#abe juro
An Assassination Attempt on Okita Souji
Abe Juro was a subordinate of Okita Souji in the First Squad.
After he and Itou Kashitaro separated from the Shinsengumi to form the Goryo-eji, he was no longer associated with Okita.
However, on December 18, Keio 3, he and his comrades, Utsumi Jiro (内海次郎) and Sawara Taro (佐原太郎), suddenly plotted to assassinate Okita.
What happened between Abe and Okita?
Before the incident
November 18, exactly one month before the incident. Itou Kashitaro, the leader of Abe's group, was attacked and killed by the Shinsengumi.
Abe escaped thanks to the fact that he and Utsumi had gone to Yamato at that time, but he fled to the Satsuma residence to escape the Shinsengumi's pursuit.
However, the Satsuma domain forbade them from going out for a month, along with other comrades who had also fled.
When Abe and his comrades finally received permission to go out in early December, the first thing they did was search for the Shinsengumi.
It's believed that during the time they were in hiding, they were determined to avenge Itou's death.
Then, on the evening of December 17. Kano Washio came across information that Okita was "hiding" at Kondo Isami's mistress's house in Rokujo.
The day of the incident
Abe Juro woke up at 4 a.m. the next morning and cut into the mistress's house with Utsumi and Sawara.
This is a so-called "night raid, morning attack" (夜討ち朝駈け) strategy.
Normally, this strategy seems to be used when a small number of men face a large number of enemies, but Okita was alone. Moreover, he was on his sickbed at that time.
Abe was skilled with a spear, and Utsumi Jiro was the head instructor at Itou Kashitaro's dojo. Sawara Taro was also described by Nishimura Kanefumi as "a master of swordsmanship", so it seems that he was quite skilled.
No matter how good Okita was, it might have been tough for him to fight against these three men with his illness.
In other words, Abe was wary of Okita that much.
However, Okita was not at the place where they planned to cut him down. Around 10 p.m. the night before, he had moved to Fushimi.
Mistaken assumptions
The reason why Okita was at the mistress's house in the first place is thought to have been a temporary refuge from the chaos of the Shinsengumi's move to Fushimi, as the Shinsengumi was moving out of their old headquarters and going to Fushimi.
Perhaps Abe and his colleagues could not grasp the fact that Okita would leave when the situation calmed down.
Nevertheless, they should have confirmed that Okita was home when they got the information and should have at least left a lookout.
It's said that Okita was lucky, but I think he was also helped by the lack of precision from Abe and his team.
And most of all, what they really needed to confirm was whether Okita was actually involved in the murder of Itou Kashitaro.
Abe's opinion of Okita
As it turned out, Okita was not involved in Itou Kashitaro's murder.
However, Abe seemed to have assumed that Okita must have been involved.
Abe's comments about Okita at the historical discussion meeting can be summarized as follows.
Okita was a cruel man
He acted like he didn't know there was an Imperial Court in this country
He was simply a good swordsman and used his swordsmanship well.
He only knew how to act for Kondo's sake
He killed people unnecessarily
This is a terribly negative evaluation. What in the world happened in the First Squad?
As for the 2nd point, Nagakura Shinpachi wrote that Okita was one of the members who discussed and worried about national affairs during his time in the Shieikan Dojo, so it doesn't mean that he didn't discuss national affairs.
However, Okita might have shrugged away from debates about national affairs in front of Abe and his colleagues and didn't take it seriously.
Okita's response seems very mature, as he knew the weight of his statements as an executive. But Abe must have taken his actions at face value.
Who was Abe Juro as a person?
Abe Juro was a man who was "smart, liked cleanness, a little short-sighted (=not thinking clearly, short-tempered), but very good with his hands and mouth (=speaks and acts well)", and had "a strong temper since childhood" (=nervous and irritable), and it seems he had a strong conviction.
From the contents of the historical talks, we get the impression that he was a hot-blooded man who was convinced of his own righteousness.
However, his belief in his own ideas may have led to the attempted assassination of Okita.
Okita was nearly killed by a false accusation.
I think it's important to confirm everything, not to act on assumptions. This is something I would like to always remind myself.
史談会速記録 第90輯 国会図書館蔵
大内町が生んだ幕末の風雲児 阿部十郎小伝 アベツトム (北方風土 : 北国の歴史民俗考古研究誌 (13) 北方風土社編)
新選組・高台寺党 市居浩一
浪士文久報告記事 永倉新八
30 notes · View notes
hausofmamadas · 11 months
| The occupational hazards of living |
Narcos: Mexico/True Detective Crossover
Pairing: David Barrón & Rustin "Crash" Cohle & OC! Ziggy Morenas & OC! Ernesto "Chato" Quintana Colmenaro
For @narcosfandomdiscordNarcOctober - Day 22 - Day of Cross Pollination
Prompt: Create a fanwork that includes at least one Narcos character and at least one character from another fandom & fanwork with the plot or setting stolen from another fandom
Word count: ≈ 4.5K
TWs: Canon-consistent violence, Light Prison Racisms, swearing, racial slurs, drug use, references to trauma/domestic abuse, white supremacy ..? that’s a trigger, right?
The two most important things anyone can do is give life and take it. But with how often both happened, it seemed people didn’t consider the gravity of either near enough. Killing wasn’t a trifling thing. Barrón has had it up to here with these Neo-Nazis and Rustin Cohle is there to support his teaching them a lesson. Also a couple of notes: La Eme = the letter M but stands for Mexican Mafia carnal = (pronounced carnál) made man of La Eme, putting in work = Doing Crimes, particularly violent ones in service to La Eme, vica = vice president, usually of a prison cellblock llevero = keyholder/shotcaller, Eme carnal who oversees a specific geographic region outside prison or an entire prison camarada = non-made Eme members, affiliates crimie = (pronounced crim-ee) short for criminal contra = short for contraband la raza = literally the race, but more the community/the people (similar to gente but more exclusive)
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… but first! Let’s meet the cast:
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The most startling thing about prison wasn’t the violence. If witnessing his first drive-by shooting when he was six didn’t acclimate Barrón quickly, his old man’s habit of bouncing him and Matteo off the walls certainly did. So, while the tactics and flavors were new, the violence wasn’t. He likened it to living in a war zone. If you panicked about every shell that blew a road to bits, you’d drop dead of a coronary in no time.
No, the most shocking thing about prison was the tribalism. As a plebito in Logan Heights, he had friends belonging to almost every ethnic group the melting pot of San Diego had to offer. The project neighborhoods were chock full of families of different races, countries, ethnicities: Samoan, Filipino, Black, Japanese, Mexican, Guatemalan, El Salvadorian, and the like. It didn’t matter where the neighbor kid’s family was from, when all they wanted to do was play like Bruce Lee from Way of the Dragon in the scrapyard across the street.
So, when he arrived at his first Youth Authority facility, Rancho Del Campo, just outside the dirt town of Tecate, and was told by some of the older Sureños about the “rules” against consorting with Black or White prisoners, he thought it was a joke.
“Wait, you fucking with me?”
“Nah, lil homie. Deader than dead serious,” Eddie Monstruo aka Eddie the monster, Eme vica for his block, set him straight.
“Even if I knew ‘em on the outside? I can’t just eat a meal with ‘em?”
Eddie shook his head in lamentation.
“Trade contra? Say hi? Nothing?”
“Nothing. Con la raza baila el perro, sin la raza bailas como un perro. And they won’t tell you twice, te lo juro, guey.”
He remembered thinking, Are you kidding? This is America. So indignant. What he wouldn’t give to be that green again. But what really bothered him was how the rules weren’t the same for everyone. Like how the Sureños were more simpatico with White prisoners because La Eme was aligned with the AB. Aryan Brotherhood.
He rarely saw White kids on the outside save for when he sold them dope down by the boardwalk. He sure as fuck didn’t have any whiteboy homies. Shoot, on the outside, whitey was The Man. So, it was a blow when he found out the camaradas were aligned with the AB. The way it was explained to him, the Sureños did it out of “necessity” because of the longstanding alliance between the Norteños and Black Guerrilla Family. Norteños, or Nuestra Familia, were Eme’s sworn enemy. Sometime in the 70s, the top carnals saw the need to boost their profile and numbers with a similar alliance, so they took up with the AB.
Barrón never said shit, but the AB didn’t sit right with him. For guys who were supposedly the “cream of the crop,” the “superior” race, they were really a bunch of lazy, disorganized hicks. They talked a lot of shit about the white race being the “one true people,” “purest of the pure,” acted like they shit gold. But then they had to be off-this-planet high on whatever the crank of the month was, just to put in work. That, or they shot up places indiscriminately. No creep to ‘em. Worse yet, no concern for bystanders.
Barrón knew everyone in the game skated a line of amorality, but he drew a few more lines for himself. One from the beginning: at all possible costs, no bystanders. The other line came with time. After he’d been around the block some, he stopped getting blasted on dope and booze before a hit. He didn’t begrudge some of the guys that did and he had his fair share of early jobs where those gears needed greasing. But after a while, being spun on top of spun felt disrespectful. To the job. To his victims.
The two most important things anyone can do is give life and take it. But with how often both happened, it seemed people didn’t consider the gravity of either near enough. Killing wasn’t a trifling thing. So, what did it say about him if he tried to escape, check out by getting high? What did it say if he couldn’t, with his full faculties and finger on the trigger, look the person in the eye and feel the depth of what he was about to do?
There was no off the hook. Actions have consequences. Guilt and remorse? They were occupational hazards of living if your brain was wired like it was supposed to be. He knew there was a worthy place for him in hell. The least he could do was be an adult about it. It’s not that he fancied murder an honorable business. He just hated cowards and hypocrites. That’s why he hated the AB.
That and they just plain sucked. Best way to ruin a party? Be sure to invite the neo-nazis.
The last time he agreed to work with an AB affiliated outfit was a few years after he got out of San Quentin. The Logan Heights llevero, his old homie Mando, called on Barrón to help some biker gang take back one of their stash houses. Apparently, some AB higher-up named Geronimo Jerry was collecting on a favor Mando owed from back when they did time in Folsom. To pay up, Mando put together a team to back Jerry’s guys up, but a couple of his original soldiers got dropped by the cops and another got arrested, and he needed replacements for the six man operation. The minute Barrón heard whiteboys were involved, he tried to get out of it. But Mando was a full-blown Eme carnal by then, a made-man of the Mexican mafia.
Barrón had seen The Godfather countless times as a kid, one of his dad’s favorites. One of the few good things he could remember about the man at all. At five years old, he thought it entirely innocent when Vito said in that whisper of a voice, “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Like Vito was offering Woltz a deal so sweet, he couldn’t pass it up. It wasn’t till later on, when Mando asked him to do this job that Barrón got what Vito Corleone really meant. When a carnal said “jump,” he had no choice. He was locked in.
