#ahhhhhhhhhh! yis.
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sonderwrit · 9 months
C120: This is enough
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Author's 木火然 Weibo post:
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Brother Yi and Mr. Qin wishes everyone Happy New Year!!! Let's walk towards the new year together! [love you][love you][love you] What kind of New Year's wishes does everyone have~
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Qin Xian: Mm.
QX: Come on.
Wang Yi: …..
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WY: [Ahh, I hate this feeling]
WY: [Of being overly protected by someone else)]
Y: [I'm not upset because of Luo Wenliu targeting me]
WY: [Or the packet of realgar that Qin Xian gave me.]
QX: Disci…ple?
WY: [But because I don't want to admit—]
WY: Hahhh—
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WY: Finally I feel more clearheaded.
WY: [The fact that I'm gradually falling behind S-0 and Qin's footsteps.]
WY: [I have no idea what they want to do.]
QX: ……
QX: No need for this. Biting me is the same.
WY: It's not the same.
WY: (Although I easily agreed to losing my memories, it doesn't feel good to be the only one who's protected.) [It's like I'm dragging them down.]
WY: Pain is better than drinking blood to clear the head.
QX: …..
QX: (Memories?)
QX: It's a Master's duty to protect the disciple.
WY: Huh?
WY: (What kind of reaction is this? Is that all he wants to say?)
WY: But disciples should respect masters too, right? How can I rely on you all the time.
WY: (I thought he'd question me on my chaotic thoughts.) [I even prepared an excuse in advance.] *rips fabric*
*can barely control himself from leaking any "fatal" intel*
QX: …….
WY: *doesn't treat the wound so the pain can keep him clearheaded*
WY: !
QX: Master isn't sure what disciple's being so stubborn about. Since you don't want Master to ask, then I won't.
QX: However, Yunshan Sect doesn't accept demonic disciples, so you can't return with your current symptoms of demonization. Master will find a way to solve…
WY: Master.
QX: ?
WY: It's fine, you've already helped me a lot. And you've always cared for me and accompanied me.
Young Wang Yi: Kitty! Kitty!
WY: This is enough.
QX: !
QX: What does disciple mean.
WY: Disciple hopes you won't consider my safety. Whether it's cultivation or eliminating demons, just do what you have to do.
QX: ….. I made an agreement with you to study all the contents of that book.
WY: Huh? Don't misunderstand, I'm not leaving you.
WY: That's not what I meant.
WY: It's just that you've been looking after me and staying by my side so long that it's time for you to take a break.
WY: (Haha, I'm so ashamed.)
WY: [I should've figured it out earlier.]
QX: ? It wasn't very long, I'm not tired. [Only over a decade or so.]
WY: To me it's a long time.
#Communication along different frequencies#
WY: [Since there's no way to change the status quo or the people]
WY: So coming up next—
WY: [The only way left—]
WY: It's my turn to chase you.
WY: [Is to change myself, right?]
WY: [I've never been someone impressive.]
WY: [And I've never thought of accomplishing great things.]
WY: [Although my friends did and I accompanied them]
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Friend: We're just catching a thief.
Wang Yi: Hello, is this 110?*
*110 is the equivalent to 911 in China
WY: [Since Mr. Qin has rushed to me again and again]
Qin Xian 1: Brother Yi.
Qin Xian 2: City lord.
Qin Xian 3: Wang Yi.
WY: [I too, towards him—]
WY: [Will take this step.]
WY: Urk. *blushes*
WY: In any case, just busy yourself and I'll follow you like death. If I can't catch up, don't worry about it, just treat it as me going out to gain experience, but I'll definitely find you after a year.
WY: (Since the story plot will begin then, I'll need to return to the sect even if it means spending points and using props.)
QX: ….. *Iceberg Sword Saint Trying to Understand Human Emotions.jpg*
WY: (So awkward…)
WY: (I never thought there'd come a day where I pursued someone myself.)
