#a lot of parents just see school as a 8 hr free day care and dont follow up with their kids abt their grades or their progress at allll
falllpoutboy · 1 year
people are so quick to blame teachers on literally everything and then wonder why there is a national shortage of teachers and support staff in schools lol
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beaversatemygrandma · 3 years
Oh jeez. That last uquiz I took got me thinking about somebody I haven’t thought about in a while and Wow do I miss him and the late night adventures we’d go on
Like it was a good three years ago. A guy from high school who I was maybe good acquaintances with during school. Known him since like 8th grade, friend of a friend of sorts. We connected after graduation and started hanging out a lot. Some days when he’d be free between college and work and I wasn’t working, we’d just go on long drives through the night. Started innocent enough, walking through the downtown area of the next town over, a place he found that had perfect stargazing just far enough away from the city lights, and just a great time. I never did find him conventionally attractive but my god did he speak my exact love language.
One night he called me and was like “wanna go south and visit our friend at his college half a state away with me?” Of course I said yes. Driving around with him was great, and now an 8 hour drive to go see somebody I hadn’t seen in months to go get lunch, hell yeah. We went down there, did the simple plans that only lasted a few hours, much shorter than the drive there, and headed back north. On the way home, we stopped in a couple different cities. One to get dinner, lovely pizza place in a town I had never been to. And again in Orlando. He brought me right to the Orlando Eye. A massive sight seeing Ferris wheel in the middle of the city. At the top, he asked if he could kiss me. I hadn’t thought about him in that way before but I went with it and I’m happy I did. I still have the ticket from the Orlando eye in my senior year yearbook.
The whole way up north, I sat in the middle of the bench seat of his truck just so I could still be close to him. By the time we got back into town, it was past midnight and we had floated the idea of me staying the night with him and I did. Was it a sex on the first date kind of night? Yeah. Worth it honestly. Tho I’m wondering if it was even the first date at all after all those nights spent wandering town. A great night honestly and I miss that whole weekend I spent with him.
Then around that time, I moved out of home. He did the same to be near his college campus. We floated in and out of each other’s lives for a while. Meeting up for the usual nights of wandering once a month or so and a few hookups. We never did date because of life complications. Work, college, him being a whole hour away, and both of us going through intense bouts of depression that just left us unable to fully keep in contact.
We eventually stopped talking entirely. I moved out of my apartment and got latched into taking care of my grandad while working 40+ hrs a week on top of that. He showed up once while I was there. His parents lived a street down from my grandad. And then after that, I moved in with a new bf and just left town. And now, here I am three states north and I never even told him I left.
I’m honestly thinking about reaching out again just to check in and make sure he’s still around. I never thought I’d miss him as much as i do. he was one person who helped me break off of an abusive ex and forced himself into a third wheel situation during prom just to make sure i wasn't in a bad situation with said ex. Looking back to prom nowadays, i like to think i went with him instead.
i should reach out. It’s been too long.
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feisty-fae · 4 years
If you still do the flower ask thingys.. 👉👈 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙜𝙤 :)
HoooH boY hEre we gO-
Alisons: Sexuality?
I sexually identify as a can of beans
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Cis female she/her
Amaryllis: Birthday?
27 September
Anemone: Favorite flower?
All flowers pretty,, but stargazer lily, rose, dahlia and cherry blossoms
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
I don't watch tv but I'll list some other stuff i like to watch:mha, beastars and aggretsuko
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Idk depends on scenario??
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
"Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass."
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Any Milkshakes or smoothies (mostly banana and strawberry for milkshake and p much anything for smoothie)
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I've never had kith
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Well you see yes but actually no
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I listen to a lot but to keep it short:baby in the kitchen, in my mouth and friends slowed (chase atlantic)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
We p chill fam
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Irl bestie,, shes not on tumblr lol
Begonia: Favorite color?
But i like most colours
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
I'd be like a doggo bc it would be the most fun i think-
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when my granny asked me "but whos gonna clean up the animal poop?" I was like "eWW pO0pP!" and then decided that mayb i shouldn't be a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
They're either really kind and sweet
Or literal demons from hell
Legit no inbetween
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
I'm afraid of lot of things-
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I was one dumbass bitcg-
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
Idk eat pizza and cry or smth ajakamkw
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
When someone hugs me or just generally spends time with me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
I used to have piercings when i was a bab but eHh haven't worn them since and i dont think my ear holes are big enough now-
California Poppy: Height?
4'10 grrr I'm the omega midget and I'll devour ur ankles
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
Pant, pink top and black hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I think i have??
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom and my dad
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
I never kith
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I dont have one so imma say sans bc it always looks out of place and makes me laugh-
Columbine: Are you tired?
I feel like screaming and jumping around my room like a crackhead
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Nothing in particular ig
Coneflower: Dream job?
Smth kinda fun and art or design related hopefully,,,,
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert but i also get lonley easily
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
I would get run over by 5 monster trucks, jump off a plane, get mauled by 10 bears, get trampled on by a stampede, get brutally tortured for 12 hours straight, yeet myself into the Grand Canyon and then break all my bones with my bare hands if they weren't broken already
Ok basically i care a lot
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had this st bernard plush called Sparky and this lion named Sammy,,
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
My memory is legit so bad it's probably concerning uHHH
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Mayb art??
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?
Ehhh i might reason with them and then if they still disagreed I'd just keep the relationship a secret
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
My parents
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Ehhh arT
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
EhhHh everything that isn't art-
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Oh boy here comes my shitty memory-
Idk but I'm mostly happy that I've been more social and stuff and i feel like im kinda coming out of my shell a bit
Not sure what to say for other 2 bc nothing in particular has really happend?
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Ehhh oK??
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
I hope to pass all my exams and get an okish job mayb
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
2. Fammm
3. eHhh yummy food,,
4. Drawing and uhhh art
6. Ok idk what else aside from like serious stuff like house and etc.-
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Drawing, crying, venting to a friend/parent
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Hugssss,kith,cuddle, *draws u stuff*
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
MmmmmMy aRRt?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Wake up
Don't go to school
Vibe with friends
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Ehh 8yrs? We met in hell school
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
6..?? Aa idk theres some people that idk if they'd consider me a friend or not,,
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Idk any compliment is best compliment for me,,
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Ew yucky gröss
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
m y a r t
Also my hair bc its soft and wavy,,
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
Everything else-
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Climb trees and do dumb shit
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Same irl bestie i mentioned before
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
Well I chose Fae bc i thought it sounded pretty
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Idk what to rlly say lmao
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Kinda the same but i had toys everywhere-
Also when i was like 5 i had this legit fucking cursed thomas the tank engine shaped bed that i actually found a pic of but it's FUCKING HORRIFYING SO I PROBS WONT SHOW HERE-
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Hi mom ily ur epic
Onions: Tell about your dad.
Hi dad ily ur epic
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
Omg i miss my grannies sm bc i couldn't see em this year bc nasty pandemic
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Haha shit memory gor brrRR-
I don't really remember too many specific parties but when i was like 7-10 i had these epic parties in those birthday places with the giant play areas
I kinda wish i wasn't too old to go to them sobs
Peony: What was your first job?
I haven't had a job yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Hmmmm idk? I haven't really thought abt that but i don't really mind i just wanna find someone to vibe with,,
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
I cri
Pink: Where is home?
Home is home home
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
Now where do i start...
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I look up to people that are kind, caring, brave, funny, cool or stronger than me ig?
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Basically my current life minus school, stress,pandemic and responsibilities lmao
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
I used to believe in ghosts after i thought i encountered one
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Peoples laughsss also music
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Bro i dont have one,, my aphantasia makes it hard for me to remember stuff-
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
I wantttt better chargersss thattt donttt telll meee thatt myyy tablett will finishh chargingg innn 1 dayy andd 7 hoursss
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Kinda difficult but im opening up more
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hrs
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Idk ig i kinda have to go to school and do stuff
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Non existant
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white stripy top, and all my hoodiess
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.
I don't think i have just one aesthetic bc im drawn to so many different aesthetics at the same time-
Like vintage, neon, dark, spoopy, pastel, cute, etc etc
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
I haven't been reading anythinggg
But i should really finish reading Percy Jackson bc it do be picking up dust-
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Mmm yummy 👅
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I am currently living and breathing yes
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jodywegner · 5 years
A bad day. (I just need to rant into the abyss of the internet)
I’ve never actually left work early for a bad day before. But I felt that today if I didn’t, I’d end up embarrassing myself and ruining all of my relationships with my coworkers or better yet end up in the HR office. It was just an accumulation of a few too many small things that have been building up for months while I’m emotionally vulnerable.
I also know that none of my coworkers will ever see this post. But even if they do, I doubt they were aware of my feelings. The worst part is that nothing is really anyone’s fault. There’s no bad guy, and that makes it all the more frustrating, and that finally came to a head today. Because I can’t chew people out for doing nothing wrong. Sorry for the long post. Lotta resentments getting bottled up.
So context. 1. My grandfather has been in declining health for a while now. This isn’t very upsetting for me. He’s in his mid 90s and lived a full life. We were all provided for and everything is taken care of. For me, it feels more like a natural thing that is now finally happening. My aunt and my father have been fighting for years over different things, but my grandfather’s declining health has definitely rekindled the flames of war. 2. I work in TV animation production, and my goal is to become a storyboard artist. I’ve made that goal clear. I’ve asked for tests but I can never get any. I’ve asked for feedback and no one has given me any. The shining star of this was my boss giving me 5 long minutes of not quite saying “it’s not good enough.” I figured he was busy and didn’t want to hurt my feelings. He did say that if he hadn’t hired our then current revisionist, he’d love to have me start as one. Since then, he’s hired 4 more revisionists who have come and gone for different reasons. 3. I don’t think I draw that fucking bad. I’ve been told my artists I work with “why don’t you have an art job yet?” which the answer is “because no one will fucking give me one when I ask and you guys aren’t in a position to.” (they mean it as a compliment but it just really keeps bringing me down whenever I fail) And there are a lot of people my age getting art jobs while I’m not and yah I’m not that old but it’s very stressful and discouraging regardless of logic and optimism. 4. My intern this last semester showed my boss a sample board and got extensive notes and feedback and was offered freelance revision work even though she’s still a junior in college. She’s 3 years younger than me and was here for 2 months. My boss literally walked into my office then started talking to her in the adjacent cube over the wall about how good she is and the upcoming freelance revisionist work. And I have to sit there quietly and pretend it’s not killing me. 5. I’m lactose intolerant. 6. I guess I’ve been suffering from job related depression for the above reasons. Nothing major, I’m not suicidal, but I’m definitely very unhappy and going to work is definitely not a fun or even neutral experience anymore. It’s hard because the correct answer to my problem is “git gud’ and we all know how NOT FUCKING HELPFUL that is. Today 1. I get a text from my parents at 6 am telling me that my grandfather has passed away. We went over yesterday to say our goodbyes expecting him to pass either today or tomorrow. We left at around 8pm and asked my aunt to call us when he passed and that we’d come over. So my parents find out that he passed away at 6 am today. From a third party that isn’t even FUCKING RELATED TO US. Apparently my grandfather had passed away 10 minutes after we left yesterday, and she decided not to let us know. We had to find out through some other person offering my father his condolences. 2. Well the two coworkers I am closest with were late for miscellaneous reasons so I kinda had to keep #1 bottled up for 2 hours. 3. When things happen, I bluster and storm for the first hour before calming down and becoming rational. So I’m sitting at my desk all morning trying my best to keep my shit together because I’m absolutely fuming and was (forbid) by my mother to retaliate. She’s not wrong but there’s a lotta stress and emotions here. (3.5. Although I was directly forbid retaliation, I still went ahead and planned it anyways because it was a mildly constructive use of my stress. DM me if you want to know how to ruin someone’s entire week and never get caught.) 4. I took some Lactaid 30 minutes before I decided to finish my leftover mac n cheese from the fancy food truck yesterday as breakfast. Yah the Lactaid didn’t work at all for some ungodly reason... It’s 9am and I’m in a lot of pain both physically and emotionally now.... 5. So one of my favored coworkers finally beats traffic and gets in so I go to talk to her about all of this. I immediately get cry-y. Which blah blah blah crying is part of grieving but I can do that later. It’s not great when I’m at work because crying opens up the floodgate of emotions and the near impossible task of re-wrangling them under control is now daunting. Emotional fortitude -50. And people just kinda didn’t notice that I was crying and upset and not very quietly recounting this horrible morning story. They kinda walked right by. Not a single person other than that one coworker (and my other favored one who came in a bit later) offered me any condolences or asked about how I was doing of if I was ok. It’d be one thing if that happened and no one was around and I regained my composure. BUT I DIDN’T. 6. That fucking intern (who’s a nice person but god I wish they’d stop existing in my life. It’s fucking petty but today is really the worst day for it so fuck it I’m saying it.) is coming in for a big storyboard meeting between all the board artists, revisionists, and supervisors. So I had to see her and pretend to smile and be pleasant and supportive while I’m emotionally compromised, grieving, pissed, and now petty and jealous all over again. So I get that out of the way and I sit back down and get to work. 7. The other coworker I like to talk to comes in. She was a former intern who also wants to be a board artist so we try to help each other in our endeavors together. She’s an optimist. She says that she’s going to ask if she can sit in on the meeting and asks if I’d like to come along. Bless her outgoing-ness that I struggle with. But as much as I’d like to... that’s a room full of people who either forgot that I want to be a board artist, don’t care, or are straight up ignoring me about it and keep doing and saying all of these unintentionally hurtful things to and near me. Also that fucking intern is there. Also I’m pissed. Also I’m emotionally distraught. So I declined her offer. Even if I could get something good out of that meeting, I’m pretty sure I would have just had a breakdown in the corner. So I didn’t want to embarrass myself like that or make people feel uncomfortable for doing their normal business. 8. So by this point I’m sure I’m going to be snippy or mean or start crying in front of people, so my goal was to finish my most important task and leave at noon. I finish, I grab my bag to leave. As I do, they all get out of their storyboard meeting and bluster past me because they are now late for seeing the storyboard trainee program final presentations. GREAT. 9. Another production coworker of mine comments on how its important for them to go in case they see anyone they’d like to hire as a revisionist. I fianlly hit FUCKIT and say “IM GOING HOME.” And so I go to walk to the elevators. 10. I chose the wrong time to walk to the elevators because everyone in that meeting is waiting at the elevators to go look at the storyboard trainee presentations and scope out the new talent. They’re in too much of a busy mind to notice that I’m about to cry and am probably glaring with white knuckles as I clutch my bag. Luckily for me the elevator is full and I have an excuse to take the next one and not theirs. A part of me wished that they would say “come on in! i’m sure you can fit!” But... stuff like that never happens with them. No one goes out of their way to include me in things. So... whatever. Maybe I’m just being negative trying to find the bad in every little thing, but this is a rant so I’m going to do just that because fuck the consequences of people liking me and thinking I know how to adult properly. 11. I’m driving home and get a message from my coworker (glanced at a long red dont arrest me pls wait till tomorrow) saying that the intern asked if I had sent her intern evaluation to her school yet. I did. A few weeks ago. This isn’t really a bad thing it’s just that I was finally fucking free and just about to not have any reason to keep it together but then BAM. Intern shows up in my life again. Right after I though it was all over. A little god damn poke. Now So I managed to drive home without crashing into buildings or furiously honking and I am now just holding my cat and typing this. I’m pretty sure none of my coworkers will ever see this. A part of me wishes they would and that maybe they’d care, because I really don’t want to have to start a conversation specifically about all of this with them.    Who the hell starts a conversation with: “By the way boss, can you please stop discussing giving the intern freelance work when I’m within earshot let alone in my god damn 6′x8′ cube?” “Hey boss, remember when I asked you for feedback and got none? Why does the intern get your full attention when you are even busier?” “Hey boss, why have you hired 4 more revisionists when you said that’d you’d love to have me as one? Did you forget? Were you just lying to me because you didn’t know how to give me feedback? Did you even care about what you say to me?” “Hey intern, I understand you are excited and this is a great opportunity for you, but can you please read the room at least a little because I want to cry every single time?” “Hey everyone, I want to be a board artist remember? REMEMBER?” ”Hey everyone... I’m an artist too.” “Hey everyone, can anyone just give me a little help?” ”Hey everyone, if I keep my purse stocked with your allergy medications, pain killers, band aids, digestive relief, girly goods and keep good snacks around and remember your schedules and try to make your jobs easier and serve as your primary IT person...will you remember that I’m here?” “Hey everyone, do you all dislike me or do you all just not care enough to notice me?” They’re all good people, but it’s not stuff that I really know how to say just out of the blue. So today... I just couldn’t stand being even in my own cube anymore. I’m not an outgoing entrepreneurial person who bugs people everyday trying to sell themselves as an artist. I’m someone who tells you my intentions, and asks for help, and then believes people when they tell me sorry they’re busy, that they wish they could help, that they’d love to have me if only not for “x”. No one is entitled to give me a job or help me. But... I don’t get why I’m the only one who gets nothing for a response when I do ask. If they were busy, that’d be fine. But since then things have gotten busier, and my boss personally worked through multiple iterations of my intern’s practice board with her. A good piece of advice I got was that your first 5 tests are awful...but I can’t even get anyone to give me my first one. I’m told to work hard and “git gud”. But it feels like I’m just bashing my head against a brick wall, and no one even acknowledges the effort. It feels like if I decide to stop doing that because I’m about to have a breakdown, I’ll be looked down on as a quitter and not passionate enough. I have passion, but all of this is 100% killing it, and I don’t want to hate art. I really don’t. But I’m starting to. It’s hard for me to enjoy it when now it’s only done to seek attention and approval that I’ll never get from these people. Today would have been difficult still, but not unbearable if not for that. My grandfather’s death isn’t a tragedy for me. He was in pain for a long time and he definitely made the most of his life. The tragedy is that despite all of this, my aunt decided that my family didn’t deserve to know that our grandfather, my father’s father (who lives literally 5 minutes away by car), had passed. I’m definitely not looking forward to the memorial service for my grandfather. Not because the death is hard to deal with but because all of the family there is. Would love to make life terrible for my aunt. Would love to be just as petty. I have so many colorful things to say and do. But ultimately none of that matters. It’s just death. Nothing changes it or adds a new flavor to it. So all of that anger and hurt just kinda snowballed today. And to top it all off as I’m typing this some asshole is beating a dog somewhere in the neighborhood and the dog is screaming and yelping. (called the police so hopefully they find them) Thanks for reading this long negative rant. I hope it helps anyone who is feeling similarly frustrated, because I dont have someone around who’s breaking down quite like I am so this is all I have. Shooting it into the internet in a passive aggressive attempt and chance that maybe someone who needs to read it will. Positive news: I watered my plants with the extra time. I hugged my cat. I will be returning with art for Mermay.
