#a frisky boyfriend that's for sure
nickybloodhead · 8 months
Kinktober day 24: Sex Toys
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After you taught James how to use the app, there was no turning back. Whenever you went out he would ask you to use it, he loved having control over your pleasure and what better way to do it than with that small but powerful vibrator you had received as a joke from a friend.
At first you didn't think he would have such an overreaction, but you guessed that the idea of being able to provoke you at every step was too tempting for him. He always begged you to use it at the most inopportune moments, they had already gotten into a lot of trouble for being too playful, of course he didn't give a shit.
You were sure you two would end up fucking in one of Lars' rooms, he had invited you to a small party with friends promising a barbecue and beer, you knew from James' wide grin that he would make you use the vibrator, the naughty gleam in his eyes only confirmed it.
"I'll use it if you know how to behave, I don't want to make a scene in front of everyone" you reprimand him crossing your arms to look stern, however he smiles mischievously, oh, it's going to be a long day but you can't help but be a little excited about it.
Most of the party goes by without incident which is rare, by this point he would have your legs shaking from the over stimulation of your pussy. You shrug it off and continue chatting with your friends; you shouldn't have let your guard down. The intermittent vibration inside you made you gasp obscenely, your knees buckled almost making you lose your balance, the curious looks you received made you laugh nervously.
You looked for James with your eyes and found him in a secluded corner looking at his phone, he winked at you and continued as if nothing had happened. You continued with your conversation, but again, the delicious massage to your inner walls resumed, you clenched your teeth to contain a moan and decided to take a seat, some of your acquaintances wanted to make sure you were okay but you dismissed them claiming a simple pain in the leg. The waves were present again and you clenched your legs, bit your lip and covered your eyes to contain yourself.
You saw James smile in delight at your reaction so you approached him with determination, pulled his hand and led him into the house, several pairs of eyes following you and making jokes about how he was in trouble.
"All in order honey?" you glared at him and pulled him into one of the nearby rooms, he seemed amused with the situation, well, it was time to end the games.
"I told you to behave" You walk dangerously towards him, he frowns and as he backs away he stumbles and falls over a small couch. You sit on one of his legs, your wetness seeping through your panties and staining his pants, maybe it was a good thing you decided to wear a dress. "You like playing with me, don't you baby? Well now it's my turn" You take his phone out of his pocket and turn on the lush again, letting it vibrate gently as you begin to rock on his thigh.
His hands try to hold your waist but you push them away before he does, he pouts in annoyance, he's a brat. You grind on his leg, your swollen folds dripping while the vibrator massages your sweet spot, you moan and roll your eyes, he's enthralled by how hot you look riding him like that.
He wiggles his pelvis trying to get your attention on his bulge, that only gets you to mock him, you run a hand through his hair and grab it to pull it, he whimpers in surprise.
"I don't think you deserve my touch, not now , at least, so stay still and let me cum" You give him a small pat on his cheek and hold his hands to prevent him from having any contact. James doesn't accept it, not when he can feel your hole contracting, he releases his grip and lifting the leg you are straddling, makes you fall onto his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist, trapping your wrists in the process.
"It's my game precious, so it's my rules" You squirm in his grip and try to protest but a squeal interrupts you, his fingers push inside you along with the vibrator, your walls stretch with each thrust of his thick fingers, gasp against his chest and move your hips to make him go deeper, you will let him win this time but only because he is making you feel amazing.
You brush his erection with your thigh as he fingers you, he hisses at the contact and pushes his hips towards you, his fingers slide out of you, you look at him with annoyance but he erases that expression from your face with a kiss, a scream comes out suddenly from you, the buzzing in your cunt increases and you feel him push the vibrator deeper into your hole, his fingers fiddle with your pussy rim.
“You're leaking everywhere, and you've already ruined my pants…what am I going to do with you?” His fingers massage your folds and surround your clit, the touch makes your hips contract, it doesn't take much more than a couple of kisses on the neck to take you to the peak of ecstasy, you moan uncontrollably as you come on his fingers, the toy sliding out of your pussy along with thick drops of your fluids. You swallow hard, trying to compose yourself, nuzzling your face against James' chest and closing your eyes for a moment.
“We should have behaved Het…” You mutter under your breath and giggle softly.
“You know very well that we never do it.”
This is modern 80s James, he would be a tease in the present day
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yanderenightmare · 4 months
Bakugou Katsuki
TW: NSFW, noncon/dubcon, toxic relationship, possessiveness
fem reader
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You’re not sure why you ever let it drag out this long…
In the beginning, it could be blamed on things outside your control. You were a pretty girl, and he was a bad boy – of course, that garnered tension – plus, the oncoming of puberty and its additional whirl of hormones – leaving you in the turmoil of strange feelings neither of you could understand – making you both panicked, embarrassed, confused and, most of all, in dire need of an outlet for it all.
One of which you surprisingly found in each other.
You’d been but foolish teenagers at a silly house party at the time – your first-ever shots of vodka buzzing through your system as you shared a kiss like none other. 
You’d stumbled up the stairs and gotten frisky in the bedroom while the family pictures of your shared friend witnessed you tearing at each other until the skin of childhood had shed and left you both as grown-ups.
You remember it well… how you’d practiced putting condoms on a banana and brought a few along but had no prior intention of treading one on him, of all people. 
But fuck, his hands were so big, and his tongue was so hot… and you hadn’t known he could look so pretty… cinched bushy brows and parted lips glossed with your name as he fucked you against the wall until all those onlooking family pictures came crashing down.
You woke up with a new special understanding of yourself and each other, one with a strange respect and newfound curiosity for the other’s body.
But why he hadn't grown bored of it since and why you’d never put your foot down and ended things was beyond you.
Sure, a drunk one-night stand with a person you’d otherwise avoid at all costs is life – opposites attract, after all – but to keep coming back to each other?
He’d explained it once, one of those times he'd come stumbling into your apartment, drunk and in the midst of buckling up his pants while pawing at you. Kissing you sloppy, he’d mumbled out something along the lines of how no one else knows him like you do. 
And you suppose that had mainly been the reason – that you just knew each other too well and had known each other too long, to which point everyone else just seemed alien – that there was a certain comfort, if one could call it that, in the familiarity of each other that just couldn't be replaced by anyone else. 
You thought it would go on forever like that… Not that you’d ever bothered to give it much thought. 
That is… until you had that very flirty encounter at the café where you worked – where in between being sweet-talked into a stuttering blushed mess and being asked out for coffee someplace where you wouldn't have to serve it yourself – you’d come to question your current relationship and started doubting your true obligations toward him as a partner.
You didn’t go on dates. You didn’t live together. You didn’t text or call one another. You didn’t eat dinner or plan things or visit each other’s parents. 
You didn’t have anything in his apartment, nor him in yours. You’d never washed any of his clothes. You’d never worn any of his clothes. You’d never even driven his car. 
You’d never given each other presents. You didn’t tell people about your relationship. You didn’t talk about work, your day, or your feelings. Actually… having given it a long thought… you didn’t really talk at all. 
In fact, when it came down to it, the only thing you’d been able to think of that you’d ever done together… was sex.
Sex and nothing more…
You don’t know if things would have ever changed if he hadn’t asked you what the number scrawled in blue ballpoint pen on your arm was...
But nevertheless, that’s when he started acting strange.
You’d never expected he’d get so upset by it – but you ended up apologizing that night while promising him that next time, you’d make it clear you already had a boyfriend.
You remember thinking how the way he fucked you that night had been nothing short of desperate. Having given you nearly no room to breathe with how tightly he’d held you, his face nuzzling into your neck with lovebites, thrusting into you in such a way he was barely even pulling out, pounding your womb more than your cunt to the point you’d feared it bruised, having had to pat his shoulder to tell him to calm down. 
He’d held your face then, and you’d realized that you hadn’t really had too much eye contact before. You remember that even then, you couldn’t really decide if you liked it or not. 
Or rather... you’re sure you’d found it unpleasant, though just hadn’t had the guts to give the feeling much thought. 
You regret it now that it’s too late. Maybe if you’d done or said something back then, you wouldn’t be in the situation you were trapped in now.
For lack of a better, more suitable word, you’d have to say he’d become clingy if only it didn’t sound too sweet and childish for someone so much larger than you. But maybe you’d just feared calling it what it had been.
And what it had really been… was threatening.
Overbearing and possessive, and needlessly protective. He’d quickly become paranoid with jealousy. Portraying strange obsessive emotions you hadn't known he harbored for you at all until then.
You hadn’t really been able to put your finger on it at the time.
It started out small – or small in comparison to now. Small pleasantries he’d never bothered with before. Small niceties you’d never imagined the two of them would do together. 
Thinking back, the first deviation aside from the triggering night he’d initially seen the phone number and felt the threat of you slipping from his graspwas the time he’d come and visited you at work when out on patrol. And though he hadn’t really asked, you’d come to realize rather hesitantly that he’d come there to eat lunch together with you.
Maybe you’d been too swept up in the embarrassing buzz to notice, caught in the paparazzi of hushed whispers and judgy stares – all of them asking who the Plain Jane thought she was, eating lunch with the up-and-coming pro-hero Dynamight– you hadn’t really the time nor mind to pay attention to him and all his newly awoken instincts regarding you.
It seemed fucking silly now… How you’d foolishly thought the bizarre lunch was an isolated incident that wouldn’t ever happen again, only to be schooled the next day and the day after that – coming to understand you were to expect it as a regular thing. And soon, it wasn’t even the strangest thing anymore.
Soon, he was driving you home every day, coming inside, eating dinner, watching the news until late, and staying the night. Soon, you found yourself waking up in his apartment alone, coming downstairs to find he’d made you breakfast before leaving, combined with a little note telling you when he’d be back. Soon, you weren’t spending a single week or weekend without him. Soon, you couldn’t find anything to wear that didn’t either remind her of him or smell like him or that downright didn’t belong to him completely.
And he’d started taking you places too – on dates – broadcasting your relationship to anyone who could snap a picture and send it to every gossip magazine in Japan. He’d introduced you to his colleagues – who you knew to be “friends” from some rather upsetting stories he’d told you when he was in a less and less rare mood for talking – and they’d seemed to know who you were just as intimately, giving you the sneaking suspicion that he’d been running his mouth and saying private things he ought not to.
But that had all been child’s play.
It got out of control when he’d ordered a delivery truck to pack down all your things and move them all to his apartment before you got home from work. Sure, he’d introduced the idea of living together in passing, but you couldn’t remember ever committing to it or being at all close to an understanding of where and when.
Thinking about it now, that was probably your last chance of escaping before things got ugly.
But then, it was already too late. You were living with him suddenly – sharing all his space while unable to shake that awfully crippling feeling of just being another medal or trophy up on the mantle. Just a decorative doll he’d locked behind glass.
You’d felt as though your head was in a cloud. And not in a nice way, but in the utmost hollow way. As though you’d put yourself on auto-pilot and just gone with the stream like jellyfish.
And now… now he was down on one knee, asking – no, demanding – that you give him everything. 
For life until due death.
Just the two of you. 
You swallowed thickly, feeling your head prickle as though it had fallen asleep without taking you with it. 
Your lips are dry, your eyes are dry, feeling more sober than ever.
You took a breath and, on the next exhale, spoke, “No.”
You both just stared at each other for a while as though neither could decide who was more shell-shocked and had the right reserved to remain still the longest. You left – deciding it was the person on the floor with the expensive ring weighing down his hand – and walked towards the mudroom.
“What are you doing?” He asked then, hesitantly at first. Shaken from his spot, he’d resumed his full height again, loudly stomping across the floor to reach you.
“I’m sorry- I- I can’t stay here- I need to go.” You rushed, head spinning, only able to understand how you wanted to put shoes on and leave. Maybe get a drink at a bar by yourself and figure your shit out without being suffocated by him.
“Don’t do this.” He said then, sounding desperate and somewhat feeble if it weren’t for how he had you pushed against the wall in the same second.
You nearly decided against yourself when seeing the look on his face – warped into something truly fragile. Plead had his brows pinched together while his sharp red eyes, now doe-like, had glossed over and looked nothing short of hopeless and scared.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t make your heart twist and ache and feel a little guilty.
But nevertheless.
“I can’t marry you….”
You couldn’t keep doing this.
“I’m sorry- I don’t love-” 
You didn’t get to finish. The word taken, stifled, strangled in a fist closing around your throat.
“You do love me.” He refuted quickly, as though terrified to have let you finish. “You’ve always loved me.” Trembling while he said it, as though trying to force himself into believing it too. 
Shaking your collar in unstable hands – bearing down on you until you couldn’t be pushed flatter against the stone behind you, until his forehead rested against the wall, and his lips brushed the shell of your ear in hot, heavy, strained breaths. 
“You’re just confused.” He rasped, voice light and breathy and nearly amounting to a giggle or a sob – you weren’t sure which.
But you couldn’t care much when you couldn’t breathe. Head burning into wet cotton that was no longer able to tell you to push him off and instead let your hands go limp against his chest, knees going weak beneath you. 
You were convinced he’d kill you before the tiniest slither of air was allowed back in through your windpipe, gasping for it like a glutton until coughing it all up again when choking on your own desperate gulps. 
You held your throat in an act of soothing it from the forming bruises and shielding it from further attack. But he was ahead of you and had his sights on attacking something else.
He took you by the hair and started pulling, dragging you from the door and further into the apartment.
“Stop- stop it-” You gasped between hiccups and coughs, your hands clawing at his in an effort to free his grasp from your scalp. Your shins dragged to burns against the cold marble as your legs kicked in the struggle, hitting the floor in a series of sporadic thuds until he stopped.
He’d crossed the threshold of your bedroom and was now throwing you down on the mattress, pinning you in the same second with a hand gripping your jaw and eyes a searing cold that seemed to lash out at you like unstable fire, glaring at you with a look so blank and empty you felt it like the chill of death creep throughout your bones.
“If you want me to be nice, you should shut up.”
You knew you ought to listen, but still, one last prayer slipped off your tongue against your better judgment before you could think twice about it. “Please don’t do this-”
“Don’t do what!?” He barked – spit flying and teeth bared just like a rabid rottweiler – louder than you’d ever witnessed, loud enough to make you wince. “Break your heart!?” His voice cracked on the cry, and he paused, giving another gruesome and gut-wrenching chuckle. Head ducking to your chest with spikey hair nipping at your throat like a million needles. 
His hand tightened even more, clawing into your cheeks.
“I’m just making things even.”
You’d never realized just how hopeless you were if you’d ever needed to fend him off. But you’d never needed to before, never wanted to until now.
Now that he had you so helplessly beneath him, where the reality was slowly dawning on you and making you ever more hysteric, slowly settling upon you like dust. The ensuing violation and your utter defeat in fighting it, your failure in doing much more than make it worse.
He tugged his tie loose and threw it off his head, wrapping your wrists in the loop and tightening it into restraints.
Spreading your legs by positioning himself between them. Only now noticing just how brittle you were. So much smaller than him. So much so that tying your wrists to the bedpost seemed like overkill.
You were sobbing, gasping for breath with your chest rising and falling on beat with the deafening drums of your racing heart. You seemed less than nothing beneath him – just a defenseless pile of plush flesh soft against him and all his muscles.
You tried pulling your thighs shut, but it hardly mattered. His hands buried in the fine plume of the cakey fat had them both spread again with nearly no strength put into it at all. 
It was all right there – taken with no effort – only a cute pink cotton panty stopping him. 
His heart clenched at that, flickered and tugged with misery at the look of you crying into your own arm, trying to comfort yourself while your chest heaved, already tired of screaming and bawling – having resorted to soft sniffles and weak snivels while tiny quakes shook through you still, goosebumps adorning all your exposed flesh, which was every part of you sept for what your pretty silk dress kept hidden.
You were so beautiful… Precious and just… too good.
He knew that. He knew that you were too good for him and had always been too good for him – part of the reason why he used to act as though he hated you – when, in reality… he actually…
“I love you.” He cried. “I’ve always loved you….”
Hot tears splashed in big droplets, staining the silk with splotches that seeped into larger flecks on your stomach. 
“I can’t live without you-” He continued, his hands shaking where he held you apart while his body sagged forward, bowing down, donning soft kisses to your neck and jaw, upon the tears staining your cheeks with streaks, whispering in a voice close to breaking. “I can’t- I won’t-” Choked and pitiful, raw from shouting only a moment earlier.
One of his hands detached from its bruising grip, whilst the other loosened and slid higher – pulling your dress up with it– before rubbing loving circles into your midriff. 
You heard his buckle go undone a second later and offered another whimpering sob, your own hands jostling in their bonds on beat with your shaky breaths while trying to angle your face further away with the aim of avoiding the attack of his wet teary kisses.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, but I can’t… I can’t let you go.”
You felt him press against your clothed cunt with the weight of his swollen thickness and let out another whimper – your nose stuffed full of his breaths and eyes full of unyielding tears. 
His hand reached for your panty, hooking the trail and pulling it to the side, making you sink your teeth into the plump of your lip to suppress yet another whimper while you cringed with discomfort and the unanswered wishes for him to stop as he nibbled on the corner of your mouth with more teary proposals.
His fingers soon prodded your slit like they’d done nearly every day for years since they were but teens. Touching you with a perfected skill he’d learned would have you shiver with arousal. 
You yielded quickly, your sex turning puffy and wet sooner than you had the time to be embarrassed about it.
“No one knows you as well as I do. No one loves you as much as I do.” He chanted against your skin, entering you with both his longest digits, pumping them deep and scraping them in a cruel curl into that spot he knew had your toes doing the same. Smiling once your hips made an involuntary jolt in response. “No one else but me.” 
He pulled his hands to himself once you’d left three of his digits warm and soaking with slick, lathering his own arousal with it before nudging his cockhead against your opening in a sticky kiss and breaching it.
You stiffened, and he groaned into your neck at the feel of you clamping down even tighter as he bottomed out into your already taunt choke.
“No one else would know how to love you.” He hissed, setting a sweet tempo, lips still close, grazing on the peachfuzz of your cheek, ghosting your skin with hot breaths and even hotter words.  “No one else would know the first thing to do with you once they had you.”
You shook her head, more so in askance of space than anything else – needing air free of him – needing to clear your head off the building warmth you felt spread from your core – needing to shake the coil loose before it could knot itself further. But it seemed the more you tried fending it off, the faster it neared its end.
You always shook so prettily when cumming – when spilling over and moaning all flushed and cute for him with your hips riding it out against his until it left you panting, blushed, and adorned with a shiny sheen of dew, making you look golden in the glory of the after high.
You were his, and not even you could deny it. It almost makes him pity you, watching you writhe, unable to keep even this from him… laid completely bare to accept what he gave and give what he decided to take.
“You’re mine…”
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wifeyoozi · 8 days
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mingyu & wonwoo : Still stuffed, one shot, double kill
w.c : 3.1 k ┊ synopsis : boyfriends mingyu and wonwoo give their bestfriend more than you could have bargained for, but you are not complaining┊ content warning : smut , best friends to lovers sorta, bisexual threesome (m/m/f) , oral sex (f + m rec) , edging , hard dom (top) wonu + sub (bottom) gyu + sub reader , slight size kink , (idrk what its called but ig sandwich sex?) , anal (m rec) a/n : note that depiction of mingyu and wonwoo as bisexual is just for the entertainment of this fic and I do not intend to impose any sexuality on them irl. also I was absolutely wasted drunk when I wrote this so I don't even know just nasty threesome.
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it was just another video game night with wonwoo and mingyu. it was at your house, like always, because you had a gaming system installed in your bedroom instead of the living room unlike wonwoo and mingyu's shared apartment. and all three of you agreed that the bed was more comfortable to spread out and sit on while gaming.
you yelped from the right side of the bed, having won yet another round (well, technically you came second, but at least you won against mingyu). the screen in front showed the game over slide once again. you sighed and got of the bed to stretch your libs a little.
"i'm getting more beer," you announced seeing all three of your cans empty already, "y'all need anything else?"
"some snacks would be great!" mingyu called out. you took the empty cans to dispose off and left the bedroom.
you, mingyu and wonwoo have been best friends forever. you and mingyu had been childhood friends since you were neighbours. you met wonwoo in highschool and decided immediately to make him part of your little gang. the friendship remained as solid as it could throughout school and college.
wonwoo and mingyu had started dating around last year after pinning over each other for almost 2 years until mingyu asked wonwoo out for a date finally and wonwoo agreed shyly. you knew both boys were in some part of the bisexual spectrum and them dating didn't change a thing in your friendship. you were happy for them and rooted for them all the time, but you'd lie if you were to say you weren't a little jealous. you just wished you had someone to take care of you the way they did of each other. of course, they took care of you almost as well as a boyfriend would, but its been so long since your last relationship that you need more than just care.
meanwhile, mingyu and wonwoo had started making out on your bed in your absence, kissing nastily with wet noises enveloping the room. "mingyu, stop, y/n is gonna come soon," wonwoo whisper yells when he felt mingyu's hand get frisky over his sweatpants.
"i can't help it baby. you're so hot, winning every round like that. you deserve some reward," mingyu argues and wonwoo can't the sound that escapes his throat when mingyu latches his mouth on his neck, "besides, its been so long, i can barely keep away from you."
wonwoo chuckle, "we fucked last night."
"my point, its so long already," mingyu said sucking a hickey on wonwoo's neck. they were too lost in their own world to notice the door opening.
"uhm, guys?" you didn't mean to interrupt them, but you were also not exactly sure what you were supposed to do seeing them make out like animals in heat on your bed. it was hot to see them frisky like that, you had never before seen them get like this, but you had to remind yourself that it was not appropriate to think of your two best friends like that.
"o-oh! y/n! we're so sorry-" wonwoo stumbled to say, pulling away from mingyu and adjusting his glasses back up.
you didn't exactly know how to react. for one, it was difficult to unsee the growing bulges in both boys' pants. it wont be very easy to continue the game again after having that image in your mind. the beer you have had has made you a little horny - its an effect alcohol seems to have on you always - and your hot gay bestfriends weren't making it easier for you.
