insane-control-room · 26 days
Joey has no choice.
Henry wants him to wear a bow. Joey does not want to.
Maybe it's not serious, but an incident with Sammy makes Joey reconsider.
ink demonth - bow
Swap AU Rated: T Warnings: violence, emotional abuse, overwork, suicidal ideation, depression AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58578145 Length: 2000
Joey’s hands shook ever so slightly as he drew. Whether it was from the slight pain in his bones, to the touch of fear in his heart, or the seething sigh of anger in his lungs. 
He had to draw. 
Funny, how things shift. One day, he is the face (or at least, his mask is) of a relatively successful animation studio, the next, he is nearly murdered by his own workers- until rescued by his co-founder and then reduced to a mere animator in his ‘saving’. 
‘It would be a good thing, Joey’, Henry told him, ‘you’ll get to keep working on the toons, and the employees won’t hate you. I’ve got the helm’. 
Joey had no choice but to give the studio over to his partner. Not if he wanted to stay. So there he was, animating away with a pinching pain in his wrist and his eyes hurting (he could not tell if it was from wanting to cry, or from being awake for too long). 
Then later learning that it was Henry’s coup to begin with admittances from Bertrum, grim confirmation from Shawn. His grip tightened on the pen, dipping it into the ink with deliberate motions so as to reduce the forcefulness behind his actions. He breathed, trying to ignore the memories of the past swarming at his thoughts. 
His tie felt too tight on his neck. A noose. 
He shuddered as he remembered a few weeks prior, when Henry was more overbearing than usual, when his already frail mental health had snapped for some time. Joey was too tall for it to be effective, but the act of sitting on a bar stool with a tight rope around his throat….
It was so tranquil that it frightened him. The languid peace that wafted over him made him slowly remove the coil from under his jaw, his hands eerily steady as he drew it away. The fact that he was so accepting of such a dour end saddened him. Even on the worst days as the studio head, Joey would have abhorred such an action; and the fact that he had contemplated it with such calmness now unnerved him. 
What made him keep going was Linda, Henry’s daughter. The girl needed someone in her life, as her father had become quite preoccupied with the studio. Henry would say that he had been occupied with the work prior to taking over, but Joey was well aware that was not the case. As well as should not be the case now, as along with his tripled animation duties, Joey retained most of his old work as well. Henry only put his name and signature on it. Henry had also left Linda to Joey’s care most nights.
Johan adjusted his tie, feeling himself growing hot with discomfort. A sad anger- he could care less about the studio, it was Henry’s treatment that upset him so badly. Of his daughter, of the employees (what with the layoffs to give others “raises”), of the toons- hell, ignore how Henry treated Joey himself! 
Joey stiffened as he felt a hand on his shoulder, landing firmly, and yet, causing a shiver to run down his spine. 
“Hello, doll,” Henry said, his tone amiable and low. Joey mustered a smile in greeting- hoping that this was one of his (former) business partner’s ‘nice’ days. “How goes the animating?” 
“I think I am m-making progress,” Joey replied, eyes dropping to the papers. His hands fiddled with the pen in his grip. “I’m on frame, um, s-six thousand s-seven hundred thirty two.”
“Good,” Henry purred. “Only around five hundred to go. That should be a week.”
Joey clenched his jaw, turning back to the papers. A hundred frames a day. Plus all the paperwork, too. As well as whatever else Joey’s brain was too overloaded to think about. 
“Right,” he replied, quietly. Then, he inhaled softly to garner some courage. “Henry, c-can we- I mean, can you, please hire back one of the junior animators? F-for….”
He swallowed harshly as he took in the smile on his friend’s face. Chiding in composition; steely cold in his gaze.
Joey finished his words in the slightest mumble, “For midframes or the such….”
To Joey’s surprise, Henry gave a contemplative hum. 
“I’ll think about it.” Henry said, baffling Joey even more. “I’ll give you something to think about in the meantime, though.” 
Ah. Here comes the catch. Joey forced a smile- it was almost certainly crooked on his face. 
“What is it, Henry?” he asked, trying to keep from sounding too nervous. “I really can’t take w-work home any more than I already do.”
“No, no, it’s nothing to do with work,” Henry laughed lowly, shaking his head. His curls followed the motion in a way that Joey may have described as charming in the past, but now made his stomach tighten with apprehension. Henry’s finger stroked down Joey’s tie. “Why don’t you wear a bow tie, Jo? Match your little devil darling a bit more.” 