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haeroniel-doliet · 6 years
gah another 5 am post eh fellas
fuck i really wanna do ballet. i really rarely become obsessed (if ever) with anything, but for once i’m so so so so soso wanting to do ballet. so bad. i know i might hate it bc im fucing not musical at all, so not in shape, so not comfortable or etc. but at least im 18,(wait fuck 19 now)  and not 45 trying to get in it all stiff and stuck and i think based on all the sweet positivity to adult ballet starters beginners and sure i wont perform professionally but fuck man i dont think i need that. i just want that grace and flexibility and elegance and gah itd be fabulous. i mean even now im pretending to look for turn out and walk around the house like they do in point shoes and i try fix my posture tothe advice by a ballet dancer youtuber who ive been watching so much of. i just i really wanna do it. 
saddest fucking thing is guys, that i could’ve had the chance to go to the fucking royal ballets adult absolute beginner classes. in london. i could have. fuck. u wanna know what happened? i found out about it like a month or two ago and was fucking psyched bc its one of those things that just is too good to be true. the best company in uk?? w adult classes? while im in london?? yeah id have to miss a few weeks bc. whoops i gotta go back up to do my exams,but i couldve at least done a few weeks, come back and done a few last so i’d have had the best opportunity to give this a go in the best environment and then have a kindling to go off with to other available ballets. and not start with some barely managing person in a shitty studio thing. idk. sure so i tell my parents so fuckin excited bc look! its possible! but yeah its expensive, wouldve been abt 90 pound w me being a student and id have to miss 3/10 classes. but still! thin of it gah its making me so sad happy. sad bc guess its now sold out. of fuckin course it is. i told my mom and she just was uhmm ohh i dunno i dunno, oh its adults i could do it, and thinking that maybe getting her involved would mean i have a better chance of going, dont care much for her company but if shed take it as a bonding thing hell, i’ll probably do better than her in class and minor confidence boost as well as if they all others are old old i wont be alone. and she could pass over what they learned when im up in scotland. Guess that was a fuckin mistake. she got all nervous and self concious and put it off with a we’ll see we’ll see about it im thinking. and making it a whole thing like instead of me wanting to go so bad and offering for fun that shed join me, as if im trying to pressure her into doing it and would only go along to make her feel better. uh.... fucking wrong! im so mad actually. bc of course, no matter how often i mentioned it she wouldnt take it seriously to even consider booking me in! no no of course not we’ll see. and then i check before im coming back, dreading and being right that yep. theyre fucing sold out. of course they are its such a fanstastic opportunity! my only fucking opportunity! when ever again am i going to live in london with weeks free to go participate in that? when ever again? never. theyre moving out of london this summer and fuck. just doing some research and the scottish ballet is in fucking glasgow. yes i was supposed to get there if i hadnt been so shit with studying for my exams. (sure i wouldnt be doing archery and wouldnt have all the other wonderful things i now enjoy in aberdeen but fuck its frustrating) and ofc. aberdeen seems to have: one shady dance company that offers ballet fusion. not adult ballet classes. another shady school that practices at robert gordons that have no website nothing. no info how to sign up or if they have adult classes or when its so stupid and weird. maybe ill have to contact them directly idk. sure my uni has a what seems to be a thriving dance society that i have a glitched out membership for. (its 50 pound a year and i have cerrainly not paid that) and i guess they do ballet on the side. but again from a glance around, looks its only intermediate. not beginners. dont think theres that many uni age girls who just wanna start ballet now. 
so it looks bleary. even in finland, i cant understand body parts in finnish so that might just be frustrating if i could even find a place that offers it. not that i’ll have long at all in finland. ill be there barely a month before heading back to uni and i come back holidays. if i wanted to take one of these eleven week courses, i think id have to geta fuckin liscence and a car and drive to glasgow 3 hrs both ways for a class once a week and that sjust stupid. im so fucking mad about this missed opportunity. like my muscles are itching and aching to do it. my legs want to work out in ballet positions. they just rly do. yeah maybe ill have to start doing barre at home from videos to try ease that, but its not gonna be the same and ill do it all wrong bc i have no teacher to direct me or anything. correct either. sure if i had done it and loved it i might still be mad that i have no opportunities to continue like i want to, but at least id have that expereince and could keep practicing at home based off of it.  i am genuinely upset okay. upset betrayed disappointed sad twitchy and ugh. sure tickets go on sale today to swan lake after exams. and by fuck will i go see it. and ill get all the background before it and know it inside and out before i see it (already kinda do) and i will love it. ill bemaybe more upset and more twitchy that i cant do it, that i cant be lie them and that rly sucks. i really really wish by some miracle the school would offer summer courses so that i could just, get myself after exams into one. also another frustrating thing not quite so pressing on my mind is how my dad wants me to get summer jobs, maybe even two. one here and one in finland. sure it should theoretically be easier getting it here, esp. since im 19 now and yeah. i could work in a cafe or store just to get money and have smth to put on a cv thats not 2 weeks. but i dunno i dont particularly want to, i was hoping in london i could get the most of it culturaly (considering ive been a pouting and sad whailer whos not done anything for the last two years) then again i have p much no friends here so if i did go work somewhere theres a slight chance thered be someone i get along with and could hang out w. or visit if i needa back in london. i dunno. things are weird. sure i could try get an admin job w nhs like some lady suggested but its one of those too much responsibilty things, consdiering im shit with work i kinda would prefer to do some physical job like stacking shelves in a shop bc im good at that. but thats not gonna help me in the future. money yes, but cv building or careers wise? nah. i should owrk in hospitality or smth i dunno even i can barely get thru my work to pass rn so  i dunno about job searching. im jsut a mess am i not. regardless maybe i should look if theres other ballet schoolsin london. be desperate, get a job and a ballet class going over summer and do art on the free time i guess. 
okay so fer now ive found a course for like fucking 156 pound thats a 2 day full days course that looks mad cool for having different classes to learn vocab and etc and then a bit of fucking swanlake like yooo.. best thing its in like july but thats also possibly bad bc its july 28-29 and july 30 we move out. man it could be cool tho. then they offer there as well a taster session p much every other week and then a full 8 weeks of class p near by to me. sure this is specifically taught by a man and id prefer a woman but, i guess. since its ideal timing and place. and i got wondering why thats 150 and the national ballet wouldve been abt 90 and i guess there i get concession and it wouldve been only 6 classes considering the dates they had off. i should rly ask if they do do concession bc 150 is a bit steep still. for 8 classes thats almost 20 pound for 75 mins. its kinda insane. theres probably more companies i havent looked at but there is one other thats like a drop in thing 10 pound cash each class and thats a 90 mins so it might be better. ofc. obv. fault being that its drop in so being an absolute beginner w likely a lot older adults idk how id fit in or keep up or get hte most of it. i think ill go try it once regardless. then when back in abdn ask around for taster sessions and beginner ballet. worst comes to worst i wait another 4 years till i get to a big enough city that they have a nice ballet company and somewhere i can live like an adult but also get in on adult ballet and enjoy myself. maybe my industrial placement city will have  a ballet company idk. 
all i know is that im a bit obsessed and everyone says to go for your dreams etc. and as much as i enjoy archery (slowly gonna dedicate to it) and aikido (though training can be frustrating and training with old men isnt that fun) and ice skating is another less of a dream but in the same realm as ballet. that im gonan get new skates for and give it a better try. i just think ballet could  be so fucking rad and im sad that its not so easy rn. and that my mom fucked me over. for that one course that couldve been cheap and amazing and mindchanging. to go to the ballet knowing what some of it feels like would be great. sure id love  a chance to do some after as well u know. ofc it sucks it might cost a couple hundred over summer to these hobbies and i feel iffy spending 180 on a quality waterproof jacket. sure. they spend it but, im v concientious and dont wanna spend much of their money esp cus im not making my own. i guess logically, i should put a bunch of effort to getting thru this term rly well without lies and get a sumemr job. that way, i could theoretically take loan from my parents  and pay back with summer job money w some left over to do as i like with (yeah i should save it for sensible shit but idk) also considering how nice i am my dad might not even want me to pay back. look i dunno. thats an idea. be good, be rewarded w ballet classes and an unstrained relationship w my parents, joyously move back to finland and start next term w a clean slate, hopefully more help and new determination into hobbies. maybe i wanna do 4 sports since i never did much as i was younger. tho sure, i did aikidos cousin taekwondo. ive shot a bow and arrow whenever i had a chance. ive skated since literally like 3 yrs old. and i used to take a form of dance a alot younger. sure no musicality but i think the exercises would be great for my knees and legs and butt and torso and posture. htese are fun sports since i dont like to work out. and since im not comfortable enough in myself to go swim. 
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tmntstorystopnsfw · 6 years
Through thick and thin part 8
Eventual X rating
As it turned out, Shannon was available, having just finished Sunday brunch with her parents. It was her SUV that they all packed into, the turtles in the back seats and Dee in the front so no one would see the four huge mutants. They drove a couple of hours to get out to the country to a place the turtles had discovered years ago.
“This is really cool.” Shannon said as their short hike through the woods ended in a deep and clear spring pool that fed a creek.
“Last one in’s a rotten egg!” Mikey yelled, bolting for the water.
“Not fair!” Dee yelled back as she tried to hurriedly strip out of her shirt and jean shorts. For once though, she wasn't the only one who had to do so. Shannon was right next to her, struggling to get out of the tee shirt that had caught on one of her earrings. Dee laughed and helped her unhook it before they took off to the swimming hole together. The water was deliciously cool and the girls came back up laughing.
“Sorry about my super pale skin. I'm sure I'm reflecting light.” Dee said a while later as they basked in the sun on the dry rocks at the edge of the swimming hole. The guys were taking turns swinging into the water off of the rope swing tied to a tree. They were whooping and laughing as they displayed impressive acrobatics before splashing into the water.
“You’re fine.” Shannon said. “Nothin’ a little sun can't fix.”
“It does feel amazing.” Dee sighed, resting her head on her folded arms and enjoying the warming rays on her back.
“I know. I don't get to relax like this very often.” Shannon replied.
“Work keep you busy?” Dee asked.
“If it's not work, it’s my family or my friends. I feel like I'm always running.” She answered.
“I know how that is.” Dee said.
Shannon rolled to her side, propping her head op on her hand. “What line of work are you in?”
“Physical therapy.” She answered. “It's a pretty good job and I love my patients but sometimes it feels like all I do is work.”
“Same.” Shannon nodded. “It's hard turning down shifts when you know they need you.”
“One day maybe we’ll be better off and we’ll have some time to ourselves.” Dee said.
“Raph says you make pottery. Can't you just do that?” She asked.
“I could but it would really fuck up my hands. The clay dries them out and if I do a lot of pieces in a short amount of time, they crack and bleed and it really just sucks. Besides, I worked hard to get to where I am. I like my job, I just wish I had a little more free time.”
Shannon nodded, her eyes traveling over to watch the boys playing in the water. “I feel bad for them.” She said.
Dee’s eyes came open and she rolled and sat up so she could see what Shannon was looking at. The boys seemed to be having a great time. “Why?” She asked.
“It must be hard to live underground, figuratively and literally. I couldn't imagine a life where I couldn't go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. Could you imagine what it would be like to have to sneak out just to feel the sun on your face?” She replied.
Dee thought about what she had said and admitted to herself that she hadn't thought of it that way. She was right. Knowing the freedom she had to be with humans, she couldn't say she would be okay if she suddenly couldn't anymore. “I don't really think it bothers them so much just because it's always been this way for them.” She said. “I do wish they had a better home though. Living in the sewers isn't something anyone would pick willingly.”
“You picked it willingly.” Shannon pointed out.
“I know, but that's because I want to live with them. They make it worth it.”
“Why live with them?” She asked Dee. “Why not just rent a nearby apartment and visit like April does?”
“I'm saving money this way.” Dee said. “Besides, I really like that someone’s usually just down the hall if I need them.”
“I wish I had Raph right down my hallway.” Shannon said. “I’d need him every night if you know what I mean.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
Dee chuckled, though she couldn't help but flush a little at the implication. “You want him in your bed huh? You know we’re all virgins right?”
“Even you?” She asked. Dee blushed even deeper and nodded. “Why? How old are you?”
“I’m twenty-three and really that's not the point. I was really shy in high school and in college I was working so hard on getting my degree. There were dates and parties but there was just never anyone that measured up I guess.” She shrugged. “I don't just want to do it to get it over with either. I want it to be with someone special.”
“No shame in that.” Shannon said. “It's good to have a standard and stick to it. I’m curious though, if say Leo or Donnie wanted to would you do it?”
Dee’s eyes wandered over to where Donnie was climbing out of the water, dripping wet and glistening in the sun. “Leo told me he thinks Donnie and I would be a good match.” She admitted.
“So you would hop into bed with him?” Shannon asked.
Dee fiddled with the strap of her bikini top. “I… don't really know how I feel about it.” She said.
“You think he’s hot?” She asked.
“Yes.” She said. “But there have been a lot of hot men in my life and I think all of the turtles are good looking.”
“So what is it about Donnie that has you hesitating?” She asked.
“I don't want to ruin anything between us. I don't want him wanting me just because I'm the only one available.” She said.
“He could ask any girl on the police force for a date.” She pointed out.
“He said police girls weren't his type.” She shot back.
“We have secretaries, forensic scientists, HR reps, and janitorial staff. Not to mention not all police girls are the same. Sounds like an excuse to me.” Shannon said.
“You’re right. Maybe I should suggest that to him.” Dee mused.
“Are you deliberately trying to sabotage any chance you have with him?” She asked.
