#a healing the organization uses to draw more people into their grasp. into relying on them
datastate · 2 years
tracing hearts around michiru...she makes me so unbelievably sad
#imagine finally finally being given recognition for your research#and the opportunities to fully explore it regardless of ethical standards because of how closely your work is in line with weaponry#but every day you're reminded that as far as the world knows or cares - you're dead.#& it shouldn't bother you because you truly only ever did this to help advance humanity's ability to recover from otherwise fatal accidents#you didn't want or need the fame. but now you wonder if it really will be used for normal people or if it's only going to be#a healing the organization uses to draw more people into their grasp. into relying on them#and you've seen firsthand what they do to people who don't prove their worth. you've seen them gone within the day. out of commission.#executed.#you've experienced the intense pressure to abide to it. you've seen the results of emiri's breaking point#and her desperation to revive people. no matter the cost. her bitter alliance with asunaro as they promised her the opportunity to fully#pursue this. and maybe. just maybe. she'd get her husband back. as they promised in return for Her.#she was the primary driving force and quickly impressed gashu but she was so angry and upset and shallow and scary#and you've heard from a friend - an 'assassin' - that he has accepted he will be executed soon for his lack of work#and how he wishes he could apologize to the child who was murdered by her own parent - kai's aid.#who was there to finish the job if he couldn't#and the horrible fact that if michiru ever returned to her family or gave them a signal she was alive...they'd be killed just as violently#any string of asunaro's truth is to be cut. no matter the situation#whether you expose it purposefully or its a childish curiosity...#augh..#jestersvaguely#yttdposting#character death#fictional child death
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ggongtv · 3 years
Funny cartoons for 애니사이트 your health
Nowadays, people are so stressed 애니사이트추천 out by traffic, work stress, strained personal relationships, and other stresses of contemporary life that they have forgotten the healing power of a simple smile.
Numerous ailments, such as persistent weariness and headache as well as anxiety attacks and mood swings, peptic ulcers, more serious migraines, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders are caused by stress. According to research, between 40% and 80% of doctor visits are caused by illnesses that may be traced back to stress.
Medical study, on the other hand, has revealed that humor is an effective medication that not only lowers our risk of developing these issues but eliminates them. A lack of humor in stressful conditions might lead to alcohol and drug abuse as a kind of self-medication.
Funny cartoons are one of the simplest ways to deal with stress, and they can be found in newspapers, magazines, and on the internet. There is nothing easier to obtain. Laughing is a natural mood booster, and cartoons are a great way to get others to do just that. 애니사이트
Even if someone has an eating disorder or a smoking issue, finding a good source of amusement, such as amusing cartoons, can help them recover quickly and suppress their tension over time. This is true for everyone.
As a result, there is no need for expensive and time-consuming treatments to bring back your good mood by simply laughing aloud at a cartoon.
You’ll soon be healing from tension when you see the humorous side of life’s miracles. With a grin, you can get emotional support and alleviate most illnesses. This is not a joke.
Why not make “Spend 1 minute – get 1 smile” your mantra for a healthy life?
Laughter and a positive outlook on life can be found in the form of funny cartoons. The finest way to start the day is with a smile on your face. Even if you take a moment to grin again, you’ll be able to maintain a positive outlook on life.
How to Draw a Comic
When it comes to doing serious drawings, cartoonists should have the ability. If you assume that drawing comics can be done without first learning how to draw in general, you’re wrong.
In the future, better cartoons can be drawn if an artist can draw gracefully, comprehend human anatomy, and grasp the basic laws of perspective.
As a result of the enormous demand for high-quality cartoons and comic drawings, a talented artist might make a lucrative career out of it.
The Art of Comic 애니사이트 Book Expression
The face is a window into the mind’s workings. An additional layer of refinement is provided by the movement of the arms and body. External indicators are used by the cartoonist to enhance this organic display. A dotted line from the character’s eye to the object he or she is looking at, for example, can be used to increase the intensity of glare. Fright is depicted by the sticking up of one’s hair. It’s not every day that you see someone’s hair stand on end. Caricature relies on these kinds of environmental cues.
The reader does not have to do as much thinking when using this type of external cues, which does force the effect. This animation is a success.
Distortion is yet another cartooning technique. A funny impression is created by drawing the head and feet unnaturally huge. This effect is powerful and transforms a formal drawing into a cartoon all on its own if done correctly.
how to create winning 메이저사이트 sports betting strategies
It’s all about 무료애니사이트 the cartoons.
Many of us associate “cartoons” with familiar ten-minute skits like those from Bugs Bunny, Yogi Bear, and Mighty Mouse from our youth on Saturday morning kid shows like The WB. However, full-length feature films including animated characters have been around for as long as full-length feature films featuring live-action characters.
Walt Disney, who began developing iconic characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in the 1920s, is probably the person most responsible for the success of animated films on the big screen. Steamboat Willie, starring Mickey Mouse, was one of his first feature films. From “Cinderella,” “Snow White,” “Peter Pan,” to the half-animated, half-live-action masterwork “Mary Poppins,” Disney went on to produce more classics.
However, Disney Studios wasn’t the only firm to produce full-length animated films, but they are still the most prominent to this day. The market for children’s animated films has grown tremendously in recent years. The animation was taken to a whole new level by these companies and producers. For the first 50 years of their existence, cartoons were no longer depicted in the form of hand-drawn figures. As computer technology advanced, so did new styles of animation.
This new 3D technology, often known as Pixar 3D, is the most well-liked of the bunch. The company Pixar is a Disney subsidiary. To create cartoon pictures, this method makes use of Pixar’s animation tools. For each scenario, numerous processes must be taken, from sketching and laying up the characters to actually moving them about, and then transporting them through the software itself. All of this data is then put into massive files. Afterward, a wide range of operations can be performed on these files. The realism of contemporary animated films is due in large part to the ease with which human motion can now be accurately reproduced. To name a few, “Toy Story,” “Shrek,” and “Monsters, Inc.” have all been huge hits over the years.
One of the latest trends in animation is meticulous stop-motion animation. By putting real people in the right places on stage and taking pictures of them, this can be accomplished. To go on to the next action in the scene, the figures are then incrementally shifted.
It takes a saint’s patience and skill to create these animated films, which are among the most difficult to produce. Nick Park, on the other hand, has the patience to wait for things. With “The Curse of the Were-Rabbit,” Wallace and Gromit, he has produced some of the most popular stop-motion animated films ever filmed.
Today, animated films are enormous box office successes and even Oscar, winners. In the last few weeks, Shrek became the highest-grossing animated film of all time.
For as long as there are children, both young and elderly, large budget animated films will have a market. They’ve just gotten better and better with time.
0 notes
draconicmatriarch · 7 years
Trauma and Healing in Berserk
“A man draws his sword in order to protect the small wound deep in his heart, it was inflicted in the days long past at the farthest reach of his memories, a man wields his sword in order to depart life with a smile...”
On first appearance, Guts, the protagonist of Kentaro Miura's Berserk, appears to be the perfect anti-hero: dark, scarred, stoic, brooding, and swings impossibly huge swords. However, beyond his action hero exterior is a character deeply damaged by the trauma inflicted upon him which includes neglect, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. His childhood abuse has shaped him into an anti-social mercenary with no purpose in life and a death wish. He shows many classic symptoms of PTSD such as avoidance of intimacy, touch aversion, and hyper focus on fighting. Even in his attempts to heal through companionship and love, his mind is permanently affected by the abuse he suffered.
