#a big BIG part of the pre-relationship lore is how hook just... takes one look at him and decides she's not intimidated by him at all
pierswife · 2 years
I think your F/Os would like how down to earth you are- you compliment their personalities in so many different ways. Kaeya would think you're fun to tease but ultimately count on your reliability, while Wanderer's grateful that you always manage to ground him. Eli really enjoys bantering with you, and even when you're firing back with a witty comment he always appreciates what you have to say.
Damn you really decided to just go for the throat, huh-- /lh
Thank you Miiiiriiii but fuckin dshbjadba
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neverchecking · 1 year
Hello!!! I’m here to inquire about Aaliyah and Link’s full story as I can’t seem to find it in your Masterlist. If that’s ok? If it’s private and you just wanna just give out tidbits then that’s completely ok!!! I started reading your joint fic constellation and I’m hooked on it and the characters!!! I already went and asked about part four lol!
omgomgomgomgomgomgomg- OKAY I'VE REHEARSED FOR THIS-
I'm so glad you asked!
So, I did release one written portion already -> Here!
But! Im gonna be so real with you guys, I forgot I did it and have not worked on it at all fnofnf
I love answering questions about my girl so ask away! I'm also so glad you like constellations it has my heart fr. Part four is...on its way but with Kinktober and our adult lives (I'm a full time student and Bailey has a big girl job) it kinda got pushed back (And we're in our trigun eras). But it has been started!
So, let's talk about Aaliyah and Sage.
Their story starts in the Pre-Calamity era. Sage is still a knight, however, Aaliyah is now there too! She's a bastard child born out of wedlock to the village of Kakariko-- who take the phrase it takes a village a little too literally.
From very early in her life, Aaliyah is proclaimed the Sheikah Champion and spends her life training for this role. She learns ancient magic regarding rune extraction and usage (Basically how Impa fights in AOC) and in ancient swordsmanship.
She's taken to the castle with Purah and Impa and from there meets the other champions.
Her and Link didn't actually like each other all that much from the start? They were incredibly weary and on edge when the other was around bc of the other's skill set and how they could be an obvious threat to their current missions (Either protecting Zelda or staying with Impa).
Aaliyah actually made friends with Revali pretty easily because she wasn't gifted with this great courage or wisdom or any abilities. It was something she earned and worked incredibly hard to harness, like Revali's gale So they spent their free time talking shit about Link and the other champions in the garden for a while.
Link and Aaliyah only really started getting to know each other after a spar in the garden. Link kicked her ass, make no doubts about it (Lore accurate Link? Are you kidding? Aaliyah never stood a chance.), but after hearing her get her ass chewed out by Impa he bashfully offered a kind shoulder.
The thing about them that I LOVE incorporating into their story is that before they died? These two were honestly so adorable. In my head. But im giving you guess my head lore rn.
Like Aaliyah is the smart one out of them, okay? Let me set this straight. So, she knows things like sign language. So when she mindlessly does a wave of her hand to curse off a noble without them knowing? And Link, who ALSO knows sign language sees this?
OMFG- he chokes on his spit. And she looks over and just flushes this bright red, but has this shy little smile on her face because, 'hey, this guy isn't so bad?'.
Or Link just laying his head in her lap and letting her braid flowers into his hair while they sit in silence or he reads to her??
Or Aaliyah just sitting on a rock, pretending to be writing her daily prayers, but is really watching Link practice his swordsmanship with Fi?
They were that kind of cute.
So, in Eye of the Storm, I go into further depth onto how Aaliyah died-- protecting Link and Zelda.
If you haven't read it, heres the run down. They get surrounded by Yiga, and she dies because she sends Link and Zelda back with the slate, acting as a distraction so they have the time to leave.
Demon carver carves her ass.
Link watches, duh, because A) I needed him to have that trauma to form their relationship a little more and B) Traumatizing him is so fun.
Anyway, so she dies. The Sheikah are ancient beings with unyielding loyalty, since they follow the royal family everywhere this is obvious, and are hence incredibly loyal to their champion. They manage to save her with their plan B option. I'm pretty sure I wrote it as a makeshift shrine but it also is probably a little bit of black magic.
Anyway, a century passes. Aaliyah awakes in a place that had long since fell to ruins, mind blank and head empty.
But she's angry. She wakes up so mind numbingly angry and stomps off with her original slate. It's broken and doesn't work, but she uses it like a weapon. Eventually, she runs into Link! Woo, but like...
Imagine you lock two angry cats fighting for territory in a room and them throw a sprinkler in there.
They're both angry. They don't know anything, and resources are sparce, They fight, of course, and both eventually walk off with their tails between their legs. BUT they keep fucking meeting. AND ITS A PATTERN
Except they start relearning things! Like how to fight and how to use a bow, and they get better armor, better equipment. When Link shows up with a shield, she blows his ass up.
At some point, they start expecting to see each other. They stop fighting so much and instead share a campsite.
AND THEN- they happen to be walking towards a stable together and are just HIT with the imagery of her death <3
Thats also a mess that leaves them storming away from each other <3
They meet again in Kakariko and eventually talk it out. Aaliyah goes with him to the castle, does not fall through the floor, instead watched from above like :O. bc shes a dumbass.
She does make sure he stays alive though. Throws a fairy in a bottle at him at some point which hits him and he turns like >:( and she's just 'oops'.
Then they save Zelda yadda yadda. Aaliyah moves on with her life bc her and Zelda prolly hate each other (There is no prolly they do. They HATE each other. Like middle aged white women in PTA's.)
But, Aaliyah is such a big figure head to the Sheikah, there's no real escape. So her and Link slowly redevelop their relationship.
When the gloom starts spreading, Aaliyah remains at the castle base while they go to investigate, working with the people to sort them and everything.
Luckily for her, when Ganon is like >:) I'm back, she doesn't have to experience it first hand because she falls into a gloom pit. Takes her OUT man. She's stuck down there long enough that gloom probably sinks in and she gets super sick because of it
Eventually she finds this weird temple place right? And there's these parts right? Surely you see where I'm going with this
And so she builds this giant robot okay? In her tord Era (omg eddsworld is so old now that I think about it), and meets this...thing okay?
And the thing is like 🤨 u aren't swordsman link and aaliyah is like 🤨 yeah what of it?
And mineru is all ...u did all this? And aaliyah is like yeah suck it bitch. And then mineru is like "aight you cool then. Lemme show you this cool room. It'll give you a cool necklace AND a headpiece. And outfit ig"
So aaliyah gets that green neck piece and hairpiece I've drawn her with once. She doesn't care for the hairpiece but she'll wear it for special occasions.
The link appears FINALLY >:( AND they have this whole Spiderman moment where they're point at each other, as if shocked to see the other)
"I thought you were dead?"
It's great.
So aaliyah gets her spirit stone as the Sage of spirits and her giant rock.
Then she visits purah gets her own purah pad. She gets to keep her bombs AND stasis bc I said so. And her giant robot.
From there they go around trying to bring order back to their hyrule bc like...Zelda isnt in danger really? They know where she is and she seems fine.
