#a physically copy is a MUST to get rid of this irrational thought and the feeling of anxiety. do it. DO IT.’
jeanmoreaux · 2 years
i want to die i am this 👌 close to ordering a physical print of a fanfiction it’s literally over for me someone kill me pls take me out i can’t live like this
5 notes · View notes
lo-lynx · 5 years
Femininity in the Harry Potter books
I started writing this essay over a month ago, before (as it felt like) all hell broke loose regarding JK Rowling’s transphobic tweet. As a genderqueer person myself, her comments hurt. I have loved the Harry Potter novels since I was a teenager and have often found solace in both the magic of the story and the magic of the community around these books. So, in immediate aftermath of Rowling’s comments, I struggled with how to engage with this community and these books. At first, I really did not feel like continuing to write this analysis. Now, however, I felt like I at least owe it to my love of this series and fandom to finish it. So here we go:
Last year I wrote a post about how several of the villains in Harry Potter seem to be coded as queer. In that text I also wrote that I sometime would analyse the way femininity is portrayed in the Harry Potter books. Well, studying, work, and writing other stuff got in the way, but now I’m finally getting around to it! This post is definitely inspired by some of the conversations from the excellent podcast The Quibbler, where they lament some of descriptions of feminine characters in the books. So, shout out to them, do go check them out! In this analysis I’m going to lay out several different aspects of what I see as problematic portrayals of femininity in the Harry Potter books: the silly girls, the villainous feminine men, and the (queer coded) feminine evil women.
Now, I first want to focus on what I describe as “the silly girls”. When reading descriptions of girls in the Harry Potter novels, I can’t help seeing how many of them are portrayed in a way that Julia Serano might call “traditionally sexist” (2007, 326). Serano describes traditional sexism thusly:
Traditional sexism functions to make femaleness and femininity appear subordinate to maleness and masculinity. (…) For example, female and feminine attributes are regularly assigned negative connotations and meanings in our society. An example of this is the way that being in touch with and expressing one’s emotions is regularly derided in our society. (…) in the public mind, being “emotional” has become synonymous with being “irrational”. Another example is that certain pursuits and interests that are considered feminine, such as gossiping or decorating, are often characterised as “frivolous”, while masculine preoccupations- even those that serve solely recreational functions, such as sports- generally escape such trivialization. (Serano 2007, 326-327)
That is to say, that which is deemed feminine is seen as silly and irrational. Unfortunately this fits quite well with how a lot of the girls are portrayed in the novels, such as in the fourth novel before the Yule Ball: “Girls giggling and whispering in the corridors, girls shrieking with laughter as boys passed them, girls excitedly comparing notes on what they were going to wear on Christmas night …” (Rowling 2000, 338) This motif of giggling girls returns many times, with Harry even thinking about Parvati that: “[He] was relieved to see that she wasn’t giggling.” (ibid 358) Speaking of Parvati, her and Lavender are continually portrayed as silly girls throughout the series, such as in this moment in Order of the Phoenix:
‘I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t given up on Divination now, don’t you Hermione?’ asked Parvati, smirking.
It was breakfast time, two days after the sacking of Professor Trelawney, and Parvati was curling her eyelashes around her wand and examining the effect in the back of her spoon. They were to have their first lesson with Firenze that morning.
‘Not really,’ said Hermione indifferently, who was reading the Daily Prophet. ‘I’ve never really liked horses.’
She turned a page of the newspaper and scanned its columns.
‘He’s not a horse, he’s a centaur!’ said Lavender, sounding shocked.
‘A gorgeous centaur…’ sighed Parvati. (Rowling 2004, 528)
Here Parvati and Lavender’s apparent crushes on Firenze is portrayed as silly, and their focus on their appearance is probably meant to be seen as frivolous. It is also starkly contrasted with Hermione’s apparent rationality, especially as she is sitting reading a newspaper in the scene.
Now, how about the men in the story, are they not portrayed negatively as well? Well, yes, of course. But when looking at some of the male “villains” of the story, many of them are described as quite feminine as well. In my previous text I noted how this was the case for Lockhart for example, who is described like this when the reader first meets him:
Gilderoy Lockhart came slowly into view, seated at a table surrounded by large pictures of his own face, all winking and flashing dazzlingly white teeth at the crowd. The real Lockhart was wearing robes of forget-me-not blue which exactly matched his eyes, his pointed wizard’s hat was set at a jaunty angle on his wavy hair. (Rowling 2010, 49)
Lockhart is here (and throughout Chambers of Secrets) described as both vain, and quite feminine with his stylish outfits. These traits are part of what marks him out as an unlikable character. I noted above how Julia Serano writes about traditional sexism that traits and interests that are deemed feminine (such as caring about clothes) are devalued. Serano also writes about oppositional sexism, which she describes as the idea feminine attributes are seen as natural in women, and unnatural in men (2007, 326). Similarly, Lockhart’s “feminine” seems to be perceived as abnormal/bad in the story.
