#a wrut?
firstdragonlady · 6 months
"Loosen your corset. Have a drink."
"I'm here for the refreshments."
"Effie had them take her own wine away when she saw the effort he was making."
Prompt: Five Moments that show the evolution of Haymitch and Effie's relationship. Hayffie.
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mahesaarka · 7 months
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1. Ukuran panjang lempeng tembaga ini 35,6 cm, lebar 14,7 cm, tebal 1,2 mm, permukaannya mulai belang- belang.
2. Tinggi huruf antara 4-5 mm, lebarnya antara 3-5 mm.
3. Bentuk huruf tampak tinggi, dipahat agak miring, jadi serupa dengan Prasasti Jurunan.
4. Cara menulis angka 4 tidak konsisten, sebagian menyerupai angka 6.
5. Pasangan huruf da juga dipahat tidak konsisten, kata seperti matanda, wdihan tidak ditulis dengan da tetapi dengan c/a/ di tempat lain kata indit ditulis dengan pasangan da.
Penulis prasasti adalah DHARMMASINTA SIWACITTA .
Prasasti Taragal ini pertama kali disebut oleh Stutterheim di dalam OV, 1938, p.19. Selanjutnya Damais membaca dan menerbitkan sebagian (2 baris) yang berkenaan dengan unsur penanggalan di dalam BEFEO, 1955. H.B. Sarkar mengutip transkripsi pendek ini dan penerbitkannya di dalam buku Corpus . . . . , 1971.
Transkripsi ini mengikuti tulisan prasasti seperti apa adanya.
1. L. Ch. Damais :
"Étude s D'Épigraphi e Indonésienne," IV, dalam BEFEO, XLVII, 1955, h. 36
2 . Himansu Bhusan Sarkar :
Corpus o f the Incriptions of Java, vol. I, 1971, p. 262-263
3. Foto O.D. 13709
1. swasti saka warsatita 802 phalguna masa. tritinya krsnapaksa. tunglai kaliwuan soma. wara. tatkala RAKARAYAN i SIRIKAN, sumusuk ikanang sa-
2. -wah i TARAGAL lamwit 1 tampah 2 muang Imah ning suket kapua Imah i RUHUTAN watek TRAB. pomahana nikanang kumamet ikanang sawah muang waitnya pa-
3. -ri lua nikanang Imah ning suket, tpinya lor dpa 77 tpinya kuluan dpa 133 hasta 3 tpinya
kidul dpa 106 tpinya waitan dpa 133
4. hasta 3 pinda pakulilihanya dpa 450 hasta 2 // maminta ikanang anakwanua i RUHUTAN mas pamlya ikanang sawah muang ikanang Imah ning suke-
5. -t. winaih ya mas ka 1 su 1 // pakna nikanang sawah sinusuk. sirna nikanang prasada RAKARAYAN
6. dmakan sanka i SRI MAHARAJA RAKAI KAYUWANI // katka ikanang sawah susuken muang ikanang Imah ning suket pomahanan. inangsean SANG PAMGAT WADI-
7. -HATI PU MANU. pasek pasek wyawastaning manusuk sirna, mas ma 8 wdihan [2] pilih ansit yu 1 tuhan 2 MIRAH MIRAH si GUWAR. KULUMPITAN
8. si LARAK mas ma 4 wdihan ansit yu 1 soang // SANG PAMGAT MAKUDUR PU MAMNANG mas ma 8 wdihan ansit yu 1 tuhan 2 NALU si MANUT.
9. PALITAHAN si SRA mas ma 4 wdihan ansit yu 1 soang // wahuta hyang tumut manusuk PAGARWSI si WAHUNG. kudur tumut manusuk hanantaran
10. si MANI. mas ma 4 wdihan ansit yu 1 soang // PAMINANG 1 SANGHYANG KUDUR mas ma 4 wdihan ansit yu 4 // SAJINING KULUMPITAN mas ma 4 wdiha-
2. -m 1, TAHAS 1, BURI 1, PADAMARAN 1, SARAGI PAGANANAN 1, SARAGI INUMAN 1, KAMPIL 1, WEAS PADA 1, WSI IKET 10, WIWI 1, // muang anung winaih
3. wdihan ansit sadugala soang. WAHUTA MAWANKAR si MANAYU ramani MANIGA. patih MARBAKUL si SIRAPAN. PARUJAR nya si GUPIT. WAHUTA LA-
4. -MPURAN si WULAWAN. si WADAHUMA. si WRUT // managam kon winaih wdihan ansit sadugala soang. KALANG si DRAS. GUSTI si PANCA. WINKAS
6. -TAS si TARA. TUHALAS 2 si TAGU, si TBENG. MAPKAN si DAWET. MAKAJAR si GANSIL // RAMA MARATA winaih wdihan ansit sadugala soang
7. si TIMUR, si CACU. si GABAH, si LAKSAN // anakbi winaih kain sawlah soang. WAHUTA si PON. anakbi ning PATIH anakbi ni MANAGAM kon
MAKAJAR. TUHALAS // i tpi siring winaih wdi-
10. -na tang rama. i RUHUTAN kabaih, matuha manuam. muang anakbi matuha manuam. winaih mamanana maninumma tumut i tpi siring
1. i kanang winaih wdihan kapua manigal maparimwah i kabaih // kinon rakarayan sumusuka i kanang sawah muang i kanang Imah ning suket kapua
Catatan Transkripsi :
[1] Transkripsi prasasti Taragal oleh Damais dan Bhusan Sarkar hanya sebanyak 2 baris saja.
[2] Semua kata wdihan dituliskan dengan bentuk pasangan da yang agak lain dan serupa dengan bentuk da biasa.
[3] Baca : twak. Ini hanya salah pahat kecil.
