#aaron hotcher dark fic
supercriminalbean · 8 months
Hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request Hotch x Male reader, the team get a case that leads back to an old unsolved case of a group of children going missing and start showing up dead at different ages from sever injuries from fighting(?)
Reader is part of the bau but has alot of secrets to hide including being one of the younger children that went missing and managed to escape but not without physical and emotional scars (being forced to play a cruel game of survival of the fittest for the entertainment of the Unsub who streamed the gruesome cruelty)
Maybe the unsub captures reader cause he was the one that got away and the team start to peice together reader was one of the missing kids by how fast reader state of mind went to a primal kill or die (like readers afraid he'll die there and no one will ever find him or know or care so when they do he's relived and breaks down but another part of him think he doesn't deserve it cause of what he's done to survive)
Hotch being there for reader
Aaron Hotchner x Male!Reader.
Summary: The reader is trying to find the group that ruin his life, but keeping it a secret from his team is differcult when he has to ask them for help.
Warning: Dark fic. Blood, fighting, death, abuse, kidnapping, swearing, drugs, unsub violence, bad eatting habits, bad self care, scars, angst. This whole fic is just dark and strange the ask it self is amazing and may help you know if this is something you can handle. (Any other warnings let me know xx)
Words: 9.4k
A/N: Hiiii! Omg this ask 😍😍 I love you!! I had to split this into a couple different parts due to I'm up to 12k words and got so much more i wanna add to it right now. Next part will be posted next week (hopefully!!) I just couldn't wait to post this. I did change it a little and hope this is what you were after. 🖤🖤 thank you for the request my love.
Part two. Part three. Part four.
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Another body has shown up, and if you're right another kid will go missing in just a couple hours a few towns over from the latest body. You know it's just a matter of time as you read the article, one that barely has any information of the latest victim found, another teen boy. While the article prints out you give the detective on the case a call, you know you shouldn't, you should just let this go until your team is called in properly. But hey, there is no harm in asking innocent questions, is there? 
“Hello, this is Detective Rose,” An older man answers.
“Hello Detective, I'm with the FBI, SSA agent (Y/L) from the Bau unit” Your voice comes out sharp as you hold back the emotions swirling in your mind. If this is the group you believe it is, you're going to have to bring your team in, but no way could they know just how long you have been looking for them.
“Oh Agent, how can I help?” The man's voice is filled with confusion.
“I heard you found a body of a teenage boy, I read in the report he was badly injured and a 
John doe, look I think he might be connected to a case I'm working and I need you to send me all the information and photos of this boy you have as soon as you can” You don’t have time to explain to him, nor the patience.
“Case, but there's only one body?” There's a small arrogance laying under his tone as he speaks his next words. “Plus he seems to be a runaway, he doesn’t seem like the type anyone would be after”
“Excuse me” You can’t help but sneer into the phone, anger filling you up. “How dare you, he is a child, someone has to be missing him and even if not he deserves justice, so I figure you better send me what I asked for before I called your boss” Venom seems to drip from your words as your grip the phone like your life depends on it. Silence fills the other end and your patience seems to dry up, opening your mouth to send him another order when he finally speaks up again.
“Of course we don’t need that, files and photos have been sent, reach out again if I —” You hang up before he finishes speaking, you don’t need anything more from him. 
Sitting on your couch, your mind spinning as you go through the new photos of the crime scene you have received. This is it, this is them, no doubt about it. He fits the victimology, he’s the right age, fit and covered in so many cuts and bruises it’s impossible to see his face. What makes your heart drop the most is the cut on his left forearm, two other previous victims also had it. You know how they got it, hell you got one quite similar to it. Which means you know where they are being kept and where they are going next which means it's time to bring your team in. Grabbing the pile of older files, ones that you have collected over the years, pulling the top few files off the top for the team to see, placing the older ones at the bottom of your to go bag. You can’t let your team know just how long you have been investigating this case. If you do things could unravel and your past could be exposed, the one thing that could never happen, because if it does you might not have a job any more. 
Your phone starts dinging, your alarm going off. Great you pulled another all nighter, something you have been warned against many times in the past month. 
Hotch has been on your ass a lot lately about looking after yourself, he’s the only one who can tell when you're struggling. Maybe that's why you're having a hard time figuring out how to bring this case to him. You know he’s going to know this isn’t just a regular case for you, you might be good at hiding your personal life and emotions from the team but that doesn’t include Aaron. You're not sure how you grew close to your boss, you two have hangout, outside of work many times, even including getting to know Jack and spending many weekends watching his soccer games, and of course getting ice cream afterwards as a reward. Somehow Aaron managed to get you to join them both for movie nights and your friendship has never been stronger than that night. But then you had to go and ruin it, pulling yourself away from him, when things started feeling real. You started feeling like you belong and not just with him, but with the team you're surrounded by. Belonging somewhere is something you have never felt before and it's terrifying, so you pull away from them all. Space is a good thing plus there were only a few reasons you took this job a few years ago and you need to remember that.
You're the first one at the office that morning, even beating Hotch to the office for once. You wait at your desk, your desk is different from the others. They all have personal items on their desk, things that make their desk seem more welcoming and comforting. Except yours, its fill of paperwork and a small fake desk plant that Garcia placed there one day that you just didn’t have the heart to move. Aaron arrives not long after you. Aaron stops by the glass door when he spots you, and he’s glad you're facing the other way so he can just watch you for a moment. He can’t help but feel something is wrong, the last few weeks you have been more off than normal. You're someone who keeps to themself and he knows that, maybe that's why he was surprised when you were spending a lot of your time with him and Jack. Not that he minded at all, he loves spending time with you, maybe more than a boss should but he shouldn’t be blamed when it comes to you, you're different. But when he was spending time with you, he managed to figure out your tell, and how you go inside your own mind when things aren’t right. Maybe that's why, even when you started putting more distance between you both, he couldn't help but remind you to get some sleep or remind you to eat, the two things you always seem to forget about. Aaron lets out a small breath, preparing himself for whatever the reason is that you're the first one here. The glass doors open and within a second you're spinning around in your chair, and the first thing Aaron notices is the files in your hands and then the bags underneath your determined eyes.
“Good Morning Hotch” Your voice is full of energy, which he can only put down to the empty coffee cup beside you.
“Morning, you’re here early” Aaron stares at you questionably, raising his eyebrow when you don’t respond.  “Is there a reason why?”
“I need to talk to you, it's important” You jump up quickly, meeting him in the middle of the room.
“Alright, my office then” He bites back a sigh as you nod enthusiastically, climbing up the stairs before him. He can’t help himself but compare you to a puppy, one who uses up all their energy but still refuses to back down when it's time to rest. He’s waiting for you to burn out, it may have been three years with you on the team, but he can’t help but wait for you to break. He doesn’t understand how anyone could keep going at the pace you do without any consequences.
You both enter his office, Aaron places his bag down before taking a seat at his desk, signalling you to do the same, so you do.
“Okay so I found—” You can’t help but start, holding your own homemade files,your leg bouncing as you speak.
“Stop” Hotch holds his hand up to silence you, dread fills your eyes as you do. “Did you sleep last night?” Accusation dripping from his words, his stern stare digging straight into your sole, making a strange shiver roll down your spine.
“That's not important” The confidence seems to slip by as he stares at you longer, you can’t help but sink in your chair, the uncomfortableness just making you want to run.
“But it is, I need to know my agents are looking after themself” Aaron holds back the proper lectures he wants to give you. Sometimes he wonders how you managed to become a full functioning adult with the way you treat your body, running yourself so low he wonders how you're alive at all.
“I look after myself perfectly fine Aaron” You have to physically bite your tongue to hold back the taunt you want to say instead, but you need him to listen to you instead.
“Do you, because you didn’t sleep last night, and can you even tell me the last time you ate something homemade?” 
“Last night” Smirking cockily at him, you indeed did make something last night so he can suck it.
“It doesn’t count if it was your usual cheese on toast” Aaron smirks as yours slowly disappears. 
“Okay, uncalled for Hotch” Grumbling as you place the files down before crossing your arms. “Look I get it, I need to improve, but I need your help on something much more important, please?” Your mask starts dropping, the fear and doubtfulness visible for just a few seconds, before you pull yourself together again, your face hardening up again.
“Tell me what this is?” Hotch reaches for the files, the pile alot bigger than he first thought it was.
“Someone is kidnapping teenages all over the country, and just hours surrounded the kidnapping another teenage is found dead a few towns over from the new victim, I have found about seven different cases over the course of 18 months so far, but the dead victims are never the ones from the recent kidnappings, they look older almost like they could have been kidnapped years prior maybe, they all have the same marks all over their body, the victimology is the same” You take a deep breath as Hotch flicks throughs the file. “The ones being taken are either from abusive households or already living on the street, they aim for the ones who are strong but not confident, they seem to find the quiet ones are go after them, but they are quick, they don’t leave much room for the kids to escape, they move fast” Your words seem to run from your mouth, the rush to get out of your mind and into Aarons ear makes you forget to breathe. The urgency is great and he just doesn't understand. 
“You keep saying they” Hotch looks up the files, his boss face activated, his lips pursed together. His eyes burn into you once more, you have to do everything in your power to not physically respond to that call out, unfortunately your body straightens up, your throat clutching. 
“I believe it has to be at least two unsubs if not more, and one of them could possibly be a woman” You take a deeper breath as your heart starts to pace, your mind screaming at you to stop as Aaron's eyes narrow more.
“And why do you think that?”
“Because they're fast, they move around the country, and according to the autopsy the kids are well nutritious, they cause of death is mainly blood lose, or hits to the head, I think—-” You quickly cut yourself off. No you can’t say that, you can’t let that detail out quite yet, he won’t understand, no one will understand not yet. “I think they must be keeping them somewhere safe before they dispose of them” You change the words that almost slip out quickly, but not fast enough for Hotch to not notice. Hotch watches you closely as you grow quiet, waiting for his response. Your leg bouncing as your nails dig into your arms, your eyes begging him to say something, just anything.