Another male villain that is described as feminine is Quirrell. When Harry sees him at the welcoming feast in the first book, he is described like this: “Harry spotted Professor Quirrell, too, the nervous young man from the Leaky Cauldron. He was looking very peculiar in a large purple turban.” (Rowling 1997, 134). Both the nervousness and the turban later turn out to be part of Quirrell’s disguise as one of Voldemort’s agents. The nervousness making him seem less capable of evil deeds, and the turban hiding the fact that Voldemort is living as a parasite on his head. Both of these disguises are interesting in relation to femininity though. Stephen Whitehead writes that as a man one is expected to embody strength, toughness and control over physical space (2002, 189). He contrasts this with how women are expected to embody caution, restraint etc. With Quirrell’s nervousness (and re-occurring stutter) it is quite clear that he comes off as more feminine than masculine. Another thing is this turban that he wears. Based on his physical description Quirrell seems to be a white Englishman (he is described as “pale” when he is first introduced) (Rowling 1997, 80). Later he claims that this turban was a gift from an African prince for helping him get rid of a zombie (ibid, 147). So, it seems established that this turban is seen as strange on him, and that is connected to Africa. The way this is described makes me think of orientalism. Now, what is orientalism? It is a term that is meant to describe the way Europeans have viewed “the Orient” historically and to this day. This often entails seeing people from this region as savage, sexually depraved, but also viewing the men as emasculated and week (Carroll 2018, 121). (I’m referencing this specific book because I happened to have it on hand, but a lot of different people have written on texts on this theme). In story, Quirrell claims that he (the white Englishman) got this turban as a gift from helping an African prince (it should be noted that “Africa” is very vague, I’m here choosing to see it as part of “the Orient”, but it’s not necessarily that). The other characters doubt this story, but it does tie in with the perception of “oriental” men as week (and in need of help). But Quirrell wearing a turban also ties him to this image, and perhaps makes him seem even more effeminate.
Finally, I want to touch on a theme that I wrote also about in the text about queer coded villains in the Harry Potter books, that of the female villains. Here I’ll focus on Dolores Umbridge and Rita Skeeter, and how their femininity is part of what is meant to make the reader think of them as bad. When we first meet Skeeter, she is described like this:
Her hair was set in elaborate and curiously rigid curls that contrasted oddly with her heavy-jawed face. She wore jewelled spectacles. The thick fingers clutching her crocodile-skin handbag ended in two inch-nails, painted crimson. (Rowling 2000, 266)
So, the description makes her sound feminine, but there’s also something off with her rigid curls, heavy-jawed face, and long red nails. This reminds me of how feminist theorist Ulrika Dahl describes that being femme can be queer (2016). By doing femininity wrong, for instance in a way that is seen as trashy, one can come off queer. Another way of seeing this is to analyse the way that Umbridge is described:
She looked, Harry thought, as someone’s maiden aunt: squat, with short, curly, mouse-brown hair in which she had placed a horrible pink Alice band that matched the fluffy pink cardigan that she wore over her robes. (Rowling 2004, 183)
I want to note two things here. Firstly, that she is described as a maiden aunt, that is a woman who is of an age where she should be married with children but are not. Clearly, she’s breaking the expected life pattern of a woman here. Secondly, the way her clothes are described makes her seem girlish, which is the same way her voice is described as on several occasions. Her appearance is not what is expected of a woman of her age. This puts me in mind of what Elizabeth Freeman describes as temporal drag (2000). Freeman writes that when we as children learn how to perform our gender properly, mainly by imitating our parents, we must also learn how to adapt this to our own time. So, while a woman is expected to learn from her mother how to be a woman, she cannot simply copy the mother’s look. Freeman points out that if she herself were to copy the way her own mother looked during Freeman’s childhood (ca 1970) she would not look normative at all. But we can play with this temporal crossing for queer effect if we wish. I do not think this is was Umbridge consciously does, but her femininity does have a somewhat queer effect because of the way it does not fit her age.
