You Decided This
WOW.. Been a bit!!! So, I finished The Walking Dead (Finally) and Daryl Dixon and decided to start writing for TWD too.
Here is a new one!
Warning: Sexual Themes, Vioulence, Abuse, Cursing
“It has been some time Y/N” Aaron spoke quietly, careful to not push your fight response. “Looking at the one armed man you smiled lightly. “Long time no see stranger. How are you?” Looking up from your garden, he looked around carefully to not step in any traps. “Follow the blue stones” Nodding he made his way to you. Sitting down, he watched as you picked vegetables and removed weeds. “Aaron, I know you didn’t come to watch me garden. What is going on?” He took a deep breath nodding. “We need you.. I need you..” Sighing slightly you took off your gardening gloves. “I can’t. Not if HE is around.” “I wouldn’t ask unless with was.. important..” Looking into his eyes you nodded once.
Giving the lowdown on the whisperers and the multiple people who died you didn’t know how to react. Jesus and Tara and you had been very close. Jesus coming to visit every so often to get away from the Hilltop. He often told you everything he knew about the surrounding areas.
Staring at the flowers, you didn’t know what to say. “I heard of the whisperers and seen them about a week ago. Judith told me about them too.” “Judith told you..?” looking back at him you nodded. “She sometimes sends a letter on Sawyer and he runs it back to me.”.  Aaron nodded, picking at his zipper, trying to rip off the band aid of what his request was. “There is a girl,, named Lydia..” Aaron continued to tell you her struggles within the community. Everything that happened with her and how everyone treats her poorly. “I get that pain…” you spoke out looking to him. “What does she have to do with me Aaron?” “She would be safer with you.. You can relate to her in more ways than one..” “What would you tell everyone? Hey I dropped Lydia off at Y/N house?” Aaron chuckled. “No.. no one knows you live here beside Jesus and  I . Plus you have it so blocked off and tapped up, if anyone did go looking for this place, they are long dead before the reach this cottage. “I can’t risk seeing him Aaron..” “He is at the Hilltop right now.. Lydia is in Alexandria… Gabriel, Rosita, Eugene.. we all miss you..” Putting your hand up you stopped him from talking anymore about it. “Fine.. Let me get my gear and we can head to get this poor girl..”
“Come on Buck!” getting on your horse, your white dog following by your side. “Sawyer, Scout!” The dog ran ahead of you and Aaron as you made your way to Alexandria.
Walking through the gate, you sucked in your teeth looking around. Memories flashing back to all the times with him. The stinging pain in your heart making its way to your stomach. The feeling making you want to vomit the lunch you had before leaving. Walking through the field of crops you saw a young girl picking weeds. Seeing her arms, you could tell instantly this is the girl Aarron told you about. “Lydia, can I speak to you?” Lydia stood up walking towards you. She looked nervous, looking you up and down. “Lydia this is Y/N. She is a trusted friend, amazing warrior and knows what it is like to be an outcast..” Aaron spoke sadly at the words. Lydias interest was peaked and her anxiety showed the way she wobbled back and forth. “Hello Lydia. As Aaron said my name is Y/N.. This is Sawyer..” nodding to your dog. “I live in a cottage about an hours ride from here. It is safe, secure and sustainable. I built it with my own two hands. I have a spare bedroom. I can teach you how to properly hunt, take care of yourself. Without relying on others..” You nodded to the rest of Alexandria. “Not to mention, you will be away from.. those who look down on you.. I won’t force you since you just met me. I am only staying the night. It will be up to you.” Speaking calmly to her you handed her a picture of your home. She looked it over and smiled lightly. “It is beautiful..” “It is home..” smiling to her. “Y/N?!” Hearing your name you looked behind Lydia. Gabriel and Rosita running over. “It has been years since we have seen you!!” Gabriel hugged you tightly, Rosita next. “Nice to see you two.” “What are you doing here?!” Rosita asked looking to Lydia than you. “I going to live with Y/N!” Lydia spoke before you could. “What? That is a council decision..” Gabriel spoke sternly, his demeanor changing quickly. “Fuck your council. This girl has been through hell. Instead of protecting her, you allow others to harm her. Because you think she is the result of the others death.” You stood in front of Lydia, putting and arm in front of her and placing her behind you swiftly. “It was a matter of time before you ran in with the Whisperers. Especially since they are on your doorstep. She is not to be at fault for the others death. Just like you Rosita are not the fault of Sashas. It was going to happen either way..” Rositas eyes went wide when you put it into perspective. Gabriel took one step forward. Drawing your swords quickly you held them to his neck. “ This isn’t up for discussion Gabriel.” Aaron chuckled silently. He know the council would try to intervene and you would not have it if someone was in danger.
