#aaraocra boyfriend
Aarakocra Boyfriend: Enzo 2
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Started my new job so that means updates maybe once a month now. I will try and get more updates down during the weekend, but I will try to keep writing as I am slightly stiff at it now.
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Part 1
Relationship: male monster x female reader
Burning Heart Part 2
Soft snow had never stopped falling, cascading like silver droplets over a landscape of white, a perfect backdrop that no one could grow sick of.
Yet, you found yourself sick of the view. Stuck within the cave's confines, the backdrop of snow had become your constant view day in and out, surrounded by the heavy flurry that never seemed to stop.
The only warmth that came to you was from the dimly lit fire, slowly dying as its embers cooled, needing to be rekindled once more. Not long before they die down. You thought. Perhaps, I could be rid of this Hell.
There was some movement that came from the entrance of the cave: the howling wind died down for a moment when you heard the sound of shuffling snow and someone approaching. Your fingers the small hunting knife, heart palpating uncomfortably in your chest.
When the dread settled emerged the culprit: the red-brown feathers seemed to dampen from the cold and hailing blizzard, Enzo entered the cave and carried some sticks for the fire, mind overtaken with the thought that reached his neutral face.
For a moment, you only watched, watched the way he approached the dwindling flames, kneeling as he prepped the logs. His eyes seemed to care for the fire as he poked and prodded, cinders and ash that once seemed blackened, emerged with life and roared slowly, a proud look reaching his features.
Unexpectantly, his eyes moved up and met yours, and neither of you could react. You felt as if you were too scared to look away, watching those hawk-eyes bore into yours with such a look that you couldn't decipher.
Finally, Enzo clicked his tongue, rolling his shoulders back as he poked the flames.
"Still cold?"
He didn't answer back, tending to the flames before they were soon coming back to life, and when he moved away from them, you felt the warmth wash over you the same way a blanket would be pulled over you; familiar and tender.
"I don't get how you humans haven't keened over from your lack of wits." Enzo mocked wryly, though it seemed as if he was nervous about something, his body seemingly inching closer to get to yours. "How can a race that's survived thousands of years be so clueless?"
"Beats me," you rolled your eyes, shivering when the cold caught you by surprise, and you hugged yourself as tightly as possible. You tried to stop yourself from shivering, but your chattering teeth gave it all away, the pinpricks of your hairs pointing upright.
Enzo made no noise as he watched you silently, before he sighed heavily, shifting to come over to you. He plopped himself onto the rock beside you, taking in the flames, and you had to pretend you didn't see the wing come over your shoulder and awkwardly pull you into his chest.
You squeaked when your face fell into contact with his chest and was surprised by the warmth that followed. It felt endearing, being swaddled by him and being looked after.
The two of you sat in silence, enjoying the sounds of the flames as you felt your heart heat up with warmth. The sounds grew silent outside, which you grew to ignore. Yet the Aarakocra seemed unsettled.
Enzo's head pointed upright, shoulders straightened, hawk-like eyes peering out from the small crack of the outside world, squinting them inquisitively. "What's the matter?"
"We cannot stay here much longer. Grab your things, we're leaving." He was suddenly up faster than you could predict, nearly falling face-first into the dirt, staring up at him in disbelief and confusion. "What do you mean? Are we in danger?"
"The snow has settled," was his only response, "I don't think you would like to be stuck here with me much longer, hmm?"
You looked away, cursing yourself for the warmth to reach your cheeks that you knew he would've spotted, grabbing your things in a hurry as you readied to breach the outside air.
The clothes you wore didn't help suffice the warmth, hitting you square in the face with such a force that you nearly fell sideways. Enzo was moving ahead, readying himself for what you could only dread.
When you finally reached him, he knelt into the settled snow, looking back up at your expectantly. "Well?"
"Well, what?" You blinked.
"What? Afraid of flying?" Enzo chimed, and the look he gave you sent a shiver not from the cold to be sent down your spine.
Your cheeks grew warm, "N-No... oh, shut it." You huffed, moving behind him as you awkwardly climbed up his back. The first thing you noticed was how long the feathers were along his back, the wind flurrying as they danced back and forth with force, bronze feathers shimmering in shades of red to gold in glory.
