#abbee nonsense
abbee-normal · 1 year
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Oh Chaos I am so overwhelmed! I LOVE HER!
I love how her hair is soft but still rebellious, that's perfect!
And I love LOVE her eye makeup! And her little hearts in her scarf? So cute and perfect! 💙💚
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chaos-corvus · 5 months
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abbee-normal · 2 years
LS!Arcann thoughts
Torian is put in charge of wrangling Arcann, putting together security details (let's face it, lots of people in the Alliance would be more than happy to help engineer an accident) showing Arcann around the base etc. Eventually everyone's favorite Mandalorian and Arcann become friends.
The first thing Arcann does with his own time after his debrief is sit at Senya's side in her hospital room. He talks to her, apologizes for his actions, talks through his grief.
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abbee-normal · 1 year
It sure is! She was supposed to be called Lady Grey, but she was soo sooo soooooo illegally tiny as a kitten, half the size of her brother and sister, that 'little cat' stuck.
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abbee-normal · 1 year
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abbee-normal · 1 year
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abbee-normal · 1 year
i ♡ your indy theme oc ♡♡♡
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abbee-normal · 1 year
Tagged by @dingoat to do this fun little uquiz to determine which tragic Greek figures my OCs are, ty ty for tagging!
I know I am really late, but if anyone hasn't done this and wants to, @shynmighty @cryo-lily @chaosandwonder or anyone else?
For Mistii:
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tbh? I can see it
For Abbee:
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Yeah, she loves her rules and order
For Velvet:
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For someone who spent a significant time being mentored by Mistii, I guess this shouldn't be much of a surprise 😅
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abbee-normal · 2 years
How many Ocs do you have?
Which one is your favorite?
What romance is favorite Oc in?
What’s your favorite Oc’s backstory?
Are they your comfort Oc?
How many Ocs do you have?
33, some are just name placeholders for when/if I want to replay a character on a different server
Which one is your favorite?
Mistii Meena!
I didn't get bored and give up on her class story on Belsavis or Corellia (that's quite a feat) and I went straight into Makeb, Shadow of Revan etc. No jumping ahead, no putting her on the back burner. I absolutely love Mistii.
What romance is favorite Oc in?
She will romance Arcann
What’s your favorite Oc’s backstory?
In a nutshell, Mistii was sold as a slave to the Hutts at 7 by her mother. She worked in the creche and when that was raided by a rival that killed the children, she managed to hide one of the kids. She was under some furniture when they torched the room and her left side was burned pretty bad, that's why her face is so scarred. Because of her bravery she was assigned better position and training and as she proved herself to be a quick learner she was entrusted with more responsibility. She was able to leave the Hutts on good terms and became a person who could arrange whatever, whenever, whoever.
Are they your comfort Oc?
Yes, definitely. I've had iterations of a couple characters over and over that I've enjoyed over the years, but Mistii definitely resonates the strongest with me.
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abbee-normal · 2 years
40 OC Development Questions: 8, 29, 33 for Mistii 😁
40 OC Development Questions: 8, 29, 33 for Mistii 
Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
Mistii doesn't like to be all alone, she prefers to have one or maybe two very close friends. She shares her living space with Fae, of course, she and her droid are inseparable. She makes a friend on one of her trips to Ord Mantell to meet with a client. A few close calls, a few adventures later, and to Mistii's surprise she blurts out that Doomi and her partner are welcome to join her crew. Doomi, eager for a fresh start and being a bit naive about the galaxy, accepts after thinking about it for a while. Doomi and Mistii become as close as sisters.
If Mistii is 'on the job' she can handle whatever she needs to. She gets into the zone and focuses on what she needs to do and will navigate however many people to accomplish that. When she is on her own time she prefers no more than 5, possibly 6 people around her, and only if they are good friends. If she was left to her own devices she'd probably hole up on Rishi and only come out for emergencies. Supplies she can have dropped off. 😉 But, for her sanity, and probably everyone else's, Mistii still has work to do which brings her all over the galaxy; two galaxies eventually.
How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Mistii is Zeltron, so she's as empathetic as they come. Your discomfort is her discomfort. One reason she has a strict 'no kill' policy. Tranqs, stunners, EMPs are her go-to.
