#aayyy now he’s got GREEN
corevoid · 2 years
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Corvie got an upgrade :)
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rbennetwrites · 7 years
85 Statements Tag Game
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people (I didn’t do this. Such a rebel.)
I was tagged by @thescholarlystrumpet
Back in the game.
The last…  
1. Drink: Cider.
2. Phone call: My Mummy :D
3. Text message: “Here boi” Gonna leave that without context.
4. Song you listened to: “Lost on You” LP
5. Time you cried: About three weeks ago. Got some rubbish news.
6. Dated someone twice: Yup. Silly me only got her heart broken twice.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Once I snogged this girl on Halloween who was dressed as a sexy cat with full face paint. That shit brought me out in a rash. My costume that year was “The Curse of Sensitive Skin”.
8. Been cheated on: Not that I know of. But probably.
9. Lost someone special: Yes.
10. Been depressed: “HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND” /emo
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve done the occasional tactical vom. Ah...university.
Favourite colors
12. Slytherin Green
13.  Bright Orange anything.
14. ...I wear a lot of black?
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: Yes :)
16. Fallen out of love: Tom Hiddleston and I had a rough patch about a year ago but he got his shit together and I think we’re gonna make it through.
7. Laughed until you cried: Any time I see my sister. The most important thing is that we find each other hilarious. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: One of my favourite classroom activities is creeping up on students who think they’re being dead sly and slagging you off under their breath, and casually commenting.
19. Met someone who changed you: In a positive way, yeah absolutely.
20. Found out who your friends are: My friends are awesome, and they prove that every day. 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I have deleted my Facebook so technically: no.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? RE above: none.
23. Do you have any pets? No, but oh god I want a doggie so bad.
24. Do you want to change your name? Mrs Hiddleston?
25. What did you do for your last birthday? I worked. How lame.
26. What time did you wake up? 9ish. I heart the summer hols.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? In a beer garden chatting shit with some regulars, putting the world to rights.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Episode 7
29. When was the last time you saw your mum? about a month ago :(
31. What are you listening to right now? My new upstairs neighbour training for a marathon in her living room while wearing solid lead boots. I can only assume.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? I had to count. I think twelve? Twelve Toms.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My animal-loving new upstairs neighbour and her rescued herd of endangered elephants. I can only assume.
34. Most visited website: Reddit. 
35. Hair colour: Light Brown
36. Long or short hair? Short now. I CUT IT ALL OFF!!! AAYYY!
37. Do you have a crush on someone? Not in RL at the moment.
38. What do you like about yourself? My imagination. My jigsaw puzzle prowess.
39. Piercings: Just regular ear holes.
40. Blood type: A...something?
41. Nickname: Never had one, no matter how hard I tried to get “Roxy” to stick when I was 13.
42. Relationship status: single pringle
43. Zodiac: Leo
44. Pronouns: She/her.
45. Favourite TV show: Currently? GOT. All time? Gotta be Buffy.
46. Tattoos: Several. In fact I may be edging into “many” territory.
47. Right or left handed: Right.
48. Surgery: Yes. Four times. Bullshit.
49. Piercing: silly tumblr you’ve already asked this one. No, I have not poked any new holes in my skin since Question 40.
50. Sport: Footy! 
51. Holiday: Iceland please.
52. Pair of trainers: Like how many pairs? A lot. Like twenty.
More general
53. Eating: I like steak.
54. Drinking: I like wine. Preferably with steak.
55. I’m about to: go to bed (hahahaha why am I lying, I’m clearly gonna spend the next 4 hours on the internet)
56. Waiting for: half-term
57. Want: doggie
58. Get married: no thanks
59. Career: Teacher
60. Hugs or kisses: High five?
61. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. Shorter or taller: Taller
63. Older or younger: Older. To an alarming degree.
64. Nice arms or nice stomach: Bloke = abs Lass = personality 
65. Hook up or relationship: Oh god, can I just be done with both for like a little while? 
66. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker!
67. Kissed a stranger: I think the ratio of my stranger:known person is around the same as most people’s hot dinner:paragliding accident
68. Drank hard liquor: Never without mixer. Oh god, never again without mixer. Tonic is my holy water.
69. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Jinkies.
70. Turned someone down: Yes, but always nicely. 
71. Sex on the first date: Does hooking up at a gig where it’s too loud to exchange conversation class as a date? Cos if so, then yeah, loads.
72. Broken someone’s heart: Yes. Not my proudest moment.
73. Had your heart broken: Yup. 
74. Been arrested: Yeah.
75. Cried when someone died: I cry when I see other people crying at TV adverts (if you’ve never seen Gogglebox, OMG)
76. Fallen for a friend: Yeah. But we came out of it good, I think? 
Do you believe in …
77. Yourself: Been a rough year, but I’m making good progress.
78. Miracles: No, not by the normal definition (guys, I had to look it up)
79. Love at first sight: No. Lusty goosebumps masquerading as genuine emotion, however? Yes.
80. Santa Claus: Nope
81. Kiss on the first date: Ranges from a polite goodbye peck, to full-on tongue snoggo.
82. Angels: Only when really drunk and some dickhead forces me into karaoke.
83. Current best friend’s name: Smells. Or, just, my awesome sister.
84. Eye colour: Green.
85. Favourite movie: Die Hard.
I have been a no-good absentee father to my tumblr account lately, so I assume most people have done/been tagged. So, I would like to hear from some new followers: @8ofloveandchocolate8 @caughtontheredcarpet
But, like anyone else, fucking go for it.
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Vinnie Dakota & Balthazar Cavendish
Synopsis: While on their way to a pistachio-related mission, Balthazar discovers that Vinnie is a much better singer than he’d thought and yet again questions the ‘coincidences’ of Milo Murphy.
AKA: Vinnie and Bradley sing Gitchi Gitchi Goo while Balthazar is annoyed. It actually works in context.
~Word Count: About 1359
“Dakota, could you /please/ take this seriously! I know it’s time travel, but every minute still counts!” Balthazar Cavendish said in a failing attempt to refocus his partner.
He was instead forced to wait where he stood at the back of the small crowd forming around some park preformers on one of the smaller public stages. They’d been on their way to yet another pistachio-basef mission, and while it was true that the task was minor and the time it needed to be completed by was hours away, Balthazar was nothing less than focused. Vinnie, however, had already climbed to the top of the small group set up on the stage.
