#a prapaisky anniversary
bird-inacage · 1 year
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My first post about Love in the Air was published on 1 September 2022, where I started speculating on what the Prapaisky storyline may have in store. But it was really when I shared my first meta 'Love in the Air: Sky’s Desire to be Loved' that I realised just how many others were invested in the Sky/Prapai story.
LITA was the first thai BL series that was on my radar before it aired, that I avidly followed during it's weekly release, and then far beyond. In those very early days, there were probably less than a dozen of us posting about Prapaisky here. And once LITA finally did start, it quickly dawned on us that the Prapaisky episodes wouldn't begin until the second half. The sound of crickets and the occasional sighting of tumbleweed would continue before we got some substantial content to feast over. Let me tell you, the wait was trying. Fast forward to just over a year later, and it's absolutely incredible to see how much this show and pairing has blown up since then.
I'm extremely grateful for how much joy both my mutuals and followers have brought me throughout this fandom. Even if this blog does shift to other shows or pairings, this couple will always have a particularly special place in my heart.
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How did I come across LITA, was it love at first sight?
I happened upon the trailer, and these two immediately caught my attention. Sky entranced me with his big doe eyes, much like how Prapai was drawn to him that fateful night at the race track. I swiftly fell in the love and the rest is history.
What do I love about Prapaisky?
There's something I find very compelling but also comforting about the Prapaisky relationship. A story is more likely to stick with me when there is really poignant character development - something that can be found in both Sky and Prapai. Their relationship is a healthy union that makes them both better people. Prapai is humbled by Sky's love, and Sky is empowered by Prapai's.
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(ABOVE: My full video edit "this is how you fall in love" is on youtube HERE)
Favourite Prapaisky scene?
I think the episodes I have rewatched the most are probably Episode 10 and Episode 13. But just to mention some of the scenes which I find most memorable: Sky holding back tears after his one night stand, Prapai coaxing a feverish Sky during a nightmare, Sky falling asleep in Prapai's arms during Last Cheer, Prapai's imaginary kiss whilst Sky is sleepy, Prapai's utter devastation when Sky breaks up with him over the phone, Sky's affectionate back hug when Prapai comes to him, Prapai begging Sky to cry, Sky wiping away Prapai's tears.
What do I love about Fortpeat?
My favourite aspect of this partnership is Fort being a hugely affectionate and clingy person, whilst Peat is smothered by his love. Peat tends to be the more quiet and measured one within the LITA foursome (probably due to being the oldest) but Fort brings out his inner child. I still can't get over the fact Fort calls him 'baby' because he acts like one when he's with him. You wouldn't have known this in the early days when Peat was considerably more reserved. Fort comes across as an unfiltered, energetic, massive softie. Peat is the grounded, silent assassin of a tease who is unapologetically himself.
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The future of Fortpeat?
I desperately hope these two get a new series as a couple. LITA really put them both on the map, and I'd be incredibly shocked if they don't get cast in something new, considering their enormous popularity now. But please, please give them a decent script. We know what they're capable of and I want to see their talent given the material it deserves.
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fortpeat · 10 months
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theyellowhue · 1 year
Fort and Peat misses Prapai and Sky. Theyre just like us 🤧
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love~
Thank you so much for the tag, Rachael! This was harder than I expected and it took me a while to narrow it down to just 5, but all of these hold a special place in my heart.
So, in no particular order, here are my top 5 favorite fics that I have written:
Stardust (AkkAyan, 25K, Explicit, Accidental Baby Acquisition): On the fifth anniversary of their break-up, Akk makes a drunken wish for the life he and Ayan would have had if he hadn’t ruined everything. The next morning, he wakes up to find a baby—a baby with his eyes and Aye’s pendant around his neck.
Business of Pleasure (AkkAyan, 47K, Explicit, Forbidden Romance): Aye is the new intern at Akk’s law firm. If only Akk had known that before they slept together.
Divine Intervention (AlanGaipa, 8K, Mature, Love after Loss): Mrs. Hong plays matchmaker from the Afterlife.
More than a Memory (PrapaiSky, 9K, Explicit, Amnesia): Prapai wakes up in the hospital with no memory of the amber-eyed boy who claims to be his husband.
you should have seen it in color (AkkAyan, 6K, Teen and Up, Soulmate AU): When Ayan’s uncle died, the colors died with him. Ayan thought they were gone forever. Then he met Akk.
