#a bunch of entertainment sites have already leaked this info from D23 expo but this is more like a report before i forget everything :')
nottsubakiichan · 6 years
more details on Wreck-it Ralph 2 at Mark Henn’s workshop for 2d animation
Today on July 28, 2018, I along with 19 other people and sponsors were granted the opportunity to attend a Drawing and 2d animation workshop by Mark Henn, the animation supervisor of the upcoming film Wreck-it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet, through a mall-sponsored promo Wreck-it Ralph art contest as winners. It was in this workshop that Mr. Mark Henn gave everyone who attended a basic rundown of the film’s premise as well as a peek into the full version of the scene where Vanellope meets the rest of the legendary Disney princesses. I know news of this clip have already been circulating online but I haven’t seen more detailed accounts of what happened.
I’m writing this from what I can remember, as camera recording and photography were strictly not allowed. We were made to surrender our phones before entering the venue. Hence, a lot of the things here may be inaccurate.
Warning that this contains spoilers for Wreck-it Ralph 2. If you still wish to find out, proceed under the cut.
- Movie picks up from where the first one left off: Ralph smashes his buildings while Vanellope likes to race for fun at night when the arcade is closed
- One day Mr. Litwack introduces a new plug-in to the arcade: wifi. Ralph reads this as “wih-fee”. All game characters are told they aren’t allowed to enter this new domain and so everyone proceeds with their day as normal
- Normal life continues until one of the kids playing at the arcade accidentally breaks the steering wheel for Sugar Rush. Mr. Litwack assesses the situation after being informed about it. He feels that since Sugar Rush has been around for such a long time that the steering wheel was able to break off, then maybe it was time to put the game to rest. The kids protest at this, since there are many of them who love Sugar Rush and don’t want to see the game go. Because of this, they look up a replacement steering wheel on ebay using their smartphones and show it to Litwack in the hopes that maybe he can replace the wheel and get the game to continue. Unfortunately, the last remaining steering wheel on ebay is 200 USD-- more than what the game makes in the arcade every year. Mr. Litwack has no other choice but to let the game just die and everyone goes home disappointed. All the game characters in Sugar Rush fall into despair because they will now be left without a home.
-Naturally, Vanellope tells Ralph about this and Ralph doesn’t like it either because it was making his friend so sad. It is because of this that they eventually enter the “wifi” doorway in game central and thus enter the internet. There, they meet a character named “Yesss” who is representative of an entertainment website that makes videos go viral called “BuzzTube”. She offers them the solution to make enough money to buy the steering wheel through viral videos featuring Ralph. She sees potential in him because he has something unique that she feels people will enjoy.
- As they’re exploring the rest of the internet, they stumble into Oh My Disney! sites that were shown in the trailers. Vanellope bumps into a group of stormtroopers who go like “Hey! What are you doing here!?” and she uses her glitching ability to run away. Doing this, she accidentally glitches herself into a secret room that is usually off-limits: The room containing the Disney princesses.
- everything in this scene is as you saw in the teasers and trailers, except this time with the addition of a few more questions
Princesses: “Have you ever had a true love’s kiss/prince you fell in love with?”
Vanellope: “Barf!”
Princesses: “Did you ever get locked up/kidnapped by your stepmom/mom?” (probably not the exact question but it had something to do with mothers)
Vanellope: “I don’t even have a mom!”
Princesses: “Neither do we!”
- There were more questions but I could only recall those two
- After confirming that she is indeed a Disney princess, Tiana(?) checks out Vanellope’s outfit.
Tiana: “I love your gown! Where did you get it?”
Vanellope: “Oh this thing?”
Aurora: “Oh, how I would love to have one of my own!”
Cinderella: “I’ll get my mice on it!”
The scene then cuts to a few moments later, and it shows all the Disney princesses up until Moana wearing modern-day casual clothing! If you’ve ever seen fan art/fan fiction of Disney princess modern/college AU’s, Wreck-it Ralph 2 basically brought this to life. I can’t remember everyone’s outfits, but here are the ones I do remember:
Tiana: Has her hair down. Is wearing a pale pink tank top and shorts
Mulan: Wearing a silk designer bomber jacket with a chinese dragon embroidered on it and slim, black pants
Elsa: Wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt with the words “Just let it go” printed on its front and skinny jeans
Anna: Wearing a flannel button up shirt left open with a white undershirt underneath, skinny jeans, and sneakers
Merida: Similar to Anna’s-- flannel and sneakers. I can’t remember if she was wearing shorts or pants.
Ariel: A loose hanging crop top with a flounder printed on its front and shorts.
Moana: a white sleeveless top with shorts and flip flops/sandals(?). She retains the flower in her hair
The outfits of the princesses not mentioned are hazy in my memory but all I know is that their clothing reflected their personalities. I also remember one of the princesses wore a knit cap but I forgot if it was Anna or Merida. It was someone wearing flannel.
- After the outfit change, the princesses are all lounging around, talking about how they love their new clothes. Ariel gushes about how she’s always wanted to wear a... what was it called? A “shirt”. She then proceeds to burst into song to the tune of “A Part of Your World” with the lyrics modified to fit the situation. All the other princesses tell her to hush before she gets carried away again. The way they acted gave me the impression that this was something that happens regularly XD
- Vanellope remarks that she thought princesses had to be perfect, but it turns out they have their own problems too. Everyone then starts talking about their problems.
- Snow White reveals that she is actually near-sighted and “can’t see a thing without her glasses”. She says this is why she usually reacts like “Oh!” or “Ah!” at things. She accompanies this with a wacky demonstration of her shocked facial expressions.
- Jasmine reveals that although she has a pet tiger, she’s actually allergic to cats. She sniffles to prove this point.
- Merida also says something but her speech is so rapid and heavily laced with her thick Scottish accent that no one understood what she just said. Vanellope goes, “Ooookay..?” at this and looks to the others. One of the princesses explains, “She’s from the ‘other’ studio.”
-Moana is sweet and thanks Vanellope for coming to meet them as well as introducing to them new clothes. Vanellope responds likewise.
- Vanellope walks over to Pocahontas who is holding Meeko, remarking about how she can’t possibly leave something as cute as the raccoon. When she tries to pet Meeko, he snarls and tries to bite her. Vanellope glitches back a few steps out of fright. Pocahontas then tells her, “He bites.”
- A knock is then heard at the door. A robot enters, telling the princesses they have 5 minutes before they’re up on stage.
I most likely missed a lot more details and got a lot of things wrong, but I just wanted to get this down before my memory fades. The entire audience was so shook at this clip and my mind was whirling so much I wasn’t able to process some more of the things that were shown. Hearing about it was one thing but seeing it was another. The scene just made me so glad they made all the fan headcanons a reality and it makes me all the more excited for the movie’s release in November.
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