It took 33 years, but Bo Duke will finally get to jump the General Lee this weekend
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John Schneider (l) poses with co-stars Tom Wopat and Ben Jones in the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard, circa 1983. (Photo by Fotos International/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
John Schneider has a lot of credits on his résumé, including his current starring role on the OWN series Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots, as well as a hit-making musical catalog that spans several decades. However, for many out there, there’s only one way to think of him: He still is — and always will be — “Bo Duke” from beloved classic show The Dukes of Hazzard.
That’s A-OK with Schneider. In fact, he’s even celebrating his most famous role this weekend in a completely Bo-centric way. For his 58th birthday on Apr. 8, he will do something he’s never done. He’s going to jump the Dukes’ famous orange car, the General Lee, over a ravine at his ranch in Louisiana —  and fans are invited to come watch.
Now some folks, especially the new-generation wave of youngsters who are just now starting to enjoy series re-runs with their parents, might be shocked to learn that Schneider was never behind the wheel when the 1969 Dodge Charger routinely performed a hair-raising stunt on the CBS series. 
“All these years people thought I jumped the General Lee,” Schneider says, citing how he’s seen fans’ faces “just drop” when he admits he never did. “It’s almost like fraud! So I decided I had to do it — and if I’m going to do it, I need to do it now.”
Catching air over a Louisiana swamp might sound a tad treacherous, but Schneider assures us he’s going to be in good hands under the direction of Jack Gill, a stunt man he’s known since high school. “He not only was one of my doubles on Dukes of Hazzard, he went on to be the stunt coordinator on every Fast and Furious movie that they’ve done. So if Jack says ‘This is safe, you can do it’ — it’s safe and I can do it.
“But, I’m still looking at this … swamp,” he adds, bursting into laughter. “And I’m thinking, it’s kind of like, you can’t send someone to the dentist for you? That’s a lot of faith in a 40+ year friendship, but I’m gonna do it.”
Schneider says that his main concern is hitting the precise speed he needs to complete the stunt, which translates to about 50 mph as the sweet spot for clearing the swamp. “[That’s] plenty fast on a dirt road,” he says.
A dry dirt road, that is. “If we have any rain between now and then, that’s going to be an issue for me,” he admits.
So, is he checking the weather app obsessively on his phone? “I never look at that. It’s never right,” he deadpans, then adds, almost as an afterthought, “It’s supposed to rain tonight.”
If that suspense weren’t enough, there’s even more to add to the fun: Schneider, realizing that the General Lee has no reason to make a jump unless there’s someone in hot pursuit, set out to find someone who’d sit in for the role of Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane (portrayed by the late James Best, who passed in 2015). 
Big shoes to fill? No problem. Schneider called upon one of his buddies, retired NASCAR star Carl Edwards, to do the honor. The pair met after Schneider sang the national anthem at a race, and Edwards sent word he’d like to take a lap in Schneider’s car. “I had my own General Lee there,” he explains. “I thought ‘That’ll be fun.'”
The two traded off laps, with Schneider hitting 120 mph to Edwards’s 150 — “And we were friends ever since,” the actor says.
Schneider’s big stunt won’t be the end of his birthday celebration. The entire three-day weekend, Bo’s Extravaganza, will be celebrated with a Southern-style swamp bash, at which his Haves co-stars Renee Lawless and Peter Parros, Dukes co-star Tom Wopat, country music stars Kix Brooks and Paul Overstreet, Duck Dynasty‘s Mountain Man, and more will be attending.
If Schneider himself makes it safely through the jump — or has any nerves left after it — he’ll be performing music himself. Tickets are available to the general public starting at $20 for a one-day pass (more info here).
Schneider plans to make the event an annual thing… yes, he plans to make that jump every single year, complete with a different “Rosco” chasing him.
Another endeavor that Schneider has been revisiting of late is his musical career, which he returned to in 2017. This year, he decided to make another “jump” and tackle a monumental project. He’s releasing a new song each week of 2018, with the full collection — dubbed The Odyssey — available at the end of the year.
“I was in the music business for a long time, and I stopped for a longer time,” he says. “[I’m] trying to make up for lost time … doing an entire body of work in one calendar year, why not?”
He’s working with a slate of top country songwriters, such as Overstreet, Chuck Cannon, Bill Anderson, and more on the project — “So that’s why Sunday’s so important,” he jokes. “I gotta [finish this].”
Speaking of music, back to that jump. Does Schneider plan to have Waylon Jennings’s famous Dukes theme song, “Good Ol’ Boys,” blasting when he attempts the feat?
“Well, why not,” laughs the actor. “I’m going to be wearing the yellow shirt!”
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ethanalter · 6 years
Nicolas Cage is fairly certain social media would make him 'very paranoid'
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Nicolas Cage stars in the new psychological drama, ‘Looking Glass’ (Photo: Momentum Pictures /Courtesy Everett Collection)
Nicolas Cage doesn’t have to have an Internet presence to be a major presence on the Internet. The famously eccentric actor was one of the earliest online celebrity memes, and remains a subject of intense fascination in even the most far-flung corners of the world wide web, much to his amusement. “I’m aware of that phenomenon,” he told Yahoo Entertainment in 2016. “I have no explanation for it… [but] I’m going to go with viewing it as a positive thing; it keeps the work alive and people interested, and there’s something to be said for having an impact in a new kind of cultural world.”
It’s a world that Cage himself has zero interest in exploring, though. When we caught up with the Oscar-winner recently to discuss his new psychological drama Looking Glass, he emphasized that he’s happy to remain an analogue guy in a digital world. “I made a specific decision not to become part of that club, because I’m old school,” Cage says, adding that he always aspired to cultivate the same “enigmatic aura” as vintage movie stars like Humphrey Bogart, whose gravel voice he imitated to memorable effect in Paul Schrader’s 2016 film Dog Eat Dog. “You always wondered about them, because they weren’t that accessible. I know that’s antithetical to what most people believe today. I feel like most young actors today want to have a Twitter account and followers, and that’s part of the profile — part of the way they get their name in the paper. I’ve just always been anti that.”
One of the other side effects of social media is that it transforms users into voyeurs, peering into other peoples’ lives through their Facebook status updates and Instagram snapshots. And voyeurism is the subject at the center of Looking Glass, which unfolds at a desert motel recently purchased by married couple Ray and Maggie (Cage and Robin Tunney). Exploring his property one night, Ray discovers that one of the rooms comes tricked out with a two-way mirror, allowing him to observe the illicit activities his guests engage in when they’re (supposedly) alone.
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Cage plays peeping tom in ‘Looking Glass’ (Photo: Momentum Pictures /Courtesy Everett Collection)
Cage says that he’s long been fascinated by the subject of voyeurism, and directly connects it to the act of being in, or even simply watching, a movie. “There’s something about it that photographs well,” he explains, pointing to Peeping Tom and Rear Window as two classic examples of voyeuristic cinema. “It’s almost like we’re being voyeurs watching the movie — we’re watching someone who is watching someone else onscreen, so it almost becomes kind of cubist.”
Over the course of Looking Glass, Ray goes from being a casual peeping tom into a full-blown obsessive. That loss of self-control may be another reason why Cage is adamant about staying off of social media lest he risk becoming a digital voyeur. “I don’t go on Facebook, and I don’t have an Instagram or Twitter account. I’m sure that I would have a much more active social life if I did! I’d probably meet a lot of people. But that’s dangerous, too. I’m not so sure I’d want to meet a girl on Instagram and then find out she’s seeing all kinds of other guys on Instagram. I like meeting someone the old-fashioned way, like in a restaurant or a bookstore or a grocery store , and say ‘Hello,’ and suddenly there’s a connection. I’m fairly certain that the virtual world would make me very, very paranoid.”
Looking Glass is currently playing in theaters and on VOD and Digital HD. Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:
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lyndsey-parker · 7 years
‘The Voice’ Playoffs, pt. 2: Have a little faith in Team Adam
On Tuesday, Blake Shelton was declared the Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine, but he may soon be feeling like the Stupidest Coach Alive, when his longtime Voice rival (and People’s Sexiest Man of 2013), Adam Levine, wins this Voice season with ex-Team Blake country contestant Adam Cunningham. “As happy as that makes me for you, it makes me feel really stupid, because you were on my team,” Blake told Adam C. this Tuesday, when Cunningham kicked off the Team Adam episode of Voice Season 13 Playoffs with a heartfelt cover of John Hiatt’s “Have a Little Faith in Me.” Perhaps Blake should have had a little more faitch in Adam C.
