#a robed stranger
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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This might be my go-to outfit in the summer actually. This is the way.
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c0smic-d0ll · 1 year
cherry flavored kisses
robin buckley x fem!reader
summary: after moving to hawkins for your senior year, robin's been your savior in the small town. she's become your best friend, but recently you're feelings towards her have grown to be more than platonic. struggling with your crush, you've avoided spending time together in private. so when robin stops by your place for an impromptu visit, the tensions rise.
word count: 2k
author's note: hi darlings ! i'm pretty new to tumblr, and this is my first time posting my writing online, so i hope people enjoy ! also i did online school all through high school, i don't really know how public high school works so please excuse anything that seems unrealistic or if there's any inaccuracies. criticism and advice are welcome, just don't be rude !
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You and Robin met at the beginning of the school year. Having just moved, it was your first day of school at Hawkins High. You’d been dreading it, not particularly happy about being the new kid during your senior year. 
Hawkins had a certain charm that you could appreciate, but sometimes the small-ness of the town made you feel cramped and claustrophobic– like an intruder trying to squeeze into an already-full elevator. And the idea of starting at Hawkins High only made the feelings worse. 
Thankfully, you were at least able to get through the majority of your first day without a hitch, going unnoticed for the most part. 
That was, until your last class before lunch. 
You’d gotten there early, only a few students in the class at that point. Choosing a seat at random, you sat down and got ready; not long before a certain brunette walked in. 
At the time, you hadn’t noticed, but when Robin saw you she became motionless. She was starstruck the moment she laid eyes on you. It took her moment for her to regain composure, but once she did she plopped herself into the seat right next to you. 
“Hi, I’m Robin,” she said, sticking out her hand to shake. You took it, and gave your name with a smile. “I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new here?”
“Yeah, my family just moved here this past summer,” you replied. 
Robin opened her mouth to say something else, but right as she did the teacher spoke up, announcing the beginning of class. 
The remainder of the period, Robin took any chance she had to whisper some quick words to you, ramble whenever she was able, and sneak in a few jokes and one-liners, to which you quietly laughed at all of them. 
Scared of getting in trouble, you didn’t respond much to Robin, but you sported a small smile that let her know you were enjoying the interaction. Plus she could very well talk enough for the both of you.
Robin didn’t even care when the teacher gave her detention for not paying attention in class. Just being able to talk to you and make you laugh was well worth the punishment she’d get after school. And when you agreed to sit with her during lunch after class, she felt like she was on top of the world. 
While the two of you ate, you talked nonstop. She asked you loads of questions about yourself, your hometown, your family. You bonded over your shared interests, and favorite movies. She gave you the ins and outs of the school and Hawkins in general. Talking to her and being with her just felt so easy and natural. Actually, you had both been so caught up in each other that you ended up having to rush to your next classes to not be late. 
That was the start of your amazing friendship with Robin Buckley. 
But now, months later, your feelings towards Robin had grown to be a lot more than “friendly”.
It’d gotten to a point where you could hardly stand being alone with her. The idea itself caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. If you’d been given the chance to be alone with Robin, you truly felt you wouldn’t have been able to stop yourself from confessing your feelings, or even just straight up kissing her. 
Because of this, any time Robin mentioned hanging out at your house or hers, you’ve done your best to decline as nicely and unsuspiciously as possible– always offering other, public places. She’s noticed this new behavior from you, but it honestly didn’t really phase her much. She just figured that since the weather was warming up, you wanted to spend more time out and about. 
It was all totally fine, until one day after a shift at Family Video, Robin decided to spontaneously bike over to your house. The girl had been thinking about you the entire day, but she honestly hadn’t even really made up her mind to go see you until she had already been pedaling on her bike for 5 minutes. She didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal, showing up unannounced, having done it numerous times before. 
The quiet of the empty house was disturbed by the ring of the doorbell, causing you to jump and your heart race. You hadn’t been expecting anyone, but when the initial anxiety calmed down you reasoned it must be a door to door salesman or something of the like. 
Needless to say, when you opened the door to find your best friend standing right in front of you, you just about shit yourself.
Immediately your heartbeat picked up the pace once again, your hands started sweating, and your chest tightened with nerves. With eyes wide, you let out a shaky breath and shot her a smile. “Robin! What are you doing here?”
“I just got off work, wanted to hang out,” she replies, pushing past you to get into the house. To others’ this might have come off as rude, but you and Robin had grown so close that under normal circumstances you practically lived at each others’ houses. 
“Oh,” you squeak out. 