"whatchu thinking 'bout?" mingyu asks in a more teasing tone, seeing you malfunctioning and just standing in your place like a broken machine, "thinking 'bout joining us?"
mingyu was smacked on his arm by his boyfriend, "gyu! be nicer!"
"what? its not the worst idea," mingyu says, rubbing the spot he'd been hit on, "i remember her mentioning her interest in threesomes last time we got drunk at joey's. besides, i know you find her really hot, you'd love it too, right? i see this as a win-win!"
"i-i never said that!"
"oh but your eyes say it all, baby. i've seen how you check out her ass all the time. i am not complaining, don't worry, i do find her really hot too." mingyu was smacked again.
"boys, boys! what are y'all talking about?" you were dumbfounded. wonwoo checks out your ass!? mingyu finds you hot!? that's some great information to digest. wonwoo and mingyu share glances, as if speaking more than that you can hear with their eyes alone
"say, y/n, i'm horny, nonu is horny, and you could join us if you like, no pressure, but we'd really make it worth your time," mingyu says, looking back at you.
"you don't have to if you don't want to. you could say no and we'd never speak of it again," wonwoo adds.
you think about it seriously. on one hand you were really arounsed and your bestfriends' bulging sizes against their respective pants were sending blood to your crotch and they just offered you for a threesome. then on the other hand, your conscience said it was morally wrong to do this.
fortunately for you and your throbbing pussy, you had just the right amount of alcohol in your system to put your morals aside.
"okay, what the hell," you mumble and jump on the bed between the two, pulling them both by the collar. mingyu giggles as he pins you down and connects his lips to yours instantly. you feel two pairs of hands exploring your body, feeling you up and messing with your clothes. mingyu ravishes your mouth with his tongue, kissing you wet and dirty.
you are surprised when wonwoo pushes aside mingyu's head to take his turn to kiss you. you whine into his mouth, feeling the sudden change. wonwoo can taste mingyu in your mouth still, and the mixed flavours with the taste of your mouth turn him on incredibly. if you thought mingyu was a dirty kisser, wonwoo was worse. his spit was all over the places as he kissed you hungrily and open-mouthedly, and you absolutely loved it.
it must be visible on your face because mingyu chuckled at you, already taking off his clothes, "i should warn you, y/n, wonwoo may look shy and innocent with his nerdy glasses, but he is a complete freak in bed. he is a literal sex monster."
you gasped at mingyu's words. wonwoo took the opportunity to stick his tongue deep down your throat, making you almost choke. then suddenly, it was gone. wonwoo pulled back from you, making you chase his lips, but he pushed you down. he sat up on the bed, taking off his t-shirt, making you whine as he did it all so slowly.
"mingyu, take off her clothes."
mingyu obeyed so. your shirt was pulled off you, your bra taken off at a speed that your think the clasps must've broken, and your shorts yanked off. you felt cold and exposed out in the air, so you tried to approach mingyu to kiss you again, heat your body with his again. but your hair was pulled, making you fall back on the bed with a gasp.
"did i say you could kiss him already?" wonwoo's eyes were dark, and you were scared of him in a hot way which made you want to obey everything he says like a little obedient slut. you were leaking so bad from his strong demeanor, you were sure they both could see the huge dark spot on your panties.
wonwoo leaned by your ears, and whispered softly, "if i make you uncomfortable with my words or action, you can tell me to stop, yeah?"
you nodded, but you didn't plan to. if anything, you wanted him to keep acting meaner to you. you didn't know you would be into being dominated like this until now.
wonwoo snaps at mingyu after that, "open her legs up, kiss her thighs." mingyu does just that, slowly spreading you knees apart and placing buttery wet kisses long your thighs, nearing to your core. you cannot make out if the sound he makes is a laugh or a moan against your soft thighs when he sees how wet you are.
wonwoo snakes his hand down to your breasts, grabbing one in each hand and slowly kneading the flesh. "take her panties off," wonwoo commands mingyu and he does so. "lick her up. she's making a mess, lick all her juices up."
mingyu licks a flat strip along your pussy, his tongue dipping into your folds. wonwoo helps him, reaches a hand to open your outer labia with two fingers, and properly gives mingyu access. mingyu licks a long strip from your slit to your clit and you let out loud whorish moans to let it be known how much you love this.
"squeeze his head with your thighs, he likes that," wonwoo tells you and you comply with him without even thinking. you press your thighs to mingyu's ears, enough to for him to feel the pressure but not so much you'd hurt him. but that's not what wonwoo wants. "more," he he tells you, and you squeeze your thighs tighter around his head until, --
oh. mingyu moaned over your cunt, and you felt the vibrations. wonwoo smirked when he heard it too. he grabbed a hold of mingyu's short hair tightly and pushed his head deeper into your cunt. you understand now. mingyu likes being hurt like this. he likes being controlled by wonwoo. you couldn't hear what wonwoo said next, lost in the thoughts when you suddenly felt a tongue dart into your cunt, earning a choked moan from your lips.
wonwoo leaned down to kiss your nipples, sucking on them and licking them up like a hungry cat. your hands reached over his head, lacing your fingers through his soft hair. you were close already and both the boys could sense it from the way your moans got more erratic and your thighs trembled.
you were just about to reach your high when wonwoo grabbed mingyu's head and pushed him away from your cunt. a cry left your lips, your cunt spasming and clenching around nothing with all sensations gone. you felt tears filling up your eyes as wonwoo leaned down and kissed your lips.
"there, there. it wasn't that bad now, was it? i know a pretty girl like you can take better," wonwoo's words were comforting, as his hands rubbed circles on the side of your hips, but his tone was awfully teasing and it just made you want to cry harder.
wonwoo instructed mingyu to sit up on the bed against the headboard and got you on all fours in front of him so your face was to mingyu and ass to wonwoo who was preparing his dick behind you. mingyu's dick was red and hard against his belly, but he wouldn't dare touch it without wonwoo's instructions. mingyu and wonwoo were a little similar in sizes, you noticed (and it made your mouth salivate), except mingyu was thicker than wonwoo and the latter was longer.
it was more so of a punishment for you too, to just watch his painfully erect dick and not put it in your mouth. hell, you couldn't even kiss his pretty pink pouty lips until wonwoo said you could. you had only spent twenty minutes with wonwoo and mingyu in bed, but you already knew the rules of this game. you knew wonwoo was in charge of everything and you should obey everything he says, otherwise the consequences could be harsh. and that turned you on incredibly.
wonwoo played with his dick, sliding along the length of your slit, teasing you. "wonu, please," you whimpered needily.
"hm? did you say something?" wonwoo said in a fake tone, landing a smack on your ass, only to rub the spot soothingly soon after, "its difficult to hear with this beautiful pussy in front of my eyes."
you whined again, tears falling down your cheeks. mingyu was smirking at you, as if he was in any better position than you with his throbing untouched dick.
"daddy, please, fuck me," you whimpered at wonwoo.
the latter chuckled, slowly pushing his head into your cunt, already prepped and stretched by mingyu's tongue before. "shit, you're so fucking needy. just a needy little slut, arent you? don't worry, i'll fill your pussy up."
he set a high speed for you. you gasp and almost fall face-flat on the bed, only to be held up by mingyu. mingyu's other hand clutched the sheets, trying his best not to lose control. he liked being a good boy for wonwoo. the rough punishment-fuck was good, yes, but he loved the way wonwoo praised him and rewarded him better. besides, he had to be a good role model for you.
wonwoo could see the desperation on his boyfriend's face, and chuckled, deciding he deserved a treat. "mingyu has been a really good boy, don't you think, y/n? why don't you blow his dick, hm?"
wonwoo pushed your head down till your mouth was on mingyu's dick. you licked a long strip lengthwise on his erection, testing and teasing. mingyu let out a guttarial moan and you took his dick inside your mouth as far as it could go. wonwoo wasn't satisfied with your mediocre efforts, and pushed your head till you swallowed all of mingyu.
you forced your gag reflexes to relax as mingyu's head hit the back of your throat. with wonwoo's relentless speed, your head bobbed over mingyu's dick from inertia alone, not having to do a lot of work. mingyu's thighs started convulsing soon and both of you were near to your edge already. you thought if you don't let it show you were close, wonwoo wouldn't notice until you're actually cumming and he wouldn't be able to edge you a second time.
it was risky, but you really wanted to cum already.
unfortunately for you, mingyu was too obedient to his boyfriend to cum down your throat without asking first.
"wonu, i'm close," he whined, making wonwoo pull your head off mingyu by your hair, making you whine loudly. you whined even louder when wonwoo exited you without giving you the release you needed.
"you are really noisy, y'know that?" wonwoo tells you teasingly. "good for you, i love hearing your sweet voice. stay in your position. mingyu come back here."
mingyu stands up on weak legs and kneels on the edge of the bed in front of your ass, his dick the perfect height to your entrance. wonwoo took a hold of his lover's dick and slowly pushed it in you again. you gasped at the unexpected intrusion. "hold her hips, baby, or she'll fall. she's so weak, you gotta help her. now, don't move yet, be patient."
mingyu stays still, painfully deep inside you. you loved the stretch from his dick. you could almost feel his tip brush against your sweet spot - if only he'd move a little and hit it with force.
you heard a whimper from mingyu, making you look back over your shoulder. your eyes widened, seeing wonwoo fingering mingyu from the back, two fingers deep already, preparing him. you realised what was about to come instantly. you turned your back and waited in anticipation, knowing that the best blow will come with the surprise of it.
you couldn't be more right because as soon as wonwoo's hips snapped against mingyu's, mingyu's snapped against yours, going balls deep. the feeling was extreme, one of a kind, and thrilly. mingyu's dick hit every right spot at every hit, making you reach cloud nine with the feeling. if not for mingyu's hands supporting your hips, you would have fallen down already with how weak your limbs felt.
the room sounded really filthy with the rhythmic double slapping of skins mixed with your moans, mingyu's whimpers and wonwoo's groans. but certainly mingyu was having the best time among you three, with his prostrate being abused by his boyfriend's dick on one end and having his dick swallowed by his best friend's pussy on the other. his eyes were rolling back and his throat ached with the loud noises it created. he was close a second time and he let his boyfriend know of it.
"cum on her pretty ass," wonwoo said, marking his sentence with a loud smack of his hand on mingyu's ass, making the latter cry. just as instructed, mingyu exited you before cumming ropes of white semen in your ass. "such a good puppy. now help her cum too. use your fingers on her clit."
mingyu's fingers found their way to your sensitive clit, rubbing in circular motions. you barely took any time before you were squirting, wetting the bed under you with a cry. you let your body fall on the bed and turn on your back so you could embrace mingyu, who fell right on top of you. wonwoo had slowed his speed a little to let his lover come down from his high at a relaxed pace without overstimulating him.
you kissed mingyu and mingyu kissed you, both finding comfort in the wet warmth of the other's mouth. the sight was oddly a turn-on for wonwoo, who soon came deep inside mingyu's ass, giving him a creampie as he exited. mingyu rolled over on the bed beside you, eyes closed shut from the tiredness.
you vaguely saw wonwoo get up and leave to the bathroom before your own eyes fell shut. you were sleepy already, it's probably past your usual bedtime. you barely registered being wiped clean with a warm and wet towel before being dressed in your pajama shorts and a loose tshirt. when your eyes opened wonwoo was doing the same to mingyu, kissing him on the top of his head after.
mingyu rolled to his side and snuggled against you sleepily, making you giggle softly while wonwoo got himself a pair of grey shorts to put on. wonwoo pouted and mumbled something under his breath before he snuggled on your other side. both the boys practically sandwiched you, with your back to wonwoo and front to mingyu.
you saw as the boyfriends shared a goodnight kiss, the sweetness dripping, making you smile for them. then mingyu looked at you with pouted lips, and you muttered a me too? before he pressed a kiss to your lips. you giggled as wonwoo picked your cheek as goodnight too.
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"so, uhm, is this a thing now? we ... three?"
"it could be, if you like."
"i think i'd like it, it be great."
"this is so perfect, my cute little boyfriend and my cute little girlfriend." mingyu chuckled.
"i'm not little!" you and wonwoo whined simultaneously.
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thehighladywrites · 2 months
— “Do you eat pussy like that?”
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☀︎ — pairing: nerd/tutor azriel x bimbo/ditzy reader
☀︎ — summary: you’re ovulating, insanely horny and thinking about putting your hands down his pants in the middle of the cafeteria
☀︎ — warnings: smut, nsfw, public display of affection, Azriel is a little stern, like a tiny bit, pussy eating, riding, ovulation
☀︎ — amara’s note: this was so fun to write, i love freaky bimbo reader, she’s so fun. also very realistic bc i too would wanna put my hands in azriel’s pants. and don’t mind the fact that this is complete nonsense. idk wtf is happening💗
series masterlist
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You should’ve known azriel was an eater.
Whenever he ate, he did it like he was out of breath, inhaling his food and munching on it. He did this thing where he’d lean over his plate, shuffle food into his mouth, head tilting a little to the left, eyes closed and everything. It reminded you of the way he tilted his head when he kissed you.
He ate with such need and energy that you couldn’t help the dirty thoughts in your little brain. But it’s not even your fault, it’s his. Who the hell eats like he does?
You can't help but giggle whenever you watch Azriel eat, finding it very cute that he devours his food. It’s like, he really loves his meals, you know?
But then you remembered last night when you jumped on him while he was working on his computer. He looked so cute and focused, but his hands... so fucking hot, they looked so good. Like, seriously, how can hands be so attractive? Maybe it was the ring, maybe it was the bracelet or maybe it was because you wanted to gag on them.
You knew you were ovulating, it was no surprise. You basically turn into a succubus, hellbent on getting slutted and fucked. Azriel is there, so naturally you want him to take care of it.
I mean, who else could help you? Getting off yourself is so much work and doesn’t feel nearly as good as when he does it.
“Azzie, i missed you sosososooo much!!” you strolled towards him with a massive smile. Azriel turned around at the sound of your pink, fluffy heels klicking against the cafeteria floor.
He gave you the kindest smile as you approached him, lifting his arm so you have room to lean against him. You had different classes in the morning, so you met him for lunch. you sit next to him, scooting as close as you can. If you could, you’d sit on top of him but you were in the cafeteria so you had to settle for leaning with your face nuzzled against his neck.
There he was, eating like he always did. But today, you couldn’t stop your thoughts. He was eating too good. You wanted to tell him, so you did.
“Hi, my sweet girl. I hope you had a good lecture. What do you want to do after classes?”
You sighed. You were dangerously horny, it was a miracle you didn’t put your hand down his pant, honestly.
“Hmm, I wanna be fingered, i want my pussy ate then i wanna be fucked for hours, pretty please?” you mumbled against his neck, kissing and licking a stripe.
Azriel started coughing, nearly choking on his food.
“And, uh, another thing. D’ya eat pussy like that?” you asked with hope, a french tip pointing to his plate.
“Oh my god, uh — okay, so, baby, you — you can’t just say stuff like that in public, okay?” he exclaimed, his cheeks flushing as he glanced around nervously.
“Why not? I want my boyfriend, there's no shame in it!” you declared, pursing your glossed lips, with your hands folded over your half-exposed tits.
Azriel nervously glanced around as you put a leg over his thigh. “Please help me, i’ll totally die if you don’t.”
“Okay, sure, but why are you so — um, frisky?" Azriel asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of nervousness. A nervousness that increased as you pressed your tits against him.
“I don’t know what that means.” You replied, tilting your head slightly in confusion, your ditzy demeanor showing through.
“Um, sexually charged,” Azriel tried to explain, his hands moving mid-air in an attempt to convey his meaning.
“I’m ovulating, Azzie. aka i need you inside, like right in this moment — like in this second, now.” your nail tapped quickly against the dining hall’s table, a sign of your impatience. “Please stop talking nonsense, i don’t know about sexually charged, m’just horny.”
“Right, right. I read about that. Okay, let’s go. Do you want my dorm or your apartment?” Azriel questioned as he stood up, lifting you from the bench.
That little move of him lifting you without hesitation or struggle made your jaw drop. Your hands automatically moved towards his belt, and a sweet expression crossed your face as you stared up at him, completely flustered.
Azriel stopped you before you could bend down and blow him infront of people. He led you by the hand, your thoughts completely cleared, except for one thought.
You were SO gonna get it.
He’s so gentle. The way the flat of his tongue drags between your folds is ungodly to stay the least, the lewd squelching of his tongue flicking your glistening, throbbing clit.
“You okay? Holy shit you weren’t lying, you’re incredibly wet,” his fingers come to touch you, almost slipping in with no difficulty.
“mm-yeah, m’so good. J’st keep your mouth riiiight there,” you hummed, dragging his head back as you shifted his head a little to the left. He inserted one finger, then added another before curling them, just like he was taught.
You felt his tongue press against your clit at the same time, your hands gripping his shoulders in order to not writhe away.
“ ‘s really s-sensitive, ‘nd it feels so, so good, az.” He flushes, cheeks reddened at your sweet, whines and moans.
“so sweet.. you’re so sweet, baby.” he doesn’t stop when he speaks. instead, he continues to lap at your cunt, his face evidently beginning to get wet from the mix of your slick and his saliva.
It’s so messy, but he’s loving every second of it even when your juices wet his chin and entire mouth. You’re so close to sliding off his bed with the way you’re writhing away. But it’s like you have to! If he keeps his work up, you’ll cum all over his face in seconds.
“Stop tryna run away, you haven’t even finished yet.” He drags you closer to him by your thighs as he locks his arm around your legs.
“A—azzie! s-slow down, ‘m gon-gonna cum too quick if you keep goin’.”
He doesn’t slow down, and he definitely doesn’t stop. Instead you feel his tongue lap your cunt as he sneakily bring his hand up to your clit rubbing it softly.
When you cum, he just moves you on top of him with no warning. You had been begging to ride, whining about how you’d feel fuller if you were on top. As much as Azriel loves you, your whining was making him wanna check you.
“There. Now will you be good and ride? Hm?” He squeezes your waist as you put your hands on his toned stomach with a smile.
“Mm-hm, I’ll ride.”
Azriel is left damn near paralyzed after. He is sweating, trembling, dying.
You on the other hand couldn’t possibly be more content. He had given you a good dicking :)
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🏷️: @ithan-holstroms-girl @whatdoyxumean @honeybeeboobaa @to-be-written @sidthedollface2 @stasiereads @amara-moonlight @thescooby-gang @linoisqt @mischiefmanagers @tortured-artists @scoobies @caroline-books @kalulakunundrum @meshelleexplosionmurder @danikamariewrites @clairebear08 @redbleedingrose @jeannineee @nocasdatsgay @v3lv3tf0x @liati2000 @teenageeggscissorslawyer @impossibelle @stonerpersona @dreamlandreader @djaaaa @callmeblaire @thelov3lybookworm @polli05927 @ahitsalyssa @evergreenlark @thegirlintheshadows101 @saltedcoffeescotch @acourtofladydeath @acourtofwhatthefuck @readychilledwine @daycourtofficial @azriels-shadowsinger @sapphicmsmarvel @hungryforbatboys @justasillylittlegoofyguy @luvmoo @emryb @meritxellao @mochibabycakes @artists-ally @azzieslittlebunny @berryzxx @sweetshifter @lilah-asteria @hannzoaks @throneofsmut
if ur username is in bold, i couldn’t tag you ;(
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which moving in together is a herculean task and jungkook teaches you how to fold his underwear.
> est. relationship, fluff, angst lowkey / wc: 3.2k
> warnings: mention of h!ckeys and or/l s/x (f. receiving), allusion to c*ckwarming and s/x
> in which masterlist!
note: who else will drunkenly research about men’s underwear and scroll through calvin klein’s website at 2am to write this for shit and giggles and self-indulgence if not art <3 as always i love hearing your thoughts thru reblogs/comments/asks !! 🥺
“oh shit-”
jungkook looks up to find you standing by the doorframe of the walk-in closet, and the view instantly weaves a stupidly whipped grin on his handsome face. your hair is messy from sleep; your eyes are still half-lidded; and your lips are wrapped around the straw of the red water tumbler you’re clutching in your hands.
“baby! you scared me! what are you doing out of bed?”
“my bed escaped from me.” you mumble, padding across the wooden floor until you reach him. he watches in bewilderment as you fall to your knees and pull his arms out of your way. muscular body pliant underneath your dainty touches, he allows you to move him as you like.
“ahhh-” he produces a noise of enlightenment as you find a comfortable position between his legs, lying down across his lap. he’s forced to support the weight of your torso with his arm beneath your upper back, hand curled around your shoulder. “am i the bed?”
“mhmm, boo! i caught you. you’re stuck with me forever.” you go limp in his arms and dramatically press the back of your hand on your forehead like a damsel in distress, which elicits a chuckle from your boyfriend.
he bends down to pepper kisses along your jaw and exposed neck, plush lips brushing against the traces of love bites that blossomed on your skin this afternoon, courtesy of his friskiness. having always been extra sensitive there, the ticklish sensation makes you squirm. “that’s exactly what i signed up for.”
“oh?” you raise an eyebrow challengingly. “sure. let’s see if you can still say the same thing… three months from now.”
your fingers comb through his silky locks, taking a fistful and lightly yanking to pull him off you.
“as you were.”
a grunt tumbles out of his mouth when you change positions carelessly. in the end, you settle with straddling him, legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck, where you nuzzle your face and almost purr like a kitten due to the warmth that you’ve missed in his absence.
the process of transforming an apartment to a home together has been… exhausting, to say the least. you’ve had most of the furniture installed before you started bringing in your personal belongings, but how can a space feel so empty and so crowded at the same time? too many boxes, too many bags, too many things left to buy. the line between what’s yours and what’s his is blurring in your eyes, and this is only the beginning.
you thought dealing with jungkook’s self-admitted laziness would frustrate you at some point, well… which it did. however, it turns out that it is precisely what you need in this type of situation. yesterday morning, he successfully seduced you into letting him eat you out on the kitchen island. you reached the height of your pleasure twice in a row, nearly delirious as he was lost in untamed lust and moaned about how you taste, distracting you from planning out what goes in which kitchen cabinet based on dimensions and convenience. last night, he had to drag you back to bed at 5am because you ended up organizing your bookshelf for two hours instead of only getting a refill of water like you claimed.
