#Zandalari Feral Form
findmeinshattrath · 1 year
Zandalari druid "bear" forms would be so much cooler if they included the tails an ankylosaurus should have
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necromatador · 2 years
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Played a little bit on the free-kend (free weekend) and made a dragon man.
His name is Tazerazen (taz-air-uh-zehn), or "Taz" for short. Other nicknames include "Tazer" and "Raisin" even though his name isn't technically pronounced like either.
He may have a tiny crush on Wrathion.
My other major WoW characters are:
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Banteric the undead rogue and unofficial Zandalari Troll (until I unlock them and can make one of my own).
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Lyonal Fletchleigh the worgen hunter, who is very gay, works as a bodyguard for a stuck-up nightborne elf, and has two cool pet birds.
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Rustfang the worgen druid who jokes she was more feral before becoming a worgen, and who spends just as much time in other animal forms as in worgen form (never human form).
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Radish the vulpera warlock, who is often surrounded by an army of tiny demons and likes to stand on stuff to be tall. Often seen with a pair of other root-vegetable-named vulpera.
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limecornchip · 1 year
tell us about your wow ocs?
hiiii I'll just talk about my main two for now hope u don't mind
The night elf lady is named Murenna Swiftclaw. She goes by Mûre for short. She was born and raised in Darkshore. She has troll blood on her mother's side, although it is not super apparent beyond small tusks in her mouth. She has always been a bit of a black sheep, oftentimes seen as "the weird one" growing up. She's a mistweaver monk, having trained in Pandaria, and her favorite animal of all time is crabs. She's very happy-go-lucky, but she is not to be taken lightly because she can be terrifying in a genuine fight. She strikes hard and fast and she knows where major nerves are in order to temporarily stun her opponent. She isn't invincible though. She became friends with Izuka quite quickly; they met when she found him trying to sneak around Stormwind and summarily beat his ass. She let him go, though, because she felt bad for him (wet kitten energy). She is very dense, and has no idea that Izuka has developed feelings for her. (Yet.)
The Zandalari troll is named Izuka Huitzil. Izuka comes from a very prestigious family that can trace their lineage back to the dawn of the Zandalari empire. He was born in Dazar'alor to high caste parents and was raised in a very cushy lifestyle. Despite this, he did not have the happiest childhood, as his mother had him studying for his future as a priest almost 24/7. He didn't get to go out and play with others often, and his mother was very overprotective and overbearing. Also, as you might have guessed, he didn't become a priest. He ran away from home and eventually found himself in Orgrimmar, then Dalaran. He is a feral druid, although he isn't a traditionally trained Zandalari druid, so none of his forms are dinosaurs -- they're all owls. When he is sad (which is often) he turns into an owlcat and goes to hang out somewhere where he can sulk in peace. He is madly in love with Mûre, although he refuses to admit it. (Eventually he does admit it, but this hasn't happened yet)
That's them \o/
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sigery · 2 years
I love my WoW characters
I feel like showing off some of my World of Warcraft characters and the family connections I made up
Warning, this post gets really long when you open it up, mostly because of the pictures
Starting off is my main Slgery, a Night Elf hunter
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she is beauty, she is grace, she can definitely punch me in the face. She is the matriarch of the family I guess.
Next is her wife and my main during BFA; Sigery, a Worgen druid
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She is actually the only one with a name; Riley Hayfields because I made her in the sims (though long before the werewolf pack). She is a feral druid, mostly because the idea of a dog woman spending majority of her time as a cat amused me.
Then here's their three adopted daughters
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FaeOfCute, a Worgen rogue and the oldest
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WildOfCute the middle child is a Worgen hunter (like Mama)
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SpellOfCute is the baby of the family that decided she would rebel as a Worgen warlock.
This is the centralized family but there are some other relatives too.
Slgery's aunts are a wise old Night Elf priest called FaithOfCute
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and the more chaotic one is EvilSigery (I regret that name so much), a Night Elf demon hunter delighted to find out she has living family after all
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She was probably a sentinel before she devoted herself to Illidan and his cause. Oddly enough, she also found love during the legion invasion in my Light Forged Draenei, BrightNight
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For a race that hates demons so much, it's kind of ironic she loves a woman with demonic blood. They do argue like an old married couple at times but don't insult the other in one's presence or you will end up on the wrong side of a very sharp weapon.
