#hayffie prompts
firstdragonlady · 3 months
"Loosen your corset. Have a drink."
"I'm here for the refreshments."
"Effie had them take her own wine away when she saw the effort he was making."
Prompt: Five Moments that show the evolution of Haymitch and Effie's relationship. Hayffie.
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greywitchproject · 6 months
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They're on a date :)
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ellanainthetardis · 16 days
This Sunrinse news makes me want to free the os I never could be bothered to post because... Well... You know. So here is a thing that apparently dates back from 2021. Don't ask me I don't remember haha.
Funny Meeting You Like This
“How long do we have to stay for?” Chaff asked in a bored tone.
Watching the tall pretentious building in front of them, Haymitch couldn’t say he didn’t sympathize. There were better things to do on a Saturday morning than attending an elementary school’s art exhibition – like sleep-in for instance.
“Nobody forced you to come.” he reminded his best friend, a little grumpy himself. He enjoyed his Saturdays lie-ins. He never took them for granted anymore, not when the relatively new addition to his house liked to wake up at dawn and he was scared to let her run unsupervised around the place. She was a good kid but she didn’t have a real grasp on what could be considered dangerous yet. She certainly didn’t seem to think it was problematic for an eight year-old to handle his old cranky stove…
“And miss my best girl’s project?” Chaff scoffed, giving a little tug with his only remaining hand. The little girl who had been walking between them, holding both of their hands in the weirdest most awkward chain ever glanced up at him, the expression on her face telling him exactly just how much she cared about that whole art thing. Katniss would have rather been running around the woods behind their house right then, mud and chilly weather notwithstanding.
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blackpatrxnum · 17 days
(too many) thoughts and headcanons on life post mockingjay for hayffie and everlark
- it's just pure fluff with some hurt/comfort thrown in there, whoopsie -
Haymitch becoming Katniss' caretaker is so beautiful, I truly see him keeping sober after the war - maybe he bingedrank once back at twelve because the old demons are hard to chase away, but the next day when he sees Katniss depressed he realises he is far more useful sober. He had to take care of her, he still had a purpose. He is slowly helping her get better, maybe accompanying her to the woods for the first few times. He's just there
And even though Peeta goes back home, moves in with her, loves her, keeps the nightmares at bay... Haymitch keeps coming back, keeps making dinner for them, keeps going on walks, teasing, fussing a bit (it seems like he's learnt a lot from effie)
One time, when Peeta and Katniss both have influenza, Haymitch goes full doctor/dad mode - and for the first time, a highly feverish Katniss calls him dad. I'd see Haymitch stopping whatever he was doing for a sec and fight back at smile and then giving Katniss a kiss on her forehead and telling her a less charged version of stay alive.
Eventually, I think that Effie would come to 12. She'd move into Haymitch's house and at first, that feat would bring Katniss and Haymitch even closer. Effie was everywhere, she nagged and she prodded, she got on his nerves. So Haymitch sometimes runs away to Katniss' house, he took solace in the other's kindred spirit. They'd have a laugh, she'd let him bitch about her. She liked Effie but she didn't know her well enough yet. I think in these instances Peeta would be either at the Bakery or he just knew to let them have their time, he saw what they were to each other, how important they were for the other's well being.
But then, during the last months leading up to Prim's death anniversary, right around the time Katniss starts closing in on herself, getting broodier - moodier. Haymitch and Effie's relationship changes, after months of living together, learning their tricks and ticks; they fall in love, properly, absolutely. Haymitch gets lost on the high of the honeymoon stage. It also serves as a bit of a coping mechanism to keep the nightmares and horror from the war at bay.
It's not that he ignores Katniss, or Peeta for that matter. He's just... less aware, looks at everything with rose coloured glasses. After a long time, they are fine, content. The past is past.
