#abbie watches hotd
cressida-cowper · 2 years
how exactly was rhaenyra hoping to pass off white brunettes as the sons of a targaryen and a velaryon
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maximilff · 1 year
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me after approximately 0.01 seconds of seeing rhaenyra and alicent look at each other for the first time
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mihrsuri · 3 months
I feel like Nat @emilykaldwen you should know that I’m pretty sure a version of Abby and Aegon just showed up in my Tudors OT3 verse because you talk about them so compellingly and I swear I did not intend this! I don’t watch/read GOT/ASOIAF/HOTD etc it’s just FRIEND TALKING ABOUT OC compells me.
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emilykaldwen · 5 months
talk shop tuesday: what have you found most challenging about the world building in Maiden? Most rewarding?
also ilsym
you make me so happy thank you for this <3
Something I've found most challenging I think really comes down to the balance of 'for the vibes/story' and 'we need to stick to the party line'.
By that I mean, when it comes to stories be they fic or published, there's a certain amount of buy in we, as readers, are meant to do for the premise. How likely is it that the servant boy captures the heart of the princess and they get married? Not likely, but I'm not going to read that story and expect things to follow that party line - that level of realism. I'm suspending my disbelief to a degree in order to read a story I think I will enjoy.
So when it comes to Maiden, I try make it very clear on the tin: Here's the story, here's the two major things I want you to expect (That Abby and Aegon have a happy ever after, and that these kids are gonna make it out alive). However, it does not mean I am not sitting here incessantly rattle testing and rolling around plot ideas. Maiden is such a huge canon divergence with the simple fact that Aegon isn't marrying Helaena, and so from there I really work so hard to make sure each plot point makes sense within the world. I do everything I can to make sure that Abby as a character fits into the world. It's so important to me that she feels like she fits, and that the larger story feels like it fits that way my readers can roll with the 'please just go with this' plot points and moments for the sake of the story.
And truly, this might just be me putting too much pressure on myself, thinking that people are going to read my story in bad faith and get really nitpicky.
To go off this same point to your second question, it's been deeply and incredibly rewarding when people have told me that Abby feels like she should be part of the source material, that they find themselves surprised when watching an episode that she's not there. I literally had a friend of mine tell me over the weekend they had been watching HotD and when they got to the family dinner episode they were like 'where's abby?' for a good five minutes. And that... really makes it worth it.
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nicollekidman · 2 years
abby you reblogging that boss bitch daemon video finally convinced me to watch hotd and bingewatched all ten episodes in one night. he’s the worst, he, truly wretched, he’s babygirl (derogatory), i’m obsessed with him (and whatever the fuck he’s got going on with his niecewifequeen)
you are insane??????????? i love you djdjdjdjdjdj
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
i knew my decision to watch got first would pay off. and it did! going into hotd knowing the future of the great houses, and even moreso just their various temperaments and personalities that run in their families, as well as knowing how the relationship between each house and house targaryen sours, makes every little bit of information that much sweeter (i.e. knowing that house baratheon breaks faith with targaryen over a stark, knowing that house arryn winds up in the hands of an unstable tully, etc)
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
glad to see rhaenyra hasn’t lost her delusionary nature in the past decade
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
god i feel for alicent. viserys’ words could only have been taken one way given she didn’t know about the prophecy. but knowing viserys thought he was talking to rhaenyra is so. and couple that with the knowledge that neither aegon ii nor rhaenyra is the prince that was promised is even more
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
her children. are. BASTARDDDDDDSSSSSSSSS. and she. is. a whore.
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
right and are these viserys’ grandchildren or his nephews?