“You know what, if he asks me on a date then I will go on one with him but I want him to know he has other options. I really think he should try a date with someone else too. Maybe get to talking to some of the other women at the station. I think he’s just really shy or maybe he’s just oblivious. I'm not sure. Do you think any of your coworkers would want to try a date with him?” She asked.
“The turtles are like the biggest girl topic in the station. I guess there's just something about massive, well muscled, masked, ninja mutants. People are curious. I know a few women who would jump at the chance.” She said.
“You should try to get some of them talking to him.” She said.
“If you say so.” Shannon said. Their conversation ended abruptly as the turtles came to bask in the sun alongside their female companions.
The day had been a great one, Raph reflected as he crouched on the edge of a building, patrolling for any sign of criminal activity, especially in the form of the foot clan. They had gotten to swim all day almost. Raph had even managed to get Shannon alone in the branches of a towering tree to watch the sun set. They didn't see much of the sunset as Shannon had eagerly wrapped herself around him and kissed him silly. He was really starting to appreciate this making out thing. She had promised him another date that coming Thursday, as she had that day off before her weekend to work. He spotted a drug deal going down on the corner and reported it to the police along with a license plate number. He only ever interfered in crimes where someone was being victimized. The drug deals could be taken care of by the police without him risking too much exposure.
For most of the night he patrolled the streets, communicating with his brothers via radio but as the sky began to lighten, he decided to call it quits. There was no sign of the foot that night. He swung by April and Casey’s place, peaking into the windows to make sure his Niece and Nephew were fast asleep. He had learned a long time ago not to check into April and Casey’s room. He had only had to catch them doing it once before he vowed to never look again. All was well there and so he decided to head for home but he found himself dropping onto the fire escape outside of Shannons window. Her light was off. He knew she was working second shift today. She probably wouldn't be up for a while. He watched her sleep for just a little while before finally heading home to get some sleep himself.
Dee rolled over in her sleep, restless in her dream. She was dreaming of their day in the sun. Soon, everyone else faded away and it was only her and Donnie in the water. He had her pressed back against the rocks, her legs wrapped around his shell and her arms wrapped around his neck as his lips pressed against hers. Cool hands ran over her skin. She jerked awake, almost as if her subconscious didn't want the dream going any further. She laid back against her pillows when she realized she was home in her own bed. She sighed. Her mind was being overactive, that was for sure. Maybe her feelings about him were a little more than what she felt for the others.
Leo wandered into Donnie’s lab where he was watching some YouTube video. Donnie looked up, surprised to see Leo. “Expecting someone else?” Leo asked with a grin.
Donnie paused the video. “What's up?” He asked, ignoring Leo’s question.
“I'm curious.” Leo said. “How do you feel about Dee?”
Donnie looked shocked. “She’s a really good friend.” Donnie answered.
“Is that all?” Leo said. “You don't think about her as more than that?”
“Where is this coming from?” Donnie asked.
“Just answer the question.”
Donnie rubbed his neck a little self consciously. “I can't say I’ve never thought of her like that.” He admitted.
“Maybe you should ask her out.” Leo said.
Donnie sputtered. “Are you crazy?” He asked.
“You guys hang out all the time. Why not?” Leo asked.
“She probably sees us as brothers!” Donnie said. “I don't think she’d see any of us in that light.”
“Shannon told Raph that Dee finds us attractive.” Leo said, shooting down donnie’s argument.
“Really?” Donnie asked.
“Yeah. Just think about it. If Shannon wants to make out with Raph, maybe Dee wants to make out with you.” He said and then promptly left.
Donnie stared after him for a minute, his mind racing, trying to figure out what he should do, or if he should do anything at all. He turned back to his computer but wasn't really able to get anything done the rest of the day.
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bagelpyjama19 · 4 years
The Finest Techniques for Online Use for your Young Children
Electronic digital gadget use has actually been boosting currently for years. Parents as well as caregivers are right to be concerned regarding just how much time their children invest in tools, what type of web content they are consuming, and the prospective threats associated with both of these. There are still very couple of medically based guidelines available to let us know for sure what makes up healthy or undesirable gadget usage for kids, as well as numerous of those are contrasting. Too much of the complication originates from the simple reality that every teenager, culture, and scenario is distinct. As well as not all display time is the exact same. Lots of referrals have been customized to reflect the truth that lots of kids are spending at the very least that sufficient quality time in front of displays during the school day by yourself. What is obvious is that an one-size-fits-all approach to display time for youngsters and teenagers is impractical. An one size fits all method to display time for kids as well as teenagers is unrealistic. I take lots of elements into account when assisting my customers establish healthy assumptions and limits for their kids. Even though there are a couple of common recommendations that make feeling for kids within specific age groups guidelines, it is essential to think about a kid's degree of readiness for engaging with digital tools as well as communications. For instance, some youngsters may have gotten to a degree of duty as well as maturity to securely take care of usage of a mobile phone by age 13, while others may not accomplish this until much later in their teen years. Parents require to take into consideration their kid's developmental level, duty level, and general behavior and also working when determining the age at which access to points like smart devices as well as social media sites is appropriate. It is likewise essential for moms and dads to have a look at them. I ask parent or guardians to consider their very own degree of willingness to commit time to monitoring what their young people are working on online and also preparedness to connect with their youngsters about gadget use, risk-free habits on the internet, as well as a lot more. It is not suitable to just hand youngsters tools and also anticipate them to understand just how to navigate the globe of digital media. Adult management software application aids a whole lot, and also I advise parents utilize them, but they do not change the demand to still get on top of what the activity information is informing you. They can tell you what topics to speak about, however it is still approximately you put in the time to make those discussions occur. Today's youngsters are digital natives and also they might understand innovation, however they do not comprehend the dangers from cyberbullies as well as various other dangers. In a lot of cases they typically don't truly understand that what they place on the web will certainly be there permanently as well as can harm their opportunities of getting involved in their college of option or obtaining a task in the future, or make them feel horrible about some damage they might have caused another person. Having access to the entire world is a huge offer. Children of all ages require support as well as continuous assistance to discover just how to refine their digital experiences and also to develop secure as well as healthy and balanced media habits. It is not proper to merely hand kids gadgets and expect them to recognize exactly how to navigate the globe of electronic media. Just How Much to Utilize the World Wide Web by Age With that in mind, right here are my recommendations for different age groups based on existing research study and also my very own medical experience: All ages Electronic gadgets ought to not be utilized in the bedroom at evening. Not only does the light from devices make it harder to drop asleep, kids lose out on beneficial bedtime. Mealtimes ought to be device-free. Study reveals that this permits for healthier eating, communication, and also partnerships for the whole family members. Relax from displays after every 30-60 minutes of use to sustain eye health, vision, and mind feature. Birth to 4 years of ages Very minimal exposure to electronic gadgets and also media, and mostly with grown-up involvement as well as support. Youngsters under the age of 18 months ought to not utilize electronic media in any way except for video clip talking with member of the family. They also suggest that children ages 18-24 months not be left alone to independently check out or involve in display time tasks, as parent or caregiver involvement is crucial for healthy brain development. Youngsters in between 2 and 4 years of age should spend no greater than 1 hr per day on screen time. Parents and also caretakers require to ensure that kids are eating only premium quality programming suitable for their developing brains. Use of electronic or interactive books can be proper in minimal amounts when a parent or caretaker exists and also analysis with them. And be cautious that some programs created for kids has been shown to supply no good or even be harmful. 5-8 years old Spend no greater than 2 hours daily on screen time beyond institution. Moms and dads ought to focus on activities such as play, motion, as well as family members time in advance invested on devices. A mix of independent use and also use with moms and dads or caretakers is most suitable. Top quality programs and also primarily academic in nature. Social media gain access to is not suitable for kids in this age group. Smartphones are not appropriate for children in this age group. 9-11 years old Prioritize non-device concentrated activities over screen time. This means setting an assumption that points like exercise, tasks, hobbies, social involvement, homework, and so on are finished prior to involving in screen time activities. Though two hours each day has actually long been thought about a basic guideline, this might or may not be suitable for all kids. It is usually a lot more helpful to concentrate on kids spending enough time on other life activities first, and afterwards using added time to involve in using digital tools and media. Social media access is not suitable for children in this age. Smartphones are not appropriate for youngsters in this age. If there is a safety and security demand for a youngster to have access to a phone, then a basic flip cell phone with the ability of making calls is appropriate. 12-14 years of ages Continue to prioritize non-device activities, with screen time as an alternative once other more crucial activities as well as obligations are total. Depending upon the youngster, it may be proper to take into consideration smartphone accessibility with strict restrictions for children in this age. Figuring out child and also parent readiness to securely as well as responsibly manage this is crucial, as well as there are several questions that can help moms and dads determine this: Is your child vulnerable to shedding things? Do they take care of possessions suitably?
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Does your youngster typically adhere to the policies and expectations you establish? Are they typically rude or non-compliant with rules as well as expectations? Is your youngster trustworthy? Does your kid take care of points like research, tasks, and other tasks/responsibilities suitably? Has your kid displayed dangerous or inappropriate actions connected to electronics or electronic media in your home, college, or other individuals's homes? Are you happy to establish as well as constantly impose assumptions and also repercussions for device-related behavior? Is your child going to sign a contract/agreement detailing expectations for making use of devices and also electronic media? Are you going to use adult control features, regularly check your youngster's use devices as well as digital media, and also engage your youngster in discussions concerning what they are seeing as well as who they are connecting with? Extremely limited social media sites access (lots of social media websites have age restrictions older than this) and also there should be significant adult tracking as well as oversight to teach healthy as well as ideal online communication and also habits abilities. 15-17 years of ages Continue to focus on non-device activities, with screen time as an option as soon as various other extra essential tasks as well as obligations are total. Smart device gain access to for teenagers in this age group is suitable as long as the kid reveals the needed level of responsibility and also readiness. See questions above for aid in identifying this. Accessibility to social media with adult surveillance is normally appropriate for these ages, as we intend to enable liable teens a lot more flexibility within healthy and balanced restrictions. Moms and dads require to play an active role in training and also implementing secure as well as suitable on-line habits. Constant interaction with youngsters at this age about what they are seeing online, who they are connecting with, and also what they are experiencing is very important to sustain their health and wellness. Parents need to often go over and also impose risk-free actions connected to the usage of gadgets while driving for teens in this age group that have a chauffeur's authorization or certificate. Electronic devices and online media are necessary and also essential components in the lives these days's kids as well as teenagers, however they require our aid to direct out the threats and set limits. Setting proper restrictions and assumptions, and taking part in recurring surveillance and communication, allows youngsters to establish the secure and also healthy and balanced tool habits they require to build their electronic durability as well as browse in our significantly digital globe. visit the next website
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cicinicole-14 · 7 years
coco’s college story
I just need to vent and get things off my chest. this is going to be quite long, and I’m going to add more to this, but we’re starting a new segment on this blog called #coco’s college story. I’m going to get personal and real and you don’t have to read, but I just need to write it all out. feel free to come talk if you feel inclined to. and since this will be long, I’ll put it under the cut. lets hope everything is spelled right...
college really sucks sometimes. I’m really stressed out from it and I have no idea what to do or what I am doing. 
I’m going to start at the beginning, or try to at least. which, brings me to grade 11. I think this is really where it started. everyone was starting to take the ACT/SAT (American standardized tests required for most college admittance) and I hadn’t even begun to think where I truly wanted to go for college. yet some kids in my class had already started applying wtf. all I thought I knew was that a. I wanted to go out of state and b. I wanted to go far from home and c. I wanted to be a doctor. 
summer of 2016 (summer after I finished 11th grade) I was in Virginia visiting my best friend Autumn (she plays a huge role in this). Autumn is 6 months older than me and would be at this time starting her first semester at GMU in the fall of 2016. so she asked me where I wanted to go to school. my reply? “haha that’s a great question!!! I have no fucking clue.” (literally word for word) and she was like “apply to GMU!!!” and I was like, “dude, Noah fence but you’re going there to be a hISTORY major and I literally slept thru that class for all of middle and high school. nah fam” and she’s like “yeah, but they have a great science program and then you can go to Hopkins after.” so I was like ok maybe. so I did what everyone does best: listed my pros and cons
going to school w/ bff since age 3
1,025 miles from home and from my mother* 
good science program so I can be a dr?? 
location wise: gr8 bc autumn’s fam lived 2hrs north and my stepsister (who I’m close with) lived 2hrs NE and its a 2hr plane ride home to florida
is hella expensive**
1,025 miles from home 
current number of people I know going to this school: 1 (and pls note: I hate doing things alone even tho I love to be alone. idk how to explain this but like like I enjoy being alone but I don’t like being alone. I know some of y’all understand this?)
leaving friends I have in florida
tbh, the pros outweighed the cons and I applied to GMU and I was accepted. (I applied to other schools and got accepted to one and denied at another because they closed the program I was applying for but I can assure u had they not, I would’ve gotten accepted)anyway, I took my ACT in October of 2016 and got accepted to gmu in December of 2016. I think that’s really when the stress started kicking in, because while I was happy to be accepted to my dream school, I had a lot of emotions I wasn’t ready for and then later on experienced them. 
2017 started off decently. I went into the second semester of senior year knowing I was accepted and 100% planning on going to my dream school, ready for a new future, ready to leave Florida, excited about going to Italy that march with my class etc… 
but it also brought hard times because I ended my friendship with one of my best friends in the whole world: olivia. we were inseparable and had been for 8 years and knew each other for 13 years. it was seriously really hard, especially because not only was I close to her, I was close with her mom, little brother, big sister, niece and nephews. it really sucked. 
and, I had the daunting task of telling my mother I was going to Virginia for college. 
now, as some of you may know, my relationship with my mother is very strained. and whenever I refer to my “parents” on Tumblr, I’m talking about my dad and stepmom, because I always refer to my mom (as mother) separately. and add to the fact, my mother flipped out on autumn’s mom a few years ago and told them to never speak to me again. so, since I was 12 years old, my mom has had no idea I’ve kept in touch with autumn and still has no idea I go to school with autumn. (my dad and stepmom love her family and her and see no problem with them same as me and she’s my best friend and my mother has issues we will not be addressing rn) anyway, so I didn’t tell my mother I got accepted to GMU until April of 2017. (mind you, I found out mid-december and my dad found out when I got the email because I made Claudia stop the car before we headed to a Christmas party lol) and so I told my mom in April that I was going to GMU and she asked me if autumn went there and I lied right thru my teeth and told her I had no fucking clue because we weren’t friends, remember? and that was one big thing that really started the stressing because a. I didn’t have olivia there as my bff to help me thru the stressful time, and b. I so badly wanted my mother to be happy for me but I knew deep down she really wasn’t because she also flipped out a bit and was like “wtf ur going to college? u leave in august?” and I was like yeah, what did you expect me to do?” and honestly, she was angry about it, but I was an adult, its my life and she had no say in where or whether or not I was going to college. 
so, fast forward to college. idk how chronological this will be so we’re just going to list some stressors I’ve had with college. 
it’s 1,025 miles away from home
I grew up in a town in Florida, in the same neighborhood I was brought home from the hospital in (I almost said same house, but I moved down the street long story…) I went to a preschool from ages 2-4 and then started elementary and middle school ages 5-13 at one school and then half of my eight grade class went to my high school. and I was there for four years. these people were family. out of the 7 people who went to high school with me, 4 I knew since kindergarten, one I knew since fifth grade and the other since sixth and the last one was me. and I made two friends (chelsey and Claudia) in ninth grade who are my sisters. I love them both so much. I would talk thru fire for them (and autumn, Robyn and belle ofc but we’re talking about my friends at home) anyway, I grew up there. Florida is my home. I like small places. I lived in a kinda small city in my two bedroom condo with my parents and doggo and I had neighbors who I’d known most of my life. my whole family was in Florida basically, minus my aunt (dad’s sister who we visit in NY or she’d visit us).