They get a new house bc someone took theirs smh (they were just roommates in that first house guys lmao) and take turns with the shrines to reduce the gloom in their systems
Okay sidebar; when I was doing that aaliyah and Tia bits I wasn't lying about aaliyah being like in hyrule but she's liked in the same sense Robin hood was liked. Nobles hate her
But tulin likes her and so does teba and saki
Yunobo does not.
Sidon and yona think of her and Sage like puppies. Like they are the embodiment of that one meme that's just
Zora, with either hanging off them: GET YOUR FUCKING HYLIAN
Sidon/ Yona: they don't bite 😊
riju also likes them. They are the Honorary siblings of hyrule even if they claim to hate everyone.
There are few people that have gotten through
That being said, they are scary to the average stablehand
They are scarred and ragged and look like if you breath at them wrong they'll fucking gut you.
Which they might but that's not the point
Eventually they run out of reasons to not fight Ganon and have to go...do that
This one they take on together bc they are common law married bc I said so
They've spent so much time together now its only natural. Like yeah its not gay to kiss the homies goodnight but its a little gay when you guys live together cook meals together and lay on the couch talking about life together
Even historians are calling them lovers at this point
So they save Zelda! I hate how end of totk goes and I think she should've STAYED a dragon but also I need her human for the drama between her and aaliyah. Maybe she has horns and scales and she's also now a little fucked up.
Aaliyah and Sage mostly try to live a normal life but yk...
Natura tries to demand Sage back to his knightly role but after everything that just happened he's like "not a chance"
He becomes a lovely househusband that terrifies newcomers in Tarrey town but the locals love him
He offers protection quality recipes and is willing to go Gerudo for this one ingredient Harriet needed for her stew that night
Aaliyah remains a diplomat of sorts since people trust her rather than this figurehead for focused on digging through the remains of her people for info on tech they shouldn't ever try to harness rather than ..yk.... govern.
She tends to stick close to Sage tho
Their relationship is very...codependent. I think I've said this before but these two learn to rely on each other
Its not healthy and I don't condone this type of relationship but it's so fun to write
These two are disgustingly reliant on the other. It's the type of relationship where they only do self care things for the other person to know they're okay
They are grossly jealous individuals, incredibly possessive and will have extremist reactions to people trying to flirt with what's theirs
I cannot emphasize how toxic this is for anyone. But these two make it work
These two have a history together and with their broken psyche it gets twisted.
But they're happy together and stop their other half from destroying hyrule.
And in the end that's all that matters <3
If you have any other questions regarding these two I'd be more than happy to answer them 😊😊
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yshai-tia · 5 years
LFRP: Y’shai Tia ☀️🌙
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LFRP – Y’shai Tia (Crystal, Balmung)
The Basics ––– –
Age: 27
Birthday: 28th day of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo’te, Seeker/Keeper mutt.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Physical Appearance ––––
Hair: Black as pitch, feathery cut with oft adornments of small braids tied off with beads, a style from his young Tribal years that he continues to maintain to this day. Lazy days will have the braids undone and free flying.
Eyes: Blue on the left, green on the right. Pupils a touch wider than the average Seeker's though it's hardly noticeable at a distance.
Height: 5 fulms, 9 ilms. (5'9")
Build:  Built and toned, compacted muscle that's common among his race. Broad shoulders and noticeably sculpted arms and thighs. Much like their totem, Miqo'te of the Y tend to build strong physiques through years of swimming and tree climbing that mark their hunting ways.
Distinguishing Marks: A scar of his jawline, dark coloured traditional tribal tattoo on his nose. His torso is covered in angry scars that healed poorly, along with distinct lightning scarring (lichtenberg scars) up along his arms and various spots of healed burns on his hands and fingers. However he's rarely seen in revealing dress so these are usually covered up.
Common Accessories: Gloves, more often that not fingerless. Silver hoops in his ears. When in casual, work dress; a toolbelt around his waist adorned with various pouches, holds a number of things; pliers, flint stones, needle and threads, at least one marginally clean rag, magnifying glasses, gil pouch, adhesive, a balm or two for soothing burns, just to name a few. When dressed for fieldwork rarely is he seen not sporting a pair of scarlet goggles.
Personal ––––
Profession:  Hunter, tradesman, jack of all trades for hire. Not exactly picky with the work he picks up as long as it pays and isn't abhorrently morally askew. Naturally he'll jump at any chance to work with tech, however. Most of the gil he pockets comes from repair and commission work.
Skills: Former huntsman of the Y turned engineer, skills lie in archery, tracking, marksmanship and machina work. Things he would consider more hobbies than skills of his own are botany, fishing, swimming, weaving, leatherworking, carpentry and cooking, as these were basic skills taught to all tribespeople of the Y.
Languages:  Eorzean Common, Huntspeak.
Residence: Previously the Raincatcher Gully in Eastern La Noscea, currently frequenting various inn rooms depending on where he last picked up a job. Most often spotted in Gridania and Ishgard.
Birthplace: Raincatcher Gully.
Religion:  Though not as fervently as when he was at home, he still personally follows the teachings of Azeyma. He has a desire to learn the teachings of Menphina as well.
Patron Deity: Azeyma the Warden, Goddess of Inquiry.
Fears: Tight, closed-off spaces, caves deep underground, cages, etc. Freezing to death. Being bound and imprisoned.
Relationships ––––
Children: None.
Parents: Y'sharai Vanoh, high priestess of the Y (Mother, Status unknown), unknown Keeper (Father)
Siblings: He considers those he grew up with around his age group as his siblings regardless of blood relation
Other Relatives: In reality, blood relations matter little and, though he left, he still considers all of the Y of the tribe he grew up with his family. However strained.
Pets: Not that he would consider him a pet in those exact words, but his Chocobo, Omelette. Don't ask about the name, or do if you fancy seeing Y'shai embarrassed.
