbow until it faded along with the moisture in the air. Vitani squeezed her eyes shut, feeling total security with Tiifu.
Throughout the remainder of the day, excited buzzing made its way throughout Pride Rock. Talks of Kiara and Kovu's coronation made a return, now that things seemed to be drying up for good. The imminent arrival of some valued guests could not be more perfectly-timed...
Vitani slept better that night. ____
Meanwhile, at Msingi Falls... A ghastly glow illuminated the steadily-flowing river. The flow was suddenly disrupted, spinning into a small whirlpool. The riverwater seemed to defy physics as drops at the epicenter of the whirlpool began to rise. Humming filled the air, turning into a cadence sung in a siren-like matter.
A nearby animal -- a lone buffalo -- had picked up on the enticing noise, breaking its grazing. He found himself staring off absentmindedly as he felt himself being pulled to the source of the singing.
A drink sounded nice. Yes, in this beautiful pool of water... 
Before the poor bovine knew it, a strong wave forcefully pulled him in. He could've sworn it looked like a large paw of a lion.
The last sounds he made were prolonged, suffering moos as he tried to pull away. The water soon stopped bubbling. ____
((Author's Note: Celebrating Wet Beast Wednesday with some Wet Beasts in the form of a sulking Vitani and Tiifu lol. Also age reveal for Vitani 👏. I headcanon her to be the equivalent of a 24-year-old in the post-TLK 2 timeline. As for other characters, like Tiifu, Zuri, and Kiara, they're, like, 21 or so.
Fun Facts:
Many poses and compositions were considered for the first and second thumbnails, I'll post the unfinished sketches/unused assets at another time.
I would like to make future art/name reveals of Zira's closest followers. Another thing I'll post some other time.
I learned about the word "lintel" in my Ancient-to-Medieval art history class. A stonehenge, for example, is comprised of a arch system of posts and lintels, the posts being the vertical reinforcement while the lintel is the horizontal stone topping the structure. Come to think of it, Pride Rock is reminiscent of a megalithic structure since it seems to posses posts and lintels.
I headcanon Tiifu to be a master of metaphors, you're gonna see this a lot this season.
Vitani staring right into Tiifu's face after waking her up is very much based on a cat owner experience lol
IMPORTANT: If you see a change in the storytelling style, like full, proper fanfics or simple, short descriptions contextualizing the art between uploads, it's because I've thought long and hard about how I want to present VG. After an epiphany, I've come to terms that I'm not some corporate animation studio who pushes out full episodes of a show I desperately want to see exist, I originally made VG to jot down concepts of what I wanted to see, and I realize now that I work better when I draw concepts sporadically rather than gradually, slowly telling a suspenseful story in order. I realized this when I've been looking back and realizing how much I wanted to add to the story after releasing art. If you see me going out-of-order with my art at any point, it's because I'm adding bonus content. Yes there will still be a continuous main story and there's a subfolder for that, but there'll be extra sketches made randomly, which has its own subfolder. Lastly, I'm actually fiddling with the idea of maybe releasing art and concepts, and then releasing full fanfics on Ao3 or FF.net or something. But... I'm not a big writer so again, just fiddling with that idea for now 😅
EDIT: Extended the literature for the first and third illustrations/scenes))
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nonaserpent · 9 months
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buch of random memes I made rjkhewfcvbke
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icarianarts · 3 days
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Zira doodles I did in class
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darknadaworld · 4 months
another one
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i like to believe they're not moving anywhere they sorta just are sitting in the car for the absolute vibes lol
also yes those three are my comfort characters , my three canon events, changing point in my art style and ocs (they would hate eachother sm but it's ok lol)
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chaiteakittenx · 1 year
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..a lust for being bad 😈🖤
I had to draw Scar’s bad bitch gf too 💁🏼‍♀️
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artist-issues · 1 year
Can we talk about how neat it was that The Lion Guard, a Disney Junior series, didn’t just skip over or write out the characters from The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride, which in many ways was darker and more mature than the first Lion King film?  I mean. They just said “‘Oh, you want us to make a series about Simba’s never-before-seen son, even though there’s already a canon sequel where it seems like Kiara is an only child? And that sequel also includes elements of betrayal and prejudice, and assassinations? And that sequel ends with one young son’s death and a mother who attacks her own children and would rather die than forgive and forget? Challenge accepted.”
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They COULD HAVE just sent the main characters away to the Tree of Life and never brought them back. They could have left it with the one episode we got during Kiara and Kion’s cubhood where the Guard encounters Zira. Just throw the fandom a bone and carry on with their children’s show targeting 8 year-olds. But no. They really went for it and tried to wrap everything up neatly. I respect the effort at problem-solving. 
