#a3! guy
unluckyamulet · 5 months
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hey a3 nation, i have some himbos for you
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 (ur here!)
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emilycollins00 · 1 month
Hiii I don't know if you would write it (it's okay if you don't) but to change the tone a bit, could you do a list of toxic traits/red flags of the troupes members? I saw it in another fandom and thought it would be interesting! love your stuff btw
Thank you for waiting love!! 💕 That said, hope you are still around aksdjkdn it's been a while.
I wasn’t sure if you meant in a relationship or just in general, so I went with the flow a bit and did whatever felt more suitable for each at the time (hence why some are longer)
Warning: I focused on showing bad traits and exploiting them so my apologies if any fan doesn’t like what I chose, don’t take it too much to heart!
A3! and their toxic traits
Sakuya – Conflict avoidance / Insecure
He definitely struggles to voice what he wants and needs because he’s afraid of upsetting people or his patner, which leads to Sakuya never deciding anything.
Afraid of rejection, instead of addressing conflicts or expressing his feelings openly, he tends to retreat into silence, limiting himself to smile, and definitely avoids discussing certain topics.
Of course, when there’s a fight he never wants to argue. Not to say he’ll just apologize, but he will try to find a solution (even if it doesn’t make much sense) to pretend it’s all good and everyone is content when in reality, it’s not.
Itaru – Childish / Half-assed
Has a tendency to talk about people behind their back when they do something that upsets him, instead of talking it out.
Sometimes going out with him feels like babysitting. He tends to complain if he’s in a place he didn’t want to be. It’s his day off and you two already saw one another three days ago, couldn’t he just have stayed at home?
Incredibly bad memory when it comes to remembering special occasions but try asking him when is the birthday of his favorite character… or maybe don’t.
Masumi – Overly intense / Tunnel focus
This boy’s downfall are relationships. Masumi has incredibly intense feelings – that’s no surprise, so when he finally falls the beginning is perfect, almost fairytale like.
But then he asks opinions about choosing a wedding venue. Asks about a having kids. When going to the store he even begins to look for baby clothes. First week gone and he’ll want to meet with in-laws. Want to move in together.
He loves so much that it’s overbearing and doesn’t realize how pressuring he is – how fast he’s willing to move everything. Still, what’s there to think? Their partner must want the same thing.
Chikage – Righteous / Emotionally Distant
Being with him, whether it’s in a romantic relationship or friendship, is emotionally draining.
While people pour everything they have into their relationships, Chikage, aside from the people from Mankai, won't even be half as invested. And all the time, patience, and effort that should've come from both parties is off unbalance which ofc turns into an eventual distance.
IF he’s ever confronted about it he sighs, because as expected, it now has become a tiring task for him. People know he’s usually like this. Why getting angry or bothered by his persona? It’s not like he was lying or anything to anyone.
Tsuzuru – Workaholic/ Untrustworthy
I think at first his relationships would be great. Tsuzuru does try to make time for friends/partners/family after all.
But sooner than later, he’s again cramped up with scriptwriting, uni, work... you name it.  People notice the pressure he’s under, so he’s usually proposed to take a break, to go with someone somewhere, but he just doesn’t listen. 
He will be apologetic “I’m so sorry, I have to complete this before the end of... “I forgot we were…” “I’ll make it up to you next time!” and it’s understandable, but he’s always like this.
If anyone insist too much, he might get irritated and snap, and if the person snaps back or leave he does realize how badly he messed up… but half the time, he won’t make a move. He’ll tell himself to talk it later.
Citron – Toxic Positivity / Overthinker
King of no one can be mad if we don’t focus on the issue? A little bit tactless given the situation as well.
And god bless him but while he takes notice if anyone is not feeling well, partner or not, he decides to be absolutely oblivious to their bad moods. If they want to talk about it he doesn’t get it either. Why is everyone upset about it, at least it’s over now!
Doesn’t like taking responsibility for his actions, making excuses to justify his behavior, so he tries to always have others or his partner on his side, just in case.
Tenma – Accusatory / Invasive
Always has something to say, no matter the argument – even if he's clearly the one in the wrong. Instead of working it out rationally, he shifts the blame away and pins it on the other person, guilt-tripping into thinking he's the one compromised.
If others were indeed wrong however, prepare for a non-stop nagging for days to come. If driven by his ego, this will escalate and in eeeevery conflict, this will be brought up.