Traits ––––
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized (in a chaotic way he can make sense of)
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious /  In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader /  In Between / Follower
Empathetic /  In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
Smoking Habit: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess Drugs: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess Alcohol: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess
RP Hooks ––––
★ I Can Fix That: A freelance tradesman and borderline obsessive tinkerer, Y'shai is pretty handy when it comes to most styles of craft. Clothes need mending? Chronometer on the fritz? Aetherotransformer not converting properly? Did a Big Bad blow a hole in your armor? He might be able to solve your problem for you-- for a fair price of course, guy’s gotta eat after all. Though it's said that if he's brought an interesting piece of tech his curiousity will override and he'll eagerly look at it for free. ★ Custom Built: Along with repairs Y'shai also offers a modification service on the side-- mostly for firearms, though more mechanically built bows also fall under his expertise. Looking to add a scope? Or alter the chambers so you can utilize different sorts of elemental-aspected ammunition? Or maybe you're just looking to get some fancy engraving work done. If you're looking to treat yourself and your six shooter, look no further. ★ Skysteel Frequenter: With his recent apprenticeship at Skysteel Manufactory he's currently seen in the workshop quite a bit. If you happen to also be in and out of there on a nigh daily basis chances are you've seen him around. Whether it's a mutual love for the marksman life or to geek out together over tech, there can be common ground to be struck here. ★ Putting the Cat in Catburglar: Though he doesn't exactly make it common, public knowledge, when Y'shai needs to replenish his sources of Garlean tech he'll wait until night falls and raids the nearest Castrum for parts. And to cause a general ruckus. Do you hate the empire? Do you have an interest their magitech? Love storming their bases just for the hell of it? It'd be a lot easier to carry out more parts with more hands on deck after all... ★ Ehcatl Nine Blackguard: It's not uncommon to find Y'shai around the Twelveswood, originally he sought out Gridania for multiple reasons; to improve on his archery, to learn of Keeper culture, to visit the woods his mother once spoke of so fondly. But it was among the beastribe of Ixal known as the Ehcatl Nine where his, at the time, novice experience as a craftsman was free to take wing. Literally. Though it's been some moons since he finished contributing to the development of the Dezul Qualan airship, he still enjoys visiting from time to time to see how they're coming along. He feels permanently indebted to Sezul and his crew. ★ Moon Gazing: Though not all too open about his heritage, Y'shai does have a secret desire to learn more of Keeper culture and the teachings of Menphina. Part of him feels he shouldn't care, not as if his Pops was ever a part of his life-- but on the other hand it's clearly something his mother knew of and loved enough to stay distant from home from some time. Are you a tribal Keeper? A priest/priestess of Menphina? Don't mind inelegantly asked questions? Apologies in advance. ★ Jaguar of the Rainforest: Fellow members of the Y who grew up in the Raincatcher sept would know Y'shai as family or former family considering their stance on his departure. And, though very rare, there is always a chance outsiders have happened upon the Y settlement in the past and met Y'shai long before he became who he is today. (this would take some pre-plotting together!)
★ Restoring the Firmament: Working out of Ishgard via the Manufactory means Y’shai is in prime, and eager, position to devote a good portion of his time to the recently begun restoration of the Firmament district. Are you also dedicated to seeing Ishgard flourish once more? Crafter and/or gatherer of no small renown? Maybe you’re just into watching from the sidelines and admiring the very nice view of all the hard-working men and women doing heavy lifting.
What I’m looking for ––––
Just about anything and everything in between. Friends, enemies, rivals, someone you have to work with that you can’t tolerate but secretly admire (and oh no they’re kinda hot?), a complete stranger to get drunk with under the stars and discuss the intricacies of life and why apkallu omelettes are superior to dodo omelettes-- c’mon dude they are way fluffier! I love light-hearted slice of life moments, intense, high-stakes action scenes and espionage, meaningful angst and scenes rife with emotion, falling into the dark underbelly of Eorzea and learning what grey morality really is. Chances are if you think it sounds dope and worth exploring so do I! I love writing for the sake of writing and if you feel similarly we’ll probably click.
The ultimate dream is fulfilling my favourite trope of a Found Family, but ‘course something like that would take dedication! 
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OOC info ––––
18+, Canadian, EST. Here to have a good time.
I have discord and all that jazz so if you want a snappier way to communicate just lemme know. I like to think I’m pretty laid-back in all regards and not too much can ruffle my feathers, so don’t be scared to hit me up, world is your oyster! yeehaw
my boy also has a carrd, you’ll find everything here on there but with Extra Lore™! 
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autumnslance · 5 years
Lmao I got three I'm particularly curious about for you on the character meme. Thancred, Lahabrea, Igeyorhm. XD Feel free to do as many or as few as you'd like of course!
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You asked for it. We’ll start with That Damned Rogue. The Ascians will be below.
This of course got long, so behind a cut it goes:
First impression: I started in Gridania and took like 2 years to finish ARR 2.0, was already spoiled on the possession angle (I spoiled myself, no big), and had just @erickgage‘s affectionate joking summary of Thancred being the guy who shows up 5 minutes late with Starbucks to all the early battles. So I didn’t really get to meet the guy ‘til the Waking Sands.
And honestly, he was stereotypical generic bland anime prettyboy competent guy. His 1.0/ARR model is…just sorta there. He was a flirt, also generic as heck. Really didn’t register too much, until I finished 2.0 finally and then went hard on the MSQ through the patches and into HW and StB 4.0, when I finally caught up to content.
Impression now: Godsdammit.
My first replay through the game was on PunchyCat, starting in Ul’dah, which meant I got to meet Thancred much earlier. I was immediately amused by his nickname for Nanamo, and Papashan’s assessment of the witty Archon. I was more into the lore, getting the first lorebook and reading the short stories on the main site, and playing through all at once instead of piecemeal over months/years made things make more sense. Thancred hits a lot of tropes I commonly like in a lot of characters, so he jumped up to being a favorite.
Gunbreaker suits him as a tank job (thank goodness he can stop trying to tank warmachina as a rogue, ffs Thancred), and tanking in general suits him when it comes to fighting for those he cares about.
I’m interested in the ShB story mentioning why he wears white in all his gear iterations; I’d previously made a post about his color choices and that aspect of character design, but having a lore explanation for his affinity for that color was interesting. I didn’t think his HW model suited him, honestly; way too rough mountain man hobo. His model in ShB is closer to his ARR model, but different enough, and imbued now with actual character, that he’s a bit more visually interesting and while still pretty typical handsome anime protagonist in appearance; his true personality just comes through a lot more.
I’m still forever mad about the unintentional character ‘ship with Aeryn, tho. It took a 3rd playthrough for it to happen.
For myself, mind, when I got into playing and learned his canonical age, it was at the time the same difference between myself and my younger brother. My assessment of the Scion “family” with Thancred being the middle child (esp his behavior pre-HW) maybe helps that. I’m getting to a point, really, where I look at the characters under 35 and think “OMG disaster children, all of you.”
Favorite moment: Oh goodness. There’s some good ones.
‘How was I supposed to know all my girlfriends would track me down and show up at HQ all at the same time: a master class in how to not to deal with multiple paramours by Archon T. Waters.’
His dramatic reappearance and duel with Ardbert in HW 3.1.
Taking out his frustrations by soloing the Coerthas cyclops boss so we can get on with the Tournament and fight Raubahn. (Side Bonus: pre-tournament when he jokes about fighting for the other team to even up the odds, and then: “It looks to be a veritable who’s who of the Eorzean Alliance. The only question is: who came to watch and who came to fight? Hmm…Nanamo. Definitely Nanamo.”)
Making sure Urianger knew he was still part of the team post-Soul Surrender climax.
“All right, which one of you triggered the obvious trap?” Also learning he can hold his breath for 10 freaking minutes–but still gets to be jealous of the WoL, Lyse, and Alisaie for their kojin blessing.
That dramatic teamwork with Urianger to knock Ran’jit down the pit in Rak’tika.
That frickin’ Trolley duty and it’s aftermath with the completed checklist of anime death markers and then just sitting there battered and bleeding and smiling and then giving Ryne a name and a headpat and “You’re family.” Bastard.
Idea for a story: Have you seen my Ao3 account? *grumbles*
Unpopular opinion: While he likely used drinking as a bad coping mechanism at times in ARR’s patches, I doubt he ever really went to blackout, as losing control to that extent, after having been controlled and probably losing a lot of time while possessed, would be awful. We see him drink a few times, but I don’t think he is/was an alcoholic.