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
and a few thoughts on the climax of the confrontation just for funsies (i am gay)
1: alicent choosing rhaenyra as her target. hm. much to think about
2: there’s too much to be said about ‘you’ve gone too far’ ‘i? what have i done but what was expected of me? … trampled under your pretty foot again’ and the whole thing. but like hello????????? what the fuck. did she really need to call rhaenyra’s foot pretty (it was the heat of the moment too so that’s how you know it was unfiltered truth)
3: as of yet i don’t know whether rhaenyra’s palm being cut was on purpose or simply an accident but i like unlikely women being warriors so i’ll go with the theory that she did cut rhaenyra’s hand on purpose. which opens up a whole host of other possibilities, such as: was she truly being held back? could she have cut some other part of rhaenyra? if so, why cut rhaenyra’s hand? surely it must have a meaning
4: apparently it does! would you look at that. old valyrian weddings involve.. what’s that? slicing of the palm? hm. i find the framing of the shots in the direct aftermath of alicent’s attack incredibly? exceedingly interesting. let’s review
5: alicent exclaims? and shoves rhaenyra away from her, as the sound of the dagger slicing skin is heard. then it cuts to rhaenyra lowering her bleeding hand with a look of shock on her face (forgive me for reading too far into this but the shock perhaps because .. she knows what it means … much to ponder) then cut to alicent looking down at rhaenyra’s bleeding hand and then it cuts to the hand, lingers, then cuts to rhaenyra and a velaryon looking down at it (once again. maybe i’m looking wayyyyy into things but two people of the blood of old valyria staring at a bleeding hand, a part of the old valyrian marriage ritual? hm.) then alicent drops the knife and it falls in slow motion from two angles. right after alicent’s first lunge at rhaenyra, it’s shown that the blade is aegon the conqueror’s prophetic dagger proclaiming that the prince/ss who was promised would come from aegon’s blood.. and the choice here was to show the fall of aegon’s blade after it drew the blood of his descendant. hm.
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
okay. now a few thoughts on the aftermath of.. that night and its events.
1: aemond is so targeted for reasons i cannot make sense of. “oh it must be because he’s alicent’s son” but aegon is accepted. aegon himself torments the fuck out of his brother and for what? i cannot tell
2: the above being said, aemond had no right claiming vhagar. vhagar was laena’s, and this was the night of her funeral. and his fucking audacity to tell her daughters they should’ve claimed vhagar when they rightfully asserted that he was theirs to claim????????? they were still in fucking mourning kid
3: the above being said, aemond had every right to defend himself against his cousins, as, per point 1, they torment him relentlessly and without discernible reason
4. moving into the aftermath, i still am. so incredibly confused by viserys’ continued assertion that jacaerys and lucerys are velaryons when it is clear as day that they simply are not. is this because he doesn’t want rhaenyra’s claim challenged, because he doesn’t want his daughter’s reputation sullied, because he loves rhaenyra, because it would look bad on him, or some secret, fifth reason??
5: moving onto.. the confrontation, i do find aemond’s willingness to lie for his mother juxtaposed with aegon’s decision to vaguely omit intriguing. i’m not sure how i feel further but that’s where i stand for now
6: i do think everyone was just.. incredibly blasé about aemond Losing A Fucking Eye compared to the other childrens’ injuries . if i was alicent i would’ve killed all of them i think
7: moving onto alicent, like she said to her father, her actions could be perceived as madness. but i wonder how else that perception is interpreted. is her apparent descent into madness to be simply accepted, maybe even pitied as it is in the targaryen lineage, because they choose to marry and procreate with one another, or is she to be vilified, outcast, shamed? i wonder.
8: there was a moment, right before alicent lunged for the blade where she seemed to have a moment of clarity through the fog of her ever-present tears and i do wonder her thought process in that moment. if i were to seriously analyse it (which i may) i’d say it must’ve been something along the lines of “my sons. this is the only way i can protect them. if viserys wishes to remain ignorant, this is all i am left with” i perceived that as her going on autopilot in defence of herself and her children when faced with the stark reality that the world was unjust and viserys was silly
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
my GOD if i was alicent i would’ve done much worse than this already
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
i.. laena
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
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cressida-cowper · 2 years
omfg time for emma and olivia !!!!!
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milly and emily will be missed </3
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