Gabriel nodded once. Sliding your swords back in their holsters, you turned away from them , Sawyer and Lydia following you.. “You can sleep..” “I will sleep on the roof.” Speaking you cut off Gabriel. “I was just going to give her another hug.. she was ready to behead me..” he shook his head watching you lead Lydia away.
“Why are you helping me..?” Lydia spoke quietly. “Because, I know how it is.. I don’t know.. Just..  figured I could help you.” “You don’t know me though..” chuckling you looked back at her “You don’t know me either. But, I can sense you are a good kid.” “I can sense you can keep me safe” both of you chuckling staring at the night sky. “Why did you leave..?” “A man I loved.. crushed me to nothing..”
Waking up you felt a shoulder nudge. “Y/N you gotta go!” Aaron spoke out, worry in his eyes. “He is here. .I didn’t know he was coming back, I swear!” “Fuck..” Getting up, you slid your swords on your back. Lydia awoke seeing pull your hair to side noticing a tattoo she had seen before. It was a small skull on your neck, with X’s for eyes. “It is Daryl who broke… your heart.” Lydia spoke quietly. “Yeah..”
“It is fucking like  you like puttin yahself in danger!” Daryl hollered at you. The fight was over with the saviors. Everyone was exhausted beyond reason. You had done a lot during the savior wars. Even getting asked to marry Negan to save Daryl. While Negan tried time and time again to kiss you, have sex with you.. you always had a quip or pushed him away. The sole reason you agreed, was to make sure Daryl stayed alive in lockup.  “Putting myself in danger? Who the fuck are you talking too?!” Getting toe to toe with the archer you looked him in the eyes. “I fuckin saved your ass. Like I always fucking do. You were pinned down by all of them.. You really thought I was just going to let that happen?!” “You are a dumb bitch.. just go. I am so fucking sick of you always bitching and moaning. No one needs you here! Hell no one wants you here! Always going against Rick.. Just fucking go Y/N.. I am done with you.. with this relationship.. Fuck you..” Daryl didn’t break stride once as he said those words to you. Daryl and you had been jointed to the hip for years keeping each other safe. Not getting into a situationship till the prison. “GO!” He hollered shoving you, pushing a finger into your bullet wound on your right shoulder. Wincing, you stepped back. Never did you think Daryl would intentionally hurt you. Leaving the house, you walked to the park in Alexandria, looking over the water. Everyone was having a party, happy for everything to be done. When you started to walk back to your shared home, you saw Daryl putting his tongue down another woman’s throat. You packed a bag, and headed for the gate. That is when Tera tried to stop you.
You told Lydia some of the story. Not mentioning everything to save yourself new heartbreak. Getting into the house you walked down the stairs. Pulling a cloak over your head,  you grabbed Lydia's hand. “Aaron get Buck and meet me at the gate..” Aaron nodded heading out the front door. You and Lydia headed out the back. The south side of the gate was the opposite where Daryl was last seen. “Sawyer!” calling to the dog, he quickly made way to you. Getting close to the gate, you saw Buck and Aaron standing there. Helping Lydia up first, you got on behind her. Aaron opened the gate quickly. Not even a minute after closing the door, Daryl walked by looking over Aaron who seemed out of breath. “You ok man?” Raising an eyebrow he looked him over. “YUP! Gracie just had me running around with her this morning!” Aaron mentally kicked himself for the lame excuse. The archer nodded slowly walking away from Aaron. Turning back to see the one handed man standing there looking past the gate.
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nomadical · 3 years
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@aarontwds​​ || meme continuation || from here!
Lips press together as he thinks and rethinks over the offer before putting it out into the world with no chance of a takeback. Fingers curl around the lip of the table he’s sitting at while watching Aaron packing up his gear for the trip home. He knows that he needs to get back to Gracie. And he’s more than sure he misses her about as much as she misses him.