Thankfully, the two others Mando put on it were Barrio LH guys Barrón already knew. He and Chato had been buds since back in YA and had already done plenty of rip-n-runs together. He’d never worked a job like this with Ziggy Morenas but Ziggy was a known quantity around Shelltown as a reliable soldado. He was also Matteo’s best friend since grade school, so naturally, when they were old enough to start puttin’ in work, they did it together. Matteo only ran with the best and taught Barrón to do just the same.
But it was tricky with Ziggy. Barrón got along with him fine but they’d never been close per se. Unofficial Big Bro Ziggy might’ve been more accurate. Still, when Matty died, they fell out for a bit. They’d only reconnected recently because Ziggy started going out with one of Cheli’s friends, Leó. Even then, the void of Matty was always there. A void they shared but could never relate to each other through. Plus, competent a soldado as he was, the thing about Ziggy? He could be a little serious even for Barrón’s liking, which was saying something. Frankly, Ziggy could be a downright prickly motherfucker. All that noise aside though, he’d take serious over reckless any day. There was no mistaking Chato and Ziggy were solid guys.
The AB crew, on the other hand. Well truly, he’d never seen a more unprofessional group of crimies, save one of their affiliates Barrón had met a few times before, a bony-faced, severe-looking guy named Rust who went by Crash. He had the rangy, haunted look of a starved alley cat and commanded an Ivy League vocabulary that, through a watered-down Texas drawl, betrayed just how whip-smart he was. He also seemed to be the only one who could hold his liquor and his crystal, a fact alone that should’ve meant he was the one calling the shots. Unfortunately for them, the actual “leader” of this mess was a brawny, bald guy with too-wide, glassy blue eyes and a long, braided, red beard, who they fittingly called Ginger.
The “safe house” they met at was a piece of shit, rundown bungalow owned by Jerry. Outside, it looked like an elementary school portable. Inside, it was a hoarder’s paradise. When Barrón, Chato, and Ziggy arrived, there were group of about nine or ten guys huddled around Ginger at a foldable picnic table in the kitchen area. Crash was the only one off to the side, smoking by himself in the corner.
As the three of them passed through the living room to join the AB guys, Barrón was overwhelmed by the stench of cat piss, lighter fluid, and an amalgam smoke mixture of PCP and cigarettes. The shag carpet was crawling with roaches and littered with cigarette butts, stag mags, and Skymall catalogs. And fuck finding a place to sit. Barrón had to slide clothes and stacks of papers off the arm of a dank couch that jutted into the dining area just to lean against it. Chato and Ziggy opted to share the edge of the coffee table facing the kitchen.
They all watched as Ginger laid out the half-assed plan they cooked up. Barrón caught Crash out of the corner of his eye, whose gaunt face seemed caught between an apology and a defeated look of warning, like he was telegraphing the breath and time he’d already wasted trying to reason with these idiots and that he shouldn’t be bothered.  
When it became clear these morons hadn’t done any legwork beforehand, Barrón asked if they had an alternate route to get out of the complex they were hitting in case they got boxed in. “Only one way in and out? In only one car?”**
Eyes buzzing with a kind of feral, wildcard edge that didn’t instill the slightest confidence, Ginger nodded slowly, licking excess coke off the edge of a credit card.
Ziggy too, looked unamused, the tell-tale whites of the skin spreading over his knuckles, visible as his hands balled into fists. Chato noticed too because he and Barrón exchanged uneasy glances.
Dropping some well-timed Spanish, intended only to be understood by the three of them, “Es lo que ya les pregunté. Todo se fija a ser un espectáculo de mierda,” Crash floored the whole room before calmly taking a drag from his cigarette like an asthmatic on his inhaler.  
A big guy named Mitch leaned over close enough to graze Barrón with his beard, and freebase-exhaled this poetry, “We hit trouble? Just gotta fuck it in the ass. Scoop out the soft brains and eat right out the skull.”**
One of the strangest attempts at reassurance Barrón had ever heard. Like he agreed, Crash scoffed at Mitch and rolled his eyes. Homie knew shit was about to go down. Probably because Ziggy looked like he was about to pop his lid. Barrón choked back a chuckle of surprise that Ziggy didn’t slug the fat fuck in the face, right then and there. It wouldn’t have been out of character. Or unwarranted.
Because this was typical AB. These guys never bothered to come up with a plan. They never needed one. Life cut them all the breaks and of course it did. They’d designed it that way.
But as fate would have it, Barrón was actually one to break. He’d reached his limit and put one of their guys down with a bullet in both kneecaps. It was after he questioned their exit strategy.
Some skinny dude, a guy called Whizbang, who’d been spun for probably 48 straight hours, accused him of asking too many questions. Undeniable proof he was an undercover cop. Funny thing was, this moron wasn’t even gonna be part of the actual boost.
“This spic doesn’t say shit the whole time. Now he’s askin’ about tactics? Shifty-eyed motherfucker hasn’t touched shit since we got here.” Whizbang pointed to the curated assortment of drug paraphernalia next to the assault weapons on the table. “What’s wrong? You some kinda beaner cop, ese?” He pronounced it ‘ess-ay.’
Barrón met him with a wall of inscrutable nothing.
The little creep walked over slowly. “You laughin’ at me motherfucker?” Funny, ‘cause he wasn’t even close to smiling.
Relaxed as ever, he drowned the room in a silence that put everyone’s hackles up. Especially Ginger, whose eyes couldn’t get any wider, the whites of his eyes near engulfing his eye-sockets, swallowing his irises along with those pinprick-sized pupils. The look of bored resignation Crash wore every other time Barrón crossed paths with him was now replaced with a smirk of satisfaction; someone who walked through life craving the unexpected and getting more than he’d bargained for.
“Got nothin to say, huh? C’mon Sancho, prove you’re not a cop.”
As he drew closer, he tried his level best to look menacing or as menacing as anyone named Whizbang might hope to be. Patience wearing thin, Barrón’s wall broke and he rolled his eyes and looked off to the side, muttering against gritted teeth and his better judgement, “Can’t believe we have to deal with this shit.”
Whizbang didn’t seem to notice. “Let’s go Sancho, talk or take a bump. Show us you’re not a cop.”
Almost close enough to be nose-to-nose now, he took out a dimebag of what looked like PCP from the pocket of his kutte and waved it in front of Barrón’s face. No one but Ziggy and Chato caught his hand nearing a spot at the base of his back.
Eyes blazing like molten tar, nostrils flared, it was a preamble, simple and quick. “You talk too much.”
Then before anyone could blink, two loud pops and poor, skinny-ole Whizbang crumpled to the floor, howling and clutching his knees as blood spurted out all over his hands and seeped through his jeans onto the carpet. Barrón fixed his nine millimeter on Whizbang’s face, trying to decide if he was going to let the skidmark live. But, spotting a wooden crate on the floor next to the table, he aimed there instead.
A moment of stunned silence passed, until everyone realized what he was aiming at and then all the AB guys scrambled for the weapons on the table. Everyone except Crash who was laughing at the ground now, unperturbed and cracked-in-the-head in a way that indicated the guy had seen some shit in his life. What it was, Barrón could only guess.
Crash cut through the chaos with a whistle and a, “tsk tsk, I’d think on that, boys.”
They all froze and looked at him, then at Barrón, then to the barrel of his gun, then to the wooden crate that was filled with over a dozen live grenades, then back at Barrón. Just to hammer the point home, Barrón shot right, then left, on each side of the crate.
The AB guys looked green. Chato and Ziggy looked torn between panic and hysterical laughter, though he swore he detected a hint of approval on Ziggy’s face. Crash looked on the verge of straight-up applause. Based on the sheer glee this little turn of events brought him, he couldn’t have been with the AB. That must be why he wasn’t in charge.
Looking Ginger square in the eye, Barrón explained, voice quiet and even, “We do this my way or I can nuke us all, right now.” He waited a beat but stunned-stupid Ginger still said nothing. “So Chief, what’ll it be?”
Crash ventured, smirking with an I-told-you-so superiority only somewhat softened by the drawl, “Far be it from me to speak out of turn, here, Ginger. But based on the last few months I just spent in Ojinaga and Juarez, uh– I’d say– well, yeah, just– you’d be wise to take these motherfuckers serious, right brother.” He tacked on brother like an afterthought, maybe to soften the blow or maybe just to sound like a condescending prick. Somehow it worked on both fronts.
Ginger stared at the ground and clenched his jaw so hard it looked like it might dislocate. Then spat out, “Fine. Fuckit,” rolling his head around, glaring through half-lidded eyes, “what does Big Beaner over here propose?”
And just like that, Barrón was in charge.
So, of course then, the heist went off without a hitch.
After the job was done, the loot counted and distributed among all interested parties back at the safe house, everyone exchanged tense, albeit still-amicable goodbyes; good will engendered, no doubt, by fact that the whole thing went off seamlessly. Still, Crash was the only whiteboy to shake their hands.
“Nifty little stunt you pulled there. I’d call you a crazy motherfucker, if you hadn’t saved me the headache of getting my ass greased,” he turned around to look over at Ginger’s crew, back to snorting PCP off the foldout table with plastic straws, “and buried six-feet-under with these fuckin’ imbeciles.”
Barrón smiled and nodded diffidently.
Chato spoke up for the first time since they’d gotten back. “Hey, we’re ’boutta grab some grub before we head back to give the lowdown to the big homie—” Crash nodded at Chato like he knew exactly who Mando was. And maybe he did, since he didn’t seem to be rolling with the AB. Just another soldier filling out the ranks like them. “—wanna roll out with us?”
“Sheeit.” Eyes alight with a crystal-meth vigilance that would’ve been off-putting if he weren’t so devil-may-care all the time, Crash surveyed the room, and shrugged. “Beats climbing the walls here with these assholes. Yeah, lemme take you up on that, buy you friendlies a round somewhere.”
Barrón smiled at Chato, little social butterfly. He, himself, would never have thought to invite the guy, but he was glad Chato did. Following Chato’s lead, he asked Crash, “Yo, you need a ride?”
“Nah, I’ll follow on my bike. Y’all know what’s good.”
The three of them looked at each other blankly until Ziggy offered, “Stoney’s?”
“Any place with booze’ll do just fine.”
“Oh, but we gotta make a pit stop at Micky D’s.”
They all looked at Chato like he’d been an extraterrestrial this whole time, and they’d only noticed just now.
“What?” He asked earnestly. “I want a McFlurry.”
They all just kept staring at him.
“Well, they don’t have McFlurries at Stoney’s, obviously.” Like they were the dumbest people on the planet.
Amused, Crash chuckled, shaking his head. “Can’t say I’m in a position to judge, but he’s an odd duck, ain’t he.”
“Aight.” Ziggy cracked a rare smile, the kind really only Chato or Matty could get him to do. “Let’s get the kid a McFlurry. Then Stoney’s.”
The three of them piled into Barrón’s Monte Carlo and rolled out. Crash chugged behind on his Harley.