“What do you think they are doing to them if they are keeping them for so long then?” His question is innocent enough, but oh lord. Your stomach is now on fire, your eyes darken with anger as you speak.
“Training them to fight each other, fight to the death and then they keep the strong ones for who knows what” Oh but you know, oh you know too well what they are keeping them for and that makes you want to be sick. 
Silence fills the office as he stares at you, the anger that fills your eyes is something he hasn’t seen before, and he has seen you angry. But this is different, this is almost a murderous glaze in your eyes, something that makes Aaron uncomfortable. 
He knows what he has to do, even if he doesn’t like it. 
“How long have you been investigating this, how did you manage to get all of this information?” His voice is low as he speaks, his words filling with disappointment as he speaks.
“A few months” A lie, you both know that. But Aaron knows better than to question that right now, the can of worms that could open could be too hard to close.
“Why are you just bringing this to me now?” His voice raises, the disappointment sweeping out. “You should of came to me as soon as you saw a pattern forming” 
“I know I should have, but I wanted to see if I was right, maybe see if I could find any clues before bringing the team into a goose chase” You try to reason with him, gulping as if you know what you have to say. “I think I found them, and if I'm right another person was taken last night and I have a feeling that another body will be found near the state line of Nebraska and Wyoming, we need to take this case, we need to save them” A shaky breath leaves you as you lean forward, placing your hands on the desk, your eyes pleading. 
“Aar, please trust me on this” Gulping thickly as you see his eye flash with something unreadable as you say his old nickname, one you haven’t used in months.
“I need to make a few phone calls” He looks away from you as he picks up the phone. Standing up you smile slightly at him, thanking him quietly as you make your way out. 
The team soon arrives within the hour, where hotch is up in his office on the phone the whole time. Your body is on edge, sipping on your third cup of coffee as your mind runs. The team all stood around, talking and laughing as they usually do. Of course they try to get you to join in, but with one glance at you, they know this morning is not the time to get you to join in with them. It's Dave that talks to you this morning, his eyes couldn’t help but keep drifting to you as the team standing around teasing Reid and his crosswords. 
“Hey kiddo” Dave stands in front of you, pulling you from your mind, and mainly your eyes off Aarons offices.
“Ah, Morning Sir” Forcing a small smile as you do your best to focus on him, and not whatever conversation is going on inside the office right now.
“How many times have I told you Rossi, or Dave is fine? '' He smile’s down at you, hating to see the bags underneath your eyes, or the fresh scratch mask around your wrist. You wear long sleeves half the time, but that doesn’t stop the team from seeing the way your scratch at your arms when you get overwhelmed. 
“Right sorry” Pushing a small chuckle out, as you give him a weak smile. “My bad”
“It's okay, are you doing alright?” Rossi looks down at you worriedly, you weren’t the most talkative but right now you don’t even seem to know how to be your regular self.
“Fine si– Rossi” Your body tenses at the slip up, your eyes flicker back up to Aaron's office.
“Alright, if you ever need to talk kiddo you know I'm around” He smiles at you, one that's full of concern. A part of him wants to reach out, place a hand on your shoulder so you get the message, but he knows it won’t work with you. You don’t react well to physical touch, you jump when someone gets too close. The team remembers the first time Garica tried to give you a hug, you jumped back, hiding behind Morgan who was closest to you in that moment. She touched your shoulders, and you have never moved so fast, your body tensing your hands rolling into fist. You apologised as soon as you calmed down, you gave them no reasoning as to why. But they understood and no one has tried to touch you since, they even became your human shields when random people would try to hug you as a thank you. You were extremely grateful for that, it's been like that for three years now and still no one asks you why and you owe them so much for that.
Hotch finally emerges from his office after another hour, a sour look plastered across his face, and when you catch his eyes you know why. They found the body. 
“We got a case” Hotch calls out to his team, everyone's head shoots up to him. A deep unnerving tension seems to fill the room due to the seriousness on his face, and the way his eyes never leave yours. The air seems to leave your lungs as you stand up, grabbing your notebook off your desk before following the team into the conference room. Hotch waits by the door as the team walks in, placing his hand up in front of you to stop you. 
“One moment” His voice is low as he speaks, not wishing for the team to overhear.
“We found two bodies, one of them is Jason Ducan” Aaron speaks softly, as he watches your face flicker with recognition at that name. 
“They found a body” You stare up at him, your eyes now empty of emotions, putting them on the backboard as you prepare for this case.
“Jason Ducan, he was my first missing kid when I worked here” Your breathing hitches as fear flashes through your mind, doing your best to keep your poker face on. Do they know where you work, have they been keeping tabs on you for the last three years? Or maybe they never stop keeping tabs on you. 
“He doesn’t fit the profile, he was seven, from a good family. He was too young there is no way they would take someone from a family like that, it would be too difficult” Your mind spins as you speak, your words speeding up, slipping over each other in a hurry. Hotch hates the far away look that creeps into your eyes, almost more than he hates the numbness that dominates inside you. Taking a deep breath, hoping he doesn’t make it worse, Aaron slowly reaches out to you, placing his hand gently on your shoulder. You flinch sharply, your eyes narrowing on his hand, on his familiar touch. Aaron is the only one allowed to touch you, and only at certain times, only when you're ready for it, and normally you welcome his touch. Today is not the day you welcome it, his touch feels like fire, it sends painful memories of your past through your mind. 
“Don’t” Your voice is low and full of danger, a shaky breath follows as he doesnt let go immediately. 
“You need to tell me if this case gets too much, okay” Aaron words hold no judgement as he lets you go and just like he expected you stroll straight past him, anger radiating off you, as you fall into the chair beside Morgan.
Hotch starts the briefing, grabbing the team's attention with your homemade files. He informs them of everything you had told him that morning, minus your theories. 
“So you made these files?” It was Morgan who asked the question. The one thing that had confused the whole team, because this screamed to them as an off the books case, something Hotch would never do. 
“No I did” You speak up, leaning forward. You almost feel bored as Hotch gives the team the basic information, information you have been sitting on for many years. Everyone's heads turn straight to you, curiosity and surprised looks all over them. The quiet one who normally seems to keep to themself, is investigating a crime alone, and somehow convince Hotch to make it a real case. Oh you could feel the questions and doubt spreading throughout the room, and all you do is smirk at them as you lean forward.
“I didn’t think much of it at first, but something didn’t feel right so once I saw a second body drop in the same way. I started investigating a bit more, but I was always weeks behind, so in my time of hoping for new leads I went back and searched months back trying to find anything” You give them a brief explanation, making sure you don’t make eye contact with anyone, not needing to lose your nerve right now. The room stays quiet, giving you the confidence to keep talking, so taking a deep calming breath you continue. 
“After I got an alert last night of a kid going missing, I knew it was them. Conor Blue, he fits the description that the unsubs go after. He’s between the age of Nine and fourteen, he came from an abusive household and he’s into sports which isn’t always a go to, but something I see they prefer” You speak slower than this morning, remembering to breathe as you do. Hotch might be hard to convince, but making sure the whole team has your back on this case, is something you didn’t think through. You needed their help, because without the team, you can’t get close enough to get rid of them for good.
“How long have you been looking into this?” Emily asks, looking over at you with concern. She can see ghosts in your eyes, and whatever answer you give her, she’s not going to believe you. 
“About four months” Your lie is solided, you know that, you made sure all the files you gave them only look that old. Even if they have older information inside you can say it's from research. 
“He came to me this morning, and I have been on the phone with a few detectives” Aaron glances at you as he says that, your stomach drops. He knows you used your FBI statues to gather information you weren’t supposed to have, opps. “And It seems to be happening all over the country, so we need to make a fast move on this case, two new bodies were discovered this morning” Hotch continues, the team watches you instead of Hotch. They all notice the tense look on your face, the way your eyes darken, your lips tightening as a way to stop yourself from interrupting the boss. Photos pop up on the screen as Hotch keeps speaking, your eyes land on the photos, your stomach twisting. Jason laid in the dirt, his body covered in bruises and blood, a hopeless look in his eyes. But what makes your mind ache is the body laying beside the ten year old boy. A 20 year old guy. He looks strong, someone who you know could only live that long in that place, if they were extremely strong and brave. The marks around his neck send a shiver down your body, your stomach swooshes so much you think you're going to be ill. He’s the only one that ages with that mark, and there is only one guy who would do that. He’s still there, and that's all your fault.
“So (Y/n), any theories?” Rossi the one to ask you, his eyes on the notebook that you're clutching tightly.
“Quite a few” You glance up at Hotch, silently asking for permission to take over, he gives a quick nod and with that it's your turn. “It's a team, I want to say at least two older ones that have been doing this for many, many years, and if anyone has lasted long enough they would train them to join them, using them to find more opposition. They need a good routine of fighters, more opportunity for them to grow” You speak in a matter of fact, your fingers tapping away at the table.
“What makes you think they are fighting each other?” JJ glances at you from the photos.
“Easy, look at them, there is only one way someone can get that many bruises and cuts on them. Also not to mention the autopsy results mention multiple broken bones that have healed, internal bleeding due to multiple blunt force trauma”  Your not sure why but air soon becomes harder to inhale, it feels thick and the room starts heating up. Everyones eyes are on you, but you can’t look at them so you're focusing on the files in front of you instead. “Also look at their hands, they aren’t just defensive wounds, they fit back, also they are strong, it's like they train them. Plus they are well nourished so I guess someone is looking after them, my guess is a women is one of our unsubs” 
“That’s one hell of a theory” Morgan says, his eyes burning into you. His gut is full of distrust when it comes to you with this case, something doesn't seem right.
“I know, but have a look and you will see why I’m right, also this case is nothing like we are use to, I have many theories and most of them are strange but, you can see why” You speak from gritting teeth, your hand now gripping the table in front of you. 