Katniss feels like Effie is EVERYWHERE. She's the only one out of the three victors that isn't as happy with her presence. Effie loves Katniss, she considers Katniss as hers but Katniss isn't there... yet. (I feel like this would steem from her own relationship with her biological parents' - her dad left, he couldn't help it, he died but he always took care of her and her family, he taught her how to survive / SEE THE PARALLELISM WITH HAYMITCH TELLING KATNISS TO STAY ALIVE / but her mum... she abandoned her, from a young age, Katniss had to make do, she put bread on the table, she protected Aster and Prim, and her mom at the end, once again, CHOSE to leave her behind)
So yeah, Katniss is naturally wary of Effie, pair that with her Capitol self and it could be a recipe for disaster. At some point, they'd have a row - she says stuff that hurts Effie to her core - and Haymitch hates that. He tries to mediate but he gets "scalded". Katniss starts to avoid them, him. She gets worse. The demons are louder than ever.
And Haymitch two weeks into it, finally has to take matters into his own hands. They fight like they've never done before. Katniss yelling "You're not my dad" stops them in their tracks, 'cause at some point Haymitch really forgot. He just thought they didn't do the mushy shit and say it, there was no need for more acknowledgement after that feverish night. She was his to protect, she was his to care for, she was his to love.
It'd hurt him more than he'd let on.
They'd sulk, for a bit. Haymitch would storm out, but he'd also be the one to patch them up. I think they'd talk. It would go well, even though they're not such open books. They'd compromise. They'd acknowledge in the open air what they meant for the other. They'd move on. I think this would be the point when they start working on the Tributes book; because Katniss needs to do something with all the grief inside her. The woods and the happy family was not cutting it anymore.
And the four of them would sometimes get better, other times' they'd get worse. But they're always there for each other, like proper family. After sometime Katniss would leave behind the flight/fight mode. And yeah, life goes on.
I see her relationship with Effie getting better, to the point that sometimes she goes to her instead of Haymitch for stuff. Because she knows she won't leave. She learns to accept her flaws, she learns to love her happier and more optimistic demeanor. Effie also lets Katniss see, finally, the other side to her - the more human, vulnerable side that only Haymitch was privy to. Peeta's always seen through the cracks tho, so it doesn't surprise him as much. Peeta does know he's hers. Katniss learns to see herself as hers too.
And Peeta's and Katniss' wedding comes. They're forced to make a bigger spectacle than what they wanted to. Mama Effie and Papa Haymitch come to the rescue and fight to get them as much privacy as they can. Effie plans the whole thing to their liking.
I think she'd insist on adding a bit of Capitol tradition to it: the bride and the groom spending the night before the wedding apart. At first Effie would spend the night at Peeta's and Katniss' house, to keep him company in case he has an episode. And Katniss would go to Hayffie's. But Peeta makes a funny comment "It's not like you and Effie are getting married too, there's no need to make you suffer through the night alone" and Haymitch...just gets this little twinkle in his eyes. They accept with the promise that if Peeta has any troubles he'd come to them. So Katniss is the one that spends the night at Hayffie's.
They'd have a mostly quiet night in, Effie has more outward nerves than anyone else. The next day, Effie wakes Katniss up with her "big big day". But in a flurry she's gone to Peeta's, to make sure he gets dressed and is right on schedule. It also gives Katniss and Haymitch a bit of space to sneak out to the comfort of the woods for a bit. They make sure to come back before Effie catches them. She comes back to help Katniss get ready, she's teary eyed. Haymitch too, when he sees Katniss coming down the stairs. She looks soft, beautiful.
Effie leaves with Peeta, 10 minutes before them. Haymitch is in charge of getting Katniss to the justice building, that's when she asks him to give her away. And he does. The whole thing is perfect.
After an evening of partying, they bid their farewells. And go to have their private toasting. Peeta and Katniss want this part to be just theirs.
It's winter so at Effie's and Haymitch's the fire is roaring too. And she gets... curious; she's never been privy to that part of twelve customs so Haymitch takes the hands on approach and shows her how it's done. Effie understands what he's doing halfway through, Haymitch can see the recognition in her eyes. The slight stopping, the widening and surprise in her gaze. But she lets him go on, doesn't stop him even when he leaves enough space for her to make a run for it during the last part. He says wife, she says husband and she kisses him with all her fervor. All the love she has for him, all the love she's kept from him during their time as escort and victor.