According to Bessel van der Kolk and Alexander C. McFarlane, every person experiences trauma. While some adapt and move on, others become fixated on it, and it affects everything about their life to the degree that “traumatic experiences can alter people's psychological, biological and social equilibrium...” (488). This psychiatric disorder is known as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What makes an event traumatic for a victim is “how threatened and helpless they feel” (490). If a parent inflicted the trauma on their child, the child will blame themselves and have difficulty processing that their caretaker could inflict such pain. After the traumatic experience, symptoms may manifest behaviors like becoming “preoccupied with the event” (489) which is normal, but may develop into maladaptive behaviors like becoming avoidant and “organizing their lives around the trauma” (489). Reliving memories of trauma is just as painful to one with PTSD as the original event. This reliving can occur in nightmares, flashbacks, or reenactments and can result in panic or rage. In response, people will build up defenses to prevent to protect their psyche, but everyone does it in different ways. Some will even go back to environments similar to the original traumatic event. An important example in the case of Berserk is that “combat soldiers may become mercenaries” (493). When analyzing Guts, it is apparent that his traumatic childhood has resulted in his development of PTSD which he displays in the symptoms described by van der Kolk and McFarlane.
When Guts was a child, he wanted what most child crave: to have his father's approval and love.  Instead his adoptive father, Gambino, treated Guts like property and a burden. While practicing sword fighting, child Guts was forced to use a sword meant for adults. This sword he would wield is where he seeks comfort and what he vents his emotions through. He would go on to use longer and heavier swords as he grows up, a representation of his growing traumatic burdens. In a rage, Gambino inflicts the most noticeable physical scar on Guts, one on the bridge of his nose. Like Guts' emotional scars, this will always be a part of him no matter how old he gets. This leads to Guts getting a fever and clinging to his sword for comfort. This will be his coping mechanism against his trauma. A few years later, and still a child, Guts is thrust onto the battlefield and performs his first kill. This gets validation from Gambino which encourages Guts to keep winning on the battlefield. However, this validation is still not love. After Guts kills a general, he is desperate to get praise from Gambino. Instead of acknowledging Guts, he instead lavishes attention on his dog. It is not true affection, as Gambino later kicks the dog away; he did it purposefully just to hurt Guts. Guts' jealousy of the dog would culminate later in his life. As Gambino described Guts “...You followed me around like some lonely puppy” (Chapter 10). His id, his inner voice to kill and maim the one he loves, takes the form of a black dog. It is the projected manifestation of all his traumas. He is the beaten dog who craves his master's love; he is also the dog that bears his fangs.
The most traumatic and impactful event is when Gambino sells Gets to be raped by another soldier. This event would make Guts afraid of intimacy and touch. Guts is small and completely overpowered by the giant man. He reaches for his sword, his safety, but he cannot make it. He has been rendered helpless, as van der Kolk describes what makes an event truly traumatic. In this scene, the rapist is shaded heavily, giving the appearance of being more monster than man. Dark shadowing outline the sinister grin of the rapist while those same shadows threaten to swallow Guts. When the rapist tells Guts that Gambino sold him out, Guts says it's a lie and refuses to believe it. Despite Gambino's abuse Guts tries to “hold onto an image of the parent as good in order to deal with the intensity of fear and rage which is the effect of the tormenting experiences” (497). Gambino acts flippant about the act the next morning, but Guts cannot bring himself to confront his father. Instead, Guts vents his rage by destroying a barrel with his sword. He can only find solace in his weapon. Guts later kills his rapist and demands that he say who really sold him out while wearing a sadistic grin. When the man tries to say Gambino's name, Guts only stabs his sword further down his throat in rage. This event would be later repeated in his nightmares. His rapist is depicted as a towering monster with grasping, clawed hands that his sword cannot cut.  Once again, Guts is a naked child, a symbol of his helplessness and vulnerability. Gambino just watches on uncaring as Guts cries out for forgiveness while the words “You should have died” (Chapter 13) repeat over and over.
Guts' sexual trauma manifests its symptoms as a refusal to be touched or to bond with others. Even a congratulatory touch on the shoulder is met with bared teeth and a strong rebuke of “Don't you ever touch me!” (Chapter 8). He continued to do what comforted him: swinging his sword.  Guts becomes a loner to avoid human contact. This fits into the definition of avoidance which is when victims “...generally start organizing their lives around avoiding having the emotions that these intrusions evoke” (494). Even when forced to join a mercenary band, as they enjoyed in revelry, he instead isolates himself far from the group, still holding onto his sword. In time, their influence begins to change him. With a squad of soldiers that rely on him, he sublimated his original hyper focus to fight and kill into a desire to protect his men. This is how van der Kolk describes “many survivors seem to be able to transcend their trauma temporarily and harness their pain in acts of sublimated creation” (487). However, the important word here is 'temporary' because Guts has not addressed his trauma until the most important moment of his recovery: his first sexual experience.
Guts' first sexual encounter with his rival-turned-lover, Casca, is where his trauma is most damaging. Up to this point, Guts has only known sex as a violent act, and his first time makes it apparent. He is far too rough to the point where she cries, and he does not slow down when asked to be more gentle. In this scene, however, as he sees her weeping from behind, his image as a child, gagged and helpless, is quite literally projected before his eyes. This is the perfect example of a “memory of one particular event comes to taint all other experiences, spoiling appreciation of the present” (488). The flashback of his rape in vivid detail intrudes into his thoughts in, and once again he hears “Gambino sold yer ass out” and “You should have died” (Berserk, Chapter 46). As Casca looks back at him, his child self looking back at him; he sees himself in her eyes. He reaches out to this projected vision of his helplessness and strangles it as if to choke his own weakness, but in reality he is strangling Casca. After this, he completely breaks down and tells Casca everything traumatic about his childhood to her: from his rape, the way Gambino ignored Guts for his dog, and Guts' remorse for accidentally killing him. For the first time in his adult life, he weeps. “I meant to get over it a long time ago. This past year...I didn't remember it one time. Why'd it come back now?” (Chapter 47) Intimacy he had long refrained from has triggered his memories. At this moment, his emotions are hyperaroused that even a small touch from Casca causes him to jolt up. Only after acceptance and comfort from Casca is he able to open up and allow for a loving, positive sexual experience. Just before he fall asleep in her arms, he has a vision: “...For some reason I recalled myself myself as a boy, rubbing in the medicine Gambino gave me. Beside the boy, an oversized sword shined dimly” (47). Being close to Casca recalls to him the visions of comfort. Finally, Guts can associate a person with comfort.
The trauma Guts endured profoundly and permanently shaped his character. He was wounded and eventually managed to heal, but like many scars on his body, his mind will always have the traces of his abuse. The characters in Berserk are united by their trauma. Guts is but one linked by these experiences. Unfortunately for Guts, this is not where his trauma ends. When the entire mercenary band is wiped out and Casca is brutally raped by his most cherished ally, Guts' trauma and his demons are born anew. His violent regression and the manifesting of his id as a black dog, who tries to sway Guts again to the path of violence and solitude, is another theme that can be disseminated by psychoanalysis.
