#she made me hold her paw at night as we slept for about a year
abbee-normal · 1 year
It sure is! She was supposed to be called Lady Grey, but she was soo sooo soooooo illegally tiny as a kitten, half the size of her brother and sister, that 'little cat' stuck.
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honeysmoonn · 1 year
dallas and jaz pt. 2
a/n: since everyone loved dallas’ gf with a cat headcanons, here’s part two!!
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• jazzy wasn’t so bad after all, dallas now thoight.
• the two of you had begun spending more and more times with each other, almost a year and a half into your relationship. it was rare, but dallas knew he was gonna stick around
• he began inviting you to hang with his friends every now and then, the gang was a lot, and (if you were shyer) he knew how you got in loud atmospheres, much like the curtis house
• but when you did come around, it wouldn’t be for long
• “oh dal, we gotta get going. it’s jaz’s dinner time soon” • “yeah, doll. we’ll get outa here”
• it boggled the gang how he- dallas winston- would drop everything for a cat. a cat! he hated cats! he thought they were witches and cursed people!
• so why exactly was he bailing on them to feed a cat?
• you
• but let’s not get too sappy, now
• now, dallas spent almost every night of the week at your house, sleeping next to you, waking up next to you, all of it
• your parents weren't thrilled but whatever
• and that meant dallas spending more time with jazzy
• you had practically forced him to give her treats to gain his trust. but his excuse was just “she ain’t like me and i ain’t like her”
• but the countless night you had woken up to get water and seen jazzy curled up in dallas’ chest told you otherwise
• honestly he really loved how soft she was. and how she purred all the time. literally made his heart melt when he would walk though the front door looking for you, when instead jazzy would be there meowing at him
• he sighed, throwing his jacket onto the chair closest to him, kneeling down the looked at jazzy with his eyes creased
• “don’t you dare tell anyone, cat”
• he said while stroking her head
• little did he know you heard his loud boots stomp into the house and were already on your way down the stairs, being able to witness a moment of dallas’ softness
• you debated on teasing him about it, but in the end you knew he would never truly grow of you were always teasing him abt it
• so you quietly snuck back upstairs, waiting for dallas to come in with his usual rant about how “that damn cat tried escaping again”
• but instead, he walked in holding jazzy in his arms like she was a baby
• your face broke into a huge grin. but before you could gush about how happy you were, dallas threw jaz on the bed next to you and sat down with a huff
• “don’t. say. a word.” • “okay… i won’t…”
• it really took everything on you not to congratulate dallas for overcoming his hatred to cats
• but instead, you picked jazzy up and gently set her on dallas’ lap with a not so subtle smile
• from that night forward dallas would be more kind to jazzy. petting her head when he would come to visit, letting her rub up against his legs, kissing her head in the middle of the night, and even quietly talking to her while you studied
• sometimes you guys would be hanging with the gang and the conversation of cats would randomly come up and the guys would all be like “oh hahaha dallas hates cats hahahah” and he would straight up be like “they’re not so bad. kinda cute actually”
• two-bits jaw? on the floor
• dallas winston loved very few things. but no one ever expected cats to be one of those things
• on the nights when dallas would stay over, you would be sleeping tucked into the crook of his arm, your own arm flung over his body while jazzy laid comfortably in the space between the two of you
• on the flip side, when you would sleep over at dal’s place, he would have to assure you a thousand time that jazzy would be okay and your parents had it handled
• even if he would never admit it, when he slept alone in his own bed he often felt like something was missing.
• that something being jazzys paws on his chest
• as rare as it was, dallas liked jazzy
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Incurable Homesickness
AU: Marin wished the world of BOTW into existence
A fox appeared to a woman in a dream.
I am a spirit of the magic that resides within this land, they told her. An echo of things that were, that are, and that could be.
You must go to the mountain where the lights of the night come from the earth instead of the sky. Climb to the praying peak to the pond that holds an ever-blossoming tree.
The woman held everything and nothing close for she could fit her whole world in her dream-hands even though they stayed empty. What about my son? What about our lives? We have a home, here. We have a future.
Black eyes looked up at her and the edges of the fox’s body swirled away into soft, crimson smoke. It was whisked away by darkness and the faint, kind melody of an ocarina. Trees passed by in her mind’s eye; tall ones with broad, sliced leaves and ones with heavy branches baring round, red apples. They were swallowed up by the sea, by a storm, by a crack of lightning and the massive shadow of a beast she couldn’t see.
The woman woke to the cry of a seagull and clutched her blanket to her chest. The wind howled against the stone walls, battering at the wooden shutters and the frame of the door. Rain pattered against the roof and she could feel the humidity sticking to her shoulders and neck even as she wound her long, red hair into a bun.
Beside her—curled up on a bedroll of reeds and feather down—a boy slept through the rumbling thunder.
It did not rain the day they left their home behind. The woman managed to gather enough rupees by selling herbs and insects and uncut gems scavenged from the cliffs to get enough funds for a single, old horse. A few people stopped by—but only a few. She was on the outskirts of the village, a stranger to most and an outsider to even more with her long, red hair and freckled, pale skin.
With a small goodbye to their neighbours, they were off on an adventure; the woman, her boy, and their horse.
A campfire crackled beneath the moon, sparks rising from the wood to become small, glimmering stars before they vanished into nothing. Sitting beside it was a young woman who was on her way to find answers to questions she didn’t know she had. In her lap was a small boy. He had been wrapped in various blankets to keep him warm in the stray night chill and keep his arms pinned at his sides. It didn’t seem necessary as he sat still without complaint, letting deft fingers braid wildflowers into his almost-gold blonde hair. Together, the boy and his mother hummed a song that had been lost to the ocean’s waves; one of shipwrecks and storms, of dreams and wishes.
Wandering through the trees, their horse snorted and pawed at the ground. Rain had left the dirt soft and there were tracks from beasts peppering the woodland trails.
“Mama?” The boy leaned his head back to look up at the woman. Petals drifted from his makeshift crown with the movement: one even slid down his nose, fluttering on his breath.
“Yes, Link?”
He curled against her. Various birds cawed in the trees as insects buzzed and sang in the underbrush. “Can you tell me a story?”
“A story?” She tapped a finger against her chin and tilted her eyes to the sky, pretending to be in deep thought. Stars winked between the leaves, watching them with billion-year amusement. “It’s very late,” Her voice was soft. “And you told me you were so tired that you couldn’t move another muscle.”
“But I won’t be moving, Mama,” Link grinned at her with a small, impish smile that made the corners of his eyes squint and his nose crinkle. “You’d be the one telling the story!”
The woman laughed in surprised delight, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I suppose that’s true,” she said and wrapped her arms around his little torso, holding him close to her chest. “What type of story would you like to hear?”
Link leaned up, lowering his voice to a whisper-that-wasn’t. “The one about the seagull and the island,” he said, eyes wide and reflecting the amber of the fire. “Please?”
“Again?” His mother gasped, ruffling his hair and sending petals flying everywhere. He giggled, unable to squirm away from her hold as they toppled backward onto their bedroll. “I suppose I could tell it again.” One hand ran down the boy’s back, counting his breaths as he wiggled closer, pressing against her ribs as if he could curl up next to her heart.
Silver moonlight dripped through the leaves, trickling down the jagged, arching trunks of durian and palm trees. The sounds of the night filled the shadows and stone, creating a music that sung of heat and lightning and rain. The fire continued on as the horse snorted and settled.
“Once upon a time,” the woman said, her voice drifting between shifting plants and night birdsong, “There was an island, a boy, and a seagull...”
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latitudesunknown · 5 months
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My little love, from her first few days with me, where she cleverly instantly launched an attack on my mom's feelings by cuddling up to her feet...
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... to her last year, sleepy and so much more shy (I was astounded to find so many pictures of her small playing with my toddler nieces and cozying up to various family members, I'd forgotten she used to be so social!).
Trigger warning: pet death
I'm pretty sure she was only in pain and confused for one day, it was blessedly fast. We spent the entire day with her, me sitting as close to her as I could when she kept hiding under furniture, and my mom and niece playing board games on the bed so I wasn't alone. When we went to the vet for the second time that day he told me I could take her home and she'd die during the night, but I couldn't bear the thought that she might be in pain or be scared, so I asked him to put her under. I told her I loved her to the very end but I think she was already too far gone to really know I was there. :/
I had been so stressed out for so long, about her and other things, and I had a big work event coming up that I was dreading with all my being, and I dearly needed a hard reset... and I guess always be careful what you wish for because her death granted me the break and the clarity of thought I so badly needed. She was also kind enough to leave me while I was being surrounded by family so I did not have to go through this and the aftermath alone. And she made me realize I did not want to continue carrying this absurd amount of stress around, and that some things needed to change.
I also won't lie, I had been growing increasingly worried about her health for over a year and through the pain and the loss, it is a huge relief to know that she's forever safe from harm.
Still I miss her dearly and I'm pretty sure my brain thinks she's just spending time in another place, most times it just feels like she's not here, not that she's gone forever. I'm looking at years of pictures to select a few to print out, and I still sleep with the bed cover she'd gotten last Christmas because I'm not about to erase every trace of her like she'd never existed.
She was my best pal for almost 17 years (she'd have been 17 next Wednesday), through my best and worst times, and all she ever asked of me was to feed her and hold her back paws while she slept.
I loved her so very much and I just hope that she knew I did, up to the very end. 💔
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hex-is-vexxed · 9 months
I be listening to a song that makes me physically ill & act all shocked and surprised when I cry myself dry and feel like death would welcome me in its arms with love and warmth
I’m sorry to be like this but I miss my cats so much I want to go be with them. They’ve been dead for over five years and I think about them every day. I know the quote is “you don’t have to get over it, you just have to get on with it” but I don’t know where to even begin because if anything makes me think of those soft princesses I want to hold my breath until the sun explodes.
Annabelle, a lean pale sandy tabby with gorgeous olive green eyes,
Ashley, a chubby tortoiseshell calico mix with deep brown eyes,
Both found on Christmas Eve roughly 13 years ago and taken to the shelter and then taken in by my grandparents.
They were in love and I know it. Because Ashley hated everyone, she was horribly afraid, anxious eternal (like me) but she loved Annabelle. They were always together, they copied each other’s mannerisms to the point you’d never know which had started it. They always slept together and made sure each’s fur was perfect. They ate together and played.
Annabelle was social and vocal with people, but Ashley was her favorite. She always looked over her shoulder to be sure her darling was following. Always saved space wherever she’d made a nest. Always waited for her darling Ashley to arrive before she’d started a meal.
But Annabelle was ill, slowly wasting away, skinny and always cold. And we could all see it. And gods it hurt to watch. Ashley kept her warm and clean whenever we were busy, she stayed by her side till the end. And when she was gone, when Annabelle was taken to the vet and never came back, she cried.
A chubby speckled cat cried for her best friend for a whole week. Day after day she searched the house high and low for her love, screaming, calling out for her. And then one night she went quiet.
And she was gone too.
And it hurts when I think about them. Because they loved each other that much. Ashley loved Annabelle so much she died only a week without her. She died of a broken heart.
And I don’t know if cats have an afterlife. But they should. They should have a heaven. Where they can spend eternity with their family. Where Ashley doesn’t have to cry for Annabelle, because she’s right there.
They were so soft.
Little paws and pretty mewls and meows and purrs, fur like feather and silk. And they loved and loved and loved.
I’m sorry to be like this but I miss my cats.
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genericmedicv2 · 1 year
Long post, sad post. 14 followers, basically all porn bots. Relics from a different time, don't know why I'm bothering to warn anyone. I wanted to write something and chose this old account I used to find niche porn back in the day. Nobody who knows me knows this account, so it's perfect for venting. I basically never posted shit about myself on here and I've never cared to. I just never really got into Tumblr too much despite making two accounts.
I miss my cat. She died in April. Her name was Sassy. And I basically can't look at any videos of cats very obviously loving their owners a lot because that shit kills me inside now. I used to have that. No amount of time will make the loss of my best and truest friend hurt any less.
Now to talk about the good things about her.
She used to do this thing where if I made a little kiss noise twice, she'd twitch her ears and look at me. She knew I wanted her attention when I did that. She would even give me her forehead for kisses when I made that noise. She did the same for me saying "hey" or her name. She knew what "I'm getting up" meant when she was sitting on my lap. She knew how to stare at my mom to get her to yell for me to come into the other room so I could pet her. She would wait for me to wake up so she could get her kisses and food for the morning. She would sniff everything I held up to her. When I'd get home from work, I'd let her smell my boots and my hands, so she could smell where I'd been. So she could smell my adventures.
She used to be an indoor/outdoor cat, and when we'd get her to come in we'd whistle. She would come from all sorts of different directions. Across the road, left, right of the front door. She's been on both my neighbors roof, and mine. She'd scratch on the window screens to let us know she wanted in.
She was so curious and inquisitive. She loved being picked up, but only by me. She'd fallen asleep in my arms on many occasions. She was chatty. She would chime in on conversations across the house. She would talk back with these little chirps when you'd be talking to her while petting her. She had this double meow she'd do when she was especially happy. She had such emotion, such love behind her eyes.
Losing her was the hardest day I've ever been through. It's been such a long, what, two months? I honestly think I would've preferred dying instead of her. I never could've pictured life without her. How lonely it could get. She got sick out of nowhere. Throwing up for no reason. Eating her litter (the clay stuff). We assumed it was just weird cat things that cats do. It was kidney failure. She was suffering and didn't show it. When we found out, it was four days until we could get her suffering to end. She slept right by Mom until we took her on her last vet visit. She lost her vision a little, a day or two before she passed. It was heart breaking. God, it was so hard watching her struggle to navigate this house she was essentially the master of. Watching her miss to pee in her litter box.
The night before, she hopped up on my bed to see me. I'd like to think that she knew. She knew and came to say goodbye while she still could.
On her last day, I was with her until the end, petting her and holding her paw, telling her how much I love her and how good of a girl she was.
She died on the 4th, at 12:04 PM. She was 19 years old.
We buried her in the backyard, where she was happiest, underneath a branch of her favorite climbing tree; with her toys, her treats, and my cut-off ponytail, so I would always be with her, and the corner of a potato chip bag (she LOVED rubbing her nose on the corners of chip bags).
We wrapped her in half of my childhood quilt/blanket that she loved sleeping on. Specifically, with the fluffy side facing her. We placed a stepping stone on top to serve as a grave stone, and I placed her food bowl she used for nearly all her life on top of it. I couldn't give it to another cat, or use it myself. It was hers.
She was my best friend, and I'll never stop missing her.
I love you, Sassy. You'll always be the queen of the backyard. I hope you're napping peacefully. I'll see you again someday. In another life, maybe.
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celestial-kit · 3 years
Halloween Night
This is part one in a two part series. All characters are 18+.
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x reader
Warnings: minors DNI, slight NSFW themes, jealousy, alcohol consumption, slut shaming (?)
Tsukishima never liked Halloween. As a kid, he never understood the appeal of dressing up in a ridiculous costume and going out with a pillow case to beg for candy. His disdain for Halloween did not dissipate as he got older, he just found new things to be annoyed with. He hated how his friends begged him to go out to the crowded bars, dressed up in matching costumes. He hated watching people use the holiday as an excuse to get drunk. And he hated that every year you would dress up in some skimpy outfit and find some random guy to make out with. 
He wasn’t jealous, obviously. Tsukishima just didn’t like seeing one of his close friends embarrass herself like that. He hated to see you get so sloppy drunk that you couldn’t walk home at the end of the night, and he hated seeing strangers grope and paw at you in your little skirt and grind against you every chance they got. One year he found you in a corner in someone’s lap, tongues shoved down each other's throats and your skirt hoisted up around your waist, showing off your sheer underwear and dripping pussy. He left you there, seeing as you seemed content with the arrangement, and found you the next hour in someone else's arms, their hands under your top, groping your breasts as your head fell back on your shoulders with a blissed out look on your face.  
You were a slut. Tsukishima hated to admit it, but you were. You loved the attention you got when you went out, you welcomed any advances from any decently attractive person, and you had no shame letting someone publicly defile you, as long as it felt good. 
This year, his friends decided that they wanted to dress up as the gang from Scooby Doo. Tsukishima was quick to decline, but the excited look on Yamaguchi’s face and your puppy dog eyes made him give in quicker than he would like to admit. So now he was here, at this bar, dressed in an itchy white sweater and orange ascot. He nursed his drink at the bar as he watched you, his Daphne, laugh at a joke that probably wasn’t even that funny that some guy told you as he leaned close enough to cast his eyes down your cleavage. You slapped his chest flirtatiously as he seemingly teased you for something before leaning down closer and capturing your lips in a kiss, his hand immediately running up the backs of your thighs until they were under your skirt and gripping your ass. 
Tsukishima had to look away at this point, searching the room for Yamaguchi’s green shirt. They made eye contact and Yamaguchi started making his way towards his friend, obviously noting the disgruntled look on his face. As he approached, he set the plush Scooby Doo that he’d been carrying around on the counter of the bar and leaned his shoulder against his friend. 
“Hey Tsukki! Having fun?” a wide grin stretched across Yamaguchi’s face, the alcohol he’d consumed affecting him. 
Tsukishima just rolled his eyes, “I don’t know why you always insist on bringing me out with you on Halloween.”
