#a pre planned death like Bertrands
Bell's Hells as Undertale/Deltarune Songs
disclaimer: i wrlte thid in a notebook back near the start of campaign 3 so things might be outdated but mostly i think they still fit. I'll give reasons why the songs fit for each character
FCG - Metal Crusher/Your Best Friend. FCG eats metal obviously, and im just gonna say i called it with your best friend. Sounds like a smiley day but actually quite murderous.
Ashton - Spear of Justice/sans. I think these songs reflect both Ashtons rage side and also their i dont really give a s*** laid back side.
Laudna - Here We Are. Very creepy, but also a very cool song, just like our favourite fun scary gal laudna.
Fearne - Bonetrousle. Ok so this definitely plays in Fearne's head whenever she decides to steal something. Very chaotic.
Orym - Determination. Hes just a little dude that will do anything to protect his friends and the people he loves, also in the fight with nightmare king in the tower with that nat 20 death save was the epitome of 💔➡️❤*but it refused
Dorian - Undertale/Dating Start. Yes i will be including dorian in bells hells we need our blue boy back. Undertale seems like the kind of song he would play to think about how far hes come and dating start helps give that "hey im new here vibe kind of awkward but eee" that dorian just is. Also he should start dating orym ;)
Chetney - Lancer. Ok this was pre werewolf reveal but i stand by this. this is the song that plays when hes doing all his crazy plans and talking about how hes an MC.
Imogen - Shop/ASGORE. not going to liez when i wrote this a few months ago i kind of forgot imogen existed :/ but i think that shop fits her more chill southern accent side when shes baking cookies with laudna, and asgore is kind of like her intense dreams. But again there is probably a better song im just tired.
Bonus: Bertrand Bell - It's Pronounced "Rules". Idk just fits how exaggerated he was!
And finally, Bells Hells as a group would be A Cyber's World? But again, i wrote this at the start of the campaign and it really fits the vibe of new beginnings, so this is true especially for like the first 15 or so episodes.
By the way, i will be opening asks for followers! If you like my headcanons/crossovers with video games, check my pinned post for games i am into and let me know if you have any ideas! I have a version of this for M9 and VM as well, so lookout for that😊
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diabeticgirl4 · 10 months
Ok. I'm so. ???? Overanalyzing everything here I go lmao
So Bertrand's death was obviously something planned between Matt and Travis, and my first thought was that idk travis was gonna be absent for a while and they needed some reason for his character to be mia (a bit on the extreme side but eh they did something similar when Travis and Laura had to leave for Baby last campaign) but Travis is there for announcements? But then (afaik, I'm not too far into the episode yet) he's absent for the episode itself. Which yeah checks out, and I know taliesin was absent for at least a couple(?) episodes after Molly's death to figure out his next episode. But like. The way Bertrand went down was obviously pre-planned and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Did he just want a different character? Was Bertrand not meant to be a permanent fixture but he didn't have a new character ready yet? I can't tell if this was due to an irl situation at the time or something different or what. It ultimately doesn't matter lmao but I'm just. So so curious. What. Why. Hmm.
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spiderkiss · 2 years
I feel like as someone who fell off of Critical Role Season 2 hard because of Molly’s death I have some things to say to people who are going through it right now.
It is ok to be upset. There are already people coming out of the woodwork blithely proclaiming how death is a part of D&D, that they’re not upset and you shouldn’t be either. And yeah that feels incredibly dismissive when you’re deep in your feelings about the lost potential of a character you were invested in. Yes, death is a part of the game, but a lot of people are not tuning in to 4+ hours of show to watch meaningless straw people bop each other till one falls down. Some people are tuning in because there are high stakes other than perma death People are tuning in to these shows week after week because they care about the characters and want to see where their story goes. It’s ok to grieve the loss of that potential.
Take a break if you need it. However long that means. if you were really attached to a character, the world is stressful enough already without coming back next Thursday with the potential of having your hopes dashed (be careful with the theories on how your fave could be saved, I got hurt with those). I ended up not watching and just reading fan reactions until I knew it was clear they were not bringing Molly back. Some of you will go back and find that joy in the group again in whatever form it takes. Some might not. That is ok. You’re not less of a person for this not being your thing
After my experience in the last game I could not get back into that season. I can’t even go back and watch the rest of the season after because of what I see as wasted potential so I just joke as if there were only 20 or so episodes.
I got into this season with a hardened heart. Though I do enjoy these characters I have distanced my love for them in a way I didn’t before. I told myself not to get attached to these characters because any one of them could die in a very unsatisfying way, that is the possibility of this show.
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
title: the girl who played with fire
title: The Monday Morning
the girl who played with fire -- there are some obvious choices here and the obvious choices are in fact absolutely fine but sometimes i just like trying to think as outside the box as possible!! which can honestly lead to thinking too much about something, which is not, always, great. sometimes it's okay to be straightforward. anyway so this would be about sunny and beatrice, and babybea
it'd be about beatrice teaching a very obviously very small and very baby sunny about cooking, and about how Some Fires Are Necessary. i haven't really written about Sometimes You Just Have A Necessary Fire (except briefly in bea's letter) (and like, this is beyond 'both sides set fires', this is more 'what is a world without any and all kinds of fire?') but it's definitely something to explore and i think cooking would be ideal and that it would mean a lot to come from beatrice, and be about her trying to impart something crucial and meaningful about her life to sunny, who is still barely a couple months old at that point and doesn't really get it but in the world of asoue and sunny's existence, also sort of does? beatrice trying to restructure fire in her head and thinking about her life up to this point, being a mother, being a volunteer, what that means for sunny, what food and the act of making it with something that can be do destructive is to someone like beatrice.
then it'd also be about sunny doing the same thing with babybea, and i can't decide if i want, also very baby babybea or a little older babybea?? but sunny would be in a position to do the same thing, explain her own complicated relationship with fire (different-complicated than bea's was, but also just as complicated) to someone else to whom that relationship is minorly incomprehensible but also matters so greatly, through food and cooking and baking. and because babybea's place in canon, along with the baudelaires, is hopefully breaking the cycle, it's hopefully more successful than beatrice talking to sunny. mm, so maybe it is better if it's sunny talking to a little older babybea.
the monday morning -- so there's the song monday morning by death cab for cutie which is definitely stuck in my head now BUT i have already written a fic to that song. SO BEYOND THAT
'the' makes it a VERY specific monday morning, not just one or all monday mornings, and a monday morning of certain importance.......and there is a definite time limit in a monday morning. i wanted this to be fun lemonberry ice shenanigans, bc i have ALWAYS wanted to write successful shenanigans, but i've sat with this for a while now and can't think of anything for them, but what i did come up with --
there was an idea floated at some point in time on here (was it yours??) that olaf himself planned the murder of his parents and then rescinded it, so this would be the core group otherwise involved in the murder -- bea, bertrand, kit, lemony, dewey, mmmmmmmonty????? bc i like natalia's fic where he supplies the poison -- agreeing that they were going to go through with it anyway because olaf's parents have become too big of a problem. they definitely also debate killing olaf, because i myself have wondered sometimes how no one's tried to get rid of olaf pre-canon. oh clearly they do not decide to kill olaf, but it's definitely considered. it's a lot of very tense and layered conversations as this group of people with their individual perceptions of vfd and murder and the greater good, and their individual perceptions of olaf, and his family, weigh murder. oh, possibly lemony is not there, BUT he's narrating it, like canon. because if lemony is there that is very difficult. okay i like him narrating it better. it's as much about lemony and hangfire as it is this section of the sugar bowl gen, and all of them as a whole, and what they've become.
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emkay512 · 3 years
Once Upon A Time
Chapter 1
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Summary: This starts at the beginning of TRR book 2 with the Fydelia ball but with a different series of events. This AU is based off the show Once Upon a Time with Riley and Liam mirroring Snow and Charming. Characters belong to Pixelberry.
A/N: This is my FIRST EVER post and it’s literal trash 😅 I’ve never written before I found you all, and I’ve never had so much fun reading all the stories I found. If you read this please know I’m a complete rookie and I have no idea what I’m doing haha. I welcome and encourage any thoughts and feedback!
A/N 2: my biggest thank you’s to @queenrileyrose and @bbrandy2002 for pre-reading and giving me endless boosts of confidence!!! This first ever, cherry popping post, is in honor of you ❤️
Warnings: This will contain NSFW adult language and content. By reading, you acknowledge you are 18 and over.
I’m tagging those I’ve connected with and thought would be interested. Please let me know if you do or don’t want to be tagged!
@burnsoslow @ao719 @kat-tia801 @callmeellabella @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis
The welcome ball had been exhausting. Riley finally saw them, all of them, the good and the bad. Mostly bad with Liam being the exception.. except the fact that with him came his stupid fiancée. She was forced to deal with the Penelope’s and Kiara’s of the court, and got none of the Olivia’s and Drake’s of the world, with Olivia blackmailed and Drake most likely avoiding the court. Majority of the conversations she had to deal with throughout the night consisted of her rebutting all the allegations against her, most people believing that she had jilted their king. At least she had Maxwell and Bertrand, her home away from home. With the maybe two seconds she had Liam to herself and the amount of work and effort she had to put into her first public appearance, she was completely drained and changed from a gown and into more comfortable leggings and tank after she got back to her room of the Fydelia estate. Just as she was decompressing from the stress of her night, there was a knock on the door. She opened the door to see a particular grin on the face of one Maxwell Beaumont carrying a vase of two dozen roses.
“Greetings, little blossom! One of the staff members stopped me on the way of delivering these, asking what room you were in and I insisted on catching you myself.” Maxwell invited himself into her room after handing her the arrangement. Riley pressed the roses to her nose, inhaling the beautiful scent, and she noticed a note wrapped around one of the stems. She unwrapped the note and turned to Maxwell, who had already cozied himself up on her bed, clearly excited to hear what was on the note. “I noticed the paper in the arrangement too, it’s clearly from Liam isn’t it? You did so great tonight and he had the biggest puppy dog eyes on you, I knew his Prince Charming ass would pull off something like this.. well, go on! Read it!”
Riley quickly unwrapped and read Liam’s note, she had no idea the girlish grin she had plastered on and Maxwell was beaming. He had hated these past few weeks so much, he had been watching one of his closest friends, his makeshift sister, live in desperate torment, questioning her worth after hearing nothing from those she cared most about. She put the roses down and placed the note down next to them and looked up at Maxwell, “He wants me to meet him on his balcony in 20 minutes..”
“That is charmingly romantic, but did he slip in his royal socks and tumble down Madeleine’s overly buffed stairs?? He’s clear across the estate, it’s way too dangerous for you to get out of here alone.”
Riley sighed and collapsed onto the bed with Maxwell, “I don’t know Max, his note is sweet and remorseful, but.. maybe this isn’t about getting back together.. maybe I should just focus on helping house Beaumont and getting home..”
Maxwell stretched across to Riley and smacked her across her head, “Come on, Riles! You have been unable to go a single day without asking about him.. at least twice a day! You NEED to go meet him, otherwise I think both of your little fairy tale hearts will die.”
Riley smirked and rolled her eyes, “You’re so dramatic! And please tell me what fairy tale involved a half nude photo scandal and public humiliation leading to a bullshit engagement between a king and the only ice queen that would rival both Olivia and Elsa while singing let it go? Plus, didn’t you just mention that it’d be too dangerous for me to get to him?”
“Hellooooooo?? Ok first of all, literally all fairy tales are structured that way, couple meets and falls in love, and a public enemy curses them with a dramatic, heartbreaking lie, and then they defile all enemies and live happily ever after.. you’re just living the 21st century version of that! Nudes are basically the most vanilla scandal these days anyway. And secondly, have you JUST met mr covert ops extraordinaire, Maxwell Beaumont!? I said it’d be too dangerous for you to go out alone. Let’s just simply walk out together, and if we get any questions, we can just say we’re meeting my brother for.. you know.. this and that diplomacy reason.. whatever, I’ll wing it. Plus, look at you, you’re already dressed for stealth. I just need to get you outside, and then you can scamper over to Liam’s side of the building. Whaddya say, blossom?”
Riley was exhilarated. Maxwell always knew how to say the right things. She locked eyes with him, pointed straight to his chest and said, “You son of a bitch, I’m in.” They shared a mischievous smile and giggled their way out of her room, totally giddy without even shutting the door all the way. They were completely unaware of the royal guard that had been manning her room and slipped inside.
Thanks to Maxwell, Riley had successfully snuck out of the estate and crept to below the balcony of Liam’s room. She had to think fast as to how the hell she’d get up there, and then she spotted the flower vine growing on a trellis against the building, and she let out a small victorious, “Yes!”
But as soon as she took a step in that direction, a hand grabbed her shoulder and jerked her around so she was facing one of the royal guards. “I don’t think so, lady Riley,” he put a heavy sarcastic emphasis on the term lady, as he was clearly disgusted by her newfound tarnished reputation. “You’re coming with us.”
“Us?” And then from behind her, another guard bagged her head and she felt the grip of two men on each of her arms as they forced her to their destination, practically dragging her as they went. Riley’s heart was thundering in her chest. Where were they taking her? Back to the airport? A jail cell? A dungeon? A firing squad? She wasn’t at all expecting what she got. She was sat on a decently comfortable chair. The guards removed the bag and revealed to see she was in a study. A large one. And there before her on the opposite end of a mighty desk, was the king father, Constantine.
Constantine nodded a dismal to both the guards, and they took their leave. “Well, well. If it isn’t the disgraced American.” Riley was utterly confused and could feel the former kings command in the mood of the room. He did not like her, and she could feel his dislike radiating off of him. “You just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you, you foolish girl?”
“Wh-what are you talking about?”
“You had your exit, your out. You were scandled. Ostracized! I even had you as far as at the airport gates. But no, you came back. You came back and left me back at square one on how to get rid of you!”
