Puss didn't want to touch the book because he has heard of a cat scan.
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countfaguia · 8 months
hai coming back 2 tumblr bc elon wrecked twitter plus I need a place to bitch n moan 🖤💓💕💜🖤💓💕
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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Summary: It is public knowledge that Zoe Van Helsing is the last of her blood line. Not to mention that, in a sense, Count Dracula is too. However, after an unexpected night of passion, both their lives dramatically change when Zoe becomes pregnant. Two unconventional parents, one extraordinary pregnancy. What could go wrong?
Rating: M
Pairings: Zoe Van Helsing/Dracula implied Agatha/Dracula
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: I can’t believe I updated TWO stories in ONE day! This is a first for me in a long time lol! Sorry for being overly excited. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! -Jen
                                                Chapter Seven
Zoe no longer winced at needles. After being diagnosed with cancer, she was so used to being pricked and prodded she barely batted an eyelash. As her oncologist drew yet another vial of blood for testing, she sighed softly to herself and gazed upwards at the clock. This appointment was cutting way past her lunch break and in her current state, food was rather important. Particularly when it came to her mood.
"We'll send these down to the lab, but as I said earlier, you're still in remission." Dr. Elliott commented, discarding the needles into the waste container. "Have you felt off at all? I mean, I realize you are pregnant and symptoms can be hard to distinguish sometimes."
"I'm fine." The scientist said with a small smile. "The last thing that sent me vomiting was a block of old cheese I left in the back of the fridge." Absentmindedly, a hand traveled to the small swell of her stomach. "And my obstetrician says the twins look good development wise."
"That's wonderful news!" Her doctor smiled, scribbling something down on her chart. "And their father must be excited as well. You've never brought him in before, I'd quite like to meet him."
Now that made her wince. She envisioned Dracula walking into the cancer ward asking bizarrely specific questions about the various blood bags destined for patient transfusions. Zoe swallowed, mustering up the courage to tell yet another lie in this web of who and what her twins were.
"We aren't together." She said slowly. "It's a complicated situation."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I shouldn't have even brought it up." Dr. Elliott nearly stammered. "It wasn't any of my business. I was merely curious…"
"It's quite alright." Zoe assured her, forcing a smile. "Really, you're not the first. And honestly, it's for the best...all things considered."
"I suppose that's what's important." The oncologist nodded, setting the chart down beside a computer. "Well, that's all I need from you today, Ms. Van Helsing. You know the drill, if you have any concerns or any odd or new symptoms start to arise, please contact me immediately. Especially with you being pregnant, we don't want to take any risks. If your blood results show something, we'll give you a call."
"Okay." The scientist nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."
"It was good to see you again, Zoe." Dr. Elliott smiled, reaching for the door handle. "And congratulations again on the little ones. Being a mum is worth all of the troubles."
Zoe smiled but said nothing as the doctor left the room. When the door closed behind her, she inhaled deeply and ran a hand through her hair. Though she meant well, the woman really had no idea what was in store for the scientist. Not that the mother herself had much of a thought either. Rubbing her bump gently, she glanced once more at the clock. Time for work, and what a day, she knew, it'd be.
"Maybe someone else should go in with him, you know?" Jack suggested, trying to keep up with Zoe's long strides. "With you being pregnant and all? What if he hurts you?"
Hours had passed since Zoe's doctor visit and the sun had finally sunk over the horizon. As they had discussed, Dracula had held up his end of the bargain and voluntarily entered the Jonathan Harker Foundation. The scientist, of course, had yet to catch sight of him, but knew well enough that Dr. Bloxham and some approved escorts-as chosen by both her boss and the lawyer, were waiting patiently in a secure area.
"He's not going to harm me," the scientist assured him. "Trust me, he wouldn't dare."
"You being sure of that doesn't outweigh the risks." The younger man continued to counter. "Zoe, please." He took the woman by the arm causing her to stop in her tracks. "Don't do this."
For the briefest of moments, a small part of her considered the idea of telling Jack. Admitting that the father of her children was not a stranger, but the vampire Count Dracula himself. But she knew doing so right now was in neither of their best interests. She hated being deceptive. Despised it even. Yet she accepted the fact that she must.
"I'll be okay, Jack." Zoe said gently, pulling away from the doctor. "I am more than capable of handling myself. I've done it before. "The scientist gazed towards the closed metal doors that led into the room where the Count sat freely–without any sort of restraints as per agreement, and sighed. "Interesting yes, but dangerous…" She chewed on the inside of her cheek, choosing her next words carefully. "I'm probably safer in there with him than anywhere else."