S-0: Host—
WY: (See, I'm even hallucinating S-0's voice.)
S-0: Host—great—
WY: (Damn! It's really him?!)
WY: Sao Ling! *blocking him from Qin Xian*
QX: ?
QX: (This cat again)
WY: Why did you run out again! Don't you need to hide?
WY: Master, go rest first. This spiritual cat seems to want me for "something unimportant."
QX: ? (High cultivation, heard every single word)
S-0: It's fine it's fine!
S-0: I came to tell Host that the Main System—
WY: ???
QX: *trying to understand*
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S-0: It's not time for the plot yet, so you and Sword Saint Qin don't need to worry about breaking character. [The novel doesn't record what happens in the downtime outside of missions.]
WY: *quietly* No, I don't understand.
WY: Rather, I'm not even sure what you two are playing at, I need an explanation.
S-0: Oh, how to put it.
S-0: It's more or less what you guessed, we put on an act to fool the Main System.
S-0: There was originally a little complication.
S-0: "It" finished inspecting the world and was too lazy to leave because it didn't find any loopholes.
(FLASHBACK: S-0 saying "Yes" to the Main System's declaration that they'd stay.)
S-0: I was almost scared to death and even considered messing with the world itself.
S-0: But then Luo Wenliu showed up.
(FLASHBACK: Qin Xian going "oh" to LWL's dramatic reveals.)
S-0: The Main System inspected him, found a fragment of data related the "Wanted Person" on him, and chased that fragment out of this world. (Lucky~)
WY: ? *Confused #1*
QX: ? *Confused #2*
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S-0: Forget it, you wouldn't understand even if I explained.
S-0: At any rate, the alarms are clear.
S-0: Before the mission starts one year later, Host can be your own person.
WY: ….hey. (Don't monologue to yourself.)
S-0: All you need to do is:
S-0: One, explain the situation to Sword Saint Qin and help him recover his memories.
S-0: Two, playact as before until you reach the novel ending, and that's it. (That's why I avoided telling Sword Saint Qin about this matter.)
(SCENARIO: Qin Xian going "Unfilial disciple! Master will clean up the sect today!)
WY: ……
WY: Hah…. *headache*
WY: (And I was just preparing to "reverse pursue" him.)
WY: God knows what you two were plotting. I'd thank the Heavens if it went as smoothly as planned.
WY: Master, you've more or less heard about the situation.
WY: May I ask what you're…
WY: Thinking, right now?
(look they have matching panels in this chapter hehe)
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abigail-nicole · 2 years
tgcf live read, part 5
in which the author moves her live-tweet of Heaven Official's Blessing, Tian Guan Ci Fu, all-around perfect novel and joy to everyone who reads it, from twitter (beta, qi rong, ruined by cryptobros and billionaires) to tumblr (alpha, hua cheng, shitposting for 10+ years and chaotic neutral). please buy officially licensed Heaven Official's Blessing translations from Seven Seas, enjoy the beautiful official donghua while we can get any smidge of gay representation out of mainland China, and enjoy!
initially live-tweeted 3/29/2020:
oh my god there’s a pregnancy episode. You know I’ve never counseled any of my patients on the grudge that could be left by an aborted fetus
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Xie Lian faking pregnancy Im here for this
Oh!!!!! This is great!!!!!
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Xie Lian has a ghost baby who’s waiting for him to transition & get pregnant CLEARLY THE ONLY EXPLANATION
I cannot wait to see the art for this??? It’s gonna be Exquisite
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Wasnt chapter 95 of mdzs ALSO A KISS CHAPTER
*incoherent noises* jgk fed gjbcgjkjfdhioollllojhghsadfsdff
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(archivist note: my favorite fan cosplay photo art of this moment)
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The ghosts offering to help Hua Cheng rape someone is NOT funny but it made me laugh out loud
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well now this is just
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I’m gonna start counseling my pts on the spiritual strength of their fetuses. The strongest is clearly that lady who got shot in the uterus at 14 wks and made it to 28 weeks
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Obstetric cultivation is my jam y’all
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Hua Cheng: i can cook for you
Xie Lian: no, let’s go out to eat
Hua Cheng: ......... you asked for this
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oh to be Hua Cheng, smiling, watching your boyfriend eat
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Hua Cheng here like (smirking emoji x3)
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Oh my god boyfriend calligraphy lessons SOFT...!!! SOFT!!!
