#just for clarity 🙂
cressida-cowper · 2 years
right and are these viserys’ grandchildren or his nephews?
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cementcornfield · 3 months
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Joe on Ja'Marr buying him a grill and "giving him" a spot on his top 5 most fashionable NFL guys list
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murobrown · 3 months
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 months
hello! ure the first person I subscribed to on patreon bec i couldnt get enough of the demo!!! in luv wd blade and i cant want for croelle to be an RO (pls pls pls)!! anyways im having a bit of trouble wd chase,, ive played multiple times already and i just could get chase to sleep with me??? im a little confused cos most of the posts i see abt chase is they get on a fwb setup wd the mc and... it hasnt happened....
is it not explicit like tallys' or am i doing something wrong....
it's ok if u can't give a guide but i guess im asking for clarity whether theyre explicitly told that theyre fwb wd the mc or not (cos the teasing and the anticipation always gets to me but never the reward)
Hi there, thanks so much for supporting me and joining us on Patreon! And I can understand how things are a little confusing re: Chase. Here's a post that explains his FWB status in the game and how to "achieve it" at the moment!
However, coincidentally, I am writing the interlude where you can actually officially start his FWB right now, so that should be posted to the alpha build in a few days. 🙂 Don't worry, it is extremely explicit... in that you'll know if you're FWB or not LOL
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sid471 · 6 months
Tom Disventure Camp needs a time out >_>
I made a post before DCAS started about Jake where I pretty much said, to sum it up, ���Sure he’s a mess but he’s a justified mess 😊’ now that All Stars has started airing… I have some thoughts 😓. I’ll get to Jake another time. Maybe 😊. This is about Tom. Because I have a bone to pick with Officer Tom <_<
Let’s start with a flashback to Season 1. I cover the gist of what happened between him and Jake in the aforementioned Jake post. But what I didn’t mention is at the END of Disventure Camp season 1, Tom and Jake have a final conversation and they agree that they while they both still have feelings for each other, they shouldn’t get back together yet because they’re both pretty messed up. Jake asks if he’ll still talk to him and Tom says “I think we should take some time and grow as people. We are on the right path, but starting anything could ruin that. We’ll see where we are later in 🙂” and earlier in the finale he’d promised to keep in touch with Miriam. Sounds promising no? :3
Come All Stars, we find out Tom hasn’t talked to Jake OR Miriam at all in the last two years! ._. Now, listen, Jake and Tom’s relationship was… tumultuous. To say the least. And Tom DID say they should take some time apart. But he did NOT say… ‘Hey let’s go out of our way to avoid each other like the plague’ 😶 All Jake wants is clarity on where they stand. Are they friends? Are there still feelings between them? Is there even a chance they can reconcile at all? That’s all Jake wants.
If Tom can’t give him that, he should just say that. If Tom doesn’t want to be Jake’s friend, he should just say that. If Tom has moved on with someone else, say it with me now, he should just SAY that ._. And the kicker is… Tom was the one who got onto Jake so hard about communication in season one! .-. Now, Jake is TRYING to get Tom to talk to him and nothing .-. It’s understandable if Tom is still hurt over what happened in their season. All Stars has shown he can still hold a grudge with Ellie. But if he IS hurt… You know the pattern 😊 He should just say that >_>
Oh ho, and I’m not done. It gets worse. On top of avoiding Jake like the plague… He’s also being a massive hypocrite in regards to Jake 😶 In episode 4 the challenge is to get a sandbag and bring it back to the starting point, and the other players can use any means necessary to get the bag from you. Tom takes and throws Ally’s glasses then ALSO trips Grett later on. When Jake tackles Aiden to get the bag he has and gets the point, Tom gets petty and says ‘Wow! Real nice Jake 🙄’ .-. Tom… come on now ._. You know you’re being a dumb ass 😶
Episode 6, our latest episode, Ellie insists for their performance the two couples, her and Gabbie and Aiden and Tom, HAVE to kiss at the end of the song. Now… I don’t think I have to hold your hand and explain to you why that’s fucked up 😶 Especially because she EXPLICITLY said the only reason she did it was to psychologically fuck with Jake .-. Ugh >_> Sorry, this ain’t about Ellie, this is about Tom <_<. Tom, in a confessional, says “I haven’t talked to Jake yet and this kiss with Aiden will make it even weirder between us than it already is (who’s fault is that Tom >_>). What should I do? >_<“ And it’s like… Gee Tom… I dunno. Maybe you should TALK TO JAKE! ._. And yes, I know they’re on different teams. But Alec pulled someone from both of the other teams to form the villain alliance soooo… not like it’s impossible to talk to people from other teams .-.