Aaron’s company is something he’s growing more and more fond of. Just like the man himself. And it is getting dark. By the time Aaron’s out on the road, he’ll have a couple hours left on the trek home by himself. As much as he is sure that Aaron should get home to his daughter. He’s, also, got this twist in his gut that tells him Aaron should stay. Least til morning. It’d put his mind at ease knowing he’s got the safety of the sunrise and light on his side. Getting him home sound is what really matters.
He pitches the idea before he can think it over AGAIN. A worry that Aaron might think he wants him to stay cause he isn’t sure that he can take care of himself is the main cause of hesitation. It’s wrong. Paul knows that Aaron is perfectly capable. But the road is safer in the day. For anyone.
Relief floods into Paul’s expression. Flattening out the crease of worry between his brows as well as sparking the light in his eyes and that uneven smile that says ‘thanks for agreeing’ without him having to say it out loud. “If you want to go another round? I don’t mind kicking your ass again. You make it fun,” he teases back, “So, it’s never any trouble. If you’re lucky? I might even make you dinner. Might have a few things stashed away that I’ve been keeping around.” A brow quirks up as he stands and wanders towards the kitchen area. “If you trust my cooking...”
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boltsandashes · 5 years
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  happy birthday @aarontwds ❤️
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solarsought · 5 years
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“Hey there handsome I haven’t seen much of you around lately I figured I should change that. How are you doing?” Alaska asks, he hadn’t been coming to Alexandria as much as he used to but he missed Aaron and his niece missed Gracie so it only made sense that they both come back.
@aarontwds // small starter
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savedpeople · 5 years
ಠ_ಠ: what is your biggest pet peeve? | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ): favorite tv show?
Get to know the mun | Accepting | @aarontwds
A big pet peeve of mine is when people are really passive aggressive or vague about what they want, or expect others to be a mind reader. I hate when someone gets all, “it would be nice if someone would do x for me" or whatever, instead of just asking. I once asked someone if they wanted me to do a thing for them and they said no, and then later were mad at me for not doing the thing because apparently I should’ve known that when they said no they secretly meant yes. Like?? Don’t do that.
As for my favorite tv show, it’s honestly The Walking Dead. I don’t watch a ton of shows, and of the ones I do watch, there’s very few where I get as attached to the story, cast, and characters as I did to twd. A few others I like a lot right now though are Grey’s Anatomy, The 100, and the Attack on Titan anime series (I’m not caught up with it anymore, but it still holds a special place in my heart.)
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eric-raleigh · 5 years
When In Paris
For @aarontwds
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Mid-morning sunlight streaming through sheer, white curtains bathed the quaint hotel room in a warm glow. Eric chuckled as Aaron unceremoniously dropped his bag on top of the bed and bee-lined for the curtains. Setting his own bag down next to Aaron’s, Eric watched the other man push the window coverings aside to reveal a French window that led onto a small balcony. 
“Jesus...Eric…” Aaron’s voice was full of awe as he looked out at the picturesque view of the Eiffel Tower, centered perfectly with their room. He was already pulling open the doors and stepping out on the balcony by the time Eric joined him. 
Eric had spent months planning this vacation, emailing back and forth with the Hotel La Comtesse to ensure they would get a room with the perfect view, arranging for tours of the city and romantic dinners. After seven and a half hours on a plane, he could easily say--just based on Aaron’s initial response--that it had all been worth it.
Slipping his hand into Aaron’s, Eric urged the man to face him, leaning up to capture his lips in a soft kiss. His smile stretched ear to ear as he pulled back. “Happy anniversary.”
“I can’t believe you did this,” Aaron shook his head, still dumbfounded by the whole thing. Eric hadn’t told him where they were going, leaving it as a complete surprise until they’d arrived at the airport and Aaron had seen his airline ticket. “This is… You are incredible. I love you.”
“I always had a hunch,” Eric teased with a grin, leaning up to kiss Aaron again. 
“What’s first on our itinerary?” Aaron asked as he wrapped his arms around Eric’s slender waist, holding him close. He knew Eric well enough to know the man would likely have everything scheduled down to the minute, and he loved that. It meant he didn’t have to worry about anything except showing up and enjoying himself, and Aaron intended to enjoy every second of this trip.