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prapaiwife · 1 year
So it's the 1 year anniversary of prapaisky so my OTHER favorite FAVORITE scene yes it's this memorable one I mean what is there to say 😭 I just loved how sky at that moment wanted to initiate having sex with pai again but this time it's obviously so much different from their first, 🤧👏🏽he has seen pai prove himself to him not just through his words but truly his actions that he just wanted to be around sky and take care of him yes he wanted a few kisses as well lol but most importantly he waited and that means a lot to sky as we know even in this moment pai wanted to make sure this isn't something sky is obligated to just give him, But sky WANTED it he wants pai just as much as pai wants him🥺 and it was just so beautifully done🤧 with pai saying he won't just take his body but his heart as well just making sky feel like the most precious person that he said he is!!😭😭🥹
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lutawolf · 2 years
hi luta, i just want so slide by and say thank you
for bringing kind metas (posts) on lita/prapaisky , and mame's a bit too. i am forever grateful.
im a tumblr user for bl stuff in 2020, followed some huge blogs & learned a lot about bl cuz im fairly new. i had forgotten about it until i rejoined a couple months ago for prapaisky' lita -- expecting to share the same excitement / reading wonderful metas / learning things again
i ... im pretty perplexed to read the blogs i used to read for info / metas im looking forward to ... expressed mean, mean, things.
i felt nauseous. i didnt realize the people whose metas i used to love can be so. cruel. i had hoped i can find some articulation of what I felt, as a shared feelings, but not only i didnt find it, i, felt ashamed to even had my feelings from the first place. i had to dived in the tag rabbit hole and finally found blogs that expressed the opposites, and thank god i did. thank god i did.
(followed them right away, n unfollow thw prev blogs that i now, see, as ... no)
this tho, had me actually ignored the whole tag whlist it airs, and put notif on for the ones i now value, yours included. it got me thru the whole journey of ep11-13, especially, Especially, 12. the special ep tho, the special ep got me branched out again towards the tag and see people bashing it again undermining it as the sex ep. and kinkshaming rain. is it so bad to have a happy, mutual, consent sexual relationship? i thought we dont kinkshame now
i . i dont know what to think. i am sorry to barging in like this. i just. all these upsetting experience piled up and i just. had to. express my gratitude that u at least shown me the kind side of this perspective.
i apologize for the incoherency, english is not my first language, i wish this isnt too rude..
no need to answer this if u dont want to, i just, had to say it to you. all the love, anon.
Hey Hey lil 🐇,
First, let me say welcome back to Tumblr! I'm actually pretty new. I reached a year anniversary this month. Though I am not new to bl at all. I'm OG there.
Negative reviews are a part of life. However, there is a difference between being hateful and writing a neg review. There is a difference between cancel culture and I don't watch this or participate in this type of art. I think that people are failing to see the differences. Life is not white and black.
There will always be kink shaming. It's not from men though. It's from women. These same women that are talking shit, reading romance on their kindle when no one is looking and wouldn't think twice about their boyfriend asking them to wear a French maid costume. As an amazing friend once told me, this is your room and you cultivate it the way you need to. He blocks people left and right, creating the atmosphere that he wants on Tumblr. I've learned to do the same. I may end up in a bubble but it's a tiny community of people I truly enjoy and love.
Never apologize for English being your second language. Being bilingual is an accomplishment that should only get love not judgement. You guys will never and I mean NEVER see me criticize the way someone writes, from spelling to commas, to anything. I'll never do it. I might ask for clarification but there will never be criticism. We are all here to learn and better ourselves and that is not accomplished by sitting in judgement.
I really appreciate that you read my blog and enjoy it. It means the world to me that you guys reach out to me. All the love. Wishing you the best. Thank you, 💜💜💜
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khaotunq · 2 years
Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 edition
I GOT TAGGED. @first-kanaphan tagged me and i got a bit squeaky about being present enough to be tagged in things ;~; ♥ Thanks, Jamie! We're besties now xoxo
Rules: Answer the questions and @ some people. Include the tag "g2ky BL mutuals 2022" when you post.
Series I have watched, roughly in order: Bad Buddy, Vice Versa, The Eclipse, Not Me, Theory of Love, Love Mechanics, Love in the Air, Tonhon Chonlatee, Cupid's Last Wish, Ghost Host Ghost House, Between Us, 2gether.
What BL surprised you most this year?
Honestly, I only started watching stuff in... summer? I have no idea. At some point, @aroceu was yelling on twitter about something called patpran and I was intrigued. Thing is, I have absolutely no concept of when anything aired unless I waited for episodes to come out, soooo. Because I'm aware of the anniversary, I know Bad Buddy started last year but technically it ended this year, and it also kickstarted this manic journey. So... Bad Buddy. Because my life revolving around BL's all of a sudden was certainly a surprise.
What BLs were you most disappointed in this year?
I don't know that I've been disappointed in anything, because if I'm not enjoying something, I'll cheerfully quit and think nothing more of it. I'll also find something to cling to to avoid disappointment. So, as much as Vice Versa is an easy target, I'll pick that because I think it had a lot of potential and fell way short. No hate, it was cute, I just spent most of it with my head in my hands. But I'd subject myself to fates worse than death for Neo bloody Trai, as it turns out.
What was your favorite BL of the year?
The Eclipse. I simp for First and Khaotung, so both of them together is a recipe for my own personal disaster. Also, see aforementioned Neo.
Who are your favorite BL couples (not just in 2022)?
AkkAyan (The Eclipse)
AouFuse (Vice Versa)
Ji Woo/Seo Joon (To My Star)
KanThua (The Eclipse)
PatPran (Bad Buddy)
PrapaiSky (Love in the Air)
VeeMark (Love Mechanics)
If you had to suggest a BL for someone, what would it be?
