#a sexist publication really ruined her birthday
pucksandpower · 10 months
Not misogynistic: investigating a potential conflict of interest after confidential information was allegedly leaked
Misogynistic: reducing the Susie Wolff to only being the wife of Toto Wolff, comparing an extremely knowledgeable and accomplished woman in motorsport running a program meant to strengthen the path for young women to make it in motorsport to Geri Horner or Raquel Stroll being given an F1-connected job (let’s be clear: Susie Wolff being director of F1 Academy has nothing to do with her husband and everything to do with her own accomplishments and experience), and blatantly going after Susie Wolff when so many convoluted connections that men have with each other across F1 and motorsport have been ignored since the beginning of time
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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Sneak peek at my first six days of Flufftober (Starts October 10th)
Based on reader requests:
Ethan & Casey - First Kiss (Day One) Robin & Gabi (TNA) - Fake Date (Day Two) Ethan & Casey - Fake Dating (Day Two) Ethan & Casey - Forehead Kiss or Holding Hands (Day Three) Jackie & Casey - Snowy/Rainy Day (Day Four) Tobias & Casey - Perfect/Surprise Gift (Day Five) Tobias & Casey - Late Night Craving (Day Six)
Tagging everyone - because I want you to get your best fluff on and join us too! Click here for details: CFWC FLUFFTOBER 2021
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Ethan & Casey - First Kiss (Day One)
“Guys! Seriously, you can’t be doing this… it’s… it’s uncivilized… it’s sexist… it’s wrong….”
“Honestly, it’s really not so bad,” the young woman yelled over.
Ethan turned red. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you could…”
“I’m studying to be a diagnostician,” she said, “I make it my business to be acutely aware of everything going on around me, and I assure you, I am a feminist and I’m here voluntarily."
Robin & Gabi (TNA) - Fake Date (Day Two)
"And what exactly do you get out of this? I suppose there could be some benefit for me, sure. But you? I don't see it and, frankly, I don't trust you. I think you have ulterior motives." "And so what if I did? Would that be so terrible?"
"It could be!"
"Well, take that off your worries list and stop flattering yourself, because my only motive right now is getting you to shut up."
Ethan & Casey - Fake Dating (Day Two)
"What if someone recognizes me?"
"So what if they do? Is it so preposterous to think that you would be willing to be seen in public with me?"
"Well, I supposed it all depends on who we would be asking..."
"You know what, forget it."
"What? It's today!"
"I don't care! I'll find someone else."
Ethan & Casey - Forehead Kiss or Holding Hands (Day Three)
(Coming soon)
Jackie & Casey - Snowy/Rainy Day (Day Four)
"OK stop it! Stop it! I can't have me being the optimistic one here! It's making me... it's making me itchy!"
"Yes, itchy!"
"Great! So now it's our only day off together in two months, our plans are ruined and you're having some sort of an allergic reaction to being... to being...."
"Shhhhh," she said taking her hand, "Don't you realize? We can't get out, but no one else can get in either, and that means..."
"That means, we have the place to ourselves."
Tobias & Casey - Perfect/Surprise Gift (Day Five)
"Why are you driving yourself crazy! It's not his birthday, it's not a holiday? Save this BS for when you have to."
"Jackie, you really don't have a romantic bone in your body, do you?"
"NOPE! Thank you for noticing."
"It's just that, he's always doing such sweet, unexpected things for me and I'd like to reciprocate sometimes. But what do you get the guy who has literally everything?"
Jackie choked on her coffee. "Oh, I hear you reciprocating all the way down the hall at least three times a week Casey. I think you're good."
"Oh, my God! That's it, Jackie! You're a genius!"
Tobias & Casey - Late Night Craving (Day Six)
"A steak stir-fry?"
"But it's 2:00 AM."
"I know you worked a double, but it wasn't a triple, and you were off the day before! I don't see the big deal. Are you saying that I"m being unreasonable?"
"NO! NO!! I'm not... I'm not insinuating that at all. Now, we should have all the ingredients here... at least I hope and pray that we do..."
"I heard that."
He smiled softly and took her hand in his, "OK, baby, so it's a steak stir-fry you want, correct?"
"OK, coming your way."