Yamaguchi laughed at the blonde, “You know, you probably wouldn’t be so miserable coming out with us if you just made a move on her yourself.” Tsukishima’s eyes widened a little before they narrowed at his drunk friend. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mumbled, looking away with annoyance. 
“Aw, come on! You know she only hits on other people because you ignore her when we come out. She wants to make you jealous. I bet if you gave her some attention, you’d both have a much better time,” Yamaguchi patted Tsukishima’s shoulder with a sly grin. He knew his friend too well, but Tsukishima was stubborn and refused to give in to what Yamaguchi was insinuating. 
“She only wants my attention because she’s a slut. She’s already slept with half the town, so she’s running out of options,” Tsukishima’s words spit out like venom. He’s mad that Yamaguchi thinks he likes you, he’s mad that you always find someone to hang off of when you’re around him, and he’s mad that, deep down, he knows he’s incredibly jealous. 
“Wow,” you say behind Tsukishima’s back. He turns around, not realizing that you were standing there. You had a glass in each hand, seemingly coming back to the bar to get a refill. Your cheeks are red, and Tsukishima’s not sure if they’re flushed from drinking, kissing, or anger. You puff your chest up before setting the glasses on the bar and turning to head out of the building.
Tsukishima curses under his breath and chases after you, pushing through the crowd to keep up with your smaller form. He sees you make it past the crowd of sweaty dancers and burst through the front door. In his haste to reach you, he bumps into several people who spill their drinks down the front of his sweater. 
Finally, he makes it out the front door and sees you stumbling down the sidewalk in the direction of your apartment. He catches up quickly, telling you to wait and grabbing your arm, which you firmly shake out of his grasp. You turn on your heels to face him, face even more red and tears spilling down your cheeks. 
“You’re an asshole, Tsukishima! Fuck you,” you slur your words as you speak, but Tsukishima can still feel the venom behind them. It hurts him, and he knows that he fucked up. He grabs your shoulders and holds you firm despite your attempts to wiggle away. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he says this as calmly as he can but he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. Now that you’re closer, he can see how your mascara has smeared from your tears and sweat and he can see a bruise starting to form on your neck from that loser you were making out with not even 10 minutes ago. Tsukishima can feel anger start to well in his chest at the thought that someone had left marks on you. You scoff at him and wiggle one of your shoulders free, using your free arm to push at his shoulder.
“So what, you don’t think I’m a slut? You just said it to Tadashi as a joke or something?” you sniffle and stumble forward a little as you continue to push at him. He wraps an arm around your waist to try to steady you. 
“Well, I do think you’re a slut, but I probably shouldn’t have said it out loud,” a smirk graces his face as he sees your mouth fall open in shock. Your hands ball up into little fists and you punch at his chest to try to get out of his grasp. 
“Fuck you! I hate you, Tsukishima,” you shout at him, and he can feel his anger boil over, his feelings and the alcohol he’d consumed pushing him over the edge and causing him to do something he wouldn’t normally do. The arm he had around your waist tightens while his other hand comes to press between your shoulder blades, pushing you up into him so that he could crush his mouth against yours. 
You squeal at his sudden action, eyes staring at him as he gauges your reaction. You push at his shoulders again, and he pulls back, not taking his arms off you but giving you space to breathe. You just look at each other for a moment as you take in what just happened. It slowly clicks in your head that Tsukishima just kissed you, and you can feel warmth spread across your chest before you reach up to fist his sweater and bring him back down to kiss you again. 
This time, Tsukishima isn’t as hesitant, he’s firm as he presses into your mouth, tongue meeting yours and you moan as you feel his fingertips dig into your back, trying to pull you closer to him. In the distance, you hear whistles and cheers, and it occurs to you both that you’re still in a public setting. One of Tsukishima’s hands snakes its way up your back to bury itself in your hair, then he pulls your head back with a force that makes you hiss. You whimper and you feel your knees wobble under you and heat pool in your stomach as he glares at you with hungry eyes. 
“You’re a slut,” he whispers to you, giving you goosebumps, his husky tone giving away just how turned on he is. “But you’re my slut.” Then, he’s grabbing your hand and pulling you down the sidewalk. You stumble as you try to keep up, a little confused.
“Where are we going?” You ask, breathless. 
With a smirk, Tsukishima turns to look at you out of the corner of his eye. “Your apartment. If you’re going to act like a slut, then I’m going to fuck you like one.” 
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Idk if you’re still taking Bucky requests, but I came across a quote and I feel in love with it because it just screamed Bucky to me. It read: “there is nothing as beautiful as seeing someone who has been unlucky, finally being loved so effortlessly by the right person” if this sparks anything in you, I would love to read it 💜
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Pairing | Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 1.9k
Warnings | dad!Bucky, slight language, slight suggestive theme
Masterlists | Bucky, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Bucky bit back a yawn as he closed the car door and headed towards the front door. The smell of spring, the freshly mowed grass and blooming flowers overwhelmed his senses along with the warm summer sun hitting his skin. This was nice, he realized, the calculated simplicity and domestic nature of it all. He hiked his bag on his shoulder, the gold in his vibranium arm glinting brilliantly in the slowly dying light of the day. He didn’t bother to hide it anymore, somehow long past that part of his life. At one point he never thought he’d reach that point in his life and now he had the world in front of him. 
Walking up the stairs, he smiled to himself as he could already smell something delicious cooking through the open windows. In a vain attempt to keep the household from falling into complete and utter chaos, he slowly opened the door and tried to tip-toe inside. He managed to get about two feet inside and kick off his work boots before he heard an exciting squeal followed by a few loud woofs. 
The pitter-patter of two small feet and four paws quickly reached him as Falcon, the trusted family dog, and Emily, your oldest daughter, ran down the hall towards him. Any stress he had remaining quickly melted away at the sight of two of his favorite beings as they almost knocked him over in their rush. 
“Daddy!” an excited shout was followed by another bark. He bent down and scooped the small girl in his arms, the weight of the world off his shoulders as she wrapped her little arms around his neck, “hi daddy, you’re home!”
“Of course I am,” he propped her on his hip and studied her sweet little face. She took after him with his dark unruly hair and ocean eyes, but the rest he swore was all you, especially that sweet smile, “I’ll always come home to my sweetest girl. Did you have a good day, baby?”
“Yeah,” she nodded excitedly as he brushed her hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “mama and I painted and then we planted some new flowers. She said she picked them out because they reminded her of you!”
“She did, did she?” he couldn’t stop the grin that spread from ear to ear as his heart fluttered in his chest. Even to this day you still managed to make him weak in the knees and set off butterflies in his belly. He held Emily tightly in his grip as he bent down to give Falcon a few pets, causing the dog to rub against his legs as he wagged his tail, “what would I do without my little hellraisers?”
“Mama says that’s a bad word!” Emily looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled softly before holding a finger to his lips.
“It’s our little secret,” he whispered as she nodded, “do you know why this secret is okay?”
“Because it’s not gonna hurt anyone,” she asked as he nodded. She gave him a wide gap toothed grin as he set her back down, “will you play with me later, daddy? Falcon wants to have a tea party!”
“Of course,” he promised his daughter as she held tightly onto his hand, “now go and get cleaned up for dinner. It smells like it should all be done soon.”
“Okie dokie,” she dropped his hand and motioned for Falcon to follow her instead, practically bouncing up the stairs. 
Bucky sighed in content as he shook his head before slowly making his way into the kitchen where he was sure you were. He found at the island, brows furrowed in concentration as you chopped vegetables for the salad. Your baby boy was slung around your chest, and despite the commotion from Bucky’s entrance, he was fast asleep. A lump welled up in his throat as he watched the sight. It would be nothing special to most people, but to him it was everything.
You looked so beautiful, even in your sweatpants and t-shirt with your hair a chaotic bun as you hummed to the baby under your breath. You looked tired and he felt bad for a moment; leaving you with a toddler and a baby was a ton of work and he would have gladly stayed home with you and helped, but you were insistent that he work if he wanted. You’d never hold it against him, he knew that.
As soon as you sensed you his presence in the kitchen, you turned to him and gave him a soft smile, and his own features softened even more, “hello, my love. I’m so glad you’re so home!”
You set down the knife before slowly making your way over to him, careful not to disturb the baby as he immediately leaned down to kiss you. Your whole body was practically humming from his touch as you stole you a few more kisses, “rough day? You should have called me and I could have come home, honey baby.”
“It wasn’t bad actually,” you promised, watching with nothing but adoration in your eyes as he stroked Stevie’s chubby little cheek, “the chaos duo was on their best behavior today and the little one has been sleeping most of the day. I think he wore himself out from all his fussing last night.”
“Miracles do happen,” he laughed lightly as his hand went to your face and he gently stroked your cheek. You grinned at him, keening into his touch like a cat to the sun, “you are so beautiful.”
“Shut up,” you playfully pushed his chest before hiding your face behind your hands. Funny, how even after all this time he still managed to make you feel nervous and shy, “I’m in my ugliest mom clothes which I’m pretty sure these sweats have permanent puke stains, I haven’t showered today and I look like I haven’t slept in five years. Hardly beautiful.”
“You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on regardless of all of that,” he insisted softly, reaching for your hands and pulling them away from your face. Your whole body flushed with pleasant warmth as you looked into his eyes, “and I love you more than anything in this world.”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause I let you knock me up twice,” you joked as he playfully rolled his eyes, “god, Bucky, how do you still make me feel like this?”
“Like what?” he asked as he slowly moved to undo the sling from your chest and take the baby from you. Stevie made a few small sounds before cuddling up on Bucky’s chest. 
“Like I’m still falling in love with you every day,” you whispered as you leaned in and let him wrap arm around you as well. He kissed the top of your head before sighing in content, “I guess I am. We’re a little different every day - we’re definitely not the same fools from when we first met, huh?”
“I mean, we’re married and have kids, and the whole you know, typical suburban thing going on,” he teased, “so I’d say we’re pretty different. But you’re still my favorite pain in the ass.”
“James!” your eyes widened before the two of you broke into a fit of giggles, “I will get you back for that later!”
“Oh, I definitely count on it,” he promised, “now, go and take a few moments to yourself, shower or whatever, and I’ll finish dinner and get the kiddos and Falcon settled.”
“Whatever would I do without you, my love?”
“I think the better question is what would I do without you, honey baby?”
You blew him a little kiss as you all but ran towards the stairs in order to fit in a quick shower. Sometimes even ten minutes of peace and quiet would suffice. Bucky watched you go with a soft smile on his face, before turning his attention back to his softly cooing son, “your mama’s the best person in this entire world, I hope you always know that.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“What?” you could feel Bucky’s eyes on your back as you brushed your teeth in the bathroom en suite. He was sitting in bed, winding down with some television as he waited for you, “I can feel you checking out the goods, Barnes.”
“That’s because I am,” you could practically hear the cheeky smirk in his voice, “it’s not wrong to admire, is it?”
“You’re too much,” you dried your face off before making your way back over to him. He offered you a lazy smile as he pulled back your side of the blankets and made room for you. You were only wearing his shirt and a pair of old cotton panties but he was watching you like you were the best in this world. Because to him - you were. The end all and be all, “James? What’s wrong, honey?”
“Nothing,” he whispered as he immediately reached for you and gently pulled you into his lap. You made a small sound of surprise but easily gave into his touch, “nothing at all. I’m perfect.”
“Hmm,” you leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his plump lips, gently tugging on his dog tags, “me too. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but I kind of like you a lot.”
“Is that why you married me? Had two kids with me? Got the dog?” he raised a brow as you carded a hand through his dark locks, scratching lightly at his scalp, “I bet it was all for the dog.”
“He didn’t hurt,” you joked, gently stroking his cheek, “but you aren’t so bad either. I love you, Bucky. So much. I hope you know. I hope you know you deserve this, everything we have - the whole world.”
“I…” he paused for a moment, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as you showed him so much tenderness and delicate love, “I love you too.”
“Hey,” you put your hand under your chin and turned his face up towards yours, “I mean it James Buchanan Barnes. You have been through so much, so much that other people forced on you, and you deserve happiness. You deserve all the happiness this world has to offer. I know you have some bad days, and I understand that, but I want you to know I will always be here for you and I will always love you. You are my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, you are my everything.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he took your hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“Yes,” you insisted softly, “you do, James.”
“How about for one moment you hush up,” you pushed him back against the headboard and pressed a few gentle, lazy kisses to his lips, “and just listen to me. And let me love you.”
“I love you, honey baby.”
“I love you too, James.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Keep it a Secret - Kristie Mewis x Reader
Prompt: Maybe an imagine, where R is the sister of one of the players (you can choose who) and R and Kristie are trying to hide their relationship at camp, because they know that their sisters would freak if they would know about them. Love your imagines.
Note: This really spiralled and became a little angstier than intended and ended up not really matching the prompt anymore. 
“Do you have any idea how hot you are?” Y/N mumbled against Kristie’s neck, hips pressing her into the wall of her hotel room.
Kristie tipped her head back, giving Y/N more room to scrape her teeth along her neck.
“Fuck, you are making it really hard to keep this a secret,” Kristie bit her lip, trying to supress her moan, hand gripping Y/N’s neck.
Y/N ignored her, switching sides and making her way back up. One hand sliding up her shirt while the other braced against the wall, both rolling their hips into each other.  
With a groan, Kristie placed both hands on Y/N’s chest, pushing her away. Y/N pulled her hand out from Kristie’s shirt, but tried to lean in and kiss her girlfriend, only to be pushed away again.
Y/N pulled back, taking a full step away, confused.
Kristie reached up and ran a thumb along Y/N’s bottom lip.
“If we don’t stop now, we won’t, we won’t,” she repeated when she noticed Y/N about to argue.
“you know I’m right, because I very much liked where that was going. But that will do nothing keep this a secret.”
“Ugh!” Y/N groaned, taking a few steps and flopping backwards on the bed. “Then you need to stop looking that good.” Y/N moved to be leaning on her elbows, shamelessly eyeing her girlfriend.
As if summoning them, there was a series of loud knocks on the door.
“Hey losers! Open up!” Rose called through the door.
Both made eye contact and laughed.
“Fix your hair, you have a just about to be fucked look. Oh wait,” Y/N let the sentence hang, smirking and getting up to open the door.
As soon as the door opened, Rose, Mal, Sonnett, and Lindsey plowed in, each making themselves at home in the room.
“What are you two doing?” Lindsey tossed a random sock at Kristie.
“Don’t worry about it,” Y/N winked.
“What aren’t we worrying about?” Sam questioned as she entered the room.
“What these two losers were doing before we got here,” Sonnett filled in.
Y/N and Kristie both purposefully avoiding each other as the group caught up now that they were all back together for camp. The couple had somehow gotten lucky and were sharing a room, after having been apart for months, the two just wanted to be alone but knew their friends weren’t going to be leaving them alone anytime soon.
The two had been together for almost a year, unfortunately being separated for most of it due to playing on separate teams. Luckily, they were both from Massachusetts, making off season much easier to continue to keep their relationship secret. Sam was oblivious to most things around her, so keeping it secret from her was easy. Short of the couple making out in front of them, Sam would never figure it out.
Christen however, was too perceptive for her own damn good. She could easily figure them, probably already had. She had been sending them strange looks the last couple camps but had yet to question them.
It was hard for Kristie and Y/N to keep their relationship secret though. Both women generally being very tactile, enjoying physical touch. They struggled to keep their hands to themselves. Thankfully they had all been friends for years before the two had transitioned to a relationship, so minimal touching didn’t really alert anyone to a change.
“Sibling!” Christen called as she burst into the room, jumping onto Y/N, pulling her into a hug.
“Hey Chris,” Y/N chuckled at her enthusiasm, hugging her sister back.
The group all made their way down for supper shortly after. Y/N instinctually placed her hand on Kristie’s lower back as they walked through the door, Kristie leaning into the touch briefly before they caught themselves and pulled apart quickly. Each focussing on the ground as they walked to separate tables.
Christen smirked.
Kristie and Y/N kept sneaking glances throughout the meal, one would glance up to see the other already looking, then both would look away blushing.
As soon as the door closed to their hotel room, Kristie had Y/N pinned to the wall. Hands gliding up her sides under her shirt, scratching her nails down.
“Fuck Kristie,” Y/N moaned out, arching into the touch.
Kristie stepped forward, pinning Y/N’s hips to the wall with her own.
Y/N gripped the hem of Kristie’s shirt, pulling it up and off. Then gripped her hips and spun them around, hands moving to Kristie’s hamstrings and lifting her, who immediately wrapped her legs around Y/N.
Y/N carried Kristie to the bed, gently placing her down, pressing herself the length of Kristie’s body. She shifted one leg between Kristie’s, who started to roll her hips up.
Kristie moaned, pawing at Y/N’s shirt, pulling it off of her.
“Open up losers!” Rose banged on the door again.
“No,” Y/N moaned into Kristie’s neck. “Maybe if we pretend we aren’t here they’ll leave.”
“You know they won’t” Kristie pushed Y/N off.
Grabbing a sweater, throwing one at Y/N, Kristie opened the door.
“What took you so long?” Mal gave them weird looks as they walked in.
“Don’t worry about it,” Y/N shot them a wink.