You dug your fingers into the warmth of his back, keeping your head as close against his back to hide the shame on your face before the Aarakocra got the message and began to move to take off.
The air flushed against your face, a cold so great that it made you yelp and shield your face into his feathers, the drop leaving your stomach as the ground left you.
The flight was dreadful.
It took everything in yourself not to throw up the food that was being thrown around in your fluttering stomach, the cold that stung your cheeks no matter how much you tried to shield your flesh. The Aarakocra didn’t help in soothing your flight, maybe even making it worse with how reckless he flew, ducking and weaving with you on his back as if you were nothing more than a sack of potatoes.
By the time you landed, your feet were wobbling and failing you, and you had to be awkwardly held up by Enzo.
Your cheeks were flushed with either bashfulness or the cold as you looked away. “Thanks.”
The Aarakocra’s chest huffed in haughtiness. “I am true to my word after all. You’re back in your insignificant camp.”
You looked around in disbelief, mind still fraught with the thrill of being thousands of feet up in the air, body adjusting to the level ground, seeing that familiar camp that you and your feel students would set up, decorated tents with the emblem of your symbol for knowledge.
You turned back to the bronze Aarakocra, turning your head too fast that it almost gave you whiplash. “Where is everyone?”
“Why am I supposed to know?” Enzo scoffed, crossing his wings. “Perhaps doing what they do best, collecting samples of every sample of rock.”
You would’ve rolled your eyes to his antics had your questions not been bubbling away. It was way too quiet for your fellow students to not be eager in knowing you were alive and well. Why was there no one to greet you—Calder was nowhere in sight.
Enzo noticed the way you shifted from one foot to the next, the uneasiness settling on your face. “You don’t seem pleased.”
I’m not. “This doesn’t seem right,” you murmured more to yourself, eyes darting from tent to tent in hopes of spotting anyone, “where could everyone be?”
You may have missed the following sound: the sound of a loud shout, broad and bold in sound, resonating and thundering the very ground you stood on. It hammered in your heart and when you looked to find the source of the noise, you couldn’t help but feel relief settle for the person marching towards you both.
Your smile fell from your face, hands coming up in defence as you watched the haggard figure approach with large strides, steam practically rolling off him. The rugged black beard of an infuriated Calder comes into view.
“Get away from her, bird.” There was a flash of silver in his hand, a long dirk pointing in his direction. “Or must I skin you right here?”
The bird eyebrow of Enzo’s rose inquisitively, a chuff snort leaving his sharp beak as he directed a jab, staring over to you, not appearing threatened by the blade. “Your dog is loyal, it seems. Shame the rest of you aren’t the same and quick to listen to orders.”
“Calder, step down. He is a friend. He saved me.” You jumped into the middle of them, heart racing at the sight of a blade pointing in your direction, directed to the arrogant bird behind you. Neither stepped down without the other growing enraged and doing something to regret. You could picture it now, and how you would have to explain to the higher-ups of this expedition how your guide had been slain. “He was the one who saved me from the avalanche.”
Calder gave a look of confusion your way, thick eyebrows knitted. “You were missing for four days. Everyone assumed—everyone assumed the worse. And nothing was told to us if you had lived.”
Now you were looking back at the bronze Aarakocra, heat rising in your chest from uncertainty and growing rage. “You kept me secluded for four days? Away from getting medical help.”
“It was for your safety-- our safety,” Enzo coolly replied, shrugging his shoulders. “You make it seem like it was easy to carry you across a tundra back to your camp.”
“Yet, you didn’t even relay a message that I was still alive?” You asked exasperated, looking down at your fists, trying to stop yourself from having an outburst. "Un-fucking-believable."
The Aarakocra clicked his tongue, irritation slowly settling over him. “You speak to me as if I was the one who saved you?” His laugh was mocking and jarring, and the bond you once had disappeared. “Pathetic, if you ask me.”