FaithOfCute isn't dating anyone right now but she does remain good friends with her ex, WithoutSoul, a Void Elf monk
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She was originally a High Elf rogue before she became a Void Elf, then she became a monk to help her inner peace against the dark voices whispering to her. Just some backstory for her... and she has a cool lightsaber blade despite supposedly fighting with her fists.
FaithOfCute's other ex is on a bit shakier grounds, but they did rediscover a friendship during the legion invasion, Horde!Slgery is a Blood Elf demon hunter
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She was a bit lost after everything that went down and losing Illidan. She didn't have anyone really to help her. She took some time to find herself, eventually 'adopting', as much as you can adopt an adult, two young women. Horde!WildOfCute is a Mag'har Orc hunter that also felt lost after leaving her home on Draenor.
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Though at least she had her life long companion Arfther.
The other young woman was DinoOfCute, a Zandalari Troll druid she met during the 4th war.
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Despite being very opposite in everything but stubbornness, the two just clicked.
I feel very bad that I kind of skipped over my Gnome mage, TnyButDeadly
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She is a longtime friend of Slgery (and Sigery)'s family. She is less of an aunt, probably closer to a sassy cousin. She seems very stoic until you get to know her though, then you got a handful (get it, handful because gnomes are small) of pure sass and snark.
Final one I want to touch on is my new character, Sigerthyr, a Dracthyr Evoker
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Her personality is still underdevelopment since she only has a few hours of playtime, mostly just the starting area. She will probably remain mostly in her dragonic form, but I did make her visage pretty
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I have like a dozen more characters, but these were my favorite/most relevant to the 'lore'
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toothydeerwow-blog · 7 years
NEW Zandalari FERAL DRUID FORM & All Forms | Battle For Azeroth
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The new Zandalari Troll Feral Druid form is finally here! This is an in-game preview of the new awesome dinosaur looking cat form!
Currently they do not have an animation, but for sure will most likely have animations next build.
The Zendalari Guardian Druid form now also has animations, so I included those in-game, along with a few of the other forms (Travel/Flight) in-game emotes like (sleep/dance, etc)
► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ToothyDeerWoW
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cowcrumb · 6 years
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Ken’tro, my end-goal zandalari dude
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moonlost · 7 years
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The cool kids want their Zandalari Druids to shapeshift into raptors for their Feral DPS.  I’m a paleo nerd, I want me a gorgonopsid form.
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lehouxnap2 · 3 years
SNK characters as world of warcraft players
Eren - Fury Warrior (Human, worgen)
Has 2 mains, human and worgen. Eren thinks human is the superior race even though everyone knows is the most boring. He's the typical alliance player that rages at you. "You horde scum" Not so good at first. Gets better at playing with time. Always in war mode.
Mikasa - Arms Warrior (Human)
Top dps and she's really good at pvp. Overall a natural good player. Eren always asks her do to duels and she always kicks his ass. Not interested at anything, just wants to play with Eren. Does RBGs with him.
Armin - Frost Mage (Human, Female Draenei)
Big nerd that knows all the lore and is pretty much always raid leader, he's really nice when players don't know the mechanics. Always trying to do achievements. Too scared to do pvp. Does freaky shit in rp moonguard.
Jean - Guardian Druid (Worgen)
Every worgen player i've met was a little bit of a simp im sorry. But Jean is genuinely a good guy, he just wanted to get a girlfriend when he was younger then grew out of it when older. Started as a feral until he realized being tank helps to queue faster in dungeons. It's raid leader when Armin can't make it. Main tank
Marco - Holy Priest (Draenei)
Think of the nicest player that ever helped you, that's Marco. He helps new players when they don't understand or get lost. Big patient fella, if you need gold he's gonna help you in that too. Top healer in raid. Sometimes switches to Shadow. Does random bgs with Jean just to have fun (doesn't like it much because it can get toxic)
Sasha - Marksmanship Hunter (Pandaren)
She used to be those hunters who ruined your day by tanking with her pet getting everyone wiped. But learned how to properly play and now she's top dps. She met Jean when he was tanking with his bear and raged at her in the whispers. They are besties now <3 Loves doing cooking proffesion, that's how she met Niccolo.