Adam L.’s fellow coach Miley Cyrus might also be kicking herself with her fancy star-spangled boots in a few weeks’ time, because her former contestant, Addison Agen, also has a fantastic chance of making it to the finale. “Dang, Addison is probably gonna win this, and Adam’s gonna really shove it in my face,” Miley mused after she heard Addison’s gorgeous take on John Prine’s “Angel From Montgomery. How interesting it is that Team Adam’s two strongest singers this season — the only two singers who received standing ovations Tuesday night — are Steals. Levine really does know how to play the game.
Here’s my recap of all six Playoffs performances from Tuesday:
Adam Cunningham
Looking all beardy and Stapleton-y and serving Grizzly Adams/Marlboro Man realness, Cunningham crooned “Have a Little Faith in Me” with a ton of Southern-rock soul and true grit. Miley summed it up nicely with her side comment, “My mom is going to be loving him!” Adam C. is indeed the kind of rugged, Wakefieldian everyman that’ll easily charm every housewife in the South and Midwest.
“You blessed my spirit with that. I felt your energy,” said Jennifer Hudson. “There’s no easier and quicker way to my heart than someone who makes Blake Shelton feel stupid,” quipped a gloating Levine. Adam the L shouldn’t get too cocky, just yet, but Blake definitely should be worried. Cunningham may not be as outgoing and wacky as Team Blake’s Hee-Haw-ready Red Marlow, but this is the country dude who has my Season 13 vote.
Whitney Fenimore
Last week, Whitney simpered some treacly Train ballad and almost had to take a train back home. Wrong. Song. Choice. But thankfully, Adam picked her as his Comeback Contestant, and he must have been reading my Knockout Rounds recap from last week (hi, Adam!), because he clearly heeded my advice and gave her a much more suitable Sheryl Crow song. While a couple of the coaches thought Whitney sounded labored during the very tricky low verses of “If It Makes You Happy” (“To have a cool rocker guitar chick would be awesome… but I feel like the complete first half of the song was a struggle,” griped Blake), I enjoyed her sleepy/sexy rasp and general guitar-slinging badassedness, and everyone agreed she sounded great when she powerfully belted the chorus.
“I think the hardest part of that song was what you were doing perfectly, which was the soaring big note there. That’s almost impossible to do. That’s really, really hard. So you showed me a lot of strength and a lot of things that I didn’t know about you vocally. I’m really, really happy,” said Adam.
Emily Luther
Emily was assigned the Adele version of the Cure’s “Lovesong,” which was a triple-challenge: Adele is one of the best singers of her generation (or any generation); the Cure are the BEST BAND OF ALL TIME (this is fact); and Candice Glover created one of the BEST AMERICAN IDOL MOMENTS EVER when she did this arrangement in 2013. (Sorry for the all-caps, but this is serious business here.) Emily created another challenge for herself when she expressed her desire to conjure a cinematic, “Bond-theme” vibe during her performance. Emily may have Bassey-level pipes, but none of her stuffy performances this season have exhibited that Shirley swagger.
Emily sounded, as Blake put it, “so professional and ready and poised.” She always does. But something was missing. Her vocals on point, of course — she’s the technically finest singer of Season 13 — and Jennifer even called this “a flawless performance,” but perfection can be boring. There was no passion here. Keep in mind, Robert Smith wrote “Lovesong” as a wedding present for his wife. But Emily just sounded like a wedding singer to me.
Adam was feeling the love, however. “This is such a huge step in the right direction for you, because it’s making people understand even more the human side, the soulful side of you,” he told Emily. “I think this is a great progression for you.”
Anthony Alexander
I know I’m going to sound like Goldilocks here, but while Emily was too perfect, teenage Anthony was too raw. (Ironically, he performed an Ed Sheeran ballad titled “Perfect.” It wasn’t.) Neither were “just right.” Anthony’s vocal lines trailed off unsatisfyingly, he seemed disconnected from the loved-up lyrics, and his stage presence was lacking. He had this vacant, vaguely terrified look throughout, like Cindy Brady on a kiddie quiz show.
“I still detect a lot of nerves. I know that you’re 18, and that’s probably what it boils down to. But I hope you know that you are super-talented,” Blake said kindly. Adam, who’s always had a soft spot for Anthony similar to Jennifer’s fondness for teen Team J.Hud hopeful Shi’Ann Jones, still seemed confident in his young charge. “It’s not a matter of if you’ll be ready, it’s a matter of when,” he asserted. “You have a tremendous voice with tremendous potential. I see a lot of improvement, and I am 100 percent proud of you, man.” I just hoped Adam wouldn’t make the same mistake with Anthony that Jennifer made Monday with Shi’Ann. This show needs for ready-for-primetime players.
Jon Mero
Jon’s “Blame It on the Boogie” Knockout Rounds performance last week was montaged and kept off YouTube, which didn’t bode well for his chances. What I could see of it, however, was pure corporate-party-band cheese with a side of extra cheese, topped with more cheese. I was not  fan. But it turns out we can indeed blame it on the boogie, because when Jon dropped his Jacksons-esque dancing-machine shtick this week and simply, sentimentally crooned Adele’s bittersweet “When We Were Young,” he was so much more believable, relatable, and likable. Without all of his distracting party tricks, I finally was able to notice Jon’s impressive vocal range. The man can saaaang. Finally, he connected.
“Your voice, it seriously is like a laser; it just cuts through everything. … You’re more than ready for this,” marveled Blake. “You’re so multi-talented. You didn’t dance today, and I loved that. You sang from your heart,” said Adam.
Addison Agen
Closing the show wearing milkmaid braids and exuding rosy-cheeked, country-girl charm, Addison may have looked her age (16), but she performed the Bonnie Raitt version of “Angel From Montgomery” with incredible maturity, somehow combining the poise and grace of Emily Luther with the youthful fragility of Anthony Alexander. This wasn’t Addison’s best vocal, but her warm tone and ethereal stage presence was still a magical enough combination for Adam to call her a “unicorn” — a label he once gave Team Adam champ Jordan Smith, mind you.
“You have so much character in your voice that would normally have to come from somebody who’s been doing this for 20 years and smoking cigarettes every day and drinking whiskey, and luckily for you, you got to skip all that horrifying stuff,” said Blake. “You’re just born with this understanding of how to convey a lyric. If you don’t move forward into the Lives, I’m gonna have somebody cut Adam’s brakes.”
Thankfully, Adam didn’t need to worry about driving home from the Voice set, as he did pick Addison to move forward to the live shows, along with Adam Cunningham and Jon Mero. Jon looked utterly shocked, but I wasn’t. Though I’d been rooting for Whitney, in the end, I agreed with all of Adam’s decisions tonight.
Come back Wednesday, when Team Miley’s contestants compete, and then we will have finally our top 12.
Follow Lyndsey on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Amazon, Tumblr, Spotify
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dorayfung · 7 years
All The Fall 2017 Trends You Need to Know From the Four Fashion Capitals
Fashion week started at the beginning of February in New York and after 4 and bit weeks, it just ended in Paris with the Louis Vuitton show. So, four fashion capital cities, New York, London, Milan and Paris, what did we learn? Is couture street wear still a thing? Do people care about the new President and the state of the world or fashion shows? Yes to them all! If all shows were as out of this world as a Chanel show or as fun of a celebration as Stella McCartney or as breathtakingly beautiful as the Alexander McQueen show, then fashion show is most definitely not passé! But how would these trends translate and what does it even mean to the average Joe or Joanne? Look closely for in a few months, you will start to see more pants suits for women, more elegance in windows of your local mall and maybe even a hint of some space age inspired motif or an abundance of glitter coming your way! Then you can revisit this feature and thank us for letting you know about it here first.
Let’s keep in touch! Follow Yahoo Style + Beauty on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Related: 9 Essential Trends to Know From New York Fashion London Fashion Week’s Top Trends 6 Need-to-Know Trends from Milan Fashion Week
 A good suit is always in style. This fall, the pants suit takes on a looser silhouette so wearing a pant suit should not feel stiff or stuffy but rather chic, empowering and confident AF.
A model walks the runway at Gabriela Hearst’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Celine’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Remember the bright, padded sports jackets you used to be embarrassed to wear as a kid? Well, be ashamed no more and wear yours with pride this fall. Miu Miu, Versace, Fenty by Puma all did variations of this retro padded sports jacket to keep us warm, waterproof, and much more chic.
A model walks the runway at Versace’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Fenty by Puma’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Chanel’s rocket in the middle of the Grand Palais sealed the deal on this intergalactic vibe or maybe we are all ready to take to see what else is out there. From rockets to silver space age style accessories to space ships at Christopher Kane, this fall, take a leap to the unknown.