I also agree with @ahlis-xiv that his flirtatious persona was mostly adopted. While he probably does have a healthy libido and enjoys time with paramours (that Urianger keeps a handy list of), there’s a lot that’s likely exaggerated, allowed to be assumed, and otherwise used as a cover, given his specializations. It’s also noteworthy how he’s mostly acting the same even after being lost in the wilderness, right up until our foray into the Antitower. The wit/humor gets toned down a lot, but the flirting is cut out entirely after that. He still charms some ladies in the First, based on incidental dialogue, but that seems a general reaction to him being a handsome hero type rather than any intentional flirtatious act on his part.
Favorite relationship: Thancred and little sister types. I do wish we’d seen more of his relationship with Minfilia outside of informed moments and the short stories. I feel like he has a semi-older-brother relationship with Lyse, too, given their antics in the 2.0 patches (particularly the “Hoary’s fighting the WoL, come watch!” and Thancred not even considering how one of his girlfriends would see him sending Lyse to retrieve an item until after and going “oh yeah, whoops”). And now there’s Ryne, and she is totally running things if you watch their background conversations/body language. But that’s kind of where Thancred likes it; find a girl who needs a protective older brother and do what she asks and whatever she needs.
I do have a special place in my heart for the expanded broship with Urianger that Shadowbringers gave us, though. I’ve already spoken on that one.
Favorite headcanon: Everything people assume about how he spoils the nutkin. And really, focusing on taking care of and doting on a pet would be good therapy. Goodness knows he needs it.
Also I assume he and Hilda hooked up at least once during the HW patches. Part of that expectation and cover, sure, to immediately flirt with the pretty, tough, half-elezen guard captain. But also, he spent however long mostly alone, and then only with the Vath and a nutkin for company; the guy was probably touch-starved and lonely and just needing a connection to another person he could relate to (that wasn’t a bug).
Otherwise, again, have you seen my Ao3? Ugh. Damned snarky smart rogues…
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First impression: Laughing Organization XIII-wannabe is obvious villain. Wonder what their deal is.
Impression now: So much lost/wasted potential thanks to being stuck as the ARR villain when it was so hastily rewritten and acted, and so little was decided on the Ascians and their motivations yet. A lot of what we learn now retroactively makes him more interesting. The fact he was a workaholic who looked at the workaholic Scion and went “ah yes; that one will do, perfect” makes me laugh.
Favorite moment: I like his interactions with Elidibus. And I am actually fairly fond of his theatrical reveal in Praetorium about the Ultima Weapon, the Heart of Sabik, and casting Ultima.
Idea for a story: Maybe stuff while he’s possessing Thancred. Maybe stuff between then and the Reactor. I dunno; I’ve been enjoying a lot of others’ stories about our first Ascian antagonist.
Unpopular opinion: Dunno if this is unpopular, but some of the retroactive information is to excuse why he seemed so much less powerful than other, later Ascians, but I do think the Speaker could be quite devious and powerful, if he had better writing around him. He suffers for being from ARR.
Favorite relationship: I am not ashamed to admit I am a Lahabrea/Igeyorhm shipper and Hades Ex seems to agree with me so there.
Favorite headcanon: The Speaker likely also had a good singing voice. Another thing good about possessing a man whose primary cover was a bard–excuses to indulge that.
First impression: Wannabe-Organization XIII also hires women, cool. Wonder if she’ll get to do anything?
Impression now: I’m sad so much got cut from HW; as great as it was, a lot got left on the editing room floor and it shows in spots–particularly where the Ascians connect with the plot. We learn much about her retroactively as well, including how she worked for/with Lahabrea thanks to being the one to wreck the Thirteenth, and change Ascian policy on how to bring about Rejoinings. I still wanna know more about her.
Favorite moment: You beat the whale, good job–thanks, that’s my key now. It’s such a perfect dick move. Excellent timing and taunting. 
Idea for a story: Maybe some of her inner thoughts working for/with Lahabrea. She was a raised up shard, so does that mean they found the scattered pieces of her original soul and force-merged them? I doubt it, since Emet-Selch mentions raising up those who are a piece of the previous office holder, but I wonder if it came with imbuing the new title-holder with some of those memories and knowledge. Perhaps she wonders if some of her interactions/feelings/whatever with Lahabrea are her own, or her tapping into her previous life’s memories. Something to think about, anyway.
Unpopular opinion: I dunno, she shoulda gotten to stick around longer? Or been allowed to do a lot more? Should have been much more of a presence in HW, but I don’t think that’s unpopular so much as unconsidered.
Favorite relationship: Lahabrea is really the only one she gets significant interactions with. Though I wonder about her interactions with the other few women in the Ascians.
Favorite headcanon: See above with the story ideas, really; she didn’t get a lot of time onscreen so there’s a lot of room to make things up, and retroactive info from ShB to make her more interesting, or at least her situation as an upraised Ascian.
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samleheny · 6 years
Actually DOING SOMETHING with Mary-Jane Watson.
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Marvel’s Insomniac’s Sony’s Spider-Man Not The Movie The Game 2018 is out, y’all!
S’alright, innit?! Not quite up to the standards Sony exclusives have been setting this generation – it’s a bit heavy on exactly the kind of inconsequential sandbox side-questing I’d prayed we’d moved past in a post Witcher 3 world, and blame myself all I want, but me and the combat just do not like eachother – but it’s still easily the best Spider-Man game ever and then some if only for the story.
And I wanna talk about a specific aspect of its narrative - its characterisation of long time Spidey love interest Mary-Jane Watson and why it’s the best ever.
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MJ is today thought of as integral to the Spider-Man mythos. Peter Parker’s one true love whom he is ultimately destined to be with (no matter how much your personal Spider-fantasy insists that Black Cat is the obviously correct decision). So if she is such an important character… then why does she suck?!
That is perhaps a product of her publication history.
Strange as it might sound to our modern ears, Mary-Jane was not conceived by Spider-Man’s writers to be anybody important. Way back in the original Amazing Spider-Man comics, MJ was a background accessory. A running gag who Aunt May would repeatedly try and set Peter up on a date with. Mary-Jane’s did even make an appearance until much later, she was just talked about.
It wasn’t until years later, in 1987, that writers very hurridly reintroduced MJ to the Spider-Man story, got her and Peter married, more-or-less as an attention-getting publicity stunt.
And it turns out weddings, however fictional, aren’t the sort of thing one should rush into.
Spider-Man’s married life as Peter Parker immediately became less interesting to read and write about and Marvel writers would spend the next twenty years trying to undo it without breaking continuity and without putting the blemish of a divorce on Peter Parker’s permanent record.
The solution they ultimately went with? Spider-Man made a bargain with Satan.
Oh, I’m not joking.
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But by then an entire generation who would eventually go on to create the next batch of Spider-Man cartoons, comics, films, videogames, etc. had already grown up reading of a Spider-Man whose one true love had to be Mary-Jane Watson, so it appears she’s here to stay as a permanent fixture within Spidey lore.
