#a bulletpoint i didnt put it bc i dont have experience with it and also was rambling was if u have little friends-
princeminnow · 2 years
If you usually involuntarily regress but can't, do you have any tips for easing yourself back into it during stressful times?
thats a good question and m flattered u came to me! my regression is only involuntarily, i think, so when i wanna i expose myself to (positive) triggers. ive been in the same situation and its pretty frustrating, but from my own experience, heres some stuff ive noticed! also pls forgive how long this turned out lol i ramble and have a lot of thoughts just like, as a person
⭐️ don’t force it. i think sometimes the kid in you just needs a break to recharge, or may even think the situations not “safe” enough right at this moment.
⭐️ age dreaming is super nice even if you find urself unable to slip lately, including just stuff like media with/for younger folks if thats not usually your jam anyway. if you do end up slipping, great! if not, then you got to have fun and maybe consume some art, win-win
im taking this opportunity to recommend the youtube series Recess Therapy bc it makes me laugh
⭐️ a lot of the time my triggers are within age regression tumblr itself! including CG blogs and agere fics especially, theres something so nice in knowing theres people that could readily accept and love a part of you you might otherwise hide
⭐️ regression is easiest when i’m tired, so getting comfy with kiddo or baby bedtime and working outwards is how i personally tend to do it when i haven’t in a while.
another recommendation, and i actually recommend this to my big friends too and use it sometimes when im big but too anxious to sleep bc i have a lot of trouble with that, is the podcast Little Stories for Tiny People! its literally just so good i cant praise it enough
⭐️ all in all, just.. try not to worry about it too much. involuntary regression is, as u know, pretty organic and its in the name itself, hard to control.
get cozy, do what makes you feel secure, get yourself some fruit, it’s gonna be ok. you’re gonna regress again when you’re ready, and when you do, on some level, the wait will be worth it
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