Permatags: @adiehardfan @barbean @binny1985 @bluebelle08@bluerosesbloom @brokenmemoriesblog @charisworld @custaroonie @chemist-ana @everybodyscreamsposts @icecoffee90 @jennieausten @kachrisberry @kalinahonore @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @mia143 @mjlbwork @mm2305 @phoenixrising308 @pixelberrygirl @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @thegreentwin @toadfrog26 @txemrn @txfledglingscribe @wanderingamongthewildflowers
OH Permatags: @aishwarya26 @alina-yol-ramsey @chaoticchopshopheart @choicesaddict5 @coffeeheartaddict2 @dorisz @kat-tia801 @lucy-268 @panda9584 @parisa-kh @queencarb @swiminthegarden @youlookappropriate @rosebudde @sillydg @katrinegrey
Ethan Tags: @a-crepusculo; @takemyopenheart
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savvicc666 · 6 years
Waddup? Are y’all tired of me posting about Johnny vs. Amber yet? Idgaf, because here’s some more stuff. Since, apparently, a good chunk of AH supporters think I’m lying about most of the things I’m saying. Here’s my facts once again, stated as a whole with links to evidence to back me up. 
Now, we’re gonna start with back before Johnny and Amber were together. Back to Amber and Tasya van Ree. In 2003 AH was arrested for attacking her girlfriend (Tasya) in public. Here’s the article and here’s her mugshot.
In response to this I’ve heard multiple AH stans say that this doesn’t matter for multiple reasons. I’ve heard “Oh, Tasya dropped the charges” and “Oh, but it doesn’t matter because it’s female on female.” What? Neither of those things matter, they don’t matter because the attack still happened.
Moving on, I want to talk about the divorce now. Amber filed for divorce May of 2016, 2 days after Johnny’s mother had passed away. In divorce papers she doesn’t claim to have been abused, citing “irreconcilable differences” as her reason for divorce as well as asking for spousal support. A few days later she filed for a temporary restraining order, at which point she was responded to saying that she was in no immediate danger being as Johnny was and would continue to be out of the country for several months. After which, they granted her a restraining order after posting a picture to twitter of her bruised face (I don’t have the link to her twitter post, but you guys all saw it, obviously.) Afterwards she releases this statement. Where she tells a heartbreaking tale, only to turn around and request (1) the residence that they shared, (2) the range rover that she had been driving (even though, she owns a car that Johnny bought and fixed up for her, (3) possession of her dog and (4) $50,000 a month as spousal support. (She also requested that he pay for the mortgage on said residence and for her legal fees.) This statement was released after a letter stating the same basic requests was sent to Johnny Depp’s team (by Laura Wasser, AH’s divorce attorney). Unfortunately, I don’t have the link to said letter, but as I said it states predominately the same things (although, including the fact that if Johnny does not sign to agree they will release the statement publicly. Of course, Johnny declined to sign it and so they released the statement.)
I’d like to mention here with the whole spousal support business; Yes, of course, she’s entitled to spousal support. The thing is that she claims to be a strong independent woman and after this statement she was attacked online by people saying that she’s “in this for the money.” She countered this by saying it’s not true and that she would donate all of the checks to charity. When Johnny offered to donate the money on her behalf (so it would all be donated at once instead of in intervals as spousal support checks are paid month to month) she refused. As far as I know, she hasn’t donated any of the money to charity. I’d also like to share at this time, evidence that she needs the money, seeing as how she spends more money than she makes. She also asked the court to deny any request from him for spousal support. 
Along with the aforementioned statement, AH also released this video to TMZ as “proof of abuse.” (This is the same video that she submitted in court which was deemed inadmissible due to the fact that HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING IN THE VIDEO EXCEPT SLAM AND KICK CABINETS!) Question, if you’re fucking scared of your husband why’re you sitting there, egging him on and recording him? For the record, she later stated that she never sent that video to TMZ, even though it was recorded on her cell phone (and released before it was shown in court.) Her only other proof in court was the picture of her bruised face, which was also deemed inadmissible due to the fact that she would not supply the metadata for said photo, which would’ve proven when the photo was taken (along with other things, such as if it was edited, etc.)
Johnny’s evidence consisted of 20 eyewitnesses who saw Amber Heard on the day after Johnny allegedly attacked her without the bruise she had previously mentioned. Amber ended up admitting, under oath, that Johnny had never abused her and that she in fact had abused him throughout the course of their relationship.
After the divorce was settled, Amber taking money over justice (go figure). Both actors said that they just wanted to put this behind them and move on with their lives... lmao why is it then that Amber still continuously brings it up?
Here’s an article put in Allure magazine. Firstly, this article just seems very unprofessionally written. It’s essentially drinking and gossiping, but you know what’s illegal? To claim to be a domestic abuse “victim,” “survivor,” whatever when you dropped the charges. I repeat YOU DROPPED THE CHARGES in order to “speed up your divorce.” Johnny, honestly could’ve sued for defamation of character at this point, but... who cares?
