#a daily sorta
oneofthosenightbees · 7 months
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Death fleece
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
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almost-daily-coiny · 1 month
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(almost) daily coiny #87
gotta love that new episode
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If Jonathan’s the damsel in distress, I think that makes Mina his knight in shining armor!
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nightly-nightcat · 4 months
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day 92 - fun brush
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finncakes · 1 year
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work scribble i felt the need to color
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
Van Helsing is really trying hard to believe in Mina here. He's deeply afraid (both of and for her), but he keeps trying to justify her and explain away his own fears, or at least to silence them when he can't stop them.
Mina knowing the way to go is strange -> but there's only one by-road after all
She sleeps so hard he can't wake her -> but he's not trying as hard as he could, she needs the sleep after all
She won't eat, says she did already, and he's very worried -> but if he says anything about it he might scare he, so he'll keep quiet
She's so bright and easy like she's not been since before her attack, and it's unsettling -> but she's so kind and tender and thoughtful that he feels reassured
Her lethargy, lack of activity and appetite during the day scare him -> but she seems more lively that night, probably because her long sleep during the day refreshed and restored her
the hypnotism at dusk doesn't work -> well, God's will be done!
He's not really succeeding at explaining away all his fears, but he keeps trying, at least to counter them with some kind of reassurance or hope or faith. (Especially when the hypnotism fails entirely, and his reaction is to essentially throw up his hands and say 'what can we do but keep going? hopefully this is part of a plan.')
I also find it interesting how he never outright says what he's afraid of. It's fairly clear through context, but he doesn't name any of his suspicions, either aloud or even in this memorandum. He just says he is uneasy or nervous or afraid. A lot of the fear here stems from his uncertainty about just how true his worries are, about just how close to being a vampire Mina is. He doesn't know if she is beyond saving or not yet, and he doesn't want to say those thoughts out loud because then he might have to act on them. (What if he told her why he was worried about her loss of appetite and instead of becoming frightened herself, she laughed? What if she said he was right to fear?) It's better to remain in the uncertainty than potentially commit to the worst being true.
He wants to believe in her, he wants to save her, he wants to have hope that it isn't too late, and so he won't say anything. But he's having a very hard time believing, and he's tracking the evidence as it builds.
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vii-spider · 5 months
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doing a mermay-style thing focused on bugs this may! so...
may-fly 2nd: hatsune michura
i'm the number one "crustaceans are bugs" proponent, so, what better way to start off may-fly than with a crab? more info n stuff under the cut!
michura is, obviously, based on a crab! she isn't any one specific species or clade, i just kinda took the general look of a crab and put miku into it. her name comes from miku (duh) and brachyura, which is the infraorder under decapods that all so-called "true crabs" fall into
the idea for this came from when, a couple days ago, i just Completely misinterpreted miku fanart i saw on twitter, and thought she had crab eyes. immediately fell in love with the idea after hastily scribbling this out on my phone at like 12:30 in the morning
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so! i had to learn crab anatomy for this. and it is. fucked up.
first and foremost: understanding how the hell their faces work. surprisingly, it's not as complex as you'd think. those rectangular "jaws" you see?
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yeah, those are a pair of modified legs, neatly folded up, called maxillipeds. all the other mouthparts (including two other pairs of maxillipeds!) are tucked away behind those. so, thankfully, i only needed to give michura one pair of maxillipeds if i wanted to be particularly accurate!
something else i've learned that people tend to get wrong is how crab claws work. most people draw them opening from both sides, with a jagged and sometimes even hollow inside. but if you take a look at them on a real crab...
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see that divide between the lower and upper "fingers?"
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that's because only the top part of a crab's claw can move! the bottom part is just an extension of the "wrist" segment!
as for what's up with her arms... well, it's simple, really. i wanted to keep the claws because that's what crabs are known for, but i also wanted her to have more dexterous grasping appendages. originally both pairs of arms were on the torso, which was... more than a bit cluttered. i almost completely ditched the second pair, until-
"why not do two smaller front legs?"
in reference to how people give spider characters those weird stupid chelicera/palp/leg things. while i despise it on spiders... it's actually pretty in-line with how crabs are built, given their claws are just modified front legs! so, naturally, instead of putting the claws down there, i moved her hands down to where her frontmost legs would be, because i thought that would be kind of funny. i think it was a good call, honestly! since, i'd argue it's better for the more precise and dexterous grasping appendages to have the wider range of motion, and be able to reach the ground more easily, and i think it gives the design that "fucked up kind of weird" factor i really really like
uhhhh tldr, crab miku. i learned some stuff about crab anatomy in drawing her and now you have too
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jupiterlandings · 1 year
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“A constant reminder
of where I can find her,
a light that might give up the way,
is all that I’m asking
for without her I’m lost;
Oh my love, don’t fade away”
Dracula Aesthetics - Lord Arthur Holmwood
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ldshadowdoodles · 6 months
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[117] If I had a nickel for each Yandere High Minecraft Roleplay Lizzie was in, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice /ref
(for those curious, I’m referring to ItsFunneh’s YHS and SamGladiator’s YHS)
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tamblerdraws · 1 month
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Daily Joel Doodle day 31
miscellaneous joel doodles
+ closeups
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
I’m fascinated by the previous ask’s mention of anime “or the Vulcan equivalent” since anime is literally just Japanese animation would Vulcan animation have a distinctive enough style to warrant a distinct name? What is the Vulcan cultures’ views on animation as an art form (in your opinion).