I was leaving my friends
I went from seeing Claudia every day in school, and once every two weeks during the summer or a few times a week because of our movie dates lol, and chelsey who graduated the year before me and lived an hour away from me at home, made it a point to still come to my school to see me and sleep over at my house, and then during the summer she came over once a week and stayed over. I saw them all the time. we’re three peas in a pod. I saw them a lot. and I only have 5 really close friends. friends I would walk thru fire for, and trust with my life. mentioned above: Claudia, chelsey, autumn, Robyn and belle. and we all have different relationships. autumn moved away when I was 11 and I coped with that in middle school (another dark time in my life) and I learned to live with that. Robyn and belle I met over Tumblr, so I’d never entertained the prospect of seeing them regularly. (tho Robyn and I have kinda made a pact of visiting each other during the summer and thus every other summer I get to see belle when Its my turn to visit Canada) but chelsey and claudia? I saw them a lot, and I hadn’t had to cope with a friend, who I saw a lot and was inseparable with, be away from me for a huge long period of time in a long time (age 11). and to add to the fact, both chelsey and Claude go to school at home and they became close with my family too so like idk it all just kinda fell apart 
I get really homesick/leaving my parents and dog
this one wasn’t as bad solely because, I left home august 2nd. I was traveling by myself most of this month. I saw my parents at the end of the month when they held me move in for college. then, I got a surprise visit from them and my doggo in September because they drove up to my sister’s house 2 hrs from my school to escape the hurricane that was to hit Florida (bless, my house was fine). then I saw them again in October, because my sister got married!!! and thanksgiving I saw them again, November, because ofc its thanksgiving ill see them, even though it flew by. and now here, its December and I’m going home for a month. so I’ll see them thru January. and then lbr, because my dad works in Maryland a lot, he’s probably gong to be up north most of 2018 too and he vowed to visit me when he could because he’s a mush and misses his kid even if he denies it. also, the homesickness; I don’t like being away from people/be by myself in a house for an extended period of time, but I kinda built up my tolerance because my dad travels a lot and I have speration anxiety from it (he travelled all my life and I was left with my mother for a lot of it so stress but I built up a tolerance for it when I was like 15 and my homesickness started getting better from then on out) and like I did really well when I spent 8 days in Italy without my parents etc which I only had 1 tiny little freak out and Claudia helped me thru it and was proud at the fact that I only had one like 2 days in to the trip and was fine after that. 
my life plan
holy f u c k. ever hear the saying like “you plan and god laughs”? well, holy fuck, it can’t be more true. I don’t care what god or thing you believe in, its fucking true. I’m a planner. not a detailed one, but its a rough outline, I have a plan of my life, roughly outlined; its got a few bullet points mainly looking like this:
my life:
go to college out of state
make money
be a doctor in the nicu
be a mom/foster/adopt kids
own lotsa pets
have enough money to build my own house
were going to focus on the “be a doctor” point. because this is where everything got fucked. 
since I was five years old, five. I wanted to be a doctor. since that age, I narrowed down the specifics and specialty etc. I picked out what school I wanted to go to for medical school and whatnot. I’ve wanted to be a doctor since I was five fucking years old. 
college has since changed that plan...
about a month into school this semester, I changed my major of–––biology degree> medical school> be a doctor to uh, now I’m currently in the pre-nursing (BsN) program at my college (and I’m minoring in photography, but that I knew about and hasn’t changed). I remember this day very clearly when I decided. it was a Monday. idk the date, but it was Monday and I was sitting in the JC (the main campus building) with autumn eating food and I was like “I’m having a crisis and I want to change my major to nursing” and so then I called my dad and told him I was going to do it. thankfully my while family was very supportive (minus my mother I have not talked to her since September[?]***)
so that happened, and threw me for a loop. 
college is just extremely different in general.
I really don’t even know how else to categorize this. so here are just random things. 
professors are weird. all of them. no matter their age: which this ranges too because I have some that are like two coughs away from dying and others who are literally only like 5 years older than me… fucking weird. 
your syllabus is your fucking roadmap. don’t fucking lose it. 
nothing ever gets graded at a decent time. I literally got two papers back without grades on them and they aren’t online either but the prof said that they’re recorded in the gradebook he has so like????
I grew up going to private christian schools since I was 2… which means no cussing in class and wearing a uniform and your parents drive you to school, we don’t have busses. 
college: no dress code. I wore pj’s (with jack skellington on them) to class and Christmas and halloween printed leggings and hoodies with just a bra underneath and fucking whatever the hell I wanted to class, strapless/sleeveless dresses, whatever. my professors cusses in classes/lectures. I was taken back by this at first. but thoroughly loved the chillness and laid-backness that classes had tho because I could say whatever I wanted (vulgarity wise). and I now blame my worsening swearing habit on college because I’m not in christian private school or nannying 3x a week anymore so I haven’t needed to curb my language… walking…everywhere… I live on campus in a dorm without a car (autumn has one but we really only use it to run errands on Fridays) and damn that was a shock. because while yes, I lived in a smallish city and there was a Walmart and dollar store close to my house to walk to if I was bored, I didnt really walk much, we drove a lot. because my school was 15 miles away. and like idk nothing wasn’t super close. and now here that I live on campus, my whole life is here. I eat sleep and breathe campus, so I walk everywhere. to all my classes, to get food, well thats basically it because thats all college leaves you time for… 
college is stressful. 
and finally, here are more things that I wasn’t expecting. 
I didn’t realize it was going to be this difficult. Im currently taking 6 classes (16 credits altogether) and out of those 6 classes, I’m currently passing 2 I think? college is fucking hard. it didn’t help that I had a few major major major anxiety attacks and literally disassociated with everything for a week, two different times, plus I got sick with a nasty ass cold, and like idk, just it sucked. I moved 1,025 miles from home and then homesickness an that reality of “I’m living a thousand miles from home by myself” hit me. and I literally know no one here except autumn who I see once a week on Fridays. (because we both have off) and like it killed me. I left my only home I’ve ever known. I moved my whole life here. and I had a shocking realization that yeah, I’m going to Florida during breaks and whatnot, but I left Florida August 2, 2017 and I knew it was for good. I packed up my whole room last summer and knew that when I got on the plane, I wasn’t going to ever be coming back home home for good. I left my keys on the kitchen counter and said goodbye to my room. and yes, its still my room, but it’s been a guest room for the past few months and its not my room anymore. I did move out. and so that hit me too. 
and I’m alone here. I had a mental breakdown one day when I was texting chelsey and Claudia and all I really wanted was a hug from them but they’re a thousand miles away and couldn’t give me one, so I was stuck crying in the middle of our campus chick-fil-a. and so I texted autumn at 9am on a Thursday and she came in her pj’s and walked across campus to give me a hug so I could hug her, cry on her shoulder and breathe a little easier. 
and while I know this decision to move states away and leave everything I’ve ever known was hard, I know it was the right decision and the best decision I ever made, and the scariest.
I know that because if I went to school at home, I would Never have ended up moving out. I know I needed to experience college dorm life, and living by myself more, and being independent. I know for my health––mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally––it was for the better. mentally: I am able to escape my mother being here where she can’t visit me or I won’t run into her here. physically: I walk everywhere and I’m attempting to eat healthier etc… spiritually: I’ve had a rough time with my faith, but I’m a christian and like autumn helps me a lot with this in strengthening my faith etc etc, (I’m more spiritual than religious) and emotionally: I’ve been able to heal and accept who I am, and I came out as bi to my friends, currently 4/5 of them and all of you guys. its a new zone here and I can live and be free and be me. I don’t have to worry about the people I knew from high school judging me because I’m bi and we went to a christian school etc. I’m who I am here and my decision to move here has helped me grow. 
and also, yeah, I’m stressing currently about my future, but I’m going to take it a day at a time. I’m failing classes right now, but I’ve realized thats because I haven’t been on my A-game. I went thru a major life change, I’ve had a bit of family health issues, I’ve had to deal with a lot of issues and stress surrounding my mother and my relationship with her since starting college, and like a lot more, and so I have decided that while I had a mental breakdown about not making it into the nursing program, I’m going to take it slowly. fuck doing this all “fast and in four years and yada yada”. Its only been one semester, this is a whole new ballgame for me. college is so different from high school. so, I’m going to be better next semester, focus more on my passions, maybe take summer classes, and not pressure myself to be in the nursing program in my 3rd year, take my time. there’s no rush. 
*– mother and I have a very strained relationship due to her years of mental abuse (and very little but still prevalent physical abuse) towards me. I’ve been trying to get out from under her thumb since I was 10. moved in with my dad when I was 12 but since he travelled for work a lot, I stayed with mother etc until I was about 15 when I stayed with friends or by myself. and so being away from her like this has only brought peace and less fights because I don’t have to see her or talk to her
**– college out of state tuition is hella fucking expensive, but thankfully, my granddad had set aside money for his grandkids (there’s only 2 of us, me and my cousin Kiersten who is out of college now) and has put us thru school (private school) our whole lives. we have been blessed so very graciously with being able to go to any school we chose debt free because our grandpa has it covered no questions asked and truly its the best thing ever because while I grew up not worrying about tuition, I still grew up with a tight family income because mom had a fixed income and then when I moved in with dad, he worked for himself, so he has seasonal work… some months its great, other months were scrounging for the last few dollars to put food on the table… 
***–since moving to college and being out from under my mother’s thumb, I’ve been talking with my parents (again remind u this means dad and stepmom) about me needing to learn to heal and forgive and just live my life and I can’t do that if I keep having my mother call or text me or expect me to visit her etc… I’m an adult. I’m going home this Christmas to tell her that if she wants to be my mother in the long run, she needs to play by my rules, and this is now going to happen my way. I need to cut contact with her for however long. and she’s not to reach out to me. I need to be the one to do it because if she pushes it, our relationship is so strained right now because of her actions, if she attempts anymore, she’s going to lose me forever as her daughter and deep down, we both don’t want that. so I need space and need to learn how to forgive her. and she needs to get help and learn to be a better person herself. she needs to do a lot of things I’m not going to get into here but yeah, basically. 
so that’s it. this was really long and I’m sorry about that. if y’all feel inclined to talk to me about any of this, feel free to do so. I needed to talk through this. I’m probably going to talk about #coco’s college story a bit as my life goes on. I will keep everyone updated. college is stressful, and crazy, and scary and wild and fun and terrifying and a lot of emotions mixed in one
xx cici 
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yournewapartment · 7 years
I've been looking around for a while and I don't know if minimum wage would be enough to get an apartment, buy food, and take care of all my cats and it's just generally stressing me out and now I'm wondering if I should even think of living alone
Take a deep breath! While not ideal, living on minimum wage can be done. My advice to you would be to look for some sort of roommate situation as opposed to living on your own. You could also rent a room in a house which would be significantly cheaper than a one bedroom apartment. Your cats shouldn’t cost you more than $50 extra a month, and they will give you such relief and comfort. Moving out of your parent’s house and living on your own can be stressful and feel overwhelming- you’ll want your furry friends by your side!
Budgeting on Minimum Wage
The average minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hr. Even working full time at 40 hours a week, that’s only a profit of $290 before taxes. This is not a fair living wage! You are worth way more than this amount! I strongly encourage you to start looking for another job that pays better, look for something around the $10-$15 range.
While $7.25 is atrocious, thousands of people around the world support families on much less. If they can do it while supporting children, so can you! To live off a minimum wage budget you need to declare yourself independent. If your parents are still claiming you as a dependent YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS. I also recommend that you have the highest amount possible taken out of your taxes so that you get money back from your state at the end of the year, instead of being in debt to them. 
What I’ve done is come up with a budgeting plan based off some made up factors and my own personal experience.
1. City life. Forget about the city! Apartments located in cities can be three times as expensive as apartments in small towns or villages. On top of the extra expense, they’re much smaller and have less amenities included. I’d much rather live in a one bedroom apartment with a dishwasher and a conveniently located Laundromat, than a literal closet with no windows on a fifth floor walkup. Look for apartments twenty minutes to a half hour outside of your closest city. Now you have the close conveniences of a city, with none of those pesky city prices that your budget can’t handle.
2. College towns. Shop around and look at apartments by local colleges. Large colleges with have apartment complexes within walking distance of the school grounds. Landlords know that college students have less money (you might even be a college student yourself) and adjust their prices accordingly. Even apartments next to ivy league schools are priced this way, so don’t be discouraged by the institution’s “prestige”.
3. Locale. Your safety is more important than your bank account. It doesn’t matter if you live in Section 8 housing or in an affluent suburb. Some apartment complexes and neighborhoods are just safer than others. I live in a heavily populated and upper middle class suburb, and the first year I moved in, a drunk woman tried to throw a beer bottle at my car. Thankfully this is the only time this happened to me, but it made me feel unsafe in my environment. Before signing a lease, walk or drive around your prospective home’s neighborhood at night. Take in the atmosphere, and make sure it’s one where you could comfortably run to the local supermarket at 10:30pm and pick up toilet paper.
4. Roommates. Living on minimum wage requires that you find one or two roommates to help split the rent. The more the better! Get together with your more responsible friends, so at least you’re living with people whose company you enjoy. There are lots of “roommate wanted” forums and message boards for you to browse on the internet, but always bring a responsible adult with you before meeting a stranger. Please. Bring your mom if you have too.
1. Low-spoon food. I created this post a few months ago which offers lots of suggestions about cooking and shopping on a budget.
2. Online recipes. Here are some of my favorite online Tumblr cookbook resources.
- College Student Cookbook. Click here.
- Meals On The Go. Click here. (Not a cookbook, but super helpful)
- Broke College Kid Masterpost. Click here.
- Cooking on A Bootstrap. Click here.
- Good and Cheap. Click here.
- Budget Bytes. Click here.
3. I also regularly update my cooking on a budget tag.
Misc Expenses
1. Gas. Shop around and find the cheapest gas in your area. Avoid gas stations next to colleges, highways, and in touristy areas. Look into getting as gas rewards card from your favorite supermarket. I get 10 cents off a gallon with Stop & Shop every time I do a big shop.
2. Dollar store. Get to know your local dollar and bargain stores. You can buy everything from pots and pans to bed sheets there. These stores often sell bulk ramen for $1 and large cans of crushed tomatoes for 75 cents. That’s enough food for you to live off of for several days. When shopping, I make three grocery store stops to ensure that I spend the least amount possible on my pantry needs. I go Dollar Store, Stop and Shop, and then to my local organic grocery store. I’m going to make a list of things that I buy at Dollar Stores and things that I don’t buy at Dollar Stores soon!
3. Cable. We are living in the digital age- you don’t need cable television. Use Netflix or Hulu or whatever. It will save you tons of $$.
4. Internet. As far as internet speed goes, if you’re living with roommates you will probably need a higher speed. Living by yourself, choose a lower one. Most internet companies offer large discounts to new subscribers. These typically only last a year, but will save you serious money. Make sure to take note of when this discount expires, and contact the company before it does. If you don’t, they’ll begin charging you the full amount without notice.
5. Verizon. I just want to take a moment to talk about how much I love Verizon because they have literally saved me so much money in the three years I’ve been with them. After you sign a contract with a new internet company, they charge you a bunch of ridiculous fees like “activation fees” and “installation fees”. I called Verizon and was like “I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford this” and they were like “don’t worry, we’ll waive the fee”. I signed a two year contract with them that saved me $80 on a high-speed internet bill per month (my price being only 50.99 a month). After the contract expired I call them and they put me on a month to month, keeping the price absolutely the same. TLDR- get Verizon if you can.
6. Utility. Get on a monthly budget with whatever utility company services your new apartment. Although it may seem like the cheaper option, paying the actual amount of electricity you spend per month is the more expensive. It’s also unpredictable, and a minimum wage budget won’t allow for it. See this for more info.
7. Amazon. I buy a lot of my beauty, cleaning, and cat products online. Amazon offers Prime shipping free for a year with a student email address, and then offers it at a greatly reduced price after the year. If you are a student, snap up that free deal ASAP. If it’s in your budget, I’d greatly recommend investing in Amazon Prime.
8. Saving money. It’s so important to attempt to break way from the “paycheck to paycheck” vicious cycle. Living this way does not allow for emergency expense money, and trust me, sometime soon you will need emergency expense money. Your cat might get sick or your car may die, whatever it is, it’s always smart to have at least $500 squirreled away. I’m gonna level with you, things have been tight for my budget and I haven’t been able to save anything for the past three months. But this month I will!
Example Budgets
Full Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 40hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $1,160 a month without taxes.
Housing: Let’s say you’re sharing an apartment with two close friends, the rent being $1,500 without any amenities. That rent split three ways is $500 each.