In a relationship Tenma thinks he has the right to intervene in his partner’s personal affairs, meaning if they have something going on or someone they have a problem with, he’s going to lash out even if he was asked to leave it alone. What-? Why are you mad? You should be thanking him!
Muku – Pessimist / Passive
He want to know everything about everyone and in a relationship, his partner is always free to tell him about their problems… but that’s when troubles begin.
Overly sensitive, and when stresses he’s the type to blame himself in any situation which makes dealing with him kind of exhausting after a while.
That said, despite his kind self, Muku is overly passive in his communication. He often avoids direct confrontation, leading to unresolved issues which given his pessimistic nature as well have him tensed all the time awaiting when his actions might turn against him.
Since it really always his fault, you don’t have to remind him.
Misumi – Uncommunicative / Dismissive
Misumi, as many here, has a tendency to avoid confrontation and suppress his emotions, leading to communication barriers and unresolved issues in any type of relationship.
As it goes, this lack of communication prevents any relationship from progressing and resolving underlying issues, creating a stiff dynamic... at least from other people's view, since Misumi likes to get over things quickly and expects everyone to do the same. A little bit tactless in that sense.
This includes having a hard time taking the blame. He wants it to be on everyone. Even if it’s his fault, the closest anyone’s ever going to get is: Mmm we all said and did things we shouldn’t, right? let’s try to move on!
Kumon – Overwhelming / Unattentive
He doesn’t even know he usually speaks over or interrupts others but definitely knows he has the need to protect their partner.
He’s so deluded into thinking he’s doing a good thing by pulling their partner away from the slightest danger. Sidewalk is too crowded? He’ll insist to walk on the busy road. Too hot today? Maybe it’s better to stay inside. He pulls everyone away every time he thinks they are close to getting hurt. At first it’s nice, but does become suffocating.
And if it's his partner tells him they don’t need his help, he’ll laugh before assisting anyway.
In general relations sometimes he will not stop even if you can’t keep up with him if he’s too excited. He’s just go go go all the time.
Kazunari – Liar / Dependant
On one hand Kazunari knows he can be completely honest with his partner, but he can’t differentiate between being honest in a way that supports a healthy relationship without… sometimes being honest in a way where he says something to hurt their feelings. So yeah, he sometimes lies.
He also involuntarily crosses boundaries (no consent in certain lives, photos uploaded…) and suffocates with constant attention. He struggles with trust issues too, constantly seeking validation from his partner or others to alleviate his insecurities.
This behavior in the end becomes draining if he’s in a relationship, as his partner feels trapped and unable to maintain their independence.
Yuki – Non-existent filter / Accusatory
During intense moments of blinding anger, Yuki jabs out everything he thinks without ever sugarcoating it, and there really isn't much to stop that.
Also maybe because while logical most of the time, he’s a bit short-tempered in certain situations (especially when stressed), so if provoked or at least he feels recriminated, he'll say some really hurtful things, insecurities that people took time to open up to with him.
If something goes wrong and he’s not in the fault he’s quick to complain as well. He already knew what was going to happen, so why did everyone insist on doing it? And why would anyone think he will sympathise afterwards? 
Banri – Expectations / Charge
Wants to be in charge of everything. Prone to micromanaging their partner while stubbornly refusing to ask for help even if it’s obvious,
He has so much going on that if anyone crosses him, romantic relationship or not, Banri will play with the “I will leave if you want”. Because he would leave and he wouldn’t even feel regretful.
Because of his good memory and capacities, he tends to wait for people to catch things quickly. He didn’t bring coffee to class and expects people to know that he drank it on the way because morning rehearsal was rough. He didn’t answer anyone’s text so he expected everyone to know that needs revision – to him, that stuff is easy. What? No one knew? He always does similar details for everyone – he shouldn’t have to say it out loud every time.
Specially his partner. They should know what he’s thinking in these moments. If they don’t, maybe they didn’t love him as much as they said.
Taichi – Jealous / Low self-esteem
This boy lacks confidence in himself and the relationship no matter the type.
Catches himself thinking how everyone is much better than him – and in a relationship he’s scared his partner would leave him for anyone. Makes sense. They are perfect and kind, he’s just... him.