“We are going to Nebraska, wheels up in thirty” Aaron eyes stay on you as you zoom out of the room, dying for some fresh air. 
“Jupiter wake up” Her viciouses voice fills your ears, as a piercing pain invades your side. A sharp hiss slips through your lips as your eyes shoot open, your body shooting up into a sitting position, pushing the thin blanket to the side. Inside you feel numb, nothing inside you is alive anymore, years of training has made you the perfect soldier. 
“Morning Ma’am” Your voice is emotionless, your eyes are dead as you stand up looking up at her. Keeping your hands behind you, your head slightly bent. 
“We have a new comer, you are to welcome them this morning, I don’t care if they live or die just clean up your mess” Her voice is assertive, a cunning look on her face as she leads you down the hall and past the other trainee soldiers. Some of them are still asleep, most of them without blankets, only winners get comfort items. You stroll past the training room where your fellow soldiers are lifting weights before being allowed to eat. You glance at them a part of you wishing you could join them, but that's not your task this morning. Instead you get to fight, and you get to choose the outcome, oh you do enjoy these fights. You always win, and even better, it doesn’t take much effort. Ma’am leads you to the empty swimming pool, where most fights to the death take place. As you walk over to the edge you spot your opponent, he looks small and extremely frightened, barely a challenge. He’s already got blood over his face as he hides on the corner of the pool, the area where the bloodstains seem to be less. A small chuckle leaves you as you check him out, the thoughts of destroying him winding you up. Licking your lips softly before glancing over at Ma’am waiting for permission to go down.
“Go on, but try and make it fair” She laughs softly, enjoying the murderous gaze in your eyes. In a matter of seconds you're jumping into the pool, smirking darkly as you make your way over to him. The boy looks to be about 14 or 15, a couple years or so younger than you. He looks up at you, a confused and scared look plastered over his face, it grows when you stop a few metres back from him. 
“Y you… you're alive” His whisper is barely audible, but it makes you freeze. That voice, you know that voice, how? 
“Come here, now” You growl at him, gritting your teeth as you stare into his eyes.
“I thought you died (Y/n)” He takes a small step forward staring at you with hope. Oh how wrong that looks for a place like this. 
“That's not my name” You spit at him, a horrible shiver dripping down your spine. 
“Yes it is” He speaks more confidently as he steps closer. “Your name is (Y/n), we used to be friends” That name, why do you know that name, it's wrong, it's so wrong. 
“I don’t know you” You sneer at him, taking a step towards him, dangour radiating off you.
“Yes you do, we used to be best friends, (Y/n) please you have to remember me, its Ryan” He begs you to remember. You freeze, Ryan. You know a Ryan, but he’s younger than him, Ryan was ten last time you saw him. But this can’t be him, because that part of your life is long gone, and who the hell does this guy think he is turning up claiming to be a part of that time. You react quickly with a sharp growl escaping you as you launch yourself on him.
“I don’t know you!” You scream as you grab him by his neck, and punch him repeatedly with your other hand. You're a lot stronger than him, using all your strength to pound into him. You let go of his neck, he falls forward with a gasp, begging you to stop but it falls on deaf ears. You knee him in the stomach as he falls forward, grabbing his hair holding him in place as you let him have it. 
“I don't know you” You scream as your anger explodes. “I don’t know (Y/n)!” You shove him into the wall, his body slides down, so you kick him, as you scream repeatedly. “I don't know Ryan” You keep screaming, blood starts to pile around him, as you lose control. “I don’t know you!”
“I don’t know you!” A scream invades the quietness of the jet. Everyone's head turns towards the scream full of pain, landing on you. You're asleep at the back of the jet, shaking violently with tears streaming down your face. Aaron is up in a matter of seconds, running quickly towards you. The team stays quiet, letting Hotch take control of this situation. He drops to his knees beside you, small whimpers and cries leaves you as you stay dead asleep. 
“(Y/n), wake up” He places his hand firmly on your arm, giving you a rough shake. But nothing, you stay asleep but your cries get louder. 
(Y/n), open your eyes” Aaron shakes you again sharper and luck is on his side. Your eyes shoot open, breathing heavily as you scan your surroundings. The jet, you're on the jet, with your team. Oh shit your team, everyone is watching you, they stare at you with unreadable emotions on their faces, and you hate it. Soon you let your eyes drop down to the man beside you, fear enters you quickly, yanking away from his touch you straighten up quickly.
“Sir, I’m so sorry sir I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I am extremely sorry sir It won’t happen again” Your words fly out of you with fear, your breathing picking up, your hands shaking uncontrollably as you watch him, waiting for the punishment. 
“It's okay” Aaron gulps, hating the fear you're experiencing, the panic attack that’s consuming you. “You are okay, you are safe here” Aaron speaks calmly, taking the chance to place his hand on yours, he’s grateful you don’t pull back.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep” Your voice grows quiet, your lip quivering as the adrenaline dies down. 
“It's okay you're allowed to fall asleep” Aaron reassures you, his thumb running over the back of your hand smoothly.
“I am?” You look up at him hopeful, your eyes full of tears. You almost seem child-like as you ask that simple question.
“Yes you are, I only woke you because you were having a nightmare” Aaron smiles softly at you, hoping he doesn’t embarrass you as he informs you.
“Oh no” You yank away from his touch, panic filling you. You know you sleep talk occasionally, what the hell did you say?
“We all get them, its okay”
“No.. what did I say?” You stare at him with a look of horror. Aaron's face drops, he knows that look, he’s seen it almost everyday of this job. A look victims have when they open up to much of their past, scared their abusiver will come back for them.
“You didn’t say much” He tries his best to comfort you but he knows that determined look in your eyes. “You said ‘I don't know you’ ” 
A small sigh leaves you as you lean your head back in relief, that's all you said then you are fine, you can recover from that. “Thank you” You force a small smile, before raising your voice, turning to look at your coworkers who all seem to be pretending not to pay attention anymore.
“Sorry for disturbing you”
“You're not disturbing us” Hotch is quick to correct you, hating to think that you would think you're a bother. “If you want to talk about it–”
“No thank you, I’m fine” You interpret him quickly, a sharp glare and turning your back to him is all the dismissal he needs. 
You're in the SUV with Morgan and Rossi, heading downtown to the morgue. You sat in the back seat, reading through the Jason Ducan files, before sighing loudly and laying your head back. The two men in the front seat share some curious looks before glancing back at you.
“You alright back there” Morgan questions you, a small smile on his face.
“Not at all, this makes no sense at all” rubbing your forehead as the frustration causes another headache. “Why the hell did they take Jason Ducan three years ago he doesn’t fit the profile and they wouldn’t of dumped him like that he would of hide the body better, you would think they know not to show of the bodies we are investigating” You can’t hide the frustration and anger invading you, your hand squeezing into fist and you think back. He was a clue back then yet you were so focused on moving on you didn’t see it, this is bad. 
“Maybe your profile is wrong” Dave shrugs as he speaks, as if it's a casual thing.
“My profile is not wrong!” You snap at him, the anger burning away at your chest.
“I still don’t understand your interest in this case” Derek turns around to face you, a distrustful look in his eyes, one you can’t help but return.
“Well, no one was looking into it, someone has to care. I'm sorry if that irritates you Derek” Glaring deadly at him, as his eyes widen just slightly at your comeback before turning back to the front.
“I was just asking.'' He grumbles before glancing at Dave who is staring at you through the rearview mirror, watching as your face drops as you cross your arms. 
You are shown the bodies and as the doctor talks you can’t hear her, the words flying over your head as you grab some gloves and start touching the bodies. Three pairs of eyes on you, watching like a hawk as you move like lightning. Your hands travel around the older unnamed victim's neck. The dark unformed bruises with a slight cut you can tell were made with wire, your stomach spinning as you move away from it and down to his feet. 
“His neck wound was made by wire” You state as you kneel down by his feet, anger flooding through you as you see the scars. They are doing it again. “Holy shit” Your words are barely audible, but Morgan catches them, his eyebrow narrowing as he watches you.
“What did you find (Y/l)” Morgan makes his way over to you, spotting fear deep inside your eyes before you quickly mask the emotion once more.
“You need to ring Garcia” You look up at him, gulping thickly. “I think they are recording them” 
“What, how can you tell?” It's Rossi that asks as he walks over, joining you and Morgan at the feet of the victims. 
“Look at this” You show them the bottom of the left foot of the victim, where a big L is cut into along with the name victory which looks like it has been tried to be cut out. 
“Okay” Morgan looks at you puzzled. “How did you get that they recorded them from this?”
“The L, It means they lost, I bet they showed this to the camera to show them that they truly did lose this time” Maybe what you said doesn’t make sense to the profilers, but it's what they do. But they stopped, you know they stopped. You couldn’t find them on the dark web so they had to have stopped but you never relooked when the bodies started dropping again. 
“You can’t know that” Morgan goes to argue with you, a hand on his arm stops him. He turns his head to see Dave shaking his head at him. Morgan stares at him stumped wanting to argue but he can read that look in Dave’s eyes, there is something more going on here. 
“It makes sense, they can earn money this way and also they are sick twisted little fuckers who can find other twisted fuckers to enjoy in on their torment as well” You speak quickly as you pull your phone out, taking photos of his foot. 
“Okay I guess I’ll call Penelope then” Morgan sighs glancing at the dead set look on your face before walking out. You go to move onto Jason Ducan, touching his foot lightly before freezing. You stare at him for a few moments, your body frozen in place. He’s too young, his family loved him. How could they take him from them? It doesn't make sense.
“(Y/n), do you want me to do it?” Dave calls out to you kindly, breaking up your thoughts.
“No I got it” You reply letting out a small breath before pulling back his foot and taking a photo. A small W has been crossed out and replaced with a L, your heart crashing into your stomach as you see it. In a flash you're pulling away and making your way outside for some fresh air.
You lean against the SUV as you ring Reid, who is driving to see the other body that was discovered last night. 
“Hey (Y/l), You're on speaker phone” You can hear Reid smile through the phone.