“Gross, is this bed safe to sit on?” Lindsey walked in, picking up on the inuendo.
“Don’t be crude Lindsey,” Sam fake gagged.
The rest of the group laughed.
“Yea, look at these two, not a chance there’s anything happening,” Sonnett added. “Besides, Kristie could do waaaayy better.” She added, flopping onto the bed next to Y/N, knocking their shoulders together to show she was joking.
Y/N rolled her eyes, satisfied none of them had figured it out.
The group hung out until curfew and then all dispersed to their own rooms.
Kristie and Y/N getting ready for bed, Kristie messing up the one bed to make it look slept in before sliding into the other with Y/N, rolling her onto her back with a hard kiss.
Things quickly escalated, having been interrupted twice already, both were ready to combust with sexual frustration.
Both exhausted, Kristie rested her head on Y/N’s chest, absentmindedly running her fingers on Y/N’s stomach.
“How much do you think Sam would freak if she found out what happened minutes after she left this bed?” Y/N chuckled.
“Sam freaks out over a stain on her shirt, she would have an aneurism if she knew anything about this,” Kristie looked up, grinning.
Both were right, they knew Same would lose her mind if she found out Kristie and Y/N were together. Christen they weren’t sure how she would react, probably be upset they didn’t tell her, hopefully be supportive. They had decided to just keep it between them for now, at first it was because it had happened so suddenly, then they just liked the simplicity of people not knowing, now it was getting harder to keep secret; it was at the point they knew it was serious and would progressing into something long term.
“How obvious do you think we could be before Sam figures it out?” Y/N smirked.
Kristie propped up on her elbow, looking down at Y/N. She could see the insecurity on her face. Placing a gentle kiss on Y/N’s forehead, she stared down.
“Do you want to tell them?” Kristie asked gently.
They both knew Sam would be the one that would be an issue when they told their siblings. Nothing seemed to phase Christen and was always so supportive of Y/N.
“No, I don’t know, I know Sam will freak out,” Y/N rambled, unsure.
“Where’s this coming from babe?”
“Fuck, I don’t Kristie. I don’t know if it’s because I finally get to see you after so long, but all day I just wanted to touch you. Just hold your hand, sit with you at supper, you know, stuff like that,” Y/N rambled.
“Me too Y/N/N,” Kristie leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” she placed another kiss on her forehead.
Y/N just shrugged noncommittally. Kristie just watched her.
“I just, I know it was my idea to keep us a secret, but it’s getting hard. Being away from you so much is hard. Not being able to fly out to you on bye weeks is hard. Having to be the last one to hear if you’re ok when you go down is hard. It’s just all getting so hard.”
“Then let’s tell people, or at the very least our sisters, or just stop hiding it,” Kristie made it sound so easy.
“No, we don’t need to do that. I’m just overwhelmed or something, I don’t know,” Y/N wouldn’t make eye contact with Kristie.
Kristie gently held Y/N’s face, scratching her nails into the baby hairs.
“Why don’t you sleep on it? See how you feel in the morning, decide from there.” Kristie suggested.
Y/N nodded, tugging Kristie to lay back down. Running her fingers up and down Kristie’s spine, Y/N tried to settle her mind.
She knew she loved Kristie, but she knew she couldn’t tell her. Sonnett had been right, Kristie could do much better than her. As much as Kristie said she was alright telling their sisters, she knew this wasn’t as serious for Kristie as it was for her.
Y/N was gone when Kristie woke up the next morning. Kristie got ready quickly and made her way down for breakfast hoping to find her girlfriend.
Kristie was disappointed when she walked into the banquet room and didn’t see Y/N.
“Where’s your other half?” Mal teased, walking up behind Kristie.
“What?” Kristie turned around quickly.
“Y/N, where��s Y/N?” Mal asked again.
“Oh, um, I don’t know. She was gone before I got up this morning,” the pair made their way through the buffet.
Kristie knew Y/N hadn’t slept much the night before, because she too had been awake most of the night. What Y/N had said last night kept her mind running. She wanted to tell her sister too, but she knew Sam would not react well. Not because she didn’t like Y/N or think they would be a good couple, but because that’s just who Sam was. Kristie knew Y/N had a tendency to overthink and internalize most of her thoughts. Christen she didn’t know. That one could go either way, but Kristie knew how close the sisters were and could see how hard it was getting for Y/N to not tell Christen. Kristie also knew how protective Christen was of her younger sister.
Halfway through breakfast, Y/N tried to sneak into the banquet room, hoping to get in undetected. Kristie had been watching the door the entire meal though, so saw her as soon as she walked in. Her eyes followed Y/N as she walked to the buffet table. Y/N was dressed in her running clothes, drenched in sweat, clearly having just come back from a run. Kristie watched as Y/N grabbed a bottle of water and a banana before trying to sneak out again.
Kristie shot out of her chair when she saw Y/N leave the room again, concerned at how strange Y/N was being.
“Y/N!” Kristie called out as the girl tried to duck into the stairwell.
Kristie could see her shoulder drop before turning around.
“Hey Kristie, I was just about head up for a shower. Wanna join?” Y/N waggled her eyebrows, but Kristie could see behind the invitation.
Kristie quickly closed the distance, pushing Y/N into the stairwell.
“What’s going on?” Kristie placed her hand on Y/N’s neck, the other fisting her shirt.
“Went for a run,” Y/N shrugged.
“We have a double day today, why would you go for a run?” Kristie challenged, applying pressure to Y/N’s hip.
Y/N just shrugged again, making to pull away from Kristie. Kristie applied more pressure to the hip to keep in her in place.
The two made eye contact, each challenging the other. Kristie debating how much to push her girlfriend, Y/N trying to push her emotions down.
Kristie slowly released her grip, taking a step back.
“I’ll see you later Kris,” Y/N called out, turning and running up the stairs.
Kristie released a sigh, letting her shoulders drop. She was about to make her way out of the stairwell when the door opened again, Christen walking in.
“Hey, everything ok? I saw Y/N sneak out and you rush after,” Christen asked softly. She knew something was going on between her sister and the midfielder.
“Hmm? Oh yea, all good,” Kristie tried to step around Christen.
“Kristie?” Christen gently grabbed Kristie’s arm as she walked past. “I know there’s something between the two of you, it’s ok.”
Kristie’s head shot up; eyes nervous at the declaration.
“It’s ok,” Christen repeated, rubbing her hand up and down Kristie’s arm.
“We’ve been together almost a year. I think she wants to start telling people, she mentioned it last night. But we both know Sam will lose her mind, no idea how you would react,” Kristie answered softly, knowing there was no point in denying it now.
Christen pulled Kristie into a hug. “It’s ok. I figured it out a couple camps ago. You guys are great together, even when you’re trying to hide it.”
Kristie hugged her back, letting out a small chuckle, “of course you figured it out.”
“No one else knows, if that helps, and Sam will never figure it out if you guys don’t tell her,” Christen reassured.
“I’m going to go talk to her, she always runs when she is stuck in her head,” Kristie pulled away, starting up the stairs.
“Hey Kristie,” Christen called her back, “she feels the same way,”
Kristie gave her a strange look but Christen just walked out the stairwell.
Slowly making her way into their shared room, Kristie heard the water running in the shower, she settled on the bed to wait.
Y/N walked out in loose sweats and a sports bra, drying her hair with a towel.
“Hey babe, feeling better?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded, “I’m sorry about this morning, and uhh last night.”
“Christen knows,” Kristie decides to just cut to the chase.
“I’m not surprised,” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, “she always picks up on this kind of thing.”
“You’re ok with that?”
Y/N shrugged again, “she knows, not like I can change that.”
Kristie shook her head, Y/N was being difficult about this.
“Y/N/N,” Kristie trailed off, not knowing what else to add.
“Really, I am. It was going to start coming out at some point and Christen is pretty observant, I’m surprised it took her this long.”
“Alright,” the midfielder hesitated, “so what do you want to do now?”
Y/N shrugged again, pulling a shirt on, “we keep going as is I guess.”
“Give me something to work with here Y/N!” Kristie flopped on the back, rubbing both hands down her face.
“What do you want from me?” Y/N snapped. “What do you want from this? From us?”
Kristie sat up at the sudden outburst, Y/N looking at her, eyes hard. She cocked her head to the side, confused at the abrupt change.
“I want whatever you want Y/N/N,” Kristie began cautiously, “umm, I want you, to be with you, to continue to be your girlfriend. I’m not really sure what you want me to say.”
Y/N continued to stare at Kristie. Kristie staring back, having no idea what else to say, no idea what Y/N wanted to her to say.
Finally, Y/N’s shoulder dropped, chin dropping too, she took a shaking breath in.
Kristie softened, “there’s more to this than people finding out, isn’t there?”
Y/N shrugged, only to slowly nod.
“You want to be with me, with um, be together?” Y/N stammered out.
“Of course,” Kristie replied with no hesitation. “I am crazy about you Y/N, there is no one else I could picture myself, not now, not ever. What are you thinking?”
Y/N shrugged her shoulders again, starting to pace the room.
“I don’t know, my mind just seems to be all over the place right now. What Sonnett said just kind of stuck with me yesterday and then us talking about how Sam would react, and I just really fucking miss you,” Y/N ran a hand through her hair frustrated.
Kristie got off the bed and grabbed Y/N by her biceps, squeezing them tight to get her attention, holding her firmly when she tried to pull away. When Y/N wouldn’t stop trying to pull away, Kristie wrapped moved to pull her into a tense hug.
“Listen to me Y/N,” Kristie started assertively, “Sonnett thinks she’s funny, there is no way you are not good enough for me. We are both fucking amazing people and are fucking amazing together.”
Y/N relaxed slightly in Kristie’s arms, Kristie pulled away, keeping her hands on Y/N’s arms.
“What if we just keep being us? Not tell anyone, no big speech or anything, but just us being us. You can hold my hand when you want, sit next to me at meals, I’ll make you my emergency contact. We can make out in front of Sam and see if she thinks we are just friends.”
Kristie smiled when that earned her a small giggle.
“I’m sorry for freaking out like this,” Y/N mumbled shyly, pulling herself back into Kristie’s arm, nestling her nose into her neck.
Kristie rubbed her hand up and down Y/N’s back, “you don’t have to apologize gorgeous, just tell me what’s going on in you head so I can help.”
“I’m just worried this means more to me than it does to you.”
Kristie’s hand stopped moving and tried to extract Y/N from her arms, only for Y/N to hold on tighter.
“I am so fucking in love with you Y/N,” Kristie said firmly.
This got Y/N to pull away, eyes wide.
“This means just as much to me as it does to you. You mean everything to me,” Kristie moved both her hands to Y/N’s head, holding it in place to make eye contact. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Y/N whispered softly.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Prompts 1, 9, 17, and 49. Huntsman Has been visiting Sandy for a few weeks now and Moe has made it clear he does not trust the spider. One day, while Sandy's busy Huntsman decides he's had enough of this cat and goes into a rant which then turns into him venting some stuff. Therapy cats are for more then just pets apparently. (Bonus points if it's from Moe's POV) - Pixel Anon
Apparently I am bad at figuring out how to write from a cat’s POV, but this was the PERFECT prompt for me to continue Second Chances Over Tea! This is where stuff really starts to... deviate.
Do not give me that look/How long have you been standing there?/I can’t do this even though everyone says I can./That cute act is all just a lie.
Where time had gone Huntsman had no idea. There was both no time and too much time. Syntax had everything he needed to rebuild and reprogram the spider bots and he’d been doing everything he could to try to replicate the venom with little to no success, much to the increased frustration of the Spider Queen.
She wasn't upset at him, not really. Huntsman knew she was just taking out her frustration at the situation on the poor scientist. Had it been in the weeks before Huntsman would have brushed it off and told him to deal with it.
But now... he felt bad for him. He could tell Syntax was trying his best. The human turned demon wasn’t quite as harsh and clinical as he had pin pointed him as, that much had become clear when he had noticed Huntsman’s odd behavior. His behavior since he has started sneaking out to visit Sandy. He never pushed, never pried, but did make a point to remind him to charge his communicator and to message him on the nights he was out.
Huntsman wasn’t stupid. He knew that Syntax knew he was lying. There was no need to go out and search for materials or do more recon now, the scientist knew that. But he never pushed, never yelled at him to stay and help (though that was probably because he knew that this stuff was not Huntsman’s line of specialty), never prodded about exactly where he went.
Though he had to know by now.
He’d pointed out the smell of motor oil and tea clinging to his clothes once, when they were alone. The cat fur and nip that has stuck to the edges of his undershirt another day. The saltwater that made his hair stick awkwardly to his face and lingered in the air yet another. Huntsman realized over a week into his nightly visits that there was a GPS built into in his communicator.
Syntax wasn’t stupid either. He knew Huntsman was visiting Sandy. He had to have. Huntsman did not trust him to not have turned on that GPS remotely on that first night to learn where he was.
So why stay quiet?
And why was Huntsman thinking these things, things he wouldn’t have thought weeks ago had he been doing something similar in other circumstances?
... he knew why... and it had to do with where he was. And who had been slowly starting to make him look at others with a more critical eye outside the hunt.
He let these thoughts roll around in his head, thoughts he has pushed down and down and farther down until over the course of the last 18 days, 2 and a half weeks and nearly a month since he stole the Crimson Jimsonweed petal from Sandy and the other reached out a hand in kind, until this moment.
It was just past 2:30 in the morning. Huntsman was laying on Sandy’s couch, only the third time he had stayed since that first late night, the other having gone to bed himself. And that blue cat with the matching mohawk was sitting on his chest.
“Get off me,” he hissed, only to be met with a low hiss from the feline. Not a warning or a threat, more a rebuttal to his own. Mo, he knew his name was, and he was the favored cat of Sandy. Always with him, on his shoulder or somewhere nearby. A smart and feisty little thing. He simply stared at the spider demon, moving to sit more firmly on his chest with a thump of his tail and a low purr. “Do not give me that look, cat. Or the purr. That cute act is all just a lie, I know you don’t like me being here.”
Mo did not reply, as he was simply a cat. But he blinked slowly at Huntsman, something Sandy told him cats only did with people they trusted not to hurt them, and he narrowed his gaze at the cat in suspicion.
“I’m getting mixed signals here,” he said, sighing as he sat up in defeat knowing he would not be resting any time soon with his racing thoughts. Instinctively, as he’d done this many times before with the other cats on the ship, he wrapped his arms around his stomach and let Mo slide into being held to his chest. The cat seemed to smirk in victory, as if getting him up and messing with him was his plan all along. “You’re weird. But then again so am I. So is everything about this... whatever this is.”
He reaches up, scratching behind the oddly colored cat’s ears and earned no reaction aside from the continued stare of the cat.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you watch me every time I come over,” he continued, stopping his scratching before roughly picking him up and holding him out across from him to glare at the cat. “How you always sit where you can watch me, are constantly glaring at me and growling when I get too close to your owner. How you just don’t trust me even though I haven’t done anything to you or him since that time on the mountain. But why would you trust me anyway, I just showed up one day in your house after we attacked you on New Years so... I can’t really blame you...”
He frowned, putting the cat down far more gently than he had held him up. He rubbed his face, looking down at the communicator that he wore with a sigh.
“... everything we did on the Lunar New Year was a mistake,” he muttered to himself, grazing the communicator with a claw. “I never asked any questions. Just went along with what my Queen asked of me. If I had asked something, anything, maybe she wouldn’t have accepted that spirit’s help with her plan. I was her advisor until Syntax came along, I should have said something! I’m supposed to be a hunter but I couldn’t even realize we were the ones being hunted until it was too late!”
This seemed to catch Mo’s attention. The smirk on the cat’s face faded into something of confusion, if that was possible for a cat, and he took a step forward and placed a paw on Huntsman’s leg and mewed up at him.
The spider demon barely reacted, not pushing Mo away like he normally would.
“If I had said anything Syntax would probably still be human, I’d still be advisor, and we wouldn’t be scrambling like headless chickens trying to figure out what she’s planning on using us for! Or Syntax wouldn’t because for some reason I’m here, on this couch, instead of in our lair! I’m here running away from the problem, giving them the barest scraps of tech I weasel out of your owner with nice conversation and company for tea because... because what!?”
He growled, curling in on himself a bit as he bit down on one of his fingers in frustration. But the words kept coming, maybe it was because he hadn’t slept since the night before or maybe it was just a long time coming. Maybe being constantly somewhere he finally felt safe when he hadn’t realized how unsafe he felt in the lair over the last few months broke down his walls that he spent so long building up. Maybe the talking he’d done with Sandy did it.
Or maybe there was no reason aside from him feeling safe ranting at a cat.
“I came for help at first but I didn’t need to keep coming. But I have every day and I know why but I just-I can’t! I can’t keep coming here every day like this, we’re running out of time! But I don’t want to go back, not with her there. But I have to, my Queen and Goliath and Syntax the smarmy bastard are there without me and I just... I can’t do this even though Sandy says I can. I’m...”
“Scared,” Sandy’s voice came from the nearby doorway, startling the spider demon from his ranting and making him realize that at some point Mo had actually crawled into his lap and was pawing at his hand.
“How long have you been standing there?” Huntsman asked in horror, not knowing how he could have possibly managed to miss the large form of the blue demon just. Standing there.