Terjemahan :
1. Selamat, tahun SAKA 802 telah berjalan, bulan PHALGUNA (Februari-Maret), tanggal 3 bagian bulan gelap, TUNGLAI (hari ke-1 dari pekan siklus 6), KALIWUAN (hari ke-4 dari pekan siklus 5), hari Senen. Itulah saatnya ketika RAKARAYAN SIRIKAN meresmikan tanah sawah
2. di TARAGAL seluas 1 LAMWIT (nama ukuran luas) 2 TAMPAH (nama ukuran luas yang lebih kecil dari lamwit) serta tanah rumput, semuanya tanah di desa RUHUTAN wilayah TRAB dan tanah pekarangan di KUMAMET. Tanah sawah itu termasuk pohon padinya.
3. Luas tanah rumput, sisi utara 77 DPA (panjang rentangan antara dua tangan), sisi barat 133 dpa dan 3 HASTA (lengan), sisi selatan 106 dpa, sisi timur 133 dpa
4. dan 3 hasta, jumlah kelilingnya 450 dpa dan 2 hasta. Penduduk desa RUHUTAN meminta agar tanah sawah dan tanah rumput supaya dibeli
5. dan diberikan emas 1 KATI (nama ukuran berat) dan 1 SUWARNA. Maksudnya, sawah ini dijadikan SIMA (perdikan) bagi bangunan suci RAKARAYAN di GUNUNG HYANG di daerah
6. Itulah maksud SRI MAHARAJA RAKAI KAYUWANI meresmikan tanah sawah dan tanah rumput serta tanah pekarangan. Diberinyalah SANG PAMGAT WADIHATI
7. (yaitu) Pu MANU biaya upacara peresmian sima sebesar 8 masa dan pakaian pilih ansit 1 pasang. TUHAN ada 2, dari MIRAHMIRAH ialah Si GUWAR dan dari KULUMPITAN ialah
8. Si LARAK (menerima) emas 6 masa dan pakaian ansit 1 pasang bagi masing- masing. SANG PAMGAT MAKUDUR yaitu Pu MAMNANG menerima emas 8 masa dan pakaian ansit 1 pasang. TUHAN (ketua) ada 2 yaitu dari NALU bernama Si MARIUT dan
9. dari PALITAHAN bernama Si SRA (menerima) emas 6 masa dan pakaian ansit 1 pasang bagi masing- masing. WAHUTA (nama jabatan) yang ikut meresmikan upacara yaitu dari PAGARWSI bernama Si WAHUNG; KUDUR (nama jabatan) yang ikut meresmikan upacara ialah dari HANANTARAN
10. bernama Si MANI (menerima ) emas 4 masa dan pakaian ansit 1 pasang bagi masing- masing.
Pembantu SANG HYANG KUDUR menerima emas 4 masa dan pakaian ansit 6 pasang. Sesaji untuk KULUMPANG (nama batu tempat upacara) ialah emas 4 masa, pakaian
1. 4 pasang, rimwas 1, kampak 1, patuk-patuk 1, lukai 1, keris 1, twat punukan 4, linggis 4,
landuk 1 , cangkul 1 gulumi 1, kurumbhagi 1, nakaccheda 1, jarum
2. 1, tahas 1, buri 1, tempat lampu 1, tempat masak 1, tempat minum 1, kampil 1, beras 1 pada, besi ikat 10, wiwi 1. Orang yang diberi
3. pakaian ansit sadugala masing- masing ialah : WAHUTA dari MAWAHKAR bernama Si MAHAYU ayah MANIGA, PATIH dari MARBAKUL bernama Si SIRAPAN, juru bicaranya ialah Si GUPIT, WAHUTA dari LAMPURAN
4. ialah Si WULAWAN, Si WADAHUMA dan Si WRUT. Orang yang disuruh memakai pakaian ansit sadugala masing- masing ialah : KALANG bernama Si DRAS, GUSTI bernama Si PANCA, WINKAS
5. bernama Si WANKUT; juru nujum ada 2 yaitu Si RIWUT dan Si CERMIN, juru bicaranya ada 2 yaitu Si SUKRA dan Si LAGUR; juru pengairan ialah Si DMAK; MATAHUN ialah Si RAWAN, MAKALANGKANG (nama jabatan) ialah Si GOK, MAWATAS
6. ialah Si TARA; mantri hutan ada 2 yaitu Si TAGU dan Si TBENG; mantri pasar ialah Si DAWET; MAKAJAR (nama jabatan) ialah Si GANSIL. Para kepala desa tua (pensiunan) diberi pakaian ansit sadugala tiap orang
7. yaitu Si TIMUR, Si CACU, Si GABAH, Si LAKSAN dan isteri diberi kain 1 helai masing- masing, WAHUTA yaitu Si PON, isteri patih, isteri MANAGAM KON (pemegang perintah),
8. kalang, gusti, wariga, winkas, matahun, makalangkang, mantri pengairan, mawatas, juru bicara, mantri pasar, makajar, dan mantri hutan. Tetangga sekeliling desa diberi pakaian
9. sadugala bagi masing- masing : RA (Yang Mulia ) dari KAWUNGHYANG berpangkat WINKAS bernama Si RAWA, Yang Mulia dari WUGA berpangkat winkas bernama Si INDIT, Yang Mulia dari SUKUN berpangkat winkas bernama SURYYA, Yang Mulia dari MABAHKAR berpangkat gusti bernama Si
CANTING. Begitu jugalah
10. rama (pemimpin/kepala) dari RUHUTAN semua, tua dan muda beserta isteri, baik tua maupun muda semuanya diberi makan dan minum. Tetangga sekitar desa yang ikut (dalam upacara ini)
1. diberi pakaian. Begitulah mereka menari dan bersenang-senang semua. Rakarayan (para raka/ketua) yang disuruh mematoki/memasang patok sawah dan tanah rumput , semuanya berasal dari
2. RUHUTAN , mereka ialah para tuhan (pimpinan desa), dari RAPUNTI bernama Si SAYUT, dari HUJUNG GALUH bernama HRDAYASIWA, MATANDA (nama jabatan) ialah Si MANGLAGAI. Penulis (piagam ini) ialah DHARMMASINTA SIWACITTA.