The crowd at Stoney’s was just starting to pick up, so they opted for the open seats at the bar on the patio.
“First round’s on me.” Crash flagged down the bartender. “What’s everyone’s poison.”
Barrón put his hand on his chest, “Corona,” then pointed to Ziggy. “Y tú, qué?”
Ziggy looked up from the spot on the bartop he had been mean-mugging since they sat down, “Oh, uh—” then glanced at Chato next to him, who was gazing, lost in love, into his McFlurry cup, spooning bite after bite into his mouth, and just ordered for him. “Well, for the lady, a tequila sunrise and me? I don’t— eh, fuck it. Shot of tequila. Nothing fancy.”
Narrowing his eyes, Crash regarded them like he’d been conducting a study that yielded some unexpected results, then passed the order on to the bartender.
When they had their drinks, Crash finally asked what was probably on everyone’s mind. “So, contestame eso,” he slid into Spanish, unclumsily but not entirely without effort. “Ya tango que saberlo. Back there. That just a performance? Or would you’ve done it?”
Somewhat blindsided, less by the question than by who was asking it, Barrón struggled to hide his surprise while he tongued the inside of his cheek, searching for an answer. He got the impression for some reason that Crash could take the truth. There was a hard-lived, stretched-thin quality to him, evidence of a man, unmoored, maybe a bit unhinged, operating at the edge of life itself. But he didn’t want to spook Chato.
And the truth was well, he didn’t actually know. Not then and not now. He didn’t need to because of what he did know: things never would’ve gotten that far. It was a play and the play would’ve worked, even without Crash’s helpful advice to Ginger. Because those AB guys? They were always chickenshit.
Okay, so there. That was an answer. Why didn’t he just say that?
Maybe because of what he wasn’t certain of. That if he’d misjudged the situation, if it hadn’t worked, would he have tried their luck and pulled the trigger anyway? Nah, but he knew that too. Yeah, he would’ve. He meant it. Or at least a part of him. Had to be serious for them to take it serious.
But he settled on equivocation. “What d’you think?”
Ball back in Crash’s court, and the way his jaw cocked to the side, it was clear he wasn’t much for accepting non-answers for answers. “What do I think? Well, what’s the use in asking if I already know?”
Fair enough.
An impatient Ziggy piped up, turning to Barrón. “Quién se cree que es, este pinshe gringuillo?” But before Crash could answer, Ziggy swiveled back around and laid it out for him. “If he hadn’t meant it, we would’ve gone along with their cracked, cracker-ass plan. And if we went along with their plan, we’d either be in jail or riddled with bullets right now, probably buried in the middle of some dirt lot along with those crusty hicks. Okay?”
Huh. Ziggy, having his back like that, defending him. That was … nice, new. Unphased though, Crash put his hands up in armistice. “I ain’t complainin’ insofar as I’m curious as to the level of commitment to the bit.”
“Alright,” Barrón said in a sigh. “Yeah, I meant it. Had to, didn’t I?”
Finally, that seemed enough truth to humor Crash, as he nodded, mouth cocked up in a smug half-smirk, and took a swig of his bourbon. Barrón saw it then. Este güey knew it all along but wouldn’t be satisfied unless it was said out loud. Ziggy scowled and rolled his eyes, maybe still irritated that Crash had asked in the first place. But probably more resentful that he’d folded so quick, telling this outsider the truth.
Poor Chato seemed to be the only one taken by surprise, as he froze mid-bite, eyes wide, plastic spoon hanging out of his mouth. And all of a sudden Barrón and Ziggy busted up laughing. With less investment but still in on the joke, Crash couldn’t stop himself chuckling too. As they all sat there, in varying levels of stitches, Chato just looked at them all, confused. Until he realized the joke was how ridiculous he looked, and then he cracked up right along with them.
When they settled down, Barrón wiped tears from his eyes while Chato contentedly sipped on his tequila sunrise, and Ziggy flagged the bartender again for another shot.
The bartender brought his shot and Ziggy knocked it back before asking Barrón, “Yo,” voice thick as he swallowed hard, “should we work on getting our story straight? Like, what do we tell Mando?”
Chato glanced nervously at Ziggy, agreeing, “Yeah, like are we gonna tell how you kneecapped that skinny guy–“
“Whizbang,” Crash cut in to remind them his name, as if it mattered.
“–and threatened to blow the whole crew away?”
Staring ahead at all the bottles lined up on shelves, lit technicolor by the bar lights, Barrón said cooly, “Is that what happened?”
Brows furrowed, Chato looked from Barrón, to Ziggy, to Crash, then back to Barrón. “Yo, is this a trick question or—?”
“No fool,” Ziggy shot him a disgruntled look. “It’s not a trick question. And yea, fool, that’s what happened.”
“So, that’s what we tell him.”
Chato couldn’t compute, looking at Barrón like he’d sprouted a second smaller, uglier head. With an air of amused cynicism, Crash watched the three of them bickering, citizens in the town square like they were on Court TV.
“Woahwoahwoah,” Chato practically gurgled with a mouth full of McFlurry, “you forreal right now?”
“Look, Jerry and Mando go way back. He’s gonna hear about it. Best he hears direct. Besides, you can’t lie to a carnal when you go off the reservation like that.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Barrón saw Ziggy’s head gravely bobbing up and down in agreement.
Chato was still in disbelief. “Dude, he’s gonna cap you right there on the spot.”
“Actions have consequences,” Barrón explained simply, keeping his eyes fixed ahead. “I’ll see that it doesn’t blow back on you. S’on me.”
Ziggy seemed comfortable in resignation at the prospect of Mando losing his shit on Barrón. Chato was still unconvinced. Pobre was genuinely concerned for him.
Assessing Chato with something like doomed admiration, Crash pointed out, “Milkshakes aside, kid’s got the kinda heart they don’t teach in school.” Then looking around at all of them like the thought just dawned on him, he asked, “How old are you guys, anyway?”
Index finger pointing at his chest, Ziggy said flatly, “Twenty one, last month,” then pointed to Chato, “nineteen,” then to Barrón who finished for him, “eighteen.”
Crash whistled, “Sheeit. And I thought I didn’t have childhood.”
Chato still looked ill at ease. In an effort to cheer him up, Barrón quipped, “No hay tos, compa. I’m living on borrowed time anyway. Shoot, I was ready to die— what,” he smirked and glanced at the clock hanging above the doorway that led from Stoney’s patio back inside, “three hours ago?”
Chato gave him the side-eye but must’ve worked a little bit because his shoulders weren’t crunched up by his ears as much.
After a few minutes of silence, something occurred to Barrón. “Hey, why’d you ask?”
Crash downed the remainder of his bourbon in one big gulp and came back up smiling like he was waiting for that exact question to be asked. He set the empty glass upside down on the bar, and pulled out a cigarette, tapping the tip of it on the bottom of the glass, before putting it to his lips and lighting up.
Through another one of those deep, asthmatic drags, voice thick, he said, “Well, I was jus’ thinking, the kinda nuts it takes, going off book like that? But the three of you still kept your cool. Level headed nutjobs are hard to find. So, might be I got another job for you boys. If you’re interested. And Mando’ll lend you.”
Well that stumped them, as they stood there, puzzled looks on all their faces because actually who the fuck was this guy? And did he know Mando? Or he was just a that good a listener?
Crash gave them a wily look through the two thick columns of smoke that poured from his nostrils. “Y’all ever heard of a guy by the name of Amado Carrillo Fuentes?”
They came back at him with nothing but crickets.
“You might know him as El Senior de los Cielos.”
That’s when Barrón knew he’d sized this guy up correct. Crash, Rust, whoever this guy was, dropping a big name like that, guaranteed he’d seen and done some shit in his life.
And now, evidently, he was looking for business partners. Or maybe a couple of suckers. Which one would depend on whatever came out of his mouth next.
** indicates lines robbed directly from True Detective (Because you know I wish I came up with that soft brains line but alas, I am no Nic Pizzolato)
taglist: @narcolini @narcosfandomdiscord
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talesofedo · 2 years
Hi, are there any other records/stories/anecdotes of Shinsengumi members clashing with any of the three “Man-cutters?” The only ones I know so far was an anecdote from Juro Abe attacked both Okada Izo and Abe himself for being tools to kill people and one from an interview from Gensai’s grandson, Kawakami Toshiharu, where Kondo Isami would avoid him when they met. Thanks.
The Asks I get on tumblr definitely keep me on my toes, and this one took a couple of days to answer because I needed to do some checking of sources first.
I may not be so much of a fount of knowledge as I am a bucket of random trivia and a puddle of "I know where to find that", so occasionally I have to dig a little deeper for a useful answer. (And hopefully this is a useful answer...)
As always, if anyone has additional information or finds an error, please comment or reblog!
A quick timeline:
In 1862, Kyoto saw a lot of upheaval, both politically and with ronin from various domains. It was also in this year that many of the tenchu (divine punishment) assassinations were carried out.
On 10 April 1863, the Roshigumi arrived in the city.
Although the group wasn't there to police the city and didn't last long because of Kyokawa Hachiro's false pretenses in assembling it, the members who chose to remain in the city formed the Mibu Roshigumi, which in August 1863 became the Shinsengumi.
The Shinsengumi were under the command of Matsudaira Katamori of Aizu, who was the military commissioner for Kyoto, and their purpose became patrolling the streets and restoring order.
The Shinsengumi left Kyoto in January 1868.
Therefore: any interactions between the Hitokiri and the Mibu Roshi / Shinsengumi in Kyoto take place between early 1863 and January 1868.
Okada Izo
Okada Izo left Kyoto in January 1863 and came to Edo, where he was initially living with Takasugi Shinsaku. After Takasugi was recalled to Choshu, Izo became Katsu Kaishu's bodyguard until he left (for reasons unknown) and returned to Kyoto. I don't know when exactly he returned to Kyoto, but it seems to have been fall or winter 1863.
After hiding himself in the city for a while, he was arrested for burglary in May 1864 by the Kyoto magistracy, jailed, and then banished from the city and returned to Tosa.
Although Ryomaden shows Izo being hunted by members of the Shinsengumi, I haven't seen anything in available historical records to suggest the Shinsengumi and Okada Izo ever crossed paths, at least not where they would have recognized him.
And while we don't know a lot about Izo's time in hiding, we do know that he was using an alias (Tetsuzo) and had sold at least his long sword, perhaps even both swords, to make ends meet. As such, he was unlikely to put himself into situations where he would have encountered the Shinsengumi.
The record of Abe Juro speaking about Okada Izo appears to be from the late Meiji era. In his statements, he compares Okada Izo to Okita Soji and Oishi Kuwajiro of the Shinsengumi, stating that all three were people without ideological convictions who were being used as tools to kill.