He chatted with the member whom Balthazar assumed was the lead singer. It was almost half a minute before the rest of the group started playing the into of a very firmiliar song. He was a dark-haired, young man in a grey-blue plaid shirt and jeans. He seemed nothing less than happy as he called confidently to the others below.
“Hey everyone!” The lead singer finally stepped up to his mic stand as the intro played. He joined in on a guitar that was slung around him and continued to welcome the gathering crowd.
“Don’t be shy! Come on over for a song or two! I bet you all know this one!” He chucked at the last bit for a reason Balthazar didn’t know. “I’m Bradley and we’re gonna sing a song!”
Their audience clapped and cheered in excitement, but Balthazar only rolled his eyes. He had already easily recognized the famous tune but he wasn’t about to let his mild enthusiasm show. Even he could appreciate a good song when he heard one.
The only difference between this version and the original was that this one had a little more of a rock vibe to it. The lead singer was on guitar along with a girl with dark hair that was dyed at the ends, a blond boy was on the drums behind them, another kid was on bass, and Dakota had picked up a tamberine.
“Sing along! Bow chicka bow wow!”
“That’s what my baby says!” Vinnie sang the back up vocals.
“Mow mow mow-”
“And my heart starts pumpin’!”
“Chika chika chu whop!”
“Never Gonna Stop!”
The pair did the line together to the crowd, “Gitchi Gitchi Goo means That I Love You!”
Balthazar rolled his eyes yet again and crossed his arms tightly in front of his firm figure. He wanted to walk away, but knew his feet wouldn’t move if he tried. These kinds of things always frustrated him about his partner, but he’d never admit to anyone- even himself- that he almost enjoyed them. Luckily, he knew he could definately manage some genuine exasperation if they were anyone but Dakota.
So instead of continuing to walk in the direction of their assignment, he stared up at the small band with a solid gaze and rigid stance.
The younger singer sang the first part.
“My baby’s got her own way of talking  Whenever she says something sweet,”
Suddenly Vinnie picked up, his voice much stronger and much smoother than Balthazar would have expected- though somehow never loosing it’s rough edge. “And she knows it’s my world she’s a-rockin'  Though my vocabulary’s incomplete!”
Cavendish had heard him sing before, but never like this. His voice flowed as well as any professional.
Luckily the other singer’s voice picked up the next line and cut through his thoughts, bringing him back to his surroundings. “And though it may sound confusing, Sometimes I wish she’d give it to me straight,”
“But I never feel like I’m losing!”
“Losing,” The band leader echoed.
“When I take the time to translate, Here’s what I’m talking ‘bout!”
Suddenly a movement near the side of the stage caught Cavendish’s attention. It was that of a firmilar, reflective yellow and black stripped symbol on an olive-green backpack.
The singers alternated the next part a little differently than the original, yet it was orchistrated flawlessly. Unfortunately, Balthazar’s attention was now turned to the firmiliar figure of his self-assigned nemesis racing behind the stage.
“Bow chika bow wow,”
“That’s what my baby /says/!” Vinnie made sure to hit the high, swooping note, “Mow mow mow,”
“And my heart starts pumpi-i-in’, Chika chika chu whop”
“Never Gonna Stop!”
They then sang together once more, “Gitchi Gitchi Goo means that I Love You!”
The tall man quickly made his way to the side of the stage where he’d seen the firmiliar symbol and raced around it in search of the young boy.
“Milo Murphy, I’ll get to the bottom of this just yet!” He grumbled to himself, annoyed to find only empty space that gave way to the rest of the park. Milo was fast, Balthazar could give him that.
He continued around the stage but the figure seemed to have vanished. Cavendish knew it just couldn’t be a coincidence. There could /not/ be /this many/ coincidences in a row that involved the three of them.
The two singers did the rest of the song in flawless unison.
“Well I don’t know what to do-o!”
The crowd easily sang the back up, “I don’t know what to do.”
“But I think I’m getting through-ough!”
“I think I’m getting through.” The audience cheered.
“'Cause when I say I Love You-u!”
“When I Say I Love You.”
“She says I Gitchi Gitchi Goo You Too!”
They alternated, each note building upon the last. “Gitchi Gitchi Goo You Too” “Gitchi Gitchi Goo You Too” “Gitchi Gitchi Goo You Too!” “Don’t need a Dictionary.”
They were leading a beat clap. Meanwhile, Cavendish had no choise but to give up his hunt. The youngster was far gone from view.
“I said a- Bow chika bow wow,”
“That’s what my baby says!”
“Mow mow mow”
“And my heart starts pumpin’!”
“Chika chika chu whop”
“Never Gonna Stop!”
“Gitchi Gitchi Goo means- That I Love You Baby! Baby! Baaab-aayyy!” “Baby, baby, baby, baby….”
“Gitchi Gitchi Goo means That I Love You!”
There was quite a bit of clapping and Cavendish hadn’t even realized the amount of people who were now swarming the area. He’d been too focused on the assumed counter agent who was now long gone from his sight and the surprising yet /amazing/ voice of his companion, who was now climbing down from the stage. Dakota was at his side again nearly as quick as he had gone.
“Don’t worry. We can go now if you want, Balthy.” Vinnie said, salmly resuming the path they had been on before the song.
The taller of the pair shot a quick look behind him before he silently turned to follow his friend, his thoughts suddenly refocusing on the stunning effect Vinnie’s voice had had on him. He chose his next words carefully.
“You… don’t usually sing like that…?”
He felt a little dumb phrasing it that way, but did it anyways as he took the lead away from the growing preformance.
Luckily, Vinnie didn’t seem to notice his hesitation- or at least didn’t seem like he did. He turned to his british companion with a smile.
“Oh yeah. Well, it’s harder to- but puttin’ in the effort isn’t hard when you’re in the moment, yunno?”
He grinned even widder.
Balthazar tilted his head in thought but didn’t say anything more about it. His friend always seemed full of surprises, but this was definately one he would have never expected.
He instead changed the topic before he thought too hard on it.
“I saw that blasted Milo Murphy again but I lost him in the crowd. We need to get to the bottom of this!”
Vinnie sighed.
“And we will. But you could at least lighten up about it until we do.”
Balthazar replied with a huff.