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minusram · 7 years
4/? bonny and blithe, good and gay
actually yelly anon reminded me that i forgot to crosspost the penultimate chap of bbgg. not sure i actually have any tumblr-only readers, but hey; better safe etc etc
[ch 1 / ch 2 / ch 3] [do make tomorrow a sunny day series here]
They emerge into a carpeted receiving room thronged with what must be at least half a hundred psychics—even if a significant percentage of them weren’t palpably genuine practitioners Ritsu would recognize their trade from the terrible way they all dress.
‘Significant’, of course, is relative, but considering the concentration of spiritually gifted individuals in the general population, meeting even one other esper is noteworthy.
Ritsu and his employer remain mostly unnoticed by the mass of people clustered away from the door, but a few turn to peer at them suspiciously, to size up potential competition. Reigen's taken aback for less than a second—and Ritsu only knows because of the particular way he rolls his shoulder—then he gets started, working the room with his usual oily flair and carving a space for himself where he doesn’t belong with just fast talk and the force of his repugnant but bafflingly effective personality.
He wades into the crowd, a cloud of jovial introductions left in his wake, handing out business cards and subtly enforcing his social superiority in a way that is confident, but not overly so; avoiding alienation by the sprinkling of a few specks of modesty amongst the uptalk. Ritsu trails silently behind.
Reigen cuts a swathe through the room, speaking the way he does to clients and moving with purpose in the face of his skeptical marks. It’s difficult for Ritsu to tell which of them have powers; a staticky aura hangs in the air, but his impression of the energy’s source remains indistinct. He’s unused to sensing others of his kind—every psychic he’s ever met has found him first.
Reactions to the rapid-fire establishment of their standing vary from baffled to condescending. Psychics are either good with people, intimidatingly bizarre, or just extremely lucky, but even in all the strangeness of this past year Ritsu has never met anyone quite like the man he follows now. His employer, energetic, manic with possibility, reaches a new target, and begins again. Ritsu can feel his mood souring, the longer they’re here with nothing happening. He didn’t come to network, he came to help people. And, yes, to serve himself; in hope of personal gain.
Judging by how many people are here, the lure of money or fame had a similar effect on his fellow exorcists.
He’s spared half an ear for Reigen’s spiel, the prattling stream of words a ceaseless rhythm that's grown familiar over time, but tunes right back in, affronted, when he hears the direction it’s taking.
“Oh, yes, I’m Reigen Arataka, and this is my assis—”
“I’m not—”
“My assistant, Kageyama Ritsu. Bright kid, but a little uppity, if you know what I mean. Won’t you excuse us for a moment, please?”
Reigen ushers him away and they reach the edge of the crowd. His employer bends for a harshly whispered exchange, unaware or uncaring of the fact that whispers in public tend to draw more attention than they deflect.
“Hey, Ritsu, pipe down, alright? I liked the silent act, that was good. Keep it up, and follow my lead unless for some incomprehensible teenage reason you are actively trying to blow this. If you ruin our reputation, then where are you gonna find your little exercises, huh?”
“You mean your reputation. I have nothing at stake here, I just work with you.”
“You work for me, kid, and if you don’t want to be cut off, you’ll stop trying to screw up my moves.”
“Your moves, Reigen-san, are the pathetic graspings of a man past his prime and lost in a world on which he has no bearing, a con artist who can only survive by leeching off society and the gullibility of desperate fools.”
His employer’s lips part, then twitch up into a smirk.
“Tell me how you really feel,” Reigen says, raising arch eyebrows at him, “And, by the way— I’m twenty-seven!” he hisses, before turning to greet another psychic who’s just walked up.
Ritsu fades back subtly, uninterested in ingratiating himself to strangers or to Reigen Arataka, and disappears to lean against the wall. No one notices him there, so it leaves him free to watch.
The people move, swirling together and apart in patterns Ritsu’s sure would be easier to track from above, but he does his best—his habitual level of effort; customarily more than adequate for his purposes. He compares what he sees to the display the day before, and finds substantial differences. The cultists were constrained, stuck together in a static train despite their wild laughing. Their grouping was starkly different from the one he observes now. Unnatural, even, though he has yet to devote the matter much thought.
The psychics here are stiff but organic, clustered in clannish clumps that remain cohesive with and within the greater group. Ritsu can’t deny that there seems to be a hub, some sort of slimy nucleus around where the century’s self-proclaimed shining star is making his way through the crowd, interrupting the previous order like sediment irritating a mollusc. Noise rises in the room, low conversations springing up like weeds in his employer’s wake.
A few more people show up, on the verge of being late as the start time on the invitation grows nigh, and receive the same scrutiny that greeted his own delegation of two. The crowd murmurs, louder now, energized by impatience and anticipation, his employer’s voice and bright hair lost in the thrum.
He catches sight of the eccentric uniform—black with pale wooden beads—of the Psychic Moon System, which may or may not be the organization’s real name, but he can’t tell from his limited glimpse whether there are any bandages on the person’s face. Guilt twinges regardless, and it occurs to him that he has no idea how long a Glasgow smile takes to heal. What happened to Shouda Katsukaru is tragic, and no little part of the blame falls at Ritsu’s feet; both because his association with Reigen was what got the man involved with such a dangerous spirit in the first place, and because Ritsu was unable to subdue it when the time came for him to step up.
They were all lucky that the thing was so indivisibly linked with the myth it was based on. Ambiguous answers and tossing anything they could find in their pockets confused it long enough for all three of them to get away—but not unscathed. Another one of his failures; something he can use now, and does, when he needs a little extra boost from his powers.
He wonders if every psychic’s abilities fuction this way. If this negative existence, life spent relying on a capacity powered by murk and suffering, is how it’s meant to work.
A clock strikes the hour from somewhere out of sight, across the room and the mass of people that despite their numbers don’t come close to filling it. Ritsu steps away from the wall to find Reigen, in order to present an arguably united front in the face of their competitors and the expectation that suffuses the room.
The leather doors open, swung by suited security personnel, and a man enters, clad in a pinstripe suit.
Ritsu finds Reigen, finally, or is found, and they stand together in the midst of the crowd as their client, mustached and desperate, steps forward to introduce himself.
Asagiri Masashi has, apparently, put stringent effort towards only inviting bonafide psychics to this event. Ritsu and Reigen trade a silent, speaking look while they can still see each other, before the room darkens and they turn their attention back to the presentation.
Through a slideshow, Ritsu learns about their client’s spoiled daughter; a year older than him but miles further from mature, the product of wealth and an upbringing unfettered by empathic concerns. The kind of girl his mother would call a minx and his father would call a hellraiser.
“Something is inside her,” Asagiri intones ponderously, lit by spilled light from the image of his locked up daughter, ten feet tall. Minori is tied to a bed, ropes snug on her wrists and snaking under the blankets, watched by spirit tags and a sleuth of toy bears; a disturbing picture.
Ritsu reserves judgement on the possibility of possession; he’s experienced enough of the evils of his peers to wait on a verdict until he sees for himself, and can decide on his own what’s been happening. Familiar too are the evils of adults—intimately, a hole in his family only half-healed—whether parent or child is in the wrong here, it’s inarguable that something must be done.
The crowd shifts uneasily, an atmosphere of apprehension gathering at the revelation of their task, but Ritsu is ready to understand, to learn if it’s delusion or premonitive intuition that’s thrown Asagiri Minori to the dark.
Asagiri opens a panel in the wall, a hidden spiral staircase, and leads them down to find out.