“what are you even looking for?!” jungkook exclaims with a hand over his naked waist, clad only in his boxers, as he watches you rummage through four boxes in search for something.
“the easel!” you whimper, your calves breaking your fall as you slump back on the floor in despair.
“easel?” he squats down infront of a box beside you, scratching his cheek as his puffy and sleepy eyes scan the other boxes. “i don’t think an easel would’ve fit in here, baby.”
“it’s a mini one. the one i use to display my favorite book.” you pout to point at it standing in the second level of the shelf. he recognizes it as the limited edition book he bought you last year, and the flashbacks of him standing in line for hours to get it signed by the author are inescapable.
if hearing you say that it’s your favorite makes jungkook so ecstatic that he wants to break down into tears, he doesn’t show it. instead, he nonchalantly throws you over his shoulder, making a beeline to the bedroom. he yelps when you angrily pound at his back with balled fists.
“ugh, i hate you! put me down!”
he clicks his tongue. “bad!” he lightheartedly chides you, smacking your ass. “i’m cuffing you to myself! do you have any idea what time it is? you have class in three hours!”
“but, babe, i don’t want to attend!” you cry out, slumping as you grudgingly yield. “why do you have to be so strong?! stop lifting weights for fuck’s sake!”
at the time, you meant it when you said that you want to take the moving duties slowly since you have all the time in the world but… you can’t stand the clutter and disorganization for the life of you. at the same time, it pumps your veins with thrill, having an empty space and being responsible to breathe life into it with jungkook. out of all the life-altering decisions you had to make with your still developing brain, this is the biggest gamble yet.
you don’t know if you’re blinded by love, putting your trust in jungkook when he said that he wanted to build a life with you; or if it’s arrogance, having the trust in your ability to stand on your own feet again incase a match is thrown in a puddle of fuel on the floor. the latter is more painful to think about, quite frankly. just because you can, doesn’t mean that you want to. you have to. you have to. with bruised knees from praying for a little more time, you have to. the earth doesn’t stop orbiting the sun when your house burns down.
either way, it’s too late to succumb to your inner monologue. the stuffed toys you own, including ones you’ve dearly loved since childhood, are scattered across the living room. the journal you’ve been sadly neglecting for the past two weeks is just freely lying on your personal study space. you’re here, safe in his arms, and if there’s one thing you’ll always believe in, it’s this. and you intend to make the most out of each day the universe allows you the right to be here.
“you can fall asleep like this? while i keep moving?” he whispers, wide palm soothingly running up and down the expanse of your back.
only if it’s you, you say in the back of your mind. “you can see for yourself.”
“psh. always gotta keep me on my toes, don’t you?” he smooches your cheek, and then once more, lingering and refusing to part away. you feel his lips curling up against your skin.
jungkook reaches for the tumbler you left behind on the floor, capturing the straw between his lips and plentily sipping until he deems his thirst quenched. he sets it aside afterwards, returning his attention to the laundry basket he purposely laid on the floor so he can easily reach inside. he’s been happily working hard on the laundry after you both agreed to wash the clothes you haven’t worn in quite some time to keep your closet clean and fresh.
a little hiccup though.
quickly and unsurprisingly, you ran out of hangers between his long-sleeves and yours alone. therefore, he’s solely focusing on the to-be-folded for tonight, which mostly consists of shorts, casual pants, underwear, and socks.
he inserts his arm in the laundry basket to push out the articles of clothing closer to the edge, grabbing the nearest thing and proceeding to neatly fold it over his outstretched legs. his white sweatpants lands on top of its designated pile, and then the same goes for your tennis skirt, as well as his ripped jeans, and everything else after that.
jungkook being jungkook, singing comes naturally to him after breathing and more than blinking. he hums, chest vibrating against yours as he does so, occasionally singing the lyrics in between because he means them. a tattooed arm protectively wraps around you to keep you glued to his body each time he leans forward. his careful movements, along with his mellifluous voice, fool your senses into believing that you’re being carried out by the ocean waves to the shore of dreamland.
your boyfriend freezes when one of your arm slides down his shoulder, an irrefutable evidence that you’ve fallen asleep again. you finally tired yourself out, he breathes out a sigh of relief. he cups the back of your head as support, eyes shaping into crescent moons as he giggles as quietly as he can after seeing your face.
“so fucking cute.” he muses, rewarding your cheek with another kiss before securely tucking you back into his embrace.
he carries on with his task to allow you to dive further into unconsciousness. he spends the next fifteen minutes folding the boxers that were still stuck inside one of his suitcases, patiently operating with only an arm. his tattooed one is still preoccupied with maintaining a protective embrace around you. shortly after, he decides that it’s time for you to go back to bed.
“there we go.” he says quietly to himself as he succeeds to stand on his feet, carrying you with his hands hooked around your bare thighs. you unconsciously tighten your hold around his neck and release a deep sigh of contentment in your sleep.
he kicks the door open, walking with light, deliberate steps across the wooden floor. he climbs on the bed, knees sinking in the mattress as he gently lays you down. and there’s an inexplicable emotion stirring in his chest as he covers you with the blanket, accompanied by the epiphany that he is doing this at 2am not because time has arrived to daunt him and he needs to leave your bed to go home. not anymore. whatever this is, it feels so fucking good. oh my god, he looks forward to spending the rest of his life feeling you breathe next to him, getting lost in how peaceful you look asleep when he randomly wakes up in the middle of the night.
he tenderly squeezes your arms as he leans down to plant a goodnight kiss on your velvet lips, sweet and loving. slowly, and with the smallest movements possible, he gets out of the bed to return to the closet.
“love, you’re not sleeping yet?” your tiny voice barely reaches his ears but it pinches his heart, even more painfully when he sees that your hand only managed to seize three of his longest fingers to stop him from walking away.
he sits down beside you, intertwining his fingers with yours. “i will in a bit, baby. i only have the rest of my underwear left to put away.”
you blink at him hazily, silent as you digest his words in your clouded mind. “you’re folding them, too?”
“of course.”
and with that confirmation, you eagerly inch closer to him. “teach me.”
“huh?” his forehead creases, eyebrows knitting in a state of confusion.
“teach me.” you repeat yourself, bordering on a whine.
“how to fold my underwear?”
you innocently nod your head as a reply.
“why?” he asks, an amused smile tugging at the corners of his mouth because of your unusual request. but then again, he can’t say he’s much that surprised. it’s such a you thing to do.
“i can’t?” your lips form an adorably small pout, and you sniffle as your eyes water with unshed tears of drowsiness. “but you’re my boyfriend.”
fuck fuck fuck, he curses inside his head. his heart flips and drops to his stomach. holy shit, yes he is. it’s infuriating, how it requires you little to no effort to have him wrapped around your finger. the endearing sight automatically tugs at his heartstrings, urging him to cradle your soft cheeks in between his large palms.
“i’m just curious.” he reassures you with a chuckle, leaning down to press one more sweet kiss to your lips.
“we do chores together…” you trail off, nose scrunching when his brushes yours. you smile sheepishly. you’re relishing in the mere inches between you — how you can see that his pupils are evidently dilated, his brown doe eyes appearing rounder and bigger than they already are. “so i just want to learn how to do it right.”
you swiftly throw aside the blanket enveloping you when he voices out his permission with an “it’s so easy!”, cheerfully jumping off the bed. captivated by your unique charm, jungkook allows himself to be dragged away as a breathing, walking picture of pure adoration.
he finds himself sitting on the same spot on the floor, back comfortably resting on the cabinets now that you’re beside him instead of on him. your drooping eyes follow the every movement of his dexterous hands as he folds a calvin klein trunk on his lap, black with a white waistband. wearing an orange beanie of his you found stuck underneath the laundry basket, you obediently bounce your head as he earnestly demonstrates it with instructions.
“so you take this side and fold it over to the middle, and then! you do the same with the other one, so they’re folded equally like this.”
he briefly picks it up to show it to you from rim of the waistband, the two parts stacked and perfectly aligned.
“after that, you take the bottom and roll it over like… halfway? whatever, i just kind of do it by feel- and the final step… so you also fold the waistband here so you can tuck the rolled up part inside. it ends up looking this neat and compact, see?”
your gaze only flickers at the finished product, having seen what it looks like about a thousand times in his backpacks and luggages. “so these are called trunks… and those are called boxers?”
your boyfriend follows the direction your index finger is pointing at, revealing a pile of folded boxers sitting inside of his opened suitcase. he winces with his full set of teeth before he cracks up in laughter, the genuine curiosity you radiate is making his brain overflow with love and happy chemicals.
“right! those are more comfortable and breathable so i wear them at home, while trunks provide more support for when i need it, you know?”
“snug fit or loose fit this, boxers or boxer briefs that. you strip them off all the time to put your dick in me anyway.” you scoff, picking up another calvin klein creation from the laundry basket immediately afterwards.
a string of ditzy giggles slip past your lips. the light blue trunk was standing out among the neutral colors like a firefly in the forest, practically begging to be chosen as your first piece of work.
“i’ll do this one! you wore it yesterday. i love the color.”
his lips part open in surprise at your lewd and unfiltered response, a hand flying to his face to conceal the rosy shade that has begun to tint his flushed honey skin, many earrings collectively swinging and belly aching as he chortles. it’s embarrassing, really, how he still blushes despite having done countless sinful things with you. can you really blame him for being incapable of keeping his hands to himself when he’s so helplessly and hopelessly attracted to you?
he clears his throat, crossing his legs and moving to his side so he’s facing you. “go on then.”
you flap it against the air to straighten out the fabric, placing it over your thighs and meticulously following your boyfriend’s instructions step-by-step. you’re quiet as you commit yourself to the chore, floating in your little bubble of tranquility and concentration.
and jungkook is intently watching you with as much self-control he can muster. the urge to grab your face and kiss you senselessly is palpable, wrapping itself around his limbs like vines that have a life of their own, desperate to dip into the sun for a taste. they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and he can attest to that to a certain degree… but dear god, its lack thereof?
there’s no sensible reason why the both of you should be spending your late nights in your new apartment doing stuff like this when you have an entire 55-inch television set up on the floor because you haven’t found the time and energy to attach it to the bedroom wall yet… and not to mention that jungkook had to write more batteries all types of batteries, tongs, and curtains as CURTAINS!!! in your little notebook of to-buy checklists because somehow, they never crossed either of your minds the last two times you went shopping for your remaining home essentials. his new gaming chair arrived this afternoon and he has zero clue where he will insert assembly time into his busy schedule. one of these days, you’re also bound to discover the plant namjoon left as a gift three days ago. he placed it at the balcony, and it’s only surviving due to the fact that it’s been a relatively rainy month.
although, that’s precisely what makes this moment so priceless and so grounding. you smoothly finish the challenge and sing “ta-da!” with a beam that causes your eyes to twinkle with a tiny sense of achievement despite your apparent exhaustion.
“oh?! looks perfect. good job, baby. goob job.” he praises you with a grin, affectionately stroking your hair. “let’s work together so we can go to sleep.”
his thoughtful words and action make you keen, coaxing the giddiness in you to bubble over. you playfully nudge his side as you haul the laundry basket closer. “i want to play. let’s see who can fold the most in a minute!”
“play?” his shoulders deflate as he sighs, battery running low.
“no?” your lips pucker up in dismay. “too tired, love?”
his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek as he gives it some consideration. he shrugs. “what’s in it for me?”
oh, damn it.
“the winner also automatically wins the light fixture debate?”
in which you’re referring to your month-long dispute over which color of the cloud light you should purchase for your shared bedroom. he insists on the white cloud that has the white light because it looks like a thundercloud, and on the other hand, you’re fighting for the pink cloud with the yellow light because it looks like the sunrise or the sunset depending on its saturation and brightness.
“alright!” he blurts out, a surge of energy kickstarting his system. he snatches his phone, which he left in one of the empty shelves near him. “baby wants to play a dangerous game, huh? the stakes are incredibly high! too high! are you ready? to lose?”
your mood sours when he begins using his variety show hosting voice, confidence dwindling but determination fueled and burning brighter now that he’s in higher spirits.
you roll your eyes. “yeah, sure. ready to lose the white variation in my cart, bro.”
he smirks mischievously, his childish and devilish laughter echoing in the closet. “we’ll start the timer! in three…! one- go!”
“freeze, you cheater! i wasn’t ready! put that shit down!”
note: soooo, are you team oc or team jungkook? i will be keeping score 👩‍💻
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask/dm to be added or removed :D
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angelic-dew · 1 year
I. Need. Hentengu. Clone. Smut. Pleaseeeee 😭😭
It is an utter need rn- Can you do it with a fem reader pls?? <3 love your work btw
˚₊‧꒰ pleasure.☆꒱‧₊˚.! || pt. 1/2 !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🌿 ୧・author's note :: I dreaded doing this sm i ain't a smut writer. As much as I love these daddies, I can't stop writing for them as well- istg I was up at 2am writing this smh.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ⚡ ୧・summary + word count :: you find yourself getting frisky with two of your beloved boyfriend until the other two walk in and are greeted by a delightful sight that they also wish to partake in! + 3134 words. smut.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🫧 ୧・pairing :: aizetsu, sekido, karaku, urogi x AFAB reader! {she/her pronouns}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🪶 ୧・trigger warnings :: smut, gang bang, anal, oral (giving), degradation, poly relationships, daddy kink, cock warming, dirty talk, marking, biting, double penetration, rough sex, face fucking and grammatical errors. Children dni, this is 18+ content.
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Things weren't meant to escalate this quickly, in fact, they weren't supposed to escalate at all! It was supposed to be quality time spent with your precious boyfriends, nothing more, nothing less. Surely, they are demons, yes, but they are so close to humans and possessed many human qualities. They knew how to strategize, how to be crafty and of course, how to feel emotion. That's what got you three together anyways, their strong desire and undying love towards you. Their precious (Name).
There you were, in your private chambers as all of you sat nicely on the large futon-styled bedding. You, Aizetsu and Urogi this time were only meant to unwind and talk with each other! nothing more and nothing less had to be added, however, you and your tongue slipped up. You asked a question, "You know, when was the last time we actually had this much time to ourselves? I feel a bit bored now that I think of it." This phrase drove Urogi to the edge, you were correct, it's been absolute ages since you all have had so much time to yourselves, and it's also been quite the time since he's never been able to touch you as he's been wanting to recently.
His mind went crazy as he thought about the thought of his precious (Name) being slumped over his hardened, meaty cock like the previous time; the demon of joy remembered her expressions exactly, almost as if they were ingrained into his mind. He remembered clear as day and it was evident in his glassy, beady, glistening golden eyes that he was up to no good.
Meanwhile, Aizetsu took into consideration your words as well. However, he was much more on the innocent side. He wondered, what could you all do to pass the time? However, Urogi already had a plan set up for that and he knew for sure it was very much effective from past experience.
He shifted his uneasy yet playful gaze towards the demon of sorrow and whispered into his ear. His perfect plan which they can use to pass the time with their beloved human.
Almost instantaneously, a deep, but vibrant cherry-red blush appeared on Aizetsu's mocha cheeks, tinting them with the rosy colour almost perfectly to suit him as he stuttered subconsciously, "A-are you sure about that exactly U-urogi? I mean, I would not want to upset her after all, she might not want it! And we can't force onto our precious treasure!" hints of desperation yet restraint lacing his words.
You tilted your head to the side in utter confusion. Just what were they even going on about, you wondered until you finally spat at them, "Darlings, just what exactly are you two talking about? I don't mean to be nosy, forgive me, but I'm truly curious to know what's wrong." Innocent. That's what you were. You had no idea what was truly going on between the both of them
The two demons looked at eachother then towards you. One was a total blushing mess and one had a certain gleam in his eyes, as if he's been pining and desired this moment before. Just waiting for you to say those words to him. So he can make a deep fantasy of his come true at last! This was given example of taking advantage of the situation.
"Urogi you handle this!" the demon of sorrow said in a flushed tone as the other puffed his chest up and beamed in satisfaction.
"We want to 'play' with you my dear, wouldn't you allow us to do it dear? I'm sure it'd make Aizetsu very pleased," he coaxed, the look of playfulness making sure never to die in his eyes as he spoke; his gaze fixtures on your beautiful body, only earning for him to lick his lips happily at your physique. The poor other demon just covered his face in utter embarrassment at his clone's actions.
You inhaled then exhaled. Taking a good breath.
You thought about it, it's been nearly forever since you showed them some true lovin', who knows how much they've been wanting to feel you again. To touch you. And you couldn't lie, you were also guilty as well, you wanted for them to have their way with you just like all the previous and pleasurable instances. You three have more than enough time as of the present. Why not make up for the lost amounts? After all, what's the harm in it, just another form of quality time.
"Okay, do as you please," you said solemnly, fixing your gaze onto both demons, a sly grin appearing along your face as you do so. They were certainly in for a treat and they weren't complaining.
They fully stripped you away of your pesky garments at this point, and they were so needy. Your clothing had been flung mercilessly on the floor, as for your undergarments? They suffered a worse fate; being ripped clean off of you, only your bare body being exposed for them to look upon. And they won't lie, it surely was missed sight.
Your physique and structure were just alluring making them want you more. They looked upon your breasts, already feeling a burning sensation beneath both of their large, muscular bodies; it was insatiable. Watching almost as if they were mesmerized by how your hair had fallen perfectly in front of your face, only earning a soft, faint, baby-pink blush to tint their cheeks. In pure adoration, their gaze shifted downwards to your wet, gooey cunt that was just as excited as their own massive, meaty cocks that were practically leaking of runny, sticky pre-cum from their thick tips.
The demon of sorrow wasn't exactly what one could depict as melancholy now, he wasn't living up to his name. In fact, he was in utter lust as he looked at his perfect treasure in all of her glory, he needed you so desperately. His member was incredibly hard and stiff, perfect to be in you at this given moment. Just imagining your warm, tight insides needing some loosening after so much time from not being fucked. It was mouth-watering.
Whilst the demon of pure joy felt himself entering the seventh heaven; in utter bliss even and it hasn't even gotten to the best part. Your gorgeous, angelic figure laid out before them was to die for. It was a sight meant for only them and they were surely possessive and territorial over their precious darling.
"C'mon boys, going to play with your slut or what? I thought you'd been awaiting this moment? Don't you want to do as you please? Making me scream; making me say the name of who owns me exactly? Maybe have me do whatever my masters want me to do for them?" you seductively asserted. Knowing they'd snap out of whatever trance they were in from those mere words.
Within moments they pounced on you like wild beasts patiently stalking their prey. Any and all clothing which had been on them was now discarded for they were no longer needed for what they had in store for their pretty little slut.
Aizetsu was certainly the quicker of the two, within an instant he was positioned sitting up as Urogi waited rather impatiently for him to have his fair share of fun. The demon of sorrow picked you up by your thighs with utter ease for his muscular build made it as if he was lifting a feather.
Gradually, he lowered your body onto his lap, his meaty, fat, thick length filling your poor entrance up simultaneously. It went in completely raw and fully hardened, having to force itself into your ass with pure strength just to allow the oozing tip to squeeze itself in. A simple, soft whimper or two emanated from underneath your soft lips as you felt it finally slip into your tight hole. He slowly continued to plant your tensed body onto his length but abruptly stopped and whispered quietly into your ear, "Please relax dear, I don't want it to hurt you."
Acknowledging his words you nodded and took in a few breaths and attempted to cease the tension in your muscles.
He began again, continuing to fill your tight hole up with his member, the length of the whole thing practically too big for you yet you wanted for him to continue. It stretched your warm insides to its heart's content, savoring the delicate warmth and tightness of your hole. Your face became a flushed, rosey, red mess! You timidly shifted your gaze downwards as various soft, sweet, little moans escaped from underneath your filthy lips. Even though it hurt, it was so pleasurable that it overwhelmed the pain, it just felt so good to finally have your ass stretched again. This was the same feeling as last time but better; you were tighter this time, more prone to the pain of it but there came so much delight as well.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room accompanied by Azietsu's faint whispers of encouragement to keep on going, faint words of endearment for you to take his whole length. At last, it was all in. Your insides cradled and gripped around his massive member, it was warm and felt utterly amazing. "A-ahh~ Mmm-" a pleasure-filled cry escaped from under his tongue as he felt your sensitive whole tense up and squeeze around him. God, it felt good, how he missed this.
As the sounds of pleasure filled Urogi's ears, he became even harder than before practically begging to be taken by you and finally, it was his turn to feel away at you, just like how he imagined it. After all, he remembered how his beloved (Name) is. Your tightness could go unmatched by someone else, nothing could ever compare to how warm your precious insides were. Nothing could ever replicate your soft touch. Nothing or anything could compare to how you made him feel for you. How he desired to touch you once more and finally, he was struck with the perfect opportunity.
He wasted no time, using his eagle-like wings to flap himself over towards you and his fellow clone. His length hairy yet somewhat delectable was running with pre-cum from his tip, begging for you to take him completely as the feeling of nothing similar-sized dick brought shivers along your spine. The demon of joy was a tad bit bigger than his sorrowful counterpart. His grith was to die for as you could barely wrap your hand around the full thing. This was perfect.
He grinned like a madman as he used two of those sharp taloned claws of his to your chin and lifted your face up to meet his. The blush that was scattered messily on your face only drove him further. "Be a good girl for daddy now and take me alright? You know what to do, you whore," he said hungrily and more impatient as Aizetsu stayed quiet. Only until you realized and certain wet tongue was running itself slowly along your neck. It caused you to send shivers along your body as well. It was him, himself, your precious lover with the glowing baby blue eyes marking you. It was only playful kitten licks but it began to grow into something much more rougher.