Realization dawned to her, “It was YOU!” Riley leapt to her feet. She felt no fear, only anger coursing through her. “YOU staged those photos, YOU unleashed Tariq on me.. and you timed the release of those photos, at the most prime time allowing maximum humiliation and zero time in between Liam’s announcement. You’re despicable, I bet you’re even disappointed that Tariq’s attack on me didn’t end.. didn’t end up the way he planned.” She had deliberately slowed her speech as each new revelation came to play in her head, she had lowered her voice with disdain and disgust.
Constantine let out a scoff-laugh at what he considered to be a poor attempt of exerting dominance. “You’re right, and quite honestly I don’t care what that pompous buffoon would have done to you, but I must say, those pictures certainly did deliver.” Constantine was teasing and patronizing her, “And now you’re here, still trying to get to my son.”
Riley crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him, “I don’t know what you’re tal-“
“Enough. I know everything.” He waved in front of her the very note that Liam had written inviting her to his balcony that he got from one of the guards. “You poisoned his heart, and now his marriage. And with that, the entire kingdom is poisoned, all because your feelings.” He spit the last word out as if he found it vile.
“I wish feelings could be helped, but they can’t.”
“Of course they can. Love is a disease, and like all diseases, it can be vanquished in one of two ways. A cure, or death.” Constantine stood and leaned both of his palms flat on the surface of the desk. “Do you know where your beloved is right now? He’s right down that hallway, he should be packing for his new life, prepared to take on his engagement tour to unify two Cordonian houses and assume the responsibilities and sacrifices it takes to be king. But no.. He’s pining for you. Awaiting your arrival.”
“And I suppose you intend to keep him that way? Waiting for me, only to be rejected, never knowing I came for him?” Riley’s voice was desperate, but still cunning in reality. She needed him to know her questionnaire was not doubtful, but challenging. That she hated his deliberate intentions.
“No. In fact, you’re gonna walk down that hallway. You’re gonna sneak in and tell him you got his note,” Constantine slid the note across the table, no longer wanting it in his possession, and Riley picked it up. “You’re gonna tell him why you answered his call.. Because you don’t love him. It’ll break his heart.. And that will cure him.”
Wide eyed, Riley could only assume the consequence if she didn’t do as he said, “Or you’ll kill me.” She stated with no question in her mind.
“Oh no. I’ll kill him. Killing you would only make him love you more. And the marriage and kingdom would ultimately crumble.”
“And what about your precious Madeleine? I know how this works this is all about mergers and business transactions. How else would you get Godfrey and his house to join with yours?”
“Please, if Liam were to die at an assassin’s hand, he would die a martyr. Godfrey would forgive, even laud, the death. And the merger would be complete.”
“You would do that to your own son?”
“I’m doing it FOR my son.” Love was once Constantine's weakness and it led to Eleanor’s death. It scarred him and he became brainwashed. Convinced love was the enemy. And now, the product of his foolish love, was Liam, who he groomed to be the perfect king. Constantine applauded himself all these years. It was clear as day that even Leo knew the job belonged to Liam, so Constantine did everything to assuage any of Liam’s hesitation into taking on his duty. He always planned on Liam being the logical one, ready to take on the duty and a loveless union. Then that damn New York trip happened. And that damn Riley came in the picture. Immediately Constantine couldn’t tell if he actually hated Riley, or if he hated the idea that Riley was basically the new version of Eleanor that he’d never have.
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sfb123 · 4 years
Sapere Aude - Part 7
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, allusions to smut (but nothing graphic), discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Word Count: 2,670
Notes: Sorry. I’ve been on a pretty good once a week schedule, but this one is a little more delayed. I had a lot going on this week, so I didn’t have a chance to get it up. But here it is, I hope you find it worth the wait!
Shout out to my pre-reading possy, @texaskitten30 and @txemrn, and @twinkleallnight​ for my moodboard! 
Tags: Do tags even actually do anything anymore? Who knows, but in case they do, they’re added below and also in the comments. Maybe that will help at least a couple of you get them. If you want to be added or removed, just let me know. 
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Riley paced back and forth in her bedroom, mind reeling from her meeting with Eleanor. It was bad enough that she was going to have to tell Liam that his mother was alive, but now she would have to tell him that the guard they were trusting with their daughter’s life was actually his brother. She was certain, no matter how stoic and level headed her husband was, this news was going to break him. Riley would just need to make sure that he kept his cool outside of the sanctuary of their quarters. 
Her train of thought was broken when she heard a knocking at her door. “Come in.” She smiled as Drake entered the room. “Hey, when you left you had my kid with you. Don’t tell me you left her out in the woods to fend for herself a la some weird Walker wilderness test.”
Drake rolled his eyes. “Very funny. She fell asleep on the way back, so I just dropped her off in her room. I wanted to come in and see how things went with you.” 
She sighed and sat on the bench at the end of her bed, patting the empty seat next to her. “You’re going to want to sit down for this one, big guy.” Drake had known Liam his whole life, maybe he could help her figure out the best way to tell him about his mother, and now brother. But she had to tell him about his father first. “I learned a lot more in this meeting, and literally none of it was good.”
He put a comforting arm around his friend’s shoulders. “Ok, do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help you come up with the best way to tell Liam.”
“Well yea, I’m going to need a lot of help with that, like a lot a lot of help, but there’s something you need to know too.” 
She looked up at him with so much sadness in her eyes that Drake felt overwhelmed. He pulled her into a tight hug. “Hey, it’s ok Brooks, whatever it is, I can take it. Just let me have it.”
“Your dad was one of them, he was working with Eleanor. They were partners.” Her voice was muffled against Drake’s chest, but he was able to hear every word she said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed to be there for his friend right now, but this was also a huge blow to everything he had ever known or believed about his father.
“Wait, he was working against Constantine?” He pulled out of the hug and rubbed his hand over his face, letting the information fully sink in. “But he was his lead guard, he saved his life. More than once.”
“I know. He wasn’t technically against Constantnine, and I guess technically he did die protecting him.”
“What do you mean?” There was a hopeful sadness in Drake’s voice. 
“Well, Eleanor said that your dad didn’t agree with the plans to overthrow Constantine, so the assasination attempt that took his life was actually meant for him.” Riley was so upset that she didn’t even realize what she had said. 
Drake didn’t catch it at first either, still trying to process the information about his dad, but once it hit him, he looked over to Riley, utterly confused. “Wait, who said that? Eleanor who?”
Riley’s eyes immediately fell to the floor. “Yea...that’s kind of one of the other things. The meeting I had today was with Eleanor, Liam’s mother. She didn’t actually die, she went into hiding.” The tears she had been holding back all day finally started to flow. 
“Holy shit Brooks, way to bury the lead. Liam’s mother is alive? You met with her? She was here?”
“She’s...she’s in charge of the Via Imperii in Cordonia. What the hell am I supposed to tell Liam? This is going to kill him.” Riley began sobbing into her hands.
“Hey, shh shh shh, come here.” He pulled Riley back into his arms, gently stroking her back. “This is major. It’s going to be a big blow for Liam, but he has you to help him get through it. You guys have been through hell and back, you’ll get through this too.”
They stayed like that for a while, Riley needed to get all of her emotions out. Drake knew this, and just stayed there to be the comforting friend that she needed in that moment. He had to come to terms with his dad, and he would, but the news he got was nothing compared to the devastation his best friend, his brother, was about to receive. 
Riley was able to finally calm herself down. She pulled away from Drake, wiping the lingering tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry Drake, I didn’t mean to break down on you like that.”
“Don’t worry about it, Brooks. You needed to get it out. You need to empty the tank before you bring this to Liam…”
“There’s more.” She interrupted him.
“I’m afraid to ask, but we’ve already come this far.”
“Remember when I was pregnant, and we found out all that information about Eleanor, and how she was pregnant when she…” Riley trailed off. 
“Fuck. That’s right. Liam has a sibling out there somewhere.” Drake ran his hand through his hair. 
“Not somewhere. In the palace, guarding Eleanor.”
“Thomas?” Drake and Thomas were friendly, Drake was friendly with most of the guards. He couldn’t believe that this whole time, he had been talking to Liam’s brother. “Does he know that he’s...that he and Liam are brothers?”
Riley nodded. “He does. Eleanor said that when he learned that he was a Rys, he wanted to be close to his family, and do what he could to keep them safe. That’s how he ended up assigned to the King’s Guard.”
Drake stood and walked over to the fireplace, watching the flames dance as he shook his head. “This is unbelievable. His mother is alive, and he’s had another brother this whole time.” As he came to another realization, he snapped his head back to look at Riley. “Is Thomas his full brother? Like Constantine is his dad too?”
Riley nodded as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “Full brother. Constantine had three sons.”
“That means he’s a Prince too. What if he tries to get Liam out to put himself in place?”
“That can’t happen. Eleanor, my Eleanor, is the heir. Liam is the reigning King, so his child would be next in line for the throne…” She paused, taking a deep breath, not wanting to put her next thought into the universe, but it needed to be said. “If anything happened to him, Eleanor would be next in line, and as her parent and legal guardian, I would be Queen Regent, so I would rule until she became of age. They’ve already tried, and failed, to take her away from us once. I don’t think they would do that again.”
“Right, Barthelemy. Jesus, all of our parents sucked. Barthelemy, Eleanor, my dad, Olivia’s parents. Constantine wasn’t exactly in the running for father of the year. You and Hana are the only ones that really lucked out.”
Riley let out a humorless chuckle. “Heh, who would have thought, after everything we’ve gone through, Hana’s overbearing, controlling, parents would have been considered the normal ones.” She walked up to Drake and linked her arm through his. “Drake, your dad was a good guy, he just got caught up with the wrong group. He really did die trying to save the King, just not in the way we thought he did.”
“Yea, I guess.” 
“And you know what?” She grabbed both of his shoulders, turning him to look her in the eyes. “For as shitty as you guys’ parents were, they made some pretty great humans. You, Savannah, Maxwell, Bertrand, Liam, even Leo.” Throwing Leo in there like that got a chuckle out of Drake, which is exactly what she was hoping for. “You guys are some of the most amazing, selfless, caring people I have ever met, and I am truly honored that you all are my family.” She pulled him in for a hug. 
“Alright, that was a pretty good pep-talk. But when you give it to Liam, make sure you mention him first.” They both laughed as they separated. 
“Thanks for the note. I’ll be sure to punch it up before I talk to him.” She smirked at him. “I should go check on Eleanor. Are you going to be ok?”
“Yea, I’ll be alright. I’m more worried about Liam to be honest. Do you want me to be there when you tell him?”
“No, I think this is something he and I need to handle one on one. But I love the concern. See what I mean, amazing human.” She made finger guns and pointed them at Drake. 
“Alright, alright. Well, I was going to head up to Ramsford tomorrow, after we get back. I could take Eleanor with me, she and Bartie could have a slumber party, and you and Liam can have plenty of time to talk.”
“Drake, I couldn’t ask you to do that. You’ve basically spent the whole weekend with her. I’ve already imposed too much.”
“It’s not imposing if I’m offering. I know Liam, he’s going to need time to just deal. He’s not going to be able to do that if you guys have to be in parent mode. It’s no trouble, really.”
Riley was overwhelmed by the generosity of her friend. He had just received news that completely destroyed the image he had of his father, his hero, and his first instinct was to do whatever he could to make things easier for her and Liam. Without saying a word she barreled toward him, the force of her body hitting him knocked him off balance slightly, as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Number one best friend of life. No question.”
“Alright slugger, take it down a notch. Go get your kid, I’m going to go back to my room and relax for a bit. Come get me for dinner?”
Riley nodded as they exited her room and took off down different ends of the hallway. 
The next day, Riley Drake and Eleanor were in the SUV on their way back to the palace. It had been another sleepless night for Riley, trying to work out exactly what she was going to say to Liam. She came up empty. She was just going to have to wing it. They would have a couple of hours together as a family before Drake brought Eleanor to Ramsford, then she would completely devastate her husband. 
“Mommy?” Eleanor spoke up, pulling Riley from her thoughts. 
“Yes baby girl?” 
“Are you and daddy going to come play with me and Bartie?”
“No Eleanor, not this time. Mommy and daddy have some grown up stuff we need to do.” She reached across the seat and held her daughters hands. 
“Ew are you and daddy going to kiss?” Eleanor scrunched up her face, causing Drake to choke on the sip of water he had just taken. 
Riley burst out laughing at the comment. “No baby, no kissing.”
“Can I play with daddy first? I miss him!”
“Of course. Uncle Drake is going to go home first, and then he’ll be back to pick you up after dinner.” She kissed Eleanor’s hand.
As they pulled into the palace, Riley’s breath caught in her throat seeing Liam waiting for them in the front. Whenever they spent a night apart, they made it a tradition that whoever got home first would wait for the other out front. This was the first time she had ever hated that tradition. She wished she had a little more time to compose herself before seeing him. 
Drake noticed the panic flash across her face and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You’ve got this, Brooks. Deep breaths.”
She nodded as the car came to a stop. She took a couple of deep breaths to compose herself as her door opened. Drake worked to unbuckle Eleanor on the other side of the car.
“Riley, my queen. I’ve missed you.”
The tears immediately started to well up in her eyes. “Liam.” She jumped out of the car, and into her husband’s arms. “I love you, I love you so much.”
He held her close, rubbing her back in soothing circles and kissing her on the crown of her head. “I know, Riley. I love you too. It will be ok, we’re together now. Everything is going to be ok.”
“Daddy!” Their reunion was interrupted as Eleanor ran full force into her parents to join their hug.
Liam pulled back, giving Riley a brief kiss and a wink before diverting his attention to his daughter. “Welcome home, princess.” He lifted Eleanor into his arms.
“Uncle Drake took me fishing. I caught the biggest fish!”
“You did? I’m very proud of you.” He kissed her cheek.
“For the record, it was the only fish.” Drake emerged from the other side of the car, sticking his tongue out at Eleanor, she returned the gesture. 
“That’s alright, going fishing with Uncle Drake and catching the only fish is still a very big accomplishment.” Liam placed Eleanor back on the ground and extended his other hand out to shake Drake’s. “Thank you for taking care of my girls for me this weekend Drake.” 
“For this one,” he signaled down to Eleanor, “anytime. This one,” he nudged Riley, “not so much.”