Of course he would want to be with their partner all the time, very clingy and overly emotional when arguing with him or when they tell him off. Might have taken a look or two at his partner's notifications of messages. He felt bad after though, he promises!
Juza – Self-esteem / Walls
Usually clueless about what he’s doing wrong and can’t seem to know how much effort to put into a new relationship, romantic or not. It could be days of not talking with him or him not answering just because he didn’t know if it would feel abrasive.
So yeah, I wouldn’t say he’s blinded by his anxieties and worries but then again, it’s not like he’ll ever talk about it with anyone either.
In a relationship, Juza wouldn’t think they love him enough to stay if he reveals all his insecurities. In his eyes, his partner will leave him one day, he knows it. They are too good for someone like him.
Sakyo –  Rigid / Controlling
Exceedingly strict but only when it’s related to him. Like, he doesn’t pick up the phone during work time because that wouldn’t be professional of him, yet when he’s with others? He continues mentioning work-related stuff or leaves to take calls.
There’s also certain controlling behavior in his romantic relationships. While he may initially come across as caring and devoted, his need for control becomes evident as the relationship progresses, leading to feelings of suffocation and resentment.
When in a fight, Sakyo is rough with his words and has to have the last word no matter what. His anger also lasts for days and the silent treatment is a huge thing. Will act like nothing has happened after that.
Omi -  Low esteem / Unwillingness to commit
This man's steps on eggshells with relationships, romantic or not. Omi is terrified to let anyone in and see their eyes judging.
In a relationship he’s too scared to show how much he loves his partner and honestly that very own cautiousness, that unwillingness to fall, hurts more than he realizes.
Omi is also someone who never expresses complicated feelings, either. He might just need time, but never asks for any.
People are left feeling like they might only be in the relationship because he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. When asked he hesitates, which hurts the most. He can’t seem to understand he needs to let himself go. This happens again and again because in the end, Omi decides that it’s best to not fall at all – he doesn’t need another scar.
Azami – Extreme / Overly guarded
Azami is prude but as he grows, he becomes not so… accepting.
He scoffs wherever he sees something he doesn’t approve, and if in a relationship their partner wants to hold his hand, he’ll rip it away and lecture them angrily about how it might look to others. You should know by now.
As such, he tends to be emotionally distant and closed-off in all relationships. He struggles and often avoids discussing his feelings or concerns.
This emotional guardedness creates insecurity in the relationships, as many feel like they are unable to connect with him on a deeper level. His reluctance to open up leads to communication misunderstandings as well.
Their partner or friends must not love him, that’s the only reason he can think of – but he won’t show his fear of that possibility.
Tsumugi – Distracted / People pleaser
This young man doesn’t make it on purpose, which is all the way down frustrating.
He will have periods of time where he’s attentive to everyone, and in a relationship his partner is his number one priority.
Others becomes overly focused on his own pursuits, leaving little time or energy for nurturing any type of relationship. When he notices, he becomes again hyper attentive, doing anything for the relationship to not deteriorate.
But since additionally Tsumugi struggles to communicate effectively about his emotions and decisions, this leads to more distance to grow.
Hisoka – Ghosting / Short-tempered
Honestly he doesn’t look into the care and delicacy relationships take. Doesn’t answer messages nor call and if he does it’s quick and short.
He’s sparse with his attention. No, he doesn’t want to go out, partner, friend, or whatever should stop asking. Also it’s becoming annoying. When in a fight, if he finds it’s not important, it will always seem like he doesn’t care about anything.
Hisoka won’t compromise either, he won’t be more attentive, he doesn’t want to be, that’s too much work. And if they try to force it? Then people just don’t get him and probably just want to change him.
People unwllingness to accept and understand who he is only proves to him that this specific relationship whatever people what to call it, wasn’t meant to be, so he shrugs it off.
Azuma – Façade / Bottling emotions
No matter what, he refuses to share information about himself and can’t keep everything equal, whether you are a friend or his partner.
If there’s a feeling like something is off, and anyone mentions it rather than admitting what’s on his mind he’ll simply say that it’s fine, that all is good and perfect, and then proceed to bury it even deeper within him.
Azuma keeps burying his feelings in and trying not to resent whatever is causing him like this more and more until one day something happens and his emotions erupt out of him and he’s crying or worse, leaves for some time.
If anyone wants to know where he’s been, well, good luck trying to figure it out.
