#a fluffy snippet ladies and gents
coolpointsetta · 10 months
~ six sentence sunday ~
“When I said you take me breath away, this isn’t what I fuckin’ meant,” The striker grumbles, but he just makes himself comfortable, since Roy clearly has no plans to leave. Sure enough, Roy doesn’t respond verbally, but just snuggles in further to Jamie’s chest, trying to seek access to his ribcage.
If it were possible, Jamie would let him in. Figuratively and emotionally, Roy is already there.
“Merry fuckin’ Christmas to me.” The omega can’t help but smile, because Roy is truly the best present he could have ever hoped to receive.
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littlemessyjessi · 6 years
“Quills Up!”: A James Potter Imagine
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James Potter Imagine James Potter x Plus Size Reader
Basis for this one is the beginnings of a story with an original fictional character!  If ya'll wanna read it, please be sure to let me know! Because it was requested by the lovely @georgiagrl1990 -  I know you're cool with me taking some liberties.  One of my loveliest readers.  Always supporting me and being a great friend!
Also, if you want to read more of my works, you can find my Main Masterlist linked on my profile.   There you can also find many of my mini masterlists including my Harry Potter mini masterlist!  Hope you enjoy! 
Imagine getting matching tattoos with James....
Dating James has always been an experience.
For one, everything was a competition and it always had been.
Being captains of opposing Quidditch teams didn't exactly help this.  
He was Gryffindor captain and Chaser.
I was Ravenclaw captain and Keeper.
We went head to head on a regular basis.
However, neither of us would prefer it any other way.
We thrived off competition with each other.
However, I can honestly say no one on the planet had my back like he did.
Sure, he had his friends and I had mine.
We had our own little 'social circles', so to speak, but over time....those circles kind of blended together to make one big oval.
In addition to us being competitive....we were also slightly impulsive.
So naturally, it was no surprise to me when that crazy mop of black hair basically tackled me in the library and announced that he wanted to get matching magical tattoos.
I'd been somewhat down with the idea just so long as we didn't do anything corny.
"I'm not getting your name tattooed on my bum, Potter." I rolled my eyes at him.
He licked my cheek...in true James fashion.
"No, let's get something original!" he said.
"Like what?" I laughed shoving him along out of the library before someone could yell at us.   "Are you telling me that the great James Potter is willing to have a unicorn tatted along his lower back?"
He pulled a face at me before lifting a brow at me, "While we both know that I would FLAWLESSLY pull that off...I can't bare to tempt the world too much with that."
I just laughed and kept moving.
He caught me around the arm and pulled me to him.
"Come on, love."  he said, pressing his forehead against mine.
The rim of his glasses just barely rested against my face.
"I want to do this." He said, fingers digging into my soft sides...preparing to tickle me.
"James, don't you dare." I threatened.
"I haven't done anything." he said "innocently".
"Yet." I said and gave him a withering glare.
He chuckled, "Ah, she knows me too well."
"As does the rest of the school who are forced to witness your sickening displays of affection."
We broke apart to see the notorious playboy of Hogwarts and the completely oblivious dream boat behind him.
Otherwise known as Sirius and Remus.
Poor Sirius' damn head was so big that I felt at time he'd fall over and Remus was so clueless that it was really, really adorable.
If I didn't love James like I did- I'd probably fawn over Remus like crazy.
James and I fit like missing puzzle pieces which is odd because my type had always been the bookish boys.
Odd that I'd end up with a competitive, witty, trouble maker.
But I wouldn't trade it for the world.
"Come off it, Padfoot." James said with a roll of his eyes as he looped his arm around my soft waist and pulled me to his side.  "You're just jealous."
Sirius chuckled, "We both know that she's just using you as a tactic to make me jealous."
He was joking of course but James, being James, sometimes got jealous a little easily and his cheeks flared.
"Calm down, James." Remus said quietly. "He's only teasing you to get a rise out of you."
"Yeah.  Remus is right." I said.  "And besides...I thought we had some rather impulsive plans to see about."
James' face lit up like stars in the sky.
And that ladies and gents,  is how I ended up with this stupid little porcupine just below the crook of my elbow.
Why you ask?
Well, because my delusion boyfriend wanted to get tattoos that would let us know how the other is feeling.
"Quills up, and James Jr. stays down.  Quills down and it's time to come around." he grinned at me.
"How in the fuck did I just let you con me into a tattoo that allowed you to gage when is a good time to fuck me or not?" I asked.
"I'm a genius, love." he said before turning my arm over to check the porcupine.  "Oh, quills up.  How about some chocolate and some tea?  Perhaps, I'll demolish someone you hate?"
I couldn't help it.
I just burst into laughter because as fucking ridiculous as he was....he was honestly the best boyfriend that I'd ever had in my life.
Heeeeeeeey, smoochies!!!! I hope you liked this fluffy little noodle!  It's a snippet for a James Potter story I'm working on! If you want to see more of it with this original fictional character please be sure to let me know! That's the only way I know what you guys would like to see, lol.   I hope you are having fantastic and fabulous day, night, whatever and Happy Reading!
@frankie2902 @pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
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@jimmys-afterlife-love @the-great-irene @fanfictionandjunk
@alanlizzingtonshore @buriednurbckyrd @disneymarina @tubbypeachwriting
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
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