#a.shitty asks
mamashitty · 5 years
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters: Oh. Em. Geee. This one is a hard one. But, ever since I was first introduced to Sir Sam Vimes of the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork. Feet of Clay was my first foray into Discworld and Terry Pratchett’s  writing and Sam Vimes--and there has been NO looking back. I absolutely love his character growth and changes throughout the novels that he is featured in. Each time I reread a book involving him, or realize I haven’t read one of his and then pick it up.. I fall in love all over with him again. Y’all, everyone should read Discworld. THe end.
My other is... oh fudge. 
Moist von Lipwig, another one from Discworld. He’s just... incredible and such a fun character to read. This one is a tough one because SOMETIMES he hops over Vimes for me, but not very often and usually Vimes stays number one. Also, and I am way into Mr. Jack Zimmermann at the moment but consistently, it is usually Moist and Vimes as my top fave. 
🌼 Fave flower: Y’all, I used to work at a greenhouse and I really do not have a favorite flower. FOR SHAME ON ME. But, hmm... I do like snap dragons and do coleus count? I find them really awesome looking.  And this is probably going to sound even weirder... but uh they always just kind of remind me of dinosaurs? I have no idea but I associate dinosaurs with them and that is cool to me. 
If anyone else wants to ask me anymore of these, check ‘em out :D
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mamashitty · 5 years
8, 20 and 22 for the writer’s ask!
8) What punctuation/grammar/spelling errors do you make consistently? Oh my goodness. For a person with a degree in English, I am fucking atrocious when it comes to punctuation and grammar. Mistakes left and right. I used to have a love affair with the semicolon. Why? Because, aesthetically, it is pleasing to me. I love the look of semicolons and would just shove them in willy-nilly. I’ve basically forced myself to stop with them. But, fuck, I miss them. So, yeah. All the mistakes and errors. Ugh, I miss you semicolon. ; ; ; 
20) What is one thing you would never do in a story or to a character? Rape. I do so much to my characters, more in RP than my fics, but I am also a newbie when it comes to fic writing so there is still time. Rape, though, is something that I will never write in a story.
22) Do you “write what you know” or not? Nope. I will happily write what I do not know, and what I have never experienced before. I actually love exploring things I’ve never done and having my characters do it. I like to live vicariously through my friends, so why not my characters too? I borrow from what I know, feeling and experiences both, and incorporate that into the things I do not know. Plus, with the internet, researching is relatively easy. You can get such a good jump start, get so many good starting points to start the writing before you have to do the deep dive in future edits. It gives me an excuse to research. I love research. Unrelated, I miss school.
Thanks for asking these!
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mamashitty · 5 years
5, 7, 9, 11
5) Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh. Going to name two. Bad Moms, because I watched it with a bunch of my friends for a ladies night. It always makes me really happy, just that memory, and it is funny. The second is: My Neighbor Totoro, it isn’t like uproarious laughter, but it does make me laugh, because of some of the things Mei and Satsuki do. The movie just captures childhood, and it is wonderful. Especially in the little things the characters do.
7) What do you enjoy daydreaming about most? Usually, whatever it is I want to write about LOL. Be it scenarios for my RP characters or in the last couple of months since I’ve added fic writing, then fic ideas and AUs and scenes. I also daydream about some original novel ideas that I really ought to work on. So, in short, writing stuff. Daydreaming about it makes me happy, too. Because I can’t always write when I want with kids and stuff, so daydreaming about it makes me feel productive even if no real writing is occurring. And it is just fun to me.
9) What’s a smell that reminds you of home? I have a really bad sense of smell, so nothing really stands out to me. I don’t associate too much with smells because of that. Hmm.. but, freshly-baked cookies remind me a lot of my house growing up. I’ll go with that!
11) Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness. Swimming with son a few weeks back. He was so afraid of the pool at the start of the summer, would cling tightly to me. But, then slowly, as we went swimming more and more, he began to let go of me. He’s still cautious because he is cautious by nature, but he swims on his own with his puddle jumper, he has begun to try to put his face under the water. He splashes, he swims in circles, he lets me let go of him and swim all around him. And it just hit me the last time we swam together, the sheer joy he had in it. And how proud of himself. And his happiness and joy definitely rubbed off on me, and it was nice. I loved it. I will miss swimming once it cools off this year. 
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mamashitty · 5 years
For bookish asks: 13: Name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption and 14: Name a book where the movie/tv adaption actually was better than the original
13: Name a book with a really bad movie/tv adaption: I sat on this for a while. I usually have a fairly easy time of viewing movies/tv adaptions as something completely different than the book. I think I just view it as fanfiction a lot of the time, and it tends to make me feel a lot less disappointed in adaptions. I will say though, most recently and really the only example jumping out at me right now is The Miseducation of Cameron Post.
I had read the book first and I think that might be the biggest issue with me enjoying the adaption. I also feel like the adaption really suffered from either not being split into two movies where they could really take more chunks of the book, especially before she goes to the camp, into the movie. It felt rushed and you could not get into Cameron’s thoughts, by virtue of it being a movie. I just think it would have benefited from being split into more movies or maybe even a miniseries where more time could have been devoted to what she experienced, really introducing her all her relationships with people, what happened with her parents, etc. It was not an awful movie or anything, but I just felt a little cheated by the adaption.
14: Name a book where the movie/tv adaption actually was better than the original: Coraline.I read the book and it was a good book, I actually cannot wait for my kids to be old enough to read it on their own. That said, I definitely feel like the movie adaption, for me, was more magical and entertaining to consume.  
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mamashitty · 5 years
56, 69 for the weird asks
56. favorite tradition? This has made me realize that I don’t partake in a lot of traditions, and I’m like really sad about that. Especially having kids, I feel like they are definitely missing out on the fact my husband and I apparently are failing at this. So, I am going to go about this a little differently and mention a tradition I hope to start.
My son starts preschool this year (crazy), and when I was in school as a kid, my Mom always had one big day where she would take me shopping without my brothers, for one new school outfit, and then we would go out to eat after. It was nice. So, I hope to do something similar for my son. We stopped around high school because a lot was going on then. So, I guess, my answer is this tradition in the past that I hope to borrow and maybe tweak for my own kids.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? That tongue prints are unique to each individual. I feel like this is probably a fun fact a lot of people probably learned, but like my mind went weirdly blank when answering this question, and this is the only fun fact I could remember. 
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mamashitty · 5 years
For the weird asks: #9 favorite smell in the summer? - WrathoftheStag
I do not have a very strong sense of smell (which I think was a saving grace for me both times I was pregnant). I think because of that I do not associate a lot of things or memories or feelings with smells. It is hard for me to pinpoint smells that I really like too.
All of that said, though. THIS summer I have come to really enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass. I’m flabbergasted that I could even smell it the handful of times I did. Maybe that’s why I really liked it–when the wind blew just right or something, a few times this summer, I smelled it and it was nice.
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