Tasuku – Rough / Absent-minded
Prioritizes his own needs and desires above others, resulting in selfish and insensitive behavior. I can’t imagine Tasuku changing his routine to fit someone else in, lover or not.
To him it’s pretty straightforward If someone doesn’t fall into sync with him, that’s life and this relationship just wasn’t meant to be. What? Why should he change the time he goes to the gym – shouldn’t his partner just get up earlier if they want to eat breakfast with him?
Or with his friends, sure he gets along, but why should he alter the way his life is, and try to finish rehearsal earlier? He doesn’t get the reason to change and tends to avoid fighting, not just because of cutting contact, but because he doesn’t want to fight with anyone... he doesn’t have time for whatever it is.
Homare – Overly worried / Opinionated
By now everyone should know that he will not give you much space when there’s a problem. He will constantly be asking questions about it and little time does he tries to listen to all versions or if he even should intervene.
And holy molly does he intervene often enough.
Also Homare doesn't get mad almost never, but becomes incredibly distressed when something goes wrong.
He won't say anything when he's feeling like that though. It's hard for him to control his emotions during a difficult time period and usually needs to be comforted to calm down but becomes so difficult when it’s time to allow people into the real him.
Guy – Distant / Trust
If this man ever has any type of problem, most people, partner included, will never know.
It’s not that he’s actively trying to keep things away, but he has no way of knowing that he should be sharing certain things.
Everyone’s held at arm’s length. His partner might think being his partner would make them close, but it’ll feel like he confides in his troupe more than them.
He doesn’t have a good example of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, so don’t expect him to do anything romantic unless anyone tells him so. He also doesn’t have a filter, meaning he’s brutally honest. No one should be surprised if he hurts feelings in his monotonous voice.
Hope you all enjoyed it, definitely interesting to think of them in these terms.
Have a wonderful day! 💕💕
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ginjithewanderer · 8 months
A3! Web Manga Translation — Chapter 312: Japanese
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Citron gets confused about Yuzo calling Sakyo "chum," and…?
Featuring: Citron, Sakyo, Guy, Yuzo Original at https://manga.a3-liber.jp/comic/2036/
Note: Although I chose to translate this chapter in a way that'd make sense immediately upon reading it in English, the wordplay in Japanese is different and is worth knowing about. Yuzo has always called Sakyo "bouzu" or 坊主, which is a familiar way to refer to a boy much younger than you. However, the word 坊主/bouzu literally means a Buddhist monk, and in reference to Buddhist monks' shorn heads, can be used to refer to someone who is bald or has very close-cropped hair. In the same way, it's also a fishing term meaning to have caught no fish, and it's theorized that the term comes from those monks having no hair (no hair / no fish).
So, Yuzo calls Sakyo "bouzu" and Citron gets confused, saying that Sakyo has a lot of hair (so he's not "bouzu" as in "bald"). Guy then corrects him and brings up the fishing meaning, and then says Sakyo shouldn't feel bad about his inability to catch fish. Sakyo yells about how it's not the fishing "bouzu" Yuzo is using. I hope that's clear enough!
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a-small-tin-heart · 9 months
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"Guy, look at this. The jasmines blossomed beautifully this year too."
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guyenthusiast · 7 months
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To celebrate Nomadic Bartender. Otsu everyone~
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prideoftheknights · 7 months
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translation under the cut!
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Customer A: One gimlet please.
Guy: Understood.
Customer B: ...The way he mixes the drinks so masterfully is clean.
Customer A: Ah, you're right. Each and every movement he makes is really smooth.
Customer B: Whenever he makes cocktails, it feels like he's doing some sort of magic...
Customer A: Even just watching is fun too.
Guy: Thank you very much. Sorry to keep you waiting.
[Bell ringing SFX]
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Syu: ......
I think I'll have a gibson today.
Guy: Coming right up.
Syu: Winter Troupe's next play should be beginning soon, right?
Guy: Yes. We'll be having a meeting about the contents of the play soon. I'll be happy if you're able to come see our play again.
Syu: Seems like the Spring, Summer and Autumn troupes all had the last member to join playing their second lead roles this time, so Guy will be next right?
It'll be a big day for the master who's always serving me delicious drinks, so I'll definitely be watching.
Guy: ...Thank you for waiting.
