#i’m telling you i would be BATSHIT.
cressida-cowper · 2 years
my GOD if i was alicent i would’ve done much worse than this already
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royaltea000 · 3 months
we know that alfred is insane over gil, but is gil insane over anyone? it doesnt have to be the degree of insane alfred is
Gil is insane overall so it’s very hard to spot a difference when he’s being more so but I like to think, as all unhealthy sibling relationships go in this series - that he’s obsessed with Ludwig. Not to the extent that Ludwig is fixated on him but he’s very much an overbearing helicopter parent in his own trying to make it seem like I don’t give a shit way. He’s calmed down sooo much in modern times but I Know that boy was going through like no less than 20 lessons a day when he was born
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 5 months
this probably doesnt sound as exciting to you as it is to me but i followed u bc of newsies like a couple months ago and then today i literally read all of a marvellous light in one sitting & i hop on tumblr and im like?? hold on?? daveyfvckingjacobs marvellous light fan??? anyways this is a big brain sync moment to me just wanted to share
this is very exciting I love when people have more than one of the same interests as me and it’s also nice to know I’m not alone shouting into the void about my silly little edwardian gay books
I am a man of many interests it makes me very fuckng annoying
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urbanfiltered · 11 months
#ummmmm i want to k*ll myself !!!! (not really)#this month has been so god fucking awful to me in terms of events and calendar things can i fucking Die#i have a birthday dinner tonight i do Not want to go to at all but am sort of being forced to go to by#my best friend#the birthday girl in question is violently batshit insane & also purposefully excludes me from things all the time when she knows i’m in#the same city and is also ableist as fuck so i truly just Do Not owe her ANYTHING#but sarah (my bestie) Really wants me to go and i tried to gently tell her that i want to cancel and she was like Ummmm No we agreed to do#this thing together and you Cannot back out now#and lowkey i think that’s fair bc if you book my calendar with something i Will try to honor it#and she’s been doing that for me!!! i’ve asked her to be my buddy to these concerts that i do not want to go to alone#and she so bravely and kindly has accompanied me to things that are decidedly Not her genre so i feel like i owe it to her#to do this damn birthday dinner with her#but conversely my other friend (maisha) is doing a thing tonight and she wanted me to come#and i actually would MUCH rather be at that event!!!!! the fuck!!!!!#i haven’t seen maisha in like a week bc of scheduling conflicts and she was like i really want to hang but i had to blow her off due to#these fustrating birthday plans for this girl i just do not fucking like#and this will be like my third time this month letting her down for an event#so now she is highhhh key pissed off at me for being unavailable AGAIN#but like sorry but literally what am i supposed to do#it’s been A Week for me and i think i’m allowed to be busy sometimes too#anyways idk what i’m saying it’s 9 am and i’ve had 2 hours of sleep#i see both sides bc sarah already booked me for this thing but maisha is tired of me being too busy for her AND I MISS HER#so it’s just truly the worst#maisha & i have become unofficial spouses in the past few months and if i don’t see her every 3-4 days something Does feel off kilter LMAO#anyways what’s really complicated is that maisha & i are going to a halloween party together tomorrow in a COUPLES COSTUME LOL#imagine how awkward the vibes will be if we are doing matching clothes and also fighting#:-)
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moongreenlight · 11 months
What if your brain tells you that nurse!reader from the previous fic was on the field with the boys as an on call medic and gets taken as a POW and ghost is losing his fucking mind?? - like actual feral behavior
Ohhhhhhhhhmygod. Hi? I’m in your walls. So mad I didn’t see this before because I’ve been SLAVING over a Simon fic all week and this apparently is the motivation I needed to put some more batshit insane things on the internet forever.
We all know that Simon is a fucking machine. Prides himself on his ability to essentially turn off his humanity on the field. But for some reason his nurse!reader is the one thing that interrupts that ability. Even seeing you treating a few rowdy privates gets him worked up. Lingers around the medbay in his free time for no apparent reason just to side eye your patients and glare at them to make sure there’s absolutely no possibility of you getting hurt.
There was probably an occasion where you were treating a soldier who didn’t fare well with pain. Moaning and crying and thrashing while you did something simple like tuck their arm into a sling, and they somehow writhed around enough to hook you in the cheek with their elbow. Nothing serious, but it left an angry red mark on your cheek for so long that he caught it on one of your evening walks around base. Usually after dark so you could both avoid being found out.
And then the next day you see Simon dragging that same soldier to a different nurse’s bed under the armpits. Explaining gruffly that he went unconscious because he couldn’t handle training. (He made the poor bastard run the track in full tactical gear on one of the hottest days of the year for nearly an hour straight. No water. No breaks.)
You were the kindest, softest thing he’d ever come in contact with. Something he never thought he’d be able to find in this lifetime after so much hate and anger and pain. He couldn’t risk losing you, which is why he was so strict on his saying no to you joining the task force on the field. The shit they did was dangerous. Immensely so. And this brought up two main points for Simon.
One; he wouldn’t be able to focus on the task at hand knowing you were out. He slept with one eye open when you were nestled close to his chest and snoring softly in the comfort of your own home that he’d all but booby-trapped home alone style. No fucking way he’d allow you out into hostile territory with only a introductory understanding of self-defense. He’d be on pins and needles the entire mission. Probably get the entire squad killed because he’d constantly be looking over his shoulder for you.
Two; it would rip him to shreds if he lost you. You were the only person he truly saw as an equal. The first time the two of you met, he was probably being angsty and rude because he did something to land himself in the medbay, and when he refused to take off his tact vest so you could listen to his heart and lungs, you all but held him at scalpel-point and threatened him within an inch of his life until he finally submitted. After that he was fucking hooked. Obsessed with the way you could get brutes like him to roll over and show you their belly like obedient dogs. And you were kind to him. Immeasurably kind. Dealt with his mood swings and took the time to get to know him. Suffered through the impossibly long process of him letting his guard down.
So if somehow his orders were ignored, it was almost certain that you’d be given strict orders to keep your involvement under wraps. Price would have enough of an idea of the situation to keep the two of you on opposite schedules in the days leading up to deployment. Minimize the possibility of you letting slip that you’d be coming along to preserve not only the integrity of his team but also his quality of life.
It would seem like a regular day to Simon at first. Loading into the helo before dawn, sitting between Johnny and Gaz and trying to tune them out while they snarked at one another across him. And then Price would come on looking guilty as sin. You could practically smell it coming off him. Leaning both his arms on the open door and signaling the driver to start the engine for a quick take off in case Simon decided to abandon ship in his outrage.
He’d give some spiel about teamwork and the importance of focusing on the mission and whatever other bullshit he thought would keep Simon the most level headed. Spewing on and on until Gaz finally cut him off with a pointed yawn. At which point he’d give the group one last look, lingering the longest on the ghost mask, before stepping aside to reveal you.
Dressed up in a uniform that looked about a size too big. Tailored as best it could be in the short notice. Pants chopped and hemmed to make them a manageable length, belt pulled as tight as it could go around your waist. Strapped into a vest that was loaded with medical supplies instead of weapons. Two pistols holstered on your either side.
Simon was beyond livid. Spouting steam like a cartoon bull. Staggering to stand when the chopper took off and stalking over to the cockpit where Price sat and tried to look casual.
Gave him a fucking earful. Screaming over the roar of the engine into the earpiece on a private channel for the entire two hour long flight. Bitching about paperwork and dead weight and how it’s just another person he’ll need to look after and he doesn’t want to. It’s almost impressive. Price doesn’t get a word in sideways. Gets shut down immediately if he even dares to open his mouth.
And he’s a monster when he finds out you’ve been taken POW. Circled by the enemy team like ravenous wolves finding a wounded deer. Soap and Gaz both have to pin him down when Price breaks the news. Seeing fucking red.
A large part of me thinks he internalizes a lot of the torture he went through in the comics. Letting it sit and fester inside him like the worst kind of poison that it took him years to meticulously extract from his very being and carefully contain into a small vial. Laying dormant in the back of his mind for a moment like this. He had no idea what the enemy wanted with you, so he had to assume the worst.
Storms their base by himself. Sniffs you out through a maze of bunkers and underground tunnels and infinitely many heavily secured doors. And the rest of the force just watches his six. Stands back feeling a little nauseous, but letting him blaze down his war path. Any and everyone who gets in his way is guilty unless they can prove their innocence- and they don’t get the chance. Runs through all his ammo gunning down countless grunts and privates stationed outside the base of planted as decoys. Specifically demanding that Price be the one to give up his weapons and ammo so he can continue on. And it’s the one time that the captain allows him to snarl orders like that.
Price knows that Simon is, in his core, a fighting dog. Rescued by the force and given an opportunity to channel his aggression into a more productive outlet. And now it seems all his hard work and training is coming unraveled. Watching Simon once again snap his jaws and bare his teeth, killing without rhyme or reason to get you back, is jarring to say the least. So in some last-ditch effort to preserve some of the trust that they’d built, he surrenders. Shows his belly. Shrugs off his rifle with no objection other than the way his mouth drew into a tight line.
Simon kicks through heavy metal reinforced doors without the need for a battering ram. Pushes himself well past the point of exhaustion. Fueled purely off the instinctual need to recover you. He can’t speak. Can’t eat. Can’t drink. Can’t stop.
He’d mow through the first few ranks of soldiers until they finally found someone that looked like they’d have at least a sliver of useful information and beat them within an inch of their life until they gave up the information that would eventually lead him to you.
In all honesty, you were probably taken with the intent to lure them in. Not anticipating your absence would have such an impact. Kept you bound in a guarded room. Roughed up a bit just from your struggle, but they hadn’t had time to interrogate you before they got word that 141 was coming in wild and sideways.
This would send Simon even further into madness. Body aching, bleeding from his knuckles. His knees and shoulders screaming their protest when he broke down the door, sending it crashing into the room. And the first thing he sees is you huddled in a corner blindfolded and bound with handcuffs that were cutting into your wrists from your trying to escape. He’d be an entirely different person. (I am giggling and kicking my feet.)
He wouldn’t even bother wasting time with the rifle. He’d handle what few guards were left with his bare hands. Possessed by some kind of superhuman strength. Catching a second wind the moment he laid eyes on you. He’d rush over, the rest of the boys standing guard in the hallway, and break you free from your restraints.
And as much as I would want him to be sweet and coddle you and coo over you, he’d probably be riding such a high that he wouldn’t be able to. He’d immediately start in on you, but with significantly less ferocity than he had with Price.
“You got a fuckin’ death wish? Think they’d turn you into a martyr for bein’ a medic on the field? Real original fuckin’ concept, yeah?”
He’d pull you in close to him, giving you an incredibly detailed once over. Inspecting your face and neck and arms legs for any further damage, and once he determined after three checks that all your wounds were purely superficial, he’d allow his hands to shake just slightly when he smoothed your hair back off your forehead.