And without looking back to gauge Jack's reaction, she slid in her key card and entered the sterile space. The room was rather empty in the sense that not much was in it. It sort of reminded her of those interrogation rooms from crime shows. Unlike last time, there was no prison but a simple metal table with some chairs.
Zoe blinked, the bright light somewhat irritating as she took note of the others in the room. Three burly men stood in the back, their eyes fixed on the scientist. Attached to each of their hips was a strange looking device. A stun gun of some sort she figured. But more importantly, there, sitting rather comfortably in the center was the vampire himself.
"Ah, Dr. Van Helsing." Dracula greeted as the woman ventured over, taking a seat. "I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show up and I'd have the misfortune of talking to someone else. Glad to see I can rest easy."
"I apologize if I kept you waiting." She almost had to force the words out. "I was held up with other things. You've been treated well I assume?"
"Well, no one has threatened to burn me into a crisp like last time." The Count smirked, folding his arms over his chest. "I'd say that is an upgrade. Now, enough about me for a moment, Zoe-can I call you that since we'll be working together after all?"
"I suppose…" She muttered, frowning slightly. "...That would be appropriate."
He seemed to smile at this. "If you don't mind me being intrusive, I wanted to ask how your oncology appointment went today. A little birdie told me you had one and considering your condition-congratulations by the way." The way he smiled as he spoke made Zoe's skin crawl. "Well, I thought I'd be polite and ask. We are working together now."
"Fine." She said through clenched teeth. "But you aren't here to discuss me."
"Do something to provoke him. Perhaps he'll make a move and one of the guards will dispose of him properly."
Now standing alongside the three men was the familiar spirit of Agatha. Her blue eyes gave a piercing stare in the vampire's direction. Zoe chewed on her bottom lip, trying not to focus on her late aunt.
"Is everything alright, Zoe?" Dracula asked curiously, snapping the woman out of her trance. "I believe we were on the topic of discussing me rather than you-which is rather unfortunate on my end." His fingers laced together over the table. "I was told you needed another blood sample from me. That the other one went...missing." His tongue briefly darted out as he licked his lips. "I must admit that's rather clumsy on your department's part."
"Yes, well, things happen." Zoe interjected feeling the heat rise up the back of her neck. "But getting another one shouldn't be a problem now will it?"
"Only if you take it yourself." The vampire smirked, chuckling lightly. "You did a good enough job last time...even if it did go missing."
"Serpent." Agatha hissed from her spot in the room.
"We'll be more vigilant this time." The scientist promised with a frown. "That's a guarantee."
Zoe couldn't help but grimace a little when Dracula slid his nail over his wrist, slicing through his flesh like fresh butter. She could feel his eyes watching her as she carefully collected the sample, handing it off to a tech that had entered the room.
"Open." She commanded, holding a long cotton swab. "I need your saliva."
"Aren't you worried I might bite?" The vampire teased, opening his mouth as the woman threw him a look. "Adventurous, but aren't all Van Helsings." Zoe continued to be silent as she handed off the Q-tip. "How's your pregnancy fairing? From what little I've picked up from my time here, you don't talk to others much about it."
"My private life and work life are separate for a reason." The scientist finally said, taking a step back from the Count. "And I'd like to keep it that way, especially with you. Here." She sat back down in her seat.
"So what exactly do you plan to do with all of the DNA you took from me?" Dracula asked curiously. "I certainly hope not to attempt to replicate me. Though, an army of vampires might be of use to the government. A race of super soldiers the likes of which the world has never seen." He laughed at his pitiful joke.
"As we expressed before with your lawyer, we merely want to understand you. Humanely. And if you keep cooperating like you are now, things will remain easy." Zoe inhaled deeply. "And if you are curious about the results, I would be more than happy to share with you what we learn as we go along."
"Science is fascinating, isn't it?" Dracula mused, his eyes traveling down to the woman's stomach. "Really makes you ponder about the little things in life."
It was as if he wanted to rely to the world who the father to the twins residing in her belly were. The way he pushed at the boundaries of it all. Zoe tried not to tense up as his dark eyes met hers. They were a team now, in more ways than one. And whether she liked it or not, the expecting mother would have to make it work.
"I think we're done here." Zoe said standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow, Count Dracula."
She turned on her heels as he called out something to her. Whatever it was, it fell on deaf ears. Exhausted, she made her way out of the room. Thankfully, it seemed Jack had already left for the night. The last thing she needed was to go over today's events with him. Some soup, a movie, and a fuzzy blanket sounded like the closest thing one could reach to Heaven as Zoe headed towards her car.
"You seem to be in an awfully big hurry."