Riley rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder. Liam chuckled, with everything he knew Riley had to endure this weekend, it made him happy to see her joking around, even if it were just for a moment. 
“Daddy, Uncle Drake is going to take me with him for a slumber party with Bartie tonight! It’s going to be so much fun!” Eleanor tugged on Liam’s pant leg to get his attention. 
He crouched down to meet her face to face. “Really? You just got home and you’re already leaving me again?” He gave her an exaggerated pout, she responded by placing her hands on either side of his face and kissing his nose. “I’m sorry daddy, mommy said you had grown up stuff to do. Maybe if you say please, she will let you come with me. I bet it will be more fun than the grown up stuff.”
Riley sighed as Liam turned and faced her. “I’m sorry Liam, I know you haven’t seen her all weekend, but Drake offered to bring her with him to Ramsford. And the stuff we need to catch up on will be a lot easier to go over if it’s just us.” There was a seriousness in her expression, Liam understood that she didn’t mean the usual catching up they did when they had been separated for a few days. 
“No, of course.” He turned to Drake. “You don’t have to leave just yet, do you? I would like to spend some time catching up with Eleanor before she leaves again.”
“Nah you’ve got time. I’m going to head back to my place, I’ve got a few things for Bartie that I’m going to bring with me. I’ll be by after dinner to pick her up.” He clapped Liam on the shoulder. Liam nodded as a silent thank you to his friend. 
As Drake walked to his truck, Liam took Eleanor’s hand in his, and wrapped his other arm around Riley. “Alright then, let’s go make up for lost time. Eleanor, I want to hear all about your weekend. Don’t leave a single detail out.”
They walked into the palace and up to their quarters. Liam and Riley were both dreading the conversation that would come later that night, but silently vowed to forget about those feelings, so they could enjoy time as a family.
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Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga @choicesficwriterscreations @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @annarenee355 @burnsoslow @shewillreadyou​ @imturaxamara @gabesmommie1130 @cordoniaqueensworld
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bananathebookworm · 3 years
This is another instance where I really miss Talks Machina. 
Much like with Bertrand’s death, obviously Robbie/Dorian’s departure was a pre-planned event, but I’m curious how much was planned and how much was a seize the moment type opportunity?
Did real-world jobs/events require Robbie to leave at this particular time due to conflicting schedules? Did they pre-determine the number of episodes he’d be around for? Did he know going into the party that this was going to be setting up his exit or was that something that he came to his own conclusion on?
What would’ve happened if certain rolls went a different way and he and/or his brother had ended up in jail? 
So many questions, I really hope by the time he comes back there’s some new version of Talks happening.
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
The Christmas gift of writing.
Merry Christmas!
This one is for you dear @texaskitten30 . Thank you for hosting this @cordonianroyalty. Many more thanks to @indiacater for helping me out of my worries and pre reading it for me.
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Drake x Olivia
Word count: 1376
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: Mention of pregnancy and childbirth.
Prompt: Features wackydrabbles prompt 71 in bold.
The Nevrakis-Walker Christmas
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24 December 2019
“I don’t want to go.” Olivia threw a tantrum umpteenth time.
Drake again patiently tried convincing her. “Come on it’s been a month since we planned the Christmas eve at Beaumont’s manor.”
“Don’t push me Drake. I know you want to don the best uncle’s hat for Bartie and Eleanor. Go ahead. I. Don’t. Want. To. Go.”
“ Livia, please.” Drake closed the distance between them. Standing behind her, he curled his hands around her shoulders, kissing the loose red tendrils of hair away from her neck. “I promise it will be fun.”
“You said it last time too when that bone-head Beaumont set up the April fool prank and look where I stand now.”
Drake delicately moved his hands from her sides to cover her swollen belly. “Well, I don’t regret what we have here, thanks to that prank.”
01 April 2019
They were newly weds when Max called them over to help him prepare for his first book reading session while Bertrand was off to the palace for some official meeting. He locked them in the library and planned to have some fun on April fool’s day. As luck would have it, Bartie fell down and got hurt. Max had to rush to the hospital with Savannah and the couple was left bolted, forgotten by Max. Alone in the library without any rescue plan, soon their carnal desires took over. What were they thinking? No protection and a month later Olivia tested postive.
24 December 2019
Olivia leaned back, Drake taking her weight and trying to relieve her stress. Olivia was an organised person and this unplanned life changing event in their life was giving her nightmares. She was still not prepared, even after all the parenting classes Drake planned and attended with her. To add to it, she witnessed Eleanor’s birth and she was shit scared if she will be able to go through it.
“Livia, you were the smartest little girl I knew growing up. The sharpest teenager I admired and you bloomed into the strongest woman I know. You give me strength and courage to look into the eyes of this world. Our baby will be blessed to have you. You will be a great mother. And I promise I will be there with you at each step, always at your side to share all the moments. Please, stop questioning yourself.” He tilted his head to kiss her on her temple.
Olivia turned around and shrunk into him as he hugged her, trying to wash away her insecurities.
‘How? How will I take care of the tiny being? I grew up with servants, Liam and Drake were my only family. I have never known what being a mother is ? What if I hurt the little life? I want to give you the world Drake but I don’t know how?’ Olivia thought to herself but she still didn’t have the courage to voice it out in front of Drake. A teardrop rolled down her cheek whilst her face was hidden in his broad chest.
She pulled herself together for Drake once again and dressed up in the Red floral dress Drake had bought for her. “ For god’s sake, floral pattern Drake?” she had scowled.
“Don’t be stubborn, try it! Red colour is for you dear, the flowers are for our little bean.” he had lovingly planted a kiss on her growing tummy.
Drake was all smiles to see his wife in the dress. “Lose the grin Walker!” she threw the car keys at him, which he caught at the right moment without letting them smash his face.
As they drove to the Beaumont manor, Olivia warned Drake against Max. “ I promise you I will stab him if I find that bone head within 6 feet of my vicinity.”
“And I promise you that he won’t stand in the room that you occupy. He has still not revived of the shock you gave him last time when you tried to kill him by targeting that flower vase at him.”
Once at the manor, everyone got busy in the preparations for the festivities. Olivia kept close tab on Riley and keenly observed how Riley managed little Eleanor. Riley had sensed Olivia’s anxiety long back and would always keep the company whenever they met.
Max was always at safe distance. Even for dinner, he sat at the far end of the table away from Olivia.
After the meal, Riley and Savannah took their kids to bed. Bertrand and Max went to load the gifts with Bastein to be taken to the charity next day. Liam and Drake sat in the library and discussed the security for Christmas party at the palace. Olivia relaxed in the parlour. She got up to get a glass of water for herself when it all happened suddenly. Olivia felt a sudden rush of fluid down her legs. At the same time, Max came hurrying to pick the leftover gifts and bumped into Olivia. She twirled a bit as Max held her in his arms firmly but she lost her mind. “Drake!!!” she screamed.
Drake barged in, absorbed the scene in front of him and didn’t waste a second. He lifted Olivia and scurried to his car calling out, “ Liam call up the hospital and tell them I am on my way with the mamma bear.”
Luckily, Bastein was out near the car to help. He volunteered to drive them to the hospital.
In all the overwrought, no one realised that the younger Beaumont was left frozen in his place. He was scared to death, never realising that it wasn’t his fault.
“I told you I didn’t want to come!”
“Calm down dear. It has nothing to do with Max. All is under control. We were expecting this. It's time. Have faith Livia! Just breathe!” Drake maintained his poise while reassuring his wife.
Dr Montgomery was waiting at the hospital after receiving the phone call from the king himself. Olivia was admitted. Next few hours passed in a whirlwind, Olivia trying to concede in her fate, unsure about what was to happen. Drake never left her side for a minute. He was holding her hand and talking sweet nothings to their baby while soothing Olivia at the same time. He kept dabbing her face, rubbing her back running around for the ice chips. He had the hospital bag ready in the car for emergency. She had never even bothered about it. She knew he would be a doting father. Olivia was counting her blessings!
Her contractions started nearing and it was finally at the dawn of 25th December that the Duchess of Lythikos along with her loving husband welcomed their baby girl.
The royal couple who was waiting in a special room at the hospital was informed and called in, to greet baby Nevrakis-Walker. Max came with them.
Olivia was holding the tiny little red head in her arms, her eyes welled up with tears. Riley went to her side and hugged her. Liam congratulated the proud father while Max stood at a distance.
Olivia caught his attention and smiled, “Come here you!” Max apprehensively came close to her. She stretched out her free arm to hug him. “I have targeted you a lot this year. Blame those hormones.” Max was relieved that Olivia and baby were fine. “You planned it well for us Beaumont! Look we have a Christmas baby!” Olivia said gleefully. Drake was glad that his nervous Olivia was finally relaxed and happy. Max was overwhelmed, and left speechless. He just hugged her back.
“So what do we call this little bundle of joy?” Riley asked, all excited.
Olivia looked at Drake quizzically. Drake circled his arm around Olivia and gently moved his fingers over their little red head. “Lilith, fierce and strong, just like her mother.”
“Lilith,” Olivia repeated softly. “You will be the strong and protective eldest daughter of our family.”
“Livia!” Drake was surprised at her announcement. His wife who was unwilling to accept any change in her life till a day prior just announced that she was ready to dive in and let the family grow! He couldn’t stop himself and kissed his wife. Olivia was beaming at him.
Tags: @ao719 @aloneautumn @bebepac @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonianroyalty @drakewalker04 @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @kat-tia801 @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog-blog @islandcrow @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @princessleac1 @ritachacha @speedyoperarascalparty @shanzay44 @queenrileyrose @sanchita012 @sfb123 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @wackydrabbles @yourmajesty09
Tagging those in the Christmas Gift of Writing @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @iaminlovewithtrr @anjanettexcordonia @kat-tia801 @eadanga @xxrainbow-princessxx
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blackcatkita · 4 years
I finally read the finale of The Royal Heir Book 2 and my first thought was- what a dumbass plot. Here's where I may start to ramble, you've been warned.
Number 1- Barthelemy is NOT the head of House Beaumont, Bertrand is and he wasn't even in there. Would he not be the one to issue a "no confidence" vote? He wouldn't, because he's not a pos snake like his father.
Number 2- The reasons Bart the fart gave were the nonsense with Auvernal- 8-9 months later. Dumb.
Number 3- People are all hackled for no reason. Just look at the last frame where Liam basically tells him, "Yeah, I know my shit too. Bring it, asshole."
So, me thinks Barthelemy threatened the other members of whatever the heck they called themselves. Landon apologized, Kiara tried to warn the mc and Olivia was the only nay because even if he did threaten her, Olivia is my girl and she don't give a shit. She also would have told the mc and company what was going on, so I'm sure she wasn't included in the pre-coup shenanigans.
I'm going to take it a step further because while we know Godfrey wasn't acting alone, I've never forgotten his words of "Everything I did, I did for you."
So we know Godfrey and Barthelemy were friendly and that Godfrey gave the goblet of death to Eleanor. What if, Godfrey knew of nefarious deeds Barthelemy was planning and acted on it? I won't pretend to know what Eleanor had to do with it but it was obviously something given the little we know at this time. Or, same scenario with Godfrey knowing more than Bart was comfortable with and the goblet of death was meant for him. Maybe he thought, "Whoa, this is a nice ass cup. I bet the Queen would like it." and gave it to her not knowing it was poisoned.
Given how many messages I got yesterday saying how pissed off I was going to be I was expecting to be mad but I gotta say, I mostly just rolled my eyes. Nothing has changed. I always knew Barthelemy was a sneaky bastard who was involved in all of it. Now he's just played his hand, and it is not a game he will win.
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gellavonhamster · 4 years
good people
gen || Montgomery Montgomery & Bertrand Baudelaire || pre-canon 
ao3 link eng  || ao3 link rus
Monty Montgomery learned about the deaths of Count and Countess *** somewhere about two in the afternoon, in the lobby of the Biology Faculty of Gerald Durrell University of Natural Science. He didn’t know them personally, and that day he could not even recall their faces when reading an article about their deaths, just as many years later he could not – unfortunately – recall the face of their son, whom he did know personally back in the day and had met as often as not. At the same time, he could remember in detail the moment he heard they were dead – the hum of voices in the vast corridors of the faculty building, sunlight glistening on glass in the frames of photographs and newspaper clippings hanging on the walls, the sound of his own footsteps. He was descending the stairs, almost hopping like a kid because he had just managed to talk a teacher into letting him submit the report a day later, and consequently was in a splendid mood. Few things can compete with the joy that a student experiences when the deadline for a paper that still exists only as a title page gets postponed for a later date. Immersed in happy thoughts, he went down to the ground floor, and was just heading for the exit when he suddenly saw a crowd of students and teachers huddled together and discussing something animatedly. One of the students was holding a widely unfolded newspaper, and several people at once were reading something over his shoulder.            
“Must be a change of government or something,” Monty thought as he approached them. Frankly, the prospect of writing a paper in two days concerned him much more at that time than a hypothetical coup. 
“Ah, Montgomery!” shouted one of those reading the paper, Professor Stein of the Herpetology Department. Stein was always shouting: he had hearing problems. Now, on the other hand, a raised voice was more than appropriate, for too many people were talking at once.  
“Good afternoon, Professor,” Monty gave him a nod of greeting as he joined the group. Getting closer to the paper was impossible – the crowd was too thick. “What’s the news?”
“A murder, Montgomery! A crime story at its finest; the whole city is going insane! Come read.” At that, Professor grabbed him by the elbow and pushed him into the middle of the crowd, so that Monty found himself right behind the left shoulder of the guy with the newspaper.
He took a look at the page, found the piece everyone was reading, and grew cold.
“Poison darts! With snake venom!” Stein exclaimed. Monty winced as if in pain. The loud noises around him were distracting; he wanted to read carefully, turn each word round in his head, persuade himself it was not what he thought it was. Coincidences do happen sometimes, after all. ��And where – at the opera! Right during the performance!”    
“Yeah,” someone to the right of the newspaper chimed in, “straight out of Gaston Leroy.”  