Johan shifted in his seat, slightly uncomfortable. 
“I like my tie,” he replied quietly, now fiddling with it. Henry did not seem impressed with that answer, but to Joey’s relief, did not push on the topic. He touched over Johan’s tie for another moment, a single, gentle stroke, and then shrugged. Joey was about to turn back to his work when Henry remarked; “Don’t forget, dinner is at six.”
“I won’t forget,” Joey murmured. Henry leaned closer, a slight, steely smirk on his lips. Joey shifted backwards, trying to get some breathing room. “I w-won’t.”
“Cigarettes are not adequate dinner, Johan.”
Johan felt his throat constrict, resisting the urge to swallow. So Henry had found the pack he had bought and kept in secret. 
Henry leaned back away, fingers stroking down Johan’s chest as he did. Joey did his best not to shiver. With the swagger of a wholly confident and fulfilled man, Henry sauntered out of the nearly empty art department, then paused at the doorway out. 
“We could use some helping hands in here again,” he mused, making Joey’s heart lighten a touch. “Nicholson and Lambert- they were good. I’ll get in contact with them.”
“Thank you,” Joey said, but he spoke a moment too soon, as Henry raised a finger with a wolfish grin. Joey felt his heart start to sink again. “A condition?”
“Start wearing a bow tie,” Henry replied, winking. Joey could not tell if he was serious or not. “See you at dinner, honeybee.” 
Johan felt the discomfort on his neck again. He lifted his small cup of tea, hands trembling as he sipped from it, hoping that it would reduce the pain residing terribly in his throat. Keep animating, Joey. Just keep animating. 
The phone to the animation “department” rang. Joey sighed, pushing himself up and making his way to the ringing device. He picked it up, and did not announce himself- as everyone knew that it was just Joey there. It was a musician, sounding vaguely apologetic. They let him know that Sammy was calling him down to the music department. Joey nodded, and then realized that a nod cannot be seen through the phone, and said that he would be there in a moment. 
Picking up his cane, he began the shambling decent to the music hall. Most of the workers generally avoided him, either from dislike, embarrassment, or uncertainty. He got a few smiles and waves, though, and it made him feel just that bit better. 
Eventually, he made it to Sammy’s office. He knocked timidly, and Sammy grumbled for Joey to enter. Joey did as requested, quietly coming into the office. Sammy turned to face him, glaring for no apparent reason. 
“You c-called for me, Sammy?” Joey asked, shifting on his feet. Sammy squinted at him, lip curling into a snarl. “I- I mean, Mr. Lawrence.” 
“Not good enough,” Sammy growled at him, eyes narrow and angered. Joey blinked at him, confused and uncomfortable. “I need a token, Drew. I need a proof of your devotion, of your servitude.”
“That’s an incredibly weird and d-disquieting thing to say,” Joey commented. Sammy’s lip curled, an angry glint in his eye.Joey quickly attempted to recover the situation, biting his lip. “I think y-you need a break. A coffee?” 
“Bow.” Sammy demanded. Joey stared, blinking at him. Sammy stood up, glaring at the tall man with a crazed look in his eye. “I said, bow.”
“No!” Joey stepped back, shaking his head. “That’s- that’s ridiculous, Sammy. I can call you Mr. Lawrence and treat you as respectfully as I can, but I’m not indulging this- this madness!”
Joey did not have an instant to get away from Sammy’s grasping hand. It wrapped tightly around his tie, yanking Joey forward. 
“When I say to bow,” Sammy hissed, pulling him even more. Joey choked on the tug, trying to pull away from the mad musician. “I mean bow!”
He pulled even harder, knocking Joey off balance. The only reason Joey did not fall to the floor was his cane, tightly gripped in his hand. Joey scrambled to escape from him, but Sammy only grabbed his tie again. The black end in his pale hand flashed in Joey’s eye as he choked again. Sammy kicked at the cane in Joey’s hand, knocking it to the side. Sammy threw him to the floor again, Joey barely having time to catch himself on his hands to break his fall. Sammy kicked him in the stomach, making him curl up with the sudden, sharp pain. 