I have not read anything that would suggest Abe ever met Okada Izo, but he did know both Okita and Oishi personally because he used to be a member of the Shinsengumi until he left with Ito Kashitaro's group. It is possible he was using later knowledge gained by hearing or reading about Okada Izo to make this statement to disparage Okita and Oishi, and I'm inclined to think of it that way because there don't appear to be other records of Abe speaking about Izo.
Kawakami Gensai
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Kawakami Gensai was in Kyoto until late September or early October 1863. He left the city shortly after the Bunkyu Coup (also known as the Coup of 18 August), which took place on 29 / 30 September 1863 (western calendar).
He returned after July 1864 to seek revenge for the death of his mentor, Miyabe Teizo, who was killed when the Shinsengumi raided the Ikeda-ya on 8 July 1864. However, I haven't found any evidence that Gensai and the Shinsengumi had direct interactions, let alone crossed swords.
Gensai was said to have carried out many assassinations, but the only one attributed to him with certainty was that of Sakuma Shozan on 12 August 1864. (As an aside here, Sakuma Shozan was Katsu Kaishu's brother-in-law. He was married to Kaishu's younger sister, Junko.)
There is the claim that "even Kondo Isami would avoid him if they passed each other in the street." The only source for it appears to be Kawakami Gensai's grandson, Kawakami Toshiharu, and there's no way to tell whether he was sharing family lore, or whether he was trying to use his grandfather's name for political gain. (Toshiharu was active with Dai Nihon Seisanto, a nationalist-fascist political organization, in the 1930s.)
If Gensai was out for revenge against the Shinsengumi, you'd think he wouldn't simply allow Kondo Isami to "avoid him" in the street; he'd try to find a way to attack him.
I will eventually write about Gensai separately, I think, but here's a bit of an aside: He was very small in stature, just about 5ft tall (150cm), and fair-skinned. Apparently people commonly "thought at first glance that he was a woman dressed as a man." He was married and had a son (Gentaro), and he was described as soft-spoken and gentle with his family.
Tanaka Shinbei
Tanaka Shinbei was active in tenchu assassinations in the Kyoto area from August 1862 until July 1863, occasionally working together with Okada Izo, notably in the assassination of Honma Seiichiro.
The reason Shinbei and Izo worked together was that they both took orders from Takechi Hanpeita. Takechi and Shinbei had a much closer relationship than Takechi and Izo: they had become sworn brothers in August 1862.
On 5 July 1863, Tanaka Shinbei apparently assassinated the court noble, Anegakoji Kintomo. I'm saying "apparently" because he never made a confession. His arrest was based on the fact that his sword, which he claims had been stolen two days prior, was found at the scene.
Immediately after the assassination, Bojo Toshikatsu demanded Aizu arrest Tanaka Shinbei. Matsudaira Katamori then dispatched Ando Kyuzaemon (whose name I am hopefully reading correctly) to take several officials and some troops to make the arrest.
The sources I have don't specify whether the troops were Aizu's own or whether Matsudaira Katamori sent Ando and the officials to accompany the Shinsengumi to make the arrest. I've seen various discussions about this online but no concrete answer, so it may or may not have been the Shinsengumi that arrested Shinbei.
At any rate, Shinbei was arrested and because Aizu did not have its own prison in which to hold him, he was handed over to the Kyoto magistrate. During the interrogation, Shinbei asked to see the sword that had been found at the scene, and when it was handed to him, he used it to kill himself. (Outstanding police work, gentlemen. Why would you hand him the sword? *facepalm*)
Nakamura Hanjiro
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Nakamura Hanjiro arrived in Kyoto in spring 1862 alongside a large group of Satsuma samurai who were accompanying Shimazu Hisamitsu, the domain's regent and father of the current (but still under-age) daimyo, to Satsuma's residence in the city.
After the Terada-ya incident of 29 May 1862, during which some of his acquaintances had been killed and/or injured, Hanjiro became closely involved with the Sonno-Joi movement in Kyoto. As Saigo Takamori put it in a letter: "He associates with Sonno-Joi ruffians and visits the residence of the Choshu domain."
Even though Hanjiro's name is included in the list of hitokiri, like Kawakami Gensai there is only one assassination ascribed to him with any certainty, that of Akamatsu Kosaburo.
Akamatsu was a scholar and disciple of Katsu Kaishu who was suspected of being a shogunate spy. On 30 September 1867, Hanjiro killed him in broad daylight with a single stroke of his sword, which was verified by Arima Tota, who was present, and by an entry in Hanjiro's diary.
Hanjiro is perhaps the only person in the list of hitokiri for whom we can find an actual connection with the Shinsengumi, although it seems that he never had opportunity to cross swords with them.
Hanjiro knew - if not personally, then through other people - Ito Kashitaro and the former Shinsengumi members who had formed Goryo-Eji because Ito was meeting with individuals from Satsuma.
When Ito was assassinated by the Shinsengumi on 14 April 1867, Hanjiro was involved in helping former Goryo-Eji members hide at Satsuma's Kyoto residence.
Just as Hanjiro knew about the Shinsengumi, the Shinsengumi were aware of him due to his involvement in the Sonno-Joi movement in the city. He was likely on their list of "people to watch out for" and they would have been aware of his skill as a practitioner of Jigen-ryu swordsmanship.
There is at least one source quoting Kondo Isami as having warned members of the Shinsengumi: "Don't deal with Nakamura Hanjiro of Satsuma alone!" In other words, if you do encounter him during a raid, your swordsmanship would be no match for him. (As a reminder, a high level of swordsmanship was not a requirement for joining the Shinsengumi!)
And while Hanjiro may not have known Kondo Isami personally, he obviously had a lot of respect for him as a samurai. Arima Tota, who was a close friend of Hanjiro, was Satsuma's vice-chief of staff who arrested Kondo on 28 April 1868. When Hanjiro learned from Arima Tota that Kondo had been beheaded instead of being allowed to commit seppuku, he was said to have been very angry.
Hanjiro is another person who will eventually get his own post, but here's a bit of an aside: After the Kinmon incident, a large part of Kyoto burned to the ground and many people were left homeless. Hanjiro's friends noticed he would leave with two rice balls in his sleeve everyday and wondered where he was going. When they followed him, they found that he was handing the food to people who had been displaced by the fire.
Lastly, there's one more man who was known as Hitokiri:
Hitokiri Kuwajiro, who was Oishi Kuwajiro of the Shinsengumi. He got this name because he was sent on assassination missions, most notably that of Ito Kashitaro, for which he was tried and beheaded in 1870. He was also (falsely) accused of the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma.
(Edited on 3/17 because once again the most surefire way to locate typos is to read your post again a week after posting it ...)
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capitalflutuante · 7 months
O destaque desta quinta-feira, última sessão de fevereiro, é a divulgação do índice de preços de gastos com consumo (PCE, na sigla em inglês) dos Estados Unidos, a medida favorita de preços do Federal Reserve (Fed, o banco central dos EUA). Além disso, três dirigentes do Fed discursam: Raphael Bostic, de Atlanta; Austan Goolsbee, de Chicago; e Loretta Mester, de Cleveland. Na Alemanha, será revelado o índice de preços ao consumidor (CPI) de fevereiro. A agenda local traz a Pnad contínua, com a taxa de desemprego no trimestre móvel encerrado em janeiro. A presidente do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), Christine Lagarde, participa de reunião do G20 em São Paulo. Já o presidente do Banco Central, Roberto Campos Neto, participa de reuniões do G20 e se encontra com o presidente do Fed, Jerome Powell. Exterior digere possibilidade de Fed demorar mais para cortar juros Os juros dos Treasuries renovavam máximas em toda curva mais cedo e os longos avançam antes da divulgação do PCE de janeiro, após tanto o CPI quanto o PPI de janeiro dos EUA, que medem preços ao consumidor e ao produtor, terem vindo acima da expectativas, e o relatório de emprego, o payroll, também ter vindo mais forte no mês passado. Esses dados levaram o Fed a sinalizar que não tem pressa de começar a reduzir juros. O CME Group apontava há pouco 59,1% de chance de os cortes começarem em junho, de 66,8% há uma semana, ou seja, mesmo para junho a probabilidade já diminuiu. Os futuros de Nova York operam no vermelho à espera do indicador. Já as bolsas europeias sobem, apesar de algumas informações negativas na região. As vendas no varejo da Alemanha caíram 0,4% em janeiro ante dezembro, frustrando a expectativa de analistas de avanço de 0,5%. Na Bolsa de Londres, os papéis da Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) caíam 2,23%, após a maior cervejaria do mundo divulgar queda de 33% no lucro líquido do quarto trimestre. Cautela no exterior pode pressionar desempenho da bolsa aqui A cautela em NY antes do PCE pode pesar no Ibovespa em meio ainda à queda do petróleo e do minério de ferro, que fechou em baixa de 0,17%, em Dalian, na China, além de balanços, como o da Ambev e Suzano. O avanço dos retornos dos Treasuries longos tendem a exercer pressão na curva de juros futuros, que olha a Pnad Contínua, mas o principal condutor para os negócios deve ser o PCE americano, além de falas de presidentes regionais do Fed. O dólar pode ficar mais volátil em dia de formação da Ptax de fevereiro. No radar fica a notícia de que o vice-presidente e ministro do Desenvolvimento, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), informou que o ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad, deve encaminhar até o fim de março as propostas de regulamentação da reforma tributária. E o projeto de lei da reoneração da folha de pagamentos de 17 setores da economia entrou ontem no sistema da Câmara dos Deputados. Leia também *Agência Estado Link da matéria
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gazeta24br · 8 months
18 de janeiro de 2024 - Depois de consolidar a sua presença no país dos hermanos, agora, a SleepCalm, marca de colchões e bem-estar portenha, acaba de "acordar" no Brasil, primeiro país da América Latina a fazer parte da expansão da empresa e revolucionar a indústria do sono. Com investimento de R$ 1,5 milhões, a companhia chega sem a presença de lojas físicas, mas com 100 noites de teste para conhecer o produto. Com a garantia de entrega gratuita de Norte a Sul e envio no dia seguinte para São Paulo, a SleepCalm nasceu do projeto de dois amigos que encontraram na experiência de comprar colchões a oportunidade de despertar uma indústria adormecida. Após atingir um faturamento na Argentina de US$ 15 milhões em 2023, a startup tem o objetivo de se firmar e conquistar um mercado competitivo e exigente como o brasileiro, que possui muitas vezes dificuldades para dormir bem. Segundo uma pesquisa da Associação Brasileira do Sono (ABS), 73 milhões de pessoas sofrem com insônia. "Queremos melhorar o bem-estar da população, por isso, temos a missão de revolucionar a qualidade do sono no país. Sabemos que o Brasil enfrenta dificuldades na hora de adormecer, então desejamos transformar as noites de descanso, oferecendo mais simplicidade e conforto. Afinal, isso não deveria ser um luxo apenas para poucos", afirma o CEO e fundador da SleepCalm, Matias Burstien. Com a produção local de seus colchões no Brasi e o centro de distribuição em Extrema, em Minas Gerais, a SleepCalm deseja reafirmar o seu compromisso com a comunidade e a economia locais e se conectar com um amplo e diverso público. Para isso, a marca, que possui mais de 85 funcionários e foi fundada em 2019, conta com apenas três modelos testados por especialistas e um site que torna muito simples a experiência de compra, permitindo os clientes concluam suas aquisições em apenas dois cliques. Além disso, eles têm a opção de de parcelar em até 12x sem juros. Os colchões vêm embalados a vácuo e se distinguem por sua montagem rápida e simples - é só tirar da caixa e armar o colchão em até 15 minutos. Ao todo, já são mais de 100 mil peças vendidas, sendo que todas reúnem tecnologia avançada para ajudar também na postura na hora do sono e evitar dores no corpo no dia seguinte. Sobre a Sleep Calm Sleep Calm é uma startup argentina comprometida com o bem-estar integral das pessoas a partir de seus colchões tecnológicos que visam oferecer um sono melhor. Com inovação, simplicidade e qualidade, a marca busca revolucionar as suas noites com almofadas e três modelos de colchões para diferentes preferências: Plus, Original e Elemental. Com um histórico de mais de 100 mil unidades vendidas entre Brasil e Argentina, a SleepCalm simplifica a escolha para os clientes e está empenhada em fornecer assistência rápida e eficaz em tempo real, garantindo uma experiência de compra descomplicada e colocando o cliente no centro de sua filosofia. Para mais informações, acesse https://sleepcalm.com.br/.