Syu: The bar's always crowded but strangely, I find it relaxing here.
That reminds me, I was thinking of bringing an old friend here next time. I might've told you before but this man used to be my dad's assistant.
After my dad passed, he left the group and we lost contact. But the other day, I met him by chance.
Guy: Since that is the case, do feel free to meet up at the store. I'll be waiting for you both.
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Tsuzuru: To start off, we've decided the lead will be Guy as planned before; so next up, we'll have to decide on what the theme will be...
Guy-san, do you have anything you wanna do?
Homare: Since our fourth plays, Guy-san has racked up a lot of experience; he's even become a prominent theatre nerd. Wouldn't anything be fine?
Guy: Actually, since I'd known I would be the next lead for quite a while now, I've already thought about this in advance.
Do you think you'd be able to write a story about a job again, a bartender theme?
Izumi: Bartender?
Guy: I started my bar because I wanted to promote Zafra's culture in a different way from Citronia, but now it's become a big part of my life.
That's why I wanted to face it again through a play.
Tsumugi: If our play is set in a bar, there'll be a mature atmosphere that only we can create as the Winter Troupe!
Tasuku: And it suits Guy-san, too.
Izumi: But the job theme overlaps with our previous play Sunny Blanc though, so we need to make sure to differentiate the two properly.
Tsuzuru: How about we mix the bartender profession with something else?
Izumi: Something else, huh... Like a bartender who works in a market stall? I think there's a manga that has a story like that.
Tasuku: How about mixing bartending with battle?
Hisoka: Come to think of it... Earlier, customers were saying that Guy's cocktails looked like magic.
Tsuzuru: Magic... How about a bartending wizard?
Homare: Indeed, winter troupe has not performed many plays with a fantasy genre.
Azuma: I think the wizard aspect will suit Guy's mysterious image.
Tasuku: Sounds good.
Tsumugi: There'll be a clear difference between the florist theme of Sunny Blanc, so I'm in favour of this idea too.
Tsuzuru: I'll be moving forward with the script in this direction, then.
Izumi: We'll be counting on you!
Guy: I'm looking forward to it.
Izumi: (It's been a while since his last lead role, so Guy-san's all fired up now. I wonder how this next play's gonna turn out~)
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Guy: ......
Azuma: I haven't seen that charm in a while.
Guy: I'm reporting to my father about me being the next play's lead.
Azuma: ...I see.
Guy: It's impossible right now, but I hope there will be a day where I get to tell him this in person.
Azuma: I'm sure your feelings will reach your father.
Guy: ...Yeah.
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itstaruchi · 11 months
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Mankai Birthday Party Tickets 🍁❄️ Part 2
Small DIY project , art from MANKAI BIRTHDAY series
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everwisp · 1 year
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may you continue to bloom and be surrounded with the love you deserve 🥰
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the-himawari · 1 year
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A3! Translation - 6th Anniversary Inste Travel Photos [Winter Troupe]
Special thanks to @asteroidtaker​​ for sharing the posts with me! 📸🎊  
Cross-posted to twitter
Notes under the cut~
1. A marimo is a rare type of algae which grows in a ball-shape. They are regarded as good luck in Japan.
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2. Rui-be is a traditional dish of the Ainu people. It consists of seafood (usually salmon) which is frozen and then cut and served like sashimi.
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mrshamada-dorian · 12 days
a3! headcanons but its what twst dorm they would fit into
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a/n: tried to section them off purely based off vibes, but started to overthink it and this is how it turned out. if you have any differing opinions, don't hesitate to let me know.
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Spring Troupe:
Sakuya Sakuma - Diasomnia
Masumi Usui - Diasomnia
Tsuzuru Minagi - Heartslabyul
Itaru Chigasaki - Ignihyde
Citron - Pomefiore
Chikage Utusuki - Scarabia
Summer Troupe:
Tenma Sumeragi - Pomefiore
Yuki Rurikawa - Pomefiore
Muku Sakisaka - Pomefiore
Misumi Ikaruga - Scarabia
Kazunari Miyoshi - Scarabia
Kumon Hyodo - Ignihyde
Autumn Troupe:
Banri Settsu - Savanaclaw
Juza Hyodo - Savanaclaw
Taichi Nanao - Pomefiore
Omi Fushimi - Diasomnia
Sakyo Furuichi - Octavinelle
Azami Izumida - Pomefiore
Winter Troupe:
Tsumugi Tsukioka - Octavinelle Diasomnia
Tasuku Takato - Savanclaw
Hisoka Mikage - Diasomnia
Homare Arisugawa - Pomefiore
Azuma Yukishiro - Pomefiore
Guy - Heartslabyul
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haru-desune · 1 year
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[Rubbing my evil little hands together] surprise!!