Connie - Enhancement Shaman (Dwarf)
He think dwarves are a funny looking race that's why he chosed them. Average player who just wants to have fun. Regardless of what he's doing pvp of pve he never rages. As a shaman he let's the elemental pets do all the work and gets overconfident, the reason why he loses. Fools around a lot with Sasha
Reiner - Protection Warrior (Orc)
Used to be Worgen and be part of the same guild as the rest but changed to Horde because of race benefit (everyone does that nowadays) He only did it because his friends did, so he feels sad about it. His new guild is called Marley. Top and main tank of the raid. Still talks with his past guild but Eren is pissed at him for leaving the Alliance and always attacks him when he has the chance.
Bertholdt - Fire Mage (Troll)
He likes trolls because they are tall and chill, just like him. Same story with Reiner. Being a Fire mage pretty much makes him top dps and someone you don't want to fuck with. He could be one of the best pvp players but prefers to keep it low and have fun. Does R Arenas with Reiner.
Annie - Windwalker Monk (Blood elf)
Same story with Bert and Reiner. She's one of the best pvp players, and does R.Arenas. A lone player, when not doing pvp she works in her proffesions and enjoys the beauty of WoW. Her dad showed her the game when she was young. Reiner and Bert asks her to do stuff together but she rejects them. Likes the company of Armin or Bertholdt alone.
Historia - Discipline Priest (Voild elf, Vulpera)
She has 2 mains. Void elf to be with her guild, and Vulpera to be with Ymir. She's always nice and helping other players but most of the time she wants to do achievements with Ymir and do holiday events. Has the BEST transmogs of them all. And pretty mounts.
Ymir - Affliction Warlock (Nightborne)
Amazing pvp player, but not a big fan of it. Specially because it can get really annoying and childish. At first she carried Hisu in dungeons because she was a "noob" giving her advice on how to properly play. Ymir when really bored likes to troll others and sometimes camp them until Historia tells her is enough.
Levi - Assassination Rogue (Gnome)
Known as one of the best players in WoW. Big fanbase. Kenny, his uncle, teached him since he was a kid to play the game and ever since then he mastered it. He chosed Gnome as his main because even though gnomes are always the butt of the jokes he thinks getting your ass kicked by one is satisfying. Used to play with his two friends until they quit the game, then had his own guild and they also quit the game. So he feels nostalgic sometimes.
Hange - Beast Mastery Hunter (Night elf)
Geek. Knows all about lore but also is really good at being BM hunter. You just can't escape their traps ;). Big big fan of WoW, you are not sure how long have they been playing this game. Never misses Blizzcon events. They are always with Moblit who remindes them to take a break from the game and go have some rest. They have a lot of rare objects and mounts. Likes to hang around with Levi.
Erwin - Retribution Paladin (Human)
Do I even have to say something? He's a human paladin. Guild Master of Survey Corps, used to be really active when younger but as he got older doesn't appear much. He did a lot of pvp, one of the best. Was raid leader along with Mike and Nile. Just like Eren he believes in the Alliance and knows a lot about lore. Ask him anything.
Porco - Feral Druid (Zandalari troll)
He thinks zandalari are the coolest race blizz has ever thought of. He's an average good player. Played a lot with his brother Marcel. Until the later quit the game to focus on other stuff. Used to make fun of Reiner for being bad at it, but now they play mythics+ together.
Pieck - Guardian Druid (Tauren)
Average good player, she's calm and trust her teammates in raids even when things might not look so good. Second tank. Loves being a druid because she can carry her party members in deer and bird form. At some point she met Jean and exchanged tips
Zeke - Elemental Shaman (Pandaren)
He's that player that frustrated you so much you wanted to throw your computer at the floor because he wasn't doing the mechanics right or in bgs. And you know he's doing it on purpose. That troll motherfucker that ganks you even when hours passes and you wonder why people like him exist. Has a monkey pet named as "Monke" that he takes everywhere. Has macros where he says weird shit before you kill him. But he's actually a really good player when serious. Raid leader of his guild. If there's one player Zeke won't fuck with, is Levi.
Falco - Restoration Druid (Tauren)
He and Gabi are new players but learn fast, Falco likes to enjoy the game slowly appreciating the stories, characters, and overall have a good time with his friends. Ends up stressed healing Gabi's ass since she keeps tanking without a care. Tells her she should listen to Reiner's advice as a tank.
Gabi - Protection Warrior (Orc)
She saw the way Reiner played and wanted to be just like him. Gabi levels up really fast with war mode and dungeons. Problems comes she lacks experience so she needs Falco by her side healing her. Eren once saw her in war mode not giving a crap she was a low level and ganked her.