“There,” Sammy huffed, out of breath. He stared down at the artist on the floor. “That’s better. Good. Anyways…” he returned to the desk. “I wanted to tell you that the next episode’s music is nearly ready. Go tell Norman. Also, your last sync work was shoddy. Make sure you do better, next time.”
Joey was already pulling himself from the floor, hand tremblingly wrapping around his cane, backing away from Sammy slowly, holding the cane in front of himself. Sammy turned to face him, and anger spiked once again. 
“Did I say you can get up!?” he roared, and even Joey’s swinging cane did not deter him. He grabbed Joey’s tie again, and jerked him towards himself. Joey shoved him, but felt his tie tightening in Sammy’s grip- noticing that the man was doing it on purpose. Joey tried, desperately, to get away, though his skipped meals and reduced sleep and anxieties made it nearly impossible to even squirm. He felt his throat closing up tighter, and he scrambled at Sammy’s hands on his tie, trying to pull him off of the silk fabric. “You are nothing, Drew! You do as you’re told, you have no choice!” 
Just as Joey felt his vision going dark, he was dropped. Unable to really move, he crumpled to the ground, pulling off his tie and gasping. When his vision returned, he saw Norman chewing out Sammy, and then his hearing- which he had not even noticed fading- returned, heard it. 
“You need to apologize!” Norman was scolding him. “Joey’s going through enough, you don’t need to put more on his plate!” 
“I’m… fine,” Joey replied, his voice hoarse. Norman swiveled to look at him. Joey backed out of the room. “I’m going back to work.”
“Johan,” Norman reached for the man. Johan flinched back. “Joey….”
They stared at each other for a long moment, and then Joey slipped away, his tie woven between his trembling fingers. 
Henry did not mention Joey’s missing tie at dinner, but he did look at his throat. No comments were made, only the request to help Linda with her homework. Joey happily obliged, loving spending time with his- not his- daughter. 
Joey took his tie into the bathroom. 
He carefully undid the seams. 
Remade it. 
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Henry complimented his new bow tie the next morning, calling him a handsome devil. 
Even as Joey forced a smile, he felt his throat grow tight. 
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run-awayy · 2 years
OH MY GOD ARR! His work in the film is just indescribable. It really really brings out the tamilian in you. I'm not even tamilian! I've just been around tamilians my whole life. The way the movie is taken, the music, the language used. I feel so much pride honestly.
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Ace Attorney Concept Art:
Marlon Rimes/Ikuya Itsuka
Tahrust Inmee/Malmel Aatam
Robin Newman/Chishio Atsui
Sorin Sprocket/Raito Haguruma
Datz Are'bal/Dats Dinighel
Dr. Turner Grey/Tetsuro Kirisaki
Doug Swallow/Kikuzo Nonda
Glen Elg/Takao Oka
Jacques Portsman/Makoto Yuki
Rhoda Teneiro/Ichiru Konomichi
Lauren Paups/Himeko Orito
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mahadeosposts · 8 months
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Guru bhagta mm mm aatam soyi |
vaake hridya rahun samoyi ||
God Kabir has Himself described that a devotee of Guru is my soul.
Visit Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj YouTube Channel
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spiritualsoull1969 · 8 months
"Purification of the Soul: Journeying Home to the Divine in Raag Gauri Sukhmani Mehla 5"
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Raag Gauri Sukhmani, Mehla 5:
ਜੀਉ ਪਿੰਡੁ ਸਭੁ ਧੋਤਿਆ ॥ ਆਤਮ ਘਰਿ ਵਸਿਆ ਰਾਮੁ
॥ Jيو piṅḍ sabẖ dhottiaa || Ātam ghar vasiaa Raam ||
The body has been washed clean, and the Lord resides in the home of the soul.
This verse can be interpreted as suggesting that after shedding the physical body (washing it clean), the soul (aatma) finds its true home with the divine (Raam).
In the verses of Raag Gauri Sukhmani Mehla 5, profound insights into the purification of the soul and its ultimate union with the divine unfold. The composition symbolizes the cleansing of the physical body and the awakening of the soul to its true essence, wherein it finds its eternal abode with the divine. This article delves into the spiritual significance of these concepts, elucidating their relevance in the journey of self-realization and spiritual liberation.