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I just know wade would be asking u to grind ur teeth down on it...i just know it....
hi anon ur so right wade actually has you do insane shit to him dick biting is just the BEGINNING‼️😮‍💨 and the first time he suggests it you’re mortified 😭 you’re giving him that gawk gawk 3000 typhoon top but he’s still kinda soft 😰 you’re lowkey worried feeling self-conscious about your head game until he cups your face and swipes his thumb across your cheek
“can i ask you a weird question?”
when you’re having sex with wade wilson, this could lead to literally anything. “does this bump on my nutsack look different than usual?”, “what’s your stance on the death penalty?”, “did i ever tell you about that time i got my dick stuck in the toaster?” you brace yourself for whatever batshit insanity is about to slide out of his mouth.
“yeah, go for it.”
“can you use your teeth on it? just, like… keep doing what you’re doing, please, it’s fucking amazing. i just want a little more texture.”
huh?! is he for real?! but you’ve worked so hard to NOT do that! years of toiling in the dick-sucking mines has trained that right out of you, and he wants you to throw all that away? why?! “uh… are you sure?”
he just laughs in response
“aw, you’re so cute! so sweet, worrying about me like that! think about it. why would i ask for this if i didn’t want you to do it, stupid boy?”
…y’know what? fair enough. you close your teeth around his shaft and cheese grater up and down the length of his throbbing, bumpy cock.
“OH~! fuck, just like THAT, baby, YES~! mmm… fu-u-ck, that’s perfect… like… like you’re trying to bite the batter off a corndog, baby, there you go…”
and when i say it gets worse from there i mean it gets WORSE!!!! like he’ll come up behind you while you’re cooking dinner.
“hey, slutter-butter, you got a minute?”
“uh… yeah, actually!” you put down the knife you were about to use to chop an onion, and spin around to face him. “haven’t really started yet, what’s—“
he’s holding a strap-on.
“yes, hi, this is wade wilson, i’ve got an appointment for a prostate exam at 4PM?”
you smirk and saunter towards him, eager to play along with this spontaneous bit, “hmm… i’m not seeing you on our records, mr. wilson. are you sure it was scheduled for today?”
“i’m not sure, actually. i’ve made that mistake before. but this clinic takes walk-ins, right?”
“yes we do, sir, but today’s been pretty busy.” you wrap your fingers around his on the silicone shaft and pull him into you. “but i’ll see if i can squeeze in you.”
wade bounces and squees with joy and hands you the strap. you don’t even get it all the way on your hips before he’s bending over. onto the stove. where you were preheating a cast-iron skillet.
“oh, shit, WADE—!”
“what?” he stares at you blankly, holding the hot pan you were about to use. he’s silent for a moment, then two, and then it clicks. “oh!” he sets the pan down in the sink, claps his hands together, then points at you. “forgot you’re a normie! logan fucks me over the stove all the time. doesn’t really matter for us, since we’re freaks of nature and third degree burns just tickle us psychosexually, but, uh… would you… wanna try it? do a little flambé action? roasted wade wilson breasts? i promise, it’s fun. it makes me moan like a coked-up whore late on rent.”
you snort at his stupid comparison, and it actually puts your mind at ease a bit. it doesn’t surprise you that him and logan get up to this kinda thing when you’re not around. in fact, you’re actually flattered to be allowed to take part in it. to take advantage of him like this.
“fuck it. bend over, you fucking weirdo masochist.”
“yippee! yay! thank you, daddy!!!”
wade eagerly yanks his shorts down, widens his stance, and slams his bare chest onto the glowing red burner. his leathery skin sizzles with the smell of cooked human flesh.
“ooooh, that feels so fucking good on my right nipple… lemme roll a little, get the other side, ah~! oh-h-h, it hurts so fucking good!!!”
you get into position behind him, but he holds his hand out backwards to halt you.
“wait! one more thing!”
he reaches over and grabs the gigantic chef’s knife, freshly sharpened and pristine, that you had lying on the cutting board next to a soon-to-be mutilated onion, and offers it to you.
“jam this through my palm when i say i’m getting close. that’s the finishing move. have me spraying a whole little league team out my dick.”
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moneymartin · 4 months
nika hcs? anything tbh…… maybe things she’d do in a relationship! :)
gf!nika hcs ✧.*
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warnings: suggestive content and smut at the end under the divider :p
a/n: anonie this is so kyoot thank u 🥸 kind of long?? i got carried away 😣
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my beautiful croatian baby where do i even start with you…
this girl is the definition of ALL THE FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES
defff loves having conversations. could talk to you for hours on end and never ever get tired of hearing you talk
long talks = a good relationship w her
you two 100% play basketball together
promises to go easy but goes absolutely batshit crazy on you when shes playing defense
will literally break your legs if she has to just so she can score when shes on offense
when you guys go to the gym you spot her sometimes and her shirt always rides up andddddd and
ok what i’m saying is you love her abs
they’re great.
LOVES being touchy
esp in public… has no shame whatsoever and isn’t ashamed of it
keeps her hands on yours, grabs your arms, or always holds your thigh when she has the chance
also really super possessive and protective over you. if she sees someone staring at you for more than a second she’ll start to make out w you in front of them so they scram
hugs you in front of them too with her head over your shoulder so she can stare them down while you’re incredibly oblivious to what or why shes doing it 😭
she marks you up in easy to see places so ppl know that you’re taken…
also gave you a bracelet or necklace with her initial on it and a heart charm or something like that😇
when you guys cuddle shes 100% big spoon no debate abt it
loves seeing you all tired she thinks its adorbs 😢
plays with your hair while you try to fall asleep or does it while you’re on the phone trying to sleep
but if she’s in a really bad mood she’ll switch and be lil spoon
makes you scratch her back so she can relax before she sleeps
and you gladly do it!!
love love lovess doing the little things for you
if you’re sick she will cook you up something good asfk for breakfast in bed
babies you the whole time too cause she can’t help herself ☹️
when she’s at an away game and you can’t make it she has this little notepad and writes love letters on them for every day she’s gone (iykwim)
i feel like she’d spoil you too !
mention one small thing and she’s already ordering it off of amazon
if you mention an artist she’s buying you tickets to their concert already 🙇‍♂️
new clothes like every week i swear
acts of service is her thang too
will do the dishes or the laundry whenever you need her to
she doesn’t even say no either like she’ll stop whatever she’s doing and will do what you ask
drives you all over the place even if its in a wholeee different state 🥲
when you can’t make dinner she’ll do it for you
i feel like she’s also very open to trying new things
maybe new foods with you or new date ideas when you get bored of the reused ones
i think she’d LOVE roller coasters
thats probably the one place you two would never get bored of
cooks you croatian food 🥹
in summer she takes you there too and you get to go to all the places she went to when she was a kid there 🙁
loves talking abt her home country. she’s so proud of it
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soft dom. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
your pleasure is incredibly important to her
she doesn’t care about what she feels, she cares about what you feel
def uses a strap i can tell… she’d use it most of the time
LOVES overstimming you though its something she can do for hours but will stop when it seems like too much and you’re practically sobbing 😭😭😭
rough unless asked to be soft and gentle
service top is what i mean
10000% cusses in croatian 😩
like she’ll be face deep in between your legs and she’s mumbling curses under her breath and its SOOO HOT
when she tops too her face will be right next to your ear and every time she moves she’s grunting something in croatian
honestly i feel like she’d be a scratcher if you ever switched it up
marks and dots of blood ALLLLLL OVER YOUR BACK
you try to show them off afterwards so she knows how pathetic she ended up becoming 😇
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ellstronaut · 1 month
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thinking about Ellie singing this while having a messy situationship with you
it’s a constant battle of hot and cold, a dangerous dance between love and lust. some days she can’t even stand the sight of you, pretty but messy all the while—yet other times she can’t get enough—
how is it that you’re both confident and insecure, cold yet warm? a walking paradox wrapped up in the sweetest deception — you drive her to the brink of insanity, pushing her emotions to the extreme, leaving her in turmoil, desperately grappling for balance amidst the whirlwind of your presence
she hates how she can’t get you out of her head —hates how you linger like a bittersweet aftertaste. tries to be strong, tells herself it’s just physical, just pleasure, but the truth is you’ve woven yourself into her thoughts
because every time she walks away, every goddamn time, she’s sucked helplessly into your gravitational pull. it’s infuriating and exhilarating as it is addicting. but she craves it, hates it, and hates herself even more for it
hooked on your touch, the way you take care of her even if it’s to a fault. every time you kiss her, she loses all sense of restraint. every time you press your body against hers, closer and closer, skin tingling where your fingers wander
lower and lower—it’s a reckless freefall, a storm of sensations
you’re so casual about it
“so fuckin’ pretty el”
“dont be”
so unapologetic, and she’s caught off guard how effortlessly the words slip out your tongue, a mixture of pride, desire—
“you’re such a dick,” she’d mumble, a hint of annoyance. contrasting greatly with the way her body responds to you. the slight crack in her voice, a shiver of vulnerability that belies her flustered state, heart pulsing at your praise—secretly wanting to hear you say it again, because honestly? beneath her tough exterior she craves validation only you can give.
“good girl”
it makes her weak—every. single. time; the deep, smooth drawl of your voice, so firm so authoritative, so drunk
or when you gently stroke her hair — every time your fingers thread between her messy auburn locks, the shiver that shoots down her spine. every stroke, every curl—slow and tender, she can feel it, and for a moment you’re taking care of something delicate—
it drives her batshit crazy. the power you hold over her, that in a matter of seconds you can reduce her to a shuddering mess, half flustered, the other half just incredibly, foolishly turned on
“don’t,” she’d warn
a weak protest, you both know it, she’d see the way the corners of your mouth turn into an impish grin, smug bastard you are—ugh.
“don’t what, baby?” you’d ask, voice low, sultry, a tad bit dangerous
“stop,” she’d try again, voice lacking conviction. you can tell she’s torn between resisting and giving in, between her ego and this pathetic desire for you to continue
“why should i?” you’d say, a teasing tone. one hand settled just above the band of her shorts, the other reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face, your touch feather-light yet oh-so-intimate
breath catching. body arching, you’re so crazy observant, gingerly stroking the faint scar on her upper lip, kissing her there would be cruel, to suckle, leave a mark, this territorial need to brand her—
the thought crosses your mind,
to claim her, make her yours in that primal way. it’s an impulse, a possessiveness you can’t fully explain. she’s so beautiful, so perfect — and yet there’s something about knowing that someone else might’ve left a mark on her, some other fool who had the pleasure of kissing her, caressing her pretty pretty skin
stirs something within you
you don’t like it
ignites this animalistic feeling. a need to protect, to erase any evidence of anyone else’s hands on her body, replace it with your own touch, your own taste, your own name on her pretty pretty lips.