Floch - Unholy Death Knight (Human)
Level 58 DK. That dude that all he does is complain in the chat. In bgs he shits at everyone for not doing their job while he has low dps. In trade chat you are always gonna see him having a discussion about how the game is dead, everything sucks, back in the day "when classic was good". Always joins Eren's RBGs.
Im sorry this was so much fun to do. I didnt plan this
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the-nerd-beast · 5 years
Playable Race concept: Dark Trolls
*disclaimer: This is a post for fun, it is in no way meant to be taken seriously. I have thoroughly combed the lore before making this post and is just a “what if” scenario just for shits and giggles and is meant to be taken with a grain of salt.*
Race: Dark Trolls
Faction: Alliance
Languages: Zandali, Common
Summary: Long ago a tribe of Trolls would settle on the shores of the well of eternity. These Trolls would live in caverns throughout the day, only emerging at night turning them into a new subspecies: the Dark Troll. Dark Trolls were the ancestors of the Night Elves and like their more derived kin sought balance with nature, even ceasing worship of the Loa in favor of the goddess Elune. However after the events of the Third War in which they banded with the Night Elves to defeat the Burning Legion, they were wiped out by the Twilight’s Hammer leaving only a few lonely individuals to live out their remaining days.
or so it was thought...
Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, when threatened the Dark Trolls retreated even deeper into their caves and became even more secretive, only emerging when need be or on certain nights of the year to continue worshiping Elune and perform sacred rights in reverence to her. However when Tyrande took on the mantle of Night Warrior the Dark Trolls could sense it and after much deliberation they emerged to unite with their Night Elf kin and fight in Elune’s name against the Horde.
Hunter, starting pet is a pale warden owl (bird of prey)
Shaman, totems resemble primitive effigies of Elune
Druid, animal forms resemble those of Night Elves except larger, more feral
Mount: Stag
Into the Night: Active. The user calls upon Elune’s power to turn invisible, freeing them from combat and making them untargetable. Any actions other than moving cancel the effect. 10 second duration, 3 minute cooldown. 
Cave Dweller: Passive. Increases movement speed indoors by 4%.
Moonlit: Passive. Shadow and nature damage taken reduced by 1%
Nocturnal: Passive. Reduces damage taken by X during the day, increases damage dealt by X at night.
Survivor: Passive. Reduces the duration of curses, poisons and bleed effects by 10%
Dances: Same as Zandalari as new models would be based on that rig.
Customization: Skin color, hair style, hair color, tusks, tattoos. Night Warrior eyes are unlocked at the same time as for Night Elves.
Male Flirts:
“Are you Elune? Because even when it’s dark you still seem to shine.”
“Lets find somewhere dark to get to know each other better.”
“Your smile could light the darkest cave”
“Who took the stars out of the sky and put them in your eyes”
“If you are afraid of the dark, I could sleep with you tonight.”
“I know the most romantic cavern if you are interested”
Female Flirts:
“I prefer it with the lights out.”
“Let me be your missing link”
“Your face is like the moon, always glowing”
“We Dark Trolls are almost extinct, so yes I’m single”
“My love for you shines brighter than Elune”
“Wanna go spelunking? I’m not just talking about caves”
Male Jokes:
“The Zandalari are so old fashioned, yet they have the audacity to say that WE belong in a museum.”
“How does Elune cut her hair? Eclipse it!”
“Don’t take me for granite, I’m pretty gneiss.”
“When stalactites and stalagmites meet, they form a column. So that’s what we call ’em!”
“I used to be addicted to the voodoo, but then I found Elune and turned my life around.”
“My superior told me that I’ll ‘hate myself for staying up so late.’ Well the joke is on them, I hate myself now!”
Female Jokes:
“I wonder if the sentinels are hiring.”
“I’m not like other trolls”
“In the name of Elune, I will punish you!”
“My friends didn’t initially want to go spelunking, but eventually they caved.”
“The worst part of being in the Alliance is waking up in the early morning.” 
“Gnomes want my help? I just warn you now. I don’t know how to use a computer.”
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salokorai · 6 years
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woooo anatomically lacking scribbles! I mean, how do you do 3d looking big pointy ears!????? 
Anyway, remember my red-haired gurl Chuntah? She is Zandalari now because I just had to. The passive abilities are just SO good for feral druids (unless you are nightelf, obviously.)
And yeah, she kept the tiger-artifact form... Because the normal zandalari forms are kind of.......... like they really just.... sound bad man. I need to scratch people and hear “HRNNNNGGGG” and instead it goes “scrm.” and when I bite I need to hear “HRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” and instead it goes “rowl.” 