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i love lion king 2
i love how we see Simba overcorrecting for his own childhood, how Kiara can recite lessons on the circle of life at the same age when Mufasa was just starting to introduce the idea to Simba
i love how Kiara is already so aware of the responsibility she'll have as ruler that, when cub Simba was bragging "I'm gonna be king of pride rock" and singing "Oh I just can't WAIT to be king!", Kiara, his daughter, who he's been raising to not make (or suffer) any of his own mistakes, instead says "But what if I don't want to be queen? It's no fun..." and sings "If there's so much I must be, can I still just be me, the way I am?"
I love how we see this PAY OFF at the end, when Kiara's sense of responsibility means she never once thinks of running off into the sunset with Kovu, no, of course she has to go back, of course she has to try reuniting both of their prides-
And maybe that's also some of Nala's spirit shining through her daughter, but really, Kiara is so much like Simba in all other ways (including her terrible pouncing, her thirst for adventure, her rule breaking) it really just feels like this is who Simba might have been if Mufasa hadn't been so confident he'd be around for his son so much longer, if Mufasa had focused more on preparing Simba for what the circle of life really means-
At The Same Time, even though it's good for the pride lands and the outlanders in the end, there's something tragic in comparing Simba and Kiara as cubs
how confident and carefree Simba got to be, how stifled and resigned Kiara ending up being, how she didn't get that kind of childhood at all thanks to her father's fear that it might be suddenly cut short, so much of Simba's talks with cub Kiara are warnings or lectures-
(when we see her play pouncing she's doing it on her own, contrast that with Mufasa and cub Simba playing together, contrast that to Simba's restraining paw scooping up his young daughter and keeping her in place)
-and even as an adult she ends up singing about how "I may not be brave, or strong, or smart" like this is more than just not being self-centered, this is depressing as heck, this girl doesn't think she's good at ANYTHING
(Timon you are not helping)
(I understand you might still be traumatized by your first meet-and-almost-eat with her mom and be worried about disappointing or hurting your adopted lion son if his cub gets hurt under your watch, but please, stop)
dear gods she never ever got to be herself without being held to the same standard as the great kings of the past
(except for when she snuck off on her own and got have a little adventure with Kovu, which she got through as HERSELF, not a princess, just a cub swatting at crocodiles and jumping on their gaping mouths just in time to save her new friend from getting eaten)
(meanwhile, Simba doesn't even acknowledge (or even hear???) her sad little line in their song together, he goes on talking about life lessons and leadership and she's the daughter of a king they are one, good, great, Simba your daughter is Distressed)
and that could have driven such a wedge between her and Simba, that could have pushed her into wanting escape and independence more than anything
except, she knows he's feeling THE SAME THING too
and we know she knows because when she wants to hurt him, to jar him, to criticize him for exiling Kovu while claiming he's doing it to follow in his father's paw prints, she tells him
"You will never be Mufasa!"
This is her fear, that she'll never be enough to be a good queen, this is also her fear, that the only way to be a good ruler is to stop being yourself
And it's what she rejects the moment she pulls a Nala and runs from pride rock alone- not to get help, but to give it- and when she returns to confront Simba with the wisdom she's learned, using the words he taught her
She looks at him, finally confident in who she is (with her back turned to the outlanders, defending them from her pride, "my father says to never turn your back on an outsider!" but she has grown since then)
she says "A wise king once told me" (Simba listen to yourself)
she says "we are one" (listen to the part of me that I learned from you)
"I didn't understand him then. Now I do" (Listen to me, now)
she says something that is true about pride landers and out landers, about Simba and Zira, about Kovu and Simba
"Them? Us. Look at them, they are us. What differences do you see?"
(between the desperation of lions on a starving land, dead loved ones, the thirst for revenge, children following in their parent's pawprints, to be so blinded by your own pain (fear, shame) that the pain of others fades away)
she asks him not to be a great king, but to see himself in them, these 'outsiders', and then to be himself in answer
And Simba listens
He looks at the daughter who had the same fear as him (Simba, who looked for guidance in the stars, saying "My father would never-" who Nala also understood so well, "Oh my Simba, you want so much to walk the path expected of you."), he looks at Kiara, who also feared that she couldn't be enough, as herself
Only... she isn't afraid anymore. She is a queen already, smart enough to find wisdom, brave enough to speak it, strong when she has to be
(he was so afraid of losing her but she had the chance to run and she came back, she came back and she is asking him, just once, to please finally-)
He listens to her. The clouds part.
We can feel Mufasa watching over them.