“look at me” you instruct, chin angled up to meet your gaze. a feral edge to your voice, a hunger that can’t be ignored. fingers wedged between her thighs, inching closer and closer towards that sweet spot. her body tensing, shaky little gasps, the tension between you almost palpable—
this idea of being the only one who gets to see her like this, vulnerable and needy and aching— it’s the only thing keeping you from losing your damn mind right—this insatiable desire to make her writhe and whimper, to make her feel things—consumes you to the brim,
it takes all of your restraint not to sink your teeth into her skin
she wants to tell you off, tell you to keep your hands to yourself for once, but the words get stuck in her throat.
so your hands move over her like you’re mapping every dip every curve. that you’ve memorised every inch, they’re gentle but firm, teasing yet tantalizing—a relentless assault on her senses
because making her cum
isn’t a chore, unravelling her in the most intimate way is your favourite game. every move on your part calculated, designed to drive her over the edge, to toy with her. no, you revel in it. it’s a challenge, an art you’ve mastered. you know exactly how to touch her, where to press and kiss, to slow down, when to speed up. it’s a slow, delicious game and she’s
so, so helpless
and so so reactive
the sound of her moans and gasps, the way your name quivers from her lips; a desperate plea.
but even then, the fights still leave her chest hollow, aching, and the silence that follows? the cold shoulder you give her? leave her reeling and desperate for comfort, any semblance of closure you know damn well you’re not willing to give her
a bone-deep ache that settles in her chest, just another reminder of how complicated things are between you—how complicated you are
it’s the way you shut her out, sweet one minute, like ice the next. she’s tired of it, tired of your flaky ass moods, the way you shut her out when you’re mad.
consistency, a normal relationship, is that too much to ask? but you just can’t seem to give her that can you?
no matter how badly she craves your attention—how good it feels being this close, there’s always repercussions. always stupid shit to argue over then apologise profusely weeks later. you blame it on your zodiac, or some stupid-self-diagnosed-shit-like-avoidant-attachment-style
she knows you’re deflecting, its easier to blame your actions on stupid shit like the stars than your own mistakes and shortcomings. and yet, she can’t help but want you. it would be oh-so easy to walk away, find someone who can offer her stability
which only makes the pain all too real. it’s maddening, the way you make her feel. how can someone be so infuriatingly wonderful? cruel, loving, passionate
yet she can’t even bring herself to face the truth
cause fuck being vulnerable
that shit hurts
caring too much fuckin hurts
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Redraw of the panels that SHATTERED MY HEART o(;△;)o!!! OG panels + Opinions on the Luffy separation arc under read more
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Okay let me just go on a tangent about my feelings about the post-series Luffy separation arc, cause I think it gets way too much hate when it’s such a heartbreaking and well executed deviation from oda’s standard formula!!! I know that we all love monkey d. luffy and he’s LITERALLY the main character of the series, but it was also really nice to get more time to focus on the rest of the crew. But here’s the thing, even when Luffy wasn’t here, he was still here. And I’m not talking about the so called ‘blessings’ or whatever that kept SUSPICIOUSLY popping up around the crew when Luffy disappeared, I’m talking about the consequences that arised from him disappearing. We truly got to see how grand the effect luffy has had on the world around him, and how many lives he was able to touch ; - ; So even though luffy physically wasn’t present (I mean KIND OF but you know what I mean), this was still VERY MUCH a luffy arc imo. 
Oh man but I think Oda wrote luffy’s disappearance so well,,, I was sobbing for like 80 percent of this arc. Like just gradually seeing the crew’s deterioration as time passes by,,, but everyone has such unwavering faith in their captain, he HAS to come back cause Luffy always comes back. But here’s the thing, Luffy didn’t know what was happening to him when he started disappearing. But what he DID know is that he wasn’t sure if he was gonna be able to come back or not. And Luffy hates breaking promises- he’d never make a promise if he didn’t plan to keep it, and he’s not an idiot either, so when he just felt himself disappearing and saw zoro nearby... Instead of saying something like “I’ll be back!” and potentially making his crewmates wait for him forever, he tells zoro to “take care of the crew”... SOBBING AND CRYING T - T. So YES. the crew has unwavering faith in their captain. But. Luffy didnt say that he’d be coming back or anything. So what are they supposed to do really.
And it’s really hard to read at some parts, like it never loses the goofy tone that has been there throughout all of one piece and it’s really sweet to see everyone rely on each other to keep one another afloat, but the slight tension that keeps building up over the months while they keep looking for clues and answers... And how each lead keeps becoming a dead end... When it builds up and Usopp finally voices the thing that’s on everyone’s mind.
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Oh man. I started crying so hard. It took 6 month for any one of them to say something. Like this is One piece. Of course Luffy is gonna come back eventually, it would be waay too dark otherwise... But Idk man, even I started to doubt that :((( But luckily. THIS IS ONE PIECE. So right after everyone started,,, well not exactly losing hope or anything (maybe a bit)? but going BATSHIT INSANE FROM THE REALITY THAT THEIR CAPTAIN MIGHT BE GONE FOR GOOD, they finally got a solid actual clue of what might’ve happened to luffy!!! And I’m SO GLADDDD!!!!
Omg and when they tracked down the pray-pray no mi user and finally got some answers out of him. OMG WAIT A MOMENT I REALLY LIKED IS WHEN PRIEST GUY IS LIKE “urerheg without luffy up there as a god the entire world may very well be destroyed cause the sun has been super unstable for centuries blah blah” and then Nami freaking PUMMELED THE GUY AND SHOVED HIM DOWN WITH HER STAFF AND
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URGH I was really hoping that Luffy would return right once they beat him up cause I really really missed my boy, but honestly I think the final method of getting Luffy to return was super clever and absolutely worth the extra 3 weeks of waiting!!! I know that it was foreshadowed across the whole West Blue Saga and everything but I honestly had no clue it would end like that, DONT MAKE FUN OF ME :(((
When the crew finally got their captain back after 8 months of waiting... I mean they’ve been separated before for even longer periods of time, but they always knew that they’d be back together. This time they didn’t know. BUT AREHAHRGE ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING WAS SO WORTHIT WHEN THEY ALL FINALLY REUNITED T - T!!!!!! UWAHHWHAHWUAAGGHA!!! AND SEEING ALL THEIR ALLIES AND FRIENDS THEYVE MADE JUST CHEER AND CRY WHEN THEY HEAR THE NEWS!!!! I WOULD CHUCK ALL THE PANELS HERE IF I COULD BUT ID JUS T REACH THE IMAGE LIMIT BECAUSE ALL OF THEM MADE ME CRY ; - ;!!! Literally just read those 5 chapters in the arc finale cause,,,, man so good T - T
Anyways TLDR: The post-series luffy seperation arc is NOT BAD and you guys are JUST COWARDS AND LIARS!!!!
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gojossocks · 11 months
Gossips and Convenience Stores
Pairing: Gojo x reader
Summary: just some jjk first years gossiping lmao. Implied that Geto didn’t turn batshit crazy and killed a lot of people.
a/n: this is probably an epilogue to a series I’ve been wanting to write for a while. lmk if you guys liked it ! <33
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“I wonder when Gojo-sensei will ask Y/N-sensei out.” Nobara asks, before taking a bite of her onigiri.
Nobara, Yuuji, and Megumi were all sitting together in an empty parking lot outside a convenience store, something that has become a routine after a tiring mission.
It’s midnight. Most of the diners are closed and the only store open was the 7/11, just a few blocks away from Jujutsu High.
“It’s kinda annoying,” She continued. “Every time I see that damned teacher around her, he gets more annoying. That’s a given since he’s more annoying than when he’s with Geto-sensei. If that’s his way of flirting then I don’t think he could ever pull her.”
Megumi snorts at Nobara’s keen observation. “I’m surprised you noticed that.”
She rolls her eyes before glaring at Megumi, “How could I not? Even our principal notices it. Hell, even Yuuji knows it. Right?!” She turned to look at Yuuji, who shrugged mindlessly while eating his noodles.
“I don’t know, he does talk about her all the time. Whenever I ask what’s their history or whatever, he says they were long time friends.”
Megumi snorted at the statement, earning a look from his classmates.
“What’s that look you got, Fushiguro?” Nobara accuses him. He replies with a hum.
Nobara sighs before clicking her tongue. “Anyway, I know you know a lot about those two because Maki-san told me you basically grew up with having them around. Besides, he always asks you to bring pizza for Y/N-sensei. I think it was an unrequited thing, don’t you think? I mean she’s way out of his league if you ask me.” She says confidently.
Megumi knew that this was bound to happen but he never thought that he would have to explain the situation this early. He really hates it when people gossip about his life— and that extends to Y/N. He met Satoru and Y/N when he was 6 years old. Most of his childhood, he and Tsumiki stayed with the Gojos.
“They used to be together.” Megumi mumbles, looking down at his shoes. He then looks up at his friends when the both of them yell ‘HUH?!’ in unison. He couldn’t blame them though. Satoru and Y/N’s acting skills as if they were never together in the first place really fooled a lot of people, especially the people who don’t know anything about them.
“Yeah,” He says, trying to act as nonchalant as possible. Megumi takes a sip from his pepsi, in hopes to escape Nobara and Yuji’s interested gaze. “They’re marrie— could you both shut up for a bit?” He grumbles in annoyance.
Nobara scooches closer to Megumi. “Oh my god, tell me everything.”
He rolled his eyes but continued anyway. “They were in an arranged marriage as far as I know. They were together for 8 years. I think they’ve known each other for much longer, though.”
“Oh he definitely fumbled the bag.”
Yuji stares at him with his mouth agape. His eyes suddenly widened as he dramatically gasped, “Is that why you accidentally called Y/N sensei ‘mom’ ?!”
Megumi feels blood rising from his cheeks. He quickly looks down at his shoes once more to prevent Nobara and Yuji from seeing him embarrassed. Both of them started giggling.
“So that means you call Gojo-sensei ‘daddy’ huh?” Nobara smirked at the onyx haired boy. Megumi chokes on his drink before muttering a ‘shut up, I don’t.’
“So why did they break up?” Yuuji asks.
“I’m not really sure. They try to keep us out of their problems. Y/N just packed up one day and that was it. We kept in touch but she made me promise not to tell Gojo anything. Anyway, that’s it, stop questioning me.”
Nobara points a finger accusingly at the empty parking lot, “I bet he has commitment issues. Yeah, just by looking at him, he’s definitely the type to have one.”
“They have been together, for 8 years.” Megumi deadpans.
“Damn, adults are complicated.” Yuuji whines. “They’d look great together though.”
“He still fumbled! I bet my new perfume on that. To be honest, I don’t really see Y/N sensei with him. He seems chaotic enough as he is.”
“That’s a little harsh.”