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zandali-dominion · 5 years
Finding the Found
(Written by ZhyZak!)
Coming here after the events that took place last evening took a certain amount of both bravery and determination. Though none truly understood, or at least had taken the time to understand, the strength of a certain Raptari’s conviction. She had been sent to this isle for a reason she hadn’t truly come to understand till a few days after she arrived. It hadn’t even been a full week since she came to the isle but already so much had happened, so much had changed. Her eyes had been opened and her sights set on the promise of a future she had been unknowingly seeking. Step by step, she approached the Pillar of the Loa of the Found which resided within the Temple of five Pillars. A place she honestly hadn’t spent much time within till last night and it became apparent to her that it even existed. Her clawed toes clacked quietly against the stone as she approached within her ravasaur form carrying with her the body of a recently killed Saurid within her toothy maw. Keen eyes peered around the location, remembering well the giant being she witnessed here last evening and what it had done to the spirit that tried to possess Rakaj. But seeing it was early morning and far less eerie out that it had been the night before she felt rather confident the danger was gone… for now. She slowly set the carcass of the saurid down before the pillar as she looked up at it with her keen piercing eyes. Slowly she shed her favored form gifted to her once she became a follower of Gonk and his pack of Raptari years past. She brushed her hand along her giant white hawk and softly sighed as she’d slowly kneel one knee, then the other as she assumed a position of prayer before the pillar, head canting back as her eyes closed and she held her hands out on either side of her. “Hear me oh Loa of the found. Hear me and what I have to offer you.” She said in a loud, strong trance-like voice. “This island of Zul’rokh is troubled. It has been lost and found again and your people have come to return it to its former glory. A home, worthy of your presence once more.” She said remaining steadfast as she felt a breeze start to pick up carrying the strong scent of the salty sea nearby. “To you Krag’wa, Loa, Guardian strong, to you I offer my services to protect the small, the meek and those who need it most.To the creatures of this isle as we bring them here to be or those that already exist they will have my protection and my service to see that they flourish. For those who are meek and need help most, I have already put others here that were in need before myself. Look to me and my deeds and know this is true as it shall continue to be. I return home on the morrow to seek a way to find answers to help those in need here, to find supplies and hope for what I intend to bring here and for a cure to save another. This will be my home, of this I have no doubt. And thus I will protect it with all that I am if you would only offer to me your strength to make this isle a home worth saving. A great feast will also be offered in your name once we have the means to provide such with the fruits of our labors.” She went silent, shifting her head a bit as she breathed in deeply and spoke once more. “To you Halazzi Loa of the lynx, to you I offer this bit of food I’ve taken of the isle itself. It is small but this is all it has to offer right now. So I ask you for the wisdom and speed to bring to this isle what is needed to make it fitting for a home of your kind and mine to roam once more. Protect us, and I will see to it your people come here to give their thanks in offerings of prey worthy of your fangs.” Again she fell silent, shifting her focus and her senses as she rolled her head back further. “To you Akunda, Loa of storms and new beginnings. To you, I offer you the promise of -our- new beginning here. This isle is full of regret and sorrow in the spirits that haunt it. We seek the power of your storm to cleanse it. The strength to cleanse our minds of our fears and those that try to ward us away. This isle will be our home, a home worthy of your followers and our people. Not just the Zandalari but all troll kind who wish to live here together. Think of those who we could bring to ya in this promise of a new start. Of myself, I offer the promise of my own good works for what I intend to bring to this isle and the people of the Dominion.” And finally, a smile came to her face as she seemed to light up some and strength filled her lungs and being as she spoke with a fondness in her spirit. “Gonk, oh mighty Gonk. My Loa the great hunter and master of shapes. I have followed your desire to come here and to find a new people. To make myself worthy of a pack anew and to start one of my own. I have finally come to understand why you sent me here and have found the answers I seek. Quick of mind and sharp of claw you were right to send me on my way. But in this home I have found we seek your aid even here. You know that I intend to reinhabit this isle with the creatures small and large, predator and prey. You know that I have arranged to bring supplies so I may start to build the pens to protect those we bring till this isle is safe to set them free. Guide me as you always have oh Loa and see that I bring life to this isle once more in your honor. Do this, and I will promise to you that once my pack is ready to run here within our home you will have our first great hunt and we will share in its spoils.” A long deep breath in and out as she felt the breeze still blowing along her pale scaled skin. She’d slowly open her eyes as she looked once more to the pillar and to those Loa who she had honored this day. Time would tell if they heard her, time would tell if she’d prove worthy. But she stood confident and full of that conviction to see it all through as she turned and looked to the isle beyond the temple. This, would be her home. And here, she would find and start her new pack. As thoughts of a certain few within the Dominion filled her mind who would be at her side to see this through a determined smile filled her feral features as she’d turn to make her leave and get ready to set sail back home to begin.
