#a vague and somewhat careful statement. lmaoooooooo
revivesukuna · 5 years
what do you think bout show me the money?
uhhh this is a complex one lmao in short? i neither like it nor care about it BUT anyways ill…..make a statement
its reached such a big scale nationwide that you virtually cant a avoid it- ive had so many conversations and discussions about it with artists (some who have been on it, some who would never go) and while for a time people liked to go on and on about fake this selling your soul that in the end i think everyone had to admit to the positive sides of the whole ordeal; exposure being the main aspect (think of all the people who in the past said theyd never go on the show and made a whole deal of it and then ended up going still lmao), a platform to make connections being another.the problem with it kind of touches on a topic ive frequently heard being picked up though, that being that korea as a consumer nation, much like others but maybe a little more so, is in such a habit of only acknowledging things when presented to them on a golden platter that one would (rightfully in my opinion) question the actual appreciation of art and artists and how deep it goes. people who have been active, known and more or less appreciated in the scene for sometimes years go on smtm, are presented as talented by mnet, are successful on the show and suddenly everyone- the general public, that is- is going on and on about them. good for them, career and finances and all that, but you also wonder- if that particular audience Really Cared about the music/art/whatsoever, wouldnt they have been involved far enough before to discover the artist themselves? and while i think we’re all somewhat painfully aware that this just sounds like a case of ‘i knew that artist before he was cool’ it also leads directly to something else ive heard critisized by quite a few people: hip hop being just another trend in sk. in a country where those trends really are come and go; quick infatuations of the public exploited by media etc, i do understand that some artists are apprehensive. this goes more into what the show and all its side effects stand for than what its actually doing right now i guess lolim talking about this rather than the good old issues with mnet and editing and concracts because by now, thats an old song we all know. the artists ive talked to about it recently (although by now everyone including me is somehow just tired of the topic) all pointed more towards the trend vs actual appreciation of music/culture thing than the petty bullshit about being fake if you, as an underground artist, go on a mainstream show. (that said whether khh artists are in the position to be making arguments for the culture is another thing entirely lmao)all these vague themes aside, i personally (as many others i know) just dont like the staged-ness of it. it seems strangely adjusted to national television norms, and in that the standard consumer, and, in contrast to the actual undergroung shows and most things associated with the scene just falls a little flat. seems worlds away from what you see when you’re actually right there at the clubs and bars and all the places everyone likes to go for a good show. more heavy on the entertainment than on the music and art, i guess. in the end you can go on and on about all of this but still cant deny that these days, as an artist, the show is pretty hard to avoid. theres a limit to success within the underground scene, and should you want to transcend that, going on that show is the easiest, maybe the only way to do it. besides, ive seen friends of mine go and, despite coming back with amusing but agitating stories about mnet, the production itself, and finally of course the editing, make a lot of connections that would turn into interesting projects in the future. so personally, i cant say i hate it entirely, and at this point, i think very few people do, but ive also never talked to anyone involved who wouldd outright say they love the show and what its done for them. even if they got a lot out of it, you still gotta acknowledge all the stupid shit that ties into it lmao but anyways i could go on and on with anecdotes ive heard etc but im tired and in the end i still hate this topic with a passion because weve honestly all talked about to no end djkgjkhkjgkjgds
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