I vehemently disagree with this “this father has to be included in the ghost fetus rights” case but that’s my own business
everyone: why the FUCK do you have this sword oh my god
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The last time we saw e’ming it was shaking in sadness that it had hurt Xie Lian and I’ve cried in my heart every second from then until now
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every time they hang out im just like......yes....pure oxygen, clean water, pollution disappearing from this earth....
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Yes e’ming ruoye weapon pet otp
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Oh my god this Which Weapon Pet Will Help More With Cooking is Exactly what my soul needs in these trying times.... I’m so blessed.....
Xie Lian - Wei Wuxian - being terrible at cooking
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Hua Cheng: *doing dishes*
Shi Qingxuan: WHAT THE FUCK
Xie Lian: *hiding*
This is the best dinner party
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This is the best fucking dinner party scene in any book I have ever read
Honestly the book could end right here. This scene is the Blessing in the title Heaven Official's Blessing
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Shi Qingxuan is gonna go back & tell everyone they ate dinner with Hua Cheng and No One is gonna believe it
Poor Shi Qingxuan Lolololol
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Awwwww theyre finally exchanging phone numbers!!!! also lol @ xie lian’s little joke here
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can’t wait for the scene where they start flirting via communications array & shi qingxuan is staring back and forth at them & shouting at ming yi WHAT THE FUCK WE’RE RIGHT HERE WHAT ARE THEY DOING GET A GODDAMN ROOM
ugh I’m so happy to stop on this note & look forward to reading tomorrow & not having to pick up in the middle of Tragedy Book 2 (& apoarently also Tragedy Book 4). In conclusion Hualian is the Real Official Blessing We Made Along The Way
OMG I SAID THIS SCENE WOULD HAPPEN also i cant wait to find out hua cheng’s password (narrator voice: she would be disappointed)
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Shi Qingxuan: i made them strip but oh god he just admitted he likes xie lian NOW its weird
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Hahaha just wait till this is a sex thing (smirk emoji)
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I also get bored and play dress up in the middle of hostage recovery
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to be continued in part 6!
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nomadical · 3 years
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@aarontwds​​ || meme continuation || from here!
Lips press together as he thinks and rethinks over the offer before putting it out into the world with no chance of a takeback. Fingers curl around the lip of the table he’s sitting at while watching Aaron packing up his gear for the trip home. He knows that he needs to get back to Gracie. And he’s more than sure he misses her about as much as she misses him.
Aaron’s company is something he’s growing more and more fond of. Just like the man himself. And it is getting dark. By the time Aaron’s out on the road, he’ll have a couple hours left on the trek home by himself. As much as he is sure that Aaron should get home to his daughter. He’s, also, got this twist in his gut that tells him Aaron should stay. Least til morning. It’d put his mind at ease knowing he’s got the safety of the sunrise and light on his side. Getting him home sound is what really matters.
He pitches the idea before he can think it over AGAIN. A worry that Aaron might think he wants him to stay cause he isn’t sure that he can take care of himself is the main cause of hesitation. It’s wrong. Paul knows that Aaron is perfectly capable. But the road is safer in the day. For anyone.
Relief floods into Paul’s expression. Flattening out the crease of worry between his brows as well as sparking the light in his eyes and that uneven smile that says ‘thanks for agreeing’ without him having to say it out loud. “If you want to go another round? I don’t mind kicking your ass again. You make it fun,” he teases back, “So, it’s never any trouble. If you’re lucky? I might even make you dinner. Might have a few things stashed away that I’ve been keeping around.” A brow quirks up as he stands and wanders towards the kitchen area. “If you trust my cooking...”