So, in conclusion, we can see that throughout the Harry Potter novels, several feminine characters are described in a negative way. Both “good” characters such as the silly girls, and more “evil” ones such as Lockhart, Quirrell, Skeeter, and Umbridge. These latter ones also have a somewhat queer coding. With Quirrell there is also a sort of racialised femininity, with the description of his turban. It is unfortunate that these characters are described this way, however, it rings true to negative stereotypes from our own world.
I’m not sure how to finish this analysis to be quite honest. It makes me sad to find all of these elements in the books that I have loved. But, to be quite honest, it’s possible problematic things in most works of fiction when you start looking. Nonetheless, this last month or so has been tough on my love of the Harry Potter novels and community. Going forward I want to try to focus on the more positive aspects of them, such as the magic this community makes together (while remembering the more negative things of course). I’m not sure how. But I felt like I had to get this text out there first. So here it is.
Carroll, Shiloh. 2018. Medievalism in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer.
Dahl, U. 2016. “Queering Femininity”. lambda nordica. 2016/1-2, pp. 7-20.
Freeman, Elizabeth. 2000. ’Packing History, Count(er)ing Generations’ New Literary History, 31(4): 727-744.
Rowling, J.K. 1997. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. London: Bloomsbury.
Rowling, J. K. 1998. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. London: Bloomsbury.
Rowling, J.K. 2000. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. London: Bloomsbury.
Rowling, J.K. 2004. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. London: Bloomsbury
Serano, Julia. 2007. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity. Seal Press, San Francisco
Whitehead, Stephen M. 2002. Men and Masculinities, Cambridge and Malden: Polity.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Complete Trainers Toolbox
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The Complete Trainers Toolbox
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Complete Trainers Toolboxtrainerstoolbo2020-08-10T19:07:24+00:00
Finally A Comprehensive Education System That Gives You The Exact Strategies You Need To Take Your Fitness Profession To The Next Level… All While Using The Right Messaging To Attract Your Dreams Clients.  
You’re a hard-working fitness professional. You pour hours into your craft, becoming the best at what you do in the trenches while digging into the latest research long into the night.
But your profession feels lonely at times when you encounter tough situations… like a client with chronically sore knees, or a new mom with pelvic floor concerns. This compounds with the emotional element of helping people improve their health, overcome chronic conditions, and heal from injury.
All while figuring out how to best market your business so you can grow your client roster, attract the best people into your gym, and not lose your mind while do it.
You scour the web for the right solution only to come up with daunting information that doesn’t apply when working with real humans that need real solutions to their problems…
If only you had a toolbox handy packed with all the hardware you need in order to build a successful fitness practice with integrity so you can attract and serve amazing clients year after year…
That’s where The Complete Trainer’s Toolbox Comes in.
This online seminar-style education system is like having some of the brightest minds in the industry coaching you through your biggest hurdles so you can feel confident growing your business.
Learn practical solutions to everyday problems you encounter as a trainer:
Designing programs that transform your clients’ lives so they look forward to every training session
Understanding negative thought patterns that happen as a trainer, as well as, with your clients, so you can better address the emotional side of fitness
Learning the best assessment strategies so you better understand your clients needs
Gaining practical knowledge on back pain, squatting, overhead pressing, pull-ups, and pelvic floor considerations to round-out your coaching skills on all levels
Tapping into the best marketing strategies so you can send the right message to the exact clients you want to work with
If you’re sick and tired of combing through hours of online forum chatter, social media posts, and relentless articles to find practical answers to your biggest coaching problems…
… then The Complete Trainer’s Toolbox is exactly what you need to elevate your coaching game so you can grow and scale your business like a badass.
Dean Somerset
Blend impactful variables within a training program to produce the best results, whether you’re looking for strength, hypertrophy, or improved body composition
A comprehensive system that breaks program design into easily digestible components, that can be scaled to any client’s abilities, goals, and restrictions
The best periodization approaches for different clients, effective methods of submax training for continued progressive overload, and cutting-edge methods for managing training stress in real time
Know how to measure the training variables that matter
Lisa Lewis, EdD, CADC-II, Licensed Psychologist
Negative thinking.
Common patterns of negative and irrational thinking.
Strategies for responding to negativity that will help to minimize consequences and maximize positive outcomes for your clients.
Challenges of responding to that can slow down or stall your clients’ progress.