Sumber :
Berita Penelitian Arkeologi
Dibagikan oleh :
Mahesa Arka
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Wrut ro raggy 5,000 sideblogs
h u h
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
ur wrutting revived me
Aww! Thank you! That’s sweet of you to say that! 
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
srruousky i love your wrutting uts beariuful amazing and the feels. i do apoglize for ny writting my phone likes to make up words and wriye werid messges sorry. but i rwally love yoir writting especially the ones where you know they like eaxh other and hacing feelinhs but cant act upon them. and the loves scene are awesome yiy can feel the love and the connection. fyi i dont mean to be rude or sound like an ass but are you writting anymore dean or sam angst
Thank you very much for your message, it means a lot.
Yes I still write and even spent the afternoon working on a fic. I just took one week off because I was sick and very tired.
I'll start publishing again next week.
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mrneighbourlove · 6 years
Cruel Red Sea (Finale) : Ch 10. The Unforgiving Tide
"Great, now I'm having to deal with the other you." Seer muttered to himself under his breath. He got up and went into his bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Hopefully, there was still some of that sleeping tonic to help him doze. If he was asleep, he would not have any chance of scaring or hurting anyone. "If you're going to be a dick about this too, then just leave."
Seth did what he did best. Grabbing a belt, he suddenly wrapped it around Seer's neck. "You haven't made a good impression on me, Erling Frode..."
Seer was not expecting any violence. As soon as the belt went around his neck, the man's hands did not reach for the leather, but backwards behind his head. He clawed at the assassin's eyes, and put all his weight backwards, slamming him into the wall.
Seth hissed like a snake, followed by laughter. "That's more like it."
With a growl he made a sharp kick at one of Seer's kneecaps.
During all his years with Corsaire, the captain attempted to teach Seer some self defense. If Seer was being honest with himself, he was not much of a fighter. He was best in the water, where his heightened sense of echolocation was like an actual pair of eyes. However, that did not mean he could not throw a punch or two. As he fell forward, Seer grabbed the back of the man's neck and flipped him over his shoulder... into the tub.
Seth gurgled as his head was dunked in the water from a morning bath. He gripped the tubs edge to pull himself out. "Bakura's not going to remember any of the new scars I'm going to mark you with. I love slaves."
Now that pissed Seer off. Grabbing Seth's head, he slammed it against the edge of the tub and held the man under water.
"If you were going to kill me, you should have done it before drugging me, asshole!"
Seth yelled in pain, blood and a dent in his forehead forming. His mind was getting hazy. Relying on his own technique, he was glad that weakling Bakura never learned it. Able to move three meters, Seth pressed both hands on the tub floor. A small portal opened up beneath him and Seer. It took the men into the living room, falling with a tumble from the roof. Seth got to his feet, grabbing a knife. "Hope that hearts beating fast now, because I'm going to rip it out!"
Seer's sense of perception was thrown off when the two of them fell through the portal. Yet, he was not giving up, that was not part of his nature. Knowing Bakura, the man had weapons everywhere on his person, probably even one up his ass. Feeling wildly, Seer felt of the fire poke and swung... hitting the man right in the jaw.
Seth gripped his jaw and hissed in unbelievable torment. Damn that Bakura for leaving his mask off. He turned to Seer, deciding to mock his other, and perhaps uses the mans feelings. "Did you know Bakura likes you? Loves how close you are to the girls? Even wants you to fuck him."
Seer stumbled to his feet, holding the poker as tight as he could. His blind eyes were moving here and there, placing Seth's voice.
"If you're trying to throw me off, it's not going to work." Seer told him, holding the poker like a bat. "Get the hell out of my house."
"Yes, you're right. Perhaps I can go play with dear little Liz. Reminds me of her mother." Seer received a stab into the back of his shoulder from behind.
Seer inhaled sharply as the knife made contact, swinging around and trying to hit the man with the poker.
"Even if you take me down, the others won't let you lay a finger on those girls." Seer had to think quickly. If only he was near the water. Should he take a chance and make a run for it? Would Seth even follow him? "They'll hate you forever. Do you really want that?"
"You think I care? I know it will break Bakura's heart. And perhaps his mind enough for me to finally be perfectly in control." A demonic glee left Seth as he gave a kick to Seer’s chest. "Oh Mr. Frode. Thank you for such a beautiful idea."
"No wonder Adda broke up with you, you're crazier than the Frost King." Seer swung at him again, barely missing the man. If he wanted to play this physiological game, he'd respond in turn, ten times worse. "No wonder she gave me the girls, I'm the more adequate father. No wonder she wanted to get back at you for hurting her! You think that you're some high and mighty assassin, someone that can just kill people for fun? Look what it's gotten you, you blabbering moron! You lost two precious treasures, a potential happy life with Adda, and worst of all, you pissed me off." He had to knock him out. Bakura would regain control then. Seth had him cornered in the kitchen... which was his mistake. He heard one step, then two, and took a chance. Holding up the poker to block Seth's assault, Seer grabbed the iron skillet... and slammed Seth across the head with it.
"You little blind rat. Adda is a mere play thing to me. She stole my toys from me. That is all the girls are to me." Seth grew into a rage, smacking Seer around. A kick to the ribs, a punch to the face. Using his portal, he appeared behind Seer, throwing himself for a dropkick to launch Seer into the kitchen. "First, I think I'll skin you alive for whatever family member of the day comes by. But not before tearing your ears out. You can go deaf and blind before I slay you. Liz will learn to enjoy the agony I bring upon her after I-" Mid his monologue, Seth received the skillet across his head. It didn't knock him out, but the strike was so hard to the head, his brain lost control of his legs, stumbling back before crashing to the floor hard. "M-my legs. I-I can't boove my regs. Wrut iz goiiing on? B-Bastard."