What’s so wrong with that, you ask? Well, Mary-Jane is boring. Think of the Sam Raimi films, or the classic 90’s cartoon. Peter only definitively ‘get’s the girl’ right at the end, because the writers know that Mary-Jane’s role as a perpetual object of Peter’s desire doesn’t give them much to work with once she’s been obtained. And now knowing the editorial history of her character, it’s pretty obvious why – She’s not a character. She’s a background decoration of the world in which Peter Parker lives who was hastily turned into Spidey’s ultimate romance. And writers were in no hurry to have her grow into a more substantial character in her new role because they regretted getting them hitched almost immediately.
Insomniac’s new Spider-Man game too is of the opinion that there can surely be no Spider-Man without a Mary-Jane to long for. So how do they handle the character?
Well, I initially thought the timeline of this new take on Spider-Man was an odd choice. Normally you’d expect if they’re starting a new videogame series based on a pre-existing superhero they’d either start at the beginning (either with the origin story, or within the infancy of their superhero career) or at the far other end, the big sell being “This is veteran crime fighter Spidey’s toughest challenge yet!”
But Spider-Man The Game No Not That One, Or That One, Or That One starts somewhere in the middle. Peter’s been Spider-Man for eight years -hardly a veteran, but still with an established presence in New York, a rich rogue’s gallery, and with certain characters already having grown past their classic roles, eg. J. Jonah Jameson has left his newspaper, The Daily Bugle, and become the Marvel world’s answer to Alex Jones. Decrying Spider-Man as a menace on the airwaves 24/7 and branding any evidence to the contrary as fake news.
But this starting point was actually a really interesting choice, because it gave Insomniac the opportunity to give characters rich historical relationships. Case in point – Mary-Jane is introduced to us already long aware of Peter Parker’s superhero persona, and already having had a relationship with him. At first I felt robbed of a dramatic coming out of the Spider-closet scene, but that would have been too easy.
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This imagining of MJ is an investigative journalist working for the Daily Bugle (itself now a more sympathetic outlet without J.J. Jameson).
Stop and think about that for a second. How do you make interesting the boring, long time love interest who exists for no other reason then to be a love interest? Give them a career! Why’d it take us so long to think of that?!
Yeah, yeah. I know. She already had a career. She was a supermodel. And how little of that did we actually hear about? How relevant was that to the events of the story? That wasn’t a role for her to play, it was just an extension of her desirability.
The firsts time we see new MJ, she’s sneaking around, sporting an impressive looking camera lens - imagery historically associated more with Peter.
What’s this? A shared interested? Just like that, these two already have more chemistry than in any previous incarnation.
This version of MJ is introduced to us crossing paths with Spider-Man investigating some villainy, but it’s because she’s pursuing a story for her paper independent of his actions. They’ve been broken up for six months.
She’s happy to see him sure, and you know they’re going to hook up again by the time the credits role, but when we meet her for the first time, she’s doing her own thing. Being a hero in her own way.
She has an involvement in the plot important enough for us to care about without being directly connected to Peter Parker. Which is good because if we’re to care about their romance, we need to care about them both as individuals first.
A journalist is a terrific choice for her, because she lives in New York City, which means her escapades are naturally likely to overlap with Spidey’s, and when they do she has a role to play in the adventuring. And that’s exactly what happens. The player is given direct control of MJ for recurring stealth segments (which in defiance of most obligatory stealth segments are not even that painful) wherein she sneaks around and uncovers secrets relevant to Spider-Man’s ongoing battle with the today’s villain, Mr. Negative. The two correspond to help each other, and as they become part of each other’s lives again, MJ puts a lot of weighty emphasis on wanting to be his “partner” as opposed to a “sidekick”.
The story Insomniac crafted is very satisfying (if a little bloated near the end, with its villain switcheroo). Rather than going the Batman Arkham route of giving us just a taste of every Batman character under the sun, they focused the narrative on a smaller cast but explored more fleshed out relationships, and the standout in my opinion is realising how little there was to Mary-Jane’s character considering the gravity often afforded to her presence in the Spider-Man universe. And so they basically had grounds to constructed an entirely new love interested for Spider-Man and call her MJ, and they did so by making her a character first, love interest second.
There’s been so much Spider-Man stuff. Too much. The media landscape is saturated with Spider-Man. Every now and then something will stick and be properly absorbed into the collective consideration for how we think about Spider-Man lore. Usually because they add something to it, while dreck like the Amazing Spider-Man films, or most of the videogames from the last decade are swiftly forgotten.
The thing I hope future creatives remember about Spider-Man 2018 Buy a Playstation 4 The Game is that this is how you make the character of Mary-Jane not feel utterly token.
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mystech-master · 8 years
Zaun Q&A Tidbits
Piltover one here
Piltover got a reddit Q&A, now it’s Zaun’s turn.
link here
question asked by fan
answer from rioter
Q: What made you decide to join Zaun and Piltover into one super-city and what inspired this direction? 
A. This had been in the works for a long while. I know early discussions on the two cities idea were meant to emphasize the differences and similarities of the two cities, while ramping up that connection and conflict through being so close together. They have no choice but be aware of each other every day, and it allows us to delve into ideas about what a symbiotic relationship looks like when not everyone is happy about it. It felt different to all of our other regions, it heightened possibilities for conflict (and therefore drama), and meant we could play very different Champs off each other pretty easily. Regions need to have natural hooks for storytelling and provide opportunities that other places don't. After all, if your new city just does the same as another on the other side of the world, why does the story world need it?
Q. Is Twitch still a resident/champion of Zaun? 
A. Yes!  He will eventually be getting some bio and story love too
Q. I recall some concerns about Zac's parents being deceased in the new lore; what made the team decide to "Uncle Ben" them?
I feel really bad about it; they were cool people who did the right thing, and raised Zac responsibly and lovingly. Those teasers with their scribbled notes on them were really sweet; there's one where they call him cute that makes me smile. Them getting killed in the lore update really guts me, honestly.
At the least I wish one of Zac's parents lived, to be his Aunt May rooting for him. Does Zac really have to be Batman, and not Spiderman?
I do like Ekko's lore, where he explicitly isn't an orphan, so I can't complain that everyone has dead or missing parents, but still, I feel so bad about Zac's plight.
A. Hi, the thinking behind that was that with them still alive, teaching Zac right from wrong, he didn't really have anywhere to go as a character. Was him being good a product of their guidance or something coming from him and what he'd learned? Now he has to embody the goodness he wants for himself by himself, and that's a much more interesting story space... 
Q. Any pre-existing characters served as inspiration for Viktor? Parallels with Doctor Doom are plenty in my mind.
How far has he progressed in terms of his evolution? Does he still need to breathe/eat, has he augmented his cognitive abilities?
It's strongly hinted that he does still have shreds of humanity about him. Is there any part of him that holds any regrets on where he is and how he got there? Or is he completely satisfied with his current existence?
How do you think he feels about Zaun? Characters like Ekko/Blitz/Zac/WW seem almost inseparable from the city, what does Viktor think about it?
Edit: Can he remove his mask? There are mentions of smiles in his story but all we see in the game is his mask. Is it removeable or grafted into his skin?