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edstargirlblog · 10 months
tô tomando cafeína pura de pré treino (2 cápsulas 400mg) e juro tá sendo tudo de bom, só hj eu treinei:
- 1 hora de abs
-1h e 30 min de glúteo isolado
-1 hora de cardio
gnt vcs tem noção disso? juro e agr que cheguei em casa vou dançar just dance, só de cardio deu 500 kcal (fiz intenso no elíptico) recomendo demais
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danielicariocablog · 2 years
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*BOLSA ZARA* • acompanha apenas corrente abs da foto 💰 179 à vista ou 💳 2x 90 📦 Mando para todo o Brasil Estamos trabalhando somente com dropshipp 🛍 A mercadora vai direto para casa do cliente. 🚚 👉🏻 Frete a parte 📍Encomende a sua 📍Troca somente por defeito 📍Preço a vista, somente por PIX ou Transferência bancária 📍2x sem juros no cartão de crédito 📍Parcelamento via Mercado Pago ou Picpay em até 12x sem com juros do app ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 📲 Me chame no WhatsApp (22) 974047779 Link na Bio Você não precisa pagar caro pra se tornar uma mulher elegante 💎 Aqui você encontra preços justos para se vestir bem 🤗 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ #boutikecarioca #modafemininabrasil #modafemininaregiaodoslagos #modafeminina #modafemininaonline #bolsaacessóriosfemininos #calcadosebolsas #modafemininaonline #modafemininabr #modafemininatop #modafemininavarejo #modafemininarj #araruama #regiaodoslagos #luxo #bolsaseacessorios #euusoboutikecarioca #roupaseacessórios #espacoboutikecarioca #boutikecariocaacessorios Peça logo a sua !🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️ Lba (em Araruama Região Dos Lagos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBWzVGu4TY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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babygirlvanitas · 2 years
Aberrant adj. Deviating from what is normal or accepted. [latin: related to *err]
Aberration n. 1 aberrant behaviour; moral or mental lapse. 2 biol. Deviation from a normal type. 3 distortion of an image because of a defect in a lens or mirror. 4 astron. Apparent displacement of a celestial body.
Abet v. (-tt-) (usu. In aid and abet) encourage or assist (an offender or offence). [french: related to *ad-, *bait]
Abeyance n. (usu. Prec. By in, into) temporary disuse. [french: related to *ad-, beer gape]
Abhor v. (-rr-) detest; regard with disgust. [latin: related to *horror
Abhorrence n. Disgust; detestation.
Abhorrent adj. (often foll. By to) disgusting or hateful.
Abide v. (-ding; past abided or rarely abode) 1 (usu. In neg.) Tolerate, endure (can't abide him). 2 (foll. By by) a act in accordance with (abide by the rules). B keep (a promise). 3 archaic remain, continue. [old english a- intensive prefix, *bide]
Abiding adj. Enduring, permanent.
Ability n. (pl. -ies) 1 (often foll. By to + infin.) Capacity or power. 2 cleverness, talent. [french: related to *able]
-ability suffix forming nouns of quality from, or corresponding to, adjectives in -able.
Ab initio adv. From the beginning. [latin]
Abject adj. Miserable, wretched; degraded; despicable.  abjection n. [latin jacio -ject- throw]
Abjure v. (-ring) renounce on oath (an opinion, cause, etc.).  abjuration n. [latin juro swear]
Ablative gram. —n. Case (in latin) of nouns and pronouns indicating an agent, instrument, or location. —adj. Of or in the ablative. [latin ablatus taken away]
Ablaze predic. Adj. & adv. 1 on fire. 2 glittering, glowing. 3 greatly excited.
Able adj. (abler, ablest) 1 (often foll. By to + infin.; used esp. In is able, will be able, etc., replacing tenses of can) having the capacity or power (not able to come). 2 talented, clever.  ably adv. [latin habilis]
-able suffix forming adjectives meaning: 1 that may or must be (eatable; payable). 2 that can be made the subject of (dutiable; objectionable). 3 relevant to or in accordance with (fashionable; seasonable). [latin -abilis]
Able-bodied adj. Fit, healthy.
Able-bodied seaman n. Ordinary trained seaman.
Ablution n. (usu. In pl.) 1 ceremonial washing of the hands, sacred vessels, etc. 2 colloq. A ordinary bodily washing. B place for this. [latin ablutio from luo lut- wash]
-ably suffix forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -able.
Abm abbr. Anti-ballistic missile.
Abnegate v. (-ting) give up or renounce (a pleasure or right etc.). [latin nego deny]
Abnegation n. Denial; renunciation of a doctrine.
Abnormal adj. Deviating from the norm; exceptional.  abnormality n. (pl. -ies). Abnormally adv. [french: related to *anomalous]
Abo (also abo) austral. Slang usu. Offens. —n. (pl. -s) aboriginal. —adj. Aboriginal. [abbreviation]
Aboard adv. & prep. On or into (a ship, aircraft, etc.). [from *a2]
Abode1 n. Dwelling-place. [related to *abide]
Abode2 see *abide.
Abolish v. Put an end to (esp. A custom or institution). [latin aboleo destroy]
Abolition n. Abolishing or being abolished.  abolitionist n.
A-bomb n. = *atomic bomb. [a for *atomic]
Abominable adj. 1 detestable, loathsome. 2 colloq. Very unpleasant (abominable weather).  abominably adv. [latin abominor deprecate]
Abominable snowman n. Supposed manlike or bearlike himalayan animal; yeti.
Abominate v. (-ting) detest, loathe.  abomination n. [latin: related to *abominable]
Aboriginal —adj. 1 indigenous, inhabiting a land from the earliest times, esp. Before the arrival of colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of australian aborigines. —n. 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) aboriginal inhabitant of australia. [latin: related to *origin]
Aborigine n. (usu. In pl.) 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aborigine) aboriginal inhabitant of australia.
Usage when referring to the people, aboriginal is preferred for the singular form and aborigines for the plural, although aboriginals is also acceptable.
Abort v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect abortion of (a foetus). B effect abortion in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project etc.) To end before completion. [latin orior be born]
Abortion n. 1 natural or (esp.) Induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. 2 stunted or deformed creature or thing. 3 failed project or action.  abortionist n. Aboriginal —adj. 1 indigenous, inhabiting a land from the earliest times, esp. Before the arrival of colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of australian aborigines. —n. 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) aboriginal inhabitant of australia. [latin: related to *origin]
Aborigine n. (usu. In pl.) 1 aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aborigine) aboriginal inhabitant of australia.
Usage when referring to the people, aboriginal is preferred for the singular form and aborigines for the plural, although aboriginals is also acceptable.
Abort v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect abortion of (a foetus). B effect abortion in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project etc.) To end before completion. [latin orior be born]
Abortion n. 1 natural or (esp.) Induced expulsion of a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently. 2 stunted or deformed creature or thing. 3 failed project or action.  abortionist n.
Abortive adj. Fruitless, unsuccessful.
Abound v. 1 be plentiful. 2 (foll. By in, with) be rich; teem. [latin unda wave]
About —prep. 1 a on the subject of (a book about birds). B relating to (glad about it). C in relation to (symmetry about a plane). 2 at a time near to (about six). 3 a in, round (walked about the town; a scarf about her neck). B all round from a centre (look about you). 4 at points in (strewn about the house). 5 carried with (no money about me). 6 occupied with (about her business). —adv. 1 a approximately (about ten miles). B colloq. In an understatement (just about had enough). 2 nearby (a lot of flu about). 3 in every direction (look about). 4 on the move; in action (out and about). 5 in rotation or succession (turn and turn about).  be about (or all about) colloq. Have as its essential nature (life is all about having fun). Be about to be on the point of (was about to laugh). [old english]
About-face n. & int. = *about-turn, about turn.
About-turn —n. 1 turn made so as to face the opposite direction. 2 change of opinion or policy etc. —int. (about turn) mil. Command to make an about-turn.
Above —prep. 1 over; on the top of; higher than; over the surface of (head above water; above the din). 2 more than (above twenty people). 3 higher in rank, importance, etc., than. 4 a too great or good for (not above cheating). B beyond the reach of (above my understanding; above suspicion). —adv. 1 at or to a higher point; overhead (the floor above; the sky above). 2 earlier on a page or in a book (as noted above). —adj. Preceding (the above argument). —n. (prec. By the) preceding text (the above shows).  above all most of all, more than anything else. Above oneself conceited, arrogant. [old english: related to *a2]
Above-board adj. & adv. Without concealment; open or openly.
Abracadabra —int. Supposedly magic word used in conjuring. —n. Spell or charm. [latin from greek]
Abrade v. (-ding) scrape or wear away (skin, rock, etc.) By rubbing. [latin rado scrape]
Abrasion n. 1 scraping or wearing away (of skin, rock, etc.). 2 resulting damaged area.
Abrasive —adj. 1 a tending to rub or graze. B capable of polishing by rubbing or grinding. 2 harsh or hurtful in manner. —n. Abrasive substance.
Abreast adv. 1 side by side and facing the same way. 2 (foll. By of) up to date.
Abridge v. (-ging) shorten (a book, film, etc.).  abridgement n. [latin: related to *abbreviate]
Abroad adv. 1 in or to a foreign country or countries. 2 widely (scatter abroad). 3 in circulation (rumour abroad).
