#abbas definitely wanted desmond but that didn’t work out for him
teecupangel · 2 years
An Altair/Malik/Desmond A/B/O prompt in canon AC1 storyline? (with exceptions, like Kadar can be saved, hopefully.)
So we’re going for a time-travel setup and we’ll start the plot after Desmond keeps Kadar alive after the disaster that was the Jerusalem mission.
This would give us a way for Malik and Desmond to meet because, when Malik became Dai, he recognized Kadar’s scent in one of the houses in the Poor District while he was getting the lay of the land, so to speak. Kadar is still injured and Desmond tells him it would be risky to move him right now so, instead, Malik starts visiting the house daily.
First, it was just to check up on Kadar.
But later on, he took an interest in the omega who saved Kadar but refused to show his face.
Not that it was anything strange. It was normal for those in Levant and its neighboring kingdom and settlements to have their omegas covered from head to toe. It was a sign that they were unmated and ‘pure’. Their clothes also serve to mask their scent although it could only block so much, especially when the omega goes in heat.
When Altaïr finally makes his way to Jerusalem, Desmond and Kadar are still in the house in the Poor District but Malik didn’t think of telling Altaïr about Kadar’s survival. Desmond told him that he heard the Crusaders say they had someone of high regard helping them in Masyaf (it was a way for him to point a finger at Al Mualim without saying his name) but Malik doesn’t trust anyone, especially Altaïr who is actually the top of his list of suspects.
To keep Desmond safe, they also covered Kadar in the same scent-blocking fabrics that omegas' use while he heals so no one would recognize his scent.
Altaïr goes to the Poor District not to find any information that he may be able to use for his mission but because there’s a scent in the air that just kept knocking his mind, not letting him have a moment’s rest.
He finally finds the source of the scent in a small house and comes face to face with an omega that…
Ran away from him as soon as he saw him.
Of course, this being Altaïr… he chases after the omega.
He does finally tackle the omega and they stumble inside one of the rooftop gardens. Their close proximity and their sweat magnified their scent and Altaïr realized how compatible their scents were.
And how intoxicating the omega’s scent was.
How to smelled like how Altaïr always felt like what home would feel like.
Unorganized Notes:
Both Altaïr and Malik are alphas, Kadar is a beta and Desmond is an omega.
Altaïr never cared about omega scents. He found most of them nauseatingly sweet (even if everyone else thinks they smell fine). Al Mualim thinks Altaïr’s mastery of the Eagle Vision makes him more sensitive to scents and that’s why an omega’s scent annoys him.
The only omega Altaïr could tolerate was Adha because they’re childhood friends so he got used to her scent early on.
Malik has no interest in having an omega spouse before Desmond. He always expected Kadar to continue the Al-Sayf line.
They don’t actually describe the scents as something tangible like cinnamon or citrus-y. The scent is more of a feeling that is unique to everyone.
Desmond smells like the concept of home to Altaïr and he can’t explain it any other way. Desmond smells like the first spring morning to Malik. Kadar thinks Desmond smells like freshly baked bread. (“Is that your way of saying you want to eat me?” “I don’t know. You just smell… warm, I guess?”)
Desmond loves Altaïr at this point but it’s up to Altaïr to make Desmond fall in love with him. Desmond didn’t really think Malik would be attracted to him.
Both Altaïr and Malik would court Desmond and it would definitely get heated… in more ways than one. They both have feelings for Desmond but their alpha-ness is making them compete for Desmond’s affection. A lot of dick-measuring will happen with Kadar having first row seat in the entire thing.
Malik is gentler in his approach. Courting gifts, quiet walks, peaceful tea parties. He knows the proper etiquette of how to court an omega and he’s definitely sticking to the rules. Desmond thinks he’s quite sweet and he may be enjoying being treated with such care for once (thanks for the issues, Bill)
Altaïr has the courting habits of an eagle and a cat rolled into one (so I guess a griffin?). Making sure no one bothers Desmond. Giving gifts that would never be considered as courting gifst like throwing knives and Desmond was pretty sure the pretty necklace he just got had been on the neck of a very annoying and cutthroat merchant. He also has no sense of personal space and Desmond is pretty sure Altaïr keeps sniffing at him. Altaïr does have a leg up because Desmond knows this is how Altaïr shows his feelings and he finds it sweet in its own strange way.