We look into Simba's eyes as he sees this (recall the same pattern of clouds and gazing when Mufasa told his son "you have forgotten who you are, and so you have forgotten me" and to "remember who you are")
The words Simba says as he accepts Kiara's wisdom "It's time to put the past behind us"
The lesson he learned from Timon and Pumba, this time used not to run from responsibility and pain but to face it, this hard part of his past that IS part of him
And the fact that even with all the reasons in the world to want Scar dead he still didn't want to be like him, he didn't want to kill his own uncle
(Mufasa never wanted to kill his brother, even as openly resentful and threatening though Scar was. There, the shock and horror in Mufasa's eyes as his brother betrays him- Mufasa never would have- Mufasa could have killed him any time before now, but he-)
Simba gave Scar the chance of mercy. Now, he gives it again. His daughter, his refection, his pride, has reminded him.
He looks at Kiara and he find himself in her.
He finds his father in her.
Great Kings of the past and present, great Queen of the future- Three generations and the choice of who they wish to be, and how that guides them into kindess, into mercy, into healing more harms than they cause.
Kiara speaks. Simba listens. Mufasa lives on in them
...then the contrast, sudden, stark, painful, of a daughter who speaks and a parent who does not listen
(Vitani says "No, mother" says "Kiara's right" pleads "Enough")
(Nuka is already dead, Kovu is scarred-)
(Their enemy no longer wants to fight, no longer IS their enemy-)
(Zira's smirk as she condemns her own daughter to death)
and the point hammered home, as the outlanders turn in disgust from their leader, that they were never evil
The point that the 'evil' which doomed Scar and Zira and Nuka (drove them on, single minded, into danger, into death) was a simple choice they all had faced. The simple question not everyone asks
Who are you?
Will you close yourself off to everyone and everything that does not feed your own conviction? Ignore anything that doesn't further your own goals?
(Nuka was loved for what he was, even if his mother never showed it. But his brother spoke up for him, his sister looked out for him, his pride all mourned him- he never needed to be the "chosen one")
(Scar was not the great king he thought he was, all around him is proof of his failure, the pridelands barren and empty, and his chance to do better, lead the lions from pride rock, make a new life- but it was never about being a good king to others. "I am the king, I can do whatever I want"- Simba's cubhood song, echoed in a lion who never learned better. Simba's offer of mercy, to let Scar escape with his life, thrown back in Simba's face (Nala's trick of always throwing off the lions who leap on her, here mirrored, saving Simba's life) and Scar, always thinking of himself, killed by his own self serving words and the hyenas he was so quick to betray)
(Zira wanting revenge for her pain, for Scar, wanting Nuka's death to be the last time Simba hurts her- Losing her daughter, because she will not stop the fight, losing her follows, because she would killed her daughter for refusing to fight... losing her life, swatting at the helping paw held out to her, only wanting to cause pain, only causing her own pain instead)
Will you cling desperately to what you have, or what you think you are owed, even when another way is offered?
Or will you listen.
(Vitani, so loyal to her mother, so vicious in her battles- Kovu's confused look as she changes her choice, choosing peace, Kiara's answering smile)
Will you see yourself in others and use that wisdom to decide who you want to be...
(Kiara, Simba, Mufasa- remember, remember)
...or who you do not want to be?
(the rest of the outlanders turning away from Zira. Their disgust at a mother who would kill her own child. The choice to leave her behind)
(the ending of the war)
I love lion king 2
it's the kind of sequel that makes me love the original more than i did before, it's so good it makes the first one even BETTER than it was on it's own
it makes the first movie sadder to re-watch
seeing how unprepared Simba really was. How Vitani proves that Scar had another way out
seeing Mufasa with his son, giving him a wonderful childhood, unaware of how has Simba will have to grow up- how long it will take him- the nightmares still haunting him- the gap between Simba and his own child thanks to his fears, his shames- (Mufasa's spirit, making leaves dancing as little tiny Kiara playfully swats at them) -Mufasa raising his son with no idea how much pain it will cause his granddaughter when Simba tries to make up for it...
...seeing all that, and knowing it still turns out okay
i wouldn't enjoy lion king 1 half as much without Simba's Pride. They fit together
i love them i love them i love them both
(also i am Gay and kiara is WOW)
(also also vitani too)
( also also also the fact that i just wanted to wrap kovu in blankets and never let anyone hurt him meanwhile he was everyone else's crush-> hmmm i wonder why that was....)
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k1y4sss · 10 days
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silverus-kvassus · 9 months
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I practiced imitating the cartoon style using the example of Zira from The Lion King
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podado-t-memes · 5 months
*OG Planet of the Apes memes*
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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