Abrogate v. (-ting) repeal, abolish (a law etc.).  abrogation n. [latin rogo propose a law]
Abrupt adj. 1 sudden, hasty (abrupt end). 2 (of manner etc.) Curt. 3 steep, precipitous.  abruptly adv. Abruptness n. [latin: related to *rupture]
Abscess n. (pl. Abscesses) swelling containing pus. [latin: related to *ab-, *cede] Abseil —v. Descend by using a doubled rope coiled round the body and fixed at a higher point. —n. Descent made by abseiling. [german ab down, seil rope]
Absence n. 1 being away. 2 time of this. 3 (foll. By of) lack of.  absence of mind inattentiveness. [latin absentia]
Absent —adj. 1 not present. 2 not existing; lacking. 3 inattentive. —v.refl. Go, or stay, away.  absently adv. (in sense 3 of adj.).
Absentee n. Person not present.
Absenteeism n. Absenting oneself from work or school etc., esp. Frequently or illicitly.
Absentee landlord n. One who lets a property while living elsewhere.
Absent-minded adj. Forgetful or inattentive.  absent-mindedly adv. Absent-mindedness n.
Absinth n. 1 wormwood. 2 (usu. Absinthe) aniseed-flavoured liqueur based on this. [french from latin]
Absolute —adj. 1 complete, utter (absolute bliss). 2 unconditional (absolute authority). 3 despotic (absolute monarch). 4 not relative or comparative (absolute standard). 5 gram. A (of a construction) syntactically independent of the rest of the sentence, as in dinner being over, we left the table. B (of an adjective or transitive verb) without an expressed noun or object (e.g. The deaf, guns kill). 6 (of a legal decree etc.) Final. —n. Philos. (prec. By the) that which can exist independently of anything else. [latin: related to *absolve]
Absolutely adv. 1 completely, utterly. 2 in an absolute sense (god exists absolutely). 3 colloq. (used in reply) quite so; yes.
Absolute majority n. Majority over all rivals combined.
Absolute pitch n. Ability to recognize or sound any given note.
Absolute temperature n. One measured from absolute zero.
Absolute zero n. Theoretical lowest possible temperature calculated as –273.15° c (or 0° k).
Absolution n. Formal forgiveness of sins.
Absolutism n. Principle or practice of absolute government.  absolutist n.
Absolve v. (-ving) (often foll. By from, of) set or pronounce free from blame or obligation etc. [latin: related to *solve]
Absorb v. 1 incorporate as part of itself or oneself. 2 take in, suck up (liquid, heat, knowledge, etc.). 3 reduce the effect or intensity of; deal easily with (an impact, sound, difficulty, etc.). 4 consume (resources etc.). 5 (often as absorbing adj.) Engross the attention of. [latin sorbeo suck in]
Absorbent —adj. Tending to absorb. —n. Absorbent substance or organ.
Absorption n. 1 absorbing or being absorbed. 2 mental engrossment.  absorptive adj.
Abstain v. 1 (usu. Foll. By from) refrain from indulging (abstained from smoking). 2 decline to vote. [latin teneo tent- hold]
Abstemious adj. Moderate or ascetic, esp. In eating and drinking.  abstemiously adv. [latin: related to *ab-, temetum strong drink]
Abstention n. Abstaining, esp. From voting. [latin: related to *abstain]
Abstinence n. Abstaining, esp. From food or alcohol.  abstinent adj. [french: related to *abstain]
Abstract —adj. 1 a of or existing in thought or theory rather than matter or practice; not concrete. B (of a word, esp. A noun) denoting a quality, condition, etc., not a concrete object. 2 (of art) achieving its effect by form and colour rather than by realism. —v. 1 (often foll. By from) extract, remove. 2 summarize. —n. 1 summary. 2 abstract work of art. 3 abstraction or abstract term. [latin: related to *tract1]
Abstracted adj. Inattentive, distracted.  abstractedly adv.
Abstraction n. 1 abstracting or taking away. 2 abstract or visionary idea. 3 abstract qualities (esp. In art). 4 absent-mindedness.
Abstruse adj. Hard to understand, profound. [latin abstrudo -trus- conceal]
Absurd adj. Wildly illogical or inappropriate; ridiculous.  absurdity n. (pl. -ies). Absurdly adv. [latin: related to *surd]
Abta abbr. Association of british travel agents.
Abundance n. 1 plenty; more than enough; a lot. 2 wealth. [latin: related to *abound] Abundance n. 1 plenty; more than enough; a lot. 2 wealth. [latin: related to *abound]
Abundant adj. 1 plentiful. 2 (foll. By in) rich (abundant in fruit).  abundantly adv.
Abuse —v. (-sing) 1 use improperly, misuse. 2 insult verbally. 3 maltreat. —n. 1 misuse. 2 insulting language. 3 unjust or corrupt practice. 4 maltreatment (child abuse).  abuser n. [latin: related to *use]
Abusive adj. Insulting, offensive.  abusively adv.
Abut v. (-tt-) 1 (foll. By on) (of land) border on. 2 (foll. By on, against) (of a building) touch or lean upon (another). [anglo-latin butta strip of land: related to *butt1]
Abutment n. Lateral supporting structure of a bridge, arch, etc.
Abuzz adv. & adj. In a state of excitement or activity.
Abysmal adj. 1 colloq. Extremely bad (abysmal food). 2 profound, utter (abysmal ignorance).  abysmally adv. [latin: related to *abyss]
Abyss n. 1 deep chasm. 2 immeasurable depth (abyss of despair). [latin from greek, = bottomless]
Ac abbr. 1 (also ac) alternating current. 2 aircraftman.
Ac symb. Actinium.
A/c abbr. Account. [account current]
-ac suffix forming adjectives often (or only) used as nouns (cardiac; maniac). [latin -acus, greek -akos]
Acacia n. Tree with yellow or white flowers, esp. One yielding gum arabic. [latin from greek]
Academia n. The academic world; scholastic life.
Academic —adj. 1 scholarly, of learning. 2 of no practical relevance; theoretical. —n. Teacher or scholar in a university etc.  academically adv.
Academician n. Member of an academy. [french académicien]
Academy n. (pl. -ies) 1 place of specialized training (military academy). 2 (usu. Academy) society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, etc. (royal academy). 3 scot. Secondary school. [greek akademeia the place in athens where plato taught]
Acanthus n. (pl. -thuses) 1 herbaceous plant with spiny leaves. 2 archit. Representation of its leaf. [latin from greek]
A cappella adj. & adv. (of choral music) unaccompanied. [italian, = in church style]
Acas abbr. Advisory, conciliation, and arbitration service.
Accede v. (-ding) (foll. By to) 1 take office, esp. As monarch. 2 assent or agree. [latin: related to *cede]
Accelerate v. (-ting) move or cause to move or happen more quickly.  acceleration n. [latin: related to *celerity]
Accelerator n. 1 device for increasing speed, esp. The pedal controlling the speed of a vehicle's engine. 2 physics apparatus for imparting high speeds to charged particles.
Accent —n. 1 particular (esp. Local or national) mode of pronunciation. 2 distinctive feature or emphasis (accent on speed). 3 prominence given to a syllable by stress or pitch. 4 mark on a letter or word to indicate pitch, stress, or vowel quality. —v. 1 emphasize (a word or syllable etc.). 2 write or print accents on (words etc.). 3 accentuate. [latin cantus song]
Accentuate v. (-ting) emphasize, make prominent.  accentuation n. [medieval latin: related to *accent]
Accept v. 1 (also absol.) Willingly receive (a thing offered). 2 (also absol.) Answer affirmatively (an offer etc.). 3 regard favourably; treat as welcome (felt accepted). 4 believe, receive (an opinion, explanation, etc.) As adequate or valid. 5 take as suitable (does accept cheques). 6 undertake (an office or duty). [latin capio take]
Acceptable adj. 1 worth accepting, welcome. 2 tolerable.  acceptability n. Acceptably adv. [french: related to *accept]
Acceptance n. 1 willingness to accept. 2 affirmative answer to an invitation etc. 3 approval, belief (found wide acceptance).
Access —n. 1 way of approach or entry (shop with rear access). 2 a right or opportunity to reach or use or visit; admittance (access to secret files, to the prisoner). B accessibility. 3 archaic outburst (an access of anger). —v. 1 computing gain access to (data etc.). 2 accession. [french: related to *accede] Accessible adj. (often foll. By to) 1 reachable or obtainable; readily available. 2 easy to understand.  accessibility n.
Accession —n. 1 taking office, esp. As monarch. 2 thing added. —v. Record the addition of (a new item) to a library etc.
Accessory n. (pl. -ies) 1 additional or extra thing. 2 (usu. In pl.) Small attachment, fitting, or subsidiary item of dress (e.g. Shoes, gloves). 3 (often foll. By to) person who abets or is privy to an (esp. Illegal) act. [medieval latin: related to *accede]
Access road n. Road giving access only to the properties along it.
Access time n. Computing time taken to retrieve data from storage.
Accident n. 1 unfortunate esp. Harmful event, caused unintentionally. 2 event that is unexpected or without apparent cause.  by accident unintentionally. [latin cado fall]
Accidental —adj. Happening by chance or accident. —n. Mus. Sign indicating a note's momentary departure from the key signature.  accidentally adv.
Accident-prone adj. Clumsy.
Acclaim —v. 1 welcome or applaud enthusiastically. 2 hail as (acclaimed him king). —n. Applause, welcome, public praise. [latin acclamo: related to *claim]
Acclamation n. 1 loud and eager assent. 2 (usu. In pl.) Shouting in a person's honour.
Acclimatize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) adapt to a new climate or conditions.  acclimatization n. [french acclimater: related to *climate]
Accolade n. 1 praise given. 2 touch made with a sword at the conferring of a knighthood. [latin collum neck]
Accommodate v. (-ting) 1 provide lodging or room for (flat accommodates two). 2 adapt, harmonize, reconcile (must accommodate himself to new ideas). 3 a do favour to, oblige (a person). B (foll. By with) supply (a person) with. [latin: related to *commode]
Accommodating adj. Obliging, compliant.
Accommodation n. 1 lodgings. 2 adjustment, adaptation. 3 convenient arrangement; settlement, compromise.
Accommodation address n. Postal address used by a person unable or unwilling to give a permanent address.
Accompaniment n. 1 instrumental or orchestral support for a solo instrument, voice, or group. 2 accompanying thing.  accompanist n. (in sense 1).
Accompany v. (-ies, -ied) 1 go with; escort. 2 (usu. In passive; foll. By with, by) be done or found with; supplement. 3 mus. Partner with accompaniment. [french: related to *companion]
Accomplice n. Partner in a crime etc. [latin: related to *complex]
Accomplish v. Succeed in doing; achieve, complete. [latin: related to *complete]
Accomplished adj. Clever, skilled.