Trying to make a difference in the world was difficult enough without all these distractions, yet he found himself thinking back to his companion’s amazing voice more than possible counter attack for his new and mysterious counter agent.
Blast him and the world’s strange mysteries!
[Notes: ~Excuse my horrible spelling. ~This took like the last half hour of my life to indent/format so I hope you appreciate my effort ~I have no idea if Bradley and Vinnie’s voices would work well together but I like to think they would. ~ yes bradley singing it is kind of a play on the fact that vincent martella voices both him and phineas who originally did song. ~Bradley just needs some attention so I like to think he tries to do things like this and actually has a really good time ~Poor Cavendish he’s just trying to complete his mission lol ~Feedback appreciated thanks!!]
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cafecitowriter · 7 years
Let Your Heart Decide (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)
A/N: Now that the semester is officially done, I’ve had time to sleep for more than 2 hours every night and of course I’ve dedicated it to fic writing! So here’s a Prince!Lin fic whose concept was inspired by Aladdin (but of course strays quite a bit from the actual movie). I hope ya’ll have as much fun reading it as I did writing it!
Word Count: 8,166 (longest fic yet aayyy)
One of the smaller kingdoms in the land, it was what you considered a hidden gem. The agriculture flourished. Nature was at its most thriving in this kingdom. Closer to the centre of the kingdom where the palace was situated, you could find the tallest, leafiest trees surrounded by shrubbery, and flowers of the most vibrant colours ever imagined. Plant life was the most diverse here, creating a mosaic of wildlife. The marketplaces and all other architecture were built around this, oftentimes even incorporating the plants into the structure.
As you walked closer to the edges of the kingdom, the eccentric green plants gave way to vast fields and farms, the largest of which were on what you had affectionately nicknamed, “The Outer Rim”. The outskirts of the kingdom. This is the part of the kingdom that you called home.
You were the eldest of three children. Two girls, one boy. Jasmine was the second born, at age of 17. Jordan was 14. The three of you lived with your father. Together you helped clean, cook, and most importantly, tend to the farm and the horses. You and Jasmine did most of the work while Jordan was in school. Of course, neither of you minded. You had had your time in school, and so had Jasmine, now it was Jordan’s turn for an opportunity at education. Your father was a rapidly aging, but kind man, and you were willing to do anything to help him out. Jasmine tended to take all the responsibility with the horses while you kept the fields producing crops, with Jordan’s help once he was done his schoolwork. You functioned in near perfect synchronization. A family business if there ever was one.
On this particular spring day, you had finished your chores early. The day seemed ripe with opportunity. The sun was high in the sky, though the gentle breeze kept it from becoming too hot. Your father was feeling particularly well today, and Jasmine was in an especially good mood - though you attributed it to the fact that she and her boyfriend, Anthony, had just celebrated their one year anniversary together.
You changed into one of your favourite every day dresses, slipping it over your corset and farthingale, and walked downstairs after putting on some comfortable walking shoes.
“Yes, my dear?” he looked up from where he was watching Jasmine and Anthony walk toward the barn, his eyes alight with happiness.
“I’m going out into town. Is there anything you would like me to pick up?”
“Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head dear, but thank you,” he said, turning to you with a smile.
“Charlie is sick so I’ll walk. I won’t know how long I’ll be,” you added.
“You realize that one of these days you’ll have to ride another horse and you won’t get a say in the matter,” he teased you.
“I have ridden other horses, thank you very much!” You defended, though there was no abrasiveness in your tone.
“Any others that you haven’t lost control of or fallen off of?”
“That was one time!”
“Three times,” he corrected, a little too gleefully.
“You know one of these days it just might happen,” you huffed.
“Make sure to invite me to the occasion.”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile.
“You are positively hilarious, papa.”
He gave a soft chuckle and you kissed his head.
“I’ll try to be home by sundown.”
“You could also try to act like the twenty year old that you are and have a life,” he said with a slightly more serious voice.
“I have a life! I have you and Jazzy and Jordan,” you defended.
“Yes, but you rarely go out and-”
“And you’re worried that I’ll end up a spinster. Papa, I am perfectly content with my life how it is. I have my family. Soon enough we’ll be adding Anthony into that, just you wait. And I have Mandy. She is my best friend after all . There’s no need to worry about me, papa.”
He conceded a bit and gave you a small smile.
“I’m sorry. I suppose it’s a fatherly trait.”
You gave him a hug.
“Oh, it’s alright. I appreciate it, as long as you’re not stressing yourself out, that is.”
“I love you,” was the only thing he replied, his voice soft and quiet.
“I love you too, papa.”
Walking had always been a sort of guilty pleasure for you. Growing up, it had been one of the only times when you could be alone with your thoughts. Not that you didn’t love your family, but being the go-to person for mending, cooking, homework, and practically everything was taxing at times. Out here among the trees and the fields you were carefree. When you walked you were alone with nature. You could take time to truly appreciate the kingdom you loved.
Walking into the marketplace nearest your home, a good hour’s walk away, you began to browse around. You had only just bought food yesterday, so you relished the time that you could take looking at all the little trinkets that were being sold by various vendors, some of them you knew very well, all of whom waved when you passed by.
You stopped by Madame Olivo’s fortune telling booth.
“Ah, Y/N, I knew I would be seeing you today,” she greeted warmly.
“I come to the market at least every other day and when I do I always visit you, so really it would have been hard for you to be wrong,” you teased.
“Still a nonbeliever?” she replied simply, though her tone was light.
“No offence, Karen, but yesterday all you told me was ‘The great collision’. Last week you told me that I would be thrown into confined darkness. The week before you told me that a change in seating will lead to a change of status. Let’s not forget about that time you told me to be open to welcoming ‘him’ on the uphill journey. It all sounds very strange and very absurd to me,” you replied just as simply.
“My dearest I only predict what the spirits let me see, and it usually isn’t a complete vision of what is to happen. That doesn’t mean that they are blind to the grander scheme of things which is happening right now. Have faith in the spirits, will you?” she asked with a smile.
“I’m sorry Karen, I’ll try to keep an open mind,” you smiled at her.
“That’s my girl. Now you should get going, you have a big day ahead of you,” she said causally.
Karen grinned at you.
“Look, now your curiosity’s aroused,” she teased.
“Only slightly,” you blushed.
After bidding her goodbye you left to go see the rest of the market.