"You won't touch my girls!" Seer bellowed as he brought down the frying pan again across Seth's back. "You will never win, you asshole! You bastard! You're the reason Adda doesn't want the girls to know their heritage! Go to hell!!"
Seth grabbed a knife, snarling. He'd make Bakura pay for placing him into this situation. "I think not Mr. Frode."
Mustering the strength, Seth used a portal to fall outside of the house, away from Seer's reach.
"NO!" Seer felt of the ground where Seth fell through, knowing that he would not catch him in time. He nearly tripped over his own feet trying to get out of the house. "ELIZABETH!!!" He ran at full speed, knowing it was not a good idea, but did so anyway. "ALEXANDRIA!!!"
Revy was playing with Boof at the stables, when she heard a knock at the barn doors. Turning around, she saw Liz. She didn’t mean to have it show, but hurt filled Revy’s face. “H-hey Liz.”
The twin sighed, feeling incredibly awkward. “Hello Revy.”
“You here for your horse?”
“No… I wanted to see you.”
“Is this because you were acting stupid?” Revy meant for it to sound endearing, like how Rat explained his situation with Corsaire.
This only made Liz flush with anger. “WHAT? Stupid?! You can’t call me stupid when I was coming to apologize!”
Crap. Revy messed up and she messed up hard. “Liz, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You think you’re so cool, don’t you. Well you know what, the only thing that’s stupid was me coming here.”
“Oh no, I don’t think that at all… my sweet.” Both girls turned to see Bakura step into the barn, bleeding. Both, however, knew, from the smile on his face, that this was not Liz’s father. “I’m here to take back my blood I gave out.”
Liz ran to the back door, but Seth was faster. His mind was fuzzy, and his legs still wobbly, but the killing intent pushed his adrenaline. Grabbing the knife, he planned to bring an end to Bakura’s bloodline, so that he would finally be free of this place. Plunging forward, his knife made a wet sound as it found flesh.
Looking up from falling, Liz saw Revy over her, the blade lodged into her chest. Seth’s face twisted with fury. “Useless, useless, useless. You gained nothing but a death.”
Revy coughed up blood as her lungs filled from the wound. She saved her friend. That was all that mattered. “No jerkface. I gained a front eye view to the show.”
She gave a faint whistle,  and Seth looked up to see a horse rear up, kicking him straight in the face. The twisted personality flew back into a wooden pillar, losing consciousness after all the fighting.
Rat and Borghild heard the screaming from Seer and knew immediately something was wrong. The pair ran out to the barn and found Bakura out cold, his head bleeding and his face all swollen and purple. Revy, however, needed a healer immediately or else, she would die. The Grand Hall was too far away so Rat was trying to stay calm. Borghild transformed into her bear form, and ran as fast as she could to Bjarke's and Naira's house. Naira was the only Dusa nearby that could stop this. As soon as Borghild was outside the door, Rat kicked the door down to get Naira's attention. The Dusa quickly got to work and managed to stop the bleeding.
Seer on the other hand, looked half wild from running through the snow. He did not even put on his boots or his coat, just booked it as fast as he could in the direction of Rat's place.
"ELIZABETH! ALEXANDRIA!" Seer was half hysterical. "ANSWER ME!"
Both girls were gone, but he heard slight coughing from Bakura. Even in his panic, and Bakura's broken state from the wounds, he could tell Seth was gone. "S-seer..."
Seer heard Bakura's wheezing breath and followed the noise to find him.
"Where are the girls?!"
"D-Doctor. S-tabbed... Re-revy. Gods... was a-aware af-fter you h-hit me. Couldn't... stop it..."
Oh by the goddesses, Seth stabbed Revy. Seer felt his hands shaking, wondering if the alter personality hurt his twins.
"Did you hurt the twins?! What happened to you?!"
"No... didn't hurt... our girls..." Bakura started to dip back into sleep. Was he going to die? "C-can't... hear him.... R-revy got a horse... to kick him." Bakura felt his pocket with the arm that wasn't broken from being thrown about. A red potion stumbled out. "G-give... to the girl..."
"You take it." Seer told Bakura, hearing a loud whistle from Bjarke's house. Orcas frequently communicated this way and he sighed in relief. Revy was going to be okay, she was just scared and sore. "I can hear Bjarke. He's telling me that Revy survived, she's all right. I have to find the twins. Take the damn potion and hurry up."
"I... should just die in peace... or leave... Besides, c-can't drink..."
"You honestly think I'm going to let you die after you stabbed me? I deserve the chance to stab you back." Seer took the potion from Bakura, poured it in his mouth and then found the man's face. Putting his lips over Bakura's, he passed the potion to him. Wiping off his lips, he then said, "Double personality or not, the girls still deserve to know you."
Bakura felt the effects of the red potion heal him, as he gained his strength back, he kissed back. He told himself it was on instinct. "Thank you. I'll make sure I live for them..."
"You better, or I'll fucking come back and haunt you until you die." Seer ignored the kiss back for now. There were more pressing matters. "We need to find the twins."
At the Dusa’s, Liz was a mess. "Revy! What were you thinking?!"
Revy could only give a faint smile. "I was thinking I was stopping your dad's evil side from killing you. Thought it would be cool..."
"It was cool, but you almost dying isn't! You're my friend! I love you, you dummy!"
Revy's smile was still weak, but it turned very coe. "See dad? I got her to still be my friend."