“We have free time until this evening. We have dinner reservations aboard the Bateau Le Calife.”
“Oh?” A smirk flitted across Aaron’s face. “Well, in that case, I know exactly what I want to do.” He pulled Eric back into the room, closing the window and pulling the curtains across for privacy before he turned towards the ginger and drew him into a sensual kiss. 
Eric hummed softly in appreciation, experience telling him exactly what Aaron had in mind. His fingers were already trailing down Aaron’s sides, gathering the hem of his t-shirt before dragging it slowly up his torso.
“Did you remember to pack provisions?”  Aaron knew it was a stupid question, even before Eric pulled back with a dubious ‘who do you think you’re talking to’ expression.
Moving towards the bags, Eric gently set Aaron’s out of the way before fishing out a toiletry bag from his own. He pulled out a small black bottle and a box of condoms, setting them on the nightstand before setting his things next to Aaron’s. Before he could turn back around to face his lover, he felt the man at his back, lips pressed softly against his neck. Aaron’s hands gripped his waist, holding him firmly as he pressed in against him. Eric could feel Aaron’s erection, and it made his insides quiver with desire. 
“How did I ever get so lucky to have you?” Aaron murmured as he slipped Eric’s shirt off over his head and held him from behind, one hand moving across Eric’s chest and down his torso.
“Could have had me sooner if you hadn’t been so deep in denial,” Eric teased, drawing in a shuddering breath when Aaron’s hand moved over the front of his jeans and offered a gentle squeeze.
Teeth scraped his earlobe. “I wasn’t in denial; I was…” Aaron paused, trying to think of a way to rephrase what Eric had said, but knowing the redhead was right. “Yeah, okay... I was in denial...a bit. But it was only because I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same.”
Eric turned towards Aaron, cupping his face and kissing him sweetly. “You’re an idiot.” 
Aaron huffed a laugh, knowing it was said with adoration, and resumed kissing his boyfriend, completely addicted to Eric’s mouth. 
Somewhere between getting lost in the feel of Eric’s tongue sliding against his own and falling together on the bed, shoes, socks, jeans, and underwear had all been shed. Aaron groaned at the full body skin-on-skin contact, drawing Eric’s leg up against his thigh . 
Eric trailed kisses along Aaron’s shoulder, his hands skimming down his lover’s back and over the curve of his ass. Knowing they had time to simply enjoy each other’s body, their movements were unhurried. Languid kisses exchanged, lingering touches, a gentle re-acquaintance with every freckle, every scar, every perfect imperfection. 
When Eric began to slowly kiss his way down Eric’s body, the redhead tingled with anticipation. Aaron had never considered himself all that great when it came to sucking cock, but Eric certainly begged to differ. The man was more skilled than he ever gave himself credit for, and Eric practically lived for the moments when Aaron went down on him.  Before he was out of reach, Aaron’s hand stretched for the bottle on the nightstand.
Letting his legs fall open, Eric watched his lover kiss along each inner thigh. He could hear the lube lid click open as Aaron’s tongue traced a vein in his shaft. A teasing flick against the frenulum just under the head of his cock made Eric jolt as pleasure shot through him. His hands moved to Aaron’s hair, gently pulling at the soft curls. A slick finger began to tease him as Aaron’s mouth engulfed him, drawing a soft moan from the ginger. 
“Tu me rends fou,” Eric murmured, feeling it only appropriate to speak in French rather than English. “J'adore te faire l'amour.”
Whether or not Aaron’s own knowledge of French could translate the words, Eric was sure he understood the meaning behind them, and in response, felt the flat of Aaron’s tongue drag along his shaft. 
There was something truly divine about being pleasured front to back, and Eric sank into the feeling, letting Aaron take him away to a world of bliss. He was tethered by the knowledge that this was only foreplay, that Aaron would stop before he could cum, and that what came after this appetizer would be even better.
Aaron was unhurried in his quest, enjoying every sound that fell from Eric’s lip, the way his legs trembled whenever Aaron found a particularly good spot with his fingers or tongue; simply delighting in spending time doing something for Eric. When Eric began to restlessly run his fingers through Aaron’s hair and softly thrust into his mouth, Aaron smiled and pulled away. He reached for a condom, replacing the bottle of lube on the nightstand, and held Eric’s gaze as he rolled the condom over his cock.