“Well, she tolerates us,” Yuji adds, “Besides I don’t think Gojo-sensei will ask her out. Earlier, I saw Y/N-sensei on a date. I just forgot to tell you guys.”
Even Megumi doesn’t know that.
“What?!” Nobara exclaims, standing up. “C’mon, it’s 2 am. I need to get my beauty rest. I’ll get the Y/N and Gojo lore this week. I can’t wait to interview Geto-sensei!”
“That’s invading their privacy.” Megumi sighs.
Nobara and Yuuji kept asking Megumi questions, theorizing and pestering each other. The three of them talked (read: argue) on the way home, too engrossed in the mystery of Gojo and Y/N’s relationship.
Meanwhile they fail to notice their teacher casually leaning on the wall beside the convenience store, chuckling at his students’ curiosity.
Gojo shakes his head before heading off to god knows where.
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gojo u naughty boi why are u out at 2 am wanna read more?
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min1check · 9 months
Leto! Joker x Side Chick! Reader part 2
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1033 words dw im writing the smut part and again barely proofread so im sorry if u find mistakes
pt 1
description: you work at one of joker’s clubs and he begins to take interest in you… pt 2
I got my window fixed and a new bowl thankfully. If it was just me living there at the apartment I wouldn’t care about the bowl but I was preparing for my family to come and live with me. 
But for some reason I began looking for Mr. J more and more. But he stopped coming to the club. I didn’t know why. Maybe he got tired of me?
Actually I’m stupid. That’s a good thing. He cheated on Harley…
…with me. 
That goes against all and every girl code out there. What am I doing with my life? I need to focus on school and work. 
The night I got home was when I started receiving gifts from him. Sometimes it was flowers, sometimes it was cash, sometimes it was even food. Every night I felt guilty. 
One day, Joker finally showed up to the club, with Harley. The feeling I felt so strongly in my heart was guilt. (And jealousy but i’ll never admit that) 
I placed down the drinks they usually ordered. 
“Sorry hun! Puddin wants to try something different today.” Harley spoke to me. 
I smiled back. 
“What would Mr. and Mrs. J want today?” I smiled. 
“Hmm… Doll what should I get today?” He turned to Harley.
I froze up at the nickname. I should’ve known that nickname wasn’t just for me. It was mad fucking embarrassing. It didn’t just feel embarrassing it made me feel disgusting and fucking nasty. 
I could feel my face getting red from anger and embarrassment. 
It looked like Mr. J could sense how I felt as he had the same grin on his face. It made me realize that being with him was dangerous for my mind and body. Yet there was something about him that was unexplainably alluring. 
“Oooo~ I really liked the green thing we had last time!” Harley smiled ever so sweetly. 
I went back to reality. 
“We’ll have the absinthe.” The Joker looked at me up and down with a grin. 
I’m a fool. 
“Yes I’ll get that for you right away.” I smiled and walked off. 
I’m so fucking stupid. 
“Wow, that was fast, Miss Waiter!” Harley exclaimed. 
“Thank you Mrs. J.” I tried my best to sound like I was laughing genuinely. 
Joker just grinned at me like usual. 
I couldn’t tell you about what I remembered about my shift except for that part. I got home quickly that night. On my table was a note with an address
I quickly gathered all the random presents Joker left for me and put it in a box neatly. 
It wasn’t right of me to let myself be a mistress. I needed to stop this. I couldn’t let myself catch even bigger feelings either. Why was I jealous of Harley even though he was already hers? It’s not right of me to think of such a thing. I’m not about to be a homewrecker. 
But what if he reacted badly to me saying no? He’s literally batshit crazy. He wouldn't hesitate to blow my head off. I still have a lot of things to live for. Maybe I should just stay home. 
But if he gave me this note tonight then he wants me to come tonight. Right?
So what if I had a slight smile currently? He’s hot and i like being wanted, that's all. 
I googled how far the address was and it was actually pretty close. I quickly arrived at the address. I knocked on the door and was met with a shirtless Joker. 
I touched my mouth to make sure I wasn’t drooling. 
“Hi I’m sorry but I can’t accept this Mr. J.” I said quietly while trying to avoid looking at his man tities and his ripped ass chest. 
There was no grin on his face but more like a scowl. It shook me to my very core. I was too used to his devilish grin. (It was kinda hot though…) 
“Doll you’re breaking my heart! Those gifts were just for you!” His usual grin appeared on his face again. It 
His use of the same pet name for Harley and me was repulsive. Yet it made my heart twist and turn. 
“Give these gifts to your actual girlfriend Mr.
J. I don’t want to disturb your relationship and I need to focus on school and work.” I couldn’t bear to look at him so I focused my attention on the ground. 
He put the box of gifts I held in my hands down on the floor. 
“Aww~ Are you jealous Princess? Harley is my girlfriend, yes. But you’re the only one that’s in this smalllll tinyyyy heart.” He put my hand onto his chest. 
Would he kill me if I squeezed it a bit? 
“…” I didn’t want to retort back and get my head blown off. But this whole thing we had was morally wrong. And I knew if I fell in even more love with him I could never escape those feelings. I don’t want to die. 
“Mr. J we can’t- I can’t do this. You already have a girlfriend and I need to focus on-“ 
I was cut off by him shushing me with his finger. 
“You can’t but I definitely can. Who said anyone needed to know about us, Doll?” He held me in his arms. 
“But Mr. J…” I was conflicted. 
My life or him? 
“C’mon Princess~ be with me. I’ll make sure you never worry again.” He said like he knew exactly what I was thinking. 
He kissed me…
And I kissed back. 
He’s probably done this to so many other girls but my body, heart, and mind couldn’t escape him. 
Maybe a few more days wouldn’t hurt. 
I spent the night with him. When I woke up he had already left. There was a note left next to me with his number on it. 
I felt lonely. 
My knees literally buckled with every step I took. It was really bad. I thought I was gonna fall multiple times. Thankfully I was able to get into my apartment and I slept for a little longer. Yet it felt cold without the warmth of Mr. J. 
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strabara · 6 months
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SUMMARY: Y/N is batshit crazy for Shigaraki that she finds him and confesses her undying love for him. And he promises to return her love only if she completes a small favor. Y/N of course blindly obliges.
Notes: I had posted this on AO3 AGESS AGOOO. But! I decided it deserved a remake. Also bc I’m making a second part soo yea :3 AGAIN as I’ve said before English isn’t my first language and it wasn’t very good 2 years ago.. so watch out for grammatical issues and terrible writing skills..
Y'know to the pro heroes the video that Shigaraki filmed of you looked fucked up. It was even more fucked up that it was being broadcasted live for everyone to see. People didn’t need to know who you were to know that you were 'Kidnapped'. After all they think you’re his hostage and you’re doing all of this against your will. But oh how they were so wrong. Right now you were seen as a barely clothed chained girl who was being forced to suck dick.
But to you this was all apart of your sick fantasy that you dreamed of! Sure it’s weird somebody even liked Shigaraki but no.. you loved him. You loved him so much that you'd do anything for him, LITERALLY. I mean here you were shamelessly rubbing circles to your clit as your face was getting fucked by Shigaraki! All they could hear was muffled moans and groans. A truly terrifying sight for anyone.
"Agh.. Look at you taking me so well.. I'll reward you with my disgusting cum you little slut."
You gurgled and sped up your pace to your clit. You moaned as you reached your peak and on cue he released his thick salty ropes into your mouth. You whine as they traveled down your throat. Panting as you hold your heavy eyes, tired from the Costant stimulation to your clit. God how this turned you on. He takes himself out of your mouth as he quickly grabs you by the neck, shoving your face into the camera.
"Open your mouth and show them how you swallowed a villians cum you Whore."
You slowly opened your mouth showing your tongue and bruised throat. You wanted to smile but couldn't since that would show you really weren't doing this against your will. Shigaraki started to laugh as he threw you to the floor making you whimper. He then grabbed you by the hair, pulling you towards him. He spreads your legs as he got inbetween them, his hard member falling onto your cunt making you flinch slightly. Almost instantly he disintegrating your panties before he put your thighs to your chest.
You were now basically naked, well except for the ripped up thigh high socks you had on. Your uniform was all ripped up and discarded to the side somewhere.
"How does it feel knowing your virginity will be stripped away from you by a villian? Not only that but I'll make you bear my children! You hear that? Your small cunts gonna be forced to swallow my villian seed!"
He smirks at you before he ran his tip along your slit, making you shudder. This made the heroes hearts drop. But only added love to yours. You couldnt believe this was actually happening!! The man you’d been in love with for who knows how long was about to take your virginity! Oh how luck was on your side.
"No p-please! I beg you! You can let me go I wont tell them anything I-I promise!"
You yelp as he slaps your pussy, grabbing and pulling at your clit. A hand went to your head before he grabbed a handful of your hair. His lips came to your ear all the while he had a smirk on his lips.
"Hmm i thought about it and how about.. No?"
And just like that he snapped his hips forward, pushing his large shaft into you with a single thrust. You choked as he stretched you out. You really were willing to do anything but the pain really did hurt. You screamed loudly all the while you threw your head back throwing weak punches to his chest. Shigaraki was quick to put a hand at your throat to shut you up.
"Hah.. Shit your sucking me in so good it’s like you want me to breed you! How dirty for a cute naive quirkless girl."
The camera catches the small streams of arousal mixed with blood trickle down your hole as it reached the floor. This was the final straw for the heroes.
"what the hell are we doing! This girl is getting Assualted and we're just going to let it happen?!"
The Lust hero, Midnight exclaimed.
"Look Midnight we can't do anything! We dont know where they are! And people wont let us search without creating a jam. I get it I want to help too but there’s nothing we can do.!"
You continued to moan and yelp as he reached into the deepest parts of you not caring about the people who were listening or watching. After a while the pain had subsided and turned into pleasure.
"P-please s' too much!~"
You moan loudly while his tip assualted your cervix every thrust he gave.
"Aw maybe i'll be nice if you’re a good girl and tell me you’re my cocksleeve."
You squeak as he gripped your hips tighter, almost as if he was promising he would leave bruises.
"N-no i don't want to be anything to you just let me gah!~"
You stop as he bites your body leaving love marks everywhere as he showed you’re HIS property. Shaking your head he licks up your neck until reaching your parted lips. Being quick to thrust his tongue in. Your mouth leaking with saliva while he dominated your mouth. He stops before he licking his lips, watching you gasp for air as your mouth quivered.
"Cmon say it, you’re my cocksleeve and you’re a slut that loves villian cock. Theres no way anyone else will want you. After all you’re being used up by a big bad villian!"
This Sickening Fantasy of yours was a dream come true!
"I-I’m your cocksleeve!~ and a slut who loves villian C-cock!~"
This was probably humiliating for others but it turned you on so much more. You shamelessly wrapped your arms around his neck while wheezing.