“Hey guys, are you at the body yet?” You focus on slowly your racing heart beat as you speak to them, readying yourself to pass on the information.
“Not yet, we are still two and half hours out from the town” Emily response, glancing at the phone as she drives. 
“Okay that's fine, I just have a few things I need you to look at when you get there” Taking a breath as you think back to the cut on Jason's foot. “On his left foot I need you to see if there is anything cut into it, I am sending you a photo of the other two victims' feet okay” You quickly send them the photos.
“Okay I got it” Reid replies after a few moments.
“Oh that's gross” Emily groans.
“That's because you hate feet” Smirking just a little at her reaction.
“It's not my fault they are smelly and gross” She laughs just a little.
“Also you two should be driving through a small town called Cobar, it's a small town with a big population of homeless teenages It might pay to stop and talk to them, see if they have seen anything out of place lately” You take a sharp breath as a strange feeling starts filling you as you think about that place.
“Sure we can do that” Emily nods, her face tightening into a frown. “Hey, um are you okay?” 
“I'm good, why?” Your lips pull into a thin line as you line.
“Because this case seems to be weighing on you alot” She explains, tapping her finger on the steering wheel.
“Nope It's just another case, I gotta go” You quickly hang up before she can ask more questions. Reid and Prentiss share some strange and concerning looks as the phone beeps.
“What is he hiding?” Emily mumbles to herself as she stares out at the road.
The rest of the day goes by quickly, you three end up meeting up with JJ and Hotch back at the precinct. Rossi and Morgan go and talk with Jason Duncan's parents once they arrive trying to get more information from them. JJ works with other precincts where the other bodies and missing boys have been reported, trying to get all the information she can. You and Hotch work together trying to organise a timeline for the last 12 months, and with all the information you already have some parts are easy to fill in. Until he starts questioning you on the one part you can’t answer. 
“They shouldn’t be here, they should have gone east” Hotch sighs as you both stare at the map laid across the table. 
“I agree but they didn’t” You don’t agree with that, but according to the timeline it makes sense. 
“But do you agree?” Hotch looks up at you, doubt playing across his face. 
“What are you getting at Hotch?” Huffing little as you pick up your coffee, staring back at him.
“You said they would be coming this way, so why would you think that?” There’s his stern look eating at you. Making your stomach sink as you hide the truth from him. The truth is, you know their base is around here. This town is the first thing you remember when you escape but you can’t tell him that, no one can know. 
“I don't know” You lie, and it's a bad one.
“Don’t lie to me” 
“I'm not lying!” You don’t mean to snap at him, but fear and guilt were eating away at you and you can’t contain it anymore.
“Then tell me the truth” His words are sharp and to the point, but his face stays calm, his eyes soft and caring as he stares at you.
“Fine, I had a feeling like this town means something, because look at the pattern here Aaron” Your shoulders tenses up as you lean forward, pointing at the map. “Look, they always avoid this town, and they always avoided leaving bodies in this state until last night so since they did that I decided to take a risk and wait for them to leave us something around here and do you want to know what I’m thinking right now” A smirk slips onto your lips as you speak, a feeling of excitement spreads throughout you as you share your idea.
“You think their base is around here” Aaron finishes your thought, not liking that smirk on your face. 
“Exactly and if they left us this breadcrumb it only means two things, one they are somehow becoming sloppy or two—”
“They know you are investigating them” He finishes your sentence again, dread filling him due to just how close you are to this investigation.
“Not me, but someone yes and we can use that” 
Luckily Aaron's phone rings just before you have to answer that.
“It's Garcia” He glances at you before answering it, placing it on speaker. “Hey Garcia, what do you got?”
“Well boss man, I got good news and some gross news” Penelope's sweet voice floats through the phone. 
“What's the good news Garica?” You straighten up as you hope.
“Well our unnamed victim is Liam Clark, he’s 19 years old and went missing five years ago in florida” Garcia informs you both just as the door to the conference room opens and the rest of the team walks in. 
“Alright, can you send through his family information please” You sigh, leaning backwards in your chair, the stress of the case becoming too much. 
“Will do my love, now are we ready for some more information?” Her voice starts filling with dread as she types aways.
“Hit us with the good stuff baby girl” Morgan speaks up, coming to sit on the edge of the table by the phone.
“Oh I wish it was good news chocolate thunder, but (Y/n) was right.” She sighs as Aaron phones dings. “I found their profile on the dark web and all their live streams have been saved, there are hundreds of them, maybe even closer to a thousand, and they got back many, many years” She takes a deep breath before continuing. “I haven’t looked at them all yet but there are some that are over 25 years old” 
Your heart sinks, your palms becoming sweaty as realisation sits in. Your videos are still up, your team could find out in a matter of seconds what you are. 
“25 years…” Your voice is as quiet as a mouse, your throat tightening up as your team glances over at you. “How did no one see this?” Your voice gets louder, filling with anger as you jump to your feet. 
“They hide their tracks well” Reid speaks up, his eyes focused on you.
“Bullshit, no one can hide their tracks that well!”
“Okay you need to take a breath” Hotch gets up, walking closer to you. Watching the anger firing up inside your eyes.
“No, we need to find these monsters and make them pay, they have hurt and ruined so many innocent people's lives” You spit the words out, your hands squeezing into fist. 
“Is that all?” Morgan questions you, getting up, standing uncomfortably close to you.
“What's that meant to mean!?” Your body is already in defensive mode, locking itself down as Morgan has a determined look inside his own. 
“Well you seem to be hiding something from us and I would like to know what that is?” His questioning is dangerous, he steps closer to you. The rest of the room falls quiet, your eyes burning into his.
“How about, none of your damn business Morgan”
“It is my business when you drag us into it” He huffs back at you. “Just tell us what you're hiding” He steps closer, his breath lingering on your skin.
“Back the fuck up Derek” Your voice is lower, and full of danger. You can feel yourself about to snap and if you do, you don’t think you will be able to stop.
“We barely know you, so why don’t you just tell us what the hell is going on” Derek demands to know “What is wrong with you (Y/n)?” His hand raises up, and before you can process what is happening. Bam. Your fist collides with his mouth and you see red as he stumbles backwards. You follow him, a low growl leaves you as you punch him again, this time aiming for his eyes. He manages to block, trying to hold you back, but you don’t stop trying to get a blow on him. You can hear voices all around you but you can’t hear past the blood rushing in your ears. Soon there are arms wrapping around you from behind, pulling you away from Morgan. You struggle against them trying to break free as you stare daggering at Morgan who is being confronted by three people of your team, you don’t recognize them. Soon there is another person in your way, your body tenses as you see them. They quickly place their hands on your cheeks which make you freeze, the anger vanishing from inside you. Your vision starts easing up and faces start becoming recognizable. The person who is holding your face gently, has beautiful eyes, and a soft smile.
“Your safe (Y/n)” JJ speaks softly, “Just take some breaths” You stare at her, and soon start copying her breathing. Rossi lets you go, moving towards the rest of the team as you calm down.
“Let me go JJ” Your words are as cold as ice, the numb empty look in your eyes being replaced by guilt and anger. 
“Okay” She takes a breath before removing her hands and as soon as she does you bolt out the door.
You keep running once you get outside, you don’t stop, you can’t, you just can’t. Your mind is spinning and the only way you know how to get it to become quiet again, is to run. So that's what you do, you run. The sun is already set so you enjoy the darkness as you run. You can’t believe you lost it and punch Morgan, but what the hell is he getting at? Now what the hell are you meant to say, what lie are you meant to produce that will cover your ass. You're not sure how long you have been running for, but you're running out of breath when you see a corner store and think oh why not. Checking you have your wallet you head inside grabbing a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes. Walking back out you open it, throwing the rubbish in the bin before lighting it and taking a long drag. Closing your eyes as you inhale it, it's been a long time since you last smoked and god does it just hit right tonight. Slowly you begin walking back to the precinct, enjoying the nicotine hit. You know you're about halfway to the precinct when you decide to check your phone after feeling it ring a few times. 
Missed phone calls: Aaron Hotchner (6)
Penelope Garcia (3)
You're not sure how many smokes you have consumed already but the pack is way lighter than it used to be. You really should ring them back instead of lighting another one, but oh well you think as you bring one more to your lips. Pulling out the lighter just as a car pulls up beside you, groaning softly as you recognize it. You keep walking, not caring to look at him as he rolls the window down. 
“Get in the car” Hotch yells at you, following you.
“Nope” You go to light the smoke instead when he stops the car and gets out. 
“We are an hour walk from the precinct, get the hell in” Aaron doesn’t bother to hide his anger, holding himself back from grabbing that cigarette from your hand.
“Or what?”
“Or you're fired, and I’ll leave you here” He huffs angrily, seeing you weighing up your options.
“Fine” You take a long drag on your smoke before stomping it out and climbing in.
The ride back is quiet, as you stare out the window.
“How angry is everyone?” Your voice is quiet and empty. Almost empty because Aaron can detect a small trail of sadness and fear in your words. 
“Morgan winded you up on purpose, he pushed you too far. That wasn’t okay what either of you two did” Hotch ignored your question, because he knew you wouldn’t accept that fact no one is angry. No, everyone is just worried and concerned about you, something you don’t know how to spot or accept when it comes to yourself. He wishes you could just trust the team, trust him enough to let them help. 
“I have a past” You pull yourself closer as you stare out the window, thinking about your next words carefully. 
“You don’t have to tell me” Aaron quickly tells you softly, needing you to know there is no rush.
“And if I do want to tell you?” You glance at him quickly, and for a moment you forget he is your boss and see him in the light of your friend. 
“Then I'm here to listen” He smiles lightly at you. You nod quickly looking back out the window, and then slowly you move your hand towards him, which he happily takes sliding his fingers between yours.
“I was abused growing up, no one cared and nobody knew, I never told anyone” You stare out the window, emotions settling down as you speak. “This case brings back memories I never wanted to relieve back up, I have to find these people so that we can save these kids” Your voice is sweet as you speak, this is a side no one but Aaron ever gets to see.