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ohsehuns · 4 years
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‘Immortality’ (Hao Yi Xing) release official promo posters starring Luo Yunxi & Chen Feiyu
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evelily1803 · 3 years
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who-bin · 3 years
Also Hee do’s reason for why this trip is way more fun than the other school trips TT 
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glass-of-memories · 2 years
When Han Ju Won saw Manyang’s butcher shop Yoo Jaeyi for the first time, it was like always: he didn’t care.
However, as they conversed, as she threw his eggs at him, as he resented her, as she ignored him, and their conversations grew longer. Wait. Am I starting to feel something for this woman?
No way. Absolutely not.
Not that regretful woman chained to her lost family for 10 years.
Not that woman who had found her mother and disappeared to Busan.
Not that foolish woman who came back not just a week later, and re-lifted the shutters of her butcher shop.
There was no way he, Han Ju Won could like her..
-Beyond Evil Scriptbook [ translate by @.yujaeyi on twitter ]
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florbexter · 5 years
As a cheer up prompt maybe some soft forehead kiss for Intouch (or if they are to sad maybe with Tang Yi/ Shao fei) 😊
Intouch felt drowsy. He was on the weird brink of falling asleep and just dozing lightly and when he was honest couldn’t decide what would be better. 
The hammock they were lying in swung slightly from side to side and it was warm in the shadows but pleasantly so and Intouch never wanted to leave this place. 
He felt Korn’s deep voice more than he heard it and rubbed his face against the soft fabric on his shirt to signal him that he was awake... barely. But he had the feeling he would kill the atmosphere if he would talk and Korn could read him like a book anyway. 
Korn moved slightly, carefully and Intouch refused to acknowledge any kind of disturbance so he made his body heavier and felt Korn’s chuckle on the place he had laid his cheek on his chest. 
Then a kiss on his forehead, soft and lingering and Intouch sighed. 
This was paradise. 
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alipeeps · 5 years
Ahhhhhhhhhh!! This show!!!
Shao Fei unbuttoning Tang Yi’s shirt and just... exploring him...
The way when he started he was looking into Tang Yi’s eyes, still challenging him, then his eyes dropped, to look at Tang Yi’s lips... like hes thinking of kissing him...
I mean just... just look at this... his hands cupping Tang Yi’s neck/jaw and his attention on his lips...
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And Tang Yi’s *definitely* into it..
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And Shao Fei’s not the only one thinking about kissing cos Tang Yi definitely leans up towards him...
And then there’s cute not-quite-kissing-but-nearly nose rubbing and I diiieeeeeee!!
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sonderwrit · 5 months
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Left Textbox: Beastman (Dog), long-life species. His species was basically wiped out during turbulent times before the witch "pick" him up. It took about 50~60 years for him to grow from childhood to adulthood. His usual tasks resemble that of...the witch's man servant.
Left Top Arrow: He's approximately equal to a 17-year old human.
Left Middle Arrow: Approximately equal to a 10-year old human.
Left Bottom Arrow: Underwent a long process of changing fur...
Right Top Textbox: Time Witch. His concept of time is quite subtle. It's not that he won't get older, but he's kind of stuck in stasis. After Qin reached adulthood, he left for unclear reasons without bidding farewell.
Right Bottom Textbox: Shadow Cat. A consciousness born spontaneously from the witch's hat. Doesn't take up space.
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Left Comic:
Wang Yi: OMG! WY: WHY IS IT ALL FURRY!!? WY: Don't move, I'm gonna pull out your tail Qin Xian: AhhHHhhhHHh nooOOoooo T _ T (Arrow at hat cat: "Doesn't shed fur")
WY: ? WY: What's wrong with you? WY: Wow, the amount of fur in the air-- QX: Ah! QX: Urk... QX: This is... QX: Shedding season.... QX: It'll be fine very soon... (Apprx. 14 years old)
WY: Huh~ WY: Let me see.