In the end, Kadar would be the one to suggest Desmond just take both Altaïr and Malik as his mates. It’s not… well… it doesn’t happen often because of all the Alpha posturing that would happen but he has complete confidence that his brother and Altaïr could make it work for Desmond’s sake.
Desmond also believes that since Altaïr and Malik did end up being close friends in the original timeline.
If you want to include Altaïr x Malik in this: their relationship is more of competitive alphas who enjoys winning against the other. This meant that Desmond tend to act as either their judge or the focus of their competition and Desmond reaps the reward while the two do all the work.
Since this is A/B/O, no one is sure who the father of Desmond’s children is. Desmond only agreed to get pregnant once the Apple gave enough information to make the whole ‘giving birth during the 12th century’ less deadly.
Altaïr usually has a level head but he tends to get carried away when Desmond is involved which meant Malik has to be the one to make sure the two don’t do anything stupid.
Altaïr likes to prepare for Desmond’s heats, making sure they have all they need. Malik takes care of making sure nothing will happen whenever Desmond does go in heat in terms of the operations of the Levantine Brotherhood.
They once tried having just one of them with Desmond during his heat but the one left outside was unbearable to work with so everyone just agreed that the two Alphas stay with their omegas and they’ll take care of everything.
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teecupangel · 2 years
So I just got some chicks today (baby chickens), and my one dog is already super protective of them, growling and nipping at his brother when he gets too close to the brooder. Just made me think, how would the ancestor's react to each other, in regards to Desmond, if they'd been pulled to the modern time? Haven't played AC3 yet, but I dont believe Altair knew anything about Desmond, and of course Ezio knew his name. I'd feel Ezio would be pretty protective of Desmond, especially post temple.
This would primarily depend on when they would be pulled from their time into the modern day. For this scenario, the easiest setup would be to pull them the moment during the time that they are holding an Apple of Eden.
Ratonhnhaké:ton would be easy as we could use the time that he was about to drop the Apple into the sea.
For Ezio, we have a lot of possible candidates but, since you want Ezio to know about Desmond and make him pretty protective of him, I would suggest we take Ezio just as he was about to put the Apple into the Colleseum vault. Revelations!Ezio only touched an Apple after he was ready to finally retire so it would be a bit of a bitchslap to take that tired Ezio.
Altaïr would be the easiest to take out as he used his Apple frequently but if you want an Altaïr with just a hint of arrogance still clinging to him, you can yank him out just as he took the Apple from Abbas during Al Mualim’s funeral fire.
(Of course, if your main request is simply for Desmond to get all the loving and to be spoiled like crazy, you can just yank all three of them during their deathbeds, give them their body during their prime, and, voila, instant Assassin sugar daddies… or sugar mentors?)
Now, of how they would react to Desmond himself…
Ratonhnhaké:ton has no real connection with Desmond but that makes them work well together. They’re more on the side of acquaintances getting to know one another since Desmond only saw enough memories to know who Ratonhnhaké:ton but in a sense of ‘hey, remember this guy?’. His Bleeding Effect hasn’t fully sunk in so Ratonhnhaké:ton is more or less the least ‘connected’ to him. His relationship with Ratonhnhaké:ton is also the least complicated because of that and their relationship would simply grow organically. In terms of protectiveness, Ratonhnhaké:ton knows Desmond can take care of himself but he also believes that Desmond has the habit of ignoring the danger to focus on the mission or task at hand so he keeps an eye on him whenever they’re together.
Ezio knows how important Desmond is and is more inclined to side with him, mainly because Desmond is ‘familiar’ and he knows from Minerva’s message that Desmond is meant to save the world. Once he hears that it meant that Desmond was supposed to die and the only reason why he didn’t is because of the three of them connecting their Apples to Desmond’s Apple during that pivotal moment (even if it’s by accident or they don’t know why), he’d definitely be protective of Desmond.
Altaïr and Desmond would have the most complicated relationship, mainly because of how one-sided it is. At least Ezio knows of him and knows of their connection but Altaïr does not. Any connection Desmond feels would just be on his side and that would be painful to bear, especially on how aloof Altaïr could be. Altaïr would be more or less confused by Desmond’s actions towards him but, at the same time, he would be unable to resist the feeling of warmth that Desmond gives him. Being more or less raised as a lonely child, Desmond’s presence would be more pleasing and he would have the desire to hoard it. The day he starts resisting is the day that his ‘restraints’ go out the window. Out of the three, Altaïr would be the most possessive of Desmond, being the one to always stand too close or call for Desmond’s attention. He’s trying to be more of a team player and not be so standoffish but he tends to forget that when he’s trying to get Desmond’s attention. Thankfully for him, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton are understanding men, and Desmond… well… Desmond knows this is pretty much on par with Altaïr anyway.