“Long enough,” he said softly, coming over and grabbing Huntsman’s wrist with the gentlest grip he could manage and pulling it away to inspect the bite he had inflicted on himself. “Huntsman, you-”
A soft bing rang through the air, the text notification from his communicator, breaking the tension between the two as Huntsman pulled his arm back to check it quickly.
‘Huntsman, Spider Queen is demanding your presence. She is getting angry. If you are awake you must return at once. Immediately, if possible.’
Another one came in, typed so fast he could barely finish reading the first.
‘Goliath is getting worried about her. Scared. She’s angrier than I’ve seen her since the festival and won’t listen to us. We need you here.’
And another.
‘I need you back here. Please come back. Please.’
In all the time Huntsman had known Syntax the other had never said that word without being condescending... but something about these texts... and the timing...
“Something’s wrong,” he said to Sandy, standing quickly and dropping Mo onto the couch gently. “I have to go.”
“Home?” Sandy asked, reaching to grab Huntsman’s coat without another question.
“Yes,” he replied, realizing that... oddly, that felt like the wrong answer to him. Somehow. “Synta-”
“You don’t have to explain,” Sandy interrupted, pushing a small parcel into Huntsman’s hands. “Not if it slows you down. Go, it’s the piece you said your friend needed.”
“... thank you,” Huntsman said, after a short pause, feeling like he should have done more as he rushed out the door and into the warm dark of night.
He thought he heard Sandy’s phone ring as he left but couldn’t be certain.
“You keep going,” Huntsman said after a short pause, turning back in the direction they came. “Just in case. But I have something I want to check.”
“Uh, be careful!” Goliath yelled back as Huntsman broke out his mechanical legs and sprinted back toward where they left the mech.
He may not know the Monkie Kid well, but Sandy had told him enough about MK that he thought that maybe... maybe...
Maybe if he came clean to Spider Queen...
He thought he heard a distant yelp that almost sounded like Syntax.
When he had returned Huntsman had found that Syntax was telling the truth. Their Queen was working in a near frenzy, trying to rush through the building of their mech. Syntax was trying to explain to her that there was not enough time to complete it at the rate she was requesting without the venom, that even with the extra materials the bots had gathered with the tech Huntsman himself had proffered they weren’t fast enough.
Then the Monkie Kid had literally fallen into their lair.
Huntsman didn’t know why he was there. He knew that Sandy couldn’t have told him what they were doing, he knew the other wouldn’t do something like that now after all the time they had spent together. His only guess was that one of the things that the bots had grabbed for the mech had belonged to the young man.
He heard the sound of fighting, his Queen and the Monkie Kid yelling, and somewhere distantly... he thought he heard Goliath yell too.
He almost turned around, almost went back, but something kept him going.
Until he burst into their little hideaway in the lair, a flash of golden light and the Monkie Kid standing over his Queen laying on the ground with the mech head destroyed behind him. They didn’t see him, but he could hear them clearly.
“Haven’t you figured that out yet?” His Queen argued. “There’s no running from what she is!”
Whispers on the wind followed and in flash of more brilliant, powerful light, there she was.
“Spider Queen’s right,” the Lady Bone Demon, the Lady White Bone, The White Bone Spirit, agreed as she stood tall and imposing and terrifying above them all. “Destiny will always catch up.”
Huntsman didn’t know what she did. Something, clearly, as the Monkie Kid held his head in clear confusion and agony and backed away from her in fear as Spider Queen stepped between the two of them. And without thinking he rushed forward, moving to stand behind MK and glower at the possessed girl before the three of them.
“Ah,” LBD breathed with a smile, tilting her head playfully as she looked at Huntsman and drew the other’s attention to him. “I was wondering where the final unnecessary piece ran off to. No matter, captured or not you’re only an extra in this little game anyway.”
“You!” Spider Queen snapped, turning her attention back to LBD once her surprise at seeing Huntsman had worn off.”I should have taken you out the second you walked into my lair!” She turned to MK and Huntsman with a look the elder demon knew to be full of disguised fear of her own. “Both of you! RUN!”
It happened so fast. Lady Bone Demon did something and... and Syntax was there. And Goliath. But they weren’t, it wasn’t them, not as they were. Blue and white and cold and ghostly instead. His Queen lunged at them and LBD and his own survival instincts took over as he grabbed MK’s arm and RAN. He barely registered when the young man pulled away from him and golden light flashed and suddenly they were going up.
There was something gripping his shoulder, sharp and small and he realized that somehow, some way, MK had turned into a bird and was flying out of the sewers with Huntsman and a sign of some kind in either claw.
There was more blue, a brilliant flash from that shot up into the sky, and the two of them plus the sign crash landed onto a roof.
A roof with a pig demon, a young girl with green streaks in her hair, an oddly well dressed for bed attire man who looked at him with more recognition than the other two... and Sandy.
Sandy, who looked down at him and MK with a mixture of confusion and slowly dawning horror at where MK must have gone and what them being together must mean.
As the Spider Demon stood, slow and clumsy in his lack of sleep and the shakiness of adrenaline, he looked back to the young man who had pulled him out of harm’s way without a single question.
“We have some explaining to do, kid.”
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stopbeingcurious · 4 years
You make me feel young again*
pairing: post azkaban sirius black x y/n
warning: dirty thoughts/ letters
a/n i had so many request to make more of this series so here we are... enjoy :P
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A couple of weeks had gone past, without any contact from Sirius and yours and Professor Lupins relationship had gone back to normal, like nothing had ever happened.
The only thing on your mind was the way Sirius touched you, how his skin felt against yours. You missed it.
You remember the words Sirius spoke the last and only time you were together;
“Not many girls like you,”
Not many girls like you? The way Sirius spoke about his time as a teenager he made it sound like he had slept around.
It was taunting your mind, you wanted to see Sirius again, you needed too. You daydreamed in class about him, at lunch in the shower, in bed. You needed that mans affection again.
It got so bad that you were loosing sleep, you were genuinely so aroused that you couldn't sleep at night, not with a puddle and a heartbeat between your legs.
You thought you could relieve some of the tension yourself but of course that didn't work, just made it worse. 
You needed male attention.
And of course your friends caught onto your behaviour changes, asking you a variety or questions when you left your dorm room looking like a disheveled mess.
In other words, you were desperate.
You're currently sitting in class, potions to be exact, listening to Professor Snape bore on about how it's illegal to become animagi underage. You had no interest whatsoever in the subject at hand so decided to rest your head on your hand and let your mind wander. What you didn't remember was that Professor Snape was a skilled Legilimens. His voice rung out from the front of the class just as your mind wandered in the direction it had been for a while now, Sirius.
“Y/n, I suggest you concentrate if you don't want your fellow classmates and I knowing what you're thinking about,” His eyes narrowed in your direction, pulling everyones attention from their work, all eyes on you. Some smirks, some confused, some bothered because they had been distracted.
You let out a silent huff as you switch your attention to the parchment in front of you.
common room
Your friends surround you, all looking intrigued. They had just interrupted you from reading your book sitting next to the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room.
“We know somethings up Y/n, would you just give up and tell us already!” Angelina flung her arms around in expression. She was pulled out of her expressive state with a hand on her shoulder, Freds.
“Ange is right Y/n, we just wanna know if there was anything we could do to help.” Fred asks, his body was slouched forwards slightly so he didn't seem as intimidating as he usually did.
You measure your friends that you're okay and that you're just not getting enough sleep. 
You were so into your book and now your attention has been snatched by your brain again, filling your vision with images of that night, the night where right went wrong, the night of your life.
You'd had enough of this tormenting, the only way you could get to Sirius was through Professor Lupin and you had an idea.
You proceeded to write Sirius a letter, a very detailed letter, just to bless his imagination as much as you blessed his everyday but the your mind flooded with questions; What if Sirius didn't want to see you again? Is that why he hadn't contacted you first? Did he think you were just a one time thing? But Sirius thought the complete opposite of this.
Sirius received your letter, Remus handed it to him with a stern look on his face.
“I didn't read it, I respect your privacy Sirius but you have to be smart about it,” Sirius knew straight away who the letter was from. Remus sat at the table opposite him in their shared home.
“We don't know what it says yet Moony,” Sirius scoffs and opens the letter.
Dear Sirius,
If Prof. Lupin is around, do not show any sign on your face with the words I am about to say. Sirius I miss your touch, I'm not sure if you thought it was a one time thing and I could be embarrassing myself right now but if you feel the same, if you didn’t want it to be a one time thing I wonder why I can see you next. I sit in my classes, arousal pooling in my panties because of you. Your making me feral Sirius, I need you inside of me soon, I cant please myself, I need you and your big cock to stretch out my tight pussy, its waiting for you Sirius.
Y/n :)
Sirius couldn't contain himself, he quickly grew hard in his trousers also trying not to show any signal as to what the letter had just read. Of course he wanted to see you again, he wanted his hands all over your body, his callous fingers rubbing against the red of your ass where he has just slapped.
Remus looked at him with confusion as Sirius was sitting there with sort of wide eyes wondering how he was suddenly wrapped up with an 18 year old. He was pinning over her, attached.
“Sirius, what did it say?” Remus leaned forwards in his chair, hand sewn together as well as his eyebrows.
Sirius snapped out of his stance on the command of Remus’ voice.
“It said that what we did was a mistake and that she is sorry,” Sirius lies straight through his teeth, pretending that the letter had bruised his ego.
The air was clear, and everyone could breath again.
Sirius was relieved that Remus had believed him and Remus was relieved because Sirius and yourself were no longer infatuated with each other, lifting a huge relief of his shoulder. 
But Remus didn't know the contents of Sirius next letter to you...
You were sitting at breakfast, tapping on the table. Your distractions had gotten better over the last couple days meaning that you'd been sleeping better meaning that your friends hadn't been on your back constantly.
“You alright Y/n?” Angelina sits next to you, swinging her legs dramatically over the bench, stretching her arm into the middle of the table to grab an apple.
“Yeah I'm okay thanks Ange,” She smiles at you. “How are you?” You ask, taking another bite of the toast that sat on your plate.
“Yeah yeah I'm all good, anyway I came here to tell you that Professor Lupin wants to see you before class,” Your eyes widen, had he read the letter between you and Sirius? You didn't think he would have, he wasn't the type to invade privacy.
Angelina noticed the colour drain from your face and a worried look creeps onto her face. “Whats wrong? What did you do? Are you in trouble?” She bombards you with questions to which you stand up and run out of the hall towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. You might as well pack your bags now, theres no way that he is going to let you off without punishment after he read the letter.
Your legs ran as fast as they could take you, dodging students and teachers, earning a phew ‘No running in corridors’.
You came to an immediate halt in front of the door you recognised so well and you knocked.
“Come in,” You heard from the other side of the door.
You take a deep breath, feel the cold untouched door handle underneath your shaking skin. You breath again, trying to steady your breaths and trying to hold back the tears that were ebbing on your waterline.
You push the door open to find your DADA Professor standing at the top of the stairs leading up to his office, you sniffle and bite your lip, hiding any emotion.
“Come into my office Y/n,” He turns around and strides into his office, leaving the door open behind him.
You begin to walk towards the stairs, having his emotionless words replay in your head, thinking out all the possibilities of how this interaction could go and how you could make it easier for yourself. You pace the floor feeling the cold air of the classroom consume you due to the lack of human warmth. You shiver and resume your journey now striding up the stairs.
Pushing the door open, you stride into his office the same way he did. You immediately saw a letter on the desk, you mentally cursed yourself, letting your Professor do all the talking.
“I see you got my message from Angelina?” He was slouched back in his chair, looking rather relaxed.
You nod, worried if you speak that your voice will break as you were on the verge of tears.
“Why so quiet? Is there something wrong?” His eyebrows furrowed as he asked. 
“No nothing, just not sleeping properly lately,” You lie, you figured you would just tell everyone the same thing so that if the subject came up everyones stories would match.
“Ah yes, Angelina told me,” You looked shocked. “Anyway,” He dismisses the subject. “I have something for you,” Remus turns your attention when he picks up the letter on the desk with his long, dainty fingers.
The letter was for you? You thought that was the letter you sent Sirius.
You take the letter that he was offering and examine it. There was no name on the front of it and it wasn't sealed at the back. You look up at your Professor and all he does is smile and nod, then your attention is back on the letter, you practically ripped it open, knowing that it was from Sirius.
Dear Y/n,
I assume you will have received this letter from Remus.
We cant send any more letters as I told Remus that your letter was about how you thought what we did was wrong and that it was a mistake so tell him that as well, thats what he knows. I am in instant need of you, I want to feel your body below me, writhing around underneath me. I need to taste you, all of you. I want to make your ass all red then kiss it all over. I want to make you cum over and over and over until you cant cum anymore, would you like that? I will find a way that we can reunite but you're going to have to wait pup, I'm sure you can do that for me.
Sirius *paw-print*
The colour drained from your face once again and your heart rate sped up drastically. Only Sirius words had this great of an effect on you. You had to hide any expression from Remus, you knew what he knew and you had to go along with it.
“Im sorry Y/n but I think it was for the best,” The Professor sat before you, shuffling papers ready for your first lesson with him.
“I agree Professor, thank you for delivering my letter,” You reply, trying to ignore the puddle in you underwear. You had to do something about it before class started, you could sit in his lesson feeling aroused the whole time!
“Your free to wait in here Y/n, class will start soon,” You decline your Professors offer and run to the toilet with the letter, needing to relieve some of this built up tension.
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hoboal87 · 4 years
In Secret
Title: In Secret
Pairing: Jensen x F!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Jensen have been in a secret relationship for five years, and she wants more.
Warnings: Angst, Affair, Open Relationship, Oral (F receiving), Implied Smut, Jensen Is A Bit Of An Ass
A/N: This is my entry for @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ “Make Me Swoon” writing challenge!  My prompt is “I’m tired of being your secret.” 
A/N 2: Y’all, I never expected such an overwhelming positive response to this one-shot! This will soon be a multi-part series, I’ve already started working on the next part, but I don’t know if I’ll get anything posted before Elastic Heart is complete. 
No Beta all mistakes are mine.
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The air is thick around you, the smell of sex filling every inch of your room. You could die just like this, here, with the man you love, holding you tight against him as you both come down from your highs. He rolls you both over, his hand gently rubbing over your stomach, inching down to your sore and swollen pussy. You groan when he dips a finger into wet heat.
“I love cumming in you,” he whispers, gently biting at your ear, and you can feel his smile. “Wish I could do it every day.” He starts pumping his finger, tightening the coil again, and you bite back another moan.
“Mmm,” you hum as he sinks another finger in, his thumb brushes over your clit. You reach behind you, palming his half-hard cock. “You could, y'know.”
The atmosphere between you changes in an instant, he huffs, and pulls away from you, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. You should’ve known this is how he would react, every time you breach the subject it always ends the same way. The guilt you both feel, the lying, all of it comes to the surface, rearing its ugly head.
“Just tell her,“ you beg as he leaves your bed. "That’s the whole point of your agreement, isn’t it?” He doesn’t respond, reaching down to grab his once hastily discarded jeans off the floor. “She gets to fuck whoever she wants and so do you.”
“This is different, Y/N. You know that,” he sighs and steps into his jeans.
“Why?” You sit up, using the sheet to keep yourself covered. “Tell me, Jensen. Why is this different? Why is okay for her to think that your out fucking some random girl instead of me?”
“Y/N,” Jensen turns around, his emerald eyes staring you down. “It’s more complicated than that. We-” he gestures between you, “we have a history. You don’t think she knows about our past?”
“Our past?” You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. “We were friends. There’s nothing in our past, we didn’t even start any of this until after you two were together. You had years- years Jay, to do something about that. You knew how I felt about you, but instead you jumped from girl to girl and I was the one who had to put you back together, she doesn’t get to take all the credit.”
This isn’t the first time you’ve had this fight with Jensen. Every time they go on hiatus you beg him to stay just a few days longer, knowing that it would be almost two months before he’d be back. You know deep down that it isn’t fair, he spends nine months out of the year in Vancouver, and when he’s here it’s almost like you’re a normal couple. Almost. You and Jensen couldn’t go out in public, not even as “friends,” all it would take was one ill-timed photo to throw both of your worlds into utter chaos.
Being the other woman came with its own set of rules. When it all started you were just happy to be able to be with him, even if that meant it began and ended at the threshold of your home. When you were together you were the only two people in the world, you didn’t discuss her or the fact that she was pregnant. You, in particular, were allowing yourself to live in ignorant bliss cherishing everything he had to give you. You never thought you were the type of person who’d be having an affair with anyone, let alone Jensen, but you can’t help yourself from falling into bed with him every time he comes over.
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You’d gone to high school together, and for four years you waited patiently for him to ask you out on a date. Instead, he dated one of your friends, biting your tongue when he told you about their relationship ending; you knew it wouldn’t last.
You went your separate ways after high-school, you’d stayed in Texas to go to college, and he’d gone off to Hollywood, you’d kept in touch through the years. Reconnecting when you’d moved to Vancouver for your job. It started out as harmless flirting, double entendres, and teasing.
The first time you slept together it wasn’t something either of you had planned. She was in L.A. working on her latest movie, and you were still on the rebound from your latest break-up. It was a night of too many drinks and loneliness drove your actions. You kept your distance from each other in the weeks that followed, sorting out your feelings, unsure if it was a one-time drunken mistake or the start of something real.