"Hey wait a minute.. You just got tighter! Ha that turned you on huh? How dirty of you."
You just continued to cry and whimper as you turned you head away, but that shortly changed when he started to hit your G spot. You yelp loudly before your arms left his neck, putting them on his abdomen to push him away.
"Whats wrong huh? Need to cum?"
You squeal as he rubbed your sensitive clit, making your toes curl and eyes roll back.
"A-ah no! I dont wanna cum!"
Your orgasm was approaching fast as he continued to hit your G spot all the while he teased your clit.
"Ha! What a treat! Cmon cum on this villian cock! I wanna hear how someone disgusting like me makes a good little civilian feel."
His hips rocked back and forth as your body bounced. He took this time to suck your nipples, bringing you over the edge you were so eagerly trying to get to.
"A-agh I’m cumming!~"
Unexpectedly you squirted all over him coating his cock and balls with your juices. He lets out a creepy laugh before gripping your jaw to look at him.
"Wow you’re disgusting! You said you didnt like me ya big perv! Well here’s my treat for you so make sure to swallow every bit of it! You'll look so pretty pregnant! Agh you'll be forced to be burdened with MY kids it’s just amazing!"
The overstimulation was bringing tears to your eyes as you shook your head no.
"No please pull out I dont wanna get pregnant!~"
His hips slammed into you fast at an animalistic speed as you continued to bounce. Your moans cracking from all the screaming, cheeks wet with tears and saliva. He roughly kisses you to shut you up as you felt a second release coming. Finally he slammed into you one last time releasing his sperm into your cervix. You moan into the sloppy kiss as your second orgasm ripped through you, making you to squirt again.

"Wow i must have really made you feel good, Not only that you squirted again, truly amazing guess quirkless people can make up for it huh."
You heavily breathed while letting out small whimpers. He started to cackle as he put the camera to your ahegao like face, along with pulling out of you to watch his cum ooze out slowly.
"Oops let’s just push that back in yeah?"
You whine as his finger pushes into
your sensitive cunt, plugging his cum inside. The pro heroes felt guilt in their hearts, they failed to protect a civilian. You on the other hand were fucked dumb. All you could think about was how good he made you feel, how full you felt. You let out a shaky breath as you pull your pussy apart. Allowing your hole to glisten from the camera's light.
"I-I’m yours only, P-please Mr. Shigaraki… use me to your h-hearts content."
You manage to slip out with tired heart eyes and a subtle grin. His smile just widens before he thrusted back inside you, making you moan softly.
"Of course how could I refuse such an offer?"
Multiple citizens were left traumatized, but this didnt stop many from being determined to find you. Although there were some people who were really weird about it. I mean somebody broke into the news station and stole the video!! They literally uploaded everywhere. Top trending video for awhile weirdly. Lots of people watched it they called it 'Shigaraki's sextape' it was super long, nearly 7 hours.
The search continued and continued which bugged the shit out of you! After all you were the one stalking Shigaraki and you were the one who told him about your crazy obsession, how you were in love with him, how you'd do anything he asked of you!.. Even if it would ruin your image. Couple of months had went by and you were now 5 months pregnant with triplets! Oh how happy you were. You found out that you were having 2 boys and a girl.
"Oh! Y/N look what I got you! Its perfect for your triplets so you can try to put them to sleep at the same time!"
You open the gift to find a small box it had a voice box so you were assuming it was to record your voice. With a smile you turned to the radio hero.
"Thank you Mr. Mic I appreciate this gift!"
Yea... about that, part of Shigaraki's plan was for you to get found so if he and his future league ever did need shelter they could stay in your apartment. But, you didnt get an apartment. Instead you got a huge ass house gifted to you from the pro heroes! After all they were filled with guilt that they couldnt save you from the so called 'Trauma' you experienced, or the fact you’re forced to have kids you 'don’t' want. And lets not even talk about how they found you and the state you were in, it was... something.
"Alright who's gift is this? There's no name."
"Dont know probably a gift sent from a random person."
Alot of the random gifts people sent were… questionable to say the least. Its also a bit unsettling that some people would comment on your instagram with the link to the video saying they 'wished it was them he did it to'. You won’t lie now you always click the link so you could watch him and in the end you always masturbate to it. You sigh, slowly ripping the wrapping paper to find a small box that looked shabby and old filled with bibs, onesies and a small envelope. You s slowly open the envelope to find a scratchy like note that read 'I love you, so you better make sure that my kids are well taken care of or else you'll regret it.' Wait.. Shigaraki spent his valuable time to send you gifts AND he told you he loved you!?
The Tomura Shigaraki wasted his precious breath on someone weird like you?! Kicking your feet you squeal and hold the note to your chest. You blush as you look up to the pro heroes surrounding you.
"What is it Y/n? A love letter? "
The pro heroes start to laugh as you giggle.
"No.. Its just... "
"Shigaraki truly does love me!.."
Notes: OKAYY so I did change some pieces here and there uhh sorry if there’s still mistakes I’m fucking blind. Hope you enjoyed! I’m currently working on part 2 now!
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johnwickb1tsch · 12 days
🌻Small Town Girl🌻 ~ Part 2
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Tex Johnson thought he was just passing through…until he set his eyes on you. 
Part 2 of a little Tex x Reader fic for my beloved @treedaddymcpuffpuff. ILYSM!😘
Warnings: mentions of past spousal abuse, mentions of animal abuse, religious trauma...you know, the usual social problems of depressed rural america... I can say that because I live here. divider by saradika part 1
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You’re a heavy sleeper, but this takes the cake.
When you stagger into your kitchen and look out the window Tex’s Chevelle is parked half in your gravel driveway, half in your yard. And tethered to your fence post munching green grass to his heart’s content is a certain miniature equine who you’d tried to acquire with cold hard cash the night before.
You march outside in your threadbare nightgown and your bare feet, finding Tex asleep in the driver’s seat. How the hell did he even get this horse here with that car?
If he put Ziggy in the trunk you are going to murder him.
You pound on the window, and he wakes with a violent start. “Popsicles!”
He looks around, before fixing on you, and seems to relax a hair. “Mornin’, darlin’.”
“What. The fuck. Did you do?”
“Uh…funny story…”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“What? Didn’t you want this horse?”
“Yeah, but…” You pull at your hair, feeling a migraine coming on already. “You have no idea what you’ve done.”
You turn in the dew-wet grass to go check on Ziggy. You hear Tex exiting the car behind you. “Don’t be mad, baby.”
“I’m not mad,” you answer sadly, running your fingers through the little horse’s coarse blond mane. “I’m scared.”
Ziggy nibbles at your fingers with his meaty lips, wanting the treats he associates you with. He was going to need a whole lot more than molasses cookies though. You could already tell how your day was going to go.
“Don’t be scared either, darlin’,” Tex says behind you.
“Easy for you to say. You realize this is the first place Dale is gonna come look? And he’ll probably bring Donnie too.”
Nevermind the restraining order you have. It won’t stop him. He’s friends with half the sheriff’s deputies anyway. The Barksdales are damn near untouchable. You learned that the oh so hard way.
“Honey, I’m not going to let them hurt you.” 
For the sake of the horse you keep your temper in check, moderating your voice when all you want to do is yell. “What are you going to do? Watch over me every minute of the day?” He lifts his brows like he likes that idea–you do too, which is batshit insane, because you don’t actually know a goddamn thing about this man.
“Hold on. How did you even know where I live?”
He shrugs. “Not hard to find out, if you know where to look.”
“Well that’s not creepy at all.”
You guess all he’d have to do is ask at the gas station–your family’s been here long enough that it’s basically common knowledge.
You stand there in your faded floral muumuu and your bare feet, toe to toe with this tall dark man and if you had any sense you would be afraid…but you’re not. You’re not because you just don’t think he’ll hurt you. You feel it in your bones and you haven’t had that certainty about any man in so long you can’t remember, and it’s driving you a little wild inside.
“I need my boots,” you sigh, and brush past him to go back to the house.
You put Ziggy in the farthest back stall of your barn, where he’ll be out of sight should anyone come looking. With a flake of hay and some grains in his bucket, he seems perfectly content, the sweet sound of him munching filling the old oak building. You lean on a rough sawn post and watch him with a storm in your heart, wondering how long its been since he’d been able to eat his fill.
There will be a price to pay for this little horse’s well being, and you decide whatever it is will be worth it, even if you are afraid. Tex’s presence might deter vengeance for a little while, but he won’t be here forever. You know he won’t, no matter how nice it is to think it, so you’d better be ready.
You were going to have to think on this.
But first, you were going to have to call the ferrier. Luckily you had a friend who wouldn’t rat you out to the Barksdales. Angela was tough as nails and didn’t kowtow to their bullshit. 
It occurs to you that maybe the best thing for Ziggy, and the best thing for you, might be to get this horse far away from here. You wouldn’t put it past Dale or Donnie or one of his other heartless relatives to sneak into your barn in the dead of night and do something awful. There wouldn’t be a whole lot you could do about it either.
You’ve had this horse for about 5 seconds, and the thought of giving him up already breaks your heart.
Tex has been standing silently beside you. You feel his eyes on you, but in what you suspect is a rare occurrence, he’s not running his mouth, giving you space to think. But when you give a heavy sigh he finally breaks. “Come on, darlin’, I thought this would make you happy. It kills me to see you sad.” He opens his arms to you, but you eye them warily. It’s too tempting by far. The way this man is dangerous to you, is that you could get too used to his company too quick.
“You want breakfast?” you deflect.
He nods, those dark eyes taking the measure of you, looking through you, you’re afraid, right into your soul. “Sure.” But he doesn’t move, still just looking at you. 
“What?” you grouse.
Your annoyance only makes him grin.
“Did I mention you’re the cutest little thing in a muumuu and muck boots this side of the Mississippi?”
You roll your eyes, not believing him for a minute. Your hair is still in its bird’s nest of a sleeping braid and you haven’t had your coffee yet. With hands on your hips you look him over too. He’s still wearing the same shirt as last night, and his eyes are a little bloodshot.
“Did you tie one on last night and steal that horse?”
He scrubs at the back of his neck, looking all the while like a guilty schoolboy. “Well…about that…”
This is the thing that finally breaks through your black mood, lifting your sorrow like a blanket. The thought of this man committing grand theft pony–dare you think it, for you–brings a small smile to your lips, and a whole lot of sunshine to your heart.
“Tell me in the house. I’m hungry.” When he doesn’t immediately budge you turn him by the shoulders and give him a shove. Without really thinking about it, you smack his ass for good measure. That tight little behind is round, and firm, and you bite your lip without meaning to, wishing it was something else.
He makes a show of jumping with surprise, smirking at you knowingly over his shoulder. “Watch it, baby girl, or I’mma get myself a handful next,” he warns you with a wicked glint in his eye that makes your insides churn. 