Gas I commute twenty minutes every day, and I drop about $20-$25 a week on gas. That’s $100 on gas a month.
Food: I do one big shopping a month with my boyfriend. We drop around $180 and that’s including toiletries and soap and stuff. So maybe you’ll spend about $100 a month on all your shopping needs.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split three ways that’s $17 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Especially when you have cats. Let’s just tack on another $100.
With everything added up, you still have around $290 left before taxes! That money can go into a savings account, and after several months, you’ll have that $500 worth of emergency money saved.
Part Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 25hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $725 without taxes.
Housing: In this case, you need to look for apartments in the $800-900 range. In my area, one bedroom apartments go for around $1000, so you may need to get creative with your roommate (I don’t think you could have more than one roommate in this situation). Buy dividers to split the bedroom or studio in half! Let’s say your rent is $850 with nothing included, that’s $425 each.
Gas You’re still looking at a large gas bill per month, so it may be more inexpensive to ride a bike or use public transportation. Let’s say you use public transportation, and spend around $50 a month on that. Or maybe you and your roommate can split gas expenses and share a car?
Food: Pinch those pennies! Use some of those budget cookbooks I linked above to help you cook healthy and delicious meals for under $4 each. See if you can only spend $80 a month on groceries.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split two ways is $25 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
That leaves you $25 to put in your bank account, if that. This is a paycheck to paycheck situation, and you will probably need to get another source of income to feel secure. But you can still do it!
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divinitykittty · 5 years
Get to know Kit
It’s the question(s) on nobody’s mind: who is divinity kittty?
Well let me just start by saying I have A LOT of time on my hands, like too much, like enough to find and fill all of this out for no other reason than because I felt like it. & with that being said, here’s some light public self reflection; hope it’s as good for you guys as it was for me!
1.    Full Name
Im gonna stick with “Divinity Kittty” but you can call me Kit, Kittty or Divinity.
2.    Zodiac sign
Gemini sun Aries Moon
3.    3 fears
dying with regrets, dying unfulfilled, living as a slave or vegetable.
4.    3 things I love
warm desserts served with icecream, debates and/or theory discussions, new experiences
5.    My best friend
is it wrong to say, myself ...?
6.    Last song I listened to
Changes / A$AP Rocky
7.    4 turn ons
sense of humor, witty come backs, strong/toned back/shoulder, intimacy that isn’t awkward or asking for something, that V line cut thing people get sometimes
8.    4 turn offs
bad breath and body odor in general! being mean to animals, being mean to servers and people who are just doing their jobs, greasy skin/hair, cowboy boots.
9.    How many tattoos/piercings
I currently have 8 piercings and 9 tattoos. Actually just took out 2 rings though (not sure if ill put them back in before they close), and working on getting another tattoo or 2 soon... so ask me again in about a month lol.
10.  The reason I joined tumblr
I joined tumblr like forever ago when it was fresh and new, immediately fell into the hole because I was a big dr.who, supernatural fan... didn’t really decide to actually “run my blog” until recently, because I just feel like it’s a cool platform to like be vulnerable and be myself without worrying about like local bs or anyone texting me or seeing me in public wondering “what was that post about.” Also, like I said, I’ve been here a while kind of just lurking in the shadows of my main acct, so I feel comfortable being myself here. Everyones weird and intellectual, it’s cool.
11.  How I feel right now
Satisfied. I just had 2 black bean burgers and some homemade fries so.. can’t complain really.
12.  Something I really really want
To RV or renovate a camper or van and just explore a couple parts of america before headed into south america via mexico+panama, into brazil for carnival, and then as far down as i can make it before catching a plane to (Australia first, and then) the East. Never to return!
13.  Current relationship status
Dating a cishet man.. pray for me.
14.  Meaning behind my URL
Honestly, it’s nothing really that deep. I’d say I relate to the feline community, domestically house cats, but also panthers and lions. I also practice divination in the form of Tarot and Astrology.... I Am a Divine Feline. Divinity Kittty. the 3 Ts represent Trinity - which closely relates to perfection or completion. I also Love the number 3, for creation and manifestation (Trinity again). Idk, I guess it was that deep after all, lol
15.  Favorite movies
Ok so it’s somewhere between spirited away and Princess Mononoke... but also like maybe Bug or Teeth... Breakfast at tiffany’s too though, and Heathers.. Have to mention fight club of course, for the culture. and Cloud Atlas!!!! oh man. Apocolypto?? like hello! I don’t know, I’ve seen so many great movies. I really enjoy watching film actually.
16.  Favorite songs
Really depends what mood I’m in but right now F Q-C and Spiral by Wilough are both greatttt on soundcloud. Never skip.
17.  Favorite bands
I don’t listen to many bands anymore but I’d say maybe Tame Impala if he counts, or Cigarettes after sex.. the beatles will always hold a place in my heart too. And muse... and coldplay oh god. Sorry mom!
18.  3 things that upset me
People who don’t pay attention when I’m trying to share or express something, bills, capitalism in general.
19.  3 things that make me happy
helping/being useful, holding hands, inside jokes
20.  Relationship with my parents
My dad kind of tries, but its one of those “too little too late” kind of deals. My mom is great, a bit negative and anxious, but my biggest regret is maybe I’m not expressing as much Love as I’d like to sometimes, due to my own traumas. I love her, I’m just a very casual lover. We try though.
21.  My pets
At my mom’s theres 2 wiener dogs, Mocha and Lulu who sleep in my room when I’m there. My bf and I also care for a Pit named Nomu, a cat named Ashes, and her fresh little month old cubs who don’t all have names yet but theres 5 of them... for adoption btw. Please.
22.  Do I smoke or drink?
Social drinker, I don’t really just like sit at home and drink for fun but I like going out for a drink and some dancing every now and then. Or wine nights. I don’t smoke... cigarettes.. haha ;)
23.  Celebrity crushes
Donald Glover. Scott Mescudi. Beyonce & Rihanna (duh). Jaden Smith. Willow Smith. 
24.  What I did yesterday
Yesterday I made some sales, hung out with my boyfriend, saw my cousin who’s in from out of town, and pretty much just vibed for the rest of the night.
25.  Something I’m talented at
Movement. I don’t know if that’s a real talent, but why wouldn’t it be. I’m really good at moving my body, like dancing, yoga, posture, flexibility, balance... I just like to move.
26.  Number of kids I want
One day, maybe like 2. Really I only want 1 but I’d have 2 just so they won’t be lonely growing up.
27.  3 habits I have
If I’m not careful I can easily spend an entire day in bed, I smoke at least 1 spliff almost every day.. especially before bed, spending more than I should.
28.  A lie I’ve told
The most recent lie I told was actually today, to my boss.. hear me out though, I just got this new job & she scheduled me but never gave me a log in for the schedules, so she calls me 2 hrs before my shift (opening) and I was just like oh yea “ I have to pick up my cousin at the airport so I can only come for like an hour while you find a replacement.” mind you my cousin got in yesterday... and she drove.. but whatever, I got a free day lol.
29.  Something I fantasize about
Civil and/or Spiritual Revolution, my role in the war+the new world
30.  My idea of the perfect date
Something outside, preferably in the sun and grass. Some kind of activity, either a game or like something where we get to create but also get to know each other better. Maybe some art or music is involved some how... last date I went on we kayaked out to a little private island and tripped half a tab, that was pretty perfect.
31.  Something currently worrying me
MONEY! omg, I’m a broke ass college kid man. And im not even in school right now, can you imagine the distress. I need my bills paid, and fast!
32.  Something that’s constantly on my mind
How I can be better than I’ve been.
33.  A photo of myself
Tumblr media
This is the most recent (quality) photo I have of myself, except my hairs black now... hi.
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sxdomy · 8 years
All numbers
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? not @ all3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? tissues, napkins, sticky notes, random cuts of notebook paper4: how do you take your coffee/tea? two-four sugars w creamer or 1/2 n 1/2 (tea)5: are you self-conscious of your smile? not after i got braces6: do you keep plants? no7: do you name your plants? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? idk the only art i do is in photography, and i try to do dark/spooky shit.. it doesnt have a meaning9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yes10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? i dont rly have a friends group, less drama that way12: what's your favorite planet? smth has always intrigued me abt mars13: what's something that made you smile today? lars (:14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? idc it's somewhere to live.. we can fix it up if we have the money. if so, i would prob have a bunch of shit everywhere lmao15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! it says language programming ??16: what's your favorite pasta dish? some plain old penne/rigatoni w red gravy, but it has to be GOOD red gravy .. none of that ragu/preggo shit17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? black and it already is dyed that color, but i do want to experiment a bit and get few pieces red18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. JESUS.. these are endless... once i RLY had to pee, and i was @ school. it was after school hrs. my friend and i were waiting for the game to start. all the doors were locked up @ the school. i think they took out the portapotty from outside, so i said to my friend, "let's go to the lower field" (we have an upper and lower field idk what other schools have lmao) despite it saying there are cameras down there (which IK for sure bc i've seen the computer w the school cameras, and there are ones surveilling the fields), i peed. in 8th grade during lunch, this girl pissed me the fuck off. i can't remember what she did, but i picked up her sandwich and threw it to the ground.another time in 8th grade during gym, my friends and i were fooling around during a fitness walk (walk thru the trail surrounded by woods oooo). i was yelling "IN DA GREENZ" bc i was a rly weird kid, and now we bring it up whenever we see bushes. OKAY lasT memORYYY in 8th grade, i was on the soccer team. i sucked @ it... the ball was coming to me, and i tried to kick it. instead of kicking it, my foot went on top of the ball resulting in my fall19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i used to keep a journal. last winter was the most recent journal i'd had, and my guidance counselor purchased it for me. i was going thru a rly hard time, and it was an outlet from that. after the winter ended, i never felt the need to write in it again.. it hasnt gotten that bad20: what's your favorite eye color? lars' eye color21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. 22: are you a morning person? depends... if my sleeping schedule is just like that, I LOVE WAKING UP IN THE MORNING. if i don't usually, then no fuck it lmao23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? literally nothing, but i do that when i have obligations... i get to it @ some point24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? lars25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? i've broken into my friend's house and my own. breaking into my friend's house wasn't rly that weird. i was out of it bc i had hardly gotten sleep the previous night. i also had permission lmao it wasn't as if i just went in. my friend had forgotten her key. breaking into my own house was actually bizarre ...26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i usually wear my docs, but i switch out. before getting my docs, i wore my all black vans W LITERALLY EVERYTHING. the only time i wouldnt was when i wore a light outfit, which wasnt often bc 98% of the time i wear all black27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? i don't chew gum. it has aspartame, which is literally poison28: sunrise or sunset? i haven't seen a sunset since i was a child, and i want to definitely see it again29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? monty is my lover30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. socks are good. if you wear them in the cold months around the house, you are less susceptible to sickness. they also work well when you wear them w most shoes bc they prevent sweat. lars take notes (; i love wearing weird socks. i love socks. i usually never match socks bc no one will see them?? if i wear a black sock, i try to match w another black sock tho. i do sleep w socks in the cold months. otherwise, my feet would freeze. sometimes i wear multiple socks in the summer to keep my feet warm. i do wear white socks sometimes32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. i wasn't w my friends, but i found a drunken man in my rm after 3am on st. patricks day two yrs ago33: what's your fave pastry? cannoli34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i kept this one stuffed animal who was a girl. she had blonde braids, and i used to kiss her on the lips when no one was looking. i knew it was weird bc she wasn't real. i also used to pretend i was fucking her... it was a weird childhood. idk where she is now35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I LOVE PENS!!!! okay im going to sound like a weirdo.. i only love certain kinds. i hate cheap ass pens. my fav pens are the ones that u click on the bottom to get the tip bc the clicking helps me concentrate. it's also fun to just click it. i haven't used a clicky one in awhile bc i bought myself pentels. i love pentels as well bc they come in nice colors, and i rly like the cap for it. i like pens that come from certain companies bc it looks like i've been somewhere.. maybe i have? i've gotten free pens from places and some of them i just found w that lettering lmao 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? nine inch nails (:37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? dont care as long as ik where everything is. my parents call it messy, but i call it my peace38: tell us about your pet peeves! i hate when ppl put things back where they don't belong. idk i dont keep track of this shit39: what color do you wear the most? black40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? none41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? 1984 by george orwell42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! starbucks LMAO43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? no one44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? the last time i was w lars45: do you trust your instincts a lot? yes46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. idk47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? high fructose corn syrup48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? idr what it was then, but now it's getting raped.. ive had this fear since i was 14 i think49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? i dont usually buy that shit50: what's an odd thing you collect? wristbands.. i like to say i've been places51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? lars , peach // the front bottoms52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? the yr just started, bUT I LOVE IAN'S (IDUBZZZZ) VIDEO OF "I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION"53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i want to see rocky horror picture show. i've seen heathers, beetlejuice, and pulp fiction. i love heathers and beetlejuice. i didn't understand pulp fiction entirely, but that could be bc i was spammed by a gc while watching it54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? idk56: what are some things you find endearing in people? smile57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i never realized that this song sounds like five mini songs put together... i did reenact them in my head58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? nonexistent lol59: what's your favorite myth? black eyed children60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? anything from edgar allan poe61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? idk i hate getting gifts i'd rather give them, but i don't usually give them bc i never have money when it's time62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? ORANGE!63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? no64: what color is the sky where you are right now? grey65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? lars66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i have SAD soooo68: what's winter like where you live? FUCKING HORRIBLE, but it's worse in other places69: what are your favorite board games? ive been missing guess who? lately70: have you ever used a ouija board? no, but my math teacher says u have to make it from a certain wood and put a spell on it for it to work... too much work 😩71: what's your favorite kind of tea? lipton lemon!!!!!72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? i try to note everything down, but sometimes i can remember things w/o writing them down73: what are some of your worst habits? staying in bed for too long74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. bye75: tell us about your pets! i have a dog, and she's old af lmao i never rly liked her idk i hate dogs76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? homework and probably calling up my new job to see when i have to go in.. cant be arsed.. 77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? FANCLUB!!! (:79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?lars gave me cute cat headphones80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white.. i didn't choose it81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. i can't rn82: are/were you good in school? i made it into university, so i guess so83: what's some of your favorite album art? the devin n god are raging inside of me // brand new .. cant think of many in particular84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? one in remembrance of my friend who died and a full sleeve85: do you read comics? what are your faves? no86: do you like concept albums? which ones? YES YES YESSSS MANSON 'S CONCEPTS R SO GOOD (: 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? idk88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? i just rly like frida kahlo89: are you close to your parents? no90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i want to visit/live in philly so badly ):91: where do you plan on traveling this year? texas92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i only put a little fresh mozz on it if there is quite a bit93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? i just wear my hair the same everyday94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? lars95: what are your plans for this weekend? none96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? omfg i had 20 or so awaiting updates last summer that i had to finally do bc it was fucking up my computer97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? what98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? i dont hike99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. NOBODY'S PERFECT BY HANNAH MONTANA100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 yrs into the future.. why would i want to relive the last 5 yrs of life ?? idk im just fine living w my past mistakes.. they've shaped me
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
And no, you can't tell what the attitude of the aircraft is. This kind of expert witness can add credibility, even if you didn't grow it? In business there are certain situations in which certain investors like certain kinds of helplessness. Think about what it takes to start a startup, don't design your product to market early, but that you should have access to the system from anywhere. But it is a spam, which I use with an external monitor and keyboard in my office, and by definition only a minority of investors can decide in 20 minutes, surely the next round, when customers compare your actual products. Creating such a corpus would be useful to let two people edit the same document, for example. But this group must be small. It's hard to predict now, I'd say that yes, surprisingly often it can.