Unveiling Raag Gauri Sukhmani Mehla 5:
Raag Gauri Sukhmani, attributed to Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Sikh Guru, is a composition found in the Guru Granth Sahib. Mehla 5 denotes that these verses were composed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji himself, offering timeless guidance to seekers on the path of spiritual enlightenment and liberation.
Interpreting the Verse:
Purification of the Body: The verse metaphorically describes the purification of the body (jeeo pind) through spiritual practices and righteous living. It signifies the cleansing of impurities and negative influences that hinder spiritual growth.
Residence of the Divine in the Soul: The verse suggests that upon purifying the body, the divine presence (Raam) resides within the innermost sanctum of the soul (aatam ghar). It signifies the awakening of spiritual consciousness and the realization of the divine essence within.
Understanding the Concept:
Cleansing the Physical Body: Purification of the body involves leading a virtuous and righteous life, practicing self-discipline, and engaging in acts of service and devotion. It entails letting go of worldly attachments and ego-driven desires that tarnish the purity of the soul.
Awakening of the Soul: As the physical body is cleansed, the soul awakens to its true nature and purpose. It transcends the limitations of the material realm and experiences a profound connection with the divine presence within and without.
Union with the Divine: The verse symbolizes the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution – the union of the individual soul with the divine consciousness. It signifies the culmination of the spiritual journey, where the soul merges into the eternal bliss of divine love and unity.
Practical Applications:
Cultivating Spiritual Discipline: Engage in daily spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and self-reflection to purify the mind and body. Cultivate virtues such as compassion, humility, and integrity in your thoughts, words, and actions.
Deepening Inner Awareness: Cultivate mindfulness and introspection to deepen your awareness of the divine presence within. Practice self-inquiry and contemplation to discern the true nature of the self and its relationship to the divine.
Living in Alignment with Divine Will: Surrender to the divine will and align your actions with spiritual values and principles. Let go of ego-driven desires and attachments, embracing a life of service, gratitude, and love for all beings.
Raag Gauri Sukhmani Mehla 5 offers profound wisdom on the purification of the soul and its ultimate union with the divine. By cleansing the physical body and awakening to the presence of the divine within, individuals can experience spiritual liberation and eternal peace. Let us heed the timeless teachings of Guru Arjan Dev Ji and embark on a journey of self-realization and divine union, guided by the light of purification and spiritual awakening.
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digitalsanchit · 10 months
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Historians and legends claim that the emergence of the State of Kerala was out of the sea when King Parshuram threw the battle axe he owned into the sea. King Parshuram was said to be an avatar of Lord Vishnu and therefore, the State of Kerala was literally known to be the “Gods Own Country”. Kerala is extravagant in its own terms with attractive tourist destinations and enthralling activities to engage with. The fascinating traditional dance forms of Kerala are Mohini Aatam and Kathakali. The official animal of the State is an Indian Elephant. The language spoken here is Malayalam
To read more, click here
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sharpvideo · 1 year
தமிழ்சீரியல் நடித்த நடிகை DISCO Super /Disco Dance sema aatam, Don't Mis...
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indiantiquest · 1 year
Antique White brass ribbed classic Paal Pazhlam tumbler set
Antique White brass ribbed classic Paal Pazhlam tumbler set from Chettinadu, rarest find, solid cast, indegenous metal, above featured is the Bride and Grooms milk tumbler used in the occassion, auspicious symbol of fertility and happiness, 80+ year old set. Oonjal Aattam: In South Indian weddings there are many rituals for the Bride & Groom one such is the Oonjal Aatam Paal Pazham ceremony In…
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leftdreamersheep · 2 years
Kabir, nijsukh aatam Ram hae, dooja dukh apaar |
Mansa vaacha karmna, Kabira sumiran saar ||
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rajnipoetryvision · 9 months
राम ही राम
सरयू की लहरें मस्त मतवालीहर्षोल्लास की कृपा खुशहाली
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rajbala321 · 2 years
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Kabir, nijsukh aatam Ram hae, dooja dukh apaar | #GodMorningSunday SUPREME GOD KABIR has explained that the soul gets the real happiness from GOD. ♦️अवश्य देखें साधना टीवी 7:30-8:30 PM https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9m8c6yPJF1zyVuSGFMq-cy403gm_dNUudQ3s0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poojadassi1 · 2 years
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Kabir, nijsukh aatam Ram hae, dooja dukh apaar | #GodMorningSunday SUPREME GOD KABIR has explained that the soul gets the real happiness from GOD. ♦️अवश्य देखें साधना टीवी 7:30-8:30 PM https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9IYI9SqwxVIak8tGstQYWqgwpozlEUZcSRVI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skiesandstardust · 2 years
Evlo vazhrom ngradhu dhan inga
Others’ point of view is unbelievably obscure
Knowledge is pleasure, so attractive to human and eve
Avan avalai arindhan
Knowing is love
Sarpathai pola kadikum andha ratham pol jolikindra saraku
Endhalavuku anbum nesamum kalamdhu irukingalo appo unga sanity expand aagum
Slip into the vortex with jealousy hatred and anger
It’ll pull you in like a black hole
You can push the boundary however
Love, freedom. Idhuku edaila work romba mukyam
When you love you work. When you work you achieve greater things
Flirting with danger
We’re all in the edges of sanity
Kabadi aatam dhan
Sikkalu but adhan life
(Manikaradhu selfish illaya)
Strength of character - strength of this border
Train to get hurt, get used to it
Love has won the war. Im not afraid to die now.