She still makes him promise they'll have a proper party after a year.
They don't tell the kids what they've done tho. That ceremony is only theirs too.
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aethermint · 3 months
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Going to be writing prompts for my favourite ships in April! First time ever for me to actually post anything I write so excited for it.
The ships in question...
And whatever else I fixate on in-between. Probably TIVA AND HANNIGRAM also
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sea-owl · 1 year
Back on my bullshit because I've only seen one post about this and now I can't find it.
But anyway what if we got role reversal between Haymitch and Effie. Where Effie is the quarter quell victor who turned towards substance abuse to deal with her trauma. (I'm thinking morphling or some sort of sleeping pills) While Haymitch is the brainwashed Capitol escort who hides his real feelings behind a mask. (or some other career path tied to the games where he's with them from start to finish)
The kids still play the game what's Effie's real hair color, only this time she has it hidden under a scarf because she can't bear to look at the same hair color her younger sibling had.
Of course during all their years fighting and bickering as mentor and escort they fall in love
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gudvina · 5 months
Hayffie prompt - married in secret during the whole hunger games trilogy
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The things I do to keep you near.
Ship: Effie Trinket/Haymitch Abernathy
Fandom: Hunger Games
Chapter 1: Wedding Bells.
Picks up after Sour Comments but both can be read as standalones!
can be read on AO3! <3
71st Hunger Games, reaping season.
District Twelve’s sweltering heat was heavy on Effie Trinket’s skin as she made her way to the Victors’ Village, taking in the blooming fields around it. Despite the heavy coat of ashes by the city the earth there seemed cleaner, with wildflowers and ivies taking over the village’s walls, making it look almost picturesque. It didn’t resemble any of the gardens she’d seen in the Capitol, even the ones meant to replicate perfect wilderness couldn’t quite catch the restlessness of that land.
She crossed the iron gates, trying to ignore the weight she felt in her chest. Another reaping. Another set of children sent to be slaughtered. Every year it was harder and harder to stomach, and the option of leaving it all behind her was always itching in the back of her mind. But she couldn’t.
And not only because of the usual mantra “once in the Games, always in the Games”. When she arrived at the door that seemed to await her every year she took a moment to sport her brightest smile, in case anyone was watching, and knocked. Chin up!
She heard a thud and a bit of rustling behind the door, which soon opened to reveal the one reason she couldn’t leave.
“Didn’t hear the hovercraft” he said, barely awake. His hair was dishevelled, there was a huge stain on his shirt that she suspected- and smelled- to be vomit, and the hand that leaned on the door frame held a bottle of some sort of spirit. A rush of tenderness swept through her and her smile sweetened. She was ridiculous, she knew, but she couldn’t help feeling oh, so happy just at the sight of him.
“Well, that’s not the polite way to greet guests, Haymitch! Come on, let’s get you ready, we have a big, big day ahead of us” she quipped, making her way in, successfully ignoring the unpleasant smell of the house.
She set down her bags on the floor, not trusting the sofa, and turned to him with a wrinkle of her nose. “Now, how about you freshen up? We don’t have the whole day, according to my schedule in four hours the stage will be ready!”
Haymitch was visibly embarrassed by the state of the house, or maybe his state, but he just grumbled something under his breath and went upstairs. He was aware that Effie would attempt to clean around, just like she had done all those years before, but it didn’t make it easier. At best, he used to be irritated by her misplacing his things, at worst, he used to hate that a Capitol would get to see his worst.
But there was never pity in her eyes, and slowly they’d learned to work around each other.
When he was finally presentable he went back downstairs, finding his house looking a lot less like a dumpster and a lot more like a house. He found a shapely shimmery piece of fabric on his armchair and followed the smell of coffee that led him to the kitchen.