In conclusion: Tom is pissing me off >_> Jake is on the rise, and I love to see it as a Jake lover and defender :3… Okay Jake has had his annoying moments too >_> but lately? Tom is the more annoying one 😶
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hellonerf · 6 months
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suicide is discouraged in the workplace
im not even gonna try to be coherent here. this is not an analysis post i am braindead. if i was a better artist makima wouldve been my muse when i was deep into chainsawman. actuallt she kind of was but i pussyed out
OK everyone here can subconsciously understand this connection. dont get too hung up on makima's strong motherhood theme and i just thought about what if ame was motherly and i couldn't kill myself right aftee thinking that as i have no means to it. that was a joke its late and im just me. i decided i wasnt a fan of motherly ame though so all suicidal thoughts erased. i am really chill now
old makima fanart i drew that im trying not to rip my hairs out over thinking about it with ame. also dont worry if this makes tou find my mainblog or main accounts whatever
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actually theyre really different in many ways now that im looking at these. ame is so much of a son and makima is so much of a mother its like oppsoite spectrums. but thay makes the commonalities fun actuallt. i keep thinking about the movies and makima hating bad movies. ame is not an art kid by any means does he even care of the beauty of the world? i doubt it. but he likes bad movies and he likes cheap entertainment so who knows... they'd disagree on that. well i think makima's opinion on that was pretty extreme so i think most would disagree with her really
i could imagine ame going "Chainsawman. Doesn't spit." and smoking for the first time to look cool like in movies only to pathetically cough. thats their common trait... artifice... humans... but in a way that loops back to being Really Human i guess. holds a kind of arrogance and hubris that is so associated with humanity. it cant be anything else. ame should kill himself i think he should get moments of clarity and awareness and want to kill himself rqlly bad
both concepts of control. awesome. SUICIDE IS NOT ENDORSED IN THE WRKPLACE. ame goes to protestant church once or twice and sleeps because hes useless. makima is baptised and goes to local catholic churches not the cathedrals she supports the local christians.FUCK i just remembered the country mouse city mouse thing. ame is a liar and hates everything and loves everything and never feels content. i like to imagine him as a country mouse so fucking bad i want him to chill out one day and go to those middle of nowheres i know exist in america(can i shove cana in here and get away with it). why are they in the city if they are country mice? because..... you know..... you understand..... another w for eternal unhappiness (refer to title of this post)(suicide is discouraged in the workplace)
they are evil bosses i am the employee and when i ask for a break they gaze at me with a vacant stare and smile and i know in my heart they are viewing me like i am beneath them. i get scared and run away but truth is they didnt hear my request. they do not register individual people
if they met they would know immediately and viceversa. because everyone knows subconsciously because lying is futile and everything melts away. ame:i know a toxic boymom when i see one... okay im kidding makima is a toxic boymom if u push the chainsawman in ur head 🙂 ame as a kind of control devil works inmy head. i really believe ame was a polite child but demanding in many ways. sincerely wanting.