A model walks the runway at Christopher Kane’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
The sleeve has been spliced, diced, deconstructed and oversized the past few seasons and this fall, it gets it a role all on its own. It may be a colorful sleeve or perhaps an exaggerated sleeve, but the main act this fall belongs to the arms! Yes it does.
A model walks the runway at Junya Watanabe’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Dries Van Noten’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Calvin Klein’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Every picture does tell a story and this fall, we have a scene from Twin Peaks from MSGM, a cold eastern Europe village from Stella Jean and ordnance survey maps from Celine. Look closely, it’s not what it seems.
A model walks the runway at Celine’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Stella Jean’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at No.21’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at MSGM’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Isa Arfen’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Courtesy of Isa Arfen)
A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Evening wear takes on two very different directions this fall. There’s the super-chic elegance of demi-couture, which is timeless and classic. And then there’s the clothes you wear when you are under a certain age and have a killer body so why not flaunt it?! French girls carry this look off superbly and very matter of fact, but if you do dare, try going short, black, and show plenty of skin!
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Coutesy of Carmen March)
A model walks the runway at Versus’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Balmain’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
all it gathering, scrunching, or bunching, fall is not about smooth finished but more about how to maximize the drama of a dress, pants or a neckline.
A model walks the runway at Molly Goddard’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Koche Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at J.W. Anderson’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Jacquemus’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Camp it up people, camp it up — because lord knows, we all need the glamor and the fun these days! Thanks to Jeremy Scott, Ashish, Halpern and Saint Laurent, the proof is in the glitter. Dancing is required when in colorful sequin, you have been warned!
A model walks the runway at Valentino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Oscar de la Renta’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Monse’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Halpern’s Fall 2017 show in Lomdon (Photo: Courtesy of Halpern)
Part big bird, part cookie monster, the outerwear this fall is color, texture and plenty of fur, mohair and relaxed shearling. The best part about this, man made furs are just as fun and about 1/10th of the price!
A model walks the runway at Pucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Versace’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Prada’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Miu Miu’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Hermes’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Fendi’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Evening wear returns to an old world elegance, thanks to Balenciaga. Naked dresses covered in crystals, this is not — and thank goodness for that! Demi-couture handiwork, cut to perfection and looking very expensive: this is the other side of evening wear come this fall.
A model walks the runway at Oscar de la Renta’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Johanna Ortiz’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Johanna Ortiz)
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Balenciaga’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Has the cape ever been out of style? No, but what we do have come fall is the various different types of capes on offer. Gucci is giving a dramatic high priestess mood, a lady like pink from Valentino, a sleek grey cashmere cape coat from Maxmara that literally screams luxe! So yes, the cape continues to be a staple come fall.
A model walks the runway at Valenrino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Maxmara’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Bottega Veneta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretti’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Suitable for the office or for after hours, the blazer dress takes center stage this fall. Pants are definitely not needed here, just killer heels and plenty of sex appeal.
A model walks the runway at Mugler’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Marques Almeida’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Carmen March)
A model walks the runway at Atlein’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Alessandra Rich’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Alessandra Rich)
A celebration of the heartland from Coach with prairie style dresses to the reimagined American flag from Raf Simmons at Calvin Klein and newcomer Vaquera literally dressed the flag to the cowboys in the midwest from Henry Holland and Ashley Williams in London. America is still pretty great.
A model walks the runway at No.21’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Maison Martin Margiela’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Calvin Klein’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Ashley Willims’ Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Ashish’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A full leather look is coming your way, and we are not talking about the Cat Woman meets biker chick look. A more feminine shape and color as seen at Loewe to a pleated black leather dress that is softly tough from Valentino. This fall, beware of the woman clad in leather — she is not as soft as you think she is!
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Working Girl
A good suit is always in style. This fall, the pants suit takes on a looser silhouette so wearing a pant suit should not feel stiff or stuffy but rather chic, empowering and confident AF.
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A model walks the runway at Gabriela Hearst’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Celine’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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Sporting Hero
Remember the bright, padded sports jackets you used to be embarrassed to wear as a kid? Well, be ashamed no more and wear yours with pride this fall. Miu Miu, Versace, Fenty by Puma all did variations of this retro padded sports jacket to keep us warm, waterproof, and much more chic.
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A model walks the runway at Versace’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Fenty by Puma’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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Outer Space
Chanel’s rocket in the middle of the Grand Palais sealed the deal on this intergalactic vibe or maybe we are all ready to take to see what else is out there. From rockets to silver space age style accessories to space ships at Christopher Kane, this fall, take a leap to the unknown.
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A model walks the runway at Christopher Kane’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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The sleeve has been spliced, diced, deconstructed and oversized the past few seasons and this fall, it gets it a role all on its own. It may be a colorful sleeve or perhaps an exaggerated sleeve, but the main act this fall belongs to the arms! Yes it does.
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Junya Watanabe’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Dries Van Noten’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Calvin Klein’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Picture Perfect
Every picture does tell a story and this fall, we have a scene from Twin Peaks from MSGM, a cold eastern Europe village from Stella Jean and ordnance survey maps from Celine. Look closely, it’s not what it seems.
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A model walks the runway at Stella Jean’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at No.21’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at MSGM’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model at Isa Arfen’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Courtesy of Isa Arfen)
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A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Let\’s go Party
Evening wear takes on two very different directions this fall. There’s the super-chic elegance of demi-couture, which is timeless and classic. And then there’s the clothes you wear when you are under a certain age and have a killer body so why not flaunt it?! French girls carry this look off superbly and very matter of fact, but if you do dare, try going short, black, and show plenty of skin!
Source: Yahoo Style
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Lets Go Party!
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Coutesy of Carmen March)
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Lets\’s Go Party!
A model walks the runway at Versus’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Balmain’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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Le Ruched
all it gathering, scrunching, or bunching, fall is not about smooth finished but more about how to maximize the drama of a dress, pants or a neckline.
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Le Ruche
A model walks the runway at Molly Goddard’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Koche Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at J.W. Anderson’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Jacquemus’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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Camp it up people, camp it up — because lord knows, we all need the glamor and the fun these days! Thanks to Jeremy Scott, Ashish, Halpern and Saint Laurent, the proof is in the glitter. Dancing is required when in colorful sequin, you have been warned!
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A model walks the runway at Valentino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Oscar de la Renta’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Monse’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Halpern’s Fall 2017 show in Lomdon (Photo: Courtesy of Halpern)
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Furry Creatures
Part big bird, part cookie monster, the outerwear this fall is color, texture and plenty of fur, mohair and relaxed shearling. The best part about this, man made furs are just as fun and about 1/10th of the price!
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Furry Animal
A model walks the runway at Ellery’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Pucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Prada’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Miu Miu’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Hermes’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Fendi’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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Old World Elegance
Evening wear returns to an old world elegance, thanks to Balenciaga. Naked dresses covered in crystals, this is not — and thank goodness for that! Demi-couture handiwork, cut to perfection and looking very expensive: this is the other side of evening wear come this fall.
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A model at Johanna Ortiz’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Johanna Ortiz)
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A model walks the runway at Balenciaga’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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Caped Crusader
Has the cape ever been out of style? No, but what we do have come fall is the various different types of capes on offer. Gucci is giving a dramatic high priestess mood, a lady like pink from Valentino, a sleek grey cashmere cape coat from Maxmara that literally screams luxe! So yes, the cape continues to be a staple come fall.
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A model walks the runway at Valenrino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Maxmara’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Bottega Veneta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretti’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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Blazer Dress
Suitable for the office or for after hours, the blazer dress takes center stage this fall. Pants are definitely not needed here, just killer heels and plenty of sex appeal.
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A model walks the runway at Mugler’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Marques Almeida’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Carmen March)
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A model walks the runway at Atlein’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model at Alessandra Rich’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Alessandra Rich)
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A celebration of the heartland from Coach with prairie style dresses to the reimagined American flag from Raf Simmons at Calvin Klein and newcomer Vaquera literally dressed the flag to the cowboys in the midwest from Henry Holland and Ashley Williams in London. America is still pretty great.
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A model walks the runway at Maison Martin Margiela’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Ashley Willims’ Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Ashish’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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Leather Up
A full leather look is coming your way, and we are not talking about the Cat Woman meets biker chick look. A more feminine shape and color as seen at Loewe to a pleated black leather dress that is softly tough from Valentino. This fall, beware of the woman clad in leather — she is not as soft as you think she is!