The stairwell is narrow, and it takes minutes for every one of them to make it down the story and a half to the small anteroom at basement level. Ritsu ends up next to Reigen somewhere in the middle of the relocation, which means queuing at the top of the stairs and loitering at the bottom until Asagiri shuffles to the front of the herd to open the plain wooden door that is the room’s only other feature, leading the ragged lump of them behind him when he’s the first one through.
It’s an observation room, made of depressing concrete, dominated by the enormous pane of one-way glass that practically composes one wall. Their side, filling in tighter all the time as people jostle to get a view of the occupant, is dimmed; the inside, lit up bright enough that the mirror must be opaque to the girl staring blankly across her coverlet, is fishbowl-like, leaving Ritsu with the uncomfortably voyeuristic impression of being at a zoo.
Reigen, behind him, speaks right into his ear and Ritsu twitches away from the feel of warm breath against the side of his face.
He turns to talk over his shoulder, meeting Reigen’s eyes level with his own since the man is partially bent over to invade his personal space.
“What?” Ritsu hisses, irate.
Reigen flicks his eyes reprovingly from side to side, hands in his pockets, indicating the people that surround them and how little he wants every one of them to be party to this conversation. Ritsu turns back around and mutters out the side of his mouth.
“What? And don’t breathe on my neck this time.”
“I was just asking, what do you think?”
Ritsu concentrates, and senses... nothing. Just a person, kept and unkempt; a girl his age stifled by her father and pinned behind glass for people to peer at, offered up to a parade of probing eyes that seek to find her flaws.
Minori’s head rolls on her neck until she’s looking at the mirror, giving the illusion of eye contact. She looks weary; deep bags dug in under her eyes, blonde hair lank on her forehead.
“Nothing,” Ritsu says quietly, “I don’t sense a thing.”
He stares, rude but comfortable with his lack of etiquette since he knows he won’t be caught, tracing her searchingly with his eyes for signs of possession while Asagiri answers questions, going into a narrative explanation of the smeared blood on his daughter’s whitewashed ceiling.
Ritsu looks and pretends she’s looking back at him, like this whole farce isn’t a gross violation of her privacy. Her head tilts a little as she looks at herself in the mirror, a wry smile fleetingly upon her face, and Ritsu wonders what she sees in her reflection, how differently she thinks of herself compared to his picture of her, built only on what he can presume to discern from the outside.
The psychics grow loud around him, each asserting their experience and suitability; Reigen rises to the top of the pack with glib presumption and loud aplomb, claiming the case in their name about as sophisticatedly as a dog marking territory.
The room devolves, adults barking at each other like animals as they yell and argue, except animals aren’t driven by avarice and pride. Ritsu considers whether the glass is soundproof; concludes it must be since Minori has no reaction to the disagreements being bellowed just beyond her walls.
It resolves in a rock-paper-scissors tournament, a juvenile solution; fitting considering the behaviour of people that are ostensibly—according to society, though he has massive trouble believing it right now—his betters. His employer employs mind games and Ritsu uses strategy. Either age or experience declares Reigen the winner, leaving him triumphant in first place while Ritsu languishes in seventeenth.
Reigen gloats his way through the door, drawing the ire of everyone in the room as he disappears down the hallway that curves around to open on the far wall of Minori’s upsettingly ursine bedroom. He enters as all of them watch, closing the door gently behind him, and goes into one of his usual routines.
Ritsu recognizes his manner, courteous and comforting, as the way he deals with the more delicate clients, fragile people with ghostly problems that seek remedy at the agency. For the first time, Ritsu wonders how many of them he never sees; how many clients’ issues are solved with just kind hands and words, and the attention of someone willing to simply listen. He feels the violation all over again, watching the work, like an intruder to the private rapport Reigen is building with Minori.
The observation room is silent, ogling with bated breath as Reigen massages and chats, drawing a chilling, sordid account of her time here out of Minori’s waifish throat. The psychics turn again, inconstant as a weathervane, to stare mistrustfully at their client when she pleads to be let go.
Reigen emerges, subdued, and Ritsu tries to get a hint of what he’s thinking. Reigen notices him and subtly waves a hand, wait, with an enigmatic cant to his head. Ritsu waits, for now, with silent and watchful eyes, as their client is berated by the mass of people he’s hired for what is seeming increasingly likely to be no reason at all.
It’s looking like a consensus, the room united against a common enemy and piling on Asagiri with the easy conviction of a mob. Majority rule, maybe, but it’s one against many until his employer steps out to speak in their client’s defense.
Ritsu, attuned to Reigen’s theatrics, is not surprised the man chose the most dramatic moment possible to proclaim their client’s innocence.
Well, almost. Reigen’s moment is blown out of the water when a psychic—someone who slipped away into the room while Ritsu’s attention was elsewhere—is blown like an explosive cannonball through the glass, instantly transforming the wall into an expanding burst of shrapnel.
A piece of whizzing glass cracks to splinters on Ritsu’s barrier; his employer is gashed across the face, a shallow cut that in defiance of its depth weeps heavy blood in a curtain down Reigen’s cheek.
Ritsu glares, first at the minefield of glass shattered across the room, then at the psychic who was so destructive an instrument in spreading it, before he’s drawn inevitably to look at the source of the power that caused the victim’s unfortunately violent exit.
Minori laughs at them, lively and spiteful at the chaos she has wrought. Ritsu berates himself for feeling betrayed.
She challenges them with chuckles and mocking words, reveling in the panic that’s starting to poison the room, and Asagiri, reactive, shouts at them to save her. If anyone were to consult Ritsu, he would say that she’s not the one who’ll need saving, an opinion borne out by the maniacal cackling that throws back her body’s puppeted head.
A psychic with long straight hair and a ruched shirt—third in line of fifty-eight—steps forward to try his hand; his incomprehensible but intensely delivered chants prove extraordinarily ineffective. The next is also unsuccessful, and they all blur together into a useless chain until it’s almost Ritsu’s turn, attempt seventeen.
Reigen guides him off to one side for yet another private tête-a-tête and hovers a hand above his shoulder, a pseudo-touch that’s just on the edge of what he’ll tolerate.
“Are you okay with this?” Reigen asks, “You don’t have to do it, we can leave it to someone else.”
The condescension burns, and Ritsu knows they’re both remembering his failure at that apartment building, and in the face of the Kuchisake-onna. He thinks the second man, the ballistic psychic, was also a member of the same group—another tally, two of them now he hasn’t managed to save.
“I’m fine,” he snaps out, crisp, and turns away to end the subject.
“If you’re sure,” Reigen says dubiously, just to twist the knife.
“Positive,” he says, quellingly frosty.
“Okay, pricklepuss, just checking.”
“Well, don’t. I know what I’m doing.”
“Right,” a brief pause, and then:
“If you say so,” Reigen says with a mocking grin.
“You know what—”
“Fine, fine, sorry. I get it. You’ve got this,” Reigen flashes him a confident smile, another expression Ritsu recognizes from work. “Knock ‘em dead, Ritsu, let’s show them how it’s done.”
Ritsu shrugs off the hand that bracingly pats his shoulder as they rejoin the group.
There’s no ‘let’s’ about it when his employer stays behind, one of many watching Ritsu step gingerly through the broken glass. Ritsu makes it through without cutting himself and looks up again to find himself closer than he expected to end up; in arm's reach of the comforter, practically the foot of the bed.
“Asagiri-san,” he says, wary and lacking anything else to call it, whatever’s wearing the body in front of him like a human marionette.
“Ritsu-kun,” she—it—replies.