Zoe turned around and bit back a groan as Dracula came into sight. Gone were the guards and any sign of human life. Just the scientist and the vampire alone in the parking lot under the dim street lights.
"Go away." She mumbled. "I've had enough of you for one night."
"I did as you asked." The vampire replied simply. "A thank you would suffice."
"No, what you nearly did was give away the fact that I not only tampered with important evidence, but I conceived not one, but two babies with you!" Zoe hissed under her breath. "So I won't be thanking you."
"Ah, hormones, I read they were raging during the second trimester." Dracula commented, shaking his head. "Don't worry, I honestly don't take it personally. When you come to your senses, you'll realize that in the end, you are the one being ridiculous about this."
Suddenly, a sharp pain ignited from Zoe's lower abdomen. The amusement fell from the vampire's face as the scientist let out a sharp yelp and grabbed the spot. Stars flooded Zoe's vision and they weren't from the sky. Someone called out her name, the word sounding distant as darkness began to swallow her up. A pair of arms caught her before she hit the ground and as the world started to fade, the look of horror etched on Dracula's face might have even been comical. If it weren't for the two, fragile little lives within her.
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nep-nomer · 4 years
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Some vamp Zach art :)
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zackattack2995 · 5 years
It was at that moment Zack knew... she was the love of his life.
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I call this ship “Zacula” 🖤
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Kroz prozor vagona posmatrao sam crne oblake, kao da su mi nagovjestavali da ce se desiti nesto lose. U rukama sam drzao bijeli koverat, ali ga nisam smio otvoriti. Moje ime je na njemu napisano slovima krvavo crvene boje, a ime posiljaoca nije navedeno. Nadao sam se da je ovo sala nekog od mojih prijatelja, ali ipak krv mi se ledila u venama, kad god bi prstom presao preko svog imena napisanog na koverti. Misli mi je prekinulo otvaranje vrata vagona. Da li je ovo vagon broj 8? Zacuo sam njezni zenski glas. Da jeste, odgovorio sam. U vagon je usla vitka smedjokosa djevojka srednjeg rasta, u crnom kaputu sa slusalicama u usima i knjigom u ruci. Sjela je preko puta mene, i malo me posmatrala, a zatim uzela knjigu i pocela citati. Moje misli su se vratile na koverat. Kao da su mi ruke radile protiv volje, nisam mogao da izdrzim vise. Otvorio sam ga. U njemu je bio mali bijeli papir. Polako sam ga izvadio. A pogled mi se zalijepio za rijeci: "Moje srce ce uvijek kucati za tebe, ali tvoje ce uskoro prestati da kuca!" Zbunjeno sam gledao u pismo. Odjednom papir je poceo da se raspada u mojim rukama, pogledao sam ka sjedistu na kojem je sjedila djevojka, ali nje nije bilo tamo. Nisam primjetio kada je izasla. Radio u hodniku je poceo da krci, kao da neko prebacuje stanice. A onda se zacula pjesma koju nisam bas najbolje razumio. Culo se neko cudno krcanje posle svake rijeci. Aa zatim sam cuo glas zene koja u hodniku ponavlja nesto kao: "ako umrem sad, nemojte me zaliti, jer to ne zasluzujem... ako umrem sad, pokrice me bijeli snjegovi, sto su njenu dusu zavejali.... ako umrem sad, ako umrem sad... Cudno, jer se pjesma nije rimovala i bila je jeziva. Ti stihovi su odzvanjali u mojoj glavi. Na trenutak sam sklopio oci, osjetio sam neciju ruku na grudima. Otvorio sam oci, i vidio nju, smedjokosu djevojku u crnom kaputu. Njene oci su polako mijenjale boju, a ona je sve jace i jace, pritiskala moje grudi rukom. Nisam je mogao odgurnuti od sebe. Kao da mi crpi svu snagu iz tijela. Sve je postalo crno. Nakon par minuta vise nisam bio ziv. Moje srce je bilo u kutiji. Nosila ga je onoj koja je napisala pismo. Nosila ga je Aidi. Aidi kojoj sam slomio srce, kao da je od stakla. Aidi, kojoj sam srusio snove i mastanja. I ubio sva njena ocekivanja. Aidi, koja mi se svim svojim tijelom bila predala.
Te noci, 15 Decembra, ona je umrla. Prvo njeno srce, onda dusa, i na kraju ona. Ili sam bar ja tako mislio, sve do sad!!