ame:gun devil i'll give you one year of the lifespans of the american people. in exchange i want you to kill makima—that is... the control devil (i never got around to drawing this)(ame and gun devil can you imagine)
or:gun devil i'll give you one year of the lifespans of the american people. in exchange i want you to kill alfred f jones—that is... the united states of america (paradox)
throughout all this i wanted to cite the best makima artist in the world ever but i'd feel bad if they wouldn't want to be associated with evil hetalia america blog. also i want to be normal and not cringe at being cringe just becayse i think makima was a thunderstrike of genius that i shouldn't taint. ame is a more flexible character to me for obvious reasons. this is how i'd shove ame into makima's role. but u couldn't put makima as ame. only one way. im okay with that. concept idea consensus words fear control blablabla u get the point i hate using words dont care sleepy now
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ivanttakethis · 12 days
End of Round 17 - Tov’s Log
Tov (?) vs. Lark (?) -> Tov Win
Tov should’ve known something wasn’t right.
She and Lark left their dressing rooms at the same time.
Their outfits could’ve been cut from the same cloth.
They walked to the stage together.
Lark was sweating, eyes hazy and unfocused.
Tov thought it was just nerves.
She wished him good luck and he did the same.
The music started.
Then things got worse.
When Lark sang, his voice was thinner, than she remembered. Weaker.
Tov lowered her voice to better match the tone he’d set for the round and watched him from the corner of her eye.
His chest rose and fell unsteadily.
He missed his next cue.
Lark hit the floor like dead weight.
The gasps from the crowd swelled louder than the cheers.
Tov’s eyes snapped over to him immediately. He was on his knees coughing up blood.
Shock came first, paralyzing Tov in place. Then panic surged through her veins.
She abandoned her mic without a second thought and rushed over to Lark, dropping to her knees next to him.
He collapsed onto his back, eyes closed and gasping for air. The stage lights reflected the sheen of the sweat clinging to his skin. Blood was dripping from his mouth.
“Lark!” Tov called. She gently nudged his cheek with her palm, only to find his skin cool despite the sweating.
He leaned into her touch, panting, but wouldn’t open his eyes.
Her hand slipped down to his neck, right over his carotid artery.
His pulse was weak.
He was dying.
Lark was dying right in front of her.
Sirens blared in Tov’s head. She needed to act fast. If Lark fell unconscious, he may never wake up.
“Somebody help!” Tov had to scream to to be heard over the music still playing, frantic and desperate. “Please!”
She never wore her medical band when performing, but she didn’t need it to know her heart was racing.
“Lark? I need you to stay with me, okay?” Tov grabbed his hand and squeezed tight. “Just for a bit longer.”
She hoped she hadn’t imagined him groaning in reply.
Footfalls thundered toward them.
Tov looked up to see three humans dressed in blue uniforms rushing across the stage wearing rubber gloves and surgical masks, carrying large duffle bags.
They swarmed Lark, nearly crowding Tov out. But she refused to leave his side or let go of his hand. Her eyes didn’t stray from his face.
Please live. She squeezed his hand harder, hard enough to bruise. Please please please.
Suddenly, as if he’d heard her prayers, Lark opened his eyes.
He looked directly at her.
His golden gaze shone with stunning clarity. “Tov?”
Her heart lurched forward.
If Tov hadn’t been paying so close attention, she wouldn’t have heard him say her name. His voice was as light as a feather.
His smile was soft, almost serene.
She watched helplessly as the light left his eyes.
With blood leaking from his lips, Lark whispered, “Congratulations.”
Fly high Lark, you will be missed 🕊️
I’m currently planning to sue @kamersona and @lookatmysillies for the extreme emotional distress they caused me (and Tov) by having Lark DIE from POISON mid-round.
Tallis is going to have to pull up another chair at the table of dead people haunting Tov relentlessly. My girl never gets a break from the trauma.
Now all of the remaining contestants are on lockdown and isolated from each other while Lark’s suspicious death is being investigated.
Tov is about to be left alone with her ghosts and her thoughts for who knows how long…
Anyways, Round 18 just started. Hope it’s a normal one 🙂 <- (is delusional)
Lark belongs to @kamersona.