“Leroux,” Monty corrected mechanically. He was suddenly overcome with fierce and helpless anger. He stepped back. “I’m sorry, Professor, I really have to go.”  
Walking quickly, even quicker than back when he was urged on by the unwritten report, he headed for the door.
Well then, La Forza del Destino. Poison darts. Snake venom.  
And his flatmate, who went to the opera yesterday and didn’t come back home.  
 Bertrand asked him to procure the venom about a week ago.
It might have been Thursday, or maybe Friday. Monty was writing a term paper then, one that he could not set about writing earlier because he was busy doing other things, from the tasks assigned to him by VFD to attending the parties organized by other volunteers, which in some cases seemed as important to him, even vital at times. VFD gave him time to deal with the exam period, relieving him from participation in any missions for the nearest future – the pursuance of science was highly valued among their ranks. Many volunteers flaunted some academic degrees, but not many of them got those degrees officially, even if they deserved them objectively. Some Doctors and Masters among them didn’t even hold a certificate of Bachelor’s Degree. Fighting the fires, both literal and figurative, took up a lot of time and energy, leaving virtually none of it for attending the lectures or even distance education. However, the VFD members had connections – Had Connections even, capitalized – owing to which many of them got the opportunity to call themselves professors or academicians, although all their scientific contributions, sometimes absolutely groundbreaking, remained hidden from the general public.      
At the Biology Faculty, VFD Had some Connections as well, and if Monty wished so, he probably could obtain the Master’s or even Doctor’s Degree without much effort, but he had no such wish. He desired recognition and respect from the people outside the organization, desired to make discoveries that he could tell the whole world about – desired for everything to be fair. That was why he had spent the whole previous week in a kind of a time loop. Every day looked like the day before: writing, writing, writing, leafing through the sources frenziedly after another bookmark gets lost, sorting the materials collected in the expedition, drinking gallons of coffee, and occasionally sleeping. And feeding Maturin, of course. As to Monty himself, it was Bertrand who had been feeding him, which was very kind of him, because Monty couldn’t even afford the time to heat some ready-to-cook foods. Bertrand simply used to come into his room, not even knocking anymore so that not to distract him, put a plate of vegetable couscous or spaghetti bolognese or something in front of him, and leave before Monty noticed that plate. The dirty dishes he used to take away in the same manner, unnoticed. Monty had to yell “Thank you!” for the whole house to hear, to which Bertrand yelled back “You owe me!” from his room or from the kitchen. He was joking, and Monty knew that, but still planned at least to stand treat at the pub after the exams were over.      
That morning, Bertrand knocked on the door again – first came in, then knocked. That meant he needed Monty to pay attention to him.
“Hello, hello, hello!” Monty exclaimed, turning on the chair, immediately knocked one his books off the table, and bent to pick it up. “I am listening to you attentively, o dearest neighbour.”  
“You’re going to the uni tomorrow, aren’t you?” Bertrand asked.
Monty nodded. “Yeah, to submit this Frankenstein’s monster. Only the bibliography left to do.”
“You’re a hero,” Bertrand praised him. Monty thought so too, in all honesty. “Could you do something for me while you’re at it?”
“Buddy, I would’ve wasted away without you here over the last few days. What exactly do you need?”  
“I need,” Bertrand felt for something in the pocket of his trousers, took out some scrap of paper, and gave it to Monty, “a vial of venom of this snake.”  
Monty’s heart lurched. He skimmed the note.
“Oh,” he said. “No problem. There are a couple of excellent specimens of this species at the City Herpetological Centre.”
“I know,” Bertrand replied. “I thought of asking N or S, but I don’t know them well. I wouldn’t like to shoot my mouth off in front of the people I do not trust completely,” he sat down on the edge of Monty’s bed. “Not these days.”  
Monty noticed that Bertrand was trying not to meet his eyes.
“I see. Tomorrow it’ll be done.”  
“Thank you,” Bertrand smiled slightly, still not looking at Monty. Instead, he was looking at Maturin, the turtle, which was chewing on a salad leaf in its terrarium. The turtle was undoubtedly remarkable, but it wasn’t hard to see that Bertrand was rather looking through it than at it. Sooner or later that was bound to happen, Monty thought. Sooner or later, each volunteer had to do something… like that. Not necessarily related to deathly poisons and what very logically results from their use, but still something that made it difficult to look one’s friends in the eye. Like it was now difficult for Bertrand.
“Who?” Monty asked in a hushed voice. “I’m not asking about the name, I’m asking if you know that person. Or were you just given a description?”
“A description,” Bertrand echoed. He smiled again, wider and brighter, but still somewhat stiffly. “Don’t worry about me. I am not a child, I’ll handle this.”  
 “And so he did,” Monty thought as he was unlocking the door to his flat.
Bertrand was already home; there was no need to call their acquaintances or go to Kit’s place. When Monty entered, his flatmate was sitting at the kitchen table and rubbing his knuckles on one hand with the thumb of the other. His face was calm, without any trace of either tears or smile. It reminded Monty of the kind of “Closed” sign that people put on the shop doors on Sundays.      
“There you are,” Monty said, peeking into the kitchen. Bertrand gave a start and looked at him.
“Hi,” he said, and offered Monty a faint smile. It didn’t look too convincing. “How did the report thing go?”  
“They let me submit it later,” Monty told him. He didn’t know how to ask Bertrand about what was really vexing him, so he asked another question that was, in his opinion, appropriate in any situation. “Would you like some tea?”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Monty went into the kitchen, took the teapot off the stove, shook it and made sure it was empty, filled it with water, ignited the burner, put the teapot on the stove. Having been in a hurry to check if Bertrand was home, he didn’t have time to take his shoes off, and was now stamping around the kitchen in outdoor shoes. “Gotta sweep the floor later,” he noted to himself. It came with experience – the skill of not forgetting about the dull everyday things like cleaning and cooking while your entire world was in a whirl and threatening to fall apart.    
“I saw the article in the newspaper,” he began as he took teacups from the dish drainer. Bertrand was still sitting at the table in silence, still rubbing his hands absentmindedly. “About the opera.”
“Yeah, I’ve already read it, too.”  
“You lied when you told me you didn’t know who the target was, didn’t you? When you asked me to get you the venom.”
“I did,” Bertrand agreed. He leaned back in his chair. It wasn’t hard to see by his eyes that he hadn’t caught even a minute of sleep last night. “Do we have any lemons for tea?”  
“Um?.. I think there must be some. Check the fridge. Why did you lie?”
“You had enough problems of your own. And you still do. I didn’t want you to worry about me as well,” Bertrand got up from the table, walked up to the fridge, and took out a bowl containing half a lemon. Having taken a knife and a board, he started cutting the lemon into very neat identical pieces. Everything Bertrand did was neat.  
“Yeah, you can want whatever you like,” Monty muttered. The teapot was still taking its time to boil, and just standing empty-handed and discussing the murder committed by his neighbour was unbearable, so he took a cloth and started cleaning the sink aggressively. That was not the first time he procured poisons required by other volunteers. Perhaps he hadn’t killed anyone himself – yet – but he suspected that in a sense he already was partially responsible for a number of deaths. It was scary, it was weighing down on him, it kept him up at night and made him drink and dance and party with a vengeance in the hope of forgetting himself – but that was him, and when it came to Bertrand, it was a hundred times more of a shame. Bertrand was a good person. Bertrand didn’t deserve to be turned into a murderer. Monty was hoping he could express that all in such a way as not to make it seem like his heart is aching not so much for his friend as for his own hurt feelings, but the right words just wouldn’t come.        
“You are one of the best people I know,” he finally began. Bertrand made a strange sound, something between a laugh and a sob. Monty turned and saw that he had already cut the leftover lemon and was now standing with an absent look on his face, clutching the knife. “Don’t hold the knife with the edge toward you. Fucking hell, B,” he raised his voice when Bertrand didn’t react. “Don’t hold the knife with the edge toward you, and put it down anyway!”      
The knife fell on the table with a thud. Bertrand closed his eyes, leaned on the tabletop with both hands, and lowered his head so that Monty couldn’t get a good look at his countenance.
“I keep remembering that he hit O several times when boozed up, back when O was a boy,” he spoke quietly. “He used to drink, you know – not every day, but he used to go on drinking sprees from time to time. O’s taking after him in that respect. I keep thinking back on it as if it makes an excuse for me, but it really doesn’t, you see? And she was innocent – I mean, the rational part of me gets that she wasn’t, I know who she and her husband used to finance and what they used to cover up, but all I can remember is that she was usually nice to O, and to B after she moved to the City too.” Now his voice was taut, his face burning with indignation, his former numbness gone without a trace. “How come this task was assigned to B, of all people? After they had basically accepted her as family?”        
Monty knew, personally and by repute, several Bs among their associates, but this time Bertrand didn’t have to specify who he was talking about.  
“I am angry they made you do this, you are angry they made her…”
“Because she didn’t deserve this,” Bertrand interrupted him. “Because she’s a good person.”
Monty realized that Bertrand was basically repeating word for word what he had been reflecting on earlier himself, and smiled sadly.  
“How willing we are to assure the others vehemently that they are good people,” he spoke. He was completely in agreement with Bertrand about Beatrice. She was not just fun, but also reliable, which was much more important. She looked after her own. She was vivid and loud and incredibly brave and incredibly loving, and Bertrand was right: she did not deserve this. “And never as willing to defend ourselves the same way. Perhaps that is where our hope lies? In our inability to turn a blind eye to our own faults?”    
Bertrand took off his glasses, inelegantly wiped off the tears that had broken out after all, and put the glasses on again.
“Monty,” he said gently, “you’re a good person too, you know that?”
Monty blinked, then blinked again, feeling that soon he might have to wipe off the tears too. Bertrand was one of the best people Monty knew, and he didn’t deserve to be turned into a murderer, and didn’t deserve to labour under such grave delusion about other people either – but the fact that someone still considered him a good person gave Monty confidence that despite all his wrongdoings, he still wasn’t a lost cause.  
He reached out and ruffled Bertrand’s hair.
“Sit down,” he told him. “The tea’s about to be ready.”
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 19
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
Warnings: Swearing, Driley smut, Death
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @desiree-0816
Riley and Drake had spent the night wrapped up in each other- after hours of unprotected sex, they had a quick power nap before starting their day. This baby making was tiring.
Meeting up with Lindsey, Riley was nervous to inform her sister of her future plans with Drake. I’m an adult, I can make my own choices- I deserve happiness. Surely she will be happy that I’m happy with Drake and our future family?
Arriving at the restaurant, Lindsey had pre ordered a champagne brunch- she was smiling like the Cheshire Cat when she greeted her younger sister. Riley had decided to avoid alcohol and certain foods to help her have a chance at conceiving quickly.
“Why do you look so happy? Surely you should be upset about leaving Leo tomorrow?”
“Oh Riley. I’m not returning to New York. Leo has bought us a house and has asked me to move in....”
“What about Mom and Dads house? Have you even considered that?” Riley knew she sounded selfish, she should be happy for her sister- but for some reason she couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t.
“Yes, it’s up for sale.” Lindsey retrieved her phone out of her bag, showing Riley the advert. Tears ran down her face, before she forced the phone out of her view.
“Like hell it is! You are not selling our family home because you fancy getting your fanny wet!”
“Ri, Mom and Dad won’t mind. We will have all those special memories. It’s time to move on.”
“No. I won’t let you sell it.” Sounding like a spoilt brat, the waiters looked at the two women concerned.
“What other option do I have? Pay for it when it’s empty? You were the one who ran away to begin with.” Feeling guilty Lindsey was correct with what she had said. However, Riley did that to better herself, gain a career. Not forseeing what her bleak future in the UK would look like.
“I’ll have it. Sign it over to me.”
“What?” Lindsey knew Riley loved that house, but believed that Riley would want to stay in Cordonia for a lifetime- especially now she had met someone who loved her.
“You heard me Linz. I’ll move back to New York, I’ll keep it. Myself and Drake are trying for a baby. It’ll be good to bring the baby up in the home that I was brought up in.”
“No you are not trying for baby! Are you insane?”
“You know what Linz. Fuck you. Get the house off the market and put it in my name. You don’t have to control my life anymore. You sound like Xavier, I am a grown up.” Standing up from her chair, she abruptly left the building- not looking back.
Drake headed over to Savannah and Bertrand’s. The couple were shocked when Drake had offered to take his nephew out for the day without any prompt required.
“So what’s with the doting uncle all of a sudden? I’m not complaining though.” Drake picked up Bartie, and slung the toddlers bag over his shoulder.
“Myself and Riley had a heart to heart yesterday. We are going to try to start a family.” He told his sister, unable to wipe the smile off his face. Savannah’s jaw was agape, deep down she was happy for her brother. She hadn’t seen him act like he did around a woman before, but she believed that he would have considered all options before jumping straight into something that was such an important life decision.
“I like Riley, I do. But my god are you both crazy? A baby isn’t just for Christmas.”
“That phrase is used for dogs Sav.” Drake responded sarcastically, not in the mood for a debate regarding his life.
“You know what I mean Drake. You have both had poor relationships, aren’t you rushing into it?”
“Like you can talk? This is my life. She isn’t Kiara. I can see a future with her, I can see me marrying her- having children. Teaching them what dad taught us.”
“Drake that’s really sweet. But I do think you need to think about it. Xavier is still around, and Kiara could turn up at any given point.”
“Whatever Sav. I’ll bring him back for tea time.” Leaving his sisters home, he couldn’t believe the hypocrisy of his sister. He was a grown man, and if Riley made him happy he had believed out of everyone that his sister would support him the most.
Meeting Drake at the cabin, her breath caught as she saw him playing with Bartie, watching the view in front of her- she was going to ignore Lindsey’s advise. Yes she had become a home wrecker when she had first arrived- he was still in a relationship with Kiara- but she didn’t deserve him. They both deserved happiness. Noticing her presence, he smiled at his girl.
“Hey! Come and join us.”
“Hey Bartie.” Bartie immediately ditched his uncle for Riley, jumping into her arms he snuggled into her embrace.