Alex Kraszewski
factors influencing spine loading during exercise
how to identify the factors that may be contributing to a clients low back pain during exercise, and how to address them effectively
Back pain screening for fitness professionals
Modify and progress exercises for clients with low back pain issues and avoid pain provocation to maintain and develop fitness
Sarah E. Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT
Learn how to manage abdominal pressure during lifts and how does it affect hernias, diastasis and the pelvic floor.
Understand strength vs pressure and some common ways clients cheat during lifting that increase their risk of injury.
Learn what correct diaphragm function to support core and pelvic floor health look likes.
Identify diastasis recti during lifts on both men and women.
Understand more about why correct pelvic floor function during lifting is important.
Learn whether or not we should cue a pelvic floor contraction during lifts.
Luke Worthington
the theory of assessments
why we assess, what are we trying to achieve, and how to get the best information to build your clients programs
What assessments are and what they are not: weeding through the BS of poor design and low quality information
A dedicated structure to guide your assessments and processes.
Tony Gentilcore
Tips and insights on how writing can help increase your brand awareness, increase your reach, and generate an additional revenue stream.
Not a grammar lesson, but rather discuss ways to make your writing more conversational to increase engagement.
Break down the writing process: when to start, how to start, WHY start.
Tony Gentilcore
Break down upper extremity assessment, specifically shoulder flexion (overhead mobility) and discover the best possible options for immediate improvement in overhead movement.
How to troubleshoot and ascertain possible root cause(s) when an overhead mobility restriction exists in your clients and athletes.
Provide corrective and strength training programming strategies to help improve/manage overhead mobility so they see the fastest results possible.
Finding someone’s “trainable menu” to know what’s in play and what’s off the table.
Sam Spinelli, DPT
Simple To Complex Squat Assessments For Every Client
Easy Squatting Solutions To See Instant Changes In Mechanics
Long Term Solutions For Ensuring Clients Keep Making Progress
Practical Education On Coaching Squatting To Simplify Your Process For Faster Results
Tips For Managing Aches And Pains With Strategies To Keep Clients Training And Not Limited
In Depth Analysis Of Human Individual Variation Within Anatomy And It’s Impact On Squatting
Options For Modifications To Help Athletes Keep Squatting When Issues Pop Up
***Bonus Content***
Hip Hinge Mastery e-book
The Strength Therapists Overhead Training guide e-book
Meghan Callaway
Learn the answers to common questions that many people have about pull-ups.
Discover the many components of the pull-up. After all, the pull-up is a full body exercise.
Learn proper pull-up form. This will be extremely beneficial to people of all genders, ranging from beginner to elite in ability.
Discover 10 common mistakes that are preventing countless people from excelling at pull-ups.
Rather than guessing what exercises to do, develop a plan of attack and learn pull-up specific exercises that will help improve your ability to perform pull-ups.
Discover exercises that will help improve your upper body strength, core strength, shoulder and scapular controlled mobility/stability, grip strength, and shoulder and elbow health. These key exercises will also help improve your ability to perform pull-ups.
Discover several advanced pull-up variations you’ve likely not seen before.
Discover some unconventional exercises that will help improve your ability to perform pull-ups.
Kellie Davis
Uncover your ideal client so you can attract the right audience
Understand your customer journey so you can create a unique experience with your products or services
Learn how to craft messaging to speak to your ideal client
Learn 3 proven strategies to grow your audience without paid advertising
PLEASE NOTE: This seminar is entirely digital, meaning online. To access and download you must have an internet connection. No physical products will be sent to you at any time.
Credits can be used to petition for application to many other certifications as well, not just the NSCA. 
If you’re tired of banging your head against a wall and are ready to rid your coaching career of common roadblocks STOP, you’ll get a massive benefit from the practical solutions we provide. Maybe we can only show some novel methods for achieving better results compared to what you’re currently doing, but having these extra tools in your own toolbox can only benefit you and your clients.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Complete Trainers Toolbox
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-complete-trainers-toolbox/
The Complete Trainers Toolbox
 Buy Now    
Complete Trainers Toolboxtrainerstoolbo2020-08-10T19:07:24+00:00
Finally A Comprehensive Education System That Gives You The Exact Strategies You Need To Take Your Fitness Profession To The Next Level… All While Using The Right Messaging To Attract Your Dreams Clients.  
You’re a hard-working fitness professional. You pour hours into your craft, becoming the best at what you do in the trenches while digging into the latest research long into the night.