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A model walks the runway at Loewe’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Valentino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Tod’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Celine Fall 2017 show in Paris(Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Alexander McQueen Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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laurayahoo · 7 years
Our Survey Shows How Women Feel in Trump's America: Stressed, Empowered and ... Happy
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
“Stressed” is the most common word that women use right now to describe how they feel as a female in today’s world.
While that blanket statement could be taken at face value and make some powerful headlines, if you dig a little deeper you’ll find that women’s feelings on the current state of America are not black and white — but rather nuanced shades of gray. Wednesday is International Women’s Day, and Yahoo Style + Beauty surveyed a nationally-representative group of 650 American women of different ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities to find that women worried about finances (but not so much about equal pay) are basically behind the Women’s March (but say their community involvement has not changed that much since Donald Trump’s election), and, most interestingly have some very complicated feelings on the current state of feminism.
So back to being stressed. As we said, “stressed” was the top word chosen by the women survey to reflect their current state of mind. And women age 35 to 54 were the most stressed, with 40 percent giving that answer versus 34 percent in the 18 – 34 group. But women age 55+ had a decidedly different outlook than their younger peers. Their most popular sentiment was “happy,” with 37 percent choosing the answer. In fact, “happy” and “motivated” were the second most popular sentiments overall, with 29 percent of women choosing these feelings.
When broken down by race, white women’s most popular answer was “stressed.” But black women are spinning the moment into a positive, listing “motivated” as their top sentiment. Hispanic women, overall, said they feel “happy.”
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
What’s stressing women out? They’re highly concerned about money, with 69 percent choosing financial issues as a concern — and this was reflected across all ages and races. Health care came in a close second, with 66 percent of women stating that they were concerned about the ability to access or pay for health care services for themselves or their families.
Other hot-button issues, though still a concern for many women, were lower priority than the top three. Forty-one percent of women said they were concerned about workplace equality for women, while 45 percent said they were not concerned about this topic. And the lowest concern was “being a good parent” with 39 percent stating they worried about having the time and resources to be a good parent, and 49 percent saying they didn’t.
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
When it comes to the Women’s March, the majority of women support the movement: 45 percent said they supported it, and 49 percent think that activities like it have a net positive effect on society. But not many participated. In our survey, only 7 percent marched, while a whopping 93 percent did not. Why the disparity? Top reasons included not living in an area where there was a march, and, interestingly, general feelings of discomfort about marching and protesting.
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
And while 22 percent say they’ve become more involved in their communities over the past 12 months, 60 percent say nothing has changed for them. Maybe that’s because armchair activism, which, in recent months, has shifted to encompass what we’re calling t-shirt activism, is popular among women.
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
When asked how they’re taking action for causes they support, the most popular answer, at 37 percent, was by sharing articles and videos about it on social media.
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
But some of our most interesting findings we on women’s feelings on the current state of feminism. We broke out the results in a dedicated article, and are sharing the overall results here. Only 33 percent women describe themselves as feminists. Thirty-eight percent do not, and the rest are undecided. And, when further pressed, women who would like to be feminists say they’re put off by many of the ideals that modern feminism has come to embrace.
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
Fifty-five percent of women who would not describe themselves as feminists said that they did not want to be associated with the “stereotypical” view of feminism, which they saw as “loud, aggressive and complaining.” An equal number said they personally don’t feel they need the movement to attain equality. Forty-five percent of women felt that the movement was too extreme for them, and that feminists are too liberal in their views. And 42 percent said they felt isolated by the feminist movement.
They’d change their views if the feminist movement reflected more on different goals. Thirty one percent of women said that the next steps the movement should take are uniting the conservative and liberal wings around common goals, and 40 percent wants more guidance on what these goals are.  Our survey repondants listed what they think the goals of feminism should be, in order of popularity: Finances (70 percent), safety Issues (69 percent), health care (69 percent), workplace issues (69 percent) and parenting issues (63 percent).
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
When it comes to the election, 28 percent voted for Hillary Clinton, and 21 percent for Donald Trump. But a whopping 47 percent did not vote at all. Eighty percent of the women who voted for Trump said they did so because they didn’t want Hillary Clinton in the White House — beating out topics such as belief in the issues he supports (73 percent), liking that he is a political “outsider” (66 percent) and the fact that he’s a successful businessman (63 percent) as their top reason for doing so.
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(Quinn Lemmers for Yahoo Style)
And so far, the women who voted for Trump think he’s doing just fine. When asked if they could vote all over again tomorrow on the same candidates, 93 percent said they’d vote for Trump all over again.
Read more from Yahoo Style:
T-Shirt Activism Is Back — and This Time It’s for Trans Rights
Pussyhat Project Founder Has Powerful Answer for Transgender Critics
Is Ivanka Trump What ‘True Feminism’ Looks Like?
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kevinpolowy · 8 years
Sigourney Weaver on the Rise of Female Action Heroes: 'It's Been a Long Time Coming'
Ellen Ripley, the intergalactic explorer played by Sigourney Weaver in four Alien movies, has long been considered one of the greatest — if not the greatest — action heroines of all time. Yet in the 37 years since Weaver first boarded the Nostromo in 1979’s Alien, Ripley has also been a minority representative in the male-dominated action genre.
The playing field has begun to shift in recent years, however. Both DC (Wonder Woman) and Marvel (Captain Marvel) have hotly anticipated standalone female superhero movies on the horizon, and with this week’s release of Rogue One, the past two Star Wars movies have featured a woman in the lead (after last year’s Force Awakens).
“The tide is turning, but hasn’t it been a long time coming?” Weaver asked Yahoo Movies at the New York press day for her latest film, the tearjerking YA adaptation A Monster Calls. “I think it’s a long time coming in the real world, too.”
Weaver continued, “I’m very excited about it. It just shows how much our attitudes have changed because of course Ripley for the longest time was so unique in the whole lexicon of film women. And now she’s not. I love that.”
Related: Felicity Jones on Making Audiences Cry With ‘A Monster Calls’ and How Ripley Inspired Jyn Erso
In September, Rogue One star Felicity Jones, who happens to costar with Weaver in A Monster Calls, told us that her portrayal of Rebel Alliance leader Jyn Erso was inspired by Ripley.
“I’m very flattered by that,” Weaver responded. “I can’t wait to see it because I know she’s going to be wonderful… She has a lot of character, which I think makes her very watchable. I’m very excited about that.”
A Monster Calls opens in select theaters Dec. 23. Watch the trailer:
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John Boehner will resign and leave Congress
Republican House Speaker John Boehner announced Friday that he would step down from his post as the country’s No. 3 elected official and leave Congress effective Oct. 30. The bombshell announcement came a day after Boehner fulfilled his two-decade dream to host the pope at the Capitol.
Boehner, known for getting teary-eyed in public, betrayed little emotion after announcing his decision in a closed-door meeting with fellow House GOP members. “It’s a wonderful day,” he said. (Olivier Knox for Yahoo News)
See our other politics-related slideshows on Yahoo Politics.
