#aarmau was a fucking curse
ember-not-amber · 1 year
Bitches were so haunted by Aarmau being canon in every single series that they thought Asch from MID and Ryo from HeartPoint would be some equivalent to Aaron until they realized no, they weren’t bc their personalities are completely different from Aaron’s.
I’m bitches.
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agendercryptidlev · 3 years
wtf is tablemau...
Ok so, season 1 of minecraft diaries, right? The main two ships are Laurmau and Garmau, Laurence is a flirty but friendly and playful chaotic good type, Garmau is a shy, protective and sweet lawful good type. The ship war is heated. 9 year olds in the youtube comment sections are sending hopefully fake curses at each other, 9 year old Lev is full of bullying victim rage and takes it out on Laurmau shippers left and right, everything's a mess and Aphmau doesn't want this, but can't really do anything about it.
It's late into season 2, things are getting closer to the battle for phoenix drop, in universe tensions are high. We've recently had excellent Garmau content given he's an inherently more serious character than Laurence. We get a moment between Laurence and Aphmau in between the craziness. Aphmau needs a funny scene that will ease tension both in universe and in fandom. Here's what she comes up with.
Laurence and Aphmau are joking with each other as they often do, just slightly flirtatious. I believe Laurence is the first to joke "Well I'm in love with this table now" Aphmau shoots back "Uh-uh that table is mine" they have a mock argument about it, all friendly and endearing and writing good enough to please pre-teens who frequent wattpad. Surely this obvious jab at the toxic in fandom shipping culture would calm down the ship wars? But Aphmau knew not what she unleashed.
Suddenly any comment about a cute shipping moment for any of the aphmau centric ships would get three separate comments from quirky children saying "well I ship tablemau XD. Tablemau 4 lyfe!!!!" and then all the other shippers would swarm to that reply, to tell the preteen to shut the fuck up and stop treating this VERY SERIOUS minecraft roleplay as a joke!
For most people, the ship wars calmed after Aarmau became cannon. But some of us still remember the days, the dark days of late season 1-early season 2. Some of us are still haunted by the world's most #quirky minecraft ship. Some of will never forget the days others will never remember
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