“Is anyone else home?” she asks, already heading to your bedroom. 
“No. Nope. No one’s here. Just got the house to myself today.” As you follow her, you try your best to keep your voice steady and not let any of your nervousness peak through. 
“Oh nice,” Robin says while throwing herself on your bed. “We could throw a rager if we, you know, actually had any other friends.”
You quietly laugh along with her, and your anxiety eases. Just a little. Robin’s always been able to make you feel better, even when she isn’t aware of it. 
Still, you don’t want to push it, and decide to sit at your desk instead of joining her on your bed. Honestly, you don’t trust yourself to be so close to the girl. Just her being in your room, and on your bed, causes a feeling of deep, intense longing for her to settle in your heart. 
Picking up the book you were reading before her arrival, you focus back on the pages, listening to Robin talk about her day, and ramble about whatever else came to mind. 
While talking, Robin keeps her eyes on you. She can sense the change in your demeanor. Normally you’re more… attentive. Even if you're busy doing something, you’d at least spare her a glance every now and then, and throw in a remark here and there to let her know you’re listening. 
Now, you haven’t looked at her once since you’ve sat down. Just looking at your back, she can see that your posture is stiff and tense. Plus, whenever she makes a joke or recounts something funny Steve did at work, you only let out small, breathy laughs. Like the kind when someone says something very obviously not funny, or when you’re in an uncomfortable situation. 
As time goes on, she becomes more and more worried, the anxiety building up in her. She’s very well aware that she isn’t the best at filtering herself or reading social cues. Too many times before, Robin’s unknowingly upset people. And while it hasn’t ever happened with you, what if this is just the first time it’s happening? 
The thought of upsetting you, making you feel bad or angry, makes guilt well up in her chest, until it eventually spills out her mouth as word vomit.
“Are you ok?," Robin asks, "Did I do something wrong? I mean, I am so, so, so, incredibly sorry if I said something bad. Or did anything to upset you. You know I’m not the best at self awareness, and I promise I didn’t mean to hurt you or anything like that.”
As she continues to ramble on, apologizing for anything wrong she did, and reassuring you how much she cares about you, and how bad she feels, you can’t help the tears that well in your eyes. You hate yourself for making Robin feel guilty for nothing; just because you couldn’t be mature enough to deal with your crush on her. 
This sweet girl, who has never been anything less than kind to you, is apologizing and worrying over something that she didn’t do. And you feel so bad, but you also can’t help but feel so grateful. So grateful for having this amazingly loving person in your life. 
You realize that you have to tell her how you feel. It’s been torture keeping it a secret this long, and you’ve clearly become physically unable to hide any longer. You try to push down the fear of losing her, of her rejecting you, of the insane idea that she’d out you to everyone (because of course your sweet Robin would never do that, but you just can’t help your anxiety’s irrational thoughts).
All these feelings and this realization hits you at once, and it’s so overwhelming you have to cry.
As soon as Robin sees your tears, she stops, looking at you with fearful eyes, like a deer in headlights. Her stomach drops, thinking at first that she caused this reaction, but looking into your eyes, she quickly understands that you’re not upset with her. 
“What- what’s wrong? What happened?” she asks hurriedly and rushes over to you. She tries to put a hand on your arm, but you move away from her touch. 
Taking a deep inhale, you force yourself to look at her. Though it’s actually a bit hard to see her with the tears blurring your vision. A smile makes its way to your face, and you chuckle, but it sounds almost bittersweet. 
“I- I have something to tell you… Robin. A- and I… I don’t know what will happen to us, or how you’ll react, or what will happen when I tell you but-”
“Ok, y/n, you’re kinda scaring me now,” she interrupts with a nervous chuckle. “But you know, no matter what, you’re always going to be my best friend. Even if you, like, I don’t know, murdered someone in cold blood. I’d help you bury the body, even.”
You laugh, and work to dry your eyes. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Looking down, you take one of her hands in both of yours and start fidgeting with her fingers– a nervous habit you had developed. “You’re my best friend, Robin. And I care about you so much. But… the thing is… I don’t just want to be friends.” You wait a beat. 
“I want to be more,” you whisper. Somehow finding the courage, you look up at her to find her awestruck expression. “I’m in love with you, Robin.” 
Blood rushes in your ears, and all you can hear is your heart hammering in your chest. 
Everything seems to slow down, and the world fades away as Robin rushes in to kiss you.
Though at first shocked, you almost immediately melt into her as your lips move against her soft ones. She moves her free hand up to hold your face, and uses your joined hands to pull you in closer.
She consumes all your senses. 