She was leaning on the counter, her eyes on the brewer. “So, sweetheart, you found us someone other than Chip and Chop?”
“Name-calling is incredibly rude, Haymitch! And no, for your information Tulsia and Tallia are still our stylists. Seneca was not willing to drop them” she answered, trying to sound unaffected by the facts. She didn’t like their stylists any more than he did, but it would not do to dwell too much on it, especially since they were much better than the ones before. She had raged after the stunt of putting naked children on blast, no matter how hiding coal could be.
“Uh, what is it, boyfriend ain’t budging?” he sneered, knowing she didn’t like to be pressed about her relationship with the young Game Maker. They’d had a relationship in the early years of her escorting career, the power couple for every little Capitol girl who dreamed of marrying a man whose destiny was killing children for fun. Pictures of them in high school were flying around, and constant rumours of an upcoming marriage made waves through Panem’s scene.
All of that stopped when they broke it off, announcing to the press that they were still friends, but their lives were taking different directions and they still supported one another. If he hadn’t fucked her throughout the entire relationship, maybe Haymitch would have been shocked by the news as well.
She’d never told him what truly happened between them, though. Not even a hint. Crane still made her puppy eyes from across the room, that was enough to know that the split wasn’t mutual, but otherwise, he had no idea of what happened, nor did she offer any explanation. And he didn’t know if he wanted her to.
“He said he couldn’t find any interesting stylist this year, but he’ll press for the next”. She sighed, ignoring him to pour two cups of their coffee.
“Uhm, maybe you’re still salty he didn’t sail the wedding boat with you”.
“Why, Haymitch, it appears you know about me more than I do! Pray, any other insight?”
“Well, if you insist, princess, I happen to know exactly what might cheer you up” he smirked, letting his hand grab the soft flesh of her ass, pressing her against the counter. The soft moan she let out should have been illegal.
“Haymitch, behave, please” she whispered, but her voice was not convinced, and she suspected he could tell as well.
“Think you like it when I misbehave, sweetheart” he whispered, letting his hands wander over her body, relishing in the fact that she was wearing a dress that was airy enough to let him touch her bare skin under it. Her moans and the way she gripped the counter spurred him on, and he soon had his hands in between her legs, pressing soft circles in the sensitive flesh of her core.
She let out a soft ‘oof’ sound when he stopped his ministration, backing away a little to unbuckle his belt and free his shaft. Effie turned towards him, coffee forgotten, and got down on her knees, making quick work of taking him in her mouth, sucking him just the way he liked it.
He usually didn’t fuck her so early into the Game, but the previous year she had disappeared for half of the edition, and he truly wanted, no, needed to feel her around him.
Before he could lose it he gripped her jaw and pulled out, bringing her to her feet again. He kissed her hard, an angry battle of tongues and teeth, before pulling her legs up around his waist and pressing her onto the kitchen, sheathing himself inside her. She moaned greedily and held him tight, kissing the crook of his neck as his thrust picked up speed. She delighted in their reunion.
He couldn’t think of anything else but the softness of her against his hardness, and when her walls tightened he rode her orgasm, chasing his own. It didn’t take long. Her whimpers drove him wild and soon he was spilling inside her. He left soft kisses on the flushed skin of her collarbone, trying very hard to avoid leaving marks on her skin.
“And now you have to take another shower, I don’t know why I bother!” she started with her little sing-song tone, and he smirked, detecting the strain in her voice. Effie looked at him, his air was all over the place again. She didn’t dare move too much or touch him too softly, especially now that he’d already found his release.
After last year’s mishap, his behaviour had changed slightly. For years they’d shared mad, violent nights, taking each other any time they needed some solace from their realities, but gradually the violence had waned down a little to leave place for a connection she couldn’t quite name. She didn’t even dare admit it to herself, what he was for her. What she felt for him.
Haymitch didn’t move, deciding to keep playing with the soft skin of her chest, his stubble tickling her a little as she relaxed against him. Her eyes took in the kitchen, the golden summer light seeping through the window exposing the freckles of dust in the air. Time seemed to have stopped and she relished in that stillness.