I don't know enough about animation or art as like an evolving discipline as it relates to society/culture to say much about it in an intelligent way but the newest Dungeon Meshi Extra makes me think about it in a purely 'what would be fun' way
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Vulcans also have an incredibly long lifespan so it'd be funny if Vulcans were used to listening to stories that are much longer than other species. [See: Tuvok singing his children a 348 verse story as a lullaby and his children loving it]
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You know those soap operas that go on for like decades? Vulcan soap operas are going on for CENTURIES.
I think a lot of the most popular stories on Vulcan center around enlightment or war. In fact I think a lot of Vulcan is probably dedicated to those topics - I headcanon that there are multiple museums and monuments about the many wars Vulcan fought with a heavy emphasis on the great toll it took on their people and how awful these actions were. They almost blew up everything with nukes! But then logic saved them...I believe this is also a common thread in stories that aren't about war - being saved by logic. A woman almost falls for charlatan...but logic saves her. A man almost kills his brother...but logic stills his hand. Etc Etc. A Vulcan author could probably write thousands of books in their lifetime, depending on the age they started. I think having an author with hundreds of books is fairly common and Vulcans are often a bit anxious about reading very good authors of other species...what if they die before they finish writing?? Television shows having like 40 seasons isn't that rare and I think their method of storytelling would probably have to differ from ours in order to facilitate that. That's interesting, isn't it?? I wonder about Vulcan media that isn't Surak's teachings. Like, Tuvok says he likes to read - what's he read about? In 'Riddles' Neelix mentions a "Proto-Vulcan Drama" called 'Clash on the Fire Plains' which has 23 parts. Tuvok apparently has this in book form in his quarters but he's often reading things off his PADD which I assume are also Vulcan literature. It seems that a lot of Vulcan stories we hear about are meant to teach some sort of lesson even if they are also entertaining. When it comes to ongoing media (EX: Television show) I think they'd probably follow a series of arcs and situations with the same characters learning and growing. If you start watching season 82 of a Vulcan program then go back to season 7 it's like a whole new set of characters but they just changed because of their experiences. (As your Vulcan friend will rant to you). It gets a bit ridiculous but it's a bit fun too~ I headcanon that Vulcans in Starfleet will often get together to watch popular Vulcan tv shows' new episodes...alleviates some missing home. Others join in and soon we're seeing tv shows from all over the universe! Surprisingly, Vulcan and Klingon programs are fairly similar in the aspect of 'a lot of battle focused shows which teach lessons' but the exact lessons differ, of course. Oh I bet Vulcan tv shows would also have so much intrigue and drama about clans and marriage and propriety etc which Klingons would love. Klingon: So T'Eyanra is going off with Sarun? Even though she was made aware that Sertik is ill and might be plagued with fever? Vulcan: Yes. And do not forget - Sarun's clan changed the water rights of her own, though she does not know this yet. Klingon: -settling in- Sarun's clan is without honor! That knave... -gasp- and the Ektinslahrah ritual is tonight! Vulcan: -also settling in- Indeed. Oh god this was about anime wasn't it? Well just apply all that stuff I said to anime somehow...Vulcan anime is like one piece's length and death note's complexity but with a shocking amount of painstaking slice of life. I think animation would be taken as seriously on Vulcan as it is on Earth - I can't think of anything that'd make them take it more or less seriously? I picture Betazoid animation would have a heavy emphasis on showing feeling though - like visibly as an ever present cloud behind the characters' heads and you have to know what all the colors mean.
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toy soldiers
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ieidolon · 1 year
It's pretty well known, I think, that the 1899 American version of Dracula contains a line which the British version doesn't: Dracula tells the women "To-night is mine; tomorrow night, tomorrow night is yours!", but the first clause was not present in the original British version nor any subsequent English release.
I may have found another discrepancy between the American and British versions.
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In the Dracula Daily screenshot, which seems to use the American text, Jonathan comments on the room where he's later attacked by the women that it must have been "occupied by ladies in bygone days". In my British Norton Critical Edition, edited by Auerbach and Skal, he only says it must have been "occupied in bygone days".
Auerbach and Skal, to their credit, make explicit note of the omission of "To-night is mine" on the relevant page. That footnote goes on to say that "Stoker's deletion of this sentence was understandable, for it leads to a different novel, one probably unpublishable in 1897 England. Stoker may have imagined that the America that produced his hero Walt Whitman would be more tolerant of men feeding on men".
They don't comment on the omission of "by ladies". For all I know, this might be a print error in mine. But if it isn't, I wonder if Stoker felt that Jonathan's identification with the image he has in his head of these long-gone women would be made too obvious by the association between this being the women's wing and it having "more air of comfort" than any other he'd seen in the castle.
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daily-slugplush · 3 months
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day 101: boba
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vamp-a-day · 10 months
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day 30
Just 6 Drinks Let slip the dogs of war! I’m gonna start a fuckin' riot til I’m tossed out the front door
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