You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to what Karen had told you. As much as you understood where she was coming from, what with the spirits and all, sometimes you found it difficult to believe in some other entity at work. How much power did this, or you supposed these spirits have in your life? In everyone’s lives?
Being so caught up in thought, you ended up colliding into a stranger, sending you both to the ground. You groaned and had to take a moment to reorient yourself, blinking your eyes slowly. You saw a hand being held out to you. Glancing at the person, you realized it was a most handsome man. He was wearing an old brown cloak. Though he wore a hood to cover his head, you could make out that he had warm brown eyes and a heart-melting smile, surrounded by neatly trimmed facial hair. In that moment you wished that your hesitation came from the fact that your entire body had been jostled moments before. Taking his hand, you stood up with his help.
“Goodness, I’m sorry,” you began.
“No, no the fault was mine,” said the man bashfully. “I was merely taking in the sights of the marketplace and got caught up in my thoughts. I didn’t see you… though now I don’t know how I could have missed you.”
You couldn’t help but blush as he kissed your hand. Taking in more of his appearance, you saw that he was dressed no more elegantly than you, though the way he spoke made him appear of something similar to royalty.
“Well no harm done,” you replied in a breathy voice.
The man smiled warmly at you, which you reciprocated. Suddenly feeling the urge of keeping the conversation going, you tried to think of something to say.
“You said you were taking in the sights of the marketplace. Does that mean you’re not from here?”
He hesitated before answering.
“I come from a place close to here, but I certainly have never had the opportunity to travel so freely,” he said genuinely.
Smiling at him, an idea popped into your head.
“Well then you must let me show you around. You haven’t even see the best parts yet!”
The man looked shocked for only a moment before it gave way to curiosity and what you deemed to be excitement.
“Why, my lovely lady I would be honoured to receive the grand tour.”
After you told him your name, he introduced himself as Lin. The next few hours passed in a flurry of the sights of your kingdom. Though you never ventured into what was known to be the wealthy sector, as you did not know much of that area of your kingdom. Besides, in your opinion, there were plenty of other gems dispersed throughout the kingdom. You tried to show this new stranger - acquaintance now, perhaps- the highlights of your little world. Even at the smallest things such as the almost hidden bridge over the Laifsay river, and the Winding Trees. At every place, Lin would get very excited and ask various questions.
Conversation between the two of you had flown easily from the beginning, and you found the urge to go into as much detail as you possibly could about each location you visited.
“And this is where I would personally recommend the best trees for tree climbing,” you mentioned offhandedly as you walked through the Berusian Forest.
“And why is that? I saw some of the trees back the way we came that are three times the size of these,” Lin asked.
“I assume you mean the trees closer to the heart of the kingdom where the palace is. Those are the tallest trees, and the most beautiful, but these ones are friendlier. Come here,” you took his hand and led him close to one of the trees.
“You see those ridges? Every tree in this forest has them. They’re perfect for setting your feet on, and therefore perfect for climbing,” you said proudly.
“Speaking from personal experience?” Lin asked you, a wide smile on his face.
“Of course. What child doesn’t love climbing anything and everything? My mother just made sure I did it as safely as possible,” you reminisced.
“Well your mother sounds like a very smart woman,” Lin mused.
“She was.”
Lin turned his head to look at you quickly, his expression saddening.
“I am so sorry, Y/N.”
You shrugged, keeping your gaze focused on the tree in front of you.
“Thank you, but it is in no way your fault.”
“I know, but I do not know what else to say. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a parent in such a manner.”
Lin reached out and held your hand, giving it a soft squeeze. The two of you remained in silence for a few moments. You weren’t sure if it was the fact that you were standing in front of the very first tree that you climbed with your mother, or if it was Lin’s warm hand in yours - almost as reassuring as the ones you haven’t held in ten years - or a combination of the two, but you found yourself speaking.
“It wasn’t easy. I was only ten. Jazzy and Jordan, my sister and brother, they were even younger than I was. My papa lost himself in grief. Someone had to take care of all of them… Not that I’m complaining of course… It was just a slow healing process, and we’re better now, but some days it’s evident that we’re still healing. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said all of that…”
You realized that you had been basically rambling to a near complete stranger. Lin squeezed your hand.
“No need to apologize. I marvel at your sacrifice.”
“Sacrifice?” You asked confusedly.
“You clearly had to grow up faster than is expected. You grew up quickly so that your siblings wouldn’t have to.”
“They needed me. Besides, I didn’t mind. Soon enough I was the one watching Jazzy and Jordan climb trees. There’s a sense of pride in it, I suppose. Seeing them grow up before my eyes and have so much fun, whether it be riding the horses or climbing trees,” you mused.
“Well you know, you’re never too old to climb trees,” he smiled, a playful glint in his eyes.
“What are you suggesting?”
“I’m suggesting that I can climb this three faster than you can,” he challenged.
“Oh ho ho well good luck. I’ve been climbing these trees for years!,” you smirked.
“Fair, but you see where I have the advantage is one two three go!”
Before you could register what was happening, Lin had let go of your hand and was running off to the tree, climbing it with surprising ease. After getting over the initial shock, you hiked up your skirts and ran after him. It had been a long time since you climbed a tree, and the weight of your skirts was something new to maneuver, but something in your body memory kicked in and you were practically flying up the tree. Adrenaline was coursing through your veins, the wind surrounding your body. You hardly registered anything else until you reached the highest branch at the top of the tree. Taking the time to appreciate your momentary solitude, you perched yourself comfortably on the branch and looked out. From this view you could see most of Orchadia, your beloved kingdom.
A few minutes later, Lin was hoisting himself up on the branch. You couldn’t help but giggle at how flustered he looked. His cheeks were pink and strands of his hair had snuck out of his hood and were falling into his face. When he had finally settled he looked at you, clearly still out of breath.
“You’re fast,” he breathed out.
“You’re slow,” you countered.
Lin let out a breathy laugh, leaning against the trunk of the tree. You smiled at him before looking out over the kingdom.
“This was my favourite place to go when I was a child. I would climb up this tree and just look over the kingdom. I used to think that this was the top of the world.”
“It certainly feels like it,” Lin said softly.
“You can see all of Orchadia from here. There’s the palace,” you pointed out. “Over there you can see where the Alyan Gardens begin. And if you look further this way, there’s the Outer Rim.”
“Outer Rim?” Lin asked, his voice a mixture of amazement and amusement.