Tallis belongs to @lookatmysillies.
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I need to learn to draw so I can draw this specific scenario.
In the wilderness of MoDaoZuShi, young trainer Meng Yao is on a quest. He's travelling to catch all the legendary geges and become the ultimate champion didi.
Gegedex scans a wild Nie MingJue.
Stat: 100/10
Description: This fighting type gege is infamous for his bad temper and outbursts. Proceed with extreme caution.
Nie MingJue: HuaiSang, did you escape your sabre practice again?🤬🤬🤬
Nie HuaiSang: Da-Ge, I can explain.😨😨😨
Meng Yao: Da-Ge, see what I can do with Hensheng? I also did this month's budget and organised your work table.😇😇😇
Nie HuaiSang: 😑😑😑
Nie MingJue: Good didi, A-Yao.🙂🙂🙂
Gegedex: Nie MingJue captured!
Gegedex scans a friendly Lan Xichen.
Favourability: 10/10.
Description: This friendly gege excels as musical cultivation.
Lan Xichen: A-Yao, I was just teaching Wangji how to play clarity. Do you want to try?
Meng Yao: Yes.🤗🤗🤗
Lan Wangji: 😠😠😠
Gegedex: Lan Xichen captured!
Gegedex scans an elusive and shy Jin ZiXuan.
Social awkwardness: 12/10
Description: This tsundere gege wants to be friends even though he pretends to be indifferent.
Meng Yao: Gege, Yanli-jie is going to Yunmeng market. Do you want to plan an accidental meet-up?
Jin ZiXuan: Oh, thank you, Yao-di. ☺️☺️☺️
Gegedex: Jin ZiXuan captured!
Gegedex scans a wild Wei Wuxian in Lotus Pier.
Suspicion: 5/10
Description: This playful but responsible gege will take care of any didi.
Wei Wuxian: Shidi, let's go steal lotus pods.😉😉😉
Jiang Cheng: No!😡😡😡
Meng Yao: Wei-xiong, if I...
Jiang Cheng: NOOOO! He's not even older than you! Keep your grubby paws to yourself. Shooo, shooo!😡😡😡
Gegedex: Wei Wuxian was not captured due to interference from a rival didi. Better luck next time.
Gegedex scans an approaching Wen Qing.
Healing: 10/10
Description: Strong offence and defe............
Jiang Cheng: That's not even a gege!
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lagtrained · 2 months
ok hi again the saga is over after this
stp chapters as undertale yellow ost (plus some voices at the end)
chapter 2s
damsel - sunnyside farm
prisoner - in darkness
tower - echoes of another
beast - crescendo (the embodiment of "what 🙂")
witch - through the macro lens (it was in her nature type beat)
adversary - remedy
nightmare - you gotta be kidding me! (i was gonna use gotcha but it fits more for moc)
stranger - specimen: clay (GOD THIS ONE GOES SO HARD all specimen tracks fit them but i like clay the best. shoutout to paper though)
spectre - orange skies
razor - deal em out (i was gonna put afterlife. i wa sthis close to putting afterlife.)
chapter 3s
fury - specimen: mechanical
apotheosis - a mothers love
eye of the needle - FOUND YOU
wraith - specimen: paper (no but fr i love the specimen tracks theyre so good)
thorn - the freedom to be flawed (ARGHHHHHHHH)
den - the train problem (ok this one idk i just think its funny)
moment of clarity - gotcha ;) (this song haunts me to this day hut it fits so well. its like a "ohhhh no" kinda song ykyk)
burned grey - snow (ironic but its really off putting)
drowned grey - retribution
wild - greenhouse
arms race/mad - AFTERLIFE (chaos.)