“And we will get them and we will get them help” Aaron smiles weakly as he pulls up. “But once this case is over we need to get you some help too, okay?” His thumb slides over your hand as you glance at him. If only he knew that nothing on earth can help you, and at the end of this case you don’t think you will still be on this team.
“Okay” You nod forcing a small smile before pulling away and making your way inside.
You walk in quietly, followed by Aaron. The team is staring up at the tv, watching some of the latest fights. You freeze as you catch a glance of his face on the screen. You knew he was still there but the look in his eyes is killing you. He's gone, replaced by a murderous robot, his skills are fast and sharp. 
“Ryan” His name slips off your tongue before you can stop it, your body tenses up as you stare at the screen and the way he gets his opponent down in one quick move. Emily pauses it as everyone's head turns to you once more. This time everyone looks at you with concern as they see the tears forming in your eyes, which you quickly push away once you let everyone get a good look.
“You know him?” Reid asks you, tilting his head as he asks you. 
“Um y yeah..” You take a deep breath. “I went to school with him” It's a lie, but you know it's golden. “He went missing when he was around 15 years old, we were best friends then one day he didn't turn up to school and well” You take  a deep breath as Aaron leads you to a chair, your arms shaking just a little. “He was officially determined missing a week later, his parents were absent, they didn’t care for him” That wasn’t a lie, he told you about his parents and how much they hurt him and how they were barely at home. 
“Oh (Y/n)” JJ places her hand softly on the table beside your hand, not touching but showing you she is here for you. You give her a soft smile in response. 
“If he’s been there this whole time it's been twelve years” Twelve years, he is never going to be the same.
“Jesus christ” Morgan groans with regret as he looks at you. “That's what you were hiding?”
“I had a feeling he was there.. I was just hoping I was wrong” Your voice is weak and tiredness is starting to take over. It's been almost 48 hours since you last slept.
“Now we got a lead, tomorrow we get Garcia to look into him but let's call it a night it's late we all need sleep” Hotch states, everyone nodding in agreement including you as you stare at Ryan's face on the screen. That's all your fault.
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mrs-dr-reid · 3 months
In the Still of the Night
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Pairing: Aaron Hotcher x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aaron and the Reader are relishing in the first night with their newborn baby
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff, babes.
Warnings: Newborn Dad!Hotch. That's a warning in and of itself. Also potentially inaccurate depictions of post-birth protocol at hospitals, brief mentions of breast feeding, and other stuff I can't think of right now
A/N: Inspired by this prompt for @imagining-in-the-margins's Kid Fic Challenge: "Character witnesses a quiet moment with their partner and their baby during a night feeding", and title taken from the song by The Five Satins of the same name. Nursery image is AI generated.
Word Count: 1578
Aaron never thought this day would come, but as he snuck glances in the rearview mirror at his wife watching their newborn daughter sleeping in the backseat (while he went as far under the speed limit as he could go without getting pulled over), he realized he finally had what he’d been waiting for: his beautiful baby girl. He’d been counting down the minutes until he could meet his baby since Y/N had told him she was pregnant, and now she was finally here.
Jocelyn Amelia Hotchner, his daughter, was born at 2:37 am on March 11, 2015. She was 20 inches tall, and she weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces of pure love and joy. The second the team found out Y/N had gone into labor, they took over the hospital waiting room and stayed the entire time so they could be the first to know the gender, because both Aaron and Y/N had agreed they wanted it to be a surprise. Y/N had handled giving birth like a champ, and the usually stoic Aaron promptly started crying the second little Jocelyn was laid on his bare chest for contact bonding.
It was well into the wee hours of the morning when Aaron came to find them (Y/N had to kick him out of the hospital room so he’d go and tell everyone the news face to face because if he’d had it his way, he would have just texted the group chat and stayed by her side for the rest of the night), and they all instantly stood up when they saw him standing there. Tears came to his eyes, and he managed to choke out, “It’s a girl!”, before the team swarmed him in a hug and offered their congratulations.
Y/N and Jocelyn had to stay at the hospital for 24 hours for observation, during which Jessica brought Jack to meet his brand new sister (whom he instantly fell in love with), but once they were given the all-clear, Aaron wasted no time getting his two best girls in the car and driving them home. It was just after 3 am when they pulled into the driveway, and Aaron turned off the car before turning around in his seat to look at Y/N, who was gazing at Jocelyn’s sleeping face with just as much love in her eyes as there was on their wedding day. He said, “Y/N, Honey, we’re home,” in a voice barely above a whisper because he didn’t want to wake the baby, so Y/N said, “Okay,” then carefully undid her seatbelt and the one securing Jocelyn’s car seat before getting out of the car.
Hotch grabbed the car seat, then followed Y/N up the front steps and into the house, tears threatening to flow when he realized this was the first night his daughter would be sleeping in her crib. He set the car seat on the floor, and Y/N instantly swooped in to unfasten Jocelyn and bring her upstairs to the nursery, Aaron following right behind her just in case (his Doting Husband and Father Mode™ has been dialed up to 11 since Y/N hit her second trimester).
When they first started prepping the nursery, Aaron was a tad bit skeptical when Y/N commissioned Penelope to paint a map of the US above the crib, but when Y/N explained her idea to put a glow-in-the-dark star sticker on whatever state he ends up in when he’s away on a case so he could technically be watching over the baby no matter where in the country he was, Aaron was too overcome with adoration to disagree with her. Now, as he watched his wife lay their daughter down to sleep in her crib, he felt that same surge of pride and love flow through him.
Despite being barely a day old, Jocelyn somehow already knew that crying in the middle of the night was a requirement because less than two hours after she was put to bed, Y/N woke up to the sound of her daughter’s wailings through the baby monitor. She let out a sigh, then slid out of bed and padded down the hallway to the nursery. She switched on the salt rock lamp Spencer had given them for a baby shower gift, and the second Jocelyn laid eyes on her mother, her cries lessened but didn’t go away completely, so Y/N cooed, “Oh, come here, My Little Love. Mama’s got you,” while lifting her from the crib and bringing her over to the rocking chair.
The second she sat down, Jocelyn immediately started mouthing on Y/N’s shirt over her breast, so Y/N laughed softly and said, “Okay, Hungry Girl, let’s get some milk in your belly,” before pulling down her sleep shirt and helping Jocelyn latch on. For a while, they just sat there together; Jocelyn eating and Y/N rocking back and forth in the chair while softly humming “Baby Mine” from Dumbo. Aaron, on the other hand, woke up to use the restroom and realized his wife wasn’t beside him. He only worried for a second because then he heard her soothing voice floating out of the baby monitor.
He smiled to himself, then rolled out of bed and walked as quietly as he could down the hall to poke his head into the nursery, and his heart melted all over again at the sight of Y/N feeding baby Jocelyn, the warm yellow light of the salt rock lamp making her look almost ethereal and the gentle white noise of her humming lulling the little girl back to sleep. Aaron let out a soft chuckle at the scene, and Y/N shifted her gaze up from her daughter’s sleeping face to see her husband in the doorway with a loving smile on his face.
She smiled right back and whispered, “Go back to sleep, My Love. I’ve got this,” but Aaron just shook his head and whispered back, “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” before pulling the little pouf near the dresser over to the chair so he could be closer to his girls. Y/N rolled her eyes lovingly, but kept rocking Jocelyn regardless and whispered, “Is Jess bringing Jack home today?”, so Aaron replied, “Yeah, she said she’d pick him up from school and bring him back here,” in the same hushed tone, making Y/N nod and say, “Good. I’ve missed him,” before turning her attention back to her daughter, who was starting to make little disgruntled sounds while clenching her tiny fists.
Y/N tried to soothe her, but nothing seemed to be working until Aaron said, “Are you grumpy, Sweet Pea?”, and tickled her foot with his index finger, which instantly made her stop making noises. When neither Y/N nor Aaron did anything for a few seconds, Jocelyn started fussing again, so Y/N said, “Ah, okay. She wants Dada,” then started to slide the little girl into her father’s arms. The second Aaron had her held against his chest, she went completely silent save for a content coo here and there, which made Y/N giggle and say, “There we go, happy baby,” a chuckle escaping Aaron at that sentiment. He stood up and walked around the room with her while he said, “Yeah? You just needed some Daddy Time?”, and Jocelyn let out a sleepy baby noise before nuzzling into his chest, making tears come to his eyes before he kissed the mop of messy dark hair on top of her head.
Y/N draped a burp rag over his shoulder, then she said, “Would you mind burping her before you put her back down?”, and Aaron replied, “Not at all. Go on back to bed, Honey. I can handle it from here,” so Y/N smiled at him gratefully before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, smoothing a hand over Jocelyn’s messy hair with a whisper of, “Sweet dreams, My Little Love,” then wandering back to their bedroom with a barely suppressed yawn. He smiled as he watched her go, then turned his attention back to his daughter, who let out a yawn-hiccup combo.
Aaron burped her like Y/N had asked, then once he’d done that, he walked a few more laps around the nursery while gently bouncing Jocelyn and talking about whatever he could think of in the softest voice he could manage until she fell back asleep. He placed her in her crib, and when she curled up into a ball and grabbed onto the tail of the stuffed squirrel Penelope had gotten them, he smiled and whispered, “Goodnight, Sweet Pea,” before switching off the salt rock lamp and exiting the nursery as quietly as he could.
He used the bathroom like he’d originally intended, then slipped back under the covers and held his wife as close to him as was humanly possible. Aaron whispered, “I love you. Thank you for our daughter,” into Y/N’s hair, not knowing she was still awake until she squeezed his hand where it rested against her stomach and whispered back, “I love you more. Thank you for our son,” before snuggling impossibly closer to him. His breath caught in his throat, and a smile came to his face before he kissed the top of her head and let the sweet caress of sleep overtake him.