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Announcing his resignation 
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, announces his resignation as speaker and as a member of Congress at a news conference at the Capitol on Sept. 25. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
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Wiping away tears
Boehner answers questions about his resignation at a news conference on Sept. 25. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
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Walking from his office
Boehner heads into a news conference on Sept. 25 after it was reported that he would resign from Congress. Boehner will leave the House at the end of October after struggling with repeated rebellions by conservatives during a tumultuous five-year reign as the chamber’s top Republican. (Photo: James Lawler Duggan/Reuters)
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After meeting with House Republicans
Boehner leaves a meeting with House Republicans announcing his resignation on Sept. 25. (Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
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With Vice President Biden
Boehner speaks with Vice President Joe Biden as they await the arrival of Pope Francis and his scheduled address to a joint meeting of Congress on Sept. 24. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
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Becoming emotional
Boehner with Pope Francis on the Speaker’s Balcony on Capitol Hill, Sept. 24. Between the pope and Boehner is Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California. (Photo: Susan Walsh/AP)
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Greeting the pope
Pope Francis with Boehner and Biden on Sept. 24, 2015, prior to the pope’s address to a joint meeting of Congress, in which he made history as the first pontiff to do so. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
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News conference
Boehner pauses during a news conference on Capitol Hill on July 29. (Photo: Susan Walsh/AP)
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Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
Boehner and President Obama walk down the steps of the House of Representatives after having lunch with Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2015. (Photo: Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
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Thoughtful pause
During a news conference on Capitol Hill in March. (Photo: Yuri Gripas/Reuters)
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Responding to reporters
Boehner, in February, receives a question about the impasse over approving the Homeland Security budget because of Republican efforts to block President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration. (Photo:J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
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With Minority Leader Pelosi 
Boehner kisses House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as he holds the gavel after being reelected speaker on the House in January. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
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Press conference
Boehner during a 2014 press conference where he called for Obama not to veto the Keystone XL pipeline. (Photo: Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
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National anthem
The speaker looks up during the playing of the national anthem at a Capitol ceremony in 2014. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
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Meeting with the Dalai Lama
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama meets with Boehner and Pelosi in 2014. (Photo: Charles Dharapak/AP)
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Heading to the weekly conference
Boehner walks to the weekly House Republican Conference in 2014. (Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
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About to meet the press
Boehner walks to his weekly news conference in 2014. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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Shaking hands with the president
Obama Boehner and Biden delivering his State of the Union speech on Capitol Hill in 2014. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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Pumping his fist
The speaker emerges from a meeting with Republican House members on Oct. 16, 2013. Senate leaders announced a deal to end a political crisis that partially shut down the federal government. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
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Speaking to the media
Boehner outside the West Wing of the White House after meeting with Obama on Oct. 2, 2013, to try to end the government shutdown. (Photo: Yuri Gripas/Reuters)
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Emotional reaction
House Democratic leader Pelosi and Boehner during a 2012 event posthumously awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol fresco painter Constantino Brumidi (1805-80). (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
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Holding up the gavel
Boehner after being reelected on the first day of the 113th Congress, Jan. 3, 2013. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
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With Netanyahu
Boehner listens as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the Capitol in 2012. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
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Holding a meeting
Boehner with a conference committee on the payroll tax cut in 2011. From left, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Boehner, Rep. Renee Ellmers, Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Tom Price and Rep Greg Walden. (Photo: Evan Vucci/AP)
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After avoiding a shutdown
Boehner, flanked by Rep. Jeb Hensarling, left, and House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, briefs reporters on Dec. 16, 2011, after both political parties came together on an 11th-hour deal to keep the government from shutting down. (Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
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With Majority Leader Reid
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, whispers to Boehner during a photo opportunity in the speaker’s office in 2011. (Photo: Harry Hamburg/AP)
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Departing after comments
The speaker after remarks about talks aimed at averting a looming U.S. debt default in 2011. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
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Pausing as he comments
Boehner during remarks on talks aimed at averting a looming U.S. debt default in 2011. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
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Golf with the president
Obama and Boehner play golf together at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland in 2011. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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With his wife
Then-Minority Leader Boehner hugs his wife, Deborah, after delivering an emotional address at a Republican election night rally in 2010. (Photo: Jim Young/Reuters)
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Republican leader Boehner celebrates the GOP’s victory, which changes the balance of power in Congress and will likely elevate him to speaker of the House, Nov. 2, 2010. (Photo: Cliff Owen/AP)
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‘Pledge to America’
Boehner holds a copy of “A Pledge to America” while outlining “A New Governing Agenda” for the 111th Congress in September 2010. With him are House Republican Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers and House Republican Chief Deputy Whip Kevin McCarthy. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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After meeting with President-elect Obama
With Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell after meeting with President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden Jan. 5, 2009. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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Meeting with the president-elect
President-elect Barack Obama with House leaders during a bipartisan meeting on Capitol Hill, Jan. 5, 2009. With Obama are House Minority Leader Boehner and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi. (Photo: Jason Reed/Reuters)
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Bringing the session to order
Rep. Boehner brings a session to order at the 2008 Republican National Convention. (Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters)
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Introducing Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi reacts as she is introduced by incoming Minority Leader Boehner and takes the House podium for the first time after she was elected the first-ever female speaker of the House of Representatives in 2007. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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Singing after being elected leader
House Republican leader-elect Boehner sings after the House Republican Conference elected its new leadership in 2006. From left to right are House Republican Whip-elect Roy Blunt, Rep. Eric Cantor, Boehner, Secretary of the Republican Conference-elect John Carter, and RNCC Chairman-elect Tom Cole. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
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Speaking outside the Capitol 
With Republican members of Congress gathered at the Capitol in 1998, Boehner announces that they are indeed working on a weekend to work out the final points of an $18 billion bailout for nations with tottering economies. (Reuters)
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Lady Gaga Looks Like a Biker Smurf & Other Fun Looks From the Weekend
As the Fall 2015 fashion shows make their final stop in Paris, celebrities back home in the states were experimenting with their style. In Los Angeles, the star of Cinderella, Lily James, resembled her character in a light blue Elie Saab Haute Couture gown. Lea Michelle, meanwhile, went for a rock and roll-inspired jumpsuit by Mason by Michelle Mason. Back in the Big Apple, Lady Gaga looked like a chic Smurf biker babe in a blue leather gown with matching hat. See who else caught our eye this weekend. More from Yahoo Style: Margot Robbie, Rita Ora & More of This Week's Best Dressed Megan Fox, Kerry Washington, & More of This Week's Best Dressed Stars
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Lady Gaga a skintight blue leather dress with matching motorcycle hat
The singer looked like a chic Smurf while out and about in New York City.
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Lea Michele in Mason by Michelle Mason black V-neck jumpsuit and Barbara Bui heels
The 'Glee' actress wore a sexy ensemble while attending the Family Equality Council’s Los Angeles Awards dinner.
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Cate Blanchett in custom Céline black and white gown
At the Los Angeles premiere of Cinderella, the Oscar-nominated actress looked more like the fairy godmother then the wicked stepmother that she plays in the film.
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Frida Pinto in Salvatore Ferragamo black halter dress
The actress looked runway ready while attending the house’s Fall-Winter 2015 fashion show in Milan.
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Gabrielle Union in a cream dress and long black overcoat
In London to promote her new show, 'Being Mary Jane', the actress’s long dress and coat looked both luxurious and cozy.
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Jessica Alba in a cream overcoat
Chic mom alert! Alba looked cool in her cream-colored overcoat, white handbag, and Vans while running errands with her three-year old daughter Haven in Los Angeles.
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Lily James in Elie Saab haute couture light blue embellished gown
Where’s her prince? The 'Cinderella' actress embodied her character at the L.A. premiere.
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Rita Ora in a black and white pinstripe suit with matching shorts
The 'Nylon' cover star seemed to be channeling Madonna circa the early ‘80s a party to celebrate the new issue.
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Sarah Hyland in a silver dress by Naeem Khan
The 'Modern Family' actress sparkled at the L.A. premiere of 'Cinderella'.
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Conservative watchdog seeks major changes from Netflix before Season 2 release of '13 Reasons Why'
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Katherine Langford in Season 1 of ’13 Reasons Why.’ (Photo: Beth Dubber/Netflix)
As fans of Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why are eagerly making guesses as to when its second season will finally be released, a conservative watchdog group is hoping the controversial series won’t have a return date anytime soon.
The Parents Television Council has asked Netflix to hold off on releasing the new season of the drama until “experts in the scientific community have determined it to be safe for consumption by an audience that is comprised heavily of minor children.”
“When a film or TV series centers entirely on high school-aged children for its storytelling, it is high school and junior high school children who watch and who feel most emotionally-connected to the characters,” PTC President Tim Winter said in a release. “Grown-ups don’t put themselves into the position of high schoolers; but other children do.”
“The impact of season one of 13 Reasons Why, which culminated with a graphic suicide scene of a high school-aged character, was powerful and intense: millions of children watched; the Google search term for how to commit suicide spiked 26 percent; and there were news reports of children literally taking their own lives after the series was released,” he added.
13 Reasons Why premiered last year, and even though it is largely critically acclaimed (and earned star Katherine Langford a Golden Globe nomination), its focus on suicide and other mature content has drawn controversy, including concern and criticism from parents and mental health professionals.
Netflix addressed these concerns last month by commissioning a study that revealed surprisingly positive results about its influence on young people:
Nearly three-quarters of teen and young adult viewers reported that they tried to be more considerate about how they treated others after watching the show.
More than half of teen viewers reached out to apologize to someone for how they had treated them; and more than two-thirds were more motivated to help someone who was depressed, bullied or sexually assaulted.
Nearly three-quarters of teen and young adult viewers said the show made them feel more comfortable processing tough topics.
More than two-thirds of parents reported that watching the show prompted them to communicate with their children about difficult topics; 71% of teens and young adults we inspired to discuss the show and related issues with their parents.
Netflix also added a special viewing guide and additional resources. 
The PTC praised Netflix for these efforts, but said they simply aren’t enough. In addition to their request to delay the next season, the organization also urged Netflix to implement a pricing structure that allows opting out of adult or explicit programming, and work to increase filtering options. 