Placing Eric’s ankles on his shoulders, Aaron leveraged him at just the right angle to easily slip inside. Eric’s eyes closed and rolled back slightly in his head, and he moaned Aaron’s name. Aaron rubbed his cheek against Eric’s ankle, then once he was fully seated in the other man, gently placed Eric’s feet back on the bed. He leaned down, kissing Eric deeply, and began to slowly thrust in and out of his lover. 
It was the kind of life-altering sex one typically only ever saw in the movies, or in a cheesy romance novel: skin slick with sweat, hands exploring every inch, lips crashing into each other. They must have tried every position in the Kama Sutra, Aaron thought; both eager to prolong the moment as much as they could. In the end, it was Eric who started to come undone first, begging Aaron to make him cum. Aaron was only happy to oblige him, and the sight, sound, and feel of Eric hitting his peak sent Aaron right over the edge along with him. 
It might have been the best orgasm of Aaron’s life; certainly, in that instant, he couldn’t think of any other moments that even came close to touching this experience. The fact that it was with Eric, the love of his life, only made it that much better. As his body shook from aftershocks of ecstasy, Aaron felt himself being pulled down and wrapped into Eric’s strong arms. He slid his own arms under Eric, holding him tightly in return as he rested his head against the man’s shoulder.
Neither spoke, neither needed to. Eric felt like his whole body was buzzing with electricity, sensitive to touch from the inside, out. Every exhalation of Aaron’s breath against his neck sent a tingle down his spine. He could feel Aaron’s heart beating, the quick rhythm gradually slowing to an even pace. Aaron’s body grew heavier against his own and he could tell the man was falling asleep. Eric kissed his shoulder, gently rolling them both so they were on their sides. Aaron opened his eyes, giving a soft, lazy smile as Eric gently pulled the condom off of him and discarded it in the wastebasket next to the nightstand. 
As Eric settled back in, their legs tangled together, heads resting on the same pillow. “I love you,” the redhead murmured softly.
Aaron’s lips found his in a tender kiss before echoing, “I love you.” 
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@aarontwds​  ||  things you want to hear
❝ we’re in this together. ❞
LATELY  , THE FIGHTS HAVE SEEMED mainly one-sided  .  as if he’s the ONLY one trying to make sense of a county that has upended itself in destruction  . and there’s no one willing to just STOP the violence .  they all want each other dead and paul is helplessly trying to hurl himself in the middle of a fray that seems endless in its endeavors  .  will there ever be an end to it  ?? 
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 for now  ,  he cannot see one and its slowly draining the life out of him  .  that is until a hand slips into his own  ,  while his eyes are trained on the wood grains in his flooring  .  “ we’re in this together  . “  its a simple wording but the meaning is boundless  .  the apostle smiles weakly but that is all he can offer along with a gentle pat of aaron’s hand  .  hopefully he won’t drag the other down with him  . 
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takenpeace · 5 years
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@aarontwds​  || different ways to say i love you 
‘i’ll make you soup.’
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          “There’s no need....” the former scavenger says from his position on the bed, head against three or four pillows to help keep him elevated. being cooped up like this after everything he’s survived is a bit more suffocating than usual, but apparently, everyone is coming down with this horrendous stomach bug.  “I probably won’t be able to keep anything down anyway,” a weak hand reaches to wipe some of the sweat from his brow. It’s a hard balance to find when he keeps getting cold and hot.  “how is everyone else? is anyone showing signs of getting better?” 
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rayofsunshinc · 5 years
                  starter for @aarontwds
Since Daryl returned to Alexandria after helping The Kingdom relocate,  Dog has kept himself attached at Daryl’s side.   Unless he was with Judith.   Dog has also been seeing exactly what he can get away with without Daryl scolding him.   Daryl guessed it was being around all the new people.   He was a good boy,  but not without his mischievous and playful days.   And it was one of those days.   Dog was using every single way possible to attempt to get Aaron to pet him  --   nudging with his snout,  pawing at his hand.