And smiles.
for added verisimilitude, wait three months before reading the next chapter on ao3! although life willing it won’t take that long for the next chapter
5 notes · View notes
Spread Love Not Germs
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The headline article in Arizona Woman, October 2006--"The Fight Against Prostate Cancer Expands," prompted me to compose this article.
Regardless of all the research, chemotherapy, etc. cancer is on the increase.
Many books have been written on the important fact that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. I am sharing these insights with you since I want you to know you have better control of your health than you know. I understand from my own experience and by the experience of my customers whom I help cure from dire dis-eases--diabetes, cancer, lupus, Hepatitis C, Fibromyalgia, MS, higher blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse and the list goes on. I hope I can explain the origin of dis-ease that will motivate you to transcend victim consciousness and live the life you're born to live--wholesome, joyful and with reassurance.
Nothing can be healed through a practice of 'fighting against it' First we need to look at how simple is created. Thoughts are created from the mind and feelings followalong with Thoughts and feelings are impulses of energy. The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Cells of the nervous system, known as nerve cells or neurons, are specialized to carry "messages" through an electrochemical process. The human mind has approximately 100 billion neurons.
Neurons have specialized projections called dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring information to the cell body and axons take data away from the cell body. Information from 1 neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse. The synapse is a little gap separating neurons. The synapse includes:
1. A presynaptic ending that includes polyphenols, mitochondria and other cell organelles,
2. A postsynaptic finish that contains receptor sites for hormones and,
3. A synaptic cleft or space between the presynaptic and postsynaptic endings.
Thoughts and feelings are impulses of energy and information. They ship out vibrational images, patterns, and colors (not words or language). This energy affects the atmosphere (energy area) around the person believing the idea or feeling the atmosphere. As soon as they go out they can never be retracted. What we see in the outside world is a reflection of collective humanity's ideas and feelings.
Radio, TV programming and popular publications produce our future. It's easy to understand how reality is created when you understand the Science of Consciousness. However, what is understanding and how do you influence it? Collective consciousness is that the sum total of humanity's beliefs, thoughts, feelings and activities. Media, public relations firms, and advertisements constantly send out thought-forms that program us for sickness, drugs, violence, anxiety, and materiality. These thoughts enter collective consciousness and create a huge cesspool of dysfunctional beliefs where we draw our personal thoughts. Perception is carefully and precisely controlled by pharmaceutical and medical practices.
Most conventional wisdom is implanted into the public consciousness with a million social media clips per day. Whose Thoughts Are You Thinking? Where attention goesreality is created. Have you wondered why most people in America generally think the exact same thing about most issues? Have you thought about why a entire community has a high incidence of a particular disease? These perceptions are perpetrated and always reinforced by spin-doctors. The idea is created first-then it manifests in everyday life. For instance, constant awareness to medical issues creates more drug customers. Continuous awareness to being a sufferer creates more people feeling victimized.
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Cancer was uncommon until someone told us and programmed fear ideas into consciousness. People didn't consider flu shots before the media encouraged them. Maybe you have wondered about the integrity of TV Allergy Reports being sponsored by a drug company? Do you believe allergy medication will cure allergies or are pharmaceuticals a profit making industry? What's true is that consciousness to allergies . Eliminate those ideas from the own energy field and your allergies will probably be eliminated. In spite of all the study, chemotherapy, etc. cancer is on the rise. Thoughts and feelings create disorder!
Let's explore traditional thought streams encouraged in today's society which are generating public consciousness:
1) An instruction guarantees monetary success,
2) war will create peace,
3) fluoride protects your teeth,
4) take out your gall bladder, tonsils, spleen, appendices and after a certain age, eliminate breasts, uterus, ovaries, testicles, etc., as they aren't really needed or that is the way to create health. Think about it--if those body parts were not necessary why did the human body evolve with them in tact?
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5) HIV causes AIDS,
6) without pathogens contagious diseases will return,
7) that the FDA thoroughly tests all drugs Before marketing them,
8) if it is written in the newspaper, on TV or professional journal, it is true,
9) flu shots stop flu,
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10) menopause complications really are something every girl can expect,
11) pharmaceutical medications restore health. Consider it--if medication restored health why are tens of thousands of people taking numerous drugs?
12) pets need drugs, shots and operation,
13) scientists and physicians are god-like,
14) be afraid of sunlight Fight Against Infectious Diseases causing cancer,
15) "own a piece of the rock," makes you wiser, wealthier
16) that the purpose of life is shopping--store 'till you fall.
Do yourself a favor, 'Dare To Believe For Your Self' even though you may be thought of as a weirdo. Being a weirdo is healthier, than allowing yourself to be programmed to have all the diseases the pharmaceutical companies would like you to have so they can sell drugs. Most individuals are ignorant-not bad. However, as the expression goes ignorance of the law is no excuse. The consequence of ignorance however, is why I rely on Universal Laws. These laws transcend man-made laws, and maintain true without fail. If you jump out of a window onto the 10th floor you will return--Newton's Law of Gravity ... and if you plant potato seeds you will receive potatoes-- corn. Thoughts are planting seeds. Feelings follow ideas. Thoughts and feelings create disorder!
"We cannot create solutions to issues with the exact same consciousness that created them" --Einstein. "Doing the exact same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is the definition of insanity" --Anonymous.
When you fully grasp the facts about how reality is created, you may think beyond residing in just a "physical universe" and think in terms of an "energy world". To break free from collective programming you will have to shift your thought programming and then vigilantly pick each feeling and thought. Shifting your idea programming is similar to installing an updated computer application onto your PC. "Fighting Against" Energy Creates More Of Everything You Do Not Want and Collapses Your Energy Field.
As an example, if you're in a relationship with a person and they are stuck in their doldrums, what you have to do is detect what causes you to feel good, or that which brings you joy-and do it. Do not waste your energy fighting against what you don't want. This just creates more of everything you don't want. Another example: Many people are dissatisfied with management or the business they work for. Most of their energy is wasted ruminating about the boss and co-workers. It is more productive to determine what exactly makes you fulfilled and create it. Simply put money into positive ideas.
Make the necessary modifications to your favorite state of working. Your energy, time and money increases as you're not "fighting against something" or even "ruminating about getting rid of something." It is not possible to have "far enough away" from anything or anyone, because separation is simply an illusion. People or encounters are not more than a thought away.
The Internet is helping people understand about being linked. Just because you're able to send e-mail via the Internet, we constantly send people "energy email" messages. It doesn't matter whether the man or woman is in precisely the exact same area or across the globe. They instantly, consciously or unconsciously, get your "energy e-mail" To make the reality you prefer - you want to be very discerning with each idea you allow to enter your mind, and carefully track the ideas and feelings that you send to other people. "Hedging Against" and "Ruminating." To Protect Yourself Many people are programmed to hedge against inflation, to purchase insurance to protect against handicap, fire, death, and sickness, etc..
The "save for a rainy day" mindset can be "hedging against" This attracts to you what you do not want in your life. The hidden motive to save for retirement is usually driven by a desire to protect against old age. "Has the campaign, "Say NO to drugs" worked, or even, why not? It can't work since, the mind just records the final word ... drugs ... drugs ... drugs. The saying, needed to be, "Say, "NO" to drugs...and Say, "YES into Life."