QX: *high pitched screech* WY: *grabs tail*
WY: Mmm...seems to get more and more blue. WY: I think that's a good thing, right? QX: .... WY: ACHOO! QX: ....
Right Comic: "Their First Meeting"
WY: Why do you have four ears ah? So weird. How about I cut a pair off for you~ QX, 10 years old: *shivering in fright*
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Left Comic:
"We've picked up a cat, fam!" QX: Aroo?
Center Comic:
The cat grew out of the hat by itself. A shadow cat (that doesn't take up space?) Cat: Meow. If you pick it up, it's an ordinary cat. *It can talk WY: Speak! ???: Master.
Right Comic:
Qin Xian: Master. WY (scowling): ...
Artist: 小心狗男咬人 
我家魔女捡小孩paro的秦亿✌️请吃… My witch picks up child parody (AU) version QinYi ✌️Enjoy...
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productofevolution · 5 years
The Yi City arc is happening and I am not ready for the suspense and for my heart to be broken 💔
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simayeeet · 6 years
Name all the merch you have made or gotten in all your fandoms...or any. I'm curious.
….Oh. Ahhhhhhhhhh…… You want to know about my weeb collection….? Well then, it’s going to be a long read if you want it.
The only fandom I’ve actually made stuff for is DW since there is barely any decent stuff aside from keychains. The rest is official stuff.
DW stuff includes: 
*made it* Custom Xun You figure 
*made it* Small Sima Yi bust (not as great honestly)
*made it* Small Xun Yu bust (slightly better but im bothered by some flaws with it) 
*made it* Slightly larger, but still small Cao Cao bust 
*made it* Tiny Xun Yu figurine 
*made it* a civilian outfit Sima Yi that can only sit on the edge of a flat surface (his face got fucked up and ive been meaning to fix it) 
*unofficial, it was fanmade by someone else* Guo Jia plush *the one time a plush actually is born in China*
*made it* Yuan Shao plush (I had a lot of yellow fabric to get rid of, but Yuan Shao is not that bad as a character, so I liked making him including the dw9 hat is hard but got through it as I didn’t have to make hair Thought I tried to learn how to make a doll at the time too)
*official* really small DW6 Sima Yi, Cao Cao, Lu Bu, and Zhou Yu figures
*official* still pretty small DW4 Sima Yi figure 
SW stuff: 
*official* Motochika acrylic keychain i just got him because he was the only character i liked out of the batch of that were on auction
*official* Ujiyasu and Mitsunari tiny figures, same size as the DW ones
Gintama stuff: (almost all is official, there’s like 3 that are decent bootlegs) 
a disturbingly huge amount (i’ll just name a few i favor more)
Gintoki doing a Kamehameha figure 
Gintoki on a scooter figure
Small Gintoki figure picking his nose
Gintoki plush (plural)
Katsura plush (2)
DBZ stuff: 
Figurarts Piccolo and Vegeta (these are technically better and more expensive action figures)
Large Goku figure that got the paint job to make it look like it came out of the anime (bootleg, been thinking to pawn that off)
Shenron head coin bank  
Piccolo plush 
Piccolo keychain 
Small flying Piccolo figure
Small Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and Perfect Cell figures 
Figure of Goku riding a blue dragon
Misc. stuff:
Revoltech Raiden figure (Metal Gear Rising)
Revoltech Alucard figure (Hellsing) 
Revoltech Vash and Wolfwood figures (Trigun) 
Couple of Crocodile (One Piece) figures 
Alloy plush (Horizon Zero Dawn) 
Dialga, Alakazam, Turtwig, Piplup, Pikachua wearing a Rayquaza hood, Empoleon (All Pokemon plush)
I left out just a few as I didn’t think they were worth mentioning, but this is about all the crap I own
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miacutie · 7 years
If you look back it seems like XiXi has been in deep thought about this since the kiss happened(a lifetime ago!) so many scenes with that deep look he gives him before asking if he like him. I mean Jian Yi finally agrees to answer any questions he has seriously and XiXi goes for the kill after that gorgeous smile he gets from Jian Yi. Ahhhhhhhhhh, I can't handle it if this turns into another blow off!!!!!!