“The fields on the outskirts of the kingdom. For some strange reason it’s the only place in the kingdom that doesn’t have a proper name, even though that is where the livestock and crops are most prominent. When papa told me that our home didn’t have a name I decided to give it one. Surprisingly it caught on. Nowadays you can tell who’s from the Outer Rim because only the people from there call it that.”
“That’s adorable,” he commented. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could tell he was smiling.
“What can I say? I’m a trendsetter,” you quipped, earning a laugh from him.
You and Lin stayed in the tree for a few hours, going from talking easily to enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence.
“We should get going,” you mentioned. “It’s almost lunch time. We can go back to the market to grab food.”
“Sounds perfect,” Lin replied. “I only have one question before we go.”
“How do I get down from here?”
After being unable to suppress a good laugh, you did end up helping Lin down from the tree. He caught on quickly, following your steps down the tree. After leading him back to the market, the two of you wandered around through the food stands. It was as busy as ever, as could be expected during the regular lunch hour. You grabbed Lin’s hand so that you wouldn’t get separated. At least, that’s what you told yourself. After all, the last thing you wanted was for this newcomer to your land to become lost.
“What shall you like to eat?” you asked him.
“Whatever you deem best that I should try,” he replied.
You hummed thoughtfully until an idea came to you. You weaved through the crowd, never dropping Lin’s hand, even as you arrived at your desired food stand.
“Y/N, my favourite customer!” the cheerful man greeted.
“Daveed, I’m sure you say that to every person who’s been here more than twice,” you teased him.
“You offend me, dear. I only save that for the most beautiful of my customers,” he replied with a wink.
“Daveed,” you said in a gentle warning tone.
“I know, I know,” he conceded, though the smile never left his face.
“Can I get the usual, but for two people, please?”
“Anything for my favourite customer,” Daveed said with a warm smile.
After putting a few ingredients together he handed you two sandwiches that were wrapped in the signature red paper. You paid him with the coins you had brought with you.
“Thank you, Daveed.”
“Come back soon!”
“I always do,” you teased.
You nodded to Lin and the two of you found your way through the market and into an alleyway, sitting down leaning against a shop building. You handed him the sandwich when you were both settled.
“Okay, okay, you have to try this. You’ll love it.”
Lin chuckled at your evident excitement and took a bite. His eyes widened and he looked at you in amazement. He didn’t need to say anything.
“I told you! It’s absolutely delicious. The best thing to eat while you’re out and about, in my very humble opinion.”
“Humble?” Lin inquired teasingly.
“I didn’t rub it in your face when I beat you to the top of the tree,” you shrugged, though you couldn’t contain the smile forming on your lips.
“Thank goodness. I was more out of practise than I thought.”
You hummed thoughtfully.
“It’s true!” Lin defended.
“Why, no one was challenging you,” you told him in what you hoped was an innocent tone.
“Oh okay yeah sure,” he said, sticking his tongue out at you.
You laughed and took a bite of your sandwich.
Lunch passed by just as it had up in the tree. By this point you felt as though you had known Lin for years. Never before had conversation with someone else been so easy, save your sister. Though even then sometimes you struggled with how to be both a mother and a sister to her, and where the line was. With Lin, it was easy to let your guard down. There was no expectation that you put on yourself to take care of him, to protect him. There was no need to hide yourself away. It was incredibly refreshing.
When you both had finished, Lin stood up and held out his hand to you, which you accepted. After helping you up, you two began making your way through the marketplace.
“These are the vendors. They come everyday and sell their trinkets, clothing, and food. It’s one of the liveliest places in the kingdom,” you mentioned.
“There’s Leslie, he weaves the most beautiful things. I have a few blankets with his designs,” you said as you waved to Leslie.
“Renée over here makes all of her own jewellery. She’s been doing it for years, just like her mother before her,” you said, not realizing that you had begun to play with the necklace around your neck. If Lin noticed, he chose not to comment on it.
“Oh and there’s Thayne! He’s a poet. He’ll write you anything or will perform one of his most famous poems for someone of your choosing.”
“This seems like its own little world,” Lin murmured.
“Doesn’t it? It’s fantastic,” you said dreamily, not being able to contain your happiness.
Showing Lin around had rejuvenated the love you have for your kingdom. Though it was small, it held such life to it. From the beautiful nature to the people, your kingdom held the things you cared about most.
Without warning, a young man rushed past and bumped into Lin, causing his hood to fall off his head. Suddenly you had a full view of his head. His hair was longer than you had imagined it, and softer as well. It fell to his shoulders and framed his face perfectly, matching the dark brown colour of his eyes. His subtle facial hair, which you noticed earlier, was the perfect touch to accentuate his features. If anyone mentioned that your heart began racing, you would definitely deny it.
He was clearly disoriented from the whole affair, and therefore did not notice your blatant staring. However, the longer you looked at him, the stronger the feeling of familiarity became, and this time you didn’t think it had anything to due with the friendliness you had been treating each other with.
“There he is!”
The harsh male voice broke you out of your thoughts. Turning your head, you realized that a royal guard was pointing in your direction. He seemed to lock eyes with Lin. His gaze then turned to you. Lin’s eyes immediately widened.
“Run,” he whispered.
“What?” you replied in a bewildered tone, turning to look at him.
Without responding, you felt his warm hand grab yours before he started into a sprint. With no choice but to follow, you stumbled right behind him. You were able to hear the footsteps behind you multiply as you were pursued. This time your racing heart could only be blamed by your fear. Was Lin a fugitive? What other reason could there be for his running from the royal guard?
Lin had a surprising amount of stamina. You couldn’t tell how long you had been running, but you knew that you had travelled a substantial amount of distance. Unfortunately, the guards hadn’t been letting up either. You didn’t know how much longer you could hold up; your lungs were on fire and your feet were beginning to hurt.
Your mind was running through any option that could possibly save you. Before you could come up with any possible solution, you heard someone scream to look out. Looking to your right, you saw a cart rolling quickly and uncontrollably your way. You immediately halted and used the momentum to pull Lin out of the way, toward you. The force of this made him to trip into you, causing both of you to fall over, Lin landing on top of you.
You both groaned from the force of the fall. However, just as you were about to ask if he was okay, Lin’s body was suddenly hauled up. You were next.
“Leave her alone!” you heard Lin yell.