Suddenly she felt him start to grab again at her skin, and despite his purpose in doing so all that did was bring her back to reality. “Haymitch, we need to leave in a few hours and, tell you that, I don’t want to be late”.
“When do you ever?” he groaned, pulling out of her as she took a handkerchief from the counter to clean herself up.
“Never, we need to decide what you’ll wear for today and make sure everything is ready before the Peacekeepers come to get us,” she said, and then continued for another while as she fretted about what to do and about what was the state of the clothes she’d bought him the previous year.
It was interesting to see her transform from Effie, the girl who’d just blessed his kitchen and ears with sounds that would be shameful even in a brothel, into Effie Trinket, the escort who needed to be on top of everything. He felt a lot for Effie. He didn’t get to see her much in the light of day, and missed her until her return, when the night brought down her wigs and masks.
In that moment Effie Trinket had taken over, and there was nothing he could do but get himself a drink and follow her lead.
Haymitch wasn’t drunk enough to deal with Tulsia and Tallia’s mindless chatter, so he got up and took a flask of alcohol with him. The two did nothing but talk about the same three subjects in rotation, their voices overlapping because supposedly “twins have a special connection” and fuss over what might happen at whatever event. The children had retired for the night, a boy and a girl of twelve. This year, much more than the year before, it was hopeless. At the very least the girl was cute enough that some sponsors might just take pity on her, but he wasn’t even sure they’d survive the bloodbath.
He moved through the train’s carts, before finally coming to the one he was directed to. He entered and knocked on the door of the compartment he knew she was in, waiting for her to open. The soft padding of bare feet against the carpet could be heard behind the wood panel and then she appeared before him; no wigs, no makeup, just her in a nightgown.
“Haymitch, it’s incredibly late and I’m about to settle for bed. What is it?” she whispered, looking behind him in case there were waiters around. But the train had stopped for maintenance in District 7, and they were all slaving after the twins’ whims.
It took a while for him to answer, transfixed by the golden tresses crowning her visage. He knew he was about to do something stupid, but when she looked like herself being stupid didn’t sound so bad.
“I want to take a walk, come with me and bring matches” he whispered, before disappearing into another compartment where he stole a loaf of bread. Maybe last year’s absence had gotten under his skin more than he cared to let on. A part of him was screaming that it didn’t matter, that she was free to do what she wanted, and this wouldn’t change anything. But his madness for her won over any common sense.
Maybe twelve’s traditions had some meaning. Maybe it would influence something. He was mad. And drunk.
He stepped outside the train, putting on his best show by slurring to Peacekeepers that he wanted to take a walk, disappearing right outside the stations where an expanse of wood met his tired eyes. Good.
He didn’t dare step too far, just enough to be hidden by the guards, and sat down on the ground.
A bat of an eyelash and a worried mention of appearances was enough for Effie to convince the guards to let her search for him on her own. What was wrong with her, she wondered. Why did she always follow him around? But she couldn’t help it, she was curious and even though the humidity made her gown cling to her skin she stepped outside, searching for him.
Her eyes surprisingly adapted to the darkness, and soon she found him sitting on the ground, holding something between his hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Give me the matches”
Effie hesitated, but she couldn’t detect his expression, so she gave him the matches. A few minutes later he’d lit up a small fire, and her eyes took a minute to adjust to the light. When she took a better look at him his expression was unreadable, but his eyes were set on something, and now she saw that what he was holding was a small loaf of bread that he was trying to toast on the fire without burning himself.
She was stunned into silence, looking as he turned it around.
Then he held it to her.
“Can you toast it a little better for me?” he asked, slightly amused by the confusion on her face.
Her brow furrowed, but she took it and did as he asked, turning the loaf to make sure it wouldn’t toast too much. She didn’t understand, the train had a toaster that got the job done quite well; there was no need to scamper about in the cold of the night. And yet she couldn’t stop herself, concentrating her energies on the task at hand. Of his drunken acts up, this was by far the least harmless. After all, he’d been almost polite.