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shadowphoenixrider · 5 years
SPR’s Horde characters
Draggka ♀ Darkspear troll Hunter (Marksmanship)
Younger sister of Dranka, Draggka has protected Azeroth and its people with her loyal raptor companion Spike from the numerous threats that have arisen. During the campaign to stop Garrosh in the Alternate Draenor, she fell in love with Archmage Khadgar, they later married after the Legion’s 3rd invasion. Despite being loyal to the Horde, Draggka has unofficially left, due to Sylvanas’s actions. She is currently pregnant with her and Khadgar’s first child, Zal’ria.
Dranka ♂ Darkspear troll Druid (Feral)
Old brother of Draggka, he was presumed dead after being kidnapped by Zalazane’s thralls. However, he escaped and lived with the druids, becoming one himself. He finally returned to Draggka after the Echo Isles were retaken, and reintegrate himself into society. He was instrumental in getting his sister and Khadgar together, and looks upon the relationship favourably. After Draggka retired from adventuring due to her pregnancy, Dranka took up a Heart of Azeroth and the Speaker of the Horde mantle in her place.
Zal’ria ♀ Half-Troll Mage (Frost)
Oldest daughter of Draggka and Khadgar, she was accidentally conceived on their honeymoon, coming into the world sometime during the war between the Alliance and Horde. Raised both in Karazhan and Dalaran, she grew into an accomplished mage, not least due to her father and her Uncle Medivh, who has taken her under his wing as his apprentice. Although she identifies more with the Horde due to her mixed race, Zal’ria is not part of either faction, and refuses to engage in combat with any of them.
Khara ♀ Half-Troll Shaman (Enhancement)
Youngest daughter of Draggka and Khadgar, even though it seems the other way around, Khara was also a happy accident. Unlike her sister, however, she is boisterous and almost always ready for a fight - woe betide anyone who insults her family. Instead of the arcane arts, Khara heard the elementals, and was trained by several shaman to harness her powers. She is closer to the Horde than Zal’ria, but has refused to take the Blood Oath, under advice of her mother.
Harnaka Fireforge ♀ Orc Shaman (Enhancement)
An orphaned orc adopted by a troll and orc pair, Harnaka was going to follow in the path of her mothers by learning how to smith. The discovery of her connection to the elements led her to becoming a shaman, although she uses them in her smithing now. She has known Draggka since they both began inventing, and they are very close friends. She has recently began a relationship with Cayeli.
Aiyaona Grimtotem ♀ Tauren Paladin (Protection)
One of the few Grimtotem that remain in Thunder Bluff, Aiyaona constantly harbours guilt about her tribe’s actions, and tries do things so that other members of the Horde never question her loyalty (which is becoming challenged in light of Sylvanas’s leadership). Painfully shy, the only people she really opens up to are Draggka and her group of friends. However, she is getting much closer to the Highmountain tauren Jeipuh, and some suspect romance is in the air between them.
Elizabone ♀ Forsaken Warlock (Demonology)
Once a priestess of the Light, Elizabone turned to darker magics after her mind was freed from the Scourge, believing the Light had forsaken her in her darkest hour. Although possesses a cynical attitude, her time in the Plaguelands and long friendship with Draggka and the others softened Elizabone’s grudge against Life. She always wears a veil to cover the lower half of her face for a reason she will not divulge.
Cayeli Sunflare ♀ Blood elf Monk (Windwalker)
Cayeli is one of the two black sheep in her staunchly arcanist family - her older brother Solaen was lost and presumed dead, only to be revealed in the Legion’s 3rd invasion that he’d become a demon hunter. Choosing to learn to brawl with her bare hands and feet, she later refined these ways when the Pandaren came to Azeroth, becoming a monk. In a move that is likely to annoy her family further, she has began dating Harnaka.