The head set of AGAINST vs. FOR ... profits enormous businesses. Folks buy vitamins, beauty and hair aids, their kids ' schooling, and get regular medical evaluations and evaluations for the negative motives of protecting themselves. All the above scenarios are fear-based motives that dis-empower you, collapse your energy field and create the reverse of your aims.
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PR Firms Raise Lots Of Cash For Organizations "Hedging Against" something. I know several Men and Women who had a health emergency, following coaching for today's popular fund raising events. Well-intended participants are jogging, walking or biking, with the goal to prevent cancer or honor someone they knew who underwent cancer. What they haven't known is that by putting these thoughts into their heads--the disease becomes created. Imagine if people knew they get what they are thinking and feeling--perhaps not exactly what they believe they are thinking and believing ... AND that whatever they concentrate on will expand. Would they take part? Words and feelings are strong creators of fact. Avoid putting cancer thoughts on your consciousness (consciously or unconsciously)--you will not create cancer on your life. A magnet does not stick to timber--just to metal. Eliminate the thoughts from countless people's comprehension (and even from your family genetic consciousness)-and the disease or ailments vanish.
Your brain can't hold two thoughts simultaneously. You can not concurrently hold a happy and sad idea, or healthy and ill notion. It is impossible to consider "Fighting Breast Cancer" and concurrently hold the thought of total wellbeing and vibrant aliveness. What exactly are you doing when you are fighting something? The solution is, the more focus you put about the disorder--the more people encounter it.
Health is our natural state. Disease is abnormal and can't exist in a healthy body. Remove the ideas of sufferer, fear, stress, war, disorder, etc., and the ideas are deleted out of the collective idea cesspool. Your "search engine" will come up with nothing. Spell check makes certain words are spelled right. Empower yourself by using a "thought-check" method for another 30 days and see how your life changes. Allow only thoughts of health, joy, peace, ethics, and harmony. Watch how all changes. We must maintain the medical and pharmaceutical profession liable for the outcomes of their actions.
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Think about it, grocery shops are now "Food & Drug Stores." Where are we headed? If you don't have stocks in pharmaceutical companies and don't care about the upcoming world or yourself, your own children and grandchildren will live in ... please take heed. Now that you are more educated and aware about how thoughts/feelings produce reality, how would you like to work for your Orange County Financial Abuse Specialist Team? They specialize in training financial abuse experts in organizations and agencies that serve the older. Or are you willing to support the National Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, where a PTA company puts a "death toll poster automobile" on display in the high school campus constituting people murdered last year by drunk drivers in Orange County. Their stated goal "We aspire to grow a greater awareness of substance abuse through this project." How awful that our kids have to suffer because of ill informed, dysfunctional believing adults; Or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Fighting Blood-Related Cancers; Or TV evangelists, who perform on people's emotions using starving children's pictures or images of the hopeless and helpless; Or a concert to "STOP THE ABUSE of Afghanistan women or kids;" Or "Help Stamp Out Hunger." Or, America's Walk For Diabetes; Or, run or walk the marathon in Honolulu for the Arthritis Foundation? Joints In Motion using a motto, "Take it " Or, Race for the Cure-112 events nationwide and this business is the major catalyst in the FIGHT AGAINST this catastrophic disease...every woman reaches risk-great perks, extra monograms, T-shirts, and complementary refreshments; or you could create more consciousness to gout by becoming a member of the Arthritis Foundation's Joints in Motion Training Team, have a holiday, and run the "I Love Paris In The Springtime Marathon." What about, "Avoid CHILD ABUSE?
Again, the brain documents child abuse; Or Alzheimer's Memory Walk-a fun way to join the FIGHT AGAINST Alzheimer's Disease, where participants have been instructed to bring images of the loved ones to remind them of why they are walking. The brochure shows four generations with only two generations with Alzheimer's disease; Or Project Sister ...sexual assault emergency services educating the communities we serve on the nature and causes of sexual abuse; Or these Internet sites: The Hunger site, The Kids AIDS site, The Landmine website, The Rainforest website, or The Child Survival site. What solutions do one or more of these examples provide? Can it be any wonder why physicians, hospitals, doctors and drug companies have so many patients? Along with all the previous information in this guide, many magazines use full front page headlines like, "The Diabetes Epidemic...a killer disease. This creates aware awareness to diabetes and creates patients to the health care profession.
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miriamsheartinc · 7 years
    I got a call today for a family in need of one of the diaper bags we had donated! They had received a little one just last night with nothing more than the clothes on his back.
When we planned the Diaper Bag Drive, we had families like this one in mind. We often see needs and mobilize you to join us as we stand in the gap for children and families. It wasn’t by accident that we planned this drive – it was intentionally responding to several stories we heard from families receiving infants from New Jersey foster care. Each time, this precious little one would arrive with little to nothing more than the clothes on their back. Each time, we engaged in partnership with folks like you to help.
The Diaper Bag Drive is in full swing. Because of you – we have been able to purchase 100 brand new bags – and because of you we are able to delight families with a diaper bag stuffed with everything they’ll need to get them through the first few days when they receive a little one! We’ve also collected dozens of hand-written notes that will be placed in each bag.
As we are gearing up for Orphan and Stand Sunday this November in partnership with amazing churches and organizations in the Northeast – we wanted to remind you that YOU MATTER!
There are many opportunities to support our work. We truly rely on your generosity as we continue to coordinate and collaborate to bring solutions, comfort, support, and more to children and families! With November being home to Orphan Sunday, Stand Sunday and National Adoption Month, we are preparing for a busy season and continue to see the need for our work in this area! We envision a world where children grasp their preciousness and families are restored. We radically support families who take action on behalf of adopted and foster children. Having recently opened a training and respite center called the Symbibazo Center, we are are expanding our services to children and families. Our space has weekly events, classes, therapy and support and is already filled with life! Our across-the-hall neighbor recently remarked to us, “Ever since you guys came, it is as if you brought light to the second floor.” And essentially this is our goal. May God be glorified as His light shines through the hands and feet that reach out to heal and connect children and families. We are grateful for the Hope that we are anchored to and know that this ‘light’ comes only from the God we serve. May every single action, each event and meeting and all of our gatherings continue to draw children and families to encounter the ‘Light’ our neighbor spoke of.
We could not possibly have brought hope and healing to the second floor without your partnership and we thank you. The move into a space created to provide respite and training for adoptive and foster families was nothing short of miraculous. Many of those little miracles came in the form of silent prayers and small acts of obedience to move and give toward our work. We know that you have sacrificed to support our work. Your sacrifices matter. You matter.
If you feel led, we invite you to partner with us in a deeper way. We currently have an urgent need for $3000 to create better access for families; we need to improve the pathways for children and families to receive from us. This would remove barriers and simplify things for them. Your continued help would allow us to host simulcast trainings and events with our partners from Show Hope, Empowered to Connect, and more!
The people we serve desperately need us to provide ease of use and facilitate support for them. Would you consider how you might partner deeper with us as we look for ways to eliminate any obstacles for them? 
Just like this family that reached out today, we know that many more will follow. Will you join us as we wade into the deep water with the families we serve?
Click here to dive deeper
Our favorite ‘small beginnings’ – the children we serve
    You matter I got a call today for a family in need of one of the diaper bags we had donated!
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/football-is-a-way-of-life-for-european-jihadis-and-their-prime-target/
Football is a way of life for European jihadis – and their prime target
The bomb assault in opposition to the German football membership Borussia Dortmund is a grim reminder that football has grown to be a high-profile target amongst Islamist terrorists. By way of attacking Europe’s most famous sport, terror groups realize they can purpose the finest fear at the same time as ensuring maximum media attention.