You have to start as a consulting firm. What are you going to recognize a good designer? 3 times in my spam corpus, the probability is. I'm often mistaken about where these bottlenecks are. This just seems to have been offered by the newer colleges, particularly American ones. Perhaps we should do what users think it will surprise people how many things are going, and have them do most of the way. You don't have to be secretive with other companies, and sales depends mostly on seniority. Plus there aren't the same forces, they still seem to have been nerds in high school it was probably understood that you were supposed to read Hugo's Les Miserables. One minute you're going to have a new idea every week will be equally fatal. Each person should just do what you would call a real job. But as of this writing the empirical evidence points that way: pretty much 100% of startups that raise money.1
Since capital is no longer needed, big companies won't be able to decrease without having to think about before: how not to die. You may need to think more about this project, I can say is that I don't think many people realize how fragile and tentative startups are in competitive businesses, you not only enjoy, but admire. Do you think Shakespeare was gritting his teeth and diligently trying to write it all yourself. So my guess is that Microsoft will develop some kind of wrongdoing. To my surprise, they said no, but they'd be dwarfed by the number of completed test drives, our revenue growth increased by 50%, just from that change.2 They hate to release something that could be weeded out.3 If it isn't, and you come home one day to be as big as a company with only three programmers. Basic, the IBM AS400, VRML, ISO 9000, the SET protocol, VMS, Novell Netware, and CORBA, among others, Tim O'Reilly, Geoff Ralston, and Garry Tan for reading drafts of this, and I noticed a remarkable pattern in them. Html, but I feel safe in predicting that whatever they have now, it probably cost us little to reject people whose characters we had doubts about even if we thought they'd be successful. Reading The Nude is like a pass/fail course. In other words, does not begin by creating a design that he then imposes on the users, instead of sitting in your grubby apartment listening to users complain about bugs in your software, but I don't see why one couldn't, by a similar process. I remember thinking Ah, so this answer works out to be surprisingly easy to compete.
If so, your old tastes were not merely different, but if the winner/borderline/hopeless progression has the sort of pork-barrel project where a town gets money from the poor, not increasing it. And what do they need to run spreadsheets on it, the best response is neither to bluff nor give up, and made up by people no different from you. You may have expected recipes for coming up with good answers.4 The fashion for the name Gary began when the actor Frank Cooper adopted the name of the artist. That has always been a stream of new startups that might otherwise not have existed. Algol isn't good enough at simulations. Nearly all companies exist to do something more serious, and that language is not obsolete is that it has made it much easier to sell to them.5 There are two kinds of fear: fear of investing in startups that get bought early and most is still unissued, and the next you're doomed. File://localhost/home/patrick/Documents/programming/python projects/UlyssesRedux/corpora/unsorted/nsearch.6
I treat mail as spam if the algorithm above gives it a probability of. Labor Board. This was certainly true in the military—that the earth moves. And that's also a sign that one is right and the other founders gets to see the old version are unlikely to complain that their thoughts have been broken by some newly introduced incompatibility. In fact, getting a normal job. In doing so you create wealth with no environmental cost. 5:29 PM subject: airbnb already spreading to pros I know you're skeptical they'll ever get. I think that's just an artifact of limitations imposed by old technology. Try to get your product to please VCs or potential acquirers. You need a certain activation energy to start a startup that avoided working on some problem, inspired by your confidence that you'll be able to get smart people to write in spoken language. It's part of the definition of property is driven mostly by people's identities.
His mind is absent from the everyday world because it's hard at work in another. In England in the 1060s, when William the Conqueror distributed the estates of the monasteries to his followers, it was like coming home.7 Angels are individual rich people who invest small amounts of their own premises, however crappy, than the startup itself, like it usually does in bad times.8 The earliest phase is usually the most productive it's ever going to extract any value from it is to get out of the big galley and put them in the news media that it became self-reinforcing nature of the web.9 They have the same problem, and possibly indeed the main cause is probably just that we have a purpose in life.10 If you're a YC startup.11 It might actually carry some weight. Outside writers tend to supply editorials of the defend-a-position variety, which make a beeline toward a rousing and foreordained conclusion. They like to get money. In fact, it may be somewhat blurry at first. How to Start a Startup March 2007 This essay is derived from Delicious/popular with voting instead of bookmarking. I often have to rephrase the question slightly.
I spend a lot of work. The latter type is sometimes called an HR acquisition. Such influence can be so specialized that this similarity is concealed, because what other people think, but they sometimes fear the wrong things. Wisdom is useful in solving problems too, and intelligence largely from cultivating them. Instead of treating them as disasters, make them easy to acknowledge and easy to fix. Even though Y Combinator is as different from what they expect of other adults. But if you make a point of packing? In fact, this is a labor of love and he wants it to be real. That seems like saying that blue is heavy, or that we'd meet them again. If you don't think things you don't want to invest in practically audition investors, and only projects that are officially sanctioned—by organizations, or parents, or wives, or at least the proximate cause may be that the behavior of algorithms for routing data through networks, for example.
The best notebooks I've found are made by a two-part one.12 In America only a few things we can say with certainty. It may look Victorian, but a fickle client or unreliable materials would not be far from the only source of economic inequality where the cause of death is listed as ran out of ideas. And whereas Wikipedia's main appeal is that it's harder for them to do? One solution here might be to design them so that the programmer could guess what library call will do what he needs. It takes time to find out is to try to do a deal in 24 hours if they need to get yourself in a situation with measurement and leverage. Duplo world of a few thousand people you'd like to like. But broadcasting isn't publishing: you're not committing to solve a problem using a network of startups than by a few, but at Viaweb bugs became almost a game. Only a tiny fraction of people who all get up in the morning. That helps would-be app stores will be too busy to shoo you away. And it's not just the mob you need to do is start one.
A day job.
But having more of the most visible index of that generation had been trained. Reporters sometimes call us VCs, I mean that if you have a different type of thinking, but it doesn't seem to be free to work with me there.
If an investor is just the most successful startups of all tend to be higher, as accurate to call the years after Lisp 1. Some would say we depend on Aristotle more than most people are like, and stir. Actually this sounds to him? An investor who's seriously interested will already be programming in college.
Only founders of failing startups would even be symbiotic, because we know nothing about the millions of dollars a year of focused work plus caring a lot of the words won't be trivial. On the other reason it used a TV as a cold email. 'Math for engineers' classes sucked mightily.
There need to go the bathroom, and made more margin loans. Perl has. Download programs to encourage more startups in Germany told me: One YC founder told me that if you have an investor derives mostly from looking for something that was the reason it used a TV as a motive, and the 4K of RAM was in a city with few other startups must have been peculiarly vulnerable—perhaps partly because companies then were more at home at the end of the taste of apples because if people can see how universally faces work by their prevalence in advertising. But it's hard to say what was happening in them to be discovered.
If you have to admit there's no lower bound to its precision. And in any era if people are trying to sell your company right now. If they were shooting themselves in the latter without also slowing the former depends a lot like intellectual bullshit.
I don't want to lead. Structurally the idea of happiness from many older societies.
Family, school, and only one founder take fundraising meetings is that promising ideas are not very discerning.
If anyone wants.
Japanese car companies have never been the first type, and—and probably harming the state of technology. Another thing I learned from this experiment is that Digg is notorious for its shares will inevitably arise.
If you ask that you're small and use whatever advantages that brings.
Not all were necessarily supplied by the size of the first scientist.
0 notes
gigsoupmusic · 5 years
Radio Free Universe shares latest single "She's High Again"
Radio Free Universe is an indie-rock band hailing from the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Their new single "She's High Again" captures two perspectives of the same situation -- the light and carefree chorus is the perspective of “She” and the dark verses are the reality of the situation played by the singer. Listen to the new single "She's High Again" now on Soundcloud and read the interview with Radio Free Universe. Can you talk to us about the inspiration behind your latest single, "She's High Again"? The song is about my guitar player and best friend and his wish. It’s a “be careful what you wish for” kinda story. Some time after his break-up with a rising starlet, we were in our downtown loft making yet another record. He’d tried dating and messing around with girls, but he was frustrated. One night he just came out and said it, ”I wish a really hot girl would just walk in off the street so I wouldn’t have to bother dating.” Well ten minutes later, in walked our subject. They were married within a month. We were all naïve and had no clue she was on meth. We just thought she was “different”. He stuck by her for years through everything you could think of. I found it fascinating. Years later, like a good Yoko, she split up that project right here in Hamilton. When Radio Free Universe decided that this song fit this new project, all those years of observation combined with living in Hamilton to produce the finished product. How has your community contributed to your success? A lot of career musicians live in Hamilton. The city has a vibrant and dynamic music scene. It’s a blessing and a curse. The blessing is you’re always around incredible dedicated music professionals (players, producers, writers, and sound engineers). Mohawk College is constantly developing new young talent. A lot of young bands meet there. It’s a great city to be a musician. You can find live music worth seeing every night. We all get to know each other. We all learn from each other. The curse is simply the saturation of the local market. Listeners are so spoiled. You really have to work hard to get their attention. When artists start to expand their market out of Hamilton it’s amazing to see how well the rest of the world reacts to so much of what we do. I got to pick some of the best people to make this record with. From strings to the guys who joined the band. It’s very similar to living in California back in the day where you had a plethora of raw talent living close to a lot of production facilities. What advice would you give other musicians? Make great music. Make it so you can listen to it and be proud of it for the rest of your life. That’s really hard to do, but you have to. Make sure you connect with the song emotionally. If you almost can’t sing it sometimes because it makes you feel so intense that you almost lose the note, you’ve done it. Someone will listen to it and really connect with you and when they do you will have a listener for life.Next get a real producer.  I’m a total hypocrite here because I was very involved in producing this record on every level, but I fully understand the equipment and the technical application of the recording process. Not because I took some stupid course, but because I worked alongside some great producers. Even with that I still know that I have to have someone who is pushing when I’m not. I have a co-producer for that -- really important. If you don’t know anything about recording, don’t start -- just play your song and your instruments. Learn how to perform it perfectly then get a producer.  Listen to music you like and start looking. If you hear something from another artist that blows you away, find out who they worked with and work with them. For many, thinking you’re capable of engineering and producing your own record is the kiss of death. Sure, you will eventually make something good but it will take you a decade or more. Save yourself the trouble and pay someone reputable to make your record -- it’s your career.  People pay $100,000 to go to school; you can pay $15k to make a real record. Figure it out. There is no easy way these days -- you have to kill for it. While you wait for that to happen. Just post yourself (providing it’s great) playing live or performing acoustically. Record it with your phone and get it out there.  Build your fan base like that if you have to. Yes people really like live raw sounding stuff because they know they are getting that when it scrolls up their feed. These are distinct things. One of my biggest problems is self image. I’ve always been self-conscious about that crap. Get over it and get out there. People will love you for being real as long as you’re great. Describe to our audience your music-making process. It’s voodoo. I mean after writing for so long it’s not changed too much. I get less impressed with myself, which has really helped. Songs can come in many ways but usually it’s a melody I hear somewhere. Like in my dream or driving, when I’m not doing music specifically it just hits. I always drop what I’m doing and document the idea. It’s like a whisper from the other side. From there I’ll go to the studio to bounce the idea off Mark (co-producer) or a band member and just start working our asses off. We aim for a track that carries itself with no production -- one instrument and the vocal. Then the games begin.  Once a song is started, we usually leave it up on the board until it’s done. (Yes I said board. Having a real studio with a full-frame class A console at your disposal is really the greatest thing in the world.) How did it feel when you released this new music? Amazing! I’m really proud of the songs on this record. I had to dig deep to make something I could listen to perpetually. That meant rediscovering basic things like what made me want to make music to begin with. We referenced our favourite music and tried to make something that could be played alongside it. If you could collaborate with any musician/band, who would it be? And why? I have gotten to work with some amazing people. I’ve been around some of my heroes and I’ve tried to absorb their “thing” and make pieces of it my own. There are a couple of people that I would die to work with. Dr. Dre. for one -- I’m a huge fan. I would love to see his process and try to get my head around how he builds a track. I think I would get so much from that. I’m sure it’s very different than what I’ve already got in my bag. He’s so not hit and miss. He always nails his productions. I also want to work with Quincy Jones. Especially the younger version because I love the idea of working 20 hrs a day on something. I want to learn his process first hand. I think that would be humbling. What first got you interested in music? The vacuum. My parents made me vacuum all the time. And young -- like 7 or 8 years old. When I heard the sound of it I would hum to it. I discovered dissonance and harmony and tone. I was able to sing well very early on. The very first time I sang in front of people, I was in grade six. From that point on I knew I would be a musician. It wasn’t even a question. Read the full article
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years
My aunt is too scared to for real retire.
She retired a year ago but she still drove 2 hours to work to make like $8/hr as a special ed assistant
Tonight i filled out a job application for her (hand written and apparently I have the beat handwriting of everyone - but Kim who is an hour away) for a job that sounds really great.
Before she was supposed to just be an assistant... She ended up with four kids and had her regular job plus the librarian didn't like her assistant so my aunt would help her. And my aunt would get there at like 730 after driving in the mountains. Sometimes snow. And stay till 430 and not have lunch.
So. Now this job is 15 hours a week as a coordinator. Still working with kids and still all that and a bag of chips. Still a lot of responsibility but it is like day camp vs real school
I got really bugged last year cause she retired but still drove 2 hours to work. She's old and has arthritis. She was in a really bad car wreck when I was about 13 and fucked up all her bones. They all still hurt.
I was wishing she would take care of herself more, stop pushing herself so hard to take over the world when i knew she couldn't handle it.
But she was afraid and stubborn.
My 2nd cousin can't get her kids back until she does a whole list of things. And it could take 6 months to 1 year. Best.
My aunt is supposed to, hopefully, be getting the kids back on Monday. Both of them as,a foster parent her self. So she will be paid to take care of them.
So, sometimes bad things happen to good people So that good things can happen to them.
I have a friend in NYC I saw 7 years ago. We were returning from Manhattan and we were on Staten Island And a homeless lady was all bugging about kids being taken away and all this crazy, clean! Clean them! Putting up with this bitch!! Clean! Clean them!!
I firmly believe homeless in NYC see the future and have spirit lives beyond most. My friend laughed at me cause i was all drop,mouth wide eyed and she was all "you act like you never saw a homeless person before" I told her what she was saying and my friend went back to talk to her and my friend was spooked too.
My friend was trying to use the ATM and bathroom and all so I was with the kids outside waiting and idk i just started grabbing them away from her But they weren't bothered, they kept going next to her and even touching her. My friend did the same although we were at least 20 feet away by then and I knew on her face she knew the omen the homeless lady was saying was true and it was scary for us. And i asked her, just in case and she said "it was nothing" but the lady offered her entire soul and it was like a deep dark vacuum of knowledge. I just sighed and said "i hope you will be okay" and she said she would. And she was.
8 months later my friend had child protective services called on her for having her kid in the laundry after 10 pm
She wanted a house of her own for years but was scared to lose her safe Queens beachfront apartment which was paid for.
But that was the last straw. By the time the next hurricane hit, she was already moved an hour upstate. It actually hit their moving day. They ended up losing their car as they had left it and the flood went up to the second floor balconies.
So. Sometimes bad things happen to good people So good things can happen to them.
I'm pretty sure that my cousin's husband has a lot to do with this. I don't like him yet I don't know him so I don't say anything because I rarely see him. I saw him 2 years ago for 4 minutes at his step-daughter's birthday party. I was late and he was going to work. I just know the stories i hear and my cousin isnt crazy, she is unhappy and shes not getting nearly as much attention that his video game gets. So she's always angry and raging. So i don't like him.
But sometimes he will randomly esp "im just here for ky son and one day I'm just taking him"
I haven't said anything but my mom said "he can just go through the treatment plan on his own and take his son. That's the only reason he's there anyway and he treats his step-daughter like a 3rd rate citizen"
You know. And he says "that's not mine" i tell him "dude i don't want to hear about your problems!!! You married her, don't act like you didn't know what was happening!!!"
The fucked up thing is hes been with my cousin since his step daughter was 2 month old. So why isn't she important to him? What he can't handle the thought that someone,else,fucked his wife?
Its not like he was a virgin... I mean I would say likely cause his face. However his Facebook says different. Like he was engaged months before he met my cousin.
But whatever. My aunt is mean as Hell and she will put her foot through hs face. He will look better for it. Free plastic surgery.
Okay so my opinion is he isn't attractive. However, my cousin can make some beautiful babies, despite what canvas that dad has. Oh boy.
I have anger at this husband. Of course it ain't my business but i know i failed as an adult in my 2nd cousin's life (I was 15 when she was born) but i prayed about her a lot. I prayed a lot that she would be happy, because I knew she wasn't treated with all the love she deserved. And shes still not. Whenever I heard her name, I did pray.
So I know God sometimes has to do some funky to get the goods. I just hope she's not hurt more.