I could spend all day finding links to stupid videos of interviews, features, etc. where she is either belittling Johnny (both behind his back and to his face), pulling him away from fans, and just plain being rude. None of that constitutes divorce, but... hey... you don’t see Johnny doing any of that shit, or even arguing with her doing it, do you? Nah...
Fast Forward, Amber released this statement on the Washington Post. This is where she’s landed herself in hot water. After almost 3 years of this shit going on, Amber claiming to be an abuse survivor, Johnny losing jobs and being belittled he’s had enough of it. I can’t really say that I blame him. He’s decided to sue her for defamation of character. Earlier this month, evidence was released on The Blast of an incident where Johnny’s finger was split open (almost off of his finger). Previously, AH had stated that, in a fit, Johnny split his own finger open with a bottle, dipped his open wound in dark blue pain and wrote on a mirror “Billy Bob and Easy Amber.” As he thought at the time that Amber was cheating on him with Billy Bob Thorton and had accused her of sleeping with multiple others as well. This injury postponed the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales for 7-ish months, due to his hand being in a cast. At which time he gave the excuse of having punched a wall in a heated fight with Amber. Prior to this lawsuit, Johnny has also stated that (on the night of her 30th birthday) Amber had punched him twice in the face while they were in bed reading, saying that she was mad that he had been late home. Afterwards he left, escorted by his security who witnessed the bruise on Depp’s face. 
You guys get to decide who you’re siding with on this one... Parts of it are slightly fuzzy, but I choose to believe Johnny. Not because he’s one of my favourite actors, or any other superficial reason, but because Johnny is not out trying to convince everyone of his innocence or Amber’s guiltiness. I believe him, because throughout all of this he’s stayed silent. He’s let people trash his name, ruin his reputation and get him fired. He’s accepted for 3 years that Amber would go around saying to her fans and her friends that she’s an abuse “survivor” while he is the abuser. You can’t blame him for being tired of it. If you can seriously believe Amber, I’d like you to tell me why? People believe her because she’s a woman... Obviously, a woman couldn’t lie about such things, a woman couldn’t abuse a man. That’s the most ridiculously disgusting and sexist thing that I’ve ever heard you people say. Amber has no evidence to back up her claims.. none at all. Dropping the charges should’ve made it look bad on her, but of course it didn’t because she’s already been “strong enough” to stand up for herself. WHERE WAS SHE STRONG? Where? Seems to me like she accused, took it back and got money. While claiming to have been paid ‘hush money’ in the Allure column that’s funny since that’s the money she was paid as alimony. 
Anyway, lol, it’s 2 am, I’m tired... I’ve posted, said and heard so much today and yesterday about this situation. I’ll be done talking about it until Johnny wins. As always, we love you Johnny. I love all of you for reading. Goodnight.
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yawednesdays-blog · 7 years
MOXIE is more than just a book, it’s a call to action! We talk all things Riot Grrl, music and our misspent youth with author Jennifer Mathieu.
The Riot Grrl movement was born out of the feminist punk scene of the 1990s. Nearly 20 years later and so much has changed, but even more has stayed the same. There is still a need for female unity. There is still a need for feminist activism. There is still a need for Riot Grrl. Jennifer Mathieu’s new book MOXIE reminds us of all the reasons we need REVOLUTION GIRL STYLE NOW!
An Interview With Jennifer Mathieu
Q: The dedication of this book is badass but it makes me think this story is personal. What inspired Moxie?
A: Writing that dedication was, truly, the most fun I have had writing in years. It was very cathartic. I think I was inspired to write Moxie not only because of my personal interest in Riot Grrrl and feminism (which really started during college) but also because I wanted to write the sort of book my high school self would have wanted to read. My high school was very conservative, stifling, and especially restrictive when it came to gender roles. It was the early 90s in the suburbs and it was hard. The teacher to whom I dedicated the book also bragged about giving his wife a frying pan for her birthday. The vibe was just gross and in my gut I knew it. But I didn’t have Moxie or anything like it, so I decided to write the book I wish I’d had when I was 15.
Q: I grew up in small town not unlike East Rockport High and Vivian’s story felt very real to me. Was your high school experience like what was described in Moxie?
A: Yes, in a lot of ways. I didn’t grow up in a small town, but the sports teams were very important at my school. My school was religious, too, so in many ways it was very conservative. I don’t mean to imply you can’t be religious and progressive or religious and a feminist, but my school was very conservative in its approach to social issues. It put a high premium on conformity. I had several bad experiences there. The teacher to whom I dedicated the book was one of them. I also had my cheerleading coach imply I needed to lose weight. It was really gross.