Kalayana saavu
Uyira kaila pudichu vachiruku kelavi. Death is a choice.
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aayushiagrawal · 2 years
24 Jan 2023
Dear Me,
Tumhare Best Chizo mai sabse achi jo muhje lagti h vo yahi ki tum bahut mehtvkanshi ho aur tume aapne pairo par kahde hona h. Tume samhje h ki kya tumhare liye sahi hai aur kya nahi. Aur usse bhi jyada jaruri tum zindagi ki kimmat ko samjhti ho. Tume pata h ki tum yaha kisi kaam ke sath aayi ho kio maksat h tumhara iss duniya mai aane ka. Tum jaldi aur kam mai khush hone walo mai se nahi ho. Tum samhjti ho ladkiyo ko bhi apna wajoot sapit karna chahiye aur aapne aatam samman ke liye ladna ko sahi manti ho. Tum padhai ko mahtav deti ho. Tume lagta h ki sabko sahi education milna chiahiya. Tume risk lena passand h aur tum harne se darti nahi ho. Bade challenge lena acha lagta h. Har din kuch naya sikhne mai vishwas rakhti ho aur sabse important point duniya ke sabse behtrean insaan ke sath roj samay bethna aur baate karna pasand h tume yani ki khudse.
Tume youtube par videos banana bahut pasand h tum aur freelancing ke apne kaam se bahut pyarr karti ho. Tume sapne dekhne aur pura karna ke liye excited rehti ho. Tumhare future goals toh bhut saare h aur unhe pura karne ke liye roj kuch na kuch karna tume pasand h.
Mai chahti ki tum abhi bhi kayi aise cheeze h jinse bahar nikalna chahiye . Meri yahi advice h tume ki jaise abtak ki journey mai tumne apna housla kabhi nahi chodha aage bhi mat karna.
Yeh tumhara defining decade h toh obviously jitna explore kar sakti ho karo aur sikho. Khair sikhna toh zindagi bhar hi h par kya kya sikhna aur kaise vo jarur abhi Sikh sakti ho.
Aur sochne batho toh bahut kuch h zindagi mai, Lekin zindagi jeene ke liye milli thi hamne sochne mai gujar di. Tumne sabse acha yeh kiya ki kabhi kisi par dependent nahi hui. Emotionally or financially.
Kaam age mai galat decision mat lena. Tum akele apne saaath rehna sikh chuki ho tume kisi ki jarurat nahi h tumhari dekhbhal karne ke liye. Isse tum apne aapko kabhi akele nahi hone dogi.
Iss baat ko ache se samhj lo ki kio aur tumpar barosa kare ya na kare tum apna barosa khud par kafi h har cheez achieve karne ke liye jo tum chahti ho.
Always Yours,
First Love (Self)
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sharpvideo · 1 year
தமிழ்சீரியல் நடித்த நடிகை DISCO Super /Disco Dance sema aatam, Don't Mis...
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ankushkharb · 2 years
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Kabir, nijsukh aatam Ram hae, dooja dukh apaar |
SUPREME GOD KABIR has explained that the soul gets the real happiness from GOD.
👉🏻To know more, read sacred Book Gyan Ganga
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