“I think he prefers his auntie to his uncle. Don’t worry I’m not offended.” Auntie. Shit. I will be his auntie.
“Or maybe he’s just had enough fun with you. He looks tired. What have you done to him?”
“Yeah, I’ll put him down in a bit. Nothing much, just been trying to teach him to become a great footballer like his sexy uncle. How was lunch?”
“Horrendous.” Sighing, she had hoped that Lindsey would have contacted her to apologise. Riley believed that she should have made the first move in fixing her relationship with her sister- but her stubborn mind refused to do it .
“Linz said we shouldn’t try for a baby. Then informed me that she’s put our childhood family home on the market. I asked her to sign it over to me.”
“Savannah said the same to me regarding the baby. But it’s our life not theirs. I’m with you every step of the way. I’ve got enough savings to retire early and live a happy life with you and our children.” Sitting behind her, he held her and Bartie protectively.
“Children?” She questioned, leaning her head on him.
“Well yeah, if everything goes to plan I’d like two - you’re part of two and so am I.”
“Excuse me Constantine is ringing me. I’ll be right back.” Drake stood up and carried Bartie to the bedroom, making him comfy- he wondered why the chairman would be ringing her. Answering the phone, she was hoping for good news for her- bad news for Drake.
Good afternoon, I’ve spoken to Bastien. If you want to commute from New York to Cordonia you’re more than welcome to as long as you come back for every match. Bastien will cover you for training, and will Skype you with any injury updates. Are you sure you want to do this Riley?
Yes Sir. I can’t let my parents house go. They worked so hard for it.
Couldn’t you just rent it out?
I wouldn’t trust anyone in it apart from myself or Lindsey. I’d like to thank you for giving me this opportunity this season but I will not be renewing my contract once it’s up.
I’ll be sad to see you, but that’s fine Riley. It’ll be held open if you change your mind. Have a good day. Keep in touch.
Hanging up, she was in a daze, not knowing how to break the news to Drake. Wondering how he would react. Would he end their relationship? Would he offer to go with her? “Hey, what did he want?”
“Drake, sit down. There’s something I need to tell you.”
Constantine called Xavier and immediately ordered him to arrive at his office as soon as possible. Xavier has kept himself to himself after his ‘stunt’ with Drake.
“Come in.” Constantine bellowed.
“What’s the issue? I’m not due in today?” Sitting down, he wondered what the urgency was. Xavier was aware of the upcoming match being postponed, but his father could have called him regarding this matter.
“Have you got your passport on you?” Looking at his father confused, he wasn’t sure how much medication he was on due to his attack- wondering if this was affecting his random comments.
“Your ex wife, will be staying in New York Monday to Friday, and will be coming to Cordonia for match days. This is a way to win her back. But you have to promise that you will never hurt her again. Because it will be my neck on the line by all the team, knowing that I’m going behind all of their backs.”
“Why is she doing that? Has she split up with Walker?” A slight bit of hope had crossed his mind, hope that she had realised that Drake wasn’t her true love after all.
“Something about their family home? No she hasn’t split up with him as far as I’m aware, but you could win her back. This is a great opportunity for you both to rekindle. Bertrand can stand in whilst you are there with her. She is leaving tomorrow, but if you go the day after it won’t look suspicious. The match this weekend has been postponed as you know, so she will have nine days in New York on her own.” Both smirking at each other, Xavier was grateful for his father’s cunning plan. Appreciating him thinking about him, he gave him a hug- before walking out of the office.
Riley baby. I’m sorry for what I’ve done, but I’m getting you back. I’ll propose to you again, we can have a small ceremony on a beach somewhere- try again for another child. I promise I’ll be a better man, a better husband. I’ll change my ways. Please give me another chance! Xavier said to himself, getting in his car- he needed to get home quickly, book flights, pack and prove he could be the man that she once fell in love with.
The day after Drake drove Riley to the airport, he was going to miss her immensely. Reality still hadn’t sunk in that she would be in New York during the week- neither wanted to split up, so until the end of the season they were going to give a long distance relationship a shot. She had promised that she would come back for more than the weekend sometimes or that Drake could join her. It was time. The time they both knew would come sooner or later but dreaded. Saying goodbye at the airport to the only person that both of them cared for, to the only person that they had both truly loved. How could they do that if they both feel like they have lost a part of them? In this short time, those times where they would just talk and make each other laugh. When they had both forgotten how to live, both lost faith in future relationships - they were drawn together by fate. In their past relationships they felt as if the world was falling apart around them and had accepted that that was now their life.
“I’m going to miss you so much. I hate Leo, and I hate Lindsey. But I understand why you couldn’t let your family home go.” Holding her tightly, he didn’t want to let go.
“Our family home now. I love you Drake Walker. I’ll FaceTime you when I land.”
“I love you too Riley Brooks. Safe flight. I’ve packed you an extra gift.” Opening her bag, she wished he had warned her before pulling the gift out. Smirking, he couldn’t help but laugh at her expression.
“Not as good as the real thing. But when I come back it’ll be worth the wait having you inside me...”
“Go before you miss your flight. I love you so much.”
Riley arrived in New York, making her way over to her childhood home- she felt content, the sentimental feeling had taken over immediately even if she was missing her friends and Drake. FaceTiming Drake immediately, her heart sunk seeing his face.
“Hey baby. You look beautiful even if jet lagged.” Raising her eyebrows up, she knew he was lying to make her feel better. She knew she looked like shit as she felt it.
“You look so handsome! I miss you already. What are you doing?”
“Thinking about you.” Guiding his phone towards the bulge in his pants, he returned the phone to face. “What do you think? You make me this hard, even when you’re not with me.”
“I think you should get him out and show me. Tell me what you think about when you stroke yourself.” Following her instructions, he began to stroke his length- imagining it was her hands there instead. “You’re so big baby, are you thinking about me?”
“I always think about you when I masturbate. You’re my baby girl. I wouldn’t think about anything but you.”
“You’re making me so wet, I always think about your fingers and tongue pleasuring me.”
“Get the dildo out, I want to see you use it. ”
“What do you want to do to me Drake?” She questioned in a seductive manner, whilst stripping off her clothes- leaving her lacy underwear on show for him.
“I’d lay you down on the bed, If there are any obstacles such as clothes I’d remove them in a heartbeat. I’d remove your lacy bra and panties. I’d give you a slight back massage whilst kissing your gorgeous body- I’d grab that sexy ass before flipping you over. My hands would rub your inner thighs, whilst kissing your neck. Hopefully you’ll be wet for me, ready to scream my name. I’ll slowly move my lips from your neck to downstairs, eating you out- licking your folds. Then I’d insert my fingers, pumping them in and out fast- hoping to satisfy my baby girl. Then I’d let you choose what position we would do so I can fuck your brains out.”
“Oh Drake. I want you now. I’m so wet. Do you want to know what I’d do to you?”
“Yes baby. I’ve got my hands around my hard cock, imagining that they are yours.”
“I’m going to slowly trace my lips over yours. Then I’m going to kiss you from your lips, to your neck, then down to your muscled chest, finally coming down to your cock. I’ll lick my lips- but I’m not going to take it straight into my mouth. I’m going to keep kissing it until you beg me for more. Once I take it in my mouth, your cock will pulsate with pleasure- taking every inch in my mouth. I’d drain every bit of cum out of your cock, and swallow- before kissing you.”
“It’s a pity my hands aren’t as good as the real thing. I’m about to cum for you baby.” Riley could see him increase his speed, biting her lip- she couldn’t contain her own moans due to the gift he bought her. Closing her eyes, she imagined Drake on top of her.
“Good baby. I’m so horny right now, I’m missing you so much. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.”
Drake was slowly finishing himself off, his hand wrapped around his hard cock- before he could respond to Riley, his door swung open - nearly taken off its hinges.
“Jesus Max! Knock!”
“Oh hey little Walker.” Maxwell stared at Drakes erection, slightly jealous at his size and girth, before waving to Riley. “Hey, Ri. Nice dildo. Where did you get it from? I keep telling Hana to get one. But she won’t, she says all she needs is me. I must invest in one- you both look slightly flustered. It must work this long distant relationship shit. I should have sent Hana with ya Ri.” Riley remained frozen, not quite believing what had happened. It was as if they were making a live porno video for Maxwell. Realising that their friend was still gawking at the pair of them, she covered her body with her clothes that she threw on the floor.
“Jesus Christ Maxwell! Drake turn me off whilst I cover myself up.”
“Do you not know how to knock? How have you got into my house?”
“We all have each other’s keys- or did you forget? Bertrand is taking over Xavier for the mean time. Apparently the arsehole has to visit his sick mother in Spain. We have an emergency meeting at B’s. Clean yourself up and get ready. Quick quick! You’ve got nice tits by the way Riley!” Maxwell winked at Drake- who just scowled at his friend.
“Ri, I’ll ring you back I’ve got to go to Bertrands.” Feeling disappointed and embarrassed, he would much prefer to stay on FaceTime with Riley.
“Something about Xavier having to visit his sick mother. So Bertrand is stepping in and has organised a team meeting.”
“Drake?” Looking at her eyes, he noticed them widen- providing a concerned expression.
“His mother is dead. He has no family. I was his only family until the Rhys’s.”
“What the fuck? Where the fuck is he going? Shit! Riley.... I love you. I need to go. Stay safe!”
“I love you too.” Hanging up, he didn’t want to but something was suspicious. Storming into his open kitchen, he would kill Maxwell for raiding his fridge if this wasn’t an emergency. Maxwell was scoffing his face, until he noticed the sheer panic written across Drake’s face.
“Who’s at Bertrands?”
“Well there will be us; Liam, Leo, Bertrand, Bastien- Zeke can’t make it, something to do with the girls. But he said to text him anything important. Liv is tagging along as usual- you’d think she was a player rather than a wag. Why?”
“Max, Xavier’s going to New York. Get me to Bertrand’s now. We all have to stop him.”
Apples manager Xavier Lopez has been pronounced dead. After a car chase, his car collided with another car, a Ferrari. Mr Lopez’s body was found with stab wounds that were the possible reasoning for his premature death. Witnesses have stated that Mr Lopez was dragged out of his car after the crash and escorted to the side of the road before the group of people from the other car ran away.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Fall of Cordonia
Chapter Seven (Final)
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A/N: Sorry it has taken so long to get this one chapter finished. I have had several things in my personal life that have been quite stressful, I can't even begin to explain what I've been dealing with and I won't bore you with details. I do want to thank @kingliam2019 for asking about this fic several times, it gave me the little boost I needed and for pre-reading chapters for me. Also @burnsoslow for pre-reading snippets and giving me advice. And @sirbeepsalot who has advised me throughout and is just truly a wonderful person.
C/N: I was told I shouldn't end it this way and didnt plan to, however I had a change of heart. I hope its not too disappointing.
Warnings: DARK!! Gun violence, murder, mental illness, major character deaths, suicide, its brutal....but...its not (you will see what I mean).
Word count: 2909
"Hello Son, I've been expecting you."
Liam and Drake stopped dead in their tracks, slack-jawed as the woman who stood before them became clearer. The once image of virtuous beauty and kindness, now an aged souless boor. Her blonde hair now silver, and her flawless ivory skin had heavily creased and worn.
Her voice cut Liam like a knife as it was a sound he had not heard in twenty five years. There was no love or nurturing in her flat blue eyes, just a haggard woman caught up in her own destructive nature.
Liam fought the temptation and overwhelming urge to run for Eleanor. He needed to feel her long awaited gentle arms wrapped around him again -- to soothe his hurts and wipe away his tears. Like any child would covet from his mother, he wanted her to want to do those things. It soon became clear she was neither interested in entertaining his boyish fantasy nor rekindling their bond.
Cradled in her arms was Liam's infant son-- his own flesh-- and a child he was prepared to give life and limb for if need be.
He stepped forward to approach them. As both of his arms reached out in desperation for Nikolas, Eleanor pointed her gun at him.
Liam fell to his knees in surrender, weakened by the sight of a weapon aimed at his only child. He begged earnestly for her not to hurt his son.
Drake cocked his gun and was ready to enact his own vengance if she hurt the baby.
"You always were soft, my boy," she said wryly as she lowered the gun to her side and shifted a crying Nikolas in her arms.
Liam gave her a pleading look with an arm outstretched towards her. "Mother, I'll do anything if you give him to me. I"m begging you...just give him to me please."
Eleanor rolled her eyes and huffed with annoyance. "Stop your groveling Liam, you sound like your father -- may he roast in flames for eternity." She signed the cross from her forehead to her chest and both shoulders with a dry smile, still clutching onto her pistol.
He eased to his feet cautiously, his mind wracked with confusing thoughts of who he was now dealing with. "Okay." He nodded. "What do you want?"
Eleanor crossed the small sitting room and laid Nikolas in a bassinet. She then placed a pacifier in his mouth to sooth him. She stood, hovering over the baby before flashing an icy glare back to Liam. "I want what I set out for thirty three years ago -- Cordonia."
Like a tidal wave mounting in intensity and wrath, Liam's emotions began to build in ferosity. "You fucking had Cordonia, Eleanor!" He snapped angrily, pounding his fisted hand on the table before tossing a lamp off of it.
"Did you forget that? You were the queen, goddamn you! You had everything a person could ever dream of!" He trailed off and shook his head into the palms of his hands. With his breaths labored, he looked back up with tears in his eyes, "Was any of it real?"
Eleanor ran her tongue over the front of her teeth and stepped away from the bassinet to approach Liam. She stopped just short him and looked up at her towering son, her hands clasped together at her stomach. "I was never supposed to fall in love with your father, you were never supposed to be anything more than a spare to tie me to that kingdom. I had a part to play ... and I do believe, my boy..." She patted Liam's cheek with a cold smirk. "I played it magnificently."
Liam looked down at the petite figure standing before him, a shell of the woman he once knew -- or thought he did at least.
She had the pistol still glistening in her ragged, cold fingers, aimed straight at his heart. Eleanor could pull the trigger right then and nothing would make him feel any worse than the words she just spoke.