A. I was inspired by the real-life scientists who worked on developing local anesthesia. Some of them experimented on their own bodies to see if the anesthesia worked before trying their techniques on patients during operations. That mentality felt very much true for Viktor, who wants to make humanity better and would never intentionally hurt someone - he would absolutely test a new method on himself if he thought it might be dangerous or hurtful.
Viktor has performed many modifications to his own mind and body, but neither his body nor mind are entirely machine - right now he is a hybrid, though he is constantly upgrading and tweaking his mechanical parts.
I don't think he feels regret - what would be the point? I'm sure like anyone he has made decisions that he would have changed in hindsight, but he doesn't dwell on these. He uses the knowledge he gains from each experience to move forward and do better in the future. I do think Viktor is happy with his current levels of mechanical modifications, and has eliminated many problems from his life through his experimentation.
Like many of the characters from Zaun, Viktor is very much a product of his society. He has been able to use the ingenuity, freedom, and boundless resources of the city in order to create progress and experiment in ways beyond what anyone had yet accomplished. He is not limited to the rules and regulations that held him back in Piltover - here in Zaun, he can do what no one thought possible.
I've always seen the mask as something he can remove and put back on as needed (i.e., to take a sip of sweetmilk).
Q. I love what you did for Viktor. He's oddly enough "human" and despite augmenting himself with cold steel he's surprisingly warm. He's very sympathetic despite his methods being rather questionable at times. 
A. Glad you liked the Viktor story! :D I had fun trying to imagine what it's like to have have such a strange, logical distance from emotions. And yeah, I definitely don't see him as cold - he can still empathize with others, but he isn't swayed by what he sees as unnecessary emotions like fear. 
Q. Can i ask do you think Viktor is a scientist before a machine herald because he shows signs of sympathy 
A. Interesting question. I would say he is both; they are not mutually exclusive. Viktor very much values science and the scientific method - he teaches Naph to ask questions that dig deeper into a rumor, and to value primary sources as evidence above hearsay. Viktor also believes humans have certain weaknesses of spirit that machines do not have, so he's still very much a "machine herald". Through augmentations, Viktor has done his best to rid himself of what he sees as useless and harmful emotions, but he still has empathy for others (as is hopefully evident in this story). 
Q. Is Zaun's design and style based off of any real cities? 
A. Not wholesale, but all of our work is derived from a lot of real-life references mixed in a particular combination (that will feel like Zaun if you get a sort of rough formula down). There's plenty of Victoriana and Art Deco references, but we don't tend to reference the entire art movement, because that can be too broad. For Zaun's case, we specifically looked at the industrial design in that era and took design cues from it and translated that to architecture instead.
We also kinda think of things like symbolism and how shapes 'feel' to people. For instance, Zaun has a lot of struts and vertical elements. Narratively, we can explain that by saying it's bare metal, it's rough, unpolished, it's the Zaunites' way of building sturdy platforms out from rock. But visually, having struts and vertical elements brings us to a specific industrial era and sets the visual tone of the place as well. So we try and capitalize on these feelings and associations to create the mood of the faction as well.
Response to ^: So Zaun is 1930s New Jersey but in a big canyon?
Response to ^: That's a really good description. We'll go with that. :) It also has strange mechanically augmented people and mutant rats
Q. Would Warwick ever attempt to hunt down Dr.Mundo? How would it go?
So, since Viktor is a misunderstood "Villain", would you say Jayce is a misunderstood hero? It seems like he's really arrogant and only cares about the glory.
A: Ooh. That's an interesting idea.
I'd like to think that Jayce has legitimate heroism within him, but he just needs to stop thinking he's better than everyone else and start focusing on how to work with people.
Q. I have to know, in Viktor's colour story, did he choose to assist Naph solely out of a desire to test and see the results of his fear-suppressing chip mixed with an expectation of a future evolution; or was it derived as well from his lingering human impulses to uplift and grant agency to the downtrodden?
I'm honestly not sure what to, or even what I want to believe of him. The candid nature of Viktor both in his bio and Emberflit Alley really caught me off guard.
A. This isn't the first time Viktor has used the fear-suppressor - he's certainly not using Naph as a test subject. I think Viktor witnessed an inequity when he saw Naph bullied outside his door, knew exactly how that he could help, and fixed the problem. The whole reason Viktor developed all his mechanical augmentations is not just science for science's sake - he genuinely wants to help people and make the world a better place. 
Q. to the artist: how did you make sure that each others style matches and do you guys have a end picture in mind or start and see where it takes you? 
A. Great question! The team has a central idea of what each faction feels like and we try to boil it down to key phrases and also key shapes. We used words like "Industrial", "Claustrophobic", "Pipework", among others, for Zaun. We spend a lot of time gathering reference and trying out different shapes until we hit upon a palette that represents Zaun. Circles, curves, repetitive struts, holes punched in metal. This way, any artist who works on Zaun has a body of research and a database of sorts to work from.Generally, I don't think we have an end picture in mind that's very clear. We have this general idea of how it should feel like, but we don't really know what it'll end up looking like until we go through an iterative process and finally land an image that 'clicks' and excites everyone. 
A2. In addition to what u/riotwhren said about structures, In term of style itself you can compare Piltover and Zaun : in the case of Piltover, a lot of the architecture and shapes tend to be geometrical and symmetrical , a bit like American Art Deco style, Whereas in Zaun, their ability and craft of metal enables them to do a lot of round shapes, tubes, and intricate flowing shapes quite reminiscent of the Art Nouveau metro gates in Paris.:)
Q. What were your inspirations for Zaun?  What was the in-house sorta guidelines for what made Zaun?  Also, incredible work on the stories - Zaun feels like a living, breathing place and it makes me feel a lot more connected to the champions and proud of Ekko for fighting for it. 
A. Hmmmm, I think the key thing we kept repeating over and over again in meetings, both narratively and visually, was... "We need to make it livable. It can't be too dire with no hope whatsoever, it's gotta feel like someone might actually want to visit it".
And of course, the color green. Before we really delved into exploring the visuals, all the green in Zaun was conceptually all from goo and toxic poisons. But we wanted to make it more livable, so eventually the idea emerged that we could represent the green with the cultivairs, and also moss on bricks and stuff instead of neon goo. That way we kept the green but also made Zaun feel more livable.
Q. will  you keep making lore in perspectives of citizens/people who aren't the actual champions?
A. Most certainly, yeah. It's fun for us (and hopefully for you) to see the world of Runeterra through the eyes of people who aren't mega-badasses. Like how reading Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina made the Star Wars trilogy feel much bigger and deeper. 
Stories about characters who aren't champions allows us to delve into the world in ways the champions can't (or don't often). It broadens the world and keeps it from feeling 'small' by virtue of so many champs all being involved in the everyday lives of people. 
Q. Hello! I am a lore aficionado, and have read and loved every champion's lore, and would like to know more about Warwick, and why you decided to remove Soraka from his lore when she was a very prominent part of his two previous lores. His new lore is still excellent, but it hurts to see such a major player in his lore tragically torn from her spot in his story and character. :(Sincerely, A Warwick main.
A. Partly it was so we can make Soraka her own woman/celestial, partly to give Singed and Warwick's relationship a bit more focus and dynamism. Though we like to include relationships in the origins of our Champs, it's best to do so when those relationships amplify the core of who the Champ is. Personally, I think it was a good move for all three Champs.