Couple of notes:
someone brought up Kazubanten and it now lives in my head rent free
I have many thoughts about prince in training
The psych major one is a direct reference to the Merry Xmas, Mr. Blooming event (Team D)
Natsu doesn't have a braincell holder because Natsu barely has a brain cell to hold
"damn these rich people" - Tsuzuru Minagi sometime, probably
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alpacitron · 1 year
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some stuff i have been thinking about
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emilycollins00 · 10 months
Em em em, I have come for a request (•̀ᴗ•́)و
I was gonna request growing old with Guy initially, just like him experiencing to love and be loved and being content with his life. But then I got affected by my own poll on who would cry in their wedding and I can’t get rid of the image of Guy crying at his :((( so could I request for that instead 👉🏼👈🏼
Like tears would be rolling down his face and he wouldn’t realize it at first until its pointed out and he’d just freeze at that and would take his emotions into account until he’s overcome by it and just cries. Full on shudder and just breaks, dropping his head on your shoulder crying into it ‘cause he’s just so happy and filled with love 😭✊🏼
Treasured realization (GuyxReader)
Come to think of it, churches were never something Guy gave much thought to, as a concept.
They served their purpose for the devoted, he supposed. However given his… complex and tumultuous childhood, a church was one of the last places he ever found significant. This wasn't meant as a grand statement about religion or anything of the sort, but rather a simple acknowledgment that churches were the last buildings young Guy ever considered useful.
And yet, standing next to you in his black tuxedo (the thirty-second-try before he had gotten both Yukishiro and Rurikawa’s approval) and surrounded by more people than he could ever remember being under one roof, he somehow began to understand their appeal.
The golden sunlight poured through the stained glass, illuminating the vaulted ceilings, the heavy wooden beams overhead and the white ranunculus that Tsukioka and you had chosen for the benches. The gentle murmur of conversations in the background, the shared smiles and waves directed to both of you enveloped everything in a warmth he had never experienced before.
The path to reach forgiveness had been a long one. It had been a slow and sometimes painful journey, filled with difficult decisions that Guy had gradually grown accustomed to. Believing that he deserved happiness hadn't come easily. Life had hardened him in ways that few things could —which is why meeting you had become something he thanked the skies for every day.
In the midst of all the dark sorrow and the labyrinth of rediscovering his own emotions and dreams, you had entered his life with a force that made him aware of the beauty of hoping for a tomorrow. Now had the opportunity to embark on a new beginning, a future that held something special to both.
Something everlasting.
As the ceremony finally starts and you two stand in front of one another above the pews, you can’t help but steal a glance at Guy's profile. As you imagined, he’s listening intently—or at least definitely more than you. You lose yourself in the details of his suit, the dark hair that has been combed back with a few strands of hair decorating his forehead, and the peace he brought you when he looked your way.
Once the speech began to talk about family and ties his vibrant green eyes changed ever so slightly, glancing at a specific place. You smiled to yourself, following his line of sight until it settled on the winter troupe and the rest of Mankai, eagerly seated at the front rows.
Because of course they were who Guy sought at this moment as the word family was mentioned. Life had shaped him, molded him, but it was thanks to them that he had been able to find himself again. And for that, you were immensely grateful.
You squeeze Guy's hands, and he snaps back from his daze to focus on you, momentarily alerted and on the lookout for any discomfort that might have occurred to you during those few seconds he had been distracted. You shake your head to ease him, assuring him everything was okay. Indeed, what he finds in your eyes is a fondness that to this day still shook him to his core, even if it wasn’t apparent to many.
The winter troupe had once told you how different Guy could have been, considering everything he had been through. And in some ways, he was. He remained guarded with strangers, only willing to fully expose himself in front of you—and his troupe, of course. They were the ones who had saved him, after all. Yet, he remained unafraid to express his emotions to the people he cared for.