In the remaining 50 years
Football has emerged as a crucial part of Germany’s countrywide identity and the crew’s fortunes are closely followed By means of millions of lovers. It is a fact that has not escaped the eye of hundreds of overseas warring parties who’ve flocked to Syria to enroll in Isis, lots of whom have been soccer fans in Europe themselves. Now Isis terror planners have factored this into their terror operations.
The primary of three bomb blasts that started the phobia assaults in Paris in November 2015, which ended with a dying toll of 130, turned into detonated outside the Stade de France stadium in which France have been playing Germany in a worldwide football friendly. It turned into only the stadium’s tight security that averted the suicide bomber inflicting even more casualties.
Paris parks and community halls in which football is performed have to turn out to be wealthy recruiting grounds for Islamist radicalized.
The militants in the back of the Charlie Hebdo assaults in Paris in January 2015 met and organized themselves around 5-a-facet soccer schooling. Whilst I used to be researching my book on “Jihadi John”, I discovered that soccer also performed a massive part Inside the existence of Mohammed Swazi, an ardent Manchester United fan. Emma’s West London community also regularly met to play soccer and used suits and schooling sessions to draw new contributors to their organization.
Here’s How Football Chiropractors Can Help You Perform Better
On-subject sports activities like soccer, lacrosse, and song can take a tool at the athlete’s frame. Athletes are expected to be match and game-ready all the time, which can be loads of strain. If you are someone who plays soccer professionally or just enjoys the game over the weekend, you may need to see a chiropractor. When the general public listens the time period “chiropractic care”, they often associate it with persistent lower back and neck ache. But, there are numerous different things chiropractic has treated correctly.
Experts trust that ninety% of all expert football players searching for chiropractic care in some unspecified time in the future in their career. The process of a football chiropractor is a mix of various matters, which gives more than one advantages to the concerned athlete. On this post, we are able to communicate approximately the ways in which a chiropractor can enhance your overall performance.fantasy football
1. Lesser Effect of Education
Recognized athletes like Dan O’Brien and Lance Armstrong have credited their respective chiropractors for their health and on discipline overall performance. football is a worrying game, in which you want Schooling and everyday workout to hold up with, study and grasp distinctive skills. The tremendous Schooling can often take a toll for your frame and motive vertebral subluxations. That is in which your spinal alignment is off and might create nerve distortion, that may Impact your motor capabilities and performance. normal chiropractic care can Reduce the consequences of Education.penn state football
2. Remedy from Injuries
soccer players recognize that Injuries are not always external. Even a simple collision with one of the other players in the sector can reason sudden ache, and it is advisable to are searching for chiropractic care as early as feasible. Research have found out that chiropractic modifications can help with athletic performance and reduce not unusual Injuries. Chiropractic care can help in decreasing the irritation of the nerve roots, which complements the recovery method. Relying on your injury, Comfort can be immediate.
3. Choice of Drug-Unfastened Treatment
As a soccer player, you can’t always depend upon meds for extraordinary aches and pain. In fact, capsules avoidance is nice. In many instances, chiropractors have helped athletes in fending off invasive surgical procedures, together with the use of techniques like ARP therapy and bloodless laser remedy. Ignoring smaller pains can regularly cause larger, chronic conditions, which may require in addition clinical intervention. As opposed to waiting for something dire to manifest, touring a chiropractor is suggested.
Chiropractors work with athletes like their fitness train, supplying recommendation and pointers on enhancing overall performance. In case you already sustained an damage, your chiropractor will help in understanding the methods of healing better and faster. you may note a favorable difference even after one goes to along with your chiropractor. Make an appointment with a neighborhood clinic nowadays to experience the difference!
Message From the Universe: A Life Not Like ANY Other Life
Anyplace a new war of words emerges, so does new desire for enlightenment, on each facet of the fence.
Oh pleasure,
The Universe
Like something else in existence that is certain to show up, except taxes and dying, is disagreements. It’s far truly optimum to have disagreements than not. no longer agreeing on something is the high-quality way to specific your emotions and feelings. Unless you are a carbon replica of yourself, or as many would call that cloning, it could be difficult to have a person who consents with you 24/7. In some instances, when you have a business companion that concurs with you with the whole lot that has to do with the employer’s boom, you are in good fortune. But,
Many of us see things in a different way and all that is precipitated quite by our upbringing or our previous enterprise and life experience. It’s far drawing close that disagreements will arise in the workplace or at home. As you are managing you’re huge different on an everyday basis, you would possibly agree on plenty of things because you each see eye to eye on plenty of how the mundane day by day lifestyles has to run, However, it’s going to come at a time whilst disagreements will occur. Relying on the way you cope with them, you may need to handle it in a very calm and polite manner. Call calling has no area at some stage in that time.
Firstly, you want to determine the beginning of the war of words
What triggered it? Why is it right here? What are the point of view on the matter being mentioned between each of you?
Secondly, you want to figure out the great workable solution that each of you can agree. Do not allow the alternative convince you in any other case. Share your emotions, do no longer be intimidated. Showing fear will deliver the place for the opposite to have its manner all of the time. Keep in mind to always live on top of things of the state of affairs. If they raise their voice to get heard, you do now not need to do the identical. Tell them to loosen up, and if needed, to step returned and communicate about it when he or she have calmed down.
Hair Extensions – Russian Vs European and Asian Hair
As a Hairdresser and specializing in the Buying and selling of Hair and application of Extensions, I found that hair satisfactory and the beginning of donors is the maximum of significance to determine fine. The first-rate of your hair extension hair will determine whether or not or now not they appearance real, and how lengthy the hair lasts. Please note, the subsequent areas element the method used to healthy hair extensions for people of Caucasian origin.
Eu Hair
There are a massive quantity of hair extension artists claiming to apply virgin Russian hair for plenty masses even thousands of bucks, while in real fact they are selling right fine European hair sourced from donors with origins in South The USA, Italy, Eurasian and so forth . This hairs cuticle has been harshly processed to strip out the very thick texture and darkish coloration pigments. To mimic western hair (Caucasian), the hair is re-tinted using fabric colors no longer hair colorations to attain the preferred color.European countries
Indian/Asian Hair
Hair sourced from donors of Indian, Asian and Chinese donors is a completely direction hair strand and grows clearly very dark and very straight. The hair is processed the use of the same approach as Eu hair handiest extra harshly. The pigments are stripped lower back to nothing then a brief lasting silicon coating is added for a greater sensible texture. For this reason Asian hair is usually the most inexpensive and maximum unnatural searching hair available on the market handiest lasting for the short term.
Raw Virgin Russian Hair
Uncooked virgin Russian hair has In no way been chemically handled and is Caucasian hair so the cuticle is not processed and stripped unlike Asian and European hair. The hair reacts superbly to salon products and stays silky even after lighting and colouring. Uncooked virgin Russian hair is extensively known as the “creme de Los Angeles creme” of hair and of the best first-rate. The hair not simplest appears the maximum natural however additionally final for years no longer months. Russian hair is softer, finer and extra well suited with western hair allowing the hair pass evidently with extra extent which means that less extensions and less ability damage to your personal hair.European map with countries
0 notes
webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/football-is-a-way-of-life-for-european-jihadis-and-their-prime-target/
Football is a way of life for European jihadis – and their prime target
The bomb assault in opposition to the German football membership Borussia Dortmund is a grim reminder that football has grown to be a high-profile target amongst Islamist terrorists. By way of attacking Europe’s most famous sport, terror groups realize they can purpose the finest fear at the same time as ensuring maximum media attention.