"Aye, but don't you ever do anything like that again. You yell for your Daddy, you understand?" Rat sat beside of his daughter while Borghild was curled up next to Revy on the bed to keep her warm. Being a grizzly bear had its perks, for example, like immense body heat. Kissing Revy's knuckles, he told her. "You're too young to be a hero right now, me love. Please don't ever do anything of the sort again. Let your Daddy or your Ma handle it."
Scarlet BURST into the room, having been told quickly what happened. "REVY! REVY ARE YOU ALIVE?!"
Revy groaned from all the coddling. "I'm fine everyone. Honestly. Liz would have died if I didn't save her. There was no time..."
Lex walked in with her dads, having waited for them, and doing her best to explain Liz and Revy were stable.
"Scarlet, calm down, lassie. Reveka is all right, just sore and tired." Rat tried to assure the Gerudo woman. "Just needs to rest."
"You could have just tackled her out of the way, don't ever try to get in the path of a sword again."
Liz decided to speak up for Revy, looking directly at Bakura with uncertainty. "...Seth was too fast. She did tackle me out of the way, but only had one direction to do so from. If it wasn't for her action, I'd have been dead."
Bakura sighed, thankful Liz made the difference of personalities. Lex ran up to Revy on the other side of the bed. "Then you really are a hero Revy."
Both the twins gave her a kiss on each cheek as a reward of gratitude.
Seer really did not know what to say. On one hand, he was grateful that Revy saved Liz. Yet, he still felt guilty about the whole situation happening. There was nothing he could have done to prevent it, though something nagged at him. If he could have just calmed down... the fear of drugs... still just thinking about it, made him feel sick.
Bakura gave a deep bow of regret. "I am so deeply sorry. Seth took advantage when my psyche was weak. If its any consolation, I can't hear his voice in my head. Perhaps all the trauma you gave him did something."
"You need to get that bastard under control!" This time, it was Borghild who spoke up, rising from her position on Revey's bed. "I don't care if you got another soul in your mind, it went after your girls! What kind of father do you expect to be if you can't even control your own demons?!"
"Don't you Borgie me!" She snapped at Rat. "This is my baby and I won't have that maniac around her until I know he's able to be safe!"
"You're absolutely right... I can only do my best through mediation to keep him locked away. I'm so sorry for what I've done."
Scarlet was on Borghild's side. "Adda isn't the best woman, but she was right when she was concerned with that side of you. I want to beat your brains in right now just to fix whatever’s in your head."
"...Respectfully, I don't need any more collisions to the head."
"Maybe I should just remove it then, just to be safe." Borghild growled at Bakura. "You hurt my baby, and you can't even be trusted around your own daughters. Don't come back until the demon in you is gone."
"... let's step outside, Bakura." Seer tugged on the man's sleeve.
Bakura nodded, saddened by the events. Lex and Liz didn't look at him with fear, but with confusion, and a little bit of pity.
Outside, Bakura shook his head. "They don't understand it's psychological. How I wish I could just exorcise myself."
"No, a lot of people do not understand the mind." Seer said softly to Bakura. "I... couldn't help the way I reacted before. My fear was overtaking me and I triggered you."
"No... the fault is mine. And mine alone. Perhaps I should keep my distance some more."
"... what are you thinking?"
"I stay on the outskirts of town on a rent. You coordinate visiting times with the girls."
"If you think that is best until you get Seth under control, then I'll do my best to come with the girls."
"I'm in the best control I've always been in Seer..."
"If that's your best, I'd hate to see your worst. Something tells me that you can control him at will, just like I control how I shift."
"I keep my will up as a constant barrier against him." Bakura shook his head. "I should be leaving Seer."
A few months had passed now. Life was returning to the everyday usual routine. Tonight, however, Seer had the house to himself. Revy and his girls had a sleepover at Rat's house. It was nice to have a little quiet time, but Seer was so used to having the girls around him. The quiet felt foreign. Yet, he finished his usual chores and made sure to keep the logs burning in the fireplace. He was reading a book, drifting his fingers over the braille when he fell asleep in his chair.
From high above in the cold winds of Uskar, a beast on silent wings glided over the barren country. The dragon had learned how to be a master of stealth, flying gracefully, despite the thick armour that covered its body. On top, his rider had planned steadily for this day. Captain Adda would have her children. "Remember Onslaught. Five minutes at most. You touch down, we grab my girls, than we leave a distraction. Understood?"
"Of course."
They flew a little more, before the Hylian dragon folded his wings and dive bombed down. Adda held on tight to the harness and her hat, refusing to let something like the cold air get to her. They landed on the ground with little impact, only the snow fluffing in the air as the mighty beast felt the ground below him. "I smell Dragon kind here. Hurry before they wake and smell my own scent."
"You see anyone come out of any of these other houses, you blast them."
The Gerudo Queen of the Seas hopped of her hired mount, and took the shotgun off her back. Giving it a pump, she crept to the house. Going to the door, she was surprised to find Seer left it unlocked. Blind fool. Man as fragile as him needed to more careful. Cold air poured momentarily into the house as she entered, quick to quietly shut the door. Walking around the corners, she carefully made sure her hands weren’t trigger happy. At the fireplace, she found Seer, sound asleep. He looked so peaceful. Like a snug seal.
Seer was asleep, snoring softly. He had aged slightly, a touch tiredness under his eyes. Mainly, it was the damage to his heart which caused the sudden stress upon his body. Yet, thanks to Bakura's rare potion, he would be around to see his twins live to be mothers one day. However, the thin outline of the scar still remained. It was distinctive on his skin, so long and so wide. Forever, it would serve as a reminder of just how close he came to death.
The book in his hands had the title in braille and Hylian on the front, curiosity of Corsaire. It was a cook book, Seer's favored hobby. He had a few titles on his mantle, but the one with the worn cover was the baking novel. The twins loved to bake together when they were younger, sometimes they still did so with him. In each book were tabs, the favorite recipes of his girls marked with care. A double folded tab at the top was Lex, and a single fold was Liz. He had his ways to tell things apart.