He started biting away at your soft skin. Those sharp, serrated fangs of his deeply gouging themselves into your savory flesh; it drove him wild. Biting until he hit the point where tiny beads of blood began to spill away from your now fresh wound. Licking it away as if it were nothing he starts to suck along your neck playfully, leaving behind deep, passionate yet dark trails of hickeys which are scattered along your neck, some reaching to your collarbone. Low yet pleased hums and groans spill away from your lips.
Urogi can't help but grin in satisfaction from his clone before making sure his gaze is locked on to you. You listen to his words from before and open your mouth widely, stretching it open a bit more just for good measure. You knew how big he was. And loved it.
"That's a good slut, you are just so cute when you listen to daddy you know darling," he chuckled as he now held his thick base within the palm of his hand, his palm acting like a cradle for his impatient member. Slowly, he began to thrust himself into your warm mouth inch by inch. He needed to feel this so badly. After patiently watching and yearning to touch you again, he definitely earned this bit of utter pleasure that you're giving him. Feeling such utter relief he let out a high-pitched but still deep cry of passion and delight that he unnoticeably slipped out. It just felt too good.
He loved the way you made him feel when he was in this state. It brought him such bliss as he felt your moist, wet tongue take in his entire member. It was as if he fell in love with you all over again when he felt you take in all of his meaty goodness and begin to get to work right off the bat with it. Feeling the utterly adoring sensation of your slimy tongue begin to work away with subtle, gentle strokes to his length which gradually got quicker yet still steady in pace. God, he loved you so much, this made the wait worth the while.
Your tongue wrapped itself around his thick length, the best it could, and moved along his base tirelessly and rather eagerly. As if it were hungry, greedy, wanting for him to release the gooey, sweet, creamy treat he had stored within him. As both of your hands made their way up toward his waist, gripping either side firmly. Aizetsu on the other hand was a big fan of the show, a small smile creeping along his face as he watched his clone be sucked off by the shared, beautiful lover.
Jeez, it felt so good, wonderful even but he wanted more; to spice things up and really show you how badly he's been needing you lately. I mean, there's no harm in showing you what he's really made of? It'd be even more pleasurable if he'd do it as well, he knew the feeling of your warm, wet mouth could be irreplaceable. Why not have some fun with it?
His golden eyes came into contact with yours, that same playful gaze being accompanied by some mischief well in his pupils as he placed one of those taloned claws of his on the back of your head. Gripping at your head with all his might, he had a few locks of your hair messily stored within his iron grip. He chuckled deeply before jerking your entire head onto his meaty member with one swift move, causing you to gag when the tip began to slide down your throat due to the force.
"Take it for me you slut," he spoke up, almost like a yell as Aizetsu whispered in your ear softly, "You can do it precious, you know how to make us feel delightful, just keep up with it." How sweet was he? As he now raised his hands up, which were planted on your thighs before, he began to slowly trace them along your figure gently, as if you were made of porcelain. His soft touches linger as he indulges in the utter satisfaction of his cock being snuggled deeply within your tight ass.
Urogi just grinned and forced it in again, this time it went in as planned. His clawed hand still firmly gripped the back of your head and that's when the fun began; he started to thrust and buck his hips slowly into your moist, wet mouth. The satisfaction washing over him 10 fold was unimaginable as he felt your tongue run along his length as he moved repeatedly in and out of your moist carven.
His thrusts became faster, swifter and rougher in pace. He had you gagging repeatedly, over and over, but he didn't care. The more your body forced his member out, the more he desired to have it pushed back in.
The winged demon was utterly mad, his pupils filling with pleasure as cries of pleasure began the escape unnoticeably once more from underneath his now quivering lips. "Oh fuck- that's it baby~ eat up daddy's cock like there's no tomorrow? You're already being such a good girl for me," he teased in between sharp, heavy breaths.
He leaned his head back just a tad bit as waves of contentment washed over him. Urogi's pupils glowed almost hazily as the gentle moonlight crept through the shoji.
His thrusts were becoming more sloppy but still kept its original pace. Your eager and wet tongue hungrily glided along his full length as it kept moving at speeds you felt were too much even for you, but this only made the demon of joy pulse with ecstasy as he started to feel faint twitches in his cock.
"Oi, oi! what's going on here, hm? You two trying to hog all the fun?" all three of your eyes widened. Neither of you said that, but it was a familiar voice. It was high but it had laces of entertainment stored within it, as if it'd been watching all this time.
It could've only been Karaku. Your green-eyed lover, the demon of pleasure and relaxation.
"How long have you been here?" the demon of sorrow spoke up quietly as he buried his face within the crook of your neck, your mouth still full with Urogi's full length.
He let out a small laugh and stepped closer and revealed yet the other demon behind him. The demon of anger, his gaze was cold and filled with fury and irritation. Sekido was watching the show as well, without any of your knowledge. "Long enough to be amused by this, however, you two are despicable. Can't you even see she has needs too? Her cunt is practically drenched," he bellowed, frustration looming through his words.
Playfully, the green-eyed demon added, "Oh, you're right Sekido, mind if we join you two? I bet we could all have so much fun!" It was evident in his voice he enjoyed every moment of what was being bestowed before him.
The winged demon sloppily and roughly thrust his harden, meaty member out of your mouth, a long, gooey string of saliva connecting it to your lips as a remanence of what lewd acts you two just did.
You panted, sharp, heavy breaths escaping from underneath your lips as your mind raced with lustful thoughts which could transpire for the next few hours.
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© angelic-dew :: please don't translate or reclaim without permission <3
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monstersflashlight · 19 days
I’ve been imagining aftercare scenarios with the monsters and I wanted to know what aftercare is like after a particularly steamy session. Is there a monster who would be more enthusiastic about aftercare than the others? P.S. I love your work, your monster fics are so great!💖
Hi! I love that question. So, I think aftercare would depend a lot of the monster you are getting frisky with.
Werewolfs are probably the cuddliest of them all, I can see your werewolf boyfriend getting super worried about you after an intense sesion and asking you a thousand times if you are okay, they would fetch you some water (pun intended) and make sure you are nice and comfy before cuddling you. They can get super rough, but also be super sweet about it (like this).
Minotaurs and orcs are probably fifty-fifty. Like, for my OCs (kinda OCs I guess) I think it would depend on what kind of dom they are. The minotaur and orc from the neighbors' story (this one) would be total sweethearts and they would make sure to have you cleaned out and comfy so you are feeling your best for the next time (because they will want to fuck you as soon as possible). And the minotaur who is so in love with his wife he would treat her like a queen during a scene and after (like this). As per the gym slut series (?) (this one), I think the main orc is clearly pretty rough and doesn't care a lot about aftercare in the shorts I've published to this point (that may change in the future, wink wink).
As per succubi and demons, I think they would be the detached style. They would take care of you, but act like they don't mean it, like they aren't worried about you or how you feel, but in reality they would be super worried they hurt you or you were uncomofortable at any point of the session. Same with vampires, they would get extremely worried but act like they don't care about their precious human.
I think dragons and tentacle monsters would be confused about what aftercare really is, they would try but probably fail. Like, in the Kidnapped by a dragon story (this one), the dragon wouldn't know what aftercare is, and will probably just give you some jewelry to make you feel better, just like a penguin gives rocks. A token of affection to show you he cares, but doesn't gasp the full extent of aftercare.
So... Yeah, depends on the monster. I though this answer was going to be short, but I ended up writing too much, like always. This a recurring problem in my life. Hope it wasn't boring. Thanks for asking and for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoy my tiny corner of the internet.
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måneskin fic recs
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you are responsible for the content you consume‼️
✧*:·˚ hi everyone!! here is a list of all the fics that are my favs with tagged writers/authors ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each writer!! ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ also, if you'd like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ✧*:·˚
måneskin x reader: blurbs+headcannons+fics
୨୧ 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
୨୧ 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧
୨୧ a headcanon with må with you being a successful model
-they're wearing earbuds, blasting music into their ears when they remember the they left their phone charger in the bathroom. they don't know you're showering and can't hear you over the music...
୨୧ headcanons with må x fashiondesigner!reader
୨୧ a valentine’s surprise | SMUT, orgy, oral sex, anal play, double penetration, food play, spit play, alcohol  
-You’ve been feeling a little left out in your relationship so your four partners show their love to you with a surprise for Valentine’s Day. 
୨୧ Gettin’ Frisky With The Måneskin Members  | explicit content, gender neutral reader, switch!damiano, hard domme!victoria, vanilla!thomas, sub!ethan, freaky stuff, toys and s/m, oral (both ways), degradation, spit, pain play, brat taming, bondage, sinning cuz rock’n’roll never dies
୨୧ our favourite band with an S/O with bad menstrual periods
| talk abt periods, so dyphoria warning (we'll get back on the totally GN shit tmrw, just filling requests rn), lil bit of swearing and NSFW on Ethan
୨୧ how the members of Måneskin confess their feelings for you måneskin x gn!reader
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victoria de angelis
·。🍓 my sweet valentine vic de angelis x fem! reader | Fluff
-Victoria's first Valentine's day celebrating with you is a bit chaotic but turns out better than expected.
·。🍓 date night vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut, fingering, oral (female receiving) and bdsm dynamics
-you and vic go on a date and it ends with fun at the hotel
·。🍓 hush, hush, cucciola. vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut
-you’re were asked to come over and help to calm Vic down after another disagreement during creating new song, and you find just the way to make her happy and peaceful again
·。🍓 pillow talk vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut
-your night trip to the kitchen gets interrupted by a strange noise, the results of your investigation are more pleasant then you could expect.
·。🍓 long stormy night damiano x fem!reader x vic | SMUT!!!, degradation, corruption kink, wax play, knife play, blood play, spanking, bit of fear play, unprotected sex, it’s just wild ok, i wanted to treat y/n
-It’s a last day of your small, a bit disappointing  gateway trip. The big storm is approaching, yet your evening takes an interesting turn when you bump into two hot Italians in the hotel bar
·。🍓 cold breeze, hot cheeks vic de angelis x fem! reader | angst, fluff 
-a rather cold October makes your blood boil as you and Vic attend Ethan's birthday party
·。🍓 i think I wanna hold you, but I'm not sure i'm allowed
vic de angelis x fem! reader | angst with tiny hint of smut
·。🍓 I'll show the  lovin' that you'll never get from a man. vic de angelis x fem! reader | angst, fluff, smut
-your friends finally meet your boyfriend, and even though nothing goes according to the plan, your night ends up being better than you could hope for, thanks to Vic
·。🍓 sweat and good grips vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut
·。🍓 the one with victoria’s boobs. victoria x gn!reader | fluff
-Victoria needs help taping her boobs for an upcoming performance. You get more than you bargained for.
·。🍓 the one where victoria wants to watch victoria x fem!reader x ethan | smut
·。🍓 “OPEN YOUR MOUTH.�� victoria x gn!reader | soft smut
-along the lines of The one where victoria is patient.
·。🍓 “YEAH, WELL, IF YOU WEREN’T SO DRUNK MAYBE I WOULD.” vic de angelis x fem! reader
·。🍓 “I KNOW YOU CAN BE LOUDER THAN THAT.” vic de angelis x fem! reader
·。🍓 “GIVE ME ATTENTION.” vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut
·。🍓 say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams vic de angelis xfem!reader | fluff, smut
-You're an up-and-coming actress, and Vic's best friend since high school. You have been friends and in love with each other for as long as you can remember. So when you have the chance to be together, it's magical.
·。🍓 baby said vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut
-you've been on a few dates with Victoria and you think things are going really well. You just wish you had known where the night was going beforehand- maybe you would have picked a table with longer tablecloths.
·。🍓 latenight devil vic de angelis x fem! reader
-victoria covers for you after you sneak backstage ahead of a Måneskin gig & invites you into her dressing room for an unusual encounter
·。🍓 forgive me father vic de angelis x fem! reader | smut, basically porn
·。🍓 the ocean's daughter swearing, alcohol consumption, drowning as a metaphor, smut
-while on holiday in italy, an encounter derails your life enough to make you pack up on a whim and move to the very city in which you first saw her — the ocean's daughter.
·。🍓 vic blurb
-doing domestic stuff with Victoria
·。🍓 a threesome with victoria and damiano! damiano x fem!reader x vic | smut
-reader is victoria’s partner and starts to develop a certain ‘obsession’ for dami, until vic decides to fix it.
·。🍓 vic de angelis fic victoria de angelis x fem!reader
-y/n is the other female member of the band, who has had feelings for vic for a while now, but was too nervous to say anything. one night after a concert in new york changes that after the bassist overhears a conversation between damiano and y/n.
·。🍓 thorns victoria de angelis x fem!reader | Mentions of smoking. Mentions of panic. Swearing.
-victoria meets her ex-girlfriend (Ava). The unplanned “date” upsets her and she decides to drink and smoke to cope. When she wakes up in the morning her best friend Y/N (who she also happens to have a crush on) is there to try and reason with her. 
·。🍓 lucid victoria de angelis x fem!reader
-It started with a spilled drink and ended with a clumsy kiss on the dance floor. A night out with friends takes an unexpected turn when you bump into the one person that's been on your mind for the better part of a year- the same stranger who stole both your chapstick and your heart.
·。🍓 nightmares victoria de angelis x fem!reader | A description of a nightmare. Other than that all is fluff and comfort.
-When Y/N has a terrifying nightmare and wakes up screaming, Victoria is there to comfort her.
·。🍓 kisses and cake vic de angelis x reader | very fluffy, a little spicy
·。🍓 vic blurb vic de angelis x reader
-being in a punk band and having vic feature in a show (you know like thomas recently did with starcrawler) and her doing her scissoring thing on top of me and then when she extends and after extending a hand to help me up and pulling me into a very gay gay gay kiss smearing her lipstick on my lipstick and leaving a big lipstick stain on my cheek as well
·。🍓 birthday wish victoria de angelis x fem!reader | smut
-little birthday blurb
·。🍓 church crush vic de angelis x reader | kinky as kink abba; innocent/corruption kink, and idk, sacrilege?
-good girl!reader having a massive obsession on a not-so-good girl from her church.
·。🍓 proficiency test victoria de angelis x gn!reader | a bit of swearing + one (1) explicit and one (1) implicit mention of sex + i'm very much projecting (who doesn't) + shitty german
-vic decides to help you study. chaos ensues.
·。🍓 coming home victoria de angelis x fem!reader
-vic has had a long day but coming home to you lifts the uneasiness from her shoulders and she vocalizes just how lucky she feels that you are in her life.
·。🍓 because of you idiot! victoria de angelis x gn!reader | angst(I guess), romantic fluff
-Victoria suddenly comes distance, and you try to find out why.
·。🍓 fluffy blurb vic de angelis x reader
-(it's something about getting matching tattoos with vic)
·。🍓 fuffly/smut with victoria victoria de angelis x fem!reader
-fluffy morning/half smut with victoria. nipples playing.
·。🍓 your camera roll while dating vic vic de angelis x reader | fluff, smut
·。🍓 knowing your worth vic x fem/gn! reader | hurt, comfort
-Vic is there for you after a conflict with your parents.
·。🍓 the first happiest birthday vic de angelis x reader | fluff
·。🍓 crawling back to you vic de angelis x reader
-Vic once again finds her way back to you.
·。🍓 one of a kind vic de angelis x reader | fluff, mentions of sex
-Vic finds out just how rich the feeling of love can be.
·。🍓 “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretend that it’s you!” vic de angelis x reader | fluff, angst
·。🍓 pt 2 hospital vic fic. vic de angelis x reader
·。🍓 “everything before the word ‘but’ is horseshit.” vic de angelis x reader | smut
·。🍓 the one where victoria is patient. victoria de angelis x fem!reader | smut
-you've been with Victoria for half a year. Maybe it's about time you pushed your fears away.
·。🍓 “Yeah, well, if you weren’t so drunk maybe I would.” vic de angelis x reader | fluff
·。🍓 “Give me attention.” vic de angelis x reader | smut
·。🍓 “We’re in public, you know.” vic de angelis x reader | fluff
·。🍓 “Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.” vic de angelis x reader | fluff
·。🍓 "Take off your clothes, but leave the heels on." vic de angelis x reader | fluff
·。🍓 vic fic vic de angelis x reader
-A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party
·。🍓 vic blurb vic de angelis x reader
-Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
·。🍓 l'amore è più forte di ogni segreto: Part 1. victoria de angelis x fem!reader | angst, swearing, bad google translate translations, overuse of italics, mention of someone called ‘A’ - Damiano’s girlfriend
-unbeknownst to you both, paparazzi photograph you and Victoria while on your way back from a date night. When you find out in the morning, the two of you have very different ideas of how to handle the situation.
·。🍓 l'amore è più forte di ogni segreto - Part 2. victoria de angelis x fem!reader | angst, swearing, bad google translate translations, overuse of italics.
·。🍓 k is for kisses vic de angelis x reader
-You and your girlfriend, Victoria, both like to tease each other. Kisses ensue.
·。🍓 peculiar and beautiful victoria de angelis x gn!reader | angsty but also fluffy
-reader finds themself in a emotional rut. A few comments online, the constant youtube recommendations on how to be “perfect” have been making them feel some type of way, hiding away from the one person that can help them; Victoria
·。🍓 amalfi nights victoria de angelis x fem!reader | smut, pretty vanilla, softdom!vic, servicetop!vic, praise, kind of fluffy smut
-reader and victoria are for vacation in Amalfi. After a candle-lit dinner at the restaurant, after a long day of swimming and sunbathing, victoria just wants to show you her love.
·。🍓 afterglow victoria de angelis x gn!reader | mentions of sex
-reader meets victoria while traveling with friends. The two create a lovely summer fling and reader can not help but bask in the afterglow of victorias influence hoping to encounter her again.
·。🍓 homesick vic de angelis x reader | tw sickness, vomitting
-vic and the reader being on a long vacation together. One night the reader wakes up homesick and ends up being sick in the toilet, trying to be as quiet as they can not to worry vic too much. To no use, of course, as vic wakes up alarmed by the sounds of someone being ill in the bathroom and then goes to comfort the sick, guilty, crying reader?
·。🍓 vic fic vic de angelis x reader
-An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
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damiano david
✧*: i want to dance on your body damiano david x fem!reader | smut 
-you and your bestie hit up a party when you start grooving with Damiano, and the dance floor chemistry carries over to his hotel room. That's where the magic unfolds, and you both go to cloud as he compares you to an angel.
✧*: i'm gonna fly straight to you damiano david x fem!reader | fluff
-you and Damiano are cuddled up in bed, brainstorming epic future adventures together.
✧*: i wanna paint your face like you're my Mona Lisa. damiano david x fem!reader | smut
-damiano takes you to see his new yacht
✧*: long stormy night damiano x fem!reader x vic | SMUT!!!, degradation, corruption kink, wax play, knife play, blood play, spanking, bit of fear play, unprotected sex, it’s just wild ok, i wanted to treat y/n
-It’s a last day of your small, a bit disappointing  gateway trip. The big storm is approaching, yet your evening takes an interesting turn when you bump into two hot Italians in the hotel bar
✧*: overthinking damiano david x fem!reader | swearing, alcohol, smoking, smut related things in general
-Your relationship with Damiano is going through a crisis and some jealousy. All becomes clear after a filed party and a steamy night. There is a bit sad, angsty beginning, smut in the middle and a bit of fluff in the end. So, we have the whole package.
✧*: welcome home damiano david x fem!reader | surprisingly fluffy but also smut
-after a long week all you need is a loving touch of your currently absent boyfriend. Luckily in the morning there is a very handsome surprise waiting for you, and this allows you to start your day in best way you could possibly imagine
✧*: 300,000 hearts damiano david x fem!girlfriend!reader
-where damiano sings a song about you he wrote in highschool, to a full arena
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ethan torchio
ᑦ( •ᴥ• )ᐣ blush ethan torchio x reader | pure fluff
-a blurb of Ethan meeting his new makeup artist who's really kind and bubbly and he instantly gets a crush on them?
ᑦ( •ᴥ• )ᐣ a night in paris ethan torchio x fem!reader | smut+swearing
-you went on a tour with the band and Ethan enjoyed Paris the most. Having your boyfriend all happy and excited turned out to be better then you expected.
ᑦ( •ᴥ• )ᐣ "The way your eyes get darker when you get aroused, is making me lose my mind." ethan torchio x fem!reader | smut
-If acting unwise get's you places, maybe you're just pushing it to be on your knees.
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thomas raggi
❤︎ ❥ "We passed 'just friends' about 20 fucks ago." thomas raggi x reader | angst, fluff, smut
❤︎ ❥ sanremo. thomas raggi x gn!reader | swearing, slightly sugggestive
-ever the supportive boyfriend, thomas indulges you in a sanremo 2023 watch party.
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623 notes · View notes
sakasinterlude · 4 months
your touch burns like fire, i love it | carlos sainz x fem!reader
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a woman, a man, a frisky DM, and a hotel room.
nsfw 18+, no minors pls
a/n: my first piece of writing in a long time, so let me know what you think. its long. 5.1K words so enjoy!
When you decide to send a frisky DM, you are more mad than anything else, wanting to get back and show your ex, that you too can fuck whoever you want.
You lean against the wall of the elevator and place your head back on the cold steel of the wall. Its not exactly anxiety that you feel, rather than a sense of giddiness, or maybe your just horny.
The loud ding of the lift takes you out of your thoughts as your greeted by the elaborate designed carpet and shining chandelier. You were very familiar with the five-star hotel, at least from the outside, it’s on your daily commute to work but never did you have an opportunity to step inside, until now. This whole day came about after an a rather eventful month or so.
Your long-time boyfriend Brian was a sweet, caring, and thoughtful partner. You met at when you attended your roommate/best friends Christmas office party with her. Instead of being swept up in the boring accounting office chat, you were blushing in the corner at the sweet words of the handsome man in the navy suit. Things transpired quickly between the two of you as a few weeks into the New Year you were already official. There were never any glaring red flags, and you were content with the pace and terms of your relationship, often spending evenings in his swanky high-rise loft apartment. Some may say complacent, but you call it comfortable and reliable, which is more than you could say for any of the past relationships you had been in.