BONUS voices bc there are some songs that fit their vibes super well
hero - justice
opportunist - mo money (YEAH adding this segment was PURELY so i could put mo money somewhere fav song on the entire ost tbh)
skeptic - six shooter
contrarian - deal em out
stubborn - trial by fury OR showdown
cold - honest days work
paranoid - fever pitch
cheated - guns blazing (i couldve given this to stubborn but i just thought abt axis leading up to his boss fight and went "no. cheated.")
smitten - soulmate_located
hunted - seclusion
broken - detainment 014
the narrator - final encounter (i keep forgetting this track is even in the game tbh)
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river-in-the-woods · 4 months
Good day/night! do you keep your western and eastern practices separate and parallel? or have you found some way to reconcile them together into one more "personalized" path maybe? how does that work for you? I'm kind of struggling with this as of late, as someone with mixed heritage, and I thought maybe you'd have some advice. Thank you.
Good day or night to you too!
In general, I keep traditions and techniques separate, unless it makes sense to put them together. It's difficult to advise on this without specifics, so perhaps you can provide a little more context for me 🙂 Let me go through a few key points, and hopefully at least one of them will provide some clarity.
Essentially, it's important know the mechanics of the practice you're doing, how it works and why. And to understand that, you have to receive adequate instruction, and engage with the practice according to its respective tradition to an adequate level.
The only personalisation I've done, is that I do the practices I want to do. But I do them according to how they are taught, and I don't mix and match unless I have a solid and well-understood reason to. There is plenty of religious and spiritual syncretism throughout history, and there are new traditions being born all the time, but the successful ones are formed with an understanding of all the influences they draw upon.
I think people's desire to overly personalise their practice very early on can end up impeding their development, or even have adverse effects depending on how they do it.
If you really want your practice to be something that helps you grow and develop as a person, you have to sometimes be willing to do things differently to your own preference.
If you go to a class – whether it's on martial arts, music, archery, biology, gardening – whatever it might be, it makes sense to follow instructions and not to assume you know better than the person teaching it. There can be room for experimentation once you've grasped the basics.
When it comes to spiritual and magical practices, there are additional stakes than just taking e.g. a pottery class. Spiritual practices have a lot more in common with medicine than they do with a casual hobby.
Practices like yoga, qigong, meditation, energy work and so on will have effects on your subtle body, which then affects your health when practiced for long periods of time. This is what those practices are created for. And they are subtle, which means you may not see an impact immediately.
If you stretch your body in a bad way, you feel immediate pain and know that you shouldn't do it like that. But with practices that affect the subtle body, it might take much longer, and the effects are not necessarily as direct and precise as they are with physical exercise.
If you do leg exercises, you pretty much only strengthen the legs. It is direct and precise. But the impact of a spiritual practice affects multiple aspects of your life: emotions, physical health, relationships, fortune, wisdom...
And of course, interfacing with spirits and gods can affect your fate in all of these ways.
There are insidious ways you can mess up your health and well-being if you don't practice properly. Otherwise, at best, nothing will happen and you'll just be wasting your time. Maybe it makes you feel cool – a lot of people get into spiritual practices because it's aesthetically pleasing and they're just looking for ways to reinforce a particular identity.
Again, that is not what these practices were created for, nor how they operate best.
I'm not saying that LARPing as a... I don't know... a dark tantric priestess of Hekate, Morrigan and Kali and 7 other gods, is going to ruin your life.
But I do see how people become obsessed and infatuated with their personal image, chasing the thrill of the aesthetic, and the thrill of self-categorisation. (It's a great marketing strategy, haha...)
As a mixed race person, I understand your position. I have had identity issues all my life. Part of why I got into all this was because I struggled deeply with who I am, where I belong, and what I'm even doing in this world. Caught between different countries, families, cultures, ideologies. I wanted something that was just for me, instead of feeling constantly torn in multiple directions. But which side does a bridge belong to? Does a bird belong in the sky or in the trees?
I don't think this is something you can reconcile by forcing two different worlds to integrate. I mean, maybe you can do this with two different cultures in the same region, or even on the same continent. But in my case... England and China are very, very different. Rather, I find more success to be found by choosing what influences to draw on at any given situation.