Tinkerspring ♀ Goblin Priest (Holy)
In typical goblin fashion, Tinkerspring uses her ‘faith’ in the Light to make money, and when that doesn’t work, she has health potions to sell too. However, unlike her twin brother Fizzlespring (a mage who has a habit of setting fire to his debtors), she possesses a softer heart, and will occasionally treat people for free in dire situations. Her friends rely on her skills and appreciate her courtesy at not charging them for her healing powers. 
Lasai Vustri ♀ Nightborne Mage (Fire)
A privileged mage in Suramar, Lasai subtly aided the Nightfallen resistance against Elisande by providing masquerades to rebels and arcwine to the needy, as well as sabotaging the disguises of Elisande’s infiltrators. Excited to explore the outside world, Lasai befriended Draggka and later managed to provide Khadgar with a Zandalari disguise so he could meet her in private. She also sews in her spare time, and made the magic carpet she relies on for transportation.
Jeipuh Proudleaf ♀ Highmountain Tauren Warrior (Protection)
Whilst Jeipuh came from a line of herbalists and druids, she decided to become a warrior, and distinguished herself enough to become one of Mayla Highmountain’s bodyguards. She met Aiyaona during the Legion’s 3rd invasion, and the two became fast friends. When Mayla granted Jeipuh indefinite leave, she joined Aiyaona to see the world beyond the Broken Isles.
Tamorn Mellowbrew ♂ Orc Monk (Brewmaster)
Orphaned as a baby, Tamorn was found by a Pandaren pair and raised as their own, hence his unusual surname and upright posture. He learnt the ways of a Brewmaster from his parents, and has become a loose friend of Draggka and her company, who often come to him if they need someone to distract the enemy. When not fighting, he is often formulating other brews or maintaining his hair and beard braids. Tamorn was wounded after the Battle for the Undercity, and has taken up carpentry while he recovers.
Razla Forewatch ♀ Mag’har Orc Hunter (Survival)
A member of the Warsong tribe from the alternate Draenor, Razla was only too happy to come to Azeroth, to test herself against the wilds. She used to hunt alone, until she came across a hyena she bonded with after it  inexplicably defended her from an ambush. With Shenzi by her side, Razla continues her mostly solo exploits, helping the Horde only when its motives satisfy hers.
Jala’wi ♀ Zandalari Paladin (Retribution)
A prelate of Rezan, Jala’wi devotes her life to protecting Zandalar, though always nursed a curiosity about what was beyond the island’s shores. Her questions were answered by the arrival of the Horde, in the tow of Talanji. After Rezan was killed, she found a new Loa in the form of Torcali, drawing on her vow to protect her people. She has also now left Zandalar to protect her people from the threats that seek to destroy them and Azeroth. And seeing the rest of the world is a good bonus too.
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fawkes-rinzler · 5 years
That moment when
You always play Feral Druid but the Zandalari Moonkin form makes you wanna go Balance! 
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susiron · 6 years
God I have so many druids in WoW and I pretty much just play feral on all of them for some reason (sometimes offspec resto, rarely guardian)
I have:
Aethranne and Scavens the worgens (tho been thinking of remaking Scavens as something else). Aeth is my main character of the lot
Gull the tauren
Pigeonfoot and Caribou the highmountain tauren
Fenka the troll
And then Nuisance and Svena the night elves (Svena being a new “Peacecraft” character)
BUT THEN kul tiran and zandalari druids are right around the corner and you can bet your ass I’m making MORE FUCKING DRUIDS!! I already have names picked out and saved with placeholder characters. My kul tiran druid is gonna be Balsa, and my zandalari druid is gonna be either Toucan or Saur— possibly both. Thinking I might make myself play balance with Toucan since it would be very fitting with the zandalari moonkin form (which I like a lot better than the general moonkin form)
But man I am constantly pushing at the character limit for my account (please Blizz, 50 aint enough for all these classes and races!!) and every time I get the Need to make a new character I have to go thru my list of characters and I just can’t dwindle down my druid hoard I love them all a lot!!
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tallgrassstore · 6 years
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With Battle for Azeroth right around the corner, I think this Throwback Thursday post should be dedicated to the Kul Tiran Feral Druid commission I made a few months back!! This kitty is still one of my pride and joy creations. They turned out so incredibly well and I'm still so happy with the outcome. Which new Druid race are you most looking forward to, Kul Tiran or Zandalari? Personally I love the KT Feral form a lot, but the Moonkin Zandalari form will be the first thing that might finally get me to try Balance Druid! Useful links; Find me on Etsy: http://TheTallGrass.Etsy.com/ Follow me on DeviantArt: http://TallGrassArt.deviantart.com/ Daily updates on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetallgrass/ Support new Amigurumi: https://ko-fi.com/TheTallGrass
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koszmar-zycie · 6 years
I would love to hear about Ja'zara if you're still doing that prompt.