When she was satisfied with the golden crust she returned him the bread, enjoying the warmth of the fire, when he surprised her once more. He took the loaf and broke it into two pieces, setting his half on his lap before placing the other half in her hands with uncharacteristic gentleness.
“Cheers!” he smirked and took a bite, his eyes fixed on her.
“I’m sorry?”.
“Eat the bread and shut up, Princess”.
“But… did you put something in the bread?”
“What, you wanted butter?”
“I- no, I… is this a joke?”
“What?” he asked, worry creeping on him. Did she know? He didn’t think Escorts required knowledge of the districts they’d take on, but still, if she knew…
“You force me, a lady, outside in the middle of the night to toast some bread when there are perfectly good toasters inside the train. It sounds like a joke, doesn’t it?”
Relief. She didn’t know.
“It tastes better like this, this is why I left you the other half, to be proven right. Now eat the damn thing and shut up” he shrugged and took another bite of the delicious bread. Avoiding danger had never felt so rewarding.
She looked at him, confusion still taking over her features, but did as he asked. They both ate in silence, listening to the sounds of the night, the cackling of the fire, and the station workers doing their job.
When they were done Haymitch got up, moved closer to her, still sitting on the ground, and grabbed her waist as he let their lips meet in a chaste kiss, where he could still taste the bread. He interrupted it before any of them could turn it into something more.
“Let me put out the fire and we’ll be out of here”.
It wasn’t a fancy thing, and she didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he hoped it would do the trick. Good luck on leaving him, now that she was his wife.
They returned to the train station with much fanfare from her and incoherent slurring from him, the usual show. When inside, he waited a few minutes to join her in her compartment, curling around her small frame and holding her close. If he was lucky he might be rewarded for his troubles in the morning, but for the night he was content with just holding her, lulled to sleep by her soft breath and the faint smell of peaches on her skin.
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sohypothetically · 4 months
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Post 5: Girls Night Out
The stats:
2 years from first published to complete
300,000 words
8 couples (10 if you include Hayffie)
2 main OCs (original characters)
29 pages of outline
So many euphemisms
So much food
So much research
So much research
The fic changed my perception of Gale completely
First person
So, so much smut
Mr. Mellark lives!
If there's one criticism... it might be verbs. Or maybe that the first part feels a little too "crack fic" and ambles too much.
This fic changed my life. It changed how I felt about the fandom, my place in it, and my writing.
Contemporary A/U. Johanna Mason copes with a breakup the only way she knows how: going on a man-hunt. She brings her roommate Katniss Everdeen with her and the rest is frat party history. Rated M for explicit language, sexual innuendo, and general snarkiness. Written for Prompts in Panem Places Challenge, Prompt: Frat House. (Ships: Jo/other, Everlark, Gadge, Odesta)Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Romance 
GNO Tumblr
For more about the genesis of this fic, read the Tolkien Food Blog description below the cut.
I'm going to apologize because I'm pretty sure my Anon response earlier sounded like sour grapes. Boohoo that I wasn't in the inner circle and that I wasn't regarded as one of the top 50 Everlark authors. So what?
I mention it because I think it's important to understand my headspace when I talk about this next fi. Where it came from and where it led me.
So it was March of 2013. I'm on the periphery of a fandom that was so freaking talented. HGRomance, Atetheredmind, Court81981, Dustwriter, Amelia_Day, DandelionSunset, Fnurfnur, Misshoneywell, Peetasbunmyoven, Annieoakley1, hutchhitched, jhutchmyanchor, Everlark_Pearl, JLaLa, Monroeslittle, Sponsormusings, Xerxia, pookieh, louezem, bleedtoloveher, katnissdoesnotfollowback, streetlightlove, famousfremus... the list of phenomenal Everlarkers went on for days.