I'm using the promise of the occasional motorbike to lure Julia in, so LITA comes to mind, but honestly probably Bad Buddy, because that's where I started and it worked for me? The only drama is minor and is resolved, it's cosy, it's silly, it waits patiently to gut-punch you, and overall it's just... perfect.
What was your favorite non-BL this year?
I genuinely don't think I've watched anything much this year. I'm boring. Leverage: Redemption is probably the only thing? It makes my soul happy.
Tagging: @aroceu @mushiemadarame @bi-wuxian idk if i have any other bl-adjacent mutuals so. but if u wanna do this and say i tagged u, i'll retrospectively tag ya
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sunshinechay · 1 year
I was tagged by @majestictortoise to do this a few days ago. Sorry that it took a minute, life + adhd = a very forgetful Cap lol
3 ships: I have SeanWhite, PrapaiSky and LeoFiat listed as my three ships that I’m not normal about but I’m gonna challenge myself to do 3 different ships that have been creeping up on me and are completely stuck in my head. So I’m going to go with…KimChay (seriously these two and their adorable mess of emotions and open ending…well mostly open ending, thank you concert series XD), WaanTul (I love WinTeam and I rarely get second lead syndrome but damn if these boys don’t live in my head rent free) and KingUea (the shows not even over yet and I’m completely sold on them)
First ship: honestly I think my first ship was Sesshomaru and Kagome from Inuyasha (along with Inuyasha and Kagome hahaha) but my first serious ship was a tie between Merthur and ArthurGwen (because Arthur has two hands). I had smaller ships along the way but BBC’s Merlin was the first time I really had like a ship™️ (also yes I’m aging myself because I watched it while it was airing…when I was in high school)
Last song: Dum Dum - Jeff Satur. This song has me in a chokehold I swear. But it’s also on a playlist for my novel so I’ve been listening to that while I’m in the research stage instead of writing the many fanfic ideas I have haha
Last Movie: I rewatched Long Time No See last weekend. Still as good as the first time and every time I’m impressed by the Tak Woo Suk’s performance as Chi Soo. He does such a good job! Yeon Seung Ho also does a really good job and I really enjoy the movie.
Currently Reading: mostly fanfiction. I even recently started reading a The Eclipse fic despite never having seen the show (I know I know, it’s in my list but my executive function hasn’t switched off of the “nope can’t do it not today” mode for it yet) For actually books, I’m reading the 6th Bridgerton book because I am a romantic at heart lol and slowly making my way through One Last Stop
Currently watching: Bed Friend, Love Syndrome III, A Boss and A Babe and Tin Tem Jai are the ones I’m actively watching week to week. I’m watching Love Mechanics for the first time as I’ve never seen it, only the En of Love version which I only kind of liked so it’s going to be an experience haha. I’m also starting my rewatch of Between Us and since the 1 year anniversary or KinnPorsche is this week (today!) I’m going to be doing a rewatch for that soon, hopefully within the next week or so (might do a liveblog of my rewatch because why not lol)
Current Craving: Spaghetti with meat sauce? Also chocolate because I never don’t want chocolate haha XD
I’m going to tag: @talistheintrovert @negrowhat @petesbubblebutt @captain-effy and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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fortpeat · 1 year
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ITS THE PAISKY EP8 ANNIVERSARY 🥹🥹🥹 ITS BEEN A YEAR 😭😭😭 I am so emotional over this. A lot has changed since then - words like Sky, Wind, Sunflowers, Psycho 😂 has been given a whole new meaning 🥹 and This year with the anniversary coming we are having the next Series of our beloved babies on the way 🥹 AHHHH ☺️☺️☺️ CANT WAIT !!!!
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fortpeat · 1 year
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He knows ... HE KNOWSSSSSS leather jacket Prapai is our weakness so he posted it for their anniversary ✨🙏🙏
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fortpeat · 1 year
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fortpeat · 1 year
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fortpeat · 1 year
Translation: credit - aliensgeworld via twt
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fortpeat · 2 years
Happy 1 year first meet anniversary to these sweethearts or as I like to call them my Tom and Jerry 🥹🫰 They have brought me so much joy in the past 2 months since I have known them and I could only wish I had known them earlier but it's better late than never right.
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Can't wait to see what the future holds for them and can't wait to see their projects and events together. Thank you for bringing Prapai and Sky to life and making them an important part of my life 🥹🥹🫶
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My only wish is to see them again as costars in yet another project as beautiful as Love in the Air and be able to show their talent and their chemistry and their beautiful bond as partners 🥹❤️❤️
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fortpeat · 10 months
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Prapaisky + Song Lyrics
You know how when you listen to songs, certain scenes just start projecting in your head and since my head is forever in Prapaisky land this was inevitable also this is trying on something new for a change 🥰 Happy BabyFeat Anniversary coz if it wasn't for this couple I wouldn't here at all.
(P.S can you guys guess the songs I have used here 🤭)
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