You don’t know what insane notion possesses you, when you stick out your tongue at him– and run. 
You're smarter than this. You know you don't run from a predator. You face them down and smack them on the nose. 
His laughter from right behind you makes an electric thrill zip from your heart to your toes. Dear Lord. No man should be this much fun. 
He really is like a drug, and you don’t know what you were thinking running from him, because you are not fast, and you are clumsy, but somehow it’s him behind you who lets out a surprised yell.
You turn to find Tex with his foot in a hole up to his calf. “Oh my god. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.” He extricates himself, and you both peer down into a tunnel running under the aisle of your dirt floor barn. You look at the direction, and follow it to an unoccupied stall. Throwing open the door, you find mounds and mounds of freshly disturbed earth.
“Motherfucker. That groundhog is back.”
Tex looks at the impressive damage with eyebrows raised high. “Goddam. You sure it ain’t a bear? Or a rogue bulldozer?”
“Yes. I can’t deal with this now. Come on.” You take his hand, pulling him towards the house, and he happily follows.
You pause at the front door. “Umm…it’s going to be chaos for a minute. Fair warning.” Then you lead him into the fray.
Chichi is a tiny black and tan tornado at your feet, yipping and screaming. You shake a treat can and hand one to Tex. “Give this to him if you want to live.”
Raising an eyebrow, Tex complies, crouching down to the little dog’s level to offer the morsel. Chichi gobbles it and quiets down, switching to sniffing and licking as Tex scratches his side. His hand is almost as big as your dog, and it touches your heart, how sweet he is to the little creature. Satisfied, Chichi runs back to you for a snuggle.
“We good now?” you ask the little chihuahua. He licks you fervently, and you laugh, setting him back down on the floor. Your bulldog reacts in the exact opposite manner, not even getting out of her bed, only deigning to open one eye to regard your visitor. Your conure has joined in the cacophony, and will not quiet until you give him a piece of apple.
“I hope you like fresh eggs and bacon, it’s all I got.”
“Alright.” He seems amused by you, and the happy mayhem of your home, looking around with a sparkle in his eye. “Can I use your bathroom?”
“Sure.” You point him in the right direction and go to the kitchen, lighting a burner under your cast iron skillet. You busy yourself with frying bacon and cracking eggs and filling the kettle for coffee. You are so concentrated on your task that it takes you a moment to notice Tex leaning on the door jam–sans shirt.
You blink, and nearly put your hand in the hot pan. “You forget something?” you ask, trying like hell not to stare at the broad expanse of muscled torso before you. Jesus fucking christ, that’s not fair.
“My clean shirts are back at the motel,” he defends. 
His hair is slightly damp from washing up, looking unfairly edible.
He sidles closer, and you notice the top button of his jeans is undone. A long scar runs down the center of his abdomen, leading your eye to a dark patch of hair that disappears into his waistband. 
Evil. This man is pure evil–and you want to taste every inch of him.
“My eyes are up here, darlin’,” he says with a smirk. 
“You are a menace,” you grouse, holding up a spatula in defense as he just keeps getting closer. He smirks, looking down at the implement.
“You gonna spank me, sweetheart?”
“I would, but I’m afraid you’d like it.”
You are warm all over, and it has nothing to do with slaving over a hot stove.
“Can I help?”
Like he hasn’t helped enough.
“Sure. Pour that hot water into that carafe.”
He looks between the french press, the kettle, and you. “Ever heard of a Mr. Coffee?”
“We don’t tolerate weak coffee in this house.”
He grins at you, doing as he’s told. He even knows to stir it with a wooden spoon, which makes you think he was just pulling your leg.
While you are flipping bacon you feel him zero in behind you, the line of warmth from his body like a heat lamp at your back. “Smells wonderful,” he says, daring to touch your waist.
“It’s meat candy, what do you expect?” You’re not sure if you’re talking about the bacon, or him. 
“Hmm.” His chuckle is a low rumble behind you. You feel it reverberate in your bones. The tips of his fingers press into your sides as he grips fistfuls of your nightgown–and you–as he nuzzles your hair. The sound you make as you wiggle in his arms is almost cartoonish. He takes no mercy, laughing and holding you closer. The warm, solid line of his body behind you is divine, so wonderful you can hardly stand it.
“You are going to make me burn the bacon!” you screech in an attempt at self-defense.
“That’s alright, I’ll just eat you for breakfast,” he tells you in that low growl that makes your knees weak, ducking to nibble at your ear. It’s possible you give in for a few seconds, your head rocking back against his shoulder as he holds you. Why does it have to feel like you fit together so well? When his long fingers bunch in your skirt, pulling it up as his other hand reaches for your breast you think you might combust. In a panic you smack his hand with the spatula with a little scream, trying not to giggle. 
“Go sit down!”
With a wicked chuckle he skips out of reach before you can smack him again, collapsing into one of the old wooden kitchen chairs. His smoldering gaze meets yours, and you feel unsettled. 
This man. Lord save you.
Or not. Maybe…you don’t want to be saved.
“I don’t know how you do things in Texas, but here you don’t get to feel a girl up just because you rustled a horse for her.”
He grins, baring his teeth like he means to eat you.
“Sorry, darlin’, blame the muumuu.”
You try to keep a straight face, but in the end you fail utterly. 
“You gonna tell me how all this happened?”
“You sure you want to know?”
“No, but I should.”
“Hmm. Well, after the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met abandoned me at the fair–”
“Oh save it, Mr. L.A. stuntman.”
He grins but goes on, “I had to do something to nurse my broken heart. So I went to the aforementioned TJ’s by the creek…”
“Ok, this is starting to make sense.”
You start setting dishes of food and plates on the table. Eggs, bacon, toast, butter and jam, and of course, coffee. “And I only had one drink, because I’m a cautious sort of fellow…”
“Yes, that has been made glaringly apparent in the short time I've known you.”
He nods in agreement with a fey glint in his eye all the while. “And who walks in, but our friend Dale…”
“Oh god. You didn’t pick a fight with him, did you?”
“I did not. I went out to the parking lot, to find his horse trailer still full of petting zoo employees conveniently two cars away from mine.”
You cover your mouth, so he can’t see the absolutely feral grin forming on your lips. “You didn’t.”
“I so did. Let the goats out to disperse in the woods there, and wouldn’t you know Ziggy fit right in my passenger seat?”
You are picturing this big tough man in his muscle car peeling out down the road with that cute little horse as a co-pilot. That must be the point when you officially lose your sanity, because you crawl into his lap, planting a big kiss right on his mouth. He lets out a low moan of appreciation, cupping your rear end in his two big hands.
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“You’re a goddamned hero.”
“I know! I’ve been trying to tell you,” he says with a grin, stealing another kiss.
You try to extricate yourself to go sit in the opposite chair, but he will not let you. You eat breakfast together, sitting in his lap, his big warm hand on your thigh while you giggle and feed each other morsels and talk, and you can’t help but feel like things might turn out afterall.
Tex is helping you do the dishes, or maybe distracting you from doing the dishes, because he keeps plying you with toe curling kisses, when the two of you watch a battered red Chevy pickup pull down your driveway.
“Shit,” you say, recognizing it immediately.
“Here we go. Later than I expected.”
You look up at him open mouthed, an involuntary fear response coursing through your veins, turning your limbs ice cold. “You expected?”
“It’s alright, darlin’. Stay inside.” He kisses your forehead, cradling your cheek with a sweet assurance that you want to believe in, more than anything. It would be too good to be true, to have a man who could really protect you. Someone you could just…depend on. You want it with every fiber of your being, and rather than get your shotgun and run out to the porch on bare feet, you stand there in the kitchen and watch Tex go out the door, pulling a white t-shirt down over a blocky black object tucked into the back of his jeans.
Oh Lord. 
Predictably, Dale is driving, and your blood turns to ice as your piece-of-shit ex spills out of the passenger seat. And even though you know the very Devil is standing there in your driveway, your first thought, as ever when seeing Donnie Barksdale, is damn he looks good. 
There really is something wrong with you. 
He’s wearing a flannel with the sleeves cut off and his usual trucker hat advertising some manner of farm implement (as if he’s ever worked that hard). As always, the sight of Donnie feels like a sharp knife shoved up between your ribs. No matter what he did to you, a part of you will always love that man, or at least, the boy he was when he was your friend, your first love, before he became so hell bent on destroying you. To this day, you do not understand what you ever did to that man, to make him turn on you so violently. You offered him all the love in your heart, and in turn he made you feel worthless. For a time, you actually believed it was true. Now you know better, but it’s been a long, hard road.
“Who the hell are you?” barks Donnie up at the self-assured man standing sentry on your front porch. 
“That’s not what you should be worryin’ about right now,” answers Tex, leaning on the post. 
“That a fact?” 
“Yep. The thing you should be worryin’ about is that you’re trespassin’.” 
Dale exits his truck, leaning on the dented hood. “That’s the fucker that hit me last night, Donnie.” 
Donnie nods, sizing Tex up. The thing about Donnie is…he doesn’t like to get into a fight he doesn’t know he’s going to win. And Tex is a helluva wildcard. It’s possible your no-good wife-beatin’ ex finally met his match. 
“He’s leaving out the bit about askin’ for it. Is beatin’ on y/n y/l/n just a universal pastime in this county for you boys when you run outta pigs to fuck, or what?” drawls Tex, picking at his fingernails. 
Donnie bristles at this, taking a step forward. “Motherfucker–” 
“That’s as far as you go, son,” warns Tex, producing the object from the back of his jeans. You knew it was a gun. You did not know it was that big of a gun. Donnie is wearing his usual inscrutable aviators, but Dale’s eyes go wide. 
“We’re just here to get my stolen horse, mister,” says Dale, holding his hands up. 
“Aww, you boys missin’ your lil’ pony? Better check the lost and found then. It ain’t here.” 
“We’ll have a look for ourselves,” spits Donnie, stepping towards the barn. 
The report of the pistol is deafening, and the bullet sends up an explosion of gravel right in front of Donnie’s feet. The dogs and the bird go crazy, starting up and barking and screeching. Donnie jumps backwards three feet, his glasses falling off into the dirt. The expression of fear on his face is as rare as it is priceless. 
“You crazy asshole!”
You scoop up Chichi, trying to comfort him. The little dog trembles like a leaf in your arms. You murmur nonsense to it, but your eyes are glued to the confrontation outside, adrenaline rolling through your veins like flash flood water. You realize you’re shaking almost as badly as the dog. 
“Guilty. Ever seen a Desert Eagle? Shoots a big fuckin’ bullet. A .50 caliber round will explode your kneecap like an apple.” Tex whistles with appreciation, and you’re pretty sure Donnie goes pale. “Wanna test my aim today? I might miss and hit you in the balls.” 
You shouldn’t be enjoying this the way you are, but God did that man have it coming. 