Additionally, it suggested Netflix consider using the show as a platform for suicide prevention messages (citing rapper Logic’s “1-800-273-8255” as a successful pop-culture example to follow), and participate in a national dialog on protecting children from inappropriate content. 
“Parents may believe that Netflix is ‘safer’ for their families than other forms of entertainment, but the reality is that it is not,” Winter concluded.
Season 1 of 13 Reasons Why is now streaming on Netflix. Season 2 will premiere in 2018.
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lyndsey-parker · 7 years
Stone Temple Pilots announce ‘X Factor’ veteran Jeff Gutt is their new singer
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Stone Temple Pilots with new singer Jeff Gutt (Photo: StoneTemplePilots.com)
Everyone loves a good redemption story arc — and the union of Stone Temple Pilots and their new singer, Jeff Gutt, is certainly a feelgood rock ‘n’ roll comeback story for the ages. The announcement of Gutt’s STP hiring Tuesday, during a SiriusXM-sponsored fan concert at Los Angeles’s 500-capacity Troubadour, marks a fresh start for the legendary but beleaguered ‘90s band, following the 2015 drug-related death of their on/off original frontman, Scott Weiland, and the 2017 suicide of Weiland’s temporary replacement, Chester Bennington. It’s also new chance for Gutt, a 41-year-old Detroit rock veteran and two-time X Factor USA contestant.
Back in 2012, single-dad-with-a-dream Gutt seemed to have everything going for him, as far as shows like The X Factor are concerned: handsome rocker-dude looks, a relatable backstory, an adorable toddler son, a fantastic set of pipes, and a spectacularly Muse-i-fied audition of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” that went viral. It came as a shock when he was cut during the second-season Boot Camp round, and Gutt seemed as outraged as viewers. “It’s their loss; I could have won the show,” he grumbled at the time. Gutt had a point, as even Simon Cowell agreed, later telling Access Hollywood that the one regret he had about Season 2 was eliminating Gutt prematurely.
A year later, Gutt triumphantly returned for The X Factor USA’s final season and quickly became a fan favorite. Though he didn’t win the show, as he’d predicted, he did make it all the way to second place, thanks to his rock-operatic performances of Aerosmith’s “Dream On,” Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and “Creep” (the Radiohead classic, not the STP song by the same title). Backstage at the Season 3 finale, Gutt told Yahoo Music’s Reality Rocks that he’d decided to re-audition for The X Factor because “I figured if nothing else, it would be a chance to show my son that at least I’m a fighter; at least I’m not going to give up.”
Back in Detroit, Gutt formed the rock band Rival City Heights, but failed to break out on a national level; meanwhile, Stone Temple Pilots began searching for a new frontman, after Bennington amicably left STP in 2015 to refocus on Linkin Park. As far back as November 2016, Gutt was rumored to Bennington’s replacement, but the Pilots kept an open-call audition form up on their website and insisted that they were trying out different singers, not just Gutt.
When STP’s surviving members visited Yahoo Music in summer 2017 for an interview about the 25th anniversary of their debut album Core, they declined to comment on the Gutt gossip, other than admitting that he was still in the mix. However, bassist Robert DeLeo said with a chuckle, “We put out a singer submission and got about 15,000 to 20,000 people and tried a lot of people out — and we filmed it all, so there’s some good entertainment there! Ideally, it would be great to find someone who can put some honor on the legacy and move forward as a person. That’s a lot to ask of someone to do that — to have two different tasks.”
So, is Gutt up to these tasks? Very much so, judging from his Troubadour debut. Taking the stage looking like a Velvet Revolver-era Weiland, with a whippet-thin physique, wraparound aviators, and platinum bleach job — plus a “Hello, My Name Is… Jeff” nametag to introduce him to the non-X Factor viewers in the venue — he vowed to “make the most of the moment.” And that he did, handling classics like “Down,” “Piece of Pie,” “Vasoline,” “Wicked Garden,” “Sex Type Thing,” and a stripped-down version of “Plush” that evoked the greatness of STP’s MTV Unplugged special — all with his son Talon watching from the balcony. The diehard fans and contest winners in attendance went absolutely crazy for Gutt, readily accepting him, which was a good sign — as were the broad smiles on Kretz and the DeLeos’ faces. Gutt’s new bandmates seemed thrilled to be onstage again, and they sounded tighter and more galvanized than they had in years.
Before the show in an interview with SiriusXM’s Eddie Trunk, Gutt said landing the job with Stone Temple Pilots felt like “joining Led Zeppelin, because, to me, they’re my Led Zeppelin.” He also said, “I’ve studied my craft. I’ve studied Scott [Weiland] and the people Scott studied, and other singers of the era. I’ve really put in a lot of time into that.” That sentiment was echoed by fellow Detroiter Wayne Kramer, of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nominees the MC5, who joined Gutt and STP onstage at the Troubadour for a surprise performance of the MC5’s “Kick Out the Jams” and told the crowd: “In Detroit, we value hard work. Jeff has put in the work! Welcome him!”
Stone Temple Pilots’ full Troubadour concert with Gutt will premiere Friday at 5 p.m. ET on SiriusXM. A new rifftastic, hard-charging new STP single, “Meadow,” comes out Wednesday.
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Stone Temple Pilots’ new single
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dorayfung · 7 years
All The Fall 2017 Trends You Need to Know From the Four Fashion Capitals
Fashion week started at the beginning of February in New York and after 4 and bit weeks, it just ended in Paris with the Louis Vuitton show. So, four fashion capital cities, New York, London, Milan and Paris, what did we learn? Is couture street wear still a thing? Do people care about the new President and the state of the world or fashion shows? Yes to them all! If all shows were as out of this world as a Chanel show or as fun of a celebration as Stella McCartney or as breathtakingly beautiful as the Alexander McQueen show, then fashion show is most definitely not passé! But how would these trends translate and what does it even mean to the average Joe or Joanne? Look closely for in a few months, you will start to see more pants suits for women, more elegance in windows of your local mall and maybe even a hint of some space age inspired motif or an abundance of glitter coming your way! Then you can revisit this feature and thank us for letting you know about it here first.
Let’s keep in touch! Follow Yahoo Style + Beauty on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Related: 9 Essential Trends to Know From New York Fashion London Fashion Week’s Top Trends 6 Need-to-Know Trends from Milan Fashion Week
 A good suit is always in style. This fall, the pants suit takes on a looser silhouette so wearing a pant suit should not feel stiff or stuffy but rather chic, empowering and confident AF.
A model walks the runway at Gabriela Hearst’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Celine’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Remember the bright, padded sports jackets you used to be embarrassed to wear as a kid? Well, be ashamed no more and wear yours with pride this fall. Miu Miu, Versace, Fenty by Puma all did variations of this retro padded sports jacket to keep us warm, waterproof, and much more chic.
A model walks the runway at Versace’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Fenty by Puma’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Chanel’s rocket in the middle of the Grand Palais sealed the deal on this intergalactic vibe or maybe we are all ready to take to see what else is out there. From rockets to silver space age style accessories to space ships at Christopher Kane, this fall, take a leap to the unknown.
A model walks the runway at Christopher Kane’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
The sleeve has been spliced, diced, deconstructed and oversized the past few seasons and this fall, it gets it a role all on its own. It may be a colorful sleeve or perhaps an exaggerated sleeve, but the main act this fall belongs to the arms! Yes it does.
A model walks the runway at Junya Watanabe’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Dries Van Noten’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Calvin Klein’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Every picture does tell a story and this fall, we have a scene from Twin Peaks from MSGM, a cold eastern Europe village from Stella Jean and ordnance survey maps from Celine. Look closely, it’s not what it seems.
A model walks the runway at Celine’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Stella Jean’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at No.21’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at MSGM’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Isa Arfen’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Courtesy of Isa Arfen)
A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Evening wear takes on two very different directions this fall. There’s the super-chic elegance of demi-couture, which is timeless and classic. And then there’s the clothes you wear when you are under a certain age and have a killer body so why not flaunt it?! French girls carry this look off superbly and very matter of fact, but if you do dare, try going short, black, and show plenty of skin!
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Coutesy of Carmen March)
A model walks the runway at Versus’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Balmain’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
all it gathering, scrunching, or bunching, fall is not about smooth finished but more about how to maximize the drama of a dress, pants or a neckline.
A model walks the runway at Molly Goddard’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Koche Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at J.W. Anderson’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Jacquemus’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Camp it up people, camp it up — because lord knows, we all need the glamor and the fun these days! Thanks to Jeremy Scott, Ashish, Halpern and Saint Laurent, the proof is in the glitter. Dancing is required when in colorful sequin, you have been warned!