Liam swallowed the bile that burned his throat, his eyes dancing upwards, shocked by her admission. His whole entire childhood was a lie and that was a bitter pill to swallow. "I see," he muttered softly with a nod.
"Oh Liam, don't look so glum, it was just politics. I planted all the right people in your brothers life to ensure he would turn into the low life piece of shit he became. I needed to make sure MY heir would sit on the throne. All you had to do was accept the alliance offered to you. You, your sister and I could have conquered the world."
"You are one sick, twisted bitch," Drake spoke coldly through the tension.
She smiled back at him amused. "Why, thank you, Drake...I could say the same of your precious little momma."
"Leave my mother out of this," he growled defensively, playing her words off.
A look of pure delight beckoned Eleanor whose eyes began to glisten as she cast her focus on Drake, "Oh, I could never leave Bianca out of this, she was quite helpful to me at one point. Its amazing the lengths one would go to when blackmailed.", she laughs with a cackle, "Your father never saw it coming from her". She feigns shock before acting like she was shot in the chest.
"Drake, she's a liar, don't listen to her". Liam tried to reason with him before Eleanor got completely under his skin. He didn't know if what she was saying was true, but, he knew he had to plant a seed of doubt before she could plant the seed of revenge.
Drake could only stare at her with teeth clenched and eyes squinted, "What does she mean Liam...what the fuck is she talking about?"
"Bianca was a whore.....", Eleanor continued, with a slight grin.
"Shut up Eleanor", Liam interrupted her.
"......she fucked everyone at court..."
"Shut up!!", Liam raised his voice over hers.
"....I caught her on her knees with Constantine..."
"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!!", Liam continued.
"She killed your daddy for me Drake, she thought she could be one of us....such a dumbass, that common trash bitch. She was an easy quick lay according to the men at court. Your daddy stuck around for you and your sister, unlike Bianca, who left after her worn out pussy couldn't pay the bills any longer. That was your momma....that is your momma", she emphasized.
The gun shook in Drake's hand as his finger coiled the trigger backwards. His fathers death and his mothers absence growing up was always a sore spot for him. He could feel his blood boil and an intense heat burn though his body.
Liam shook his head at Drake with an empathetic look, attempting to halt any impulsive reactions. One wrong move from either one of them could be deadly and he couldn't take a chance on Nikolas's life.
"Go ahead Drake", Eleanor continued her taunts, "pull the trigger...like mother, like son...avenge your fathers death and your sisters too...I hear she died nice and slow, exactly as Bianca sucked dick".
"Drake, NO!"
The blast of a gun was inevitable.
Riley was sitting up on her bed with a blank stare, her back resting against a pillow propped up on the headboard. Bertrand was seated in a bergere across the room, holding a sleeping Bartie.
Liam had texted him earlier about checking on Riley, citing her psychiatrist was a part of Amalas' cronies. When Bertrand arrived to her quarters, it was eerily quiet, passing only a nurse exiting with a full tray of food, Riley hadn't eaten.
As her eyes remained fixed forward, not having moved in the hour he had been there, he felt her gaze shift onto him. Bertrand looked up from Bartie and watched his Queen shed one lonely tear. The look of nothingness, sent a chill down his spine; what was she thinking, did she even have thoughts? What could cause such distress that it would break her daze enough to spare a tear.
Bertrand sat up with the resting Bartie cradled in his arms and laid him in the chair, gently swiping loose hairs to the side of his head. He walked slowly towards Riley, pausing briefly, dumbfounded that her eyes continued to follow him. "Riley?", his voice low and tepid.
He inched closer until he was standing at her bedside, easing himself down to sit next to her on the bed.
Her lush, brown hair now dull and lifeless, clung to her face and pillow; golden skin now ashen and pale. Bertrand thought of her as a sister and it pained him greatly to see such a beacon of personality and life, lay waste. He gazed at his reflection in her eyes intently, searching for a pathway into her mind. "Riley, its Bertrand, talk to me", he whispered, inching closer.
Bartie began to moan and whimper in his sleep and caught everyone's attention. Bertrand's reflection immediately disappeared from Riley's, now covered by a sinister glare. She gritted her teeth and gripped tightly to the sheets covering her frail frame.
Bertrand turned away from her to look at his son who had resumed his peaceful slumber.
"BRADSHAW!!!", Riley screamed so loudly it would curdle rushing blood, swinging a large, golden, candle holder brutally until it met resistance from the scalp of Bertrand. He slid limply from the bed, crashing to the cold, marbled floor below.
Riley watched the blood drip from the candle holder onto her perfectly white sheets, trembling at the realization of what she had just done. Her eyes rolled back as she tossed the weapon across the room, grabbing both sides of her head, rocking back and forth in a state of delirium. Chaos and noise ripping into her weakened mind, driving her further into insanity.
Her anxiety level peak, sweat pouring from her forehead, she now covered her ears to block the sounds that only she could hear.
"Liam is dead, Riley....he.is.dead", Bradshaw spoke with a sardonic laugh.
"No....no....Liam....don't leave me", she spoke through labored breaths and sobs, her dainty nails clawing at her face, leaving deep, jagged marks. She gasped deeply in anguish and pain, and muttered, "Liam....not my Liam".
Drake flung backwards, his feet tangled in knots of imbalance, tripping over themselves from the momentum of the blast. He had a soul crushing wound, the one meant for Liam, straight to his heart. He rested after a hardened thud against the wall and slammed face down to the floor.
Liam lunged forward, grabbing the still, hot barrell of Eleanor's pistol, her finger still tightly woven around its trigger.
Nikolas's startled cries echoed out with the blast, as Liam slung his mothers arm to and fro. For all her fragility, she clung to her gun as if her life depended on it....and it did.
He bent the gun so that it was pointing back at her and wrapped his finger over hers, the one that gripped the trigger so profoundly, and pulled it himself.
Eleanor fell to her knees, clutching her lower stomach, a look of anger and shock, mixed with defeat staring upward at the son she betrayed in every way, "You son of a bitch".
Liam scoffed at the irony of her words, "You're right, I am... a son of a bitch".
She slunk to the ground, lifeless with a pained scowl. A pool of crimson collecting around her like a dam bursting wide open.
He hurried himself to the son he had not seen in weeks, who was still letting out frantic cries as large tears burst from his reddened eyes. Liam wiping his own tears at the sight of his infant child, safe and unharmed. "Its okay Little Love...daddy's here now". As reached in to pick up Nikolas, he felt a seering sting in his back, causing him to let go of his baby before he could even lift him into his comforting arms.
Liam's hands instictively flung to the pain he was experiencing, feeling the warm shred in his shirt and the liquid that seeped through his fingers. It hurt to breath, to even move, but, he turned to see his mother on the floor, pointing the smoking gun up at him.
He inhaled what little air he could, closed his eyes, and spoke silently one last time to himself, "I love you Riley and Nikolas, I always will".
The next sound was the kill shot.
Riley jolted from the bed, tossing the sheet aside, her physical pain mired by the emotional turmoil she was experiencing.
She felt Liam slip away, a deep loneliness sweeping across her heart. She plundered further into her despondant state, knowing she could never live without him, his love, his touch, his arms wrapped around her.
Lost and battered, she found herself alone in the room they shared all their best memories, with a man she thought of as her brother, murdered, accidently, by her own actions.
She slipped to the floor on all fours, weeping softly to herself as she began the long, painstaking trek to the balcony. She crawled over Bertrand, squeezing her eyes tightly closed so that she wouldn't have to see the evil sin she had commited.
She lifted herself up at the balcony railing to a standing position, her knees wobbly from the distant crawl. With the moonlight glowing brighter than she had ever witnessed, Riley admired the stars twinkling and the sounds of crickets singing harmoniously. Her thoughts took her back to her first night in Cordonia, a race in the maze leading to a kiss with a prince. A night very similar to this one.
She peeked over the railing of their fourth floor balcony. The sweet, fragrant aroma of the rose bush below, giving her a sense of calm and ease.
Riley wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her ams for warmth from the cold night air before closing her eyes. She spoke softly to herself, "I'm coming to you Liam and Nikolas", feeling happiness for the first time since The Fall of Cordonia.
Her tiny body leaned over the railing and she let herself go. Peace and relief would soon overcome her as she flew through the air. The impact was quick and welcomed.
A bright light flickered as chilly hands poked and prodded at her face, fingers forcing an eye open. She squinted and winced as the light was too much on her unadjusted pupils.
"Welcome back, Your Majesty, I'm Dr. Layton. Do you know what happened to you?".
Riley's eyes flickered as she continued to adjust to the lights of the room and the image of the voice who had spoken with her came into focus.
"Queen Riley, can you hear me....do you know why you're in the hospital?"
Riley swallowed hard, realizing how dry her lips were. She tried to moistened them, yet, her tongue was bare, as well. A hand tilted her head forward and a straw was offered to her. Confused, she drew in the cool water that soothed her palate before resting her head back against a pillow. "I...I...died".
"Not exactly", the doctor spoke again while checking her vitals on the monitor, "..you were brought in after the earthquake, a piece of the ceiling fell at the restaurant you were eating in and you took a nasty hit to the head.....you've been out for a few hours".
Riley reached up, tugging the IV cord in her hand, to feel a bandage clinging to the top portion of her forehead.
An older nurse checking on Riley's bandage, asked if she wanted visitors, to which she nodded affirmatively. Not completely sure of what had happened or what was going on, she watched with anticipation as the nurse finished up and walked to the door of her room.
Riley burst into tears moments later when she saw Liam, holding a bright eyed, Nikolas, rushing into her room and racing to her side. They shared a long awaited kiss and exchanges of love, before Liam placed Nikolas in her needing arms. A flurry of emotions passing through her, knowing they both were safe and with her.
Over the next several hours, she learned that several people had been injured in Valtoria from the earthquake, but, no deaths were recorded. Her friends visited or called her one by one and she wept with joy with each person...Mara, Maxwell, Savannah, Bertrand, Drake, Leo, Olivia, Madeleine, Regina and Bastien.
During the quiet still of the night as she laid restless in her hospital room, with Liam and Nikolas laying at her side, she hesitantly shared her dream.
Liam kissed her temple reassuringly, "My love, it was only a dream...I'm here, we are all three here together, our friends and our country are safe....it was just a very bad dream".
"I know", she uttered, "it just felt so damn real...like it was a warning or something".
He wrapped his free arm around her back as she shifted to her side into his embrace, trailing her thumb gently across Nikolas's cheek. "I promise you we are more than prepared for anything that comes our way, we always come out on top, love".
"I hope so....I love you, Liam".
"I love you too darling".
"Amalas!", Bradshaw stands from his desk to greet her, "what brings you all the way to Auvernal this late".
She grins slyly with a gleen in her eyes, as he kisses both of her cheeks, "I have an offer I don't think you can refuse.....shall we discuss, Cordonia".
Bradshaw's lips curl with intrique and desire as he offers her a seat, "It's like you read my mind".
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
what do you think Beatrice and Bertrand’s last thoughts were
i feel like i have various different thoughts about this because like, multiverses tbh, and also it might depend on who’s responsible for the fire, or more specifically, had it been olaf who was responsible for the fire (i have a super short fic about b&b’s final confrontation with o before they died from bertrand’s pov and i personally really like this short piece by @baticeeer from beatrice’s pov)
but if considering it wasn’t olaf responsible for their death
so this was what death by fire felt like, slowly and painfully and making her feel so helpless at the inability to escape. they said your whole life flashed before your eyes, but beatrice found, it would be more accurately to say it’s a weird montage film of the most unforgettable parts but also some incredibly trivial details pieced together, like one of those artistry pieces gustav once tried to make when they were teenagers. 
lemony and her exploring the bat cave, olaf and her stealing the snicket taxi and crashing it into a tree, she teaching sunny an important skill in cooking, kit passing her the box of poison darts, violet proudly announcing her modification of the toaster, bertrand building the boat for her on the island, she stealing the sugar bowl from esme, olaf yelling at her about betrayal, jacques looking perpetually worried, violet and klaus’s first fight, kit driving twice the speed limit in hinterlands, bertrand taking the dart as she handed him one from the box and they both prepared to fire the darts, klaus and her going fishing, monty suggesting they hide inside the piano, lemony kissing her in the back of an alley, r dancing with her at the masked ball, violet excitedly discovering she was taller than beatrice now and klaus being jealous of that –
the montage cut short suddenly, as beatrice thought about how despite violet was taller than beatrice now, she would always remembered how fragile and delicate and small violet had been when she was born, and how no matter how tall she grew, she would always be beatrice’s baby, her daughter she wanted to protect, and it’s beginning to hit her, how she could not protect her anymore, just like she would never have the chance to see klaus taller than her, like she would never see sunny grew out of infanthood -  because the fire was slowly but surely murdering her and there was no escape, just like there never had been any escape in the first place from vfd.
the past and the karma caught up with her in the form of flames, engulfing beatrice and her helplessness in her inability to protect her children.
dying by fire was painfully, painfully slowly, something he’d known before - like, logically, and from books documented about fires - but it wasn’t until now he’d actually realized exactly how slow and painful the process could be. maybe as slow as the poison from a poison dart slowly spread through one’s body. how horribly fitting and deserving, he thought. 
in all honesty, he’d have thought when this day finally came, olaf would have a hand in it. that would be fitting, but maybe, things fitting exactly like a pre-planned opera plot was too much of a wish, and real life was never that neatly aligned and so much messier, with loose ends never tied up.
and to be absolutely, absolutely, honest, he would’ve preferred olaf had a hand in this. partly because in his mind, this might, though maybe not completely, somewhat balance out how he and beatrice had murdered olaf’s parents all those years ago - and maybe it was selfish to hope so, maybe it was largely caused by guilt he wanted to alleviate all these years - but he did hope so, nevertheless. 
but it’s also partly because if it had been olaf, maybe this revenge of killing beatrice and him would be enough for him, maybe olaf would considered revenge completed if it had been. but if it wasn’t olaf - and it wasn’t, by the way things looked - than he hadn’t avenged himself yet, and bertrand shuddered to think what olaf might do to violet and klaus and sunny after realizing he’d missed his chance of revenge on beatrice and him because someone else got here first.
he didn’t dare imagine, but at the same time he was imagining the worst.
he failed protecting them, he couldn’t protect them anymore.
bertrand remembered all those years ago, on a rainy night in a alleyway in the city, lemony saying “protect beatrice and the baby for me, please” and bertrand had never liked making promises, in fear of breaking them someday, but lemony had looked so quietly pleading so sad so anguish that bertrand had promised he would do it.
and now he failed he failed he failed he failed –
death by fire might be painfully slow, but at some point, the slowness reached the end, just like everything eventually did.