We would regularly have something called "Prompts in Panem". (You can check this out at promptsinpanem.tumblr.com.) These were, well, what they sound like. Pre-A03 fic exchanges based on prompts. It ran for a week, with each day having a new prompt. Everlark only. They prompts would release maybe a week in advance? I don't remember how long, but I know that it was a Bacchanalian festival where we would gorge ourselves on all things Everlark. Creative. Full of pressure. The goal was to put out something that people would read and comment on. It was all about buzz. (To be clear, I miss these.)
At the same time, I was reading other bits and pieces outside of Everlark. Whiskeysnarker, who wrote the best Johanna Mason. Hawtsee, one of the best Gadgers. I beta'd for an Odesta author.
PIP started and I knew that there was nothing I had in my quiver that wasn't going to be done 100 times better by every other author in the fandom. I didn't have an angle, and I wanted one. I wanted something that would make for interesting reading. I had no ideas.
So I did what every writer does when experiencing a doubt-spiral. I poured myself a glass of wine. And one glass became two. I cried. Then I got mad, sort of like Katniss when she shoots the apple in the pig's mouth in THG. And I heard a voice in my head berating me stridently for my pity party. That voice became the voice of Johanna Mason for GNO. And let me tell you, she doesn't suffer fools. And she has opinions.
Everlark through the eyes of another? And that person is Johanna? And it starts at a frat party? Hell, yeah.
It was only ever supposed to be a one shot. And then honeylime08 made a comment about wanting more.
The rest is history.
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mirixmoya · 3 months
I have a prompt for the Effie’s version stories. I always remember of Hayffie when I listen to “the last time”. Especially this part of the song: "This is the last time I'm asking you this, put my name at the top of your list". I can totally imagine Effie saying this. I also think the lyrics would match perfectly with moment that Haymitch tells Effie that he is leaving for twelve. I know you didn't write for Red yet, but I had to share this idea with you. The way you write Hayffie is just amazing!
hello anon!!
thank u so much for this prompt omg i completely agree i think "the last time" is suchhhh a perfect hayffie song! i already have a bunch of ideas for what i could write for that song, considered it bumped towards the top of my RED list :)
and thank u sooo much for ur lovely words, hayffie nation u are so generous and kind, truly such a pleasure to write for <333
thank u again and i hope u have a lovely day!
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ao3feed-everlark · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7sH69hC
by dandelionlovesyou
Anon prompt from PromptsEvelark: A cheek kiss that missed. Young children!Everlark. Six-year-old Peeta Mellark has a dilemma -- he kissed his best friend, Katniss Everdeen, on the lips! What is a young one supposed to do?
P.S. The Hunger Games Series belongs to Suzanne Collins.
Words: 2228, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark
Additional Tags: Implied Hayffie, Children!Everlark, Six-year-old dilemma with a kiss, Our baby boy Peeta panicked
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7sH69hC
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firstdragonlady · 3 months
i have a prompt if you'll like one! How about one where Effie and Haymitch find each other after the war??? maybe 5 moments that show the evolution of their relationship or something similar!!!
Here you go. :) Thank you for the prompt!
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tessaservopoulos · 2 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
the lovely @oliviassunrise tagged me!
i recently reworked how my wip folder is set up because i'm anal as fuck, but it's also...a fucking mess right now. so enjoy!