Things started to go left when he claimed to be swamped at work. For a week, okay understandable you thought, but for over a month, and including weekends? Something suspicious surely. With some whispers from your loyal friend and roommate, you learned of the name Laura, a bubbly blonde 21-year-old who was just hired to work at the front desk. On her first day she spilled coffee over some important papers and sweet Brian had been kind enough to show her how to use the photocopier and made googly eyes at her for the rest of the day. “He was definitely smitten!” according to office chat your roommate picked up on. On nights where you would sit in his apartment, alone, your mind couldn’t help but wonder to Laura, knocking on his office door asking Brian if he needed anything before she left for the night. You imagined your boyfriend’s eyes wondering up the secretary’s legs, finding a tight pencil skirt hugging her hips. His cheeks would blush at the scene, the two all alone in this big office, the dark sky outside the window hiding their secret. You tried your best to shake these thoughts out of you head, but it was only a matter of time before you couldn’t contain yourself. One Sunday morning, when Brian wasn’t “working” your eyes caught something on his phone and the opportunity to bring up these lingering feelings came up.
“You got text.” You call out to Brian, who was in the kitchen making the pair of you breakfast. Sweet Brian.
“What does it say?” He replied, he doesn’t even turn his attention from the stove, he must trust you.
“From the Laura, should I reply?” Passwords were shared between the two of you, so replying on behalf of the other was normal.
You see Brian’s head whip around, before he abandons the hot pan, walking quickly to retrieve his phone. “Nope, I got it sweetheart.” He is overcompensating with his smile and places a kiss on your forehead before grabbing his phone and going back to the stove. He must think you miss how red his face got, or the initial wide-eyed look he gave when you said her name.
Long story short, after breakfast a rare fight between the two of you ensued, where you called out his shady behaviour and questioned him about Laura.
“Are you crazy? I would never cheat on you!” he throws his hands in the air. After many mean names and yelling back and forth, it was Brian who suggests a break, claiming the stress from working and the lack of quality time spent was clearly straining the relationship. You don’t even verbally agree, too mad to even speak, just grabbing your bag and coat from the corridor before leaving his apartment.
You don’t return until a few weeks later, when you decide to show up unannounced to make amends. But of course, who was it who held the door open for you when you walk into his building early in the morning? A young blonde, who looked like she had herself a night, sporting the same messy post sex hair and neck hickeys you once did. She shot you a small smile before complimenting your coat, of course Laura is sweet too. You don’t even make it inside, that was all the evidence you needed to know that Brian and this relationship was not worth saving.
You spent the week crying in bed, thinking of the wasted years you spent on this stupid relationship. Your roommate encourages you to get out in the world again, don’t let Brian win. That plus a bottle of wine, led you to DM Carlos Sainz on Instagram. When you decide to send the frisky message, you are more mad than anything else, wanting to get back at Brian and show him you too can fuck whoever you want. With that being said, it helped that that someone was insanely good looking. To say you were shocked to get a reply the next day was an understatement, but after a few messages back and forth, you received a time and hotel room number to meet Carlos that Saturday.
You readjust your dress straps as you count the door numbers around you. What exactly does one wear to a one-night stand, especially with a famous person? You settle for a mid-thigh length sun dress and sandals, causal enough you thought. 708 reads the door, but you can’t bring yourself to raise your hand to knock. Sure, you had slept with people other than Brian but never like this. Meeting online, random hotel room, not even a date before where you both play coy to the acts that will take place later that night. The sound of the elevator down the hall brings you back and before you can second guess, your fists meet the door, and you wait.
Carlos Sainz opens the door quickly; you hope he wasn’t watching you standing there through the peephole. He is even better looking in real life than on Instagram, if that’s even possible. Beautiful tan skin, slight beard, strong manly jawline and the most effortless soft looking hair. Its wet, he must have just showered, which explains why he has no shirt on. Oh my god. You meet his eyes as he has caught you staring.
“Hi.” He says it softly, giving a warm smile at the end. You give him the same smile back, not trusting your voice, accepting his outstretched hand inside the hotel room.
You stare out the window, looking down below, everything looks so small from here. Carlos left you in the bedroom, claiming he had to take a phone call in the living room. You didn’t even know hotels rooms came with multiple sections and rooms inside. The anticipation is killing you as now as it is definitely horniness you feel rather than anxiety.
You feel a gentle hand meet your waist; you turn to face Carlos.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” He says sheepishly. “It was a work call.”
“No problem.” You both gaze into each other’s eyes, his hand is still on your waist. “You know,” He takes a step forward, “You’re even prettier in real life.”
You can’t help but blush, turning your head away from his gaze. His fresh cologne scent is all around you now, leaving you flustered.
“I mean it, cariño.” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and takes another step closer, your only inches apart now. It’s easy to get lost in his eyes, they are so brown, and so warm, like chocolate or the perfect cup of coffee with cream or lik-
Before you can even comprehend your kissing him, and he’s kissing you. Those big firm hands of his run from your face, down to your shoulder pulling you flush on his chest. Your body feels on fire in the best possible way, his presence is everywhere now. His two hands go from your shoulders then neck, then under your jaw, sitting right under your ears, cradling your face, leaning down to kiss you. His lips are so soft but firm in the way they dominate and take control kissing you.
“On the bed,” A firm slap on your ass jolts you up, “Now.” Carlos turns to watch you waltz towards the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room. You crawl into the center of the bed, before turning and facing him with a sweet smile, sitting on the bed. You wonder where all this confidence came from.
Carlos saunters over to you, with an expression you couldn’t really read, his eyes a slightly darker shade of brown. He reaches the foot of the bed and just stares at you, stares. It doesn’t intimidate you, in fact it fires you up, yearning for his touch again. Like he read your mind, he grabs your right ankle, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You let out a squeal, taken aback from his movement. Now on your back, with his hand still on your foot, he crawled up your body, meeting eyes once again.
His lips ghost over yours, waiting, coming closer, then pulling away slightly. He takes his pointer finger from your ankle, and slowly runs it up your leg, leaving goosebumps in its path. Everything on your body is tingling and buzzing at every little movement he makes.
His fingers slide right up your leg, under your dress, stopping at your underwear. Still holding that intense eye contact, Carlos pulls your thong right down. Your jaw is slack at the action, which makes Carlos smirk, knowing he has you now.
Then the assault on your thighs begins, as Carlos leaves kisses and little nips on both outspread legs, ignoring where you want him the most. The feeling makes your back arch and your breathing hitch with anticipation. His teasing continues for some time, as your hands find his locks, enjoying the soft fluffy texture. You almost don’t notice the halt in movement, as Carlos’ eyes bore into your from between your legs. Slowly he moves closer, and closer to your center. Holding that same eye contact, he licks one long stripe up your pussy. You hiss at the sensation. Again, he repeats his movements, keeping the same slow pace, making you itch for more.
“Carlos,” You whine out softly, turning your head into the comforter, not being able to handle the scene below. The wait comes to an end as Carlos places a kiss right on your clit, before sucking the sensitive bud right between his two lips creating sucking sound in the progress.
“Fuck!” You yelp louder than intended but you couldn’t help it. The sounds of his moans, your moans, the sucking, and the licking were combining to send your mind into overdrive, no thoughts at all. Carlos takes your body language positively, starting to become very enthusiastic below, spreading your legs even wider and picking up the pace. The better it feels, the more you moan, the more it encourages Carlos. The cycle is vicious.
Your hands tightly grip the comforter beneath you, needing somewhere to release your distress, somewhere to allow you to keep holding on to this moment.
“Yes, Carlos! Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!” The chant and shortness of breath brings Carlos to create moans of his own, leaving a satisfying mumming vibration to your clit.
“Such a pretty pussy,” He pulls back to swipe the pads of his fingers roughly back and forth on your clit, creating a slew of wetness everywhere. The sounds are downright nasty, as Carlos returns to sucking on your clit.
“Please! Please let me come!” You cry out, the world around you slipping away, as all you can think of is the feeling between your legs. Your cries bring a cocky smirk to his face, loving seeing you squirm, twist, and yelp out in ecstasy.
“How bad do you want it, hm?” Carlos asks, taking two long and thick fingers right into your pussy, slipping in easily. With the first thrust, your shocked at how deep inside you he goes. It’s only two fingers but you feel stuffed. Your mouth is left a gape, eyes rolled back, with the faintest whine escaping your mouth. The feeling is too much to describe so good, but so bad and you didn’t want it to stop.
“Fuck! Yes, hm, I want it so bad, please let me-“ His fingers curling literally leave you speechless as you can’t even continue your desperate pleas. Finally, the feeling hits you so hard your body stiffens in delight. Carlos takes his slender fingers and beings pumping in and out of you. There is no slow build up, just constant penetration as he shows no mercy on you.
You yelp out in pleasure as you cum all over Carlos’ fingers and drip on to the comforter below. He is relentless though, as he continues pumping in and out of you, enjoying watching your toes curl in pleasure.
 Your orgasm runs through your whole body, leaving you tingling. Considering the fact that it had been a while, coupled with the beautiful man whose mouth is still attached to your clit, you were more than pleased. All that was left was the quiet hums as you came down from your high, and the rough hands of Carlos running down the inside of your legs and playing with your fucked out pussy.
“Hey, enough!” You playfully scold, turning to the side, bringing your legs together. The overstimulation is killing you in the best way possible.
“You look good like this, cariño.” He is kneeling in between your legs, staring down at your twisted naked body and the wet crumbled sheets. Fuck, your beautiful he thought. “Now be a good girl and get on your hands and knees for me.” He says with a light tap on your thigh.
You do as he says, slowly but surely, flipping over to a doggy position facing the headboard. A sharp slap to your ass jolts you up, surely leaving a red imprint, but the string leaves an oddly pleasant feeling making you hum in pleasure. Carlos could touch you anywhere tonight and you would probably enjoy it. 
“Again.” You say, confidence once again taking over making you bold enough to call the shots. He complies, taking his large palm and beating it against your ass, this time harder. You gasp in pleasure.
“So, she likes to get spanked, huh?” Carlos asks, rubbing the sore red mark already forming. You hum in agreeance, sticking you ass out, rubbing ever so slightly on his bare thighs. You hadn’t even noticed him discarding his clothes.
“But does she like this?” The question makes you ponder for a second, then you feel it. The weight gives it away, and then the feeling of something long and big dropped between your ass cheeks. You had suspicions that Carlos would be a well-endowed man and you were correct. You turn your head to get a good look at his cock. Neatly trimmed, good length, and definitely girthy, you were in for it.
“Fucking hell Carlos.”
He looks down at you with a smirk, taking his eyes away from his nimble fingers rolling on a condom. He leans down over your shoulder, gets right in your face, and places a kiss on your lips. You can still taste yourself on his tongue. Before you can really get into it, he pulls away.
“I’m going to fucking ruin you, just like you asked me to, cariño.” He says sexily, looking right into your eyes, alluding to the direct message that began this all. You just hope you could handle it all.
Turns out you could handle it all. Well, just barely technically speaking. Carlos relentlessly pounded into you, causing your body to bounce with force into the mattress. There was a pillow placed just under your hips, slightly elevating your body, giving the perfect angle for Carlos. The arch in your back stayed, but your face? Buried into the white comforter below, surely leaving makeup residue from the force but also the tears that fall one by one from your tightly shut eyes.
Was it rough, was it nasty? Yes, and you fucking loved the feeling, relishing in the violent nature of Carlos’ thrusts. He used his big hands to tightly wrap around your waist, using you as leverage for his thrusts. He loved the sight of his large hands being almost dwarfed by the size of your ass, as he watched his cock enter in and out of you. Together your arousal made for great lube as Carlos moved with ease through your pussy.
The sounds are what really got you though. With doggy style came the infamous sound of skin on skin colliding. It was so rough, and loud, you don’t even feel sympathy for the neighbors next door for the constant sound of the rocking headboard. Lastly, the dirty talk. Carlos exsuded masculinity in every sense including his voice. The deep tone, the vulgar language all enough to make your feet curl.
“Fuck bella! What a pretty pussy.”
“You take me so well, I can feel you squeezing me!”
“Louder baby! I want to hear you beg for it.”
You could feel the beginnings of your orgasm start to creep up on you. The knot in your stomach, the tingling sensation all over, it leaves your jaw slack as you beg the man above you to finish the job.
“Please Carlos! It’s so fucking good.” You draw out in pleasure. “I want to come please!”
“Make yourself come on my cock, princesa.” With that his thrust halted, leaving you shocked for a moment. “Come on, you know what to do.” A light tap on your hips signaled you back against his cock. You repeated the movement, using your hands to guide your ass back onto his waiting cock. The feeling is just as good as before, maybe even better as you could control the pace, opting to go quickly in, then slowing down the exit. This allows you to really feel his length and girth slipping in and out of you sinfully.
“Good fucking girl, just like that. Keep going.” His voice is lighter now, just above a whisper, relishing in the pleasure below him.
You take his words as encouragement, squeezing yourself around his cock, drawing out moans from the both of you. It’s as if you could feel all the veins and lines on his member the way you were so tightly stuffed. His slight curve being the final nail in the metaphorical coffin that sent you over the edge, meeting perfectly with your g-spot.
You call out in pleasure, followed by screams you could barely contain, even if you wanted. The orgasm hits you hard, leaving you tingling all over. You fell flat onto the mattress, unable to hold up your own weight anymore. That didn’t stop Carlos from placing his hands by either side of your head, lining himself back up with your entrance and plowing into you at a ridiculous pace. How he found the energy, you had no idea.
Carlos let out his own obscene sounds, closer to grunts, almost an animalistic moan, being encouraged by the way your ass bounced in response. It would surely leave a mark tomorrow. He spilled the last bits of his cum into you, finishing with one big thrust before laying half of his body weight on you.
It was now that you realized the eery quietness of the bedroom, only the sound of the AC blowing and the heavy breathing of the two of you filling the space. Both you and Carlos’ chest rise and fall in unison.
“Fuck.” He says breathlessly after a few moments. He runs his large hands over your face from behind you, brushing your hair out of the way before kissing your temple, cheek, then shoulder resting his head on your spine before removing himself from you. You both hiss at the sensation. Carlos flops onto his back right beside you, hands resting on his stomach with his eyes closed, attempting to catch his breath.
“You are something else, cariño.” He mumbles, turning his head slightly to peak one eye at you with a smirk.
You gave him a grin of satisfaction back before pushing yourself on your knees crawling to the edge of the bed, then kneeling on the floor.
“You have seen anything yet.” You say sultrily, tucking your hair behind you ears staring right at your prize between his legs. This gets Carlos’ attention, as he sits up slightly look at your doe eyes peering back at him.
“Fuck me.” Carlos was in for it.
So, there you were, perched on your knees, staring up at the beautiful man, slowly stroking him, up and down with the lightest touches, twisting your wrists. It was a sight for sore eyes, as Carlos leaned back on the bed slightly, eyes fixated back at you. He kept his hands resting on the mattress.
“Do you know how fucking pretty you are, bella?” He asks licking his lips and staring back down at you with a slack jaw.
You smiled in reply, humming around the head of his cock, as you brought it close to your mouth. You begin to tease him with your movements, tapping his tip around your mouth, on your cheek, never bring in inside though. You could tell this was rattling Carlos, as his ankles fidgeted and bounced by your thighs, as he tried to put his focus anywhere else in anticipation.
“C’mon princessa, you’re killing me.” He whines up above you. The pinched brow and wanting brown eyes make Carlos look so fucking sexy, as he is literally begging you to suck his cock.
“How bad do you want it though, hm?” You ask in a mocking tone, trying to supress a giggle from escaping. He tosses his head back in remembrance of those same words he uttered to your earlier. “Karma,” he whispers under his breath.
“You know how bad I want it. You can see how bad I want it.” He crocks out, alluding to the red, erect, hard cock of his being the kitten licked by you. Little drips of precum escape out from his tip, it pulls a groan out of the two of you. Both sets of eyes are locked in on the milky white bead of cum running down the tip. You lick it up before it reaches halfway down. Carlos is staring back at you in awe, with those pleading eyes, begging you to do something, anything really. You decide to put in him out of his misery and let out a thick string of saliva before lowering your mouth on his cock.
“Fuck!” He moans out loud. The sudden movements makes him sit up from his previous lounged position. You pick a steady pace, moving up and down fast, knowing Carlos had been teased enough. You suck up and down, as it doesn’t take much for him to reach the back of your throat. It causes you to slightly gag, but you continue. Dirty noises of wetness, gagging, and slurping make you rub your thighs together below. The tempo caused your hair to flow down towards your face. Carlos used his big hands to wipe your vision clear, holding your hair at the back of your head.
“There you go, just like that baby, fuck!” He draws out. The constant hums, whines, and moans from Carlos do wonders for your confidence as you wonder when you were ever nervous. You can tell he is really enjoying it based on the veins straining his face and arms.
“You taste so fucking good.” You hum, removing him from your mouth, using one hand to massage his balls. You sit back on your heels admiring the beautiful man in front of you. You give him a sinful smile.
Carlos looks spent above you, hair all tussled, sweat slicked all across his body, chest huffing up and down. He takes his cock into his hand rubbing the tip across your swollen lips, tapping it a couple times on your waiting tongue.
“C’mon baby, finish me off.” He grunts out.
And you do just that.
You take a deep breath before taking his whole cock down the back of your throat in one go. An animalistic groan comes from Carlos, but you keep going. You hollow your cheeks around him, sucking with some force up and down. Your force yourself to look up, making eye contact with Carlos as you can tell he is very close now. Removing your lips from his length, you take him into your palm, stroking him up and down.
“Fuck, princesa!” He cussing out loudly, but neither of you really cared.
“I want you to finish on my face.” You say calmly, holding eye with Carlos, above you.
“What?” He whimpers out, face softening. There is no way he heard you correctly.
“You heard me. Cum all over my face, baby.” Your eyes bore into his, becoming wide and pleading for the unimaginable. And who was Carlos to deny you.
He lets out a string of expletives as your wrist work quickly on his shaft, up and down, adding spit for good measure. At this point, Carlos’ whole body is stiff and strained, as he approaches his climax. He forcefully uses one hand to grip the back of your head, the other to take over stroking his cock. You close your eyes and purse your lips together waiting.
“Oh my god-shi-fuckkkk!”
You feel the warm liquid, spilling all along your forehead and down to your lips. It’s a heavy load, as Carlos uses his strong hands to direct your head around, making sure not to miss a spot. He groans out as he works on his masterpiece on your face, squeezing at his cock. You stick your tongue out for effect, tasting his sweet cum. Finally, the act ends, as your eyes are still close and Carlos pants above you.
As much as you want to soak in the moment, the thought comes back in your head, reminding you. You pat on the ground around you feeling for your phone that you slipped in preparation for this moment. Feeling the cold case on your left side, you flip it over, before handing it to Carlos on his lap.
“Take a photo of me.”
There is a moment of silence, as Carlos is actually shocked.
“God, who knew you were such a little slut, huh?” He replies with a chuckle, before taking your phone and pressing the camera icon on the bottom right. You feel him shuffle around for a moment, before the bright flash of your phone shines on your face. Carlos snaps several photos, getting different angles, as you stick your tongue out letting some cum drip down, even peaking one eye open. He tries to move quickly, before placing your phone back on the bed, and jogging to the bathroom. Your still on your knees waiting for him when he come back with a warm towel that he runs along your face and hair.
“Okay, I think I got it all.” He mumbles quickly, pushing some damp baby hairs behind your ear. You finally lock eyes, and you give him a sweet smile before leaning up to kiss him, which he gladly accepts. He cradles your jaw and tongue kisses you so hard you feel dizzy.
“Thank you.” You say sincerely looking at him in the eyes, after pulling away. You rub his hand that rests on his thigh.
This brings a laugh and confused frown to the Spaniards face. “For what? I should be the one thanking you.”
“I’m thanking you for ruining me.” You say seductively. You watch as his eyes go wide, before returning his signature smirk at you.
Carlos almost does not recognize you now, as he would have never accepted this confident, strong, sexy behaviour from the shy woman who walked through his hotel door a few hours ago.
“So, what exactly are you gonna do with those photos huh?” The pair of you are now cuddle up in the large king size bed, your leg draped over his middle, naked bodies intertwined. “Saving them in a spank bank for later?” Carlos jokes, he squeezes your shoulder in a playful manner.
In the events after, you both headed for the lavish bathroom, adorned with the largest shower you have ever seen. There are all kinds of buttons and settings, even a touch screen to activate the steam. But you and Carlos stayed busy, going one more round in the shower for good measure. He had you pinned against the wall with your leg wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you.
The mood is much lighter now, as you lay together, the TV playing a random sitcom as you make light conversation.
“No, actually.” You start, a light blush starts to creep up your face. “My ex-boyfriend invited me over tonight at 8, his place.” You use this time to glance at clock above the TV, you still have a couple hours to spare.
“He is cooking me dinner, my favourite. He thinks we’re getting back together.” You say with a little chuckle. Carlos looks amused, as he tries to fight back a smirk.
“Little does he know I have a surprise of my own.” You reach for your phone that’s tossed somewhere beside you. Taping the screen your phone comes alive displaying the image taken just moments ago as your new lockscreen. A break of laughter causes Carlos to almost sit up, as his hand flies to his jaw in shock.
“Oh my god.” That’s all he can say really.
It was difficult to pick just one of the sexy pictures Carlos had taken. But you settle for one in which your face is covered in cum, tongue hanging out catching the residue. If you look closely, you can spot your right hand stuck in between your thighs.
“He was a terrible boyfriend, but makes great steak unfortunately.”