If you want genuine change – if you really want this path to empower you and help you feel at peace with yourself – you will trip over yourself if you try to make this about your identity. A big portion of spirituality is about deconstructing one's identity and ego, to realise that the world is far greater and more intricate than we know, and that there are no simple answers to life's great endeavours.
If anything, you have an advantage in this regard.
You will have to learn to be nimble, and resist the temptation to find the 'perfect' social-cultural-spiritual space to fit yourself into. Be nimble and learn to walk between worlds, and belong comfortably to all of them at the same time.
I hope this long ramble has been helpful to you 🌿 Good luck on the path.
PS: I recommend Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller. It may further answer your questions on how to work with multiple traditions and pantheons.
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #101
I have decided that today is for chilling. And if you've learned anything about me from reading these letters, I'm sure you'll understand (and probably be very unsurprised) that as a result of that, I have, so far, done anything but chill.
On the bright side, I did get around to sanding the smaller epoxy sphere today. Check it out:
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It's cloudy right now, I know. That's because the finest grit sandpaper that is available to me right now is only 3000-grit. I found between 7000 and 15000 grit online though, and ordered some of that! So hopefully for future orbs, I'll be able to get a clear shine without needing to use UV gloss spray.
UV gloss spray fills in the tiny scratches left behind by the fine sandpaper, which restores its clarity. But the stuff stinks to high heaven, and it's really bad to breathe in, so… I'd rather not have to use a whole lot of it. The UV spray should protect the epoxy from yellowing in response to UV light, but I'm not sure it's worth it…
In any case, the orb has since been sprayed with the UV spray, and I'm waiting for it to dry. I'll check on it tomorrow. I should have a better picture for you by then!
I did go on a short walk, though. And I had a tasty lunch. I don't have pictures of either for you, because nothing about these was particularly noteworthy. But today, the sun is warm and the breeze is strong and cold. Today would be good kite-flying weather, if I had one. But I don't have one. Maybe that's something I oughta fix…
I wonder if you'd fly a kite with me, if it were possible. Well, probably not; most likely you'd just think I'm too weird to be hanging around, hahaha! But still, the thought is nice. I think you might enjoy a kite, especially if it was something colorful. Maybe something like this…
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…Or this…
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…Or even this?
...Hm. 🙂
We have all kinds of different ones here, and they come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of them are elegant, and some of them are silly, and some of them are plain, but they're all very fun to look at:
...I hope someday that this might be something you get to try. Wouldn't that be a marvelous thing?
Hey, Sephiroth? I'm still reeling a bit from yesterday. So I think I'm gonna try to actually chill. I'm probably gonna Salt some Sanctuaries in my usual spot for a while, if you wanna come chill with me:
...Maybe if I get impossibly lucky someday, I'll see you there.
I love you and I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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squirmydonnie · 11 months
I'm going to need to interact less here probably.
I'm feeling bad.
I tried very hard to not let this stuff bother me so much, but I hear it in every conversation.
It's pretty exhausting
Soon enough I'll breakdown as I usually do.
I don't like doing that. But when it happens I'll have some clarity.
I'll be happy soon. It's just going to take a long time. And I have some work to do. Some schoolwork. And some other stuff as well.
CW: nudity at the bottom. But don't worry it's just Simon 🙂
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katrafiy · 1 year
Are you redditor RevengeOfSalmacis by chance? If not, then check her out, you might love her writings. 🙂 Regardless, I just wanted to say it is a genuine privilege to find you here. 💗 You have gifted me a lot of clarity and positivity in my life.
I'll never confirm or deny who RoS is or if i am her or know her. I officially do not use reddit anymore.
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Hello, maybe you can/want to help me.
This week I got diagnosed with AVPD without PTSD. For me that's fine, whatever. I just have this memory or the memory of a dream, I'm not sure what it is. Dream or Memory. That something happend to my little sister, that I saw it, that I ran to get help. I even have the memory or the memory of a dream that I asked her about it and she confirmed it was real, my memory. Did you ever hear of something like that? Do you expierence something like that?