The second time you were both sober. He’d come over to discuss what happened; how he would never cheat on her, he was in love with her, he wanted to marry her. You tried to understand, Jensen was always a fantasy, someone who you could never have. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him over sex. You both agreed to put it behind you, never discuss it again, “pretend it never happened,” he insisted. It nearly killed you, but you nodded hesitantly.
He reached out to squeeze your knee, and you made your way towards the front door. You fidgeted with your hands as you entered the front walkway, not wanting him to leave. There was a hesitation as Jensen reached for the doorknob, and you pulled him in for a hug, melting your body into him. Before you knew what was happening, your lips were on his, wanting, needing more. He had you caged against the wall, hands pawing at you, lifting you up, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist and he ground himself against you. His mouth never left yours as he carried you to your bedroom, dropping you playfully on the bed.
Jensen rid himself of his shirt while you shed your own, desperate to have his skin against yours. The first time was messy, rushed, this time you wanted to take your time, appreciate every moment that you were having with him. He placed sweet wet kisses over your breasts, making his way down, tugging at your jeans to expose your soaked panties. You lifted your hips as he hooked his fingers around them, pulling them along with your jeans down, tossing them onto the floor.
Jensen placed gentle kisses on the inside of your thighs, you could feel him smiling against your skin as he moved towards your aching pussy. His eyes met yours, giving you a final chance to stop him. “Please, Jay,” you murmured. Each swipe of his tongue was pure ecstasy, you reached down for him, holding his face closer to you.
You try to clench your legs around him, but he keeps them apart, eyes flicking up at you as you fall apart. He continues his assault on your cunt, removing one hand, and teasing you with his finger. You groaned as it slid through your folds up to your clit, pressing down as his tongue fucked into you. Unable to make any intelligible sounds, you heard a low chuckle come from him as two fingers entered your weeping hole.
He pumped them fast, spurring you on as you felt the coil tightening. You felt yourself clenching around him and you breathing grew heavier, his fingers finding your sweet spot, brushing it again and again as his mouth focused on your bundle of nerves. You lost all control of yourself when he added a third finger, cumming hard on his face.
“Fuck,” you moaned as he pulled away. He climbed up your body, placing wet kisses over you until he was hovering above you. His cock was hard and ready, precum leaking from the tip, you gently wrapped your hand around him, and he let out a soft groan as you slowly began to pump him. He kissed you passionately and you could taste the release of your climax on his lips.
“I love you, Jay,” you whimper. It wasn’t something you were ever planning on admitting to him, or to yourself, but you couldn’t stop the words from leaving. “I’ve always loved you.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he whispered in your ear as you guided him towards your entrance. Jensen’s eyes bore deep into you, studying your face as you took in his words.
“Please, Jay,” you begged, “fuck me.”
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Jensen doesn’t move; you know he doesn’t have an answer.
“I’m tired of being your secret,” you huff. “It’s been five years.”
“Goddammit, Y/N!” He shouts, throwing his hands into his hair. “She’s my wife, the mother of my children. You want me to throw it all away?”
You try to stammer out a response, but he continues, pacing in front your bed.
“You act like this is easy for me, it isn’t. I told you after that second time, I’m never going to leave her. You said you could accept that. That’s the only reason we continued this. She’s paranoid enough about you as it is, and you want me to tell her that we’ve been sleeping together for the past five years, how do you think that will make her feel?”
“How will it make her feel?” you scoff. “What about how I feel? My feelings don’t matter?”
“That’s not what I said, Y/N.”
“I’ve kept my feelings to myself for years, Jay. I’ve tried to be understanding, I haven’t asked you for anything. I don’t push the subject, but I’m tired, Jay.”
He paces in front of you, muttering to himself.
“I want you, Jay, you’re all I’ve ever wanted,” you whisper, it’s something you both know, but you never planned to say it out loud. “I broke up with Steven for you.”
“He never deserved you, sweetheart,” he says, and a smile creeps upon your face. For a moment you think that he’ll admit that he wants more with you.
"You never like anyone I date, Jay,” you chuckle slightly, “I think it because you’re jealous.”
Jensen’s body stiffens, and you know immediately that he doesn’t like your joke. He grabs his shirt off the dresser and pulls it over his head before storming out of the room.
“Jensen, babe, I was just-” you follow him out, quickly pulling on a camisole and yoga pants, not bothering with underwear. “Jay, it was a joke.”
“We both know it wasn’t Y/N,“ he snaps back and your smile quickly fades. "You think I like watching you parade with some douche? You wanna slut around with some fuckin’ prick, I ain’t gonna stop you.”
“You don’t get to talk to me like that, Jay,” you hiss. “You don’t get to act like some jealous boyfriend. You’ve made it very clear just now, that I am not your girlfriend or whatever you wanna call this.”
“You’re right, babygirl, I’m not,” he huffs, “and I’m never going to be. I’m never going to be yours, Y/N. If I wanted that, I would’ve made my move a long time ago.” Jensen’s words are like stabs to your heart, and you try to conceal the tears forming in your eyes. “I chose her over you, I’ll always choose her over you.”
There’s a flash of regret playing on his face. There they were; the words that you knew were coming sooner or later. You’d hoped he’d never say them, that the two of you could go on the way you had been for years in denial. He remains stoic as you use every ounce of willpower to not break down in front of him.
"We’re never gonna be more than this, Y/N,” he says softly. “You have to know that.”
“Y'know Jay, if you wanted this to stay casual,” you wipe the tears away, “all you had to do was say so. You’re so concerned about her, but she’s in Austin ‘slutting around’ as you delicately put it, sleeping with who knows how many people-”
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N!” Jensen screamed, and your heart fell into your stomach. He’s never yelled at you like this before, you pushed him too far this time, letting your own jealousy take over. “Don’t talk about what goes on in my relationship with my wife. She is nothing like you, she doesn’t spread her legs every time someone gives her the time of day.”
“You fucking asshole!” You yell, picking up everything that you could get your hands on, and throwing it at him. “Get the fuck out!”
“Y/N,” he tries to reason with you, blocking himself from the barrage of items being thrown at him. “Baby, listen.”
“No!” You push him towards the front door and he stumbles backwards into the hallway.
“Y/N,” Jensen reaches out to soothe you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t- I didn’t mean it.”
“Don’t touch me,” you slap his hand away. “You’re never gonna touch me again,” you push him again, moving him closer to the door. “You can go back to your perfect wife, your perfect family. Congratulations, Jay. You don’t have to choose. We’re done.”
Part 2
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srose-foxfire · 3 years
Damirae Week 2021 - Day 6
“Towards Home” Day 6: Pets / Animals  
Raven was very much exhausted as she reached a clearing in the woods. She leaned against a pine tree to catch her breath and steady her over-beating heart. Part of her was just tired from running non-stop but the other part had been scared. Raven had stood there in Damian’s study, he had brought her there to show her the enchanted rose that somehow regained its magical glow. She had thought some good had just happen instead Damian’s character completely reverted back to when they first met. The moon had passed over most of the night sky, dawn would be nearing. They needed to find shelter, rest, and continue on with their journey-
Raven had noticed Sombra had perched on a nearby branch and was staying rather very silently as it looked to the right where the forest was denser. The young girl managed to keep her breathing steady and moved around the tree she was leaning against. From the shadows of the forest, there it emerges very carefully. The creature she once saw, the first time she had fled from the castle, the one that had softened her fall, months ago. Scared Raven hid behind the tree, she heard Sombra squawk angrily towards the unusual invader.
The strange creature then lowered its head and whimpered. Raven peeked from around the tree and gaze at the creature, as it lay down, keeping its large head between it thick paws. Sombra from the top of the trees continue to squawk and swoop down, trying to scare off and protect its mistress.
“Sombra stop.” Raven said sternly as she carefully walked around the tree. “You are not trying to hurt me…” She stops just a foot away from it. “That day we met, when I fell, you saved me didn’t you?”
Whatever this strange creature was, raised it head to her height, perking up it ears. It looked almost like an overlarge dog but transformed into a terrifying creature to be feared by anyone who dared gaze at it. The large dog’s head was long and square-like, with black pointed ears, it had very short fine black fur, and its eyes were dark. It was definitely bigger than Damian’s beastly form.
Very carefully, Raven reached out a hand and stroked behind its ear. She gasped when the large dog started licking her hand and wag it large tail. Raven couldn’t help but giggle, Sombra then landed next to them and looked up at the creature with curious eyes. It hopped near it, before long the large dog, sniffed him and licked him. Sombra squawk and flew up on top of the creature’s head.
“I don’t suppose you know someplace we could stay. We happen to be homeless at the moment.” The large dog, only grunted turn it back and lay down. Raven knitted her eyebrows together but cautiously got on the large creature. She wasn’t sure if she was seated properly, she never once ridden  a horse or any other rideable animal. It took her through the thick forest but avoided any loose branches so she wouldn’t get scraped. The black large dog walked on top of a hill and in the distance could make out the point of the towers of Wayne Castle. Turning her head, Raven looked back to the path as she noticed they were nearing a cave.
-- -- --  
Morning came and Raven woke up to the smell of wet moss and dew drops. In the distance she could hear some playful barking, curious she walked outside the small cave which she came to conclude was the large dog’s home. Exiting the cave Raven found Sombra flapping and jumping as he played with their unusual friend. She gave out a laugh as it looked like the two were old friends despite their forms and size. How could this creature be evil, she wonder? Dick had mentioned that a large black monster, probably this large dog, guarded the castle.  Yet she didn’t see no monster, Raven just saw an oversized playful dog that only wanted to protect and play.
The large dog-like creature barked happily and zoomed past Raven, going back inside its cave. Sombra flew onto Raven’s shoulder as they both waited for the creature to emerge from its home. It return outside, holding some sort of round band in it mouth, walking gracefully towards Raven, it handed her the round band.
“What do you have here?” Raven asked ash she took the band in her hands and inspected it. A dog collar. Raven lifted a brow and examined the black band. It was a knitted black collar, with many threads out of place, probably due to being worked out. She noticed a silver rusty-round tag, both sides engraved. It took Raven a while to decipher the text since some words had been scratched from years of being out in harsh weather, or scraped against rocks; Raven could only assume. She was able to decipher one side and her eyes widen when she read, what was the address to the tag:
If found, please return to
Prince Damian Al Ghul-Wayne,
~ Wayne Castle ~
Raven looked from the tag to the large dog, she flipped the tag around and read the name engraved: Titus. This creature was Damian’s dog, she had seen an old portrait of a small black Dane puppy sitting in a meadow of dandelions. Raven would sometimes find Damian looking at that portrait in the parlor.
Raven’s chest suddenly starting aching remembering what Damian had told her last night. “When the witch cast the curse and she transformed me, she said she would take everything I held dear would be gone.” 
The witch, she took everything that Damian ever cherished. Then a sudden thought crossed her mind, Damian mentioned that the rose had become a symbol of good fortune, but even it’s light faded. Though last night it regained the light he had mentioned, after Raven touched it. Some good has come from the curse, them meeting was proof of that. Could Damian believed she would had been fated some terrible fate if she continued to stay with him? Could that be the reason why he ordered and scared her off from his castle? Raven only prayed that it was true, that he had acted the way he did to only protect her. No one had ever done that for her.
Raven had never felt like she belonged anywhere, she never had friends, or ever shared a holiday meal with anyone but herself. She always looked out for herself back in Trigon’s lands. Raven had always been alone till she befriended a lone raven during her travels, then she came upon Wayne castle. Where she met the most unusual cursed family who immediately welcomed her into their home, except their youngest member. Though over time even he opened up and they became friends.
Raven felt her chest ache as she thought of the Wayne’s, imagined what they were doing this late morning. She gasped when she realized she had started crying as Sombra and Titus watched her. It occurred to her Raven never once thought of leaving or asking Damian to leave the castle. Not after she learned so much from everyone, not after spending some ‘girl time’ with Kori, Cass, and Stephanie. Raven wanted to do more holiday meals and celebrations. She had so much fun when they all danced and laughed together. How could she think of leaving when each day, Raven wanted to read to Damian another book she discovered in the castle’s library.
Raven slumped down to her knees and continue to cry. Titus and Sombra came next to her, her pet raven perched on her knees while Titus whimpered and nudge Raven’s shoulder with his nose. Raven petted them both as her tears started to dry up, “let’s go home.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Damian hadn’t slept resulting him being very much tired. His siblings had tried to get him to eat but he was rather dead inside. He paid no one any attention. The places in his castle where he once found solace were no longer bearable, he couldn’t stand it. Everywhere he looked, he was reminded of her.
Damian needed to find a way to move on and forget all about the girl that came to his castle months ago. He should had made her leave that day she first walked into his home, then he wouldn’t be feeling like this. Damian felt his heart turned over inside of him, he left weak and vulnerable. At any moment he could break out into tears again. He had fallen madly in love with Raven, and now she was gone.
Damian laid in a corner of the parlor, the same parlor where they had all celebrated the end of the year’s celebration together. Where Raven had made Damian dance with her to the off-beat music his siblings were playing. How could he just erase those precious memories? How could he just forget the moments they had spent together where he wanted them to last a lifetime? When Raven would read to him, when they cooked together, when they take a stroll through the castle together and answer any question she had. He was a fool.
Damian sighed heavily, his face was between in the corner, but Damian knew too well that his nosy siblings were in the room with him, they were just – which was strange – keeping extremely quiet. Everyone was scattered in the room, Jason and Cass were playing a game of chess, Dick lay across an old sofa with his head propped on top of Kori’s lap. Stephanie was dusting an old tapestry that depicted the castle’s first annual masquerade ball. Tim was floating near the window, looking outside and the day dreaded on.
“Guys… you won’t believe who is riding towards the castle on a… what the heck is that?” Tim added rather out loud as he was able to gain everyone’s attention. At his statement everyone floated towards the window looking out to what caught Tim’s attention, they all gasped.
“It’s Raven?!” Kori added very delighted.
The mentioned of her name brought Damian out of his trance. He wanted to believe he was in some dream, where Raven turned back and returned to his arms asking for permission to stay. Could it really be her? Damian slowly walked towards another window and gaze outside, there up the main walkway of the castle’s entrance was Raven, she came in fast on top of the creature Damian had only once ever catch a glimpse of. It was the monster that guarded their castle to ensure no one came in or out. Beside them, Sombra was flying matching the creature’s speed.
Without even realizing what he was doing, Damian dashed out of the parlor and ran through corridors until he reaches the main doorways to exit. His mind was running all over the place, some were if he had gone to sleep and this was all just a dream his unconscious mind had created for him. Other thoughts were that Raven only returned to stock on supplies for her long quest to finding her mother’s homeland. Just one thought, one Damian was holding tightly to his aching heart was that she came back for him.To be with him.
Damian pried open the doors, he use his whole body to open them and stopped just above the doorsteps as Raven and the creature she was riding stopped right at the foot of his castle. Damian went down the steps slowly, with his brows narrowed, “you came back? I told you to leave and yet, you came back.” Damian didn’t mean to almost whisper his statement, but he couldn’t believe he would find Raven, standing right before him after last night’s incident.
“I had to… I know the curse took so much away from you and I wanted to return to you an old friend of yours.” Raven added softly before dismounting her strange steed. “Damian, meet Titus.”
“Titus?” The creature both bark and whimpered as it took three steps and give Damian a lick across his face. “Titus! It is you! I missed you so much friend.” The cursed prince wrapped his massive fur arms around the Titus’s neck. Damian had thought that his dog had died many years ago, he wasn’t able to find him when they all fell under the curse. To think his beloved dog, his great Dane had just been outside the castle walls all these years. Damian was both filled with happiness and sadness, realizing that Titus had been alone for such a long time. After petting Titus, Damian turned his attention to the raven-hair maiden that seemed to bring in light to his world. “You found him for me… thank you.”
“He actually found me.” Raven added timidly, she then folded her arms behind her back, almost as if she was embarrassed to speak to him. “Damian, I came back because I want to-”
Raven didn’t finish her sentence, out of thin hair a creature with blueish skin and arms covered in feathers swooped down and grabbed Raven. It screeched harshly and it ascended to the skies with the girl Damian loved. He was able to recognize the winged creature to be a harpy from the many books on mythical and enchanted creatures.
“Damian!” Raven screamed as she tried to land a hit on her captor.
“Raven! Release her!” Damian called out. Raven’s pet raven, Sombra flew up towards the harpy. He tried to peck the harpy, but the harpy managed to evade Sombra attacks and then slashed him with her claws. Injured, Sombra was falling down, Damian ran on all fours and then jumped to catch the bird in his paws. Titus ran and stood next to its former master, barking at the harpy. Damian grunted and ran towards back to the castle; there his siblings were waiting at the door. Their eyes were filled with anger and desperation wanting to help, but the curse did not allow them; their souls were forever bound to the castle. Damian handed Dick the injured raven.
“Damian what are you going to do?” His older brother questioned.
“I am going to go and save the woman I love.” Damian said through clenched teeth. Titus barked and turned his body, so his back faced Damian and his head was pointed at the harpy who was looking to be farther away into the skies, heading to some mountains in the distance. Damian leapt and mounted Titus, commanding his old friend to chase after the harpy. As Titus ran, Damian looked up, he could barely make out Raven anymore, she was disappearing between thick dark gray clouds.