“Let me go!” you screamed as you tried with what was left of your strength to escape.
“Not going to happen miss. We are placing you under arrest,” one of the two guards said.
It felt as though you had been doused with ice water. You stopped struggling momentarily.
“Arrest? What - But - I’ve done nothing wrong!” You protested.
“On the contrary, you’ve been caught running away with the missing prince. It is most likely that you’re the one who kidnapped him,” the second replied.
Your head immediately snapped to Lin, who had one guard beside him, whose hand was placed on his shoulder. Lin wasn’t struggling.
“Prince?” you asked in disbelief.
He simply looked at you sadly, his silence giving you your answer. You turned your head back to one of the guards detaining you.
“No… No no no this is a terrible mistake I didn’t know he was the prince! Please you have to believe me!” You pleaded.
“Can’t take the risk, miss. Take her away.”
“By order of the Prince of Orchadia I demand you let her go!”
The guards ignored Lin and you began your struggle once more.
“I gave you an order!” Lin barked.
Though his menacing tone wasn’t directed at you, you couldn’t help but flinch.
“Your father, the King, gave us direct orders to take you home, and arrest anyone you were found with,” the Head Guard replied.
“She has nothing to do with this. Let her go,” Lin continued, his voice low now.
“We are not to take orders from you. We apologize your Highness, but we are only doing as we were told,” the second guard deadpanned.
“Please I have to go home. My father, please, my father needs me! Please, I can’t leave him. Let me go! Let me-”
“Y/N? Y/N!”
You looked up and saw Jasmine struggling her way toward you. It was only then you realized how much of a commotion had occurred. There were people surrounding the scene, but what was Jasmine doing here? Had Anthony taken her to the market? If so, where was he?
A million questions raced through your head, but you focused on Jasmine, who was furiously trying to make her way toward you.
You tried to remain calm while still struggling against the guards. Meanwhile, Jasmine began her attempts at reaching you. By some miracle, she had broken through the crowd, only to be blocked by a guard.
“No please let me see her!” she cried.
“That’s my sister. Please just let me see her. Please,” you pleaded softly, continuing your efforts.
“Let them see each other. If you listen to nothing else I say, listen to this.”
Lin’s voice caught you off guard. He sounded tired, but firm, as though he was grasping at straws, knowing that his authority had no power over the guards. But it had worked. The guard conceded and stepped aside. Jasmine ran toward you. The two guards holding you back let you go and you took her into your arms.
“Y/N what is going on?”
Your younger sister looked near hysterical. You stroked her hair, knowing that you had to remain calm, even though you were just as frightened as she was.
“I don’t know, Jazzy. I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out,” you promised.
“Ant is here with me! I’ll get him and we’ll go to the palace with you and find a way to get you out of this!”
“No. No you have to take care of papa,” you said firmly.
“No Jazzy. I can handle this. Please. Just please take care of him. He needs you now. Jordan needs you.”
“I’m scared,” she whispered into your shoulder.
You held Jasmine tighter and kissed her head.
“It’ll be okay. You know why? Because you are so incredibly brave.”
“Y/N I can’t though. You’re the brave one. I don’t know if I can-”
“Shhhh yes you can. You’re brave too. I know you are. You’ve always been incredibly organized and determined, you just need to believe in yourself. Make a plan. You always feel better after we make plans. Get Anthony to help papa around the farm. Make sure that Jordan eats all his meals and does his share of the cleaning. If you feel overwhelmed you know that Mrs. Ramos would be more than willing to help her future daughter-in-law,” you teased her. “That sounds reasonable, yes?”
She nodded slowly and you continued.
“Most importantly, tell papa that Mandy needed my immediate help with something and that’s why I can’t come home right now.”
Jasmine pulled away from you, looking aghast.
“Y/N, he needs to know!”
“No. No it’ll be too much for his heart. I will tell him when I come home. Understood?”
When she wouldn’t look at you, you gently tilted her chin up to look at you. The tears in Jasmine’s eyes broke your heart.
“Jazzy, I promise that I’ll come home soon, and everything will be just as it was before.”
Jasmine gave you no response.
“Jazzy, do you remember when we were in the barn that night after mama passed away?”
She nodded.
“What did I tell you?”
“That you would always be there to take care of me,” she said quietly.
“I will always be there to take care of you. I meant it then, and I mean it now. Until my last breath I will fight to make sure that you and Jordan and papa are taken care of.”
“Stay safe,” she pleaded quietly, hugging you tightly.
“I’ll see you again before you know it,” you promised, hugging her back.
Before she could reply, one of the guards stepped forward as a warning. You kissed Jasmine’s head once more and whispered.
“I love you, my little butterfly.”
You let go of her and stood tall as the guard escorted you to the carriage that had just recently arrived.
Looking back at her one last time, you saw that Jasmine also stood tall, the only visible sign of distress being the tears streaming down her face. After giving her what you hoped was a reassuring look, you let yourself be guided into the carriage, followed by two guards.
Lin had been taken to a separate carriage.
Prince Lin, you reminded yourself.
Of course he looked familiar, you had caught glimpses of him during the Royal Family’s visits to the Outer Rim.
You had unknowingly spent the entire day with the Prince of Orchadia, during which you divulged so much of yourself. A sharp twinge of embarrassment settled itself in your gut. The prince had probably thought you were merely a foolish farm girl.
The Lin you had known - or thought you knew - however, wouldn’t think that. That Lin had been gentle and open and nonjudgemental. However, the man who you thought you knew and the prince that he was were two completely different people now being forced into one being. Your head began to spin as you tried to wrap your mind around how much of the man you had gotten to know was real, and how much was a lie. You closed your eyes and tried to reign your emotions in. There was no way you were going to let these guards see you cry.
After your arrival at the palace, the guards escorted you to the prison and forcefully pushed you into a cell. You bit your lip as your shoulder hit the stone wall, though you knew that nothing had broken, thank goodness.
Being alone, you decided to take in your surroundings. The room was small, but not claustrophobic. The walls were made of stone that was just uneven enough that you deemed it would quickly become uncomfortable if you should lean on them for too long. There was a small window which was your only source of light. Unfortunately it was out of your reach. It was also too high to risk trying to climb up to it, even for you. You needed to get back to your family immediately, but you needed to get back to them in one piece. Sighing to yourself, you took in the wooden door, which was your only way out. It was made of oak, but looked heavily fortified. It had a tiny barred window that you could just barely peek out through if you stood on the tips of your toes. The hall was dark, preventing you from gathering any information besides the fact that there was a cell right across from yours.