CM Taglist: @homoose, @libraryofloveletters, @xgoldentigerlilyx, @less-intelligent-spencerreid, @boketto2-0, @aryaarathornson, @spoookymuulders, @nomajdetective
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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aaronhotchswife · 10 months
By the dimed lights
Aaron Hotcher x Female Reader
Hi guys ! I'm sorry for the long waiting for this fic. I had (and still have) to deal with a lot of stressing things. I don't feel really well mentally lately but I'll try to get better. I hope you enjoy this little fic. I'm apologizing in advance if it's not the best fic I've ever written, I can't do better than that these days 💓
Summary : when you can't sleep because of a case, you go for a midnight swim where you find Aaron.
Warnings : unprotected pool sex, mentions of classic cm stuff, not really a elaborated plot, public sex
With no new leads and clues, Hotch has decided to let the team go back to the hotel earlier than usual to catch some sleep. You've been in bed since 10 pm, trying to get most of the sleep you could get. This case was exhausting and it wasn't ready to finish. Tossing and turning, counting the sheeps, nothing could put you to sleep. All you could think about was the case and how it didn't make any sense. You look at your phone, seeing 00:00 am and decided to read a book that you brought with you, hoping that it would put you so sleep. You mind was running 100 mph and even reading couldn't help. But the hotel had a pool and maybe swimming and doing some exercises will drive you to sleep. So you put your swimsuit and walked to the pool where you start doing laps.
"Couldn't sleep either ?" a voice ask in the back.
Getting your head out of the water, you turned around to see your boss in his swim trunks with a towel in his hands. The dark lightning of the pool is enough for you to see his dark blue shorts but not enough for him to see your cheeks getting red.
"Hotch!" you responded suprised, covering the left naked skin of your breast with your arms. "I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind. What are you doing here ?"
He sat on the edge of the pool, while you swam to him, positioning your arms next to his legs.
"Same thing."
"Something's wrong with the profil." you said, your eyes rising to look at him.
"I know." he sighed, looking down at you. He looked done and exhausted.
Using the walls of the pool, you pushed yourself towards the water to swim away from him before speaking again.
"It's impossible that the unsub dismember his victims in a city and drive across the country to kill again. He can't possibly do that alone...Hotch, what if there's 2 unsubs ?"
Aaron left his place on the edge and swam in your direction, agreeing with what you just said.
"It could be possible. It's the only thing that makes sense honestly...I mean he can't possibly kill someone here, and then be miles away in just a day."
"We should check that more seriously tomorrow." you let out.
"We should."
He's so close to you now, the features of his face softly illuminated by the dimed lights. While he's looking away, you dared looking at him, at his eyes, his cheeks, the way his nose is made. You let yourself check out his lips and the way his shoulders are slowly rising up and down from his calm breathing. As if he knew you were watching him, Aaron gaze turned to meet yours, a small smile on his lips.
He settle in front of you, making your back touch the wall of the pool, his hand reaching a stray of your hair to replace them behind your ear. You follow his fingers, your eyes reaching his once again.
"You look so hot soaking wet." he murmured in your ear. His fingers grazed your cheek to your neck making your eyes closed and your head fall back. His fingers traced their way to your neck, your breast, while his mouth found your jaw, leaving little kisses before your lips meet. It's the more breathtaking kiss you ever had and in that moment, nothing is important. You can feel the need and desperation as you both move your lips together.
A moan involuntary leaves your mouth, the sweet sound making Aaron's body shift. You feel his body tensed, the kiss growing stronger and his hands tucking your face harder. Your hands reach for his swim shorts, so eagerly as if your body's been possessed and by the way Aaron's lips move on yours, you don't have to think about what possessed you. His lips leave yours the moment your hand starts massaging his cock, his head falls back while he murmured a small "fuck".
His hands reach for the top of your swimsuit, slowly pulling on the cords to make it fall in the water. His fingers grazed your nipples, tugging gently on them, making you press your body on him.
"Good girl." he murmured, his lips finding a spot under your ear.
"Please sir, please fuck me." you begged, your mind still running 100 mph but for a different reason now.
"Anything my good girl desires." he praises, and with that, his fingers found the bottom of your swimsuit, pushing then on the side before one of his fingers found it way to your folds. You groaned, taking his jaw in your hand to press your lips on his again.
When he thinks that your slicked enough, you can feel his tip between your folds. He's pushing it slowly, letting you get used to his dick.
"If you knew how many times I thought of me inside of you like that. So tight for me sweet girl."
If fucking your hot boss in a hotel pool was hot enough to make your stomach flutters, him saying things like that was something else. With each thrust, a moan was escaping your mouth. Aaron's hand made his way to your mouth, his lips murmuring.
"I’m fucking you so good that you have to keep quiet or you'll wake up the hotel. Wouldn't want the team to know that your boss is fucking you ?"
With that sentence, your pussy clenched,
"Or maybe that's what turns you on, being seen."
Another moan.
"Such a dirty girl."
"Fuck Aaron. Please."
"Please what, sweetheart ?"
"Please, let me come."
One of his hand found your clit, rubbing little circles on it. You could feel the knot in your stomach growing stronger, and Aaron must have felt it because he started leaving little kiss from your neck to your cheeks, to your forehead.
"Let it go. Come for me baby."
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writingfanficsfan · 8 months
Working on chapter two of my Aaron Hotcher/Spencer Reid: Alpha/Omega fic.
This is @aimmyarrowshigh 'fault', her wonderful Steve/Bucky fic Lent From Tomorrow (today was too small for us) inspired me. You should go read that one, it's very,very good!
“Why are you benching me?” 
“Excuse me.” 
“This is the third case that you’ve left me behind in the station.” 
“You’re the only member of the team that can read 20,000 words a minute. You are also the only member of our team that has an IQ of 187.” 
‘you can’t use that against me.”
“Use that against you? Reid-”
“Ever since the Parker case, you have kept me inside, behind a desk.” 
“We needed your knowledge more, Reid. This has nothing to do-”
“I don’t believe you. You see me as weak now, as an Omega.” 
“You are an Omega, Spencer. There is nothing wrong with that.” 
“There is when you use it against me.” 
“I am not-” (voice raised)
“I don’t need your protection, Hotch. Not from you or any other Alpha. I can take care of myself, on and off the field. You tying me down to desk duty is just insulting.” 
“I- You could have been killed, Reid.” 
“So could Morgan yet you don’t bench him.” 
“If you finish that sentence with ‘an Alpha’ I will punch you.” 
“You’d punch your boss?” 
“When he’s being a dick? Yes!” Spencer snapped, frustration threatening to boil over.
Not just because of him being sidelined. There was also the tiny matter of having Hotch on his mind 24/7. thinking about Hothc’s hands in his own, about his very weird Alpha behavior, about that look in his dark eyes before he left. He hasn’t stopped thinking about it, going over their conversation repeatedly, dissecting every micro-expression on Hotch’s face, every little change in his voice and demeanor. It’s driving him a little crazy. And right now, with his  Heat coming up, it’s even harder to not think about Hotch, to not notice him. These past few weeks Hotch has been different, not per se colder but just different and it’s driving Spencer insane. 
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All The Time | Aaron Hotchner
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SUMMARY: Sometimes Aaron had weekends when he had no work to complete, and for him, they were the best types of weekends, because he got to pleasure you like you deserved.
WARNINGS: SMUT, MINORS DNI, Soft Dom!Hotch, choking, fingering, rough sex, unprotected sex (be safe!), penatrative sex, vagina, no pronouns used for reader.
A/N: My first Criminal Minds request, and the first piece I’ve ever written for Hotch. Remember, my requests are open for Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotcher, Emily Prentiss and JJ! Just send in an ask or message me!
REQUEST: Would love a hotch/reader smut/romantic relationship...please NO angst, include rough sex and choking with soft dom Hotch!
Weekends without reports to be submitted or a new criminal to catch were rare for Aaron Hotchner. So rare in fact, that the whole first half of Saturday had him glancing at his mobile, waiting for it to ring and pull him back into the chaotic world of murders, victims, and insane cases.
But by the time Saturday night rolled around and dinner had been had, he knew he was in the clear, knew he had the weekend to spend with you. And for a man who often felt like he didn’t have enough time for his loved ones, he wasn’t going to waste this perfect opportunity to be with you.
You were laying against him on the couch, the top of your head tucked just underneath his chin, a small smile on your face as you mindlessly watched the TV in front of you, Aaron’s large hands holding your waist and lips pressing kisses to your hair line. For the two of you, it was a perfect Saturday night, spent in each other’s company after drinking a couple glasses of wine and sharing some Indian take out for dinner. For once, Aaron was home on a weekend, and you were wrapped in his loving embrace as his long fingers dipped under the material of your shirt and started rubbing gentle patterns against the skin of you back and waist.
You knew instantly what he was aiming at, and when you caught a glimpse of his growing smirk as you let out a blissful sigh, he knew that you had caught on to his plan. Adjusting yourself, you leaned your arms on his chest and looked right at him, smile widening as his grip on your waist tightened.
“I gotta say, having you home is pretty nice.” Your words were quiet but caught his attention over the sound of the TV.
“Oh yeah? And why’s that, darling?” His lips were slowly moving closer to yours, so tantalizingly close that you nearly couldn’t resist kissing him. But you had other plans.
“Well, it’s not often we get to be like this, relaxing and having dinner and not acting as if a lot of the world is out to get us. It’s nice to just have some silence, it’s nice not to have your phone ringing or my pager going off.” He hums in response, hot breath against the skin of your cheek, and as you adjust yourself once more to straddle his waist, weighing down against his already hardening cock, you know you’ve got him, hook line and sinker.
But what you don’t know, is that he had this all planned out ever since you laid against him on the couch.
“Mhm, that is true.” His hands are moving lower slowly, cupping your ass, and eliciting a sharp whine from you when he gives it a squeeze, lips pulling up into a shit eating grin. “But do you know what I think is the best thing about being home?” His lips were on your skin then, tongue against your neck and teeth grazing your pulse point as your eyes widened in surprise at how the table suddenly turned on you.