The priest continues talking about union, a tiny little word with huge implications. A concept that can be loosely applied to nearly anything, but also one that stands for the tying of two souls together until the end of time.
Soon enough you two are asked to read your vows. As previously discussed you were the one who begun, so Guy makes a point to evade everything surrounding him except you. There's no more whispers or sounds of movement, only your voice, a little higher in pitch than usual and quivering most likely due to nerves and emotions.
Coincidentally to what he had been thinking until then, it seemed you had opted to begin your vows by mentioning that rainy day you had forgotten your umbrella, the storm far too strong to walk resulting in you entering his bar looking for shelter.
He heard how you confessed in front of all your loved ones how your life had changed you since then. How your time with him had taught you to find joy in the little things, and how you hoped it would continue in the future.
Guy expected many of the things you mentioned, of course. They were important pillars of your relationship and the articles and magazines about wedding planners often advised to use them for a more meaningful touch. He notices by the end of your speech your eyes are watery, but a smile decorates your beaming face.
The priest then turns to him, signaling to proceed. Guy nods, clears his throat, and opens his mouth only to find something invisible is stopping him from speaking.
He falters. He couldn't be at a loss for words. He had memorized his vows the first week since you both decided on the wedding date. He knew the exact words in his head, and so he tried a second time.
He tenses, not understanding the way his body was reacting all of a sudden—as if frozen while his mind ran nonstop. His vision becomes blurry, only then hearing himself sniffling softly and shudder.
“Guy?” he manages to notice your voice calling for him, as soothing and caring as ever. He tries to focus on you. You look breathtaking, and it's right there when it sinks how much this day actually means.
He was going to marry you. Guy was going to marry you because he made you happy.
He had made someone happy.
And god he breaks at the realization.
The rush of raw emotions crashes like a million waves enough for you to need to hold his head and rest it on your shoulder, caressing his back in circles in an attempt to ease the amount of emotions he's feeling, etching warmth into his skin at the contact.
The front rows can hear you shush him gently, raising his head after a few moments and wiping his tears away. Guy places a hand on the hand that you have on his cheek and takes a deep breath.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I don't know why...”
"It's okay." You let out a hearty chuckle mixed with a sob. “You got overwhelmed, you dummy.”
He looks around. The look his troupe and the others were giving him were unusual. Tsukioka and Yukishiro seemed to carry something else with their smiles as they hold a sobbing Arisugawa while Takato and Mikage nodded to him once his eyes made contact with them. They looked proud, as if they had expected such a reaction from him from the start, even if Guy himself was confused by it.
Maybe they were right. They knew him better than himself sometimes. Guy turned back to you, noticing your finger lightly touching his skin—still trying to clear the tears falling from his eyes. He lets you know he's okay now, and thanks you for the support.
“Growing up, I didn’t imagine this day.” this time the winter actor forces his voice to be clear and heard. It works, echoing within the walls. His hands however still tremble when he takes hold of your hands. “I… was never surrounded by real-life fairytales, and so I didn’t think I’d ever find my own. Until you arrived.”
He continued to say everything he deserved you knew you made him feel, his eyes staring intently at you. They were shining and with the light, his green orbs showered you with such affection you wondered if you were in a dream.
“Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be, if you let me.”
Because you had dreamed of marrying Guy a million times, but never had you imagined the way he would cry so handsomely when he leaned in to sweep you into a kiss.
Your heart thrummed like a hummingbird, battering as he tugged you forward, like the world didn't exist.
Once separated, in the middle of the ovation and music, and as flower petals rained down like glitter in the light, his eyes softened and his forehead pressed against yours for a final declaration.
“Thank you… for allowing me to love you.”
Screaming. This man is precious and I've been in need to write emotional fluff so I'm happy I got to write this <3.
Hope you all enjoyed it and wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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ginjithewanderer · 11 months
A3! Web Manga Translation — Chapter 300: Yay! 300 Chapters!
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Guy starts thinking about his congratulatory words for MANKAI☆Manga Sengen's 300th chapter, and...?
Featuring: Sakuya, Citron, Guy Original at http://manga.a3-liber.jp/comic/1982/
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a-small-tin-heart · 10 months
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everytime I pick up my pen I am possessed by the spirit of the opera and all I draw is a3 fântome de l'opéra
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guyenthusiast · 1 year
I presented to you, in my time of boredom: Araguy
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