After you had lowered yourself back down from your tip toes, you came to the conclusion that there was no way you were getting out of here unless someone else opened the door from the outside. You looked back at the makeshift bed. It didn’t look terrible, but it was clear that it was only a sheet stuffed with straw, matched with a threadbare blanket.
You really hoped that someone would come soon.
Sitting down on the straw-stuffed sheet, your thoughts began to wander. To your beloved sister Jasmine, who was trying to remain strong but had been abruptly thrown into this terrible position. To your younger brother, Jordan, who was barely 14 years old and filled with boundless energy. Jasmine probably wouldn’t tell him the truth about what had happened. She would be resilient, she would play the maternal role you had filled since your mother had died ten years ago. Jordan had only just turned four, Jasmine was seven, nearly eight. You were ten years old. Your father had gone into deep despair after your mother’s passing. It was as though he had lost the will to go on. Not knowing what else to do, you immediately took charge of the household, making sure that your younger siblings had enough to eat. You helped on the farm as much as you could. Those first few years were hard; balancing school with running the household, helping Jazzy and Jordan with their schoolwork. Not to mention making sure your father was taken care of as well. That he ate, drank water, went to the bathroom, and took his medication. The years slowly went by and as they did, it seemed as though your family would never be okay again. Nothing was changing. Nothing seemed to get better, no matter how hard you tried. Your siblings missed their mother dearly, and it took them a long time before you found your footing with them in your new position as both caretaker and sister.
However, as time passed, your father slowly became himself again. He would get out of bed of his own accord. He would eat more than one meal a day. He began to help Jordan with mathematics, which had been his favourite subject when he was a boy. He taught Jasmine how to tend to the horses. You would read to him every night, just how mama had done before her death, and slowly he became more responsive than he had been for years. He began making jokes, or commenting on the stories you read. It had been difficult and slow-going, but your family had been stitched back together.
And now your little family was in danger of falling apart again.
You hadn’t realized that you had been crying until you felt the tears drop onto your hands that were resting on your lap. Your heart ached for your family; for your troublemaking but well meaning brother, for your caring sister with a heart of gold, and your vibrant, quick-witted father.
Your family who needed you, and you had let them down.
Upon his arrival to the palace, Lin had been escorted to his room and told to change out of “those commoner clothes” and into something “more fitting”. He knew he would need to at least try to comply if there was any hope of convincing his father to let you go as soon as possible.
“Papá! Papá!”
Lin’s next course of action was to storm throughout the castle in search of his father. He nearly ran over more than one servant, and though he made a mental note to apologize to them later, right now he couldn’t be bothered to care. Not while you were down in that prison.
He threw open the doors to the throne room. It was clear that his father was in the middle of a meeting with some of his advisors. He only faltered for a second.
“Papá we need to talk. Now.”
Lin’s father, King Luis Miranda stared at him for a moment before dismissing his advisors. Once the room had cleared, he sighed in frustration.
“Lin… mijo, you have some nerve barging in here like that, after I find out from the royal guard that you were found wandering the streets with some-”
“Don’t you dare say anything against her!” He barked, cutting his father off.
“Do not speak to me in that tone,” King Miranda warned.
“I will speak however I damn well please. I jump through hoops to do whatever it is you want me to do, whatever it is that a ‘proper king’ does. I break my back for you and still you treat me like shit. And truthfully, at this point I don’t care. I’m used to it, treat me how you want. But let her go. Please.”
“The girl was found with you on the streets. She needs to be interrogated-”
“For what? I ran away! I ran into her! I was the one who grabbed her and ran away from the guards! She has done nothing wrong. Let her go! Please. She has a family that needs her,” Lin pleaded.
Hi father looked at him, and Lin saw his features soften. For the first time in years he saw how tired his father was. He saw the aging lines in his face.
“Tell the guards to let the girl go. On my command.”
“Thank you. Thank you.”
Lin immediately ran out of the room, finding that the closest guard was right outside the door. After relaying his father’s decree, he rushed the guard to the prison.
You sniffled and wiped your tears for what must have been the hundredth time in the past hour. The sound of footsteps fast approaching immediately set you on your feet. Taking a breath as a key turned in the lock, you tried to go through every possibility of what could happen in the next few moments, if any of these possibilities would guarantee your escape. However none of these scenarios began with the prince being at the other side of the door when it swung open.
The breath you just took immediately left your body at the sight of him. Gone was the old brown cloak. In its place was a navy blue frock coat with a white waistcoat. His hair had been pulled back in a ponytail. He was just as handsome as before, if not more.
After an awkward moment of silence, you remembered yourself.
“Your highness,” you said rather coldly as you bowed.
“There’s no need for that,” he said sadly, softly.
“I believe there is. After all, you are the prince,” you replied politely.
“Y/N… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I was trying to get away from all of this.”
When you only nodded politely he stumbled on.
“I mean the plan was to leave the kingdom or go to the Outer Rim and start a farm or something that wouldn’t hurt anyone. But then there you were all beautiful and intelligent and real and I let myself fall into this fantasy world where I could just be a normal person because that’s what you treated me like. With you I wasn’t Prince Lin, I was just Lin. I was just me… I know it wasn’t fair to you, god none of this was… but I suppose this is my extremely convoluted way of apologizing. None of what I just said is an excuse for what I did, I just hope that you can find it in you to forgive me.”
You looked at the prince for a long moment. There were a million thoughts and emotions running through you, and you didn’t know which ones to trust.
“You Highness-,” you started.
“Lin. Please call me Lin again,” he pleaded.
“… I know the feeling of being trapped. I may not like the fact that I was fooled… but I do not hold it against you. You are forgiven,” you said softly.
The Prince broke into a relieved smile.
“Thank you, Y/N. I know I will have to make it up to you, but I can start with this. You’re free to go,” he said proudly.
You weren’t expecting to be let go so soon and without having to put up a fight. Nothing in your life had ever come easily.
“Of course. I explained everything to my father. He has agreed to let you go.”
“Thank you. Though it is your fault that I’m in here…”
“Ah well I know-”
“I’m only teasing,” you smiled at seeing him become so flustered so quickly.