The smell of her shampoo fills your nose, and the taste of her overwhelms you. She tastes like cherry, and you’re certain that if you looked, you’d find her tongue stained lollipop red. 
The two of you seem to fit so perfectly well together; your lips and bodies molding into each other, almost becoming one. 
You separate only when you absolutely have to. You’d kiss her forever if you could, but alas the both of you do, in fact, require oxygen to stay alive. 
You rest your forehead on Robin’s, the both of you panting, and staring at each other. 
Giggles erupt from the both of you, an inescapable byproduct from the intimacy and love you both are feeling in the moment. You hide your blushing face in Robin’s neck, and the girl can feel you smiling against her skin, your breath fanning her with each sound you make. 
Goosebumps rise on her arms, and she sighs dreamily, smooshing her face into your hair.
“I love you too,” she says in a low voice, “in case that wasn’t clear already.”
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© c0smic-d0ll 2023
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molagboop · 1 year
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I sketched a thing while I was up at an unreasonable hour.
#comic#raven beak#samus#samus aran#grey voice#old bird#metroid#metroid dread#she is three years old and just wanted to see Grey Voice#he's cool and tall#but the minute she enters the room BLAM there it is some motherfucker who's even TALLER than he is#it's tough when you're a kid and you're small and your parents died less than 2 months ago one of them right in front of you#she doesn't know if this stranger is nice like Grandpa Bird or of he's mean like the guy who ate her mother#and height is another thing he has in common with the purple pterodactyl! but he's not eating Grey Voice so he must be okay#anyways Samus likes Grey Voice because he smells nice and his robes are soft. he doesn't play with her often like Grandpa Bird does#but she'd like to change that. so she tries by putting in the effort herself. and she drags grandpa bird all over looking for him#she does this at least twice a week#chozo#unfortunately for Old Bird's ailing knees. but he tries his best.#i can only imagine the rest of their conversation#grey voice is gonna have a time explaining how he and old bird adopted this orphan kid off the side of the road like an abandoned puppy#meanwhile raven beak is giving him a hard time like 'ayy i thought you said you were sterile'#he's very interested in seeing how this develops#his gracious hosts aren't exactly getting any younger and they haven't been keeping up with their cardio#but they've got the gumption and he thinks they can pull it off. the kid making it long enough to leave the nest i mean.
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perceivedregret · 1 year
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what if our girls survived the narrative and became Roomates™️ in college
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clock-onyx · 5 months
New arrival
NOTE: Lore drawings are NOT in order and may be far or close in timeline with other drawings when I post them, probably after i very very slowly reveal everything, ill make a list or somethin for each scene in order from start to finish!!!
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"Good lords! What is it you're doing at such a late hour, at such troubling weather? I can barley even see you with all this rain!"
"I-I just- I was just- M-My names O-Odin I've uhm... I-I've been living in the ruins of erh.. the eye..? It- It burned down. It's t-truly a ruin by now, my apologies for knocking at your h-house I really REALLY n-need your help, anythi-"
"I-I'm sorry, the 'ruins of the eye'?"
"Y-Yes- I'm sure you've heard that name before, it's q-quite known in places such as this, isnt it?"
"Get inside. I'll get you warmed up"
"Yes. I don't need you talking in the rain like this, I'll ask about it later once you're fed some food. How long has it been since you last ate properly?"
"4, almost 5 days, I think."
"Alright, come on now. Let's get you warmed up."
Mwaahhahahahahaaaa okaaayyy lore time, I APOLOGISE FOR HOW WONKY THE DIALOUGE IS!!! I've never been an expert at dialouges between characters, esspecially longer interactions... I DID have a bigger idea on the whole dialouge but I tried to keep it short to atleast feed the people bits of information ykyk... and with visiual stuff too I hope people notice...
Neither the name of the ruin or Chester's fish man's design is 100% official, it's still a work in progress im just making my characters interact so i wouldnt get mad later that i havent drawn anything intresting LMFAO
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operafantomet · 1 year
Hello, do you have a photoset of the first unmasking scene when the Phantom is crawling on the stage during "Stranger Than You Dreamt It"?
If not too many of the crawling itself, at least some photos from that scene. And hooray for a wonderful specific photoset request!
Scott Davies, West End:
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Jonathan Roxmouth, South Africa:
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Gerónimo Rauch, West End:
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Teresia Bokor and Flemming Enevold, Copenhagen:
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Lana English and André Schwartz, South Africa:
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Samantha Hill and Hugh Panaro, Broadway:
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Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford, West End:
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Unidentified, Japan:
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Deborah Dutcher and Peter Karrie, UK Tour:
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Unidentified, Japan:
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Rob Pitcher and unidentified, Hamburg:
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robinbuckleybingo · 1 year
“Hey Dingus!