Thank you in advance, even if you can't/don't want to help me.
That's fine aswell 🙂
Hi :)
I assuming by what you said about PTSD that you have some kind of trauma, or at least suspect you do. Not being able to remember parts of your trauma, or not being able to remember it at all until little bits of it start coming back, is very common. It's actually in the PTSD diagnostic criteria under Criterion D (Negative Alterations in Cognition and Mood).
I myself have experienced something similar to what you're talking about, where you have a memory of something traumatic, but you're not sure if it's real or just a dream or some other kind of false memory. Some of these memories I have found out were true, some I still don't know.
It sucks not being able to tell, but my advice would be to not try to force your brain to remember. Because if it is a geniune trauma memory, the reason you can't remember is because your brain has dissociated from the memory in order to protect you, and it'll only come back when it's ready, when it feels safe enough. And it usually happens gradually, you remember a little bit one day and then a little bit more a couple weeks later, and then a bit more after maybe a month and so on. The timeframe just depends on your brain. But if you force yourself to remember something before your ready, it's very easy to overwhelm yourself and end up having a severe breakdown/flashback/etc. So I'd say to just let your brain remember things at its own pace.
Maybe you could try to ask your sister for some clarity, though?
But regardless, I hope you have a wonderful day and wish you well for your recovery from the things you're dealing with :)
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
I have like a list of some fics which do certain things so good I have to rr just to Marvel at how well they did it.
Ychiits- the dynamics, the arcs, the punctuation and the motions, the characterisations feel so amazing omg
(Also- plot development)
Smfm- the foreshadowing, the clarity, the rate of speed of updating, the DIALOGUE
(also- the chapter distribution. The angst is going to be angsting in one sitting when the entire fic comes out I just know.)
Ymaewk- the SLOW burn, the RESEARCH like- you REALLY did RESEARCH, punctuation again hits extremely hard, punctuation hits hard again 💪
(also- the poetry recs, the vibes(it gives good vibes idk how to explain it 🙂))
YNMT(sif)- world building, character growth and voices yk? Like, they feel consistent don't they?
(future ask purposes- whenever I read something I rant about it in my notes app should I rr your works once they are done to discuss with others and write those rants and paste the entire thing in your ask box/ dms wherever you feel comfortabler?)
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Oh my gosh you are too, too, TOO KIND!!!!!!!!
This is so sweet.
I re-read a ychiits chapter, and I hate the writing so much and I had a full existential crisis over it (which isn't rare - I have a writing crisis' every few days), so it's nice to know what people liked about it, you know? Because I can see those things too. Just the actual writing is terrible. And then I get stressed about... well, everything!
But thank you for this because it's soooo kind and you should definitely put your notes app notes here lol
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soujjwalsays · 1 year
Ever been jealous of a friend’s other friend/friends?????? My friend started to talk to this other person who is their “friend” and now I feel jealous 🙂
Sometimes yes, I do & it's not restricted to just friends or for that matter just talking...
NGL it's the most weird feeling because you have to act cool like I don't give a damn.. Let them do whatever they wanna do & that thet have a life etc but somewhere inside of you there's something.. A voice maybe shouting WTF IS THIS ASSHOLE(your friend/gf/bf) TALKING TO THAT RANDOM PERSON.. dw I share your gham, dukh, dard & Peedha
But one thing that i personally learned is that nothing really matters if you have a healthy, open to communication wala relation with your friend/partner, you don't really need to worry, ik it troubles you but if you can openly share it with that other person and that person is actually ready to reason with you or is even ready to put an effort to provide you some clarity about why are they doing that then you my friend is doing fine-fine!
In the end it's alright to question but at same time you can't really force a friendship/relationship..just share, work upon it, clear your mind and be with those who are ready to work with you in this process..
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