In the remaining 50 years
Football has emerged as a crucial part of Germany’s countrywide identity and the crew’s fortunes are closely followed By means of millions of lovers. It is a fact that has not escaped the eye of hundreds of overseas warring parties who’ve flocked to Syria to enroll in Isis, lots of whom have been soccer fans in Europe themselves. Now Isis terror planners have factored this into their terror operations.
The primary of three bomb blasts that started the phobia assaults in Paris in November 2015, which ended with a dying toll of 130, turned into detonated outside the Stade de France stadium in which France have been playing Germany in a worldwide football friendly. It turned into only the stadium’s tight security that averted the suicide bomber inflicting even more casualties.
Paris parks and community halls in which football is performed have to turn out to be wealthy recruiting grounds for Islamist radicalized.
The militants in the back of the Charlie Hebdo assaults in Paris in January 2015 met and organized themselves around 5-a-facet soccer schooling. Whilst I used to be researching my book on “Jihadi John”, I discovered that soccer also performed a massive part Inside the existence of Mohammed Swazi, an ardent Manchester United fan. Emma’s West London community also regularly met to play soccer and used suits and schooling sessions to draw new contributors to their organization.
Here’s How Football Chiropractors Can Help You Perform Better
On-subject sports activities like soccer, lacrosse, and song can take a tool at the athlete’s frame. Athletes are expected to be match and game-ready all the time, which can be loads of strain. If you are someone who plays soccer professionally or just enjoys the game over the weekend, you may need to see a chiropractor. When the general public listens the time period “chiropractic care”, they often associate it with persistent lower back and neck ache. But, there are numerous different things chiropractic has treated correctly.
Experts trust that ninety% of all expert football players searching for chiropractic care in some unspecified time in the future in their career. The process of a football chiropractor is a mix of various matters, which gives more than one advantages to the concerned athlete. On this post, we are able to communicate approximately the ways in which a chiropractor can enhance your overall performance.fantasy football
1. Lesser Effect of Education
Recognized athletes like Dan O’Brien and Lance Armstrong have credited their respective chiropractors for their health and on discipline overall performance. football is a worrying game, in which you want Schooling and everyday workout to hold up with, study and grasp distinctive skills. The tremendous Schooling can often take a toll for your frame and motive vertebral subluxations. That is in which your spinal alignment is off and might create nerve distortion, that may Impact your motor capabilities and performance. normal chiropractic care can Reduce the consequences of Education.penn state football
2. Remedy from Injuries
soccer players recognize that Injuries are not always external. Even a simple collision with one of the other players in the sector can reason sudden ache, and it is advisable to are searching for chiropractic care as early as feasible. Research have found out that chiropractic modifications can help with athletic performance and reduce not unusual Injuries. Chiropractic care can help in decreasing the irritation of the nerve roots, which complements the recovery method. Relying on your injury, Comfort can be immediate.
3. Choice of Drug-Unfastened Treatment
As a soccer player, you can’t always depend upon meds for extraordinary aches and pain. In fact, capsules avoidance is nice. In many instances, chiropractors have helped athletes in fending off invasive surgical procedures, together with the use of techniques like ARP therapy and bloodless laser remedy. Ignoring smaller pains can regularly cause larger, chronic conditions, which may require in addition clinical intervention. As opposed to waiting for something dire to manifest, touring a chiropractor is suggested.
Chiropractors work with athletes like their fitness train, supplying recommendation and pointers on enhancing overall performance. In case you already sustained an damage, your chiropractor will help in understanding the methods of healing better and faster. you may note a favorable difference even after one goes to along with your chiropractor. Make an appointment with a neighborhood clinic nowadays to experience the difference!
Message From the Universe: A Life Not Like ANY Other Life
Anyplace a new war of words emerges, so does new desire for enlightenment, on each facet of the fence.
Oh pleasure,
The Universe
Like something else in existence that is certain to show up, except taxes and dying, is disagreements. It’s far truly optimum to have disagreements than not. no longer agreeing on something is the high-quality way to specific your emotions and feelings. Unless you are a carbon replica of yourself, or as many would call that cloning, it could be difficult to have a person who consents with you 24/7. In some instances, when you have a business companion that concurs with you with the whole lot that has to do with the employer’s boom, you are in good fortune. But,
Many of us see things in a different way and all that is precipitated quite by our upbringing or our previous enterprise and life experience. It’s far drawing close that disagreements will arise in the workplace or at home. As you are managing you’re huge different on an everyday basis, you would possibly agree on plenty of things because you each see eye to eye on plenty of how the mundane day by day lifestyles has to run, However, it’s going to come at a time whilst disagreements will occur. Relying on the way you cope with them, you may need to handle it in a very calm and polite manner. Call calling has no area at some stage in that time.
Firstly, you want to determine the beginning of the war of words
What triggered it? Why is it right here? What are the point of view on the matter being mentioned between each of you?
Secondly, you want to figure out the great workable solution that each of you can agree. Do not allow the alternative convince you in any other case. Share your emotions, do no longer be intimidated. Showing fear will deliver the place for the opposite to have its manner all of the time. Keep in mind to always live on top of things of the state of affairs. If they raise their voice to get heard, you do now not need to do the identical. Tell them to loosen up, and if needed, to step returned and communicate about it when he or she have calmed down.
Hair Extensions – Russian Vs European and Asian Hair
As a Hairdresser and specializing in the Buying and selling of Hair and application of Extensions, I found that hair satisfactory and the beginning of donors is the maximum of significance to determine fine. The first-rate of your hair extension hair will determine whether or not or now not they appearance real, and how lengthy the hair lasts. Please note, the subsequent areas element the method used to healthy hair extensions for people of Caucasian origin.
Eu Hair
There are a massive quantity of hair extension artists claiming to apply virgin Russian hair for plenty masses even thousands of bucks, while in real fact they are selling right fine European hair sourced from donors with origins in South The USA, Italy, Eurasian and so forth . This hairs cuticle has been harshly processed to strip out the very thick texture and darkish coloration pigments. To mimic western hair (Caucasian), the hair is re-tinted using fabric colors no longer hair colorations to attain the preferred color.European countries
Indian/Asian Hair
Hair sourced from donors of Indian, Asian and Chinese donors is a completely direction hair strand and grows clearly very dark and very straight. The hair is processed the use of the same approach as Eu hair handiest extra harshly. The pigments are stripped lower back to nothing then a brief lasting silicon coating is added for a greater sensible texture. For this reason Asian hair is usually the most inexpensive and maximum unnatural searching hair available on the market handiest lasting for the short term.
Raw Virgin Russian Hair
Uncooked virgin Russian hair has In no way been chemically handled and is Caucasian hair so the cuticle is not processed and stripped unlike Asian and European hair. The hair reacts superbly to salon products and stays silky even after lighting and colouring. Uncooked virgin Russian hair is extensively known as the “creme de Los Angeles creme” of hair and of the best first-rate. The hair not simplest appears the maximum natural however additionally final for years no longer months. Russian hair is softer, finer and extra well suited with western hair allowing the hair pass evidently with extra extent which means that less extensions and less ability damage to your personal hair.European map with countries
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