15.12.2018.uvijek i zauvijek❤❤❤
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forestbeast · 2 years
Count Cacula Lacula Zacula
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sentimentalna-blog · 7 years
Jaime me pozvala u svoju sobu, sklupcana na svom kreveticu i samo sam joj mogla vidjeti sitne okice boje ljesnjaka kako gledaju kroz mene, a onda sam zacula kako me njeznim glasom moli da joj sjednem na uzglavlje. nisam ju mogla odbiti. i vjerovala sam da ne postoji nijedno ljudsko bice koje bi tu malenkost moglo ikada odbiti. u bilo cemu. promatrale smo se par trenutaka. ‘sto zelis?’ upitala sam. oci su joj se najednom stisle, a koza ispod njih naborala. smijala se. ‘pricaj mi o svojoj prvoj ljubavi’ odgovorila je jednostavno. ‘a onda mi reci jesi li ikada… ma znas… ono kada decko place…radi neke cure..’ ‘slomila decku srce?’ morala sam se nasmijati jer je izgledala totalno blesavo postavljajuci mi takva pitanja. imala je jedva osam godina, a kao da je znala sve. vise od mene. vise od odraslog covjeka. kao da je vidjela vise od svih nas. zato sam ju i voljela. ‘zasto te to odjednom tako zanima?’ ‘jer..pa…mislim da jedan decko place radi mene..’ rekavsi to, pokrila se dekom preko cijelog lica. ‘izbjegava me. i kad god idem popricati s njim ili mu pomoci oko zadace, napravi onu cudnu facu…’ zastala je. boze, kako je bila pametna. ‘zao mi ga je, Luc’ povukla sam ruku kroz njenu kosu, otkrivajuci joj lice. nisam bila sigurna mogu li s osmogodisnjom djevojcicom bez roditelja pricati o ljubavnoj patnji, ali Jamie je djelovala tako upijajuce kada bih joj pricala o necem. slusala je s takvom pozornoscu da sam jednostavno morala nastaviti. i nikada mi nije bilo zao kada bih joj nesto prepricala. brzo je ucila. nadam se dobro. uzdahnula sam. ‘jesam, Jamie. Jesam.’ ‘nastavi’, poticala me s goricnom u glasu, ali onom napetom, s dozom zanimacije. ‘Bilo je to ne bas tako davno, ali ipak davno. U srednjoj skoli. Zaljubio se u mene, ali ne onako kao u filmu, na prvi pogled, neko polagano, kao kada tones u san, a nisi pretjerano umoran i nisi svjestan da uopce spavas. pricali smo mnogo, ali nikada dovoljno. u skoli kao da smo bili odvojeni miljama, a ucionice su nam bile veoma blizu. imali smo onako, one znas, slatke tajnovite poglede’ ‘tako je i s nama, Luc!’ kriknula je i zahihotala se medu svim tim pokrivacima tako da je naposlijetku izgledala kao sarma.
nastavila sam dalje, odnosno, trudila se nastaviti dalje jer sam pocela osjecati nekakvu tezinu na plecima. sigurno si se pocela sjecati, pomislila sam u sebi, ni ne obaziruci se na to da me mala vragolanka udara sakama po ramenu u zelji da ispricam sve do kraja. ‘da. tako je to izgledalo gotovo pola godine, Jamie. gledali smo se, pricali, ali u tajnosti zudili jedno za drugim. zudili za medusobnim dodirima. dugo vremena, zapravo, nismo ni znali da smo zaljubljeni. ali, nije to ni lose, znas? ponekad ni ne trebas znati da imas leptirice u trbuhu. ponekad se jednostavno moras prepustiti jer je covjek najbolji onda kada je spontan.’ 
‘to mi je i ucitelj rekao’ prekinula me. ‘rekao mi je da su moji crtezi najbolji onda kada se najmanje trudim da budu najbolji.’
kimnula sam. ‘ucitelj ti je jako mudar’
‘i? prijedi vise na to kada si mu napokon slomila srdasce’.
osmjehnula sam se ali samo kako bih prikrila suze. da me Jamie nije zamolila da joj ispricam pricu, zasigurno se ne bih sjetila njega. a bila sam tako tako blizu da ga napokon zaboravim. no, usprkos svemu, nisam se mogla ljutiti na to malo stvorenje. samo je bila... pa, samo je bila dijete. a djeca su takva. znatizeljna.  
‘vidis, ja sam njega prva pozvala van! i onda je odbio, no poslije je shvatio svoju pogresku. moj savjet ti je da nikada ne pozivas decke prva van. pusti ih da se malo kuhaju. bit ce zabavnije’ , namignula sam joj, ali ona je izgledala prestravljeno. ‘odbio te?’ priupitala je tiho.