his resolve is hARDENED
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thank god hes not as dense as we thought and actually brought it up!!!! after he ignored the first 120394138x times jian yi hit on him, kissed him, licked/sucked his neck, grinded his dick, flashed his dick, called him handsome and for him to massge his balls etc etc 
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siiideblog · 5 years
Fluuutesss. Groov e i n. This part was so fucking fun. Voilinnnnnnn (imagine breathing so long) OH SHIT. c e l l l l l l ooooooooo boi. Fluteeeeeee ( h a r p). Oh fuck yes trombones. (my bones). what. Oh hello again that thingy. oboee. flautisttttttt. bob your head. bob. your. head. a. little. (Breathe) ( soft harp). diminished 7ths make me want to cry on sight. thank you for resolving hooray. (I’m scared of another diminished seventh) (ahhhhhHHHHHHHhhhhHHHHH) AHHH!!! GROOVE HARD BROSEPH. dun dunndidndidndidndudndjdj) (AHH) AHHHHHH grove but AHHHHHHHHHH. (I never understood this part. then again I don’t know much about Russian orthodoxy) SOMEHOW THIS BOTH GROOVES AND AHHHS HARDER THAN BEFORE. DUN DUN DUN DUUUNNN oh this is different whats going on now? nice space everyone. once more we are grooving just a little bit. THEN THINGS HAPPEN. FUCK YES THE TRIANGLE. groove ONCE. MORE. THINGS HAPPEN AGAIN. but it’s a different chord (also yes triangle again) winds. horns. quiet. basses. trombone. I love you trombone, this is such a lovely solo. I felt that 3rd to last last bass note in my teeth. (Like the lifting 8th for space in the trombone solo) (god I hope I remember which one it is) don’t remember UPDATE THINGS ARE HAPPENING. basses get to shred hell yis. this is intense as fuck Jesus Christ. AHH (symbol) x5 timpiani. holy shit how long has my jaw been clenched. dun dun-dun DUN. you know the part. it happens for a while. nice chords. I HEAR YOU HORNS I LOVE IT. now things are pleasant. so many times the same thing happens. hello winds and flute. v i o l i n. pi z z o c a t t o. triANGLE. bra s s. HIGH THINGS. HONK HONK HONK HONK. timpani joins honking for a bit. (triangles, bells, clavicored thingy I think). pizzicato. spicattoo. TIMPANI. JESUS CHRIST EVERYTHINGS HAPPENING. I feel like the world is ending how is is this in any way related to christ- Oh I get it. These are heavenly chords in comparison. Ah yes. I can imagine how one would see the face of god in this.
(Immediate recollection: I think I get it now. The first portion is like he’s somber in the garden of Gathsemone or something and then like the second part is the tribulation and then the end part is him being resurrected.) (I don’t really know how to feel I guess. It’s kind of strange that I’m bringing up the religion of my youth. Especially in this context. 8 years away from feeling any sort of connection and also pretty high.) (if the god that Korsakov wrote about was the god that I had a deal with when I was a child are the same guy, like if we both worshipped the same guy. fuck I forgot. oh yeah, like. I don’t think that that’s the same god that a lot of churches worship. That is a god of infinite good and infinite power. it’s not the god that gives a fuck who you marry. its not the god who gives a fuck what gender you are or aren’t. it’s also not the god that gives a fuck if you’re sad. And that’s fine. Point is. I think a lot of modern /postmodern Christianity is bullshit.) (the whole thing might be bullshit. maybe Korsakov thought he was writing to the god of the Bible and it just so happened to sound like whatever “GOD” type thing there /really/ is.
FUCK I’m gonna want to delete this later aren’t I?
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