Q. Why are u trying to blur some champions identities if u don't have an exact idea of what they are? I'm talking about Janna (also happened to Amumu and Rammus in the past) I mean we are supposed to know exactly what they are, what s up with this ambiguity? 
A. Personally, I don't find Janna's identity all that ambiguous -- she's got some mystery, sure (as magical things should in order to feel properly magical, in my opinion), but she's assuredly a physical manifestation of faith and hope from sailors who prayed for fair winds. Which is why her superpowers are summoning wind and hugging sad gay boys.
Q.--- If you'll indulge me a little further, Noxus's "Conquer and patriate" seems very similar to the Roman Empire's way of running things. Would you say that Noxus's control over Valoran is roughly equivalent to the Roman Empire's control over Europe? And furthermore, does Demacia actually pose much of a threat to Noxus, or do they function more as a "stubbornly unconquerable defender" rather than a political rival?
A. Yep!  Noxus is similar to an ancient Rome or ancient Persia.  And "stubbornly unconquerable defender" is an accurate assessment for Demacia!
Q. A question to help better visualize the city: what sort of fashion do Zaunites wear? What are the differences between each societal class in their dress (i.e. what do the rich vs. poor wear?) And lastly, is there any sort of 'people of Zaun' type concepts anywhere? As I recall, there was at least one concept image for Piltover's people! Thanks! 
A. We do have people concepts, but I'm not sure when we're getting them on Universe. In terms of fashion, there are definitely differences between the classes -- among the lower and middle classes, lots of rolled-up sleeves, layers, and various mechanisms to keep the toxins out and your feet dry. Among the upper classes, brighter, vibrant colors (because $$$), and there's less need to have protective elements in your clothes, so more refined patterns and cuts. In fact, I'd say the rich chem barons would pride themselves on looking nicely presented when riding one of the lush elevators up and down the city.
Q. Does Blitzcrank have any hextech going on in him, or is he entirely steam powered? 
A. Blitzcrank does not have any hextech within his core - he's made from a bunch of discarded golem parts originally powered by steam, but Blitz reconfigured his own mechanics in order to help others. So you might say that he's fueled by the power of LOVE. <removes tinfoil hat>
Q. Has Ryze, in his travels throughout the years, ever been involved with Zaun in some way? 
A. I'm sure he's passed through at some point...
Q. Is there any form of police or anything of the sort in Zaun? half of these guys hunt people at night just for the lulz 
A. The Chem-barons are the kind of unofficial law down there, keeping their patches secure and keeping things - more or less - safe. It's not good for business when things get too out of hand, but it can. And when it does, the retribution is swift and brutal. Also, if things get too out of hand down there, the Pilties might come down... 
(Also if you look on the reddit page there is a huge discussion, too huge for this post, where the Rioters actually ask why people liked the Journal of Justice so much and why they got rid of it. Go check it out if you’re one of those butt hurt people who hate the new lore).
Q. Why the change for Mundo? Why change him from being a scientist who became twisted from his own experiments to being 'lol idk he's purple'?
A. Because his original lore had a massive amount of crossover with Singed both in terms of narrative detail and tonal space. It also just didn't really mesh with his personality ingame, which is much more jovial and darkly comic.
Q. So Blitzcrank is a self-learning AI, but do computers exist in Valoran? if not, is hextech magic enough to this kind of processing?
A. Piltover and Zaun does not have mass production or the factory system - everything they create is made by a talented craftsperson who has studied for years. So all creations are unique, one-of-a-kind bespoke creations, meaning no computers. Blitzcrank doesn't have hextech within his core, he's a steam-powered golem who modified his own mechanics and became sentient in order to make a greater difference in Zaun.
Q. why zaun is full of criminals ? was it a good place in another time ?
A. Not everyone is a criminal, there's a lot of awesome people in Zaun, but harsh times can lead to harsh responses from some.
Q. What exactly is the relationship between Jinx and Ekko?
A. It's complicated.
Q. And what's the relationship between Taliyah and Ekko?
A. I'm not aware there is one...? Though the kid from Shurima might have passed through Zaun in her travels and I suspect they'd have found kindred spirits in one another.
Q. Is Mundo's tongue purple or blue?
A. The blue in the splash is from the potion he drank. 
Q. What kind of relationship do Zaun and Noxus have? Does Zaun regularly supply weapons to Noxus, or does it try to refrain from getting involved in that age-old Demacia/Noxus conflict?
A. Zaun/Piltover trade with Noxus and it's an amicable (as far as any relation with Noxus goes) but the empire is now beginning to see that maybe, just maybe, there's something to this new-fangled technology that's coming out of these two cities.
Q. Does Viktor know about Orianna and if so, what does he think of her?
A. I'd be surprised if he didn't know about her, and he likely thinks of her as some inventor's folly, not yet realizing that there's more to her than a simple clockwork automaton. 
Q. How did Zaun become so toxic and poisoned, it was a normal City like Demacia before anything, wasn't it? :D
A. There was a catastrophe in Zaun's past that sank it into canyons and cliffs that ripped through the landscape, which together with the chem-tech researches that have happened since...well, that's not a good mix.
Q. Any chance of Zaun being completely free from all the gas and poisonous filth? :D
A. I suspect their are chem-alchemists working on that very thing right now.
Q. Were there any inspirations you guys drew upon in the making of Janna's new backstory? I've always wanted a Miss Peregrine-type character in League, so I couldn't be more happy with her new lore, personally <3
A. Kiiiiiind of? We mainly just beat our heads against a wall for a couple weeks until we came up with something that we all liked. We sort of realized after the fact that she's slightly Neil Gaiman-y -- a god who was forgotten and then came back as more people started believing in her again.
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plasmamagazine · 8 years
An Atlien Abroad 2
    The Flutterby Hostel is a unique universe unto itself filled with travelers and vagabonds from all over the world. The hostel started back in 2009 with the partnership of sisters Pam and Kim Andreasen. Since then they have been building relationships and funky treehouse hostel rooms to host their eclectic clientele. Reminiscent of Never Never Land from the classic film Hook, R.I.P. Robin Williams, the small piece of property filled with chickens running amuck, surfboards, a yoga deck, cabanas, a woodworking shop, a giant compost pit, and beautiful flowers. It is a little slice of Costa Rican heaven, with a sign outside that says ‘work in progress.’
     Here in Uvita, the days are long and time moves slowly. The days lurch forward until they leap into the evening when the stars come out. The Milky Way, crashing waves, a bonfire, and a bottle passed around was how we spent our first night. Then our first full day we ventured to the Uvita Waterfall and plunged into the cold river water via the natural slide that sits at the top. Next, we piled into Felipe’s two door, four wheel drive tank and swarmed the local fried chicken joint, Rapido Pollo. Downtown Uvita is a bustling little strip with taxis everywhere, the BM food market, a pharmacy, a coffee shop, a bank and a liquor store. It is the main point of transfer when entering and leaving the hostel.