He smiled at you, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly still embarrassed. It was good to see that at least some of your Lin was there.
Lin led you out of the prison. The sun was setting, it was more hidden than less, now. You mentally prepared the route you would have to take to get home. With any luck, you would be home before the moon was completely in the sky, though it was doubtful.
“The carriage is this way,” he gestured.
“Huh?” You stopped walking, looking at him confused.
“The carriage to take you home,” he explained, seemingly confused by your confusion.
“I can walk,” you said simply.
“You told me you live in the outskirts of the kingdom! Walking would take three hours at least.”
“Two and a half if you cut across the bridge on the Laifsay River,” you countered.
“It’s getting dark out.”
“I had no idea,” you replied with heavy sarcasm.
“Hardy har. What I mean is that it’s not safe.”
“I can handle myself,” you argued.
“I have no doubt about it, but I know that I’ll be worried about you,” he said sincerely.
“No cause for a sleepless night, surely.”
“I would be! I was worried the moment I saw the guards. To what they would do if they got you. And when they- well…”
“Threw me in jail?” You finished for him.
“Well… yes… I was even more worried. And the fact that I took you away from your family that clearly needs you… I want to make sure you get home safe to them. You all deserve at least that.”
Looking him dead in the eye, you sighed. Those eyes that had first captivated you were certainly still working their charm now, not that you would ever admit it out loud.
“Well… Alright…  but only for my family’s sake.”
Lin looked like he was going to burst from happiness, though he did contain it.
“Fantastic. The ride will only be half as long as the walk, so you won’t have to put up with me for long,” he stated casually.
“Well you didn’t think I’d let you go alone? Say hello to your royal escort,” he bowed, though he was nothing short of smug.
“Oh isn’t it my lucky day?”
You couldn’t help but smile despite your quip at him. Lin helped you into the carriage and climbed in after you. It wasn’t until after you had left the castle grounds that you broke the silence.
“Wait… You’re allowed to come with me?”
Lin gave you a confused look.
“I’m sorry?”
“You just got dragged back to the palace after running away, but your parents have let you escort me back to my home?”
Lin smiled sheepishly, and you saw a blush creep onto his cheeks.
“Well… no…”
“It’s fine! My dad said to let you go, but he never said that I couldn’t go with you.”
You stared at him, baffled, before breaking into a grin, which he matched.
“I’m going back to the palace as soon as you’re home safe!”
You stared at him, baffled, before breaking into a grin, which he matched.
“You’re really something, you know that?”
“No way!”
“Yes way! And then she tried to propose to me in the middle of my fifteenth birthday and things have been weird between me and the Yorian princess ever since.”
You laughed at Lin’s cringeworthy story. At some point Lin had made a throwaway remark about the land, to which you gave him a thoughtful response. One thing led to another and somehow you had ended up trading stories of your childhood. Lin’s were definitely more interesting by far, though he had managed to coax some good ones out of you.
“That must have been terrible,” you commented through your laughter.
“That wasn’t even the worst of them.”
“There was more than one?”
“What, you’ve never had to deal with unwanted proposals?” Lin asked seriously.
“No? Why would I?” You asked just as seriously.
“I guess I just thought someone as intelligent and fascinating as you would have had several marriage proposals by now,” Lin said simply.
You shrugged.
“Guess I’m just not as fascinating as you think.”
“Or people are too boring to handle you,” he quipped.
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips.
“Either way, I was always too busy with Jazzy’s romantic woes. She’s the one that has plenty of stories. And Jordan has recently become the object of affection of one or two of his schoolmates,” you added fondly.
“I admire how much you care for your siblings,” Lin said softly.
“It’s nothing admirable. I just did what I needed to do. They made it very easy for the most part. Unless vegetables were concerned, in Jordan’s case.”
Lin’s laugh caused your heart to soar, though you tried to tie it down.
“You’re incredible,” he told you softly, grabbing your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
You smiled softly at him. It was hard to tell how long you two stayed like that, looking into each other’s eyes and holding hands. Minutes. Seconds. However long it was, it was broken by the carriage stopping and the voice of the driver announcing your arrival.
You both reluctantly looked away.
“Thank you for the ride,” you said quietly.
“It was my pleasure to be allowed to be in your company again,” he said sincerely.
“You know if this is how you spoke to women at the age of fifteen I completely understand the princess of Yoria’s reasoning for her proposal,” you teased so as to hide the fact that he had once again made your heart lose control of its own beat.
“Hardy har,” Lin said, though he was positively beaming.
Lin opened the carriage door and hopped down, then offering you his hand to help you down. You smiled and took his hand, relishing in the fact that even after you were safely on the ground he still held it.
“It has been a pleasure, Y/N.”
“I would have to agree. Besides my imprisonment, that is,” you joked.
“Besides your imprisonment, of course,” Lin conceded playfully.
“Truthfully though, I rather enjoy your company, Lin.”
“What a coincidence, I rather enjoy yours as well,” he smiled.
“I would be offended if you didn’t. I’ve been told that I’m quite fascinating,” you teased him.
Lin smiled and kissed your hand.
“Then I hope you don’t mind if I ask if I can see you again?”
“Not at all,” you grinned at him.
You both turned to see Jasmine running toward you down the short path that lead to your front door.
Forgetting all else, you ran to her, though at the rate she was running you had only taken a few steps before you were holding your sister once more. The two of you held each other with all your might. Jasmine was shaking slightly, her face buried in your shoulder. You rubbed soothing circles on her back, the feeling of guilt creeping into the pit of your stomach.
“Shhhh it’s okay. I told you I’d come back. I’ll always be here for you,” you reiterated your promise to her.
Your attention was diverted when you saw Jordan running down the path, Anthony following behind him.
Your brother hugged you, though Jasmine was still clinging to you. You embraced both your siblings as best as you could. You knew that Jordan didn’t know where you had actually been. It warmed your heart to think that this was his reaction of seeing you again when he believed that you were simply visiting a friend for a while. Kissing both their heads, you whispered to them.
“Come now, it’s dark. Let’s get inside and warm up.”
They both nodded and you lead them toward the house, Anthony walking by Jasmine’s side, though she refused to let go of you.
Turning to look back, you saw that the carriage was gone. Lin had left silently, disappearing without a trace, though this didn’t worry you.
You knew you would see your prince again.
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