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Guess who has a bingo starting now too!! In fact my sign-ups are already here! All they gotta do is fill out the sign up form after reading the rules.
I even have a link to the sign-up sheet here.
So guess what that means…
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You still suck!”
Great Gifs by @discodeviant and Stunning new banner graphic by @vanweezer!!
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
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five hundred followers...FIVE HUNDRED?!?!?! YOU GUYS THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL!!! the comments, replies, reblogs...EVERYTHING has been so SWEET to see and read. i want to thank you guys for caring about what i write and taking the time to give me feedback and send me cute little reaction pics to the stories which make me day ALL THE TIME!!!! 🥺💘
to celebrate this spectacular milestone, i'm opening my requests!!!! I'll be taking requests for all of the older stranger things characters (steve, eddie, robin, nancy, and jonathan). however im totally cool with adding the other characters into the writing ex: writing about steve and reader taking the kids to the fair, ect.
this is open to everyone and i hope all of you get to send me your requests!!! also multiple request are more than ok!!! don't be shy--im more than willing to write fluff, angst, and smut
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#1 song fic 🎸 - send me any song or specific lyric you would like me to base an imagine off of with your character of choice.
#2 prompt 📄 - send me a sentence or phrase with your character of choice and i will write you a short imagine. here are a few prompts i've reblogged if you guys need some inspo
#3 wips 📎 - interested in knowing what i have in the works? send me a character and whether you would like to have a sentence or moodboard based on whatever wips i have coming soon!
#4 taylor x stranger things 🧣 - send me your character of choice and a taylor song and ill write a short imagine based on it!!!! (yes queen taylor gets her own prompt alright!!!! HAHAHAAH)
#5 funsies! 💫 - tag me or send me some fun tumblr games to play!! or just ask me questions or rant or literally ANYTHING...let's just have fun and be respectful!!
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i really can't wait to go through all your requests but just please be patient with me as i don't want to rush any of your wonderful requests because you all deserve a nice written imagine ✨🫀🌙
once again, thank you so much for the love and support...everything and all of you mean the absolute world to me and i wouldn't be able to do this without you all...I FUCKING LOVE Y'ALL...my dear lovers MUAH!💘
🖨 no pressure mutual tags: @eddieandbird @wordsbymae @sodapop182 @chervbs @str4ngerthingshavehappenedhere @lilacletter @munsonswhore86 @sillypurplemurple @moonxxlight @hstoria @rvdsxmz @zariaskz @mapleransom-blog @eagerbby @mediocre-daydreams @maddipoof @new-romqntics @translatemunson @esme-viridian @tvserie-s-world @pbs-theundeadmaggot @sunflowerharrington @dukesmebby @softharrington @spideyharrington @newlips @sattlersquarry @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @taintedcigs @fleurfairie @rustedtelephones @l0ttiee @bestdressedfearless @bisexual-byers @evergreennwilloww @schoopsahoy @suncatcherss @moonpops @oogachakaooga @munsonsbait @vigilanteshit @swivel-swiftie @eddiesdoll @mirrorbaaall @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @fckthtgetmoney @loving-and-dreaming
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Silently sneak behind Misc and steal his robe! Time to see what's under!
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[Anonymous asks are now disabled for a month]
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pinkeoni · 1 year
The only callback I care about is the Will the Wise outfit actually
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popcorn-plots · 1 day
*sees three men in monk robes*
*infodumps about Chinese Buddhism for ten minutes*
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mourntheantagonist · 1 year
I need to go back to headcanoning billy and steve moving to portland because I was so right about that
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Will trying to paint:
Vecna fresh from a nap: Why is that wheeler boy in the center?
Will: because he’s the heart of the group?
Vecna: you have to be the most in denial disaster gay I’ve ever known…
Vecna: he’s the YOUR heart but the groups heart is clearly the silly one with no collar bones. Dustin? Ducky? Whatever his name is.
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ronanception · 1 year
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationship: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler
Characters: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley
Additional Tags: Lesbian Nancy Wheeler, Canon Compliant
Robin is... fine. Nancy wouldn't have picked her, specifically, as a co-pilot on her research trip to the Hawkins Public Library, but it was fine. She was fine. Really. It's just that- well, Robin won't shut the fuck up.
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redcarpetsecrets · 1 year
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Maya Hawke in Prada
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