‘Jamie, gotovo sve decke dosada sam ja prva pozivala van.’
‘onda mora da si stvarno hrabra cura’, rekla je. ‘ja bih voljela biti kao ti’
‘da ti skratim cijelu pricu, na samom kraju, udostojila sam ga pitati sto osjeca prema meni. bila sam, hajmo reci, vrlo direktna. samo sto tada, kada sam ga to priupitala, tada sam imala drugu simpatiju. Gle, Jaime, vrijeme lijeci sve, pa tako tjera i leptirice iz trbuha ako predugo cekas. vrijedi cekati nekog koga volis, ali zauvijek je pomalo... presiroka rijec.’
namrstila se. ‘znaci da ce Josh kad tad odustati od plakanja zamnom?’
‘da, gotovo sam sigurna da hoce.’ priblizila sam joj se, tako da mi je njezin dah skakljao obraze. ‘samo je pitanje zelis li ti da se njegovi leptirici ugase?’
odjednom se zacrvenjela poput cili papricice. ‘ne znam. pa i ne bas. sladak je. i smijesan. uvijek se smijem kada zonglira s narancama’
e tu sam morala pustiti smijeh da izleti iz mene. ‘onda mu daj vremena. decki vole kada te imaju u klopci, ali isto tako zele malcice prostora.’ potvrdno je kimnula, kao da zeli reci da ce zaista poslusati ono sto sam joj kazala.
‘hajde dovrsi!’ skakala je.
‘nakon sto sam zatrazila da mi kaze st osjeca, ispalo je da su sve moje mastarije bile istinite. bio je zaljubljen u mene. jako dugo. kao i ja u njega, samo sto sam ja prerano ugasila te leptirice. drugi decko je, nazalost, osvojio moje srce. no njega sam i dalje voljela jer mi je pruzio lijepa sjecanja. volim ga se nekada sjetiti. bio je dobar, simpatican, zgodan i smijesan. ali, morala sam ga odbiti. i to ga je slomilo.’
‘bas kao Josha’ Jamie je bubnula sebi u bradu. ‘mislis li da opet mozete biti zaljubljeni jedno u drugo? kao u filmu, kada se decko i cura opet spoje.’
na trenutak nisam nista rekla,a onda sam ispalila kao iz topa. ‘tko zna.’
‘a volis li ga jos uvijek?’ poticala me. da joj skrenem pozornost, pocela sam sarati nekakve oblike prstima po njegnom jorgovanu. ‘Jamie, mislim da se odredene osobe nikada ne mogu prestati voljeti, ma kakav god odnos medu njima bio. Josh za tebe nikada nece prestati biti simpaticanuvijek kad ga se sjetis, sjetit ces se i da je bio smijesan. ljudi zaboravljaju sto su rekli ili napravili, ali uvijek se sjecaju onog sto su osjecali.’
opet se slozila sa mnom, kimajuci glavom. ‘nadam se da nije vise tuzan zbog tebe.’
‘o, sigurna sam da nije,’ glas mi se jedva cuo, no Jamie je sve shvatila.
‘a sto je s tvojom prvom ljubavi? to mi nisi rekla jos.’
pljesnula sam rukama, sto je znacilo da je vrijeme za spavanje.’to je moja mala tajna! ali samo ti mogu reci da je taj put bilo obrnuto. on je meni slomio srce.’
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radiofreehipster · 5 years
Radio Free Hipster Ep. 98: Scream, Zacula, Scream!
It’s that special time of year when a young man’s fancy turns to magic and mischief and mayhem. I assume. I haven’t been a young man for quite a while.
Still, I offer up to you this simple Halloween podcast---fortified with only the finest songs about supernatural occurrences and other strange happenings. 
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Po izlozima zagledivala, ne neke se i osmehnula, zacula Rundeka i njegovu ,,Enu" i narednih 15 minuta imala prikovan osmeh na licu, grc. Bio je decembar..
#rundek #ljubav #decembar
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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Summary: It is public knowledge that Zoe Van Helsing is the last of her blood line. Not to mention that, in a sense, Count Dracula is too. However, after an unexpected night of passion, both their lives dramatically change when Zoe becomes pregnant. Two unconventional parents, one extraordinary pregnancy. What could go wrong?