“What-what’s the best thing about being home, sweetheart?” You could barely form a sentence as his fingers squeezed the globes of your ass and his mouth nipped at your jaw, his eyes bright with want and need.
“Knowing I have all the time in the world to fuck you, to take you apart on my fingers and cock and to turn you into such a pretty little thing on this couch.” Aaron had you moaning then, the sound slipping out from your gritted teeth as he started to peel your shirt off you.
You tried to catch his lips, tried to kiss him like you so desperately wanted to, but Aaron wasn’t having it, instead sending you a frown and hands coming up to cup your face.
“Uh, uh, baby, I’m not going to kiss you until I think you deserve it. Now be good.” His words were firm but soft, and you knew that he was going to make you feel so insanely good, even if you had to wait a while.
He shifted the both of you then, moving on the couch so your body was laid delicately under his and his frame hovered over you, caging you in and making you see only him, his chapped lips, and broad shoulders.
Aaron started his ministrations then, lips attaching themselves to your collarbone and neck, sucking deep purple marks into your skin with fingers toying with the waist band of your track pants. You knew you needed to be good, needed to do what Aaron wanted if you were going to get the relief you so badly wanted, but as his mouth pressed against the skin of your breast that was spilling out of your bra, you knew you were closer than either of you imagined, hips bucking into his. He let out a warm laugh as he looked down at you, took in your embarrassed expression that only made his smirk widen.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so needy, sweet girl. You must really want me.” You nodded back at him, letting out another moan when he pulled your pants off you, fingers quickly pressing into your clit through the material of your underwear. “Well then, I did want to take my time with you right now, but I can always do that later.”
“Please, Aaron, fuck, I want you.” Your lover didn’t hesitate to slip a finger in your then, pushing your underwear to the side and curling his finger so you felt the full stretch. His other hand yanked at the cups of your bra, not even bothering to fully take the flimsy material off you, watching as your breasts spilled out, waiting for his hot mouth to envelop them.
Suddenly you were seeing stars, his lips tugging at your nipples and hand in your pussy that was pushing you closer and closer to the edge. He could feel you, filled with your escaping juices and nearing putty in your hands, and Aaron could only smile down at you, pulling away for a moment to tuck some hair behind your ears.
“God, you look so beautiful, baby. Looking so perfect. How the hell did I end up deserving you?” He didn’t wait for an answer because he finally kissed you.
It was like you had reached heaven, his lips on yours and hands all over your body. He kissed like it was going to be his last one, with so much need and want and love all rolled into one it nearly sent you into a frenzy, grappling to hold onto whatever part of him you could reach. His hand was moving faster in you then, three fingers thrusting in and out of you as you whined and whimpered against his open mouth.
He surrounded you, his body the only thing you could see, his dark pupils blown and hair a mess as you ran your hand through it, tugging it slightly when he bit into your lip. Aaron knew exactly what to do to turn you into a mess in his arms, your chest raising erratically as his free hand tugged and groped at your breasts, the touch of his skin feeling like flames against your skin.
“C’mon baby, I can feel you, you’re so close to cumming on my fingers. Be a good girl darling and cum for me.” You were gone then, sinking into his embrace as you flooded his fingers, mouth opening for a silent moan and eyes near rolling to the back of your head as Aaron littered kisses all over your face and neck, soothing you as you came down from your high. “There we go, good girl. You’re so good for me, darling.”
He pulled his fingers from his mouth, watching as your cum slowly dripped off them, before taking his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean as you melted once before his eyes, a desperate whimper sounding through the room. He helped you out of your soaked underwear and bra that still was some how hanging onto your body, and then shucked his own clothes off, becoming a pristine piece of artwork, all sculptured muscle with rosy skin and sharp angles that nearly made you want to weep.
He hoisted you up as he sat back on his legs, moving you so that your legs hung loosely around his hips and your body was arched up, pillow behind your head.
“Now, as much as I want to go slow with you, I think you need me to much. So, what do you, baby?” His lips were tugging at the lobe of your ear, pressing himself against as you felt his thick cock against your stomach, warm and throbbing and already leaking with precum.
“Make me yours, Aaron. Do what you want to me.” As soon as he grinned at you, a grin that was wolfish and made your toes curl, you knew you had made the right choice. And Aaron didn’t hesitate, making quick work of stroking himself and lining himself up before pushing right in, not giving you any time to adjust.
Aaron pounded into you, rough and hard like he knew you wanted it, making you moan like he knew he could. Watching the muscles of his hips move and his cock slide into you, you nearly couldn’t keep focus on everything around you, losing your grip of reality as his mouth came down once again to suck on your breasts, not once losing his pace.
He was covered in sweat, and the noises that filled the room were feral, a growl leaving his mouth when you scratched his back.
That was when he changed, his eyes turning completely dark and his hips knocking into yours with such ferocity that you were worried he was going to knock you off the couch. And then his hand was around your neck, stroking it as you whimpered at his touch, not knowing how to cope with all the pleasure that was flooding your veins.
“Fuck you would look so pretty with my hand around your neck, so damn hot baby.” He wasn’t applying any pressure, not wanting to pass any boundaries, and giving you the moment to decide what you wanted, but as soon as you placed a hand on his and nodded, he was gone.
“Do, Aaron, I’m yours.” He sucked in a moan at your words, and then slowly applied a light pressure, wary of how much you could handle. He was still thrusting into you and you could tell he was close, his eyes closing in pleasure for a moment before they snapped back upon to watch you come undone under his hand and filled with his cock. “Please, Aaron, more.” You gripped his shoulder, trying to edge him on further as his thrusts became sloppy. “I need more, Aaron.”
“You need more, sweet thing? Then I’m going to give it to you.” He nearly split you in half with how hard he thrusted in then, earing a shocked but pleasure filled shriek as his hand still gripped your throat. He lifted you so that you were nearly folded in half, and he gazed down at you hungrily, watching as your breasts shook and how your face contorted in pleasure and eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You screamed when you came, soaking him and clenching around him in a way that had him seeing red and cumming with you, filling you up with his cum as you went limp, spent and resting right on the line of pleasure and over stimulation. His hand dropped from your throat, leaving a red hand mark on your skin. He collapsed next to you, shifting his weight so that you laid on top of him again, an arm flung around your waist as you pressed your face to his neck, slowly coming down from your high that left you shaky and breathing heavily. The both of you were slick with sweat, covered in each other’s cum and wrapped up in an embrace of love and comfort.
“Fuck, Aaron. I didn’t expect that to happen.” You spoke softly against his skin, your hand lazily drawing patterns on his chest, cradled close to your lover, who made no attempt in letting you go.
“Did, I hurt you at all? I know the choking thing was new for us.” You shook your head, running a hand through his hair that was longer than usual, a lack of time causing him to miss his usual hair appointments with the barber.
“No, baby. You didn’t hurt me at all. I actually think it was quite hot.” He smirked at your response, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips and entangle your fingers with his.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm, I thought it was very hot, Aaron. Definitely something that suits you.” He chuckled at your words, then smiled down at you as you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull his mouth closer once again.
“Well then, I’ll keep that in mind. Now how about we take this upstairs? I think our large bed is going to be more comfortable than our couch, especially if tonight’s going to continue.” He didn’t even reply, just stood up and hoisted you into his arms, lips once again attached to yours before he walked towards the stars.
Sometimes Aaron longed for a case to come his way, to catch another bad guy and to save another helpless victim. Sometimes he longed for his desk at the BAU, to be surrounded by his team and friends, discussing the latest crime, and profiling the newest unsub. And sometimes, he only longed for you, your body, and your time, wanting to give you everything he had, wanting to be with you for as long as he could, until the world called him back to the chaos and danger.
And you, you were happy to wait for him, something he was forever grateful for.
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Hotchners Are Strong
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Request: Yes / No 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Team x Fem!Hotcher!Reader
Word count: 2223
Warnings: Haley dying, some cursing, and that should be it. 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My older brother Aaron was a big time FBI agent. I also worked for the FBI, but I was in a different area then him. I worked with trying to find children, but I was trained in profiling, Aaron made sure of that. Currently someone was after the team, specifically my brother. If he was after my brother that means he was after me as well. They brought me in on the investigation. 
“Alright, what do we got?” I asked walking into the round room. 
“What are you doing here?” Aaron asked. 
“I was brought in, this guy’s after you which means he’s after me.” I said. 
“I know, but you should be in protection.” He said and I shrugged. 
“You and I both know I would be more useful here.” I said and he sighed. 
“So what do we have?” I asked. 
“We just got approved to go to Foyet’s hideout. We found him.” Rossi said. 
“Great, let’s get this fucker.” I said and walked out of the room. 
We were in the building across the street watching for any movement in Foyet’s apartment. There was nothing. It was annoying, but we needed to wait for Morgan’s call. 
“Swt’s getting antsy.” JJ said coming up to us. 
“I’ll tell them when it’s time to go. Right now we sit tight. Let them know.” Morgan responded and JJ walked back over to them. 
“These guys are trained to move, not just sit around. I can’t really say that I blame them.” He said. 
“He might not even be there anymore.” Spencer said. 
“I know and the longer we sit here, the further away he gets.” Morgan said. 
“You make the best clal you can, kid.” Rossi said. 
“I say we go in.” I said. 
“It could be a trap.” Spencer said. 
“Yeah, but like Morgan said. The longer we sit here the further away he gets.” I said. 
“Alright, this is what we’re gonna do. We’ll send someone with a camera to look under the door and see if he’s there. Undercover.” He said and we nodded. 
“Better than doing nothing.” I said and texted my brother the plan. Him and Emily came up to watch. 
“You getting the signal?” The undercover agent asked. 
“Copy.” Morgan said. 
“No warm bodies. Looks like a kitchen table, chair.” 
“Is that a laptop on the table?” Spencer asked. 