Q: Music was such a large part of the Riot Grrl movement and Vivian’s story. What songs fueled you while writing Moxie?
A: I remember the first girl punk song that blew my mind was Cherry Bomb by the Runaways. I discovered it in high school because it was on the Dazed and Confused soundtrack, which I played obsessively on cassette – lol! When I got to Northwestern for college, I met up with people who I really connected with, and they introduced me to punk. I listened to a lot of those songs as I was writing Moxie, including a ton of Bikini Kill, of course. I listened to Cool Schmool by Bratmobile repeatedly as well as a lot of Team Dresch songs. I listened to a lot of music by bands that came a bit after the RG movement, including Sleater-Kinney and Cadallaca. I don’t always listen to music when I write, but for this book I definitely did!
  Q: In Moxie, Vivian finds a box of paraphernalia from her mother’s high school days called “My Misspent Youth” box. What would be in your My Misspent Youth box?
A: Great question! It’s funny because after the book went to print I wondered if I should have called that box something else because I don’t think Vivian’s mom thought her youth was misspent – she was mostly being tongue in cheek about it! Her youth was important and revelatory for her as was mine. I’m 40 years old, and I think I would include my ticket stubs from all the shows I went to – Fugazi, Sleater-Kinney, The Queers, etc. as well as some of the books that made a real impact on me, including Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion and the Sisterhood is Powerful anthology, edited by Robin Morgan. I’d include some of my journals and the letters and postcards my friends and I wrote to each other – we were part of the last generation to write to one another instead of just email or text. I would also include Zine, the Pagan’s Head zine anthology by Pagan Kennedy, which introduced me to zine culture and what zines are all about.
A few item from Jennifer’s “My Misspent Youth” box.
  Q: Vivian was inspired by the Riot Grrl movement from the 1990s. What historical movement or individuals inspired you both in high school and now?
A: For me personally, looking at feminism’s second wave, I am deeply inspired by Gloria Steinem and Audre Lorde. I had the opportunity to hear Gloria speak when I was in college and it was an amazing experience. Audre Lorde’s “Sister Outsider” collection is as relevant today as ever, especially in regard to feminism needing to be inclusive and not just a movement full of middle class white women. As far as RG, I was and still am inspired by Kathleen Hanna, the lead singer of Bikini Kill and later Le Tigre and The Julie Ruin. I know in her early years she shunned off the “leader” title, but she is so charismatic, inspiring, and hilarious it’s no surprise that word kept getting thrown at her. I have also been so impressed by Beth Ditto, who led the band Gossip and is now a solo artist. I recently read her autobiography From Coal to Diamonds and was so touched by her insight and honesty. She was really influenced by the Riot Grrrl movement as well. And finally, Roxane Gay is one of the most important feminist voices out there right now. She should be required reading in schools, and that’s why I name dropped her in Moxie! LOL!
Some of the woman that inspire Jennifer Mathieu. Take note ladies.
Q: In Moxie, some students are less than enthusiastic with the idea of a feminist agenda at their school. What would you say to anyone who thinks “feminist” is a dirty word? 
A: I would be really gentle with them because arguing back isn’t going to help change their minds. I would ask them why the think this way. For a lot of people I think it’s the media’s influence or just stuff heard at home. Feminists are man haters or can’t wear makeup – just dumb stereotypes that get circulated online and elsewhere. I would ask them if they think women and men should be paid the same. I would ask them if men should be able to cry in public and not get shamed for it. I would ask them if childcare and housework should be valued no matter who does it. Feminism isn’t scary if you think about it like that – it’s really about liberation for everyone from stifling and repressive stereotypes. As the great bell hooks said, feminism is for everybody. It’s about love, inclusivity, and living authentically.  I think approaching the conversation that way might help.
Q: After finishing Moxie I was ready to take over the world! What would you suggest for girls who want to continue the Moxie movement after they finish this kick-ass book?
A: I’m so glad you felt this way! I didn’t want Moxie to be the ending point but rather the starting point, so with the help of my former student, Lexi Acevedo, I created the Moxie Tumblr which can be found at moxiegirlsfightback.com. There you can find resources, a playlist, and tips on starting your own Moxie Club at your school! You can also Ask a Moxie Girl a question or submit original art and writing to be shared on the Tumblr. It’s my hope that the Moxie movement really becomes a community. The book is already out in the UK and I recently heard from two young women over there who are working on their own zines and starting a Moxie Club! i wanted to scream with excitement! Actually, I did!
Q: So, the rights to Moxie have been acquired by Amy Poehler’s production company (yay!). What songs would be on your dream Moxie soundtrack?