Rating: M
Pairings: Zoe Van Helsing/Dracula implied Agatha/Dracula
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: Decided to update this really early in the morning. Like, REALLY early in the morning. I’m still half asleep so if this author’s note is wonky, I apologize. Thanks for the support as usual! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! -Jen
                                          Chapter Six
Pregnancy, hormones, and dreams-perhaps nightmares if one is so unlucky. Stress plays a major factor. Anxiety weaving itself into the intense sleep waves of one's mind. Such happened to be the case for Zoe Van Helsing as she stood over two empty cribs, the sound of infants wailing all around her and yet, no babies to be found. Panic over-swept her as she desperately searched every corner of the room, the crying only intensifying the longer she looked. And just as she began to feel the very walls start to crumble around her, the scientist's eyes flashed open.
As Zoe slowly sat up, ignoring the pain in her lower back, she wondered if she was still asleep. The wallpaper. The carpet. The furniture. None of it belonged to her. It wasn't until the bedroom door creaked open and a familiar set of dark, brown eyes met hers that the true reality came crashing down like a tsunami. Count Dracula smiled at her, but the expression leaned more towards amusement than to friendliness.
"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." He commented as Zoe scrambled backwards, bumping against the headboard. "I just finished making breakfast-"
"Why am I here?!" The woman snapped, cutting him off. "What...Did we…"
"I assure you there was no sex if that's what you are getting at...which was, in my opinion, much unfortunate." The vampire smirked as he moved over to where she sat. "You wore yourself out last night crying-I suppose human hormones are complicated like that." He sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. Zoe only slid away further. "Anyway, I thought it best to let you sleep here rather than risk you driving back home all tuckered out."
"If you're expecting a thank you out of me, I'm certainly not going to give you one," she frowned. "That act was nothing more than a scheme on your part."
"Must you always assume the worst intentions, Dr. Van Helsing?" Dracula scoffed, rolling his eyes. "And I wasn't anticipating on one. Now, how about you straighten up and have something to eat? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you don't plan on staying around?"
That was a correct assumption on his part. Ignoring his question, the researcher climbed off of the bed. As exhausted as she still felt, the motivation derived from not being here pushed her forward. Zoe felt Dracula's eyes watch her as she strode out of the room. She tried not to look at the hot breakfast he had set out on the table. Eggs. Toast. Bacon. Christ, did it smell good. Maybe if she swiped one strip…
Swallowing hard and shaking her head at the thought, she grabbed her purse and went straight for the exit. The vampire didn't stop her as she left-much to her surprise, and Zoe couldn't help but wonder if the entire neighborhood heard the echoing bang as she slammed the door behind her.
"I'm not sure how you want to proceed with this further, Dr. Van Helsing, but based on what the Jonathan Harker Foundation was built upon and the current situation, I'm not sure where we stand at this point."
Zoe stared idly at the basket of fruit and muffins that sat in the center of the conference room table. Though they would look positively appetizing in any other situation, right now she wasn't hungry. Far, far from it. Her stomach twisted into knots as Bloxham watched her with keen interest. Part of her had known this moment would be coming from the very beginning and yet, she still didn't feel prepared for it.
"Dracula has yet to cause any sort of known threat," Bloxham continued. "And without any means of interacting with him-studying him, the purpose of this facility has been deemed…"
"No longer necessary," Zoe finished quietly. "So, in other words, you are saying that it's in our best interest to shut down the Harker Foundation." She paused, trying to remain level headed. "And fire everyone involved."
"That's not what I was getting at." Bloxham sighed, folding her hands onto the table. "Look, Zoe, we've been weighing some options and maybe there's a chance to save the place. To keep some of our employees employed." The scientist tried to force a smile onto her face. It wasn't working. "We've been talking to other companies who might be willing to buy the institution. Use it for their own research purposes. They have no idea what we've been doing, but this place...it can be used for good. State of the art practices even."
Mina Murray. The money her family had invested into the Foundation. Created. Everything in the name and memory of her beloved Jonathan Harker. Now no one was left to put up a fight to save it. No family left. No heirs. What remained left to those dedicated to discovering who and what Count Dracula was and is. With him out of the picture, there truly was no Foundation. And it was becoming clear things were beginning to fall apart.
"Dr. Bloxham, we're talking about letting go several dozen people!" The scientist exclaimed, looking around the room at the others who sat silently. "There has to be another way. Think of the Murrays…"
"We've exhausted all options, Zoe," the other woman said solemnly. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but what choice do we have? And the money supporting this place. The Murrays were quite wealthy, yes, but we are looking at eventual bankruptcy. The only reason we've kept going is on the whim that Dracula was still out there. Which he was. But due to legal issues and without him...we have nothing." Bloxham frowned, her lips pursing slightly. "We need to consider selling the lab and the potential that comes from that. This could be what we needed all along."