❝Dog,  c’mon.  Quit.❞    Dog reduced to licking Aaron’s hand instead.   ❝I’ll put you back outside.❞   Daryl threatened,  as if Dog understood.   Which he must’ve to an extent because he laid on the ground next to Aaron’s feet instead of continuing.
A sigh left Daryl as he eyed Dog,  not without a fond look still on his face.  ❝Sorry about him.   He likes ya.❞
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peacefulapostle--a · 5 years
@aarontwds  ||  twd starter  ||  ACCEPTING 
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        the time spent in the captivity of sanctuary has taken its toll on the wanderer. paul is grateful that he wasn’t killed but the mental torture he underwent was more than he could handle. it took him years to undo the damage done by abusive parents only after surviving a group home and years of therapy and schooling. paul had put his life back together before the end of the world came only to have it undone in weeks by a mad man with a bat. “I don’t know what to do... i can’t stay here if he’s allowed to roam free.. “ he’ll go back to roaming if he has to. see if other communities will take him in and survive just as he always has. 
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mercyprevaild-a · 3 years
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy! 💌 I just think you’re amazing
symbols for the mun
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy!💌 I just think you’re amazing
We've been mutuals since FOREVER and honestly I'm so glad to see you back on Aaron you've got no idea 😭 you'll forever be one of my favorites okay? I can't wait for us to really start writing together again. Rick misses Aaron something fierce-- maybe as much as I've missed you 🥺💕
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boltsandashes · 5 years
a curse that makes the victim feel incredible pain when they aren’t touching others.
MAGICAL CURSE PROMPTS || accepting || @aarontwds​
since i got three of the same prompt I ended up linking them into the same ‘verse, though they can still be read on their own!part I - rick || part II - eric 
Daryl’s sitting on the couch next to Aaron, their fingers casually threaded. Aaron reading, Daryl soaking the contact in. It’s been seven days since an accidental snub to some kind of voodoo witch left Daryl completely dependent on others’ touch, and five days since he’d decided to stop fighting it.
And he’s come to realize… there are actually some upsides to this whole being cursed thing.
The downsides are obvious. Lack of privacy, the fucking codependency. Hell, he can’t even aim his crossbow anymore unless someone’s willing to hang off his back while he does it. But on the other hand… he has this.
He slides his palm slightly against Aaron’s, just enjoying the contact.
Before, even within the tight circle of people Daryl’d considered family, there’d always been a kind of separation. A distance, physically. Now? Now Carol brushes her hand up his arm every time she goes past. Rick stops to grip his hand and his nape three times a day, like he thinks Daryl’s gonna store up the contact like some kind of solar power while he’s off doing whatever needs doing around town. People lean into him when they sit next to him, clap his shoulder when they walk by. He’s sitting on the couch next to Aaron in the evening, holding his hand while he reads.
Hell, he’s starting to think he should bring that witch a fucking fruit basket.
Aaron shifts, and the blanket hanging over their knees starts to slide, and without thinking Daryl leans over to catch it.
With his hand.
The hand that had been threaded through Aaron’s.
He flinches, watching his hovering palm, waiting for the pain to hit. But it doesn’t. Whatever the hell it was –– a time limit, his thought of goodwill toward the witch, his own ‘psychosomatic issues’ resolving –– the curse is gone. He can be on his own again without hurting.
(He can be alone again.)
He swallows. Too-wide eyes lift from his hovering hand, and find Aaron watching him with a look of surprise and slow understanding. He gets it. Aaron gets it. And, hell. This is over.
Daryl’s lips part, fall shut. There’s a numb seeping through, resignation, its own kind of worse than the pain. It’s over. The casual contact, the closeness… He starts to draw back–– And Aaron’s hand closes gently around his.
For a second Daryl just stares, and Aaron lets him, the bare edge of a smile on his lips. And then Aaron shrugs, threads their fingers, and turns his eyes back to his book. For a full minute Daryl doesn’t move, gaze going between their hands and Aaron’s face, lips parting and shutting. Wondering if Aaron didn’t realize–– if he should explain ‘cause–– Fuck it.
Daryl pulls the blanket back over their legs, and leans slowly into Aaron’s side. Aaron bites a smile and goes on reading, and Daryl soaks the contact in.