01. Full name: Ja’zara
02. Best friend: It might sound weird, but she doesn’t really have one. Not because there isn't someone she trusts that much, but because there isn’t any one person who kind of stands out above the others.
03. Sexuality: Straight, but also open-minded to other options in theory, if it seemed ‘right’.
04. Favorite color: She has a fondness for the kind of rich and varied greens that come in the malachite stone, which she also wears as a favored jewelery.
05. Relationship status: Single
06. Ideal mate: Someone loyal and capable, who cares about their people and Loa (if any, not a requirement), but also cares about their traditions. 
07. Turn-ons: Loyalty and faith are the biggest keys for Ja’Zara. Of course nobody wants someone who will leave them or be disloyal, but whether for a partner or friend, Ja’Zara’s important keys are staying true to each other, having faith in something, and thinking and acting for one another. A sort of pack mentality.
08. Favorite food: Roasted and barbecued pork. Seafood is ‘okay’ with her, but her favorites are pork.
09. Crushes: Currently none, but there’s a couple trolls she wants to hang out with!
10. Favorite music: Troll drums and assorted flutes and other more ‘earthy’ music. Shu’halo cultural music also intrigues her for similar reasons.
11. Biggest fear: Losing her connection to, and disappointing or angering the master of shapes, and Loa Lord of the Pack, Gonk, now that she’s made a pact and devoted herself to him.
12. Biggest fantasy: "Dat be none of ya business.” Is what she would say. But it would definitely involve a tropical beach.
13. Bad habits: Probably laziness that she has. She’s very active, and motivated. But sometimes when she has definitive free time, she’ll allow herself to just plop down and do nothing. Very cat like, which is ironic considering her favor for feral druidism. Her druid mentors on the Echo Isles often thought the shape itself influenced her attitude, particularly while in that form.
14. Biggest regret: There really hasn’t been one yet. She tries her best to not have to make decisions that result in regret, and also to understand that there always WILL be things that do so unavoidably. So to let those ones that aren’t possible to escape bother you would be pointless. 
15. Best kept secrets: Again, as far as she can think of, there isn’t a secret or anything that’s been kept. She’s a trustworthy woman, especially with her tendencies to alternate between being social and being on her own. But up to this point, there hasn’t been anything that’s needed keeping. At least nothing beyond little simple things, like a fellow Troll asking her to not tell the love-interest that he likes her or other things like that. “small stuff”.
16. Last thought: "If I eat dat whole boar while I’m a big cat, will it explode when me stomach shrinks back down to me troll form?”
17. Worst romantic experience: During the final stages of the end of the Burning Legion’s final invasion, a Worgen druid tried to be bold with her in the Dreamgrove. She thought it could be worth a shot, so they had a ‘date’ of sorts by wandering off into the Dreamgrove’s tangled and more secluded reaches. But he was a bit much. Insistent and also unsure. Tried to take control for things as simple as where to sit or walk or other pointless things. It really ruined the potential, so Ja’Zara did her best to let him down gently. Before shifting into cat form and darting off into the vines in stealth-mode.
18. Biggest insecurity: That her abilities as a Feral path druid are enough to serve Gonk and her people. She often considers other druidic paths, but the feral route is the one that calls to her the most. While she’s confident in that path, it’s the lack of flexibility that concerns her.
19. Weapon of choice: Her claws. As before, her wild shapes are her biggest ally, and while in her core Troll form, she carries either a staff or even polearm, her prefers to simply be unarmed so she can transform when needed.
20. Role Model: Wardruid Loti. Intriguingly, despite having met her while exploring and learning, and helping the Zandalari Trolls when the Horde moved to recruit them, she learned that Loti was a Wardruid of Gonk after Ja’Zara had made her pact with Gonk himself. It was a convenient thing, and she became even more fond of the woman afterwards. While she hasn’t served any kind of mentor or guidance role for practicing her druidic magic, Ja’Zara still keeps her in very high regard, due to her strong nature and reverence for their Loa.
Thanks @stonestridernerd! That’s good, actually, since I was hoping someone would ask about Ja’Zara!
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