It had been you to grow hot with anger. “No, you don’t talk to me like that, Enzo.” You spat back, pointing irately towards him, watching the flinch come from him and for once, feeling gratification that your words did penetrate the thick bird skull of his. “You treat me and my people like children, just for your satisfaction, yet you need our help. Belittle us all you want, but when the snow falls a hundred feet deep and your village is swallowed, don’t come flying back to me.”
His face resumed a face of shock, peeled with a vulnerability that you never thought you would see from him, for him to present to you. It was a relief to know he cared, that maybe he had said too much. But it was too late for that. Your satisfaction fell short when his face reverted to the snarky scowl, eyebrows hunched as he crossed his arms boyishly.
“Fine, run back to your camp, and don’t even think about coming back into my village, not if you or your men wish to have arrows rained down upon you.”
“With pleasure.” Were you only words back, turning heel as you stormed off.
“We are ready whenever you are to leave.” Calder’s voice interrupted your thoughts, your mind preoccupied with the papers surrounding you. Sleep had not come nicely to you in the last few days, bags had formed under your eyes from lack of sleep and from the dried tears that stained your skin. You were cold, tired and finished with Oakendenn. Not even looking back on the man standing behind you, you gave a sad dismissal with a wave of your hand.
“Thank you, Calder. We will take our leave tomorrow at first light. You may get on with what you must do.”
You heard his heavy footsteps leave behind you and you were taken back to the sadness that sat in your chest. No matter how you felt for the Aarakocra, you were grateful he saved your life when he could’ve left you for dead.
Coming from behind, footsteps returned, and you sighed from your peace being interrupted. “I’m sure you do not need my help once again-”
“Hello, little scientist.”
You turned in your seat, having nearly fallen off of it when you glared back in horror and shock at who stood before you. You stood to your feet, posture hunched as if you were protecting the papers surrounding your desk, eyes glazed with a hunger to be as menacing as possible. “What do you want?”
“I’ve come to see you,” there was a strain in his words, strained from awkwardness and in the way he was holding himself, like a boy being told off. “I was told your last day here was today.”
“What do you want, Enzo? Haven’t you done enough?” You tutted, turning away from him to resume packing, a great deal faster this time. There was a silence that fell in your tent, and it was enough to feel uneasy, saved from the howling of the winds outside.
Enzo coughed again, and it brought your attention to watch him shuffle from one claw to the other. “I came… to apologise.” He twisted the last two words with some effort, wincing as doing so, gauging your reaction.
You didn’t answer at first, watching him as the awkward demeanour resumed. “What?”
“You were right… it was wrong of me to judge you for your anger and confusion. Truth be told, I was wanting to keep your company for as long as possible. My kind would’ve thought of this as pitiful weakness, but… your kind would call it a crush.”
You blinked at this sudden bashfulness, eyes taking in his appearance as you watched his shyness take over. Oh. You gripped the table in awkwardness as you tried baring your surroundings, suddenly taking in his words. “I—er, I didn’t think-”
He was quick to find your bashfulness endearing, stepping closer to you. “Didn’t think what?”
Heat flashed to your face quick. “Look, I’ve never had to think about anyone like me. I mean, look at me.” You directed to your entire self, laughing wryly. Enzo did not laugh, instead, the look he gave you was soft and it made your heart rise in beat. “I am looking at you.”
You averted your gaze as he stepped in closer towards your tent, closer towards you. “I want to know what you think.”
“What do you mean?”
“What you think about me, about us?” He asked softly, and when you looked back, he had been standing so close to you that you could see the individual feathers on him ruffle each movement. The way his hawk eye peered down to look at you expectantly, begging for you to answer.
“I… I like you too. Though your words did hurt, I apologise too that mine were just as cruel.” You sighed. Enzo looked to be in relief that you answered, gingerly taking your cold hand into his, the warmth that surrounded it as his large hand engulfed yours. “Maybe we are not so different from one another after all.” He mused.
“Perhaps.” Your lips pursed.
His thumb circled your knuckles in thought, and when he looked at you, there was a hope that what you would answer back would be what he wanted. “Will you return? Return to Oakendenn.”
“Only if I am welcomed back.” The laugh that came from him was sincere and it rumbled in your chest, embracing you lovingly. “Only if you can handle the cold, dear.”
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