Accomplishment n. 1 completion (of a task etc.). 2 acquired, esp. Social, skill. 3 thing achieved.
Accord —v. 1 (often foll. By with) be consistent or in harmony. 2 grant (permission, a request, etc.); give (a welcome etc.). —n. 1 agreement, consent. 2 mus. & art etc. Harmony.  of one's own accord on one's own initiative; voluntarily. With one accord unanimously. [latin cor cord- heart]
Accordance n.  in accordance with in conformity to.  accordant adj.
According adv. 1 (foll. By to) a as stated by (according to mary). B in proportion to (lives according to his means). 2 (foll. By as + clause) in a manner or to a degree that varies as (pays according as he is able).
Accordingly adv. 1 as circumstances suggest or require (please act accordingly). 2 consequently (accordingly, he left the room).
Accordion n. Musical reed instrument with concertina-like bellows, keys, and buttons.  accordionist n. [italian accordare to tune]
Accost v. 1 approach and address (a person), esp. Boldly. 2 (of a prostitute) solicit. [latin costa rib] Accession —n. 1 taking office, esp. As monarch. 2 thing added. —v. Record the addition of (a new item) to a library etc.
Accessory n. (pl. -ies) 1 additional or extra thing. 2 (usu. In pl.) Small attachment, fitting, or subsidiary item of dress (e.g. Shoes, gloves). 3 (often foll. By to) person who abets or is privy to an (esp. Illegal) act. [medieval latin: related to *accede]
Access road n. Road giving access only to the properties along it.
Access time n. Computing time taken to retrieve data from storage.
my fave on this particular list is accessory
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itzbibi · 2 years
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Enfim te vejo! — enfim posso,
Curvado a teus pés, dizer-te,
Que não cessei de querer-te,
Pesar de quanto sofri.
Muito penei! Cruas ânsias,
Dos teus olhos afastado,
Houveram-me acabrunhado
A não lembrar-me de ti!
Dum mundo a outro impelido,
Derramei os meus lamentos
Nas surdas asas dos ventos,
Do mar na crespa cerviz!
Baldão, ludíbrio da sorte
Em terra estranha, entre gente,
Que alheios males não sente,
Nem se condói do infeliz!
Louco, aflito, a saciar-me
D’agravar minha ferida,
Tomou-me tédio da vida,
Passos da morte senti;
Mas quase no passo extremo,
No último arcar da esp’rança,
Tu me vieste à lembrança:
Quis viver mais e vivi!
Vivi; pois Deus me guardava
Para este lugar e hora!
Depois de tanto, senhora,
Ver-te e falar-te outra vez;
Rever-me em teu rosto amigo,
Pensar em quanto hei perdido,
E este pranto dolorido
Deixar correr a teus pés.
Mas que tens? Não me conheces?
De mim afastas teu rosto?
Pois tanto pôde o desgosto
Transformar o rosto meu?
Sei a aflição quanto pode,
Sei quanto ela desfigura,
E eu não vivi na ventura...
Olha-me bem, que sou eu!
Nenhuma voz me diriges!...
Julgas-te acaso ofendida?
Deste-me amor, e a vida
Que me darias — bem sei;
Mas lembrem-te aqueles feros
Corações, que se meteram
Entre nós; e se venceram,
Mal sabes quanto lutei!
Oh! se lutei!... mas devera
Expor-te em pública praça,
Como um alvo à populaça,
Um alvo aos dictérios seus!
Devera, podia acaso
Tal sacrifício aceitar-te
Para no cabo pagar-te,
Meus dias unindo aos teus?
Devera, sim; mas pensava,
Que de mim t’esquecerias,
Que, sem mim, alegres dias
T’esperavam; e em favor
De minhas preces, contava
Que o bom Deus me aceitaria
O meu quinhão de alegria
Pelo teu, quinhão de dor!
Que me enganei, ora o vejo;
Nadam-te os olhos em pranto,
Arfa-te o peito, e no entanto
Nem me podes encarar;
Erro foi, mas não foi crime,
Não te esqueci, eu to juro:
Sacrifiquei meu futuro,
Vida e glória por te amar!
Tudo, tudo; e na miséria
Dum martírio prolongado,
Lento, cruel, disfarçado,
Que eu nem a ti confiei;
“Ela é feliz (me dizia)
“Seu descanso é obra minha.”
Negou-me a sorte mesquinha...
Perdoa, que me enganei!
Tantos encantos me tinham,
Tanta ilusão me afagava
De noite, quando acordava,
De dia em sonhos talvez!
Tudo isso agora onde pára?
Onde a ilusão dos meus sonhos?
Tantos projetos risonhos,
Tudo esse engano desfez!
Enganei-me!... — Horrendo caos
Nessas palavras se encerra,
Quando do engano, quem erra.
Não pode voltar atrás!
Amarga irrisão! reflete:
Quando eu gozar-te pudera,
Mártir quis ser, cuidei qu’era...
E um louco fui, nada mais!
Louco, julguei adornar-me
Com palmas d’alta virtude!
Que tinha eu bronco e rude
C’o que se chama ideal?
O meu eras tu, não outro;
Stava em deixar minha vida
Correr por ti conduzida,
Pura, na ausência do mal.
Pensar eu que o teu destino
Ligado ao meu, outro fora,
Pensar que te vejo agora,
Por culpa minha, infeliz;
Pensar que a tua ventura
Deus ab eterno a fizera,
No meu caminho a pusera...
E eu! eu fui que a não quis!
És doutro agora, e pr’a sempre!
Eu a mísero desterro
Volto, chorando o meu erro,
Quase descrendo dos céus!
Dói-te de mim, pois me encontras
Em tanta miséria posto,
Que a expressão deste desgosto
Será um crime ante Deus!
Dói-te de mim, que t’imploro
Perdão, a teus pés curvado;
Perdão!... de não ter ousado
Viver contente e feliz!
Perdão da minha miséria,
Da dor que me rala o peito,
E se do mal que te hei feito,
Também do mal que me fiz!
Adeus qu’eu parto, senhora;
Negou-me o fado inimigo
Passar a vida contigo,
Ter sepultura entre os meus;
Negou-me nesta hora extrema,
Por extrema despedida,
Ouvir-te a voz comovida
Soluçar um breve Adeus!
Lerás porém algum dia
Meus versos d’alma arrancados,
D’amargo pranto banhados,
Com sangue escritos; — e então
Confio que te comovas,
Que a minha dor te apiade
Que chores, não de saudade,
Nem de amor, — de compaixão.
Ainda uma Vez - Adeus
Gonçalves Dias
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taiyami · 3 years
Okay jokes aside I literally would kill Shinjuro with my bare hands for the way he treats Senjuro.
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Okita Souji and his subordinates
Workplace relationships are important.
Bosses and subordinates, in particular, can have stressful relationships if things don't work out. I think this was no different in the past than it is in today.
What kind of subordinates did Okita Souji, the Captain of the First Squad, work with?
Here's a summary.
Around the Twelfth Month of Bunkyu 3
Okita Souji: Born Tenpo 13
Sasaki Aijiro (佐々木愛次郎): Born Kouka 2. One of the "Five beautiful men of the Shinsengumi". He was killed by Saeki when he eloped with a woman in August of that year, but his name remained on the roster until December.
Shinozuka Minezo (篠塚峯蔵): Birth year unknown. After participating in the Ikedaya Incident, he was requested by the lord of Miyazu, his former domain, to return home, and left the Shinsengumi amicably.
Mishina Ichiro (三品一郎): Born Tenpo 12. Also known as Mishina Chuji (三品仲司). He participated in Ikedaya. After the Meiji Restoration, he belonged to the Shizuoka domain (Numazu Kinban, 沼津勤番) and worked with his younger brother Jiro to establish the prestige of Kondo and Hijikata.
The number of subordinates is small because the Shinsengumi had only been formed for a short time, but they are quite good members who didn't cause problems later on. Shinozuka Minezo is unknown, but the others are close in age so they probably communicated easily.
Among them, Sasaki Aijiro was so skilled that he demonstrated jiujitsu moves in front of Matsudaira Katamori, and he was also one of the "Five Beautiful Men of the Shinsengumi".
However, it's said that he was killed four months before this list was compiled.
In the "Shinsengumi Shimatsuki," there is an episode in which Sasaki, who was about to have his girlfriend taken as a mistress by Serizawa, was tricked by Saeki Matasaburo and others into deserting his unit, and was then slain.
In this story told by Yagi Tamesaburo, after the incident, Okita said, "It was all Serizawa's plan (あれはすべて芹沢の指図だった)".
I wondered how Okita knew that, but I guess he was trying to find out the cause because Sasaki was his own subordinate.
However, if Sasaki was enrolled at the time of this roster, that episode might be fictional.
Yet it seems to be true that Sasaki disappeared from the Shinsengumi after that, and that Okita Souji was talking about something that happened to Sasaki's life.
Around the Twelfth Month of Genji 1
Okita Souji: Born Tenpo 13
Aridoshi Kango (蟻通勘吾): Born Tenpo 10. Participated in the Ikedaya Incident and other incidents. Severely wounded in Aizu and hospitalized at Hakodate Hospital. Died in battle on Mt. Hakodate
Yamano Yasohachi (山野八十八): Birth year unknown. One of the "Five beautiful men of the Shinsengumi". He was Hijikata's retainer in Hakodate. After the surrender, he seems to have been engaged in salt manufacturing in the Shizuoka domain. After that, he returned to Kyoto and worked at an elementary school until 1896.
Tsukamoto Zennosuke (塚本善之助): Birth year unknown. Joined the Shinsengumi after the Ikedaya Incident, but apparently left by the following year.
Muro Takunosuke (室宅之助): Birth year unknown. Joined by the 11th month of Genji 1. It appears that he left the Shinsengumi after the Shogun announced his resignation.
Oishi Kuwajiro (大石鍬次郎): Born Tenpo 9. Sword style: Onoha Itto-ryu and Tennen Rishin-ryu. Son of a vassal of the Hitotsubashi family and student of Kondo. Known as Manslayer Kuwajiro, he killed Itou Kashitaro. After his defeat in Koshu, he went into hiding in Edo, but was arrested by Kano and others and executed for Itou's murder.
They are members who joined after the Ikedaya Incident.
Oishi Kuwajiro, also of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, has joined the group.
Other strong men assigned to the group include Aridoshi Kango and Yamano Yasohachi, who fought all the way to Hakodate.
Did Tsukamoto Zennosuke join the Shinsengumi because of the Ikedaya Incident's fame? Although he admired the Shinsengumi, he probably quit because he couldn't stand the harshness of reality. This is still common today.
Muro Takunosuke remained in the Shinsengumi for three years after this, so it doesn't seem that he didn't fit in with the Shinsengumi. Seeing that he left the Shinsengumi after the Shogun announced his resignation, it's possible that he later leaned toward an ideology of overthrowing the shogunate.