Alone with nothing but her own thoughts, Adda saw the scars on his chest. Her desperation caused this pain against Seer. At the very least she could leave without him knowing she had taken her girls back. In her back pocket were some needles to inject the girls with to keep them asleep for the trip. Quickly going to the door, she opened the girls room.... only for them to be gone. No. This wasn't happening, she wasn't being screwed over again! Stomping back to Seer, she gave him a tap on the crotch with her firearm. "Wake up Seer. We have to talk sweetheart."
Seer was drowsy. He heard a voice talking to him. Did the girls come home? Was it morning already? However, his nose quickly let him know that it was not the girls. The twins did not smell like sea water and gunpowder. Jolting awake, he knocked over his chair and the book fell from his lap.
"Adda!" The blind man felt the hair rising on the back of his neck. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"Where. Are. My. Girls." She pumped her shotgun with silent frustration, her plans being ruined by this man she felt so conflicted for driving her mad.
"Like hell I'm telling you." Seer's sensitive ears heard the shot gun and he glared at her. "You missed the first time. Here to finish the job?"
"You think I wanted this for you? Honestly?"
"You shot me with a harpoon, what other objective could you possibly have had other than to kill me?"
"My crew shot you with a harpoon. As you tried to sink my ship. I didn't want you getting hurt. If I didn't mean that, I'd have shot you either now, or saved myself the trouble when I first knocked on your door here." Adda shook her head, lowering her gun. "You and Bakura... goddamn you. Goddamn you both for making me... feel the things I'm feeling. Now where are they Seer? I can find them now, believe me. I got a dragon who's ready to rain hell down and sniff them out."
"Go ahead and shoot me. Go call your dragon, make a scene, they'll know whos' here." Seer was as blunt as he could possibly be. He steeled himself for a shot, a punch, a kick, anything. "I'm not telling you where the twins are. I'd gladly die before I let you get your hands on them."
She went to the window and pulled out a shirt of Lex's. "Onslaught. Can you track this?"
"Hmmm, yes."
"Good. Cause we're picking them up now. You can eat anyone else who tries to stop us."
"No you won't!" Seer lunged forward and slammed into Adda, knocking her into the wall, her gun going off into the house. He wished like hell that Bakura still lived here. "My girls are not going to live a miserable life of a pirate! My girls are going to grow up and become loving mothers, unlike you, who abandoned them! My girls are smart, talented, and absolutely worthy of anything their heart desires! They have souls made of pure gold and I will not let you steal that to lock away, to use them and toss them aside!" He growled at her. "You leave them alone to live their lives, you let them be happy. You want someone, you take me."
Adda had been practicing against Seer's particular bullshit. Turned around making a sweep at his legs to knock him to his feet. Before she could scuffle, Onslaught made a low growl. "A female dragon is barking up a storm in her barn. I think she heard you two. We need to go."
Adda looked down at Seer, wondering what she could do with him. Thrice he had fucked her now. Only one of those ways she had allowed. If she wanted to see her girls, they'd have to come to her. Thinking it over, she knew the perfect way to punish Seer and get what she wanted. She had to be a little more patient is all. "...Very well Seer."
Kicking him lightly down, she pulled a needle from her pocket, and injected Seer. Blackness overtook his senses and he fell into a slumber.
Seer did not know how long he slept. He woke, cursing under his breath and holding the sides of his skull. His head felt so heavy, almost like he was hungover from drinking too much mead. The memories of what happened slowly caught up to him. Adda took him. By now, the twins probably knew he was taken. Na'seema had alerted them of what transpired or perhaps Bakura put together the clues. Either way, the important thing was that Adda did not get her hands on them. His beautiful girls were safe. However, it did catch him by surprise that he was not chained.
He could smell the most beautiful sea air that had ever graced his nose. Everything around him felt completely peaceful. Adda had brought him to her paradise island, an island hidden by magic and filled with the greatest luxuries known to man. The captain herself was watching the sunset, disrobed from her rough winter clothing to something more freeing. The air was always just hot enough to be relaxing. Sitting on a bench outside their shared cabin, Adda didn't even notice Seer get up.
Seer was disoriented from the drug that Adda gave him. He could not sense his surroundings like he usually could. Stumbling over his own feet, he crashed into what he deemed was a nightstand and then fell flat on the floor. Groaning multiple swears, the man managed to pull himself up again and felt around for a door.
Adda turned to him, a light smile forming her lips. She said nothing as he stumbled his way forward, but gave a chuckle as he made his way to the door.
"Oh great, I was halfway hoping that you just killed me instead of keeping me a prisoner." Seer muttered in an annoyed tone at her laugh. "Where's the bloody door?"
"To your left."
"Not going to stop me?"
"Don't need to." Adda shrugged her shoulders and leaned back on the bench.
"... where am I?"
"My paradise island I wanted to start my family with on...”
"...? You brought me to an island? You know I can just get in the ocean and swim away."
"Nope." Adda gave a light snort of amusement.
"What do you mean, nope?" Seer knew then something was not quite right with this place. "It's an ocean, I'm a whale, I can easily swim away from this."
"It's a magic island with a magic sea around it. You'll find yourself swimming right on back."
"Then I guess you did throw me in a prison." Seer then outright asked. "Why not just shoot me and put me out of misery? Out of your way?"
"Because I like you too much to do that... and the girls wouldn't want that too I suppose." Adda went to a cooler to pop open a bottle of beer.
"You didn't care what the girls wanted when you were trying to take them from me, you were focused on what you wanted." Seer was not going to fall for her trying to disarm him with sweet words. "Why did you bring me here? Really."