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euaphoric · 10 months
“ are we there yet? ” ˙ ✩°˖🚏⋆。˚꩜
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader (established relationship)
✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, lovey lovey dovey dovey, sm*t, exhibitionism, f*ngering, piv, essentially they get frisky in the forest hehehe, this is pretty vanilla tho<3
synopsis:: roadtrips with your boyfriend seem all fun and games at first, until you end up getting lost in the middle of nowhere with no signal !
words ⥂ 1.5k
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the summer of august… balmy evenings, golden overcasts from sun rays, clammy humid air, and warm, lofty breezes at nightfall. ideal weather to spend a weekend away with your favorite person, escaping the depths of reality to reset + recharge. this was long overdue since both you and jungkook are always cooped up in work, the quality time you get to share nowadays has progressively dwindled. soon as jungkook found out you two had aligning free time he made plans almost instantly for a romantic getaway. he (said in his own words) found the perfect distraction to take your minds off everything and whisk all your problems away.
well at least that’s what he’s tried getting you to believe so far..
but you weren’t sold just yet— at the rate he’s driving and the stilled guise of confusion on his face, something seemed alarmingly off to you. you didn’t notice at first but once you recognized one of the landmarks previously seen half an hour ago, it doesn’t take much for you to put 2 and 2 together. he may or may not be totally lost right now and is trying to act completely unfazed. you hear him mutter a string of curses lightly under his breath, he seemed to be frustrated by something but not quite really sure what.
“hmm.. are we almost there yet koo?” you ask softly, resting your head against the window, eyes drearily fluttering. it concerns you when he doesn’t reply, instead he continues focusing on the road— this only puzzles you more since he was just talking your ears off moments before. “uhm, hellooo earth to jungkook? you can hear me right?” you reiterate, turning slightly to face his direction. he snaps out of his trance for only a second to vaguely address you. “yeah.” it’s unlike him to be this quiet with you, especially not when he was the one most excited about this trip, he’d send you daily reminders and even had a whole countdown for it. you had to get to the bottom of this immediately.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
one thing about jungkook is he hates to admit when he’s wrong, especially in front of you. he ensured that he knew exactly where you guys were going and insisted on you not doing an ounce of driving, 4 hours wasn’t gonna kill him. “you’re my princess, and princesses belong in passenger seats only!” he’d argue in response to you wanting to help. he wasn’t budging on his stance either, every time you offered to take the wheel he’d strike a deafening glare. you sigh while watching him continue to struggle, his gaze darting back and forth from the road onto the gps of his phone. that’s when you see yet again another familiar sign up ahead, at this point he has no idea where he’s going. “babe, are we los-”
“don’t say that.” jungkook quickly cuts you off, “we’re not lost, i just- am having some technical difficulties with the directions is all!” it finally took him looping around in circles for a third time to get him to acknowledge his plight. “okay maybe a little bit…” you shake your head at his stubbornness, always thinking he can do everything on his own. “i think we should stop for a minute to recuperate.” you suggest, checking out the window to see nothing but endless nature and not a single other car in sight. neither of you had a single clue where you were. jungkook finally caves and pulls over, pandering his next move. an idea comes to mind for him instantly, “oh! i know who could help, i’ll call namjoon! he’ll know what to do in situations like this.” right…because calling your friends when you’re lost in the woods is the best solution at hand.
he attempts to call but is met with yet another disappointment. “fuck, i only have one bar..” you check your phone only to see you had no better luck. “my phone isn’t even picking up a signal around here..” this couldn’t get any worse— stranded in the middle of no man’s land and having zero capability to communicate with the outside world; technically, this was what jungkook was going for but not to this extreme extent. he huffs in frustration, “shit- well i guess we’re screwed now thanks to me.” “maybe if you’d let me help earlier none of this would’ve happened!” you impishly gloat, never letting him live down the fact he never listens. he flashes a pout along with the most dramatic eye roll, unwilling to give you any satisfaction of being in the right. “yeah yeah, whateva.”
an awkward silence passes by until jungkook speaks again, “soo like.. what’re we gonna do now…” “beats me,” you say nonchalantly, “should we go explore the woods?” the curious cat in you is need of a little adventure. “isn’t that a bit risky? you never know what’s out there!” he wasn’t too keen on your idea but you’d be able to get him to fold quickly. “ugh, you watch too many of those horror movies. we’ll be fine, just c‘mon!” you chirp, getting out the car and making a dash into the forest. “wait- slow down.. wait for me!!”
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
the view in front of you was breathtaking; effervescent greenery surrounding you, tranquil patters of the waterfall, absorbing in the pleasant atmosphere alongside your lover. though you were in quite the predicament, this moment put you decently at ease. “this is so beautiful.” you express in awe of the scenery. jungkook was also indeed starstruck by something, but it wasn’t the wispy terrain. “yeah it’s nice, but not half as beautiful as you are.” his soft hand cups the side of your face, tilting slightly to place a chaste peck. another hand travels to the hem of your sundress, drawing over your smooth skin to caress your inner thighs. his touch felt so relaxing, you almost forgot where you were for a second. “wha- what’re you doing-” a lush pair of lips connect with you again, cutting off your chatter.
you kissed for what seemed like hours, purring into him as he plays with the thin fabric of your lace underwear. his everlasting touch and lips felt like paradise, lustfully drunk off each other’s energies. your mind was so hazy to a point you didn’t fully register that your dress was pulled halfway up your torso. jungkook pulls away for a second, glancing over to scope the premises. “agh.. maybe we shouldn’t do it here..” he hesitantly chides, “what if there’s some weirdo lurking in the bushes or something?” this man is always so overly paranoid… “nothing’s gonna get us koo, pwomise. now shush and get back to kissing me.” you eagerly lean in, latching onto him once again. as your bodies intertwine you hiss at the feathered graze of his fingers on your clothed heat, languidly tracing the outline. you sense a sudden draft as jungkook slides your panties aside, lightly prodding your entrance while his thumb circles your clit, leaving you with tingling vibrations.
“mmphh~ fuck..” you moan softly. lifting your head to gaze up at your boyfriend, admiring the way he’s glowing from the sunlight illuminating above. soon as he saw your face he couldn’t resist in reaching up to kiss you once more, entering one of his inked digits into you slowly. the gasp you let out was a chance for him to invite his tongue, greedily wanting to taste every molecule of you. your body involuntarily rocks it’s hips against his hand, tangling your fingers through his thick, silky hair, wholly enchanted by him. a whine slips out from the absence of his fingers, clenching around nothing from feeling empty. “stop whinin’, m’gonna give you what you’re craving soon babydoll.” he assures sweetly, placing open mouthed kisses along your chin, neck, and down to your collarbone. right now you felt nothing but utter yearning, desiring every inch of him inside.
intense waves of pleasure hit you gracefully, muscles tensing as your needy cunt swallows his length, arching from the fluttering sensation that won’t leave your tummy. never in your lifetime did you expect to be doing this in a forest of all places. “jungkook…” you lasciviously whisper, securing your legs tighter around his waist while he jams his hips deeper, he feels so good you could cry. “i love you baby.” he coos midstroke, pressing his tattooed hand on your stomach. “love you too koo- fuuu…” eyes roll to the back of your head from his cock colliding with your sweet spot, feeling one step closer to coming. “t-think m’gonna cum s-soonn jungkookiie.” your high would approach any minute now. “me too babe, shit- your pussy feels unreal..” before you know it, flashes of white impairs your vision from the rippling effects of your orgasm— panting indefinitely. jungkook hastily pulls out, viciously stroking himself to spread his release on you. post-nut clarity hit the both of you hard asf, you never got up to fix your clothes so fast. your skin felt moist and sticky, you were totally in the mood for a nice hot shower. jungkook lets out a breathy chuckle from your stunned actions,,
“guess we can check this off our bucket list now??”
@genkima @sweet-sourhotcoco @cherigu ヽ(^▽^)人(^▽^)人(^▽^)ノ 💢
to see more chaos click here >:3
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yo-yo-yeonkai · 6 months
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Soobin x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
warning list: Dom!Soobin, kinda Brat!reader, long term boyfriend Soobin, fingering (f!receiving), marking, chocking, degradation; (slut), praise, pet names; (baby, darling, my love), smut with plot, have to stay quiet, family in the house, breeding ( though I wouldn’t say it’s a kink in this situation, it’s just kinda happening in the plot), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything
Word count: 4,600
Summary: Whist receiving a surprise visit from her long term boyfriend, Soobin, in her family home, they end up getting risky and frisky upstairs in her room.
Authors note: Happy birthday Soobin!! I have returned from my eternal slumber to make sure I wrote something for the occasion. Sorry if it isn’t as good as normal my loves <3
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Sheets of white, sharp flakes clung to the barrier between cool frosted winters and the fluffy comfort of your home. The weather in England was hardly ever snowy, it was more likely to rain. Throughout your whole 23 years of living, you had seen snow maybe 7 times, most winters were just cool and wet. Despite how uncommon it is, small speckles of frost attempted to cover the ground in a blanket of snow, attempted being the key word. The light rain from this morning had yet to glaze over into ice, meaning the second the white drops of snow made contact with the ground they simply melted, joining the growing puddles across the streets.
Inside however, the rooms shone with the warm glow of small fairy lights, strung neatly almost anywhere you could get them. Golden and red tinsel increased the warm toasty feeling among the house in a similar way to the small bulbs of light scattered among the tinsel. This year the home was decorated with assistance from both of your siblings, and your mum, and it actually felt like the holiday season, for the first time in your adult life. You've had 3 Christmases in the new house, none had felt like this so far. The chilly weather slipped through any entrance it could find, the house looked beautiful, and you all managed to get some form of break from work this December.
Currently, your mum was cooking your dinner downstairs, while upstairs your little sister was tasked with keeping you warm. However, instead of acting on simple thoughts and holding you to keep you warm, she sat cross legged on the floor gazing up at you, trying to devise a genius plan to keep you warm. You had already begged your Mum to turn up the heating, and even turned the dial up a few times, just for your mum to realise and turn it back down.
Unfortunately, none of your requests were accepted, all because everyone else felt completely content with the temperature. At least, that's what they say, you reckon this was all just a massive ploy to get you to accept their hugs more. You weren't one for accepting your family's attention you see, but they LOVED physical touch and affection. In this situation, you had no choice but to wait for your sister to either give up at keeping you warm or come up with an idea.
"Youngsook, sis, please come up with an idea" you begged, a pout showing on your face as you shivered to yourself slightly. Your whines didn't stop the flow of horrible ideas through her brain, but it did seem to encourage her to give up and hug you. Moving to join you in the bed, she sighed, seemingly defeated by the lack of ideas swirling through her head. However, just as a victory flashed before you, it was taken away, she stoped her movement and ran to the bathroom.
"YOUNGSOOK!" You shouted desperately to her, the soft whine in your voice slipping into your tone once again. She poked her head around the door frame, to look at you, and spoke "Give me a second you big baby!", then she rummaged through what sounds like the bathroom cupboard until she found whatever it was, she was looking for. She held something behind her back as she walked into the room "'look away" she said, laughing to herself. The worry in your head informed you that you shouldn't, but you were far too cold to fight anymore, so with that you closed your eyes. The sound of her fumbling around near the side of the bed, chuckling to herself and muttering "'I'm a genius" before something snuck under the cover. It should have worried you, but you've known her forever so you wouldn't be scared by such innocently simple acts.
She spoke up "Open your eyes now" she couldn't stop laughing and it made you giggle back at her. You turned to her and quirked an eyebrow "'okay, what is your genius plan?", she laughed at you, and suddenly a mildly loud noise could be heard, accompanied by a strange warmth radiating underneath the blanket. You moved your hand towards the heat, and laughed at her "Are you using the hairdryer to warm me up?". She nodded and smiled widely "'it's working, isn't it?!" She asked, very content with herself. You nodded and closed your eyes, happy to finally feel warm.
Youngsook leant against the bed staring at you goofily, the look across her face only being one of deep amusement that this was actually working. You were pulled out of your daze by the sound of the door opening and your older brother, MinSook speaking "'What the hell is that noise? What did you two manage to break this time?". Youngsook waved the hair dryer in response, and you whined "NOOO, put it back, I'm cold!". He face palmed, instructing "'don't put it back, you are both smart enough to know that's a fire hazard so why are you doing it!".
Youngsook turned off the hair dryer and aimed it at him "'desperate times call for desperate measures" she shouted. You laughed then reached for her "'No, don't shoot, it's not worth it" you joked. He stepped closer and she shouted again "'don't take another step towards the princess, I will not hesitate to shoot!". Youngsook  seemingly had no problem with understanding your silly little joke and played along with you. However, your older brother flicked Youngsook's head and pulled you out of the covers and stood you up, hand wrapped around your wrist like a naughty child, "'I will be taking the ‘princess’ to have her dinner. If you object, then shoot, if not put the dam thing back where it belongs" he told, knowing Youngsook wouldn't disagree with food. Despite seeming more mature than you and Youngsook, you didn't fail to notice that MinSook still played along with the joke.
He dragged you out of the room and his hand radiated waves of warmth into your skin "'gosh, you are so warm. Why couldn't i have stayed with you whilst you and mum were making dinner? You didn't have to banish us from the kitchen you know!" You mumbled. He let you go as you reached the kitchen, moving away from you to plate dinner up for everyone. "'I DID have to banish you! The two of you wouldn't stop getting in my way. As much as I absolutely love, ew, having you home, dinner would have never got done if you stayed in the kitchen. I was hoping Youngsook would just like lay with you and watch a movie, but no... sometimes I question if you two are straight up idiots". MinSook whined, teasing you about yours and her antics.
I'm sure I've made you seem like immature babies, but I promise you are grown up, it's just that when you get distracted and caught up by fun Youngsook likes to join, and vice versa. MinSook will join in some of the time, but when he is busy and you are distracting him, he will either give in, or kick you out of the room. Normally, you can get him to join for a little while, but once that's over you would most likely get kicked out and made to clean up your mess.
This doesn't make you and her upset, you only find his behaviour amusing, because he clearly wanted to join in, but doesn't want to be seen like a baby. He was 3 years older than you, sitting at 26, whilst she was 1 year younger than you, sitting at 22. There wasn't much of an age gap, but somehow it made all the difference.
Youngsook knocked on the wall, near the kitchens entrance, and asked "'am I allowed back in the kitchen?". MinSook looked at the girl, thinking about his options for a second before he responded "'yeah, can you do me a favour and take the plates to the table while I put away the leftovers. Mum's already in there setting up, just help her".
She stepped into the kitchen at the request and took five plates through to the dinner table. You watched as she took the plates, leaving you confused... there were only four of you at home, your dad was away on a business trip. You moved to watch her set the table and smiled, content at the proof that you could be just as grown up as your older brother. Well, you say that, but really Youngsook was doing all the work right now and you were stealing her thunder.
You turned on your heel and wondered back into the kitchen, glancing at your brother. "Why is the table set up for five? Are we expecting someone?" You question, rapidly becoming concerned at who in the hell could be joining you. He huffed at you "stop asking questions, go sit down", he turned to roll his eyes at you then went back to putting the leftovers into containers. Is he seriously going to be like that? This motherfucker...
An idea shot to your brain, the instant need for an answer seeping into your thoughts. Jumping down from the counter, you landed softly and walked towards him. You wrapped your arms around him, side hugging him. He groaned sassily "'gurl, can you get off while I put this away". You jokingly pouted and let go, waiting for the very second, he had put the leftovers in the fridge, so you could reattach your arms. But this time, your arms hit his bare back by sliding under his jumper. Causing a yelp to slip out of his mouth as he tried to get away from you but couldn't. You laughed manically, rubbing your cold fingers against any bit of his back that you were yet to touch. "AHHHHH..... (Y/N)... p-please. AHHH ST-OP" he shouted, screaming every time you reached a spot that was yet to be damaged by your cold nature. You cackled as you tortured him, but he wasn't sure whether to laugh at your witchy laugh, or cry that you had gone insane.
Giggling, you halted the movement of your hands "'What will you do for me if  I remove them eh~" you joke, trying to bargain with him. He huffs weakly in return, "'remove your hands and I'll tell you". Slowly, you removed them and seeing a chance of escape he ran away from you, stopping in the hallway. "'watch this..." he spoke, bringing his hand up and turning the dial on the heating so it would be warmer for you. You giggled "the best thing you could've honestly done right now". Then walked towards the table, content at the payment you had received.
At the dinner table there was now another person sat down, a person you knew all too well. Seeing his face made you squeal and run up and hug him, nearly sending you and him backwards on the chair. Once you had released him, you moved to sit in your chair, though you wished you could've hugged and kissed him, but your family was there. 
He chuckles as you sit next to him "Surprise (N/N), I've managed to get a break and I'm here to visit" he cheers, making cute jazzy hands at the surprise. Tears of joy threatened to spill at the discovery that he was here, at your family's house. He was meant to be in Seoul. You were meant to be in Seoul, how had you both managed to get a break from work? This was far too good to be true! Is this what main characters feel like?
"Oh, thank god, I'm so glad to see you, Soobin. How long will you be staying? When did you get here? How did you get here? Who told you the address? Which one of you sneaky people told Soobin to visit, without telling me!?" You stress him with a battery of questions, then address your family with the last question. Your mum giggled at your questions "I did sweetheart. But let's just begin dinner for now, Soobin can answer later, isn't that right Soobin?". He nods gently at your mother and grasps your hand quickly as the others focus on serving their food. He was overjoyed to see you; you could tell by the way his eyes twinkled every time he gazed over at you. His thumb rubbed on the back of your hand and then he let go to serve you both some dinner. Holding your hand was the best he could do right now to show you that he missed you, that he loves you, that he's happy, and you appreciated everything about it.
At the dinner table conversation was kept light because you were all more focused on eating, the food being absolutely delicious, served with a glass of wine each, cause YoungSook set the table. The girl definitely knows how to set a table. However, she didn't even like her wine, so MinSook ended up drinking her glass and his. Soobin drunk yours whilst you weren't looking, trying to be cheeky with you. Which he knew was okay because you didn't love wine either, he knew you'd rather a cocktail. Not that it made much difference to you, you hadn't been drinking for a while. When you were all done, you cleared the stuff of the table and let your family catch up with Soobin because they hadn't seen him in ages.
In the kitchen you turned some music on and started to wash the dishes, you were singing quietly and had managed to get bubbles splashed up yourself. You laughed at your messy appearance and continued to wash up.
When you were done, you grabbed a handful of bubbles and showed Youngsook, who could see you from the dinner table, giving her a 'shush' motion and pointing at Soobin. She looked away quickly, trying her best not to laugh at what was about to happen. You crept up behind Soobin and slapped his face with the bubbles, laughing at him. He wiped the bubbles from himself and looked back at you "'there is no excuse for that, I know for a fact you haven't had anything to drink.... So why in the world am I covered in bubbles?" He questioned with a chuckle and a cock of his eyebrow. You giggled and pointed at Youngsook "She told me to do it!".
Soobin looked to Youngsook, who gave him a knowing look, and the man only chuckled, excusing himself from the dinner table and rushing off to the kitchen, and then speeding back with a handful of bubbles. The sight meets your eyes and you quickly take off running up to your room, hoping you can lock the door before he gets there. Foolish were you to think you could beat a giant in a race.
You were inches, no, centimetres from locking the door when he wedged his foot in the door and then pushed it open with his elbow, his whole-body strength behind the push. He smirked as he approached you, rubbing his bubbly hands all over your face as he giggled, dimples showing which only made it difficult to be mad at him. He pauses his ministrations and holds your cheeks, taking his time with examining you before he mutters, so honestly and rawly it hurt to hear "I missed you so much. I'm so glad I'm here. I love you so much, I don't want to be apart from you again". He'd told you he loved you before, but this time he meant it with more than just his own being, he meant it with the whole world behind him, the whole universe. It felt special...
His face dives towards yours, not waiting for you to respond to his loving remarks, as his lips meet yours. Soft, gentle lips moved sweetly against yours, even carefully, until you moved closer to him. Then everything changed, it became more heated. His lips slid against your own wet ones as he forced the kiss deeper and deeper, feeling the urge to be so close with you you'd never have to be apart again.
Breaking away from the kiss for a split second, he lowly admits "I want you" then his lips were back on yours as he walks you backwards towards your bed. The second your legs come in touch with the edge of it you fall backwards onto it, him standing and watching as you do so.
As he eyes you, you giggle "Soob~ my family are here. We can't do this right now". He walks back towards your door and locks it, then returned to you, leaning over you on the bed.
"Oh darling, you can be quiet for me can't you. It wouldn't be the first time we've fucked with our family around, and I'm sure it won't be the last time either." He chuckles, a deep tone slowly becoming more and more prominent as he gets turned on.
His head draws close to your neck and right before he slides his tongue up your neck, you feel his hot breath fan across your skin. A warmth you've been craving all day, and you're sure he knows it. Everyone knows you get cold during winter; you were sensitive to weather, and normally Soobin would 'help' with that.
"Soobin... we shouldn't, you know we shouldn't" you mutter, voice slowly becoming more and more whiney and desperate. He knew it was working when he heard your voice, he knew that you wanted him as well. He didn't respond, in fact he only pursued you more.
His hot mouth latches onto your neck, sucking and biting at all your most sensitive spots, because he knows you like the back of his hand. The feeling causes a desperate whine to slip out of your lips before you could catch it. He groans and chuckles in your ear, his head drawing close to your neck "'do you want to be touched baby?" He asks in a gruff voice. You nod your head and whimper, trying to grind up onto him. "'then admit, you want me. It's not difficult darling".
You look down at Soobin and see him smirking, there was no way you were giving in to him that easily. "No, nothing to admit" you spoke, trying to grind on Soobin but failing. Soobin moves himself so he's leaning directly above you, hand either side of your head, making sure he's pressing his clothed cock right where you want it.
You nervously look up at Soobin, seeing him leaning to look at you. "'How many times does it take a brat like you to learn their lesson. Every time you always end up begging for my cock, so why don't we just cut to the chase, and you can start begging for me now hmmm~" The black-haired male speaks.
You glare at him and speak clearly "'I'm not that weak. I'll last this time".