But your profession feels lonely at times when you encounter tough situations… like a client with chronically sore knees, or a new mom with pelvic floor concerns. This compounds with the emotional element of helping people improve their health, overcome chronic conditions, and heal from injury.
All while figuring out how to best market your business so you can grow your client roster, attract the best people into your gym, and not lose your mind while do it.
You scour the web for the right solution only to come up with daunting information that doesn’t apply when working with real humans that need real solutions to their problems…
If only you had a toolbox handy packed with all the hardware you need in order to build a successful fitness practice with integrity so you can attract and serve amazing clients year after year…
That’s where The Complete Trainer’s Toolbox Comes in.
This online seminar-style education system is like having some of the brightest minds in the industry coaching you through your biggest hurdles so you can feel confident growing your business.
Learn practical solutions to everyday problems you encounter as a trainer:
Designing programs that transform your clients’ lives so they look forward to every training session
Understanding negative thought patterns that happen as a trainer, as well as, with your clients, so you can better address the emotional side of fitness
Learning the best assessment strategies so you better understand your clients needs
Gaining practical knowledge on back pain, squatting, overhead pressing, pull-ups, and pelvic floor considerations to round-out your coaching skills on all levels
Tapping into the best marketing strategies so you can send the right message to the exact clients you want to work with
If you’re sick and tired of combing through hours of online forum chatter, social media posts, and relentless articles to find practical answers to your biggest coaching problems…
… then The Complete Trainer’s Toolbox is exactly what you need to elevate your coaching game so you can grow and scale your business like a badass.
Dean Somerset
Blend impactful variables within a training program to produce the best results, whether you’re looking for strength, hypertrophy, or improved body composition
A comprehensive system that breaks program design into easily digestible components, that can be scaled to any client’s abilities, goals, and restrictions
The best periodization approaches for different clients, effective methods of submax training for continued progressive overload, and cutting-edge methods for managing training stress in real time
Know how to measure the training variables that matter
Lisa Lewis, EdD, CADC-II, Licensed Psychologist
Negative thinking.
Common patterns of negative and irrational thinking.
Strategies for responding to negativity that will help to minimize consequences and maximize positive outcomes for your clients.
Challenges of responding to that can slow down or stall your clients’ progress.
Alex Kraszewski
factors influencing spine loading during exercise
how to identify the factors that may be contributing to a clients low back pain during exercise, and how to address them effectively
Back pain screening for fitness professionals
Modify and progress exercises for clients with low back pain issues and avoid pain provocation to maintain and develop fitness
Sarah E. Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT
Learn how to manage abdominal pressure during lifts and how does it affect hernias, diastasis and the pelvic floor.
Understand strength vs pressure and some common ways clients cheat during lifting that increase their risk of injury.
Learn what correct diaphragm function to support core and pelvic floor health look likes.
Identify diastasis recti during lifts on both men and women.
Understand more about why correct pelvic floor function during lifting is important.
Learn whether or not we should cue a pelvic floor contraction during lifts.
Luke Worthington
the theory of assessments
why we assess, what are we trying to achieve, and how to get the best information to build your clients programs
What assessments are and what they are not: weeding through the BS of poor design and low quality information
A dedicated structure to guide your assessments and processes.
Tony Gentilcore
Tips and insights on how writing can help increase your brand awareness, increase your reach, and generate an additional revenue stream.
Not a grammar lesson, but rather discuss ways to make your writing more conversational to increase engagement.
Break down the writing process: when to start, how to start, WHY start.
Tony Gentilcore
Break down upper extremity assessment, specifically shoulder flexion (overhead mobility) and discover the best possible options for immediate improvement in overhead movement.
How to troubleshoot and ascertain possible root cause(s) when an overhead mobility restriction exists in your clients and athletes.
Provide corrective and strength training programming strategies to help improve/manage overhead mobility so they see the fastest results possible.
Finding someone’s “trainable menu” to know what’s in play and what’s off the table.
Sam Spinelli, DPT
Simple To Complex Squat Assessments For Every Client
Easy Squatting Solutions To See Instant Changes In Mechanics
Long Term Solutions For Ensuring Clients Keep Making Progress
Practical Education On Coaching Squatting To Simplify Your Process For Faster Results
Tips For Managing Aches And Pains With Strategies To Keep Clients Training And Not Limited
In Depth Analysis Of Human Individual Variation Within Anatomy And It’s Impact On Squatting
Options For Modifications To Help Athletes Keep Squatting When Issues Pop Up
***Bonus Content***
Hip Hinge Mastery e-book
The Strength Therapists Overhead Training guide e-book
Meghan Callaway
Learn the answers to common questions that many people have about pull-ups.