Raven wait for me, I am coming for you.
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lokilickedme · 4 years
Hulu and Do You
A Hammer Of The Gods Jake & Tate Shortfic, Part One
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Part One - The Worst Kind of Man Rated M for language and adult themes - no sex yet (and I stress yet) 1703 words Takes place a year after the events of Hammer of The Gods
I’m posting this here for now because I’m not in the mood to accidentally start another longfic and AO3 tends to do that to me.  This will be two parts with the second coming later.  Written under the duress of a headache and not edited or proofread, so...whatever’s down there is what ya get.
I’ll reblog later tonight with my tag list attached.  Slide under the cut and lets go :)
“Geezus fuck kid, take that to your mom.”
Tate flinched, that same old kneejerk reaction to a raised male voice that she’d always had, a holdover from another time, another place, and most definitely another man.  But the man in the next room hadn’t really raised his voice, had he?  No, it was just that she was so damn used to it happening that the reflex had become too deeply ingrained to not be automatic.  It made her feel ashamed of herself for not being over it, just a tiny bit.
Jake didn’t raise his voice.  Not at her, not at her kids, not ever.  She’d never really actually heard him raise it, not in anger, not even when he was threatening a creatively bloody demise toward her long gone ex the day he’d popped his jaw damn well near clean off his face.
Jake wasn’t a yeller.
But he was definitely a curser, and her son had committed the unforgivable by blasting into the room he was working in to offer up an empty GoGurt tube in trade for a new one.
It wasn’t unforgivable in this house though, and it wasn’t unforgivable with this man.
Only The Ex.  Once upon a time.
Jake didn’t mind the kids coming into his study room; he wasn’t insanely nuts about them being around him, but he had no particular dislike of it either, other than when one or the other of them handed him something sticky.
Like the youngest just had.
She couldn’t blame him, to be honest.  GoGurt tubes in the hands of a four year old weren’t something she enjoyed dealing with herself, and Jake - well, Jake wasn’t the daddy type.  But he was a good man, albeit a filthy-mouthed one, and the words hadn’t even been the slightest bit irritated sounding.  Just more of an Ew, hell no.
So why the flinch?
She’d been trying to sort that in her head for the past year, and the only conclusion she’d reached was the uncertain possibility that she was simply afraid that one day Jake would become like The Ex.  Angry, irritated, controlling, condescending.  Disapproving.  Abusive.  She had nothing to base it on other than the fact that it had happened once and her luck, though vastly improved since the night she’d grabbed the kids and walked out with nothing but Jake’s tuition money in her pocket, couldn’t possibly hold.
Or could it?
Perhaps Pete had been right when he’d summed his friend up in a single sentence - He might look like he’d snap your neck for a half smoked cig but he’d just as soon pay you a nickel for it.  It hadn’t made sense at the time, but a year of dating the man had put a bit of clarity on it for her.  Jake was quick to anger in attitude only.  For the most part he was levelheaded, quiet, capable.  He had a low tolerance for idiocy and a deep appreciation for common sense, and what he put into the world by way of surliness he made up for in an intense intelligence and observant nature that dictated he simply deal with problems himself instead of waiting for anyone else to solve them.  And now, after all this time, she knew something not many other people knew.
The angry attitude wasn’t real.
Jake Harper was a fraud.
He didn’t hate the world...he was just uncomfortable in it.  Whether it was shyness or impatience or what his sisters referred to as “a near fatal case of attention deficit coupled with just too damn smart for this world”, she’d probably never figure out.
Not that it mattered.  She’d long since sorted how to work around it and keep that furrow-browed scowl from being used on her.
Jake was easily distractable...and he didn’t like to watch TV.
At all.
And that was where Tate’s secret weapon came into play.
He’d been studying a lot lately.  Way too much, but he had finals coming up.  She shouldn’t even be here, not really, not while he was working on such a time crunch with such a massive class load, but they hadn’t seen each other in a week aside from a quick lunch on Tuesday and a late night Facetime sexup the following evening.  It hadn’t been difficult talking him into letting her come over.
Or talking Pete into picking up the kids and taking them to the park so she and Jake could be alone for a couple of hours.  But he was running late and the kids were making a lot of noise, and now there was a drippy GoGurt tube incoming.
“Pete, come on.”
“Your wish is my command, Tatertot.”
Her face went a bit warm, hearing that crude word pop out of her own mouth.  She’d been around Jake too much, he was rubbing off on her.
Rubbing off on her.
The alternate connotations of that phrase added more heat to her cheeks but thankfully Pete didn’t notice.  He was too busy grabbing her son up and tossing him haphazardly into the air, a horrifying habit she’d gotten used to.
“Sorry, runnin’ late.  Little girl, come on lets go!”  One huge paw came up to gingerly remove her son’s tiny fist from where it was twisted in his long unruly hair.  “Ew.  Is that GoGurt?  Better be blueberry, the cotton candy looks shit on me.”
Good old Pete.  If Jake hadn’t been the one to break the lock on her bedroom window - euphemism or no - things might have been a little different at this juncture of her life.  But Pete was a better friend than Jake would have been if the roles were shifted, and she was grateful for the big brash Viking’s helpful companionship.
Especially now.
“Take some frozen peas for the ducks.”
And then they were gone, and she was left standing in the doorway to Jake’s study room, looking at his broad back and swooning just a little bit over the contrast between his long dark hair and the light blue of his tee shirt as he hunched forward over his desk, deep in concentration that she knew didn’t come easy for him.
“You want to take a break?  Kids are gone, we could watch some TV.”
She knew he didn’t like TV, he didn’t have either the ability or the desire to put that much focus into something recreational after devoting so much effort into keeping his head on his studies.  He turned his head just slightly to the side, not looking at her, but acknowledging her presence.  “That show you like, they put the final season up.”
“Yeah?  Which one?”
He leaned back in his chair, stretching his back.  “That whack one about the preacher and the vampire.”
“You’re kidding?!  Want to start it?  I can call us in a pizza.”
He turned his chair to the left, coming around slowly to face her.  There was something dark and slightly wicked in the twist of his lips that shot a shiver through her.  “Do that.  I’m gonna finish this chapter and then I’m gonna Hulu and do you.”
“Ooh...and here I thought the whole Netflix and chill trend was going to just pass us by.  I mean...”  She took a step back, exiting the doorway, letting her hand stray purposefully toward the top button of her shirt.  “You’re always so busy with school and you have that personal vendetta against Netflix and all - “
“They sold Doctor Who to Amazon.  Fuck ‘em.”
“Well yeah, can’t disagree with you there.”
His eyes passed over her briefly, lingering for just a moment on her hand where her fingers toyed with the button.  It was enough.  Jake didn’t ogle, though there were times she wished he would as some sort of a courtesy warning shot before he made his intentions known.  There wasn’t a lot of preamble with him.  Straightforward and to the point, always.
Good old Viletongue.
She had no complaints.  Because she always knew where she stood with Jake.
But today...today she wasn’t planning on standing.
He was bored already, she could tell.  He was a scientist at heart, which she found humorous - Captain Curseword, the filthiest-mouthed man she’d ever met, the guy who could take a toddler’s boardbook with eleven words in it and turn it into a foul diatribe so intensely crass it made you step away from him for fear of the wrath of God accidentally hitting you while aiming at him - this man was possessed of an analytical mind so sharp and detail oriented that anything shy of a scientific documentary lost his attention within minutes.  His chosen profession suited his intellect, the chemistry aspect of pharmacology more than enough to give his mind something to work on all the time, but it ran so counter crossways to the physical side of him that sometimes she found herself wondering if he’d been accidentally housed inside the wrong body at birth.
In fact, sometimes it seemed like he wasn’t quite human at all.
She’d thought him an angel once.
And then she’d slept with him and realized he was, in fact, a god.
A god that was about to fall asleep less than ten minutes into Preacher episode one season four.  She looked over at him, next to her on the couch with his head back on the cushions, those stormy sky blue eyes half closed while his fingers tapped out an odd little rhythm on the thigh of her jeans.  Likely typing a chemical equation of some kind, his brain’s stubborn refusal to shut down long enough to rest seeping out through the steady drum of his fingertips.
He was a confusing thing sometimes.  He was both the best kind of man and the worst kind of man...and what she needed right now was the worst kind.
Taking that busily distracted hand from her thigh, she moved it up to her chest and laid it palm-down over her breast.  Jake didn’t respond, but his fingers clenched slightly; she looked over to find he’d closed his eyes entirely, but the tiniest twitch of a grin was gently turning up the corners of that filthy, filthy mouth.
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Sweet, Spice and Hot Water Is Always Nice
Summary- 7.6k Mike (renamed from Me-Playing It Cool) x You. Mike is struggling to get a story line down for his script, and you were sent home from work. You just LOVE when Aunt Flo comes to visit (insert sarcasm), and Mike has a suggestion to make you feel better. Warnings- Period Sex (it isnt overly graphic though) Male receiving Oral, Fingering, One mention of blood. Thigh Riding cause its a mood. That is about it. A mild argument. Oh swear or two, cause ya know me. And I know, another holiday fic with him, but Holidays are my favorite, and I just love these two. 
A/N- Fall themed Moodboard added to this was made by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​. Thank you so much, I loved it, and I hope you like the fluffiness it caused. 
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“Okay Brian, you want this rom com to deliver.” Mike cracked his knuckles and let his fingers lower over the keys, starting to type out the main character's opening scene, picturing the actress Brian described as standing just behind him, sitting at your kitchen table your grandmother gave you, picking at plates of food. 
Ally, I could have told you it wasn't going to work out with
Rick two months ago. - Daisy sighs. 
Why? - Ally gives a clueless look at her sister across the table. 
You love meat, you hate cyclists. - Daisy says flippant. 
His hand came up to rub at his face, trying to think ahead as the two blondes faded away from the table, and he was sitting there pondering at the theme of the script he was supposed to be writing. Single woman worried about the amount of men she has been with, and was set on finding the ONE. The man who made all her dreams come true. Of course the man was supposed to be a playboy across the hall. 
“Fucking fantastic.” Mike groaned, finding the whole theme of the story kind of stupid. “What woman would worry about that?” 
Setting back to trying to type, he heard the door unlock, your footsteps snapping against the tile of the hallway floor leading into the kitchen. Pushing back his chair, he twisted it to face the kitchen with a confused look on his face. You tossed your purse and keys on the counter, and bracing a hand against the counter, you leaned down to yank off your heels to fall to the flat of your feet with a sigh. Using the side of your foot, you pushed them aside so no one would trip over them. “I know- I know… I'm home early Mike. I promise to be quiet.” 
Mike just shook his head to disregard what you had said. “I don't care that you’re home so early, I'm just trying to figure out why you're home early?” 
You stand there for a moment staring at him, then you give a sniffle that was so out of character, it worried him. Holding out his hands to you, he made a come motion. “Come on baby, now you're starting to scare me a bit.” Which entices you to make your way to him, and stand between his legs while his hands slide up and down the back of your thighs. “You left for work just a couple hours ago?” 
Your hands come to smooth over his head, sighing at how good the softness of his slightly grown out buzz cut felt, and you could see the worry lines depending between his eyebrows, always deeper on the left side, his eyes having lost their usual mirth and teasing when they looked at you. “I haven't felt good all morning, and the boss sent me home. The boss caught me puking in my trashcan and wouldnt take no for an answer.”
Mike let his fingers sink in lightly while pulling you into his lap, your hands sliding to lock around his neck. “Well why were you puking? This morning you seemed fine.” His brows furrowed as a worried thought niggled his mind, and blossomed into a full panicked look as it really settled in. “Wait, your not-?” his eyes widened in his panic, and you scoffed at him. 
“No so you don't have to worry Mike. Although it's great to see you panic if we should have been.” You snapped a bit although you knew you would have matched that panic as well, and he softened a bit, smoothing his hands along your lower back. 
“Sorry baby, you said puking and my mind went away with it.” Apologizing, he tilted his head a bit. “So, You going to put me out of my misery and tell me? Or do I have to keep making dumb ass assumptions?” 
You were still a bit irritated with his earlier remark, but were you really mad at Mike? Or were you just feeling like shit and everything was irritating you? You glanced back at his genuinely worried face, you softened to him for how worried he was. “I started to get cramps today, and they just ache badly today.” you sniffled a bit again, and Mike pulled you in closer for a hug, and you settled in against his chest. “And I feel terrible for coming into your space when you're working.” You said softly, and Mike shrugged, the movement making you pull back. 
“I could care less, you're not feeling good and this is home first, office second. Besides, I just started it. Not like I have any story yet to get down. Just an idea.” He turned his chair with you in his lap, and moved his finger over the keyboard to wake the laptop back up. You gave a slight chuckle seeing he literally had two whole lines.
“What have you been doing all morning?” You snicker a bit and he picks up Brians notes laying right next to them. 
“I have been trying to think of how to get this shit into something decent. Listen to this- Ally is a woman who has many ex-boyfriends who turned out to be losers. Now she believes that she can't find a good guy. But when she runs into one of her exes who is now a 'Prince Charming', she decides to look up all of her exes to see if any of them have changed for the better. When she has trouble locating them, she asks her neighbor Colin, who sleeps with a different woman every night and sneaks out the morning after to avoid talking to them, to help her.” He tossed it back down to the table. “Like anyone cares how many people someone slept with.”
You wrinkled your nose, and you knew you shouldn't say anything. Because you honestly had to agree with him, but that dark little voice in the back of your mind that seemed to always be there when you weren't feeling good poked at you. “Well some people, it does matter Mike.” You push to stand, and go around the counter to search out your midol from your purse. Grabbing the bag, you started to paw through the contents while Mike twisted his office chair to look at you. You could see this slight furrow in his brow as he went over what you had said. 
“Did it matter to you, when we talked about it ourselves Y/N? Cause you were pretty chill.” he asked, and you could see from the corner of your eye as you snatched your bottle that he was leaning forward in his chair, the curious look on his face was seriously wondering if you did or not. In that moment you just wanted to snap at him, he should know that you didn't nor ever would care who was a part of his past. Since it was just the past. 
“If I had cared, Mike, would I have asked you for your number on that first date? Of course I didn't give two shits about who you dated or fooled around with.” You retorted, shaking out a couple pills and popping them dry before screwing the cap back on and ditching the bottle back in your bag. Going to the fridge, you sought out water, which all were left were bottles half gone. Groaning, you dropped your head. “You haven't been to the store yet Mike?” you snapped as you shut the door, taking one of the bottles anyways. You weren't drinking tap water, that was for damn sure. 
“I was going to go this afternoon before you get home.” He brushed off your irritation in favor of your earlier comment, more keen to go back to the conversation you two were having before. “Did someone like say something about me before you even met up with me? Because we certainly didn't talk about our dating history for a while.” 
You leaned against the counter for a moment, rubbing at your face for a moment. “Why do you put everything off to the last minute Mike? You always do this, and then I’m left either having to nag you, beg you, and just end up doing it myself.” You grumbled, and ignored his question. “Can you go now please? So the water will be chilled by tonight.” you left him at his computer, going to crash on the couch and grab the remote. But Mike wasn't far behind, following you to the couch. 
“I will later, but I’m curious if someone said something to you? Like a warning?” He flopped down on the other end, his arm slinging along the back and looking at you intently. 
You flicked through stations and rolled your eyes. ‘Fuck Mike, it was so long ago, drop it. It doesn't matter who told me what before we even met. We're together, aren't we? I make my own decisions about someone.” 
“But someone did say something.” He pushed you once more, and you clench your hand around the remote hearing him keep on going. 
“Fucking hell Mike, you really wanna know. It's not exactly like you were dating anyone during that time. Mallory told me all about how you two would fool around and that maybe I needed un-fucking-winding. So she set us up. But you already knew that.” You toss the remote at him, and push off the couch. “Then I really liked you, so we made it work. But right this second, if you follow me to the bedroom, I will kick your ass out to the couch for the rest of the week.” you snapped, and left him there to brood, going into the bedroom with a sharp slam of the door. 
Mike winced when he heard the door slam, feeling bad now that he pushed for something that really didn't matter. That first hook up was two years ago, and you two had been together ever since. It just nagged at him in a way that he was shocked at, thinking that someone might have said “hey he's a player, be careful.” Maybe you were right, a small part of him might have cared? Not so much that he or you slept with a few people, but that anyone would actually care. 
Mike waited a few moments for things to cool down, he knew he shouldnt have pushed on such a stupid matter, cause it honestly didnt matter to him what anyone might have said. It was a stupid fight, and Mike wanted to make it up to you, apologize for upsetting you when you were already feeling so awful. Listening, he could hear you in the bedroom, opening drawers and snapping them shut then it went quiet. Pushing up from the couch, he approached the bedroom, and knocked on the door to ease it open. You were laying on the bed, a heating pad plugged in where your phone usually was. You had it resting on your stomach, and had your other arm slung over your face to block out the light. 
“I mean it Mike, you come in here looking to argue, I will scratch those blue eyes of yours out and leave you a blind man.” You threatened him, which he tried not to chuckle at, but a tiny one burst out while he went to stretch on the bed next to you, sliding his hands under your shirt to rub your back. 