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husheduphistory · 6 years
There She Was: Miss(ing) America...
It was a September evening in Atlantic City, New Jersey when the cheers rose up and the flashbulbs of the cameras filled the air with small fireworks. Was this really happening? How was this happening? She smiled (what else could she do?) and told them all how happy she was but it was all a cheerful facade. The other two faces walked away without knowing she would have traded with them in an instant. This may have been the dream of thousands, but to her this was a nightmare. 
The Miss America Pageant began as an offshoot of the Atlantic City "Fall Frolic" event that took place on September 25th 1920 in an attempt to extend tourist season for a few more days. The highlight of the event was a rolling parade of 350 wicker chairs that were pushed down the boardwalk carrying "maidens" lead by Miss Ernestine Cremona dressed in a flowing white robe representing "Peace.” The event was successful but the following year they looked to increase their attendance even more by including an “Inter-City Beauty” contest and a second contest where a Golden Mermaid trophy would be awarded to "The Most Beautiful Bathing Girl in America.” The contestants for these events were made up of winners from newspaper-sponsored beauty pageants held in local towns with the deal being that if the newspapers would pay for the winner’s clothing the Atlantic City Businessmen's League would pay for the trip to Atlantic City to compete in their contests. In 1921 sixteen-year-old Margaret Gorman won both events and the following year she was dubbed “Miss America” by newspaper man Herb Test who was unaware that he had just coined a term that would become part of a cultural phenomenon. 
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Margaret Gorman, the first Miss America 
The Miss America pageant continued to grow in popularity and they also continued to get contestants in from local contest winners. One such contest was going on during the summer of 1937 inside a tiny amusement park located in Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey. Situated on the beach, Bertrand Island Amusement Park opened up in 1910 and featured a wooden roller coaster, bumper cars, a carousel picnic grounds, a Skee-Ball arcade, dance hall, boat docks, diving tower, and a cafeteria for guests to enjoy. This night the park had an additional attraction, a beauty contest to compete for the honor of being crowned “Miss Bertrand Island”.
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Flyer for the 1927 Miss Bertrand Island competition 
Among the people enjoying an evening of fun was sixteen-year-old Bette Cooper and according to the story, her friends began to poke fun at the blonde-haired and blue-eyed girl daring her to enter the beauty contest. Cooper, who lived in Hackettstown, New Jersey finally took the dare and entered the contest. To the complete surprise of her and everyone else present, the tiny, shy teenager won. The prize? A trip to Atlantic City to compete in the Miss America pageant.
With the big win came a great deal of conflict for Cooper and her family. Her deeply conservative parents did not want their daughter thrown into that kind of high-publicity whirlwind, let along one in a city on the other side of the state known for scandalous behavior like gambling and drinking. But, after some discussion her parents convinced themselves that Cooper didn’t stand a chance but this was a good opportunity to take a family vacation down the shore. They packed their bags and headed south.
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Bette Cooper, Miss Bertrand Island  
Each pageant contestant was assigned an escort and when the Coopers arrived in Atlantic City they were introduced to Bette’s companion for the week, twenty-one-year-old Louis Off. In the years after the Great Depression the organizers of the Miss America pageant sought out college students for free labor in order to save money and the escorts jobs were essentially to show the contestant around the city, accompany them to dinners, and keep them entertained and out of trouble. Off came from a prominent family who owned the Brighton Hotel and a nursery that supplied all the area hotels and resorts with fresh flowers. He was polite, well-spoken, drove a convertible, and wore custom clothes. The Coopers were certain that Bette was in good hands and in-between her obligatory photo shoots Off took Cooper on drives, accompanied her to the beach, and brought her fresh orchids every day. The two became inseparable.
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Bette Cooper and Louis Off. Photograph via The Star Ledger.
 For two people with two high-profile positions, Cooper and Off shared an absolute disdain for the spotlight which was growing stronger and stronger around the blonde Shirley Temple lookalike from Hackettstown. Cooper won the preliminary evening gown competition and even a head cold did not prevent her from winning the talent portion of the contest where she sang “When the Poppies Bloom Again”. A few nights before the final judging Cooper and Off decided to get away from the building excitement and the pair went out for a quiet dinner in Somers Point. It was there that Off finally brought up the question that Cooper had been refusing to face, what if she won? Cooper only laughed, how could he even ask that? She wasn’t going to win. Off thought differently though and took the opportunity to make something very, very clear to the teenage beauty queen. He informed her that if she did win, she had to forget about him entirely. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with it, wanted no publicity in his life, and refused to be known as “Mr. Miss America.” She may have scoffed, laughed, or turned the conversation aside but Off was a man of his word.
Days later, in the final round of the Miss America pageant, it was not Miss North Carolina or Miss Texas who won. It was Bette Cooper. And while she donned her cape, wore her crown, and smiled at the camera disguising her shock with gushing surprise, Off departed the coronation ball and vanished.
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Bette Cooper after winning the 1937 Miss America pageant
 It was the middle of the night and Bette Cooper’s parents didn’t know what to do. Their daughter had just won a prize that thousands would kill for but here she was, in their hotel room, frantic and completely inconsolable. She didn’t want the long list of pageant duties, the vaudeville and Hollywood contracts, the fame, or anything that came along with winning the title but now it was in her hands with no way to throw it away. With nowhere else to turn a phone call was made to Louis Off, and the former escort arrived at the Coopers room shortly after armed with a plan. Bette was bundled up, walked down the hotel fire escape, and put in Off’s car before riding away in the early pre-dawn hours.
 The following morning Atlantic City’s Steel Pier was buzzing with excitement. The first press conference for the new Miss America was only hours away and the scene was set with a velvet throne and visiting dignitaries and reporters on hand for her first official appearance. The minutes ticking by turned into hours and the excitement turned to concern. Bette Cooper, the surprise winner of Miss America was nowhere to be found. Police and reporters scattered looking for the beauty queen and her parents repeatedly told everyone they had no idea where their daughter was. All eyes were on the boardwalk but they were turned in the wrong direction. Two hundred feet off the Steel Pier, floating in the ocean, was a small motorboat occupied by Off and Cooper who were successfully hiding in plain sight. The exhausted Cooper slept the day away while Off watched the fervor on land die down and finally dissipate once the sun set. In the dark of night the pair returned to shore and got into Off’s car. They were headed north to Hackettstown.
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1937 postcard showing the Atlantic City Steel Pier extending 2,000 feet into the water.
The car radio reported theory after theory on Cooper’s disappearance and on the long ride home one even stated that Cooper and Off ran away to elope. That scenario could not be further from the truth. Cooper was dropped off at her front door and Off turned around and headed to his own home back down in southern New Jersey.
 Eventually pageant officials figured out what happened to their Miss America and paid her a visit at home where they were met with absolute resistance. Cooper refused to dedicate her year to the Miss America title and insisted on the lightest appearance schedule as possible so that her studies at Centenary College would not be affected. After her few public appearances she happily handed her title over to Miss Ohio in September 1938, the same year the pageant discontinued the contestant escort program, and then promptly disappeared into her private life.
Cooper went on to graduate from college, got married, and eventually moved to Greenwich Connecticut while Off married and took over the family business. The two sporadically kept in touch over the years but for the rest of her life Cooper refused to even acknowledge her involvement with the Miss America pageant only bitterly referring to all of it as “the incident.”
In April 2017 a fictionalized telling of her story was published entitled The Night She Won Miss America. In the story written by Michael Callahan, Betty Welch reluctantly wins the Miss America pageant before running away with her escort Griffin McAllister. Only eight months after the book release, Bette Cooper, the missing Miss America, passed away in Connecticut at the age of ninety-seven. Before he death she was oldest living holder of the title coveted by so many that she refused to acknowledge.
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xtruss · 4 years
Restrictions Leave US Travelers ‘High and Dry’
— Stacey Lastoe, CNN • Updated 27th June 2020
(CNN) — In downtown Buffalo, New York, crossing the border into Ontario, Canada, used to be as easy as driving one mile across the Peace Bridge over the Niagara River. But that's now a forbidden route.
In the coronavirus era, New York residents and out-of-state road trippers aren't allowed to cross the border for leisure travel.
US citizens have been shut out of their neighboring country to the north and a slew of nations around the world. The latest travel news affecting Americans: The European Union is considering blocking travelers from areas with severe Covid-19 outbreaks after it opens it borders on July 1.
Since the United States has more confirmed coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world, with numbers increasing in some states each day, US travelers are unlikely to be allowed in any time soon.
"The US's chances are close to zero," an EU diplomat told CNN. "With their infection rates ... not even they can believe in that possibility."
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As long as the US-Canada border remains closed, visiting Niagara Falls in Ontario won't be possible for US citizens. (LARS HAGBERG/AFP/AFP/Getty Images)
Although potential travel bubbles are being discussed all over the world -- Fiji is the latest in talks to join one with Australia and New Zealand -- the United States has yet to form or join a bubble.
Where does this new world order leave US citizens with a penchant for travel?
Nostalgic for the pre-Covid days when a US passport promised access to much of the world? Anxious of how they'll be perceived -- and received -- by foreign countries when restrictions are eventually loosened?
The future of travel for Americans, and whether they'll be welcome again as tourists, is not clear; in many ways, it's a moot point for as long as travel to certain regions is prohibited.
As many Americans eschew air travel and instead take to the road, they won't be taking the road into Canada. Indeed, travel restrictions for US passport holders at this time far outnumbers the travel possibilities.
And for many people, that's just how it should be.
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A trip through Canada is unlikely to be a summer vacation option for Americans while the Covid-19 outbreak in the US continues to swell. )Courtesy Via Rail Canada)
Colleen Friesen, who lives in a small resort town in British Columbia, hopes the US-Canadian border stays closed.
"The majority of Canadians are strongly against allowing Americans into the country due to the US's rampant infection rate. Although some states seem to be managing the pandemic, when we see news of Oklahoma allowing an indoor rally, we just shake our collective heads," Friesen tells CNN Travel via email.
Stacey McKenna, who is based in Colorado, isn't ready to think about international travel of any kind right now, though she stipulates that it's partially because the places on her radar "are extremely vulnerable economically and geographically," and she wouldn't be willing to risk exposing anyone.
"I think if I reach a place where I feel international (or even air) travel would be appropriate, then I'll start asking myself if I think I'd be welcome."
For New York-based travel writer Juliet Izon, who canceled a summer vacation in Italy months ago when there was still a glimmer of hope that things might resume, seeing where the United States is compared with other countries is disheartening and depressing.
Izon believes she'll take the trip to Italy one day but says, "I wouldn't be surprised if in certain countries if they don't allow Americans in for a while or a really strict quarantine for years to come," adding that the United States' handling of Covid-19 was likely to be "another black mark against us."
The other? The state of US politics.
Friesen, who says she appreciates her country's politicians taking a backseat to the scientific and medical community, is scared of the way the virus in the United States "has become politicized."
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France is moving through stages of reopening, but US citizens are not yet on the list of countries who can visit. (BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images)
But one EU diplomat ,who spoke to CNN earlier in the week on condition of anonymity, calls the US-EU travel decision a very sensitive issue and insists "it is only ever about health."
"For sure, you can see not being on the list as something political, when one country is allowed in and another is not, but this is a misrepresentation of what we are doing. We are looking to open our borders, this is a positive step."
In spite of this statement and the EU diplomat's insistence that "we want people to come," the much-changed travel landscape has some people concerned.
"Rather than thinking about the near future of travel, I've been pondering how all of this will affect xenophobia more generally," says McKenna.
A Holistic Experience
Dennis Geronimus, New York University art history associate professor and chair, has historically combined business and leisure travel, often to Italy. He is not personally concerned about how he'll be received when he travels internationally again -- and he's someone who'll likely be able to travel on certain foreign soils well before other Americans.
This is in large part because of the nature of his travel. Geronimus is typically hosted by international colleagues and admits that it is "different than going on vacation somewhere not knowing anyone and then just diving into the culture and going to see the sites and seeing other foreigners at the sites as well."
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At this time, American travelers can't go to Italy and cities such as Rome (above), at least not for pure leisure travel. (ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP via Getty Images)
There are steps Geronimus could take now to potentially be granted access forbidden to US leisure travelers, though he'd still be subject to the quarantine.
In any event, though he'd like to see the Raphael exhibition in Rome and collaborate with colleagues in Italy, he's not planning a trip to the region anytime soon.
It might be deemed essential, but Geronimus doesn't see it as essential enough. Instead, the professor would prefer to focus on the measures needed to resume on-site classes at NYU this fall.
Likewise, McKenna, whose background is in medical anthropology and public health, is thinking about other, bigger things: "I'll be honest. I haven't even gotten to the question of whether I think I would feel welcome as an American" since international travel is just not appropriate right now.
Says US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, "We've been working with countries all across the world, including our friends in Europe and the EU proper to determine how it is we can best safely reopen international travel. It's important for the United States to get Europeans the capacity to travel back to the United States."
Safety First
It's not about Americans, per se, says New Zealander Elen Turner, though it's hard to ignore the restrictions impacting them along with the number of confirmed Covid deaths and cases.
"I think once the borders reopen properly, New Zealanders will be as welcoming of Americans as they will be with any other travelers," Turner says.
But Friesen, who is troubled by the United States' handling of the pandemic, says, "Given the push back on the pandemic protocols we've seen in the US, we just don't believe that Americans will do the right thing."
As stories of Americans refusing to wear masks -- not even on an airplane in at least one case -- and not practicing social distancing surface, Friesen's skepticism may be justifiable.