On the other hand, your happiness is her happiness. Yeah, it gets hard to disassociate her own feelings sometimes. This is partly why her first close friend was a droid. No feelings to tangle with. If she finds herself getting too caught up in someone else's feelings she will take a speeder or shuttle somewhere where she can be alone in order to get her head on straight.
How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
Mistii sees herself as helpful, kind, always willing to help out someone in need.
Other people see this too, but they also see someone who puts other's needs so far ahead of her how that she fails to take care of herself.
She doesn't think this is a problem. Doomi and others see it for what it is, Mistii denying there's a problem.
Ha! The stripped clean ask got it right in this area:
I got silent admission… once you’re stripped clean, what’s at your core?
rippling sunset
you’re the nicest person i’ll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can’t protect themselves, you’re energetic and bubbly to a fault. it’s cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone’s aware of. this isn’t something that you want attention for at all, and you’d really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
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abbee-normal · 2 years
If you could only choose one romance and only 3 followers to have in the star wars the old republic from beginning to end (It can any follower/romance from any class!) Who would it be and why?
Arcann had me at “I am undone by you.” Need I say more?
Now the 3 companions. Talos Drellik because he's so sweet and funny. BFFs forever! I was so disappointed to find that Talos returns to the Empire if you are anyone but the Inquisitor. T7-01 as best droid! And you'll laugh, but Z0-0M because she makes me laugh.
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abbee-normal · 2 years
Character Development “Hard Mode” Meme: ask for Mistii:
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Character Development “Hard Mode” Meme: ask for Mistii:
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? Let's see what's in here. You really weren't ready for this one, I have so many pockets, and they are big too! Look, I can stick my hand in them all the way past my wrist! One thing I always carry is my comm device, couldn't live without it. Chapstick, pain relief. Ah, you'll laugh at this one but it's a fur toy I picked up at the cashier when I was buying Pazaak snacks. It just feels so nice in the hand you know? Tiny jar of ointment, works for itches, getting rid of bad smells, muscle sprains, getting out of weird situations by sticking some on my finger and pretending I just dug it out of my nose. Everything, really! Treats for Pazaak. Reading glasses. Fob for my ship, fob for my speeder. Mints! Let's look in one of the leg pockets, oh! Look at this cool rock I found! When I was a kid, my pockets were always full of random stones and junk. Tissue, small fan for when I get overheated, bandana. Last but not least, uh, pocket lint and an old piece of candy.
16 Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? Success is just something you show off. It can be stripped from you. Once you're no longer the hot new thing or your money gets taken away, what are you? Happiness though? You ever seen someone who is happy? Doesn't matter what they have or don't have. That's what I want. 19 What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
I, ah, have a tendency to shut down sometimes. Get too hard on myself. Yeah, it's cost me friends before. Never been in a romantic relationship, kinda too scared to do it.
44 How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Sugar, I tell my friends I love them every time I talk to them, and I never say it if I don't mean it.
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abbee-normal · 2 years
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The beacons are lit! Gondor Yavin IV calls for aid!
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abbee-normal · 2 years
Is Mistii in a relationship with anyone?
If so what’s their relationship like?
Mistii will romance Arcann when I get her up there. Right now she's only a level 22, lol. But she has zero interest in Corso.
I've given some thought to their relationship and it will start out a little rocky, she feels like she's being used as a babysitter by the commander and resents his presence on her ship. Eventually though they find some common ground and become friends. It's definitely not a case of love at first sight, but friends to soulmates.
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abbee-normal · 1 year
thats so cool?!?!?! my cats name was supposed to be lollipop, but she ended up being little cat???? this is so awesome ive never met another person whos cat is named little cat
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I also have Bad Baby who was originally named Purrsia. She earned the name, she loves to BITE
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abbee-normal · 1 year
🌊 ✨💖⚡☄if you're receiving this, you make someone happy💞🌊⚡💖✨☄go send this to 10 people who make you happy or who you think need cheering up.💞✨🌊✨⭐☄If you get it back then the better🌊💞💖⚡✨ 😊💙
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