 “We should call the Sheriff on you!” 
“Please do. This is a ‘stand your ground’ state. We can tell him about how you’re trespassing, and I’m pretty sure you ain’t supposed to be within 300 yards of that pretty little thing watchin’ us from the kitchen.” 
Donnie’s attention zeroes in on the window, and you sense it like a laser sight fixed upon you. You hate it, how just that hateful look makes you flinch. 
“Y/n!” Donnie calls. “Come out here!” 
“She don’t need to come out here,” says Tex. “She ain’t gonna save you.” 
Donnie seems actually surprised, when you do not obey him, staying put in your spot in the kitchen. 
When the two men just stand there in the driveway, frozen and speechless, Tex cocks the pistol for show. “You need another demonstration? Git!”
“This ain’t over, fucker!” spits Donnie, pointing menacingly–from a safe distance. 
“You better hope it is. Don’t come back, and if either one of you ever touches her again I’ll kill you. That’s a promise. Now get the fuck out of here!” 
Spoiling for a fight but clearly outgunned, the two men back towards the truck, slowly climbing in. “There you go. See ya, bronies!” 
Tex waves the pistol in their direction, and you hear Donnie yell at Dale, “Fuck! Drive! Drive!”
Dale peels out, leaving ruts in your gravel and a dust cloud as they go.
Tex stays on the porch watching until their truck is good and gone. When he finally makes it back into the house you are a teary-eyed little mess. When he sees you the flint in his eyes immediately softens. “Aw, don’t cry honey, c’mere.” You do, and with your head resting on the solid warm wall that is this man’s chest you start to lose it. 
“You actually did it.” 
“Course I did. I told you I would,” he says, stroking your hair as he holds you.
“But…you actually did it,” you say again, because you still cannot believe what just happened. No man has managed to stand up to Donnie Barksdale since your Grandpa, at 80 years old, who stood between you and Donnie in the very same spot on the porch, with the same 12 gauge you still keep behind the hutch, and threatened to cut your then-husband in half if he took another step closer. 
It was the last night Donnie beat on you, and broke your orbital bone, two of your teeth, and your arm. You’d escaped into the dark woods that night, and even though you are not stealthy or fast you managed by some miracle to make it through the brush and thorns and barbed wire fences the two miles to your grandparents’ farm house. It was the last straw, and you finally set the wheel in motion to divorce him the next day. 
You are not a pretty crier, but Tex lets you soak his shirt with tears and snot, holding you and murmuring sweet nonsense. “That’s right, honey, get it out. It’s ok.”
For once, it doesn’t sound like an empty placation. Donnie seemed genuinely scared of Tex, and Dale is an even bigger coward than Donnie. Maybe…they really will just leave you alone. 
Stranger things have happened. 
“I’m sorry,” you wheeze, trying to pull away to get a tissue. “I’m a mess.” 
But Tex pulls you back, not seeming to care one bit, and when his lips touch yours it really does seem like everything in the world has turned right. 
Amusingly, Chichi has been sandwiched between all this in your arms, and only just begins to put up a grumble of protest. “Oh hush, lil buddy,” says Tex, not unkindly, scratching the little dog under the chin. He does nearly the same thing to you, brushing your hair out of your eyes. “You alright?”
You nod and offer a watery smile, setting the dog down on the ground. It’s not what Chichi wants, but he’ll live. “Yes. Thank you.” 
If Donnie believed what Tex said…you do too. There is something dangerous about this man. A wildness that makes his threat feel like a promise. You guess that when the law fails you, what you truly need is an outlaw who keeps his word. Yet you truly believe he’s not a danger to you. You feel safe with him, and maybe that’s the biggest miracle of all. 
“As silly as this sounds after the morning we’ve had…I really do have to go to work.” 
“Alright. I’ll drive you.” A part of you wants to say it’s not necessary. But the other half of you? Just wants to bask in this new found feeling of security while it lasts. You can’t expect Tex to stick around forever to babysit you. But for right now…god, it feels good, to not have to carry this weight all on your own shoulders. 
You kiss him again, and it is warm, and sweet as sugar cookies fresh from the oven. You melt into him, and with his strong arms around your waist, then lower, it is very hard to get up the motivation to go clean up and put on your uniform. 
“Honey, you keep kissin’ me like that and we’re not goin’ anywhere.” 
It’s embarrassing, but you know the sound you make in answer is something like a cat in heat, your fingers curling in the soft cotton of his t-shirt. You feel his words inside you–in the rhythm of your heart, and the throb of your loins. It’s damn near unbearable, this sudden restlessness you feel inside.
You don’t have anyone else to depend on, so you always have to do the responsible thing. Go to work. Get the money. Pay the bills. No one escapes the bullshit death march of Capitalism, except the fuckers who are running the game.
And yet. Maybe…just this once…you could call in sick. 
You stand on tiptoe to kiss him again, grabbing fistfuls of the fluffy waves of his now dried hair. “Tex?” 
“Yeah, baby.” His voice is pure honey dripping golden in the sun. 
“Let’s go upstairs.” His big hands flex against the soft curves of your hips, grabbing fistfuls of nightgown like he’s thinking about tearing it off of you. Incredibly, he says nothing glib, just nods. But when he looks down at you for a long, heated moment–you think he could burn down the world, with the fire in that dark gaze. 
“Lead the way, darlin’.” 
You take his big, beautiful hands in yours, and pull him towards the stairs.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Icarus Part 3
Hello! If you haven't seen it yet, I've got a set schedule for what story posts on what days now (as seen here) and this one as well as Well Met By Moonlight, Batshit Soulmates, and Never Hold Back Your Step... will still be posting just on rotation until I can finish some of my WIPs. (I may be stretching myself a bit thin having six going at the same time.)
In this one we have the concert. Eddie stumbles on something big and doesn't know how to deal with it all. And Uncle Wayne is bestest as always.
@emly03 @redfreckledwolf @itsall-taken @rozzieroos @mira-jadeamethyst
Part 1 Part 2
The day of the concert dawned abhorrently cheerful and bright. Not a cloud in the sky or any accidents that would prevent Eddie from having to take Dustin to this event. He wouldn’t deign to call it a concert. He had heard the album and seen their posters, but he refused to wander over to YouTube and watch videos of their concerts, interviews, their music videos.
He didn’t want to be even more disappointed that they were all flash and no substance then he was sure he was going to be for the next two hours.
Dustin rolled his eyes when Eddie parked in the huge concert parking lot.
“You’re just salty because I like them as much as I like Corroded Coffin,” he huffed getting out the car. “You have to concede that Abaddon’s vocals are killer.”
Eddie scoffed. “Do not. I haven’t heard them live. Way too many artists use autotune too much these days.”
“You sound like that meme,” he sneered, “‘Old Man Yells at Cloud’.”
Eddie swatted at him playfully. “Am not.” Dustin raised his eyebrow skeptically and he threw his arms in the air. “I’m not. I am a very serious musician, Dusty. The last thing metal needs is some band that can’t write or even play their own instruments. This isn’t pop.”
“You are such an asshole,” he said and turned toward the entrance, leaving Eddie to jog to catch up with him.
Eddie sighed and put his arm around Dustin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I am being an asshole. I turned into the person I swore I would never be. Those shit for brains critics that hated Corroded Coffin when we first got on the scene. And that was wrong of me.”
Dustin sighed, too. “I just want you to like them too. They are so good if you’d just give them a chance.”
Eddie breathed out through his nose. “Yeah. I can at least give them that.”
They got to their seats and Eddie was a little impressed at Claudia Henderson’s Ticket Master foo. They weren’t front row, but they were only a couple of rows back so you could actually see the stage without having to strain their necks and smack dab in the center of the row.
Dustin would have the best time. And now it was up to Eddie not ruin it for the kid. Because yes, he was still a kid as far as Eddie was concerned. Twenty-one was so fucking young. That was how old most of the band was when they got their record deal, after all. They weren’t prepared for what came next, that’s for sure.
They got settled into their seats and Eddie watched as the rest of the crowd shuffled in. They were all about Dustin’s age with very few exceptions in either direction.
There seemed to be a color theme going on with the girls in the audience though. They were grouped in clumps of red, black, blue, or white. Which made sense if each band member stuck to a certain color palette.
Well he was about to find out, he supposed.
The lights dimmed. The crowd quieted down. The spotlight lit up the drumkit first. And Eddie knew that Gareth would be drooling over it. It was all black with black metal fittings. The kit seemed to collect light almost like a blackhole.
Then from the ceiling, a man dressed all in black being lowered onto the stage with large black raven wings on his back. He wore a black hooded coat over what, Eddie couldn’t tell. It was all black. The shirt, the pants, the boots. Even his mask was all black with even the eyes appearing closed. His feet touched the ground and the crowd went wild.
“Azrael!” the announcer called out.
Azrael settled on the throne and picked up black drum sticks.He counted time above his head and played a wicked solo to the adoring crowd’s absolute delight.
Dustin jumped up and down, screaming.
The spotlight moved to the right side of stage and the next band member descended from the ceiling. Large bat wings adorned his back and he was dressed in red leather fetish gear. Complete with tight leather pants that looked painted on and a matching harness highlighting his bare chest, peeking out from the red leather hooded coat.
His guitar was fucking gorgeous, though. A Warlock, much like Eddie’s own. It was custom painted red with black flames licking up the neck.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but it seemed he was the only one who thought the whole thing was over the top judging from the screams from the girls in the audience.
He didn’t just land gently on the stage like the drummer did, oh no. He fucking stomped onto the stage with a howl.
His wings, like the drummer’s ascended back into the rafters as the announcer shouted, “Asmodeus!”
And then Eddie really did roll his eyes. The demon of lust. Of course he was.
But seconds later Eddie’s jaw dropped to the floor as the man wailed on his guitar driving the crowd further into the frenzy.
Once he finished his solo the crowd quieted again and he could see why. Because just then, descending on gossamer wings that shimmered like starlight, was their bassist.
Everything about him was midnight blue and shimmering like the night. His mask was the face of the moon. He had his own hooded coat, but it was like the night sky, with some kind of crystal or gem sewn in to make the coat glimmer like stars.
His bass was something that Brian would have sold his own mother for and they were as thick as thieves. Eddie didn’t know much about basses considering his sweetheart was an electric guitar, but he could tell it wasn’t expensive but was perfect for his style. A style he showed off with gusto to the audience’s obvious delight.
“Astraeus!” the announcer cried.
Eddie decided that this one was his favorite. It played up the whole mysterious thing without the over the top flash of the guitarist or the sheer void of the drummer.
The audience hushed as the three members of the band began to play what was clearly the lead singer’s entrance music.
And holy fuck was Eddie screwed. This man was descending like a fucking angel sent from God, Jesus pose and all.