A model walks the runway at Valentino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Oscar de la Renta’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Monse’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Halpern’s Fall 2017 show in Lomdon (Photo: Courtesy of Halpern)
Part big bird, part cookie monster, the outerwear this fall is color, texture and plenty of fur, mohair and relaxed shearling. The best part about this, man made furs are just as fun and about 1/10th of the price!
A model walks the runway at Pucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Versace’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Prada’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Miu Miu’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Hermes’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Fendi’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Evening wear returns to an old world elegance, thanks to Balenciaga. Naked dresses covered in crystals, this is not — and thank goodness for that! Demi-couture handiwork, cut to perfection and looking very expensive: this is the other side of evening wear come this fall.
A model walks the runway at Oscar de la Renta’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Johanna Ortiz’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Johanna Ortiz)
A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Balenciaga’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Has the cape ever been out of style? No, but what we do have come fall is the various different types of capes on offer. Gucci is giving a dramatic high priestess mood, a lady like pink from Valentino, a sleek grey cashmere cape coat from Maxmara that literally screams luxe! So yes, the cape continues to be a staple come fall.
A model walks the runway at Valenrino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Maxmara’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Bottega Veneta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretti’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Suitable for the office or for after hours, the blazer dress takes center stage this fall. Pants are definitely not needed here, just killer heels and plenty of sex appeal.
A model walks the runway at Mugler’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Marques Almeida’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Carmen March)
A model walks the runway at Atlein’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model at Alessandra Rich’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Alessandra Rich)
A celebration of the heartland from Coach with prairie style dresses to the reimagined American flag from Raf Simmons at Calvin Klein and newcomer Vaquera literally dressed the flag to the cowboys in the midwest from Henry Holland and Ashley Williams in London. America is still pretty great.
A model walks the runway at No.21’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Maison Martin Margiela’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Calvin Klein’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Ashley Willims’ Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A model walks the runway at Ashish’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
A full leather look is coming your way, and we are not talking about the Cat Woman meets biker chick look. A more feminine shape and color as seen at Loewe to a pleated black leather dress that is softly tough from Valentino. This fall, beware of the woman clad in leather — she is not as soft as you think she is!
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Working Girl
A good suit is always in style. This fall, the pants suit takes on a looser silhouette so wearing a pant suit should not feel stiff or stuffy but rather chic, empowering and confident AF.
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A model walks the runway at Gabriela Hearst’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Celine’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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Sporting Hero
Remember the bright, padded sports jackets you used to be embarrassed to wear as a kid? Well, be ashamed no more and wear yours with pride this fall. Miu Miu, Versace, Fenty by Puma all did variations of this retro padded sports jacket to keep us warm, waterproof, and much more chic.
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A model walks the runway at Versace’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Fenty by Puma’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Outer Space
Chanel’s rocket in the middle of the Grand Palais sealed the deal on this intergalactic vibe or maybe we are all ready to take to see what else is out there. From rockets to silver space age style accessories to space ships at Christopher Kane, this fall, take a leap to the unknown.
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Christopher Kane’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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Source: Yahoo Style
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The sleeve has been spliced, diced, deconstructed and oversized the past few seasons and this fall, it gets it a role all on its own. It may be a colorful sleeve or perhaps an exaggerated sleeve, but the main act this fall belongs to the arms! Yes it does.
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Junya Watanabe’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Dries Van Noten’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Calvin Klein’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Saint Laurent’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Picture Perfect
Every picture does tell a story and this fall, we have a scene from Twin Peaks from MSGM, a cold eastern Europe village from Stella Jean and ordnance survey maps from Celine. Look closely, it’s not what it seems.
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Stella Jean’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at No.21’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at MSGM’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model at Isa Arfen’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Courtesy of Isa Arfen)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Picture Picture
A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Let\’s go Party
Evening wear takes on two very different directions this fall. There’s the super-chic elegance of demi-couture, which is timeless and classic. And then there’s the clothes you wear when you are under a certain age and have a killer body so why not flaunt it?! French girls carry this look off superbly and very matter of fact, but if you do dare, try going short, black, and show plenty of skin!
Source: Yahoo Style
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Lets Go Party!
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A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Coutesy of Carmen March)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Lets\’s Go Party!
A model walks the runway at Versus’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Balmain’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Le Ruched
all it gathering, scrunching, or bunching, fall is not about smooth finished but more about how to maximize the drama of a dress, pants or a neckline.
Source: Yahoo Style
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Le Ruche
A model walks the runway at Molly Goddard’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Koche Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at J.W. Anderson’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Jacquemus’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Camp it up people, camp it up — because lord knows, we all need the glamor and the fun these days! Thanks to Jeremy Scott, Ashish, Halpern and Saint Laurent, the proof is in the glitter. Dancing is required when in colorful sequin, you have been warned!
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Valentino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Oscar de la Renta’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Monse’s Fall 2017 show in New York (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Halpern’s Fall 2017 show in Lomdon (Photo: Courtesy of Halpern)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Furry Creatures
Part big bird, part cookie monster, the outerwear this fall is color, texture and plenty of fur, mohair and relaxed shearling. The best part about this, man made furs are just as fun and about 1/10th of the price!
Source: Yahoo Style
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Furry Animal
A model walks the runway at Ellery’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Pucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Prada’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Miu Miu’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Hermes’ Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Fendi’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Old World Elegance
Evening wear returns to an old world elegance, thanks to Balenciaga. Naked dresses covered in crystals, this is not — and thank goodness for that! Demi-couture handiwork, cut to perfection and looking very expensive: this is the other side of evening wear come this fall.
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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A model at Johanna Ortiz’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Johanna Ortiz)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Balenciaga’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Caped Crusader
Has the cape ever been out of style? No, but what we do have come fall is the various different types of capes on offer. Gucci is giving a dramatic high priestess mood, a lady like pink from Valentino, a sleek grey cashmere cape coat from Maxmara that literally screams luxe! So yes, the cape continues to be a staple come fall.
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Valenrino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Maxmara’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Gucci’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Bottega Veneta’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Alberta Ferretti’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Blazer Dress
Suitable for the office or for after hours, the blazer dress takes center stage this fall. Pants are definitely not needed here, just killer heels and plenty of sex appeal.
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Mugler’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Marques Almeida’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model at Carmen March’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Carmen March)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Atlein’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model at Alessandra Rich’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Courtesy of Alessandra Rich)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A celebration of the heartland from Coach with prairie style dresses to the reimagined American flag from Raf Simmons at Calvin Klein and newcomer Vaquera literally dressed the flag to the cowboys in the midwest from Henry Holland and Ashley Williams in London. America is still pretty great.
Source: Yahoo Style
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Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Maison Martin Margiela’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Ashley Willims’ Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
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A model walks the runway at Ashish’s Fall 2017 show in London (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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Leather Up
A full leather look is coming your way, and we are not talking about the Cat Woman meets biker chick look. A more feminine shape and color as seen at Loewe to a pleated black leather dress that is softly tough from Valentino. This fall, beware of the woman clad in leather — she is not as soft as you think she is!
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Loewe’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Valentino’s Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Tod’s Fall 2017 show in Milan (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Celine Fall 2017 show in Paris(Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
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A model walks the runway at Alexander McQueen Fall 2017 show in Paris (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Style
0 notes
7 Things You Need to Know Before Painting Your Walls White
—Marie Proeller Hueston
The easy elegance of a white room is part of the enduring appeal of this decorating style. Finding the right shade of white, however, is anything but simple. With countless paint colors to choose from and numerous factors affecting the hue’s appearance once it’s up on the wall, homeowners are understandably unsure where to begin the search. We spoke with paint experts and interior designers to demystify the process. Read on for their time-tested advice.
1. Getting Warmer
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Photo: airbnb.com
Cool whites with undertones of blue and gray appear clean and crisp, while warm whites with undertones of red and yellow look soft and relaxed. Which will be best for your home? Personal preference certainly comes into play, but another good rule of thumb is to consider the region you live in, suggests Rebecca Ralich Spak, Director of Color Marketing and Design Services for Sherwin-Williams. “If you get natural light throughout the year, you might opt for a cooler shade; but if you have a lot of cold, gray weather, you might like awarmer shade.”
RELATED:  21 Expert Picks for Fail-Safe Colors
2. Always Be Prepared
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Photo: fotosearch.com
White walls are unforgiving, exposing every tiny dent or smudge. Be sure to patch any holes or imperfections with a skim coat and sand as necessary. If there are considerable stains, use a stain-blocking primer before applying your top coat. “Preparation by far is the key to a successful finish,” says Rebecca Ralich Spak of Sherwin-Williams.