     Life at Flutterby is in constant flux. People are always on the move, construction is always underway, and the tide is always changing. The volunteers living on site are Will, Mary, Bailey, Megan, Paul, Emilia, Josh and I. It is an interesting balance of personalities. Will and Mary’s calm energy balances out the boisterous personalities of Josh, Bailey and I. Paul practices amongst the Stoics, preferring a simple diet of bananas and peanut butter, perfect for studying and surfing. Emilia and Megan spend their time on the beach and searching for the elusive wifi to keep up with Megan’s Tinder profile.
     All the volunteers and staff get to rent the surfboards for free, and the beach is a five-minute walk down a rock laden road. The beach is part of the national park, so it is three thousand colones, or six bucks if you are a gringo. I have been surfing the past several days after I get off my morning ayudante shift.
     Ayudante is the "do bitch work," shift. You have got your list of tasks which include; cleaning the main tables, the guest kitchen, emptying composts buckets and then whatever different work that is needed for that day. It usually lasts from 6:30 am to 2:30 pm.
     However, back to surfing, in the afternoon the low tide waves get steep and choppy, but the experience of being on a surfboard and watching the sunset in the Pacific Ocean is incredibly humbling. The sunsets here are beautiful mixes of purple, orange and yellow and when the clouds linger on the horizon, they amplify all the colors. I had the most surreal experience during my third-day surfing. Sitting on my board out past the wave break, I watched the sunset, and in that moment of bliss I looked to my left, and there was a perfect wave. I paddled as hard as I could, and before I knew it, I was riding at the front of a wave that took me all the way back to the shore. Needless to say I that was my last ride of the day. Best to end on a good note.
     The schedule at Flutterby comes out every Monday, and they try to balance it out, so everyone gets some morning and evening shifts. Josh Peters in his infinite charm landed himself on PM bar shift for his first two days while I had 6:30 am ayudante shifts. In true Yardsale Pete fashion, give him an inch, and he will take a mile. It was our fourth night there, I am taking it easy; eating dinner, drinking beer and Josh is getting loaded on local rum. We played cards for a while and then at ten I decided to head to bed, while the crew decided on a bonfire at the beach. The next day I am doing my morning shift raking leaves and tidying up when Megan makes her way to the bar with a big ole grin. She proceeded to tell me about how Josh, trying to be responsible, left the beach early but when she came back, he was spread eagle butt ass naked in the crew common area. After taking a shower he decided to air dry in the crewcita but didn’t make it to bed before he fell asleeep. Emilia and Megan were kind enough to cover him in a blanket. I guess they like us because that was almost a week ago and we are still here. Our southern charm and our genteel vibes are taking us far.
     Cascading water and the changing of tides put this place in perspective. Everything is constantly moist. As soon as you take a shower, you start sweating again. You are always in between; wet and dry, coming and leaving, knowledge and feeling. The Flutterby is a bubble, a sanctuary for lost boys, a haven, and a cultural melting pot of ideas, languages, and adventures. Bahia is off the beaten path so, most people here aren't first-time travelers. It is not hard to find, but it does take some time. In many ways this place feels more remote than it actually is, I feel entirely removed from the rest of the world. There is hardly any internet. I cannot make phone calls. All I know is what is around me. It is blissful. However, it makes it harder to keep up with what is going on in other parts of the world. Ignorance is bliss if you can stomach it and right now my belly feels fine but who knows when this mandarina rind will mold?
    Mary, Will and I went to the secret stash waterfall Sunday the 15th. It took about an hour via riding bikes and hiking to get there. We rode through downtown Uvita, took a right at the bank, passed the liquor store on the left, conquered the road of poor terrain and faced off with Scary Gary the machete-wielding troll that lives right beyond the bamboo forest. That last part is lore, but we did lock our bikes up at the second river crossing and finish the half mile hike on foot. The river water rushed cool over our sweaty bodies. Amongst the lush rainforest, it is easy to lose your mind. It is a beautiful feeling.
    However, the bugs are huge. Things can kill you here. R.I.P. Colin Maldonado. 'Why you and not me?' Is a question I still ask myself. We both got the same type of infection at about the same time. It is hard for me to believe it is just because I was able to get to a doctor and you were stuck in the Costa Rican jungle. However, that is the only reasonable conclusion. I must admit ideas of transfiguration do pop into my head from time to time, the migration of souls from one vessel to another. It is a wild idea but nevertheless it does still wander the halls of my mind.
     However, the waterfall was beautiful probably about 20-30 feet high hidden right out of view from the main river. Before we found it, we got a Costa Rican family to take our picture where the river converged with itself.
     Surprised at the ancient Polaroid technology the abuela jumped back startled after the first picture. Then after the second photograph the young boys, about age 8 or 9, looked on with amazement as the picture developed. After basking in the glory of the secret stash, we walked back down the mountain in the light of the setting sun.
    On the way back we stopped at the La Panadaria, where Mary got some baked deserts, while Will went to the BM for some vegetables. Then on a whim, we decided to eat at Rapido Pollo. For five bucks I got a giant piece of fried chicken, rice, beans, pasta salad and a local beer, delicious. Once we awoke from our chicken coma, we raced our beach cruisers back to Flutterby. Last one there had to buy the first round. I was out 2400 colones by the end of it. It was money well spent with good company.
     Will and Mary have been dating for about two years. They are a homely couple with a healthy thirst for adventure. After Costa Rica, they are moving to St. Louis for school. Will is a pre-med student that plans on working in geriatrics. Mary has her undergrad in English and is planning on studying creative writing in grad school. They are good kids on track for a great life.
     Every Monday morning we have our weekly staff meeting at 8 am to discuss the past week, the coming week, and then we have our deep cleaning till 11. Emilia and I were in charge of cleaning the guest kitchen and the staff kitchen. Bumping Dr. Dre's The Chronic, we got down and dirty prepping for the two new volunteers to move in. After the cleaning, I took a nap to get ready for my third bar back shift.
     8 hours of stop and go food service on your feet can wear you out.  However, there's always someone new to talk to, new languages to decipher and to dance. Afterward, I drank a couple of beers with Felipe and Micco, the new volunteer from Germany and we decided to go out to some bars, but I opted out preferring a good night's rest.
     I woke up early Tuesday morning to go to a farmer's market in Tinamaste with Katie Zinke and her family. Tinamaste is a mountain town with a bustling Tuesday morning market filled with the local hippie community that resides in the adjacent mountains. The drive twists and turns up a well-paved road, but the squealing of the rental car tires keeps me on my toes. I am saddled in the very back with no seat much less a seatbelt. Todd, Katie's father, howls like a howler monkey as he barrels up the mountainside. He is putting his Tico driving lessons to good use.
    The market, set underneath a large pavilion, is filled with people selling crystals, tinctures, local cheeses, empanadas, fresh veggies, bracelets and other nicknacks. Waiting in line to pay for my veggies I struck up a conversation with Vinnie from Delaware. It was his second year in a row coming down to Costa Rica. He did odd jobs for a room, board, and extra spending cash amongst the Tinamaste community. Costa Rica draws beautiful people from all over the world to its beautiful landscape. Now for a dinner shift, a week full of work, waterfall excursions and serene surfing.
All Images and Words by Stephen Wilkins (@damngladtomeetcha)
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