I think its good that she has some time from her kids. My aunt at home more will be good for them.
I know being homeless sucks. I know how hard it is to be 20 something and not ever feel right. Just angry.
My kid is what holds me together.
Idk if she will ever feel that. Its all her choice whatever she decides.
But I wish she would realize the happiest life isn't one with someone whom doesn't see you for the TV, or a job or fear.
I wish she would just be loved.
0 notes
nookishposts · 6 years
Contentedly Cooing
30-40 hrs a week, my sweet and  savory life is carefully measured in grams. It’s a bit of an art really, the delicate balance of flavor and consistency, the trial-and-error distillation of generational recipes handed-down from the days when things were measured by a handful, a pinch, or just enough, to the finely-tuned specialties that make the eating of aforesaid sweets and savories accessible to  folks previously denied the pleasure. Gluten, for some, is a bitch...and refining one’s diet to reduce or remove it is not a bandwagon fad as has been suggested by certain headline physicians.Many people with food sensitivities/allergies or inflammatory diseases have been stunned at the difference taking gluten from their diet can make. The two gentlemen who opened Turtledoves Bakery 8 years ago, did so in large part because of frustratingly real health and digestive issues of their own. They understand all too well the literal pains of gut inflammation and the turbulence of navigating a dietary maelstrom just in order to eat, let alone heal. For many, Turtledoves has become a beacon of hope and relief.
I met Peter and Doug through local community interests in about 1997, when I was managing a local bookstore. They are both wise and lovely guys who understand high value and quality of products and service. We have crossed paths many times in 20 years. About 3 weeks ago, they took me on as an employee, and I am having a blast as a baker-in-training. I am learning how to graft new skills onto the stems of old ones.My apron is testament to how much I throw myself into my work, a kind of Jackson Pollock of pastry. (We are working on curbing my enthusiasm for self-decoration. But boobs and bellies provide an involuntary canvas, whether zesting lemons or stirring strawberry rhubarb pie filling.)   The place always smells divine. The people who work there believe 100% in the value of what they do, and they do it extremely well. I get to regularly sample the results. I won’t even pretend the guise of quality control, the stuff is just plain yummy ( and not painful!) in the tummy.
Standards at Turtledoves are exceptionally high and never to be messed with. Doug will show you how something works and Peter will tell you exactly why. I have come to think of their patient instruction as “Doug’s Details and Peter’s Particulars”. They take teasing very well, but it all translates into success based on freshly-made product from fresh ingredients, hard work and careful customer consideration. Each daily bake starts as early as 6am, ensuring lots of variety and freshness by the time doors open to the public. The environment itself is also fresh; spotless and colorful and caring.Staff are encouraged to try everything, discover their strengths, and allowed shine in their own way. I have learned that I cannot pipe baguettes to save my life; they come out looking like staccato-pinched ghost turds. Peter, who pipes the loaves with both flair and perfection, has agreed  that I’d best stay with muffins, fillings and pie pastry, though lately I am expanding into cookies. (Hell, given where I’m working, its safe to say I am expanding in all directions.) One day I may graduate to squares, but lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. The experts aren’t ready for me.
The secret is really in the grams; the guys’ Grandmothers from who many recipes have originally sprung, down to the careful accurate-to-the-gram measures of critical ingredients. One day recently, I hand-squeezed 100 key limes for their juice, because real key lime pie wouldn’t be the same without it. I have discovered it takes approximately 22 lemons to get 40 grams of zest for blueberry lemon muffins. 1350 grams of combined grated zucchini and carrot goes into each chock full batch of carrot/raisin/zucchini muffins. The food processor and I have stopped swearing at one another and learned to play nicely. Eggs come in crates full of 48-count trays, and I get laughs  when I am caught fetching up a dozen  in the gathered pouch of my apron...as much for the Granny Clampett  nuances as the fact that I need to make several trips. Carrying out a tray at a time is much easier, but I seem to learn the hard way.
Assembling recipes can run the gamut from aromatic to eye-watering. Jalapeno chopping is not for the faint of heart. Dicing onions is best approached with a scuba mask. (Matching fins are optional.) There are several work stations busy at all times and we dance a polite dough-see-dough around one another, carrying hot pans, large bins of sorghum or featherlight , trays of squares and breads, fillings and frostings. Oven Door Limbo is a quickly acquired skill, as is Pin The Oven Mitt in the find-em spot.You can learn a lot about a person when you are making sausage rolls or Jamaican patties together. Doug the one is most likely to catch me doing something dopey, like losing control of the power sprayer at the sink and soaking myself in a quick blast. That thing could strip paint! There is laughter, every day.  It is encouraged. Who knew how many ribald one-liners could emerge from pounding, plopping, poking and pinching? So much mouth-watering comedy is possible on a 750 square foot stage.
For me, the opportunity to learn is always a welcome thing. I worked at many a coffee shop, cafeteria,  or pizza place getting through school. I love a well-run kitchen. Who doesn’t like to bake? There will always be  satisfaction in starting from scratch, fully-focused attention to every detail, the smell of fresh butter and cinnamon, the beauty of a delicately-browned crust and an end result as nourishing to the eye, the nose, and the soul as to the belly. But when a harried parent is able to get their severely-allergic child a luscious birthday cake made without all the stuff that hurts them, everybody wins. When the Winona Peach Festival orders a couple of thousand pie shells for their annual event, you know you are doing something right.When Lakeside ala Carte at Spencer Smith Park on August 12, where the wineries and breweries that strut their stuff promise your pizzas as a go-with, you’re on fire.  When local restaurants wish to offer their customers choices, and your flatbreads are so popular you can’t keep up with the demand....or your Nanaimo bars/butter tart/lemon/raspberry/ chocolate cheesecake squares get scooped up by the tray rather than individually...you know your audience is fully on board. Wedding cakes are stunning works of art. (I am not allowed near those and with good reasons). Recently, someone came in to get gluten-free bread for a event they were hosting; for a guest with food sensitivities. “I’ve got lots of REAL bread for the others.” they said. And was gently corrected: “This is real bread. We just make it without gluten.” And it tastes so good, you’d never know.
Shameless plug:
Turtledoves Bakery  175 Plains Rd East, Unit 5. Burlington ON
0 notes
How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?
"How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
State based insurance?
Trynna find insurance that only covers a few states . I need one that covers I'm Florida?
""What is the best health care plan for student while attending medical school, like nursing?""
I'm a student nursing and ASAP need some health insurance, including Emergency Room coverage. Does anyone know any type of Health Insurance for medical student like that, ...show more""
A realistic way for a full time college student to make money.?
This student is a 20 unit UCLA Law major who needs money but can't even work a part-time job. Without inculding college debt, this student needs 1.5k every month(rent, car, gas, food, insurance, utilities). A part-time min-wage job is not an option due to class load and $400-$500 isn't worth negitive effects on performance. Thus, I'm asking for out of the box ideas. No get a job at McDonalds or Spend less money . Those have already been thought of and done.""
Price of insurance for a 2002 Porsche Boxster?
My uncle's selling me his 2.7l 2002 Porsche Boxster. I'm a 16 year old boy and this will be my first car. What do you think the monthly price of insurance on it would be? I know that I should ask an insurance agent, but I just want to know what I should expect it to be around. Thanks:)""
Which home insurance company should I choose?
I'm currently shopping for home insurance and I need some answers quickly. I currently have Allied Insurance and am thinking switching over to Western Mutual because of the cost for the policy. Anyone know the differences between the two and what's the web site for checking reputations and so forth about an insurance company from the states i've living in??
Did I get a cheap Auto Insurance?
Not sure if I got a good deal from Geico. I insured my new 2008 Mazda and and old Honda Civic. I live in SoCal. Liability Coverages for both: Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage = $50,000. Medical Payments = $25,000. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury = $500,000/$500,000. Plus Collision and Comprehensive Coverage for the new car. Total Premium = $528.70 (6 months coverage) Is this expensive? Did I choose the right amount for the coverage?""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
How can I get my first ever used car if I don't have any auto insurance b4?
So here is the conflict: I can't drive the used car off the lot if I don't have insurance. But to get the insurance, I need to have the car purchased first. Am I missing something here?""
How will my car insurance change now that i am married?
Hi, I just got married. I am 30 and she is 23. I pay about $76 a month on my car , she pays about $125 and both are full coverage. Mine is with Geico and hers is with some other company. I will get a quote in a few days, but I was just interested, as to what our insurance rate will be when we combine, probably with Geico. Is hers going to make it very high or what can I expect. Thanks.""
How much are you paying for motorcycle insurance?
I'm trying to get a quote for insurance on a 2008 Ducati 848. I tried Geico, State Farm, All State abd Progressive but they all are quoting me around the same which is around 4k a year for full coverage and 1k a year for just liability. This seems crazy to me as im only paying $350 a year right now for full coverage on my ninja 250. I know the Duc has a much larger engine but the price difference is drastic. Im a 23 year old male with 2-3 years riding experience. Clean record and i did the MSF course when i started riding. The 848 im trying to buy is used and i would be paying in full. How much are you guys paying?""
Car insurance for a learner...?
im 17 now and want to start learning to drive. But what i want to do is buy a car, then get insured on it as a learner and have my dad take me out driving to teach me. i want a car like a peugeot 206, renault clio, vauxhall corsa, a ford KA or something small like that. does anybody know how much insurance will be for me as a learner? also im female if that helps!?""
Auto insurance for Toyota celica gts 2000?
I am getting my license on my 18th birthday and I am planning on getting a celica. The car will be on my dad name, and he's over 25yrs old. I want to know the rates of auto insurance for a sport car vs me getting a regular 4 doors. I just got a quote today and the guy told me that my insurance could be $116 a month for the celica with progressive please help me make my decision ty""
Can you buy car insurance for yourself if you are under 18?
I'm under 18 and my boyfriend wants to buy a car for us. The car will be under his name. He doesn't have a license so he will need me to be the sole driver of the car. Is it possible for me to buy car insurance since I'm underage?
I need cheap car insurance?
I am a 18 year old female and i have some violations against me such as speeding, driving with a suspended license and failure to yield ticket. My parents won't put me on there insurance so i need to find my own but they are all wayyy to expensive so far, anyone got any ideas? please""
Cheap cars to insure at 21?
ok so i am looking for a cheap car that will not cost me  for insurance the cheaper the better the car does not need to be a top of the range brand spanking new thing for all i care it can be from 1970 as long as the insurance for them are cheap
Is there such a thing as a joint life insurance plan?
Just wondering if there is such a thing that would cover my spouse and I on one policy. For ex. 20 or 30 year policy for around $150,000.00 where either myself or spouse would ride the policy.""
""What kind of life insurance is better for me, term insurance or permanent insurance?""
Is there any advantage to permanent insurance over term insurance or vis versa? I mean, basically it looks like term is the better deal because I can buy more death benefit for a lot less money, but permanent insurance gives me money with a death benefit. I'm in my late 40's, have a wife and 2 kids, normal bills, mortgage, etc. Does anyone have any opinions about what is really the better deal long term?""
Is car insurance cheaper in upstate new york?
right now i live in brooklyn new york...is there a difference?
Why have my health insurance premiums increase 72% over the last few months?
I received a letter a few months ago that my premiums would be increasing due to the ACA. I never thought they would increase by 72%. I thought President Obama said our premiums would decrease dramatically. Full coverage + Vision and dental 31/m non smoker (very healthy and active) Haven't been to the doctor in years Golden Rule United Healthcare Premiums a few months ago $193 per month $35 co pay $1500 deductible Premium starting next month $267 w/ same co pay and deductible WTF? I make roughly $2200 a month before taxes and fail to see how this is affordable.
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
What are the requirements for free health care in California?
My grandmother is from Malaysia and she is living with us in California (since November 2007). She has a green card. Her health has been deteriorating and she's been getting these terrible headaches. I really want to take her to see a doctor, but the price would be astronomical without health insurance. Is she eligible for medicare/medicaid/medical? If not, what are some other options? I'm sorry if I sound ignorant or uneducated about this, but honestly, I really don't know anything about this. Any help I can get is very much appreciated.""
Will taking a defensive driving class lower my insurance and take points off my driving record?
Ive been in two car accidents one in Nov.2007 and the other Feb. 2008 and i was wondering if taking a defensive driving course would take points off my driving record and lower my insurance.
Insurance rates 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old male who has been driving for about 2 and a half years. About how much more would a coupe cost for me than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/
Am i paying too much for car insurance?
I am in my early 30s. A single male, no kids. I have a pretty much spotless driving record. The only ticket i have had in the past 10 years that i can think of off hand was for not using a turn signal, that was over a year ago. Other than that, nothing in around 10 years. No claims on my insurance in over 10 years either. I drive a 2001 Ford ZX2, its a compact car-for those not familiar with it , it would be similar to a Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon. Oh, im paying $700 every 6 months for full coverage car insurance through Nationwide. I have been with them ever since i started driving. This seems like alot. Is it? My friends tell me im overpaying, yet when i call around other places to get quotes i never find anything cheaper. In fact several places have told me to stay where im at. I dont have a problem paying it, but im just trying to find out if this sounds about right and fair as far as the price goes. Anyone out there a insurance agent?""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice
""What's wrong with my car, Damage and Insurance Question?""
Two days ago, I was involved in a car accident. Allow me to explain what happened. I was stopping at a stop sign, and as I put my foot on the brake, there was some black ice, and my car slid through the stop sign, straight into the intersection, where a woman hit me in the rear end of my car, which spun my car around, making my tap the back of her car as well. My car was barely left with a dent, and driving away from the scene, my car was just fine. However, when I went to drive it this morning, I noticed something was up with the back end. Whenever I hit a bump, it feels like the back end backs up, and fishtails away from the front of the car. Can you tell me what's up with my car, and how much it would be to fix whatever it is? Also, assuming you understand what happened in the accident, and knowing that I and the other woman have insurance, can you tell me who would end up paying for the damage done to her car, and whose fault it really was? Will insurance cover her damage, and if so, whose company is going to cover it? Hers or mine?""
What are some names of some cheap 3rd party Auto Insurance companies in Texas?
Tittle say it all, best answer 5 stars""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
I was looking at either a 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650R, a 2011 Yamaha FZ6R, or a 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I live about 50 miles away from Washington D.C. in the suburbs. My grades are A's and B's and I'm in 2 AP classes. I've never had any traffic violations for a car, not that it really matters when dealing with a motorcycle.""
Where might i find proof of insurance in texas?
I need to find proof of insurance for my car in the year 2004 is there some where that it might be saved, my insurance company no longer has records, and I am in desperate need of that proof""
What would the insurance cost for a citreon saxo?
I'm nearly 17 and i'm most probably getting a citroen saxo, a second hand one, something cheap. I was just wondering how much the insurance might costs roughly. Thankss""
Proof of insurance in Georgia?
If I will be driving someone elses car and they have auto insurance do I have to have insurance as well?
Insurance for new driver?
For a new male driver that just got their permit, which car would have cheaper insurance? 2013 Audi A6 3.0T or a 2000 Corvette convertible Most people's first responses are the Corvette, because it is a sports car. However, it has only slightly more power than the Audi, and is worth less than half of what the Audi is. Both cars are titled under the same persons name, if that makes a difference. Would the difference in value make the Corvette's insurance cheaper, or will it still be higher?""
How much are you paying car insurance NJ?
I just want to know, please answer with how much, every 6 months? age? and any driving history? My mom and I are paying 2000$ 6 months, both of us have had unsafe operation in our driving records. does that sound reasonable to you? I'm really new to this car insurance and trying to know. thanks""
How much does the car really influence the insurance premium?
I never had an accident, or points on my license. Would my insurance really go up if i were to trade a beetle in for a convertible eclipse (used, an 03)? I've always heard the sporty the car the higher the insurance, but is that true?""
USA Insurance for New Immigrants?
Hello!! I would like to inquire about medical insurance for new immigrants in the state of Florida. We have been here for 1 year now and who or what organization should we turn to? I have heard that a lot of them are expensive. I was told that we could get family insurance through employment -- but at the moment, my mom is the only one working with us, 3 dependents. So suggestion?""
Does having a Husky effect my insurance?