"....You don't want to believe me? That's fine. I'm done trying to convince you." She slugged her beer back. "You want a drink?"
"Why should I believe you, Adda? You wouldn't even face me when you left the twins with me all those years ago." Seer waved the drink away, not wanting to risk getting drugged again. "Give me one damn good reason I should believe you when you weren't honest with me about the twins."
"Because I've lived my life of lies now. What is a lie going to help me now? They don't work on you Seer. So maybe the truth will."
"Then tell me the truth."
"I ruined things terribly with Bakura. My first shot of happiness. I gutted my relationship with you, all to get back at some loony. That wasn't fair to you Seer. Not at all. Now I've got this great ol pit in my stomach... I've only had two men truly love me. For me... And now I've opened my eyes to what I am. I can't change that Seer. But maybe I can live the rest of my life in peace... in love... at least before my sins catch up to me. I've dealt with devils of men and been a tyrant myself to get where I am today, but now my whole tribe is living the best life we've had in millennia and millennia and millennia thanks to me. They'll be set for over a few centuries. And so will Lex and Liz. I know those girls will find me one day, probably in the near future. They'll want to see me than... if they don't want to kill me of course." Adda gave a hardy laugh from that. "Someone's gonna kill me.... but before that, I want to be with the human being who gave me real happiness. I want to be with you while I wait for them Seer."
"Then leave the pirate life." Seer told Adda, almost had a slight tint of pleading in his voice. "Leave the danger behind. Start anew with the girls, don't try to force them to do anything. Give them time to know you, just as Reveka has had time to know Scarlet. Try to... try to be an actual mom for once. Give up chasing power, it will only bring you ruin."
"...That's too late for me Seer. A year after I met you I shot a Danjur Prince in the head. He lived, but he was pissed. Or the fact I gave that dragon something of human value that I can never trade back. Had you asked me that on our first night together things could have been different."
"It's never too late to try to right the wrongs of the past. It's never too late to try for a future." Seer did not believe it. "Don't give up. My captain chased his greed and it almost killed him. Don't let your climb to power kill you too. As much as I hate what you've done to me, what you've done to the girls, I don't want anymore death, not your death. Bakura told me he still loves you, he was hoping you'd come back to Uskar." It was true, Bakura did still have feelings for Adda, so Seer was not lying. "Lex does want to know you, even though Liz is testy. There's potential for a bad start to have a good one... don't you want what Scarlet has now?"
"I do... but I can't Seer. I'm ensnared into this life. All I'm asking is for you to give me comfort as I die."
"There's nothing I can say to convince you, is there? You rather give up than trying?"
".... I'll kill more people by leaving Seer." She got up leaning on the railing, looking for the tropical beach. "I'm not given the option."
"... do you think there would none who would want to leave with you?"
"It's politics and culture Seer, I’m the Queen. Can’t ever give that up. Not to mention that I'm a war criminal if I leave." She shook her head. "It's getting late. Would you like to come to bed with me?"
"... all that and now you want sex?" Seer could not help it, he started to snicker. "You get right to the point."
"I said bed you blind little fucker. Never said sex. Unless that's what you want of course~"
"... huh, I thought this is the part where you would order me to surrender the booty or walk the plank." Seer shook his head. "Though you could get me off this island and take me back to my girls." He then looked somewhat sad, thinking about the twins. "I know they're wondering where I'm at. I hope they don't do anything stupid, especially Lex. She acts upon her emotions..."
"I bet she does. Just like I did." Adda took her clothes off, and went to Seer, unbuttoning his shirt. "They'll find me. Lex is sure to be quick about it too."
Seer knew the twins would be looking for him. When Corsaire received news of what happened, there would certainly be hell to pay. His captain never let him down, never abandoned him, and treated him like family. It would not be long until someone found him, he hoped. All he could do was wait. Until someone rescued him, Seer was very much a prisoner, once again, in invisible chains.
Adda felt confident in her plan. The girls would come to here now. All she had to do was wait, and perhaps have some fun while doing so. "Now come on, we have years of catching up to do."
Liz and Lex couldn't believe it. Seer's entire house had been burn to the ground. Their home, their father, gone. Liz clenched her fists. "Lex... she took him. She took our dad. You can't possibly care about her."
"I don't know what to think Liz... I just want my daddy back."
Revy ran back with Na'seema, disappointed her dragon friend couldn't find Seer.
"They're gone... I'm so sorry you guys."
"I searched all over the sea and Stra'tuso covered the skies." Na'seema warbled lowly with a hung head. "Adda took him and just... disappeared. His scent ended outside the house."
Revy looked to Kanisa and her father arriving. Her mom was about to give birth. Why did this have to happen now? "Dad? What are we going to do?"
"We're going contact Cap'n Corsaire, Revy, and for a-now, the twins are going to live with us." Rat told Reveka, having been shoved out of the house by Borghild. She did not want him looming over her as the contractions slowly grew closer and closer together, giving him a stern order that she'd be just fine with Scarlet. Rat figured it was best to listen rather than risk his manhood. "We're going to find Seer, don't you a-worry about that. If anyone can find him, it's cap'n."
Liz brushed her face, wiping the tears. "No. We'll find him."
Lex and Revy were confused. "What are you talking about sis?"
"We are going to grow up. We are going to train hard. As soon as we are old enough we WILL find our Dad. We WILL make Adda pay for being the worst mother in history. Uncle Rat, I appreciate the help, but I'm going spend as much time as I can with Bakura. He can teach me skills I need to learn. And I want Uncle Corsaire to teach me how to be a ship captain. I WILL be the one to find my mother."
Revy nodded before her dad could protest. "Of course. I'm going to learn the best I can from my birth mom. I'm sure she will help best she can as well."
Lex was silent, before nodding. "I... I know things about how to find mom. I want to help too. I want to see daddy again."