a piece in the games [folder for the tessjoel thg au]
aos fic [folder for agents of shield fic]
AUpril fics to write [folder for the remaining au prompts from last year i never finished]
discontinued wips [folder for my wip graveyard that i've slowly been resurrecting over time, continues multiple fandoms]
future fics [folder for ideas i want to write some day and get random brainworms for so i'll write snippets, but i'm not emotionally available to invest myself in yet]
i press you to the pages of my heart (i just wanna get a little bit closer) [folder for my elena/elijah tvd au]
one-shot fics to finish [folder for one-shots i start, then abandon, and mean to return to]
san andreas fic [folder for emma/ray fic]
stranger things fics [folder for stranger things/jopper related fic]
tell me we'll never get used to this [folder for the at the pleasure 'verse]
thg fics [folder for hunger games/hayffie fic]
twd fics [folder for the walking dead fic]
twilight fics [folder for twilight/carlislesme fic]
we paint the town blue [folder for the tessjoel cop au]
circle the drain [tessjoel wip]
hold onto this lullaby [tessjoel wip]
i spend every day in a haunted house [tessjoel wip]
staring at the ceiling with you [tessjoel wip]
tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us [tessjoel wip]
the world turned upside down (who am i to complain) [tessjoel wip]
to the ends of the earth [tessjoel wip]
tagging 21 people simply because i'm an insane person is not happening but i'll tag @sassymajesty, @electricbluebutterflies and @becomethesun since all my other writer friends seemed to have been tagged already :)
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Another one from the hoard!
Building Everything Right
The children were walking a short distance in front of them and Effie couldn’t help but smile when she saw Katniss laugh at something Peeta said before half-jumping on him in clear reprimand. Peeta laughed too, accepted the shove only to wrap his arm around her, tugging her close into his side…
Her smile turned a little wistful as she contemplated the difference between them and Haymitch and her.
They were walking close but with enough distance to keep everything perfectly respectable.
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blackpatrxnum · 2 years
I recently read the entirety of The Hunger Games for the first time (I knoww, I've arrived pretty late to the party) and fell into the rabbithole that is ✨ hayffie ✨. After all the fanfictions I've read and lurking I've done, I decided to finally join the online community.
May I present you a figment of my imagination: Azalea Abernathy (the pic on the left is her in District 12 and the right one depicts her dressed in a more Capitolesque way). This is Haymitch's and Effie's daughter.
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aethermint · 6 months
Hayffie fic prompt... hope someone picks this up!
Alternative Version to Hunger Games Catching fire...
It's time for President Snow to announce the rules for the quarter quell. As per canon, he announces the victors to be reaped. However he also mentions a special surprise for panem, nothing is specified apart from the fact being a 'this is what happens when you embarass me' move.
At the reaping, Effie reaps Katniss and Haymitch and Peeta volunteers in his place and that is that. Then the mayor and gamekeepers pass the 'special surprise' in a note for their escort to read out allowed to District 12, with the rest of panem watching of course.
'For the 3rd Quarter Quell, in reciprocation of recent actions of rebellious insurgency, and the consequences should these fool's errands continue, the capitol offer up one of their own as tribute. Euphemia Trinket.'
Haymitch is quick to put himself back in the games, but he's not capitol. But perhaps President Snow might make an exception... maybe district 12 will have 3 tributes and one escort in the arena? Or will Haymitch have to leave his family behind in the arena.
What Snow expects to achieve here is to show the Capitol and the Districts that he is in charge, and no weakness or rebellious acts will be tolerated and swiftly dealt with. Most importantly to show the Capitol what will happen to them without his leadership. The districts will hunt them down and they will helpless to defend themselves without him in their corner. Poor Effie. But I reckon she'd be a force to be reckoned with, and make Snow regret it.
I feel this would be an interesting new take for this ship and explore dynamics between all the characters and all in the feels and good fun. I hope someone will take this up!! Otherwise might have to write it myself.
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ao3feed-hayffie · 1 year
The Bartender
by EllanaSan
Chaff liked his bars with some character, chaffed booths, dimmed lights, dubious looking bowls of peanuts, stained counters… That was where you found the best booze – and the easiest ladies.
The Capitol had none of that.
Words: 2299, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 128 of Have a Drink Sweetheart (Hayffie Prompts/one shots collection)
Fandoms: Hunger Games Trilogy - Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games (Movies), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Chaff (Hunger Games), Haymitch Abernathy, Effie Trinket
Relationships: Haymitch Abernathy & Chaff, Haymitch Abernathy/Effie Trinket
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Best Friends, Humor, chaff is a good wing man, haymitch isn't good at being winged, effie is just there for the show
Read this story on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1PjBYrz
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