Nevertheless, overall, no one was seen to have conflicting purposes, and the addition of Oishi Kuwajiro must have made things easier for Okita.
Around the Fifth Month of Keio 1
Okita Souji: Born Tenpo 13
Kiyohara Kiyoshi (清原清): Born Tenpo 3. He became a part of the  Goryo-eji. After serving in the Goryo-eji, he was attached to the Satsuma clan and worked with Kano in Itabashi to uncover Kondo's true identity. Killed in battle at Shirakawa. Changed his name to Takekawa Naoe (竹川直枝 or 武川直江).
Tani Mantaro (谷万太郎): Born Tenpo 6. He opened a dojo in Osaka with Tani Sanjuro. Harada Sanosuke, Shimada Kai, and Abe Juro are his spear-fighting pupils. He joined the Shinsengumi one step earlier than his brother, but upon his brother's death, he left the Shinsengumi and devoted himself to running the dojo in Osaka.
Wada Juro (和田重郎): Birth year unknown. Joined the Shinsengumi by the 11th month of Genji 1. Killed in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi.
Oishi Kuwajiro (大石鍬次郎): Born Tenpo 9. Sword style: Onoha Itto-ryu and Tennen Rishin-ryu. Son of a vassal of the Hitotsubashi family and student of Kondo. Known as Manslayer Kuwajiro, he killed Itou Kashitaro. After his defeat in Koshu, he went into hiding in Edo, but was arrested by Kano and others and executed for Itou's murder.
Wado Teizo (輪堂貞三): Birth year unknown. Formerly an investigator for the Aizu Domain. In Keio 1, he was committed to protecting Yano Harumichi (矢野玄道), a scholar of Japanese studies. After escaping, he became a teacher in his hometown of the Saijo domain of the Iyo province (some say that he was released from his assignment from the Aizu Domain) After the Meiji Restoration, changed his name to Ohashi Eikin (大橋英金).
Miyakawa Kazuma (宮川数馬): Birth year unknown. Joined the Shinsengumi by the 11th month of Genji 1. Killed in battle at Yodo Senryo.
Abe Shinjiro (阿部信次郎): Born Tenpo 8. The same person as Abe Juro. Deserted after Serizawa's death. Reinstated once, but left the force in Keio 3 with the Goryo-eji. Plotted revenge for the Abura-no-Koji Incident and shot Kondo. After that, he attached himself to the Satsuma Clan and joined the Sekihotai. Later ran an orchard in Hokkaido.
Kimura Kota (木村広太): Born Kouka 3. Enlisted at Edo in the 4th month of Keio 1. Believed to have left the Shinsengumi by Keio 3.
Fujiwara Wasaburo (藤原和三郎): Born Tenpo 1. Escaped after the defeat in Koshu. Became a merchant in Edo, but was imprisoned in conjunction with other members of the Shinsengumi
Sakuma Nobuto (佐久間登人): Born Kaei 1. Enlisted at Edo in the 4th month of Keio 1. Believed to have left the Shinsengumi by Keio 2.
Miyagawa Nobukichi (宮川信吉): Born Tenpo 14. Tennen Rishin-ryu. Cousin of Kondo Isami. Protected Miura Kyutaro (三浦休太郎) in the Tenmanya Incident and died in battle.
By this time, the Shinsengumi had grown in size, and the number of members had increased considerably. Almost half of the subordinates were new recruits, and training must have been difficult.
Although the number of friends among the Shinsengumi members increased with Miyagawa Nobukichi, a Tennen Rishin-ryu practitioner, there were also those who were inclined towards overthrowing the shogunate, such as Kiyohara Kiyoshi and Abe Juro.
Kiyohara was a problem employee who "advocated righteousness" (義を唱え) in the unit and was hated by his colleagues, so he deserted the following year. He may have been a vocal advocate of the overthrow of the shogunate. He later joined the Goryo-eji.
Abe Juro, as detailed, is an anti-Kondo faction member. He was older than Okita and had some skill, so he was a difficult subordinate for Okita to deal with.
To add to that, Abe Juro deserted from the unit once, so Okita probably didn't trust him very much. It's likely that Abe's many bad comments about Okita in the Meiji era were also due to something that happened at that time.
It's said that 70% of stress in the workplace is caused by the relationship between superiors and subordinates.
Abe must have been stressed, but his boss, Okita, must have been even more stressed.
We don't know how long this group lasted, but considering that Okita became ill in the 2nd month of Keio 3, is it too much to think that this kind of stress may have been a contributing factor?
* The list of names was compiled by referring to and citing 取調日記 and the documents by 伊藤哲也 and 相川司.
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completemessx · 6 years
estoy otra vez en un state of mind donde no me importa nada y la desmotivación esta siempre presente. y solo quiero dormir ¿?????
i love life.
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kpop-locks · 3 years
O que acharam da ABS do Johnny e do Jaehyun? juro estou no surto completo....
sem comentários.............
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twtmomo · 3 years
pfvr twtmomo faz icon do abs da momo nesse show em las vegas 🥺
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olympusfall-gossip · 3 years
amiga fala dos smuts!!!!!
Você também acompanhou? Vocês são bem safadinhos, adorei. Não esperaria menos de @beccalopez e @shadow-ab, se não fossem logo para a cama, eu juro que surtaria embora fosse continuar linda , mas @connpetrom e @jvmiepvrk é algo surpreendente... em dose dupla. Mas sobre isso não vou falar, é algo dela, mulheres protegem mulheres.
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Volomag and Vodka
Part 1
A/N: Volomag is a painkiller similar to aspirin, please do not take them both at the same time, your liver may not be able to process them at the same time resulting in death.
This story is also posted on Wattpad under the username chantalis
Written by @anotheronechicagobog
The title comes from what I think Voight would say once he realized how all his subordinates were looking at each other :D
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Living with one of your coworkers was... Interesting to say the least. Hailey was just happy that Rojas wasn’t also her partner otherwise they would see way too much of each other and wouldn’t have the sister bond they’re working so hard on forming. When Hailey left earlier, to go have breakfast with Jay, Vanessa didn’t think anything of it. It was becoming more and more common for her to wake up to a note on the fridge saying that Hailey was somewhere doing something with Jay. They were partners, had survived a lot together,were totally in love with each other, and they refused to acknowledge their own feelings. So Vanessa found it odd in no way at all. It was one fateful Friday morning that something was different. A short but precise note was left on the fridge in Hailey’s swirly writing, but something was, not out of place, somewhere it was not supposed to be. In direct sight line from the coffee maker, in the little nook that herald the washer and dryer, was a basket that held Hailey’s dry load from last night that hadn’t been folded yet on top of said dryer. Even with the distance between Vanessa and the article of clothing, the fact that it still slightly crumpled up, and only pieces of it were visible from the voids between the white plastic, she could clearly recognize the shirt. The faded dark green cotton t-shirt with grey lettering stood out like a sore thumb amongst Hailey’s red, blue, and black clothes. The same t-shirt Halstead wore the first time Vanessa went to watch the blackhawks game at Ruzek’s place for the first team game night. His army rangers t-shirt.
It happened more and more over the next couple of months, Jay staying over and sleeping with Hailey, in her bed, and at least him but usually both being gone by the time Vanessa got up. She’d woken up or come back late and peeked in Hailey’s room enough times to see them dead asleep, wrapped in each other, and fully clothed. She started listening out for them, to see if they were doing anything... Eventful. But nope. She heard them, but they never had sex. Or did anything even remotely steamy. There was only a thin wall between Vanessa and Hailey’s rooms, she could hear everything but the specifics. She could hear talking, murmuring, laughing, and oddly enough, singing. From both of them. She didn’t know what was going on, but she had never seen either of them so well rested. And apparently, she wasn’t the only one. Kim was asking her if she had a boyfriend, “no, no boyfriend. Just a new pillow.” Jay, who’d been pretending not to listen raised and amused eyebrow at Hailey, and action that was only noticed by Hailey and Vanessa. And the guys ribbed Jay about finally getting laid. “She must be real special if she’s making you smile.”
“Ruz is right, you’ve been smiling more, you’re definitely seeing someone.”
“And getting laid.”
“Guys,” Jay interrupted the beginning of an argument, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m not seeing someone. Or getting any.”
“What? No way man, I don’t buy it. You definitely have a ‘I just had mind-blowing sex’ vibe about you.”
“You know I don’t get the chance to say this often, but Ruzek is right.”
“Seriously guys. I’m not hooking up with anybody, haven’t for a while actually, I’m just sleeping better.”
“I got a different bed.” That last line made Hailey inhale her coffee.
Around New Years, Jay went to spend his vacation time with the other Halstead in New York. Leaving Hailey without her bedtime companion. This resulted in the blonde woman falling asleep everywhere that wasn’t her bed. Seriously, she fell asleep in Vanessa’s bed once. This time Vanessa found her asleep on the couch, the TV still playing Wonder Woman. There had been a new addition to Hailey’s regular wardrobe. A chain, the pendant or whatever was on it, was tucked underneath her shirt. The chain wasn’t one you’d usually find with a necklace, one of those bumpy ones that were usually reserved for dog tags. When Vanessa found Hailey sleeping on the couch on January second, she found that she was right. The metal had fallen out from under her shirt due to her position, and when Vanessa pulled a blanket around her she got a good look at them.
Halstead, Jay
Hailey Upton was wearing a set of Jay’s dog tags. She was shocked, so shocked it left her trembling. She was shaking as she took out her phone to snap a picture. She quickly retreated, to move the photo into a locked folder. If whatever they were got out, it wasn’t going to be through her. Once she calmed herself down fury started to cocoon her. Hailey was fucking awesome, had a fucking terrible childhood, and Vanessa was going to be damned if that fucker didn’t know what he had. So she called him. “Listen up you adicto al gel para el cabelo-“
“Don’t you dare interrupt me Halstead o juro por Dios que volare a Nuevo York y te amenazare en persona.”
“I’m sure that you have a very good reason to be threatening me- are you threatening me? It feels like you’re threatening me- in Spanish but it’s three am.”
“I don’t know what you and Hailey are doing but if you hurt her I’ll rip of your balls and turn them into a pair of earrings and give the to Hailey on her birthday. Are we clear?”
“... Yes.”
“We- we’re not...”
“We’re not sleeping together- well, okay, we’re sleeping together- but it’s JUST sleep. Not sex. Just sleep. Cuddling. And eating together... and stuff. Just, uh, not sex. I’m telling the truth. Promise.”
“I know.”
“How did you find out?”
“Lot’s of little hints. What really solidified it was seeing you dog tags around her neck.”
“Oh. Yeah. Those were part of her Christmas gift. Just... I wanted her to know that she’s important to me.”
“Don’t hurt her, she doesn’t deserve that.”
“I know. I won’t.” Then she hung up, he got the message, and Vanessa really didn’t want to hear him stutter in her ear anymore.
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