“Im sorry Y/N, I was being kind of an ass.” He said, and you snorted a bit in agreement. Mike could feel the knots in your back loosen a little as you relaxed into his hand, and he pulled in closer to you. “Is it really bad this time?” he looked at the time, it had only been twenty minutes since you had taken your painkillers, still hadn't had a proper chance to kick in for you yet. 
You stretched a bit and pressed yourself back hard enough for him to know you wanted more pressure in his touch, which he did, digging in his fingers. You sighed a bit into your pillow. “It's messing me up this time Mike, not going to lie.” You twisted your head to glance over your shoulder, and your look softened a bit when you saw how concerned he did look. So you twisted to lay on your back and look up at him. “I'm sorry to Mike, I came in looking for a fight because of how I was feeling. Your script will be good, and people who do care probably have boring sex lives.” You joked a bit while lifting a hand to let the back of your fingers brush against the rasp of his beard. It made you tingle to feel it, and his hand slipped along your waist and over your belly where the heating pad didn't cover.  
“You know there are other ways to help you.” Mike started, looming over you slightly and you wrinkled your nose, knowing what he was talking about. It always made you feel a little guilty though, like it was something he had to do, not that he wanted to do. All in your head, you knew, but the thought still had manifested there after that time he ended up being late on a deadline cause of a weekend of him taking care of you. 
You shrugged a bit and shook your head. “You don't have to do anything, you should probably get back to your script. Brian’s going to want to see it in a few days.” You brushed it off, but Mike wasn't about to be deterred, because he knew how much better you felt afterwards, and he enjoyed making you feel good immensely. 
“I know I don't have to “do anything”, but how about I want to?” He pushed up off the bed, and reached down to grasp your hands and ease you up into a sitting position, making you groan and pull off the heating pad, being sure to click it off. Mike gave you what he hoped would be a promising grin to get you in the mood. “Fuck that script, I rather have some dirty sex… in the bed?” He questioned, and you gripped his hands tighter, pulling yourself up. 
“You're not going to leave me in peace to wither and die are you?” You scoffed as you side stepped him to grab a couple towels, and draped them over your arm. “Shower, mess be minimal, and the hot water will help my back.” Mike came up behind and ran his hands along your sides, while kissing on your neck, making you sigh a bit in appreciation. That rasp of beard followed by soft velvet lips always did something, even now your toes were curling up the more he did it. 
Getting in the bathroom, he reached and grabbed the towels from you, tossing them on the bathroom counter. “Absolutely not going to let you wither and die, you know how much work it would be to find another awesome girlfriend like you?” He cupped your face, dragging you into a kiss while you grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off when he pulled away, he mimicked you and pulled your top off over your head and discarding them wherever they happened to land. 
“Ooh I like being awesome. How awesome am I Mike?” You wiggled your brows at him, and reached behind you to unclasp your bra, which Mike eagerly drew off you when you got it unclasped and cupped your breasts, massage them lightly, thinking about what to say. Thumbs circled around your sensitive nipples and you took a slight inhale that Mike happened to hear, causing him to do it a little harder the next time around. “You're always so sensitive right now, I absolutely love it.” Mike admitted while massaging his palms into the globes, you ended up arching into his touch and dropped your hands to his pants to start working open his belt. 
“You didn't answer me, pain in the ass.” You tugged the belt open and popped open the button, sure to watch him as you pressed your hands under the boxer band and wrapped fingers around his cock. You felt him twitch in your hand, a hitch in his breath as his normally bright blue eyes darkened. “Am I distracting you a little too much?” 
He took a deep breath as you sunk to the floor, Mike's hand falling to the bathroom counter, his knuckles turning white while he gripped the counter at the anticipation. “Here I thought I was supposed to make you feel better?” Seeing you kneeling, giving him that sultry fuck look from under your lashes while darts of your tongue teased your lips. A tug on his jeans dragged them down further so you could pull his cock out, giving measured firm strokes and breaking eye contact to look at his erection instead, sliding a thumb around his head and dragging your thumb back to your lips to suck your fingertip.
“You are making me feel better. Well actually, hand me a towel?” you arched up to bring your face closer to him, your free hand held out while Mike handed you a towel in which you put under your knees to get comfy. “See you helped me.” Giving a teasing wink, you twist your head to give him a trailing lick of your tongue along the underside of his cock and spit to lube him in your hands. A kiss of your lips to the tip made him shudder com watching the sinfully sweet act, and then you spread your lips to lower your mouth on him and suck with a moan. Already he was cursing above you under his breath as he did his best to not look away. 
“Fuck baby” Mike grunted, and you widened your mouth to draw him in further, fluttering your tongue around him while rubbing your hands against the front of his thighs till you circled fingers around the base, pumping him where your mouth couldnt take him yet. You relished the taste and heaviness on your tongue, lips drawing him in further to leave a wet trail on his cock when you bobbed your head faster. Heavy breaths flared your nostrils while you hummed your satisfaction till he hit the back of your throat. His hips rocked to meet your bobbing head until you gagged around his girth. “Just a bit more baby.” Mike grunted as his hands went to cup your face, fingers digging in your cheeks. Mike's head tipped back, and your gaze rolled upwards to see his adam's apple bobbing up and down, the muscles in his torso tighten, and where your hands grasped his thighs to hold on while he face-fucked you, kept flexing. “Fuck… FUCK…” He pulled you off him, his hips stuttering to a stop and his cock weeped with desire to shoot his load. The thick white dribble looked too tempting to you. Your tongue tip curled out and you darted back in close to give a kitten lick to the tip, cleaning the drool and precum off and maybe just to tease him slightly, knowing how close he was. 
“God your a fucking little brat.” He hissed at your antics, stepping away and leaning down to grasp your upper arms, and bring you back up while kicking off his pants and boxers fast as he could, making you giggle at how strained he sounded. 
“Get out of those clothes.” He instructed as he reached in the shower to start the water and stumbled in. You were tugging your pants off, and getting ready as you heard him swear in the shower. “Fucking water.” You open the curtain to see him drenched already, trying to wiggle the knobs to the proper temperature. 
“Well why did you already get in Mike?” you ask, putting your hand in the water to make sure it wasn't too cold, when he reached out to wrap an arm around your waist and drag you in with him making you squeal as the water was still adjusting to temperature. Mike backed you up against the showers wall, his hands rubbing your hips while kissing your lips with a hunger that made your head spin, and your hands grasped the back of his neck and head to hold on. 
Pulling away from your mouth, and working his lips against your neck, you tilted your head back into the stream to feel the warmth wash over your sore body twitch a groan. The hot water had already started to fog up the small space. “I was hoping the cold water would cool me off, I want…” Lap of his tongue moved over your jawline. “... to be…” his hand swept down your stomach and cupped your mound between your clenched thighs to stroke your folds. “... inside you when I cum.”
You pulled away a bit to look at him, biting at your lip which caused his eyes to drop down too, wanting to pull at it because of the way you teased yourself . But your words brought him back to you. “It really doesn't bother you Mike? That I'm on my period?” That bit of self doubt starting to come back to the front of your mind, bringing along guilt that maybe he didn’t enjoy this like you did.
He gave a roll of his eyes and nipped at your lips, sliding his tongue over that bottom lip before pulling it from your teasing teeth, laying his own mark on you to cover your bite from before. “We’ve done this many times Baby. Only boys would care about such a thing, good thing I’m not a boy.” He surged to claim all your senses, his fingers spreading your folds to start touching you in a way that would drive you crazy. 
You kareened when you felt his fingers start to tease you, his hand planting on the wall as his upper body leaned in closer, eyes staring into yours while rubbing from your clit to your entrance, watching as your breathing picked up and your eyes turned into a needing glaze. “Ahh, just like that, huh baby. Fuck I love how sensitive you get during this time.” He wasn't wrong, everything felt amplified, his fingers felt thicker as he started to pump one into you, your core was hotter, your arousal seeping down your thigh to mix with the hot water. 
It wasn't long till your thighs were spreading further for him, and you rocked slightly to meet his fingers plunging back into you, his strokes making you clench tightly around him, as well as grasp his biceps to keep yourself from losing your balance. Mike loved watching your jaw drop as you were fluttering around his thick fingers, sobbing out when Mike twisted his palm slightly to grind the heel of his hand against your clit. “Mike! Oh too much.” you tried pushing him away while moving your hips faster, but he was too solid and was driven to have you come all on his palm. Mike nudged his nose against your jaw to tip your head back, licking the running water  streaming down your neck with a low timbre voice making his demands. “Come on baby, this is just the first one.” 
Just the first one. Fuck
You dug in your fingers while you rode out your orgasm that crashed over you, Mike slowing his pumps down so you could come down from your high, tilting his head to give you an open mouthed kiss. And he started again to bring you up, his fingers sliding in your sensitive pussy, his thumb sweeping around your clit slowly. “Mike,” you whined softly against his mouth, your forehead pressed against his. His fingers knew just where to touch you. He was able to go much deeper than your own fingers could ever reach. Mike thrummed you again, nudging his nose against yours to have you focus on him. “You're going to come for me once more Pretty Girl, I love how you flood my hand, riding my fingers with that greedy pussy of yours.” His tongue licked over your lips, and greedily you sucked on his tongue rocking harder to meet his fingers faster. Your second orgasm is coming fast, as sensitive as you were. “Ahhh good girl, I'm going to add another cause you're taking me so well.” Mike bit at your lip teasing as your eyes widened, a third finger stretched you, and he smirked, still holding your gaze. “Squeezing so tight baby, you should make yourself cum now Babe.” 
You started falling apart once more and Mike let his chest press against yours and your arms locked around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder as he feathered kisses up and down your neck. “Did I tell you yet I love you?” His erection pressed against your stomach, still hard and demanding as when your mouth had been wrapped around it and you rubbed yourself against it, purring in his ear. “Show me Mike.” Your toes curled as remains of your orgasm raced up your spine, any pain you had been in before was replaced with fluttering clenching muscles, and languid pleasure seeping in your system. 
Mike's hands fell to the back of your thighs, and he slipped your legs up to swing around his waist, and position yourself to take him. “I'm glad you finally accepted this suggestion.” Mike let go of your thighs once you were holding onto him, and he pressed his cock through your folds, feeling your wet heat welcoming to accept him. You nodded in a rush, blinking out the water pelting over you. 
“Yes, Fuck Mike you feel so good, its driving me insane.” You tried pressing yourself on him, and when he pressed in against your sensitive channel, clenching around him as he worked himself into your pussy. “Yes, oh yes.” stiffening against him when he thrusted to bury himself in, rutting against you to make you cry out as he started slow, letting you appreciate the hard drag through you. It wasn’t long though when Mike started to pound himself into you, and your bouncing breasts moved in his face. He freed a hand to massage them, almost on the verge of a blissed pain how his teeth sucked in the curve, and the lash of his tongue dragging over your pebbled flesh till he could pull on it. Stretch the nerves to quiver and mess with your rational thought, till all you could focus on his mouth, hot and wetter then even the steam of water pouring from above, the feeling of Mike's cock driving in harder and harder, sure that you felt him almost kiss your womb, fighting the urge to cum already. Your hands scrambled for purchase against his back, which clenched under your nails digging in, flexing and tightening with each pounding thrust trying to lay claim to your orgasm. 
“I can feel you, you want to, your body is trying to.” He moaned into your breasts his face was buried against, his scruff rough between your cleavage. You back bounced off the tile of the bathroom wall at these words, you wanted to deny him, keep feeling him driving back the pain, and keeping you on the edge of pleasure. But it was all so overwhelming, and you caved, cumming again to flood his cock with your arousal, clenching around him. “God your so fucking tight around me. Trying to get me to cum in you.” Mike grunted, and you just squeezed him more, wanting it, so badly to feel filled with him. 
“Course I want it, don't you dare pull out.” You cried, flexing around him again as his balls slapped against you and you tighten your legs around him to keep him with you. His grunts became more feral, his tongue marking your skin while he chased water droplets like a man dying of thirst, and you saw nothing but sparks filled your vision while he groaned into your ear that he too was close. You whined as you gave one last demanding squeeze, your own demand that he fill you, which he did. Happily shooting himself to fill you, spreading himself deeper and both of you ended blissed around each other
You lean into him, taking deep breaths against his shoulder while his arm slings around your waist. “Okay, I got you babes. We really do need to get a mat for this tub though. Almost slipped a few times.” You giggle into his neck before straightening, unlocking your legs from around his waist to lower to a stand, careful cause it was slippery. Reaching down, you flick the water back to the facet, and Mike cranks both the knobs off, the last of the water rushing down the drain. Pulling back the curtain, Mike stepped out, and grabbed the last towel on the counter and handed it to you, which after you two stepped out you started rubbing your body down to dry. 
He grasped the one you had used for your knees earlier, rubbing it over his head, and whisking across his body, but he was done quick and had yanked on his boxers. You immediately reached down and grabbed his tee from earlier, slipping it on and went to the counter to brush out your hair before it dried in a mess. Knowing you would come out when you were ready, Mike went and stretched out on the bed, leaning against the headboard and flicked on the tv, flipping channels until you came out all dressed for a day in bed. Moving around the bed, you tumbled into your side of the mattress. 
You curl up against Mike's side, and he hands the remote over so his arm can circle around your shoulders and let his fingertips brush along the soft part of your upper arm. “Feeling any better Babes?” He tilted his head to look down at you while you focused on the tv, and you hummed, tilting up to put a thank you on his lips. “Much, all relaxed and sated, thank you Handsome.” Mike couldn't deny that made his chest swell a bit, proud and pleased his girl was now feeling better. He dropped a kiss to the top of your head as you finally stopped at the beginning of Con Air. 
“Nicholas Cage?” Mike mused as he looked up, and you tugged the blankets over the two of you while you twisted, leaning your back against Mike's chest, and your head on his shoulder. 
“Damn straight Mike, Cage, Malkovich, and Buscemi? Doesn't get better.” your love of 90’s movies didn't bypass Mike, so he wasn't surprised. It didn't take long though till you had passed out, within the first 15 minutes of it, and Mike stayed for a while before it was apparent you were really passed out. He eased away, and shifted you enough so you were comfy against the pillows. Going to put his clothes back on, he looked in the shower and went under the sink looking for a quick spray to wipe down the shower with. Running a cloth over the wall, and using the shower head, he rinsed away any bloody traces that might have been left behind. Mike didn't want you happening across it, and having to deal with it yourself. Once he was satisfied, he took care of everything and flicked the lights off to go back in the room, seeing you still sound asleep and relaxed.
Mike went over to your side of the bed to grab the heating pad you discarded earlier and put it on low. Laying it against your lower back as you rolled to hug a pillow against your chest. Snapping the blankets up around you as he started to leave the room, he turned the tv down a few notches, and eased the door almost to a shut. 
Mike knew he probably should work on his script, you were right earlier that Brian would be wanting to see it soon, but he bypassed his computer. Grabbing his wallet and phone, he stuffed them in his back pocket. At the kitchen counter he scribbled a quick note, should you wake up. He didn't want to set your phone off and wake you up by sending a message to it. ~went to go pick up that water, message if you need anything baby. XO Mike.~ 
Leaving the apartment, when he hit the street his hands found their way into his pockets, and he whistled happily. Sure he might have gotten jack shit done for work so far, but he spent his morning loving on his girl, and if that isn't life goals, damned if Mike knew what would actually be better. Reaching the local shop the two of you used near the apartment. The door’s bell jingled when he pushed it open, the clerk lifting her head to see who was coming in and gave a grin seeing him. “Hey Mike, wondering if I was seeing you today.” 
Mike grabbed a hand basket, winking at the clerk. “Of course MissThompson, my day wouldn't be complete without you.” he flirted with the older woman, making her chuckle a bit as he went down the first aisle. He grabbed a few things you two typically needed, a loaf of that specialty bread for toast that you liked, a tin of bbq pringles he liked snacking on when watching a game, a bar of chocolate you swore up and down you required during this time, he was also sure to grab a couple gallons of water to bring home. Wandering back towards the counter, Miss Thompson cleared her newspaper off the counter for him to set his stuff down. 
“Did you see the fall stuff Mike? I think Y/N would really like them.” She pointed at a small display table nearby, which was covered with a few pumpkin trinkets, some homemade baked goods, and candles. Mike wandered over, and started picking through the items. “She would like them wouldn't she, and she's been having a rough day.” He mused outloud and Miss Thompson tutted in sympathy. Glancing over the stuff, he picked up a few different candle holders, a box of autumn tinted macaroons, and some pumpkin pastries that he knew would remind you of home. Bringing it up to the counter, Miss Thompson gave an approving smile and was quick to ring it up for Mike. “I think she’s gonna appreciate it all.” 
“She does love fall, always going on about home this time of year.” Mike stated as he took out his card and gave it a swipe, his stuff was bagged, and he juggled the bag in one arm and the water in the other. “Probably see you tomorrow.” 
“You know I will be here.” Miss Thompson offered as Mike worked the door open, and headed home. Once he arrived back at the apartment, he was quiet while slipping off his sneakers, and dropping off his arm loads at the kitchen counter where his note went untouched. Scooping it up and crumpling to shoot into the basket, he paused long enough to make sure he made it, giving a fist pump when it landed inside. Quietly he went down the hall, and pushed the door open a bit to see you were still sleeping. You looked soft in your sleep, relaxed and peaceful. You had rolled once more in your sleep, your arm holding the heating pad to your stomach. 