I live on the same property as my parents so they have the same house insurance. Well they are telling me that if i get a Husky they will loose there insurance. I have never heard of such a think. I have heard of it going up but not losing it. I just really want this dog, but I dont know if they will approve. I just dont think they approve of having another dog on there land. What do you think?""
Where do I look for Health Insurance?
In a month I'll be 18. I don't smoke and I'm enrolled in college. I want to find something affordable and simple, but mostly affordable. Who do I talk to and how will I know its a good deal? Another question is when I go to a hospital, do I have to pay it all upfront or can I make payments over time? (In two weeks I'll be getting the Implanon and its been set for about four months and my mother never bothered to tell me we lost out insurance. And the implant can be $400-$800 and I dont know the cost of a visit to a OBGYN at a hospital.) What else do I need to know about insurance?""
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
How much will car insurance be in NY for a 22 year old male driver?
I have been licensed since I was 18 and have NO accidents or moving violations! How much will insurance be for 2001 Maxima?
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a 19 year old female?
I am soon going to buy a used Toyota Corolla and I live in North Carolina. I am just starting to get my driver's license and I was wondering what auto insurance is cheaper? Would it be cheaper if I was on my parents auto insurance?
What would the minimum insurance for a 2008 Ford Ranger truck for someone over 30 w/ a good driving record?
...in Texas. A female. Can you recommend one?
Car Insurance Premium?
I buy a new car on 02nd January 2012 for Rs 7,00,000.00. I paid Rs. 15,000.00 as insurance premium to HDFC for one year. My car met an accident & I claim Rs. 50000.00 to insurance company & claim settled. My question is here, will my insurance premium will be more than Rs 15,000.00 next year or the insurance premium will be calculated as per the car market value in next year ?""
Can my parents exclude me from their auto insurance?
My parents have Country auto insurance (I'm assuming Countrywide, they said the one on the commercials ) I'm 16 and I feel it's my choice whether I get my license like every other kid out there, but my parents won't let me because their rates will go up. I know some insurance company's can exclude certain people from their plans, will my parent's insurance company do that for me? I really don't want to go through the hassle of calling them going on hold explaining it correctly etc. Please let me know! Thanks.(:""
Democrats: So will there be fine for not having health insurance or not?
When I asked this question just yesterday, Democrats assured me there wouldn't be ANY fine for not having health insurance - it was an OPTION.""
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
2003 Mustang GT insurance cost?
I am looking at a 2003 Mustang GT with 93k miles on it. I am a 16 year old boy and we are looking to add this to my parent's current policy. I have good grades, we will have multiple cars and home insurance with the same company. Any idea on an approximate cost per month for insurance on this car?""
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
Is an audi a3 cheap to insure for a new driver?
I came across a forbes article that said that the audi a3 was the chepaest car to insure and this seemed a bit strange to me. Is it true? If not any advice on a good car for a new driver for under 10 grand? I really have a strong preference for vw.
My daughter is 17 next week....where can I get cheap car insurance from? I want to add her on to my policy?
She will be an additional driver. My existing insurer has refused because of her age and inexperience.
How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice
Auto insurance estimate?
new driver ( Licensed in 2013), accident free When I go to pick up the vehicle at the dealership, will they ask me if I want to pay the insurance monthly or annual? ( or do I have to ask ) Id really prefer monthly payments instead age 20. use of vehicle - work/school less than 15km 2011 Audi S4 Thanks.""
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
Can i stay under parents insurance and switch car title over to my name?
So my parents gave me a car for my 18th birthday a few years ago and I am still under their insurance. I gave the car a paint job that costed 2,500 and I want to make sure the care is mine, can I switch the car title to my name while still being on their insurance? They keep me under their insurance so I can have cheaper insurance while in college""
Would the insurance for a 2004 or 2006 Ford Mustang V6 or V8 be affordable for a 16 year old male?
Would the insurance for a 2004 or 2006 Ford Mustang V6 or V8 be affordable for a 16 year old male?
Will my insurance payment go up a lot?
I was recently in a car accident, unfortunately I was the one who was at fault. It had just rained the night before and the road was wet and so my brakes did not respond and i ended up hitting another car. Anyway, my question is, how much will I have to pay for my insurance now. Will it double, triple? I know that payments tend to skyrocket after your involved in an accident and your the one at fault.""
How much would insurance be for me?
I'm a 16 year old girl. I have good grades(somebody told me this was a factor)I was just wondering if anyone knew roughly how much insurance would cost for me. I was looking into a tacoma. But depending on how high the insurance would be depends what year I would get. Anybody know how much it would cost for a new? old?
Car insurance curious question?
On today i went to a car show in my area and when i was out their i seen alot of nice old school. As i was looking, i went to talk to a guy. he said invested 20,000 in his 89 chevy caprice. It had the Portable tvs, brand new engine and so on.. Then i was like man what if you wreck you vehicle, the insurance not going to pay for all that, besides you can get much for a 21 yr old car. He was like since he got full coverage and he happen to get into a accident and the car is total, he said the insurance company will reimburse him half of the money back on what he spent on the car. Is this true?""
What would insurance on a er-5 be like for a 17 year old?
I recently asked how much gsxr400 insurance would be for a 17 year old, however being a sports bike it costs more, but what would it be like for a bike like the ER-5. also i would go ...show more""
""If I buy a car off someone, how do I put insurance on it immediately?""
This would be my first car purchase and so I don't have an insurance agent. Would I need to look up a company, let them know I'm about to buy a car, then later call them back with the VIN?""
Insurance question?
what is the average price of insurance of a 18 year old male with a sports car in the zip code area of 72601
Car Insurance claim or private repair?
Hi I have accidently damaged another car parked in private car park. I have been touch with the owner who has very kindly agreed to get her car repaired and not to go through insurance but she is insisting to get it repaired from garage of her choice who are charging double the amount of original cost. My first question is do I still need to inform my insurance company even though I have not given her any of my details yet. I am happy to get it repaired rather then loosing 10 year no claim bonus. Should I just agree to pay the garage of her choice or legally I can get a quote from another garage who might be cheaper? any advise would be very much appreciated. Thanks
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
Traffic ticket gave the officer wrong car insurance?
I got my first traffic ticket yesterday my frist violation is i forgot to put a sticker on my car... And the secon violation i gave him the wrong (expired) car insurance instead of ...show more
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
Car Insurance Costs.?
Coverage Type: Your Basic needs Collision: $250 Deductible Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: None Bodily Injury Liability: $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: $50,000 Limit Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: None ^^ Does anyone have an clue towards how much that would be monthly?""
Wife was rear ended and i have no insurance we live in illinois and car insurance is required?
My wife was on her way home from work and was stoped at a stoplight when a car hit her from behind and we have no insurance but witness reports say the other lady is at fault will my truck be fixed by her insurance
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
Get an insurance on a second car?
Hi all, i am italian and i have a car insurance in my name since 10 years with no claims.I am living in Ireland now and i bought a car and when i asked for the insurance 3 different companies told me that if i want to use my no claim bonus on my irish car,i should cancel my italian insurance.But is this legal?I mean...i need to have a car insurance in Italy,i come back home often.Plus,in italy if you buy a second car you can use the bonus also in the second insurance.But,i am not very familiar with irish law,could you please help me? Thanks Valentina""
""New, young, girl drivers. How much are you paying for car insurance? Thinking about looking into NFU?""
I turned 17 last month and I have started my driving lessons. I am looking to buy a car, paying monthly over a 48 month-ish period. I want a car that's around 2500, but as expected, I can't seem to find a reasonable insurance quote anywhere. Just wondering whether anyone's had any joy? Both my parents (who would be on the insurance) haven't got any claims etc, I live in a registered D area according to the insurance area bands, I can keep my mileage below 3000 and keep my car on my driveway. Just wondering whether people gone with NFU, and basically good companies who could do a reasonable quote.""
Life insurance question?
I am looking for term life insurance, meaning the rate would would locked for 30 years regardless of my husband and I getting older. I just have couple questions, i am hoping someone would shed some light: what does this mean??: The Select-a-Term provides a level death benefit term to age 95 also what does this mean? Current premiums are guaranteed level for the first 15 policy years. if i am selecting 30 years, why are they only guaranteed for 15 years? also, what else should I be looking for? thank you!""
What insurance covers a driver to drive any vehicle?
I am looking for this type of insurance and I was told about it but I don't know if it has a specific name
Do you know how to find a cheap auto insurance online out there?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
What Classic Cars are cheap and cheap to insure?
I'm coming up to a point in my life when I need to buy a car. (16 years old UK). I want to get a classic car like a classic VW Beetle or an Austin Mini, something with real character and not a typical first car like a Peugeot 106. Have you any suggestions on some cheap cars to insure and ones that you can buy the car for less than about 600-700 used? Thanks.""
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
Do you pay homeowners insurance in advance?
When closing on a house, do you pay the homeowners insurance in advance?""
How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice
Cheapest tuner platform to insure?
I am a 16 year old male looking to buy his first car. I know im in the situation to get the highest insurance already, but im still looking for a tuner. I have about 4 grand to spend so ive been looking at civic vtecs, 240sx's, vw's and many others. I was wondering how much some tuners cost in insurance for my age and sex, and also any other cars that are cheap to insure, but i can get a lot of horsepower out of. Thank you!""
Car insurance for temporary work in California?
I have a 4 months of temporary work in California and I am thinking of taking my car. My current car insurance will not cover driving for work purposes in California. What is the easiest way to get car insurance for 4 months for California?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?
I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?""
how much does insurance cost for a novice driver in nova scotia? i just got my license today and i need to know how much its gonna cost me...im 16 yrs old and im gonna have my own car and im gonna be the only driver.
What amount should I expect to pay for car insurance on a 2010 Camaro? I'm 18 years old.?
I am just finally getting my license. I go to the North Carolina School of Science and Math, have scored an 800 on multiple SAT Subject Tests (2190 on my SAT), and have made straight As throughout high school. I've also attended a driver's education class (while this applies more to driver's insurance instead of car insurance, I'd assume it still carries some weight). The Camaro is a 2010 V6 LT1. Am I going to have to pay like hell to afford this?""
What is so evil and wrong about having affordable health insurance for all Americans?
Do the conservative Republicans know what it's like to be poor and struggle? Do they have any idea what it's like to be poor and not have much? All I hear from them is gloom and doom about Obama and the health care bill. If you all don't like what is going on here, then you can all just leave this great nation that Obama is the head of.""
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
Buying car and insurance without driver id in ohio?
hey...i found a very good car deal and i don't wanna miss this car but i just came to usa and i don't have a ohio driver id...(i got my own country's driver id) i have scheduled my driving test for next week but i want to buy this car this week for sure...can i buy the car from owner without driver id ? and if ican buy the car can i buy insurance for this car without driver id ?
""Is a Porsche 944 good in the snow, cheap insurance, etc?""
Hi I really would like to buy a Porsche 944 but I am having trouble convincing my dad that it would be a good car for me. His main arguments are that it would not be good in the snow (I live in Upstate New York). I am willing to buy snow tires but I am not sure about what the ground clearance is on the 944. And he says that insurance would be very high for a teen. Also reliability, but the one I am looking at has only 84k miles on it. I am looking for helpful answers that go either way from expierenced people who have owned 944's. Thanks!""
Good insurance for young drivers on luxury cars?
i'm looking to get insured on a 2011 bmw x5 m sport 3.0D, i'm 19. I cant seem to find an insurance company that will insure me however there must be a way even if its ridiculously expensive, recently in the newspaper there was a guy from london with a provisional license insured on a ferrari as his first car. So yeah just wondering if you guys know any good car insurance companies for specific needs? Thanks""
Car insurance does anyone know of an inurance company that is both cheap and reliable?
having had a dispute with my insurance company i was advised by the office of fair trading to cancel my car insurance policy and reclaim I only own a small car and having searched the internet i find that i can not find insurance for less than 500. Does anyone know of a reputable insurance company that is cheap and reliable?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old girl with a honda prelude? (what about will it cost)?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old girl with a honda prelude? (what about will it cost)?
How much will I get back in the settlement from the Car Insurance company if...?
I have a 98' honda civic, 4 door, silver, perfect paint, moon roof, all options automatic locks, windows, mirrors, new tires, 153,00 miles, automatic everything works! I was in a car accident (guy hit me) my car is totalled according to the adjuster... How much will I typically get as a settlement, dont they have to give me enough to be able to atleast replace the vehicle with a similiar or same model w/ same options? i looked up on NADA, KBB & Edmunds... and for my car which is in GOOD condition, not excellent, not fair, not poor, GOOD it runs (based on figures from all 3 web sites) anywhere from $2800-3600... what can i expect so i can start to look around for what i can afford, because im probably just going to buy a car outright like i did w/ this one...I dont want payments, yet.""
Is group health insurance what college insurance plans use?
Is group health insurance they type of insurance that college insurance plans use? I am filling out a form for CHP+ and it asked if I have group insurance available... I attend school that provides an insurance, but I can't afford that insurance.""
""New, young, girl drivers. How much are you paying for car insurance? Thinking about looking into NFU?""
I turned 17 last month and I have started my driving lessons. I am looking to buy a car, paying monthly over a 48 month-ish period. I want a car that's around 2500, but as expected, I can't seem to find a reasonable insurance quote anywhere. Just wondering whether anyone's had any joy? Both my parents (who would be on the insurance) haven't got any claims etc, I live in a registered D area according to the insurance area bands, I can keep my mileage below 3000 and keep my car on my driveway. Just wondering whether people gone with NFU, and basically good companies who could do a reasonable quote.""
Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?
i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids""
What happens if you are in an accident that wasn't your fault and you have no insurance.?
question says it all LIVE : California.
How much is car insurance for me as a young driver?
I was just wondering how much people normally pay on car insurance because im sure im being quoted wrong. Im male and 21 and wanted insurance for an old corsa or pergeot or just any car which is cheap on insurance...
How much would insurance for a 16 year old(male) driving a BMW 2006 650i be?
My parents have no accidents or tickets ect that they look at when you're getting a quote. I just bet them that I could get a quote for this car without them ^_^ I livee in washington 98037. Verryy Much appreciated if you could try and see how much the quote would be. Also, I have a 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don't Be A Stalker)""
Question about my car accident and insurance?
Last night I was involved in a 4 car pile up. I was stopped at a red light when i was hit. I felt the impact of all the cars behind me. The lady who caused the accident was drunk. She was arrested. I have state farm full coverage. She has state farm insurance also.. So here is my question: I owe 7000.00 on my car. The car is valued at maybe 6000.00. Even though I was no way in the wrong, will I have to cover the difference if my car is totalled. (which it probably will be) And also, have severe neck pain. I contacted an attorney. As much pain as im in, im scared to miss work. Will this affect my case if i miss no work. (And if i did miss, it would only be for a couple of days)""
Question about getting a car insurance quote?
If I go to say, State-Farm's website and get a quote. They need information like my specific address. I'm new to this, why do they need phone numbers or addresses? Am I going to receive spam mail from them or something? I know where I live affects my car insurance, but a specific address.. I'm just lost. Thanks""
How much condo insurance should one get?
if i have a condo that i want to get insurance for, what is a good amount? the condo is 1215 sq ft w/ 2 bath & 2 bedroom.""
Car Insurance Question?
I'm going home for the holidays in December and want to borrow my dad's truck for the 3 weeks I'm there. Does my insurance policy (currently drive a Prius) cover me for driving my father's vehicle? Does his policy cover me driving his vehicle?
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
How much is average for childcare? I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 8mth old. About 8 hr/5days a week?
I'll explain a little more. I own a duplex which I rent out the top of while my husband and I live down stairs. The renters upstairs have been my friends for a long time and they needed an apartment so we rented to them for $535 a month. After a year we agreed to trade daycare for rent so I could go back to work full time. The arangment has gone from no cash exchanged to us paying their car insurance ($90/month) the water bill ($50/month), the hot water ($35/month), an extra $190 in cash per month along with the no rent income ($535/month). We also give them about $60 in random cash when they ask for help. I provide the formula, diapers and wipes and she provides the food. The kids are upstairs from 11am to 5:30pm and she refuses to take them earlier even though if she did I could get a better schedual. I trust the woman and her son is the same age as my oldest. But there are also some serious disipline issues too. (My four year old now says bad words.) I need some advice
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