Soobin groans "'that's too bad baby, I was really hoping you would just play nice today. After all, I did just fly so long to see you. You just love to put up a fight huh?". You turn your head to look away from him, flustered at his dirty whispering, but in doing so you had opened your neck up for an impatient Soobin.
"Ah, ah, ah. You don't get to look where you want to!" He speaks, bringing your face back in his direction with his hand wrapped securely around your neck. "'do you know why you don't get to do what you want?" He asked, leaning further toward you. You shook your head, and he chuckles "because you are a bad girl, and bad girls don't get what they want". Soobin tuts and smirks "'I'd be more than happy to indulge your desires (Y/N), but only if you beg for it". He runs his other hand across your body teasingly, leaning back to keep his balance, his other hand still around your neck.
"this is your chance to tell me no baby, all I need to hear is the word and I'll stop" he tells you, waiting for you to tell him he could before he continues, which made instant confirmation fall from your mouth. He pulled your clothes of you then pulled his shirt over his head, pulling off his joggers, then positioning himself between your legs like a missionary position.
You shivered at your lack of clothes trying to pull Soobin close to you so you could be warm but he stayed in place "'no can do darling, if you weren't such a naughty girl you'd be warm hmm~" he teased, kissing up your stomach to your naked chest. His tongue flicked over your hardened nipple and the other one was caressed by his hand. "mmmm, Soobin don't tease-" you spoke, gripping his hair in your hand. He chuckled dryly and muttered "You don't get to make orders tonight, baby. I'll tease you if I want to". Your eyes grew wide at the feeling of his fingers on your clit all of a sudden, whilst also having one hand on a nipple, and his tongue on the other one.
You knew you were fucked when Soobin got this dominant, he was a switch normally so when he topped like this, you knew there was no helping you. You were absolutely fucked. Not that you mind, of course.
"Soobin, please your fingers" you spoke, trying to sound like you weren't begging but failing. He hummed against your nipple then pulled his mouth off with a soft bite before speaking in a deep gravelly voice, "'my fingers eh~ seeing as you asked with your manners....".
He then slowly eased your soaking hole with his finger so it'll be ready for him, but if he was honest he'd claim that he liked when you were so tight and he'd stretch you out with his cock. "Oh darling, you are so fucking wet, and all for me. God you are so cute" he groaned, feeling his fingers slide in with no problem. You moan at the feeling and he chuckles "OooHo, that never lasts long baby, you'll be screaming in no time. But today baby, you need to stay quiet okay, atleast do that correctly".
You threw your arm over your face in an attempt to hide the burning blush that attacked your face. He started to go faster and you groaned and whined, throwing your arm off your face and looking at Soobin. "'that's it baby, keep your eyes on me" he speaks. You let a loud whine out as he adds another finger and your eyes fall off of him and roll to look at the ceiling. "'no, I don't think so. Look at me!" Soobin tells you, reaching to slap a hand over your mouth so you'll be quiet.
You look back to him and notice his gaze never falling off of you. Soobin's eyes were on you the entire time and that only made you clench around him, the ache In your stomach tightening.
Noticing you were close Soobin removes his fingers from you and pulls his boxers off, flipping you over so you were on top of him. "'I mean it now baby, remember the word" he says and kisses you hard, letting you know it's perfectly okay to stop whenever you want. He holds his dick against your entrance and teases you. Soft moans slip out of your mouth at the feeling of Soobin stretching out your pussy with his tip when you feel his hands wander across your body. Soobin's head presses against your neck and he kisses down your skin, ready to make you cry from pleasure.
Soobin begins thrusting in and out of you, your own hand quickly coming up to your mouth to hold back any moans that fall from your lips. "Ughh~ yeah baby stay quiet for me~"Soobin whispers into your ear, encouraging you to be quiet, which he rarely ever does, as he slowly goes in and out of you. Your whimpering dies down and it turns into moaning causing Soobin to speak "Are you ready to prove that you can be good for me, baby?".
In return you whine "'yes... mmmm... yes".
Soobin wasn't pleased, his hands digging into your hips slightly as he spoke up "'then beg for my cock huh~".
You looked down at him and begged "'please, Soob, Fuck me, make me feel good. Fuck.... I'll be so good, I'm sorry for lying, fuck me, please" Your words dripped with desperation, and even Soobin seemed encouraged by your begging.
"'oh, that was pathetic (Y/N), you are such a slut for me" Soobin chuckled into your ear, starting to speed up.
The moans that had died down as he demanded you to beg, had returned as he started thrusting into you faster, the sounds of wetness and skin slapping together echoing through the entire room. "yeah, darling take my cock... just like that" Soobin spoke, keeping his grip on your hips. You could barely hear Soobin over the sound of your own breathing. But you could tell he muttered dirty words into your ear. "Ughh, my fucking slut, taking me so well..... such a good little thing".
Moans and whines slipped from your throat, straight into your hand, as you bounced on Soobin's big cock, and jolted forward from the motion of his big hand slapping against your ass. The second he realised that would only cause more noise he switched to placing his veiny hands on your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers. Your body grew hotter and hotter as his dick continued to slip in and out of your wet, tight hole.
In that moment, you muttered something as you leant against Soobin's shoulder, your body being jolted by the aggressive movement. "'please..... cum inside me", that is what you muttered, it was desperate just like every other word that had slipped out of your mouth in this moment. But this sentence was different, it held a deeper desire behind the words, one the boy knew all about.
Soobin had heard the words slip out of your mouth and slowed down for a second before speaking as clearly as he could "are you sure (Y/N)?". He didn't use a nickname or a pet name, he used your name, the desire to get through to your conscious as honest as your wish. You nodded the best you could and spoke up "'yes, please, I want a baby".
Soobin demanded, almost to himself "'okay Darling, I'll give you a baby.". Soobin groaned in pleasure and kept going, trying his best to let you know he will fulfil your request. No, that he wants to fulfil your request. He kept going for awhile until you were both close, at which point you collapsed against him, tired, and he spoke "Are you sure darling ?, he checked as he was going to cum and in response you let out a short "very...".  As soon as the word had fell from your mouth his cum shot inside of you painting your walls white as you came on him.
You were catching your breathe when you attempted to climb of him but found that your body was to weak. Soobin rolled you over so you were underneath him and then he pulled out of you, kissing your stomach and mumbling "I love you so much my love". You ruffled his hair and spoke "I feel the same way Soobin.... I love you so much".
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starbabyg · 6 months
Juraj is possessive of his girl.
Pathetically Possesive | Juraj Slafkovksy Smut
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warnings: smut duh, jealous boyfriend, might seem toxic to some, words that make me squirm
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
There are many levels to Juraj’s possessiveness. It all pans out the same way in the end though. First he starts off quietly, maybe some guy is chatting with you. It’s just a friendly chat so he can’t be too mad at you. After all you’re the most interesting person in the world to him, so why wouldn’t other people want to strike up a conversation with you? It starts off with nonverbal cues. Juraj’s hand will shift your legs towards him. He keeps a steady hand on your knees, softly caressing them to show you he’s still right there. You’re so used to it at this point it doesn’t even phase you when you’re preoccupied with something else. Slaf’s love language is physically touch so it was just second nature for some part of him to be attached to you. Juraj can be in a whole different conversation, but every so often he’ll turn his head towards you and the guy you’re talking to. He’ll eye the guy down, then look at his hand on your knee, then back to the guy. Fully intent on getting the guy to notice that he really should exit the conversation quickly. It frustrates him when the guy talking to you is oblivious to the whole thing. If looks could kill the guy would be dead ten times over. His fingers now tap your knee as he becomes more and more impatient. Soon after Juraj will start whispering in your ear in the middle of your conversation.
“Mmm, you smell so good tonight. Is that the perfume I just bought you?” His lips will softly graze your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. If he’s feeling frisky enough he might even inconspicuously nibble at it. “I could just eat you up right here in front of everyone. You smell delicious, probably taste just as good too.” All you could do is widen your eyes and blush as to try not to let anyone know what Juraj is up to. As the night goes on so does his hand. No longer is it on your knee, but making its way between them. You have to squeeze his hand when it reaches further between your thighs. A little higher and he’ll be palming your pussy. Still being bombarded by the guy talking to you, you push Slaf’s hand away. It’s too intimate to be doing in front of people especially in such close proximity. Juraj scoffed, no fucking way she actually did that.
Juraj pulled your seat closer to him, trying to tell the guy to fuck off without actually saying the words. Althoughhh maybe that would have been better in this case. The chair made a loud screech, startling both you and the guy talking to you. The stranger shifted his head and looked at slaf cluelessly. A tad bit awkward much?
“And you must be?” The stranger asks. All Slaf could do was mentally laugh.
“Juraj Slafkovksy. Also y/n’s boyfriend. You know, the girl you’ve been talking to all night,” Juraj responded condescendingly, squinting his eyes and forcing a smile. His arm snaked around your shoulder as he absentmindedly squeezed you.
The guy’s mouth went agape, “Oh? Well you sure are lucky. Just from this conversation alone I can tell she is a wonderful woman. Better treat her right, or else I might have to come and snatch her from ya.” Of course it was supposed to be a joke, kinda, but Juraj never took things like this lightly. Not when it came to you.
“Oh really?” Juraj shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wanting to just get up and sock the guy right in his jaw, “Well we have to go now. I gotta be reminded why I’m so lucky,” Juraj took your hand and dragged you away. Now muttering under his breath, “Fucking dickhead.” You just followed after him in shock, your wrist tightly held in his grip.
“Seriously Juraj? You always do this,” you whined. This wasn’t the first time he had dragged you out of an event. At first it was cute, him getting bratty and jealous and begging you to leave so the two of you could get take out and watch movies together. But this was a few too many times now.
“Well it was either leave or beat his ass. And I know you don’t want to be banned from these events so I think I went with the safer option.” He continued to lead you through the crowd. Every so often muttering ‘excuse me’ to the people standing in his way. If he could tell them ‘move, you’re in the damn way,’ he totally would, but he still had manners even though right now he wanted to throw them all away.
“Juraj please stop. I have to go to the bathroom now. I’m gonna piss myself if you keep dragging me along,” your brow furrowed. You just couldn’t keep up with his fast pace, especially being in heels. His legs were too long and moving too fast.
Juraj rolled his eyes, “Fine we’ll take a little detour.” He changed his course of route and started looking for a bathroom. Still holding on to you he lead you to a bathroom down an empty hall. He motioned towards the restroom as he let go of you. Instead of going into the bathroom you glared at him and crossed your arms.
“I don’t actually have to go to the bathroom. I just got tired of you pulling me around like that. How dare you pull me out of a conversation and do that? That was so rude of you. I’m gonna go back there and apologize.”
“Apologize? To him?” Juraj’s eyes were wide with jealous anger. He couldn’t imagine you softly apologizing to the guy, asking for forgiveness in that sweet voice of yours.
“Yes, what else am I supposed to do?” You scoffed at him with attitude. Juraj couldn’t admit it to your face but you being upset started to turn him on. His mind started racing with a million dirty thoughts.
“Apologize to the person who actually deserves one,” he stepped closer to you and tipped your chin up to look at him. All the anger in him had seeped out, now replaced by love and lust. God how you could change this boy’s mood in a flash.
“You think you deserve an apology from me? I deserve one from you!” You stomped your foot. You could not believe the way Juraj was acting like a complete brat right now.
“I think we should apologize to each other. And I know just the way.” Juraj shoved you into the bathroom and locked it behind him. All you could do was look at him in disbelief before he pushed you against the sink, planting himself in between your legs. Your dress started to ride up your body, the bottom bunching up as his knee rises.
“Juraj, what are you doin—” He laid his forehead atop yours.
“Shhh, just let me say sorry,” he mumbled against your lips. You were taken aback, but hearing those words come from his lips made you melt completely into the kiss. You wanted to be mad, but how could you when Juraj was frenching you so good right now? Add in the pressure of his leg slightly grazing your clit and you were in heaven. Juraj had one hand on your waist and the other behind your neck, supporting you as you started to feel light on your feet. He lifted you up on top of the sink, right on the edge so he could have easy access.
Juraj kneeled down a bit, face to face with your panties, which at this point were starting to soak through. He smirked when he saw the little wet spot that had made its way through. You could just feel your juices pooling between your legs. Which made you upset at yourself because how dare he act like that and think that he could get away with this afterwards? But all those thoughts went away as soon as he pulled your panties to the side and just went in on you. Juraj was usually so gentle and articulate when it came to going down on you. But this time he was fast and swift with it. He gave you no time to adjust as he quickly slurped and flicked his tongue around your clit. Juraj knew just all the right spots to hit. Your legs started to close against him, squeezing his head until he used his brute strength to reopen them and hold your legs in place. You moaned against your palm, trying to conceal your cries. Who knows who could hear you from outside of the bathroom door? It was hard to hide your whimpers especially when Slaf was purposely trying to force them out of you. It’s like he wanted everyone to hear you. He sped up the rhythm of his movements, bringing one of his hands to play with you now. As he lapped up your juices he curled a finger inside of you. Exploring your silky walls, feeling every single crevice inside of you as he tried to find your sweet spot. It was all too much for you. The fast movements combined with the deep pressure, you could just faint from pleasure. It made it all the worse knowing you had to be silent through it all. No matter how much you squirmed and writhed, how much you pulled Juraj’s hair or squeezed his shoulder, her persisted in his pace.
“Oh my god just give it to me already,” you managed to purr out between mewls. From under your hazy lids you could make out that sly smirk Juraj had while he was still latched onto you. It didn’t take any more convincing for him to get right up to fuck you.
Already hard from just the sight of you alone Juraj unbuckled his belt from his dress pants. He pulled down his boxers, appendage springing out excitedly. Oh how fucking good he looked standing there with his disheveled hair and lips plump and slick from your juices. Out of yearning you reached for his dick, giving it a few strokes as you guided it inside. Your head was tilted up, keeping eye contact with Juraj as you watched his face contort with pleasure. His lips parting as his tip slipped inside of you. Brows furrowed as he let out a little wince. It was as if the angle you sat at had made you ten times tighter. If he hadn’t got you dripping wet beforehand it most definitely wouldn’t have been able to slide in. The new angle didn’t just make you tighter, it also had Slaf hitting a certain spot inside of you. And every time his tip hit that spot you wanted to scream as if to say ‘fuck I love you’. It was pure heaven. You were tightly wrapped around Juraj, legs pulling him in so you could feel every single bit of him. Hands clawing at his chest, a button popping off of his dress shirt. More of his chest was exposed and at this point you wanted this man naked. Even while you were drunk on love you somehow managed to properly unbutton the rest of his shirt, pulling him in by the collar for a kiss. Pulling Juraj in closer only made him go deeper, which in result had you biting his lip to conceal the deep moan that wanted to escape.
Juraj on the other hand didn’t give a shit about being loud groaning an “oh fuck” against your lips. His moans were gutteral, reverberating through the acoustic walls of the bathroom. There was no doubt that anyone passing by the bathroom could hear Juraj. His hands were gripped around the flesh of your hips, no doubt going to leave red marks on you that will last a week. Juraj’s head fell into the nape of your neck, muffling his moans as they echoed in your ear. The sound was music to your ears. You kissed his temple, just wanting to love on him any way you could. His echoing moans were replaced by the little nips he was leaving along your neck. You couldn’t help but react to these little love bites, soft mewls escaping your mouth as you held onto the back of his head. Your fingers interlocked with his tousled mane.
Juraj was now going at a steady but stern pace. It was slower than when he was amped up on jealously, but hard enough to make you jolt every time he filled you up completely. You were starting to unravel with each pump fueling your orgasm. It was getting more and more difficult to keep quiet, your pants and squeals starting to gain volume. A couple more strokes and you’ll be a screaming mess.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum,” you panted out breathlessly. You felt your legs giving out as Juraj had to keep them in place. Juraj took that as a challenge. His grip around you tightened, pulling you closer into his embrace. Keeping that same solid pace his strokes got rougher, your eyes rolling back each time you felt him in the hilt of your cervix. At this point you were a mumbling mess, words you didn’t even know you were saying spilling from your lips. To Juraj it sounded like you were saying ‘more, more’, and he gave you just that. He turned a bit selfish, now wanting to chase his own orgasm. Juraj lifted you from the bathroom counter, trying to wrap your legs around him as you went limp in his arms. Steadying your weight he started to bounce you on his cock, the snacks of your ass on his skin echoing through the restroom. You just hummed in content, riding out your high as he rushed to finish himself off. The straps of your dress were now falling off, your breasts exposed as you had been braless. Juraj leaned over and took your left boob in his mouth. Already fucked into bliss this was overstimulation. Your bottom lip perched out as you started to shake from his suckling at your nipple. It didn’t help that he was swirling around your nipple at a fast pace. Your head dropped back, your whole body just losing feeling aside from the shocking stimulation he was giving you. Juraj’s stroked sped up and you could feel his dick twitch from inside of you, which was always a sign that he was close to cumming. You leaned in closer to him, lips pressed against his ear.
“Cum for me baby,” you mewled as you swiped your tongue against his lobe. Just with those simple words you sent him over the edge. Juraj places you back on top of the counter, now slowing down in pace as you felt him spill his load into you. His moans were raspy and low, his breath hitching as he shuddered. All you could do was drunkenly smile as you saw his seed drip out of you.
Finally coming down from his high, Juraj placed a kiss on your forehead as he grabbed some paper towels to clean you up. He patted you dry and he placed your panties back onto you. Giving both of your tits a kiss before slipping the straps of your dress back on your shoulders. Slaf tried his best to make you look more presentable. Wiping the smudged lipstick off of your face. Finger brushing your hair so you don’t have that “I just got fucked” hairstyle. You just sat there on the counter, letting him take care of you as you were too hazy to even think. Boy did he fuck you good. You watched him as he fixed himself up, rebuttoning the buttons that were still attached to his dress shirt. Fixing his tie and buckling his belt.
“Ready?” He asked as you gave him a soft nod. He lifted you up princess style, making sure your dress was nice and neat. Your face made its way into his chest. You couldn’t face anyone from the gala after just getting fucked in the bathroom. Juraj opened the door and carried you out. Telling anyone who asked that you must have eaten something bad and that you didn’t feel good. He had to make sure his dirty nasty girl still had the cleanest of reputations. And it will be the two of yours little secret that Juraj’s possessiveness will always be a turn on that always ends in the two of you fucking.
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whorekneecentral · 3 months
hiii <3 hope you’re doing well! sorry for the bad english haha
can i request something smut with lewis where you guys are at a dinner with his family and he’s all frisky and touchy so he like takes you to his childhood bedroom and someone just catches you guys in the act
this made me giggle cause I can just imagine the shock on everyone's face // sorry for the million year wait!
Lewis's dad had invited you two over for diner seeing that it was the summer break. You had been in and out of the house, helping him take sure to the grill while Lewis and his brother caught up on their racing.
You hear your boyfriend tell his brother he's gonna grab something from his bedroom that he wanted to show him but forget to show him the last time they were home and off he went.
It had been maybe 20 minutes before you finally settled down with a drink next to your brother in law, Nicolas. "Where's Lew?" You asked him, looking around for your boyfriend.
He shrugs, "I think he's still upstairs, probably got caught up in his stuff, you know how he is." Nicholas says, mid Mario kart match with Willow.
You were off again, going up to check on your boyfriend who was in fact in his childhood bedroom, and reminiscing about god knows what.
"Penny for your thoughts, Mr. Hamilton?" You walked in, shutting the door.
Lewis smiles at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "It's sir Hamilton."
"Oh excuse me," you huffed, rolling your eyes as you sat on his lap, an arm over his shoulders. "Penny for your thoughts, Sir Hamilton ?"
"Just thinking." He rests his head on you.
"What about?"
"How I've never fucked anyone in here."
You laughed so hard, you snorted. Smacking your boyfriend's arm, you shook your head. "Shut up, that's not what you were thinking about."
"It so was!" He says, flipping you over so you're flat on your back and under him. You giggle, hands on your boyfriend's jaw. "Don't even start," you warn him, knowing what he was thinking.
"Start what?" Lewis asks sweetly, leaning down to kiss your neck. The moment his lips meet your skin, you melt and all cohesive thoughts go out the window.
Your boyfriend's hands move quickly, spreading your legs apart as he drops to his knees in front of you.
"We have dinner in a few minutes." You whisper to him, propping yourself up on your elbows. Lewis shrugs, "I'm grown, I'm allowed to have dessert first," he winked, making you groan.
"Ew- oh." You stop mid sentence, falling back into the mattress. Lewis's tongue is pressed against you, feeling him trace slow figure 8s over your cunt until your legs are shaking.
His hands grip your thighs under your skirt, the two of you too preoccupied to hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and towards the room.
Nicolas opens the door, "dinner is - EW! Sorry!" He shouts, shutting the door.
You're sat up now, fixing your skirt and Lewis is still on the floor, wiping the lower half of his face. "Was that Nic?"
"Yeah," your cheeks are red. "Go say sorry to him." You tell him, Lewis gives you a confused look. "What for?"
"For walking in on us."
"He should have knocked."
"I don't think he was expecting us to be doing that, Lewis."
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Okay okay okay so for Eddie x bookworm!Reader, Reader is HOOKED on a new book, like can't get their nose outta those pages, and Eddie is curious as to why this one is different than any other book. So he sneaks a peek and it's a steamy romance novel with some kind of ~dreamy~ hero and he decides to surprise reader with some role play and act out one of the spicy scenes with them 🙈? hehe
Combining this with this request from @solobagginses: Eddie fucking Bookworm in the library ("shhh, you gotta be quiet, baby, we're in a library, remember?"). Hope y'all enjoy!
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), semi-public sex (no one is around but still), oral (m! and f! receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up pls), praise, slight degradation
WC: 3k
Divider credits to @firefly-graphics!
Jonas shakes out his mane of thick black hair as he pulls off his helmet, still straddling his motorcycle. 
“Care for a ride?” he asks Cassidy, winking and making her blush. 
“Wouldn’t want to be a burden,” Cassidy murmurs, peering at the tall, brawny man through her long lashes. Her breath hitches as Jonas stretches, muscles rippling under his thin white t-shirt. 