RELATED: The Only 7 Tools You Need to Paint Any Room
3. Think About Lighting
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Photo: flickr.com
In rooms with abundant natural light, white paint can appear different throughout the day. Be sure to try a sample of any color you’re considering to see how it looks in morning, afternoon, and late-day light. To brighten low-light spaces, consider a cooler shade of white that will reflect ambient light from lamps and overhead fixtures.
RELATED: 8 Bright Ideas to Boost Natural Light
4. Pull it Together
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Photo: Zillow Digs
When choosing white paint for a room, carefully consider the permanent fixtures to be found, like flooring or cabinetry. You’ll want to be sure the shade on the walls is a unifying color that makes all other elements in the room look cohesive. If you have a large collection of art to display, take a tip from galleries and choose a pure white that allows the art to take center stage.
RELATED: Framed! 18 Picture-Perfect Gallery Walls
5. Work With Accents
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Photo: Zillow Digs
Many homeowners love the look of a single wall of color in an otherwise all-white space. If this is something you’re considering, be sure the shade of white on the other walls complements the accent color. Interior designer Julia Mack of Brooklyn, NY, relies on a trio of Benjamin Moore colors when decorating with white: “I like Super White with bright accent walls, Decorators White with tonal grays and taupes, and Silver Satin for large spaces.”
RELATED:  Awesome Accents—17 Ways to Make Any Space Pop with Color
6. Let There Be Layers
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Photo: airbnb.com
“Whenever you are decorating with predominantly one color, like white, you run the risk of the space becoming boring,” says Amy Spearing, principal of Amy Spearing Interiors, in Richmond, VA. To prevent this, Spearing advises, “use a variety of different textures in your furnishings, pillows, fabrics, rugs, and accessories.”
RELATED: 10 Simple Ingredients for a Very Comfortable Bed
7. Find a Favorite
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Photo: blog.sweeten.com
Once you identify a shade of white you love, do what many interior designers do and call upon that color time and again for a variety of settings. For New York City interior designerBrad Ford, that shade is Farrow & Ball’s All White. “It’s like an old friend,” he told ELLE Decor. “It stays consistent in any light, but in the afternoon it can really make a room feel like it’s glowing.”
RELATED: Hanging by a Thread—9 Inventive Ways to Hang Pendant Lights
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Audi Sport TT Cup Race Car
This is Audi’s newest race series, the TT Cup — a primarily German-based series that allows those aged between 17 an 25 years old to compete in the 310 horsepower sports coupe (340 horsepower when the “push-to-pass” is engaged). While the engine and gearbox differ little compared to the 2016 TTS road car in which it’s based, the main changes arrive in the form of a whopping 800 lb. weight loss, racing suspension, racing brakes, slick tires, and a body kit that not only adds downforce but looks positively menacing. 
But this isn’t just a series for youths. Each event, six guest slots open up — offering weekend seats for racing legends, sporting pros and, er, Yahoo Autos. 
So yes, we took to the track at Oschersleben in Germany, just outside Berlin, and raced the youths (and legends) on their own soil. Read how it turned out here:
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Audi Sport TT Cup (1)
Source: Yahoo Autos
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Audi Sport TT Cup (2)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (3)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (4)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (5)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (6)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (7)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (8)
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Audi Sport TT Cup (9)
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Our Alex Lloyd chats to multiple Le Mans winner, British Touring Car Champion, DTM winner and all-round legend Frank Biela
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And now with Sepp Haider, a former World Rally Championship winner
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With German TV star Tim Schrick and Biela
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Post race debrief 
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The spoils
Source: Yahoo Autos
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kevinpolowy · 8 years
'Norman' Teaser Trailer: Everyday Richard Gere's Hustlin' (Exclusive)
We’re not going to lie: You might start feeling bad for Norman Oppenhemier, the persistent wannabe businessman played by Richard Gere, by the end of the first trailer for Norman: The Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer. (Watch exclusively above.) Everywhere Norman turns, he’s met by derision, rejection, or a very expensive shoe bill.
Minor spoiler alert: The footwear Norman buys for someone in trailer will eventually change turn it all around. That someone is Israeli politician Micah Ehsel (Lior Ashkenazi), and three years after Norman springs for those thousand-dollar clogs, Micah becomes prime minister, giving Norman the high-powered friend he’s always wanted.
That will mark The Rise of Norman, but as the title to the film makes clear, we can also expect a pretty epic downturn.
Gere, who adopts a thick New York accent for the role, has drawn major kudos for the film since it premiered at the Telluride Film Festival, with Deadline’s Pete Hammond calling it “the role of his career” and the New York Times‘ A.O. Scott hailing the Pretty Woman alum’s performance as “amazingly funny.”
Norman is written and directed by Israeli filmmaker Joseph Cedar, whose 2011 drama Footnote was nominated for Best Foreign Film at the Oscars. Also appearing in Norman are Dan Stevens (March’s Beauty and the Beast), Michael Sheen, Steve Buscemi, Josh Charles, Charlotte Gainsbourg, and Hank Azaria. Norman will be released this coming March.
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Golden Globes 2015 Red Carpet Arrivals
Stars arrive at the 72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills on January 11, 2015.
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Jennifer Lopez
Golden Globes
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Anna Kendrick
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Melissa McCarthy
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Helen Mirren
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Sienna Miller
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Kevin Hart
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Leslie Mann
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Amelia Warner and Jamie Dornan
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Ethan Hawke
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Emmanuelle Chriqui
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Kit Harington
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Laura Prepon
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Matt Bomer
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Jeffrey Tambor and Kasia Ostlun
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Taryn Manning
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Uzo Aduba
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Jemima Kirke
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Jon Voight
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Christine Baranski
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David Oyelowo
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Katie Cassidy
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Ellie Kemper
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Amanda Peet
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Lana Del Rey
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Clive Owen
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Danielle Brooks
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Justin Baldoni
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Zosia Mamet
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T.J. Miller ('Silicon Valley') and Kate Gorney
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Paul Rudd
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Julia Goldani Telles
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Kat Kramer
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Giuliana Rancic
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Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie
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Kevin Dillon and Jerry Ferrara
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Thomas Middleditch and Mollie Gates
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Kelly Osbourne ('Fashion Police')
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Alexander Skarsgård just did a 5-minute suitcase commercial. We've got questions.
Ever wondered why you might need a $600+ performance suitcase? If that question has been weighing heavily on your mind, you’re in luck: Luggage brand TUMI has just released an epic, 5-minute commercial starring Alexander Skarsgård (True Blood, Big Little Lies) that will have you ready to justify that purchase in no time flat.
That is, if you’re able to make sense of the commercial. It’s touting TUMI’s newest premium, hard-shell solution, the TUMI Latitude, which according to a press release is “built to handle any journey with the utmost class.”
Skarsgård silently (really, he doesn’t utter a word throughout) exhibits this by wielding his trusty case through a variety of adventurous locations, including Hungary, Lake Como (no, he doesn’t visit the Clooneys, unfortunately), the Pacific Northwest, and Mongolia. Along the way, the case receives some wear and tear, but remains functional and stylish. 
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Alexander Skarsgard lounging on the job. (Photo: Courtesy: TUMI)
All fine and well? Ready to plunk down your credit card? Well, not so fast. There are so many unanswered questions about this mysterious ad that we are almost worried about the overall credibility of the product, and whether this mysterious, classy suitcase will actually do all that it is touted to do.
The first question is: What is this, besides a pleasant extended video of Skarsgård looking hot? It might not actually be an ad at all. Could it be a James Bond audition in disguise?
Then there’s the simple matter of logistics. Does he really need to have his case with him at all times? Why would anyone deliberately dip a $600+ piece of luggage in the water? And if the case never leaves his side, and he’s not afraid of getting it wet, where did the case go during that steamy make-out moment in the lake?
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And there’s more! Why is he using the case as a pillow in a barn, when there’s a much more comfortable-looking bale of hay available? What is it about this case?
And, aside from the case, how does Skarsgård manage to keep that nice light-colored suit looking so clean and crisp throughout the entire journey through remote locales? 
One has to wonder: Is it the case itself, or the adventure that makes it all so sexy and worth the money? Is a suitcase on wheels actually sexy? Will the suitcase still be as glamorous of a chick-magnet if the only place it travels to is one’s parents’ house in the Midwest, or is this seductive attractiveness only potent in scenic locations?
And… the biggest unsolved mystery of all: WHAT IS IN THE CASE?
We may never know. But you can, indeed, buy the piece and see for yourself if it works out as well for you as it did for the Emmy-winning actor. Let us know how it goes.
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