#a few words HEHEEHEH
whumpasaurus101 · 8 months
"You wouldn't understand."
"Then help me understand!" Caretaker begged, "Please, for the love of god, help me understand, Whumpee, because I'm losing you with every day that goes on."
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HIIII!!!! I’ve been reading a few of your pieces and I have so many more to read (heheeheh) but first I want to say OH MY GOD YOURE SO GOOD AT WRITING WTH!! And second I’m just wondering if i could please be added to Brodys Taglist pleeaseeee hehee :DDD
of course! added to the sticky note! 
also; aww thank you! Yeah,,,,,, there’s a lot to read for Brody. I’m gonna compile all his stuff and see just how many words he’s got as of now. I’m just curious. It’s probably over 40,000 for sure. 
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💋 - our ships, 📨 - coral, 💬 - berlou, bamara, 💒 - hehe loud, 👪 - coral, helle, simber, fate heheeheh i know we have like a million other pairings but i can't reMEMBEr any of them lmfao
💋 - our ships
Helle-- Hades: /silently raises eyebrow and watches in amusement as Belle fumbles and flashes her ring around probably 
Simber- Ber: /glares with the force of a thousand fires. “are u done.”  /yanks Simba away. 
Fate- this one is hard to say bc tbh he would HELP them FLIRT bc it would be a GAME. 
📨 - coral
ANDY: ok so HYPOTHETICALLY let’s say i might of poured some lake algae down the kitchen sink a week ago and now there are weeds growing in the p i p e s 
💬 - berlou, bamara,
BER: hey i’m gonna hang with lou this afternoon probably be back round 5 or 6? 
KIARA [sent to group chat]: Help me convince Bambi to get a nose piercing he’s like .2 steps away from gay grunge chic and this will CLINCH IT 
💒 - hehe loud 
“Right, so-- just a few quick words, I promise, and we can all get back to celebrating, yeah? I just wanted to say that I’m real proud to have the opportunity to stand up today with Lou...who has been my best mate since we met and who is one of the best men that I know. It might take a...bit longer to get to know him, but he’s loyal and smart and true-- which I know his beloved knows first hand. I’m happy you’ve finally found your soulmate. You’re still taking me out for pints though. To Lou!”
👪 - coral, helle, simber, fate
ANDY: Hey kids, did you ever hear about the time your mum let an octopus lose dURING PROM?! This is not a lie at all, let’s get into it! 
HADES: Your mum said that? Well-- your mum’s wrong, don’t listen to her-- go get your mum for me-- BELLE. 
PAUL: Whatever your mum said. She’s right. Listen to your mum. 
BER: Psst, when dad asks what you want to watch tonight say Bee Movie.
BER: Look, your dad...when he gets scared or...or worried, he gets...loud like that, but-- he’s not really mad at you. Not as mad as you think-- more...mad that something could’ve happened to you. And y’know, no matter what, even if he’s...furious, he still loves you more than anything. We both do. 
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