He laughs, extending his hand to help her onto the bike. “You’re never a burden, baby doll.” Cassidy licks her lips and hops onto the back, reaching her arms around his waist. She can feel his abs contracting as he revs the engine, sending a familiar tingling sensation straight to her—
“Whatcha readin’?”
You jump in your seat, placing your hand over your chest and feeling your rapid heartbeat. “Jesus, Eddie,” you hiss. “You scared the crap outta me.” You scramble to shove the book in your backpack before he can spot the half-naked man on the cover.
“Sorry, babe,” Eddie shrugs, pressing a kiss to your temple. He slides into the seat next to you and pulls out his signature bag of pretzels. “But, seriously,” he continues, “what book had you zoned out like that?”
You’re not about to admit to reading Fast Ride. Your friend dared you to buy it when the local bookstore was having a sale, and you’d reluctantly accepted the challenge. It certainly was not your usual choice in literature, but it was too intriguing for you to put down. The way that Jonas seemed to have never-ending stamina for Cassidy, always lusting after her hungrily, made you feel things in a new way. Sure, you were no stranger to sexual attraction; the way you could never keep your hands off of your metalhead boyfriend was proof enough. And after six months together, you and Eddie had spent many nights together (and a few before-school romps in the back of his van when you were particularly frisky). The sex was tender and sweet; Eddie holding your hands while in missionary, trailing kisses down the nape of your neck, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. It was everything you should want.
But sometimes, you don’t want Eddie to dote on you lovingly. Sometimes, you want him to ruin you. 
You can never admit it to him; in the book, Jonas was the one who introduced the angelic Cassidy to rough sex. She was the innocent, wide-eyed virgin who didn’t know she wanted to be corrupted until he stumbled into her life. Eddie was simply too gentle to dominate you the way Jonas did Cassidy, so your fantasy would have to remain just that: a daydream to replay over and over in your head.
Before you can respond to Eddie’s inquiry, the rest of the Hellfire Club noisily approaches the lunch table.
“I’m telling you, man,” Lucas is saying, frustration evident in his voice, “the answer was 46! I don’t know how you got anything else.”
Dustin’s shaking his head. “No, you have to work the problem left to right, even if division is before multiplication.”
“I did!” Lucas insists, rolling his eyes. “Whatever. We’ll find out who’s right tomorrow when we get our tests back.”
“Yeah, we’ll find out that I’m right when we get them back,” Dustin replies snidely, earning him a shove from his friend.
You’re normally annoyed by their bickering, trying to break up the argument as quickly as possible, but you’re grateful for the distraction. You take a huge bite of your sandwich, letting the peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth, preventing further conversation. It was a bad idea to read Fast Ride in public, even with the cover pressed down on the table, but you were hooked, dammit. 
The bell can’t ring fast enough, and you dash out of the cafeteria, making a beeline for your locker. You’ve learned your lesson about reading in class, so you shove the novel onto the top shelf and grab your chemistry notebook before snapping the lock shut and heading to Mr. Burkowski’s class. 
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“Shit, do any of you have a pencil?” Gareth asks, patting his pockets frantically. “I have a history test next period and I totally forgot that we use those stupid Scantrons.”
The rest of the guys shake their heads, grumbling half hearted apologies. 
“Wait!” Eddie says suddenly, snapping his fingers. “Y/N always has extras in her locker, and she gave me the combination.”
“Aww, aren’t you two just the pinnacle of romance?” Gareth teases, fluttering his eyelashes dramatically. 
Eddie glares at him. “D’you want the pencil or not?” Gareth just nods, following his Dungeon Master to your locker. Eddie spins the dial and tugs on the lock. A handful of freshly-sharpened pencils sits in the case magnetically attached to the inside of the door. “There ya go,” he says, plucking one from the holder and handing it to his friend. He’s about to close it when he spots the book you’ve been so weird about. 
The right thing to do is to leave it alone, act like he never saw it. But curiosity gets the best of him, and he finds himself yanking the novel from its spot and shoving it under his jacket before anyone can see. 
Since starting a relationship with you, Eddie has been better about going to class, but he ditches today in favor of devouring the mysterious book. He’s already intrigued by the cover: a half-naked man wearing only skin-tight leather pants, a motorcycle helmet tucked under his arm. He’s pressed up against a woman in a flowing white dress, looking almost virginal, a stark contrast to her male counterpart.
Eddie drives out to his secret spot in the woods, getting as comfortable as he can on the picnic bench before diving into the book. He knows he doesn’t have time to read it all, so he skims it for anything that stands out. His eyes widen when Jonas eats Cassidy out while she’s taking phone calls at work, ending with her bent over the desk while he pounds her from behind. And when Cassidy calls Jonas “sir,” pleading for him to fuck her right there on the beach, Eddie feels a twitch in his pants. He’s usually the one initiating sex, and when you do it, he immediately obliges. Do you want him to make you beg?
Glancing at his watch, he realizes that he needs to get back to school and return the book before you notice that it’s missing. He speeds back to Hawkins High, eyes on the road but mind spinning with thoughts of you and him in Cassidy and Jonas’s places. 
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Only one of his friends has a steady girlfriend, so Eddie seeks him out righr after they finish band practice. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asks Jeff, biting on his lower lip nervously. 
Jeff nods. “Sure, man. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, not an emergency,” Eddie reassures him. “Just, uh, does Shelby read, like, sexy books?”
Jeff cocks an eyebrow and wrinkles his nose. “Sometimes. Why, you want a recommendation?” He laughs, but stops when he sees his friend’s serious expression. “Dude, what’s up? You’re kinda scaring me now.”
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbles. “‘S just…I found one of those books in Y/N’s locker, and it’s…a lot. Like, the guy takes the girl and does it with her anywhere and everywhere. And if that’s what Y/N wants…I mean, that’s not exactly what we do.” He fidgets with his fingers, embarrassed to be having this conversation with Jeff, but he doesn’t know who else to ask.
“So do them,” Jeff says simply, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
Eddie gives an exasperated sigh. “I don’t have the money to just whisk her away to a fancy hotel room, and it’s not like we have an abundance of beaches here.” The closest thing to a beach is Lovers Lake, and sex there is like an infection waiting to happen. “There is one scene where he surprises her at work…”
“There ya go!” Jeff exclaims. “Don’t you pick her up when she closes, like the whipped little boyfriend you are?” Eddie gives him a shove, but he cracks a smile. “C’mon, a bookworm like her getting laid in the library? Probably a dream come true!”
The lanky metalhead considers this before bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. “Yeah, okay! I’ll do that!” You work the closing shift tomorrow, so it’ll be perfect. All he has to do is show up and sweep you off of your feet.
And maybe give you an earth-shattering orgasm or two in the bookstacks. 
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You’re shelving the last of the returns when you hear the familiar rap on the door. Eddie is standing on the other side of the sliding glass, waiting for you to unlock it. It’s a humid May evening, but he’s wearing a leather jacket. 
“Hey, baby,” you smile as you let him in. “Aren’t you warm in that?” you ask, pointing to his outerwear. 
Eddie’s lower lip juts out in a pout. “You don’t like it?”
“I love it, Eds. You look ridiculously hot.” You grab his ringed fingers and smirk salaciously. “Can’t wait to get you home, yeah?”
“Actually,” he starts, “I was hopin’ you could help me find a book first. It’s called Fast Ride.” He pulls you closer to him, a mischievous grin of his own spreading across his face. 
Your face heats up at the mention of the novel. “Is that a joke?” you manage. “How did you—did you go through my stuff?”
“I saw it in your locker when I was getting a pencil for Gareth, and I had to know what all the fuss was about. Didn’t realize my girl was into such kinky stuff.” Eddie starts to lean in to kiss your neck, but you push him away. 
“If you came here to make fun of me, you can leave,” you choke out, tears burning in your eyes. “This is exactly why I didn’t wanna tell you; I knew you’d just laugh at me.”
Your boyfriend cups your cheek with a strong, calloused hand. “Baby, baby,” he coos, kissing your forehead. “‘M not making fun of you. I think it’s really, really fuckin’ hot.”
“Y-You do?”
“Hell yeah,” he reassures you. “Got me wonderin’ if, maybe, you’d like to reenact one of the scenes.” He wipes away a rogue tear from your chin and kisses your lips. “I was thinkin’ about the one where Jonas sees Cassidy at her job and just has to have her.”
Your entire body warms at the idea of him having his way with you right here, right now. “I know where the cameras won’t catch us,” you murmur against his soft lips, and you feel them curl into a smile. 
You lead Eddie to the very back of the library where you keep the “to be discarded” books. They’re already worn with broken spines, so no one will notice if there’s any further damage to them. As soon as he’s certain that you’re both tucked away safely, he kisses you hungrily.
“Can’t wear that tight little skirt and expect me not to devour you, baby doll,” he growls. You notice that he slips in the pet name that Jonas uses for Cassidy, and you hum your approval. His hands grip the backs of your thighs as he hoists you against the shelf, pressing his erection into your clothed pussy. You begin to trail kisses down his neck, just the way he likes it, but he pulls away.
“Tonight’s all about you, mmkay? Making my girl feel good like only I can.” He tightens his grasp and whispers into your ear, “let me take care of you, princess.”
“Yes, sir,” you concede, letting him take complete control. “I’ll take whatever you give me.” After years of constantly trying to make the right decision, always worrying whether or not you’re choosing correctly, it feels so freeing to let someone else take the reins.
“Fuck, baby,” Eddie groans, slowly lowering you to the ground as he kneels on the old, worn carpet. He bunches up your skirt around your waist, hooking a finger into your panties and tugging them aside. “I gotta taste you.” You whimper as he kisses up your inner thighs until he reaches your cunt, licking at your pussy. His lips attach to your clit, sucking on it harshly. A chuckle escapes his throat when you let out a moan. “Sshh, we gotta be quiet, baby. We’re in a library, remember?”
“S-sorry,” you stutter, but your apology is cut short by the feeling of his tongue pressed inside your weeping hole, and you grab onto the shelf with one hand, lacing the fingers of the other into Eddie’s wild mane of hair. Involuntarily, you whine loudly at the stimulation, and Eddie pulls back. “W-why did you…”
He wipes your slick from his chin. “I told you that we have to be quiet,” he hisses, “but it looks like you can’t obey that rule, can you?”
“I-I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good. I promise.” But you know it’s no use; he’s already standing up. His pupils are blown wide with lust, and he bites down on your neck. 
“There’s one surefire way to keep you quiet, isn’t there, baby doll?” He tilts your chin so that your gaze meets his. The words are strong and confident, but his eyes are still caring, giving you an out if you want it. You nod at him, biting your lower lip in anticipation. “On your knees, princess.”
You find the strength to utter another “yes, sir,” and do as Eddie says while he unbuckles his belt and pulls his hard cock out of his pants. He pumps it once, twice, three times before tapping it on your lips. You open your mouth obediently, swirling your tongue around the pink tip as it twitches against your cheek. You take his balls into your hands, palming them and tugging softly, just enough to drive him wild.
“Thassit,” he murmurs. “Look up at me while you suck my cock. Look so pretty with your mouth full, dontcha?” You hum your response, sending vibrations along his length that make him throw his head back with a noisy exhale.
“Sshh,” you parrot him, letting his cock go with a pop. A trail of saliva mixed with Eddie’s pre-cum connects you to it. “We gotta be quiet.” You giggle at your bratty attitude, hoping that he’ll take the bait.
Sure enough, he pulls you to your feet, and you stumble slightly. “Y’okay?” he mouths,and you offer a breathy yes. He steadies you before bringing you to a shorter shelf. “Bend over for me.”
“Nuh-uh,” you tease, blowing him a kiss. You don’t even have time to taunt him further before his firm palm presses into your back as he pushes you; he takes the other and smacks your ass so hard that it very well may leave a print. 
“Such a fuckin’ brat,” he grunts, rubbing his cock back and forth along your folds, using your slick as lubricant. You feel the stretch as he slides inside you, pleasure and pain intermingling in perfect harmony. “Now you’ve gotta take your punishment.” With another spank on your ass, he thrusts into your aching sex. Neither of you bother to abide by the silence he once demanded.
“Punish me, sir; I’ve been a bad girl.” You can feel him growing even harder within your walls, and you clench around him. “Fuck me as hard as you want; I can take it.”
Eddie brings himself almost fully out of you before he slams back in, making you yelp in surprise. “Take it…take it…that’s my girl. So fuckin’ good, even when she’s bad.” He leans his chest against your back, and grips your pelvis, keeping you impossibly close. “Gonna let me cum inside you?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?” 
“Fuck–I’m fuckin’ tellin’ you, baby girl,” he mutters through gritted teeth, never stopping his rhythmic pumping. “You’re gonna take all my cum. Every. Last. Drop.” He spills into you with a strangled groan, slowing his pace to bring you both down from your highs. You can feel his heaving breaths as he says, “holy shit.”
“Was that–did you like that?” you ask timidly, slipping out of your brat role and back to your normal, bookworm self.
“Did I–baby, that was so hot. Makes me mad I wasn’t fucking you in the library since day one.” Eddie laughs as he withdraws. “We gotta get you cleaned up, yeah?” He grabs the bandana from his back pocket and wipes up his mess, straightening your clothes in the process. “There ya go. Back to my place for a movie and pizza?”
You nod enthusiastically, taking his hand. Pausing for a moment, you look up at him and pose the question that you’ve been too anxious to ask. “You don’t think it’s weird that I like those books?” 
“Are you kidding?” He raises his eyebrows as you both walk to the parking lot. “Babe, I have a stack of Playboys under my bed that would call me the world’s biggest hypocrite if I judged you for this.” You playfully smack his chest, and he continues. “Besides, there’s nothing wrong with havin’ a few kinks. I mean, as long as you’re exploring them with me.” He leans you against his van and brings his lips to your ear. “I’ll tell you one of mine; kinda always wanted you to call me ‘daddy’ while we’re…y’know…”
“Hmm,” you smile, grasping his jacket and pulling him in for a kiss. “I think I can manage that.”
Eddie’s face lights up and he picks you up, spinning you around. “You’re so perfect, I fuckin’ swear.” He opens your door for you and helps you onto the seat. You wait for him to get in and start the car before you speak again.
“Hey, Eds?”
“How would you feel about learning to ride a motorcycle?”
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backwzzds · 4 days
what about a sequel to the plug!zoro cheating on you w/ his girl? he broke up with her. some time goes by and zoro & y/n are at a kick back, getting a little frisky with each other and boom she just shows up.
no because you two would be at some barbecue held in franky’s massive backyard. of course the party animal had to have a pool, so you and the girls were dressed in small fitting bikinis. franky of course couldn’t keep his eyes off robin in her violet colored two piece, and nami sported an orange bikini top that was entirely too small for her tits with small shorts. yours was an olive green color working so well with your undertones, you didn’t even realized that it was damn near similar to zoro’s hair color till people pointed it out.
zoro was sitting against a beach chair with his back to the seat as he smoked on a backwood with you perched into his lap. he proudly took turns betweeen taking a pull of his weed and kissing you on the lips, the two of you sharing the routine for the last few hours.
“zoro get in the pool! it’s nice, haha!” luffy giggled excitedly. “we’re playing tag!”
zoro couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his childish best friend. “i’m good, thanks.” he gestured to his lit wood. with a look up to you, he saw you scrolling through your phone as you rested your side against his body. “y’wanna go in the pool mama?”
you shake your head. “got wet for the day already,” you reply, but do a double take when you see zoro smirk at you.
with a large hand gripping the flesh of your fatty ass, he teased, “yeah? when?”
you kissed your teeth and slapped his chest. “stop bein’ nasty you perv. ‘m finna call the cops.” zoro laughs at your threat before taking another pull of his wood.
“yeah, whatever you say, baby.”
you two end up spending the next few minutes making out, without a care in the world. zoro and your entire friend group didn’t bat an eyelash at the fact that you two were together. zoro had finally broken up with his girlfriend, but he was sure that it wasn’t the case on her end. she was delusional, worse than you.
you spend time in the boy’s arms, getting a whiff of his day old cologne and masculine musk as you two watch videos on your phone. the giggles and laughterspread amongst your friends had stopped and was replaced by numerous yells.
your own friends had joined the party just hours ago, your closest friend armani somewhere in the corner making out with nami. but when you heard armani’s familar loud voice from across the pool, that was when you grew concerned.
suddenly, a familiar figure storms their way over to your direction. “hey, you’re like trespassing on private property bro!” franky yelled as he tried to chase after the girl. within thirty seconds, zoro’s girlfriend—or as he says, ex— is in front of you.
she gives you one look before letting out a laugh. “of course. i knew you’d be fucking with her.”
zoro furrowed his eyebrows. “the fuck did you find me?”
the red girl points to her phone angrily. i fucking tracked your car and phone here!”
“ooh, damn,” you hear usopp turn and pretend to mind his business. but from his side eye and the corner of his long nose, you could tell he was still being nosy. by now, the entire party was.
“you fucking tracked me? are you insane?” zoro delicately lifts you up to place you next to him on the seat so he could properly sit up. “we’re not fucking together no more!”
“that’s not fair, zoro!” his ex cried. “you did that shit out of nowhere, i think i deserve some sort of explanation!”
standing up, you try to mediate the situation. “girl, i think y’all should step inside so no one hears—“
“i don’t owe you a fuckin’ explanation!” zoro exclaims from behind you.
“fuck you, you whore!” the girl points at you. “you’ve been fucking my boyfriend from the start, you dirty bitch!”
now you grow angry. “i’ve been fucking ‘your boyfriend’ since we were sixteen,” is all you say, knowing that would get under her skin. it was true though, zoro’s always wanted you, even before he started selling. you just never cared to give his ass the time of day mostly. “and you met him when, two years ago? please lil girl.”
zoro’s ex scoffs. “yeah okay, home wrecking whore—“
“you sure? i coulda sworn it was a section 8 apartment with the way you’re always up on niggas that’s not him!”
you wouldn’t even call your relationship with zoro homewrecking, not when you had him first and have been on and off with him since you both were teenagers. you just never anticipated that the little fling he had with the girl woulf have turned into something at the very least semi-serious. besides, you’d never fucked zoro when he was in a committed relationship with his then girlfriend at the time. out of simple respect for her, you had stepped back from him and whatever he had going on with her until he assured you that he was done with her and only wanted you.
“don’t get me started bitch before i hurt your feelings,” you threatened, giving the shorter girl a hard look.
zoro’s ex rolls her eyes. “yeah? you think he wants you when he’s coming home to me every other night?”
now you were on ten. “you gotta get a refund on that tracker baby cuz it aint telling the truth. not when the nigga live at my house. you check behind his ear lately? who name on that shit?”
color drains from the girl’s face as she watches zoro look at her with blank eyes. low and behold was your name in a beautiful script font, right behind his ear. his favorite spot he loved for you to kiss.
“you’re insane as fuck. you tried to track this nigga, trap this nigga, thinking a baby gon make him stay. he doesn’t fucking want you!” you scream. you were never this mean. but she was testing your nerves, and you had to show her you didn’t even play like that. “now you just got embarrassed. right after i told you to go inside with him on that bullshit.”
zoro’s ex makes a move to plunge towards you, but zoro successfully catches her in his strong grasp. “let me go!” the girl screams, attemtpinf to lunge at you. you mirror her actions, only to be held back by franky’s own strong grip.
“zee, take your bitch outside before i beat her ass bro!” you heathe, glaring at the girl who was matching your expression. even he couldn’t contain your anger at the moment. it was good franky was holding you back. zoro does as told and practically hauls his ex out the backyard on his shoulder. from a distance, you can see her calm down and melt into his embrace.
“that was some crazy shit,” usopp breathed out.
as if on cue, luffu exits the house with a big BBQ chicken leg in his hand, food stuffed in his mouth. “what the hell happened?”
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alientee · 4 months
do you think Magua would like chubby girls >//< ?
Thank you for this ask I love it ! Send me more 😈
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Mauga would love a chubby woman! He’s an affectionate guy who also seems to like someone’s energy and they’re drive. So if he likes you he’d flirt with you constantly giving you complements, throwing in a few dirty jokes. He would give you waist hugs always hugging you from behind, tickling your stomach. He loves seeing you all giggly and embarrassed.
He’d have any excuse to try and touch your curves. You can’t reach something off a high shelf? He’s right behind you closely on your back. You’re walking in a large crowd? His hands always on your waist. You getting nervous before a mission? He’s massaging your thighs telling you to lighten up, and that he’s got you. If you get into a relationship with him? He’ll be even more clingy get ready.
He won’t ever let you talk down on yourself. If he hears you or sees you downing yourself prepare to be smothered. He picks you up and holds you down whispering sweet nothings in your ear, making sure you know how amazing you are. If you want to lose weight he will encourage you and give you tough gym coach love. Have you go on morning jogs with him and cook you healthy meals to make you feel better. But he’ll also remind you that you need to want it for yourself and not for others. And that he’d love you no matter what size you are, he loves all of you.
After a long mission or just on lazy days he loves laying on you. He’ll lay on your thighs, stomach or your ass depending on his mood. If he’s angry he pulls you close cuddling into your stomach and venting about his day while squeezing on your thighs so he could release his stress. If he’s feeling frisky he’ll flip you over on your stomach as you lay down, smack your ass playfully and lay on it. He doesn’t care if you glare at him, he thinks it’s cute. “What? it’s comfy.” His favorite time is when your both on the beach watching the sunset as he lays on your thighs while you play in his hair, listening to the ocean.
Anybody try’s to insult you he will fuck them up no questions asked…… that is all. He’s a big overprotective boyfriend.
He would get you sexy outfits and make you try them on for him. And when your both at home he try’s his best to get you to spend the day naked. Seeing you a blushing mess wearing nothing at all for him gets his hearts racing. But if that’s not your style he still try’s to dress you up, just in a way your comfortable. He just want to see you happy.
His main nicknames for you: Bunny, sweetheart, babe/baby, doll, muffin.
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