Discover the many components of the pull-up. After all, the pull-up is a full body exercise.
Learn proper pull-up form. This will be extremely beneficial to people of all genders, ranging from beginner to elite in ability.
Discover 10 common mistakes that are preventing countless people from excelling at pull-ups.
Rather than guessing what exercises to do, develop a plan of attack and learn pull-up specific exercises that will help improve your ability to perform pull-ups.
Discover exercises that will help improve your upper body strength, core strength, shoulder and scapular controlled mobility/stability, grip strength, and shoulder and elbow health. These key exercises will also help improve your ability to perform pull-ups.
Discover several advanced pull-up variations you’ve likely not seen before.
Discover some unconventional exercises that will help improve your ability to perform pull-ups.
Kellie Davis
Uncover your ideal client so you can attract the right audience
Understand your customer journey so you can create a unique experience with your products or services
Learn how to craft messaging to speak to your ideal client
Learn 3 proven strategies to grow your audience without paid advertising
PLEASE NOTE: This seminar is entirely digital, meaning online. To access and download you must have an internet connection. No physical products will be sent to you at any time.
Credits can be used to petition for application to many other certifications as well, not just the NSCA. 
If you’re tired of banging your head against a wall and are ready to rid your coaching career of common roadblocks STOP, you’ll get a massive benefit from the practical solutions we provide. Maybe we can only show some novel methods for achieving better results compared to what you’re currently doing, but having these extra tools in your own toolbox can only benefit you and your clients.
There is NO RISK at all for you when you try The Complete Trainers toolbox series. If you are not at thrilled how this program help your clients battle back from injury and hit performance records, let us know and we will refund your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You can order the videos, watch them all, and if you’re not able to say you learned something new or valuable from watching them, you can apply for a full refund within up to 30 days of the initial purchase.
There’s only one catch to all this. You need to act now to get the complete package.
However, if you would prefer to:
NOT learn about up to date programming concepts and how to get the best results for your clients,
NOT help your clients squat around knee pain,
NOT help your clients with low back pain learn to deadlift safely,
NOT understand how to work with challenging clients,
NOT build a better business,
NOT understand how to train your female clients to effectively return to lifting after childbirth,
… then we guess this isn’t the right product for you.
But if you would prefer to get all of the above, and then some, pick up your copy today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How Does a Fitness Education Presentation Work?
After your purchase, you will be directed to the easy to follow details on how to access the video presentations series. You can then view and download all of the video presentation. The instructions to view and download the videos are easy and quick to do. Along with the video presentations, you can download and print out detailed handout of each of the presentations. With your handout in hand and video presentation on your computer, laptop, tablet or phone, you are ready to enjoy the presentations and learn a variety of topics we discuss.
Q: Do I have to Watch the Video Presentations all at One Time?
No, you do not have to. You can watch the video presentations when you want, at your own pace and re-visit any aspects of the video presentation when you like. Plus you will have lifetime access to all of the video presentations. Plus if you ever need any help with anything, you can always email me at [email protected] if any technical issues pop up.
Q: Can I Burn the Video Presentations onto a DVD?
Yes, you can! You can download the videos to your computer/lap top/tablet and then burn the video presentations to a blank DVD. This allows you to watch the presentations on a DVD player at home, on your laptop or on a different computer.
Q: Can I just order a Set of DVDs from You?
No, we don’t have the option for purchasing DVDs
Q: What if the series isn’t beneficial for me?
If you view the series and for any reason you’re not happy we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. We stand behind this product 100% and have no problem offering a money back guarantee.
Q: I need some help and have some questions?
Feel free to contact us at any time if you have technical issues or questions about accessing the material presented. If it has to do with your order, please include your order number and receipt.
If you have specific questions about the presentations themselves, please email the presenters directly through the contact they provide within the presentations.
Q: Can I buy just one presentation instead of the entire series?
You can absolutely buy each presentation “a la carte.” Just click the “Buy Now” button after the presentation you have in mind, or select from the list below.
One time payment, no follow up charges
30 day money back guarantee
17 hours of digital video content
4 month recurring billing
Split over 4 payments
$49 per month for the following 3 months
30 day money back guarantee
17 hours of digital video content
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