“It could be useful.” Emily said. 
“Is that food?” Morgan asked. 
“Get closer to that.” Rossi said. 
“Wait, go back. What’s that on the floor?” Aaron asked. 
“It’s his mail.” I said. 
“Yeah.” Aaron said and pulled his gun out. We all followed and rushed to the apartment. Swat broke down the door and we rushed inside. 
“What happened?” Emily asked. 
“He’s not coming back here. He left an untouched meal.” Aaron said. 
“You drop your mail like this when you’re startled, when you need to get out of dodge quick.” Rossi said. 
“So something tipped him off. He knew we were coming.” I said. 
“Suitcases are open, some clothes are missing. There’s a safe with a stash of guns in it.” Morgan said. 
“He didn’t even bother to lock them up again.” JJ said. 
“If he’s in a hurry, he’ll make a mistake.” Rossi said. 
“Yeah, but when Foyet gets cornered, he starts killing.” Aaron said and walked off. 
“We’re not gonna let that happen.” Morgan said. 
“We need to get Garcia on this.” Emily said looking at the laptop.
“I’ll talk to my brother.” I said and followed him into the other room. 
“He’s ahead of us…” He said. 
“I know, but you need to focus. Don’t let him get into your head.” I said and he sighed. 
“He’s already in it.” He said and I sighed. 
“Aaron, you’re strong and with two Hotchner’s on this case, We’ll catch him.” I said and he turned to face me. 
“You shouldn’t be on this case at all.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“You really thought I would be okay with just being on the sidelines with some psycho after my family?” I asked and he sighed. 
“You should know me better than that by now Aaron.” I said and he nodded. 
“I do know you, that’s why you should be in protection.” He said and I shurgged. 
“Well not gonna happen, so get over it.” I said with a smirk and he rolled his eyes. 
“Guys! We got something!” Morgan called and we walked back into the room. 
“He is creepy good.” Garcia said. 
“How good?” Spencer asked. 
“He wiped his hard drive. Might have been in a hurry to leave, but whatever was on there, he did not want us to see it.” She answered. 
“Garcia, tell me that you’re hacked in and that you can rebuild it.” Morgan said. 
“Whatch me work, darling.” She said. 
“Hello.” She said after a moment. 
“What have you got?” Aaron asked. 
“Um, he had an internet alarm on the name Peter Rhea. it alerted him as soon as we ran a check on it.” Garcia said. 
“What else did he wipe?” I asked and pictures started flashing on the screen. 
“Garcia, wait a minute. Freeze it right there.” Morgan said and she did. 
“Oh my God, isn’t that-” JJ cut herself off. 
“That’s the U.S. Marshal assigned to my family.” Aaron said pulling out his phone. 
“Foyet’s been watching him this whole time?” Emily asked. 
“Sam, it’s Aaron. We found Foyet’s location, but he has surveillance photos of you. Call me for a meet location or we’re on our way to you.” He said and hung up. 
“We’re gonna need to deploy another Swat unit.” Morgan said. 
“That’s gonna take another half hour.” JJ said. My brother turned and left the room. 
“Hotch?” Rossi called. 
“Go. Go!” Morgan said. We followed him out. We rushed to the Marshall’s house and Rossi and Hotch went in first. We followed behind. 
“I tried. I’m sorry.” He said.
“What are you sorry for?” Aaron asked. 
“I… I tried.” He said again. 
“Are Jack and Haley safe?” My brother asked. Sam just started breathing havily. 
“Sam, tell me what happened.” He begged. 
“I don’t know how he got in...” Sam said. 
“I need to understand. Does he know where Jack and Haley are?” He asked. 
“I didn’t…” Sam said. 
“What about her phone number? What her safe phone number?” He asked. 
“I didn’t… It won’t matter. ” Sam said. 
“I- It tried, Hotch.” Sam said and the paramedics came. My brother got in the back with them and that was it. My brother called Morgan and told us what was happening. My brother had a car and he knew a location, you didn’t need to be a profiler to know what was happening next. 
“Hotch is calling Foyet.” Garcia said. 
“Damn it Aaron!” I said shaking my head. Garcia put the call on speaker and he was telling him his life story. We were listening in to hear what he was doing. The called ended and we didn’t know where he was, yet. 
“Alright, Foyet has to be in control. He had Haley come to him.” Morgan said. 
“Yeah, but where would he take her?” Spencer asked. 
“He’d want Hotch to find him, to see where he was, to see what he did.” JJ said. 
“Which means he-”
“He said something on that call that tells hotch where to go.” Rossi said cutting Emily off. 
“Reid, what did he say exactly?” Morgan asked. 
“”Haley’s hair looks good dark. She’s lost some weight. It must be because of all the stress you caused her. Where’s the little man? Oh, there he is now. Do you think he likes Captain America because of you? That’s your wife on the other line. Hold, please. 
“Hi. Open the gate and I’ll drive in.” Spencer said quickly. 
“Open the gate?” Rossi said. 
“It would be someplace with the biggest emotional impact for Hotch.” Emily said. 
“And Haley has access to the gate.” Morgan said. 
“He took them to their house. When they lived together.” I said realizing where they were. 
“Of course. Foyet planned this all the way to the end. It’s everything to him.” Emily said. 
“We don’t have time to talk, we need to go.” I said already on my way out. I had my phone out calling my brother. 
“Y/N.” He answered. 
“He’s going to your house.” I said. 
“I know.” He said. 
“Morgan is sending out a full tactical deployment.” I said. 
“Good.” He said. 
“We’re on our way. Don’t do anything stupid big bro.” I said and he hung up. 
“Foyet’s calling Hotch.” Garcia said. 
“Garcia, can you get us on?” Morgan asked. 
“Foyet.” Aaron answered. 
“Aaron?” Haley’s voice rang through. 
“You’re okay?” She asked. 
“I’m fine.” He answered. 
“But… He said that… Oh Aaron.” She said. 
“He can hear us, right?” He asked. 
“Yes. I am so sorry.” She said. 
“Haley, show him no weakness, no fear.” He said. 
“I know. Sam told me all about him. Is he, uh…”
“No, Sam is fine.” Aaron said cutting her off. 
“Aaron, Aaron, Aaron. Is that why your marriage broke up, because you’re a liar?” Foyet asked. 
“Don’t listen to him, Haley.” My brother said. 
“I have Sam’s service phone right here. They sent out a mass text about his death. You can take a look if you want.” Foyet said. 
“He’s trying to scare you.” Aaron said. 
“Did you even tell her what this was about? About the deal?” Foyet asked and I looked at the team confused. 
“He’s just trying to make you angry.” Aaron said. 
“Well, she should be. She’s gonna… D-I-E because of your inflated ego.” Foyet said. 
“Ignore him, Haley.” Aaron said. 
“I’m sure you don’t want her to know this part either. You know, all he had to do was stop looking for me and you wouldn’t be in this mess.” Foyet said. 
“Don’t react.” Aaron said. 
“What is he talking about?” Haley asked. 
“Tell Jack I need him working the case.” Aaron said. 
“What?” She asked. 
“Tell Jack I need him working the case.” He repeated. 
“Jack. Did you hear that?” She asked. 
“Hi, Daddy.” Jack’s voice came through the phone and I felt my heart clench. 
“Hi, buddy.” My brother said choked up. 
“Is George a bad guy?” Jack asked. 
“Yes, he is. Jack, I need you on this case with me. Do you understand? I need you to work the case with me.” Aaron said. 
“Okay, Daddy.” He said and my eyes started watering. 
“Jack, hug your mom for me.” Aaron said.  
“Mommy hug me too tight.” He said. 
“I’m sorry.” She siad. 
“Why are you sad?” He asked. 
“Oh, I just love you so much.” She said. 
“Mommy, I gotta go. I’m working the case.” He said.
“Okay.” She said. 
“He’s so cute. He’s like a little juniot G-man. I’ll be right up, Jackie boy!” Foyet shouted.  
“Is he gone?” Aaron asked. 
“Yes.” She said.
“You’re so strong, Haley. You’re stronger than I ever was.” He said. 
“You’ll hurry, right?” She asked. 
“I know you didn’t sign on for this.” He said. 
“Neither did you.” She said. 
“I’m sorry for everything.” He said. 
“Promise me that you will tell him how we met and how you used to make me laugh.” She said. 
“Haley…” He said. 
“He needs to know that you weren’t always so serious, Aaron. I want him to believe in love, becuase it is the most important thing. But you need to show him. Promise me.” She said. 
“I promise.” He said. I was already in tears, but when I heard those three gunshot go off I broke. We were in the dark now. It was only my brother that could actually do anything… By the time we go there Aaron was beating the shit out of Foyet. Morgan pulled him off him and he was dead. He ran off and I followed him. He ran to his office and opened up a chest that was next to his dead. 
“I work the case Daddy, just like you said.” Jack said and I felt relief flud my vein. 
“You did a great job, buddy.” He said. 
“What happened to you, Daddy?” Jack asked. 
“I’m okay. I want you to go outside with Aunt Y/N okay?” He said and gently pushed him my way. 
“Aunt Y/N!” He said and ran to me. 
“Hey buddy.” I said picking him up. 
“Is Daddy okay?” He asked. 
“Daddy is gonna be fine, how about we go outside and draw. You wanna draw?” I asked. 
“Yeah!” He said with a smile. 
The next day I was brought in to talk about my brother. 
“Do you think Agent Hotchner was in the right mind set?” Strauss asked. 
“No my brother was not in the right mind set. His family was in danger and he would do anything to save them. If he didn’t kill Foyet, I would have.” I said and she looked at me. 
“You would have killed him?” She asked. 
“He was after my family too.” I said and she nodded. 
“That’s all we need to know.” She said and I nodded. I left and I went into the round table room where everyone was watching Jack. I smiled at him smiling, he still didn’t really know what was happening… 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @simonsbluee​ @ravenmoore14​ @maynardqueen101​ @pettyjayy​
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