"But you don't know that!" Zoe countered angrily. "Please, there has to be something we can do." She didn't like to beg. To seem visibly weak. But she thought of Meg. Of Jack. Of all of her other colleagues who might be out of a job. "There has to be some other option."
Options. Suggestions. The scientist's mind was racing. Anxiety building from the pit of her stomach and flowing up, up, up to the inside of her skull. So tight. So much pressure. Zoe massaged her temples trying to ignore the many eyes that were fixated on her. It was always one thing after another. Always. And finally, when a dreaded thought came to mind, she bit the inside of her cheek.
"What if I could…" She began, not even sure if it was in her best interest to continue. "...What if I could convince Count Dracula to come back on his own free will. To allow us to learn more about him without defying his rights by locking him up?" Absentmindedly, a hand rested on her stomach. "Would the Harker Foundation be able to continue as it was?"
The other people in the room exchanged glances, their eyes flickering between each other and Zoe. Surely questions would be aimed in her direction like arrows from a bow. She remained still, poised. If she had to think of a reason, she could do so on her feet. The scientist was creative like that. Even if the situation was a lot more severe than others she'd faced before. If they knew her secret...she didn't want to think about that. Need to think about that.
"You truly believe you can convince the vampire to return?" Bloxham ventured, the tone low. Calculated. "And how, pray tell, do you think you can manage a feat like that?"
"If I can do it," Zoe responded. "Will the Harker Foundation remain in our hands?"
The other woman was silent for a moment. "Maybe arrangements can be made." She looked to the others who all nodded in agreement. "Alright," Bloxham sighed. "Dr. Van Helsing, if you can somehow manage Dracula to return on his own accord, perhaps there is hope for this place."
A small flicker of a smile twitched briefly on Zoe's face. "I can promise you my very best," she stated. "Count Dracula will return." Or so she very much hoped.
The Count's dark eyebrows narrowed as he studied the pamphlet in his hands. Every so often he'd glance up, meeting Zoe's gaze as she stood in front of him, arms folded. Finally, he delicately folded the flyer closed and held it out towards her.
"Yuma, Arizona…" He said slowly, a small smirk crossing his features. "Planning a vacation are we?"
A second unexpected surprise. When the researcher had randomly showed up at his doorstep without so much as a text, he had been somewhat caught off guard. But now she'd presented him with information about a state. A place not even located on their continent.
"Actually, more so of a move." Zoe replied simply, noticing the amusement on the man's face fade to confusion. "I was doing some research and learned that Yuma is, in fact, the sunniest place on Earth. Sounds quite lovely actually. Not that you'd understand."
"So, you have a sudden desire to move across the world?" Dracula inquired, an eyebrow cocked. "Might I ask why?"
"Well…" She pretended to muse. "There's the weather...an added bonus. But more importantly, and I'm sure your lawyer Mr. Renfield has you all caught up on this, but the Harker Foundation's doors are threatening to close."
"Oh my," Dracula's voice dripped with sarcasm. "What tragic news! I must say it's such a shame really. You all appeared to be working so hard. These things happen I suppose." He interlaced his fingers and gave them a loud, sickening crack. "So you now want to go to Yuma?"
"I'm going to need a job," she shrugged. "And The University of Arizona is currently looking for a medical research professor. I'm sure Dr. Bloxham will write me quite the recommendation letter." Zoe smiled as the corners of Dracula's lips turned just the slightest bit downward. "A change in scenery might do me some good."
"And what's to stop me from following you?" He countered, tone much more serious now. "I'm not afraid to go after you, Zoe. I told you, I will be in my children's lives."
"Oh I know." She answered calmly. "But it'll be just a little more difficult with it always being so sunny." The scientist patted her stomach lovingly. "Did you know sunlight actually has positive effects on pregnancy? Physical and mood wise? You know, the more I think of it, the more Arizona really calls out to me."
"What do you want, Zoe?" Dracula's voice was flat. Irritable. "What are you getting at?"
"The Harker Foundation can't continue without you." Zoe said, momentarily dropping her act. "Without you, we'll be forced to close our doors and open to someone else. A lot of people will lose jobs. People…" she paused. "People I care about. So I'm asking you to come back on your own terms."
"Why would I want to do that?" He scoffed. "So I can be your lab rat?"
"It won't be like that," she promised. "I…" Zoe averted her eyes, not wanting to meet his. "I won't let that happen. And I think you very well know I won't." The researcher inhaled, closing her eyes. "You want to be in their lives. You've shown that. But if that's the case then you…You're going to have to be in mine too." God how she hated the sound of that. "And if even the smallest molecule in you has some care for me, you'd do this. For them. For me."
There was a long pause. Silence heavy between them.