He was all in white with an opaque lace mask that had his mouth and chin cut out for him to sing. That surprised Eddie somewhat. He figured that the guy would have his whole face covered like everyone else in the band and that he could lip sync.
But nope. Apparently no one in this band did anything by halves.
The lead singer was wearing a sheer mesh crop top under the hooded floor length coats the whole band was wearing. Only his was white with a silk powder blue lining.
Eddie winced in sympathy. They must get boiling under the lights with those things on.
A few feet from the stage floor there was an explosive pop! And the feathers from his wings flew out into the crowd who was now screaming as if their life depended on the sheer volume coming out them. He looked over at Dustin who was no different.
When Eddie could see the stage again, this angel’s wings were now skeletal and gothic.
He landed in front of microphone whose stand had been decorated with a scarf in each of of the band members’ signature colors.
“Abbadon!” the announcer yelled for the final time.
And Eddie was in love. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Dustin must have seen his expression because he was suddenly tugging on Eddie’s arm and screaming, “I told you!!”
“Indy!” Abbadon growled, grabbing the mic. “Thank you so much for having us! Let’s get this started.”
Then he began to sing and yeah, Eddie knew that the guy had charm, but this was a whole new level of epic. He was enthralled.
He didn’t utter a fucking word for several songs. But then it happened. Eddie couldn’t believe it. He hurried to snap a picture to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
But there it was it in living color. He turned to Dustin to see if he saw it too, but the kid was too busy screaming and jumping up and down.
Eddie’s jaw fell.
That couldn’t be right, couldn’t it? That Dustin didn’t know? Eddie looked back up on stage and a lot of the puzzle pieces started slotting in place. His heart sank a little.
He shook his head to clear it of dark thoughts. He didn’t know the reason for any of this and leaping to conclusions would only get a shit ton of people hurt. Especially the boy next to him.
Eddie let the music wash over him. Let the magic of metal soothe his soul. Soon he was jumping up and down and headbanging with the rest of the crowd. Right hand flashing the devil’s horns, left hand out to steady himself he let himself enjoy the band’s stage presence.
To say that Eddie’s mind was fucking blown would be an understatement. He pestered Dustin all the way home with rapid fire questions. Where did the band tour last time? What was their schedule this time? Was it a six month tour or an eighteen month tour last time?
Dustin answered each question with growing excitement, thinking that Eddie had finally grown to love this band as much as he had.
Eddie on the other hand felt a growing sense of dread. Well... maybe dread was the wrong word. It was certainly a sinking feeling. One he really had to exam closely.
At least he could honestly say that he fell in love with the music before he found out his little secret.
And fuck what a secret it was.
He dropped Dustin off at home and drove out to the ranch that he had gifted to Wayne when Corroded Coffin first made it big. It was a beautiful, sprawled out home surrounded by acres of land and Eddie loved it even more than Wayne did.
Eddie stumbled through the door and was surprised to see Wayne drinking hot chocolate and reading a sports magazine in his expensive recliner. And yet, at the same time, not really that surprised.
“You do realize I’m no longer that fucked up kid with anger issues,” Eddie huffed on his way to the kitchen to grab a beer, “that were almost as bad as the troubles with the law, right?”
Wayne chuckled. “Maybe so. But you’re still my boy and I’ll keep worrying about you until the day I die.”
Eddie popped open the can of beer and sat down on the sofa. He leaned his head back on the back cushion with a heavy sigh.
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “What’s stewing around in that head of yours?”
Eddie slowly raised his head. “What would you do if you accidentally found out something about a friend that they were keeping from everyone they knew?”
Wayne set down his magazine. “That would depend on the secret. Is it hurting anyone?”
“Is what hurting anyone?” Eddie asked. “The secret?” Wayne nodded and Eddie frowned, really thinking about it.
“Maybe some feelings,” he said after a moment. “But it’s not dangerous like they committed a crime or anything. It’s not even about their sexuality.”
Wayne hummed thoughtfully. “And is it a big secret or a little one?”
Again Eddie was forced to think hard about what that meant. “I guess it depends on the person, but in my eyes it’s pretty big.”
The elder Munson nodded. “Do you feel hurt by this secret?”
“Yeah, yeah. I guess I do.” He bowed his head and let out a shuddering breath.
“Is there a reason you think he wouldn’t have told you?” Wayne pressed.
“Of course no–” Eddie stopped as his brain caught up to his mouth. “Shit.”
Wayne raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Eddie admitted shyly. “There’s a pretty good reason why he wouldn’t have told me. And now I feel like the shit friend.”
Wayne stood up and pulled Eddie into a big hug. “Maybe so, but you have the time to course correct and show this friend that you are worthy of his secret.”
Eddie nodded. “Thanks, Uncle Wayne,” he mumbled into Wayne’s neck.
“I’m just glad I could help.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @goodolefashionedloverboi @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @yikes-a-bee @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @y4r3luv @cryptid-system @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
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Kinktober Day 9 (Stripping)
Soldier Boy x Reader (NSFW)
(945 Words)
Summary: you tell Soldier Boy about your mission before hopping in the shower
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Warnings/Tags: 18+, gender neutral reader, little bit of blood, typical canon violence (it’s the boys duh), alcohol consumption, making out, striptease, heavily implied shower sex at the end
Notes: this was a fun change in pace after yesterday’s prompt LMAO anyway I love soldier boy, enjoy the fic!!!
The door behind you closes with a slam as you catch your breath. You quickly walk over to the mirror in the corner, you take in your bloodied appearance, trying to process the completely batshit insanity that was your last mission. You feel yourself take shakily taking in deep breaths, still running high on adrenaline.
“Hey there.”
You whip your head around to see Ben, sitting on the couch, nursing a small bottle of bourbon. He looks at you, amused. Seeing you caked in blood and sweat seemed like this seemed just like a normal Tuesday for Ben, considering all his experiences way back in the day during his glory days as the legendary Soldier Boy, where he would be in the same position as you.
“Hi,” you reply, staring at him for a moment.
“What happened to you? You look like shit,” he grins.
“You-” you make your way over to him, slumping down on the couch beside him, not giving a shit about the dried up blood occupying your clothes. “…Have no idea.” you sigh. With a subtle nod, he passes you the bottle, where you swiftly gulp down a couple sips, feeling that delicious burn run down your throat. “Where’s?-”
“Butcher and the cum guzzler?” You nod at him witch a chuckle. “They’re out, doing god only knows what, which gives us…” he wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in. “…The perfect opportunity to release some of that pent up adrenaline.” You meet his gaze, brilliantly hazel with flecks of green staring at you wolfishly.
“You know what?” You take his hand in yours, pulling him up, “I think I’d like that”
“There we go,” he chuckles. Once he gets up to his feet, Ben can’t keep his hands off you. His large hands are on your waist, gripping the small of your back.
You lean in to kiss him, and he tilts his head to yours, giving you access. The sensation of his tongue in your mouth sends shivers down your spine, letting out a soft groan. Ben lets out a perverted snicker, as his hands make their way to your ass, groping you firmly, keeping flush against his chest.
Your feverish make out session leads you two to the bathroom, messily slamming the door as you find yourself positioned sitting on the closed toilet.
“Easy there, Soldier Boy,” you chide, annunciating his hero name with a sensual drawl, biting his lip gently as you pull away from his kiss, maneuvering yourself on top of him. “As much as I’d love for you to completely wreck me,” you continue, getting up from straddling him, “I feel fucking disgusting.”
“That’s alright babe,” Ben says eagerly, “I don’t mind a little mess.” He winks.
“Oh, I know you don’t,” you voice flirtatiously, “I was hoping you could watch me take off these messy clothes,” you lean back toward the sink, “…And maybe join me in the shower?”
“Oh sweetheart,” Ben lets out a low, gravelly chuckle. You sense the heat in his voice and hearing it sends arousal shooting to your sex, which begins to ache in anticipation. “You make a very tempting offer, I’m in.”
You shoot him a sly look as you begin to undress yourself slowly. “You wanna know how I got all bloody?” You glance over to Ben, who lets out a noise of approval. “I was hunting a supe, nothing special, one of the D-listers.” The first item to go is your jacket, which you unzip slowly, giving Ben access to look at your chest, which prominent through the fabric of your shirt.
“He was on the run after getting himself in hot water with Vought.” The jacket hits the floor as you continue to speak. “Unfortunately for him, he ran into me before Vought could get to him.” Next, off come your pants. You turn around, giving Ben a decent view of your ass before teasing him with just enough, and turning back around. “He had some info I needed, and was too stupid to give it to me, so I figured it would be better to put him out of his misery before Vought got their claws in him and probably would’ve done something worse.”
You find yourself on top of Ben once again, pulling off your shirt, exposing your upper half to him. You can feel his length, hard and eager through his grey sweatpants. Coquettishly, you decide to have a little fun, grinding on him ever so slightly. A guttural moan erupts from Ben’s throat, you can’t tell if the wet patch is coming from you or Ben as you feel the arousal rip through you. Left in nothing but your underwear, you reach the peak of your story.
“He put up a fight- more of one than I thought, but it wasn’t so bad once I crushed his skull with my bare hands.” You get off him abruptly, not wanting to finish this before it even gets started. You flip open the shower curtain and turn on the faucet, hearing the shower pour down.
Slipping off your final piece of clothing, you are completely nude as you motion for Ben to take off his own clothes and meet you in the shower.
“Jesus,” he stares at you in awe, getting up and frantically removing his own clothes, haphazardly tossing his Giants jersey to the side and ripping off his sweatpants. “My god, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he grunts, before sliding his arm around you and pulling you into the shower with him.
You giggle before pulling him into a sloppy kiss, sliding the shower curtain closed behind you.
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spinjitsuburst · 1 year
okay but listen when you sit down and think about Skybound it is genuinely such a batshit funny season I just
- Kai fucks everyone over by posting selfies in a hospital while visiting a sick child
- this is the only season the ninja are regarded as popular celebrities and it’s immediately dropped and never relevant again
- Nadakhan’s entire plot and character arc is the wildest Shakespearean tragedy. He loses his wife and his friends and get stuck in a teapot for so long and when he gets out he finds his friends frames some random people he’s NEVER MET for crimes and then his father dies in front of his eyes
- he’s surrounded by the biggest idiots known to man he looks so confused the entire season
- “Cap’n lets pillage and plunder” “I’m afraid we can’t :(“ “oh why not” “piracy isn’t a thing anymore :(((“
- the fact that he’s like “father I can save you” and his dad’s like “nah I’m good take this sick ass sword tho”
- this is such a funny image he looks SO UNHAPPY:
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- during the final fight Jay says something along the lines of “blah blah you’ll be French toast”????? Why does he say this
- Nya. Nya. Why would you suggest this. What
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- Lloyd is so bad at acting they tell him to pretend he’s mute
- Squiffy is the BEST name for a background character I’ve ever heard
- Echo
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