Liz looked to her sister with a little dismay, but sighed it off. They each wanted to see their father again. "Ok. Then lets make a pact. We'll find and take down Adda together. We'll save Seer."
Revy put her hand in. "Come on you two, let's do this. You ok with this dad?"
"If you're serious about training and finding him, then you have to be able to defend yourselves first." Rat told the girls. "You hold your own, I won't a-stop you."
"We'll be ready in a year."
Liz liked Revy's attitude in helping her. She wanted to be hero so bad, than this would be a good start. "Ok. We're agreed."
"I can't be a princess without daddy handing me down to the groom." Lex put her hand in with her sister.
Revy grinned wildly with her friends. "Then let's get to work ladies."
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askjonfreeman · 6 years
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DM me for pricing and availability Mighty madams of marvelous maimings! - Nixie Space, it's disturbing how much she loves the smell of napalm - Wrut, a goblin beserker from the fringe of the jungle - Rubie Bloom, a fierce combatant of the most brutal of arenas: the bedroom - Titariel, knows a thing or two about handling a heavy staff - Maugler, this orc matron believes the best way to train the youth is to weaponize them - Secret Frog, has successfully convinced several people that her super power is her butt https://www.instagram.com/p/BpXKu11hDbz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kqg5s497korj
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shrapnelstars · 4 years
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Yes, I have posted mostly reblogs recently, but I’m not sure what the tags are about. I rarely use the word “chill”, and I’m 4,000% sure I’ve talked more about Plastic Man than Batman, though they do cross continuity extremely often. My most common tags overall are “cute”, “thing”, and “Markiplier”, so I don’t understand what’s going on here.
It could be 2 random tags, but again, I don’t tag things as “chill”. (I do say it IRL fairly often, though.)
EDIT: KEK, No I talk about Batman way more often, apparently.
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Video: “Beyond The Clouds” (2017).
Director, Editor & D.O.P: PINKY ORTIZ.
STARRING: Sophia Martinez, Jenny Llamas, Adrian Saff, Aketza Lopez, Dylan Zarate, Jimmy Ramirez, Gemma Castro, Noemi Sanchez, Armando Wruts, Jimmy Ramirez.
Scanned + Processed by Spectra Film & Video in Burbank, CA
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Wrut Wro, Leaking Arrest have begun! Federal contractor arrested, accused of leaking classified documents to news site
Wrut Wro, Leaking Arrest have begun! Federal contractor arrested, accused of leaking classified documents to news site
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Wrut Wro, Leaking Arrest have begun! Federal contractor arrested, accused of leaking classified documents to news site PLUGGING A LEAK: Federal contractor arrested, accused of leaking classified documents to news site Reality Leigh Winner, 25, is accused of leaking a top-secret NSA report on Russian hacking efforts during the 2016 election to the news website The Intercept.
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seattlereddit · 5 years
Most “Jetsons” view of Seattle? Wrut wroe George.
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abrigocasadosanjos · 7 years
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Por favor nos ajude a diminuir nossa dívida da Petclin!!! Doe qualquer valor e nos ajude!!! Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,01 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/v2i Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,10 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/X95e Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/lOFj Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 1,00. Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/cVI7 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 1,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/v1ti Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 2,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/5zKt Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 2,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/Qjth Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 3,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/J2qM Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 4,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/UWSo Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 5,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/CeSM Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 6,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/9yBK Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 7,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/A8K4 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 8,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/exc6 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 9,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/i5qI Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 10,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/jpsV Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 15,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/fuyp Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 20,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/syub Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 25,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/gOVX Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 30,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/kmjy Ajude o abrigo por favor. Dependemos de você. . R$ 40,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/WRUT
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oldguardaudio · 6 years
Wrut Wro, Establishment Republican Kevin McCarthy tells Trump new health care push makes no sense
Wrut Wro, Establishment Republican Kevin McCarthy tells Trump new health care push makes no sense
Wrut Wro, Establishment Republican Kevin McCarthy tells Trump new health care push makes no sense Reflecting widespread concerns within the Republican party, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told Trump he disagrees with the administration’s attempt to get the entire Affordable Care Act thrown out in court. Axios, 3100 Clarendon B‌lvd, Suite 1300, Arlington VA 22201
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abrigocasadosanjos · 7 years
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Por favor nos ajude a diminuir nossa dívida da Petclin!!! Doe qualquer valor e nos ajude!!! Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,01 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/v2i Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,10 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/X95e Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/lOFj Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 1,00. Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/cVI7 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 1,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/v1ti Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 2,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/5zKt Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 2,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/Qjth Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 3,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/J2qM Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 4,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/UWSo Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 5,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/CeSM Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 6,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/9yBK Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 7,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/A8K4 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 8,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/exc6 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 9,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/i5qI Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 10,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/jpsV Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 15,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/fuyp Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 20,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/syub Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 25,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/gOVX Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 30,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/kmjy Ajude o abrigo por favor. Dependemos de você. . R$ 40,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/WRUT
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abrigocasadosanjos · 7 years
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Por favor nos ajude a diminuir nossa dívida da Petclin!!! Doe qualquer valor e nos ajude!!! Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,01 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/v2i Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,10 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/X95e Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 0,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/lOFj Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 1,00. Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/cVI7 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 1,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/v1ti Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 2,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/5zKt Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 2,50 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/Qjth Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 3,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/J2qM Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 4,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/UWSo Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 5,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/CeSM Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 6,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/9yBK Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 7,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/A8K4 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 8,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/exc6 Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 9,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/i5qI Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 10,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/jpsV Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 15,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/fuyp Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 20,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/syub Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 25,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/gOVX Ajude o abrigo por favor . Dependemos de você. R$ 30,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/kmjy Ajude o abrigo por favor. Dependemos de você. . R$ 40,00 Pague com o Mercado Pago: http://mpago.la/WRUT
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abrigocasadosanjos · 7 years
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