A: Yes, right now the screenplay is being developed and we’ll see what happens from there! As for my dream soundtrack, I would recommend every song on the Moxie playlist, which you can find on the Tumblr. For sure Bikini Kill’s “Rebel Girl” and “Feels Blind” would go on there, but I would also want to include some contemporary lady punk, including a song called “Mujer Moderna” by this kick ass San Antonio band called Fea as well as “Dream Number Nine” by a UK band called Big Joanie.
San Antonio band FEA
UK band Big Joanie
Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu: The Review 
From the book flap:
Vivian Carter is fed up. Fed up with a school administration at her small-town Texas high school that thinks the football team can do no wrong. Fed up with sexist dress codes, hallway harassment, and gross comments from guys during class. But most of all, Viv Carter is fed up with always following the rules.
Viv’s mom was a tough-as-nails, punk rock Riot Grrrl in the ’90s, and now Viv takes a page from her mother’s past and creates a feminist zine that she distributes anonymously to her classmates. She’s just blowing off steam, but other girls respond. As Viv forges friendships with other young women across the divides of cliques and popularity rankings, she realizes that what she has started is nothing short of a girl revolution.
Moxie is a book about high school life that will make you wanna riot!
Overall: There are times when the problems of the world seem too big to handle. Climate change, racism, politics…Problems- so, so BIG. Me- SO, SO small! To stop myself from sliding into depression and retreating to my bedroom with a quart of gelato, I  remind myself that no problem, no matter the size, gets solved with inaction and even a small act creates momentum, the opposite of inertia. MOXIE is that reminder. Moxie proves that small acts can lead to BIG change. Alright ladies-go read this book, then go change the world!
Judge a Book by its Cover: Black, white, pink and pissed! The Moxie cover fits the book’s vibe perfectly.
Me Talk Pretty: Jennifer pretty much channeled me at 17 while writing Vivian. This quote especially sums up my high school experience.
Audiobook Narration:  Audiophiles, you’re in luck. Moxie will be available as an audiobook on September 19th and the reader is audiobook veteran  Suzy Johnson.
Kick-Ass Factor: The Kick-Ass factor for Moxie is high! Don’t get me wrong, this is not a book about a girl who suddenly finds out she’s got secret martial arts skills and starts challenging bullies in hand to hand combat. No, Moxie kicks ass in a way that is real, believable and accessible to anyone. Vivian just gets fed up with the misogynist status quo at school and she decides to do something about it. It’s not something that would be considered overly grand or reckless to everyone, but for meek Vivian, it’s huge. And from her one act of defiance, the Moxie movement is born.
Body Count: While this is not a book with a literal body count, there are definitely casualties.
The Chosen One: The plot of Moxie could have slipped into the cliché if not for the skillful writing of Jennifer Mathieu. Moxie is Vivian’s story, but this is not one girl against the world. There are other girls in this book who are fighting their own battles in their own ways.  Moxies girls fight back, but there are consequences.
Just. Why. One thing I couldn’t understand was Vivian’s love for frozen dinners. Please Vivian, stop with the Stouffer’s!
He Said/She Said: Moxie is told from the perspective of Vivian, a girl who does a lot to go unnoticed. She’s smart, but afraid to speak out in class. She clever, but doesn’t want to draw attention to herself. She’s got ideas, good ones, but she’s too scared to voice them. Vivian’s inner dialogue proves this girl has a voice, she just needs to learn to use it.
Bizarre Love Triangle: Jennifer introduces the sort of love triangle that is way more common in real life than the usual YA trope: The Platonic Love Triangle. It’s easy to feel pulled in two different directions when a new friend threatens to shake-up the friend equilibrium between you and your old school bestie. Especially when the new friend is a badass girl from the big city with all kinds of subversive ideas. Is there room in Viv’s life for old friends and new ideas?
Don’t Believe the Hype: When Amy Poehler endorses your book and wants to turn it into a movie, the bar is set pretty damn high.  And for me personally as a self proclaimed Riot Grrl, this particular bar was 20 feet above eye level. But Moxie is worth all the praise it’s receiving. ALL. OF. IT.
Open tab/Last call: Jennifer Mathieu proves that Moxie Girls can be both gentle and tough. This is why the perfect Moxie drink is Fortified Lemon- sweet and sour with a hidden kick! We’ll keep the punch bowl full for you, Jennifer!
Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu, Roaring Brook Press, 336 Pages, September 19, 2017
First Reads Friday Presents: MOXIE by Jennifer Mathieu, Author Interview + Review MOXIE is more than just a book, it's a call to action! We talk all things Riot Grrl, music and our misspent youth with author Jennifer Mathieu.
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