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solarsought · 5 years
“ i’m doing my best. ” (gracie)
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“Go away, daddy,” Gracie says before she pulls her knees up to her chest and feels tears stinging her eyes. She knows he’s trying his best but she’s frustrated and doesn’t want to deal with any of this. She looks over at the doorway where he’s still standing and lets out a frustrated groan. She picks up a pillow off her bed and hurls it at the wall next to him. “I said go away! I want to be alone!” She lays down on the bed and pulls her blanket over herself hoping she can just hide away from everything.
@aarontwds // meme 
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savedpeople · 5 years
What fictional character do you associate yourself with?
Munday OOC Blogger ?’s | Accepting | @aarontwds
I associate myself with Negan a lot right now, honestly. The Walking Dead is the only fandom I’m really involved in and Negan’s the only muse I’m actively roleplaying at the moment, and I think he might be my favorite character of all time at this point... so the association’s feeling strong right about now. We’re very different people but I still feel a strong connection to him and I’m very attached.
If we want to name a character that I have a lot in common with and really relate to because we’re similar? Max Caulfield from Life is Strange, who I actually used to roleplay. We’re not identical but there’s a scary amount of similarities. She’s much closer to what I’m like in real life (minus all the cheesy slang and pop culture references lol.)
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eric-raleigh · 5 years
Aaron listened attentively as Eric delved into the mission that they were undertaking, and he tried to keep his attention one hundred percent focused on the words he was speaking and not….well, him. It was hard. Aaron wasn’t sure who he’d expected to meet when he’d arrived, but he hadn’t really bet on a very handsome ginger with a killer smile. But that was - that was not what he was here for. And he couldn’t afford to be distracted, especially given what they were flying across the ocean to do. Right?
So, he did manage to focus, even though there was a quiet part at the back of his brain getting all tied up in knots about the dumb butterflies flapping around in the pit of his stomach - it was interesting, and a genuinely good cause that they were undertaking here. Aaron was honored that he’d been allowed to join, to give back even just a little bit.
He nodded - he’d read as much as he could get his hands on when he’d started serioiusly considering signing up, but it was one thing to read and another thing to experience it. Having the help and knowledge from someone who’d already been through it - like Eric, was far more valuable. “No - no I - if anything, talking with you right now has only made me more certain that I want to do this,” he said, meeting his gaze resolutely.
A smile lit up Eric’s face, pleased that Aaron hadn’t been easily scared off. That boded well...in many respects. He slid a folder across the desk towards Aaron, tapping it with his fingertips.  “Medical release forms. We need them back before take off.” Eric leaned back in his chair, appraising the other man discreetly. “So now that you’ve told me about why you want to be here, tell me about yourself personally. I like to know the people I’m going to be working with.  Married? Kids?”
Subtle, Eric. So much for keeping it professional. It wasn’t information he didn’t know about the other people on his team, but it wasn’t exactly the information he needed to know to do the mission. He was selfishly satisfying his own curiosity, and he knew it.  There’s no harm in asking. Just keep it friendly… and for God’s sake stop staring at his lips.
Eric’s eyes snapped back up to Aaron’s, his cheeks tinging with pink, hoping Aaron hadn’t noticed his drifting gaze. The man’s mouth looked so soft; that full lower lip almost set in a gentle pout just begged to be captured between Eric’s teeth and suckled on. Christ...Really?! Get a grip, Raleigh!
Frustrated and annoyed with himself, Eric resolved not to let another flippant thought cross his mind.  This wasn’t a bar and he wasn’t trying to pick Aaron up, no matter how attractive the man might be.
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iam-alpha · 5 years
“You dumb bitch.” (he's cranky ok)
                     The Dark Knight Rises (Sentence Starters)
Accepting || Not Accepting [ meme ] @aarontwds
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Brows raised from beneath her mask - such words… Was she supposed to feel threatened…? Head cocked as she wondered, silence falling over her like a shadow. Hands rest atop her knees as the woman lowered herself to get a better look at the one who spat such talk. 
“You’re frightened…aren’t you…?” A lull left her quiet tone, eyes searching his for answers to her question, fingertips caressing a couple curls that adorned Aaron’s temple. “Shhh…it’s alright…. won’t be anything left to fear soon…”
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