… this will definitely end up with Desmond having a harem. XD
Unorganized Ideas:
Bill is on their shit list. There’s no way he wouldn’t be. Among the three, Ratonhnhaké:ton would be the most ‘cordial’ simply because Bill reminds him of Haytham which is NOT a good thing, all things considered.
Ezio will learn about Clay and he would mourn the loss of a brother he didn’t even know. Whether Clay lives on as some kind of data that got saved in Rebecca’s Animus is up to you though.
Shaun will be hyperventilating once he sees them. He has sooooooo many questions and all that is keeping him from going ‘wild’ is Rebecca.
They will need a lot of time to acclimate to the modern day. During that time, they would lay low and rumors of Desmond’s death will circulate. Desmond wouldn’t even know about it since he was in a perpetual state of shock and amusement. Shock that he’s still alive and was meant to die. Amusement because he’s fucking teaching them things like how the toilet works.
Altaïr has the easiest time understanding tech. On the other hand, he is also a dumbass who microwaved a metal spoon because Desmond insisted that they shouldn’t microwave metal. Desmond learns early on that the best way to teach Altaïr is to explain to him why these and that is not allowed instead of expecting Altaïr to just nod and not do things.
The moment they are proficient enough to use a laptop or a phone and have access to the internet… uuhhh… well… humanity is both beautiful and also the worst thing to ever happen to the world, that’s the ongoing theme that Desmond is now stuck in.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Probably a weird idea, but it popped into mind while trying to sleep. A modern Altair/Ezio prompt where Altair is a veterinarian, ezio is a cop, and Desmond is Ezio's canine partner who, after being wounded and treated by Altair, sets out to hook Altair and ezio up because he is tired of Ezio's recent string of bad relationships. Yes, Desmond is sentient, and no, no one else knows about it. Malik and kadar are vet techs at Altair's clinic. And Connor is in there somewhere. A dogwalker, maybe?
I don’t think it’s a weird idea but, then again, I have a very high tolerance to things that many would call weird so (shrug).
Anyway, may I suggest the following:
For drama, Abbas is definitely Altaïr’s ex and their breakup was so bad that Altaïr transferred to a different course altogether, becoming a vet while Abbas is maybe a doctor in internal medicine or maybe a surgeon. They had a cat together called Adha that Altaïr smuggled out when they broke up. She a real prima donna.
Desmond is supposed to be a sniffer dog and he’s really good at it because, surprise, he’s a cheater who uses Eagle Vision instead of actually sniffing stuff.
Desmond becomes Ezio’s partner after an incident with another dog named Cross. He likes this better anyway since Ezio shares all of his food with him which is nice. Also, Ezio takes him to his home where Desmond notices he’s living alone and his only friend outside the precinct is his best friend who is a well-known artist currently touring various museums so their days off the force are couch days with Chinese takeout because there is no way Ezio was ever going to order pizzas.
Desmond also has to watch Ezio have bad breakups like his longtime girlfriend who he broke up with because her father didn’t approve of Ezio, and some woman who turned out to actually be married but Ezio didn’t know that and the woman insisted that she hated her husband which really didn’t help, a guy who was super-super close with his sister who had the hots for Ezio too and… uuuhh… Desmond would like to end it there for the sake of his sanity.
It would be fun if Ratonhnhaké:ton is Ezio’s partner in the force and he’s the one who gives the best belly rubs according to Desmond. He also acts like Ezio’s younger brother and Desmond is also trying to get them to be actual friends too.
Maria is one of Altaïr’s regular who has a Sphynx cat named Robert that likes to bite and scratch Altaïr.
Altaïr’s grandfather, Rashid, doesn’t approve of his job as he wanted him to be a ‘real doctor’. While it’s true that Altaïr had transferred to veterinary medicine because of Abbas, he actually wanted to be a vet ever since he was young. He just never told Rashid because he knew his grandfather wouldn’t approve.
Kadar is absolutely on board with hooking up Altaïr to the hot dog owner. Malik just wants to work in peace.
Desmond is sure Adha the cat isn’t as aware as him but holy shit does she always have to look at everything he does with such a judgmental expression on her furry face???
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