"If I agree to attend whatever it is your beloved Foundation wants, you won't move to Yuma?" Dracula watched her as he spoke, trying to read her face for a reaction. "Your idea of family commitment is quite strange, Dr. Van Helsing."
"We're not a family," she frowned. "We're not...look, think of this as quid pro quo. Just over and over again. Nothing more." Zoe let out a long sigh, running a hand through her hair. "Do we have a deal?"
Dracula pondered her words before nodding. "I think that's reasonable."
For the first time since she arrived, Zoe gave a genuine smile. "So we have a deal."
And a very odd one at that.
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flutteringphalanges · 3 years
Sneak Peek of Chapter Nine of “Gemini”
(Random Snippet) 
Zoe found it rather unusual that the hospital decided to discharge her in the wee hours in the morning. Perhaps they needed an extra bed or just saw it fit to let the scientist go before the “morning rush”. Whatever the case, she wasn’t one to complain. Lying on her back, propped up on some cushions from the sofa, she stared upwards towards the ceiling, hands resting on the visible slope of her stomach. Tired. Nauseated. She just wanted to fall asleep and yet, her mind still reeling from the overload of new information prevented her from doing so. 
“I can’t guarantee that it won’t taste dreadful seeing as it came from a can, but you need something to settle your stomach.” 
The scientist didn’t turn her head to acknowledge Dracula as he strode into her living room. For some reason she had yet to put a finger on, Zoe had agreed to let him come in. Just for a few minutes. A few minutes that had turned into over an hour. Now the vampire had basically made himself home in her own kitchen. As he went to place the bowl down on the coffee table, her eyes immediately flew over to the stack of documents the hospital had allowed her to keep. The lab results that could easily hold the keys she needed to begin unlocking the twins’ genetic codes. 
“Careful!” She snapped, lunging forward to gather the papers as if they were some sort of precious artifact. “Do you realize how important these are?! The last thing I need is for them to be damaged.” Zoe eyed him incredulously, holding the documents close to her chest. “What even is that?”
To be continued...
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
Sneak Peek of Chapter Seven of Gemini
(Random Snippet)
“Maybe someone else should go in with him, you know?” Jack suggested, trying to keep up with Zoe’s long strides. “With you being pregnant and all? What if he hurts you?” “He’s not going to harm me,” the scientist assured him. “Trust me, he wouldn’t dare.” 
“You being sure of that doesn’t outweigh the risks.” The younger man continued to counter. “Zoe, please.” He took the woman by the arm causing her to stop in her tracks. “Don’t do this.” 
For the briefest of moments, a small part of her considered the idea of telling Jack. Admitting that the father of her children was not a stranger, but the vampire Count Dracula himself. But she knew doing so right now was in neither of their best interests. She hated being deceptive. Despised it even. Yet she accepted the fact that she must. 
“I’ll be okay, Jack.” Zoe said gently, pulling away from the doctor. “I am more than capable of handling myself. I’ve done it before.”The scientist gazed towards the closed metal doors that led into the room where the Count sat freely--without any sort of restraints as per agreement, and sighed. “Interesting yes, but dangerous...” She chewed on the inside of her cheek, choosing her next words carefully. “I’m probably safer in there with him than anywhere else.” 
And without looking back to gauge Jack’s reaction, she slid in her key card and entered the sterile space. 
To be continued...
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
I took the weekend off, but now I’m up and back to writing! 
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
Gemini (Chapter Six) Sneak Peek
(Random Snippet)
As Zoe slowly sat up, ignoring the pain in her lower back, she wondered if she was still asleep. The wallpaper. The carpet. The furniture. None of it belonged to her. It wasn’t until the bedroom door creaked open and a familiar set of dark, brown eyes met hers that the true reality came crashing down like a tsunami. Count Dracula smiled at her, but the expression leaned more towards amusement than to friendliness. 
“I was wondering when you were going to wake up.” He commented as Zoe scrambled backwards, bumping against the headboard. “I just finished making breakfast--”
“Why am I here?!” The woman snapped, cutting him off. “What...Did we…”
“I assure you there was no sex if that’s what you are getting at...which was, in my opinion, much unfortunate.” The vampire smirked as he moved over to where she sat. “You wore yourself out last night crying--I suppose human hormones are complicated like that.” He sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. Zoe only slid away further. “Anyway, I thought it best to let you sleep here rather than risk you driving back home all tuckered out.” 
“If you’re expecting a thank you out of me, I’m certainly not going to give you one,” she frowned. “That act was nothing more than a scheme on your part.”
To be continued...
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
                                   Gemini (Master Post)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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