Leaving you in peace, he went back out to take care of what he purchased, sure to put one of the jugs of water in the fridge. Then he spread the ornaments around the coffee table, and set the desserts out on a tray, leaving them on the coffee table as well. Thinking about what else he could do to surprise you, he left the apartment once more to go down to the storage unit in the basement of the apartment complex, just knowing you had to have some of your treasured halloween decorations, stored away in a bright orange bin with a jack o'lantern drawn on the front. Once he saw the tote and pulled it down, he popped it open to double check, and sure enough you had it packed with lights, halloween trinkets, more candle holders, and foam pumpkins. Securing the lid, he brought it up to the apartment, and set it down. 
Unpopping the top, he started to pull out the lights, and untangle them. Looking around at just where to hang them, already he was picturing how you had it set up last year, and grinned to himself, knowing exactly how he wanted it to look for you. 
Several hours later, you stretched out with a yawn, turning to grab your phone and see it was later in the afternoon. Pushing up to a sit and rubbing at your eyes as you push off the bed, You headed to use the bathroom. Once finished, You came out several moments later, now sporting shorts and a warm sweater just looking for the coziness of the soft material. You pulled your hands into the sleeves, grasping the cuffs in your fingertips to play with the soft material while you left the bedroom. Before you even entered the kitchen, you could hear the clickity clack of Mike's keys on his laptop, and you smiled to yourself. From the rate the keys were clicking, he must have figured out a storyline. 
Stepping into the kitchen, you stalled as your eyes roamed over the orange and purple lit up apartment, Mike had hung up your halloween lights around the tv, and living room, along the counter and bookshelves were orange pumpkins glowing, one corner by the door was a scarecrow and your foam pumpkins, like it was the front porch you didn't have yet. On the TV was paused on a Harry Potter movie, and you took a step further into the room, hovering your hand over one of the candle light holders, enjoying the heat for a second before moving on. “Mike, this is… wow, I didn't think you really cared if I decorated or not.” 
Hearing you he spun his chair away from his laptop, holding his hand out and when you went to him, he tugged you into his lap, circling around your waist. “I wanted you to wake up to something I knew you loved. Plus you've been too busy at work to decorate.” He kissed your shoulder and rested his chin on it while you slid your fingers gently up and down the back of his neck. 
“You are right Mike, I do love it, Thank You.” you hummed lightly and wrapped your arms around his neck to give him a hug, pulling in close. “And all those new pumpkins? Where did they come from?” You slid off his lap and went to go look closer at the new additions, tweaking them just a bit to put them where you wanted them, biting your lip excitedly. Mike was sure to save his work, and closed the laptop. Following you into the living room, he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Miss Thompson insisted you would like them. Want me to throw a pizza in the oven and we crash on the couch to watch a few halloween movies?” 
You twisted in his arms, and grasped his face, tilting up to kiss his lips with a teasing nip. “Yes, please. Anything I can do to help?” you fall back to the flat of your feet, and Mike leads you into the kitchen. “Bring us a couple drinks out to the living room, and as soon as I get this in the oven, I will be out to join you.” You grab a couple beers from the fridge, and make your way while Mike is turning on the oven and flipping the box to read the directions to himself. Entering the living room once more, you set the beers on a couple coasters, and fall onto the couch. In front of you were all sorts of sweet treats. You leaned forward, grabbing a pie when your empty stomach started to rumble, your teeth sank into the delicate pastry as you leaned your head back, moaning softly at the flaked crust and sweet filling with the taste of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice. The spices tickle your taste buds, and the sweetness soothed it away. 
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Mike came around the back of the couch, seeing you slowly chewing and giving that satisfied moan, moving to fall down next to you, arching a brow. “That better than the shower?” he teased you, and your eyes sprang open, shaking your head. 
“This just tastes good.” You grinned as you leaned forward to set it down and moved to straddle his lap, dipping for kisses against his lips, where your tongue slid along the seam of his lips till you could work past them, rolling your tongue against his, and he was caught unaware at how you would taste. A mix of your usual sweetness and the desert danced on his tongue, and his hands moved to grasp the back of your hair, to hold you in place, effectively take your kiss as his own. “You taste and feel good.” you pulled enough away to say before he closed the slight space to claim you all over again, strokes of his tongue teasing you.
Your hips started grinding, shifting yourself enough to straddle just one of his thighs while your hands slid along his shoulders, and you started to arch a bit more, a bit faster, harder as you pushed down. Mike's hands fell to your hips, helping you along by guiding you up and down. He pushed forward a bit to draw himself in closer, pulling his mouth from yours and muttering. “That's it pretty girl, make yourself cum again.” you nodded slightly and he pulled you down on his flexing thigh, making you toss your head back when it made your clit throb and your breathing come out in a rush. “Again Sir…” 
“Sir?” Mike pulled back, his blue eyes twinkling at you while he watched you pick up speed, chasing your end. Your fingers curled, clutching at his shirt and digging into his shoulders. 
“It slipped out Mike, I'm so close now.” your voice high pitched whine. You needed that rush, so close that you could taste that pleasure almost. Your movements started stuttering as your own muscles ached and Mike was quick to take over, picking up the speed you had before and you started chanting. “Yes, yesyesyesyes, fuck please.” 
One of Mikes hands snaked up to grasp the back of your head, tilting your head back and he pressed his face against your neck, chaining kisses and nips while whispering. “Come on Pretty Girl, I need you to come now.” Behind you the oven started alarming and the sense of urgency overcame you, to just rock on his thigh, your knee brushing against his hard on in his pants, and you were cumming for him, whimpering as you rode it out and you went slack, Mike loosening his hard grips and rubbing your back as he slid you off his thigh. “I gotta go check that pizza.” 
You nodded as he pushed off the couch, grabbing at his crotch to try and give himself some room, making you hide your face on the couch and giggle. You heard the squeak of the oven door and a soft “Shit” from Mike as a clang of a pizza pan went on top of the stove. “Babe, it's a bit crispy, but not terrible.” You wriggled to pull yourself up to kneel on the couch, leaning against the back to watch him in the kitchen look for the pizza cutter in a drawer. 
“Not a big deal. Crispy pizza is worth that orgasm.” You couldn't hide the grin as Mike was quick to slice the pizza into slices, and slide a couple on each plate while grasping the paper towels to tuck under his arm. 
“You can start the movie, and fuck you were about to make me blow my load in my jeans watching you. And that ‘Sir’? We still have to discuss that.” He sauntered back into the living room, while you were searching for the remote on the coffee table. Sure to hit play, he waited till you were comfy, and set your plate on your lap. You grasp the first piece, working on taking the crust off and rip off a bite size piece. Your eyes went from the screen to Mike. 
“It just… happened in the moment Mike. Why, did you like it?” You popped your bite in your mouth, and Mike tilted his head, pondering it a moment. 
“You caught me by surprise, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again.” He stated, and you grinned, wiggling brows. 
“Just wait till the day I call you Daddy.” 
Mike groaned, tilting his head back against the couch with a groan. “Your gonna be the death of me Y/N.” 
You snorted while tucking up your legs, and smirking at him. “I can think of worst ways to go.” 
You cuddled up closer, laughing before you took another bite of your food, and Mike pulled you in closer, both of you turning your attention to the movie for the rest of the evening. 
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Not Alone: Chapter Ten
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-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because I'm the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want :3 yo im so sorry for not posting this yesterday i had two softball games and when i got home i just wanted to relax so i hope this makes up for it <3
-> Word Count: 2.1k
-> Warnings: the infected, thas bout it lol
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat @zphilophobiaz
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Y/n woke up to a wolf paw in her face. Hades kicked slightly in his dream and scratched her cheek. She pushed it away and looked around. She was more comfortable than she had ever been, since before.
Jirou was passed out with her arms around Hades. He loved to snuggle when he slept. Y/n smiled, knowing that he was getting more comfortable in the new space.
The light of day was filtering in through the canvas of the tent. It was small and cozy in the tent and the air had grown stale with the three of them breathing in it.
She stretched and realized what she was wearing. It was a loose t-shirt with the word ‘hide’ on it, the shirt was black and too big for her. She was also wearing jeans with tears and holes on the knees. She felt a bit of a breeze in the back felt around her but to discover holes back there as well. She frowned. She needed her pants back.
“You’re finally up.”
Y/n turned around to see Bakugo smiling at her. He was beautiful. She couldn’t stop herself from gawking at him in his black t-shirt with a skull design and his dark gray sweatpants. His eyes met hers and he noticed the way her eyes traveled his body.
“How come you get pants with no holes?”
He laughed, “We only have so many clothes. The last trip to a mall was three years ago. We share everything.”
Y/n glanced at Mary who was snuggled against a guy holding the little brat, “Everything.”
He turned to see what Y/n was watching and he laughed again, “Not not everything. She’s just really friendly Y/n. She’s like that with everyone. But if you’re interest we have a few girls who’re single.”
“If you’re interested.”
Y/n shook her head, “I don’t know what you mean.” Bakugo laughed at her. He was in on a joke that she was not.
He sighed, “So want to go over the map with me?”
“I told you last night, I don’t know maps. I know where I’ve been by remembering the woods.”
Y/n pointed to the tent, “I need her to stay here and be protected. She’s sixteen. She’s lived a hard life.”
Bakugo made a face that made Y/n laugh, “Yeah I figured she was staying.”
“Her mom and aunt just died, Her other aunt was taken to the breeder farms.”
His red eyes sparkled, “She’s just our kind of girl then.”
She was confused by him, but she didn’t have time to figure him out. She couldn’t get the picture of him playing the guitar in the firelight out of her head. It was almost like there were two of him inside of his body. Sweet Bakugo and Business Bakugo.
Mary came over carrying the monster.
“Andy, what do you have to say to Y/n?”
The boy looked down at the ground and pouted, “Sorry.”
He fidgets with her blouse and looks up to meet Y/n’s frown with a smile.
“Okay thanks.” Bakugo and Mary laughed. “Mary, will you watch Jirou until I get back?”
She leaned up and hugged Y/n, “Be safe Y/n and hurry back.”
Y/n hugged her back. She still hugged like an iron rod. She noticed the waay Mary hugged like a person and she hugged like a robot. She hugged just like Mina and her heart hurt thinking about them.
She turned and opened the tent, “I’m leaving Jirou. You need to stay here and help out okay. They need the extra hands.”
Jirou woke up and instantly gave Y/n a snarl, “No. I’m coming with you.”
Y/n shook her head, “No you need to stay and hang with Mary. I’m taking Bakugo to the farmhouse. I’ll be back in a couple days.”
She layed back down, “Fine.”
Y/n looked at Hades, “You coming or staying?” He stretched out on the sleeping bags and snuggled into Jirou who laughed.
“He likes me better.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Traitor. She zipped the tent back up and walked back to Bakugo, whose eyes sparkled in the morning light. “What?”
Bakugo shook his head, amused by Y/n for something, “You’re funny Y/n.”
The walk back down the mountain was less painful and considerably faster than the walk up. Her feet didn’t hurt and Bakugo kept a fast pace. Unlike Jirou, he never spoke.
When they made it back to the meeting tree, they both paused and listened. She led across the open field with a sprint. They made it to the edge of the field and crouched down to look for any signs of life in the driveway. The barn swung open and shut. They’re back. She knew that she sealed the barn door completely when she left. She could hear Bakugo’s breath on the back of her neck as she watched the house silently.
She turned and whispered, “Let me go look first.”
He shook his head and pointed to the barn door. She turned and looked again.
She almost jumped when she saw them. It felt as though they were watching her. As the barn door swung open and shut a pair of eyes watched from inside. Stains of bloody tears streaked the gaunt cheeks below.
Her stomach twists and turns and she backed up but Bakugo put his arm on her to stop her from running away,
“Stay still.” His words made her skin shiver, as his hot breath landed on the back of her neck. Y/n didn’t move. The barn door opened and closed several more times. Then suddenly it opened and the eyes were gone.
She looked up at the loft window to see the thin figure pass by it. The window overlooked the field perfectly. They would be seen. Suddenly she was on the ground, in the hay and wrapped up in Bakugo’s long body. He held her close to him.
The wind played with the hay around them, it whispered to them.
She could feel his heart beating against her chest. They were face to face but her eyes darted around them. She heard footsteps. She heard something else, it was the way an exhale sounded when your throat was a ragged mess.
The infected were near them. She wanted to pull her shirt over her face. She wanted to run. She needed her mask but she had left it behind. Another rule she had broken.
Bakugo stroked his thumb along the back of her neck, where his left hand lay. He was trying to calm her nerves, before she gave away our location. In the gusts of warm wind and the calm silence of the ragged exhales, she heard a sound she didn’t expect. It was the hollering of men and the high moans of the infected.
The footsteps left the hay around us. The moaning and ragged breath became harder to hear, as distance was put between them.
Bakugo whispered into her forehead, “Oh my fucking god.” They laid in silence for a moment. He peeked his up to look around but she pulled him back down.
“One more minute.” He frowned but as she spoke the barn door closed several times hard. A raucous noise filled the air, different types of commotion began after it. “We need to leave now.” She whispered into his throat.
He pulled back a bit and looked at her, almost looking through her with his intensely red eyes. He tilted her chin with his free hand and lightly feathered his lips against mine. His kiss wasn’t intense like Kirishima’s was or soft like Mary’s. It was somewhere in the middle and filled with more of everything. He kissed beside her mouth and whispered into her cheek, “We’re going to crawl from here and then make our way to the forest on the other side from where we came. We don’t want to lead them to the camp.”
He kissed once more just along the side of her lips and let her out of his firm grip. He moved away from her and slithered backwards, away from the farmhouse. She followed him. The hay slicing along her skin gave her small cuts. When they got to the halfway point between the forest and farmhouse, Bakugo stood and hunched over. She did the same, listening intently to every sound.
They made their way into the forest where he broke into a run. She followed him until they reached the bigger trees. He climbed one of them quickly. She looked around and started to feel uncomfortable. She didn’t like to be on the ground without Hades. She climbed the next largest tree and scrambled up the branches until she was as high as he was.
The farmhouse, her farmhouse, was nearly entirely in view. She could see the field she had crossed too many times to count. Pain crept around inside of her as she imagined her bunker and rations and her clean little spaces, all torn apart by the infected.
“So Mina and Kirishima were here with you?” His voice betrayed his lack of hope.
She nodded. She saw a small cluster of men fighting the infected like fools. They would get sick. They would become infected and maybe they would die because not everyone was able to live with running sores and bloody tears.
“God, they should have run.” She recognized one of them. He was the man who shouted the loudest when the man with the evil grin peed on the fire. The man who pulled down her pants.”
“Those men held me captive. They’re the others.”
“Do you know where their camp is?”
“Yup. I’d like to avoid it.”
“What if they have Kirishima and Mina?”
The pain in his eyes hurt Y/n somehow, “I never said I was going to avoid it. I said I’d like to. I’m betting they have Kirishima and Mina.” She took one last look and knew it would be a long time before she ever came back,, if she ever did. She took her last look at the white siding and the small windmill in the front yard waved goodbye to her. As her feet made their way back down the tree, she saw something that made her feel the smallest amount of fear and hope simultaneously. On the ground is a small bandage and above it was a broken branch. She looked deeper into the forest and saw another broken branch. “They got away. They’re this way.” She pointed.
Bakugo looked at the bandage and scoffed, “Y/n that could belong to anyone.”
She shook her head,”No it’s not. It’ll smell like tea tree and the branches,” She pointed to them, “I told Kirishima it was howI always found my way through the woods.”
He bent his face to the ground and sniffed the air around the bandage, “It’s tea tree.” Y/n turned to run, but he grabbed her arm as he stood and pulled her into him. “One thing first.” He put his hands on the small of her back and lifted her into his arms. His lips met hers with desperation and excitement. His tongue slipped into her mouth, caressing hers. He sucked and nibbled on her lower lip as his hand rubbed her back. Suddenly his hands made their way lower and didn’t feel uncomfortable as he cupped her ass and lifted her into him/ He wrapped her legs around him. She was feeling the way she used to when she read the romance novels stored at the cabin. She felt a heat rising low in her belly.
He let her slide down his body, till her feet touched the ground again. Air rushed between them. She opened her eyes, not realizing she had closed them, and looked up into his face.
He grinned, “I’m going to have a hard time staying focused.” Y/n giggled like a schoolgirl. It was the first time that sound had left her lips. He kissed her softly one last time and walked away toward the broken branches and Y/n followed. “I never imagined they were alive. I went back to where they were when I got taken and I couldn’t find them. I knew Kirishima wasn’t very responsible- well neither of us were.” He ran a hand through his blonde shaggy hair.
“Mina told me you guys were pretty bad at paying attention.”
He chuckled and Y/n caught herself staring at his butt. It was round and firm and when he took a step, it moved in a way she enjoyed. She realized when she watched him, that she felt a small amount of guilt. Kirishima kissed her too. Kirishima made her smile and made her laugh.
Bakugo made her scared of him but safe against the world, where as Kirishima made her feel the opposite.
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