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While New Zealand may form a travel bubble with Australia, it's unlikely Americans will be allowed in any time soon. (Courtesy Shutterstock)
However, for so many people CNN Travel spoke with, the health and safety of others -- and doing what's right -- is paramount.
Chicago-based photographer and writer Joshua Mellin says: "I think to travel internationally for leisure right now demonstrates a total lack of care, you deserve whatever stares you get."
Mellin adds: "I'm personally of the mind we're all global citizens, but there's still a reality you're not entitled access to a foreign country, you're granted entry."
When it comes to granting foreigners entry, Turner would be comfortable taking cues from the New Zealand government. Right now, returning New Zealand citizens must quarantine for two weeks upon arrival, and no one else is allowed in.
If, down the line, the quarantine was applied to all visitors to New Zealand, what then?
"So if that was to be extended to all arrivals then I think New Zealanders would be fine with that because generally, our government has handled the pandemic well and there's a high degree of trust in them," Turner says.
She adds, however, that she doesn't see this happening, does not envision a New Zealand opening itself up to foreigners until quarantine is no longer necessary.
The idea of a pre-holiday quarantine is the subject of scrutiny anyway.
Last month, when the concept was gaining steam, Alison Hickey, president of Kensington Tours, told CNN Travel "we would not recommend traveling to a destination that has implemented a 14-day self-quarantine requirement."
'We're Reopening'
While enforced quarantines will deter many a traveler, other regions with no quarantines in effect might entice them.
From Mexico and the Caribbean to Turkey, tourist spots around the world are opening back up and encouraging visitors to boot.
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US travelers can fly to Mexico, but for many, the risks aren't worth it. Pictured: Parroquia de San Miguell Arcángel in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. (Shutterstock)
Whether hotel promotions or upgrades or relaxed policies on cancellation, the sweet chorus of "we are opening" could potentially jump start what has been a very dark period in the tourism sector.
But just because The Maldives, a luxury destination, is ready to welcome back all visitors with no restrictions (there are also no visa requirements or additional fees), how many US citizens are ready to go?
For many of the US travelers that CNN Travel spoke to for this story, being welcomed or feeling welcome in another country is beside the point.
The danger of exposure and of being exposed looms. And then there's the fear of being stuck somewhere far away.
Elizabeth Lavis, who is originally from upstate New York, found herself scrambling to get out of Vietnam in March amid the outbreak and sudden stringent travel restrictions. That ordeal and what's transpired with the coronavirus since have made Lavis reluctant to go far away from home for the foreseeable future.
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California-based writer Melanie Haikan would like to go to Costa Rica at some point and is only eyeing places that are eager for visitors. (Nell Lewis)
California resident Melanie Haiken expresses a desire to help struggling economies as a tourist and is already thinking about her future travels, which include places not so close to home: "As to international travel, I would be ready to travel again in August, but would want to go places that are eager for visitors. I have my eye on Guatemala and Costa Rica, Turkey and Jordan, Scotland, Estonia, and a few other places that seem likely candidates based both on safety and how much their economies depend on tourism."
Turkey, it would seem, is a likely candidate. On June 19, Turkish Airlines relaunched two North American routes to Istanbul with two others (Miami and Los Angeles) following on June 22 and 24 respectively. By late July, three additional US hubs will be operating flights to Turkey.
Any EU travel ban could change things, but as of June 23, when CNN spoke to Connecticut-based Caryn B. Davis about her upcoming trip to the Azores in Portugal, the travel journalist said she is still planning on going, hopefully in the next six weeks.
Pompeo expressed the importance of the economy in travel between the US and the EU, saying "It's important for the United States to get Europeans the capacity to travel back to the United States. It's important, very important for the Europeans to fully reconnect with the American economy as well."
But until safety concerns can be adequately addressed, Mellin doesn't think anyone, US citizen or not, should be going anywhere.
"There's a responsibility of showing respect for other people and places as a traveler that starts at home and is inherently broken by visiting another country during a global pandemic."
But in fact, international travel may resume sooner rather than later in some currently off-limits places. "I'm confident in the coming weeks we'll figure that out as between not only the United States and the EU, but the United States and other parts of the world, too," Pompeo said.
As to what it'll be like?
"I think if anything, when we do travel, it's certainly my hope that we bring that sense of, I guess, empathy to wherever we're going ... ," Geronimus says.
— CNN's James Frater, Michael Conte and Luke McGee contributed reporting to this story.
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Restrictions leave US travelers high and dry
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/restrictions-leave-us-travelers-high-and-dry/
Restrictions leave US travelers high and dry
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(Appradab) — In downtown Buffalo, New York, crossing the border into Ontario, Canada, used to be as easy as driving one mile across the Peace Bridge over the Niagara River. But that’s now a forbidden route.
In the coronavirus era, New York residents and out-of-state road trippers aren’t allowed to cross the border for leisure travel.
Since the United States has more confirmed coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world, with numbers increasing in some states each day, US travelers are unlikely to be allowed in any time soon.
“The US’s chances are close to zero,” an EU diplomat told Appradab. “With their infection rates … not even they can believe in that possibility.”
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As long as the US-Canada border remains closed, visiting Niagara Falls in Ontario won’t be possible for US citizens.
Where does this new world order leave US citizens with a penchant for travel?
Nostalgic for the pre-Covid days when a US passport promised access to much of the world? Anxious of how they’ll be perceived — and received — by foreign countries when restrictions are eventually loosened?
The future of travel for Americans, and whether they’ll be welcome again as tourists, is not clear; in many ways, it’s a moot point for as long as travel to certain regions is prohibited.
As many Americans eschew air travel and instead take to the road, they won’t be taking the road into Canada. Indeed, travel restrictions for US passport holders at this time far outnumbers the travel possibilities.
And for many people, that’s just how it should be.
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A trip through Canada is unlikely to be a summer vacation option for Americans while the Covid-19 outbreak in the US continues to swell.
Courtesy Via Rail Canada
Colleen Friesen, who lives in a small resort town in British Columbia, hopes the US-Canadian border stays closed.
“The majority of Canadians are strongly against allowing Americans into the country due to the US’s rampant infection rate. Although some states seem to be managing the pandemic, when we see news of Oklahoma allowing an indoor rally, we just shake our collective heads,” Friesen tells Appradab Travel via email.
Stacey McKenna, who is based in Colorado, isn’t ready to think about international travel of any kind right now, though she stipulates that it’s partially because the places on her radar “are extremely vulnerable economically and geographically,” and she wouldn’t be willing to risk exposing anyone.
“I think if I reach a place where I feel international (or even air) travel would be appropriate, then I’ll start asking myself if I think I’d be welcome.”
For New York-based travel writer Juliet Izon, who canceled a summer vacation in Italy months ago when there was still a glimmer of hope that things might resume, seeing where the United States is compared with other countries is disheartening and depressing.
Izon believes she’ll take the trip to Italy one day but says, “I wouldn’t be surprised if in certain countries if they don’t allow Americans in for a while or a really strict quarantine for years to come,” adding that the United States’ handling of Covid-19 was likely to be “another black mark against us.”
The other? The state of US politics.
Friesen, who says she appreciates her country’s politicians taking a backseat to the scientific and medical community, is scared of the way the virus in the United States “has become politicized.”
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France is moving through stages of reopening, but US citizens are not yet on the list of countries who can visit.
BERTRAND GUAY/AFP via Getty Images
But one EU diplomat ,who spoke to Appradab earlier in the week on condition of anonymity, calls the US-EU travel decision a very sensitive issue and insists “it is only ever about health.”
“For sure, you can see not being on the list as something political, when one country is allowed in and another is not, but this is a misrepresentation of what we are doing. We are looking to open our borders, this is a positive step.”
In spite of this statement and the EU diplomat’s insistence that “we want people to come,” the much-changed travel landscape has some people concerned.
“Rather than thinking about the near future of travel, I’ve been pondering how all of this will affect xenophobia more generally,” says McKenna.
A holistic experience
Dennis Geronimus, New York University art history associate professor and chair, has historically combined business and leisure travel, often to Italy. He is not personally concerned about how he’ll be received when he travels internationally again — and he’s someone who’ll likely be able to travel on certain foreign soils well before other Americans.
This is in large part because of the nature of his travel. Geronimus is typically hosted by international colleagues and admits that it is “different than going on vacation somewhere not knowing anyone and then just diving into the culture and going to see the sites and seeing other foreigners at the sites as well.”
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At this time, American travelers can’t go to Italy and cities such as Rome (above), at least not for pure leisure travel.
There are steps Geronimus could take now to potentially be granted access forbidden to US leisure travelers, though he’d still be subject to the quarantine.
In any event, though he’d like to see the Raphael exhibition in Rome and collaborate with colleagues in Italy, he’s not planning a trip to the region anytime soon.
It might be deemed essential, but Geronimus doesn’t see it as essential enough. Instead, the professor would prefer to focus on the measures needed to resume on-site classes at NYU this fall.
Likewise, McKenna, whose background is in medical anthropology and public health, is thinking about other, bigger things: “I’ll be honest. I haven’t even gotten to the question of whether I think I would feel welcome as an American” since international travel is just not appropriate right now.
Says US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, “We’ve been working with countries all across the world, including our friends in Europe and the EU proper to determine how it is we can best safely reopen international travel. It’s important for the United States to get Europeans the capacity to travel back to the United States.”
Safety first
It’s not about Americans, per se, says New Zealander Elen Turner, though it’s hard to ignore the restrictions impacting them along with the number of confirmed Covid deaths and cases.
“I think once the borders reopen properly, New Zealanders will be as welcoming of Americans as they will be with any other travelers,” Turner says.
But Friesen, who is troubled by the United States’ handling of the pandemic, says, “Given the push back on the pandemic protocols we’ve seen in the US, we just don’t believe that Americans will do the right thing.”
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While New Zealand may form a travel bubble with Australia, it’s unlikely Americans will be allowed in any time soon.
Courtesy Shutterstock
However, for so many people Appradab Travel spoke with, the health and safety of others — and doing what’s right — is paramount.
Chicago-based photographer and writer Joshua Mellin says: “I think to travel internationally for leisure right now demonstrates a total lack of care, you deserve whatever stares you get.”
Mellin adds: “I’m personally of the mind we’re all global citizens, but there’s still a reality you’re not entitled access to a foreign country, you’re granted entry.”
When it comes to granting foreigners entry, Turner would be comfortable taking cues from the New Zealand government. Right now, returning New Zealand citizens must quarantine for two weeks upon arrival, and no one else is allowed in.
If, down the line, the quarantine was applied to all visitors to New Zealand, what then?
“So if that was to be extended to all arrivals then I think New Zealanders would be fine with that because generally, our government has handled the pandemic well and there’s a high degree of trust in them,” Turner says.
She adds, however, that she doesn’t see this happening, does not envision a New Zealand opening itself up to foreigners until quarantine is no longer necessary.
The idea of a pre-holiday quarantine is the subject of scrutiny anyway.
Last month, when the concept was gaining steam, Alison Hickey, president of Kensington Tours, told Appradab Travel “we would not recommend traveling to a destination that has implemented a 14-day self-quarantine requirement.”
‘We’re reopening’
While enforced quarantines will deter many a traveler, other regions with no quarantines in effect might entice them.
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US travelers can fly to Mexico, but for many, the risks aren’t worth it. Pictured: Parroquia de San Miguell Arcángel in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.
Whether hotel promotions or upgrades or relaxed policies on cancellation, the sweet chorus of “we are opening” could potentially jump start what has been a very dark period in the tourism sector.
But just because The Maldives, a luxury destination, is ready to welcome back all visitors with no restrictions (there are also no visa requirements or additional fees), how many US citizens are ready to go?
For many of the US travelers that Appradab Travel spoke to for this story, being welcomed or feeling welcome in another country is beside the point.
The danger of exposure and of being exposed looms. And then there’s the fear of being stuck somewhere far away.
Elizabeth Lavis, who is originally from upstate New York, found herself scrambling to get out of Vietnam in March amid the outbreak and sudden stringent travel restrictions. That ordeal and what’s transpired with the coronavirus since have made Lavis reluctant to go far away from home for the foreseeable future.
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California-based writer Melanie Haikan would like to go to Costa Rica at some point and is only eyeing places that are eager for visitors.
Nell Lewis
California resident Melanie Haiken expresses a desire to help struggling economies as a tourist and is already thinking about her future travels, which include places not so close to home: “As to international travel, I would be ready to travel again in August, but would want to go places that are eager for visitors. I have my eye on Guatemala and Costa Rica, Turkey and Jordan, Scotland, Estonia, and a few other places that seem likely candidates based both on safety and how much their economies depend on tourism.”
Turkey, it would seem, is a likely candidate. On June 19, Turkish Airlines relaunched two North American routes to Istanbul with two others (Miami and Los Angeles) following on June 22 and 24 respectively. By late July, three additional US hubs will be operating flights to Turkey.
Any EU travel ban could change things, but as of June 23, when Appradab spoke to Connecticut-based Caryn B. Davis about her upcoming trip to the Azores in Portugal, the travel journalist said she is still planning on going, hopefully in the next six weeks.
Pompeo expressed the importance of the economy in travel between the US and the EU, saying “It’s important for the United States to get Europeans the capacity to travel back to the United States. It’s important, very important for the Europeans to fully reconnect with the American economy as well.”
But until safety concerns can be adequately addressed, Mellin doesn’t think anyone, US citizen or not, should be going anywhere.
“There’s a responsibility of showing respect for other people and places as a traveler that starts at home and is inherently broken by visiting another country during a global pandemic.”
But in fact, international travel may resume sooner rather than later in some currently off-limits places. “I’m confident in the coming weeks we’ll figure that out as between not only the United States and the EU, but the United States and other parts of the world, too,” Pompeo said.
As to what it’ll be like?
“I think if anything, when we do travel, it’s certainly my hope that we bring that sense of, I guess, empathy to wherever we’re going … ,” Geronimus says.
Appradab’s James Frater, Michael Conte and Luke McGee contributed reporting to this story.
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